Fr. David - Cathedral of the Holy Family


Fr. David - Cathedral of the Holy Family
9:00am, 11:30am &
See “Week at a Glance”
Pentecost Sunday - May 15th, 2016
My Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Bishop of Saskatoon
Most Rev. Donald Bolen
Very Rev. Fr. David Tumback
Associate Pastor
Fr. Greg Smith-Windsor
Pastoral Intern
Michael Yaremko
Cathedral Administrator
Patrick Clarke
Pastoral Associate
Garth Horn
Faith Formation Minister
Music has always been something that deepened my faith. Music has the ability to reach deep
within a person, to touch the soul. It is here that emotions are stirred and we have the ability
to come face-to-face with our Creator in moments that we had never thought possible. In
my life, music has been as much a prayer and my own private time spent with the Lord.
Often time we do not have words that capture the real essence of our thoughts. Music
reaches beyond our limited words to take us to a new place and a new reality.
An influential song of my youth was written by the Medical Mission Sisters of Philadelphia
and was entitled “Spirit of God.” Listening to the words made understanding the Holy Spirit
a little bit easier. The Holy Spirit was all around us, even within myself. The wonderful
words of the refrain: “Blow where you will, but breath of the Spirit blowing in me.”
Andy Korvemaker
Youth Minister
Amanda McQuaid
Financial Secretary
Linda Bobowski
Today the Church universal gathers to celebrate the great gift of Pentecost, the sending forth
of the Holy Spirit. The Opening Prayer for today's Mass states: “sanctify your whole Church
in every people and nation, pour out we pray, the gifts of the Holy Spirit across the face of
the earth.”
Facility Manager
Jim Nakoneshny
Administrative Assistant
Sarah Pettipas
Full-Time Custodians
Daryl Miller
Ashly Hanns
Half-Time Custodian
Gino Hanns
Lorena Samoyao
Parish Pastoral Council Chair
Wayne Koshman
Finance Committee Chair
Denis Sirois
Catholic Women’s League
Diane Waldbillig
Knights of Columbus
Grand Knight
Gil Wist
Elijah Cup
Reb & Eileen Materi
(306) 652-1289
The real beauty of this celebration is that the sending forth and the continued presence of
the Holy Spirit is not something that can be contained. The Spirit is too great and its mission
too large. While all possess the Holy Spirit, no one owns the Holy Spirit. And the fact that
no one can own the Holy Spirit is the reason our Church is filled with such a wonderful
diversity of people, thought, opinion and spiritual longing. Truly the Holy Spirit is one that
“blows where it wills.” It follows only the will of God and it takes us in many varied and
splendid directions.
Most important is the fact that the Holy Spirit upholds us as a child of God. It affirms who I
am and what I am. It takes me to where it wants me to go, not necessarily where others want
me to go. It gives voice to my opinions and gives strength in my ministry and does the same
for all my brothers and sisters.
Today let us celebrate that life-giving Spirit and the diversity it provides for our Church and
our world. Today, let us allow the Spirit to “blow where it wills” and never forget that at this
very moment this Holy Spirit is even blowing in me.
Fr. David
123 Nelson Road Saskatoon, SK S7S 1H1 (Off Attridge Dr. by St. Joseph High School)
PH: 306-659-5800
FAX: 1-888-897-7980
Office Hours: 9:00am—4:30pm Monday thru Friday
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS NEWS: Our next meeting is on Monday, May 16th. This is the last call for
executive members. Call our GK Gil to put your name forward. If you cannot help as an executive member, please
offer your services on one of the committees that support the executive. Thank you again to all who helped with
Blackstrap clean up and the breakfast. There is still a lot to be done at the camp, so keep Dick’s number handy:
(306) 373-0002. If you have children of camping age, please consider sending them to Blackstrap—our council has
made provisions for assisting. Contact our GK, Gil for more information. If your children are moving on to further their
education, let them know that our council is offering two scholarships. Contact our DGK, Allan for more information: (306) 6521583. We will need your help with bartending at events over the next few months. Please call one of the captains. Thanks to
everyone who enjoyed the Pancake Breakfast—those who supported it and those who volunteered their time to serve. A special
thanks also to those who supported the “Keep Christ in Christmas” Nativity Scene draw; there were two lucky winners who were
both present at the time of the draw (Ticket #512428 and #512451). We will be having this draw again at the next pancake
breakfast. Please remember that the proceeds goes to Blackstrap Youth Camp and we need new mattresses for every bed. If you
would like a Nativity Scene, please call Wayne Koshman at: (306) 381-3330.
CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE: One Heart, One Voice, One Mission. Please remember to register for
the Provincial Convention being held at our parish on Monday, June 6th and Tuesday, June 7th. The Convention
will start on Monday, with lunch being offered before the convention begins. The cost is as follows: registration $15,
Monday lunch $10, Monday banquet $30, Tuesday lunch $10. Please register by Friday, May 20th. The speakers will
be: Dr. Clein on Palliative Care and Mary Deutscher on Euthanasia Advocacy. Contact Diane Waldbillig if you are
interested. Thank you to all who supported the Benefit Concert for Refugees. We raised a total of $3019 for Holy Family’s refugee
sponsorship fund. Please pray: the rosary for Our Lady, Mary; for rain to alleviate the threat of fires, and for the displaced families
from Fort McMurray.
IT'S TIME TO TALK... EUTHANASIA AND ASSISTED SUICIDE: The Scriptures teach that life is a precious
God-given gift. Our society's acceptance and potential normalizing of physician-assisted death and euthanasia are worthy of
reflection. This presentation will explore the dangers these practices pose to all Canadians, providing participants with the
necessary tools to engage in this discussion. Come deepen your understanding of the political situation in Canada, share your
stories and questions, and learn more about how you can approach suffering with the compassion of Christ. Join us on
Wednesday, May 25th from 7:00 - 9:00 pm at Forest Grove Community Church (502 Webster Street, Saskatoon) to hear a
presentation by Mary Deutscher, Ph.D. The presentation is free and refreshments will be provided. This event is sponsored by the
Catholic Health Association of Saskatchewan. For more information, visit: or call: (306) 655-5330.
HOLY YOGA: A unique Christ-Centered prayer form, helps us understand how we can use our minds, bodies and spirits to
relax and become more receptive to God in our lives. Spring session has started but all are welcome to join or drop in at any time
for these All Levels classes on Tuesdays at 9:30 am and Thursdays at 7:00 pm at Holy Family. For information, e-mail Diane:
SPRINGS OF LIVING WATER: A Catholic Charismatic Prayer Group that meets every Wednesday at 7:30 pm in the
small conference room across from the coffee bar. Contact Don at: (306) 374-4766 or
SMALL CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY PRAYER: Meets on Thursdays at 10:00 am to break open the Sunday readings
and share our journey. Call Diane at: (306) 668-1085 or feel free to drop in. All are welcome!
HOLY FAMILY CRAFT GUILD: Meets on Thursdays at 9:30 am. New members are most welcome to join in the fun,
fellowship and opportunity to teach and learn together. The Craft Guild’s objective is to raise money for our parish as well as for
charity by producing a variety of crafts mostly from donated or recycled materials. Donations of fabric, quilt batting, old jeans,
yarn, etc. can be left at the parish office marked for the Craft Guild. Please contact Anna Hartman at: (306) 249-0071 or Teresa
Field: at (306) 249-3764 for more information.
FALL PREVENTION CLINIC: Are you worried about having a fall? Come and learn about Fall Prevention at the
Cathedral of the Holy Family, on Thursday June 2, 2016. Drop in anytime between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm to learn how to reduce
your risk of falling. There are still a few openings for those at high risk of falling to be assessed by a team of health professionals.
Call Darla or Shirley at: (306) 655-4299 or Lynda at: (306) 655-4552 for more information. This event is sponsored by the
Saskatoon Health Region and other community organizations.
A “Taste of Peru” Fundraiser Dinner
Thursday, May 26th at 6:00pm (Cathedral Hall)
Join us for a roast chicken supper catered by Sardinia, live Spanish music,
a 50/50 draw, silent auction and raffle tickets - all with a South American flair!
Tickets are $25.00 for adults, or $15.00 for children ten and under,
and can be purchased after Mass on Sunday, from the parish office,
or directly from a Peru Mission team member.
Pre-Authorized Giving Blitz
On Sunday, May 29th (note the change in date) all parishioners
are invited to consider donating to the Cathedral of the Holy
Family through Pre-Authorized Giving (PAG).
For every parishioner who either signs-up for PAG or increases their PAG
amount, the Knights of Columbus will issue a FREE Family Pass to one of
their Famous Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfasts.
All respondents will automatically be entered to win one of the following prizes,
generously donated by parishioners: Patio Combo (2 chairs and propane
heater); Dakota Dunes Golf Course Package (4 passes – golf cart included);
Coca Cola Mini-Fridge; and one of two $50.00 gift certificates.
The winners will be announced on Sunday, June 12th.
Registration forms are now available
for our Vacation Bible School!
July 11th - July 15th (9:00am to noon)
Forms can be picked up from the
Concierge or Reception desks.
PRIEST, PROPHET, KING (PPK): Catholic Men's Night. Join us on Monday, May 16th at 7:00 pm at Holy Family
Cathedral for adoration, reconciliation, food/drink, a talk, and fellowship. A guest speaker from California will be speaking on the
topic of Mercy. Visit for details.
MOM’S MORNING OUT (MMO): meets on Tuesday mornings from 9:30 to 11:30 am. Come visit and share snacks while
our little ones play with grandmother helpers and baby cuddlers!
FOREVER IN MOTION: free exercise classes for older adults will be held on Thursday mornings at 10:00 am until May
26th. For more information, call: Rosalie: (306) 652-5028 or Sally: (306) 249-2029.
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY: If you enjoy things like taking photos, making snacks, playing sports, watching videos,
decorating and doing crafts, singing songs, or acting in skits, we have something for you! Our Summer Vacation Bible School
program is looking for volunteers to lead children in the teaching stations with these skills and interests. Manuals with full teaching
scripts are provided. We also need small group leaders to guide the children through the stations each day. The VBS runs from July
11 - 15, 9:00 am until 12 noon. If timing is an issue, and you'd still like to contribute, we welcome help in preparatory set-up and
decorating as well as clean up afterwards. For more information contact Jennifer at: or (306) 373-7787.
ROSARY: During the month of May, we especially remember and honour Mary, the Mother of Jesus. All are invited to join in
praying the rosary in the Queen of Peace chapel before the 9:00 am Mass each Sunday, from 8:30 to 8:50 am.
Explorers Club: Explorers Club is a youth group for youth in grades 3-5 that happens on the second and
fourth Tuesday of each month from 6:00 – 8:00 pm. Parents are encouraged to come inside to pick up and drop
off of their children. (Sign in/ out sheets will be at the youth room doors).
Tuesday, May 24th from 6:00 - 8:00pm – Mistaken Identity
EDGE: EDGE is a youth group for youth in grades 6-8 that happens on the second and fourth
Thursday of each month from 6:00 – 8:00 pm. Parents are encouraged to come inside to pick up and
drop off of their children. (Sign in/ out sheets will be at the youth room doors).
Thursday, June 9th from 6:00 - 8:00pm – Cloudy With a Chance of Talent
Alpha Teens+ Senior Youth Group: For students in grades 9-12. The Pure Witness Music Ministry
team will be joining us on Join us on Friday, May 27th from 6:30 - 9:30pm on Healing: Does God heal today?
Come for food, reflection, music and prayer!
Alpha Teen+ Spring Retreat – Check out our Facebook page or Instagram account for updates!
Youth group schedules: Schedules for the youth
group gatherings are available at the
parish office or on the parish website.
Please contact Amanda to become a part
of the e-mail list for news and updates
about upcoming youth gatherings!
Baptism (Infants): P lease contact
Andy Korvemaker.
Mon May 16th
Priest, Prophet, King
Knights of Columbus Meeting
Tue May 17th
Holy Yoga
Mom’s Morning Out
Mass (Amanda & Micah McQuaid)
Wed May 18th
Mass (+Andrew Tumback)
Springs of Living Water
Thurs May 19th
Craft Guild
Forever in Motion
Small Christian Community Prayer
Mass (Olivia El-Zarka)
Eucharistic Adoration
Holy Yoga
Fri May 20th
Sherbrooke (+Jim Frie)
Mass (+Albert Schwark)
Sat May 21st
MINISTRY SCHEDULE – May 22nd, 2016
9:00 AM
11:30 AM
6:30 PM
Joe B
Rob F
Cliff L
Glen B
Heather F
Desk Minister
Altar Servers
Ministers of
Charito M
Sandra L
Donna B
Rene J
Reg B
Merv K
Curtis W
Paige K
Shamila S
Anna L
Dave B
Gary L
Kathy B
Gerard O
Melanie W
Charmielaine P
Greg M
Lynn O
Laurette K
Janet J
Doug Swarbrick
Doreen C
Martine B
Aliyah W
Arielle W
Nicole P
Ryan L
Michael L
Carine P
Pat B
Bob B
Alyssa M
Emmanuel C Andy W
Diane W Francois R
Wayne K Jennifer C
Jessica C
Blair C
Tyler W
Cathy L
Roland L
Irene F
Melissa E
Jenna E
Val P
Samuel M
Roman M
Anna D
Lillian R
Jocelyne H
Adrienne B
Rachel M
Terry K
Stephanie T Angie B
Dana R
Marge M
Karen C
Aline F
Ella H
Alicia Z
Julianne M
Mike M
Tracy H
Dan J
Arielle P
Connie M
Caleb C
Diana M
Sarah Jane S
Fay S-V
Kirstyn R
Spencer M
Kailen M
Mike C
Leah P
Marlene B
Fay S-V
Tammy S
Molisa S
Patty S
Cathy S
Wayne S
Doris S
Valerie O
Claire S
Year to Date Cash Flow - April 30th, 2016
Sunday Collections (Pre-Authorized Giving Included)
Loose Collections
Christian Initiation (RCIA): Please
contact Andy Korvemaker.
Confirmation and First Eucharist:
Contact Andy Korvemaker.
Marriage: Contact Father David at
least one year prior to the anticipated
date of marriage.
Marriage Preparation: M arch 2017
Call Patrick Clark at (306) 659-5805.
Reconciliation:11:00am - 11:30am
on Saturdays or by appointment.
Communion to Homebound &
Facility Rentals: Email Jim Nakoneshny
To add people to the prayer list:
please contact the Parish Office
during the week at (306) 659-5800.
The Sick
Emery Hirsch
Francis Bourgeois
Tony Carreiro
Al Molle
Delores Wolfe
Nash Jacobi
Bernice Ewachow
David Pitka
Margaret Gartner
Rose Boechler
Filomena Santoro
Owen Stephens
Nolan Barnes
David Casavant
Kate Gardner
Dale White
Mary Martinez
Pat Albers
Allan Ecker
Kayden Kot
Robbie Medernach
Cheryl Crofford
Jim Kozmyk
Bill Carreiro
Preston Dyck
Ron Ecker
Lambert Schneider
Carl Schlosser
Fr. Les Paquin
Marie-Anne Kuckartz
Diane Boehm
Angel Kostyk
Recently Deceased
Stewardship Corner
One miracle of Pentecost was that,
despite their diversity, each listener heard
God’s word in his or her own language.
The meaning for stewardship is that, by
sharing the gifts poured out on us by the
Holy Spirit, we will be empowered to meet
the needs of our brothers and sisters,
whatever they may be.
Other Revenue
Follow us on Twitter
Less: Expenses
Holy Family @w eareholyfamily
Less: Mortgage Payments (Principal & Interest)
Bishop Don @BishopDonBolen
Fr. David @FrDavid1
Patrick Clarke @P atrickJClarke1
Remaining Debt as of April 30th, 2016:
Andy Korvemaker @akorvemaker
Diocesan Bulletin
May 15, 2016 - Pentecost
Upcoming Events
w w w. s a s k a t o o n r c d i o c e s e . c o m
In all things we are rooted in Christ,
in His desire to bring God’s love to all peoples.
So Sorry for Your Loss - An evening of conversation; sharing
and listening presented by the diocesan Miscarriage
Awareness Committee 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Monday, May 16
at St. Patrick Parish, 3339 Centennial Drive, Saskatoon. This is
our first coffee talk session; a safe, relaxed and welcoming
place to share your story of miscarriage, to listen to others, to
connect with others who grieve and love the child they never
knew. All touched by pregnancy loss are welcome to join us for
coffee; mothers, fathers, grandparents and friends.
Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia
Safeguarding those most at risk :
PPK Catholic Men's Night - 7 p.m. Monday, May 16 at
Bill C-14 is now before the Parliament of Canada. No matter
how it may be amended, it is an affront to human dignity,
an erosion of human solidarity, and a danger to all
vulnerable persons – particularly the aged, disabled,
infirm and sick who so often find themselves isolated
and marginalized. To learn more about physician-assisted
suicide, visit w w w. s a s k a t o o n r c d i o c e s e . c o m or for
more information call Myron Rogal at the diocesan Justice
and Peace Office: (306) 659-5841.
Queen’s House programs: Imagining another way, a
webcast with Richard Rohr, OFM, and Christina Cleveland will
be offered 7 p.m. Thursday, May 19 at Queen’s House and at
the Humboldt Gathering Place; Cost is $10. / Exhale: Life
Beyond Cancer retreat for women May 20-22 at Queen’s
House, 601 Taylor Street W., Saskatoon; Live-in $345. Call:
(306) 242-1916 or see the website
Deepen your understanding of the political situation in
Canada, share stories and questions, and learn more about
how you can approach suffering with the compassion of
Christ at a presentation by Mary Deutscher, Ph.D.(c) from 7
to 9 p.m. Wednesday, May 25, at Forest Grove Community
Church, 502 Webster Street, Saskatoon; free. Sponsored by
the Catholic Health Association of Saskatchewan (CHAS)
www.c ha s s k .c a or for more info: (306) 655-5330.
Holy Family Cathedral, 123 Nelson Road (at Attridge Dr. and
Forestry Farm Park Dr.) Saskatoon. The topic is Mercy. Come
for adoration, reconciliation, food/drink, a talk, and fellowship.
See the website at: ie s t pr ophe t k ing.or g
Fair Trade: What's in it for me? Information event 7 p.m.
to 9 p.m. Thursday, May 19 at The Stand Community
Organizing Centre, 615 Main Street, Saskatoon about making
ethical choices. (And enjoy Fair Trade wine and sample food
by Chef Jenni.) Entrance is by donation. Everyone welcome.
Ex c e l B r e a k f a s t challenging Catholics to make faith a
foundational part of their business and work - 7 a.m. to 8:40
a.m. Friday, May 20 Parktown Hotel, Saskatoon. Tickets $30.
Includes breakfast, fellowship and networking, and a keynote
by Howard Heffernan. Tickets at:
or call Mike (306) 717-1497 or Brad (306) 843-7516.
Pure Witness Ministries YEP for Grades 8 and up will be
held 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday, May 21 at Our Lady of
Lourdes Parish, 1235 12th Street E., Saskatoon. Includes talks,
small groups, Mass, confession, praise and worship, fellowship,
and fun. Cost is $20 for YEP, or $30 for YEP and a formal
supper. Find more information at: www.pur e wit ne s s .c om
Pure Witness Ministries Family Dance will be held 7 p.m.
Saturday, May 21 at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, 1235-12th
Street E., Saskatoon, for all ages: www.pur e wit ne s s .c om
What is important to youth about our Catholic
school community? See how gifted elementary students
from Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools answered this
question in an exhibit at Gordon Snelgrove Gallery, University
of Saskatchewan. May 24 to 27; 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
“It's Time to Talk... Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide”
“Physician-Assisted Suicide: How to make the case
for Palliative Care Without Raising Your Voice” with
Peter Nation of Catholic Voices (Vancouver) 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Saturday, May 21 at St. Paul's Co-Cathedral, 720 Spadina
Cres., Saskatoon. Cost: $30; register by May 18, 2016.
Tickets at:
Parish Nursing Information Forum 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Wednesday, May 25 at Redeemer Lutheran Church, 812
Preston Avenue, Saskatoon (registration begins at 6:30 p.m.).
This inter-church event is open to anyone interested in
exploring the role of the Church in health and healing. Contact
Mona at (306) 978-1951 or e-mail: p .n u r si n g @ sa s k te l .n e t
S i n g l e L i f e Wo r k s h o p - For singles (18-70+) learning
how to do relationships well – whether you are friends, dating
or preparing for marriage – workshop May 26-29 at Circle Drive
Alliance Church, 3035 Preston Avenue S, Saskatoon.
Registration deadline for this workshop is May 19. For more
information e-mail: or
see Facebook “Single Life Workshop – Saskatoon.”
Bishop's Cup - Youth of the diocese are invited to join
seminarians, priests, and Bishop Don Bolen in basketball action
6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Monday, June 6 at Holy Cross High School,
2115 McEown Avenue, Saskatoon. Includes pizza supper.
R SVP online at: ht t p: // or m s /K Oig1 Ts w0 D
Message Board
Response to the Wildfire in Fort McMurray – Please
continue to pray for the people of Fort McMurray, and for all
those in security, firefighting and public service who are
responding to the wildfires and providing assistance to some
70,000-90,000 who have been evacuated. The government of
Canada will match personal donations to the Canadian Red
Cross for Fort McMurray disaster relief. Donations may also
be made to the Roman Catholic Diocese of St. Paul. Bishop
Paul Terrio confirms that one-half of any contributions to the
diocese will be to assist the Catholic parishes and parishioners
of Fort McMurray, while the other half will be forwarded to the
Fort McMurray Ministerial Association for ecumenical
assistance to those who have lost homes and jobs. Cheques to
Diocèse de St-Paul / Diocese of St. Paul can be dropped into
your parish collection or mailed directly to Financial Officer,
Diocese of St. Paul, 4410 - 51st Avenue, St. Paul, AB, T0A 3A2.
More info at: ht t p: //s a s k a t oonr c dioc e s e .c om /ne ws /
r e s pons e - wildf ir e - f or t - m c m ur r a y
T h e C a t h o l i c C e n t r e w i l l b e C l o s e d for a staff
retreat on Wednesday, May 18. Normal hours resume May 19.
R e t r o u v a i l l e h e l p s h u r t i n g m a r r i a g e s ! When
couples experience difficulties in their marriage, they often feel
alone; like there is no one who can help them. Consider
registering for the Retrouvaille (pronounced “retro-vie”) before
you consider divorce. For info on the Sept. 16-18 weekend call
(306) 652-7155 or email: r e tr o u va i l l e @ s a s kte l .n e t
Volunteers are needed to visit those in hospital - If you
feel a call to serve Jesus in the sick and the suffering, please
consider applying to be one of our volunteers in diocesan
hospital chaplaincy at Saskatoon City Hospital and/or Royal
University Hospital in Saskatoon. To apply as a volunteer,
contact Jackie Saretsky by calling (306) 292-5531 or e-mailing:
h o s p i ta l c h a p l a i n c y@ sa ska to o n r c d i o ce se .c o m
Justice and Outreach Year of Formation – JOY is a
new hands-on diocesan program in servant leadership,
centered on Catholic Social Teaching, that will run once a month
from September to June. No prior service-based experience is
required. JOY is now taking applications for Sept. 2016. Call
(306) 659-5847 or e-mail or find
more info online at:
Jubilee Year of Mercy
“ the light of the Word of the Lord that gives
meaning to our suffering, let us first ask Holy Spirit
to come among us. May he enlighten our minds to
find the right words capable of bringing comfort.
May he open our hearts to the certainty that God is
always present and never abandons us in times of
trouble. The Lord Jesus promised his disciples that
he would not leave them alone, but at all times in
life he would remain close to them by sending his
Spirit, the Comforter (cf. Jn 14:26) to help, sustain
and console them.” - Pope Francis, Prayer vigil “To Dry
the Tears”, Saint Peter’s Basilica, May 5, 2016
w w w. s a s k a t o o n r c d i o c e s e . c o m / y e a r o f m e r c y
Diocese of Saskatoon Catholic Foundation asks:
Do You Have An E-Mail Address?
Pope Francis, in his encyclical Laudato Si' calls us to care
for creation, human ecology, and natural ecology. How
can we be a part of caring for our common home? One
small way is to help the Diocese of Saskatoon Catholic
Foundation to reduce the use of paper and the cost of
printing and mailing. By providing us with your email
address we can email your annual tax receipt; send you
thank you messages for your generosity; and share key
messages from Bishop Don Bolen. If you are interested,
please e-mail with your
name and address to update your contact information.
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon is
seeking a Human Resources Manager (full time position):
Responsibilities include employee relations, recruitment,
retention, orientation, performance management, staff
development, conflict resolution and ensuring practices are in
keeping with government labour legislation. For details see:
Deadline to apply is May 30. Send cover letter, resume and
references (including pastoral reference) to Blake Sittler, Director
of Pastoral Services at
Volunteer with MICAH - Micah is a hands-on restorative
justice organization that works with faith communities to bring
hope, healing and accountability to people in the justice system.
We are currently welcoming interest from volunteers who would
like to work with our Forward Step program. Meetings take
place at the Saskatoon Correctional Centre Tuesday mornings
from 10 - 11 a.m., utilizing a sharing circle and growing toward
a greater degree of sensitivity to Aboriginal people. Text or call
Peter Oliver at 306-260-6213, if interested in this program.
New hymnal underway - Work on a new national hymnal for
the English sector of the Canadian Catholic Church has started.
The Hymnal Committee is inviting all those who wish to have
their music considered for the hymnal, and/or who are using
music that has not yet been approved, to send it to the National
Liturgy Office of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
via e-mail to: n l o @ cccb .c a
Diocesan Prayer - We pray as a diocesan family that
the Holy Spirit will guide us in paths of mercy and care for
all those suffering in our world, especially the most
vulnerable, the little ones, the lost and the despairing.
The Diocesan Bulletin is a publication of
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon
Catholic Pastoral Centre, 123 Nelson Road, Saskatoon SK S7S 1H1
Phone: (306) 242-1500 or Toll free: 1-877-661-5005
E-mail: communications @s as kato o nr cdioces
www.s a s k a t oonr c dioc e s e .c om
The communications office is supported by the Bishop’s Annual Appeal.