Spring 2014 - Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools Foundation


Spring 2014 - Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools Foundation
Greater Saskatoon
Catholic Schools
Foundation Inc.
January 2014
Twenty Years of Service
by René Poisson, 1st Executive Administrator 1994-2002
A special thanks to the Greater
Saskatoon Catholic Schools
Foundation Board and Chair, Michel
Thibault for this opportunity to
share some memories, dreams, goals
and realities of the Foundation on its
twenty years of service to the students
and staff of Greater Saskatoon
Catholic Schools.
In the early 1990’s the Catholic
Board of Education was searching for
meaningful ways to engage the Catholic
community and the larger Saskatoon
community in the activities of the school
Upcoming Events
Thursday, May 1, 2014
‘Swing into Spring’
Fashion Show & Dinner
Prairieland Park, Hall B
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Annual General Meeting
Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools
Board Office
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
‘Share the Spirit’ Golf Classic
The Willows
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Schools Win Twice Raffle
Tickets available from parent groups
at Catholic Schools
Contact Us
Phone: 306-659-7003
Fax: 306-659-2013
Email: catholicschoolsfoundation@gscs.sk.ca
Office: 4th Floor
420 - 22nd Street East
Executive Administrator: Janice Nepjuk
system. This involvement was seen as
essential to future support and growth.
At the same time the provincial
government was facing a devastating
financial crisis due to reduced transfer
payments from the Federal level. This
crisis resulted in school grants being
cut by as much as twelve percent in one
year. The Board, wishing to protect the
system and its quality programs sought
creative ways to engage the community
in assisting with solutions to the
financial crisis it was facing.
It was out of these two situations
that the Saskatoon Catholic Schools
Foundation was born. It was proposed
as a possible way to engage caring people
in novel and exciting activities which
hopefully would also provide additional
funds for spiritual growth, leadership
initiatives and enhanced educational
excellence programs for students
attending Saskatoon Catholic Schools.
In mid-1993 Director of Education
Ken McDonough requested that I add
the development of this “Educational
Foundation” to my school division
portfolio. Shortly thereafter, the first
Foundation Board was established with
Morris Smysnuik as Chair, Father Len
Morand as Vice-Chair and Margaret
Schwab as Secretary. Also on the Board
were Sister Juliana Heisler, Sharon
Chicoose, Ed Werbicki, Phil Muench,
Marie Weiss, and student directors
Lindsay Earle and Jason Zabinsky.
The Foundation is forever indebted to
these individuals
for letting their
names stand and
René Poisson, First
Executive Administrator,
for believing in the
The primary goals of the Foundation
were reached when it received a charitable
number effective January 1, 1994 and
incorporated status in June 1994.
In June 1997 Marie Weiss traded in
her Board membership to become the
first Foundation Office Manager. Her
commitment and organizational skills
were timely and much appreciated.
The dream was taking shape and
several goals were met but the reality
still depended on “friend-raising” and
“fund-raising”. Over the next few
years with the generous assistance of
many schools staff members as well
as members of the Catholic and wider
Saskatoon community the “friend”
and “fund” raisers grew at a rapid rate.
They included the: Share the Spirit
Gala Dinner; Share the Spirit August
Golf Classic; Founders’ Circle Staff
Contribution Initiative; Schools Win
Twice Raffle; Swing into Spring Fashion
Show & Dinner; Scholarship-BursaryAwards Program; Planned Giving
Program; Donor Recognition Initiatives;
Flow Through Grants Program
and many other programs/projects
developed in recent years.
Fundraisers have meaning and
usefulness only insofar as the funds
…more on next page
Happy 20th Anniversary!
Twenty Years of Service…from page front page
are distributed to support the goals of
the Foundation. Since 1993 over four
million nine hundred thousand dollars
has been distributed, that is an amount
of which we can all be proud.
The Foundation has been and
continues to be blessed by caring and
committed Bishops, clergy, parents,
Foundation Chairs, Directors, Student
Directors, Office staff, Executive
Administrators, Board Office and
school personnel, elementary and high
school students, School Board Trustees,
Directors of Education, Catholic
and Greater Saskatoon Community
members. You are the heart of the
I would like to thank so many
individuals who played special roles
in the development and advancement
of the Foundation but I would surely
miss some and worry about it for years
to come. Rereading all the Foundation
newsletters in the office file I see
that most of you have at some time
been recognized for your generous
donations of time, talent and treasure.
If not – know in your heart that I
thank you!
Over the last twenty years the
Foundation has assisted the school
system by engaging the Catholic as well
as the wider Saskatoon community in
activities that support Catholic schools
– financially and in spirit. With your
continued assistance the Foundation
will grow, serve and support the faithbased education we all cherish.
God Bless! M
Foundation Board Chair’s Message
On the occasion of our 20th
Anniversary, on behalf of the current
Board of the Foundation, I wish to
acknowledge the foresight of Ken
McDonough and René Poisson in
imagining the development of an
educational foundation and in making it
a reality 20 years ago. Rene’s reflections
on the cover of our Newsletter this
month remind us of the dedication and
commitment provided by volunteers,
donors, sponsors and partners and
how their 20 years of support for our
schools has sustained the Share the
Spirit movement. We are especially
indebted to Rene, whose passion,
energy, and unapologetic requests for
financial support laid the groundwork
for the Foundation which still bears his
I would like to extend and express
a very special thank you to the many
parents who volunteer in our schools to
organize the Schools Win Twice Raffle.
This initiative is a tremendous success
raising over $2,187,925.00 since its
inception, all of which is used directly in
our schools. We acknowledge and thank the
committed and dedicated staff of our
schools who come up with projects and
initiatives every year that contribute
to the development of their students
spiritually, academically, physically,
socially and emotionally according to
a vision of life taught by the greatest of
teachers, Jesus Christ.
As a Foundation we are privileged
to be entrusted with donations and
financial gifts to be distributed on your
behalf to our school communities in
support of an amazing array of student
leadership and faith development
projects and events which they initiate.
he greatest glory in living
lies not in never falling, but in
rising every time we fall.
Nelson Mandela
Initiatives which
promote academic
achievement, spiritual growth,
Christian lifestyle,
Michel Thibault,
awareness of social
Foundation Board of
justice issues, and
Directors Chair
responding to
these issues, multicultural awareness and
acceptance, student leadership skills and
positive school environments.
Please take the time to note the many
donors and sponsors recognized in this
newsletter, especially our Founder’s
Circle. Together with many anonymous
donors they have been faithful
contributors over the years, and we
thank them very much. We welcome the
support; your gifts have been well used.
May 2014 be a year of blessing and
gratitude for all of our families, Peace. M
Director of Education’s Message
Milestones are important. There are
certain things that we work at that are so
much bigger than we are. Things that are
measured in time by decades, centuries or
even millennia. When one is working in
one of these long-term endeavours – like
Catholic education – there is no finish
line. Milestones are all that we will see.
We have received the torch from those
who have gone before us, we carry it for
a while, and then we hand it to others.
The milestones we experience during
the time that we carry the torch need to
be acknowledged. We must recognize
how far we have come and celebrate
our accomplishments in order to bolster
ourselves for the next leg of the journey.
The Greater Saskatoon Catholic
Schools Foundation has journeyed
alongside Greater Saskatoon Catholic
Schools, sharing our path, for an amazing
20 years. This is a significant milestone
and it is important that we take the
opportunity to do what’s mentioned
above: recognize the significance of the
milestone, enjoy it, and draw strength
from this for the next leg of the journey.
Looking back at what the Foundation
has accomplished, one realizes there is
great cause for celebration. At first there
was only a vision of what the Foundation
could become. That vision, combined
with the dedication and hard work of
those who began the Foundation and
faithfully served it over these years, has led
to the creation of something significant.
One needs only to look at the funds that
the Foundation has marshalled for our
schools over the years to have a glimpse
at the importance of the contribution.
Yet looking only at the funds, one would
miss the heart of the foundation, which
holds at its core a passion for Catholic
education and the fervent desire to bring
this gift to our society.
Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools
has a unique mandate and that which
makes us unique, our faith perspective,
is not supported through provincial
funds. As a result, for the past 20 years
the support of the foundation has greatly
helped Greater Saskatoon Catholic
Schools enrich the faith dimension
of our work. Our journey has been
fundamentally strengthened thanks to
the Foundation and for this gift we at
Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools are
extremely humbled and grateful. The
contributions of time, talent and treasure
to our schools in innumerable ways by
the generous women and men of our
community cannot be quantified. But at
this milestone, know that the work has
been critical.
As we look to the next leg of the
journey… our shared journey, we have
great cause for hope. It is said that the
best prediction of future success is
past performance. If that adage holds
true, the next 20 years holds boundless
promise. As we
draw strength for
our future in looking
back, we know that
this strength will
Greg Chatlain, Director
be required. Over of Education
the years there have
been many challenges, and that more are
likely to come. Building upon the strong
foundation that has been set for us, we are
in a very good place.
Our vision remains strong and our
mission and mandate are as important
now as they were when this journey
began. We have committed, caring and
faithful people who have dedicated
themselves to this work. These are all of
the building blocks that the Holy Spirit
needs to bring God’s Kingdom here on
Earth. We are privileged and blessed to
be on this path and to share it with the
Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools
Foundation. As we look forward to
the next milestone, difficult though the
journey may be, together we will get
On behalf of everyone at Greater
Saskatoon Catholic Schools, congratulations on your 20-year anniversary.
Thank you for what the Foundation
has provided for our schools these past
two decades and we look forward to
the promise of great things as we move
now together towards a bright future.
God bless! M
2014 New Year’s Resolutions
Prayer of St. Francis
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair; hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy.
Good Master, grant
that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen.
Swing into Spring Fashion Show & Dinner
The 13th annual Swing into Spring
Fashion Show and Dinner continues
to be a tremendous success due to the
enthusiasm shown by the almost 800
guests whose attendance helps us support
education with a difference. This year’s
models showcased quality fashions
and hair design from seven wonderful
vendors and were escorted down the
runway by Rev. Andre Lalach, Fr. Kevin
McGee and Very Rev. Janko Kolosnjaji.
The table of 8 ‘Early Bird’ winners of the
DeVille Limousine Champagne Service
to and from the event were the Pope John
Paul II table and the individual ‘Early
Bird’ winner of the Yu Spa Esthetics spa
package was Joyce Evans.
Fashion Show Committee members
Denise Bandet-Reaser, Wendy Busa,
Laurianne Gabruch, Laurie Karwacki,
Lisa Lambert, Sherry McLean, Janice
Nepjuk, Anita Romanoff, Rita Smysnuik,
Sharon Tkachuk and Sharon ZakreskiWerbicki worked diligently to create
smooth running evening with a jazz
theme. To our numerous volunteers
working behind the scenes, donation
and prize collectors, video and sound
technicians, photographer, ticket sellers,
stage and table decorators, display
arrangers, set up and take down crews –
‘THANK YOU’ for all your hard work
and contagious enthusiasm.
The Rumours jazz band from St. Joseph
High School provided the music for the
evening. Band members included Mitch
Cassidy, Josh Dupuis, Jack Fotheringham,
Madison McLean, Aidan Rogers and
Austin Shirley. The evening was emceed
by Mike Thorson and Kent Gauthier and
began with the singing of grace lead by
Most Reverend Bishop Bryan Bayda,
CSsR of the Ukrainian-Catholic Eparchy
of Saskatoon. During the evening our
guests enjoyed a wonderful buffet meal, a
draw for air miles, a chance at $1000 cash
prize draw, raffle basket prize draws and
a wide variety of silent auction items.
The success of the event is dependent
upon the continued and much appreciated
Airmiles Raffle winner Jeannette Montgomery says “Thank you Fastprint and GSCS
Foundation” while touring in Ireland this past November.
support of the community and businesses.
The Foundation is very grateful to all of
the donors who help to ensure the success
of the Fashion Show & Dinner through
their contributions. M
Make sure to mark your calendar for
the next ‘Share the Spirit’
Fashion Show & Dinner, Thursday,
May 1, 2014 at Prairieland Park - Hall B.
Major Sponsors:
ASL Paving Ltd.
Dundee Realty Corporation
Gabruch Legal Group
Laurie Karwacki
Saskatoon Fastprint Ltd.
Saskatoon Media Group
College Park Dental Clinic
Mourning Glory Funeral
Services Inc.
St. Mary’s CWL
Sen. David Tkachuk
Fashions for Women
Banana Republic
Dutch Growers Fashions
grady bleu®
Klassique Designs
Sova Design
Fashions for Men
Anthony’s Fashion For Men
Banana Republic
Hair & Makeup
Visions Salon & Spa
Prize Donors:
Academic Potential Education
Affinity Credit Union
Al Anderson’s Source for
Anthony’s Fashion For Men
AON Reed Stenhouse
Atrium Eye Care
Awl Shoppe
Baba’s Homestyle Perogies
Denise Bandet-Reaser
Bayshore Home Health
Belle Sante MD Cosmetics &
Laser Clinic
Jared Boechler
Kathy Boechler
Karen Boire – Silpada Designs
Karen Bosker – Watkins
Braid Flooring
Wendy Busa
Cameco Corporation
Canada Safeway
Candy’s Salon and Day Spa
Century 21 Fusion
George Charpentier
Chel SalonSpa
Cherry Insurance
Cindy Moleski Photography
Creative Closet Designs
CTV Saskatoon
Dakota Dunes Golf Links
Lynn Doll Photography
Father Robinson Student
Leadership Team
Fireside Singers
Fitness on 25th
Matt Faubert
Laurianne Gabruch
Leanne Garchinski - PartyLite
Getaway Discount Travel
Glenwood Auto Services
Gold Canyon
Carla Gradin – lia sophia
Grainfields Family Restaurant
Great Western Brewing
Company Limited
GSCS Administrative Services
GSCS Board of Trustees
GSCS Board Office – Support
Staff & Consultants
GSCS Executive Council
GSCS Foundation Board of
GSCS Learning & Student
Hair Hut
Hilton Garden Inn
Holiday Inn
Hudson’s Canadian Tap House
Impact Marketing
JNS Yoga Studio
David Karwacki
Anita Kehoe - Silpada
Klassique Designs
Lifetouch Canada Inc.
Audrey Matushewski – 5th
Avenue Jewellery
John McAuliffe
Michelle’s Flowers
Mitchinson Flying Services Inc.
Motion Fitness
Moxies Classic Grill
Karen Omelan-Davis
Pandora Midtown
Park Funeral Chapel
Persephone Theatre
Marian Phaneuf
Polished Image Consulting
Ramada Hotel & Golf Dome
RBC Royal Bank
Ev Safronetz
St. Mary’s CWL
Salon Twist
Salon Vibe
Jason Sand
Saskatchewan Jazz Festival
Saskatchewan Teachers
Saskatoon Inn
Evelyn Sawchuk – lia sophia
Shita Ryu Karate School
Shiatsu Massage
Joann Simon
SunDog Arts Society Inc.
Sunsera – 2nd Ave
Taverna Italian Restaurant
The Ivy Dining & Lounge
The Senator Hotel
Sharon Tkachuk
Star Produce Ltd.
Touch of Ukraine
Travelodge Hotel
Traxx Footwear
Van Houtte Coffee Services Inc.
Visions Salon & Spa
Wellington Estates
Winston’s English Pub & Grill
Hon. Lynne Yelich
Catholic School Community
Council Prize Donors:
Bishop Filevich
Bishop Pocock
Bishop Roborecki
Father Robinson
Father Vachon
Georges Vanier
Mother Teresa
Pope John Paul II
St. Angela
St. Anne
St. Augustine (S)
St. Augustine (H)
St. Bernard
St. Edward
St. Gabriel
St. Gerard
St. John
St. Matthew
St. Paul
St. Peter
St. Philip
St. Volodymyr
An Early Start…
‘Share the Spirit’ Golf Classic Presenting Sponsor
Edwards Edwards McEwen Architects
Breakfast Sponsor
Shaughnessy Electric Ltd.
The 18th Annual “Share the Spirit”
Golf Classic, presented by Edwards
Edwards McEwen Architects, was
held on Tuesday, August 20 at the
Willows. Our celebrity golfer this year
was Archbishop Murray Chatlain who
challenged golfers to beat his drive at the
par three competition, raising funds for
Lunch Sponsor
ASL Paving Ltd.
Major Sponsors
First Student Saskatoon
Flynn Canada Ltd.
Konica Minolta
PWA Engineering Ltd.
Celebrity golfer Archbishop Murray Chatlain and
volunteer Karen Omelan-Davis.
Golf Committee Co-Chair/Emcee and Foundation Board
Director – Dale Smith.
student leadership. On behalf of the 2013
Golf Committee we would like to thank
those who volunteered their time. Their
valued assistance, energy and support
contributed so much to the positive
experiences of the golfers and everyone
involved. This year we had a full slate of
golfers - 36 teams! We also had a number
of new sponsors, prize donors; and for
the first time a presenting sponsor. The
Draw Prize Donors
Eclipse Fitness Equipment Ltd.
Eecol Electric Ltd.
GSCS Foundation Inc.
Marlin Travel
moga mobile
Motion Fitness
Radisson/Silverbirch Hotels & Resorts
Rayner Agencies Ltd.
TCU Financial Group
Traeger BBQ Canada Ltd., Terry Busa
Hole in One Sponsors
O’Reilly Insurance
Park Funeral Chapel
TCU Financial Group
response from the survey for the golf day
was very positive. Many teams preferred
the early start and early home and the
burger bar was awesome! The Foundation
is deeply grateful for the support of all
who participated, the generosity of all
players, sponsors and donors helps ensure
the support necessary for leadership
programs, academic excellence, and faith
development within Greater Saskatoon
Catholic Schools.
Tuesday, August 19, 2014 has been set
for the 19th Annual “Share the Spirit”
Golf Classic. Edwards Edwards McEwen
Architects will once again be our Presenting
Sponsor, also returning are ASL Paving
as Lunch Sponsor and Affinity Credit
Union as Golf Cart Sponsor – mark your
calendar for another great event!. M
Hole Sponsors
AREVA Resource Canada Inc.
BMO Bank of Montreal
Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools
Johnson Controls
Klassen Driving School
Lifetouch Canada Inc.
Mayfair Glass Ltd.
McEown Avenue Dental Clinic
McKercher LLP
RBC Dominion Securities
– Barry Woytowich
Roger Schmid Realty Prof. Corp.
– Century 21 Fusion
ScotiaMcLeod – Mark Babin
Supreme Basics
Sen. David & Sharon Tkachuk
Western Mobile Homes Ltd.
Prize Donors
Affinity Credit Union
BMO Bank of Montreal
CHL MasterCard Memorial Cup
Dakota Dunes
Edge Transportation
Glenwood Auto Sales
Great Western Brewery Company
Hilltop Football Club
Motion Fitness
Potash Corporation of
Cart Sponsor
Affinity Credit Union
Celebrity Hole Sponsor
David & Laurie Karwacki
RBC Dominion Securities Inc.
– Barry Woytowich
Saskatchewan Blue Cross
Saskatoon Fastprint
Saskatoon Motor Products
Scotiabank – Nelson Road
TCU Place
The Willows
1st Place – saskhouses.com Team. Kerry Bullock, Kory Kohuch, Dale Smith,
Dale Neufeld.
2nd Place – David Karwacki Team. Gary Augustyn, Brett Hoffman, Scott Fernquist,
Marc Lamothe.
Special prize winners were:
Early Bird Prize:
$1000.00 – Sean Brennan
Closest to the Pin: Ladies – Erin Ostlund
Men – Modest Kowal
Straightest Drive: Ladies – Doris Turcotte
Men – Bill Perret
Longest Drive:
Ladies – Talyla Favel
Men – Scott MacDonald
3rd Place – Kemsol Team. James Johannesson, Pierre Vallee, Ted Olson,Rob Pasishnik.
Schools Win Twice Raffle
Congratulations to all those who
helped organize and sell ‘Schools Win
Twice’ raffle tickets this year. Another
very successful raffle campaign wrapped
up November 14, 2013. Over $159,157.00
was raised for student programs in the
Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools. The
campaign is a very large undertaking and
could not be as successful without the
help of the many CSCC volunteers who
give their time and energy. Thank you to
Principal Renee Cratty, the staff, students
and CSCC at St. Edward School for
hosting this year’s luncheon and draw.
How it works: First—Each participating school group receives 55% of
funds raised by their school community.
Second—Each school can apply for a
Congratulations to the following
lucky winners:
Disneyworld Florida Vacation: #67391 Diane Purschke
Disneyland California Vacation: #47840 Michelle Farenick
John Deere 827E Snowblower: #80653 Holly Sabo
iPad 4 Wi-Fi: #33021 Annette Howland
Big Green Egg: #98340 Niels Kjeldsen
Samsung 43” Plasma TV: #61300 Marvin Sagh
Hardrock Bike: #10069 Isabella Miners
Hardrock Bike: #88350 Adam Hein
Panasonic Home Theatre: #13940 Sonia Rodriguez
Boston Sound Bar: #43090 Stephanie Keller
Samsung 32” LCD TV: #62993 Pat Ironside
Apple iPad Mini Wi-Fi: #07158 Grace Khan
GoPro HD Hero 3 Camera: #69832 Shirley Vany
Yamaha iPod Doc: #81313 Dean Bailey
BOSE iPod Dock: #71485 Jeffrey Vaagen
Harmon Kardon Wireless Sound Sticks:
#02482 Ruvraj Sachbeva
Pizza, Pasta or Wings for a Year (1 per month):
#11230 Janice Serafini-Dillon
Pizza, Pasta or Wings for a Year (1 per month):
#34193 Serena Gamble
Kobo Arc 7” eReader: #40393 Derry & Marina Elder
Kobo Arc 7” eReader: #99159 Grace Smith
Cineplex Galaxy Gift Card: #31545 Pauline Oborowsky
Cineplex Galaxy Gift Card: #56400 Arnel Puntilar
BOSE On-Ear Headphones: #64990 Lynn Prestley
Sennheiser Cordless Headphones: #89612 Myron Sirman
Nikon Digital Camera: #30404 Nora Jacobs
Nikon Digital Camera: #12606 Trevor Burghall
grant of up to $1000 from the remaining
funds for school-based projects that meet
the Foundation guidelines. Schools do
win twice!
Prizes and printing were partially
donated and/or supplied by Best Buy,
Bruce’s Cycle, Cineplex Galaxy, Farm
& Garden Centre, Future Shop, Krazy
Kiley’s, Marlin Travel, Neural Net,
Pizza Hut, Saskatoon Fastprint Ltd. and
Western Business Machines. M
Foundation Project Reports
St. Paul School
Hearing God Speak to Us
This project was ongoing throughout
the school year. The focus of the
project was instilling within the school
community a sense of importance hearing
God speak to us as well as to enhance and
encourage the celebration of our faith as
a school community. Throughout the
year, they participated and shared in faith
development activities. All classrooms
used the prayer corner on a regular basis. A
Lenten school wide retreat was held. The
students took time in this day to deepen
their knowledge and understanding of
the Stations of the Cross. Activities such
as a Christmas Concert and a talent show
were held in partnership with Luther
Heights Care Home.
With these and other faith formation
opportunities students have gained a
deeper sense of caring and empathy
towards others and gained a better
appreciation of the importance of serving
others. Students have been rewarded with
enhanced spiritual growth and a deeper
understanding of their faith. M
Bishop Roborecki School
Faith Permeation Mural & Prayer Corners
This year students at Bishop
Roborecki School, in partnership
with the Mendel Art Gallery Art
for Life Coordinator Jillian Cyca,
created a mural that incorporated
the gospel virtues. The mural
produces a welcoming, faith based
atmosphere at the front entrance
of the school. With the help of
the Foundation many items were
purchased such as posters, framed
prints of saints, stations of the
cross, mysteries of the Rosary,
Beatitudes and prints of Jesus,
the Pope and Bishops to improve the
permeation of faith throughout the school
and classrooms. M
Cardinal Leger School
Student Retreats
To mark the ‘Year of Faith’, grades
6, 7 and 8 students took part in a day
long encounter led by the National
Evangelization Team (N.E.T.). The theme
was ‘Who Am I’. They participated with
energy and excitement in talks, prayers,
reflections, games and song. Time in small
groups gave the students an opportunity
to share personal stories or questions. The
leaders provided inspiration, example
and spiritual strength to students.
Students were encouraged by the team
to make a personal decision to follow
Christ and have that make a difference in
their lives. Grades K to 5 also attended
a retreat. Classes rotated
through three different
presenters. Colin Leyne, the
Diocesan Youth Ministry
coordinator helped students
to find God in prayer
and daily life. Laurianne
Gabruch, Byzantine Rite
coordinator helped students
appreciate the Ukrainian
Rite and traditions. Jason
Cody, Chaplain of Bishop
Mahoney High School
spoke to students about their
unique gifts from God. M
Rosary Clubs
The purpose of the Rosary is to help keep in memory certain principal events
or mysteries in the history of our salvation, and to
thank and praise God for them.
The rosary begins with the recitation of
the Apostle’s Creed, an Our Father, three Hail
Mary’s and a Glory Be. Then there are five
decades which each begin and end with an Our
Father and Glory Be, and have ten Hail Mary’s in
between. When you pray the rosary, you meditate
on the events in Jesus’ life. There are the joyful,
luminous, sorrowful, and glorious mysteries.
In various apparitions, Mary has appeared holding
a rosary and has asked that we continue to pray this
prayer. She always leads us to her Son, and presents
our needs before Him. Prayer is about developing
our relationship with God, and loving Him more, so it
makes sense to get to know Him through the events of
the life of Christ that we meditate on during the rosary.
With resources allocated from the GSCS Foundation
many schools have instituted Rosary Clubs. Here are just a
St. Matthew Rosary Club meets on the first and third
Tuesdays on the month from October to May. As a group, they
gather to learn about the different prayers of the Rosary, the mysteries
of the Rosary and the life of Mary. They do crafts, activity sheets, read books and always pray a decade of the Rosary.
St. Bernard Rosary Club includes grades 1-8 students who pray the rosary and make their own rosaries. They went on a field
trip to the Cathedral of the Holy Family and had their rosaries blessed by Bishop Donald Bolen.
At Father Robinson School the Hail Mary Rosary Club’s grade 3-6 students are involved in activities and prayer to deepen
their knowledge of Mary. They made their own rosaries and used them in school wide prayer during the Living Rosary led by
the grade 3 students and during their school wide retreat.
St. Mark School initiated their Rosary Club in the spring of 2013. They met
during lunch hours to say one decade and chose a different mystery to share each
time. At the end of each meeting students received a sticker reminding them to
pray and trust in God. At the completion of the club, students who attended at
least half of the meetings were presented with a rosary to keep. M
Flow Through Grants & Donations
In addition to the fundraising
initiatives generated by the Foundation
in support of school based projects,
there are many individuals in our greater
Saskatoon Catholic system who seek
out significant financial support to meet
specific needs or to advance certain
initiatives within our schools. Some of these may be system wide,
while others are for individual schools. We refer to these as Flow Through
Grants. Flow Through Grants are funds
given to the Foundation to administer
by individuals, corporations, agencies or
other foundations in support of specific
projects and needs. The Foundation is
pleased to be able to be of assistance in
facilitating these donations through its
charitable status. Following are some of
Donors who have provided such grants
for various projects:
• ArtsSmarts Grants from the
Saskatoon Foundation
• BHP Billiton
• Cameco Corporation
• Community Initiatives Fund
• Government of Canada – Aboriginal
Affairs and Northern Development
Canada, Aboriginal Youth
Workforce Connections Project and
Cultural Connections for Aboriginal
Youth Projects
• Hitachi Power Systems Canada Ltd.
• Potash Corporation of
Saskatchewan Inc.
• RBC Royal Bank of Canada
• Saskatchewan Arts Board
• Saskatoon Community Foundation
• Trinity Global Support Foundation/
Show Kids You Care
Every year we receive gifts from
donors who wish to remain anonymous.
These donations flow through the
Foundation and have been used for
playgrounds, summer camps, retreats,
library resources, outdoor classrooms,
safety patrols, nutrition programs,
after school programs, smart boards,
netbooks, computers and iPads.
To all of you, thank you and God Bless.
Scholarships, Awards and Bursaries
The Foundation administers scholarships, awards and bursaries to meet the growing needs of students who are currently
in schools and those going on to post-secondary studies. Graduating classes are invited to establish scholarships with funds
that remain after graduation activities and families may set up scholarships or awards in memory of a loved one, thus
assisting future grads with their continuing education.
Bethlehem Catholic High School
Walter Podiluk Memorial Scholarship
Bishop James Mahoney High School
Bishop James Mahoney Grads Award
Community of Saints Award
Guy Giroux Scholarships
Alysia Risling Award for Excellence in Sciences
SRK Consulting Scholarship
Bishop Murray High School
Bishop Murray High School Spirit Award
Rick Smith Memorial Award
E.D. Feehan Catholic High School
Raymond & Elaine Boyle Scholarship
Clavelle Scholarship
E.D. Feehan Grads of 1996 Scholarship
E.D. Feehan Grads of 1999 Scholarship
E.D. Feehan Grads of 2002 Scholarship
Holy Cross High School
Holy Cross Parent Council Art Award
Christopher Roy Scholarship
Zachary Semenoff Memorial Music Scholarship
Michael J. Stark Scholarship
Donald Zuck Family Award
Osk āyak High School
Judge Richard J. Kucey Memorial Scholarship
St. Joseph High School
Chaplaincy Award
Guardian Legacy Scholarship
Marlene Panko Scholarship
Lynn Quinn Scholarhip
e the change that you want to see in the
All High Schools
Bob Auser Memorial Award
Collision Plus Trade Scholarship
Kiwanis Club of Riversdale Scholarship
Frank & Alice Risling Jubilee Scholarship
Our Lady of the Prairies Foundation Scholarship
Principals’ Association Scholarship
Year of the Métis Legacy Bursary
St. Angela School
Ray Weinkauf Award
St. Mary Community School
Gregoire-Baillargeon Bursary
Bishop Filevich, Georges Vanier &
St. Philip Schools
Betty Anne Osiowy Memorial Fund for Literacy
Georges Vanier School
Loralee Doepker Memorial Fund
Mahatma Gandhi
Many Thanks to Our Supporters
L 2013 Community Donors
Arefaine Abraha
Pablito & Arceli Adaya
Diego Aguirre
Joshua Aguirre
Fouzia Ahmed
Marissa Alarcon
Leona Anderson
Cari Anning
Norma Anton
Suzanne Anton
Vic Anton
Rosemalyn Antonio
Joseph & Shirley Arsenault
Theresa Arsenie
Susan Arthurs
Frank Aske
Dave Babey
Christopher & Megan Babyak
Tony Bairos
Mark & Moyra Ball
Guy Barker
Gwen Basilan
Brian Bauche
Darryl Bazylak
Debbie Berscheid
Giselle Beaulieu
Len & Kathi Beaulieu
Dawn Belliveau
Kathleen Belt
Colette Berg
Lindsay Bergovich
Kathy Beuker
Brendan Bitz
Bishop Roborecki Home & School
Stephen R. Biss
Christy Blazieko
Laverna Blind
Sharon Blomquist
Barry & Rose Bodnar
Tim Bodnarchuk
Kathy Boechler
Karen Boire
Donald Boldstad & Karen Purich
Casey & Jaime Bolger
Karen Bosker
Wendy Boudreau
Diane Boyko
Wayne Boyko
Sean Brannen
Tammy Braun
Lisa Brisebois
Robert Brisebois
Carol Brock
Lynette Brossart
Myrna Brossart
Irene Brotzel
Margaret Brown
Ruth Brown
Kimberley Bucsis
Leah Bumphrey
Linda Burgess
Gord & Linda Burgess
Rebecca Burnett
Wendy Busa
Paola Caicedo
Lorette Cairns
Yuan long Cao
Katia Carrie
Jim Carriere
Krista Carter
Jacqueline Castilloux
Laura Cey
Stephen Chaisson
Rebecca Chalmers
George Charpentier
Yvette Chartier
Denise Cherkas
Stan Chester
Steve & Robynn Chestolowski
Jerome Chomos
June Christ
R. Dean & Lisa Clark
Danielle Clatney
Dolores Jeanette Clavelle
Dominique Collins
Linda Collins
Malcolm & Bonnie Conly
Scott & Kathy Cook
Wendy Cooper
Michelle Correia
Diane Cote
Cathy Coumont
Albert Couture
Alison Cowan
Marissa Craig
Robert & Judith Crosby
Waylon Danyluk
Marlene Danylyshen
Wayne Daratha & Donna Schneider
Connie Davis
Paul Davis
James & Kris Day
Analyn De Castro
Kim Deibert
Lynn Del Frari
Colin & Shelly Delorme
Michelle Delorme
Daniel Denis
Mischa Diehl
Carmen Dodd Vicary
Brad Doepker
Paul Doerksen
Lynn Doll
Randy Doll
Julius & Mary Joy Domingo
Lisa Domoslai
Irma Dormuth
Zenon & Christine Dragan
James Drake & Gwen Schmidt
Darian Dutchak
Wayne Dyck
Tanis Edstrom
Bradley & Sandra Ehr
Rosalyn Elliott
Patrice Elson
Carol Engel
Miriam Estrada
Kelsey Evers
Coralee Ewanchyna
Jerry & Rose Ewanchyna
Marnie Farn
Jennifer Fast
Father Robinson School Community
Father Robinson School Student
Leadership Team
Matt Faubert
Cheryl Fenrich
Ernie & Sandy Finley
Robert Finley
Adam Fischer
Dennis & Jean Fisher
Theresa Fisher
Robyn Flaman
Cari Fleming
Courtney Fleming
Marsha Flysak
Laura Foley
Michelle Fontaine
Owen Fortosky
Thomas Fortosky
Candice Forrester
Cynthia Foster
Nigel Foster
Susanne Fostey
Vernon & Sylvie Fowke
Darren Fradette
Maurice Fradette
Robert & Tammy Frank
Hope French
Roxanna Frey
Leonard Frieling
Pat Friesen
Robert & Heather Fritz
Lydia Gabruch
Dan Gallays
Heather Gammage
Leanne Garchinski
Rosario Garcia
Judy Gatin
Kent & Karen Gauthier
Wilma Gauthier
Cayla Gaudet
Doreen Gaudet
Leocadia Gay
Zofia Gehl
Denise George
Georges Vanier CSCC
Ron Georget
Carol Gerspacher
Graham & Sheila Gerwing
Dylan Gibson
Merle Gibson
Bob & Denise Gilewicz
Luisa Giocoli
Timothy & Bonnie Gitzel
Elizabeth Glass
Carla Gradin
David & Susan Grant
Scott Grass & Loretta Odorico
Stewart & Shelly Grass
Cheryl Green
David Gregoire
Alicia Gurash
Bernadette Gurski
Nicole Gursky
Leanne Gusikoski
Chad Guskowski
Sharon Hader
Sandra Haichert
Louise Halfe
Gerald & Patricia Haller
Michael Hallgrimson & Cori
Diane Halyk
Bev Hanson
Kevin & Sheralee Hanson
Kevin Harms
Burton Harper
Todd & Deanna Hassen
Cara Hauber
Donald Hauser
Todd Hawkins
Elaine Hebig
Ryan Henney
Robert Herrick
Alex & Lois Hertzum-Larsen
Erin Hilbig
Ralph & Roberta Hildebrandt
David & Melanie Hilkewich
Joe Hitchings
Judy Hoiland
Mary Holowachuk
Jim Horvath
Thelma Howard
Tamara Hrechuch
Karen Hrycuik
Robert & Donna Hunchak
Debbie Huntley
Ernie Hutcheon
Katherine Hutsal
Wendy Hyshka
Maureen Irlbeck Vandale
Andrea Iron
Jonathon & Darla Isaak
Anita Jackson
Jacqueline Jackson
Arash Janfada
Sandy Jasieniuk
Gisele Jean-Bundgaard
Heather Jelinski
Jim Jelinski
Maureen Jickling
Norman & Debbie Joanis
Laura Johanson
Christy Johnson
Deb Johnson
Duane Johnson
Jamie Johnson
Lynn Johnson
Sharon Johnson
Marissa Johnston
Troy & Jackie Jorgenson
Donna Jubin
Shawna Jurgens
Cari Karakochuk
David & Laurie Karwacki
Vic Karwacki
Janine Katelnikoff
Brenda Kelln
Dave Kellow
Patrick & Karen Kelly
Cassandra Kent
Lori Kerpan
Kathy Ketterer
Jayne Kimberley
Catherine Kirk
Richard Klaassen & Mirna FunesKlaassen
Abe & Annette Klassen
Bert & Brenda Klassen
Kelley Klath
Arlene Kleiter
David Knight
Tracy Knoll-Brossart
David Knowles
Paola Kobussen
Nadia Kodak
Sonia Kodak
Sheila Kohle
Victor Korol
Jeffery Kostyniuk
Betty Kovitch
Modest Kowal
Lawrence & Marjorie Kowalchuk
Olya Kowaluk
Bonnie Kraus
Mike Krawchuk
Richard Krawchuk
Steve Krawchuk
Anita Kroeker
Dianna Krushelniski
Celia Kulrich
Angela Kunz
Chantel Lacoursiere
David Laidlaw
Ben Laird
Maureen Lalach
Connie Laliberte
Kay Lang
Laurier & Heather Langlois
David Laroque
Dianne Laroque
Karen Lavallee
Andrew Layes
Maureen LeClaire
Roger & Susan Lee
Norbert & Elsie Leibel
Deborah Lendzyk-Sorestad
Kevin Leschyshyn
Shawn Lewandoski
Ben & Shasha Libby
Mrs. E. Link
Alexander & Donna Linner
Gayle Lockert
Erica Long
Donna Loos
Carrie Lorenz
Alphonse & Mary Lozinski
Miranda Luciw
Sara Lui
Alan Lutz
Danielle Lux
Mary-Lynn MacGowan
Tara Macknak
Ava MacLean
Kathleen MacLean
Margaret Mair
Catharina Malan
Mark & Brenda Malazdrewich
Kristin Mamchur
Nadine Mansiere
Amanda Marien
Keith Martel
Ronald & Janet Matycio
John McAuliffe
Kelley-Anne McAvoy
Iain McCormick
Steve McCorrister
Melissa McElwee
Melissa McEwen
Shirley McEwen
Tina McEwen
Lori Jean McGeary
Bryan & Kelly McInnes
Rob & Tanya McInnis
Ken McIntosh
Celina & Noel McIntyre
Thomas McKay
Val McLane
Carol McLaren
Cathy McLean
Jim & Sherry McLean
Greg Meier
Jennifer Meikle
George & Liz Mergen
Jason & Trisha Merritt
Wiliam Metti & Fadia Kamora
Joyce Meyer
Catharine Michalenko
Doria Michalishen
Jennifer Millar
Jaylene Miller
Robin Mitchell
Glen Mogenson
Jennifer Molnar
Jeanette Montgomery
Paul & Jessica Morgun
Dianne Moroz
Jason & Christy Morrissey
Hayley Muench
Ron Muench
Tina Muir
Mary-Sue Muldoon
Christen Murray
Gladis Mutch
Lynda Muzyka
Devon Neudorf
Trevor Neufeld
Sandy Nicholas
Melanie Nodge
Brian Noonan
Cindy Nordquist
Talleen Novak
Jon Nutting
Colin Oakes
Dmytro Odintsov
Arno & Virginia Oldach
Cory & Alison Oliver
Sarah Olivier
Jami Olver
Karen Omelan-Davis
Leonard Osiowy
Wayne & Sheila Osterhold
Arlene Ostertag
David Ostertag
Alicia Painchaud-Redekop
Janelle Paproski
Kelly Pardoski & Gaylene
Linda Parent
Nicole Parent
Lisa Pasishnik
David & Janice Paslawski
Julian Paslawski
Lindsay Patola
Andrew Penkala
Chris & Chantal Perry
Mike Pesenti
Denise Peters
Marian Phaneuf
Phoebe Piggott
Lee & Rebecca Pion
Gary Pirosko
Luciene Poole
Ryan & Monica Pope
Alexandra Popoff
Jessica Preciado
Bonnie Proll
Barry Randall
Jaclyn Randall
Kayla Rath
Leslie Ready
Joseph Reaser & Denise BandetReaser
Don Remizowski
Earl & Debbie Rennie
Ambrose & Mavis Reschny
Joanne Reschny
Mark & Debra Reschny
Mike Reschny
Shannon Reschny
Glen & Patricia Revering
Jennifer Revering
Sandra Richter
Ken Rieger
Cheryle Risling
Alice Risling
Alysia Risling
Sheri Ritchie
Len & Shelly Ritchot
Harley Rivet
Freda Robinson
Bernie Rodych
Sergei & Anita Romanoff
Janet Rooks
Nadine Rosen
Derrick & Dena Rosenfelt
Margaret Rouhani
Rick Rowley
Theresa Roy
Jodie Royer
Shehla Rubab
Wanda Ruttan
Coralie Saban
St. Anne Community Council
St. Augustine Catholic School
Community Council
St. Bernard Catholic School
Community Council
St. Matthew Home & School
Barre Sakol
Amiee Samson-Schumacher
Jason Sand
Adine Sander
Pat Sarauer
Thomas & Norma Saretsky
Pat Sarich
Philip & Carol Sarich
Elvira Saunders
Glenn Sauve
Dr. Sheila Savedia-Cayabyab
Evelyn Sawchuk
Katrina Sawchuk
Penny Saxinger
Yvette Saxinger
Blair Scheidl
Darren Schlageter
Judy Schmidt
Cheryl Schmitz
Madeline Schmitz
Martin & Clare Schneider
Dean Scott & Cara Smith
Ryan & Christina Scott
Len & Gayle Semko
Heather Semchyshen
Janice Serafini-Dillon
Kellen Seymour & Kendra Arnold
Lindsay Shawarski
Tammy Shircliff
Cale Siemens
Carolyn Siemens
Helen Siemens
John Siemens
Roxanne Sittler
Jason & Charlene Siwak
Lori Skibinsky
Charlene Slobodzian
Morris & Magdalena Sluchinski
Mike Smela
Jackie Smith
Jodie Smith
Karen Smith
Paulette Smith
R. Shawn Smith
Tamaera Smith
Elizabeth Smith-Windsor
Rita Smysnuik
Christina Snell
Gordon & Linda Snell
Shelley Spizawka
Wanda Spooner
Regan Sproule
Karen Stadnyk
Michael & Kristen Stark
Steve Storey
Laurie Stotz
Chantelle Stratychuk
Lizette Strautman
Randy Strawson
Mitch & Taryn Strocen
Taylor Stromberg
Denise Strong
David Struch & Andrea Hamon
Graeme Studer
Amy Sturgeon
Wayne Stus
Donna Sych
Marc Taillon
George Taylor
Janet Taylor
McLaren & Rayanne Taylor
Connie Tenaski
Lindsey Tetarenko
Michel Thibault
Lisa Thomaidis
Shaji Thomas & Anet James
Carla Thorson
Mike Thorson
Clay Timmerman
Sen. David & Sharon Tkachuk
Marie Torgerson
Kaeli Trew
Leo & Debbie Troesch
Bruce Trost
Joan Turcotte
Elaine Unrau
Joslyn Urban
Jillian Vancoughnett
Dianna Vandevord
Nolan & Riley Veness
Brenda Venne
Norieta & Teodoro Vergara
Edna Vibert
Brenda Vinish
Maurice & Catherine Vold
Hui Wang
Delbert Wapass
Lisa Warren
Donna Wasylowich
Kevin & Tara Watts
Robb & Joan Watts
Keith Weisgerber
Susan Weisgerber
Robert Weninger
Guy Werbicki
Nelda Werbicki
Fred Wesolowski
Lauren Willey
Dwayne Williams
Amanda Willick
Alexandria Wilson
Adam Winterhalt
Matthew Winterhalt
Ralph & Theresa Winterhalt
Chelaine Woodcock
Nicole Woytowich
Randal & Tanda Wunder-Buhr
Wayne Younghusband
Jenine Yuzik
Tony Zaremba
Bohdan Zerebecky
Robyn Ziegler
Brian Zimmer & Joanne Chrones
Gail Zink
Melissa Zink
Charlene Zipchen
Shirley Zlipko
L 2013 Corporate Donors
2002 E.D. Feehan After Grad Committee
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada
Affinity Credit Union
Army, Navy & Air Force Veterans in Canada
ASL Paving Ltd.
Augustana Lutheran Church
BHP Billiton Canada Inc.
BJM After Grad Committee 2012
BJM Grads 2013
Casa D’Omar Holdings Ltd.
Challenger Sports Corp.
Community Initiatives Fund
Crosby Hanna & Associates
Curl Saskatoon Inc.
Denison Mines Corp.
Dicks & Workman, APC
Dr. Beata Szkup Medical Prof. Corp.
Dr. Colin Pearce Medical Professional Corp.
Dr. D. Hastings Dental Prof. Corp.
Dr. P. Szkup Medical Imaging Professional Corp.
Dr. W.T.E. Underwood Dental Prof. Corp.
Dr. Werner Gericke Medical Prof. Corp.
Dundee Realty Corporation
E.D. Feehan 2002 After Grad Committee
Ehrenburg Homes Ltd.
Elance Steel Fabricating Co. Ltd.
English River First Nation
First Nation Bank of Canada
Gabruch Legal Group
Galente Ganci, APC
Gregoire Seed Farms Ltd.
Greystone Plumbing
Hamm Construction Ltd.
Head, Thomas, Webb & Willis, LLC
Hitachi Power Systems Canada Ltd.
Holy Family Catholic Women’s League
Home Sense 082 Management & Staff
Humboldt Electric Limited
IC Investments
Investors Group Financial Services Inc.
Investors Group, Matching Gift Program
Jaspar Academy of Dance
Keefer Law Firm
Kiwanis Club of Riversdale
Kova Engineering (Saskatchewan) Ltd.
Low Cost Quality Collision
lululemon athletica canada inc
Manulife Financial
Market Tire (1976) Ltd.
MLTC Industrial Investments Inc.
Momentum Martial Arts Inc.
Morguard Investments Ltd.
Mourning Glory Funeral Services Inc.
National Bank of Canada
Nekaneet First Nation
Onion Lake First Nation
Our Lady of Lourdes (Catholic Womens League)
Our Lady of the Prairies Foundation
Pack ‘N’ Ship
PCS Inc.
Point Optical Scotia Centre
Proctor & Gamble Inc.
Professional Photographers of Canada
Realty Executives Saskatoon
Russell Investments Canada Limited
St. Frances CWL
St. John Bosco CWL Bingo
St. Joseph Aftergrad 2013
St. Mary’s CWL
St. Pauls Cathedral CWL
St. Peter the Apostle CWL
St. Philip Neri – CWL Council
Saints Peter & Paul Ukrainian Catholic Church
Saskatchewan Arts Board
Saskatchewan K of C Charitable Foundation
Saskatoon Catholic School Club Principals’ Association
Saskatoon Community Foundation
Schneider & McKinney, P.C.
Show Kids You Care
Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate
S.J. Benesh & Sons Ltd.
SRK Consulting (Canada) Ltd.
TD Bank Group
The Hitachi Foundation
The Stephen and Michelene Worobetz Foundation
Trinity Global Support Foundation
Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood of Canada
United Way Saskatoon & Area
Van Wagner & Wood, S.C.
Westcap Mgt. Ltd.
Founders’ Circle
Special Builders Among Us
The Founders’ Circle is made up of staff from Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools who contribute via payroll
deductions or direct payment. This group includes staff who direct their United Way donation to the Foundation.
The Foundation thanks these wonderful people and hopes their generosity will spread to many more staff
members. Every dollar helps and goes a long way toward enriching the educational environment in Greater
Saskatoon Catholic Schools.
Andrea Abrametz
Jacquie Ackerman
Lucie Altman
Judith Amolo
Jacqueline Anderson
Cari Anning
Tony Antonopoulous
Tricia Armstrong
Terri Arnelien
Theresa Arsenie
Gary Augustyn
Dominique Babcock
Mary Babiy
Tony Bairos
Mary-Jo Bakken
Patricia Ballantyne
Jean-Paul Barker
Brian Bauche
Simone Beckie
Terri Belanger
Kathleen Belt
Marie Bender
Jason Benson
Colette Berg
Karen Berg
Maria Bernardo
Debbie Berscheid
Dean Bertoia
Diane Bestvater
Kathy Beuker
Leon Bezaire
Clinton Binsfield
Corienne Binsfield
Susan Bischoff
Louise Bitz
D’Arcy Blacklock
Mary Blue
Cindy Blunt
Dawn Blyth
Ron Boechler
Darren Bohmann
Karen Boire
Barbara Boryski
Crystal Boschman
Al Boutin
Brian Boutin
Diane Boyko
Thomas Boyko
Caron Brannen
Sean Brannen
Tamara Braun
Anne-Marie Breckner
Corrine Breker
Kurt Breker
Lisa Brisebois
Marlene Brisebois
Robert Brisebois
Kara Broks
Suzanne Bronkhorst
Tanya Brons
Sandra Brookman
Robert Brossart
Mary Lou Brotherton
Hali Brown
Ruth Brown
Gregory Bubnick
Brigitte Buehler
Linda Burgess
Susan Burns
David Buttinger
Lisa Button
Christopher Buzinski
Ruth Byers
Cynthia Cameron
Michael Canaday
Nadine Cannell
Jim Carriere
Michael Carter
Anne-Marie Casavant
Jacqueline Castilloux
Stephen Chaisson
Elsa Chalmers
Gregory Chatlain
Renee Cherniawsky
Gilbert Chevrier
Janice Chomitzky
Lucy Chudy
Michelle Chuhaniuk
Ruth Classen
Danielle Clatney
Sandra Climenhaga
Cindy Coffin
Marc Colleaux
Bonnie Conly
Diane Cote
Maria Coupal
Alison Cowan
Renee Cratty
Terrance Cratty
Erin Culbertson
Jeff Cunanan
Bronwynn Cutts
Brett Czarnota
Wendy Dale
Lanette Daley-Tennent
Chelsea Daniels
Marc Darbellay
Peggy Dauvin
Rhonda Davidsen
Kathryn Day
Elizabeth De Carle
Alyssa Deacon
Jeremy Deck
Melva Degagne
Annette Denis
Claire Denis
Corrine Denis
Daniel Denis
Simone Denis
Alice Denis-Daley
Wesley Deptuch
Audrey Doepker
Christopher Doepker
Colleen Doepker
Craig Doepker
Jacqueline Doepker
Randolph Doll
Lisa Domoslai
Ann Mary Donald
Cristin Dorgan Lee
Julia Drabble
Kimberley Duggan
Noreen Duguid
David Dust
Sheila Dziendzielowski
Colette Ebert
Kirstin Edwards
Sandra Ehr
David Elder
Camille Ells
Jo-Ann Emard
Carla Ens
Donna Erdman
William Fahlman
Sydney Figora
Rod Figueroa
Fern Fischer
Catherine Fitzgerald
Robyn Flaman
Michelle Fontaine
Paula Fortier
Owen Fortosky
Tom Fortosky
Cynthia Foster
Darren Fradette
Terrissa Fradette
Donna-Marie Frassetto
Barbara Fredrickson
Kirby Frey
Patricia Friesen
Laurianne Gabruch
Marcia Galbraith
Jennifer Gallays
Heather Gammage
Tara Ganchar-Klassen
Ben Garchinski
Rick Garchinski
Rick Garman
Louisanne Gaudet
Michelle Gaudet
Kent Gauthier
Scott Gay
Theresa Gee
Blair Gillies
Luisa Giocoli
Anita Gooding
Joan Goodman
Kristin Gregoire
Jennifer Gruending-Pizurny
Joanne Gulka
Nicole Gursky
James Hails
Heidi Hale
Lori Hammel
Shelda Hanlan-Stroh
Kris Hanson
Kevin Harbidge
Brett Hardy
Michelle Hardy
Burton Harper
Tracey Harper
Cara Hauber
Krista Hayes
Marie-Ella Hazell
Gail Hendry
Angeline Hepp
Robert Herrick
Andrea Hettel
Raymond Hickey
Michele Hildebrandt
Donna Hobbins-Olson
Lisa Hodson
Kim Hoffart
Donella Hoffman
Judy Hoiland
Kathryn Holmes
Lesley Holmes
Carol Houdek
Lawrence Hounjet
Curtis Howe
Karen Hrycuik
Diane Hryhor
Gail Husky
Tina Hydomako
Darren Hyshka
Malvina Iron
Valerie Jansen
James Jasieniuk
Sandra Jasieniuk
Jennifer Jaspar
Christina Jean
Gisele Jean-Bundgaard
George Jedlicki
Tracy Jedlicki
Janice Johns
Deborah Johnson
Duane Johnson
Ross Johnson
Sharon Johnson
Chantelle Kane
Cari Karakochuk
Debra Karakochuk
Laurie Karwacki
Dustin Kasun
Carla Katerynych
Denise Keehborn
Christal Keller
Brenda Kelln
Dale Kelly
MaryLynn Kemp
Nicole Kemp
Troy Kendry
Raelene Kenney
Tracy Kernaghan
Lori Kerpan
Rosanne Kerr
Annette Kinal-Charpentier
Patricia Kindrachuk
Wade Kindrachuk
Blaise Kirchgesner
Jason Kish
Jacqueline Kjargaard
Annette Klassen
Gerald Klein
Paula Klein
Chad Knaus
Donna Knihniski
Catherine Knowles
Lisa Kobelsky
Founders’ Circle…from page fourteen
Klarissa Komarnicki
Aline Korol
Olya Kowaluk
Daniel Kozun
Robert Kraft
Deborah Krawchuk
Charlotte Krienke
Yvonne Kristoff
Anita Kroeker
Ken Krushelniski
Angela Kunz
Ralph Kunz
Tammy Kurtenbach
Bernadette Laliberte
Cornelia Laliberte
Anne-Marie Lalonde
Colleen Lalonde
Lisa Lambert
Erin Lang
Gerald Lashyn
Maureen Leclaire
Tammy Lemay
Cheryl Lenz-Fabian
Celeste Leray-Leicht
Kevin Leschyshyn
Richard Lesko
Renelle Lewandoski
Darcie Lich
Debbie Lim
Glenna Lins
Norman Lipinski
Derek Little
Don Lloyd
Joan Loboda
Andrew Lockert
Mark Loehndorf
Shelly Lord
Carrie Lorenz
Shawn Lorenz
Jody Lorenzo
Jean Lysitza
Naomi MacIntyre
Christine Makahonuk
Tanya Malinoski
Kristin Mamchur
Nadine Mansiere
Scott Mantyka
Yvonne Marchessault
Gordon Martell
Sharon Martelli
Tammy Martens
Shannon Martin
Marie Maurice
Christine Mawson
John McAuliffe
Doug McCosh
Lori McGeary
John McGettigan
Leanne McGettigan
Karen McIlmoyl
Ken McIntosh
Patricia McKay
Neil McKinnon
Carol McLaren
Sherril McLaughlin
Cathy McLean
Sherry McLean
Claire McTavish
Shayne Meggs
Greg Meier
Ita Melnikel
Robert Meschishnick
Priscilla Messier
Nathalie Meszaros
Jaylene Miller
Laurine Milnes
Elizabeth Moleski
Erica Moleski
Brett Monar
Maria Monteiro
Jeanette Montgomery
Jeff Morari
Rhonda Morari
Clint Moroz
Sherri Moroz
Maryanne Morrison
Cindy Mulhall
Gwen Murphy
Tamara Murray
Yvonne Musey Johnson
Debra Nainaar-Cowper
Lillian Nakrayko
Shaun Nechvatal
Ken Neitz
Sandra Nelson
Charlene Nemeth
Donna-Maria Nestmann
Trevor Neufeld
Vicky Neufeld
Charlene Neumeyer
Lorie Newberry
Rachele Ng
Sandra Niessen
Mary Jane Noonan
Diana Nordick
Andrew Novecosky
Joan Oberg
Lisa Obrigewitsch
Therese Okotinsky
Darryl Okrainetz
Garett Olver
Alicia Painchaud-Redekop
Pamela Pander
Florence Paquette
Linda Parent
Todd Paslawski
Lindsay Patola
Carol Pawluk
Daniel Pawluk
Amy Pearson
Mary-Ellen Pearson
Curtis Pek
Joyce Peppin
Denise Peters
Kelly Peters
Christine Pidwerbeski
Phoebe Piggott
Kevin Pilon
Bessie Pino
Rebecca Pion
Patricia Pizzuto
Aurelie Poelzer
Andre Poisson
Margaret Polanik
Luciene Poole
Genevieve Prevost
Terry Prevost
Melanie Prins
Lawrence Pritchard
Bonnie Proll
Roxwell Prpick
Margaret Punter
Pauline Quiring
Theresa Raina Stadnyk
Janelle Rasmussen
Larraine Ratzlaff
Barry Rawlyk
Saul Reis
Don Remizowski
Michelle Remizowski
Susan Reschny
Robert Revering
Alice Risling
Francois Rivard
Lois Roberge
Louise Robert
Catherine Robertson
Leianne Rode
Bernie Rodych
Kent Rogers
Maureen Romanchuk
Anita Romanoff
Donald Rongve
Bruce Ross
Margaret Rouhani
Nathalie Ruel
Nita Rysavy
Lynda Sabiston
Constance Sacher
Cynthia Saleski
Darin Saleski
Aimee SamsonSchumacher
Michelle Sanche O’Brien
Michael Sander
Lori Santoro
Norma Saretsky
Thomas Saretsky
Carol Sarich
Danielle Sasbrink-Harkema
Trevor Saunders
Chad Sawatzky
Katrina Sawchuk
Louise Schaan
Catherine Schabel
Donna Schindel
Theresa Schmidt
Lynette Schmitt
Michael Schneider
Bernard Schulte
Janice Schulte
Bernadette Schultz
Dale Scott
Karen Seidle
Crystal Serhyenko
Owen Serhyenko
Patricia Seto
Maureen Shebelski
Bridget Sherban
Mary Jane Sherven
Tammy Shircliff
Daniel Shirley
Tami Shirley
Stephen Sikora
Joann Simon
Loretta Simonot
Deborah Simpson
Jodi Simpson
Michelle Smalcel
Cecile Smith
Joan Smith
Roxanna Smycniuk
Lezlee Soloway
Nancy Sparling
Dennis Spence
Shelley Spizawka
Wanda Spooner
Diana Sproat
Camille St. Amand
Beatrice Stang
Molisa Stanzeleit
Valerie Stone
Gayle Stookey
Laurie Stotz
Jason Stratychuk
Randy Strawson
Janice Street
Brandon Stroh
Denise Strong
Wayne Stus
Elaine Sutherland
Cathy Swarbrick
Donna Sych
Patricia Tastad
Janet Taylor
Rayanne Taylor
Connie Tenaski
Katherine Tennent
Debbie Tetreault
Kerrie Thomas
Anna Thompson
Cheryl Thorson
Michael Thorson
Tammy Topp
Maria Torgerson
Kaeli Trew
Kimberly Troesch
Valerie Udell
Jenise Vangool
Michelle Vanhouwe
Anne Venning
Julie Vermette
Guy Verrette
Brenda Vinish
Donald Vogt
Curtis Wagner
Karren Walker
Leah Walker
Beverly Walter
Sharon Watkins
Annette Waugh
Kari Weiman
Blair Weinheimer
Vicki Weinkauf
Corinne Welch Baumann
Sandra Wellsch
Joanne Weninger
Carol Weninger-Calver
Guy Werbicki
Jay Werbicki
Nelda Werbicki
Lynette Wesley
Fred Wesolowski
Jennifer Wiens
Kristin Wilde
Janice Wilkinson
Nicole Wingerter
Dorothy Wionzek
Rita Wolfe
Candace Wolitski-Conley
Dianne Woloschuk
Gerard Woloschuk
Jody Wolos-Knopp
Chelaine Woodcock
Kathy Woytowich
Mary Wrubleski
Irene Yuzik
Jenine Yuzik
Bohdan Zerebecky
Charlene Zipchen
Sandra Zurevinski
GSCSF Board of Directors
Denise Bandet-Reaser
Ed Cechanowicz – Treasurer
Laurie Karwacki – Vice Chair
David Paslawski – Secretary
Dale Smith
Rita Smysnuik
Michel Thibault – Chair
Sharon Tkachuk
Sharon Zakreski-Werbicki
Student Directors (1 year term) – St. Joseph
Board of Trustees’ Representatives
Jim Carriere
Alice Risling
Ryley Kunz
Nicole Rapin
Principals’ Association Representative
Sherry McLean
Student Directors (2 year term) – Bethlehem
Brett Weiman
Maria Zerr
The Foundation is also grateful to the donors who wish to remain anonymous.
For employees of Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools
Founders’ Circle Employee Payroll Donation Plan
I hereby authorize and instruct St. Paul’s RCSSD #20 to deduct $____________ from my salary per month commencing ___________________ (dd/mm/yy) and
continuing until further notice is provided.
Please indicate targeted areas of choice:
$1.60 l
Penny an Hour ($1.60) per month that will be matched by St. Paul’s R.C.S.S.D. #20 for Staff and Student Spiritual Wellness
l General fund for ongoing projects
$______ l Christian Values
l Byzantine Rite
$______ l Student Leadership
l Cross-Cultural
$______ l Innovative Programs
l FAST Program
$______ l Hungry Children
l Infant Care
$______ l Columbus Bosco Homes (columbusboscohomes.ca)
l Legacy of Leadership
$______ l ________________________ School
are tax deductible.
l Other Programs (please specify) ________________________________________________________
Total: $ _____________
Please print:
NAME: ____________________________________________________________________________
LOCATION: ________________________________________________________________________
DATE: ____________________________________________________________________________
SIGNATURE _______________________________________________________________________
One time donation $ _______________________
Please make cheques payable to: Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools Foundation Inc.
Card # ________________________________ Exp. Date ____________________
If you have already made a donation to the Greater Saskatoon Catholic
Schools Foundation Inc. or you are currently donating through the
payroll deduction plan we thank you! We include this form for
individuals/corporations who wish to contribute at this time.
For payroll purposes:
m Teacher
m Support
Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools Foundation Inc.
420 22nd Street East, Saskatoon SK S7K 1X3
Phone: (306) 659-7003 Fax: (306) 659-2013
Email: catholicschoolsfoundation@gscs.sk.ca
Completed forms can be returned to the Foundation located in the
Board Office through the interschool delivery.
Enclosed is my gift in the form of:
n Cheque n VISA n MasterCard
Card # ________________________________________________
n Yes!
Expiry Date: ___________________________________________
I wish to support the Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools
Foundation Inc.
Name: ________________________________________________
Please make cheques payable to:
Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools Foundation Inc.
420 - 22nd Street East · Saskatoon, SK S7K 1X3
Tax receipts will be issued for all donations over $10.00.
Charitable Registration #14074 1398 RR0001
Phone: ________________________________________________
Thank You!