See.. - Politeknik Manufaktur Negeri Bandung
See.. - Politeknik Manufaktur Negeri Bandung
STEMAN 2014 ISBN: 978-979-17047-5-5 PROSIDING Seminar Nasional Teknologi Manufaktur 2014 (STEMAN 2014) Tema: Teknologi Manufaktur Sebagai Pendorong Produk Industri Nasional Bandung, 19-20 Agustus 2014 RINEKAMAYA Politeknik Manufaktur Negeri Bandung Jl. Kanayakan No. 21 Oago Bandung - 40135 Penyelenggara: ~r ...••. , '-,(>_>: palman - Pmra-inExailerm POLITEKNIK MANUFAKTUR NEGERI BANDUNG Jln. Kanayakan 21, Dago-Bandung 40135 Homepage· nttp.r/ Telepon : (022) 2500241, Fax: (022) 2502649 E-mail: steman@polman-bandung_ac_id STEMAN 2014 ISBN: 978-979-17047-5-5 "Seminar Nasional Teknologi Manufaktur 2014 (STEMAN 2014) Tema: Teknologi Manufaktur Sebagai Pendorong Produk Industri Nasional Bandung, 19-20 Agustus 2014, Politeknik Manufaktur Negeri Bandung RINEKAMAYA Editor: Siti Aminah, S.T., M.T. Nuryanti, S.T., M.Sc. Dewi Idamayanti, S.Sc., M.T. Desain Sampul: Pramudiya Tri Hartadi Hak Cipta (C) pada Penulis. Hak Publikasi pada Politeknik Manufaktur Negeri Bandung disebarkan secara bebas untuk tujuan bukan komersial, Dilarang memperbanyak sebagian atau seluruh isi buku ini Pemegang Hak Publikasi prosiding ini tidak bertanggung prosiding ini. (pOLMAN Bandung). Artikel pad a prosiding ini dapat digunakan dan dengan syarat tidak menghapus atau mengubah atribut penulis. dalam bentuk apapun tanpa izin tertulis dari Penerbit dan Penulis. jawab atas tulisan dan opini yang dinyatakan oleh penulis dalam / ISBN 978-979-17047-5-5 STEMAN 2014 KATA PENGANT AR Prosiding ini berisi makalah-makalah yang dipresentasikan pad a STEMAN2014, yaitu seminar dalam rangka memperingati Dies Natalis ke-37 Politeknik Manufaktur Negeri Bandung (pOLMAN Bandung) dalam bidang Rekayasa dan Teknologi Manufaktur di Indonesia. STEMAN2014 memilih tema Teknologi Manufaktur Sebagai Produk Industri Nasional. Tujuan utama dari seminar ini adalah: 1. Meningkatkan kontribusi akademisi dan profesional dalam pengembangan rekayasa dan teknologi manufaktur. 2. Sebagai media diskusi dan pertukaran informasi dalam kegiatan penelitian dan pengembangan di bidang rekayasa dan teknologi manufaktur. 3. Membangun komunikasi dan jaringan antara perguruan tinggi, industri, lembaga penelitian dan pihak lainnya yang terkait. Topik-topik yang dibahas di dalam seminar dan prosiding ini 1. Rekayasa dan Teknologi Manufaktur untuk Pertanian, Otomotif, Elektronika, Lingkungan, Mitigasi Bencana, Terbarukan, Industri Kecil, dll. 2. Perancangan dan Pengembangan Produk Manufaktur 3. Teknologi Material & Metalurgi 4. Proses dan Teknologi Manufaktur 5. Mesin dan Peralatan Industri Manufaktur 6. Sistem Manufaktur 7. Sistem Kendali dan Mekatronika Industri Manufaktur 8. Sosio-Manufaktur 9. Topik-topik lainnya yang terkait dengan rekayasa dan meliputi: Pertambangan, Energi Alternatif dan teknologi manufaktur Seminar ini merupakan sarana diskusi ilmiah, komunikasi dan pertukaran informasi bagi para akadernist, peneliti, praktisi industri, pemerintah dan stakeholder lainnya dalam pengembangan rekayasa dan teknologi manufaktur. Panitia STEMAN 2014 menerima Extended Abstract sebanyak 75 hasil penelitian dari mahasiswa dan dosen Politeknik Manufaktur Negeri Bandung, Universitas Gajah Mada, Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani, Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya, Universitas Syiah Kuala Aceh, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, Politeknik Merlimau dan Kolej Komuniti Jasin, Malaysia, dan UPT. Balai Pengolahan Mineral Lampung-LiPI. Setelah melalui seleksi dan evaluasi oleh tim reviewer dan dewan editor, panitia memutuskan sebanyak 70 makalah dapat diterima untuk dipresentasikan dalam STEMAN2014. Hasil dari seminar nasional ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi pemikiran untuk mendukung terbentuknya industri manufaktur nasional yang unggul dan meningkatnya daya saing bangsa. / STEMAN 2014 ISBN 978-979-17047-5-5 SUSUNAN PANITIA STEMAN 2014 Komite Program : Ketua Anggota : Direktur POLMAN Para Wadir POLMAN Tim Pengarah : Prof. Dr. Ir. Isa Setiasyah Toha, M.Sc. (Direktur POLMANBandung) Prof. Dr. Ir. Yatna Yuwana M. (Dekan FTMD - ITB) Prof. Dr. Ir. Tresna Priyana Soemardi, SE., M.S. (Universitas Indonesia) Dr. Zainal Arief, S.T., M.T. (Direktur PENSSurabaya) Tim Penelaah : Prof. Dr. Ir. Isa Setiasyah Toha, M.Sc. (pOLMAN Bandung/ITB) Prof. Dr. Ir. Yatna Yuwana M. (FTMD ITB) Engr. Dr. Md Saidin Wahab (UTHM - Malaysia) Ir. Dadet Pramadihanto, M.Eng., Ph.D. (PENS- Surabaya) Dr. Ismet P. Ilyas, BSMET,M.Eng.Sc. (pOLMAN Bandung) Dr. Carolus Bintoro, MT. (Politeknik Negeri Bandung) Dr. Ing. Yuliadi Erdani, M.Sc. (pOLMAN Bandung) Dr. Beny Bandanadjaya, ST., MT. (pOLMAN Bandung) Dr. Noval Lilansa, MT. (pOLMAN Bandung) Dr. Amang Sudarsono (PENS- Surabaya) Dr. Ali Ridho (pENS- Surabaya) Dr. Dipl. Ing. Ahmad Taqwa, MT. (POLSRI-Palembang) Pelaksana: Ketua Anggota Emma Dwi Ariyani, S.Psi., M.Si. Adies Rahman Hakim, ST., MT. Agus Surjana Saefudin, ST., MT. Dewi Idamayanti, ST., MT. Nuryanti, S.T, M.Sc. Reza Yadi Hidayat, ST., MT. Roni Kusnowo, ST., Mi. Supriyadi Sadikin, S.lP., M.Si. Siti Aminah, ST., MT. Wiwik Purwadi, ST., MT. Yoyok Setiyo Pamuji, ST. Kiki Sri Nur Endah, ST. Ratih Suhartini, S.Pd. Yati Yulia, S.AP Elis Siti Munawaroh, S.AP Idan Sukmara Pramudiya Tri Hartadi Engkos Koswara Alamat Sekretariat : Politeknik Manufaktur Negeri Bandung Sdri. Ratih Suhartini Jl. Kanayakan No. 21 Dago Bandung - 40135 Tel. 022 - 2500241; Fax. 022 - 2502649 Email: Hornepage: stem an. polm an - bandung. ac. id II I STEMAN 2014 ISBN 978-979-17047-5-5 DAFTAR ISI Kata Pengantar . Susunan Panitia ii Daftar Isi..................................................................................... iv Keynote Speaker Universitas Indonesia Prof. Dr. Ir. Tresna Priyana Soemardi, SE., M.S. Dirjen Kerjasama Industri Internasional Ir. Agus Tjahajana, SE., M.Sc. Kementerian Perindustrian Chief Operation Officer PT Astra Otoparts-Winteq Direktur - PT Federal Izumi Mfg. Reiza Treistanto Abstrak Makalah Peserta BIDANG KAJIAN : REKAYASA DAN TEKNOLOGI MANUFAKTUR PERTAMBANGAN, OTOMOTIF, ELEKTRONIKA, DLL UNTUK PERTANIAN, Aplikasi Metode Perancangan Pahl-Beitz pada Perancangan Lini Produksi Iman Apriana 2 Design for Sustainability (DFS) and Design for Environment Automotive industry SKH Muhammad Bin SKH Abd Rahim. 8 (DfE) Practices in Pembuatan dan Pengujian Model Pahat Insert dari Baja 34CrNiMo6 Melalui Proses Pack Carburizing Umen Rumendi ,..... 15 Pengaruh Temperatur dan Dwell Time Degassing terhadap Porositas Gas pada Aluminium JIS AC4C dengan Metode Gravity Casting Balqis Mentari Efendi. 21 The Optimization Of Power Conversion From Wind Energy Norhana Binti Safee. 27 Modifikasi Vessel Nissan CWB45-ALDN45 untuk Peningkatan Kapasitas Angkut Unit Truck Herman Budi Harja. 32 IV STEMAN 2014 ISBN 978-979-17047-5-5 Kajian Pengaruh Jenis Pasir, Temperatur Tuang, dan Jumlah Deoksidas! Alumunium terhadap Porositas Gas dalam Proses Gravity Sand Casting pada Nozzle Cup 13 Ade Rachman. 38 Pengemoatigan Sistem Pengendal! Suhu pada Heater Reaktor Auger untuk Proses Pirolisis Cepat Cangkang Sawit Izarul Machdar . . . 48 Perencanaan kebencanaan strategis persediaan peralatan kebencanaan berdasarkan siklus Muhammad Dirhamsyah...... Perancangan Menggunakan 54 Ulang Tool Holder Metode DFMA Untuk Alur Dovetail Pada Ragum Polman Somantri. Perbaikan Bandung 125 ;.................. Rancang-Bangun Kopling-Dog Pengendali Roda Traktor- Tangan 57 Polman Haris Sayoko, Isa Setiasyah Toha 63 Perancangan Coren-Baja Menggunakan Bantuan Perangkat Solidcast 8.2.5 Studi Kasus pad a Produk Link Track Lunak Simulasi Beny Bandanadjaja Coran .. .. . . . . BIDANG KAJIAN : PERAN(ANGAN DAN PENGEMBANGAN Implementasi Surfaces 3D Scanner Menggunakan untuk Reverse Engineering Obyek Sederhana . PRODUK MANUFAKTUR Metode Triangulation dan Tesselation 78 Bolo Dwiartomo. Analisis Simulasi Reinforced Pendekatan Pipa Multilayer Thermoplastic Menggunakan Pipe Dengan Metoda Elemen Perangkat Lunak Rekayasa Hingga Melalui Asep Indra Komara. ..... ... . . . . . ... . . .. . .. .... . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . ... . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Optimasi Bentuk Pisau Penghancur Limbah Tempurung Bertakik untuk Mendapatkan Berat Optimum Kelapa Berbentuk 86 Piringan 92 Aji Gumilar Perancangan dan Pembuatan Keadaan Darurat Air 71 Prototipe Mesin Pengolah Yuliar Yasin Erlangga............................. Air Bersih Sistem Mobile untuk 98 v / STEMAN 2014 ISBN 978-979-17047-5-5 Perancangan Konstruksi Portable Bridge dan Alat Bantunya untuk Mobil Perkebunan (Wintor) dengan Mekanisme Lipat Adies Rahman Hakim 105 BIDANG KAJIAN : TEKNOLOGI MATERIAL METALURGI Perbaikan Ketangguhan Meterial Baja Cor Paduan NI-CR-MO Melalui Proses Tempering Ganda Beny Bandanadjaja. 112 Simulasi Proses Perlakuan Panas Permukaan untuk Mendapatkan Waktu Pemanasan yang Sesuai Oyok Yudianto. 116 Pengaruh Laju Pendinginan dan Bahan Paduan terhadap Pembentukan Ketahanan Aus Besi Cor EN-JN2019 . Kus Hanaldi. Karbida M)C dan 121 Kajian Faktor-Faktor yang Memberi Kesan Proses EDM terhadap AISI H13 Mohamad Shahril Bin Ibrahim............................................................. 126 A Study On Types Pineapple Leaf Fibers (PALF) Reinforced Polylactide Nurul Hayati Binti Jamil.. 131 (PLA) Analisis Struktur Mikro dan Kekerasan Permukaan Baja ST 37 Carburized melalui Proses Dekarburasi Oleh Air Muhammad Hilmi Wahhab. 137 Riserless Casttng of FCD 500 in Green Sand Mold Wiwik Purwadi............................................................................... 145 Analisis Kakisan Air pada Logam dalam Sistem Aliran Dandang Noor Azlan Bin Ngasman 152 Kajian Prestasi Mata Alat Karbida Bersalut Semasa Melarik Keluli AISI H13 Menggunakan Bendalir Pemotong Azlan Shah Bin Kamaruddin 158 Analisa Uji Keausan Material ST 37 Hasil Carburizing dan Hardening dengan Menggunakan Mesin Uji Keausan Horizontal Tri Sugeri Gumi lar Permana .. '" . .... . .. . . . .. .. . . .. . ... . . . . . .. ... .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . .. 163 Analisa Perbandingan Kekerasan, Distribusi Kekerasan dan Struktur Mikro Material ST 37 pada Proses Karburasi dengan Metoda Single Quenching dan Direct Quenching Gerri Rinaldi................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 169 VI / STEMAN 2014 ISBN 978-979-17047-5-5 Kajian Pengaruh Aditif terhadap Pembentukan Nano Deposite Nikel pad a Elektroplating Baja Karbon Rendah Dewi Idamayanti 177 Optimalisasi Desain dan Simulasi pada Coran Blade Turgo- Turbine Roni Kusnowo................................................................................ 182 BIDANG KAJIAN : PROSESDAN TEKNOLOGI MANUF AKTUR Optimalisasi Proses Pemesinan CNC Milling 3 Axis dengan Menggunakan Metode Taguchi Benny Haddli Irawan........................................................................ 189 Pengaplikasian CAIP (Computer Aided Inspection Planning) pad a Operasi OMM (On Machine Measurement) dengan Alat Ukur Probe: Sistem Global CAIP Yogi Muldani Hendrawan.. 195 Pengaplikasian CAIP (Computer Aided Inspection Planning) pada Operasi OMM (On Machine Measurement) dengan Alat Ukur Probe: Rekonstruksi Feature dengan Metode Perbandingan Antara Permukaan Yogi Muldani Hendrawan.. 202 Pengaruh Minyak Kelapa sebagai Dielektrik Alternatif pada Benda Kerja AISI P21 Tjun Mahsunadi.. terhadap Kinerja Edm Diesinking 3 Axis CNC Milling Tool Path Strategy for Machining Spherical Surface Liyana Binti Norizan............. 208 216 Pengukuran kesesuaian produk terhadap spesifikasi untuk diameter dan posisi lubang pada bidang datar yang berbeda dan tidak sejajar Nandang Rusmana.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222 Analisis Pengaruh Variasi Temperatur Media Quenching Pada Proses Hardening Terhadap Kekerasan Permukaan dan Tingkat Distorsi Baja AISI 1045 Fikry Fauzi Rachman........................................................................ 227 The Study Of Mechanical Properties of Laminated Bamboo (Brnb) Strip/ Epoxy Composites Muhammad Hafiz Bin Kamarudin 234 VlI / ISBN 978-979-17047-5-5 STEMAN 2014 BIDANG KAJIAN : SISTEM MANUFAKTUR Metoda Overall Equipment Effectiveness Sebagai Ukuran Kinerja Strategis dalam Mengelola Fasilitas Pusat Unggulan Teknologi dan Inovasi Iwan Harianton. 239 Quality Issue As a Part Of PBE (Production Based Education) System in POLMAN Gamawan Ananto 244 Analisa Kuantitatif dengan Metoda BPR Membuka Kebuntuan Usaha Mengembalikan POLMAN Pada Performa Unggulnya Haris 5ayoko 250 Optimasi Waktu Mesin Pouching Gel Menggunakan Perangkat Lunak 5imulasi Promodel Ruminto Subekti 262 Analisa Alternatif Periode Penjadwalan Perawatan Mesin Metode Probabilitas Kerusakan pada Mesin Bubut Schaublin 102N-VM dan Mesin Frais Aciera F3 di POLMAN Bandung Abidin Husein . 268 Rancang Bangun Welding Fixture untuk Modifikasi Tubular Propeller Shaft Otomotif Oedy Ariefijanto :.......... 274 BIDANG KAJIAN : SISTEM KENDAll DAN MEKATRONIKA INDUSTRI MANUFAKTUR Monitoring Temperatur dan Kendali Level Air pada Sistem Pembangkit Uap Superheat Kontinue Nuryanti...................................................................................... 281 Rancang Bangun Piranti Akuisisi Data Mesin Uji Tarik Polimer Berbasis Mikrokontroller ATMEGA 16 Adhitya Sumardi Sunarya 288 Optimasi Zero Voltage Switching dan Buck Converter sebagai Pemanas Induksi untuk Pemasangan Bearing Ismail Rochim.................................. 294 Implementasi Teknologi GSM-SMSuntuk Kendali Mesin CNC dari Jarak Jauh Yuliadi Erdani 299 Rancang Bangun Stasiun Pemantau Cuaca Otomatis dengan Parameter Suhu, Kelembaban dan Kecepatan Angin Yuliadi Erdani 307 Pengendalian Kecepatan Motor DC dengan Logika Fuzi untuk Program Grafcet- PLC Ridwan 314 Vlll STEMAN 2014 ISBN 978-979-17047-5-5 QUALITY ISSUE AS A PART OF PBE (pRODUCTION BASED EDUCATION) SYSTEM IN POLMAN Gamawan Ananto'", Yuyun Solihin2,b a,bBandung State Polytechnic for Manufacturing JI Kanayakan 21 - Dago, Bandung - 40135, Indonesia Phone/Fax: 022. 250 0241 /250 2649 Email: llli!nEL.-:!ll.oI.0Jl~Lllmall-hilll_~il!Dg.a~._td.2Ym:J!ll(fr[l~qlm:11J-1)-.1!1II1Il)g~:!.~_.j.Q Abstract As an institution of vocational high education, Bandung State Polytechnic for Manufacturing (POLMAN) implements certain portion of practical program to build students skill competencies. For those, product media are created from structured exercises and combined with external inquiries from collaboration with industrial parties, through a system called Production Based Education (PBE). Like usual production activity, there are number of tasks and actions in its order handling that are gaining quality as one of production objective. As a part ofPBE, involving the students in controlling the quality product they made is aimed to make them concern to this issue and prevent potential problems in real business point of view that influence customer satisfaction at the end. This might also related with technical specification, schedule, study program, and which or what students competency should get. The students should have the culture in obeying the rules related with quality in the system such as product inspection, do the quality check of [mal product like previous quality concept, verify the form they used, record the data etc. Besides, they are introduced to the basic of Quality Assurance where the students have to carry out incoming and outgoing check in every process they are assigned. This will prevent the product suitability failure and avoid the rejection and would be very beneficially for all-involved parties in education and production as well; either students, lecturers and institution. Keywords: quality, PBE, production based education 1. Introduction competences[3]. This collaboration concept is also a model of education program that aimed to provide workforces with new competencies and qualifications that suit for the new manufacturing generation[ 4]. As an institution of vocational high education, Bandung State Polytechnic for Manufacturing (POLMAN) implements certain portion of practical program in its laboratories to build students skill competencies, like in the learning factory concept that integrating a set of intellectual and physical learning activities in the manufacturing process as a series of theoretical framework units and real field practicum[l]. For these practical sessions, product media are created from structured exercises and combined with external inquiries from collaboration with industrial parties, through a system called Production Based Education (PBE). Such approach is also in line with the aim for better prepare engineering students to function efficiently and adjust readily within the framework of the factories in the real world [2]. Industrial atmosphere within an educational institution can be created by replicating an industrial site plan in its workshop that could improve students' productive Like in usual production activity, PBE order handling for customer runs comprehensively with all necessary tasks and actions needed. Figure-I generally mentioned how all these (1ictivities flow, starts from customer's inquiry till deliver the goods. Comparing with six steps in fF-6M model that consists of receive the given order, analyze, express the readiness, execute the order, incorporate quality control and submit the order[3]; PBE -as a system- carry out the business by involving the whole parties in organization. Managerial aspect for instance, there are number of tasks related to document of quotation, negotiation, contract agreement, term of payment etc; whereas from technical aspect in addition to fabrication and machining process the quality issue is included as well in manufacturer's duty which is supported by related procedures and work instructions. 244 STEMAN 20]4 ]SBN 978-979-17047-5-, Industrial Party (customer) iaSlirutioD of YocatioDal EducatioD f-------r--------,-------~__l ~12Daiement, Board Department Secretary, Laberaterytes), Stud~' PrD&ram preparation (mat mal. scheduling). conformity with student program Workslaop '------.-~PO. confirmation Quality Check: dimension. spesification, function Figure-I: General Order Handling In PBE such as product:..inspection as a very basic thing, verify the form they have to used, record the data etc. Following Figure-2 then elaborates the Quality Check from previous figure into more detail that is mentioning the number of activities where production participants should contribute. Developed from Quality Check of final product like in previous quality concept, they are introduced to the basic of Quality Assurance where the students have to carry out incoming and outgoing check in every station or process. For Polman case, there is an option whether the product is just component or an assembly unit that Check List Form is needed. Further, in each process there will be decided conditionally whether outgoing check is possible to carry out, otherwise it has to be done by CMM or other special measuring equipment in certain Laboratory or Section. As a part of PBE, involving the students in controlling the quality product they made is aimed to make them concern to this issue, besides preventing potential problems in real business point 'Of view such as what, when and how the products should be delivered in proper way that could influence customer satisfaction at the end. Quality is always related with technical specification of products, schedule that stated in the planned and agreed contract, and study program to consider student assignment level in order to fit on which or what competency they should get. 2. Methodology The students should have the culture in obeying the rules related with quality in the PBE system A preparation (material, scheduling), conformity with s.Ndenl program CPI,Ir\1' 01 OthCI special mu.suring equipment, final check, supervisor verification. check list fonn ,, , , I I ,, I , , , , : V(S I--_-+,~: '- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 245 - - -- - ------- -- ISBN 978-979-17047-5-5 STEMAN 2014 Figure-2: Incoming and Outgoing Check in Each Process Figure-3: QC Sheet Example 3. Discussion Figure-3 is an example of such filled QC sheet. It is shown that the measuring product or item could be sketched on such sheet with several essential marked points and dimensions that have to be checked. The actual result of its measurements then written down and verify whether passed or not. Actually, the advantages of this kind of inspection are better in quality checkup and closed supervision without any workers pressure, but on the other hand it needs more handling, increases production control and -from economical business point of view- higher cost of inspection due to numerous sets of inspections and skilled inspectors[5]. 3.1. Inspection and Quality Control Inspection is the most common method of attaining standardization, uniformity and quality of workmanship. It is the cost art of controlling the product quality after comparison with the established standards and specifications, as well as an indispensable tool of modem manufacturing process[5]. Polman students get the lesson of inspection session in semester I or 2, depend on which study program. In this session they learn basic measurement using various equipment such as caliper, micrometer, block gauge and profile projector; therefore they are capable to do product inspection or quality control in general scope. 3.2. Quality Assurance As shown in Figure-l previously, Quality Check placed as centralized inspection procedure for the finished product, which is done in certain section called QC Lab. In this Lab a small group of students are assigned alternately to support Lecture or Supervisor In Charge. Such student group usually be on duty for one week, do the quality check for finished components before deliver to the customer. They have to fill the QC sheet form in order to determine if its dimensions are correct according to defined drawing. Without leaving out product inspection culture as an important basic thing, the system then developed rather to .Combined Inspection, between Floor and Centralized, which is in line with the Quality Assurance concept. However, inspection and testing are the most common methods of Quality Control (QC), and are widely used in education to determine whether standards are being met. Quality Assurance (QA) is different from QC. It is before and during the event process concerned to prevent faults occurring in the first place[6]. /' r- ' Developed from just do the quality check on l product by centralized place of inspectors, e part of responsibility of product quality is ~ ta",._ over to the executors, in this case, the students. They are introduced to the system where they have to carry out incoming and outgoing check in every station or process they work. Before start processing they have to ensure whether received material or premachined component from previous process is acceptable, and after executing the job they do so, whereas these inspection results have to be written or recorded and validated on the Process Form that attached with related technical drawing, as shown on Figure-4. .. ;1 11 ~ .• u -... -- There could be of course the exceptiones), in a condition that outgoing check is not possible to carry out by the direct workforce, for CNC machined part that had 3 dimensional contour for instance. In this case it has to be done by 246 STEMAN 20]4 ISBN 978-979-17047-5-5 certain section like QC Lab with its CMM or other more sophisticated facility. - 0r6er No ,.... U 0.0111 ~ ,,,,No ,... MllIIfW Sl •... Figurc-4: Process Form Example improvement, quality first, quality initiatives, are some of the many titles used to describe what TQM is[6]. In PBE, the quality commit)llent seem could be developed more than till 'Quality Assurance only. There must be spirit ~ everyone in the instituon for system improvement continuously. TQM dictates that everything and everybody in the organization is involved in the enterprise of continuous improvement. The management in TQM likewise means everyone, because everyone in the institution, whatever their status, position or role, is the manager of their own responsibilities[6]. Though, one of TQM keyword in quality issue is 'integrating' all efforts at organizational scope. Therefore with good willingness of all parties the whole good ideas should be well communicated, harmonized and bundled. QA is a matter of the workforce responsibility, usually working in quality circles or teams, rather than the- inspector. Staff can give their best only when they feel that they are trusted and their views listened to[6]. With these 'additional' tasks and such condition students will have more authority on their work and pushed their capability up, and this can be achieved by doing it right every time, consistently. It also strengthen the old view and ism that 'next process is our customer'. 3.3. Toward the Total Quality Management Total Quality Management (TQM) could be defined as an effective system for integrating the quality development, quality maintenance and quality improvement efforts of the various groups in an organization so as to enable production and service at the most economical level which allow for full customer satisfaction. It may be classified as a 'Management Tool' for many industries outstanding improvement in product quality design and reduction in operating costs and losses[5]. TQM programs do not have to use the initials TQM. Many organizations pursue the philosophy under their own brand name. Total quality control, total quality service, continuous improvement, strategic quality management, systematic In the PBE problem of view for instance, as an example in the order handling, the quality of single product cases possibly could easily control by awesome workforce participation; but for assembly unit or project like special purpose machine, mold, dies or such things, more management tool is needed. One of the most successful methods applied in TQM is the concept of the quality plan (Schobert & Brown, 1990). A quality plan is defined as a "document 247 ISBN 978-979-17047-5-5 STEMAN 2014 to tackle the 'elephant-sized' projects is to divide them up into manageable 'bite-sized' assignments. He recommends assigning one team the task of 'cutting-up the elephant' (Juran, 1989). Regarding 'assy unit' handling approach for a job that categorized as a 'project' due to its complexity level, a Personal In Charge (PIC) could be assigned. This PIC should manage and control all necessary actions related to the job he or she assigned to, on all event across departments, as a delegated representative of higher management board. Through this project based and temporary assignment PIC has the access to 'push' all related department head in order to ensure that the project runs well. Figure-5 illustrates this authority by the blocked arrows whereas the normal arrows represent work flow and dashed arrows accommodate feedbacks from certain task of operations, if any. setting out the specific quality practices, resources and sequence of activities relevant to a particular service" (Stebbing, 1989, p.20). Thus a quality plan is the quality assurance scheme developed for a program or project[7]. Previous Figure-2 mentioned that if the kind of job is 'assy unit' then a 'check list fOlID'is necessary to implement. This only to say that a common technical drawing is not enough to express more specifications. Such more complicated project needs a list that contain product requirements conditionally as a 'quality plan'. In many cases, this quality plan have to be defined even from the design stage, referred to the customer requirement conditionally. The TQM philosophy is large-scale and inspirational, but its practical implementation is smallscale and highly practical. By way of illustration, Joseph Juran talks of 'elephant-sized' and 'bite-sized' projects. He argues that the best way 0";'00",. l I l• J dt-.", .\"il'od PIC.job-l •• r I __ _ d;.J"mg finillX'. ~"<haaiui Purch. 0",. 0",. 0.". tJU!t'11i DP component !!l\tl:cn1 .\"iCDodPIC.job-: '\"il ••d PIC.job-~ -- - i maca-I I~ I 1 _J _ ~h"C'''''''L Boont . Ji~·•. : ~~ \"'CmrlUlf'i!on:n~. rest p~m: <f:-.,,- n.-. -0 i,..... )(V___ ~ I L_!... _I_~ I I I ( ~I(.••. Fi g ure-5: Illustration of Person In Char ge (L for Ass y Job students, lecturers and institution. Students will have the culture in obeying the rules related with quality whereas lecturers and institution could perform better in satisfying the customers. Referred to some suggestions, external quality standards have an important role to play in helping organizations develop a TQM culture, as stated as well by British Standard Institution:"the customer needs the assurance and confidence that the supplier has the ability to provide the product or service consistently to the defined quality ". Therefore, PBE through Polman adopt the IS09000 series in order to get the soul of TQM. The philosophy behind the IS09000 series is that quality should be built into the systems and procedures of the organization, where the emphasis IS on prevention rather than cure. 4. Conclusion Integrating intellectual and physical learning activities to build students skill competencies in the manufacturing process with Iindustrial atmosphere, in Bandung State Polytechnic for Manufacturing (Polman) certain portion of practical program is implemented in laboratory or workshop, through Production Based Education (PBE) system where product media are created from structured exercises combined with external inquiries from collaboration with industrial parties. Referred to product handling procedure in such system, all necessary tasks and actions are accommodated, from customer's inquiry till deliver the product, included the quality issue that students are involved in the To be able to meet the demands of IS09000 an organization has to build quality in at each stage, from design through to delivery, assessment and evaluation, through a formal and rigorous management system to ensure conformity of the product to its specification[6]. This would be very beneficially for all involved parties in education and production as well; either 248 i· II rnadiIl Workshop d~:t\m·. ~ ~ I __ 1- purchase pr~.,,~on <;> +9 -+0I L "«banical L.bora.or~' STEMAN 2014 whole process according they should get. ISBN 978-979-17047-5-5 to the competencies References [1] Jorgensen, G.E., Lamancusa, J.S., ZayasCastro, J.L., Ratner, 1. (1995). The As a basic method of Inspection and Quality Control, a small group of students are assigned alternately in centralized inspection to support Lecture or Supervisor In Charge to do the quality check for finished components before deliver to the customer in order to make them concern to the quality issue, besides preventing potential problems in real business point of view that could influence customer satisfaction at the end. Developed from such quality check of final product students are introduced to the system where they have to carry out incoming and outgoing check in every station or process they work. With these tasks and condition they will have more authority on their work and could push their capability up that is in line with the Quality Assurance concept, by way of combining Floor and Centralized Inspection. Learning Factory Curriculum Integration of Design and Manufacturing. Proc. of the Fourth World Conference on Engineering Education; St. Paul, MN, October 15-20. [2] Alptekin S.E, Pouraghabagher R, Mc Quaid P and Waldorf D, "Teaching Factory", Proceedings of the 200] American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, (200 I), session 3563, American E~~oo Society for Engineering i [3] Martawijaya DH, "Developing A Teaching Factory Learning Model To Improve Production Competencies Among Mechanical Engineering Students In A Vocational Senior High School", Journal of Technical Education and Training (JTET), Vol.4, No.2, December 2012, ISSN 2229-8932 Referred to the management commitment, the IS09000 series as an external quality standard is adopted in order to get the soul of TQM in Pol man PBE. Following its philosophy, embedding quality into organization systems and procedures, the emphasis would be on prevention rather than cure. The quality then will be built at each stage, from design through to delivery, assessment and evaluation, through a formal and rigorous management system to ensure the product conformity to its specification. This would be very beneficially for all involved parties in education and production as well. 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