Holy Family Cathedral Proudly Presents…


Holy Family Cathedral Proudly Presents…
9:00am, 11:30am &
See “Week at a Glance”
Trinity Sunday — June 15th, 2014
Bishop of Saskatoon
Most Rev. Donald Bolen
Very Rev. Fr. David Tumback
Associate Pastor
Fr. Colin Roy
Cathedral Administrator
Patrick Clarke
Pastoral Associate
Garth Horn
Faith Formation Minister
Andy Korvemaker
In each of us there are personal depths, mysterious depths that others can know only if we choose to
make them our friends. We should not be surprised, that in the boundless life of our God there is a
mystery of overflowing life that is far beyond our complete comprehension. Yet - and here we are
touching the very heart of our Christian faith, and its greatness - this mystery of personal life reaches
out to us, and invites us into its friendship.
We humans share the mystery of our personhood with others by expressing who we are in our
interaction with them. And so it has been with the divine self-disclosure, or revelation. From the first,
the God of our faith tradition has reached out to humanity with an astounding generosity that was
very different from what was expected from the remote and fearful gods the peoples of the world
had set up for themselves: Israel’s God was the champion of the oppressed, a God whose self-giving
was expressed in a covenant relationship. Our reading from the Book of Exodus gives a moving
expression to the deep lessons this covenant relationship brought to those who were open to a
meeting with the God who had made them his own: ‘a God of tenderness, and compassion, slow to anger, and
rich in kindness and faithfulness’.
Youth Minister
Anthony Olusola
Financial Secretary
Linda Bobowski
Facility Manager
Jim Nakoneshny
Full-Time Custodians
Daryl Miller
Ashly Hanns
Half-Time Custodian
Gino Hanns
Lorena Samoyao
Parish Pastoral Council Chair
Carl Schlosser
Finance Committee Chair
Denis Sirois
Stewardship Committee Chair
Terry Sirois
Catholic Women’s League
President—Wendy Dale
Knights of Columbus
Great as these lessons were, however, they were only a prelude and foreshadowing of the interaction
that would give an ultimate expression to the personal life of God - when ‘the Word became flesh, and we
saw the glory that he has as the only Son of the Father, full of grace and truth’ (Jn 1:14). Today’s reading from
John’s gospel reiterates this truth: ‘God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son’. Now the mystery
of God’s generous love has its full expression. The love of the Son, as he gives himself ‘that the world
might be saved’, is the expression of the love of the Father himself - expressed in this text in an echo of
Abraham’s anguish, when he was told, ‘Take your son, your only son; you are to offer him as a burnt offering’ (Gen 22:2). In this expression of divine compassion, the astounding superabundance of life in a
Trinity of Persons finds expression; and gives us a sharing in its friendship, as ‘the love of God is poured
into our hearts by the Holy Spirit which has been given to us’ (Rom 5:5). (Today’s gospel reading is
noteworthy for its reference to ‘the world’. Usually, in John’s gospel, ‘the world’ refers to humanity’s
project when it is alienated from God [cf. Jn 15:19]; and God’s love towards the disciples of Jesus is
what is stressed. In this text, however, ‘the world’ too is the object of God’s saving love.)
Paul’s benediction at the end of his second letter to the Corinthians is a remarkable summary of this
sharing in the Trinitarian life. It is God’s ‘Grace’ - the absolutely unmerited generosity that has shaped
all God’s dealings from the beginning - that now finds an ultimate expression in all that ‘the Lord Jesus
Christ’ has done. And what the Saviour has done is the revelation of ‘the love of God (the Father)’, a love
that gathers us into a ‘fellowship’ that is united in the gifts of ‘the Holy Spirit’. These words of the text
and its reference to ‘a holy kiss’ probably echo the liturgies of Paul’s communities. It is especially in a
faith-filled liturgy that believers experience their sharing in the fellowship of the Trinitarian life
(Thornhill, 2014).
Thornhill, J (2014). 6th Sunday in Easter Year A. In The Emmaus Series. Retrieved June 12th, 2014, from
Grand Knight—Shawn Scherr
Elijah Cup
Reb & Eileen Materi
(306) 652-1289
123 Nelson Road Saskatoon, SK S7S 1H1 (Off Attridge Dr. by St. Joseph High School)
PH: 306-659-5800 FAX: 1-888-897-7980 E-mail: info@holyfamilycathedral.ca
Office Hours: 9am—4:30pm Monday thru Friday
Holy Family Cathedral’s VBS will take place the week of July 7th to 11th. Forms may be
picked up at the Concierge Desk. You may also drop off registration forms during the
week at the Cathedral office.
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS NEWS: A Message from our Grand Knight: A new year is just about to start for us.
On Monday, June 16th we will install our new officers at 6:00 p.m. in the chapel. We will follow with a free steak supper for
all members and their families. It was a great year for our council with great projects within our church, community youth,
and families. Many thanks to everyone who planned and/or participated in these projects. We will not be having breakfasts
in July and August, but will be back in September. Sundae Sunday will continue on the fourth Sunday of the months
throughout the summer. Please support your new Grand Knight, Gil Wist, and our council as you have in the past. Have a
great summer. Throughout the summer months we will continue to work on a variety of projects. Blackstrap Youth camp
will be in operation for the months of July and August. A special thanks to Fabian Dale and Dick Collins who have taken
the camp clean up to the next level. Celebrity Dinner on October 17th, sale of tickets/tables will continue – contact Garry
Maier (306-221-5893).
WE HAVE SEEN THE LORD! Over 30 ladies attended the “Baby Shower” for our spiritually
adopted babies on Wed. night. We enjoyed baby shower games and a bountiful lunch of appetizers and desserts.
Thank you very much for bringing all the baby gifts which will be donated to the Pregnancy Option Centre. This
Sunday, after each mass, we will once again be sponsoring our ‘Change for Change’ project. A blanket will be put
out near the doors for donations of loose change. The monies will be donated to Blackstrap Youth Camp.
Please pray for: all students who will soon be writing final exams.
HOLY FAMILY CRAFT GUILD: Will reconvene September 4th, 2014.
MOM'S MORNING OUT (MMO): Tuesday June 17th (9:30-11:30am) Come learn about the MEND 2-4 program,
with guest Nancy Lackie, MEND Regional Program Director. MEND (mind, exercise, nutrition.....do it!) is a comprehensive,
family-based healthy lifestyle program for all families. This program is designed to promote healthy eating and activity habits
from an early age. You will learn fun ways to introduce new healthy foods, strategies on how to deal with picky/fussy eating,
and the importance of play! We will also be visiting and sharing snacks after the presentation!
HOLY YOGA: Holy Yoga classes are on until June 26 on Tuesday mornings: Gentle at 9:00 am and Very Gentle Chair at
10:30 am and Thursday evenings: Very Gentle at 6:15 pm and Gentle at 7:30 pm. If there is interest in classes in July, please
call Diane Waldbillig at (306) 668-1085 or e-mail dianew@holyyoga.net
10:30 am by the fireplace or in the small meeting room first door on the left down the hall. All welcome!
HAITI HOCKEY CHALLENGE UPDATE: Total Pool amount $1300 (65 entries @ $20 each) - $20 to Office
Pools to set up the pool = $1280 in total, so we raised $640 for the Haiti Mission with this, and had a lot of fun as well!
Greg Meier—20% $256
Shawn McLaughlin—10% $128
Jacob Cey—7.5% $96
Brad Bly—7.5% $96
Owen Fortosky—5% $64
A recently formed Catholic charismatic prayer group here at the Cathedral. Join us in the conference
room across from the coffee bar every Monday (from now till the end of June) at 7:00pm
for prayer, praise, Scripture study, sharing and fellowship.
Contact Don at donlalonde@sasktel.net or (306) 374-4766.
Holy Family Cathedral Proudly Presents…
On the
tures En
Sony Pic s
Mark you calendars for this FREE Summer OUTDOOR Movie Spectacular!
(Show goes on rain or shine) In the event of inclement weather we will be in the Hall
SUNDAY, JULY 20TH—9:30PM (Dusk)
“Heaven is For Real” Shown on the Giant Inflatable Air Screen!
Where: Cathedral of the Holy Family Parking Lot (123 Nelson Road)
Movie starts 9:30 PM Open to all ages and the whole community!
Just bring yourselves, your kids, your grandparents, your lawn chairs, your blankets and
your desire to see a great movie on a beautiful July summer night in Saskatoon!
Concession for sale: Popcorn, Drinks, Cotton Candy and Treats!
This event is a fundraiser for the 2014 Haiti Youth Mission
Concession sales and free will offering
Baptism (Infants): Please contact
Andy Korvemaker.
Mon June 16th
Mass (+Raymond Gerwing)
Knights of Columbus Dinner
Springs of Living Water
Tues June 17th
Holy Yoga
9:00am & 10:30am
Mom’s Morning Out
Mass (+Anne Ziobrowski)
Mother Teresa Gr. 8 Farewell
Wed June 18th
Mass (+Rosine Dunn)
Fr. Robinson Gr. 8 Farewell
Thurs June 19th
Mass (+Mike Clark)
Holy Yoga
Fri June 20th
Sherbrooke (+Alfred Blanchette)
Fr. Robinson Year End Mass
(+Alfred Blanchette)
St. Volodymyr Year Mass
(Aubrey Schmitt)
6:15pm & 7:30pm
RCIA (Rites of Christian Initiation
of Adults): Please contact Andy
Confirmation and First Eucharist:
Contact Andy Korvemaker.
Marriage: Contact Father David at
least one year prior to the anticipated
date of marriage.
Marriage Preparation: March 6th &
7th, 2015.
Reconciliation:11:00am - 11:30am
on Saturdays or by appointment.
Communion to Homebound
Elderly: Contact Garth Horn.
To add people to the prayer list:
please contact the Parish Office
during the week at (306) 659-5800
The sick:
Joe B
Gwen K
Doreen C
Reb M
Eileen M Matthew M
Linda M Orin G
Diane B
Elaine B Samantha M Robert M
Joise G
Emery Hirsch
Elaine M
Doreen C
Lynn Bell
Cathy S
Nolan Barnes
John Kuzyk
James Kostyk
Margaret Afseth
Gavin R
Jayden V
Ethan M
Kate Gardner
Ann Bohnet
Allan Ecker
Doris L
Linda C
Lettie C
Nadine P
Theresa R
Tammy S
Thomas S
Doris L
Lorie L
Cathy W
Arielle M
Camille M
Kayden Kot
Karen German
Patti T
Danielle B
Desk Minister
Terry S
Altar Servers
Doug A
Josiah C
Halle I
Ministers of
Marina P
Denis S
Danielle C
Jared P
Ryan L
Julian D Raymond C
Isabel J
Hazel F
Dan B
Jackie D
Eric S
Lee S
Ken R
Carine P
Blair O
Claude L
Trevor P
Jody B
Alyssa C
Amanda C
Murray W
Darryl B
Marge M
Shanna G
Shelly T
Ella H
Rachel M
Dylan G
Anna L
Dennis M
David B
Judy G
Colleen H
Rob H
Ev K
Merv K
Brad E
Tom S
Diane L
Geoffrey L
Ted L
Michael L
Cathy L
Jeanne W
Karen C
Sheri R
Dana R
Ally R
Al Molle
Delores Wolfe
Nash Jacobi
Valerie Dychko
David Pitka
Raymond Beauregard
Debbie Haanen
Cheryl Crofford
Leo Langlois
$ 255,469.33
Rose Boechler
Owen Stephens
Monique Stevens
OPERATIONS —May 31st (Year to Date)
Sunday Collections (PAG Included)
Francis Bourgeois
Tony Carreiro
Alma Bennett
Dale White
Mary Martinez
Jim Kozmyk
Marie-Anne Kuchartz
Stewardship Corner
The Gospel today is sometimes called
“The Mini-Gospel” because it so
concisely sums up the Gospel message.
In even more condensed form, “God
love...God gave…” is the paradigm for
stewardship—we give because we love.
Follow us on Twitter
Bishop Don @BishopDonBolen
Cost Recovery (Diocese)
Pat Clarke
Andy Korvemaker
Less: Expenses
Fr. David @FrDavid1
Our New Parish Pastoral Council
Members Are...
Marlene Brost
Zachary Carter
Laurette Koshman
Heather Morrissey
Diocesan Bulletin
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Solemnity of The Most Holy Trinity / Father’s Day
www.saskat o o n rcdi o ce se .co m
In all things we are rooted in Christ,
in His desire to bring God’s love to all peoples.
Upcoming Events
Catholic Life in the Spirit Seminar at St. Patrick Parish, 3339
Centennial Drive, Saskatoon 1 p.m. Sunday, June 15 with Fr.
Gerard Cooper speaking about growth and transformation.
Renew and deepen a relationship with Jesus Christ and
experience the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.
A community walk to mark World Refugee Day will be held
Friday, June 20 in Saskatoon, starting at the Vimy Memorial
Bandshell in Kiwanis Memorial Park, with an 11 a.m. welcome,
followed by a walk to City Hall at 11:15 a.m. for a short program.
Those unable to attend, but who still wish to “Walk with
Refugees For a Stronger Canada” can also do a walk on their
own between June 16-22 and record the distance travelled by
e-mailing: r e fu g e e w a l k@ c cr w e b .c a
Our Children Live Forever in Our Hearts - A life celebration
service in memory of babies who have died at or before birth will
be held 11 a.m. Saturday, June 21 at the Shared Garden
Monument at Woodlawn Cemetery in Saskatoon. (In case of
inclement weather the service will be at Saskatoon Funeral
Home.) For further information call (306) 244-5577.
Queen’s House Golf Tournament will be held Saturday, June
21 at Moon Lake. Registration/breakfast snack at 6:30 a.m.;
Shotgun start at 7:30 a.m.; Dinner at 2:00 p.m. at Queen’s
House. Registration: $125. Call Gerry to register at 242 1916.
100th anniversary of St. Francis Xavier Parish in Vanscoy
will be celebrated Sunday, June 22, starting with Mass at 11
a.m. with Bishop Don Bolen, followed by a pancake breakfast
and a short program in the Vanscoy Circle Hall. All are welcome.
If any former parishioners have photos or stories to share,
please send them to: r j .d i xo n @ s a s k te l .n e t
Bravo Effect 7:30 pm, June 22 at Assumption Church in
Marysburg, SK - music from the classics to Broadway and
beyond, with performances by Humboldt Music Festival stars
and an orchestra of professional symphony musicians, “Bravo”
children's choir, youth choir and adult choral community; $15
adults; $10 students. Call Renee Puetz at (306) 682-3515.
Alliance for Life Saskatoon presents Mike Schouten speaking
on the topic “Canada has no abortion law. It's time to change
that” at 7 p.m. Monday, June 23 at the J.S.Wood Branch
Library auditorium, corner of Taylor St. and Lansdowne Ave.,
Saskatoon. No admission fee; all are welcome to attend.
Why euthanasia and assisted suicide are a bad idea - a
presentation hosted by the Saskatoon Catholic Physician’s
Guild at 7 p.m. Tuesday, June 24 in the welcome area of St.
Paul’s Co-Cathedral, Spadina Cres. E, Saskatoon.
Join the Miscarriage Awareness
Committee for the Blessing of the
Tree of Hope
6:30 p.m. Sunday, June 22
Queen’s House grounds
601 Taylor Street West, Saskatoon
Parents, siblings, grandparents and all others affected by
miscarriage, recently or long ago, and anytime in between,
are invited to attend. We will gather in prayer to remember our
babies, precious family members, that we have lost through
miscarriage. The celebration of life will continue with
fellowship following the ceremony. For more information
contact Shannon Granger of the diocesan Miscarriage
Awareness Committee at (306) 955-0089.
“Openings to the Future: Ecumenical Signs of Hope” panel
discussion will be held 7 p.m. Wednesday, June 25 at the
Cathedral of the Holy Family, 123 Nelson Road. Reception to
follow. Free and open to the public (no registration necessary).
This public event is happening in conjunction with the Program
for Ecumenical Formation; info at: w w w.p c e cu m e n i s m .ca
Prairie Centre for Ecumenism 30th birthday June 26 at The
Willows in Saskatoon, $40. RSVP by June 16: (306) 653-1633.
Our Lady of Fatima Celebration – Mass at 3:30 p.m., Sunday,
June 29 at St. Mary’s Church, Saskatoon, followed by a street
procession with the statue of Our Lady of Fatima.
Diocesan Prayer Intention - We pray for all fathers and
grandfathers and for all who take on a fatherly role in love and
service in our world. May all fathers everywhere follow the loving
example of St. Joseph in answering the call of our Father God.
Stewardship Corner: Your Faith in Action
Because of God's great love for us, he sent his Son, Jesus, to
save the world. Jesus, in turn, sent the Holy Spirit so that our
faith in God and his love would be strengthened. The nurturing
experiences of family life also help us to understand and have
faith in God's love. Pray together, thanking God for his gift of love.
Conclude by praying the “Glory Be” or today's Psalm.
Message Board
Blackstrap Youth Camp will again provide youth ages 8 to 13
years with a fun-filled summer experience. One-week camps
run from Sunday to Friday, July 6 to Aug. 8. Applications are at
Saskatoon Catholic schools and parishes, or call (306) 1838 or
check out the website at: www.blackstrapyouthcamp.com
Ignite 2014 is a six-day summer camp presented by
FacetoFace Ministries for Catholic youth grade 9 to 12 who are
serious about growing in holiness, held Aug. 11-16 at St.
Therese Institute, Bruno, SK. See w w w.f2 f.c a for more info.
Faceto Face Ministries is also offering youth a bus pilgrimage
July 23-31 to St. Paul, MN. for a Steubenville Conference. See
www.f2f.ca or contact Erin (306) 716-7729, or bustrip@f2f.ca
Rock the Mount 2014 will be held 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday,
Aug. 16 - This free family and youth-oriented Catholic event at
the picturesque historic Carmel pilgrimage site east of
Saskatoon includes celebration of Mass at 5 p.m. with Bishop
Donald Bolen. Keynote speaker is Sr. Miriam James Heidland,
SOLT, and musical groups at the day-long event include The
Amundruds and Vision. More info: www.rockthemount.com
St. Therese Institute in Bruno presents a “triumph” retreat
Aug. 1-10, focusing on inner healing and rediscovering a childlike trust and faith in God. This nine-day facilitated journey of
spiritual growth is designed to lead participants deeper into a
fulfilled, peaceful, Christ-centered life of joy. Call Carolyn at
(306) 369-2555 or register online at: h ttp ://s t- t.c a /tr i u m p h
Annual Sion Academy Reunion Brunch will be held 10 a.m.
Sunday, Sept. 14 at Smiley’s Buffet, Saskatoon. Cost: $20
(cash only). Early RSVP requested by contacting Sharon by email: ramurza@shaw.ca or Theresa at (306) 652-1062.
Compassionate Healers Mass - All health care professionals
and all those working in health care facilities and their families
are invited to attend the 9th annual Compassionate Healers
Mass 7 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 30 at St. Philip Neri Parish, 1902
Munroe Ave South, Saskatoon.
“On Holy Ground – Where Catholic Health and Education
Serve” joint conference will be held Oct. 24-26 at Sheraton
Cavalier in Saskatoon. This inspiring conference is presented
by the Catholic Health Association of Saskatchewan and the
Saskatchewan Catholic School Boards Association. For more
information or for earlybird registration contact: (306) 655-5330
or cath.health@chassk.ca or see: www.chassk.ca
Tour Fatima, Lourdes and more, “In the Footsteps of the
Saints” to Portugal, Spain and France from Sept. 22 to Oct. 8,
2014 (17 days) with Fr. Pius Schroh. Includes daily mass and
more. Contact: Gospa Tours, RR 5, Site 502, Box 9, Saskatoon,
SK S7K 3J8, Ph: (306) 931-7741 or Toll Free: 1-888-261-0781,
or e-mail: g o s p a to u r s @ s a s kte l .n e t
Em ploy m e nt Oppor t unitie s :
www.s a s k a toonr c dioc e s e .c om /e m ploy m e nt
Holy Spirit parish in Saskatoon is seeking a full-time Pastoral
Associate for sacramental preparation, to provide school liaison and
related ministry. Requirements: an active Catholic involved in parish life;
effective organizational and interpersonal skills; good listening,
collaboration, and facilitation skills. Those interested in a part-time
position are also invited to respond. Send resume and references by
June 23 to Holy Spirit Parish Search Committee, 114 Kingsmere Place,
S7J 3V7 or: i n fo @ h o l y s p i r i tsa sk a to o n .c a
Facilitation workshop Sept. 12-13
Do you facilitate a group or program that deals with people
who have suffered a loss – perhaps through death, divorce or
a life transition? Leading people can be life giving… and
challenging! Join Randy Robinson, one of Saskatchewan’s
foremost authorities on group facilitation, on the evening of
Friday, Sept. 12 and during the day Saturday Sept. 13 , as he
presents ways to effectively and gently create safe spaces,
where all are given opportunity to share. Learn the facilitator’s
role and the importance of working as a team. This workshop
is being hosted by the diocese of Saskatoon and is open to
anyone of any denomination. Cost is $65 and includes lunch
on Saturday, Sept. 13. Contact Elan at (306) 679-7717 or email: c i c . e l a n @ s a s k a t o o n r c d i o c e s e . c o m (Partial
bursaries are available through the diocesan Adult Education
Bursary Program. Ask for an application when registering.)
Queen’s House is offering a number of summer stillness
programs for retreat and renewal, including “Joy Through
Movement” June 20; “Social Justice and Spirituality” June 21;
Silent Directed Retreat June 22-June 27; Five-Day Ignatian
Retreat July 1-6; Centering Prayer Retreat July 11-13; and
“Exploring the Roots and Origins of Religious Fear” with Fr.
Ron Rolheiser, OMI, July 14-17. For registration or more
information: w w w.q u e e n sh o u se .o r g or (306) 242-1916.
Ministry to Tourism is offering a number of upcoming Pilgrim
Journeys. Peru: Ancient Land of Mysteries, including the
Peruvian Amazon Basin and Machu Picchu land tour Feb. 3 14, 2015 and the option of a Bridge to the Americas cruise to
Lima, Peru from Miami Jan. 16 - Feb. 3, 2015. Pilgrim
Journey to Biblical Lands: Sept. 5 to Sept. 17, 2015 land
tour, with other post-tour options available including a 10-day
cruise featuring St. Paul’s ports, a land extension to northern
Greece, and/or a “Footsteps of Discovery in Biblical Lands”
21-day cruise. Note: early booking discounts on 2015 travel is
available until June 30, 2014. Atlantic Canada and Quebec
Programs start Sept. 10, 2014 (early bird deadline is now
past.) Find details at: w w w.p i l g r i m j o u r n e y s .c a or contact
Fr. Ralph Kleiter: (306) 244-3747; kl e i te r @ s h a w.c a
Sunday Smile: The small boy was at the zoo with
his father. They were looking at the tigers, and his father
was describing how ferocious the beautiful animals were.
The lad was thoughtful, and then piped up: “Daddy, if the
tigers got out and ate you up…” “Yes, son?” the father
asked, ready to console the boy. “…Which bus would I
take to get home?”
This “Diocesan Bulletin” is a publication of
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon
Catholic Pastoral Centre, 123 Nelson Road, Saskatoon SK S7S 1H1
Phone: (306) 242-1500 or Toll free: 1-877-661-5005
E-mail: communications @s as kato o nr cdioces e.co m
w w w.s as k at oon rcd ioces e.com
The communications office is supported by the Bishop’s Annual Appeal.