Publication - Roger Williams University


Publication - Roger Williams University
2012 – 2013 PR ESIDEN T ’S R EPORT
our lively
With early expectations exceeded,
Affordable Excellence steps forward
ne year ago – when we introduced
Affordable Excellence at Roger Williams
University to the readers of this report – we shared
a wealth of evidence that demonstrated the “under
siege” state in which higher education found itself in 2012.
And while I would like to report today that the clamor about
the value of a college degree has subsided, the unfortunate
fact is that the noise level is still high. Our elected officials
in Washington continue to push for greater accountability and
affordability, while commentators in the media opine on
a bewildering array of “solutions.” Behind the gates, many
colleges simply wait for the storm to pass.
So what constitutes a reasonable response? After hundreds
of years of success, should higher education abandon its tried
and true model and start from scratch? Surely, many people
would applaud such a decision – clean slate, it’s about time!
Or, on the other hand, should we fall back on our credentials,
our lively experiment
our plan
our progress
tout our centuries of collective success and make a few tweaks
here and there?
On the Roger Williams University campus, I am proud to
say that we have adopted neither extreme. Instead, through
Affordable Excellence, we are taking what we believe is the
only responsible position to take. With our tuition freeze and
guarantee, we are confronting cost and debt in an incremental,
but meaningful way. Simultaneously, we’re enhancing our
product – not by throwing out everything that works in higher
education (we still ensure that all our students are well versed
in the liberal arts, we house students in residence halls and
we promote a robust on-campus learning environment) – but
by augmenting our time-honored strengths and values through
ensuring that our graduates have the practical skills required
for success in today’s economy.
Small steps, some critics say. Bold actions, we believe.
There is no single silver bullet that will instantly resolve all
of the issues facing higher education.
If our early returns are any indication, our students and
parents believe in our actions, too. You’ll see that illustrated on
the subsequent pages of this report. We’ll start with Our Plan,
a glimpse of what actions we are taking on campus to address
cost, debt and jobs. The next section, Our Progress, shares
details on the success we have seen to date. And Our Future
offers a preview of the months ahead.
Through Affordable Excellence – our “lively experiment” at
Roger Williams – we are taking the initiative to step away from
the pack, in the spirit of our University’s namesake. Many of
you have been key contributors to our achievements to date,
and many of you will help shape our future. For your enduring
assistance in this adventure, we are deeply grateful.
Donald J. Farish, Ph.D., J.D.
our future
honor roll of donors
20 With the launch of Affordable
To thrive in a higher education
marketplace in which students
are understandably demanding
more each year, colleges and
universities must continually
evolve. President Farish offers
a glimpse at where Affordable
Excellence – from cost and
debt solutions, to preparing
students for careers and future
study – might go next.
Excellence and its focus on
keeping student costs in check
and simultaneously expanding
on the educational initiatives
that are preparing our graduates,
financial support from our donors
has been instrumental in our
early success. This year’s Honor
Roll of Donors celebrates gifts
received during Fiscal Year 2013.
our plan
The Issue:
The cost of a college
education is simply out of
reach for many families –
and with most colleges able
to meet only a fraction
of student financial need,
graduates leave school
with more debt than any
previous generation.
Farish’s View
“People are asking:
‘Why are they not
raising tuition at
Roger Williams?’
Our philosophy
is that a college education is
so important that we need to
make it affordable. We will not
sacrifice on quality, but we
recognize the need to control
price. So with some skill and
hard work, we’re taking on
the responsibility of finding
revenue other than by raising
tuition. And we’re sharing
costs with students and
families. Right now, on
average, the University pays
a third of the actual dollars
spent to educate each
student – and no student
pays more than it costs us.
Not many schools can
say that.”
Affordability Matters
Since the launch of Affordable Excellence, what has Roger Williams University done to alleviate
the cost and debt burden on students and their families?
In October 2012, we announced the initial tuition freeze, which means that undergrad
day students enrolled in 2013-14, including the incoming class, are paying the same
$29,976 tuition as last year’s students.
2. At the same time, we implemented a tuition guarantee to begin with the 2013-14 year, 3.
which means the tuition rate is guaranteed to not increase for four years, for all undergrad
day students who remain continuously enrolled.
This fall, we extended the tuition freeze for the 2014-15 academic year, at that same rate –
the next academic year will be the third in which students pay $29,976.
4. Simultaneously, we continued the four-year tuition guarantee.
5. And finally, we publicly committed to freezing tuition for as long as financially feasible;
to keeping any potential increases low; and to publishing the following year’s rate as early as
possible to allow predictability in pricing.
By the Numbers
Significant Savings – Guaranteed
How much money does the RWU four-year tuition guarantee save students? Tuition for students
first enrolling in 2012, 2013 or 2014 is $29,976 each year. The graphic above illustrates how much
the guarantee saves those students, over four years at Roger Williams, compared with schools that
start at the same price but raise tuition by 3 to 5 percent per year (the national average).
In the last five years, RWU has
provided access to some $1 million
in scholarships via the GRRL Tech
expo and FIRST LEGO League
Robotics Tournament –
two distinct programs that have each brought hundreds
of elementary, middle and high school students to campus. This
fall, engineering major Nicholas Corey ’17 – the first recipient
of a FIRST LEGO League scholarship to attend
Roger Williams – joined the four young women who
have accepted full-tuition GRRL Tech awards –
Kathryn E. Farinha ’16, undeclared; Alana N. Mercurio ’15,
biology; Samantha Curran ’14, psychology;
and Susan K. Woodard ’14, engineering.
I work in the Student Advocacy office, and it
really gives you a different perspective on the
actual student body at Roger Williams. I think
there’s this perception that lots of students come from
families who can afford to send them here, but I end up
talking to lots of students about financial issues. I know
that having that tuition number frozen and guaranteed is
a real relief for lots of people, and sometimes it’s the
reason they’re able to stay here.
– Jamie Warner ’15, a public relations major with minors in
marketing and graphic design; Jamie’s parents were initially
hesitant about the cost of a private college education (despite the
fact that her dad is a proud RWU alumnus), but she appreciates
that the cost to attend Roger Williams won’t increase year to year
A Leg Up Professionally –
and Financially
Part of the reason why Alexander Morris pursued an internship this
summer with BRB Architects was to get a taste of life in New York City,
the location from which he will most likely launch his professional
career this spring. Of course, gaining real, hands-on experience at one
of the country’s leading firms didn’t hurt either.
What made the opportunity possible was a stipend from the School
of Architecture, Art and Historic Preservation’s Career Investment
Program. Since 2002, the Career Investment Program has funded
on- and off-campus graduate and undergraduate internships at top
architecture firms and nonprofits – an initiative that will provide
$270,000 in funding this year alone for work that students are not
typically paid for.
“I wouldn’t have been able to take the internship if I hadn’t gotten
paid,” says Morris, a graduate student who would not otherwise have
been able to afford temporarily relocating to the Big Apple. “It allowed
me to save up money this summer and get through my day-to-day
Whether based at the Preservation Society of Newport County, Goody
Clancy Architects in Boston, HOK in New York or any number of other
employers, all 110 graduate students in architecture, art history and
historic preservation obtained paid professional internships this year
(as did several undergraduates) through the program.
At BRB Architects, Morris executed decisions in design reviews,
accompanied teams on project site visits and collaborated with the lead
designer on creating an adaptive solution for a coastal area battling rising
sea levels.
SAAHP Dean Stephen White says that paid internship experiences
like Morris’s empower students in their work as they are accepted as
team members and young leaders by their professional peers. “The result
is students with more to offer a future employer because they have
legitimate, paid professional experience,” White explains.
For many of these students, having such experience on their résumés
ends up landing them a job – on more than one occasion, at the company
where they completed the internship.
our plan
The Issue:
Despite the irrefutable
long-term value of a college
education, recent graduates
are having trouble finding
employment – if they do,
they are often overqualified
or undercompensated.
Farish’s View
“In the classroom,
we marry the
best of the liberal
arts with our
wide range of
professional programs, which
means a balanced education.
But it’s not just about classroom
learning. We use project-based
learning to put students in
real-world situations, where
they address complex issues
and collaborate across
disciplines – experiences
that mirror the work they’ll
do after graduation. When
an HR director asks a Roger
Williams graduate how
he or she will benefit the
organization today, our
students have answers.”
Engineering a Path to the Future
Approaching senior year – and the looming unknown of what comes next – engineering
majors Tim Clarkin and Samantha Gildersleeve knew that to be competitive after college,
they’d need skills beyond those developed in the classroom alone. The solution? Real-world
projects with real-world clients and partners, to supplement the fundamentals honed in class.
“Employers ask for a solid foundation of technical program knowledge as a prerequisite
of employment,” says Gildersleeve, who spent the summer at a Texas A&M wind tunnel,
working with researchers on aerodynamics issues related to aircraft and spacecraft. “Because
RWU offers the general engineering degree plus a specialization, we have broader knowledge
than students from other schools and are more prepared with a range of skills that prepare us
for the workforce.”
Clarkin put his skills to work in Tanzania, where he designed and helped construct a water
tower and supply line at a retreat center for Maasai leaders. With courses in structural design,
fluid mechanics and sustainable energy under his belt, Clarkin found his classroom
knowledge useful in the field.
“There was direct application – with the fluid mechanics, sometimes things looked just
like they did in class. Other times, there were things I had to figure out. A lot of it was
structural – I had taken the class, but had never worked with 3D structure or cylinders,” says
Clarkin, who also credits the interpersonal and intercultural skills acquired during the project
as critical for future jobs and leadership roles.
Back on campus, both students point to senior design projects as a staple of career
preparation (and in some cases, Gildersleeve points out, career placement). These projects –
from building boat launches in Blackstone Valley to designing a wind turbine that measures
wind shear at municipal airports – connect students with real clients and culminate in a pitch
or presentation. That in itself, Gildersleeve says, is an invaluable skill.
“The ability to articulate your ideas will help immensely in any job you do,” says
Gildersleeve, who honed her skills presenting at national conferences. “Most engineers are
locked in a building researching all the time. But our work is always client-based. Knowing
how to talk to people and explain yourself with confidence is key.”
Thanks to a one-of-a-kind
partnership with Samsung
Electronics America, students in
the School of Architecture, Art and
Historic Preservation and the
School of Continuing Studies are
working at the leading edge of
advanced technology.
With the help of the latest Samsung hardware, students
have access to advanced applications – AutoCAD, Revit
and Adobe Creative Suite, among others – through the
rCloud computing system, which ensures that they work
with the most current programs available (and those
they will be expected to know on the job). Additionally,
a series of collaborative learning spaces, featuring
interactive displays and open-plan student workstations,
simulate the cooperative, creative work environment
graduates can expect to find in the field.
When it comes down to it, employers are going
to hire whom they like and whom they want to
work with – someone who has curiosity, motivation
and a little fire in the belly, not just project experience.
Internships can be very narrow in scope, and there’s
something different about connecting people. By bringing
experts and practitioners into the classroom – whether
in person or via Skype – to host workshops, critique student
work and to give them insight into the industry, I can
ensure that students are getting hands-on industry skills
and experiences to talk about during interviews.
– Associate Professor of Graphic Design Valerie Sloan, who
dedicates part of each Art Direction class to uniting students with
industry professionals for workshops that prepare them to be
engaged employees, collaborative partners and critical thinkers
At the historic Colt Barn Horse Stable in Bristol’s Colt State Park,
a student/faculty team convened by the Community Partnerships
Center – including adjunct law professor Christopher D’Ovidio and
architecture graduate student Leaha Bovino, foreground – has joined
forces to offer a legal, architectural and preservation analysis on how
the state might use a public-private partnership to create a new life
for the old structure. Project manager Ada Lee, a graduate student
from Hong Kong, plans to put the experience to use post-graduation
as she builds a career advocating for preservation in her native city.
“Our government doesn’t treasure our history, and many of our historic
buildings are gone without a trace – a sad thing for me having grown
up in Hong Kong. Through this project, I hope to learn the perspective
of a government agency in choosing to preserve historic buildings or
let them go.”
our plan
Designing Lesson Plans for
Real-World Success
A clay marble propelled Maya Himmelsbach ’14 into an inspired train
of thought about the colonial-era Dartmouth, Mass., home from which the
marble had been unearthed. What was life like for the children who lived
there? What other games did they play? What were their expected
contributions to the household?
With those questions guiding her research, the education major
collaborated with six students on a Community Partnerships Center
project to create a living history curriculum about the Akin House, a
1762 home owned by the Dartmouth Historic Preservation Trust, which
will use the information for public tours. Their instructional approach –
developed under fifth-grade education standards for Massachusetts –
includes hands-on activities where students make observations and draw
their own conclusions about daily life for the 18th-century inhabitants.
The Akin House experience illustrates the benefit of project-based
learning, which joins students and faculty with community partners to
solve real-world challenges. Partners gain the expertise of faculty and
students, while students augment classroom knowledge with the practical
skills that often lead to jobs. Himmelsbach, for example, designed lesson
plans on everything from dipping wax candles to writing narratives as
the Akin children; her classmates created curriculum on topics including
Akin House’s shipbuilder/entrepreneur patriarch.
“The project helped me learn to think logically but also creatively,
while incorporating literacy and reading comprehension into a social
studies lesson – that’s an important skill that any teacher should acquire,”
says Himmelsbach, a senior who will complete her degree with studentteaching in Puerto Rico this spring.
With most teaching materials already predetermined and scripted,
Alan Canestrari – a professor of education who guided the students –
called the project an opportunity for students to create their own
curriculum inspired by their personal experiences, visits to the field and
independent research. This real-world professional experience gives
graduates an edge in a competitive field, he says.
“Résumés all look the same these days,” Canestrari says. “This CPC
project might be the catalyst – the exact thing a superintendent might be
looking for that could separate them from the pool of candidates.”
Even with more than 40 majors (and a healthy assortment of
minors to complement) some students still might not know
precisely the course of study they desire. That’s where the
University’s academic diversity comes in handy. Here’s a quick
sample of some customized degree programs that students
(past and present) have created – with guidance from faculty,
of course.
Jessica Sasso ’11
Nickolas Palermo ’16
Urban Environmental Systems
Ben Floyd ’14
Melisa Carrasquillo ’11
Noelle LaFlamme ’14
The power of arrest is just one instrument in a police officer’s tool belt, says criminal justice faculty member
Sean Varano. But the launch of a new effort this spring will equip local officers with more proactive tactics.
With support from a federal grant, Varano and a student researcher
will partner with the Olneyville Housing Corporation and the
Providence Police Department to address crime “hot spots”
in the city’s Olneyville neighborhood.
The team will analyze crime data and meet with community groups to identify issues and to suggest effective,
evidence-based strategies for tackling problems – vandalism, thefts from vehicles, unkempt properties –
and reducing crime before an arrest becomes necessary. Not a bad résumé entry for a student, either.
Live Together, Learn Together
The effort to prepare Roger Williams graduates for life after college begins
just about the moment students set foot on campus in their first semester. Just ask
the 24 first-year students in the marine biology Living Learning Community, led by
faculty member David Taylor.
Not only do the students live together in a dedicated section of the Maple
residence hall, but they are also taking a marine biology intro course with Taylor and
putting their early biology expertise to use in the field – to date, they’ve done a beach
cleanup during Community Connections, learned from legendary oceanographer
Sylvia Earle during her visit to campus and ventured out on Cap’n Bert, a 53-foot
research trawler, to collect and examine marine life in Narragansett Bay.
Not a small list of hands-on activities for an initial semester – and that’s the point
of Living Learning Communities, which bring together students around academic
disciplines (i.e., marine biology) or other themes (public health, for example). The
goal is to create tight-knit learning communities, complete with peer-based academic
and social support networks and an immediate, shared sense of purpose. And to get
students started on working collaboratively and developing the hands-on skills that
will complement the knowledge gained in the classroom.
“There are different personalities and interests in the group, but they all have
an interest in biology and marine biology,” Taylor says of his 24 students. “They like
the fact that they can be resources for each other not only in biology, but also in
chemistry or calculus or other classes they all will take.”
our plan
By the Numbers
465 internships
The Issue:
completed by RWU undergrads in the last academic
year, many at local nonprofits and government agencies
Many universities place
little emphasis on
community-based civic
learning and democratic
engagement – yet students
should not have to choose
between making the world
a better place and making
a living.
763 students
have engaged in CPC experiences since its 2011 launch
41,497 hours
have been invested by students, faculty and staff in
projects coordinated via the CPC
85,000 hours
of community service have been dedicated to local
communities via service learning, volunteerism and
related efforts – the School of Law included – in the
last year alone
Farish’s View
“A wonderful
byproduct of
preparing students
for jobs through
learning is that we are preparing
them to be successful leaders
in the broader community –
because the community is
exactly where they engage
in these projects. If we can
educate students and serve
society without sacrificing
one for the other, then why
wouldn’t we? The impact on
our partners is remarkable.
People tell me: ‘We literally
couldn’t have accomplished
this without your students
and faculty.’”
It may be impossible to quantify every hour the University dedicates to
the greater community, but the folks at the Community Partnerships
Center, the Feinstein Center for Service Learning and Community
Engagement and the Career Center gave it the old college try:
In today’s economy, a criminal record
can play a key role in landing a job or
losing out. Since 2010, RWU Law’s
Pro Bono Collaborative has been
working to remedy that roadblock for
some low-income Rhode Islanders. Via
the PBC, free workshops in Providence
have reached more than 200 people,
partnering local
attorneys with law
students to guide
eligible individuals
through the process of
expunging past
offenses from records.
As clients wave goodbye to past
mistakes, students witness the power
of their developing legal skills.
Roger Williams sets the tone
for what colleges in Rhode
Island can offer. Any of our
urban community partners will tell you
about great things they wouldn’t have
accomplished without the RWU/EDC
partnership. When you see the
students and faculty in action, you
can tell that they are committed,
passionate and full of energy. And the
folks at the CPC are absolutely the
best – they answer questions, they
solve problems and they never leave
loopholes. That’s the sign of not only
a good partner, but a school that
brings a different level of commitment
to the work.
– Armeather Gibbs, managing director for
urban finance and business development at the
Rhode Island Commerce Corporation, which
has worked with the Community Partnerships
Center on economic revitalization efforts in
the state’s key urban communities
Theresa Agonia ’13 and LPI Director Anna Cano Morales
at City Hall in Central Falls, with Mayor James Diossa
What’s Good for Latinos…
As the fastest-growing demographic group in Rhode Island in
decades, Latinos represent some 13 percent of the state’s population,
compared with just 4.5 percent in 1990. Yet that population surge has
also brought an information gap – data on the Rhode Island Latino
experience is far from accessible, despite the group’s growing role
in the state’s livelihood.
“Latinos are the future workforce and the future leaders of
Rhode Island,” says Anna Cano Morales,
director of the Latino Policy Institute at
Roger Williams University.
The LPI – a think-tank that provides
research to inform policy on quality-of-life
issues for local Latinos, such as education,
economic development, immigration and leadership – is out to shrink
that information gap. By focusing its lens on improving lives in the
Ocean State, Cano Morales defines the LPI’s mission as: “What’s good
for Latinos is good for Rhode Island.”
With an emphasis on generating new information, the work of the
Latino Policy Institute – and similarly, that of HousingWorksRI, also
affiliated with RWU – affirms the University’s commitment to
community through an approach that’s very distinct from service
learning projects and volunteerism. Students benefit, too – as the
LPI’s communications assistant her senior year, Theresa Agonia ’13
strengthened connections in her native Central Falls that landed her
a full-time role in the city’s Department of Planning and Economic
The ultimate impact, the LPI hopes,
will be on the state’s Latino community –
and the evidence is starting to grow. This
fall, the Providence Children and Youth
Cabinet used an LPI report on
impediments to the academic success
of Latino students to land a Lumina Foundation grant to improve
college degree achievement among the state’s Latinos.
“We are thrilled to have LPI as a partner in this work,” says Angela
Romans, a CYC leader. “Their combination of research and policy
analysis, and deep connection and trust within the Latino community
really brings a lot to the table.”
With so many military veterans facing the challenge of adjusting to college life, the School of
Continuing Studies has launched the first program of its kind in Rhode Island to ease the transition from
active duty to undergraduate. Developed in partnership with Operation Stand Down and other partners,
the Veterans’ Gateway to College and Career Success
is a no-cost program for local veterans and their spouses that provides college prep courses and assistance
in identifying educational and career goals.
our plan
By the Numbers
The Fund for Civic Activities
While students, faculty and staff from Roger Williams make an
impact across the globe, the University places particular emphasis
on its hometown. From volunteer projects to locally based
scholarships to small business assistance, that impact on Bristol
takes shape in many forms. In conjunction with officials from the
Town of Bristol, the University also awards $25,000 annually in
Fund for Civic Activities grants, which support projects that
enhance the civic experience of Bristol residents.
Opening Doors to
Serve Imprisoned Adults
The underserved (and often unaddressed) needs of those suffering from
mental health disorders have been the subject of scrutiny in recent years,
with particular emphasis on the mental health of criminal offenders. It’s
a national crisis, experts say, with state hospital closures and budget cuts
leaving community mental health systems atrophied and turning
ill-equipped prisons into default mental health facilities unable to
provide adequate treatment. Rhode Island is no exception.
That’s where Roger Williams University comes in – Associate
Professor of Psychology Judith Platania and a team of students have
taken up the charge, partnering with nonprofit advocacy group Mental
Health Association of Rhode Island to provide research and data analysis
surveying various stakeholders’ views of how mental illness is currently
managed in the state’s criminal justice system. The Community
Partnerships Center connected MHARI’s Correction Committee with
Platania, whose students refined the survey tool and will compile and
analyze data before presenting the results to the association’s board
of directors.
“I doubt we would have been able to pursue this project in any
effective way without the support Roger Williams University has
provided,” says Mike Cerullo, a private practice psychotherapist and
MHARI Corrections Committee member. The organization, consisting
mainly of volunteers, struggled to complete a similar assessment in the
youth system due to lack of personnel and financial resources.
In addition to the expertise Roger Williams lends the project, Platania
says an open-door policy and ability to remain flexible has contributed
to the partnership’s success. It’s a benefit that Platania is confident cannot
be offered by other consultancies. “It’s been broader than the project
description, but we welcome that. We’ve opened some doors for them and
taught them how to make the facilitation of data collection much easier.”
Cerullo says that Roger Williams is “head and shoulders above”
other universities in its ability to combine teaching, research and service,
and believes that in addition to the professional skills students acquire
through these projects, they also develop a distinct knowledge of how
to participate in the world after college:
“RWU has found a way to make more crystal, more solid, more
multidimensional, their commitment to careers. And that has to mean
much more effective, focused, committed people who come out of
this university.”
12 individuals
representing Bristol and RWU on the
Town/University Cooperative Committee
157 applications
reviewed by the Committee
over nine semiannual
award cycles
90 grants
awarded to local nonprofits,
from food pantries to
educational programs to
arts initiatives
average grant amount
smallest award, to the
Kickemuit River Council for
a campaign on eco-friendly
septic system care
total funds awarded to date to seed civic and community projects
Learning Through Service
Growing up, elementary education major Charlotte Fitts-Sprague ’14
contributed her share of service to the Watertown, Mass., community
where she had joined a youth group. But it wasn’t until she landed at
Roger Williams that she ever considered herself a true volunteer.
It was at the University that Fitts-Sprague developed a passion for
community service, from the Scholarships for Service program to a
work-study position her freshman year that connected her with the
Bristol Warren Regional School District. Over the next three years,
Fitts-Sprague exceeded the average student’s community involvement
requirement – to say the least! – amassing more than 1,000 hours
of service.
“I wanted to get to know where I was going to school,” she says.
“Finding my own niche in the community outside of Roger Williams
was important to me.”
At the Colt Andrews Elementary School in Bristol, where she worked
with fifth-grade students and spent time alongside the reading specialist
and special-education provider, Fitts-Sprague felt she was not only
being useful, but also giving back to the community that made her
education possible.
In her final year at RWU, Fitts-Sprague is student-teaching in New
Bedford, Mass., but she maintains that her time with the fifth-graders at
Colt Andrews provided the real-world experience she needs to get a
head start – including the ability to put theories from class into practice
long before her formal teaching practicum began. “To do it and to see
it out in a real-life setting is really important, especially to have that
knowledge before there’s so much pressure on me.”
As she gears up for a student-teaching excursion to Puerto Rico,
where she will work with English language learners at the American
School in Switzerland (TASIS) Dorado, Fitts-Sprague looks forward to
getting to know yet another community to serve. “It will be interesting
to see how different teachers teach,” she says, “and I’ll be able to
compare and contrast with the students I have now.”
For marketing major Jason Rosa ’15,
an internship with Together We Rise
provided more than course credit –
it gave him a new perspective on the
challenges foster children face and
inspired him to make a difference.
This fall, Rosa spearheaded a pilot
program to create music programming
for Rhode Island foster-care facilities
and led a campaign to collect monetary
gifts and musical instruments to be
distributed among 50 local foster
children. Pictured here with community
partner Morgan Fuchs of Adoption
Rhode Island, Rosa tunes up before
surprising a dozen children with new
instruments: “Many foster youth
experience emotional health issues, and
I wanted to introduce music as a new
outlet for their personal self-expression.
Playing guitar as a teenager helped me
sort through feelings like stress and
anxiety, and I wanted to give these
kids the same opportunity to express
themselves in a positive way.”
When we select clients and
groups to work with, we’re
looking for the ones who are
striving to make positive changes in
the community – to support groups
committed to democratic control and
governance, broader community
ownership and engagement. We are
working to support cooperatives where
ownership is vested over all those
working in the organization. As a
community economic development
program, we ask how we can support
projects that will create better lives for
people in these communities.
– Associate Clinical Professor of Law
Gowri Krishna, who as director of the
Community Economic Development Clinic
at the University’s School of Law, supervises
law students who provide pro bono
transactional legal services to Rhode Island
nonprofits and small businesses
our progress
ith the continued focus
on the challenge many
college graduates face in finding
jobs in today’s economy, some
universities have taken the
position that it’s not their
responsibility to ensure that
graduates find employment –
they are wrong. A college
degree is no longer enough.
Graduates need practical skills
and hands-on experiences to
complement the knowledge
gained in the classroom – the
tools needed to add value to an
employer the day a new job
begins. At Roger Williams
University, we are confronting
that challenge, head-on. The
result? Many of our graduates
build professional-quality
portfolios before they leave
campus, and they’re translating
those experiences into
meaningful careers – not just
jobs. Here are a few examples
to illustrate.
Alex and Ani… and Marissa
With a stack of the popular jewelry designer’s bangles on her arm, Marissa Silva knew
Alex and Ani’s product line long before she thought about a career with the company. She was
occupied with readying for life after Roger Williams – to prep for a position in global business,
she added a second major in Spanish to complement her international business studies and
challenged herself through RWU’s study-abroad immersion program in Granada, Spain.
After returning to campus, Silva landed the chance to meet representatives from Alex and
Ani through her internship at the John H. Chafee Center for International Business. Bolstered
by her double major, two internships and an honors thesis on cultural differences in marketing,
she parlayed her credentials into an international sales operations coordinator position at the
rapidly expanding company.
“The Spanish skills have been really important,” she says, crediting the Granada trip for
amplifying six years of classroom Spanish. “Alex and Ani has a large presence in Spain, and it’s
one of our biggest areas for translation. People in other departments run things by us before
sending to our customers, and the written skills really have been essential.”
And for Silva, the foundation in international business is paying dividends, too, especially
as Alex and Ani looks to grow even further: “The company is expanding into Ireland, Portugal,
several places in the Caribbean – there’s just so much growth. As corny as it sounds, it’s just
an amazing work environment and I can see a future for myself here.”
Having a better understanding of how any project I work on in the future fits into the bigger picture is beneficial.
Rather than just learning academic theories, I’ve actually worked with specific built projects. I’ve been asked the
questions that architects encounter in presentations to master planners or city officials. That gives me an edge.
– Brian Boisvert ’12 parlayed a graduate assistantship and partnership with Grow Smart Rhode Island, in which he used GIS technology to evaluate the
performance of growth centers in the state, into a full-time position with Newman Architects; there, he called on his expertise to provide GIS training for
executives in preparation for a master planning project at the University of Connecticut
Marissa and Brian – the recent alums featured here – are just two of the many successful graduates who have
landed professional roles based directly on skills gleaned from community projects, internships and leadership
experiences at Roger Williams. We would need pages to share them all – this short list offers a glimpse.
A4 Architecture Alex and Ani American Cancer Society
Trust Administrator,
Teaching Fellow,
Field Consultant,
Cambridge Appleton Trust
The Learning Community
Education and
Association Board
ACTWO Architects Apple Bam Design Bank
of America
of Education Bocelli & Co. PR Bollare Communications Booz
Allen Hamilton Boston Children’s Hospital Boston Police
Department Child and Family Services City Year Covidien CVS
Caremark Deloitte & Touche Democrats for Education Reform
of Defense Media
Jones Environmental
Business Intelligence
Account Manager,
Solutions and Assistant,
SCHOTT North America
San Antonio Rampage
Fidelity Investments FM Global Gabelli Funds General Electric
Gilbane Building Co. Harvard Humanitarian Initiative iRobot
Corporation Key Program KPMG Libboo Lord Abbett Magellan
Aerospace March of Dimes Foundation Martha Stewart Living
Omnimedia MassBiologics Mintz Levin Museum of Fine Arts
Program Manager
Architect Intern,
New England
Peace Corps
/ Magellan
Olson Kundig Architects
The Eagle Times
Operating System
PepsiCo PKT Development Preservation Society
of Newport
CountyRaytheon Reebok International R.I.
Environmental Management R.I. Nuclear Science Center
Sasaki Associates Shawmut Design & Construction Sikorsky
(Boston, Mass.)
(Central Falls, R.I.)
Jennifer Hall ’13
Business Management
Bristol Maritime Center Project
Tracy Smith ’13
English, Secondary Education
Diversity Leadership Program,
Intercultural Leadership Ambassador
(Boston, Mass.)
Sarah Beron ’11
Media Communication – PR
Public Affairs internships with Office
of R.I. Secretary of State Ralph Mollis;
Schneider Associates; RDW Group;
and Advocacy Solutions
(San Antonio, Tex.)
(Elmsford, N.Y.)
Kinsey Janke ’13
Media Communication
Internships with two American
Hockey League teams;
Features Editor, Hawks’ Herald
David Kilfoil ’12
National Student Advertising Competition
(Claremont, N.H.)
(Seattle, Wash.)
Katlyn Proctor ’12
Creative Writing
Features Editor, Hawks’ Herald
Rand Morris ’13M
Graduate Assistant,
Community Partnerships Center;
Internships with DBVW and Allied Works
Michael Lefebvre ’13
Business Management
Bristol Maritime Center Project
(Providence, R.I.)
(Haverhill, Mass.)
Katelyn Galvin ’12
Business Management, Psychology
Walley School Project
our progress
Our Progress
ne of the earliest
goals of Affordable
Excellence was to jumpstart a conversation on
college affordability and
access, as well as how
schools can best prepare
students for long-term,
sustainable post-collegiate
careers. In the year since,
that dialogue has been
launched. Here’s a quick
peek at some of the people
and places talking about
Affordable Excellence.
[At] Roger Williams University… President Farish has committed himself
not only to this particular community, but also to making college affordable
and making the experience very practical – that students will not graduate
from Roger Williams without being engaged in a real-world project that helps make
things happen.
– U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) at a September 2013 news conference announcing a federal grant to help
the Town of Bristol create a maritime center – an award made possible by RWU faculty and students working
through the Community Partnerships Center
Look Who’s Talking…
From feature coverage to expert quotes to commentary, the following media outlets
have published original media coverage on Affordable Excellence at Roger Williams.
• Wall Street Journal
• Boston Globe
• New York Times
• Providence Journal
• USA Today
• Huffington Post
• Providence
Business News
• Associated Press
• Rhode Island’s NPR
• United Press International
• Local affiliates for
and NBC
• Forbes
• Bloomberg
• CBS Evening News
with Scott Pelley
Launched last year to coincide with
Affordable Excellence, the President’s Blog –
penned directly by Don Farish – features
commentary on higher education issues
ranging from need-blind admissions and
merit vs. need, to low-income student access
and the role of the humanities. Each biweekly
post attracts an average of 388 visits; to date,
the blog has landed more than 16,051 unique
pageviews. Here’s what readers think:
Finally, someone gets it!
Thank you for being the
voice of reason and having
the courage to write about college
affordability and challenging what
defines the ’best’ college. Your entries
about student debt are ’must-reads’
for any family going through the
admissions process.
• Chronicle of
Higher Education
• Inside Higher Ed
• University Business
Your blog on the student debt
crisis is both refreshing and
informative. Despite the fact
that I work in higher education financial
aid, it is amazing how many people don’t
understand what all these numbers really
mean. I am an avid follower of your
remarks. Keep going.
Join the conversation directly at
hile it may be impossible to attribute the University’s enrollment numbers solely
to Affordable Excellence, there’s no denying the connection. The simple fact is that
Roger Williams is thriving in an admissions climate where many schools are finding difficulty
in attracting undergraduates.
First, it’s important to note the national context in
higher education. This year’s admissions cycle brought
a steadily increasing number of colleges that did not
meet enrollment targets and are now facing both student
and revenue shortfalls. And a handful of universities
saw major dips in enrollment – hundreds of students
fewer than expected – and are now forced to confront
both the short- and long-term impact.
University Enrollment Summary
Despite that increasingly competitive market,
Roger Williams brought in 1,102 first-year students –
72 students more than our admissions target of 1,030.
Not only that, but we welcomed another academically
strong class and the most ethnically and racially diverse
group of students in University history.
For the Fall 2013 semester, a grand total of 5,152 students
were enrolled across the University.
This fall, our freshman-to-sophomore retention rate –
a powerful indicator of whether a college is meeting the
expectations of new students – surged to 82.9 percent.
That’s a 5.1 percent increase compared to just one year
ago and the highest rate Roger Williams has seen to date.
3,870 Undergraduate Day
541 Continuing Studies
420 School of Law
But what role has Affordable Excellence played in
those numbers? We hired a research firm to find out.
Here’s what they uncovered, much to our delight: First,
71 percent of our incoming freshmen selected Roger
Williams as their first-choice school. RWU is no safety
school – clearly, students want to be on this campus.
And second, 63 percent cited Affordable Excellence
as important in their decision to attend the University.
our progress
Our Progress
o allow for the long-term success of the Affordable Excellence initiative – including the
tuition freeze and guarantee that are keeping student costs in check – the University has
simultaneously focused on diversifying revenue streams, growing assets and reducing costs
where possible, while ensuring quality. The following information offers a snapshot of RWU’s
financial health.
Tuition & Fees
Government Grants & Contracts
Contribution from Endowment
Contributions & Other Income
Auxiliary Enterprises
Total Revenue
Year Ended June 30, 2013 (in millions)
Academic Support
Student Services
Institutional Support
Student Aid
Auxiliary Expenses
$ 202.8
Total Expenditures $ 196.8
Capital Projects*
* includes CAPEX and deferred maintenance
Assets Ascend, Debt Declines
Ending Fiscal Year Balances (in millions)
The rate of return on the RWU
endowment for FY 2013 was
13.4 percent, which outperformed
its benchmark by 3.6 percent.
The endowment’s fair market
value at the close of FY 2013 was
$79 million – an increase of
$9 million from 2010.
Net Assets
Bonds Payable
While net assets have increased 39 percent over the past
five years to an FY 2013 ending balance of $136.8 million,
bonds payable have decreased by 13 percent to a balance
of $129.3 million
Since FY10,
Total FY13 Giving:
t the heart of Affordable
Excellence is the
investment in our students.
Since the launch of this
University-wide initiative,
Roger Williams alumni,
parents, employees and leaders
have demonstrated significantly
increased commitment to
the RWU Annual Fund, driven
by the understanding that
unrestricted dollars are
truly transformative to the
University’s implementation
of Affordable Excellence –
from addressing tuition costs,
to reducing the burden of
financing a higher education
on families, to providing
experiential learning
opportunities that prepare
students for careers. Every
gift to the Annual Fund
enhances the RWU educational
experience. These immediateuse funds support our
priorities and enable the
important underpinnings of
Affordable Excellence.
unrestricted dollars
to the RWU Annual
Fund have increased
by more than 36%,
totaling $755,920 in FY13
By the Numbers
Increasing Philanthropy
While financial support from our generous donors is critical to the overall
advancement of the University, creating a culture of philanthropy is invaluable.
Since fiscal year 2010, Roger Williams University has benefited from increased
participation from alumni, parents, employees and leaders.
participation among the RWU Board
of Trustees, the RWU Law Board of
Directors and the President’s Cabinet
in FY13 – an outstanding show of
commitment and confidence in
the University
increase in the number of alumni
donors to the Annual Fund since
FY10 – 1,940 alumni gifts in FY13
supported students currently enrolled
at Roger Williams
increase in the number of parents who
gave to the Annual Fund since FY10 –
1,311 parents (33 percent) contributed
in FY13, just one of the many ways
that parents support their student’s
RWU education
increase in faculty and staff
who have donated since FY10 –
in FY13, 412 employees gave to the
Annual Fund, 43 percent of those
who work at the University
our future
t has been more than a year since the launch of Affordable Excellence at Roger Williams University,
and our students, our families and the greater public have responded. But to thrive in a higher
education marketplace in which students can and should demand more, colleges and universities
must continually evolve. Here, President Farish offers a glimpse at where Affordable Excellence –
from cost and debt solutions, to preparing students for careers and future study – might go next.
Keeping Cost in Check
In the end,
what’s the
point of offering
something so
pricey that nobody
can afford it?
– President Farish
As much as we might benefit from the fanfare,
it would be irresponsible to declare today that
Roger Williams will continue to freeze tuition
for, say, the next five years.
We certainly make informed projections
on the University’s revenue and expenditures,
but both numbers are impossible to predict
with precision. Therefore, our tuition rate is
a decision we have to make one year at a time.
What I can say – unequivocally – is that
our shared objective at Roger Williams is to
avoid significant cost increases for our students
and families for as long as feasible. My hope is
that we can continue our tuition freeze for the
next two or three years and make our tuition
guarantee – the locked-in rate that ensures
no year-to-year increases for continuously
enrolled undergraduates – a signature part
of our cost-sharing strategy at Roger Williams.
In addition, we’ll continue to publish the
following year’s tuition rate as early in the
year as possible, to allow prospective students
the ability to undertake their college search
knowing exactly what four years at RWU
will cost.
Our model is to build partnerships with
students and families. Of the approximately
$30,000 we spend to educate each student at
Roger Williams, the student pays an average
of about $19,000 – which means the University
is covering about a third of the cost. Our hope
is that we can widen that gap each year and
continually decrease the burden on students
and families.
In the end, what’s the point of offering
something so pricey that nobody can afford it?
in these experiences now, but we’d love for
all of them to benefit. That will take more
resources, but we don’t want to not move
forward just because costs will increase.
So we need to be alert to where it is that
our own initiatives will create a new set of
financial needs, and then we need to figure
out how to solve them. How? By expanding
our summer programs, growing our School of
Continuing Studies enrollment and enhancing
our online curriculum. And, of course, through
philanthropy – with increased donor support,
we can certainly do more to ensure students
get the best possible education with the
practical experience that will position them
for employment or graduate school.
With a little bit of skill and a lot of hard
work, we can get to the point where we are
able to cover year-to-year cost increases from
revenue sources other than tuition and banish
the idea that we’re obligated to raise tuition
just because expenditures have grown. It’s
important to remember that we are a nonprofit –
so as long as we cover our costs, we remain
in good financial health. If we can increase
revenue from other sources, why shouldn’t
we reduce costs for our students?
If somebody gives us $2 billion, my strong
inclination would be to say: “Guess what, we’re
free! No tuition at Roger Williams.” But other
colleges believe that if they are spending
$30,000 per student, they should be charging
$30,000 per student. Why? The Red Cross
raises funds through charitable giving and
doesn’t charge its users – nobody thinks that’s
a bad thing. Why can’t we be the Red Cross
of higher education?
Finding the Capacity to Build on Affordable Excellence
Expanding Our High-Impact Practices
It’s also important for us to find the capacity –
which in many ways means the money –
to expand the initiatives that are serving
students well. Project-based learning is a great
example. Many of our students are engaged
If our guiding principle is to ensure that
students are being well served, there are
obvious ways to measure that: Are students
staying at Roger Williams? Are they
graduating? Are they getting jobs? We’re
certainly seeing positive results, but there
are things we can do to enhance our success –
and our primary focus should be on expanding
what we’ve started.
We have by no means exhausted the
possibilities with project-based learning, for
example. In the next year, we’d like to create
a counterpart to the Community Partnerships
Center that’s focused on the for-profit sector.
Students and faculty are already building
marketing campaigns, designing processes,
reverse-engineering products – why can’t
we take on projects for business clients as
well as nonprofits and community-based
On campus, there are other things we can
do to connect students to their peers and to
faculty. More research projects, for example.
Working in teams makes students a part of
something larger and equips them with the
skills that will serve them in the long run.
And many of our first-year students are
participating in Living Learning Communities,
which convene in a residential setting around
a theme or discipline and include classroom,
community engagement and social components.
These are high-impact practices. We’re doing
all of them at some level right now, but we
haven’t exhausted any of them. We don’t need
to veer off in any wild and crazy directions.
We should, however, remain vigilant about
what others are asking of higher education.
Are there new opportunities for academic
programs that would build on existing
strengths at Roger Williams? Are there
opportunities we can anticipate, where we
have expertise that might align with employer
needs? Our School of Justice Studies programs
in cybersecurity, digital forensics and
networking and security offer a great success
story on that front. There was a demand, and
we had the expertise. We built on strengths
to create a complement of majors, minors,
certificates and a master’s degree program,
all of which are now home to students gaining
skills in those in-demand areas.
Rearticulating Our Mission, Vision and Values
There are many different models of higher
education that enjoy some level of success. But
on a fundamental level, what do we – all of us
at Roger Williams University – believe we are
here to do? Are we doing it as well as we can?
And what confidence do we have that the
future will be anything like today? If it won’t
be, are we simply going to react as a campus
to whatever changes come at us in society?
Or is there something that we’re trying to
achieve, collectively?
Over the last two years, as we built the
foundation on campus for what became
Affordable Excellence, we started to think
through many of those questions. Moving
forward, we’ll join once again to reconsider
our University mission, vision and core values –
which together can serve as our steering star.
Clearly, we will have to react to challenges
that arise that we can’t predict. But as much
as possible, we don’t want to be deterred from
our ultimate goal. We may never get there, but
our steering star gives us direction and purpose
for what we do.
Ask me to answer those questions on my
own, and I might summarize in three words –
knowledge serving society. Our coin of the realm
is knowledge. And we certainly work to
transmit our collective store of knowledge
from generation to generation. But is it limited
solely to our students? Or can we think more
broadly about how we’re serving society? Can
we educate students, give them the tools for
success and help the community? If we can
accomplish those goals without sacrificing one
for another, why wouldn’t we?
There are people on campus who might
disagree with me. So the point of revisiting
our mission, vision and core values is to hash
it out so that we’re not working at cross
purposes. If you think it’s only about students,
and I think we have a broader responsibility,
it’s only a matter of time before we find
ourselves in conflict.
As we gather across campus to address
these questions, we can expect a spirited
conversation with a wide range of perspectives.
I’m very much looking forward to it.
honor roll of donors
Reflects gifts received during the 2013 Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2012, and ending June 30, 2013
RWU Board of Trustees Member
New Alumni Donor
RWU President’s Advisory Council Member
AB Roger Williams Alumni Association Board Member
Roger Williams University
School of Law Alumnus/a
RWU School of Law Board Member
Current Parent
Law Alumni Association Board Member
Current Grandparent
Pro Bono Collaborative Advisory Board Member
Parent of a Roger Williams University
Parents Council Member
Member of the 2013
Campus Campaign Committee
Parent of a Roger Williams University
School of Law Alumnus/a
Parent of a Roger Williams University
Master’s Degree Alumnus/a
Grandparent of a Roger Williams University
Grandparent of a Roger Williams University
School of Law Alumnus/a
Honorary Degree Recipient
Advisory Board Member
Roger Williams Society - RWU’s leadership giving
society. Members who are alumni, parents, faculty
or staff are listed again under their appropriate
categories with applicable recognition symbols.
University Society - Donors making gifts between
$100 and $499 during the fiscal year.
Hawk - Alumni donors (non-Law) who have
consistently supported the University by making
a gift for each of the past five consecutive years.
Members of the Corporate Scholars Program
Ten-year Hawk - Alumni donors (non-Law) who
have consistently supported the University by making
a gift for each of the past 10 consecutive years.
Community Connections - Companies that support our
Orientation community service program that actualizes
commitment to service, a core value of the University,
while meeting the real needs of organizations and
individuals in the local community.
Cupola Society Founding Member
Donors giving five or more consecutive years
Donors giving 10 or more consecutive years
Member of the Student Philanthropy Executive Council
(or former member)
Gift made through corporation, foundation or trust
(listed separately)
We are grateful to each and
every donor whose gifts to
the RWU Annual Fund
played an important role in
advancing the University’s
mission. Your support is
critical to meeting the
immediate needs of our
students and faculty and to
supporting the University’s
highest priorities, including
Affordable Excellence. The
RWU Annual Fund supports:
GPM’ Grandparent of a Roger Williams University
Master’s Degree Alumnus/a
Roger Williams University
Annual Fund
Expanded opportunities
for students to participate
in project-based learning
The development of
new academic minors
and initiatives that
combine liberal arts and
professional programs
Scholarship assistance to
increase access to an RWU
education for a diverse range
of students
Enhanced educational
technology including
collaborative and cost-saving
cloud-based computing
Roger Williams Society
The Roger Williams Society is a single giving society comprising five
distinct giving circles that represent giving level ranges of $500 or more
within the fiscal year. Leadership gifts from alumni, parents and friends
are most significant to the advancement of the University. We are
honored to recognize this important community of generous donors.
Founders Circle
$10,000 and above
Bruce A. August P’05 and
Debra A. August P’05*
Michael Behan and Tish Behan (5+)*
George N. Bolden Sr. ’74 PM’05 P’98 P’07
Barnes & Noble Bookstores, Inc. (10+)
Behan Brothers, Inc. (5+)
Edward A. Bond Jr. *
GW Bolden Scholarship Fund
Richard L. Bready (T, L, HD)
Bond Brothers Inc.
Julia-Ann M. Cole ’99 L’04 (ADV, H5)
Champlin Foundations
Donald J. Farish (T, P, L) and Maia Farish
College Crusade of Rhode Island (5+)
William P. Ficker (CGP)
Cox Communications
Frederick P. Floyd and Marcia P. Floyd* (CP)
Dominion Foundation
Mario J. Gabelli (T, HD, ADV, 10+)*
Gabelli Foundation
Michael Integlia Jr. ’70 P’12 (P, ADV, H5) and
Beth Integlia P’12 (5+)
GAMCO Investors, Inc.
Patrick T. Jones, Esq. (L) and Nell Jones
The Hearst Foundation, Inc.
Peter R. Macdonald and Deon L. Macdonald
Jewish Communal Fund
Mark S. Mandell, Esq. PL’11 (T, L) and
Yvette M. Boisclair, Esq.*
Mandell, Schwartz & Boisclair, Ltd.
William Manuck Jr. P’04 P’04 and
Anita Manuck P’04 P’04 (5+)
William T. Morris Foundation (10+)
Roland Neumann (CP)
Frank Noonan and Patricia Noonan (T)
Robert P. Pompei ’75 and Shirley Pompei
Scott W. Pray (T)*
Frank E. Rainieri Jr. ’99 (T)
Todd Rechler ’93 (P, CSP)
Robert F. Stoico (T, HD)*
The Alfred Harcourt Foundation
Lenox Foundation, Inc.
W.B. Mason (10+)
Pray Family Foundation
Schow Foundation
On Sept. 16, 2013, the University
hosted a luncheon to recognize the
William T. Morris Foundation, which
has awarded over $1.5 million to more
than 500 Roger Williams students
since establishing the William T.
Morris Scholarship at RWU in 2001.
Scholarship recipients are pictured
with Foundation President and CEO
Bruce August (seated second from
right) and his family: Jessica August
’05, Hudson August, Deborah August
and Adam August ’05.
The Robert F. Stoico/FIRSTFED
Charitable Foundation
The Whimsie Fund
Idalia Whitcomb Charitable Trust (10+)
David C. Wajsgras P’13 (T) and
Teena M. Wajsgras P’13*
Global Circle
$5,000 – $9,999
Brian C. Ali, Esq. L’06 (ADV)
Robert H. Avery, Esq.
Timothy E. Baxter ’83 P’13 (T, AB,
H5) and Brenda J. Baxter P’13*
Scott L. DeMatteis and
Maria L. DeMatteis (CP)
Darren Rose*
James M. Shyer ’91*
DaPonte’s Landscaping
Services, Inc. (CSP)
Robert S. Engel Jr. ’80 P’13 (ADV)#
Arlene Violet, Esq. (T, 5+)
Delta KeySpan
Keri Faist-Kellert ’77
Joseph D. Whelan, Esq. (L) and
Cathleen Whelan
Feinstein Foundation, Inc.
Hinckley, Allen & Snyder LLP
Alan S. Feinstein (HD)*
Kenneth A. Bergman P’11 and
Julie K. Hyden P’11
John Gagliardi P’07 and
Margaret Gagliardi P’07*
The Blount Family (5+)
Brendon P. Giblin ’00 and
Robin H. Giblin ’00 (H10)*
Bruce Bookbinder*
Joseph M. Brito Jr. P’11 (T) and
Elizabeth Brito P’11*
Waterman F. Brown and
Lisa J. Raiola
Peter D. Cardi and Diana M. Cardi
Gary R. Chapman (T, HD)
Michael DaPonte*
Seraphin J. DaPonte III*
Charles A. Henderson P’99 and
Judy M. Henderson P’99 (5+)*
API of NH/Delta T
Margaret and John Gagliardi
Charitable Foundation
The Island Fund
Mac-Gray Services, Inc.
MDT, Inc. (5+)
Robert Hensley P’08 and
Susan Hensley P’08
Brendon Homes, LLC (10+)
New England Association
of Chiefs of Police (5+)
Gregory A. Lutz and
Carolyn R. Graziano-Lutz (CP)
C. Brito Construction Co., Inc
Reid Ave. Investment Partners
Carousel Industries Inc. (CSP)
Rose & Tuck
Coca-Cola Bottling Company
of New England (10+)
Shellfish Restoration Foundation
Compass Group (5+, CSP)
Zyloware Corporation
Michael J. McCaffrey and
Elizabeth E. Meyer (HD)*
Marcia Morris, Esq. (T)
Thelma Rocha ’92 (H10)
Cooley Manion Jones LLP
Mount Hope Circle
$2,500 – $4,999
Peter A. Heard ’80 (P, AB, ADV)
Edwards Wildman Palmer
Partridge, Snow & Hahn
Roberta E. Adams
Robert D. Krause PL’13 and
Marjorie Krause PL’13*
F & S Electric, Inc. (5+, CSP)
Precision Contract Manufacturing
Gale Associates, Inc.
Republic Services (CSP)
David A. Logan, Esq.
(L, PBC, ADV, 10+)
Charitable Foundation (10+)
R.I. Construction Industry
Herman Mello P’13 (CSP, CC) and
Dominee M. Mello P’13*
Kaestle Boos Assoc., Inc.
R.I. Heavy & Highway Construction
Industry Advancement Foundation
Anthony E. Autiello ’74 (ADV, CF)*
Walter H. Barlow Jr. ’88*
Robert H. Bartlein and
Judy J. Bartlein (CP)
Richard L. Bischoff P’05 and
Linda E. Bischoff*
Richard E. Block P’07 and
Helen I. Ostrowski P’07 (T)
Charles W. Boos, A.I.A. (P)*
Carla O. A. Bosch ’89 (H10) and
William L. McQueen (10+)
Rodney A. Butler (T) and
Dionne L. Butler
Andre U. Segatti ’81 (H5, CP, CF)*
Ron Simoneau (ADV)
Frederick D. Souza*
Richard Stankiewicz and
Marianne Stankiewicz
James Tackach
Joseph B. Cairoli ’85 and
Lisa M. Cairoli ’86 (H5, CF)
Thomas Taranto Jr. P’12 and
Lisa A. Taranto P’12
Frank T. Caprio
Craig A. Warnick and
Pamela Abrams-Warnick (5+)
Charles J. Coelho Jr. ’96
Thomas Wright (10+)
Robert C. Corrente, Esq.
Timothy B. Yeaton ’80 (T, AB, H5)
Soheila Dadpour ’86
George R. Daubenspeck ’85
(5+, CP)*
Raymond S. DeLeo II ’78 (H10, CF)
and Jane S. DeLeo (10+)
Joseph Dias*
A. Autiello Construction Co., Inc.
William T. Firth and Carolyn L. Firth
Bank of America
BDO Valuation Advisors, LLC
Steven F. Freedman and
Linn Foster Freedman, Esq.
(L, PBC)
Burns & Levinson
Michael A. Hathaway ’80*
Stephen Prignano, Esq. (L, PBC)
and Cheryl A. Prignano
Chapel Building Co. (5+, CSP)
Coastal Tile and Marble, Inc.
Delta Dental of Rhode Island (5+)
Krause Family Fund
Major Alister C. McGregor
Memorial Foundation
Mello’s Fruitland, Inc. (5+, CSP, CC)
Milhench Supply Company
Shawmut Design & Construction
Edwin S. Soforenko Foundation
Motley Rice LLC
Jimmy Stuart Carpet & Upholstery
Cleaners, Inc.
Nixon Peabody LLP
Universal Services Fort Hood, Inc.
Pannone Lopes Devereaux &
West LLC (5+)
Whelan, Kinder & Siket LLP
On Sept. 17, 2013, the third annual Corporate Scholars
Appreciation Reception introduced participating business
leaders to student scholars at an event hosted by President
and Mrs. Farish at the University Residence. More than
50 corporate donors, students, faculty and staff gathered to
celebrate this initiative, which provides financial assistance
to students attending Roger Williams.
Bridge Circle
$1,000 – $2,499
Richard N. Hale
Kyle Adamonis ’82 (AB, H10)
Andrew J. Hausig ’89 (H5)
James F. Reardon P’13 and
Susan T. Reardon P’13
Bristol County Plumbing & Heating,
George R. Hemond ’72 (ADV, H10)
Andrew M. Reid (CP)
Bristol Lawns, LLC (CSP)
Daniel M. Asquino (P, ADV, 5+)
Kurt A. Hermanni, Esq. L’00*
Cameron & Mittleman LLP
V. Anita Bahr (10+)
Denise M. Jenkins (T, HD)
Ronald L. Reuss and
Nanette W. Reuss (CP)
Robert A. Baldino and
Lauri A. Baldino (CP)
Brian Kaufman and
Patricia A. Kaufman
Linda A. Riley (5+)
Chisholm Chisholm &
Kilpatrick, Ltd.
Thomas J. Bartholomew P’13 and
Lynora S. Bartholomew P’13*
John J. King and
Jocelyn L. King (5+)
Daniel R. Biemesderfer and
Gretchen S. Dieck Biemesderfer
Kenneth F. Kirk and Carole V. Kirk
Robert M. Bolton ’79*
Ruth A. Koelle (10+)
William L. Rudkin Jr. (CP)
Barton N. Bovee and Donna Bovee
William L. Kollmer ’68 (H10)
Alejandro O. Sadde ’86 and
Begona Sadde (CP)
Kenneth I. Brown (PC) and
Mary Lee A. Brown
Herb P. Browne*
John E. Bulman (ADV)*
Russell Campanelli ’71
PM’12 P’10 P’10 (H10, CF) and
Anna Gail Campanelli PM’12
P’10 P’10 (10+)
Sharon L. Castelli ’86
Bill Corcoran*
Karl M. Daubmann ’95
Michael A. La Scala
’83 (AB, H10, CF)
Romualdo A. Roldan P’12 and
Deborah L. Roldan P’12
Michael F. Rom P’13 and
Zisamme L. Rom P’13*
Alexander K. Rudkin
CBIZ Tofias
Conservation Law Foundation
Cybex International, Inc.
DeLuca & Weizenbaum, Ltd.
DiPlacido Development Corp.
East Bay Printing and Copying
Richard M. Field, Jr. Trust
Carlton E. Sanford ’75 (H5)
The Will Flanagan Committee
Nathan A. Langello ’04*
Anthony J. Santoro (10+)
Gilbane Building Company, Inc.
William E. Larson ’87 and
Rose G. Larson ’87 (CP)
Anthony J. Santoro Jr. (5+)*
Gooding Realty Corp.
Hugo V. Schmidt and
Mary S. Schmidt (CP)
Hanson Curren LLP
Stephen J. Shechtman, Esq. (L)*
Hensel Phelps
Construction Company
Yong T. Lee and Hye K. Whang
Warren Simmons (T)
Hermanni Law Group
Anthony R. Leone II, Esq. L’97 and
Chelsie L. Horne (10+)
John D. Sinnott (ADV)
Integrated Drywall &
Construction Corp.
Ira Magaziner and
Suzanne Magaziner (T, 5+)
Douglas G. Staab ’88*
Jerrold L. Lavine (T, HD) and
Barbara S. Lavine
Melissa Soares*
Jeffrey L. Staats P’07 P’10 (10+)
Jerejon, LLC (CSP)
Kriscetta, LLC (CSP)
Jerry W. Dauterive and
Janie W. Dauterive (5+)
Paul A. Mancieri*
Michael Daversa ’85
Philip C. Marshall
Peter V. Deekle (10+)
William Thumm (ADV) and
Giuliana C. Thumm*
Anthony J. Mastriano*
Mark J. Densmore P’13 and
Laura Densmore
Melvyn A. Topf L’05 (5+)
Virginia B. McBride ’82 (ADV)
Bill E. Tracey ’00 (ADV)*
Robert W. McKenna (10+)
Long Island Sports &
Rehabilitation Center
Edward Weiss, Esq. (L) and
Susan L. Weiss
Mt. Hope Paint & Decorating
Tom W. DiPlacido*
Krista L. Dirico L’97
Jon F. Dodd (P, CSP) and Joan Dodd
Jorge O. Elorza, Esq. (ADV)
Luis E. Espinola and Lily P. Espinola
Stephen M. Estner
Lynn M. Fawthrop (10+)
Richard M. Field Jr. ’75 (P, ADV)
and Karen A. Pelczarski*
Francis X. Flaherty P’98 (T, L)*
William A. Flanagan L’05 (ADV) and
Marlene Flanagan*
Gerald A. Francese, Esq. ’96
Carl Gargula (PC) and
Jan Gargula (PC, CP)
Craig Marsh and Virginia Marsh*
David E. Melchar ’76 P’94 and
Roberta I. Melchar ’98 P’94 (H10)
Kevin P. Sullivan, Esq. L’08
Stephen E. White (10+, CP)
Howard A. Merten Jr., Esq. (L) and
Veronica Merten*
Steven N. Wickstrom and
Lucretia C. Wickstrom (CP)
Murray R. Metcalfe (CP)
Peter B. Wilbur M’06 (P, ADV, H5)
Yoshiyuki Miura and Mitsuko Miura
Jerome F. Williams and
Rosemary Williams (5+)
Paul M. Montrone (HD) and
Sandra G. Montrone*
Lawrence P. Moon and Judy T. Moon
Peter J. Needham and
Kathi A. Needham (CP)
Christopher M. Neronha, Esq. and
Monica Neronha (5+)
David J. Oliveira, Esq.
Leo’s Ristorante (5+, CSP)
Lexis Nexis
Little Bulman Medeiros &
Whitney PC
New England Institute of Technology
Newport Tent Company, Inc.
(5+, CSP)
OGGI Wedding Photography
Law Office of David J. Oliveira
Ormonde Productions
Patridge Snow & Hahn
900 Corp. (CSP)
A-1 Paving, LLC
The Penates Foundation
Primeco Painting, Inc.
Ratcliffe Harten Burke &
Glamaga LLP
Ace Charitable Foundation
Rhode Island Council
for the Humanities
Allied Waste Services of Fall River,
a Republic Services Company
Rhode Island Economic
Development Corporation
Mark W. Gemma, Esq. L’97 (L, 10+)
Thomas A. Owens P’09 and
Denise E. Owens P’09 P’11
John A. Pagliarini Jr., Esq. L’99
Arden Engineering
Constructors, LLC
Shechtman Halperin Savage LLP
William J. Gilbane Jr.*
William R. Goetz Jr. P’13 and
Elizabeth K. Goetz P’13*
Mark E. Pearson P’13 and
Tracy V. Pearson P’13
Athletic Surfaces Inc.
Taylor Duane Barton & Gilman LLP
William Grandgeorge P’81 and
Nancy Grandgeorge P’81
Perry M. Petrillo ’88 and
Kelly A. Petrillo ’87
Bartlein & Company, Inc.
Time Warner
TRAC Builders, Inc.
Charles G. Greenhalgh ’57 (H10)
J. Richard Ratcliffe, Esq. (PBC)
Helene and Bertram
Bernhardt Foundation (5+)
Bristol Bagel Works (CSP, CC)
Bristol County Lodge of Elks
Mary J. Staab Charity Inc.
Turfer Sportswear
Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. (CSP)
Bristol Circle
$500 – $999
Dennis Fleischmann P’10 and
Patricia Fleischmann P’10
James A. Azar and
Brenda B. Azar (5+)
Joseph N. Folcarelli P’13 and
Ann Marie M. Folcarelli P’13
Ellen M. Almeida P’06 (5+)
Lorenzo S. Galante and
Antonette A. Galante (CP)
Vladimir V. Ampleev and
Galina A. Slobodina
Vicki C. Balsamo
William J. Geraghty ’78
(AB, H10, CF)
Paul S. Manzi ’99 ’00 M’01 (H10)
and Stephanie P. Manzi (10+)
John J. McConnell Jr. and
Sara S. McConnell
Francis J. Taylor ’97 and
Janice B. Taylor ’98 (H10, CF)
Margaret Thombs PM’13 P’09 P’11
James F. McKenna ’77
Robert Tobin and
Catherine A. Tobin ’09 P’07 (CCM)
Keith A. Mills ’88 and
Christine Gomes Mills ’88
Joseph Tomasino P’07 and
Debra Tomasino P’07
Anthony Montefusco (5+)
Ryan F. Topal
Ian L. Gershuny and
Linda S. Gershuny
Melissa A. Moore, Esq. L’05
William N. Towner and
Susan M. Towner (CP)
Cecily V. Banks, J.D. (5+)
Kevin H. Giblin P’00 and
Catherine F. Giblin P’00 (5+)*
Darwina M. Mosley ’81 (H5, CF)
Suzanne P. Barnes
David A. Gilmore
Sami S. Nacaroglu P’07 (T)
Patrick C. Barry, Esq. (5+)
Christopher B. Gove P’11 and
Deborah M. Gove P’11 (5+)
Richard Nassaney Jr. ’93 (H5, CF)
Kurt Noyce PL’13
Christopher J. Viveiros ’00 (CSP)
and Meghan Murray
William R. Gumb P’08 and
Donna A. Gumb P’08
Roxanne M. O’Connell (CCM, 5+)
Peter H. Vogel ’93
Thomas S. Olsen ’11
Clayton T. Hardon P’11 and
Claire K. Hardon P’11 (5+)
Guilan Wang (5+)
Raquel M. Ortiz, Esq.
Donald S. Wilson P’12 and
Barbara A. Wilson P’12
Richard J. Anderson Jr. and
Linda S. Hawk
Daniel F. Anderson ’92
Nansie J. Bernard
Richard A. Bernardi (10+)
Eric M. Blattman and
Wendy K. Blattman (CP)
Ralph J. Bortugno P’13 and
Valerie I. Bortugno P’13 (CP)
Gilbert C. Brunnhoeffer III and
Marilyn G. McCarthy (5+)
Joseph Healy P’09 and
Deborah Healy P’09
David Morowitz, Esq.*
Edward A. Pascarella
Charlie Tracy and Charlotte S. Tracy*
Michael S. Tully (5+)*
Michael P. Turner ’92 (H5)
Stephen M. Payne and
Jane J. Payne (CP)
Gail I. Winson (10+)
Judith Platania (5+)
Andrew Workman
John R. Burgess ’71
Brian D. Hedberg P’13 and
Helen T. Hedberg P’13*
Amanda D. Callahan
Albert J. Hemond ’70 (CF)
Harold F. Pomeroy (10+)
Jonathan A. Wright and
Margaret K. Wright
Steven P. Carlson and
Ann E. Carlson
Jeffrey A. Henry (CP)
Richard H. Potter
Peter G. Wright (10+)
Bill Hertel (ADV) and Joan Hertel
Louis J. Procaccini (ADV)
Stephen H. Chaffee ’70 (CF)
H. David Hibbitt and Susan Hibbitt*
Lisa F. Quinn
Michael J. Yelnosky and
Laurie A. Barron (5+)
Richard S. Chandler P’13 and
Cynthia L. Chandler P’13
James Hines*
Richard A. Renwick and
Yvonne P. Renwick (CP)
E. J. Zuspan Jr. and
Diane M. Zuspan (CP)
Eric P. Chappell P’09 and
Cynthia M. Chappell P’09
(CCM, 10+)
Allison J. Chase Padula (5+)
Andrew C. Cohen (10+)
Judith L. Connery (5+)
Terence W. Conroy and
Donna W. Conroy (CP)
George Constas ’80 and Kim
Goggin-Constas ’78 (H5, CF)
Heath A. Hixson, Esq. L’09 and
Sara A. Sprague, Esq. L’08
Constance Howes, Esq. (L)
Lisa Hudson (CP)
Michael B. Rich (10+)
Henry S. Risman and
Amy D. Risman (CP)
Pablo Rodriguez
Michael Rolleri
Allied Court Reporters, Inc. and
Video Conference Center
Thomas A. Kane
Russell L. Rosenthal and
Debra J. Rosenthal (CP)
A.S.C.E.R.I. Section
James Kenney and
Barbara J. Kenney
Lesley E. Scherer (CP)
Polly Hutcheson (5+)
Robert Kando, Esq. L’96 (10+)
Robert B. Kent (L, HD)
Joseph M. Schmitt ’86 (H5)
Brown University
Cigar Masters
Clark Construction Group California, LP
Charles A. Cornell P’13 and
Pamela J. Cornell P’13
Hasan-Uddin Khan P’04 (10+)
Ramon C. Schreffler and
Sandra B. Schreffler
Timothy A. Kindle P’05 (10+)
Daniel D. Dewey ’71 (H5, CF)
Arthur J. Santry III
Eric G. Koch ’80
Leigh-Ann P. Durant
Amiee J. Shelton
Bruce I. Kogan (10+)
Mary Margaret Earl
Jonathan A. Small P’09 (CCM, 5+)
Christian J. Ladds (ADV)
Paul J. Earl and Mary Earl
Lorraine N. Lalli, Esq. L’01 (5+)
Gregory C. Smith P’12 and
Patricia L. Smith P’12
Mitchell Edwards, Esq. and
Lucia Edwards
Ava R. Lambert (5+)
Cesar L. Sousa, Esq. L’03
Stephen Eustis (ADV)
Andrew S. Lane P’13 and
Norma Y. Lane P’13
Denise R. Squillante ’80 (L, ADV)
Friends of Rogers Free Library
Capital Campaign
Roseann Evans (10+)
Jeffrey W. Steadman*
David Lauck
Hibbitt Family Fund
John M. Fahey and Caren S. Fahey
John W. Stout (ADV, 10+)
Robert A. Laughlin
MD Lieberman Foundation
Christopher D. Ferace ’89 (H10)
Long Island Sports &
Rehabilitation Center
Kevin W. Lewis, Esq. L’08 and
Siobhan L. Lewis, Esq. L’09
Louis Swiczewicz PM’08 P’01
P’04 P’05 (ADV) and
Rosalie M. Swiczewicz PM’08
P’01 P’04 P’05 (10+)
Mark T. Lieberman PM’12 P’12 and
Deborah S. Lieberman PM’12 P’12
Deborah L. Sylvia ’89 ’96 P’01 P’04
(H10) and Ronald N. Sylvia P’01
P’04 (10+)
George A. Ficorilli P’87 P’87 (H10)
Jose M. Figueirinhas ’92 and
Laura E. Figueirinhas ’95
Charles P. Gendron
Francis Madigan (ADV)*
Barrie D. Lee ’70
Coastal States Organization, Inc.
Decof & Decof, Attorneys At Law
Eaton Vance Management
Embrace Home Loans
Foundry Sports Medicine & Fitness
F.W. Madigan Company, Inc.
MBA Engineering
Milestone Consulting LLC
Montaup Country Club
Morowitz Law (5+)
Nutritional Products
International Inc.
Safe Way Auto Sales Inc.
Trillium Asset Management
Sansone Funeral Home (CC)
National Marine Sanctuary
People’s Credit Union (5+, CC)
Skanska USA Building, Inc.
Mike Tully Basketball Camp LLC
Reliable Pest Control (5+)
Sprague & Hixson, Attorneys at Law
E. Turgeon Construction Corp
Newport Gulls
Rhode Island Association for Justice
Walsh Building Co.
Newport International
Rhody Fresh Milk (CC)
Third Avenue Management
Private Foundation
Moses Afonso Ryan, Ltd.
Walt Disney World Resort
Ann M. Bonsall (U)
Michael Condon
Michael D. Aaronson and
Roberta H. Aaronson
Barton W. Bovee and
Ina J. Bovee (U)
Lynda Connell (U)
V. Douglas Errico and
Lisa F. Errico (U)
Donna G. Cook (U)
Melida Espinal
Marc Abis
Beth Braun
Geraldine Corbin
James V. Esposito (U)
Lilliam Abreu
Lucille Corcoran
Daniel Fairchild
Gus Adams (U)
Cornelius T. Bresnahan and
Linda M. Poulos
John E. Farley Jr.
John C. Alexyon
Tracy Breton (U)
Robert Cordeiro
Richard Allain and Fran Allain
Kate Brewster (U)
Lindsay M. Correia
William F. Farrell Jr. and
Rosemary B. Farrell (U)
Brian D. Alprin and Paula Alprin (U)
Nicola M. Brickley (U)
David B. Anderson and
M. Elizabeth Anderson
Kimberly A. Briones
Michael H. Anderson and
Cynthia J. Anderson
Michael K. Brown (5+)
Diane Andrade (U)
Ben Bryant
Stephen C. Andrade
James E. Burke (ADV, U)
Margaret Andrews
Robert Cahoone and
Bettina R. Cahoone
Marc C. Antonetti
Peter Arakas and
Karen Kellerman (U)
Donna Broughan
Patricia Brown (U)
John Coseo and Jeanne Coseo (U)
Joanne Costello
Glen Coutu and Shayla Coutu
Margaret F. Cox
William F. Cupelo (U)
William R. Fasano
Karen Feldman
Solanchi Fernandez (U)
Noel M. Field Jr. (5+, U)
Raymond M. Dagwan
Edward P. Fitzgerald and
Maribeth Fitzgerald
Jeffrey Dana
John Fitzgerald and Amy Fitzgerald
David B. Daniels Jr.
Kevin Fitzgerald
Reid Davenport
Peter Fitzgerald
David C. Caizzi
Christian De Juniac (U)
Jeanne Flaherty (U)
Alexandra K. Callam (U)
Doris M. De Los Santos
Everett W. Flanders
Lucy M. Atkinson
Joseph C. Cambio and
Dorella Cambio
Antonio R. Dean and
Johanna M. Dean
Alan S. Flink
Joseph P. Atwood
Benjamin D. Campbell (5+, U)
Joel B. Dearing
Julie R. Atwood
Victor F. Capellan (U)
Erin Debruyn
Mary Auterio
Zachary M. Dehm
Elaine D. Ayotte
Skip Carlin and
Lisa Churchville (P, U)
Yamil Baez
Gloria Casparian
Janet G. Deluca
Allison Baker
Ronald A. Cass (L) (U)
Marlon DePaz (U)
Alexa A. Baldino
Clifford J. Cawley (U)
Michael L. Dern (U)
Steven R. Forrest and
Francine A. Forrest
Shawn Baldwin
Donald E. Cecich (U)
Sixcia H. Devine (U)
Bryan W. Foster
Brigette Banta-Cain (U)
Lincoln D. Chafee and
Stephanie D. Chafee (U)
Charles Dewitt and Ann D. Dewitt
John Franks
Benjamin J. Chevrette
Avis P. Dickerson
Bruce Frei and Julie Frei
David Dickman and Lori Dickman
Zygmunt J. Friedemann (U)
Attilio T. Didario Jr. and
Mary L. Didario
Karyn M. Gallivan
Michael Barbis
Soledad Barreto
John V. Barry (U)
Jeremy Chiappetta and
Christine Chiappetta (U)
Josephine Barton
Carol Clark
John Barylick
Brenda J. Clement (PBC) (U)
Kara Batastini
Edward C. Clifton (L) and
Audrey Clifton (U)
Joseph J. Bellofatto and
Joanne Bellofatto (U)
Joseph F. Benevides
John R. Coccio Sr. and
Evelyn Coccio
Mark M. Benjamin and
Judith D. Benjamin (U)
Jay Cohen and Pamela Cohen
Kristina M. Benoit
Val John Colasanto (5+, U)
Kristy Benoit
Kipp W. Colby and Karen L. Colby
Gary Bickford and Sandra Bickford
Frank J. Collins (U)
Dennis D. Blackall and
Laura A. Blackall (10+, U)
Jennifer F. Cohen
John Condon (U)
William J. Delaney (ADV, U)
Maureen Dolan
David R. Dorfman and
Nancy Dorfman
Rachel Flum
Paul Flynn
Douglas Fogg
Gerald C. Fogg
Mark Foisy
Brian R. Ford
Anne A. Gardner (U)
Jodie Georgeu
Glen Gifford
William Doyle
Morton Glasser
Claudette Drainville
Steve Goldman
Guy Dufault
Ruby E. Goldstein
Carl E. Ehmann (U)
Heriberto Gonzalez
Daniel S. Emmert (U)
Roberto Gonzalez (U)
Mary L. Emmons
Barbara Gornostai
Christine J. Engustian
Gordon H. Greene II and
Judith W. Greene (U)
Joseph M. Ephremian
Jeff Grenier (U)
Chad Gunnlaugson (U)
Arlene F. Leschack
Gregory Gwaltney
Anthony Lespasio
Jeffrey Hale
Jolene F. Hamal-Cole (U)
John M. Lespasio and
Rebecca Lespasio
Christina L. Hannifan (ADV, U)
Mark Lespasio
Maureen Harrington (U)
Ruth Lidsky (U)
Manoog T. Heditsian
Raelyn N. Little
Joan C. Hickey
Michael S. Littlefield (U)
Krista Hiller
Miranda Logan
Joe Hillman (U)
Patrick Logan
John J. Hock (U)
Sydney Logan
Edward C. Hough
David London
Roscoe C. Howard (L, HD, U)
Shirley M. Longo
Laurette Humphrey
A. P. Loveley (U)
Mary M. Humphrey (U)
Peter D. Lucas (U)
Somer Huntley
Steven R. Lusi and
Susan F. Lusi (U)
Eleanor D. Mergendahl
Kiel J. Patrick
John Merkl (U)
Mark A. Patrick
Colin Merrick (U)
Michael T. Michaud (U)
Raymond P. Payson and
Marcia L. Blount
William F. Morales (U)
Arthur Peoples
Martin Moran and Shirley Moran
Katherine E. Peoples
Paul Moran (10+, U)
Wyatt B. Peoples
Paula D. Moran (U)
Vidal Perez
Domingo Morel (ADV, U)
Paula M. Petrone
Mark B. Morse
Benjamin Phillips (U)
Alan M. Mal (U)
Joyce A. Moynihan (U)
Ryan J. Maliga
David H. Mulligan (U)
Thomas J. Piecewicz and
Julie M. Piecewicz (U)
Esther Mancarella
James J. Murphy Jr.
Jim Markovich (U)
Kim Murphy
Emily Marotti
Bonnie Mutter
Richard Pogmore and
Jeannie Pogmore
David J. Marrington and
Inez Marrington
Frank Nash
William Poirier and Anne Poirier
Marie M. Martel
Alan D. Nathan (ADV) and
Virginia Nathan (U)
Mallory A. Poole
Carla M. Martin
Sharon Nikosey
Cathy Martin
Joan Niman (U)
Cynthia C. Kennard (U)
John Massimo III and
Carol Massimo (U)
Virginia W. Niman
Edward M. Kennedy and
Melissa A. Kennedy
Olinda Matos
E. A. P. Norton and Ann Norton (U)
Clifford A. Matthews
Robert R. Nyahkoon Jr. (U)
Audrey Maudie
Juanita M. Oca (U)
Stephanie Mauro
Tiana Ochoa
Tyler McAfee
John O’Connell (10+, U)
Janet McCarthy
Elizabeth B. Oliveira (U)
John McCarthy
Stu O’Melveny and
Mollie O’Melveny (U)
Carlton Huntsberger
K. Hurtman
Anthony Iannone (U)
Andres Indarraga
Joseph P. Ippolito Jr. and
Marcia M. Ippolito (U)
Jose Itzigsohn (U)
Barnaby Jackson (U)
Brian Johnson
Damaris Johnson (U)
Kathy Jones
Brian R. Juneau (U)
Lucia Kaiser
David Kaplan and
Elizabeth L. Kaplan
John F. Keane and Mary T. Keane (U)
Laurie Kelly
Jean Kelsey
Daniel King and Kristen King
Linda Kivlin
Doug Klein
Michael Kuhn (U)
Lynette Labinger
Jeanne E. Lafazia (U)
Ann Lagasse (U)
Ronald R. Lagueux and
Denise Lagueux (U)
David B. Lamberton
Peter Lamberton
Allen Larson and
Gloria C. Larson (L, U)
Arthur Lathrop
Lawrence D. Lavers (P) and
Elisabeth E. Lavers (P, U)
A plaque commemorating the first 20 years of the
Roger Williams University School of Law was dedicated
in the School’s first-floor atrium on Sept. 28, 2013, at a
special ceremony honoring and recognizing its founders,
deans and benefactors.
Joyce Lyford
Kevin Lynch
Catherine Lyon-Hart
Johannah MacBeth
Terry Machette
Paul H. Dworkin and
Sheila Maher Dworkin
Kathleen McCarthy
Julie Nora (U)
David A. Place
Elaine Plawecki
Joan M. Pulaski
Karen M. Pulaski
Chris E. Quesnelle
Rick Quiles
Emily Rahilly
Jose F. Ramirez
Deborah J. Ramos
Nuno A. Raposo
Bruce Reilly
Laurie Reynolds
Sal Riccardi and Maureen Riccardi
David A. Rice (U)(Deceased)
William F. McCarthy and
Maureen F. McCarthy
Patricia D. O’Neil
Virginia Rice (U)
Mary A. Orfanello
Joann Robichaux
Robert J. McConnell (PBC, U)
Matthew N. Orlando
Gary Robinson (U)
Steven J. McDonald (U)
Rafael A. Ovalles (U)
Joan K. Rocha
William J. McDonnell and
Helen T. McDonnell
George Paci and Denise C. Paci
Olivia Rodrigues
Whitney B. Packer
Besenia Rodriguez (U)
John D. Palana
Diego Rodriguez (U)
Carol Palma
Christine Rogers
Suzanne M. Palma
Fred Romano and Linda Romano
Lorraine A. Parent
John M. Roney (PBC, U)
Kenneth M. Parisi
Nancy Rose
Francis Parra (U)
James A. Ruggieri (L, U)
Michael McElroy
Howard McGee
Joan M. McLaughlin
Susan Leach Deblasio
John G. McMullen (U)
Kyung H. Lee (U)
Teri Melanson
Eugene T. Leonard III (U)
Alessandra Melia
Eugene T. Leonard II
Jessica Mendoza
Joseph Pastore and
Kathleen E. Pastore
Connie Ruppenthal (U)
Paul A. Suttell (HD) and
Mary W. Suttell (U)
Bryan Russo
Donald Swensen (U)
Jonathan Russo
Krysten Swensen
1661 Inn & Hotel Manisses
Margaret P. Russo
Ruth A. Swensen (U)
195 Franklin
Marianne Russo
Joan Sylvander
1A Auto Body
Patrick J. Ryan
Estelle Sylvester
1st Class Wine & Spirits
Bernadette Saftel
Matthew R. Tamburino
2nd Story Theatre
Paula C. Sager (PBC)
Linda F. Tancrell
426 Fitness
Charles M. Coelho &
Sons Inc. (CSP)
Tran Sanders (U)
Mark Tata and Michelle Tata
A New Beginning Salon & Spa
Cilantro Mexican Grille
Joseph Sarno
Nikolai Tchobanava
AAA Southern New England
Citizens Charitable Foundation
Coletta Sawyer
Steven Testa
Accountables, LLC (5+)
Citizens Financial Group Inc.
Steven J. Schafer and
Susan Schafer (U)
Carl Thornton
Adler Pollock & Sheehan P.C. (10+)
Claymax II, Inc.
George Toth and Marguerite Toth
Aetna Foundation, Inc. (5+)
Cobwebs Antiques
Michelle Schapp
Lilly C. Tow (U)
Aidan’s Pub
Coddington Brewing Co.
Steven Schapp
James Travers (U)
Alayne White Spa
Colgate-Palmolive (5+)
Virginia Schick
Robert Travers and Peggyann Travers
Alex and Ani, Inc.
Community College of Rhode Island
Kenneth Schreiber and
Linda Schreiber (U)
Kyle Trenholm
All Occasion Transportation
Conway Tours
Betty Triarsi
Allianz Global Investors
Elvio Sciacca
Country Woolens
Demetrious Tsoumbanos
Alpine Country Club
Frank T. Sciuto and
Joanne Sciuto
Cranston Country Club
Alexandra Tung
Amy’s Apples LLC
Criminal Law Society
Ronald M. Tvert (U)
Anthony’s Seafood
Crowthers Restaurant
John H. Tyler (U)
Antonio’s Trattoria
Crystal Lake Golf Course
Patricia J. Vannortwick
Architectural Design Services
Cuban Revolution Restaurant & Bar
Helen Vannostrand
Arthur Margolin Real Estate
Joseph M. Vieira Jr.
Arthur Murray Dance Studio
Custom House Coffee
Donald F. Shea (HD) and
Ursula R. Shea (U)
Netti C. Vogel (L, U)
Avon Cinema
The Daily Scoop
Amy Vorenberg
BAE Systems
David Shrestinian (ADV, U)
Joseph Walsh and Ginette Walsh (U)
Bananagrams Inc.
Dave & Busters
Michael A. Silverstein
(Emeritus Trustee) and
Phyllis J. Silverstein (U)
Christopher Waters
Bane Restaurant Corp.
Charles A. Watson and
Nola D. Watson (U)
Barrington Books
deCordova Sculpture Park and
Reshma Singh (U)
The Beat Goes On
Designer Dogs
Robert G. Weldie and
Theresa A. Weldie
Beehive Cafe
DJJL Realty, LLC
Bella Yarns (5+)
Down City Parking LLC
Big Nazo Lab
Dunkin Donuts Center
Boing! JP Toy Store
D’Vine on the Hill
Boston Business Gifts LLC
East Bay Kennels Ltd. (CC)
Boston Red Sox Baseball Club LP
Eastern Mountain Sports
Breezy Knoll Childcare Center
Brick Alley Pub (5+)
Edible Arrangements
Bristol Harbor Inn
Edwards Wildman Palmer LLP
MacKenzie Winne
Bristol House of Pizza
Law Office of Christine Engustian
Sonia Sotomayor
Ariana Wohl
Bristol Land Conservation Trust
Eve’s Addiction
Frederick D. Souza
Seamus Wolfe
Bristol Total Fitness
Falmouth Physical Therapy
Gael A. Stapleton
Marilyn J. Woloohajian (U)
Bristol Yoga Studio
Family Service of Rhode Island
Pat Stapleton (U)
Jane A. Wong
Bristol-Myers Squibb (5+)
Festival Ballet Providence, Inc.
Frank Staskiewicz
James Worth and Janice J. Worth
Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation
Fidelity Brokerage Services, Inc.
Min Wu
Brooks Brothers
Brian P. Stern (U)
Gladys Wyatt
Law Office of Rene G. Brown
Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse &
Wine Bar (5+)
Richard Stewart and Joan Stewart
Samuel M. Yelnosky
Buttonwood Park Zoo
Edward P. Stuart Jr. (U)
Ashlynn Young
Caboret Salon of Beauty
James Stumpf
Carol Young
Caffé Itri
Bob Sullivan
Rafael A. Zapata (U)
Campus Wines
Sandra Zera (U)
Capital Grille
Don Zerio
Cardi’s Furniture, Inc.
Jill A. Ruitberg (U)
Ellen B. Selya
Hinda P. Semonoff
Marth Shadwell
Samuel J. Shamoon and
Linda K. Shamoon
James Sleight and
Piper M. Sleight (U)
Charles Smeykal and
Margaret Smeykal
Clifford E. Smith Jr. (U)
Gina M. Smith
Renee L. Smith
Richard Smith (U)
Sandra Smith
Michael A. Solomon (U)
Robin G. Steinberg (L, U)
Patricia Sullivan (U)
Tanya J. Sullivan
James C. Supsky
Deborah White
Robert White Jr. and Barbara White
Susan Whitman (U)
Gregory P. Wick and
Marie S. Wick (U)
Michelle Williams
Robert A. Williamson and
Bonnie L. Williamson
Carlucci Sales
Casserta Pizzeria
CB&I Matching Gift Program
Celebrity Series of Boston
Celtic Lawn Care Inc.
Centre Street Cafe
Chadam Corp
Floral Symphony (5+)
Four Franklin Salon
From the Top
Galusha & Sons LLC
General Electric Foundation
Gianfranco Marrocco Enterprises
Golden Shears Beauty Salon
William Gould Architectural
Preservation, LLC
Lobster Pot, Inc.
Pete’s Fish Market
Spring Break Tanning, Inc.
Local 121
Pierce Atwood LLP
Graphic Ink
St. Joseph Health Services
Longobardi & Boyle, LLC
Law Office of Ann Pinheiro
St. Augustine’s Church
Lorman Education Services
PJ’s Pub
Green Mountain Coffee Inc.
Star Nails
Lowney Interiors
The Pottorff Living Trust
Green River Silver Co.
Stella Blues Restaurant & Lounge
Lynne Bean-Frank Bean Inc.
Practical Plastics (5+)
Greenvale Vineyards
Steven A. Colantuono, Esq.
M.E.D. Distribution
Pramer Fuel Inc.
Grossi Dance Academy
Sully’s Ice-Cream Stand
Premiere Mortgage Services, Inc.
Guardian Life Insurance Company
Law Offices of
Stephen P. Maguire, Esq.
Sun Life Financial (10+)
Guatemaltecos En Accion RI
Swansea Country Club
Mann & Mitchell
Preservation Society
of Newport County
Hanko Ryu Martial Arts School
Marzilli’s Bakery
Progreso Latino Inc.
The Hanover Insurance Group
Taylor House Bed and Breakfast
Providence College
Harbor Bath & Body
Marzilli’s Old Canteen Restaurant
Temple Downtown
Providence Courtyard by Marriott
Harpoon Brewery
Massmutual Financial Group
Textron (5+)
Harrington & Rhodes, Ltd.
Material Sand and Stone Corp.
Providence Performing
Arts Center (5+)
The Theater Offensive
Peter D. Hart Research Associates
Joan Mathieu Attorney At Law
Providend Diamond Company
The Hilton Providence
Friends of Sabina Matos
Holiday Inn Fitchburg &
Coco Key Water Resort
McAuley Corporation
Quito’s Shellfish and
Restaurant, Inc. (5+)
McLaughlin & Moran Co. (10+)
Quonset Air Museum
Trinity Repertory Company
Homestead Landscaping
Rampino Law Associates, Ltd.
Tweets Balzanos Family Restaurant
Law Office of
Douglas M. Mercurio, P.C.
Raytheon Company (10+)
Ultimate Fitness Gym
IBM Corporation (10+)
Metlife, Inc.
Law Office of Kevin B. Reall
United Technology
Innerlight Center for Yoga
Metrowest Music
Redlefsens Rotisserie & Grill (5+)
USS Constitution Museum
Metso Automation
Rhode Island Bar Association
Richard R. Valcourt Agency, Inc.
International Institute of
Rhode Island, Inc.
Michelle Macera Source Wellness
Rhode Island Commodores
Van’s Spa
Microsoft Corporation
Rhode Island Kids Count, Inc.
Venus de Milo Restaurant
The International Tennis
Hall of Fame
Milan Clothiers (5+)
Rhode Island State Council
Vineyard Vines
Milk & Honey Bazaar
Interstate Navigation Co.
Mills & Born, Attorneys at Law, LLP
R.I. Council for the Humanities
Walden Medical, PLLC
Invensys/Foxboro Systems, Inc.
Mizuho Usa Foundation
R.I. Philharmonic
Walt Disney World Resort
MJ Sauchuk Inc.
R.I. Philharmonic Orchestra
Music School
Western Union Foundation
Rix Chain Design
Roba Dulce Gelato
Westport Rivers
Vineyard & Winery (5+)
Robbins Garage Inc.
Whaley, Bowie, and Bagley, LLC
Robles Insurance, LLC
Wright Law Associates, Inc.
Rock Spot Climbing Peacedale Inc.
Yoga Loft
Roney & Labinger
YourCause, LLC
Jeff Russ Plumbing & Heating
Zooma Bar-Ristorante
Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
Jacky’s Galaxie Restaurant
Jem Haircare Services
Jennifer Lima Photography
Jillian’s Salon
John F. Kennedy Library Foundation
Joslin Community Development Corp.
Kate & Co.
Friends of A. Ralph Mollis
Monster Mini Golf of Seekonk
Montage Hair Design
Morgan Stanley
Narrow River Kayaks
Narrows Center for the Arts
Nashawtuc Architects
Think Outside, LLC
Tivey’s Flooring, LLC (5+)
Travelers Community Connections
Wachusett Mountain Assoc.
Westlaw Research Database
Ruth’s Chris Steak House
New Bedford Whaling Museum
Stephen and Elizabeth Sabounjian
Ken Rocha Collision, LLC
New England Laborers’
Salon 346
New Leaf Salon LLC
Allianz Global Investors
K.I.N. Foundation
Samsonite Factory Store
New Repertory Theatre
BAE Systems
Kirshenbaum Law Associates
Sandra Feinstein-Gamm Theatre
Newport Art Museum
Bank of America Foundation
Klein Laboratories
Sarnelle Surgery
Newport Marriott Hotel
Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation
Knight Street Auto, Inc.
SDC Fine Wine Consultants
La Creperie
Newport Vineyards &
Winery, LLC (5+)
Seacoast Marine Service Inc.
Carmax Foundation
Matching Gifts Program
Seacoast Supply, Inc.
Cit Group
Seekonk Supply, Inc. (5+)
Citizens Charitable Foundation
Shell Oil Company
Citizens Financial Group Inc.
Peter R. & Cynthia K. Kellogg
Foundation (5+)
Label Quest LLC
Ladder 133 Sports Bar & Grill
Not Your Average Joe’s
Ace Charitable Foundation
Lake Compounce
Ocean State Janitorial Service
(5+, CC)
Lazer Gate
Original Pizza of Boston
Shell Oil Company Foundation
Partners Village Store
Shellfish for You, LLC
Eaton Vance Management
Pawtucket Red Sox
Showcase Cinema
Embrace Home Loans
Pean Doubulyu Glass
Sites Remediation &
Technologies, Inc.
Fidelity Foundation Matching Gifts
to Education Program
Skin Care by Yadira
FM Global
Le Central
Leone Law, LLC
Life Fitness,
a Division of Brunswick Corp
Lizzie Borden
Bed & Breakfast Museum
Mohegan Sun
Tara Garvey Design
Pet Lover Bristol
General Electric Foundation
Global Impact
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Donald R. Manley (H5)
Guardian Life Insurance Company
U.S .Department of Commerce
Robert H. Maxwell (U, H10, CF)
Algirdas P. Martinkus (H10)
The Hanover Insurance Group
U.S. Department of Defense
Richard A. Sandberg (U, H5)
Murray H. Massover (U, H10, CF)
IBM Corporation
U.S. Department of Education
Invensys/Foxboro Systems, Inc.
U.S. Department of Justice
Paul J. Morrissey (H10)
Johnson & Johnson
Matching Gifts Program
U.S. Department of State
William L. Kollmer (RW, H10)
Stephen Moussas (U, H10)
U.S. Economic Development
Massmutual Financial Group
Metso Automation
Microsoft Corporation
Mizuho Usa Foundation
Morgan Stanley
Nationwide Insurance
New York Life Foundation
Raytheon Company
U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency
William M. Agnew
David I. Cohen (U)
Vincent F. Azzarone (H5, CF)
David R. Gray Jr. (H10)
Shell Oil Company Foundation
Charles G. Greenhalgh (RW, H10)
Texas Instruments Foundation
Raymond N. Menard (U, H5)
Salvatore Greco (H10)
Verizon Foundation
Gregory A. Samos (U, H5, CF)
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Institute of Museums
and Library Services
Robert A. Crudale Sr. (CF)
John T. Faria (U, H10)
Gary P. Farias (H10)
Albert J. Ferland Jr. (H10)
Ernest Gaudet Jr. (U)
Albert J. Hemond (RW, CF)
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Stephen H. Chaffee (RW, CF)
Paul E. Eichin (U, H10)
Peter J. Baum (U)
Irwin Gross (H5)
United Technology
YourCause, LLC
Trillium Asset Management
Western Union Foundation
Lon Kopit (U, H10)
Wells Fargo Educational
Matching Gift Program
Alan J. Hartstein (CF)
Shell Oil Company
Third Avenue Management
Private Foundation
Robert J. McDonough (U, H10)
Robert P. Liptrot (H10)
Michael Integlia Jr. P’12
(ADV, RW, H5, CF)
Donald T. Krudys (H10)
Roger H. Lambert
Barrie D. Lee (RW)
Ronald L. Martel (U, H5, CF)
Harold M. Metts
Eugene F. Nichols
Anthony J. Oliver
Edward H. Goldberg
Thomas E. Ottaviano P’91
Alfred A. Pagel
Harry Raubens (U)
Samuel Roback (U, CF)
Marc H. Rosenberg (CF)
Earl H. Doyle Jr. (U)
Henry F. Russell Jr. (U, H10)
Henry H. Ohanian (H5, CF)
National Fish and
Wildlife Foundation
Robert M. Antonacci (U)
National Institutes of Health
Roy A. Sylvander
David Borden
National Science Foundation
R.I. Board of Governors
of Higher Education
R.I. Coastal Resources
Management Council
John R. Burgess (RW, N)
Albino Conte (H10, CF)
Russell Campanelli
PM’12 P’10 P’10 (RW, H10, CF)
William H. Gould Jr.
Robert J. Canulla (U, H5)
Walter C. Hudson (U, N)
John W. Card (U, H10)
Oscar R. Tassone
Richard E. Clark (H5)
Roy F. Clements (N)
R.I. Council For the Humanities
R.I. Public Health Institute
Beverly S. Colella
R.I. Department of Education
Thomas N. Comella Sr. P’92 (U, H5)
Serena M. Conley (U, H10)
R.I. Economic Development
Riley E. Lamson Jr. (U, H10)
R. John Courtois (U, H5, CF)
Marshall Margolis (U)
Laurent M. Desrosiers
R.I. Sea Grant
Paul O. McEnanly (H5)
Daniel D. Dewey (RW, H5, CF)
R.I. Science and Technology
Advisory Council
Henry Z. Pristawa
Richard L. Frigon (H5, CF)
Howard J. Sonion
Phyllis W. Gruner
Town of Bristol, R.I.
Steven Lepore (U, H10)
Marvin Ott (H10)
Wendell B. Pols (U)
Walter R. Prest Jr. (U, H10)
John M. Robinson
Peter A. Ruggeri (H10)
Antone P. Silva (H5, CF)
John Tamburro (H10, CF)
Carl Tatz (U)
Joseph C. Wahler (U)
John C. Bergeron (H10)
James A. Chase (H10)
John S. Christiansen (U, CF)
Gedeon L. Drainville
James G. Dudelson (HD, U)
Mary P. DuPont Gladue (U, H10)
Raymond A. Filippone (U, H10)
John R. Gardiner (H10)
George R. Hemond
(ADV, RW, H10, CF)
Geraldine T. Humphrey (U, H10, CF)
Vincent A. Lagreca (U, H10)
Robert E. Leblanc (N)
Gary C. Lemery (U)
Silvio Mancini (U)
Ernest Mari Jr.
A record 595
new alumni donors
made their first gift to the
University during the 2013
Fiscal Year. We are honored to
welcome you all to our family
of donors.
William C. Martin (U)
Russell Michael (U, H10, CF)
Allen D. Mitchell
Dennis I. Revens (U)
Vincent Ricci (U)
Donald R. Ricklin (H10)
Henry Ruggiero (U)
Harry A. Templeton (U, H10, CF)
Paul J. Viveiros P’99 P’00
Charles Dobson (U, CF)
Shirley A. Wells (U, CF)
David Amaral (H10)
Anthony E. Autiello (ADV, RW, CF)
Rhonda L. Fallk (N)
James G. Whiffen (U, H5)
Richard C. Bellavance (H5)
Craig Bloomer (U)
Richard M. Field Jr. (P, ADV, RW, N)
Ida Bochner-Brown (U, H10, CF)
George N. Bolden Sr.
PM’05 P’98 P’07 (ADV, RW)
Mindy C. Gersten-Isaacs (H5)
Clement W. Brown Jr. (U, H10)
Jeffrey J. Gibbons
Granger Cook (H10)
William A. Delmage
Gerri Cabral
Keri Faist-Kellert (RW)
Dennis M. Demessianos (U)
Mary E. Carlos (H10)
Barbara Hamilton Porter
(U, H10, CF)
Steven C. Dorney
Bruce E. Chorney (H10)
Marie Lupino (H10)
Linda F. Henderson
Michael L. Durand (U)
Russell W. Crowe
Armand A. Lussier
Frederick A. Huntley (U, H10)
Donald R. Falardeau
John F. Davis (H5)
Wayne J. Manni
Pamela Huntley (U, H10)
Richard W. Gerold (H10)
John L. DeAlmo
John J. McCabe (U, H10)
Lee A. Johnston (U)
Robert J. Gervasini (U)
Kenneth E. Mahler
James S. Miller (H10)
James F. McKenna (RW)
Roger O. Hackett (U, H5)
Raymond W. Maker III (H10, CF)
Henry Petrofsky (CF)
Kenneth T. Osborne (ADV, U, H5)
Carolyn A. Hardie (H10)
Christine Manchester (H5)
Robert P. Pompei (RW)
Armenag Palian (H10)
Richard Raczelowski
A. D. Petrosinelli
Leonard C. Rathbun (U, H10)
Thomas P. Sheehan
Carlton E. Sanford (RW, H5)
Richard R. Valcourt (U)
Walter K. Schroder
Scott Yonan P’03 P’09 (CCM, U)
Edward L. Foss (U)
Robert S. Simmons (H10)
Frank M. Sylvester (ADV, U, H5, CF)
Susan W. Teece
William Andrake Jr.
Aura Vallarino
Gail R. Brule (H5)
Donald R. Whitworth P’01 (U, H5)
JoAnn D. Castro (H5)
Kenneth J. Castro
Elaine J. Chesebro (N)
Richard Adamson
Thomas R. Christensen
Paula H. Akucewich (H5)
Raymond S. DeLeo II
(ADV, RW, H10, CF)
Susan M. Bingham
(U, H10, CF)
Each year, the Brett Bergman ’11 Memorial Senior Merit Scholarship
Award – established by friends and family in memory of Brett
Bergman ’11 – is presented to a graduating business major. The 2013
award was granted to Eryn Bass ’13, pictured here with Mario J.
Gabelli School of Business Dean Jerry Dauterive (center) and
friends of Brett Bergman.
Matthew M. Egan (U)
Elizabeth Carlin Metz (U, H10)
Nancy J. Egan (U)
Fern L. Coleman (H10)
David J. Ferland (U, H10)
Reginald P. Cousineau (H10)
Debra S. Flanzbaum
Alfred J. Della-Posta (U, N)
Wayne L. Dubreuil (H10, CF)
William J. Geraghty
(AB, RW, H10, CF)
Douglas C. Gent
Joseph A. Giorgi (U)
Shirley A. Harrison
Kim Goggin-Constas (RW, H5, CF)
Richard Hurst (N)
Thomas R. Harris
Julia G. Janes (H10)
Michael C. Jefferson (U)
Paul B. Lavallee (ADV, CF)
John A. Koolis Jr. (U)
Beverly Leach (U)
Charles S. Mazmanian
James M. MacAulay (H10)
Carol A. McNamara (H5)
Lawrence J. McCarter (U, H5)
Joseph B. Occhi (U, H5)
Lisa A. O’Grady
George J. Hillman (U)
Barbara McLacklan (H5)
David E. Melchar
P’94 (RW, H10)
John F. Lamoureux (H10)
Wayne A. Meunier (U, N)
Patrick F. Moran
John P. Ruggiero Jr. (H10)
Andre A. Langlais
Richard T. Murray
Kenneth E. Noiseux (H5)
Richard Sagnella (H10)
Anthony Lato Jr. (H10)
John P. Olobri (H10)
David A. Ogilvie
William J. Saveall (H10)
Kristine F. Major
Thomas R. Prohaska (U, H5, CF)
John A. Quaranta Jr. (H10, CF)
Maureen A. St. Laurent (H5)
Joanne L. Murphy-Rothenbuhler
Henry H. Thayer III
Gloria Radway (H5)
Sarah S. Strickland (U, H5)
Donald R. Ricklin (H10)
David S. Wadsworth
Alan A. Perry (U)
Jeffrey L. Ringuest (U, H10)
Kenneth Proto
Herbert J. Andrade
Robert E. Ryan (U)
Rudolph Rothenbuhler (H10)
Joseph Bedard
Dennis Stromberg (H10)
Craig P. Ablondi (U, N)
Kenneth L. Shemenski (U)
Gail Bowers
Gale A. Sylvester-De Mello (CF)
Richard Beretta
Jeffrey W. Silva
Alan S. Carvalho
Barbara Tilford (U, H10, CF)
Robert M. Bolton (RW)
Debra DeAlmo
Gary A. Tilford (U, H10)
Oliver T. Charlebois (H10)
Joseph R. Tassone
Audrey M. Dupont
Thomas H. Bowden (H10)
William D. Rath (U)
Leo C. Croteau (H5)
Eric Schneider
Jacqueline A. Armillotto
Anthony Phillips (U)
Paul E. Deckett
Harold D. Short (U)
Linnea K. Cedergren (U, H10)
Jon E. Rosenblum (H10, CF)
Alfredo DiMauro Jr.
Denise R. Squillante (L, RW, N)
Louis B. Clark (U)
Marjorie E. Rosenfeld (U, H5)
Christopher J. Egan Jr. (U)
Robert C. Whiffen (H10)
Maureen A. Corkery (U, CF)
Mark Saccoccio P’12 (U)
Paula J. Elsmore (N)
Timothy B. Yeaton (T, AB, RW)
Robert H. Coyle (U)
Paul C. Sanborn P’11 (U)
Carl A. Dickson (U)
David D. Watterson (H10)
Doreen Ford
Charles D. Fresolone (H5)
Michael Heston
Paul O. Wesiah
Debra Kahn (U)
Scott S. Bauer (U, CF)
Carol C. Hogan (H10)
Douglas Whitla (U, CF)
Raymond J. Kelley Jr.
Joseph Bayer (U, H10)
Paul L. Holahan
Frank A. Yetner
David S. Llewellyn (RW)
Helen Bedrick
Cheryl L. Kechichian
Joseph Migliore
Lois Bertini (U, H10, CF)
Louis L. Kline
Donald P. Morrison
David G. Cameron
Lisa A. Kondvar
Fred H. Abrahamson (H10)
James E. Powell (H5, CF)
Patricia J. Cashin
Edward A. Lonergan (N)
Jeannette L. Arrighi (H5, CF)
Claire S. Reilly (H10)
Laura B. Choiniere (ADV, U, H5, CF)
Michael C. Martin (H10)
Anthony Baro
Kenneth C. Rowe (U)
Anthony Colantonio (U, H10)
H. Mitchell Barrett
Virginia W. Schonwald P’11
Paul Daley (U, H5)
Kathleen A. Massa P’05
(CCM, U, H5)
Everett W. Stringer
Kevin A. Dolan
Paulette M. Masse
Stephen Doucette (H5)
Virginia B. McBride (ADV, RW)
Carol A. Botelho (AB, U, H10, CF)
Margaret C. Taylor (H5)
Jonathan F. Williams (N)
Jed Emont (U)
Daniel F. McCarthy (H5)
William W. Evans (U)
Wayne E. Oosterman (H5)
Gregory P. Forrest (U, H5)
Marc C. Pfeiffer (U)
Lynne M. Gannon (U, H10)
Timothy J. Pramer (U)
Josephine J. Alves (U, H10, CF)
Bruce T. Garthwaite (U, H10)
Christopher Reynolds (H5)
Jean E. Bauer (H10)
David L. Gioffreda (U)
Richard J. St. Jean (H5)
Mary Chapman (H5)
Howard Goebel (H5)
Hiroshi Takada (U)
Roberta A. Ciarfella
Roger G. Guillemette (CF)
Brenda Yates
Donald Clarke (H10)
Lucinda M. Hannus (N)
Dennis J. Collinson (U)
John J. Hogan (U, H10)
George Constas (RW, H5, CF)
Karl S. Koertje (H10)
Linda L. Correia (H5)
Daryl A. Lansing (U, H10)
Patricia Amat
Bernard Cunniff (H10)
Jeffrey Luce
Richard F. Ansaldi Jr. (U)
Andy Davia (H5, CF)
Charles MacLeod (U, H10)
Paul B. DuPont (H5)
James A. MacMannis (U, H5)
Timothy E. Baxter P’13
(T, AB, RW, H5, CF)
Robert S. Engel Jr. P’13 (ADV, RW)
Cecelia M. Magaw, L.C.S.W. (N)
James Farrar (U, H5)
Stephen McCartney (ADV, U)
Donald C. Forster
Dennis McLaughlin (H5)
Scott D. Frankel (U, CF)
Renee A. Mikitarian-Bradley (U, H5)
Susan T. Gallup (H10)
Darwina M. Mosley (RW, H5, CF)
Nanja L. Galoppi Stevens (N)
Margaret M. Murphy (N)
Donna A. George
Maureen E. O’Neill (U)
Laurie A. Goldschmidt (U)
Jesse E. Perry (U)
Michael P. Guy
Ina Pottorff
Michael A. Hathaway (RW)
Karen M. Rusinek (H10)
Michael A. La Scala
(AB, ADV, RW, H10, CF)
Peter A. Heard (AB, ADV, RW)
Andre U. Segatti (RW, H5, CF)
Neal M. Lamanna
Francis E. Considine
Joan B. Ilves (H5)
Richard M. Segel
Susan J. Lauffer
Barbara A. Costa
Sally T. Knox (H5)
Edward B. Slominski (H10)
Daniel N. Lopes (U)
Deborah J. Costantini (U, H10)
Eric G. Koch (RW)
John L. Smith (H10)
Terrence P. Maguire (U, H10)
Brian M. Cronin (U)
Robert A. Langelo
Peter Teto (U)
Katherine D. Mandolfi (H5)
George R. Daubenspeck (RW, H5)
Beth L. Lawton (U, H10)
Joyce D. Topshe P’13 (U, H5)
Jonathan B. Marquardt (H10)
Michael Daversa (RW)
Steven G. Limanni
Patricia A. Vaslet
Anthony M. Monaco (U, H10)
Kelly Davis Corbett (U)
David J. Morris (U)
William R. Winter (U)
Paul Moroukian (U)
Thomas M. Decatur (U, H10)
Robert A. Mortensen (U)
Sarah C. Decrescenzo Rivard
Mary C. Muccio (U, H5, CF)
Victor Faconti
Brigita M. Naegeli
Mark E. Ferdinando (U)
Linda A. Pankovic (U)
Catherine G. Graney
William B. Pepin (N)
Randall L. Herko (U, H5, CF)
J. Scott Needham (U)
Nancy A. Ness
Betina B. Ragless (H10)
Nancy Abilheira (U, H10)
Patrick M. Rose (U)
Kyle Adamonis (AB, RW, H10)
Judith A. Scanlon (U)
Herbert J. Aldous
Donald A. Bisbano (H10, CF)
D. Cameron Calkins (N)
Judy A. Corain (U)
Patrick J. Dwyer (H5, CF)
Patricia M. Egan (U)
Memi M. Faustini Csontos
Carol S. Fletcher
Timothy F. Gannon (U, H10)
Carolyn M. Hutchinson (U)
Robert C. Bianchi (H10)
David B. Buckler (U, CF)
Lisa B. Cabnet (U, H10)
Douglas M. Cyr (H10)
Ronald Decubellis
Edward J. Devine (U)
Adam J. Finkelstein
Stacey A. Foisy
Michael Harrison (H10, CF)
Dannie G. Heffner (H5)
Russell Ivey (U, H5, CF)
Dimitris Karadimas (U, N)
Mary A. Lowe
Renee M. Mathai (U, CF)
Beatrice M. Nelson (U, H10, CF)
Michael C. Nilsson (U, H10)
Carole D. Ratick
Walter T. Reynolds (H10)
Richard A. Riebe (H5)
Richard A. Weik (H10)
Christy P. Adams (U, H5, CF)
Thomas E. Barnes (N)
Debra Byrne (N)
Joseph B. Cairoli (RW, H5, CF)
De Forest W. Colegrove Jr.
Timothy M. Heston
Alejandro O. Sadde (RW)
Charles A. O’Brien
Douglas H. Jones (H5)
Bruce R. Sanford
Sheila K. Andrews (H5)
Gregory L. Paquin
Ruth N. Koch-Ashton
Alan L. Schinderman
Richard A. Asquino (U, H5, CF)
Mark E. Pilotte (U, N)
Robin A. Lundin
Joseph M. Schmitt (RW, H5)
Walter H. Barlow Jr. (RW, N)
Cynthia A. Quillinan
Thomas A. Martin (U)
Nancy Securo-Gibbemeyer (H5)
Geri L. Beltran (U)
Diane M. Rousseau-Farnworth (H5)
Maureen A. McCarthy
Charles E. Shackelton Jr.
Liz C. Biondi (H5)
Mark Schiller (U)
Thomas D. Moran (U, H10, CF)
Stephen K. Walker
Christopher E. Bracone
Tokunbo Shomide (N)
Michael J. O’Connor
Paul E. Webber
Sharon G. Buckley
Regina L. Spallone (H10)
Richard A. Clar Sr. (H5, CF)
David Stapleton III (N)
David Quincey
Lynda Shaw-Krauth (H5)
Torin E. Dragsbaek
Marjorie M. Shull-Toohey (U)
Steven Archer (N)
John M. Gammon (U)
Deborah L. Sylvia
P’01 P’04 (RW, H10)
Armando M. Simao (H10)
Michael A. Bender (U, CF)
Frederick W. George (H10, CF)
Robert P. Theve (H10)
Kenneth J. Sirmalis
Liz C. Biondi (H5)
Christine Gomes Mills (RW)
Percy E. Tucker (H5)
Joel C. Snodgrass
Wendy J. Bonner-Holman
Laurie M. Hooker (U, H5)
Jeffrey S. Turner (U, H5)
Anna-Luisa Spadetti (U)
Christopher Boulanger
Christopher R. Jennings
Linda J. Vieira
Christopher Spaight (U, CF)
Richard K. Brown
Sally A. Jennings
Marcia Whitney (ADV)
Mark D. Stewart
Douglas N. Cloutier
Peter F. Kilmartin (U, CF)
Andrew J. Yaroshefski (U, CF)
Scott A. Tillinghast (U)
Cathy A. Collins (N)
Richard J. Laurino (U, H10)
Mitchell A. Welsch
Robert A. Cornwell
John E. Leonard (N)
John Whitman (U)
Fernando Costantini (U, H10)
Mark E. Mattei (N)
Paul R. Work
Richard A. Disarro Jr. (N)
Douglas McKenna (U, H10)
Mary-Ellen K. Donovan (H10, CF)
Richard L. Michaud (U)
Kevin D. Duarte
Keith A. Mills (RW)
George Anagnostos (H5)
Cynthia A. Elder (U, H5)
Marc J. Monsko
Heather A. Arnold (H5)
Denise E. Emidy
Peter T. Muttel
Kevin M. Blanchette
George H. Fisher (U)
Paula J. O’Brien
Lisa M. Cairoli (RW, H5, CF)
Frank R. Fowler (H5)
Perry M. Petrillo (RW)
Mary E. Caron (U, H10)
Tina J. Fowler (H5)
Rene L. Plante
Thomas B. Carroll (U)
Jeffrey O. Hawes (U, H10)
Dina Simmons (N)
Sharon L. Castelli (RW)
Rose G. Larson (RW)
Gary L. Simmons (N)
Reginald Centracchio (ADV)
William E. Larson (RW)
Janet L. Skahill (H10)
Mary R. Chase (H10)
Denise C. Leonard (N)
Joseph S. Sorcinelli (U, H5, CF)
Monica L. Clark (N)
Chris-Anne E. Logue (U)
Douglas G. Staab (RW)
Soheila Dadpour (RW, N)
Daniel T. Manchester (H5)
Ann-Marie C. Stephens
John C. D’Amato Jr. (U)
Adelaide Mattos Irizarry
Laurie A. D’Amato (U)
Cynthia M. Mays (H10)
Iris M. Mello (H10)
Martin J. Dempsey Jr. (U, H5)
Carl F. Mitchell (H10)
Deborah D. Anthes (U, H10)
Adam F. Mihlstin
Lucia M. DiMascio (U)
Nancy A. Moran
Philip C. Anthes (U, H10)
Augustine T. Monnah (U, N)
John C. Nery
Carla O. A. Bosch (RW, H10)
Stephen E. Moran (H10)
Mary F. Muldoon
Ralph W. Ezovski
John Ferreira Jr. (U, H10)
Sheila S. Blanchette (U, CF)
Raymond W. Cahoon Jr. (CF)
Anne B. Callan (H10)
Yvette M. Cavallaro (U, N)
David J. Costa (U, H10)
Cathy A. Drury
Stephen I. Dwyer
Joseph A. Giorgi (U)
Mahesh Goyal (H5)
Julia M. Hasbrouck (H10)
Patricia M. Iannone (N)
Peter G. Johnston
Eugene Kennedy
Edmund P. Maiato Jr.
Lee R. Marelli (H5)
Steven M. Melaragno (U)
Mario Petrarca
Lee Ann V. Cameron
Robert J. Fruggiero
Kelly A. Petrillo (RW)
Bruno V. Cavallaro Jr. (U)
Johnathan C. Murphy
Robert Graziano (U)
Nancy R. Poutray (U, H10)
Barbara R. Edler (H10)
Lisa J. Parks (N)
John G. Halsey
Louis A. Raso
Christopher D. Ferace (RW, H10)
Lori D. Raber (U)
Elizabeth W. Harrison
Richard E. Rensehausen Jr.
Suzanne E. Fiske (U)
Tracy L. Sartrys
Robert B. Jacquard (U)
John F. Roddy
Kimberly L. Gammon (U)
Andrew P. Scanlon Jr.
Nancy E. Watkins (U)
Joseph G. Labrie (H10, CF)
Jody K. Smith (U)
Alan I. Halsband (H10)
Richard G. Logue (U)
David J. Soares (N)
Andrew J. Hausig (RW, H5)
Perry K. Lorenz (U, CF)
John J. St. Laurent (H10)
Edward J. Jackson
Rose M. Morra
Mark A. Stafford (U, H10)
Lynda Kiklis-Brown (H10)
Gary J. Nevins
Charles E. Swenson Jr. (H5)
Christopher J. Lambert
Lisa A. Ouellette (H5)
Kenneth J. Washburn
Peter J. May
Susan Kessler Paperny (U, H10, CF)
Mark S. Wexler (U, H10)
John D. McGlothlin
George L. Pereira (U, H5)
Bruce L. Wilcox (ADV, CF)
Christopher R. Meachen
Robert A. Pezza
James M. Zicconi (N)
John P. Meroski (U, H10)
Shawn Platt (CCM, ADV, H10)
Wendy H. Merriman
John D. Rogers (ADV)
Michael A. Nadeau (H5)
Michael Ayles (U, H10)
John A. Beyer Jr. (U)
Christopher R. Carollo (H5)
Paul E. Chapman
David J. Coccio (H10)
Allen J. Costa (H5, CF)
Joseph R. Cronin (U, H10)
Todd A. Drury
Gary P. Farias (H10)
Peter A. Klay (CF)
Christian R. Da Cunha
Lester A. Shulman
Jean C. Galib (H10)
David R. Laflamme
Christian E. Dennison (N)
Kimberly M. Silvestri
David W. Greene
Joseph E. Lauver III
Sandra M. Desmarais
Matthew S. Slater (U, H5)
Debra A. Marelli (H5)
Neill K. Leduc (H10)
Stephen R. Dewey (H5)
Lauren A. Matarese
Craig A. Maddalena
Jacqueline P. Diplacido-Robison
Jeffrey J. Mello (U, H5, CF)
Tammy L. Maddalena
Izabella Dudek-Haffner
David M. Bono (U, H10)
Pierre Mercier (H10)
Kenneth P. Mahood (H10)
Robert D. Eigen (AB, ADV, U)
Marie F. Botelho
Sharon Orser-Jackson (U)
Christine N. McKenney (U, H5, CF)
Christopher M. Ford
John M. Carnevale (U, N)
Clifford R. Ousley (U, H5, CF)
Joseph N. McPhee II (U)
Frank S. Gionfriddo (H10, CF)
Karl M. Daubmann (RW)
Aaron C. Perkins (H10)
Michael J. Moniz (H5)
Geraldine L. Guglielmino (H10)
Jacquelyn A. Donegan
David E. Perry (U)
Eric L. Moxim
Robert J. Guinen
Laura E. Figueirinhas (RW)
Laura G. Piervincenzi (U, H5)
Steven J. Mullen (U)
Jan O. Hagerstrom (H5, CF)
Laura L. Frechette (LAA, H5)
Susan L. Potter
Phyllis A. O’Neill (H5)
Peter L. Holden (ADV, U)
Robert D. Lawrence Jr.
Kurt E. Raber (U)
Jill M. Paterson
Adrian W. Jones
Mary E. Page
Mary S. Recker (H10, CF)
Maura Perrin (H10)
Christine Jones
Rebecca A. Rizzo
Andrew T. Rimmer (U)
Matthew J. Pickering (H5)
Terrence Kelly (U)
Tina M. Sbrega (U, H10)
Robert N. Ruttenberg (U, H10)
Mark L. Poriss
Marcy J. Klay (CF)
Joanne P. Souza (U, H10)
James M. Shyer (RW)
Nancy L. Ramos P’10 (U, H5, CF)
Norbert Lachmann
Matthew K. Strong (H5)
Devin L. Rhoads (CF)
Skip Learned (U)
Thomas T. Toh (N)
Thelma Rocha (RW, H10)
Jennifer L. McGrath
Stacy Akin Fawell (H5)
Jennifer E. Samolyk (H10)
Thomas S. Medeiros (H5, CF)
Elizabeth D. Trimbach
P’09 P’11 (U, H5)
Daniel F. Anderson (ADV, RW)
Mark C. Saunders (H10, CF)
Richard Nassaney Jr. (RW, H5, CF)
James F. Butler III
John J. Tameo Jr. P’04 (U, H10)
Raymond J. Ouellette Jr. (H5)
Matthew J. Carroll (H10)
Michael P. Turner (RW, H5)
Jason M. Page
Carolyn A. Cataldo (N)
Marc R. Ullman (U)
Shelly L. Patrick
Beth H. Comella (U, H10, CF)
Reginald Walker (U)
Sandra M. Rappaport (H5)
Thomas N. Comella Jr.
(AB, ADV, H10, CF)
Tracy M. DaCosta (U, H10, CF)
Noel J. Rochman (U)
Catharine R. Beaumont
Sean J. Desmond (U)
Craig D. Rogers
Justin E. Besterman (N)
Darren E. Fava (U, H5)
Robert D. Swinburne
Douglas E. Brazil (U, H10)
David E. Ferreira
Peter H. Vogel (RW)
Colleen A. Budaj
Jose M. Figueirinhas (RW)
Deborah J. Wesolowski P’02
Nancy L. Calenda (U)
Marshall G. Huggins (U)
Gregory M. Casey (H10)
Suzanne M. Kayata
Philip J. Colteryahn (H10)
Todd Rechler (RW)
Maryann R. Killoy
Jane Arthur
Fred Booth III (H10)
Alexandria E. Casey (H5, CF)
Gordon Craig III (AB, ADV, H10)
Mark G. Devine
Brendan P. Doherty P’11
(U, H10, CF)
James Baptista
Edith S. Borden
Susan M. Caizzi
Anne B. Callan (H10)
Marco V. Capaldi
Charles J. Coelho Jr. (ADV, RW)
Margaret K. Driscoll
Lisa A. Escobar
Gerald A. Francese (RW)
Grace M. Gwozdz
Gary A. Hasson
Kelly J. Hutzell (U, N)
DiannaLynn Iacobucci (U, H10, CF)
Carole A. James
Brian C. Kacmarsky
Susan Kelley (U, H10, CF)
Alexandra C. Lynch (CF)
Patricia H. Marcaccio
Anthony J. Meola
Lynne M. Gonnella
Leslie J. O’Connor
Andrew J. Grace (U, H10)
Kelly M. O’Neil
Michael C. Healey
Hubert J. Paquette (H10)
Christine L. Henry (N)
Michael T. Plaziak (U, H10)
Alexandra M. Kingsley (U)
Deborah L. Sylvia
P’01 P’04 (RW, H10)
Shaun R. Lajeunesse (U, H5)
Brian J. McKenna (U, H5)
Douglas E. McLaughlin
The Roger Williams Alumni Association recognized the
2013 Alumni Award Winners at the third annual Alumni
Weekend in June. In addition to the individual honors, the
Class Leadership Award was presented to the Class of
1993. Pictured left to right are: Meghan Grady ’08M,
Young Alumni Achievement Award; RWU President
Donald Farish; William Geraghty ’78, Alumni Service
Award; and Pamela M. (Pinskey) Fernandes ’76,
Distinguished Alumna of the Year Award.
Jayne E. Panarello
Nancy L. Ramos P’10 (U, H5, CF)
Christina O. Redmond
Andrew P. Scanlon Jr.
Steven A. Sears
Raymond F. Tiberio (H10)
Bertram J. Tivey III (H5)
Linda J. Vieira
Scott E. Whitney
Andrew L. Alberino (U, 5+)
David D. Bagus
The Hawks Society consists of alumni donors who have
made gifts to Roger Williams University for at least five
consecutive years, and comprise nearly a quarter of the
entire alumni donor base. Their consistent annual support
truly is the foundation for annual alumni giving.
In FY13, the Hawks helped
raise an additional $10,000
when their collective gifts were used in an alumni giving
challenge. Thank you for your enduring support.
Steven H. Crawford
Alicia R. Smith
Denise R. Delfino (U, 5+)
Joseph H. Tavares (H10)
Jennifer L. Hutchinson
Janice B. Taylor (RW, H10, CF)
Robert B. Jacquard (U)
David A. Lapatin
Linda M. Mathewson
Judith M. Andrade (U)
John A. Pagliarini Jr. (RW)
Stephen G. Bernardo (U, 10+)
Alexander J. Smolenski
Judy Davis (N)
Karen M. Hagan
Peter F. Kilmartin (U, CF)
Eric H. Andler
Robert P. McKenna (U)
Dean R. Bates (H5)
Michael E. O’Connor
Neville J. Bedford (H5)
Danielle Paquette-Stoddard
Robert J. Brownlee (H5)
Lisa A. Pinsonneault
Matthew J. Coonradt (H5)
Vicki J. Ray
Boyd E. Foster (U)
Eric W. Schweibenz (U)
Scott T. Gauthier
Thomas G. Shaffer (U)
Brendon P. Giblin (RW, H10)
William S. Streker (U)
Robin H. Giblin (RW, H10)
John McKellan Sutherland III
(U, 10+)
Rory P. Herlihy (U, CF)
Michael J. Wagner (U)
Kevin J. LeClair (N)
Carolyn A. Cataldo (N)
James D. Donegan
Genevieve Allaire Johnson
Jeffrey L. Eger
Alyssa V. Boss (U, 5+)
Jason M. Gramitt
Karen E. Buttenbaum
Robert Kando (RW, 10+)
Paul A. Carnes
Paul M. Kugelman (U)
Krista L. Dirico (RW)
Stephen P. Maguire (LAA, U)
Elizabeth L. Duffy (U)
Kevin P. McManimon
Michael W. Field (L, U)
G. Eben Milne (U)
Mark W. Gemma (L, RW, 10+)
Steven A. Murray
Laura J. Gottlieb Feldman
William C. Calhoun (H10)
Heather L. Pearlman (U)
Anthony R. Leone II (RW, 10+)
Justin T. Camputaro (U)
Cheryl L. Robertson (U)
Richard T. Marr
Elizabeth R. Colagiovanni (U)
Jennifer E. Samolyk (10+)
Richard R. Morris (U)
Marco P. Uriati (U)
Lesley S. Rich
Julia-Ann M. Cole
(ADV, RW, H5, CF)
Alan H. Wasserman (U)
Rose Sagan (U)
Melissa A. Coscia
Joseph D. Ustynoski (U, 10+)
Sara C. Costanzo (U, H5)
Michael A. Voccola (U, 10+)
Mark G. Cruz (N)
Renee G. Vogel PL’98 (U)
Paul DeVagno
Michael J. Williams (U)
Glenn P. Dorrance (H10)
Paul B. Benoit (H10)
Fred Booth III (H10)
Marvin M. Busby (H10)
Tina M. Francis (N)
Deborah M. Laughlin
Cathleen L. Moniz (ADV, U)
Susan R. Moss (H10)
Ernest H. Piette (H10)
George J. Rezendes P’09 (U)
Noel R. Seeley
Loretta V. Silvia (H10)
Bill E. Tracey (ADV, RW)
Eric M. Treeman (U, CF)
Carlos A. Viana
Christopher J. Viveiros (RW)
Gerard D. Walsh (U)
Jennifer M. Warren
David D. Christy (H10)
Doreen Frazier (U, CF)
Patrick H. Consolati (U)
Stephen A. Agostinucci
Lynn Gurney (H5)
Donald F. Deciccio (5+)
Jessica M. Craig
Susan J. Alba (H10, CF)
Claudia L. Hoddersen
Dorothea R. Faxon
Heather N. Culp Boujoulian
(AB, ADV, U, CF)
Rene G. Brown (H5)
Mary L. Leocadio P’96 (H5)
John B. Garry (U)
David R. Castanho (U)
Donna L. Darmody (H10)
Jane M. Masso (U)
Kurt A. Hermanni (RW)
Beverly E. Caswell
Robert E. Ferguson Jr. (U)
Michael D. McKinnon (U)
Steven Contente
James R. Forrest (H10)
Nicole E. Morris (H10)
Daniel G. D’Atri
Gregory S. Hitpas (U)
Heather R. Orosco (U, H5)
Corvah D. Akoiwala
Stephanie F. Guillemette (H10)
Rocco Iocco Jr.
David H. Payson
Christine M. Anderson (N)
Matthew R. Harrigan
Matthew P. Johnson
Douglas D. Pulak (H5)
Jason N. Ataya (N)
Ann Marie E. Iwicki (U, CF)
Sara K. Kalashian (H5, CF)
Frank E. Rainieri Jr. (T, RW)
Adam L. Baker-Siroty (N)
Elizabeth T. Jellison (U)
Frederick C. Leeder Jr. (H5)
Doreen A. Rose P’13
Leonid Cruz (N)
Jeffery R. Jellison (U)
Kevin M. McGuirk (H10)
John C. Shelhart (U)
Sara N. da Silva Quintal
Thomas H. Kennedy P’05 P’06
Barbara F. Murray
Cheryl E. Thadeu (H10)
Margaret M. Deston
Jenniffer L. Lafaille (U)
Barbara A. Nikinas
Matthew J. Vassallo (U)
Ronald N. Doire (H10, CF)
Gary J. Marshall
Brig. General Jeffrey L. Pierson
Maria A. Villegas
Robert P. Frazee (H5)
John J. McManus (U, H10)
Rena S. Piller-Thurston (H5)
Erik P. Yanyar (U)
Brian R. Furgal (U, N)
Roberta I. Melchar P’94 (RW, H10)
Raymond J. Pingitore (U, H5)
Gerald M. Miele
Ibra L. Ripley III
Nicole A. Johnson
Dennis E. Newman P’98 (U, H10)
Francis J. Taylor (RW, H10, CF)
Daren R. Altieri (N)
Colleen Manning
Paul J. Nickerson (U, H10, CF)
Kevin Chrisanthopoulos
James G. Meinecke (U, CF)
Jason P. Thurston (H5)
Jeanmarie P. O’Connell (N)
Leonard C. Johnson
Duncan C. Merriman
Susan K. Rodriguez (5+)
Shannon A. Newman (N)
Tiffinay A. Antoch Emery
Cesar L. Sousa (RW)
Edward P. Carusi
Justin D. Ouellet (U, N)
Mary J. Boyle (U)
Vincent Palazzo III (CF)
Christopher M. Cobleigh
Brian D. Rhodes (H5)
Michael J. Daly
Cynthia M. Haslam (H5)
Kimberly A. Smith
Rebecca R. Dye (N)
Steven B. Zullo (H5, CF)
Angela M. Tiebout
Lin M. Eleoff
James A. Wrisley (ADV)
Kimberly A. Grabarz
Karen O. Lyons (U)
Stacey L. Malloy (5+)
Gary R. Alger (U, 5+)
John J. Poloski III (U)
Rene G. Brown (5+)
Joseph M. Proietta
Ann M. Corriveau
Stanley F. Pupecki
Tanya J. Garrian
Donna Larson (N)
Jane Treat
Susan J. Alba (H10, CF)
Daniel A. Audet
Julie M. Campbell (U, H5)
Sotiria Avramis
Brian J. Castiglione (N)
Evan A. Bielski
Kenneth L. Castro (H5)
Joseph A. Berardo
Lynn M. Denault (CF)
Meredith C. Brown (H5)
Michael J. Donnelly (H5)
Carlos A. Cardoso (U)
David V. Doucett
Michael D. Denault (CF)
Kevin O. Hagan (U)
Michael J. Fry
Bryce J. Dumond (H5)
Katherine James-Bowers
Wendy L. Spencer (N)
Jennifer S. Gatchell (CF)
Jon M. Egan (U)
Lorraine N. Lalli (RW, 5+)
Prescott J. Williams III
Kyle S. Gatchell (CF)
Michael L. Fisher
Kristie L. Giovanelli
Lisa Gallant-Stanzione (H5, CF)
April M. McHeffey
James McHeffey
Deborah S. Gonzalez (U)
Kate E. Gianatasio (RW)
Eric H. Miller (U, 10+)
Jocelyn A. Arruda
William J. Greenaway (H5)
Denis J. Giroux (H5)
Ann S. Mores (U, 5+)
Kerry L. Bartini
Ryan Gritzke (N)
Christopher M. Goffredo
Mark F. Pilaro (U)
Joseph A. Berardo
Jonathan S. Hastings (N)
Alexander L. Guarino Jr.
Katherine E. Powell
Edward S. Bogda (N)
Louise R. Keane (H5)
Adam R. Hayn (N)
Mia D. Rowland (U)
Claire V. Brisson-Banks (H5)
Stephen P. Kervin (N)
Gary L. Helton Jr. (H5, CF)
Alfred Desrochers
Nathan A. Langello (RW)
Scott C. Hiller (U, N)
Susan A. Gauthier
Christopher P. Madden
Jeff N. Hilton (N)
Dean R. Bates (H5)
Jared R. Gianatasio (ADV, RW)
Katherine Masci
Kyoko Honjo (U)
John M. Carnevale (U, N)
Charles A. Greenhalge (H5)
Michael W. McGrath
Nancy L. Hulme (H5)
Cathleen L. Moniz (ADV, U)
Karen M. Hoffman (U)
Rebecca P. McNamara
Michael K. Kane Jr. (N)
Katrina R. Kime
Rebecca McWilliams (AB, U)
Frank E. Lagan (H5)
Daniel T. LaBonte
Gary R. Mello (N)
Michael S. Bardan
Graham J. Lehn (H5)
Lillian LaRocco (CF)
Ashley S. Newcomb
Laura M. Bates
Timothy Q. McMahon (N)
William P. Leonard
Benjamin J. Pimentel (U, N)
John P. Cortellessa (H10)
Micaah F. Morris
J. Scott Lopes
John M. Remka
Colleen L. Hayes-Hilton (N)
Nicole E. Nappi
Scott M. Mitchell
David Sousa
Marissa L. Janton
Steven M. Nappi
John E. Parkhurst (H5, CF)
Trisha A. Spillane (U, H10)
Tim A. Kemmy (U, H5, CF)
Tessa G. O’Keefe
William F. Reilly Jr. (U)
Leah Springer (U)
Kathleen A. Lamoray (U, H5)
Scott A. Pellerin
Michael A. Reuter
R. Danielle Steele (N)
Alana C. Leblanc (U, N)
Peter P. Reinhardt (U, N)
Gregory T. Scherzo (U)
Shauna M. Sullivan Hoffey (H5, CF)
David J. LeBlanc (U)
Brian L. Robinson (U, N)
Cary L. Siegler (N)
Maura K. Wolk (N)
Kathleen A. Massa P’05
(CCM, U, H5)
Jill Rodrigues (N)
Jacquelyn K. Silvan (U, H5, CF)
Katie M. Zullo (H10, CF)
Christopher S. Rubertone (N)
Kara A. McSweeney (U)
Heather A. Smith (CF)
Wendy J. Smith
Joseph M. Toohey (U)
Joseph M. Bassi (N)
Donald W. Van Voast (H10)
Eric D. Bernheim
Steven B. Zullo (H5, CF)
Julia-Ann M. Cole
(ADV, RW, 5+, CF)
Jacob W. Pray (H5)
Charles M. Edgar
Matthew J. Schools
Neville J. Bedford (5+)
Amanda M. Foster
Christopher K. Smith (U, H5)
John L. Calcagni III
Richard A. Foster
Christina J. Swiszcz (H5)
Steven A. Colantuono (U)
Laura L. Frechette (LAA, 5+)
A. Ryan Tiebout
David M. Dolbashian
Thomas J. Mello (RW)
Nathan W. Tuttle (H5)
Mark P. Gagliardi
Joni L. Moody (U)
Pinkney Wilder (U)
Douglas M. Mercurio (N)
Jennifer M. Theroux (U)
Emily A. Zilly
Peter P. Pascucci (U)
Eric T. Wiberg (U)
Glenn M. Meunier (H5)
Steven M. Papi
Eric J. Pelio
Kristin M. Pinkerton (U, CF)
Kyle M. Zambarano
Anna K. Skvirsky
Alexander C. Stimpson (U, H5)
Veronica H. Threadgill (H5, CF)
Kristina M. Tomkinson (H5)
Matthew R. Tomkinson
Elizabeth A. Wishe
Rui P. Alves
Shannon M. Benay (N)
Donna L. Caisse
Erika J. Cherko-Soykan (N)
Jessica S. Cuches (U)
Michael Cuches (U)
Pamela J. D’Esopo (U)
Lynn M. Ewart-Paine (5+)
Kevin T. Thompson Jr. (H5)
Earnest L. Offley (AB, CF)
Amanda V. Lamontagne (H5, CF)
William A. Flanagan (L, RW)
Eric A. Van Tassel
Elizabeth O. Ortiz (N)
Gladys Loa
Brian R. Furgal (U, N)
Peter D. Vitale
Brandon C. Parrish (N)
Nicole L. Lombardi
Jerry L. Godding
Kenneth J. Washburn
Merrick S. Pettebone (N)
Keith P. MacDonald (N)
Michele H. Heard (5+)
Nathan L. Watson (H5)
Bradford W. Ritchie
Ashley E. Macri (N)
Judith A. Jamieson
David J. Wojcicki (U, CF)
Juliann T. Rittenhouse (N)
Michael P. Maguire (N)
Kurt A. Rocha
Amelia Malsbary
Amanda B. Mertens Campbell
(U, H5)
Pauline A. Silva (H5)
Melissa A. Moore (RW)
Aaron M. Mariano
Brian C. Ali (L, RW)
Kristina M. Warrenger (U)
Curtis P. Patalano (5+)
Patrick K. Mastropolo
Cory J. Bilodeau (U, N)
Matthew Plain
James L. Coughlan (U, N)
Ami-Jayne F. Powers (U)
Cheryl A. Meegan
Alexandra B. Curran (N)
Akin A. Adepoju (U)
Joseph J. Ranone (U)
Lindsey A. Meyers (CF)
Helena Downyok (N)
James G. Atchison
Alicia J. Samolis
Justin G. Monti (N)
Christopher M. Casey
Wendy S. Smith
Nicole J. Dulude Benjamin
(L, LAA, U, 5+)
Glenn P. O’Leary (N)
Tasha L. Clark
Melvyn A. Topf (RW, 5+)
Nathaniel C. Earle Jr. (U)
Daniel J. Polifroni (CF)
Deborah S. Gonzalez (U)
Joseph A. Farside (U)
Nickolas B. Rogers (N)
Nancy L. Hartjen (N)
Timothy J. Groves (AB, PBC)
Alexander J. Sinclair
Pamela S. Humphreys (N)
Peter A. Hainley
Ashley B. Staab (N)
Erin M. Evans (H5)
Robert S. Knychalski
Amy S. Hebb
Adam E. Teper (N)
Raymond J. Pingitore (U, H5)
Susan E. Lackey-Mello (RW)
Matthew M. Mannix
Brian W. Walsh
Paul N. McCarthy Jr.
Victoria Moreno-Jackson (N)
Leah L. Zaroulis (H5, CF)
Colin M. McNiece (U)
Ann M. Pinheiro
Richard T. Murray (U, N)
Adam M. Ramos (U)
Erin M. Aldcroft
Weayonnoh J. Nelson-Davis (N)
Candace M. Brown Casey
Steven J. Ash (N)
Joelle C. Sylvia (LAA)
Andrew M. Nesheim (U)
Suzanne K. Burke
Jeffrey A. Bell (N)
Erin K. Van Dorn
Kristina M. Ragosta (N)
Laura A. Corbin (U)
Kevin N. Rolando
Maria L. DiPilato (N)
Christopher K. Smith (ADV, U, N)
Monica R. Fanesi (N)
R. Danielle Steele (N)
Alexander A. Forostenko
Elizabeth A. Suever
David C. Galusi (N)
Hinna Upal (LAA)
Katherine E. Godin
Jason B. Van Volkenburgh (U)
Kara A. Humm (LAA, U)
Margreta Vellucci (LAA, RW, 5+)
Robert J. Humm (LAA, U, 5+)
Joseph J. Benoit Jr. (U, N)
Stefanie L. Benoit (U, N)
Sirly C. Borja (N)
Diane Avery
Kenneth J. Cahoon
Suzanne K. Dunbar (H5)
Lee Ann V. Cameron
Laura L. Frechette (LAA, H5)
Peter A. Carey (H5, CF)
Patrick M. Sullivan
Jeffrey R. Coleman
Peter B. Wilbur (P, RW, H5)
Travis P. Cooney (H5)
Stephen M. Cote (U)
Armindo A. Da Silva
John H. Harding
Justin A. Herrin (H5, CF)
Michael S. Laidlaw (U)
Tracey D. Lemle (U)
Andrew K. Lippincott (H5)
Christopher J. Marrero (H5)
Julie E. McDonald (U)
Patrick J. Milner
Amy L. Norris
Shohei Okubo (U)
Maxwell T. Palumbo (U)
Kristin A. Pappas (U)
David Pike (CF)
Emily M. Ricca (U)
Meghan L. Rothschild (AB, CF)
David J. Scholten (U)
Melissa L. Scully (N)
Kelly Sousa (U)
Monique St. Paul (N)
Peter J. Avallone (N)
Eric A. Batista (U, H5)
Michael I. McNamara (N)
Matthew T. Jerzyk (L)
Michael S. Just (LAA)
Kristina M. Tomkinson (H5)
Ronald M. LaRocca (N)
Loren E. Laskoski
David Block (N)
Christopher A. Bruso
Michael R. Baldorossi (N)
Jason R. Colangelo (U)
Emily R. Bartram
Valerie B. Corbett (U, H5)
Megan M. Baxter (N)
Melissa J. D’Alessandro (U, H5)
Jacob E. Bliss
Kayne D’Amore (U)
Marcus A. Brisson
Michael J. DiBona (U, N)
Michael D. Carreiro
Elizabeth L. DiCecco (N)
Lindsay W. Clarken (N)
Jennifer A. Dill
Alyssa S. Congdon
Deborah A. Dziedzic (U)
Armindo A. Da Silva
Justin K. Gregg
Meghan C. DeSotle
Nancy T. Guilbeault
Elizabeth A. Fresolone
Kristen M. Harrington (CF)
Andrew T. Goetting (U)
Jenny E. Henderson
Deborah D. Anthes (U, H10)
Spencer W. Gowan
Adam G. Leibowitz (N)
Meghan R. Grady
Danika L. Hallam (U, N)
Jeanette Liriano
Renee R. Massie
Robert W. Hensley (U)
James C. McAuliffe
Christopher J. Pinault
Michael S. Hollander (N)
Christopher M. McGrath (N)
Richard F. Stibolt (H5)
Brett S. Hovanec (N)
Erin E. O’Connor (U, H5, CF)
Eugene T. Jalette (N)
Kevin W. Lewis (RW)
Megan Maciasz
Chad E. Nelson
Susan G. Pegden (N)
Kenneth R. Rampino
Sarah Rotz
Sara A. Sprague (RW)
Brendan Sullivan (U)
Kevin P. Sullivan (RW)
F. Ed Webb III (U)
Alexa M. Allen
Adam J. Barnes
Stephen M. Barone (U)
Tucker J. Bashaw
Erin L. Batchelor (N)
Amanda J. Buckley (AB, ADV)
Justin E. Budnick (U)
Theresa A. Capelo (CCM, U, H5)
Emily M. Chappell (U)
Steven Contente
For the second year in a row, the NYC Alumni Chapter held its annual networking
event at the Roosevelt Hotel in Midtown Manhattan. The Chapter has generously
committed to establishing an RWU scholarship that will support underserved
students from New York City.
Annalisa Deal
Ashley K. Emanuele (N)
Gregory Emanuele (N)
Jeffrey P. Fagan (N)
Alexander P. Felton (U, N)
Jessica L. Finocchiaro (U, N)
Fredrik Fishbein (U)
Bradley I. Gallimore
Jacqueline M. Galvin (U)
Kathleen M. Gaskell
Nicholas G. Staib
Conor M. Crowe
Liane J. Verville P’12 (N)
Keith M. Suravich
Jared C. Czarneski (N)
Kayla M. Waskiewicz
Kyle Takakjian
Emma C. DeGregorio (U)
Austin C. Wirth
Catherine A. Tobin P’07 (CCM, RW)
Christopher R. Deyo (N)
Sean M. Varga (U, N)
Frank D. DiLorenzo (N)
Brian C. Vello (N)
Christopher J. Disciullo
Eric A. Batista (U, 5+)
Gerard D. Walsh (U)
Christopher B. Dolce
Natalya A. Buckler
William C. Doling (N)
Elizabeth R. Colagiovanni (U)
Carmine S. Giuliano (U)
William E. Dunn
Regina A. Curran (N)
Kelly E. Gorman (N)
Kimberly R. Ahern (LAA, U, 5+)
David L. Earsing
Arthur DeFelice
Bianca S. Gray
Michael A. Amalfitano
Derek L. Drizin
Lindsey K. Gumb
Lisa A. Escobar
Erica C. Avondoglio (U)
Jane R. Duket (U)
Kaytlin M. Hall (U, N)
Vladimir E. Evtimov (N)
Adrian E. Bermudez
Brian A. Fielding
Jennifer A. Hill (N)
Matthew J. Feighery
Brian P. Eisenhower (U)
Christine Flanagan
Michael D. Hoffshire (N)
Audrey C. Flanagan (N)
Gwendolyn M. Hancock
Kevin M. Fleischmann
Hala V. Furst
Brian M. Hurld
Heath A. Hixson (RW)
Thomas C. Gardner
Ashley S. Ham Pong (U)
David A. Hurley (N)
Jillian N. Jagling (LAA)
Kathleen M. Lambert (N)
Josener Jeanlouis
Stephanie Gatsiadis
Joseph Land
Alexandra L. Lio
Richmond D. Jeffrey (U, N)
Elizabeth M. Gaudet
Siobhan L. Lewis (RW, N)
Elizabeth O. Ortiz (N)
Colin G. Jesmer (U, N)
Kiera B. Haley
Sally P. McDonald (LAA, U)
Jason L. Pullman
Adam C. Laura
Tiffany J. Johnson
Andrea L. Merolla-Simister (N)
Lauren M. Regan (N)
Joshua R. Leavitt
Nicholas M. Kochanasz
Erica L. Pereira (N)
Christopher M. Kulak (N)
Samuel A. Rosado (N)
Barry C. Lucier
Adam J. Resmini
Ashley E. Lago
Jessica Schachter
William P. Marano
Ronald J. Resmini
Diane Shea
Lynsey A. Martin (N)
Thurman B. Lawrence (U)
Owen J. Rice (U)
Maureen A. Wagner
Suzanne McCarthy P’04 (H5)
Nicholas P. Longo (N)
Phillip C. Robinson (U)
Caroline M. McCluskey (N)
Timon T. Manongi
Carolyn M. Rowe
Christopher B. Mecozzi (U)
Shawn J. Masse
Katherine A. Sulentic (LAA)
Lori A. Medeiros
Brian P. McGrath (U)
Scott J. Vernon (N)
Jessica L. Medeiros
Kristina O. Melnyk
Kathryn F. Melton (N)
Alicia L. Merschen-Perez
Deborah H. Moye-Fuller (H5)
Dzifa K. Ababio (N)
Matthew N. Muhlenkamp (N)
David A. Beard (N)
Rachael W. Nicolaou (N)
James F. Beauregard (N)
Michael I. Paronich
Brad W. Bolte
Maria A. Petrillo
Jerrel A. Burgo (N)
Thomas J. Quaratella (U)
Kerry E. Burke (N)
Jason K. Ridings (U)
Shane C. Callaghan (N)
Amy M. Rogalski
Daniel J. Campanelli (N)
Afiya A. Samuel
Ryan F. Christensen (U)
Christopher A. Small
Andrew J. Chuckran (N)
Francis X. Messina III (U, N)
Michael F. Murphy
Tabitha L. Nascimento (N)
Lucas J. O’Donnell
Angela M. Raymond (N)
Shannon M. Riccio (U)
Jaclyn E. Roche (N)
Alexandra C. Sera (N)
Thomas V. Silva
Jennifer G. Sokolski
Victoria J. Sweezy (N)
Samantha E. Teves (N)
Daniel J. Van Buren (N)
Meagan K. Amylon (N)
Marian H. Avery (U, N)
Alice E. Badger (N)
Samantha M. Brennan
Patrick M. Byrne (N)
Jessica R. Crawford
Taylor A. Crockett (N)
Elyse J. Dolde (N)
Dale J. Dubinsky (N)
Thelma L. Dzialo P’13 (H5)
Lauren E. Elliott (N)
Kenneth E. Ermann
Augusto C. Faria (N)
Michael R. Freda (U)
Brittany E. Gallin (N)
Alyse E. Galoski (N)
Emma K. Stein (N)
Leigh Klar (N, SP)
Jarren R. Gendreau (N)
Zachary W. Augustine (N)
Natasha A. Stone (U)
Brooke A. Kourafas (SP)
Morgan E. Germond (N)
Monica J. Burbelo
Joe D. Villasenor (N)
Rhea L. Levin (N)
Christopher A. Gove (U)
Matthew C. Casey (N)
Adam L. Vorwald (U, N)
Lisa A. Lyons P’12
Susan Graham
Jennifer A. Coliflores
John C. Walsh (N)
Ian T. Mallis (N)
Donald W. Gregory (N)
Maria R. Corvese
Tyler D. Wilson (U, N)
Kathryn J. Marino (N)
Sarah E. Grill (N)
Rebecca S. Fagan
Bridget M. Wright (U, N)
Victoria Maroun (N, SP)
Samantha J. Hamilton (SP)
MaryKate J. Geary
Clayton T. Hardon III (U, N)
Eric P. Hall (N)
Meghan E. Parez (N, SP)
Jeremy M. Hesford (N)
Jennifer W. Hashway
Jenna R. Algee (N)
Kyrie D. Perry (SP)
David J. Hyldelund (N)
Marissa L. Janton
James J. Bagley (N)
Ian K. Powers (N)
Douglas T. Izer (N)
John D. Meara
David M. Disegna (N)
Lisa R. Reddy (U, SP)
Amanda L. Jacobsen (N)
Shad M. Miller (N)
Tyler J. Doyon (N)
Lauren R. Riccardi (N)
Timothy C. Kent (N)
Kelly N. Rafferty (N)
David C. Ellison (N)
Celine D. Rivera (U, N)
Brian W. Ki (N)
Christopher A. Razzino
Peter M. Eraca (N)
Michael J. Riverso (N)
Meredith B. Larkin (N)
Andrew T. Redman
Christopher J. Gerlica (N)
Janet Santos (N)
Austin J. Lee (U, N)
Kurt A. Rocha
Amy H. Goins
Alice M. Sol (N, SP)
Alexa M. Lemire
Jacqueline S. Rolleri
Jennifer G. Gonzalez (U, N)
Samantha K. Sorbello (N)
Michael W. Long (N)
Kaitlyn C. Sanders (N)
Timothy J. Grimes (U)
Nicholas E. Souza (N)
Alyssa G. MacDonald
Jessica A. Shelton (N)
Nicholas J. Hemond (N)
Ashley A. Stankevitz (N)
Raymond K. Mai (N)
Peter F. Spencer (N)
Jamie R. Johnson Bachant (U, N)
Chelsea L. Stanovich (N)
Katherine N. Kishfy (N)
Elizabeth L. Teague (U, N)
Kate A. Malenczak (U, N)
Katherine E. Marshall (N)
Taryn M. Mancarella (N)
Kari J. Kulpa (N)
Thomas J. Maybury (U, N)
Ryan T. Devenney (U, N)
Taylor A. McClure (N)
Chelsea E. Moller (N)
Morgan J. Kerr (N)
Brittany J. Muirhead (N)
Joseph P. Carnevale (N)
Sara H. Morris (U)
Cameron J. Ross-Maccormack (N)
Stephen D. Nelson (N)
Frank J. Garofalo (N)
Leland C. Moss (N)
Jeffrey L. Stiller
Mariana E. Ormonde (N)
Tracy Harper (U, N)
Sheila V. O’Rourke
Christa M. Harris (RW, N)
Adam D. Riser (N)
Gregory N. Hoffman (RW)
Nibal N. Awad (N)
Peter F. Skwirz (N)
Kishore I. Kapoor (U)
Michelle R. Birmingham (U, N)
John J. Stickney (N)
Noah J. Kilroy (N)
Jessica A. Burbach (N)
Kathryn M. Sylvia (N)
Evan B. Magnone (U)
Shawn F. Cleary (N)
Jolee E. Vacchi (N)
Luis F. Mancheno (U, N)
Delia R. Clifford (N)
Lindsay M. Vick (N)
Shawn J. Masse
Jacqueline T. Cohen (N)
Jonathan F. Whaley
Daniel J. Neal (U, N)
Thomas G. Munson (N)
Reid T. Myers (N)
Michael T. Nappi (N)
Matthew J. Notkin (N)
Thomas S. Olsen (RW, N)
Nicholas M. Piraino (N)
Jane A. Pleskunas (N)
Andrew W. Plocica
Anthony A. Quintanilla (N)
Mary A. Randazzo (N, SP)
Shane E. Reardon (N)
Logan R. Roebuck
Joshua N. Saltmarsh (N)
James M. Sefton (N)
Donald J. Sevigny (N)
Daniel J. Shea (U, N)
Raveena A. Siegel
Benjamin R. Sisko (N, SP)
Jason J. Siwek (N)
Andrew P. Smith (U)
Carlene A. Spagnola (U, N)
Timothy J. Stewart (N)
Iveth Z. Streisand (N)
Dawn A. Sullo (U, H5)
Cy C. Thompson
Alana D. Traub (U, N)
Brittany C. Vail (N)
Jonathan B. Wall
Elise M. Williams (SP)
Ann C. Davis
Michael P. Rekola (N)
Christine M. Durnin (N)
Nels A. Schnobrich (U)
Thomas R. Gleason (SP)
David G. Cameron
Matthew J. Soteroff (U, N)
Carlton J. Huntsberger (U, N)
Lee Ann V. Cameron
Andrew S. Tugan (N)
Brendon Integlia (N)
Daniel J. Campanelli (N)
Michael W. Lefebvre (N)
Jessica R. Crawford
Peter E. Lehner (U, N)
Steven J. Johnson (N)
Abdulmajed A. Aljabhan (N)
John R. Linehan (N)
Donald J. Sevigny (N)
Lisa A. Lyons P’12
Sarah R. Mamula
Trevor C. Manzi (U, N)
Thomas J. Martin (U, N)
Gabriela B. Archilla (N)
Kolby L. Martineau (N)
Maggie R. Blinn (N)
Matthew A. McCarthy (N)
Lindsey J. Cruff (N)
Michelle E. Meagher (U, N)
Alyssa J. DeSantis (N)
Kayla M. Morency (U, N)
Andrea M. DeWitt (N)
Hannah E. Pirez (U)
Sental R. Dickran (U, N)
Elizabeth M. Ritchie (N)
Chelsea E. Escher (N)
Matthew Z. Shapiro (N)
Marc P. Eves (N)
Daniel A. Shearholdt (N)
Jenelle M. Femino (N)
Jeremy P. Siegel
Jack G. Harvey, U (N)
Kelly L. Stannard (U, N)
Lindsey F. Kaye (N)
A record 242
contributed to
the Annual
Fund this year,
thanks to the efforts of
the Student Philanthropy
Executive Council.
Sarah E. Deneault
Heather A. Mohamed
Alexia Shabo
Vincent L. Diana III (U)
Tekla Moquin (U)
Troy Shuman
Brandy M. Disbennett
Valerie Morozov
Alison L. Slaughter
Stephanie L. Doucette
Colleen E. Munroe
Jasmine K. Smith
Connor M. Adams (U)
Debra E. Duarte
Nataliya G. Murphy
Danielle E. Sneyd (SP)
Tunde T. Adepegba (ADV)
Hannah M. Dupont
Connor R. Needham
Kevin R. Spencer
Yusuf R. Afifi
Amy R. Elder
Megan A. Negron
Jennifer L. Stanley
Ryan T. Albanese
Meghan V. Embry
Kimberly D. Noble
Gary M. Strebel Jr
Scott B. Albrecht
Ryan C. Falotico
Bridgit F. O’Hara
Monica H. Strom
Veronica M. Alicea
Michael C. Field
Samantha B. Palazzo-Tardiff
Elliot J. Stura
Amanda L. Andrews
Melanie A. Fiorino
Sara A. Palombo
Ryan J. Swanson (U)
Ian M. Aprea
Elizabeth M. Flaherty
Antonia K. Papadopoulos
Theodore N. Swanson
Andrea R. Archul
Stephanie C. Fogg
Kristine E. Parker
Anna J. Swenson
Lauren T. Astone (SP)
Caitlin E. Galeotti
Gabriella A. Perez
Marcus J. Swift (ADV)
Molly P. Aulson
Casey A. Gavin
Angelica M. Perzan (SP)
Joseph Y. Tashjian
Anthony E. Autiello (U)
Kathryn R. Gentile
Amber F. Phillips (SP)
Rebecca L. Taylor
Haya E. Awwad
Julia E. Giancola
Cassandra A. Phillips
Michael J. Tiberio
Ana T. Barcelona
Madeline J. Giese
Jill E. Piana
Frank J. Tobitsch
Ashley E. Barton (SP)
Joshua T. Grab
Kristen L. Pingree (U)
Connor R. Tompkins
Jose F. Batista
Caleb A. Gray
Richard L. Pomeroy
Ryan F. Topal (RW)
Amanda C. Becker (5+)
Bjarki Gunnarsson
Dante V. Porrazzo
Alessandro D. Torri (U)
Christine Benevides
Cassidy R. Hammond
Curtis R. Pouliot-Alvarez
Rachel A. Trahan
Emily M. Blake
Theodore P. Hennes III
Ashley L. Powell
Panayiota A. Tsiounis
Marisa E. Braca
Katelyn R. Houlihan
Christopher P. Puig
Ashlee S. Tucker (U)
Alyssa C. Brangi (SP)
Jacqueline M. Hugger
Forest M. Putnam
Antonio M. Viana
Megan K. Breault
Amanda L. Inzitari
Alyssa H. Quattrucci
Zachary R. Wasp
Jenna M. Brink
Victoria L. Isenstein
Ornella C. Ramirez
Nicole C. Weber
Nicole A. Brouillard
Stephanie Jamieson
Julia K. Raso
Loren V. White
Mary M. Brown (U)
Hayley L. Johnson
Brittany L. Rayburn
Rebecca L. White
Christopher A. Busby
Alexander H. Kaczynski
Taylor M. Regester
Ashley E. Williams
Christina M. Cadigan
Emma M. Knox
Madison L. Reslow
Olivia J. Woodland
Joanne C. Camara
Luke W. Kowalyshyn
Rebecca A. Resner
Nicole C. Camuso
Maxine J. Kutner
Wendy K. Reuss (U)
Lyndsey K. Card (SP)
Trevor J. Kutsaftis
Katherine M. Richards
Michael J. Carlucci
Michaela L. Kuzoian
Meghan A. Richards
Tyler P. Carnese
Jiakun Lei
Braden A. Ridgway
Matthew S. Caron
Michelle M. Levano
Gloria M. Rispoli
Evan M. Cassani
MacKenzie E. Logan
Freddy A. Rivera
Samantha M. Caulfield
Veronica R. Lopez Gamboa (U)
Diana C. Robbins
Natosha R. Chason
Daniel S. Lotufo
Jessye K. Robinson
Matthew Choi
Julia E. Loughren
Shawni R. Robinson
Katherine S. Clark (U)
Jessica L. Luongo
Joceline M. Rocha
Samantha M. Cloutier
Lisa M. Lutz
Jennifer A. Roth
Matthew P. Cohen
Adriana MacOnochie
Bryanna K. Rowley
Edward O. Colon
Meghan L. Maliga
Michael B. Rubin
Shannon M. Coolahan
Michael P. Mancini (SP)
Alexander K. Rudkin (U)
Taylor M. Cornacchia
Garrett A. Marshall
Samantha R. Russ
James M. Cote
Katherine M. Matheson
Danielle N. Saporito
Alyssa R. Cox
Matthew H. Mazzie
Christina L. Sargeant (U)
Brandon J. Cuffy
Emily R. McGinn
Emily E. Sarnelle (U)
Kent N. Allebrand and
Brier S. Allebrand (U)
Alexis Curtin
Caren S. Mendez (U)
Samantha D. Sarubbi
Ellen M. Almeida P’06 (RW, 5+)
Matthew S. DaCosta
Taylor M. Messier
Brendan C. Schlander (U)
Wendy M. Almeida
Marielle S. Damato
Tyler D. Mikulski
Jacquelyn M. Schreiber
Alicia M. Davies
Caroline L. Miller
Lauren A. Scott
Vladimir V. Ampleev and
Galina A. Slobodina (RW)
Doris M. De Los Santos
Elysa A. Mills
Abigail K. Scro (SP)
Richard J. Abbondanza and
Celeste L. Abbondanza
Craig P. Ablondi ’79 and
Carole J. Ablondi (U)
John P. Abrahamian and
Jeanne C. Abrahamian
Bradford S. Adams and
Sherry F. Adams
Carol A. Adams
John P. Aiello
Stephen G. Akerman and
Claire M. Akerman (U)
Jose A. Alicea and
Marianela Castillo Alicea (U)
Richard J. Anderson Jr. and
Linda S. Hawk (RW)
David B. Anderson P’13 and
Helen Anderson P’13 (U)
George Barrette and
Diane M. Barrette
Richard F. Anderson P’00
Richard Barry and
Maria Antonia Barry
William Andrews and
Kathleen A. Andrews
Kathryn M. Annis
Judith Annunziata P’91
Gregory A. Anson and
Paula A. Anson
Robert H. Bartlein and
Judy J. Bartlein (RW)
Leo Bartolini and Rhonda Bartolini
Bruce P. Barton
Michael G. Antosca and
Deborah A. Antosca
Robert B. Barwise P’13 and
Cheryl M. Barwise P’13
Mark D. Aprea and Dianna M. Aprea
David R. Bashaw and
Shelley A. Bashaw
Francis L. Ariola and Jody Ariola (U)
Raymond J. Armater and
Ann K. Armater (U)
Jonathan K. Bass and Lynn R. Bass
Armando A. Batastini Jr. PL’98
Eric M. Blattman and
Wendy K. Blattman (RW)
Maryellen Blond (U)
Dean P. Briggs P’13 and
Sarah A. Rothery P’13 (U)
David J. Brink and Suzanne S. Brink
Fran Bloomfield P’13
Joseph M. Brito Jr. P’11 (T) and
Elizabeth Brito P’11 (RW)
Stephen A. Bobo and
Heidi L. Bobo (U)
Steven R. Brooks and
Lynne M. Brooks (U)
Robert G. Boes
Albert L. Brown and
Kathleen A. Brown (U)
Monica A. Bolbotowski P’12 (U)
George N. Bolden Sr.
’74 PM’05 P’98 P’07 (ADV, RW)
Mindy L. Brown and
Charles T. Brown (U)
Patricia Bole and David Bole
Vernon R. Brown and
Wendy J. Stewart (U)
Joseph Bonassar
Robert Bull and Lauren Bull (U)
Peter J. Boorman and
Ellen L. Connery (U)
Tammy H. Buonafede
Fred Booth III ’94 ’97 (H10) and
Karen Booth (10+)
H. John Burger P’05 P’10 and
Laurie J. Burger P’05 P’10
Joseph A. Armenti (U)
Mark J. Bates and Barbara M. Bates
Norah P. Armour-Hoelle
Timothy E. Baxter ’83 P’13
(T, AB, H5, CF) and
Brenda J. Baxter P’13 (RW, 5+)
Gigi M. Booth (U)
Kenneth K. Burns and
Kimberley A. Burns
Michael Booth and Sue A. Booth
Annette F. Burns-Latsha (U)
David F. Bean and Sandra M. Bean
Francis J. Borland and
Donna Borland
Stephen R. Busby and
Kathleen L. Busby
Robert E. Borland P’03 and
Catherine A. Borland P’03 (U)
Daniel D. Bussiere and
Jeanne C. Bussiere (U)
Ralph J. Bortugno P’13 and
Valerie I. Bortugno P’13 (RW)
George E. Butts and
Jennifer W. Butts (U)
Gregory Bosco P’09 and
Susan M. Bosco P’09 (CCM) (U)
Ana I. Cabral P’10 and
Manuel F. Cabral P’10
Frederick W. Botsch and
Elizabeth M. Botsch
Fernando M. Cabral P’05 and
Laudalina Cabral P’05
Timothy G. Bott and
Mary D. Bott (U)
Richard R. Cacciatore and
Rosemarie Cacciatore
David M. Bottai and
Pamela M. Bottai
Claudia C. Calvo
Michael S. Astone and
Cynthia A. Astone (U)
Glen W. Atkinson and
Marie A. Atkinson
Harry L. Atterbury and
Wendy S. Atterbury (RW)
Robert R. Atwood P’09 and
Suzanne Atwood P’09
Michael R. Aubrey and
Suzanne M. Aubrey (U)
Craig N. Audette and
Lisa M. Audette
Diane B. Auger
Bruce A. August P’05 and
Debra A. August P’05 (RW)
Frank J. Beardsworth and
Kimberly M. Beardsworth
Marc A. Beatrice P’13 and
Laura M. Beatrice P’13
Richard P. Beaulieu and
Leslie A. Beaulieu (U)
Patrick K. Beck and
Deborah A. Beck (U)
Thomas A. Beck P’13 and
Suzanne Y. Beck P’13 (U)
William B. Behrends (U)
John P. Bellacosa P’13 (U)
Linda M. Camerato
Keith W. Avery
John A. Belli and Joyce Belli
Jose J. Avila and Maria E. Avila (U)
Harold W. Bellmore P’13 (U)
Rene Bouchard III P’12 and
Mary Bouchard P’12 (U)
Ruben G. Avila P’13 and
Odette R. Avila P’13
George W. Benoit Jr. and
Judith A. Benoit
Thomas A. Bourdon and
Susan L. Bourdon
Judith R. Ayotte
Robert J. Benoit (U)
Kathleen M. Bachelier
Wendy S. Bergeron (U)
Stephen J. Bourque and
Ivy S. Bourque (U)
Russell Campanelli
’71 PM’12 P’10 P’10 (H10, CF)
and Anna Gail Campanelli
PM’12 P’10 P’10 (RW, 10+)
Dana K. Bain and Robin S. Bain (U)
William Bergeron and
Donastacia Bergeron
Alex J. Boutsioulis and
Marianne Boutsioulis
Paul T. Capozza and
Terri-Ann Capozza
Michael J. Bergin and
Guadalupe B. Pina Bergin (U)
Barton N. Bovee and
Donna Bovee (RW)
Joseph A. Cappucci P’13 and
Karen S. Cappucci P’13
Kenneth A. Bergman P’11 and
Julie K. Hyden P’11 (RW)
George L. Boveroux (RW)
Peter D. Cardi and
Diana M. Cardi (RW)
Richard B. Bermont P’12 (RW)
John T. Boyle and Nora M. Boyle
Patrick K. Beron and
Julie A. Beron (U)
Richard F. Boziwick and
Janet E. Magoolaghan
Mark Betancourt P’13 and
Karen A. Betancourt P’13 (U)
Gregory B. Braca and
Tina M. Braca (U)
Thomas W. Beyer P’13 (U)
Timothy S. Brackett and
Katherine P. Brackett (U)
Corey Baker and Patrica F. Baker
William F. Balaschi P’13 and
Kimberly H. Balaschi P’13
Robert A. Baldino and
Lauri A. Baldino (RW)
David F. Balzotti and
Marie I. Balzotti
Steven P. Banninger and
Donna J. Banninger
Stacy Barboza
Thomas A. Barker and
Betsy D. Barker
Stuart K. Barnes P’96 and
Jane L. Barnes P’96
David C. Baron
Thomas J. Bartholomew P’13 and
Lynora S. Bartholomew P’13 (RW)
Diana A. Blankman
Paulo N. Bicho and
Maria P. Bicho (U)
Kevin R. Bisaccio and
Sarah G. Bisaccio (U)
Marena Boyadjian
Barry D. Bradley and
Barbara B. Bradley
James M. Brangi and
Christine B. Schenk-Brangi
Keith J. Baron and Claudia J. Baron
Richard L. Bischoff P’05 and
Linda E. Bischoff (RW)
Gary A. Barresse P’13 and
Debra L. Barresse P’13
Paul T. Blair P’09 and
Maureen C. Blair P’09
Elinore K. Barrett
John F. Blake and Lisa C. Blake (U)
Michael J. Breault and
Kathleen W. Breault
Mark A. Barrett P’13 and
Leslie A. Barrett P’13
Michael G. Blakeslee and
Marisa A. Blakeslee
Kevin M. Brenner and
Maureen M. Brenner (U)
Colin S. Brash (U)
Melissa D. Bravo
David G. Cameron ’81 M’12 and
Lee Ann V. Cameron ’89 ’06 M’12
Peter M. Carignan and
Martha L. Carignan
Mark D. Carlin and
Elizabeth A. Carlin
Steven P. Carlson and
Ann E. Carlson (RW)
David W. Carnevale P’13 and
Barbara L. Carnevale P’13 (U)
Stephen E. Caron and
Sharon L. Caron
Dorothy Carreiro P’08 and
Alvaro Carreiro Jr. P’08
Thomas B. Carroll ’86 and
Cynthia J. Carroll (U)
Thomas J. Carroll P’92 (ADV) and
Mary E. Carroll (U, 10+)
John T. Carson and
Cynthia K. Carson (U)
Douglas Cole P’09 P’12
Janet L. Coleman
David M. Culloty P’13 and
Jodi-Anne Culloty P’13
Anthony L. DeRosa and
Lora R. DeRosa (U)
Gregg L. Carter
Lisa D. Carter
Kenneth L. Coleman and
Susan Morelli (U)
Peter A. Cundall and
Ann C. Stenbeck (U)
Pamela J. D’Esopo, Esq. L’05 and
John F. D’Esopo (U)
Joseph Caruso P’13 and
Olga Caruso P’13
Edward R. Condon Sr. and
Carol A. Condon
Louie Cunha
David P. Despotopulos and
Kathleen A. Despotopulos
Pasquale Caruso and
Robin L. Caruso
Mark J. Conley and Marcy M. Conley
Patrick S. Curran and
Ellen P. Curran (U)
Wayne J. Connelly and
Christina L. Connelly
John Currivan and
Kathleen M. Currivan
Joseph C. Connerney and
Barbara E. Connerney (U)
Robert M. Curry P’13 and
Lisa Curry P’13
David Connolly and
Tara Connolly (U)
James Cutler P’13 and
Cheryl Cutler P’13
Thomas J. Connolly and
Margaret M. Connolly
Ted J. Cwiertniewicz and
Sandra Cwiertniewicz (U)
James H. Connor and
Michelle Monte Connor (U)
Scott L. Cyr and Phyllis M. Cyr (U)
Jeannette Castro P’12
Peter Cavalieri P’07 P’10 and
Julie S. Cavalieri P’07
Terence W. Conroy and
Donna W. Conroy (RW)
John R. Ceccolini and
Suzanne T. Ceccolini
David A. Consentino and
Judy A. Consentino
Kevin M. Danaher Sr. P’11 and
Susan L. Danaher P’11
Kirk B. Chamberlain and
Virginia S. Chamberlain
Chris Constantine and
Cynthia Constantine (U)
Kevin Danby and
Maribeth Danby (U)
Frederick Chan and Pamela M. Chan
Thomas Conti and Debbie Conti
Richard S. Chandler P’13 and
Cynthia L. Chandler P’13 (RW)
Jeffrey H. Cook and
Francoise E. Cook (U)
Robert Danielewicz and
Cheryl A. Danielewicz
Eric P. Chappell P’09 and
Cynthia M. Chappell P’09 (CCM) (U)
William A. Copeland Jr. P’13 and
Susan B. Copeland P’13 (RW)
Sanjiv Chaturvedi and
Gill A. Chaturvedi
Judy A. Corain ’83 and
Dennis J. Corain (U)
Richard A. Cheney and
Pamela S. Cheney
Lemoyne R. Corgard and
Anne E. Corgard (U)
Frank G. Chester P’11 and
Kathleen F. Chester P’11
Richard J. Cornacchia and
Karen A. Cornacchia
Kenneth Chiavelli P’13 and
Lori A. Chiavelli P’13
John J. Cornachio and
Geraldine Cornachio
Alan S. Chuckran P’10 P’13 and
Anne E. Chuckran P’10 P’13 (U)
Charles A. Cornell P’13 and
Pamela J. Cornell P’13 (RW)
David G. Ciarlelli and
Marybeth S. Ciarlelli (U)
Dominick S. Correale and
Susan A. Correale
Scott A. Davis and
Joan M. Davis (U)
Peter A. Ciotto and
Rosemary F. Ciotto
Robert G. Cortina and Jenny Cortina
Brenda K. Day
James R. Costello and
Lynn A. Costello
Paul J. Deachin P’13 and
Beverly K. Deachin P’13 (U)
Michael Cote and
Kathryn S. Cote (U)
John D. Decker P’13 and
Lisa A. Decker P’13 (U)
Robert R. Cote P’08 and
Deborah A. Cote P’08
Peter N. Decoulos P’13 and
Debra E. Decoulos P’13 (U)
Cathy A. Clarken P’08
Jeffrey M. Couture and
Patricia A. Couture
Joseph F. Deegan P’07 and
Margaret F. Deegan P’07 (U)
John P. Clarkin and
Cynthia J. Clarkin (U)
Richard M. Crain P’11 and
Robyn B. Crain P’11
Gary DeGruttola and
Sherry L. Degruttola (U)
Robert J. Clines and
Francesca M. Clines
Michael W. Crick and Lisa G. Crick
Thomas C. Delventhal and
Tracy L. Delventhal
William J. Casale and
Patricia M. Casale
Vincent M. Caserta and
Lauren A. Caserta
Scott P. Casserino P’13 and
Lenora R. Casserino P’13 (U)
Paul J. Castagliuolo and
Nancy A. Castagliuolo (U)
Michael P. Cirilli and
Veronica A. Cirilli Hafner
Frank G. Cirurso and
Linda J. Cirurso
Richard A. Clar Sr. ’88 (H5, CF) and
Laura F. Clar (5+)
Donald M. Cloutier and
Joan P. Cloutier
Robert E. Cloutier and
Holly A. Cloutier
David J. Coccio ’91 (H10) and
Marie E. Coccio (10+)
Rocco G. Colagiovanni P’99 PL’10
and Elizabeth R. Colagiovanni P’99
PL’10 (U)
Zachrey T. Colburn
Arthur R. Cripps Jr. and
Lorene Cripps (U)
Douglas D. Crockett and
Barbara Crockett
Daniel D. Crouse and
Alison D. Crouse
Richard Dahill P’09 and
Gail Jacoby P’09
Doreen T. Daley
In its inaugural year,
the Blue & Gold
Club raised more
than $46,000
to support student athletes
and the RWU Athletics program.
Go Hawks!
Harold F. Daniels and
Susan J. Daniels (U)
Susan M. Deveuve
Nicholas G. Danuszar and
Heather D. Danuszar
Charles M. Dewitt P’13 and
Susan Y. Dewitt P’13
Kenneth Daponte P’10 P’12 and
Maryelizabeth Daponte P’10 P’12
Paul C. Diamond and
Karen M. Diamond (U)
George R. Daubenspeck ’85
(RW, H5)
Bert A. Dickinson P’13 and
Christine M. Dickinson P’13 (U)
Jeffery J. Davenport
Shannon M. Dickman and
Scott A. Dickman
Lisa A. Davenport
Raymond Davidson P’10 and
Marybeth Davidson P’10 (U)
Jeffrey M. Davis and Anita M. Davis
Scott L. DeMatteis and
Maria L. DeMatteis (RW)
Charles A. Denault P’05 and
Katharine C. Denault P’05 (U)
Susan R. Crum
Joseph A. Deneault and
Beth N. Deneault
Ismael Cruz P’10 and
Connie M. Baptista P’10 (U)
Mark J. Densmore P’13 and
Laura Densmore (RW)
John F. Cullen and Marie B. Cullen
Robin L. Depino (U)
Harry Dickran P’13 and
Donna R. Dickran P’13 (U)
James R. DiGruttila and
Linda J. DiGruttila
Paul J. Dimare and
Donna M. Dimare (U)
Giuliano Dinino and Amy A. Dinino
Louise Discuillo P’03 (U)
Brendan P. Doherty ’94 P’11 (H10,
CF) and Michele A. Doherty P’11
(U, 10+)
Joseph D. Dolan P’13 and
Karen M. Dolan P’13
Bradley J. Donnellan and
Teresa O. Donnellan
Glenn E. Dooley Sr. P’04 and
Johanna A. Dooley P’04 (U)
Ernest Doolin P’12 and
Joyce Doolin P’12
Gary L. Dorsey and Janet L. Dorsey
Douglas F. Downey and
Debra A. Downey (U)
James G. Doyle and Polly E. Doyle
Thomas M. Doyle and
Leslie A. Doyle (U)
Arthur F. Draper P’98 and
Katharine W. Draper P’98 (U)
Mary E. Fisher P’11 (5+)
Steven A. Fisher and
Cathy K. Fisher (U)
David A. Fitol and Judi L. Fitol (U)
Judith R. Fitts
Michael J. Fitzgerald and
Carol-Ann Fitzgerald
Brian M. Fitzpatrick and
Lisa D. Fitzpatrick (U)
Sylvia I. Fjeld (U)
Honorable Francis X. Flaherty
P’98 (T, L, RW)
Michael Hartley ’15L and Meghan Kruger ’15L were the two
recipients of the 2013 Law Alumni Association Scholarship.
The awards were presented at the annual Law Alumni Association
meeting in June by Law Alumni Association President Robert
Humm ’08L.
Joe Droogan and Angela M. Droogan
Kevin D. Duarte ’87 and
Debra E. Duarte
Mark D. Dumond and
Connie F. Dumond (U)
Thomas J. Durkin and
Linda L. Durkin
Peter Estrela and Natalie Estrela
Preston S. Fabyan (U)
Christine S. Fagan P’11 and
Stephen G. Fagan P’11
Scott C. Fagan and Joanne Fagan
Gerald S. D’Urso P’12 and
Lisa A. D’Urso P’12
John M. Fahey and
Caren S. Fahey (RW)
Christopher M. Duva and
Maria A. Duva (U)
Raef Fahmy and
Bethanne Fahmy (U)
Thelma L. Dzialo ’11 P’13 (H5) and
Thomas M. Dzialo P’13 (5+)
Noel A. Farah and Judith A. Farah
Thomas J. Eckel P’13 and
Frances M. Eckel P’13
Kandy Farnsworth
Mary L. Eddy
William E. Ehlinger and
Josephine A. Ehlinger
William H. Eichorn and
Carol A. Eichorn
Angelo M. Elizardo
Robert A. Ellis P’11 and
Kathleen Ellis P’11
Donald P. Elmendorf and
Jo Ann Forcier (U)
Thomas Emlen and
Sara G. Emlen (U)
Robert G. Emmons and
Ellen L. Emmons
Thomas L. Endrusick P’08 and
Sue-Carol Endrusick P’08
Robert S. Engel Jr. ’80 P’13 (ADV)
and Colleen E. Engel P’13 (RW)
Charles Farnsworth (U)
James Farrar ’80 (H5) and
Christine M. Farrar (U, 5+)
Joseph Fasciglione and
Robin L. Fasciglione
Robert Fehringer P’11 and
Deborah Fehringer P’11 (U)
Alexander A. Felton P’09 and
Catherine Felton P’09 (U)
Louis A. Femino P’13 and
Joanne E. Femino P’13
Daniel M. Ferreira and
Lisa A. Ferreira
Dan F. Fickett and Maura F. Fickett
George A. Ficorilli
P’87 P’87 (RW, 10+)
Theodore E. Field and
Cheryl E. Field (U)
Brian J. Finn and Kristen R. Finn
Bruce E. Epke P’13 and
Elizabeth A. Hannon P’13
James E. Finn P’08 (U, 10+)
Daniel W. Ericson and
Bonnie L. Frisard
Anthony R. Fiore and Diane L. Fiore
Philip S. Ernst P’13 and
Shirley D. Ernst P’13
Luis E. Espinola and
Lily P. Espinola (RW)
Patricia E. Finn P’06 (5+)
William T. Firth and
Carolyn L. Firth (RW)
Alan L. Fishbein P’09 and
Sheryl K. Fishbein P’09 (U)
Richard J. Flaherty and Laura
Theresa M. Flammia
Thomas J. Flanagan and
Tina M. Flanagan
Lorenzo S. Galante and
Antonette A. Galante (RW)
Daniel S. Galusha P’13 and
Tina L. Galusha P’13 (U)
James L. Galvin III P’09 and
Marianne J. Galvin P’09 (U)
George L. Ganetis PM’05 P’07 and
Sheila A. Ganetis PM’05 P’07 (U)
Louis J. Garafalo Jr. and
Colleen B. Garafalo
Carl Gargula (PC) and
Jan Gargula (PC, RW)
John A. Garilli and Julie Garilli (U)
Raffaela A. Garritano (U)
Andrew G. Garvey and
Tara L. Garvey (U)
Marc J. Gaudet and Lynne L. Gaudet
James Flattery and Nancy L. Flattery
Mark A. Gebo and Sarah C. Gebo (U)
Dennis Fleischmann P’10 and
Patricia Fleischmann P’10 (RW)
William E. Gehring and
Rosemary A. Gehring
Frederick P. Floyd and
Marcia P. Floyd (RW)
Timothy Gellerson and
Stephanie L. Gellerson
Joseph N. Folcarelli P’13 and
Ann Marie M. Folcarelli P’13 (RW)
Debra A. Gemmell
Sharon M. Foley
Brian J. Genova and
Alicia K. Genova
Harold D. Folsom P’13 and
Elena L. Folsom P’13
Leonard J. Gentile P’13 and
Susan M. Gentile P’13
Douglas H. Ford and Pamela J. Ford
Steven R. Gerleit and
Patricia K. Gerleit (U)
Sarah E. Forman (U)
Richard A. Forsey and
Ana M. Forsey
Kevin W. Foster and
Linda M. Foster (U)
Margaret G. Foster
Joseph M. Fox P’13 and
Ruth E. Fox P’13
Leroy B. Fox and Dottie A. Fox
Victor E. Franca and Maria Franca
Michael A. Franzese and
Kathleen M. Franzese
Kevin G. Fraser and
Janet R. Fraser (U)
Serge J. Frederique (U)
Norman R. Gershon and
Susan A. Gershon
Ian L. Gershuny and
Linda S. Gershuny (RW)
Beth M. Gerson (U)
Richard Gianatasio P’03 and
Denise Gianatasio P’03 (U)
Kevin H. Giblin P’00 and
Catherine F. Giblin P’00 (RW, 5+)
Donald M. Gibson and
Joanne E. Gibson
Howard M. Gifford P’12 and
Robin B. Gifford P’12 (U)
Gregory A. Giglio and
Gail M. Giglio (U)
Bruce A. Friedman and
Vicki S. Friedman (U)
David Gilmore P’13
Robert M. Frizzle and
Cynthia F. Frizzle (U)
Mark S. Gilpin and Jeanne E. Gilpin
Mark L. Frohlinger and
Marisa C. Frohlinger
Charles A. Furciniti and
Mary L. Furciniti (U)
Janet Gilmore P’13
Barry N. Ginsberg and
Janice A. Ginsberg (U)
Jay E. Giroux and
Sandra M. Giroux (U)
Rosemary A. Furman
Dexter C. Gittens and
Theodora Gittens (U)
Barbara P. Furtado P’07 (5+)
John J. Gladsky
Michael E. Gaddis and
Andrea E. Gaddis
John T. Gleason and
Paula A. Gleason
John Gagliardi P’07 and
Margaret Gagliardi P’07 (RW)
Louis Goetting P’08 and
Jeanne Goetting P’08 (U)
Anthony S. Gaglio, Sr and
Caroline C. Gaglio
William R. Goetz Jr. P’13 and
Elizabeth K. Goetz P’13 (RW)
Thomas A. Gagnon and
Elizabeth W. Gagnon
Arthur F. Golden and Mary E. Golden
Danaso E. Gomez and
Maria R. Arguelles de Gomez
Charlie M. Gordon and
Andrea D. Gordon
Diane M. Hanify
Gareth W. Gordon and
Dominique M. Gordon
Raymond E. Gorman
William Houck P’13 and
Jan Brenner P’13 (U)
Arthur W. Jones Jr. P’12 and
Cynthia A. Jones P’12 (U)
John F. Hanson Jr. and
Karen A. Hanson (U)
Adam Hubeny and Diane M. Hubeny
Daniel F. Julian (U)
Mark S. Huckvale (U)
Lisa Hudson (RW)
Donald E. Kacher and
Jane L. Gibbons (U)
Susan L. Gorman (U)
John R. Harbottle and
Rebecca L. Harbottle
Ernest M. Gossy and
Catherine A. Hogan
Brian S. Harding and
Lisa M. Harding
Robert E. Huggan and
Elizabeth M. Noonan (U)
Richard G. Kadlick and
Laurel A. Kadlick (U)
Linda M. Hardman
John C. Hugger and
Margaret A. Hugger (U)
Melinda B. Kahl
Christopher B. Gove P’11 and
Deborah M. Gove P’11 (RW, 5+)
Clayton T. Hardon P’11 and
Claire K. Hardon P’11 (RW, 5+)
Clifford T. Hughes and
Nancy F. Hughes (U)
Steven H. Harvey and
Kathleen A. Harvey
Brian L. Hulbert and
Cheryl L. Hulbert (U)
Oleksandr Karnaukh and
Valentyna Karnaukh (U)
Steve L. Hastings and
Lynn T. Hastings (U)
Frederick M. Hunger and
Marilyn R. Hunger
Joseph A. Kask and
Lou-Ann T. Kask (U)
Cynthia L. Haupt
Earl J. Goven and Lisa M. Goven
David S. Grab and Kathleen L. Grab
Christopher J. Graham and
Lisa M. Graham (U)
William Grandgeorge P’81 and
Nancy Grandgeorge P’81 (RW)
David F. Hans and Barbara Hans
Kenneth E. Kaiser and
Deborah R. Kaiser
Christopher Karambelas P’13
Mark V. Grandonico
Anna Haverilla
Gregory B. Hunter and
Patricia A. Hunter
Peter J. Kaskons P’13 and
Eileen D. Kaskons P’13 (U)
Robert B. Gray and Wendy L. Gray
Todd Z. Hayden and
Nancy A. Hayden
Charles A. Hurlburt and
Mary A. Carangelo
John F. Keane and
Christine H. Keane (RW)
Susan M. Haydock P’13
Debra L. Hurley P’13 (U)
Joseph Healy P’09 and
Deborah Healy P’09 (RW)
James T. Keating and
Allison J. Keating
Mary F. Greenwood P’13
Joseph P. Hurley and
Lisa B. Hurley (U)
Jonathan G. Hearron P’13 and
Claire L. Hearron P’13 (U)
John F. Keeler and
Cynthia J. Keeler (U)
William M. Gregsak and
Janet L. Gregsak
Laura A. Hutchinson
Brian D. Hedberg P’13 and
Helen T. Hedberg P’13 (RW)
Roger B. Keilig and
Carolyn H. Keilig
Joel G. Grimm and
Teresa L. Grimm (U)
John M. Iaquinto and
Donna A. Iaquinto
Keith Hedgecock and
Debra Hedgecock (U)
John J. Kelliher III and
Suzanne F. Kelliher (U)
Michael A. Groover and
Donna J. Groover (U)
Luigi Ilardi and
Jean F. Borrelli-Ilardi
Judith L. Imperatore (U)
Michael S. Kelly and Karen A. Kelly
Frank J. Guastafeste Jr and
Barbara A. Guastafeste
Charles A. Henderson P’99 and
Judy M. Henderson P’99 (RW, 5+)
Ronald Ing and Tracey M. Ing
Tim A. Kemmy ’02 (H5, CF) and
David M. Kemmy (U, 5+)
Carol A. Guerard (U)
David J. Hennessey and
Francine M. Hennessey (U)
Natale Greco and Joann Greco
John A. Green and
Norma C. Green (U)
Virginia M. Guilfoyle
Charles L. Guilmette and
Michele M. Guilmette (U)
Thomas Gullo P’09 and
Kathleen Gullo P’09 (U)
William R. Gumb P’08 and
Donna A. Gumb P’08 (RW)
Robert Gumbardo and
Lisa Golymbieski (U)
Stephen M. Haffner (U)
Lori A. Haley
Gary Hall P’13 and
Jane M. Hall P’13
George R. Hall P’13 and
Maryann Hall P’13
James H. Hall P’09 and
Theresa Martin P’09 (U)
James J. Hallisey and
Barbara P. Hallisey (U)
Jeffrey A. Henry (RW)
Robert Hensley P’08 and
Susan Hensley P’08 (RW)
James N. Ingraham and
Christine L. Ingraham
Michael Integlia Jr. ’70 P’12 (PAC,
ADV, H5, CF) and Beth Integlia P’12
(RW, 5+)
Frank M. Inzitari
Thomas H. Kennedy ’98 P’05 P’06
and Patricia E. Kennedy P’05 P’06
Perry S. Kessler and Lara M. Kessler
Hasan-Uddin Khan P’04 (RW, 10+)
Michael Kilzi P’13 and
Mary M. Kilzi P’13 (U)
David S. Herbein and
Theresa A. Herbein (U)
Barry S. Isenstein and
Louise M. Isenstein
Daniel Hernandez and
Sandra M. Acevedo (U)
Ricki T. Isom P’12 and
Elizabeth A. Isom P’12
Kenneth F. Kirk and
Carole V. Kirk (RW)
Charles N. Herrick and
Sarah A. Lesueur (U)
David C. Jackson and
Judith E. Jackson (U)
Daniel W. Kissane P’08
Bernard J. Herz and Lorrie A. Herz
Melissa Heuston P’09
Robert Jackson PM’11 P’11 and
Cynthia Jackson PM’11 P’11 (U)
Jon P. Higgins and
Lorrie A. Higgins (U)
Rene A. Jaillet and
Brenda M. Jaillet (U)
David L. Hill and Lisa P. Hill (U)
Stephen O. Jambor P’13 and
Susan E. Lockhart P’13 (U)
Frederick C. Hitchcock (U)
Joseph H. Hock and
Lori A. Hock (U)
Phil M. Hoelle
Michael Halloran P’05 and
Jan Halloran P’05
Marc R. Hollerbach and
Karen A. Hollerbach
Cynthia Hamilton P’08
Chris K. Holmes and Dilia L. Holmes
David C. Hamlin and
Josephine Hamlin
Mark C. Holmes and
Lori M. Holmes (U)
Arnold T. Hamm and
Gail C. Hamm (U)
Theodore A. Holsworth and
Andrea H. Holsworth
Teresa M. Hammond P’13 (U)
Francis J. Holt and Denise L. Holt
Richard W. Hancock and
Paula F. Hancock
Steven P. Handy and
Monica A. Handy
David S. Jameson and
Marianne Jameson
Nancy M. Jannitto (U)
Edward C. Janusewski and
Marjorie S. Janusewski (U)
Timothy A. Kindle P’05 (RW, 10+)
Gary Klar P’13 and
Marjorie B. Klar P’13 (U)
Mitchell L. Klein P’13 and
Laurette A. Klein P’13 (U)
Kenneth S. Kleitz P’11 and
Barbara A. Kleitz P’11 (U)
Louis L. Kline ’82 and
Deborah K. Kline
Joseph H. Klis and
Deborah A. Klis (U)
Judith M. Knox
Brian L. Jaques and Lisa A. Jaques
Keith R. Knox and
Susan K. Knox (U)
Robert A. Jenks and Donna M. Jenks
Cathy M. Kohlasch
Scott C. Jennings P’13 and
Maryellen Jennings P’13
Joan L. Kostant
Karrie L. Jenovese
Katherine E. Jerin
William T. Kotos and
Mariannina Kotos (U)
Randy B. Hoove and
Barbara R. Hoover (U)
Clayton E. Johnson and
Debra L. Johnson
James J. Kottage and
Michele R. Kottage
Philip B. Hopkins and
Lori E. Hopkins
Michael D. Johnson P’13 and
Gayle L. Johnson P’13
John W. Kourafas P’13 and
Bridget E. Kourafas P’13
Donna L. Kotasek
David K. Kouroyen P’13 and
Angela B. Kouroyen P’13 (U)
Robin L. Levesque (U, 5+)
Charles H. Mallis P’13 (U)
Leonard A. Levine (U)
Linda D. Kouzoujian
Mark S. Levine and
Deborah H. Levine (U)
Robert J. Malloy and
Lynne A. Malloy (10+)
Robert D. Krause PL’13 and
Marjorie Krause PL’13 (RW)
Neil N. Kruszkowski (U)
William H. McCarthy P’07 and
Alice M. McCarthy P’07
Philip N. Maltese and
Allison M. Maltese
Robert A. McDonald PL’09 and
Pamela A. McDonald PL’09
Mark S. Mandell, Esq. PL’11 (T, L)
and Yvette M. Boisclair, Esq. (RW)
Thomas F. McDonald and Ann M.
Jill A. Mann
Thomas F. McDonough and
Theresa A. McDonough
Charles L. Kusik and Wendy L. Palu
Joseph J. Kutil P’13 and
Sharon M. Kutil P’13
Steven G. Limanni ’80 and
Susan D. Limanni
James G. Kutsaftis and
Laura L. Kutsaftis (5+)
David G. Lloyd and
Janine M. Lloyd (U)
William Manuck Jr. P’04 P’04 and
Anita Manuck P’04 P’04 (RW, 5+)
Gerard P. Laboissonniere and
Arlene J. Laboissonniere (U)
Richard M. Loewenstein and
Regina M. Loewenstein (U)
Arthur A. Manuel P’12 and
Mary B. Gordon-Manuel P’12
Alex D. Lachmayr and
Jennifer K. Lachmayr
John P. Logan and Jordine Logan
Robert L. Marandola and
Dian Traisci - Marandola
Arthur Lambi Jr. P’13 and
Susan L. Lambi P’13
Richard G. Logue ’86 and
Chris-Anne E. Logue ’87 (U)
Suzanne McCarthy ’09 P’04 (H5)
Richard A. Maloney and
Susan J. Maloney
Mark T. Lieberman PM’12 P’12 and
Deborah S. Lieberman PM’12 P’12
(RW, 5+)
Robert J. Krzak and Anna Krzak
William McElroy P’09 and
Kathleen McElroy P’09 (U)
James McGee P’13 and
Ana Monica McGee P’13
Michael H. Marchand and
Sherry J. Marchand (U)
Clifford McGovern P’04 and
Kathleen M. McGovern P’04
(U, 10+)
John C. Marchese P’08 and
Elizabeth Marchese P’08 (U)
Robert P. McGrath and
Deborah A. Guzman-McGrath
Judith M. McGuire
Matthew A. Landolt (U)
Michael P. Lombardi and
Elizabeth Y. Lombardi
Paul F. Landry P’13 and
Katherine A. Landry P’13
Raymond M. Lombardi and
Anne B. Lombardi
Andrew S. Lane P’13 and
Norma Y. Lane P’13 (RW)
Denyse A. Looney (U)
Thomas L. Marcoulier and
Lorrie A. Clough-Marcoulier
Osvaldo J. Lopez and
Adela R. Gamboa de Lopez (U)
Arthur J. Margolin P’03 and
Jane E. Margolin P’03 (U)
Brian F. McKernan P’11 and
Erin O. McKernan P’11
Richard A. Loshiavo and
Lisa C. Loshiavo (U)
Domenic A. Marino P’13 and
Jennifer W. Marino P’13 (U)
James R. McQueeney P’12 and
Jane T. McQueeney P’12 (U, 5+)
Donald S. Lotufo and
Ellen A. Lotufo (U)
Joseph Maroun P’13 and
Josephine M. Maroun P’13 (U)
John F. McSoley P’12 and
Donna M. McSoley P’12 (U)
Daniel C. Lowney and
Arleen M. Lowney (U)
Lawrence A. Marrington P’13 and
Elizabeth J. Marrington P’13
Paul F. Meagher P’12 and
Adeline E. Meagher P’12 (U, 5+)
Paul A. Lozeau and
Catherine A. Lozeau
Craig Marsh and Virginia Marsh (5+)
Gary Mease P’09 and
Mary Mease P’09 (U)
Mark C. Langille and
Hilary M. Langille
Stephen J. Langone and
Stephanie K. Langone
Ralph H. Lankford and
Ellen L. Foster
David M. Lappin Sr. and
Margaret A. Lappin
David J. Larkin and
Sandra L. Larkin
Alan J. Lubin and Lisa D. Lubin
Douglas J. Marsh P’13 and
Beth B. Marsh P’13 (U)
Nelson A. Medeiros and
Elizabeth A. Medeiros
William B. Medeiros P’07 and
Lisa F. Benjamino P’07 (U)
Robert M. Meehan and
Donna M. Meehan
Ronald A. Lucia and
Louise F. Lucia (U)
Jane Larussi P’09 P’12
Sandy M. Luczynski
John Marshall Jr and
Nancy L. Marshall
Gerald L. Lattal and
Kelly E. Lattal (U)
Eric G. Lund and Carole E. Lund (U)
Gary J. Marshall ’98
Gregory A. Lutz and
Carolyn R. Graziano-Lutz (RW)
David J. Martel and
Susan L. Martel (U)
Kevin P. Lydon and
Kathleen M. Lydon
Douglas J. Martin and
Melissa J. Martin (U)
Carole A. Lynch P’12
David C. Martinez and
Suzanne J. Martinez
Andrew S. Lazar and
Christine A. Lazar (U)
Thomas L. LeBel and
Diane E. LeBel
Roland Lebreux II P’09 P’10 and
Karen M. Lebreux P’09 P’10 (5+)
Timothy G. Leeber P’05
William G. Leese and
Maureen E. Leese
Bruce M. Lehman and
Ruth A. Lehman (U)
Stephen F. Lemoine P’12 and
Sylvia L. Lemoine P’12
Patrick J. Lengyel and
Deborah J. Lengyel
Edward Leocadio P’96 (5+) and
Mary L. Leocadio ’99 ’01 P’96 (H5)
Anthony Leone PL’97 and
Ella Leone PL’97 (10+)
James A. Lespasio and
Lorraine A. Pulaski (U)
Joseph Levano and
Lorraine Levano (U)
Lisa A. Lyons ’13 M’13 P’12
Wa Lo Ma and Wai Yee Ma
Douglas M. MacArthur and
Eva M. MacArthur
Jeffrey MacDonald P’13 and
Susan A. MacDonald P’13
Katrina M. McIvor
Gerard E. Marsh and Kerry J. Marsh
William E. Larson ’87 and
Rose G. Larson ’87 (RW)
Richard J. Lauer P’13 and
Denise M. Lauer P’13
Andrew P. Lewis and Debra L. Lewis
Kevin B. McCarthy and
Cathleen S. McCarthy
Robert J. Massa Sr. P’05 (U, 5+)
and Kathleen A. Massa ’82 ’02 P’05
(CCM, H5)
Michael Massa and
Melonie E. Massa (U)
Barry Mathes and Susan Mathes (U)
Peter R. Macdonald (ADV, RW) and
Deon L. Macdonald (RW)
Paul G. Maurano and
Judith A. Maurano
David MacIntosh P’09 and
Christine MacIntosh P’09
John F. Maybury P’11 and
Sandra L. Maybury P’11 (U)
James G. MacVane and
Paula J. MacVane (U)
Brian S. Mazick and Lynn A. Mazick
David E. Melchar ’76 P’94 (H10)
and Roberta I. Melchar ’98 P’94
(RW, H10)
Richard B. Mellen and
Kelly J. Mellen
Herman Mello P’13 and
Dominee M. Mello P’13 (RW)
Michael A. Mendillo and
Kathryn D. Mendillo
Jose I. Mendoza and Olga Mendoza
Ken M. Mennonna and
Marie G. Mennonna
James A. Mercurio and
Paula L. Mercurio
Jeremy M. Messier and
Karen M. Messier
Suzanne M. Messier
William J. MacZko Jr. (U)
Edward Mazukina and
Karen M. Mazukina (U)
Gregory R. Magner P’12 and
Carol A. Magner P’12 (U)
Steven F. McBath P’13 and
Mary McBath P’13
Jose L. Maisonet and
Nancy G. Maisonet
Robert W. McCall and
Jeanette M. McCall (U)
Bruce M. Meyer and
Dorian S. Meyer (U)
Sabato Malangone and
Diane M. Malangone (U)
Dennis F. McCarthy and
Leslie J. McCarthy (U)
Martin D. Meyerhardt and
Marci Meyerhardt
Garry J. Maliga and Gina M. Maliga
Francis X. Messina P’10 and
Marion T. Messina P’10 (U)
Murray R. Metcalfe (RW)
Anthony F. Micela and Maria Micela
John J. O’Connell and
Barbara E. O’Connell (U)
Mitchel J. O’Hara Jr. and
Lori C. O’Hara
Thomas P. O’Keefe P’13 (PC) and
Palma L. O’Keefe P’13 (PC, U)
Joseph O’Koren P’09 P’13 and
Rosemary F. O’Koren
P’09 P’13 (5+)
Joseph A. Olivo and Debora M. Olivo
Daniel J. O’Neill Jr. P’13 and
Lisa F. O’Neill P’13
Michele A. Oppenhimer P’13
John J. O’Reilly and
Melissa J. O’Reilly
Martha A. Orosz P’13 (U)
Fresh off of last September’s dramatic America’s Cup competition, ESPN commentator
and former America’s Cup skipper Gary Jobson came to Bristol to share a personal recap
of the race with the University’s championship sailing team and supporters of the future
RWU Sailing Center.
Helen I. Ostrowski P’07 (T) and
Richard E. Block P’07 (RW, 5+)
David B. Ouimet (U)
Frederick L. Overton and
Lynn M. Overton
Thomas A. Owens P’09 and
Denise E. Owens P’09 P’11 (RW)
Thomas F. Paccione and
Christina M. Paccione (U)
Michael D. Mikkelson and
Diane J. Mikkelson
Donald J. Moretti and
Kristin L. Moretti (U)
John P. Nasznic and
Gina B. Nasznic (U)
Matthew T. Miklave and
Sandra J. Miklave
Stephen A. Morin and
Cheryl D. Morin (U)
Daniel R. Neagle and
Mary-Michele Neagle (U)
Harry A. Milano and Suzanne Milano
Paul Moroukian ’83 and
Sonya Moroukian (U)
Peter J. Needham and
Kathi A. Needham (RW)
Andrew X. Morris P’11 and
Linda H. Morris P’11 (U, 5+)
Kenneth J. Neff and Nancy M. Neff
Richard S. Palermo Sr. and
M. Connie Palermo (U)
Neil M. Nelson P’13 and
Kathryn I. Nelson P’13 (U)
John R. Palombo and
Robin A. Palombo
Roland Neumann (RW)
David P. Palumbo and
Sandra G. Palumbo (U)
William R. Miller Jr. P’06 and
Maureen J. Miller P’06 (U)
Joseph Minischetti and
Susan Minischetti
Joseph J. Minoski and
Gail A. Minoski
Ernesto A. Mirabal and
Milca K. Mirabal
Kevin R. Mischke and
Diane K. Mischke
Jeffrey E. Mitchell and
Colleen F. Mitchell
Douglas Morse P’09 and
Linda Morse P’09 (U)
Philip D. Morse P’12 and
Holley S. Morse P’12 (U, 5+)
Dennis E. Newman ’98 P’98 (H10)
and Mary A. Newman P’98 (U, 10+)
David C. Morton and
Annmarie R. Morton
Chung L. Ng P’02 and May Ng P’02
Gary R. Moseman and
Sarah Tibbetts (U)
Matt Moskal and Judy M. Moskal (U)
Kenneth S. Mitchell and
Christine M. Brew-Mitchell (U)
Bryce A. Muir P’13 and
Lesley R. Muir P’13
Robert J. Mitchell P’13 and
Sandra M. Mitchell P’13 (U)
Richard Mullany P’12 and
Patricia Mullany P’12
Michael K. Mitton and
Suzanne E. Mitton
Brian E. Murphy and
Brenda W. Murphy (U)
Yoshiyuki Miura and
Mitsuko Miura (RW)
Douglas J. Murphy and
Elizabeth M. Murphy (U)
Pamela C. Moffatt-Limoges ’90 P’13
(H5) and Raymond W. Limoges
(U, 5+)
John T. Murphy and
Alaina K. Murphy
Michael A. Mone and
Frances E. Mone (U)
Franklin E. Montgomery
Yvette I. Montgomery
Paul A. Monti P’08 (CCM) and
Diane M. Monti P’08
John A. Murtaugh and
Anne Murtaugh
Joseph E. Muscara and
Joan M. Muscara
Michael W. Muttitt and
Linda A. Muttitt (U)
Thomas Nabb and Susan Nabb
Francis Moon and Amanda Moon
Cheryl L. Nachmann
Stephen F. Moran (U)
John J. Nagle and
Katherine M. Nagle
William G. Moran and
Marjorie A. Moran
David M. Mordasky and
Judith A. Mordasky
David Nahmias PL’07 (5+)
Andrea C. Najarian (U)
John P. Pacino P’13 and
Cynthia L. Pacino P’13 (U)
Thomas W. Paige P’13 and
Darcy A. Paige P’13 (U)
Steven M. Panosian (U)
Lynn A. Nichols (U)
Theofilos Papadopoulos and
Karen B. Papadopoulos
Robert A. Nigro Jr. and
Joan R. Nigro (U)
Serge Papasergiou P’11 and
Karen Papasergiou P’11
Raymond M. Niman and
Tammy M. Niman (U)
Agostino Paratore P’09 and
Patricia Paratore P’09 (U)
Michael G. Nisbet and
Lori A. Nisbet
Richard M. Parez P’13 and
Stephanie Parez P’13 (U)
Sean C. Noble and Marleni Noble
Keith E. Parker and Susan H. Parker
James B. Northridge and
Kerry A. Northridge (U)
Mark E. Parker and Elaine M. Parker
Ronald P. Novick and
M Wendy Novick
Gary J. Nowak and
Renee L. Pineault-Nowak
Richard K. Noyes and
Ruth S. Noyes (U)
Nelson R. Nunberg and
Elizabeth J. Nunberg (U)
Vincent D. Parziale and
Bonnie L. Parziale
Andrew Pascale P’12 and
Michaelle M. Pascale P’12 (U)
Joseph Pascarella and
Constance M. Pascarella
Susan L. Pasquarelli
PM’08 P’05 (U, 10+)
Joseph A. Nunes and Fatima Nunes
Shirish H. Patel and
Alpa S. Patel (U)
Robert J. Obsuth and
Donna M. Obsuth (U)
David B. Patnaude and
Maria Patnaude (U)
Kevin J. O’Callaghan and
Julie M. O’Callaghan
Stephen M. Payne and
Jane J. Payne (RW)
Joseph B. Occhi ’78 (H5) and
Dawn E. Occhi (U, 5+)
Mark E. Pearson P’13 and
Tracy V. Pearson P’13 (RW)
Randall M. Ochab and
Annette Ochab (U)
Stephen M. Peet and
Roberta E. Peet
Leo F. Peixoto and Janice Peixoto
Nick Pennacchio and
Janet M. Pennacchio
Alan B. Peoples and
Elizabeth L. Peoples
Mark D. Peragine and
Darlene A. Peragine
William F. Rand P’13 and
Cynthia K. Rand P’13
John F. Restivo P’13 and
Janet E. Restivo P’13
Nelson L. Rivera and
Michelle N. Rivera
Liuquan Rao and Weina Rao
Ronald L. Reuss and
Nanette W. Reuss (RW)
Milo E. Riverso P’13 and
Michele A. Riverso P’13 (U)
Kenneth B. Reynolds P’02 P’05 and
Janine A. Andreozzi-Reynolds P’02
Wayne H. Robbins Jr. and
Pamela J. Robbins (U)
George J. Rezendes ’00 P’09 and
Kathy J. Rezendes P’09 (U)
Kenneth A. Rocha P’06 P’07 PL’09
PL’11 and Diane Rocha P’06 P’07
PL’09 PL’11 (U)
Robert N. Raso and Mary S. Raso
Townsend G. Rawlins and
Anne C. Rawlins (U)
Patricia M. Perrotta (U)
Charles E. Reade and
Patricia A. Nelson-Reade (U)
Clifford A. Perry Jr. and
Jane C. Perry
James F. Reardon P’13 and
Susan T. Reardon P’13 (RW)
Frank C. Perry and
Paula J. Perry (U)
John F. Reardon and
Denise M. Reardon
Deborah Personette
Gerhard B. Recker P’13 and
Petra Corall-Recker P’13 (U)
Kaz Perzan and Grace M. Perzan
James L. Peters (U)
Raimondo Petretta P’13 and
Lucy Petretta P’13 (U)
Michael J. Redfearn and
Barbara J. Lee (U)
Holly S. Rhodes-Teague P’13
Paul W. Rhyne and Teresa H. Rhyne
Joseph A. Riccardi P’13 and
Grace R. Riccardi P’13
Gregg H. Richard P’10 and
Pamela J. Richard P’10 (U)
Gregory R. Richard and
Maria A. Richard
Gary A. Roberge (U)
Paul J. Rochford and
Jodi B. Rochford
Jose F. Rodriguez and
Ana C. Busto (U)
James A. Roger and
Maria C. Roger (U)
Ann P. Rogers P’13 (U)
Jon T. Petrone and
Rosemary M. Petrone
Carolyn A. Phillips
Erick J. Phillips and Amy L. Phillips
John J. Piotrowski
Lorie M. Piscitelli
Vincenzo Piscitelli
Mark A. Piterski and
Catherine A. Piterski
Thomas A. Pitt III P’13 and
Laura L. Pitt P’13 (U)
Suzanne M. Plocica P’11
Michael C. Pomerleau P’04 P’13
and Harriet J. Pomerleau P’04
P’13 (U)
Gregory A. Popovich P’12 and
Carol A. Popovich P’12 (U)
David C. Postian and
Cindy L. Postian
Robert A. Potter Jr. P’08 P’12 and
Patricia A. Potter P’08 P’12
(RW, 10+)
David M. Poust P’12 and
Joni H. Poust P’12 (U)
Patrick A. Powell and
Michele T. Melanson
Richard A. Powell, Esq. and
Robin B. Powell (U)
Each October during Homecoming and Family Weekend, alumni and parents participate in
leadership development programs designed to cultivate and strengthen their relationships and
partnerships with the University. This year’s seminars included an alumni dialogue regarding
diversity and Inclusive Excellence at RWU, the re-establishment of the Parents Council and
a meeting of the Women’s Leadership Network.
Roy W. Powell and Donna J. Powell
Joe V. Pregiato and
Jacqui A. Justice (U)
James L. Prigge and
Jacquline Prigge
Todd R. Provost and
Stacey L. Provost
Edward B. Pucillo and
Lorna M. Pucillo
Lawrence A. Quaglieri (U)
Alfred A. Quattrucci and
Gina Quattrucci
John M. Quinn and Linda F. Quinn
James J. Rahilly and
Jacqueline M. Rahilly
Lawrence Ramos (U, 5+) and
Nancy L. Ramos ’92 ’94 P’10
(H5, CF)
Daniel E. Regester and
Margaret M. Regester (U)
Scott N. Richman and
Faith H. Richman (U)
Romualdo A. Roldan P’12 and
Deborah L. Roldan P’12 (RW)
Linda L. Regulbuto (U)
William E. Richter and
Kimberley A. Richter
Peter M. Rolla and Mary P. Rolla (U)
George A. Reichenbach and
Vivian S. Reichenbach
Thomas M. Rickart P’11 (U, 5+)
Michael F. Rom P’13 and
Zisamme L. Rom P’13 (RW)
Andrew M. Reid (RW)
Douglas S. Riehl and Rosanna Riehl
John W. Reilly and
Cindy A. Reilly (U)
Mark B. Riesbeck and
Ruth S. Riesbeck (U)
Sharon L. Reisel
Daniel N. Riggott and
Deborah L. Riggott
Anthony D. Rose P’13 and
Doreen A. Rose ’99 P’13
Richard A. Renwick and
Yvonne P. Renwick (RW)
Andrew P. Romeo P’13 and
Lonna M. Romeo P’13
Quintin P. Roohr and Linda W. Roohr
Artemio Rio and Leonora Rio (U)
Gail P. Rose P’13
Franklin E. Resh and
Catharine M. Resh
Henry S. Risman and
Amy D. Risman (RW)
Michael G. Rosenfield and
Beth M. Rosenfield
Richard Resner and
Milissa Resner (U)
Jorge L. Rivera P’13 and
Judy Rivera P’13
Russell L. Rosenthal and
Debra J. Rosenthal (RW)
John Ross P’12 and
Martha P. Ross P’12 (U)
Jeffrey W. Schmidt and
Lisa M. Schmidt (U)
Kenneth R. Sheldon and
Elena M. Sheldon (U)
Edward L. Stern P’13 and
Claudia M. Hearn P’13 (U)
John A. Ross Jr. and
Cheri E. Ross (U)
Mark H. Schmidt and
Linda E. Schmidt
Antonia Shelzi P’10 (U)
Charles D. Stetson and
Maureen E. Stetson
Deborah A. Rossi
Steven F. Schmidt and
Adriana M. Schmidt-Isaza
James L. Rowley and
Kimberly L. Rowley
William L. Rudkin Jr. (ADV, RW)
Jeffrey W. Russ and Heidi A. Russ
Paul G. Russ and Bonnie S. Russ
Gary E. Russett and
Mary-Lou Russett
Lawrence A. Russo and
Cheryl A. Russo (U)
Lawrence E. Schmutz and
Joan M. Oustifine (U)
John C. Scholten P’06 and
Laura J. Scholten P’06 (U)
Neil S. Schonwald P’11 and
Virginia W. Schonwald ’79 P’11
Marc G. Schrank and
Valoree S. Schrank (U)
Jonathan R. Siefert P’13 and
Jean A. Siefert P’13 (U)
John Siegenthaler P’10 and
Betty Siegenthaler P’10 (U)
Joseph P. Sierzputowski and
Rita A. Sierzputowski
David J. Sikowitz and
Kim T. Sikowitz (U)
Gary W. Strait and Barbara G. Strait
Marilyn Strom (U)
John H. Ryther and
Charlotte M. Cogswell
Tara Y. Schuchman
James T. Schuster and
Jo-Ann M. Schuster
Matthew P. Simoneau and
Jennifer A. Simoneau
Thomas E. Schwarm P’13 and
Maureen E. Keegan P’13
Jonathan A. Small
P’09 (CCM, RW, 5+)
Jeffrey J. Schwartz (U)
Charles J. Smeykal III and
Maria C. Smeykal (U)
Alejandro O. Sadde ’86 and
Begona Sadde (RW)
James J. Salzano
Randall J. Samost P’12 and
Mary E. Samost P’12
Andreas Schwartzkopff and
Linda Schwartzkopff
Glenn P. Schwitter Sr. and
Ashley F. Schwitter
William L. Sclafani and
Nancy J. Sclafani
John Stewart and Jean Stewart
Jeffrey W. Silva ’73 and
Dianne R. Silva
Gary L. Simmons ’88 and
Dina Simmons ’88
Mark Saccoccio ’83 P’12 and
Michele M. Saccoccio P’12 (U)
Kirk P. Stevens and
Elizabeth R. Pimental-Stevens (U)
John A. Stewart and
Shirley A. Stewart
Bruce W. Ryder and Maura E. Ryder
Stephen M. Sabounjian P’13 and
Elizabeth E. Sabounjian P’13 (U)
Enos Stevens Jr. and
Laura F. Stevens
Raymond P. Silliere and
Judith M. Silliere (U)
Ferd Schroth P’07 and
Ann M. Schroth P’07 (U, 10+)
Chris C. Sabatino P’13 and
Stephanie A. Sabatino P’13
John E. Steurer and
Charlene R. Steurer
Meredith N. Strang Burgess (U)
Gary Stromberg P’05 and
Katherine Stromberg P’05 (U)
Thomas M. Studer and Judy Studer
Gary W. Stumper and
Donna M. Stumper (U)
Carmen J. Stura and Ottilia Stura
Ernest P. Smith P’11 and
Susan M Kennedy Smith P’11 (RW)
Christopher P. Sullivan and
Tracy S. Sullivan
Gregory C. Smith P’12 and
Patricia L. Smith P’12 (RW, 5+)
John J. Sullivan and
Kathleen M. Sullivan (U)
Karen H. Smith P’03
Martin G. Sullivan P’13 and
Stacey M. Sullivan P’13 (U)
John E. Scola Jr. P’13
Patricia Smith
Francis W. Scott and Maria Scott
Paul G. Smith (U)
Richard J. Sullivan and
Lisa M. Sullivan (U)
Paul C. Sanborn ’83 P’11 (U)
Michael D. Scott and Mary T. Scott
Joseph J. Santangelo and
Irene N. Santangelo (U)
Paul F. Scott P’13 and
Deborah Scott P’13 (U)
Peter D. Smith and
Karen L. Heath (U)
Steven K. Sullivan and
Sandra J. Sullivan
Richard J. Santerre P’13 and
Valerie G. Santerre P’13
Mark A. Scro and Mary H. Scro
Thomas A. Smith and
Nancy L. Smith
Vincent Sullivan and
Sandra Sullivan (U)
Gregory M. Scungio and
Elaine M. Scungio
Thomas S. Smith and
Jennifer L. Smith (U)
Ahmad J. Sultan and
Fatima Sadia (U)
Peter V. Sundquist P’13 and
Kate M. Sundquist P’13 (U)
Jerald M. Sanborn and
Elizabeth Almeida-Sanborn (U)
Robert S. Sargeant and
Jennifer Sargeant (U)
Jamie E. Scurry (ADV, U)
Antonio E. Sousa Sr. (U)
James A. Sarnelle and
Judith K. Sarnelle (U)
Stephen V. Searl and
Jayne M. Searl (U)
David W. Souza and Ann M.
O’Neil-Souza (U)
Richard G. Sarubbi and
Rita M. Sarubbi
Matthew Securo
Edward A. Spazzarini and
Laurie M. Spazzarini (U)
John E. Sasso and Jeanne M. Sasso
Gary A. Seff P’13 and
Lisa H. Seff P’13 (U)
Mark J. Sauchuk and
Joyce A. Sauchuk (U)
Andre U. Segatti ’81 (H5, CF) and
Janet E. Segatti (RW, 5+)
George B. Saunders P’12 and
Alice G. Saunders P’12
Frederick A. Seifert P’13 and
Pamela L. Seifert P’13 (U)
Robert P. Scalabrini P’13 and
Rose Scalabrini P’13
Michael J. Sepe and
Leslie T. Sepe (U)
Cynthia C. Scannell (U)
Donald L. Sevigny PM’12 P’11 and
Deborah D. Sevigny PM’12 P’11 (U)
Martin E. Schall P’13 and
Barbara A. Schall P’13 (U)
Whitman Seymour P’10 and
Lisa Seymour P’10 (U)
Gary P. Surette and
Kathleen M. Surette (U)
Dorothy E. Susko
Audrey B. Spence
Lynn M. Sussina (U)
Kristin T. Squier (U)
Michael R. Sutherland and
Julie D. Sutherland
James T. St. Pierre and
Leslie L. St. Pierre
Rodman D. St .Amand and
Elizabeth H. St. Amand
Jeffrey L. Staats
P’07 P’10 (RW, 10+)
John E. Stanley and
Sally M. Stanley
David M. Swanson and
Catherine C. Swanson (U)
Thomas J. Swanson P’13 and
Ellen A. Swanson P’13
Richard K. Swart
Connie S. Sweeney
Raymond W. Starvish (U)
Louis Swiczewicz PM’08 P’01 P’04
P’05 (ADV) and Rosalie M.
Swiczewicz PM’08 P’01 P’04 P’05
(RW, 10+)
Lesley E. Scherer (RW)
Jess E. Shapiro P’05 and
Linda J. Shapiro P’05 (U)
Matthew R. Stein and
Achina P. Stein
Jerome F. Sybertz and
Debra L. Sybertz (U)
Donald P. Schilder and
Maria E. Schilder (U)
Jerry D. Shaw and
Claudia H. Couch (U)
Donald D. Steinhoff and
Maureen T. Steinhoff
Laine J. Schiltz
Marilyn B. Shaw P’12 (5+)
Hugo V. Schmidt and
Mary S. Schmidt (RW)
Justin Shay P’10 and
Ellen Shay P’10
Daniel J. Steinke and
Diane M. Steinke
Ronald N. Sylvia P’01 P’04 (10+)
and Deborah L. Sylvia ’89 ’96 P’01
P’04 (RW, H10)
William V. Schapp P’13 and
Susan M. Schapp P’13 (U)
Kurt D. Scheffler and
Judy L. Scheffler
Christopher R. Shadwell and
Kelly A. Shadwell (U)
Fintan T. Sheehan and
Hilary L. Sheehan (U)
Stephen A. Stanley P’13 and
Verna B. Stanley P’13 (U)
James M. Stephen and
Amy H. Stephen (U)
Robert M. Szurley P’12 and
Isabel C. Szurley P’12 (U, 5+)
John E. Taboada (U)
Ivan Tack and Pascale Tack (U)
David S. Tait and Linda J. Tait
Peter Tamblyn P’13 and
Catherine M. Tamblyn P’13
John J. Tameo Jr. ’92 P’04 (H10)
and Jeri Tameo (U, 10+)
Catherine M. Tancredi P’12 (U, 5+)
Richard J. Tansey and
Melina J. Tansey
Thomas Taranto Jr. P’12 and
Lisa A. Taranto P’12 (RW)
Richard G. Tateossian and
Kathy E. Tateossian (U)
Byron R. Taylor and Nicole J. Taylor
Paul J. Taylor and
Kimberly A. Taylor (U)
Sean R. Taylor and Kathryn L. Taylor
Ivan H. Tchobanov P’13 and
Bistra B. Nankova P’13 (U)
Douglas R. Teague P’13 and
Sharon Teague
Randall L. Telfer and
Rosalyn A. Telfer (U)
Bruce R. Terbush and
Karen B. Terbush (U)
Raymond J. Tetreault and
Linda R. Tetreault
Richard F. Thibeault and
Marie A. Thibeault
Laurie Thomas P’13 (U)
William G. Thomas and
Pamela J. Thomas
Michael E. Thombs PM’13 P’11 and
Margaret Thombs PM’13 P’09 P’11
(RW, 10+)
Mark S. Walerysiak P’05 P’12 and
Krystyna D. Walerysiak P’05 P’12
William N. Towner and
Susan M. Towner (RW)
Richard F. Wallace and
Michelle A. Wallace (U)
Michael R. Tracy and Tracy P. Tracy
Michael A. Walsh P’13 and
Julia P. Walsh P’13 (U)
John A. Trahan and
Adriana Trahan (U)
William D. Travers and
Deborah A. Travers
Scott A. Trenholm and
Cynthia B. Trenholm (U)
Charles M. Trimbach P’09 P’11 and
Elizabeth D. Trimbach ’95 P’09
P’11 (U, 5+)
Vincent J. Truncellito P’06 and
Frances B. Truncellito P’06 (U)
Robert G. Wasp (U)
Joel M. Wolkowicz P’12 and
Marla B. Wolkowicz P’12
David G. Watrous and
Jane M. Watrous
Stephen J. Woodland and
Jo-Ann P. Woodland (U)
Marian P. Watterlond (U)
Lionel A. Turnier and
Linda M. Turnier (U)
Timothy J. Webster and
Susan M. Webster (U)
Christopher A. Wyskiel P’13 and
Cynthia B. Wyskiel P’13 (U)
Joseph W. Twarog P’13 and
Cynthia R. Twarog P’13
Daniel C. Weidmuller P’13 and
Rebecca T. Weidmuller P’13 (U)
Adam Yablonsky P’13 and
Ann F. Yablonsky P’13
John Tylawsky P’05 PL’08 and
Elizabeth Tylawsky P’05 PL’08 (U)
Mitchell D. Weiner P’13 and
Stephanie R. Weiner P’13 (U)
Thomas Yip and Patricia A. Mann
John D. Underwood P’13 and
Kathryn G. Underwood P’13 (U)
Martha C. Wells (U)
Scott Yonan ’77 P’03 P’09 (CCM)
and Susan A. Yonan P’03 P’09 (U)
Douglas W. Werner and
Jean S. Werner
Jeffrey S. Yost and
Sandra E. Yost (U)
Sean E. Valenti
William A. Werth and
Beverly A. Werth
Douglas J. Young and
Carrie J. Young
Oscar Valiente and
Ligia C. Bonetti (U)
David J. Wesolowski P’02 and
Deborah J. Wesolowski ’93 P’02
Michael J. Young and Kelly E. Young
David R. Valliere and
Louise B. Valliere (U)
Joyce Whetstone P’02 (U, 10+)
Jokin Zubizarreta and
Carolina I. Otero
Brian C. White and
Susan O. White (U)
Thomas Zubrycki and
Felice M. Zubrycki
Richard A. White and
Joan P. White (U)
Marc E. Zukovich (U)
Steven A. Usler and
Jane R. Usler
Angel M. Vega
William Vello P’09 and
Donna Vello P’09
Frank A. Ventola and
Barbara J. Ventola (U)
Robert G. Ventura and
Angela R. Ventura (U)
Donald A. Verville P’12 and
Liane J. Verville ’10 P’12
Richard A. Victor and
Marlyn A. Victor (U)
Stephen E. White and
Marion K. White (RW, 10+)
Gregory P. Wick and
Marie S. Wick (U)
Steven N. Wickstrom and
Lucretia C. Wickstrom (RW)
Michael S. Williams and
Deborah A. Williams (U)
Timothy S. Williams and
Nancy L. Williams (U)
George J. Willis Jr. and Lisa Willis
Joseph H. Zukowski and
Donna A. Zukowski (U)
Todd L. Zukowski and
Kristen B. Zukowski
E J. Zuspan Jr. and
Diane M. Zuspan (RW)
David H. Zydanowicz and
Roberta A. Zydanowicz
Faculty &
Thomas M. Vieira and
Stephanie A. Vieira (U)
James D. Wilmes P’09 and
Deborah Wilmes P’09 (U, 5+)
Anthony P. Vitale (U)
Donald S. Wilson P’12 and
Barbara A. Wilson P’12 (RW)
Edgar G. Adams Jr. (U)
Michael F. Wilson and
Sherri A. Wilson
Susan B. Ahern
Frank S. Tobitsch and
Emily Tobitsch
Paul J. Viveiros ’72 P’99 P’00 and
Carol C. Viveiros P’99 P’00
Joseph Tomasino P’07 and
Debra Tomasino P’07 (RW)
Benjamin S. Vogel PL’98 and
Renee G. Vogel, Esq. L’97 PL’98
Larry Topal and Patricia Topal
Scott L. Vogel and
Dorena S. Vogel (U)
Richard S. Topshe P’13 (5+) and
Joyce D. Topshe ’81 P’13 (U, H5)
Kenneth W. Wolenski P’13 and
Diane M. Wolenski P’13 (U)
Walter F. Wright P’12 and
Carmel P. Wright P’12 (U)
Larry A. Veillette P’11 (U)
Robert Tobin and Catherine A. Tobin
’09 P’07 (RW, CCM)
Dariusz B. Wisniewski and
Ivona Wisniewski
Hans-Peter Weber and
Cheryl Weber (U)
Thomas S. Thurston and
Elizabeth A. Devlin
Gerald A. Tinkham P’13 and
Ann M. Tinkham P’13
Neil A. Wishinsky and
Susan C. Wishinsky (U)
Michael J. Tuohy and
Mary K. Tuohy (U)
Gerard J. Veglia and Maria T. Veglia
Peter T. Timothy and
Susan E. Timothy (U)
John R. Warren and
Dawn A. Sonberg
John A. Wishe P’05 and
Linda S. Wishe P’05
Timothy G. Wright and
Alisa L. Wright
Claire D. Thompson
Robert P. Tierney P’13 and
Shelley A. Tierney P’13
James Wandzilak and
Susan Wandzilak
Paul J. Wiseman and
Tracy E. Wiseman
William E. Watts and Cheryl F. Watts
Richard Vanbost and Diane Vanbost
John F. Tierney and
Patricia P. Tierney (U)
Michael E. Walsh P’08 and
Mary L. Walsh P’08
Howard B. Wise and Doreen Wise
Laura S. Tucker (U)
Christopher Thompson P’11 and
Christine Thompson P’11 (U)
Joseph J. Tiberio and
Maureen L. Tiberio
Anthony M. Tortorici and
Elena A. Tortorici
Michael F. Torpey P’12
Raymond A. Volpe and
Andrea S. Volpe
Walter Torres P’13 and
Teresa M. Torres P’13
Gary R. Vorwald P’12 and
Regina V. Vorwald P’12 (U)
Danilo A. Torri and Adele D. Torri (U)
David C. Wajsgras P’13 (T) and
Teena M. Wajsgras P’13 (RW)
William Y. Winsted and
Kathryn F. Winsted
Andrea H. Adams (U)
Roberta E. Adams (RW)
Brian C. Alegria
Daniel J. Alexander (U)
Stiles B. Winterhalder and
Sandra N. Winterhalder
Peter R. Alfieri
Richard P. Winters and
Deborah A. Winters
Wendy M. Almeida
Russell Wirth P’10 and
Lisa Wirth P’10
Mark J. Andreozzi (U)
Ellen M. Almeida P’06 (RW, 5+)
Anne M. Andrade
Steven J. Andrews (U)
Dennis J. Araujo
Robert J. Blackburn
Margaret Case (U)
Stephanie Edwards
Zoe Argento
Carl T. Bogus (U)
JoAnn D. Castro ’78 (H5)
Jon M. Egan ’05 (U)
Lee Arnold (ADV, U)
Katharine L. Booth
Peter Cavalieri P’07 P’10
Jorge O. Elorza (ADV, RW)
Daniel M. Asquino (P, ADV, RW, 5+)
John G. Borden (U, 5+)
Bilge G. Celik
Matthew A. Emmert
Jason N. Ataya ’01
Susan M. Bosco P’09 (CCM, U)
Melissa G. Enos (CCM, U)
Robert H. Avery (RW)
Kenneth Bouchard
Cynthia M. Chappell
P’09 (CCM, RW, 10+)
Jose J. Avila (U)
Tammy Bouchard
Allison J. Chase Padula (RW, 5+)
Frank E. Eyetsemitan (U)
Brenda B. Azar (RW, 10+)
Mark J. Brickley (U)
Edward A. Chase
Christine S. Fagan P’11
James A. Azar (RW, 5+)
Eric R. Bronner
Laura B. Choiniere ’81 (U, H5, CF)
Susan E. Farady, J.D.
Lorraine Babcock (U)
Colleen A. Brown (U)
John J. Chung
Donald J. Farish (T, P, L, RW)
Paula F. Bailey
Warren A. Brown (U, 5+)
Brian E. Clark (U)
Marcy Farrell
Kim M. Baker
Gilbert C. Brunnhoeffer III (RW)
Lori E. Cochrane (U, 5+)
Lynn M. Fawthrop (RW, 10+)
Janet L. Baldwin (U, 10+)
Michael H. Burger (ADV)
Beth A. Coelho
Gail Fenske (U)
Nanette K. Balliot (U, 5+)
Debbie A. Burgo (U, 5+)
Andrew C. Cohen (RW, 10+)
Cecily V. Banks (RW)
Sara A. Butler (U, 5+)
Jacqueline T. Cohen ’12
Joanne S. Fernandes
PM’06 P’02 P’04 (10+)
Suzanne P. Barnes (RW)
Ana I. Cabral P’10
Fernando M. Cabral P’05
Rocco G. Colagiovanni
P’99 PL’10 (U)
Elizabeth B. Ferrara
Laurie A. Barron
(PBC, ADV, RW, 5+)
Robert A. Cole (U, 5+)
Charlotte M. Ferris (U, 5+)
Elizabeth Colt (U, 10+)
Judith L. Connery (RW, 5+)
George A. Ficorilli
P’87 P’87 (RW, 10+)
James A. Cook (U)
James E. Finn P’08 (U, 10+)
John E. Cooke (U)
Patricia E. Finn P’06 (5+)
David L. Corbin (U)
Francis X. Flaherty P’98 (T, L, RW)
Raymond Cordeiro (U)
Barbara A. Flanders
Anne M. Corrigan
Carline L. Fleig
Andrew J. Costanzo (U, 10+)
John Fobert
Deborah A. Cote P’08
Joseph N. Folcarelli P’13 (RW)
Joyce C. Cote
Stephen J. Fortunato
Michelle N. Crist
Victor E. Franca
Ana P. Cunha (5+)
Rosalie H. Franks
Alan C. Cutting (U, 10+)
Barbara P. Furtado P’07 (5+)
Jaci A. DaCosta (U, 5+)
Karen G. Furtado
Matthew S. DaCosta
Christine L. Galib (U, 10+)
Tracy M. DaCosta ’92 (U, H10, CF)
James M. Galib (U, 10+)
Heidi A. Dagwan
Kathleen M. Gaskell ’09
Madeline A. Dalessio
Angelica L. Gaynor
Linda J. Dallaire
Frances A. Gaynor
William A. Dallaire (5+)
Stephanie L. Gellerson
Kenneth Daponte P’10 P’12
Amine Ghanem
Donna L. Darmody ’97 (H10)
Nicole A. Gildea (5+)
Janie W. Dauterive
David A. Gilmore (RW)
Jerry W. Dauterive (RW, 5+)
Irene Glasser, Ph.D
Claudia V. DeAlmeida
Jared A. Goldstein
Luciana C. Decastro
Deborah S. Gonzalez ’04 L’07 (U)
Peter V. Deekle (RW, 10+)
Irving J. Goss (ADV, U)
Richard J. Delfino Jr.
Frederick E. Gould (U, 10+)
Kyle J. Desmarais
Eileen P. Graham (U)
Carolyn J. Dias
William Grandgeorge P’81 (RW)
Andrea N. Diaz
Barbara L. Grota (ADV, U, 5+)
Martha H. DiMarco
Lindsey K. Gumb ’09
Michele A. Doherty P’11 (U, 5+)
Richard N. Hale (RW)
Michael W. Donnelly-Boylen (U)
Jodi P. Haley
Scott T. Dozier
Michael L. Hall
Kevin D. Duarte ’87
Elizabeth J. Hanes (10+)
Melissa A. DuPont
Elizabeth A. Hannon P’13
Thelma L. Dzialo ’11 P’13 (H5)
Meghan L. Hansen
Lorene A. Barry (U, 10+)
Susan M. Caizzi ’96
John L. Calcagni III L’03
Robbin L. Beauchamp (U, 5+)
Amanda D. Callahan (RW)
James E. Beitler
Thomas A. Camara
Christine Benevides
Susan T. Benevides
Lisa F. Benjamino P’07 (U)
Emilie A. Benoit (U, 5+)
Maurice Berg
Richard A. Bernardi (RW, 10+)
Heather M. Bernier (U, 5+)
Vincie M. Bertolino
Catherine A. Besnier
Gena E. Bianco
Karen H. Bilotti (U, 5+)
Lee Ann V. Cameron ’89 ’06 M’12
Jennifer L. Campbell (U)
Jeremy M. Campbell
Alan S. Canestrari
Anna M. Cano-Morales (U)
Theresa A. Capelo ’09 (CCM, U, H5)
Gerald P. Caracciolo
Margie M. Caranci (5+)
Elizabeth Carlin Metz ’76 (U, H10)
Dorothy Carreiro P’08
Elaine T. Carter
Throughout summer 2013, several alumni families
graciously opened their homes to welcome incoming RWU
freshmen and their families to the University community.
These Summer Send-Offs took place in Massachusetts,
Connecticut, New York and New Jersey. Here, a group of
incoming students gathered at the home of Todd Rechler ’93
in Mendham, N.J.
Roseann Evans (RW, 10+)
John Ferreira Jr. ’86 (U, H10)
For the second consecutive
year, more than 43 percent
of Roger Williams employees
made a gift to the University,
demonstrating their personal commitment to
the institution’s mission and their confidence
in RWU’s future. Thank you to the volunteers
of the Campus Campaign Committee for your
outreach and community-building efforts.
Veronica D. Paricio (ADV)
Rachel L. McCormack (U, 5+)
Christine C. Parker (U, 5+)
Clifford McGovern P’04 (U, 10+)
Justin L. Parker
Sheila R. McGraw (U)
Edward A. Pascarella (RW)
Robert P. McKenna L’98 (U)
Alice J. Pasqual P’13
Robert W. McKenna (RW, 10+)
W. Brett McKenzie (U)
Susan L. Pasquarelli
PM’08 P’05 (U, 10+)
Susan McMullen (U, 10+)
Melissa A. Patricio (U)
William L. McQueen (RW, 10+)
Scott A. Pellerin ’05
Benny Medeiros
Kathleen M. Perlmutter (U, 5+)
Lori A. Medeiros ’09
Thom M. Perlmutter (U)
Patricia A. Medeiros (U)
Linda J. Pierson
Cheryl A. Meegan ’08
Antonio A. Pinheiro
Steven M. Melaragno ’90 (U)
Judith Platania (RW, 5+)
Shawn Platt ’86 (CCM, H10)
William M. Harper (U)
Karen M. Lebreux P’09 P’10 (10+)
David E. Melchar ’76 P’94
(RW, H10)
Suzanne A. Harrington-Steppen
(ADV, U, 5+)
Kevin J. LeClair ’00
Humberto M. Mello
Michael C. Pomerleau
P’04 P’13 (U)
Dong-Hoon Lee (U)
Michael R. Melton
Harold F. Pomeroy (RW, 10+)
Thomas E. Poole (U)
Robert A. Potter Jr.
P’08 P’12 (RW, 10+)
Timothy G. Leeber P’05
P. C. Menton (U, 10+)
Heidi A. Hartzell (U, 5+)
Patrick J. Lengyel
Colin Merrick (U)
Diana J. Hassel (U)
Mary L. Leocadio ’99 ’01 P’96 (H5)
Mary Jo Michaud (U)
Catherine A. Hawkes (5+)
Anthony R. Leone II L’97 (U, 10+)
Susan B. Heyman (U)
Arthur H. LePage (U)
Pamela C. Moffatt-Limoges
P’13 (U, 5+)
Chelsie L. Horne (RW, 10+)
Robin L. Levesque (U, 5+)
Andrew Horwitz
(L, PBC, ADV, U, 5+)
Lucinda D. Harrison-Cox (U, 5+)
Kristin E. Howley (CCM)
Polly Hutcheson (RW, 5+)
Nancy M. Jannitto (U)
Karen E. Johnson
Cynthia A. Jones P’12 (U)
Charles J. Jordan III
Michael P. Jugenheimer (U)
Paola Prado (U)
Flora A. Prestipino (5+)
Tanya Monestier
Maria C. Prezioso
Cathleen L. Moniz ’00 M’01
(ADV, U)
Susan J. Principe
Rebecca Lindsey
Brenda L. Littlefield (U, 5+)
Karen G. Moniz (5+)
Alfred A. Quattrucci
Gladys Loa ’08
Anthony Montefusco (RW, 5+)
Diane E. Quesnelle
David A. Logan
(L, PBC, ADV, RW, 10+)
Paul A. Monti P’08 (CCM)
Autumn Quezada-Grant
Melissa A. Moore L’05 (RW)
Lisa F. Quinn (RW)
Robert W. Morra P’10
Lisa J. Raiola (RW)
Debra A. Mulligan (U, 10+)
John Ralston
Colleen P. Murphy (U)
Christopher M. Neronha (RW, 5+)
Nancy L. Ramos
’92 ’94 P’10 (U, H5, CF)
Nancy L. Nester (U, 10+)
Edward R. Raposa
Kay E. Neves (U)
Grace Raposo (5+)
Lisa L. Newcity (U, 10+)
Jill B. Ratteree
Katherine R. O’Brien (U)
Angela M. Raymond ’10
Dawn E. Occhi (U, 10+)
William Rego
J. Scott Lopes ’03
Karen J. Lucas (U, 10+)
Lisa A. Lyons ’13 M’13 P’12
Kathleen MacAndrew
Brian C. Kacmarsky ’96
Lauren E. MacBeth (ADV)
Thomas A. Kane (RW)
Wendy A. MacDonough
Martin T. Kelly
William H. McCarthy P’07
Veronica T. Maher (U, 10+)
Louis J. Procaccini (ADV, RW)
David M. Kemmy (U, 10+)
Mirlen A. Mal (U, 5+)
Patricia E. Kennedy P’05 P’06
Robert J. Malloy (10+)
Barbara J. Kenney (RW)
Stephanie P. Manzi (RW, 5+)
Hasan-Uddin Khan P’04 (RW, 10+)
Timothy A. Kindle P’05 (RW, 10+)
Roxanne M. O’Connell
(CCM, RW, 5+)
Kathy J. Rezendes P’09 (U)
Peter S. Margulies (U, 5+)
Bruce A. Marlowe
John J. King (RW, 5+)
Corinne O’Kane
Michael J. Riccio
Philip C. Marshall (RW)
Joshua N. King
David J. Oliveira (RW)
Michael B. Rich (RW, 5+)
Amanda J. Marsili (U, 5+)
Henry P. Kniskern
Phyllis A. O’Neill ’92 (H5)
Linda A. Riley (RW, 5+)
Kolby L. Martineau ’12
Ruth A. Koelle (RW, 10+)
Raquel M. Ortiz (RW)
Jane E. Rindsberg (CCM, U, 5+)
Nicolino Martins
Bruce I. Kogan (RW, 10+)
Larry J. Ritchie (U)
Susan M. Mascena
Kenneth T. Osborne ’77
(ADV, U, H5)
Patria H. Komiega
Denise E. Owens P’09 P’11 (RW)
Niki Kuckes
Kathleen A. Massa
’82 ’02 P’05 (CCM, U, H5)
Joseph W. Roberts (5+)
John A. Pacheco
Laura L. Kutsaftis (U, 5+)
Michael Massa (U)
Jill Rodrigues ’05
Tammy A. Pacheco
Lorraine N. Lalli L’01 (RW, 5+)
Patricia A. Massa
Candice Roque (U, 5+)
Marco C. Pais (U)
Ava R. Lambert (RW, 5+)
Laura A. Masterson (U, 10+)
Anthony S. Ruocco (U)
Kathleen A. Paiva
Kathleen A. Lamoray ’02 (U, H5)
Frank J. Mastrobuono (U)
Ann S. Russell
M. Connie Palermo (U)
Amy B. Lanoie
Joyce A. Maudie (U)
Carol L. Sacchetti
William J. Palm (U)
Gregory J. Laramie (U)
Joyce A. Maynard (CCM, U)
Emily J. Sack, J.D. (U)
Christian A. Palombo (U)
Elizabeth P. Learned (U, 5+)
Suzanne McCarthy ’09 P’04 (H5)
Ellen M. Saideman (U, 5+)
Priniti Panday (U)
Anthony J. Santoro
(Emeritus Trustee, RW, 10+)
Andrew L. Rhyne
Edward F. Rizy (U)
Anthony J. Santos
Enles Thompson
Kelly M. Thompson (CCM)
Scott Yonan ’77
P’03 P’09 (CCM, U)
Paul Langello
Mala P. Santos
Tracy L. Sartrys ’90
Peter S. Thompson (5+)
Kathleen C. Yorks (5+)
Jeffrey William Manuck ’04
Joseph P. Sassi (U)
Carolyn D. Tidwell (5+)
David M. Zlotnick (5+)
Christopher J. McCormack ’07
Sandra J. Schaefer (U, 5+)
A. Ryan Tiebout ’02
John T. Schlinke (U, 10+)
Kristen A. Schofield
Catherine A. Tobin ’09
P’07 (CCM, RW)
Ramon C. Schreffler (RW)
Matthew R. Tomkinson ’05
Sandra B. Schreffler (RW)
Melvyn A. Topf L’05 (RW, 5+)
Ferd Schroth P’07 (U, 10+)
Charles M. Trimbach
P’09 P’11 (U, 10+)
Jane E. Scott (U)
Jamie E. Scurry (ADV, U)
Richard M. Segel ’81
Bruce M. Selya (L, HD, U)
Lydia Serpa P’09
Thomas G. Shaffer L’98 (U)
Jennifer A. Shallcross
Marilyn B. Shaw P’12 (5+)
Amiee J. Shelton (RW)
Florinda M. Sicard (10+)
Neuci C. Silva
Jessica A. Skolnikoff
Jonathan A. Small
P’09 (CCM, RW, 5+)
Michael S. Tully (RW, 5+)
Edith Turner
William H. Turner
Elizabeth T. Tyler (ADV, U)
Kerri A. Ullucci
Hinna Upal L’07 (LAA)
Jolee E. Vacchi L’12
Jeannine E. Vachon (ADV)
Lori Vales
Sean Varano (U)
Linda J. Vieira ’89 ’96
Cory C. Viveiros
Paul J. Viveiros ’72 P’99 P’00
William E. Smith (L, U)
Eliza Vorenberg (ADV, U, 5+)
Roxanna Smolowitz (U)
Bela A. Walker, J.D. (U)
Alyssa M. Snizek
Guilan Wang (RW, 5+)
C. Diana Soares (U, 5+)
Kerri S. Warren
Sandra J. Souza
Paul M. Webb (U)
Eric A. Sponseller (U)
Mary H. Weiss (U)
Jeffrey L. Staats P’07 P’10
(RW, 10+)
Jeremy C. Wells
Jennifer M. Stanley (10+)
Joyce Whetstone P’02 (U, 10+)
Shirley A. Staskiewicz
Stephen J. Whipp
Matthew R. Stein
Stephen E. White (RW, 10+)
Penney G. Stein (U)
Donald R. Whitworth ’75
P’01 (U, H5)
Melanie Stone
Robin D. Stone (U)
John W. Stout (ADV, RW, 10+)
Joseph D. Whelan (L, RW)
Peter B. Wilbur
M’06 (P, ADV, RW, H5)
Ada Mogayzel
In Honor Of
Adam D. Nahmias L’07
Harold Payson
Joseph Callahan
Milton “Uncle Pete” Shapiro
Benjamin Nathaniel Carr P’95 P’07
Zachary P. Shapiro
Dianne E. Crowell ’82
Mary Staab
Mary Ellen Dacey
Joshua B. Stein
Janie W. Dauterive
Jeremy D. Warnick
Jerry W. Dauterive
Joseph R. Weisberger (HD)
Ray Davis
Michele Cron Yeaton ’80
Jay Hyldelund
Robert B. Kent
David A. Logan
Don C. Mays
Christopher D. O’Keefe ’13
Joseph D. Whelan
Marcia Whitney ’89
Elizabeth A. Wishe ’05
In Memory Of
Mark Alokones
Paul Arris
Gary L. Bahr
Brett J. Bergman ’11
John and Frances Blackall
Elena Williams, CPA
Mitzi Blye
Jerome F. Williams (RW, 5+)
Gregory W. Bolden ’98 M’05
Nicholas R. Williams
Elizabeth S. Burns
James G. Woodruff (U, 5+)
Alice Butler
Deborah L. Sylvia
’89 ’96 P’01 P’04 (RW, H10)
Romelyn D. Woodruff (U, 5+)
Pedro Cano
Andrew Workman (RW)
Esther Clark
James Tackach (RW)
Erin M. Wright
Ruth Cohen
John J. Tameo Jr. ’92 P’04 (U, H10)
Peter G. Wright (RW, 10+)
James A. Cole ’91
Louise E. Teitz (U, 10+)
Sarah E. Wright
Murray Dananberg
Stephen P. Terrien (U, 10+)
Thomas Wright (RW, 10+)
Diane Drake
Keeva Terry
Mary J. Wu (10+)
Steven Ficorilli ’87
Charles R. Thomas (U)
Julia B. Wyman
Mark Gould
Margaret Thombs
PM’13 P’09 P’11 (RW, 10+)
Lorraine D. Xavier (U)
Michael J. Jannitto
Li-Ling Yang
John E. Kelly Jr. ’98
Ann M. Thompson (U)
Michael J. Yelnosky (RW, 5+)
Rebecca Anne Kelton
Krystal L. Sweet
Louis Swiczewicz PM’08 P’01 P’04
P’05 (ADV, RW, 10+)
Laura Sears-Moniz P’95 PL’98
Bradley C. Harding
Robert D. Wilcox
Barbra C. Supsky
Elizabeth M. Flaherty
Kathy Birt
Dawn A. Sullo ’11 (U, H5)
Marla O. Pak ’92
Lynn M. Fawthrop
Julie F. Wilcox
Edward C. Strong (U)
Peter A. Longo
In what has become a yearly
holiday tradition, gifts were
collected for the Toys for Tots
program at the Annual Law Alumni
Association Holiday Reception held
at the Rotunda at One Citizens
Plaza, Providence. From left to
right, Laura Frechette ’04L, Robert
Humm ’08L and Jillian Taylor
Jagling ’09L present donated gifts
to the attending member of the
U.S. Marine Corps Reserve.
board of trustees
Richard L. Bready ’08H
Chairman of the Board
Denise M. Jenkins ’11H
Grant Programs Officer,
Rhode Island Foundation
Timothy E. Baxter ’83
President, Samsung Electronics
Jerrold L. Lavine ’09H
Chairman & CEO,
The Freeman Group
Joseph M. Brito, Jr.
President, C.B. Utility Co.
Mark S. Mandell, Esq.
Senior Partner,
Mandell, Schwartz & Boisclair
Rodney A. Butler
Chairman, Mashantucket
Pequot Tribal Nation
Gary R. Chapman ’05H
Former Chairman, President & CEO,
LIN TV Corporation
Donald J. Farish, Ph.D., J.D.
President, Roger Williams University
Linn F. Freedman, Esq.
Partner, Nixon Peabody
Mario J. Gabelli ’92H
Chairman & CEO,
Gabelli Asset Management
Marcia Morris, Esq.
Sami Nacaroglu
Chairman & CEO, Okar Otomotiv A.S.
Patricia Noonan
Former Newspaper Editor
and Nonprofit Board Executive
Helen Ostrowski
Retired Chairman & CEO,
Porter Novelli International;
Adjunct Professor, New York University
Frank E. Rainieri, Jr. ’99
President, Punta Cana Group Offices
Warren Simmons, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Education & Executive
Director, Annenberg Institute for
School Reform, Brown University
Robert F. Stoico ’10H
Chairman, President & CEO,
The Robert F. Stoico/FIRSTFED
Charitable Foundation
Arlene Violet, Esq.
Former Rhode Island Attorney General
David C. Wajsgras
Senior Vice President & CFO,
Raytheon Company
Joseph D. Whelan, Esq.
Partner, Whelan, Kinder & Siket
Timothy B. Yeaton ’80
President & CEO,
Black Duck Software
Scott W. Pray
President, D.F. Pray General Contractors
Make a Gift Today
For information about making a gift, please
call the Office of Institutional Advancement at
(401) 254-3071 or (800) 458-7144 ex. 3071
Give online at:
Or mail your gift to:
Office of Institutional Advancement
Roger Williams University
One Old Ferry Road
Bristol, RI 02809-2921
On the Cover
lthough many of our students and alumni represent the University day in and day out, the cover had room for just a handful
of examples. We thought you might like to get to know them.
As an international relations major, Dev Lewis ’13 took full advantage of study abroad, including a year
in Shanghai, where he put his Mandarin language skills to use writing about India-China relations for
Guancha Zhe – China’s version of The Economist. Since graduation, he has continued his studies at ChunQiu
Institute for Strategic Studies and is a regular contributor at PolicyMic on issues ranging from global
geopolitics to the international political economy with a close eye on South and East Asia.
Senior Alex Rudkin is making the most of both the University’s academic diversity and its waterfront
campus. A marketing major and web development minor with a concentration in graphic design, Rudkin
serves on the Mario J. Gabelli School of Business Student-Dean Advisory Board and is vice president of
the Web Development Club. A member of the 2011 national champion sailing team at RWU, Rudkin has
served as co-captain since his sophomore year and serves on the Board of Directors for the Inter-Collegiate
Sailing Association.
Long before graduating with a degree in international business and economics, Core Values Medallion
recipient Audra Armstrong ’13 understood the value of global perspectives. Armstrong spent a year honing
her Spanish skills at Universidad Pablo de Olavide in Seville. Campus leadership positions as a student
advocate and admissions ambassador, as well as a turn as a global staffing intern at Covidien, prepared her
for a position with Fortune 500 insurance company Unum, where she began work as a professional
development program associate shortly after graduation.
Once a shy international student from Lagos, Nigeria, senior global communication/public relations major
Enifoghale “Nifty” Agodo has cultivated a strong presence across campus and in the local community.
Agodo puts her visual arts and marketing minors to work as the advertising chair for the Multicultural
Student Union; helps international students acclimate to campus as an Orientation Advisor; represents her
home country at RWU’s annual GlobalFest; tutors in the Writing Center; and recently completed an
internship with the Rhode Island Coalition for the Homeless.
Despite a national search for the college that best fit his academic goals and professional ambitions, senior
construction management major Brandon DaSilva found one of the top-ranked academic programs in his
home state – and the flexibility to round out his résumé with a business management minor and a leadership
position with the Rhode Island chapter of the U.S. Green Building Council.
Roger Williams University and Roger Williams
University School of Law do not discriminate
against any person on the basis of race, color,
religion, national or ethnic origin, age, sex,
sexual orientation, gender expression or identity,
disability, veteran status, or any other legally
protected basis in admission to, access to,
employment in, and treatment in its programs
and activities.
Please send address changes to Joyce Whetstone,
Director of Advancement Services,
Roger Williams University, One Old Ferry Road,
Bristol, RI 02809-2921
While every effort has been made to ensure that
information is accurate and up to date, we’re
writing about a dynamic educational environment,
and it is not possible to guarantee that all items
will be accurate at all times. Please direct any
editorial inquiries to
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America has stated very clearly that it requires colleges and
universities to be both more effective and more affordable.
In October 2012, Roger Williams University launched the
Affordable Excellence initiative, a comprehensive strategy
for confronting the most pressing challenges facing higher
education – increasing costs that limit access to college; rising
student and family debt; and the job readiness of graduates.