annual report - Notre Dame de Sion


annual report - Notre Dame de Sion
2014 - 2015
Mission Statement
The Notre Dame de Sion School of Kansas City is an independent Roman Catholic school
providing the highest quality college preparatory education from preschool through grade 12.
Sion continues the tradition of the founding sisters, the Congregation of the Sisters of Notre
Dame de Sion, inviting students to encounter God in a Catholic atmosphere that respects all
faith traditions. The school partners with families and the community to prepare students
for socially responsible, values based leadership in a culturally and religiously diverse world.
Vision Statement
Kansas City families will choose Notre Dame de Sion to educate their children because
of its academic excellence and Biblical values. They will cherish the school as a nurturing
community where Catholic values, integrity, and respect prevail. At Sion, students will
be empowered to develop and encouraged to use their unique gifts as they become selfconfident, faith-filled adults who will know their “blessing” and bring about the Kingdom
of God.
Board of Trustees (2014-2015)
Joe Duffy
Christina Broderick
Ex Officio
Anna Molle Stasi ’81
Vice Chair
Pat Burbach
Mary Widmer
Jennifer Goeke
(Kansas City-St. Joseph Diocesan
Representative to the Board)
Patty Keane
Ellen Martin
Ken Mellard
Mary Owens Shanahan ’76
David Cimpl
Ron Slepitza
Betsy Guastello
Ann Uryasz
John Humphrey
Caylee Valentine
Christine Hall ‘01
(Alum Representative)
Donor names have been listed in accordance with Notre Dame de Sion School’s conventions
unless the director of the primary benefactor or family representative has indicated otherwise.
High school graduates have been designated with their year of graduation. Grade
School graduates have a GS preceding their grade school graduation year. Every
attempt has been made to present an accurate list of benefactors for this donor report.
If your name is omitted from this list or the information is in error, please contact Tracy
Jones, Donor Relations Coordinator, at or 816.942.3282 ext. 1110.
NOTRE DAME DE SION SCHOOL Annual Report 2014-2015
Tuition & Fees $9,194,400
Event Fundraising $387,500
Grants & Gifts $278,600
Scholarship Funds $180,200
Annual Fund Drive $332,000
Other $75,500
Thank you for supporting Sion
For more than 100 years, Notre Dame de Sion has provided a high
quality education that integrates faith and learning. Your support of
Sion enables today’s students, and those in future generations, to
grow in their gifts as they develop academically, socially and spiritually
in a caring community that pushes their potential. Thank you to the
thousands of alumni, parents, parents of graduates, faculty and staff,
Trustees and friends who support a school experience that is unlike
one you can find anywhere else.
•Faculty & Staff $6,809,700
•Utilities & Maintenance $805,400
•Scholarships/Financial Aid $1,335,500
•Educational $871,200
•Advancement/Alumnae Affairs $216,900
•Contract Services $269,600
• Other Costs $141,900
•Capital Contingencies $0
The Sion Annual Fund is the school’s most powerful giving program.
Its sole purpose is to support student life and learning. The Annual
Fund provides vital funding for Sion’s top priorities and most pressing
needs. The Annual Fund is our most dependable and flexible source
of support.
When you support scholarships at Sion you open doors and change
lives. Sion is committed to providing need-based aid as well as
recognizing outstanding student achievements with opportunities for
tuition assistance. In support of our Mission, we continue to invest in
our future and in our students. For that reason, Sion accepts endowed
and expendable gifts that are restricted to tuition assistance and
merit-based scholarships.
The Sion Gala is a major fundraiser and the social event of the year!
Held the first Saturday in March, this event includes fine dining,
entertainment, dancing and a live and silent auction. Pre-gala
activities include Gift Gathering parties and Car Raffle ticket sales.
Attending all events and bidding vigorously are encouraged as we
come together as one school to raise money.
As the school continues to grow and we look to the future, there
will be fundraising focused on raising money for specifically defined
needs. These capital initiatives will have a defined financial goal and
time frame in which to successfully complete the initiative.
The following list reflects gifts
received from donors who made cash
contributions to Notre Dame de Sion
School between July 1, 2014 and June
30, 2015. Unpaid pledge amounts have
not been included.
** Indicates Corporate Matching
Gift Participation
∞ Indicates Deceased
GS Indicates Grade School
alumnae(i) year
The Lucie Jane Desloge McAnany
Scholarship Trust
The McMeel Family Foundation
John & Connie Murphy
James & Jill Neunuebel
Notre Dame de Sion Booster Club
Notre Dame de Sion Fathers’ Club
Notre Dame de Sion Mothers’ Club
Rob & Amy Pennington
Phil & Karen Ptacek
Jeff Weinrich &
Louisa Neenan Weinrich ‘85
Anne Wiedeman ‘53 ∞
Richard & Barbara Wiens
Louise Humann Level
($10,000 and Above)
This society is named in honor of Fr.
Theodore Ratisbonne’s teacher and
Anonymous (2)
David & Cathi Brain
Chace & Anne Brundige
Patricia Cleary Miller ‘57
Paul & Elaine Daly
Mark & Christina Demetree
Forster Powers Charitable Trust
Bob & Judy Hoehn
Larry & Paula Hollenbeck
Paul & Patty Keane
Mike & Theresa Murphy
Sally Root ‘89
Jim Shay & Connie Scavuzzo Shay ‘82
Mike & Margo Shepard
John & Marny Sherman
The Goppert Foundation
The Westhead Family Foundation
Bob & Louise Tritt
Frank & Ann Uryasz
Steve & Kristi Westhead
Fr. Theodore Ratisbonne Level
($5,000 - $9,999)
Fr. Theodore founded the Congregation
of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Sion
in Paris, France in the mid-nineteenth
century. In 1856, the Congregation was
established in Jerusalem.
Errick & Kathy Arroyo
John & Kim Behnken
Joe & Jeanne Brandmeyer
Pete Browne & Julie Walker Browne
Michael Carroll &
Maureen McMeel Carroll ‘87
David Cimpl & Laura Foley
Julie Clarkson
CLO Family Foundation
Tim & Michelle Dehaemers
John J. Sullivan, Jr. Foundation
Kissick Construction Co. Inc.
Ray & Jill Kowalik
Loveland Grass Pad
Fr. Alphonse Ratisbonne Level
($2,000 - $4,999)
On January 20, 1842, the Virgin Mary
appeared to Fr. Alphonse in the San
Andrea delle Fratte Catholic Church
in Rome. The order was named Notre
Dame de Sion (Our Lady of Sion)
in honor of this significant event.
Fr. Alphonse was the brother of Fr.
Theodore Ratisbonne.
A. L. Huber, General Contractor
Matt & Ann Ciani
Doug Ciocca & Kara Lynch Ciocca ‘89
Country Club Bank
Bud Cox & Anne McLiney Cox ‘68
Tom & Beth Crook
Ericka Curls Bartling ‘87
Joe & Mary Duffy
James & Kathryn Dussold
Jim & Fareda Eddy
Tom & Molly Freeman
Ted Garcia & Leticia Zarate-Garcia
Bonnie Haghirian
Hallmark Cards, Inc.
Pat & Shannon Healy
Georg Heidelmann & Kelda Jackson **
Tim & Nancy Helton
Dan Hogerty &
Dianne Selders Hogerty GS ’58, ‘62
Augie & Laura Huber
Robert & Carole Hummel
Jarrod Huntley & Adriana Albors
Eileen Crowe Johnson ‘79
Pat Kaine & Joanne Barbera
David & Nancy Kenner
Terry Kilroy &
Marianne Maurin Kilroy ‘73
Bruce & Jackie King
Bill & Missy Koppers
Mike & Susan Lally
Andrew & Jackie Marquardt
Cam & Ellen Martin
Pat & Mel McAnany
Reed & Martha Murphy
Notre Dame de Sion Alumnae
NOTRE DAME DE SION SCHOOL Annual Report 2014-2015
Dan O’Connell &
Lisa Schultes-O’Connell
Rosalie O’Connell
Bud & Cyndi Ostrander
Pfizer Foundation Matching
Gifts Program
Margaret Raymond ‘75
Tim & Amy Redmond **
Tony & Liz Romano
Scott Ruland & Libby Allman Ruland **
Mike & Sheila Sanders
Rik Siro & Teresa Woody
Susan Stanton ‘66
Bill & Julia Steilen
Superior Bowen Asphalt Co., LLC
The Patterson Foundation
The Robert & Edith Young Family
Kevin & Julie Tushaus
John Ulowetz &
Kim Delaney Ulowetz ‘88
Mike & Caylee Valentine
Jim & Rebecca Young
Jim & Ginger Young
1912 Club
($1,000 - $1,999)
In October 1912, at the request of
Bishop Thomas Lillis, the Sisters of Sion
relocated to Kansas City from Marshall,
Missouri. In their early Kansas City
days, the sisters gave French, music,
and sewing lessons.
Cliff Alexander &
Betsy McAnany Alexander ‘63
Jim Anderst & Shannon Carpenter
Avila University
B & L Plumbing Service, Inc.
Steve & Kerri Baranowski
John & Bev Barry
Dan Bauman & Gina Crowe Bauman ‘85
Dan & Janelle Benninghoff
Kevin & Julie Bolton
Gerry & Kelly Brenneman
John & Chris Broderick
Jim & Judy Budde
Harry Campbell
Clarkson Construction Company
Michael Cochran &
Denise Bratcher Cochran
Commerce Bancshares Foundation
Commerce Bank
Dan Cranshaw & LaDonna Gooden
Bob Cunningham
Bruce Doctor
Chuck & Marilyn Dreas
Terry Dwyer & Patty Coe Dwyer ‘79
Andrea Eddy ‘82
Endowment Trust for
Catholic Education
Jeff & Lisa Englert
Elaine Eppright
Bob & Vicki Fitzgerald
Brett & Melissa Frerking
Alex Funderburg &
Patty Hopfinger Funderburg ‘80
David & Amy George
John Giocondo &
Missy Webb Giocondo ‘88
Joe & Jennifer Goeke
George & Betsy Guastello
Bill Harper &
Diane Medved Harper GS ’72, ‘76
Bob & Debbye Henderson
Jeff & Suzanne Henkle
John & Nancy Houlehan
Rob & Patty Hummel
Gretchen Ingram
William Kunkel &
JoAnn McCroy Kunkel ‘76
David & Karen Lewing
Keith & Terri Lilek
Patrick Lillis &
Michele Wilkerson Lillis ‘88 **
Loretta Loftus ‘66
Jeff & Christy Magsamen **
Ted & Lori Maguire
Manna Vending, Inc.
Nick Manning &
Patti Poskin Manning ‘85 **
Tracy McFerrin
George & Laurie McLiney
Ken & Nancy Mellard
Michael & Marlys Haverty
Family Foundation
Midwest ATC Services, Inc.
Midwest Trust Company
Mills Uniform Co.
National Center Drug Free Sport
Notre Dame de Sion Fine Arts
Booster Club
Mark & Lynne O’Connell
Mike & Jennifer O’Neill
Bill & Alison Patterson
Pegasus Capital Management LLC
Rick Robards &
Susan Zunick Robards ‘72
Tom & Rhonda Rogge
Rebecca Saxton
Dave & Kate Scott
Craig & Linda Smith
Morton Sosland &
Estelle Glatt Sosland ‘42 **
Steve Sproull & Donna Hansen
Joe Stasi & Anna Molle Stasi ‘81
Brian & Chrys Sullivan
Steve & Nancy Summers
Beverly Warren Triefus ‘51
Marc & Michelle Trouve
Bob & Mary Tyson
Brian & Anissa Walz
Kevin & Debbie Wilkerson
Pat Wilkerson
Jack & Mary Winne
Raymond & Carmitia Yust
Coeur de Sion: Ecce Homo Level
($500 - $999)
The foundation or “heart” of the
Congregation of Our Lady of Sion is
in the Holy Land at the Ecce Homo
convent. Located in the Arab Quarter
of Jerusalem’s Old City, the Ecce Homo
sanctuary is on the site believed to be
the place where Jesus was condemned
to death by the Roman Court.
Arctic Glacier Premium Ice
Arrowhead Contracting, Inc.
Bernie Bahner
Steve & Becky Beck
Frank & Kathy Bednar **
Liz Bono
John & Nancy Bowen
John & Bridget Brandmeyer
Anna Brockson
Roger & DeVera Broderick
Barbara Brown
Dan Browne &
Monica Blaise Browne ‘81
Dick & Jane Bruening
Denise Campbell
Steven & Alice Carman
Doug Clark
Jeff & Ruth Colyer
Mike Conger & Meg Badwey Conger
Dan Connealy
Culver’s of Kansas City
Barbara Riederer Dastoor GS ’51, ‘55
David & Nancy Dercher
Mitchell Douglass & Lindsy Myers
Lisa Douthit
Brad & Ginny Epsten
Charity & Albert Esquivel
Ray & Sarah Evans
Madeleine Fadool
Mark & Amy Fennewald
Peter Florzak & Acey Lampe
Jim & Louetta Flournoy
Mark & Cathy Frame
Frank Ancona Honda
Teresa Gaines ‘80
Ryan & Jennifer Gedney
Tom & Rhonda Gerke
Glitters, Inc.
Brian Greenlee &
Celeste Migliazzo Greenlee ‘78
Pat & Cindy Griffith
Tom & Therese Grojean
Anne Nugent Guignon ‘67
Brenda Hamilton
Charlie & Vickie Harris
Julie Batrick Hess ‘69
David & Angela Hickman
Christy Hogerty
Jacqueline Hopkins
Skip & Jennifer Hughes
Tom & Carol Hynek
Chuck & Carol Jones
John & Kaki Kahl
Jerry & Judy Karlin
Margaret Kelly ‘83
Paula Kienberger Jaudes ‘64
Brad Klaus & Natalie Marshall Klaus ‘96
Curt & Amy Koutelas
Bill & Susan Krusemark
Peter & Mona Kurtz
Gary Nesslein & Sue Laing Nesslein ‘80
Brian & Marilyn Lappin
Harriet Brink Larson ‘41 ∞
Dave & Emily Leavey
The Family of Jiho Lee ‘18
Shawn & Alison Long
Pete & Kathy Malone
Paul & Dottie Martin
Kevin & Kristi Martinez
John Marx & Cathy Hughes Marx GS ‘58
Ed & Julianne McCabe
Mary McGee GS ’67, ‘71
Jack Franaszek &
Kate McQueeny Franaszek ‘74
John Meharry &
Carol Schweiger Meharry ‘75
Edward & Charlotte Mehrer
MFS Investment Management
Reynold & Elizabeth Middleton
Gina Collins Moffitt
Mike & Kelly Mollerus
James & Ann Mueller
Sherrill Mulhern GS ’61, ‘65
Bill & Alice Munninghoff
Nativity of Mary School
Paul & Anne Orrick
Joe Panjada & Dede Gish-Panjada
Chris & Ellen Pantaenius
The Family of Suhyun Park ‘18
Bob & Linda Pearson
Brad Poos & Heather Dillon
Julie Ptacek ‘02 ∞
Kate Ptacek ‘11
Kenon Qamar &
Kelly Clarkson Qamar ‘89
Quest Diagnostics
Bill Ray & Kate Gyves-Ray
Matt & Annie Riggs
Salim & Sue Salti
John & Melinda Sand
Casey & Stacie Schirk
Howard & Barbara Schwartz
Gino Serra &
Paetra Desmarteau Serra ‘87
Debbie Simpson
George & Jeannette Sink
Paul Sittenfeld &
Betsy Bascom Sittenfeld ‘65
Lynn Smith ‘89
Bruce & Cindy Snyder
Mark & Beth Soukup
Rick & Mary Stingley
Dan & Sarah Summers
Charlie & Kristine Sutherlin
Mark & Judy Switzer
Gregg Taylor &
Emily Dittmeier Taylor ‘94
Gregg & Kathleen Teel
Mark Thompson &
Rosemary Hernandez Thompson ‘92
Zach Thornton &
Julie Mueller Thornton ‘87
John & Barbara Travis
Justine Uryasz ‘05
Gafo & Barbara Visesio
James & Arlene Waldman
Mary Ward ‘68
Steve & Eliza Waterman
Ethan & Heidi Whitehill
Bob & Marie Wilson
Christopher & Stacie Young **
Kathryn Zunick
Ein Karem Level
($250 - $499)
This society is named for the
community near Jerusalem where Fr.
Alphonse Ratisbonne lived and built an
orphanage. The Sion Sisters still have a
vital community at Ein Karem.
George & Debbie Allaire
James & Mary Jennifer Amato
Mark & Janice Anwander
Helen Stenson Arnold ‘69
Cliff & Mary Barr
Jeff & Tricia Barrett
Mike Bingler & Amber Hoffman
Barbara Ott Bobo ‘64
Ken & Mary Bolen
Tom Bradshaw
Robert Branch &
Susie Bowers Branch ‘78
Bruce & Tina Breckenridge
Steve & Stephanie Bridges
Dave & Pam Brill
Dick Brown &
Mary Loy Dennis Brown ‘64
Jeff Burton & Patti Whitington Burton
Mark Bustamante &
Karen Ciston Bustamante ‘80
Jennifer Campbell
Alex Capelli &
Frances Caruso Capelli ‘81
Delwyn Catley & Kathy Goggin
Lauren Cimpl ‘04
Cloutman & Stingley, Inc.
Ken & Beth Colaric
Scott & Gay Ann Colliton
Kevin & Anne Connor
County Line Auto Parts
John Cruciani &
Shanda Heenan Cruciani ‘87
Nick & Maria Cutrera
Michael & Nancy Czinege
Joey & Karen D’Alesio
David Dannov &
Sally Zemites Dannov ‘81
Pam Davidson
Sam Davidson GS ‘97
Scott Martens &
Elisabeth DeCoursey GS ‘88
David Dickey & Rita Moley Dickey ‘80
Bernie & Sue Dierks
Richard & Katie Downs
Angus & Sarah Beth Dwyer
Emily Carter Emerson & Brent Hankins
Willie & Alice Ergovich
John & Dianne Farmer
Suzie Fleming ‘58
Anna Florzak GS ’02, ‘06
Bill & Sally Frederick
Chris Fuller
Ryan & Leah Gale
David Garrison &
Tammy Snyder Garrison
Mark & Susie Gibbar
Elijah Gowin & April Watson
Mike & Theresa Griffin
Randy & Carla Griffin
Bill & Mollie Grojean
Mike & Anne Groszek
Chris & Kristy Hane
Kevin Roth & Betsy Hansel ‘71
Edward & Polly Hanton
Bill & Mary Harte
Phil & Pamela Hayes
Joe Hebert & Heidi Wiedel Hebert ‘95
Ryan & Pauline Henne
Joel & Lisa Hermes
Chris & Ann Holliday
Mark & Polly Holmes
Natalie Houtakker
Charlie Burchett & Rocio Huet ‘72
John Huff & Donna Phelps
Drew & Jessica Hull
Mike Hunter &
Susan Hughes Hunter ‘65
IBM Corporation
Jake & Lizzy Imperiale
Jeff & Kim Ingram
Joe & Debbie Ismert
Dallas Ivanko &
Marika Miller Ivanko GS ’81, ‘85
Keegan & Beth Jackson
Nathan & Stephanie Jensen
Renee Jones
Barbara Judd
Ron & Patty Jurgeson
Herb & Mary Kaighan
Bill Kalt & Janet Kalt O’Bannon
Tom & Lisa Kane
Chris Kehring
Dan Keller & Sharon Wilkerson Keller ‘85
John & Jody Kimball
Dave & Jan Knopke
Bill & Bev Koehler
Michael & Therese Koeppen
Adele Heying Korth ‘47
Larry & Charlotte Kruse
Dave & Sally Ladwig
Mike & Jana Lang
Michael Lawhead & Christina Sternberg
James J. Lawlor, Jr.
Bill & Kathleen Linscott
Ed & Carol Lowndes
Andrew Lueder &
Sushma Reddy Lueder ‘96
Jim & Georgia Lynch
Dan & Keri Maginn
Tim & Robyn Mahoney
Jerry & Anita Mansholt
John & Maryvonne Marshall
Joe & Cathy Marx
Master Craftsman Foundation
Ralph Mathews &
Rita Blaise Mathews ‘84
Timothy Matz &
Ruthann Gotschall Matz ‘78
David & Karen Mayer
Tom & Becky McCormack
Robert Grabowski & Megan McDermott
Jeff & Natalie McDonough
Simon McGee GS ‘80 & Anne Gagel
John & Eleanor McMaster
John McRoskey &
Catherine Pearson McRoskey ‘40
Michelle Mesina GS ’85, ‘89
Renee Miller ‘81
Kelly Ann Molle ‘88
Molle Automotive Group
Aubrey Morrison
Frank Moussa &
Catherine Snodell Moussa ‘81
Tom & Amanda Mueller
Shawn & Elizabeth Mulkey
Warren Newcomer &
Theresa Cernich Newcomer ‘74
Kenneth Newman &
Michele Jette Newman ‘80
Matthew & Hilary O’Brien
Frank & Erin Oliphant
Gerald & Barbara Palmer
Tim Paulson & Jane Hughes Paulson ‘68
Mark & Bridget Pereira
Heidi Peter
Mark & Gail Peters
John & Muguie Powell
Premier Carts, Inc.
Print Time
Bruce & Karen Rand
Jennifer Rand
Terrence & Valeri Reynolds
Robert Riccardi & Dominique Davison
Jeff & Lyzz Riffe
Ty & Mindy Ritter
Fernando & Chie Rivera
Mark & Jana Rooney
Andrea Roschke ‘74
Riad & Janet Saidi
Scott Schibig &
Sara Davidson Schibig GS ’92, ‘96
Bill & Paddi Schwartz
Bill & Tricia Seitz
Andy & Jennifer Sheer
Josh & Destiny Shelton
Michael & Sunday Siragusa
Bob & Charlene Slater
Ron & Suzanne Slepitza
Phillip & Melinda Smith
Bruce & Mona Snider
Fred & Marlene Snyder
Lauren Soulis ‘02
Nancy Stevens
Jay & Marilyn Stewart
David Stofer
Jack & Anne Sullivan
Kurt & Elaine Swope
Ben & Kathy Tarbe
Troutt, Beeman & Company
Mark & Linda Truitt
Steven & Yvette Turner
Dan & Nancy Tweedy
Mike & Karen Van Dyke
Patrick Venanzi &
Emily Hack Venanzi ‘95
David & Jennifer Voysey
Paul & Krissi Wagner
Greg & Kay Walkup
Phillip Walton
Larry & Joan Ward
Mike & Jenni Watkins
John & Tamara Weber
Tom Weiford &
Sheila Hughes Weiford GS ’62, ‘66
Billy & Lisa Welker
Evan & Casey Welsh
White Bear Coffee
Kate Whittaker
Tom & Lissa Whittaker
John & Molly Williams
Randy Willis & Mary Turner
Rob & Barb Wilson
Kathy Zak Dillon
Gary & Julie Zancanelli
Henry Zigtema &
Mary Stockley Zigtema ‘71
Les Amis de Sion
($249 and under)
French for “Friends of Sion”, this group
includes all those who have known and
loved Notre Dame de Sion School.
4 T Total Lawn, Inc.
Dave & Joan Abbott
Kim Accurso
Tilman Achberger &
Emily Love Achberger GS ’98, ‘02
Dan & Ann Adams
Jerry Adams
Barbara Adler
Ray & Helyn Agee
Jeanne Hayes & Ali Alaman
Homer Alexander &
Josephine Bascom Alexander ‘66
Don & Pam Allen
David Allison & Molly Blaise Allison ‘86
Richard Alloway &
Laurie Mullen Alloway GS ’74, ‘78
Julia Alvarez ‘72
Zeke & Billie Amador
Zeke & Gloria Amador
American Century Investments
Kimberley Amoguis
NOTRE DAME DE SION SCHOOL Annual Report 2014-2015
Michael & Kim Ancona
David & Suzi Anderson
Sarah Angold-Arnold ‘01
Neal & Monica Angrisano
Tim & Melanie Apodaca
Robert & Christine Arensberg
Martin Arling & Mary Faubion Arling ‘84
Alfred Arreguin
Jim Asher
Obie & Tiffaney Austin
Axentia Prepaid, LLC
Don & Steffany Aye
Paul & Sumiko Ayer
Tony & Bernadette Azzaro
Peter & Carol Bachhuber
Jason Backstrom
Mark Bairrington &
Carrie Rupp Bairrington ‘00
Tom & Nancy Baker
Bank of America Foundation
Pierre & Kelley Barbeau
Harry & Julie Barkley
Rod & Angela Barleen
Kent & Stephanie Barnow
Joe & Dorothy Barnthouse
Todd & Kay Barrett
Bill & Cindy Barry
Larrie & Judy Bates
Maggie Quirarte Bates ‘05
Michael & Marsee Bates
Stephen Bauer &
Michelle Hobson Bauer ‘68
Julie Bayard
Jeb & Leslie Bayer
Karen Ohrazda Bayne ‘65
Steven Ng & Grace Baysa-Ng ‘87
Becky Beck
Rob Beckley &
Jennifer Williams Beckley ‘94
Mike Beckman &
Donna Wright Beckman ‘65
Larry Beekman
Lila Behan
David Bell & Debby Singer Bell ‘97
David & Jodi Belpedio
Dale Bennett &
Becky Podrebarac Bennett ‘71
Betty Jo Berg
Rian & Andi Berg
Robert & Alice Bergeron
John Berkowitz &
Debbie Droskin-Berkowitz
Juan Bernal Sosa & Carmina Tenorio
Greg & Lisa Bernard
Jean Bessenbacher
Denton & Claire Bishop
Mark Bishop & Kathy Wickey Bishop ‘83
Don Black & Lucie McCallum Black ‘71
Dan Blackwell
Jim & Mary Blaise
Dan Shamai &
Bridget Blaise-Shamai ‘83
Joe & Linda Blando
John & Linda Blasdel
Robert Bobber &
Kirsten Fischer Bobber ‘92
Mark & Libbie Bodde
Teresa Bohon
Kathy Dresel Bonacini ‘84
Elizabeth Bonney ‘05
Craig & Wendy Borgmeyer
Bryon & Kathy Bowman
Peter & Jill Brake
Kirk Bray
Donn & Susan Breshears
Jayne Bringer
Larry & Ellen Brockson
Don & Mary Broschart
Ashley Brown
Doug Brown
Jane White Brown
Shane & Christine Brown
Kelly Howerton &
Jenny Brown-Howerton
James Browne
Michael & Sarah Browne
David Brunson &
Elizabeth Byrnes Brunson ‘71
John & Darlene Buckley
Pat Burbach
Tony & Mary Buren
Anne Burkart
Frank & Lois Burnham
Claire Burns
Mike Burnworth &
Belinda Buchanan Burnworth ‘75
Jim & Hortense Burr
Derek Butler & Stacey Rhodes-Butler
Phil Buttell
Jonathan Butters & Jennifer Goldman
David & Laura Byers
Michael & Barbara Byrne
Jim & Nancy Caccamo
James Callowich
Sheila Calovich GS 71, ‘75
Ann Campbell
John & Deb Campbell
Anthony & Joycelin Canavan
Dan Caplan
Gabrielle Capps
Anthony Cardarella &
Laine Thorpe Cardarella ‘84
Tom & Liz Carignan
Kevin & Denna Carril
Cindy Carroll
Howard & Margie Carter
John Carter
Bob & Kristy Carter
Peter & Yvonne Caruso
Harper & Katie Chaffee
Brad & Kelly Chandler
Ronnie Chanultanapous
David Chapp &
Becky Newendyke Chapp ‘94
Bill & Judy Chastain
Kris Cheyne
Mary Beth Cicchetti
Clarence M. Kelley & Associates
Don Clarkson &
Jen Ferguson Clarkson ‘92
Betsy Clifford ‘04
Frank & Nancy Clifford
Steve Cline & Robin Fortin-Cline
Jimmy & Louise Clossick
Herb Coale
Mathew & Danielle Coates
Debbie Cochran
Peg Cochran
Sam Cocks ‘10
Keith Coelho &
Jane Gotschall Coelho ‘81
Adam Collyer
Dennis Conaghan
William Condon &
Shannon Ervin Condon ‘92
Helen Connors
Michael & Heather Connors
Peter Connors
Wayne & Jane Conway
JJ Cook & Crissa Seymour Cook ‘99
Dennis & Mary Cook
Dee Cooks
Jack & Karin Cooper
Shane & Jennifer Cordes
Amy Cornwell
Jim & Michele Correll
Ron & Sheri Cosner
Kevin McManus & Alex Couchonnal ‘97
Marna Courson Gasperino
Moe & Bobbi Courville
Joanna Barbieri Craig ‘67
Bill Craig & Jody Ladd Craig ‘64
Marc Crawford &
Christina Mesina Crawford GS ’82, ‘86
Jay Crenwelge &
Anna Thill Crenwelge ‘04
Robert & Deborah Crider
Kent & Christine Crippin
William Cromwell &
Theresa Gainey Cromwell ‘55
Joe & Laura Crowe
Jenny Huerter Cruz ‘85
Tony & Rory Cucchiara
Richard Cummings &
Laura Herring Cummings ‘50
Rosemary Cuni
Tom & Julia Daily
Nancy Dalinghaus
Jim & Gloria Danda
Roger & Nancy Danley
David Darab &
Shannon Hartigan Darab ‘78
Scott Dattel
Jody Davenport
David W. Denny State Farm Insurance
Carolyn Hack Davis ‘00
Glen & Catherine Davis
John & Shannon Davis
Len & Jean Dawson
John & Joan DeCoursey
Ted & Wynne DeCoursey
Kathy Delaney
Chris & Laurie Delong
Madonna Dennis
Kevin & Gretchen Dervin
Lea Desmarteau ‘81
Mike Devine GS ‘79
Matthew Robey & Dawn Diamond ‘86
Ramon & Jennifer Diaz-Arrastia ‘76
Jim Dice & Sarah Lanser Dice ‘96
Chris & Angie Dierks
Cindy Dillard Parres
David & Dee Dillon
Kevin Dixon & Jane Wade Dixon ‘79
Michael Dobbs
Lisa Doctor
Michael & Allison Dodds
Theresa Lorenz Dodds ‘95
John Dodson &
Kim Corrigan Dodson ‘80
Annie Johnson Doisy GS ’01, ‘05
Nancy Paradise Donaldson ‘61
Tim & Jean Donaldson
Dennis Donnelly
Erin Donnelly ‘04
George & Patty Donnelly
Andy & Becca Dopheide
Lynn Mohr Dosemagen ‘66
Kirk & Holly Douglass
Mick Dressler & Lisa Phillips Dressler ‘65
Terrence Dressman &
Stephanie Pino-Dressman
Lauren Duffey ‘04
Theresa Duffin
Kenya Durden
Luethel Durden
Steve & Lori Dykeman
Jerry & Pam Dykes
Shawn & Kristin Edie
Lee & Joan Edson
Matt & Heather Edwards
EFH Capital Management, Inc.
Larry Ehren & Christy Dorn Ehren
Christian Eikermann
Craig Elbert & Ann Novosel Elbert ‘85
Nick & Erika Ellwanger
Wayne & Denise Elsbernd
Tim & Darci Emerson
Ron & Marcia Enfranca
Casey Engel
Kevin Vogt & Susan Engel ‘86
Caroline Eppright ‘03
Adam & Melissa Evans
Doug & Saralu Evans
Mark Dehner & Susannah Evans ‘85
Patricia Farmar **
Joe & Malda Farnham
Jamie Kroll Farris ‘67
Wes & Lorene Faulconer
Lucy Feierabend ‘02
Curtis & Angela Fencl
Julie Fennewald
Scott & Jane Ferber
Verna Mae Ferguson
Denise Ferro
Vonnie Ferron
Forrest Harrison & Alison Filla ‘03
Anne Fitzgerald
Sam Nelson & Tina Fitzgerald ‘87
Michael Fitzgerald
Bryan Flanagan &
Kirsten Bontrager Flanagan ‘02
Ken Fligg
Brandon & Kaci Flippo
Anne Foster ‘07
Ted & Anne Foster
Thomas & Barbara Foster
Ronnell & Micole Franklin
Mark Frautschy &
Missy Robinson Frautschy ‘72
Piper Frazier
Glenn Freeman &
Mary Loftus Freeman GS ’66, ‘70
Gene Freeman &
Peggy Massman Freeman ‘56
Don French & Patricia Hovis-French
Larry & Joyce French
Phil & Nikki Frerker
Tom Fritts & Kathy Maguire
Tom & Kelly Fritzlen
Terrence & Elizabeth Fuemmeler
Bryan & Jenn Fuller
Lisa Frantze Gaetano ‘04
Larry & Maureen Gamble
Andy & Amy Gansner
Andrew Ganss & Colleen Kelly Ganss ‘04
Patty Garbeff
Michael & Denise Gates
Bea Gazett
John & Peggy George
Glen Gerred
Erin Cromer Giannantonio ‘04
Andy Gifford &
Alison Cotter Gifford ‘01
Debbie Gifford
Emily Gilbride
Pam Gilford ‘65
Suzanne Scali Gilson ‘77
Dennis Gish & Carla Novak Gish ‘69
Patti Glaser
Liz Gleeson ‘03
Jim & Patty Gleeson
Jo Goggin
Justin Golden &
Lauren Gyllenborg Golden ‘04
Sherry Golden
Steven Gollub
Victor & Alicia Gomez
John & Aline Goodman
Mike & Kathy Gorman
John & Christine Graham
Kevin Gralen &
Mary Jeanne Solomon Gralen ‘84
Mark & Siobhan Greene ‘81
Gabbie Greenlee ‘06
Michele Gregory
Mike & Susan Gretzinger
Cari Griggs GS ’03, ‘07
John Groom &
Lauren Noble Groom GS ’96, ‘00
Mary Groszek
Robert & Kathryn Guezuraga
Richard Gutowski &
Kathy Sullivan Gutowski ‘66
John & Pam Gyllenborg
Bridget Haake ‘08
Marty & Kathy Haake
Ted Habiger & Jackie Kincaid Habiger ‘91
Jay & Ellen Haden
Becky Haden ‘07
Tom Hadley
Luke & Elizabeth Hagedorn
Richard & Barbara Hagele
Bob Riesenberg &
Cathy Cleary Hagman ‘60
George & Paula Hahn
Adam Hall & Tracy Goetz Hall ‘98
Alex Hall
Bob Hall & Toby Tobias Hall ‘61
Christine Hall ‘01
Clel & Deborah Hall
Jeff Hall
Risa Hall ‘99
Stephanie Hall ‘06
Hallmark Corporate Foundation
Carolyn Hamilton
Brandy Hammond
Fawzia Hanna
Fayez Hanna
Harl & Judy Hanson
Evelyn Harden
Erin Hardin ‘08
Jared Harpole &
Rebecca Teel Harpole ‘02 **
Sydney Harris GS ’09, ‘13
Ed & Kathy Hauptmann
John & Cathy Healy
Christopher Heck &
Renee Dehaemers Heck ‘85
Lorrette Hedges
Jeremy Heinen
Barnett & Shirley Helzberg
Joseph & Patricia Hemberger
Danielle Henderson
Jerry & Barbara Henkemeyer
Theresa Herbers ‘99
Chris & Becky Herring
Bruce & Mary Hiatt
Linda Hiatt
Allen & Lyn Hickey
Charles & Diantha Hicks
Kristi Hilgenfeld
Warren Hintz & Tina Gierster Hintz ‘72
Karen Hoch
Eric & Eliza Hodes
Gary Hoffman & Jean Simonitsch
Kevin & Lynette Hogan
Tony & Tina Holden
Stephanie Holder
Tara Holderness ‘08
Scott & Mary Jo Holland
Betty Holliday
John & Cecile Holliday
Gunther Hollopeter & Carrie Adler
Jimmy Holmes & Jaminda Bass Holmes
John Holsinger &
Amy O’Leary Holsinger ‘81
Brenda Holt ‘78
James & Susie Horner
Pat Houtakker
Don Hovis & Ellen Gloor Hovis
Robert Howard &
Cheryl Triola Howard ‘84
Joe & Linda Huber
Joe Hudgens
Yvette Huet ‘80
Todi Jackson Hughes ‘43
John Humphrey &
Leslie Piper Humphrey GS ’75, ‘79
Megan Hunter
Adam Ingersoll GS ‘04
Weber Ingersoll & Esther Markus
Chris & Beth Ingram
Ed & Julie Ismert
Mark & Therese Ismert
Mary Ivey
Ed & Artie Jablonski
Joanne Jacobs
Malcolm Sparling & Renee Jacobs
Saskia Jacobse
Carol & Paul Jacobson
Ron & Deborah Jensen
Jensen Chiropractic LLC
Erick & Christie Jessee
Ray & Judy Johns
Brandon & Sarah Johnson
Joe & Heather Johnson
Katie Myers Johnson ‘04
Mike & Diana Johnson
Rebecca Johnson ‘09
Vince & Cindy Johnston
Michael & Linda Jonas
Erin Jones
Gary Jones
Daniel & Tracy Jones
Mark & Mary Ann Jordahl
Bob & Cat Jung
John Jurcyk &
Sarah Cunningham Jurcyk ‘76
Joe Jurden & Lindsay Cook Jurden ‘86
Michael & Karen Kaighan
Al & Mary Kathleen Kaine
Cathee Kancel ‘81
Dennis & Lisa Kane
Justin Kane & Evelyn Marshall Kane ‘98
Colleen McGurk Kazmierski ‘94
Sean & Pam Kearney
Greg Kearns
Mathilde Kearny-Kibble ‘64
Ben & Julie Keech
Tom Keegan
Maggie Keel
Phillip & Michelle Keena
Andrew Keightley & Maria Navarro
Sam Keil ‘08
John Keller &
Carolyn McCrary Keller GS ’71, ‘75
Sarah Reintjes Kelly ‘03
Brad Kelsheimer &
Katie Cotter Kelsheimer ‘04
Gerald & Elizabeth Kempker
Mark & Mary Kenney
Jason & Amy Kepler
Ed & Suzanne Kerley
Jason & Traci Ketter
David & Shanna Kimmis
Nancy Kincaid
Delbert Kinchelow &
Deidra Charles-Kinchelow
Joyce Kingsbury
Ted Kitten
Ralph & Annette Klaus
Ashley Klein ‘10
Chris Looney & Kim Klein ‘80
Beka Knackstedt ‘09
J.C. Knapp & Katie Przybylski Knapp ‘00
Tom & Melissa Knox
Chuck & Fran Koehler
Jo Koehler ‘81
Sara Koehler ‘03
Alexander & Mary Kay Koenen
George & Leslie Koffler
Molly Kohring
Ann Guilfoyle Koppers
Kameron Koppers ‘17
Bob & Carolyn Koppes
Chris Korth
Chris Kostelac GS ‘78
Helen Kramer
Paul & Julie Kramschuster
Chris & Amy Krantz **
Karen Kreamer
Curtis & Jennifer Krizek
Denny Krupp
Ben Kruse
David & Ruth Kuehl
Leah La Faver
Tony Hallaba & Shelley Lair GS ’79, ‘83
Craig & Jean Laird
Bob Lampen
Kevin & Amy Lampo
Joseph & Pat Landwehr
John Shanklin & Barbara Langley
Daniel Lappin GS ‘05 & Amanda Lappin
Kay Lappin
Heather Larkin
Frank Latino &
Mary Jane McManus Latino ‘65
Lisa Lauck
Jacob Laudie
David & Blythe Launder
Sarah Lavy
Jim Lawlor
Christopher & Jo Ann Leach
John Leader &
Susan Labrecque Leader ‘81
Sheryl Leavey
Steve Lebar & Meff Brennan Lebar ‘76
Connie LeBaron
Charles & Marilyn Lederer
Julie Lederer ‘04
Paula Leffel
Stewart & Michele Legg
Beverly Leggett
Audra Leis ‘03
Matt Lester & Fran Crowe Lester ‘84
Thomas Lester & Julie Martin Lester ‘72
Andy & Victoria Lewellen
Joni Lindquist
Teresa Meagher Lingreen ‘02 **
Allison Linz ‘06
Toni Garcia Lippincott ‘66
Mike & Julie Lisac
Derek & Julie Locke
Lonnice Locke
Greg Loewen
NOTRE DAME DE SION SCHOOL Annual Report 2014-2015
Mazie Long
Jimmi Lossing
Thomas Lund & Nancy Cotter Lund ‘66
Joe Lynch & Kathy Doody Lynch ‘71
Tina Lynn
Sherry Mabry
Todd Mackey &
Tracy Davis Mackey GS ’84, ‘88
Ned & Kathy Maguire
Katie Maher
Meg Mahoney ‘01
Brian & Christie Makar
Lea Anne Mallot
Matt O’Laughlin & Amy Maloney
Tom Maloney
John & Gerianne Mann
Chuck & Selby Marksbury
Walt & Shirley Marnett
Don & Elaine Martin
Jeff Martin
Teri Martin ‘92
Fred & Teresa Martinez
Julie Martucci
Jerry & Angie Maschler
Mathnasium of Overland Park
Dean Mazzanti &
Barbara Morris Mazzanti ‘91
Lucy McAleese
Cecil & Sherrie McCain
Denise Courville McCarthy ‘83
John McClain & Kerry Browne
J.T. McCloskey &
Paddy Flanary McCloskey ‘53
Rick & Nancy McCoy
Tom & Sharon McCullough
Sarah McEnerney
Bob & Susan McGannon
Kathleen McGarvey
Marlene McGuire
Tom & Albe McGurk
Chip & Jenny McKenzie
Kevin McLiney &
Pam Marnett McLiney GS ’82, ‘86
Joe McShane &
Kathy Dolan McShane GS ’65, ‘69
Doug Mead & Barb Dundee Mead
Michelle Mellard ‘03
Alexis Fuemmeler Melloy ‘07
Eddie Meltzer
Anthony & Connie Mendolia
Terence & Ree Merrigan
Fred & Virginia Merrill
Olivia Merveille ‘83
Elizabeth Staggs Merz ‘60
Ron & Diana Messick
Michael Meyers &
Rosemary Gargotta Meyers ‘66
J.D. Michaels ‘80
Elvira Migliazzo
Francesco & Rosa Milazzo
Brooke Miller ‘95
Glenn Miller & Helen Bowman Miller ‘84
Jack & Jackie Miller
Joseph & Kelly Miller
R.B. & Holly Miller
Tina Miller
Dana Mischlich ‘81
Jo Missildine
Missouri Bankers Association
Megan Mitchell ‘98
Richard Mitchell
Pauline Moley ‘69
Richard & Carol Mollerus
Patrick & Lucille Moriarty
Richard Moritz & Amy Huber Moritz ‘02
Chris Morris &
Megan Switzer Morris ‘99
Mark Moser & Dana Knapp
Alisa Mueller
Ryan Mueller
Bob Mueting
Anne Mulcahey
Michael Mulvany
Ann Murphy
Mary E. Murphy
Cheryl Murphy
Frank & Mary Murphy
Susan Murphy ‘73
Jeff Plate & Kelly Murphy-Plate ‘81
John & Betsy Murray
Peter Musto &
Jennifer Furlong Musto ‘87
Ralph & Dana Myers
Mike & Mariel Navato
Chuck & Anna Naylor
Jim & Susan Nedelco
Dan Needham &
Mary Hogerty Needham GS ‘78
Doug & Amy Neisius
Doug & Janice Nelson
Jillian Nelson GS ’09, ‘13
Lucile Nelson
Rod Nelson
Mary Nestel ‘84
Mark & Angela Newman
Scott Nicholson &
Shelley Strickland Nicholson ‘84
Michael & Suzanne Norberg
Tina Norton
Joan Collins Nugent ‘43
Ralph & Sue Nyquist
Larkin & Kristi O’Keefe
Dennis & Margaret O’Leary
Dorothy O’Neil ‘63
Brandon & Katherine Oakes
Kyle & Audrey Odermann
Michael & Rita Oglesby
Douglas & Paula Ohlde
Old Country Bakery, Inc.
Nanacy Olivares-Johnson
Michael & Elizabeth Ong
Kirk Opdahl
Order of Malta - Kansas City
Bill & Therese Orrick
Sarah Orscheln ‘04
John Oswald & Marlo Donna Oswald ‘88
Sejal Parel
Kathy Parker
Phil & Christi Paschang
Kim Whittaker Pastrana ‘79
Ann Patton
Joey Pennington GS ‘13
Sarah Pennington ‘12
Kristie Pennock
Ernesto & Maura Perez
Zeke Perez
William Koury & Edna Perez-Koury ‘64
Carol Perkins
Jennie Rogers Perry ‘01
Patrick & Tracey Perry
Michael Pesselato & Chiun-Pei Lin
Charles & Karen Peters
Jennifer Peters
Ed Decker & Mary Petersen ‘65
Matthew & Noelle Petersen
John & Melinda Peterson
Karen Brown Phillips ‘86
Kate Pilgreen
Ernie & Karen Pither
Bridget Pivonka
Mary Jean Podrebarac
Sarah Poppa-Smith ‘01
David Poskin & Mari-Lynn Fisher Poskin
John & Violeta Powell
Doug Poyser & Christine Ojile
Peg Prendergast
David Przybylski &
Mieke DeSimone Przybylski ‘93
Georgia Lou Quentin ‘58
Jose Quezada-Martinez
Don & Mary Quinn
Katie Donaldson Raccuglia ‘03
Sharon Radovich
Trina Rand
Edward Rapp & Joan Wald Rapp ‘46
Lester Ratcliff GS ‘80
Loren Rea
Linda Redmond
Bryan Reed &
Dianne DiLorenzo Reed ‘84
Bill & Celia Reed
Patrick & Sarah Regan
Mike & Sheila Reichert
Bob & Carolyn Reintjes
Steve & Mary Reintjes
Mo Rezaiekhaligh
Robert & Nanacy Riccardi
Louise Richardson
Ralph Richardson &
Buffie Cahill Richardson ‘61
D.J. Nolen & Debbie Richmond ‘78
Ali Rieck ‘02
Randy Williams & Lucie Riederer ‘66
Mary Rieger
Hank & Joan Riffe
James Riffe
Fernando & Flordeliza Rivera
Ed & Mary Roberts
Jason Roberts
Sam Robertson &
Bridget Conway Robertson ‘85
Dick Robinson
Edward & Marie Robison
Peggy Rockwell
Joe & Lynn Roh
Gabriel Rojas & Liliana Bautista
Erin Ronell
Bert Roney & Elizabeth Cambar-Roney
Robert & Marta Roney
Dino Schimmel &
Kathy Roos-Schimmel ‘80
Gina Roselli ‘97
Richard & Joyce Rossi
Forrest Roudebush &
Amy Clossick-Roudebush
Ray Caron & Maureen Roult ‘75
Joe Rowan & Jocelyn Starkey Rowan ‘89
Doris Royal
Zachary & Hilary Rudman
Emily Coonfield Saatcioglu ‘95
Sal & Jena San Agustin
Angel & Maria Sandoval
Frank & Judy Santa Maria
Tim Saracini & Rose Crowe Saracini ‘82
Melanie Norris Savner
David Saxton
Kurt & Stephanie Schaffer
Tim & Missy Schaffer
Drew & April Schendel
Laila Scherer
Martin Schermoly &
Denise Kalmus Schermoly ‘77
Christopher & Tara Scherr
Robert Schiller &
Christine Brasser Schiller ‘88
Clyde & Catherine Schiller
Robert & Terry Schirk
Samuel Schissler &
Alison Begley Schissler ‘80
Kevin Schlitzer &
Michelle Salerno Schlitzer ‘81
John & Heather Schneeberger
Mark Schneeberger
Mike & Teresa Schnitker
Joanne Schwartz
Raymond & Audrey Schwegler
Marilyn Schwegman
Clyde Rogers & Claudette Scott-Rogers
Kristen Koenen Seiler ‘04 **
Doug Sell & Kathy Hedges-Sell
Jim & Penny Selle
Laura Sellers ‘04
Charles & Mary Sellmeyer
Jeff & Christine Shankland
Gregg & Cathy Sharp
Bessie Shaw
David & Karla Shepard
John Sheridan &
Suellyn Starkey Sheridan ‘61
Stuart Sherrow
Christy Neenan Shively ‘95
Alex & Joanna Shum
Gary Simmons & Carole Wall-Simmons
Max Simons
Emily Sinovic ‘00
William Sinovic &
Martha Koppes Sinovic ‘72
Mary Sizemore ‘14
Rich & Linda Sizemore
Sarann Slattery
Brandon Smalls &
Monique Newton Smalls GS ’01, ‘05
Jim Smith
Joe & Keely Smith
Rod & Kristen Smith
Rosetta Smith
Mike & Laurie Snell
Firmin & Antoinette Snodell
Libby Snyder ‘10
John & Diane Snyder
Mike Snyder & Melody Petet
Sarah Soden
Steve Soden
Harold & Joyce Solomon
Frank & Gerri Sopyla
Sound Products, Inc.
South K.C. Investment Partners
Theresa Sparks
Scott & Amy Spillman
Pete Spratlin & Kit Phelan Spratlin ‘84
Bo Sriphaiboon ‘11
Tom & Colleen Stack
Andrea Stafford
Ron Stanley
Sally Stanton ‘69
Julianna Steilen ‘15
Erin Stein
Mark Steinhafel &
Julie Swenson Steinhafel ‘81
Keith Stevens
Lloyd Stewart
John & Lisa Steyer
Kristen Schropp Stieg ‘05
Candace Stockton
Steve & Rita Stollman
Kevin Stone & Libby Eppright Stone ‘05
Mary Alice Staggs Strannigan ‘60
Joe Street &
Lara Shepherd Street GS ’91, ‘95
Beth Sullivan
Pat Summers
Doug Sutton
Ann & David Swarts
Doreen Swayze
Bob & Betsy Swift
Jackie Swope
Emily Taft GS ’06, ‘10
Larry & Trina Taft
Maria Tarentino
Tim & Kandis Taylor
Christopher & Sara Teasley
John & Kim Tebbe
The Benevity Community Impact Fund
The Poetry Foundation
Larry Thetford &
Stacey O’Connor Thetford GS ’79, ‘83
Craig & Kati Thomas
Michael & Kimberly Thomas
Jessica Thompson
Peter Thompson &
Katy Craig Thompson ‘99
Sandy Palermo Thomson ‘62
Jack Tidrick
Tom & Jane Tierney
James Timberlake &
Barbara Ward Timberlake ‘71
Nick Timmons &
Megan Houlehan Timmons ‘04
Kelly Timson
James & Beth Tobin
Jon & Kenda Tomes
Kevin & Julie Tomka
Merrill & Elisabeth Toms
Michael & Jenny Torti
Carol Knopke Triplett ‘65
James & Jane True
Daniel Turner & Carol Dziadik Turner
Daniel Turner
John & Becky Turner
Margaret Turner
Paul Turner
Thomas Turner
Lucille Tutera
Luke & Linda Ungashick
Claire Uryasz ‘10
JoAnna Van Draska ‘99
Jenny VanBebber
Mary Kay Purcell VandenBoom ‘49
Amy Vandenbrul
Jill VanLerberg
Voyteck & Teresa Varanka
Joe & Joan Varriano
Matt Vestal & Kim Haake Vestal ‘04
Joseph Virtue
Christine Vitt
Joan Vlach
Jason & Stephanie Volk
Thomas & Christy Vopat
Mike & Kathy Wagner
Michele Waisner
Jay & Jennifer Waldenmeyer
Peggy Walker
Luba Wallace
William Wallrapp &
Jessica Donaldson Wallrapp ‘83
Stephen Walsh
Christine Mary Ward ‘74
Bill Warren & Jean Dasenbrock
Marc & Laura Warrington
Bryan Watkins
Margaret Wettach Watkins ‘34
Laura Watson ‘06
Shawn Watts
Robert Weber &
Patricia Strang Weber ‘45
James & Kathryn Wedermyer
Clayden & Debra Weems
Lauren Van Dyke Weigand ‘00
Thomas & Helen Weis
Scott Weiss &
Gabriella Feadler Weiss ‘99
Liza Weldon
Emily Wessling ‘07
Caroline West
Jesse & Jennifer West
Kay Westendorf
David Westra & Sandy Paylor-Westra
Robert Wheeler
Brian Whittall
Peter Wieczkowski &
Mary Ann Schrack Wieczkowski ‘74
Ted Wiedeman &
Drolette Bradley Wiedeman ‘47
Catherine Wiegand
Winfried Wiegraebe &
Wanda Colon-Cesario
Bruce & Brenda Wieseler
Richard Wilcox &
Jennifer Newstreet Wilcox GS ’57, ‘61
John Wilcox & Melissa Jones Wilcox ‘87
Vanessa Wilde
Kevin Will & Denise Caudron Will ‘81
Donald Willems &
Donna Schnorf Willems
Rick Williams
Steve & Marta Williamson
Mark & Hilde Willis
James Wilson & Barbara Robinson
Maddye Wilson ‘13
Dennis & Janet Wiseman
John & Beverly Wittenborn
Julianne Wojtas
Lauren Fiser Wolff ‘00
Kathleen Wood
Kristin Wood
Shirley Woody
Beverly Jones Woolf ‘78
Brett Wyatt & Sheilahn Davis-Wyatt
Lance & Erin Younce
Sarah Young
Brendan Summers &
Melody Young-Summers
Mark & Janet Zacharias
Eileen Zahner ‘60
Carmen Bolanos Zaia GS ’79, ‘83
Daniel Zarate & Sheila Olivares-Zarate
Marcus Zehnder &
Christy O’Dell Zehnder ‘89
Beringia Zen
Mindy Zhu
Tim & Ashley Zinkus
Charlie & Cathy Zitnik
NOTRE DAME DE SION SCHOOL Annual Report 2014-2015
1 of 7; 14%
Patricia Strang Weber
1 of 4; 25%
Joan Wald Rapp •
An active alumni community helps
keep the Sion legacy alive for the next
generation. If you are interested in
getting more involved with Sion, please
contact Lauren Gyllenborg Golden ’04,
Director of Public Relations and Alumni
Affairs, at or
(816) 942-3282 x2110.
2 of 2; 100%
Adele Heying Korth •
Drolette Bradley Wiedeman
1 of 7; 14%
Mary Kay Purcell VandenBoom
1 of 4; 25%
Laura Herring Cummings
• Alumnae who have also paid Annual
Dues during the 2014-2015 fiscal year.
1 of 4; 25%
Beverly Warren Triefus
1 of 1; 100%
Margaret Wettach Watkins
2 of 10; 20%
Paddy Flanary McCloskey
Anne Wiedeman ∞
1 of 4; 25%
Catherine Pearson McRoskey •
2 of 7; 29%
Theresa Gainey Cromwell
Barbara Riederer Dastoor
1 of 2; 50%
Estelle Glatt Sosland
2 of 4; 50%
Todi Jackson Hughes •
Joan Collins Nugent
CL ASS OF 1956
1 of 8; 13%
Peggy Massman Freeman
Parent Annual Fund Participation
$8,073.50 22%
$26,746.00 40%
$2,105.00 25%
6th Grade
$3,835.00 36%
$13,535.00 37%
4th Grade
$23,644.68 21%
$7,804.68 27%
7th Grade
8th grade
5th Grade
$4,000.00 57%
$3,625.00 20%
$4,005.00 43%
3rd Grade
2nd Grade
1st Grade
$620.00 25%
$8,925.00 55%
$3,236.00 33%
$3,621.00 34%
Alumni Annual Fund Participation
$100 25%
$120 100%
$106 11%
$100 25%
$1,000 25%
$530 29%
$150 13%
$225 18%
$138 17%
$278 24%
$2,510 10%
$1,025 13%
$1,355 29%
$1,365 34%
$2,815 37%
$1,095 8%
$100 4%
$1,380 36%
$1,075 17%
$2,675 19%
$30,834 15%
$300 4%
$955 12%
$1,300 8%
$1,885 14%
$1,676 17%
$800 11%
$870 15%
$1,528 9%
$615 7%
$3,330 12%
$2,030 7%
$1,950 6%
$203 6%
$10 2%
$788 9%
$735 11%
$545 9%
$328 6%
$155 3%
$440 11%
$256 8%
$328 7%
$856 7%
$303 7%
$160 5%
$73 4%
NOTRE DAME DE SION SCHOOL Annual Report 2014-2015
CL ASS OF 1957
1 of 10; 10%
Patricia Cleary Miller •
Jamie Kroll Farris •
Anne Nugent Guignon
CL ASS OF 1958
2 of 11; 18%
Suzie Fleming •
Georgia Lou Quentin •
CL ASS OF 1968
3 of 40; 8%
Michelle Hobson Bauer •
Anne McLiney Cox •
Mary Ward
CL ASS OF 1960
4 of 24; 17%
Cathy Cleary Hagman
Elizabeth Staggs Merz •
Mary Alice Staggs Strannigan
Eileen Zahner •
CL ASS OF 1969
4 of 36; 11%
Helen Stenson Arnold •
Carla Novak Gish •
Julie Batrick Hess •
Kathy Dolan McShane •
CL ASS OF 1961
5 of 17; 29%
Nancy Paradise Donaldson
Toby Tobias Hall •
Buffie Cahill Richardson •
Suellyn Starkey Sheridan •
Jennifer Newstreet Wilcox •
CL ASS OF 1970
1 of 28; 4%
Mary Loftus Freeman
CL ASS OF 1962
2 of 21; 10%
Dianne Selders Hogerty •
Sandy Palermo Thomson
CL ASS OF 1963
2 of 16; 13%
Betsy McAnany Alexander
Dorothy O’Neil
CL ASS OF 1964
6 of 21; 29%
Barbara Ott Bobo
Mary Loy Dennis Brown •
Jody Ladd Craig •
Paula Kienberger Jaudes
Mathilde Kearny-Kibble •
Edna Perez-Koury •
CL ASS OF 1965
9 of 29; 31%
Karen Ohrazda Bayne •
Donna Wright Beckman •
Lisa Phillips Dressler
Susan Hughes Hunter
Mary Jane McManus Latino •
Sherrill Mulhern •
Mary Petersen •
Betsy Bascom Sittenfeld •
Carol Knopke Triplett •
CL ASS OF 1966
10 of 27; 37%
Josephine Bascom Alexander
Lynn Mohr Dosemagen •
Kathy Sullivan Gutowski
Toni Garcia Lippincott
Loretta Loftus •
Nancy Cotter Lund
Rosemary Gargotta Meyers
Lucie Riederer •
Susan Stanton
Sheila Hughes Weiford •
CL ASS OF 1967
3 of 24; 13%
Joanna Barbieri Craig •
CL ASS OF 1971
7 of 22; 32%
Lucie McCallum Black •
Elizabeth Byrnes Brunson •
Betsy Hansel •
Kathy Doody Lynch •
Mary McGee
Barbara Ward Timberlake
Mary Stockley Zigtema •
CL ASS OF 1972
7 of 41; 17%
Julia Alvarez
Mary Robinson Frautschy •
Tina Gierster Hintz
Rocio Huet
Julie Martin Lester
Susan Zunick Robards •
Martha Koppes Sinovic
CL ASS OF 1973
1 of 31; 3%
Susan Murphy
CL ASS OF 1974
5 of 31; 16%
Kate McQueeny Franaszek
Theresa Cernich Newcomer
Andrea Roschke
Christine Mary Ward
Mary Ann Schrack Wieczkowski
CL ASS OF 1975
6 of 31; 19%
Belinda Buchanan Burnworth •
Sheila Calovich
Carolyn McCrary Keller
Carol Schweiger Meharry
Margaret Raymond
Maureen Roult
CL ASS OF 1976
6 of 39; 15%
Jennifer Buchanan Diaz-Arrastia •
Diane Medved Harper •
Sarah Cunningham Jurcyk
JoAnn McCroy Kunkel
Meff Brennan Lebar •
Mary Owens Shanahan •
CL ASS OF 1977
2 of 57; 4%
Suzanne Scali Gilson
Denise Kalmus Schermoly
CL ASS OF 1978
6 of 49; 12%
Susie Bowers Branch •
Shannon Hartigan Darab •
Celeste Migliazzo Greenlee •
Brenda Holt •
Ruthann Gotschall Matz •
Debbie Richmond
CL ASS OF 1979
5 of 59; 8%
Jane Wade Dixon
Patty Coe Dwyer
Leslie Piper Humphrey
Eileen Crowe Johnson •
Kim Whittaker-Pastrana
CL ASS OF 1980
8 of 56; 14%
Karen Ciston Bustamante
Kim Corrigan Dodson •
Patty Hopfinger Funderburg •
Teresa Gaines
Yvette Huet •
Michele Jette Newman
Kathy Roos Schimmel •
Alison Begley Schissler
CL ASS OF 1981
11 of 66; 17%
Monica Blaise Browne •
Jane Gotschall Coelho
Siobhan Kean Greene
Amy O’Leary Holsinger
Renee Miller
Dana Mischlich
Kelly Murphy Plate
Michelle Salerno Schlitzer
Anna Molle Stasi
Julie Swenson Steinhafel
Denise Caudron Will •
CL ASS OF 1982
1 of 55; 2%
Andrea Eddy
CL ASS OF 1983
8 of 71; 11%
Kathy Wickey Bishop
Margaret Kelly
Shelley Lair
Denise Courville McCarthy
Olivia Merveille
Stacey O’Connor Thetford
Jessica Donaldson Wallrapp
Carmen Bolanos Zaia
CL ASS OF 1984
5 of 76; 7%
Mary Faubion Arling
Kathy Dresel Bonacini
Cheryl Triola Howard
Rita Blaise Mathews
Mary Nestel •
CL ASS OF 1985
7 of 82; 9%
Gina Crowe Bauman
Jenny Huerter Cruz
Susannah Evans
Renee Dehaemers Heck •
Marika Miller Ivanko
Sharon Wilkerson Keller •
Bridget Conway Robertson •
CL ASS OF 1986
6 of 82; 7%
Molly Blaise Allison •
Christina Mesina Crawford •
Dawn Diamond
Susan Engel
Lindsay Cook Jurden
Karen Brown Phillips
CL ASS OF 1987
7 of 68; 10%
Ericka Curls Bartling
Maureen McMeel Carroll
Tina Fitzgerald
Jennifer Furlong Musto
Paetra Desmarteau Serra •
Julie Mueller Thornton •
Melissa Jones Wilcox
CL ASS OF 1988
2 of 70; 3%
Missy Webb Giocondo
Michele Wilkerson Lillis
CL ASS OF 1989
4 of 66; 6%
Kara Lynch Ciocca
Michelle Mesina •
Jocelyn Starkey Rowan •
Christy O’Dell Zehnder
CL ASS OF 1992
3 of 49; 6%
Kirsten Fischer Bobber •
Shannon Ervin Condon
Teri Martin
CL ASS OF 1993
1 of 46; 2%
Mieke DeSimone Przybylski
CL ASS OF 1994
4 of 46; 9%
Jennifer Williams Beckley
Becky Newendyke Chapp
Colleen McGurk Kazmierski •
Emily Dittmeier Taylor •
CL ASS OF 1995
6 of 54; 11%
Theresa Lorenz Dodds
Brooke Miller
Emily Coonfield Saatcioglu
Christy Neenan Shively •
Lara Shepherd Street
Emily Hack Venanzi
CL ASS OF 1996
3 of 34; 9%
Sarah Lanser Dice •
Natalie Marshall Klaus
Sushma Reddy Lueder •
CL ASS OF 1997
3 of 50; 6%
Debby Singer Bell •
Renee Dehaemers Heck
Gina Roselli •
CL ASS OF 1998
2 of 58; 3%
Tracy Goetz Hall •
Megan Mitchell
CL ASS OF 1999
6 of 66; 9%
Crissa Seymour Cook
Risa Hall
Megan Switzer Morris •
Katy Craig Thompson
JoAnna Van Draska
Gabriella Feadler Weiss
CL ASS OF 2000
7 of 85; 8%
Carrie Rupp Bairrington
Carolyn Hack Davis
Lauren Noble Groom
Katie Przybylski Knapp
Emily Sinovic •
Lauren Van Dyke
Lauren Fiser Wolff •
CL ASS OF 2001
5 of 86; 6%
Sarah Angold-Arnold •
Christine Hall •
Meg Mahoney
Jennie Rogers Perry •
Sarah Poppa-Smith
CL ASS OF 2002
9 of 107; 8%
Emily Love Achberger
Lucy Feierabend
Kirsten Bontrager Flanagan •
Rebecca Teel Harpole •
Teresa Meagher Lingreen
Amy Huber Moritz •
In memory of Julie Ptacek ∞
Ali Rieck
Lauren Soulis •
CL ASS OF 2003
7 of 96; 7%
Caroline Eppright
Alison Filla
Liz Gleeson
Sara Koehler •
Audra Leis
Michelle Mellard
Katie Donaldson Raccuglia •
CL ASS OF 2004
17 of 114; 15%
Lauren Cimpl •
Betsy Clifford
Anna Thill Crenwelge
Erin Donnelly •
Lauren Duffey
Lisa Frantze Gaetano
Erin Cromer Giannantonio
Lauren Gyllenborg Golden
Katie Myers Johnson
Colleen Kelly
Katie Cotter Kelsheimer
Julie Lederer •
Sarah Orscheln
Kristen Koenen Seiler •
Laura Sellers •
Megan Houlehan Timmons •
Kim Haake Vestal
CL ASS OF 2005
7 of 103; 7%
Maggie Quirarte Bates
Elizabeth Bonney
Annie Johnson Doisy
Monique Newton Smalls
Kristen Schropp Stieg •
Libby Eppright Stone
Justine Uryasz
CL ASS OF 2006
4 of 101; 4%
Anna Florzak •
Gabbie Greenlee •
Stephanie Hall
Laura Watson
CL ASS OF 2007
5 of 104; 5%
Anne Foster
Alexis Fuemmeler
Cari Griggs
Becky Haden •
Emily Wessling
CL ASS OF 2008
4 of 109; 4%
Bridget Haake
Erin Hardin •
Tara Holderness
Sam Keil •
CL ASS OF 2009
2 of 100; 2%
Rebecca Johnson
Beka Knackstedt •
CL ASS OF 2010
4 of 99; 4%
Sam Cocks
Libby Snyder
Emily Taft
Claire Uryasz
CL ASS OF 2011
2 of 114; 2%
Kate Ptacek
Bo Sriphaiboon
CL ASS OF 2013
2 of 96; 2%
Jillian Nelson
Maddye Wilson
CL ASS OF 2012
1 of 99; 1%
Sarah Pennington
CL ASS OF 2014
1 of 91; 1%
Mary Sizemore
NOTRE DAME DE SION SCHOOL Annual Report 2014-2015
The Loayal Sionians was established
to provide recognition to high school
alumnae that contribute to the Annual
Fund for 5 or more consecutive years.
Gifts designated to areas other than
the Annual Fund are not considered
when determining membership in
the Loyal Sionians. Membership will
continue until a fiscal year passes in
which the member does not make a gift
to the Annual Fund.
20+ Years Annual Fund Giving
Molly Blaise Allison ‘86
Karen Ohrazda Bayne ‘65
Belinda Buchanan Burnworth ‘75
Catherine Pearson McRoskey ‘40
Susan Zunick Robards ‘72
Sheila Hughes Weiford ‘66
10 - 19 Years Annual Fund Giving
Sarah Angold-Arnold ‘01
Kirsten Fischer Bobber ‘92
Barbara Ott Bobo ‘64
Mary Loy Dennis Brown ‘64
Monica Blaise Browne ‘81
Karen Ciston Bustamante ‘80
Anne McLiney Cox ‘68
Jennifer Buchanan Diaz-Arrastia ‘7619
Andrea Eddy ‘82
Suzie Fleming ‘58
Patty Hopfinger Funderburg ‘80 12
Celeste Migliazzo Greenlee ‘78
Kathy Sullivan Gutowski ‘66
Betsy Hansel ‘71
Renee Dehaemers Heck ‘85
Eileen Crowe Johnson ‘79
Sharon Wilkerson Keller ‘85
Katie Przybylski Knapp ‘00
Kathy Dolan McShane ‘69
Elizabeth Staggs Merz ‘60
Edna Perez-Koury ‘64
Mary Petersen ‘65
Mieke DeSimone Przybylski ‘93
Georgia Lou Quentin ‘58
Kristen Koenen Seiler ‘04
Betsy Bascom Sittenfeld ‘65
Susan Stanton ‘66
Julie Swenson Steinhafel ‘81
Mary Alice Staggs Strannigan ‘60 11
Mary Ward ‘68
Jennifer Newstreet Wilcox ‘61
Melissa Jones Wilcox ‘87
Mary Stockley Zigtema ‘71
5 - 9 Years Annual Fund Giving
Emily Love Achberger ‘02
Josephine Bascom Alexander ‘66
Maggie Quirarte Bates ‘05
Gina Crowe Bauman ‘85
Donna Wright Beckman ‘65
Lucie McCallum Black ‘71
Susie Bowers Branch ‘78
Lauren Cimpl ‘04
Kara Lynch Ciocca ‘89
Shannon Ervin Condon ‘92
Crissa Seymour Cook ‘99
Jody Ladd Craig ‘64
Shanda Heenan Cruciani ‘87
Laura Herring Cummings ‘50
Shannon Hartigan Darab ‘78
Dawn Diamond ‘86
Sarah Lanser Dice ‘96
Nancy Paradise Donaldson ‘61
Lynn Mohr Dosemagen ‘66
Jamie Kroll Farris ‘67
Lucy Feierabend ‘02
Anna Florzak ‘06
Missy Robinson Frautschy ‘72
Mary Loftus Freeman ‘70
Alison Cotter Gifford ‘01
Suzanne Scali Gilson ‘77
Missy Webb Giocondo ‘88
Lauren Gyllenborg Golden ‘04
Gabbie Greenlee ‘06
Anne Nugent Guignon ‘67
Becky Haden ‘07
Christine Hall ‘01
Tracy Goetz Hall ‘98
Erin Hardin ‘08
Julie Batrick Hess ‘69
Dianne Selders Hogerty ‘62
Rocio Huet ‘72
Leslie Piper Humphrey ‘79
Paula Kienberger Jaudes ‘64
Katie Myers Johnson ‘04
Rebecca Johnson ‘09
Natalie Marshall Klaus ‘96
JoAnn McCroy Kunkel ‘76
Julie Lederer ‘04
Fran Crowe Lester ‘84
Michele Wilkerson Lillis ‘88
Loretta Loftus ‘66
Sushma Reddy Lueder ‘96
Kathy Doody Lynch ‘71
Tracy Davis Mackey ‘88
Teri Martin ‘92
Rita Blaise Mathews ‘84
Denise Courville McCarthy ‘83
Paddy Flanary McCloskey ‘53
Alexis Fuemmeler Melloy ‘07
Rosemary Gargotta Meyers ‘66
Brooke Miller ‘95
Dana Mischlich ‘81
Megan Mitchell ‘98
Jennifer Furlong Musto ‘87
Theresa Cernich Newcomer ‘74
Karen Brown Phillips ‘86
Buffie Cahill Richardson ‘61
Debbie Richmond ‘78
Lucie Riederer ‘66
Andrea Roschke ‘74
Michelle Salerno Schlitzer ‘81
Laura Sellers ‘04
Paetra Desmarteau Serra ‘87
Mary Owens Shanahan ‘76
Emily Sinovic ‘00
Lauren Soulis ‘02
Sally Stanton ‘69
Anna Molle Stasi ‘81
Emily Dittmeier Taylor ‘94
Julie Mueller Thornton ‘87
Barbara Ward Timberlake ‘71
Megan Houlehan Timmons ‘04
Carol Knopke Triplett ‘65
Claire Uryasz ‘10
Justine Uryasz ‘05
Jessica Donaldson Wallrapp ‘83
Margaret Wettach Watkins ‘34
Mary Ann Schrack Wieczkowski ‘74
Drolette Bradley Wiedeman ‘47
Lauren Fiser Wolff ‘00
Eileen Zahner ‘60
CL ASS OF 1957
Jennifer Marie Newstreet Wilcox •
CL ASS OF 1958
Dianne Selders Hogerty •
Cathy Hughes Marx
CL ASS OF 1980
Simon McGee
Lester Ratcliff
CL ASS OF 1981
Marika Miller Ivanko
CL ASS OF 1961
Sherrill Mulhern •
CL ASS OF 1982
Christina Mesina Crawford •
CL ASS OF 1962
Sheila Hughes Weiford •
CL ASS OF 1985
Michelle Mesina •
CL ASS OF 1965
Kathy Dolan McShane •
CL ASS OF 1996
Lauren Noble Groom
CL ASS OF 1966
Mary Loftus Freeman
CL ASS OF 1998
Emily Love Achberger
CL ASS OF 1967
Mary McGee
CL ASS OF 2001
Annie Johnson Doisy
Monique Newton Smalls
CL ASS OF 1971
Sheila Calovich
CL ASS OF 1972
Diane Medved Harper •
CL ASS OF 1975
Leslie Piper Humphrey
CL ASS OF 1978
Chris Kostelac
Mary Hogerty Needham
Beverly Jones Woolf
CL ASS OF 1979
Shelley Lair
Stacey O’Connor Thetford
Carmen Bolanos Zaia
CL ASS OF 2002
Anna Florzak •
CL ASS OF 2003
Cari Griggs
CL ASS OF 2004
Adam Ingersoll
CL ASS OF 2006
Emily Taft
CL ASS OF 2009
Jillian Nelson
CL ASS OF 2013
Joey Pennington
The Guardian Angel Society is for
grandparents who make a gift to
the Annual Fund. Grandparents and
Guardian Angels share unique roles.
They watch over those they love,
applaud their achievements, pray
for their successes, and guide them
to bright futures. Grandparents are
recognized as Guardian Angels at any
gift level and honor the grandchildren
they love.
Dave & Joan Abbott
Madeleine Campbell ‘15
Jerry Adams
Angelina Adams ‘17
Zeke & Gloria Amador
Paloma Amador GS ‘22
Zeke Amador IV GS ‘22
Alfred Arreguin
Natalie Arreguin ‘17
Bernie Bahner
Lucy Bahner ‘17
John & Bev Barry
Lexi Smith ‘18
Abby Smith ‘17
Robert & Alice Bergeron
Ana Colliton GS ‘17
Jean Bessenbacher
Olivia Sopyla GS ‘17
Paige Sopyla GS ‘15
Natalie Sopyla GS ‘12, ‘16
Jim & Mary Blaise
Maddie Browne GS ‘11, ‘15
Ken & Mary Bolen
Ellie Magsamen ‘18
Claire Magsamen ‘16
Roger & DeVera Broderick
Cassidy Broderick GS ‘20
Jack Broderick GS ‘18
Barbara Brown
Mary Helen Guastello ‘16
Jim & Judy Budde
Alyssa Bolton ‘18
Jenna Bolton ‘15
Frank & Lois Burnham
Elizabeth Burnham ‘16
Jim & Hortense Burr
Jordan Wolf GS ‘18
Ann Campbell
Madeleine Campbell ‘15
Bill & Judy Chastain
Avery Brundige GS ‘17
Elsa Brundige GS ‘13, ‘17
Helen Connors
Emilie Connors ‘18
Peter Connors
Emilie Connors ‘18
Dennis & Mary Cook
Sophie Henkle GS ‘17
Lily Henkle GS ‘16
Moe & Bobbi Courville
Molly McCarthy ‘15
Jim & Gloria Danda
Zoe Trouve ‘17
Roger & Nancy Danley
Sam Wilson GS ‘15, ‘19
George & Patty Donnelly
Katie Donnelly ‘16
Kirk & Holly Douglass
Aynslee Douglass, Montessori
Macauley Douglass GS ‘22
Luethel Durden
Kayla Durden, Montessori
Kameron Durden GS ‘20
Madeleine Fadool
Madeleine Campbell ‘15
John & Dianne Farmer
Eva Farmer GS ‘21
Abby Farmer GS ‘17
Joe & Malda Farnham
Avery Brundige GS ‘17
Elsa Brundige GS ‘13, ‘17
Audrey & Bessie Fleming
Kenzie Warren GS ‘18
Chris Warren GS ‘16
Ken Fligg
Grace Frame ‘18
Gene Freeman &
Peggy Massman Freeman ‘56
Mary B. Freeman ‘15
Larry & Joyce French
Kate Sullivan ‘18
Chris Fuller
Jordan Fuller GS ‘21
Bea Gazett
Erin Mills ‘16
Tom & Therese Grojean
Isabel Grojean ‘15
Robert & Kathryn Guezuraga
Lorenzo Guezuraga, Montessori
Penelope Guezuraga GS ‘20
John & Pam Gyllenborg
Daphne Golden, Montessori
George & Paula Hahn
Kannon Hudson GS ‘23
Carolyn Hamilton
Jessica Hamilton GS ‘22
Bill & Mary Harte
Rose Crowe ‘19
Carolyn Crowe ‘16
Lorrette Hedges
Anna Sell ‘16
Jerry & Barbara Henkemeyer
Caton Wilson ‘16
Charles & Diantha Hicks
Aree Tomes GS ‘12, ‘16
Betty Holliday
Ruth Holliday GS ‘18
Luke Holliday GS ‘17
John & Cecile Holliday
Ruth Holliday GS ‘18
Luke Holliday GS ‘17
Tom & Carol Hynek
Claire Shankland GS ‘19
Max Shankland GS ‘19
Paige Shankland GS ‘14, ‘18
Joanne Jacobs
Anna Demetree ‘16
Carol & Paul Jacobson
James Pantaenius, Montessori
Abby Pantaenius GS ‘20
Jacob Pantaenius GS ‘19
Max Pantaenius GS ‘15
Ron & Deborah Jensen
Oliver Jensen GS ‘23
Paige Dernier GS ‘18
Mike & Diana Johnson
Delilah Chavis GS ‘16
Chuck & Carol Jones
Mary Kate Wilcox GS ‘13, ‘17
Barbara Judd
Noah Lavy GS ‘16
Al & Mary Kathleen Kaine
Josephine Kaine GS ‘17
Celia Kaine GS ‘14, ‘18
Gerald & Elizabeth Kempker
Sarah Totta ‘18
Nancy Kincaid
Wilson Habiger GS ‘24
Kincaid Habiger GS ‘22
Ann Guilfoyle Koppers
Melissa Koppers ‘19
Kameron Koppers ‘17
Adele Heying Korth ‘47
Natalie Williams ‘17
Jessica Korth ‘16
Denny Krupp
Peyton Dow ‘18
John Shanklin & Barbara Langley
Paisley O’Brien, Montessori
Maren O’Brien GS ‘21
Kay Lappin
Clare Lappin GS ‘14, ‘18
Beverly Leggett
Courtney Linscott ‘15
Walt & Shirley Marnett
Abby McLiney ‘17
John & Maryvonne Marshall
Valerie Klaus, Montessori
Marshall Klaus GS ‘23
Fred & Teresa Martinez
Graedon Martinez GS ‘16
John Marx &
Cathy Hughes Marx GS ‘58
Molly Marx GS ‘13, ‘17
Catie Marx ‘15
Ed & Julianne McCabe
Georgia McCabe GS ‘20
Rick & Nancy McCoy
Amelia Bridges GS ‘21
Marlene McGuire
Maria Wagner ‘15
George & Laurie McLiney
Abby McLiney ‘17
Terence & Ree Merrigan
Honor Schleicher ‘17
Aubrey Morrison
Isaac Hollins, Montessori
Leah Hollins GS ‘20
Iman Hollins GS ‘18
James & Ann Mueller
Jenn Mueller, Montessori
Ella Mueller GS ‘22
Anne Mulcahey
Anna Oliphant ‘17
Ralph & Dana Myers
Aynslee Douglass, Montessori
Macauley Douglass GS ‘22
Lucile Nelson
Micah Nelson GS ‘15
Rosalie O’Connell
Rachel Doctor ‘17
Lizzie O’Connell ‘17
Bill & Therese Orrick
Marie Orrick ‘17
Carol Perkins
Joanna Jessee GS ‘22
John & Melinda Peterson
Amelia Bodde ‘16
Louise Richardson
Caroline Hunter GS ‘15, ‘19
Hank & Joan Riffe
Piper Riffe GS ‘20
Liesl Riffe GS ‘18
Fernando & Flordeliza Rivera
Isabella Rivera GS ‘21
Edward & Marie Robison
Rebecca Jacobs ‘16
Robert & Marta Roney
Victoria Roney, Montessori
Richard & Joyce Rossi
Mary Evans ‘18
Joanne Schwartz
Meg Schwartz ‘18
Ellie Schwartz ‘16
Clyde Rogers &
Claudette Scott-Rogers
Nia Scott ‘15
Michael & Sunday Siragusa
Catherine Henne ‘18
Michaela Henne GS ‘11, ‘15
Bob & Charlene Slater
Katie Hummel ‘18
Rosetta Smith
Lauren Wyatt GS ‘14, ‘18
Firmin & Antoinette Snodell
Natalie Moussa ‘17
Fred & Marlene Snyder
Olivia Garrison ‘16
Frank & Gerri Sopyla
Olivia Sopyla GS ‘17
Paige Sopyla GS ‘15
Natalie Sopyla GS ‘12, ‘16
Patricia Summers
Edanne Summers ‘17
Sydney Summers ‘15
Ann & David Swarts
Finn Ingram, Montessori
Gabe Ingram, Montessori
Tom & Jane Tierney
Esobel Moore ‘17
Voyteck Varanka & Teresa Varanka
Kannon Hudson GS ‘23
Mike & Kathy Wagner
Maria Wagner ‘15
James & Arlene Waldman
Beth Borgmeyer ‘16
Caroline West
Isadora Comens GS ‘12, ‘16
Kay Westendorf
Meredith George GS ‘11, ‘15
Patrick Wilkerson
Catherine Wilkerson ‘18
Anna Lillis ‘16
Maggie Keller ‘16
Bob & Marie Wilson
Caton Wilson ‘16
Shirley Woody
Lia Siro GS ‘15
Sarah Young
Maddie Young ‘18
Abbie Young ‘15
Raymond & Carmitia Yust
Megan Ostrander ‘17
Stephanie Ostrander ‘16
NOTRE DAME DE SION SCHOOL Annual Report 2014-2015
A memorial or honor gift is a
meaningful way to celebrate someone
important to you. Your gift reflects your
desire to make a lasting impact on the
lives of others, just as your honoree has
done for you. Honorees and tributes are
listed in bold.
Stephanie Ostrander '16 &
Megan Ostrander '17
Raymond & Carmitia Yust
Ann Uryasz's birthday
Mary Beth Cicchetti
Maddye Wilson '13
Rob & Barb Wilson
A sweet friendship refreshes the soul.
Proverbs 27:9
Though I walk through the valley of the
shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for
you are with me. Psalm 23:4
Sarah Hoehn Boozer's marriage
Kent & Christine Crippin
Lionel J. & Mary R. Bowers
Robert Branch &
Susie Bowers Branch '78
Neva Chapp
David Chapp &
Becky Newendyke Chapp '94
William H. Conway, Jr.
Mike & Karen Van Dyke
Grade School classes of
'78, '79 & '80
Mike Devine GS '79
Mike & Susan Gretzinger
Chris Kostelac GS '78
Simon McGee GS '80 & Anne Gagel
Olivia Merveille '83
J.D. Michaels GS '80
Dan Needham &
Mary Hogerty Needham GS '78
Lester Ratcliff GS '80
Larry Thetford &
Stacey O'Connor Thetford GS '79, '83
Liza Krenkel Weldon
Beverly Jones Woolf GS '78
Carmen Bolanos Zaia GS '79, '83
Ana Colliton GS '17
Robert & Alice Bergeron
April Evans '85 & Candace Heflin '98
Doug & Saralu Evans
Abby Farmer GS '17 &
Eva Farmer GS '21
John & Dianne Farmer
Robert E. Fitzgerald
upon his retirement
Frank & Ann Uryasz
Aurelia Fleming
Suzie Fleming '58
Isabel & Sophie Heidelmann's
Georg Heidelmann & Kelda Jackson
Bill & Alison Patterson
Rick Robards &
Susan Zunick Robards '72
Randy Willis & Mary Turner
Abby Jurgeson '16
Ray & Helyn Agee
Evelyn Foley
Patrick Wilkerson
Jim Garbeff
Patty Garbeff
Carol Koke
Dean Mazzanti &
Barbara Morris Mazzanti '91
Sr. Lucienne Marek, NDS
Andrea Eddy '82
Ray Caron & Maureen Roult '75
Katherine Molyneaux
Kent & Stephanie Barnow
Greg & Lisa Bernard
Curtis & Jennifer Krizek
Chuck & Anna Naylor
Steve & Mary Reintjes
Jim O'Connell
Bob & Vicki Fitzgerald
Paul & Anne Orrick
Robert Schiller &
Christine Brasser Schiller '88
John & Heather Schneeberger
Marilyn Schwegman
John & Beverly Wittenborn
Patricia Marie Thompson '84
Dale Bennett &
Becky Podrebarac Bennett '71
Teresa Bohon
Dick & Jane Bruening
Anthony Cardarella &
Laine Thorpe Cardarella '84
Patricia Cleary Miller '57
Kevin & Anne Connor
Jeff & Carol Crowe
Joe & Laura Crowe
Michael & Nancy Czinege
Glen & Catherine Davis
Scott & Jane Ferber
Ken Fligg
Ted & Anne Foster
Gene Freeman &
Peggy Massman Freeman '56
Tom & Kelly Fritzlen
Kevin Gralen &
Mary Jeanne Solomon Gralen '84
Barnett & Shirley Helzberg
Joseph & Patricia Hemberger
Robert Howard &
Cheryl Triola Howard '84
Rob & Patty Hummel
Ann Guilfoyle Koppers
Bill & Missy Koppers
David & Blythe Launder
Matt Lester & Fran Crowe Lester '84
Mazie Long
Todd Mackey &
Tracy Davis Mackey GS '84, '88
John Marx & Cathy Hughes Marx GS '58
Tom & Sharon McCullough
Fred & Virginia Merrill
Ron & Diana Messick
Michael &
Marlys Haverty Family Foundation
Jack & Jackie Miller
Missouri Bankers Association
Bill & Alice Munninghoff
Scott Nicholson &
Shelley Strickland Nicholson '84
Rosalie O'Connell
Mary Jean Podrebarac
Bryan Reed &
Dianne DiLorenzo Reed '84
Bob & Carolyn Reintjes
Dick Robinson
Bob & Charlene Slater
Harold & Joyce Solomon
Sound Products, Inc.
South K.C. Investment Partners
Pete Spratlin & Kit Phelan Spratlin '84
Larry & Joan Ward
Tom Weiford &
Sheila Hughes Weiford GS '62, '66
Robert Wheeler
Tom & Lissa Whittaker
Patrick Wilkerson
Charlie & Cathy Zitnik
Sr. Betty Curtis White, NDS '32
Andrea Eddy '82
Sr. Geraldyne Williams, NDS '25
Dennis Gish & Carla Novak Gish '69
Michael T. Zak
Kathy Zak Dillon
Cathleen Green Purcell '23
Mary Kay Purcell VandenBoom '49
Constance Schneeberger
Larrie & Judy Bates
Brad & Kelly Chandler
John Cruciani &
Shanda Heenan Cruciani '87
Lee & Joan Edson
Michael Fitzgerald
Emily Gilbride
Richard & Barbara Hagele
Ray & Judy Johns
Helen Kramer
Don & Elaine Martin
Kelly Ann Molle '88
Douglas & Paula Ohlde
Notre Dame de Sion School would like
to recognize those companies and
foundations who support the personal
philanthropy of their employees.
Matching gift programs increase the
impact of a donor’s generosity by
doubling or even tripling their gifts.
This list recognizes those matching gift
companies who have donated to Notre
Dame de Sion School this past year.
Individuals, corporations and
organizations made a variety of in-kind
gifts to Notre Dame de Sion School
during the past year. We thank these
donors for their material support. This
list does not include items donated
to our Gala Auction, which were
recognized in the event programs.
These lists reflect new pledges and
gifts made between July 1, 2014
and June 30, 2015.
American Century Investments
FM Global Foundation
Google Matching Gifts Program
Hall Family Foundation
Hallmark Cards, Inc.
Pfizer Foundation Matching
Gifts Program
Prier Products, Inc.
Principal Financial Group
Foundation, Inc.
Quest Diagnostics
Sprint Foundation
The Sosland Foundation
American Eagle
Jay Fisher
Frankly Basic
Great Clips - Leawood
Gary Lakey
Lululemon Athletica
Ted & Lori Maguire
Charles C. Murphy
Red Door Grille
Jim & Penny Selle
Sheridan's Unforked
Sion Shoppe
Statements Cards, Gifts & Fine Stationary
Treat America Food Services
Tropical Sno KC
Vera Bradley
Georg Heidelmann & Kelda Jackson
Bill & Alison Patterson
Rick Robards &
Susan Zunick Robards '72
Randy Willis & Mary Turner
Anonymous (7)
Neal & Monica Angrisano
Mark & Janice Anwander
Steve & Kerri Baranowski
Steve & Becky Beck
John & Kim Behnken
Dan & Janelle Benninghoff
Joe & Linda Blando
Gerry & Kelly Brenneman
Roger & DeVera Broderick
Chace & Anne Brundige
David & Laura Byers
Bob & Kristy Carter
Matt & Ann Ciani
David Cimpl & Laura Foley
CLO Family Foundation
Jeff & Ruth Colyer
Shane & Jennifer Cordes
Tom & Beth Crook
Tony & Rory Cucchiara
Paul & Elaine Daly
Mark & Christina Demetree
Bruce Doctor
Andy & Becca Dopheide
Chuck & Marilyn Dreas
James & Kathryn Dussold
Jim & Fareda Eddy
Nick & Erika Ellwanger
Jeff & Lisa Englert
Wes & Lorene Faulconer
Mark & Amy Fennewald
Anna Florzak GS '02, '06
Tom & Molly Freeman
Brett & Melissa Frerking
Andy & Amy Gansner
David Garrison &
Tammy Snyder Garrison
John & Melissa Giocondo
Michele Gregory
Bonnie Haghirian
Chris & Kristy Hane
Ed & Kathy Hauptmann
John & Cathy Healy
Pat & Shannon Healy
Jeff & Suzanne Henkle
Mark & Kelly Hense
David & Angela Hickman
Larry & Paula Hollenbeck
Rob & Patty Hummel
Jeff & Kim Ingram
Mark & Therese Ismert
Ron & Patty Jurgeson
John & Kaki Kahl
Pat Kaine & Joanne Barbera
Jerry & Judy Karlin
Paul & Patty Keane
Sean & Pam Kearney
Dan Keller & Sharon Wilkerson Keller '85
Terry Kilroy &
Marianne Maurin Kilroy '73
David & Shanna Kimmis
Bruce & Jackie King
Tom & Melissa Knox
Bill & Missy Koppers
Ray & Jill Kowalik
James J. Lawlor, Jr.
The Family of Jiho Lee '18
Keith & Terri Lilek
Brian & Christie Makar
Matt O'Laughlin & Amy Maloney
Nick Manning &
Patti Poskin Manning '85
Andrew & Jackie Marquardt
Cam & Ellen Martin
Michael Carroll &
Maureen McMeel Carroll '87 /
The McMeel Family Foundation
Ken & Nancy Mellard
Reynold & Elizabeth Middleton
John & Connie Murphy
Jim & Susan Nedelco
Notre Dame de Sion Booster Club
Dan O'Connell &
Lisa Schultes-O'Connell
Mark & Lynne O'Connell
Paul & Anne Orrick
Bud & Cyndi Ostrander
The Family of Suhyun Park '18
Mark & Bridget Pereira
Tim & Amy Redmond
Rick Robards &
Susan Zunick Robards '72
Tom & Rhonda Rogge
Mike & Sheila Sanders
Mike & Margo Shepard
Debbie Simpson
Rik Siro & Teresa Woody
Craig & Linda Smith
Mark & Beth Soukup
Bill & Julia Steilen
Rick & Mary Stingley
Beth Sullivan
Kurt & Elaine Swope
Marc & Michelle Trouve
Kevin & Julie Tushaus
Bob & Mary Tyson
John Ulowetz &
Kim Delaney Ulowetz '88
Gafo & Barbara Visesio
Thomas & Christy Vopat
Jeff Weinrich &
Louisa Neenan Weinrich '85
Richard & Barbara Wiens
Kevin & Debbie Wilkerson
Christopher & Stacie Young
NOTRE DAME DE SION SCHOOL Annual Report 2014-2015
When you support scholarships and
funds at Sion you open doors and
change lives.
Expendable Scholarships
and Funds
Expendable scholarships and funds are
distributed in the same year that they
are received.
Gary Adams Scholarship
Hoehn Family Scholarship
Sponsored Scholarship
Uryasz Family Scholarship
Daly Family Ring Fund
Rachel Gilliam ’03
International Travel Scholarship
Murray Religious Retreat Fund
Zak Technology Fund
Clarkson Facilities Fund
Endowed Scholarship
and Funds
An endowed scholarship or fund
establishes a permanent asset from
which Sion will receive support into
perpetuity. The minimum funding level
for an endowed scholarship or fund
is $25,000, which can be established
through a one-time gift or by making a
pledge to Sion. Once you have reached
the minimum funding level, funds will
be dispersed.
Bascom, Sittenfeld,
White Family Scholarship
Samuel M. Davidson
Memorial Scholarship
The Feld Twins Scholarship
Forster-Powers Academic Scholarship
Geraldine Finucane Geisel ’47
Memorial Scholarship
The Goppert Scholarship
Colleen Conway Holloway ’90
Memorial Scholarship
Glena C. Hughes Leadership Scholarship
Rosemarie Wirthman Kilker
Mathematics Scholarship
The Legacy Club
Lady of Sion Scholarship
George Byron Livesay
Memorial French Scholarship
Jeanne Matthews ’34 &
Madeleine Matthews ’37 Scholarship
Robert & Marian
Munninghoff Scholarship
Alice J. Munninghoff Scholarship
Sr. Luciene Marek, NDS/
Our Lady of Sion Scholarship
Lucie Jane Desloge
McAnany Scholarship
Notre Dame de Sion Alumnae
Association Scholarship
Sylvia Owens-Duchen Scholarship
The Julie Anne Ptacek ’02
Memorial Scholarship
Stockely Family Scholarship
Gerre Gene Goodman Strauss ’40
Memorial Scholarship
John J. Sullivan, Jr. Scholarship in
Memory of Laura Diviney Sullivan
Storm Stomp Scholarship
Sister Marie Ida de Sion Scholarship
The Weiford Family Scholarship
Academic Excellence Fund for Faculty
Professional Development
George W. Miller Fund for Performing
Arts in honor of Sr. Eileen MacMahon
Miller-Mulhern Foreign Language
Endowment Fund
Miller-Mulhern General
Endowment Fund
Vive Sion Fund for Fine and
Performing Arts
Thank you to the generous donors
who continue to support Endowed and
Expendable Scholarships and funds.
Bascom, Sittenfeld, White Family
Endowed Scholarship
Betsy Bascom Sittenfeld ‘65 &
Paul Sittenfeld
Clarkson Facilities Fund
A. L. Huber, General Contractor
Samuel M. Davidson Memorial
Pam Davidson
Sam Davidson GS ‘97
Scott Schibig &
Sara Davidson Schibig ‘96
Colleen Conway Holloway ‘90
Memorial Scholarship
Mike & Karen Van Dyke
Glena C. Hughes Scholarship
Skip & Jennifer Hughes
Mike Hunter &
Susan Hughes Hunter ‘65
Tim Paulson & Jane Hughes Paulson ‘68
Legacy Club
The Legacy Club is Sion’s largest
endowed scholarship fund.
We gratefully acknowledge our donors
whose cumulative giving history to the
Legacy Club totals $10,000 or more.
Patricia Cleary Miller ‘57
Andrea Eddy ‘82
Forster Powers Charitable Trust
Bob & Carolyn Reintjes
Rose Teicher Trust
Mike Shanahan &
Mary Owens Shanahan ‘76
Pat Wilkerson
2014 AND JUNE 30, 2015.
Andrea Eddy ‘82
Rosalie O’Connell
Mike & Jennifer O’Neill
Lynn Smith ‘89
Pat Wilkerson
Kathryn Zunick
George Byron Livesay Memorial
French Scholarship
Master Craftsman Foundation
Sr. Luciene Marek, NDS/Our Lady of
Sion General Scholarship
Richard Alloway &
Laurie Mullen Alloway ‘78
Joe & Laura Crowe
Brad & Ginny Epsten
Patty Garbeff
Rob & Patty Hummel
Notre Dame de Sion Alumnae
Association Scholarship
Molly Bowen Angold ‘05
Helen Stenson Arnold ‘69
Lucie McCallum Black ‘71
Stephanie Bradshaw ‘05
Katie Brown ‘07
Mary Loy Dennis Brown ‘64
Elizabeth Byrnes Brunson ‘71
Lauren Cimpl ‘04
Alexandra Connors ‘07
Sally Zemites Dannov ‘81
Shannon Hartigan Darab ‘78
Elisabeth Kirsch Drake ‘67
Rachel Enright ‘07
Keri Flynn Evans ‘87
Suzie Fleming ‘58
Allegra Gassman ‘06
Carla Novak Gish ‘69
Celeste Migliazzo Greenlee ‘78
Gabbie Greenlee ‘06
Mary Beth Weaver Guy ‘69
Becky Haden ‘07
Christine Hall ‘01
Julie Batrick Hess ‘69
Sharon Levitt Hess ‘65
Dianne Selders Hogerty ‘62
Kaitlin Bowen Holt ‘06
Sarah Hughes ‘98
Eileen Crowe Johnson ‘79
Paige Kerley ‘11
Beka Knackstedt ‘09
Adele Heying Korth ‘47
Julie Lederer ‘04
Claire Martin ‘12
Miki McIntosh ‘77
Kathy Dolan McShane ‘69
Amy Huber Moritz ‘02
Megan Switzer Morris ‘99
Nancy Sessel Muller ‘50
Mary Nestel ‘84
Kate Daly Orscheln ‘00
Katie Donaldson Raccuglia ‘03
Joan Wald Rapp ‘46
Anne Raymond ‘73
Kelly Reardon ‘07
Kelly Watkins Reardon ‘06
Lolly Riederer Ried ‘60
Emily Walkup Ring ‘06
Susan Zunick Robards ‘72
Suellyn Starkey Sheridan ‘61
Christy Neenan Shively ‘95
Susie Owens Shullman ‘62
Emily Sinovic ‘00
Alivia Stewart ‘07
Maggie McShane Thomas ‘02
Lisa Evans Tuchtan ‘70
Megan Campbell Van Emon ‘04
Tricia Vivona ‘07
Sheila Hughes Weiford ‘66
Louisa Neenan Weinrich ‘85
Jennifer Wilborn ‘07
Rosemary Jeanneret Wilch ‘63
Slyvia Owens-Duchen Scholarship
Charles & Mary Sellmeyer
Julie Anne Ptacek ‘02
Memorial Scholarship
Phil & Karen Ptacek
Charles & Mary Sellmeyer
“Helping our peers one player
at a time.”
Storm Stomp is a High School student
run 3-on-3 basketball tournament open
to 6th - 12th grade Sion girls, Notre
Dame de Sion alumnae, faculty and
staff. Tournament proceeds support
the Storm Stomp Scholarship Fund
which provides financial assistance
for qualified high school students.
Names are listed in accordance
with donors wishes.
Special Thanks to Our
2014 Presenting Sponsors
Bob & Carole Hummel
John & Marny Sherman Family
Westhead Family Foundation
NBA #1 Draft Pick
$1,000 & Above
Sion Booster's Club
Cripple Creek Rock Company
B&L Plumbing Service
Midwest Control
Notre Dame de Sion Mothers' Club
Bob & Louise Tritt
The All-Star $500 Level
Brandmeyer Family
Glitters Fine Jewelry
Notre Dame de Sion Father's Club
Charlie & Vickie Harris
Jim & Carol Shay
The Starter $250-$499 Level
Ciocca Family
Morgan & Mia Ciocca
Cloutman & Stingley Inc.
Company Kitchen
County Line Auto Parts
Doctor's Lawn & Landscape Inc.
Frank Ancona Honda
Tom & Molly Freeman
Ed & Polly Hanton - The Marx Team
Healy Family
Dianne & Dan Hogerty
HSMC Orizon
Renee Jones & Charlie Causey
Molle Automotive Group
Paul & Patty Keane
Nesslein Family Ostrander Family
Premier Carts
Troutt, Beeman & Co., P.C.
White Bear Coffee
The Rookie – Under $249
Courtney & Caitlin Allen
Amato Family
Axentia Prepaid, LLC
John & Kim Behnken
David & Jodi Belpedio
Nancy E. Blackwell
Bridget & John Brandmeyer
John & Chris Broderick
Dr. & Mrs. Anthony Buren
Madeleine Campbell Family
Clarence M. Kelley & Associates
Conway & Wank Family
David Denny State Farm Insurance
Chuck & Marilyn Dreas
Lauren Dwyer Family
Craig & Ann Elbert
Willie & Alice Ergovich
Ergovich Family
Peter Florzak & Acey Lampe
Frame Family
Meghan Frerking
Larry & Maureen Gamble
Brian & Celeste Greenlee
Mary Groszek
David & Michelle Gordon
Mike & Kathy Gorman
Fawzia Hanna
Fayez Hanna
Sydney Harris '13
Chris & Becky Herring
John Houlehan Family
Patty & Rob Hummel
Hurlbert-Zen Family
Eileen Crowe Johnson '79
Joe & Lindsey Jurden
Tom & Lisa Kane
Dan & Sharon Keller
Ed & Suzanne Kerley
Ashley Klein '10
Chris Korth
Dr. Jacob Laudie
Bill & Kathleen Linscott
Derek & Julie Locke
Mathnasium of Overland Park
McCain Family
Kevin & Pam McLiney
Anthony & Connie Mendolia
Miller Family
Moriarty Family
Bill & Alice Munninghoff
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Neisius
Sharon Radovich
Mike & Sheila Reichert
Tim & Rose Saracini
Mike & Teresa Schnitker
Bill & Paddi Schwartz
Rich & Linda Sizemore
Sarann Slattery
Slater Family
Dr. Jim Smith
Bruce & Mona Snyder
Anna Molle Stasi '81
Bill & Julie Steilen
Nancy & Dan Tweedy
John & Kim Ulowetz
Joe & Joan Varriano
Joan & Larry Ward
Tom & Sheila Wieford
Wiens Family
High School Campus
10631 Wornall Road
Kansas City, MO 64114
Grade School Campus
3823 Locust Street
Kansas City, MO 64109