Spring 2015 - Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools Foundation


Spring 2015 - Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools Foundation
Greater Saskatoon
Catholic Schools
Foundation Inc.
MARCH 2015
Sharing Faith Stories
Yousif’s Prayer
A student within the Greater
Saskatoon Catholic Schools required
a set of hearing aids. As the family
was new to the country, the process
to obtain them was long and difficult
as language was a barrier as well as
full understanding of the importance
of wearing them. The school division
personnel put forth much effort to
convince the family and student of the
possible benefits to wearing hearing
aids. When he got them this past
September, he was still not entirely
sure of why he needed them and
would frequently question or resist
wearing them. He began wearing
them at school and soon was aware
of the difference they did make in his
life. This boy would still question if
perhaps he might not need them soon.
He would suggest that he would wear
them for one year then he would hear.
Being told that he would wear them
for the rest of his life was not good
news for him. One day in November
he was wearing them outside at recess
and one hearing aid got lost in the
snow. He was very upset even though
Upcoming Events
When in doubt – Pray!
Thursday, April 30, 2015
‘Swing into Spring’
Fashion Show & Dinner
Prairieland Park, Hall B
St. Philip Six graders Eoghan,
Henry, Ty and Sam were running in
the Knights of Columbus meet on
Friday, February 6th, 2015. They
were preparing for their race which
could take them into the finals when
Henry suggested that they needed
to do something that would help
them achieve their goal......without
hesitation, he suggested they pray, as
anything is possible with God! Again
without hesitation, the boys formed
a circle, put their arms around one
another and prayed the ‘Hail Mary’
together just seconds before their race
was to begin.
A parent snapped this photo as she
thought it was so amazing to see these
boys in prayer together while the noise
and chaos of the meet was all around
them. Praying really works; the boys
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Annual General Meeting
Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools
Board Office
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
‘Share the Spirit’ Golf Classic
The Willows
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Schools Win Twice Raffle
Contact Us
Phone: 306-659-7003
Fax: 306-659-2013
Office: 4th Floor
420 - 22nd Street East
Executive Administrator: Janice Nepjuk
he was reassured that a replacement
would be made. It took about three
weeks to get the replacement in. On
the day it came back, he was called
to the office with an EA. When told
a package was coming he excitedly
shouted, “I pray!” The EA then
informed the LAT that he had been
praying daily for the return of his
hearing aid. The school team told him
that his prayers were answered. This
is a simple yet concrete example of
faith…….“I pray!” M
made it to the semi-finals and came in
ninth overall! Their two new mottos
are, “Anything is possible with God!”
and “When in doubt.....PRAY!” M
Foundation Board Chair’s Message
Our God is an Awesome God!
Laurie Karwacki,
Foundation Board Chair
This song is one
of my favorites,
especially when it fills the church at
St. John Bosco, sung by our children.
Watching staff and students sing and do
the actions and even dance a little is such
an awesome, faith inspiring experience!
Even better, is the knowledge that this
inspiration takes place across our Greater
Saskatoon Catholic Schools division!!
We are so incredibly blessed to have
so many opportunities to celebrate our
faith, and our Foundation board feels
both proud and privileged to support
these experiences.
Watch for our new website
coming soon!
As you read through the pages of
this newsletter, we hope you feel as
proud as we do of all the awesome faith
activities happening in our schools.
We would like to recognize and
thank the people at Greater Saskatoon
Catholic Schools, from our Board of
Trustees to administration, teachers,
educational assistants, caretakers and
all who have the direct responsibility
to communicate our faith values to our
children. You are terrific!
We must also thank our many generous donors, without whom these faith
experiences may not happen. Whether it
is through payroll deduction, corporate
sponsorship, general donation or
supporting our fundraising, please
know YOU make a difference for our
Our Foundation Board is excited
about our upcoming events and the
partnership we are strengthening with
our administration.
It is our goal to help the students at
Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools
receive an AWESOME, not average,
education! M
To over 15,000 students in Saskatoon and area, Catholic education
is a precious gift. Your support will enhance programs important to our
Catholic education community and is important, essential and very much
A great way of showing your support and having fun on a glorious outdoor
experience is to enter the “Share the Spirit” Golf Tournament. Enter as a
team with old friends, or enter as a single entry and make new friends.
Your day will start with a breakfast, finish with lunch, and include a whole lot
of golfing fun in between. Thank you again so very much for your support.
We recognize that people are busy and that you may not be able to
participate. However, we would be most appreciative if you would still
support us with a charitable receipted donation.
Director of Education’s Message
They say that patience is a virtue –
but am I patient enough to develop and
strengthen this virtue? The short answer
for me is “no.” We tend to want everything
and want it five minutes ago, so how do
we continue to develop and strengthen
our patience in today’s world? One way
is to look to examples in our lives and in
our world where the practice of patience
is clear. One example for me is tending
to a plant or a garden. Despite our best
efforts to hurry things along with perfect
amounts of fertilizer, water and sun, the
plant is on its own timeline. When I look
at the growth and evolution of Catholic
education in our school system, I see
many similarities. Everyone involved in
this ministry is working very diligently
to make this good thing even better.
Sometimes, though, the Good Lord
has His own timeline for this work and
the fruits of our labour. We plant many
seeds and do a great deal of pruning and
watering, yet we need to remain patient
and undeterred in our work, as the results
may be unseen.
One of our strengths is that there are
many people and groups working to
support Catholic education. With that
comes the challenge for us to remain united
and patient as we work to further God’s
Kingdom here on earth. Some days we
wonder! Our Greater Saskatoon Catholic
Schools Foundation remains a patient and
steadfast support for Catholic education
and for that we are truly blessed. We
wish to thank the Foundation very much
for its strong support and continued
commitment to helping to bring about
our mission for Catholic education.
There are so many ways by which the
Foundation supports our work. We would
need many pages to describe the seeds that
have been planted and nurtured thanks to
this support. Please
keep in mind that
much of the unique
faith dimension of
our work is not
Greg Chatlain, Director
supported through of Education
provincial funding.
We appreciate the synergy that is achieved
with the support that the Foundation
provides and the creativity of the staff
and community to provide the distinctive
elements of our schools.
Will we fully accomplish the vision
and mandate of Catholic education in
the near future? In our lifetime? Likely
not; however, we patiently work closely
together to do everything that we can
during our time. For this long-term
dedication and patience we thank the
Foundation and its supporters very
much and look forward to the on-going
journey together. M
Scholarships, Awards and Bursaries
The Foundation administers scholarships, awards and bursaries to meet the growing needs of students who are currently in
schools and those going on to post-secondary studies. Graduating classes are invited to establish scholarships with funds that
remain after graduation activities. Families may set up scholarships or awards in memory of a loved one, thus assisting future
grads with their continuing education. M
Bethlehem Catholic High School
Walter Podiluk Memorial Scholarship
Bishop James Mahoney High School
Bishop James Mahoney Grads Award
Community of Saints Award
Guy Giroux Scholarships
Alysia Risling Award for Excellence in Sciences
SRK Consulting Scholarship
Bishop Murray High School
Bishop Murray High School Spirit Award
Rick Smith Memorial Award
E.D. Feehan Catholic High School
Raymond & Elaine Boyle Scholarship
Clavelle Scholarship
E.D. Feehan Grads of 1996 Scholarship
E.D. Feehan Grads of 1999 Scholarship
E.D. Feehan Grads of 2002 Scholarship
Holy Cross High School
Brett Boechler Memorial Scholarship
Curtis Dayday Memorial Scholarship
Holy Cross Parent Council Art Award
Christopher Roy Scholarship
Zachary Semenoff Music Scholarship
Donald Zuck Family Award
Osk āyak High School
Judge Richard J. Kucey Memorial Scholarship
St. Joseph High School
Chaplaincy Award
Guardian Legacy Scholarship
Marlene Panko Scholarship
Lynn Quinn Scholarhip
All High Schools
Bob Auser Memorial Award
Collision Plus Trade Scholarship
Kiwanis Club of Riversdale Scholarship
Frank & Alice Risling Jubilee Scholarship
Our Lady of the Prairies Foundation Scholarship
Principals’ Association Scholarship
Year of the Métis Legacy Bursary
St. Angela School
Ray Weinkauf Award
St. Mary Community School
Gregoire-Baillargeon Bursary
Bishop Filevich, Georges Vanier &
St. Philip Schools
Betty Anne Osiowy Memorial Fund for Literacy
Georges Vanier School
Loralee Doepker Memorial Fund
All Elementary Schools
Learn to Curl Bursary
Swing into Spring Fashion Show & Dinner
The 14th annual ‘Swing into Spring’
Fashion Show and Dinner was held on
Thursday, May 1, 2014. This event was
once again a tremendous success! Over
600 guests were in attendance to support
education with a difference. Prairieland
Park – Hall B offered a spacious area and
plenty of free parking.
Fashion Show Committee members
Blazieko, Wendy Busa, Melva Degagne,
Brandie Georget, Laurie Karwacki,
Sherry McLean, Janice Nepjuk, Rita
Smysnuik, Sharon Tkachuk and Sharon
Zakreski-Werbicki worked diligently
to create a classy “fascinating” evening
with a peacock theme.
This year’s models showcased quality
fashions from Anthony’s Fashion For
Men, Dutch Growers, Frakas, Klassique
Designs and White Dhalia and were
escorted down the runway by Very Rev.
Janko Kolosnjaji and Fr. Yuriy Banga.
The table of 8 ‘Early Bird’ winner of the
DeVille Limousine Champagne Service
to and from the event was the Jacquie
Ackerman table and the individual ‘Early
Bird’ winner of the Yu Spa Esthetics Spa
Package was Darlene Topp.
Our guests were entertained by three
members of the Fireside Singers who performed numbers from their production
of ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’. The evening
was directed by return emcees Mike
Thorson and Kent Gauthier. The technical
crew of Dean Hazelwanter, Jack Haysom
and Virgil Nyborg expertly created visual
and sound magic. During the evening our
guests enjoyed a wonderful buffet meal, a
draw for air miles, a chance at $1000 cash
prize draw, raffle basket prize draws and
a wide variety of silent auction items.
The success of the event is dependent
upon the continued and much appreciated
support of the community and businesses.
The Foundation is very grateful to all of
the donors who help to ensure the success
of the Fashion Show & Dinner through
their contributions. M
Make sure to mark your calendar for
the next ‘Share the Spirit’ Fashion Show
& Dinner, Thursday, April 30, 2015 at
Prairieland Park - Hall B.
ASL Paving Ltd.
Dundee Realty Corporation
Alice Risling
Saskatoon Fastprint Ltd.
Saskatoon Media Group
Sen. David & Sharon Tkachuk
College Park Dental Clinic
St. Mary’s CWL
Fashions for Women
Dutch Growers Fashions
Klassique Designs
White Dhalia
Fashions for Men
Anthony’s Fashion For Men
Hair & Makeup
ChelSalon & Spa
Prize Donors:
A Bit More Hip
Affinity Credit Union
Al Anderson’s Source for Sports
Anthony’s Fashion For Men
Atrium Eye Care
Baba’s Homestyle Perogies
Bayshore Home Health
Belle Sante MD Cosmetics & Laser Clinic
Kathy Boechler
Braid Flooring
Broadway Roastery – 8th St
Wendy Busa
Cameco Corporation
Canada Safeway
Canadian Western Bank
Century 21 Fusion – Candace Forrester
Cindy Moleski Photography
Clay Works
Creative Closet Designs
Details Décor and Gifts
Dinner Rush
Dutch Growers Garden Centre Ltd.
Matt Faubert
5th Avenue Jewellery – Audrey
Fireside Singers
Fitness on 25th
Glenwood Auto Services
Grainfields Family Restaurant
GSCS Administrative Services
GSCS Board of Trustees
GSCS Board Office – Support Staff &
GSCS Executive Council
GSCS Student Services Team
Hair Hut
Hilton Garden Inn
Hudson’s Canadian Tap House
Impact Marketing
JNS Yoga Studio
Klassen Jewellers
Klassique Designs
lia sophia jewellery – Carla Gradin
lia sophia jewellery – Evelyn Sawchuk
Lifetouch Canada Inc.
M Home Interiors & Blinds
Motion Fitness
Mano’s Restaurant & Lounge
Moga Mobile
MP Blackstrap – Hon. Lynne Yelich
Nordon Drugs & Medical Limited
Karen Omelan-Davis
Park Funeral Chapel
PartyLite – Leanne Garchinski
Persephone Theatre
Marian Phaneuf
Picture Perfect Portraits
Pow City Kinsmen Club
Prairie Meats
Ramada Hotel & Golf Dome
RBC Royal Bank
Tonya Reschny
Ev Safronetz
Sand Art Gallery - Jason Sand
Saskatoon Funeral Home
Star Produce Ltd.
SunDog Arts Society Inc.
Taverna Italian Restaurant
TCU Financial Group
The Ivy Dining & Lounge
The Keg Steakhouse & Bar
The Loft Hair Design Studio
Sharon Tkachuk
Touch of Ukraine
Traegar BBQ Canada Ltd.
Traxx Footwear
Tupperware – Kristel Surcon
Universal Church Supplies
Van Houtte Coffee Services Inc.
Vanity Hair & Esthetics
Watkins – Karen Bosker
Winston’s English Pub & Grill
Yu Spa Esthetics
Catholic School Community
Council Prize Donors:
Bishop Klein
Bishop Roborecki
Father Robinson
Father Vachon
Georges Vanier
Mother Teresa
St. Angela
St. Augustine - Humboldt
St. Bernard
St. Dominic - Humboldt
St. Gabriel - Biggar
St. Gerard
St. John
St. Mary
St. Matthew
St. Paul
St. Peter
St. Philip
St. Volodymyr
Sold Out Early!
The 19th Annual “Share the Spirit”
Golf Classic, presented by Edwards
Edwards McEwen Architects, was held
on Tuesday, August 19 at the Willows.
Our celebrity golfer this year was GSCS
Board Chair Diane Boyko who with
her charm challenged golfers to beat her
drive at the par three competition, raising
funds for student leadership. On behalf
of the 2014 Golf Committee we would
like to thank those who volunteered their
time. Their valued assistance, energy
and support contributed so much to the
positive experiences of the golfers and
everyone involved. This year we had a
full slate of golfers - 36 teams! We also
had a number of new sponsors, prize
‘Share the Spirit’ Golf Classic Presenting Sponsor
Edwards Edwards McEwen Architects
donors; and for the first time a presenting
sponsor. The response from the survey
for the golf day was very positive. Many
teams preferred the early start and early
home and the burger bar was awesome!
The Foundation is deeply grateful for
the support of all who participated, the
generosity of all players, sponsors and
donors helps ensure the support necessary
for leadership programs, academic
excellence, and faith development within
Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools.
Tuesday, August 18, 2015 has been set for
the 20th Anniversary “Share the Spirit”
Golf Classic presented by Edwards
Edwards McEwen Architects. M
Breakfast Sponsor
Shaughnessy Electric Ltd.
Lunch Sponsor
ASL Paving Ltd.
Major Sponsor
Konica Minolta
Cart Sponsor
Affinity Credit Union
Celebrity Hole Sponsor
Flynn Canada Ltd.
Affinity Credit Union
BMO Bank of Montreal
William Cooke
David & Laurie Karwacki
Karen Omelan-Davis
Hole in One Sponsors
O’Reilly Insurance
Park Funeral Chapel
TCU Financial Group
Hole Sponsors
All-Sask Financial
Babin Investment Management - Mark
Babin, Portfolio Manager (CIBC
Wood Gundy)
Deloitte LLP
First Student Canada
Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools
Johnson Controls
Klassen Driving School
Lifetouch Canada Inc.
Mayfair Glass Ltd.
McEown Avenue Dental Clinic – Dr.
Mark Gryba
McKercher LLP
Nichols Interiors Ltd.
RBC Dominion Securities - Barry
ServiceMASTER of Saskatoon
Supreme Basics
Senator David & Sharon Tkachuk
VCM Construction Ltd.
Western Mobile Homes Ltd.
Draw Prize Donors
Eclipse Fitness Equipment Ltd.
Eecol Electric Ltd.
GSCS Foundation Inc.
J B Esthetics Studio
Johnson Controls
Rayner Agencies Ltd.
Saskatoon Inn, Hotel & Conference
Traeger BBQ Canada Ltd. - Terry Busa
Wine 4 You
Golfer Prize Donors
AutoClearing Motor Speedway
Canada Safeway, University Heights –
Henry Rolheiser
ClubStuff Promotions
Dakota Dunes Golf Links
Dakota Dunes Casino
EllisDon Corporation
Hilltop Football Club
Johnson Controls
Marsh Canada Limited
Nichols Interiors Ltd.
Olympian Sports Excellence
Potash Corp
ScotiaBank, Nelson Road – Marie Fehr
TCU Financial Group
Tourism Saskatoon
Willows Dental
Willows Golf & Country Club
Scorecard Printing donated by
Saskatoon Fastprint
Media Publicity sponsored by
Saskatoon Media Group
1st Place – Mike Thorson Team: Clint Moroz, Greg Hoiness, Sean Brannen, Mike Thorson
2nd Place – David Karwacki Team: Darren Wist, Scott Fernquist, Tyler Sharpe, Kelsey Fisher
Special prize winners were:
Early Bird Prize:
Nike Golf Bag – Craig Sled
Closest to the Pin:
Ladies – Wendy Busa
Men – Conrad Pura
Straightest Drive:
Ladies – Jaime Spencer
Men – Jim McEwen
Longest Drive:
Ladies – Maureen Lalach
Men – Dick Batten
3rd Place – Julien Kaminsky Team. Julien Kaminsky, Kevin Tunney, Les Lang, Claude Lang
Celebrity Golfer Diane Boyko (right) and volunteer
Karen Omelan-Davis.
Schools Win Twice Raffle
Congratulations to all those who
helped organize and sell ‘Schools Win
Twice’ raffle tickets this year. Another
very successful raffle campaign wrapped
up November 13, 2014. Over $165,100.00
was raised for student programs in the
Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools. The
campaign is a very large undertaking and
could not be as successful without the help
of the many CSCC volunteers who give
their time and energy. There were so many
tickets sold this year that we broke the
drum at the draw! Thank you to Principal
Sherry McLean, the staff, students and
CSCC at St. Philip School for hosting this
year’s luncheon and draw.
How it works: First - Each participating school group receives 55% of funds
raised by their school community. Second
– Each school can apply for a grant of up to
$1000 from the remaining funds for schoolbased projects that meet the Foundation
guidelines. Schools do win twice!
Prizes and printing were partially
donated and/or supplied by Best Buy,
Congratulations to the following
lucky winners:
Disneyworld Florida Vacation: #102830 Sharon Snodgrass
Disneyland California Vacation: #003031 Mar Day
John Deere 827E Snowblower: #107016 Rachel Ng
Apple iPad Air W-Fi: #005856 Molly Nichol
Big Green Egg: #097904 Michelle Hughes
Boston Acoustics Home Theatre: #099327 Francois Gaudet
Specialized Hardrock Bike: #064744 Shayla Longe
Specialized Hardrock Bike: #048375 Sara Alton
Sony Home Theatre: #105218 Melissa McMahon
Samsung 43” Plasma TV: #035591 Jim Eisenkrein
Bang & Olufsen H6 Headphones: #016332 Terry Ullman
Samsung 32” LCD DVD TV: #013826 Teresa Broeder
Sony Camcorder: #095361 Kerstin Katzschke
GoPro Hero 3 HD: #037166 Martine Sansoucey
Pizza, Pasta or Wings for a year (1/mon): #016130 Brittany Durocher
Pizza, Pasta or Wings for a year (1/mon): #091911 A. Evjen
Harmon Kardon Sound Sticks: #089917 Darlene Driol
Harmon Kardon Sound Sticks: #019612 Joshua Sanden
Cineplex Entertainment Card: #061312 Colleen Wolfe
Cineplex Entertainment Card: #047921 Alekcia Berg
BOSE On Ear Headphones: #095230 Luc Durette
BOSE On Ear Headphones: #053510 Hailey Metz
Nikon Digital Camera: #078643 Richie Stanviloff
Nikon Digital Camera: #095475 Dushmanthi Jayasinghe
Kobo Arc7” eReader: #031261 Betty Vilar
Kobo Arc7” eReader: #07669 Andrew Karam
Bruce’s Cycleworks, Cineplex Odeon,
D & D Travel, Cervus Equipment,
Krazy Kiley’s, Neural Net Interactive,
Pizza Hut, Saskatoon Fastprint Ltd. and
Western Business Machines. M
Christmas Hampers
The management and staff of Precision Electro-Mechanical raised funds again this
year to help some families that would otherwise not have been able to enjoy what
most of us take for granted. This year three schools – Bishop Roborecki, St. Gerard
and Father Vachon gratefully accepted the donations.
Bishop Roborecki School (top picture) was able to provide meals, Christmas
gifts and personal care items. When they delivered the hampers, the gratitude
shown by the families who accepted the donations was truly what the Christmas
Spirit is all about.
Each Advent Season St Gerard (middle picture) staff work with St. Mary’s Catholic
Church to build hampers for their families. With this generous donation they were
able to double the number of hampers as in the past as well as include such items as
books, clothing and educational games.
Need and hunger exist throughout the school year and it has been noted and
reported by some families that the school holiday breaks are particularly difficult.
Many community-minded businesses, organizations and individuals provide
support for Christmas food hampers which are distributed to families in need
during the month of December. However, as the February and Easter breaks arrive,
it is very challenging for our school to respond to hunger issues. This year will be
different! Due to the extraordinary and generous support from the employees at
Precision Electro Mechanical, our school will be able to provide struggling families
with a school holiday hamper before both the February and Easter breaks. Father
Vachon (bottom picture) is so very thankful to Precision Electro Mechanical for
their openness to extend food security to our community beyond the Christmas
season. The donation received will guarantee that children are well fed during the
school holiday breaks and able to fully enjoy the time off without concerns of where
the next meal may come from. The corporate responsibility displayed by Precision
Electro Mechanical is highly appreciated and will make a difference in the lives of
our students. Thank you. M
Christmas Tradition
Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools
have been celebrating Christmas with
the residents of Elmwood Lodge homes
for 45 years this past Christmas. The
Christmas party tradition was started
by then-teacher Wilma Gauthier
in 1969 at St. Matthew School.
Wilma kept this tradition for many
years and passed it on to her son
Kent when he became a teacher.
Kent shared this wonderful
experience with others and it is
still tradition at St. Dominic, St.
George and St. Anne schools. The
students provide entertainment,
small gifts and serve a luncheon
for the residents who come to the
school that evening. This year, the third
generation is involved because Wilma’s
granddaughter Maya is one of the grade
8 hosts at St. Anne School. M
Foundation Grants Project Reports
Father Tony Ricard Tour of High Schools
On October 23, 2014, over 700
grade 11 students and staff from
Bethlehem, E.D. Feehan, Bishop James
Mahoney and Holy Cross high schools
had the opportunity to participate in a
presentation by a high energy speaker
– Father Tony Ricard. Father Tony is
a priest from the Archdiocese of New
Orleans, and besides being a high
school teacher and the chaplain for
the New Orleans Saints football team,
he is also a highly regarded Catholic
speaker having spoken to youth and
adults in over 20 countries.
Through his engaging stories and
his “tell it like it is” interactive style,
Father Tony had the students hanging
on his every word. Years from
now, these fortunate students
will continue to remember Father
Tony’s message: “remember who
you belong to” and “don’t be
stupid”. These were the words
that Father Tony’s mama said to
him and his siblings anytime they
left the house. As Father Tony
explained, these two messages
summarize much of our Catholic
faith. Students and staff, who
had the privilege of attending Father
Tony’s presentation, extend a heart-felt
thanks to the GSCS Foundation Board
for once again making it possible to
bring in speakers of such high quality.
Two of the Foundation Student
Directors were in attendance and had
this to report:
The students of Holy Cross
High School had the opportunity; or
rather the great privilege of attending
a talk by Father Tony Ricard as his
tour brought him to Saskatoon. As
we heard his booming voice over the
microphone confidently greeting us,
we knew this charismatic and over
the top priest was about to
blow our minds. He threw us
off guard in that he bragged
about his street cred and other
unorthodox subjects for a priest.
We students immediately took
a liking to him in that he had
us cracking up one second,
and questioning our own lives
the next. He had a way of
connecting with every person in
the room, regardless of age, race,
religion, and even sexual orientation.
He made us all feel accepted and loved,
and made us contemplate what we
really wanted out of our lives. One
of the most memorable sections of
his talk was on a quote his mother
always told him: “don’t be stupid, and
remember who you belong to”. This
simple theme made us laugh at first,
but really stuck with us. It reminded
us that “stupidity” is when you know
something is wrong, and you do it
anyway, as opposed to ignorance,
when you don’t know something
is wrong. Ignorance is tolerable,
but stupidity is not. The quote also
encouraged us to remember that it
was God who made us, and God who
cares for us. We belong to him, and we
must always live in view of him. We
are so thankful that we were given this
chance to listen to Father Tony, and it
is something that many of us will carry
with us for the rest of our lives. M
Sarah Smith and Jonathan Zimmer,
Student Directors
hen you learn, Teach. When you get, Give.
Maya Angelou, 1928-2014
Mother Teresa School
Mother Teresa School held a
student-wide retreat on January
16 which was facilitated by Pulse
Retreat Ministry, Fr. Colin from The
Cathedral of the Holy Spirit and the
school staff. The theme “We Were First
Loved and Are Called to Love” was
explored through song, role play, video
presentations and class activities. Each
class contributed to a ‘chain of love’
throughout the hallways with hearts as
part of our bulletin board displays, as
Mother Teresa challenged us to “Build
a chain of love around the world.”
The school community will take up
this challenge as we demonstrate love
towards one another as we collect food
for the Pool Our Love project with the
Friendship Inn. M
St. Bernard School
Using our school division’s
mission statement, coupled with
simplistic phrases from the Provincial
Education’s Sector Strategic Plan,
St. Bernard School used a portion of
their Foundation grant to decorate the
walls of our school!
Our project, entitled “Creating a
Welcoming Environment” allowed for
twelve quotes to adorn our hallway
walls in an attempt to reinforce our
beliefs about the importance of children
and their education. More importantly,
the sayings are used to inspire all of our
students to strive for their full potential
as children of God! Staff and parents
have overheard the students referring to
the sentences whether it is that they are
“meeting at the sign” or
practicing their reading
using the quotes. Staff
have also found that the
quotes are often used
as a reference guide for
visitors: “We’ll walk to
the “I am valued” sign
and then turn left.”
The phrases
were placed in
grade relevant and
appropriate places throughout
the building. “I am ready to
learn,” for example, is near the
primary grades while “I am
preparing for my future” is
near the upper years classroom,
although it could be argued that
all quotes that were selected
for this project are relevant to
each and every student at every
grade level.
We invite you to stop by the
school for a visit and to see the
project with your very own eyes!
We are confident that you will
agree that the new additions to
our school walls help to nurture
our welcoming environment! M
Many Thanks to Our Supporters
L 2014 Community Donors
Lea Adams
Diego Aguirre
Marissa Alarson
Lorrie Alberts
Charles & Marlys Anderson
Leona Anderson
Tennille Anderson-Wallin
Susan Anton
Vic & Norma Anton
Rose Antonio
Ilsa Arnesen
Becky Arno
Theresa Arsenie
Andrew Aston & Cara Martens
J Ross Austen
David Babey
Mary Babiy
Sandra Babyak
Tony Bairos
Taylor Balon
Pat Ballantyne
Sandra Bannerholt
Sharon Baran
Joann Baraniecki
Guy Barker
Brian Bauche
Rhonda Bawkovy
Darryl Bazylak
Kathleen Belt
Chantelle Berg
Diana Bergermann
Audrey Biletski
Amy Bilinski
Bishop Roborecki Home & School Assoc.
Brendan Bitz
Christy Blazieko
Joseph Bloski
Mary Blue
Kathryn Boechler
Karen Boire
Karen Bosker
Wendy Boudreau
Ben Bourgeois
Amy Bowman
Diane Boyko
Wayne Boyko
Sean Brannen
Robert Brisebois
Ed & Mary Brockman
Ruth Brown
Maureen Brunet
Kimberley Bucsis
Kathy Beuker
Shayne Bueckert
Leah Bumphrey
David & Jennifer Burgess
Wendy Busa
Lorette Cairns
Jeanette Carley
Elaine Carriere
Anne Marie Casavant Turner
Cathedral of the Holy Family Catholic
Women’s League
Wynona Cenaiko
Terrance Cennon
Laura Cey
Stephen Chaisson
Rebecca Chalmers
Marc Chartier
Yvette Chartier
Kenneth Cheveldayoff
Bao Chung
Jeannine Clark
Michael Clark
Danielle Clatney
Dolores Jeanette Clavelle
Steve Cole
Sean Coleman
Kevin & Carla Colleaux
Soledad Collette
Stephanie Comeau
Bonnie Conly
William Cooke
Wendy Cooper
Don & Diane Cote
Cathy Coumont-Golanowski
Albert Couture
Mary Couture
Alison Cowan
Norlyn Cruz
Sherry Danyluk
Henry Dayday
Chantal Deibert
Lynn Del Frari
Michelle Delorme
Lee & Karen Devine
Andrea Diakow
Mischa Diehl
Santina DiFiore-Urbano
Ann Dobko
Brian Doepker
Murray Doepker
Paul Doerksen
Lisa Domoslai
Christopher Donald
Lorna Donlevy
Irma Dormuth
Karen Drewitz
Alison Drummond
Steve Duch
Danica Dunn
Leanna Dyck
Starla Dyck
Tara Earl
Neil Ebert
Mandy Eckert
Donald & Judith Elash
JoAnn Emard
Taygan Emde
Jessica Ertell
Miriam Estrada
Kelsey Evers
Marnie Farn
Jonathan & Danielle Farthing
Matthew Faubert
Joan Fingler
Robyn Flaman
Noel & Courtney Fleming
Wayne Fleming
Marsha Flysak
Michelle Fontaine
David & Diana Ford
Cheryl Forseille
Heather Fortosky
Owen Fortosky
Tom Fortosky
Cynthia Foster
Hope French
Norm & Alvina Friesen
Lydia Gabruch
Heather Gammage
Tara Ganchar
Lindsay Garchinski
Dean Gaudet
Kent Gauthier
Denise George
Ronald Georget
Aster Ghebremicael
Darlene Gibb
Dylan Gibson
Myrna Gibson
Nicole Gibson
Bob & Denise Gilewicz
Luisa Giocoli
Elizabeth Glass
Anita Gooding
Dr. Bruce Gordon
Dianne Goulet
Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools
Principals’ Association
Jennifer Griffin
Nicole Gursky
Chad Gusikoski
Leanne Gusikoski
Graham Hackl
Diane Halyk
Michelle Hammer
Kris & Denine Hanson
Lynn Harmon
David Hastings
Cara Hauber
Ryan Henney
Estate of Michael Hepp
Ann Hermann
Robert Herrick
Erin Hilbig
Lyle & Lois Hislop
Joe Hitchings
Susan Hogemann
Judy Hoiland
Sandy Holt
Lorelle Holowaty – The Branding Barn
Holy Cross High School Class of 2004
Brittany Houk
Karen Hrycuik
Ernie Hutcheon
M. Nicole Irvine
Lois Iwanicha
James Jasieniuk
Sandy Jasieniuk
Rob Jaspar
Sherry Jaspar
Laura Johanson
Deb Johnson
Jamie Johnson
Karen Johnson
Marissa Johnston
Kenneth & Susan Juba
Dr. Donna Jubin
Amy Jurgens
Val Kammermayer
David & Laurie Karwacki
Vic Karwacki
Michele Keene
Brenda Kelln
Karen Kelly
James & Wendy Kenny
Lori Kerpan
Kathy Ketterer
Marcia Kimmerly
Annette Kinal-Charpentier
Craig & Michelle King
Robert & Corinne Kirkpatrick
Rhonda Kirwin
Kelley Klath
Sharon Klein-Hewitt
Arlene Kleiter
Roy & Laurette Knezacek
Tracy Knoll-Brossart
Jean Knowles
Tom Kochanski
Sonia Kodak
Sheila Kohle
Rosemarie Kolosnjaji
Kristen Kopchyski
Aline Korol
Eveline Korol
Catherine Korte-Monz
Jeff Kostyniuk
Betty Kovitch
Modest Kowal
Tracey Kowalchuk
Bonnie Kraus
Don & Jon Krawchuk
Kari Krueckl Lamont
Elaine Krowchuk
Lisa Krowchuk
Charlotte Krienke
Shelley Krull
Dianna Krushelniski
Angela Kunz
Lynn Kwasnica-Doll
Lorraine Lajeunesse
Ryan & Chantel Lacoursiere
Maureen Lalach
Erin Lang
Robb Larochelle-Horner
David Laroque
Andrew Layes
Giselle Layton
Suzanne Leakos
Brad & Cynthia Leier
Wendy Lepage
David Leswick
Renelle Lewandoski
Erica Long
Suzanne Lord
Carrie Lorenz
Diane Lynchuk
Tara Macknak
Loren MacLennan
Christine Makahonuk
Frederick Majocha
Amanda Marien
Brian Mark & Roxanne Frey
Kelsey & Danielle Mase
Nancy Maskewich
Ryan McAllister
Kelly-Anne McAvoy
Ken McIntosh
Thomas McKay
Valeris McLane
Cathy McLean
Sherry McLean
Sylvia McLeod
Greg Meier
Catharine Michalenko
Nadine Mighton
Jaylene Miller
Marie Moldenhauer
Shonna Molle
Jennifer Molnar
Maria Monteiro
Wayne & Denise Morley
Dianna Moroz
Edit Mourre
Douglas Muench
Tracy Muggli
Tina Muir
Christen Muray
Gladis Mutch
Lynda Muzyka
Adam Nahachewsky
Debbie Nainaar-Cowper
Verona Nakoneshny
Devon Neudorf
Trevor Neufeld
Melanie Nodge
Cindy Nordquist
Dmytro Odintsov
Jami Olver
Karen Omelan-Davis
Leonard Osiowy
Blair Ostertag
Dr. Bev Pain
Nicole Parent
David & Janice Paslawski
Julian Paslawski
Graham Patola
Lindsay Patola
Loran & Myrtle Paydli
Kayla Pederson
Joyce Peppin
Gerri Perrault
Denise Peters
Marian Phaneuf
Troy Pilot
Amanda Pitka
Perry Polishchuk
Luciene Poole
Jessica Preciado
Marina Preciado
Bonnie Proll
Margaret Punter
Brad & Jaclyn Randall
Kiran Mannu Randhawa
Larraine Ratzlaff
Joe & Denise Reaser
Connie Reeves
Scott & Lana Reeves
Tobi Rempel
Ron & Staffa Renkas
Twila Rennie
Joanne Reschny
Tonya Reschny
Cathy Rice
Sandra Richter
Alice Risling
Vanessa Robillard
Freda Robinson
Ron Rochon
Sebastien Rock
Nadine Rosen
Marcel & Theresa Roy
Claudia Russell
Wanda Rutten
Ev Safronetz
St. Augustine School Community Council
St. Bernard Catholic School Community
St. John Bosco CWL
St. Mary’s CWL
St. Matthew Home & School
Darin Saleski
Aimee Samson-Schumacher
Jason Sand
Mike Sander
Pat Sarauer
Kathy Saretzky
Raymond Saunders
Glenn Sauve
Evelyn Sawchuk
Yvette Saxinger
Leanne Schappert
Blair Scheidl
Albert Schmidt
Kenneth & Alana Seitz
Veronica Sellar
Heather Semchyshen
Janice Serafini-Dillon
Doris Serne
David Sheppard
Dan Shirley
Evan & Carla Shoforost
Cale Siemens
Helen Siemens
Lisa Sikorski
Joan Simon-Worobec
Roxanne Sittler
Lori Skibinski
Charlene Slobodzian
Mike Smela
Elizabeth Smith-Windsor
Heather Smith
Karen Smith
Kim Smith
Paulette Smith
R. Shawn Smith
Morris & Rita Smysnuik
Elaine Sparks
Shelley Spizawka
Wanda Spooner
Regan Sproule
Laurie Stotz
Lizette Strautman
Randy Strawson
Janice Street
Christine Streisel
Taylor Stromberg
Denise Strong
Nicole Sutherland
Marc Taillon
George Taylor
Ken & Elaine Theis
Nancy Thompson
Carla Thorson
Trina Timmerman
Sen. David & Sharon Tkachuk
Melissa Toporowski
Joan Turcotte
Leni Udell
Regan Udell
Valerie Udell
Rebecca Ulmer
Joslyn Urban
Martin Vajda
Ashley Vogelsang
Pat & Dian Walsh
Eleanor Warren
Lisa Warren
Tara Watts
Aaron Weiman
Ashley Weiman
Meg Weippert
Keith Weisgerber
Susan Weisgerber
Robert Weninger
Jerry & Sharon Wensley
Nelda Werbicki
Fred Wesolowski
Kyle West
Marie Westgard
Michael Will
Veronica Winterholt
Nicole Woytowich
Shelley Wozniak
Bill & Michele Wright
Ina Yakubowski
Wayne Younghusband
Jenine Yuzik
Bohdan Zerebecky
Sandra Zimmer
Cathy Zimmerman
Charlene Zipchen
Shirley Zlipko
L 2014 Corporate Donors
Association of Saskatchewan Home Economists
Challenger Sports Corp.
Cherry Insurance
Comeau Financial Inc.
Community Electric Ltd.
Continental Mine & Industrial Supply
Danyluk Consulting Corp.
Dream Asset Mgmt Corporation
Dr. Brian Skulski Prof. Corp.
Dr. Colin Pearce Medical Professional Corporation
Dr. W.T.E. Underwood Dental Prof. Corp.
Dundee Realty Management (Sask) Corp.
Dymark Industries Inc.
Ecol Services Group
Hamm Construction Ltd.
Howatt Consulting Ltd.
Humboldt Dairy Queen
Humboldt Jaycees
Humboldt Vision Centre
Investors Group
Jaspar Academy of Dance
Johnny’s Bistro
KofC Bishop Nkyta Budka Assembly #2755
McHolm Law Office P.C. Inc.
Merchant Law Group LLP
Millennium III Capital Corporation
Norlin Construction Ltd.
North Ridge Development Corporation
Orbis Engineering Field Servcies
Our Lady of the Prairies Foundation
Paslawski Enterprises Ltd.
PCS Inc.
Precision Electro-Mechanical Ltd.
RBC Royal Bank
Rempel Engineering & Management Ltd.
Royal LePage Carlton
Saskatoon Community Foundation
Schuler-Lefebvre Funeral Chapel Ltd.
Show Kids You Care
South 20 Dodge Chrysler & R.V. Centre
Sts Peter & Paul Ukrainian Catholic Church
The Rural Municipality of Wolverine, No. 340
The Sunesis Foundation
Thrifty Market
University of Saskatchewan Students’ Union
Wheaton GMC Buick Cadillac Ltd.
William J. Campbell Law Office P.C. Inc.
Founders’ Circle
Special Builders Among Us
The Founders’ Circle is made up of staff from Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools who contribute via payroll deductions or
direct payment. This group includes staff who direct their United Way donation to the Foundation. The Foundation thanks
these wonderful people and hopes their generosity will spread to many more staff members. Every dollar helps and goes a long
way toward enriching the educational environment in Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools.
Andrea Abrametz
Jacquie Ackerman
Lucie Altman
Judith Amolo
Cari Anning
Tricia Armstrong
Terri Arnelien
Theresa Arsenie
Gary Augustyn
Dominique Babcock
Mary Babiy
Tony Bairos
Mary-Jo Bakken
Patricia Ballantyne
Jean-Paul Barker
Simone Beckie
Marie Bender
Jason Benson
Colette Berg
Karen Berg
Debbie Berscheid
Dean Bertoia
Diane Bestvater
Kathy Beuker
Leon Bezaire
Clinton Binsfield
Corienne Binsfield
Collette (Susan) Bischoff
Louise Bitz
D’Arcy Blacklock
Mary Blue
Cindy Blunt
Dawn Blyth
Ron Boechler
Darren Bohmann
Karen Boire
Crystal Boschman
Al Boutin
Brian Boutin
Diane Boyko
Thomas Boyko
Caron Brannen
Sean Brannen
Tamara Braun
Anne-Marie Breckner
Corrine Breker
Kurt Breker
Lisa Brisebois
Marlene Brisebois
Robert Brisebois
Kara Broks
Suzanne Bronkhorst
Tanya Brons
Sandra Brookman
Robert Brossart
Mary Lou Brotherton
Ruth Brown
Gregory Bubnick
Manon (Marie) BuissonGuenther
Linda Burgess
Susan Burns
David Buttinger
Lisa Button
Christopher Buzinski
Cynthia Cameron
Michael Canaday
Nadine Cannell
Jim Carriere
Michael Carter
Anne-Marie Casavant
Jacqueline Castilloux
Perry Chaboyer
Stephen Chaisson
Elsa Chalmers
Gregory Chatlain
Renee Cherniawsky
Gilbert Chevrier
Janice Chomitzky
Lucy Chudy
Janine (Ruth) Classen
Danielle Clatney
Sandra Climenhaga
Cindy Coffin
Marc Colleaux
Bonnie Conly
Diane Cote
Maria Coupal
Alison Cowan
Renee Cratty
Terrance Cratty
Erin Culbertson
Jeff Cunanan
Bronwynn Cutts
Brett Czarnota
Wendy Dale
Chelsea Daniels
Marc Darbellay
Peggy Dauvin
Rhonda Davidsen
Kathryn Day
Alyssa Deacon
Jeremy Deck
Melva Degagne
Claire Denis
Corrine Denis
Daniel Denis
Simone Denis
Wesley Deptuch
Audrey Doepker
Christopher Doepker
Colleen Doepker
Craig Doepker
Jacqueline Doepker
Randolph Doll
Lisa Domoslai
Ann Mary Donald
Cristin Dorgan Lee
Joann Douziech
Julia Drabble
Kimberley Duggan
Noreen Duguid
David Dust
Sheila Dziendzielowski
Colette Ebert
Kirstin Edwards
Louise Egener-Morett
Sandra Ehr
David Elder
Camille Ells
Jo-Ann Emard
Carla Ens
Rebecca Epple
William Fahlman
Sydney Figora
Eugenio Figueroa
Catherine Fitzgerald
Robyn Flaman
Michelle Fontaine
Paula Fortier
Owen Fortosky
Tom Fortosky
Cynthia Foster
Darren Fradette
Terrissa Fradette
Donna-Marie Frassetto
Barbara Fredrickson
Kirby Frey
Patricia Friesen
Laurianne Gabruch
Marcia Galbraith
Jennifer Gallays
Heather Gammage
Tara Ganchar-Klassen
Ben Garchinski
Rick Garchinski
Rick Garman
Louisanne Gaudet
Michelle Gaudet
Kent Gauthier
Scott Gay
Theresa Gee
Blair Gillies
Luisa Giocoli
Anita Gooding
Joan Goodman
Kristin Gregoire
Jennifer Gruending-Pizurny
Joanne Gulka
Nicole Gursky
James Hails
Heidi Hale
Lori Hammel
Shelda Hanlan-Stroh
Kris Hanson
Kevin Harbidge
Brett Hardy
Michelle Hardy
Burton Harper
Tracey Harper
Cara Hauber
Krista Hayes
Marie-Ella Hazell
Gail Hendry
Angeline Hepp
Robert Herrick
Andrea Hettel
Raymond Hickey
Thomas Hickey
Michele Hildebrandt
Donna Hobbins-Olson
Lisa Hodson
Kim Hoffart
Donella Hoffman
Judy Hoiland
Kathryn Holmes
Lesley Holmes
Leann (Carol) Houdek
Lawrence Hounjet
Curtis Howe
Karen Hrycuik
Diane Hryhor
Gail Husky
Tina Hydomako
Darren Hyshka
Malvina Iron
Marie Irvine
Jacqueline Jackson
Valerie Jansen
James Jasieniuk
Sandra Jasieniuk
Jennifer Jaspar
Christina Jean
Gisele Jean-Bundgaard
George Jedlicki
Tracy Jedlicki
Janice Johns
Deborah Johnson
Duane Johnson
Ross Johnson
Sharon Johnson
Chantelle Kane
Cari Karakochuk
Debra Karakochuk
Laurie Karwacki
Dustin Kasun
Carla Katerynych
Denise Keehborn
Christal Keller
Brenda Kelln
Dale Kelly
MaryLynn Kemp
Nicole Kemp
Troy Kendry
Raelene Kenney
Tracy Kernaghan
Lori Kerpan
Rosanne Kerr
Annette Kinal-Charpentier
Patricia Kindrachuk
Wade Kindrachuk
Blaise Kirchgesner
Jason Kish
Jacqueline Kjargaard
Founders’ Circle…from page fourteen
Annette L. Klassen
Annette R. Klassen
Gerald Klein
Paula Klein
Chad Knaus
Donna Knihniski
Catherine Knowles
Lisa Kobelsky
Klarissa Komarnicki
Aline Korol
Olya Kowaluk
Daniel Kozun
Robert Kraft
Deborah Krawchuk
Charlotte Krienke
Anita Kroeker
Ken Krushelniski
Angela Kunz
Ralph Kunz
Tammy Kurtenbach
Bernadette Laliberte
Cornelia Laliberte
Anne-Marie Lalonde
Colleen Lalonde
Lisa Lambert
Erin Lang
Gerald Lashyn
Maureen Leclaire
Tammy Lemay
Cheryl Lenz-Fabian
Celeste Leray-Leicht
Kevin Leschyshyn
Richard Lesko
Renelle Lewandoski
Darcie Lich
Debbie Lim
Glenna Lins
Norman Lipinski
Derek Little
Joan Loboda
Andrew Lockert
Mark Loehndorf
Shelly Lord
Carrie Lorenz
Shawn Lorenz
Jody Lorenzo
Jean Lysitza
Naomi MacIntyre
Christine Makahonuk
Tanya Malinoski
Kristin Mamchur
Scott Mantyka
Yvonne Marchessault
Tammy Martens
Shannon Martin
Christine Mawson
John McAuliffe
Doug McCosh
Lori McGeary
John McGettigan
Leanne McGettigan
Karen McIlmoyl
Ken McIntosh
Patricia McKay
Neil McKinnon
Carol McLaren
Sherril McLaughlin
Cathy McLean
Sherry McLean
Claire McTavish
Shayne Meggs
Greg Meier
Ita Melnikel
Robert Meschishnick
Priscilla Messier
Nathalie Meszaros
Nadine Mighton
Jaylene Miller
Elizabeth Moleski
Brett Monar
Maria Monteiro
Jeanette Montgomery
Jeff Morari
Rhonda Morari
Clint Moroz
Sherri Moroz
Maryanne Morrison
Cindy Mulhall
Gwen Murphy
Tamara Murray
Yvonne Musey Johnson
Debra Nainaar-Cowper
Lillian Nakrayko
Shaun Nechvatal
Ken Neitz
Sandra Nelson
Charlene Nemeth
Donna-Maria Nestmann
Trevor Neufeld
Vicky Neufeld
Charlene Neumeyer
Rachele Ng
Sandra Niessen
Diana Nordick
Andrew Novecosky
Joan Oberg
Lisa Obrigewitsch
Therese Okotinsky
Brent (Darryl) Okrainetz
Garett Olver
Alicia Painchaud-Redekop
Pamela Pander
Florence Paquette
Linda Parent
Todd Paslawski
Lindsay Patola
Carol Pawluk
Daniel Pawluk
Amy Pearson
Mary-Ellen Pearson
Curtis Pek
Joyce Peppin
Denise Peters
Kelly Peters
Christine Pidwerbeski
Phoebe Piggott
Kevin Pilon
Bessie Pino
Rebecca Pion
Patricia Pizzuto
Aurelie Poelzer
Andre Poisson
Luciene Poole
Genevieve Prevost
Terry Prevost
Melanie Prins
Lawrence Pritchard
Bonnie Proll
Roxwell Prpick
Margaret Punter
Pauline Quiring
Theresa Raina Stadnyk
Janelle Rasmussen
Larraine Ratzlaff
Saul Reis
Don Remizowski
Michelle Remizowski
Susan Reschny
Robert Revering
Alice Risling
Francois Rivard
Lois Roberge
Louise Robert
Catherine Robertson
Leianne Rode
Bernie Rodych
Kent Rogers
Maureen Romanchuk
Anita Romanoff
Donald Rongve
Bruce Ross
Margaret Rouhani
Nathalie Ruel
Nita Rysavy
Lynda Sabiston
Constance Sacher
Cynthia Saleski
Darin Saleski
Aimee SamsonSchumacher
Michelle Sanche O’Brien
Michael Sander
Lori Santoro
Norma Saretsky
Thomas Saretsky
Carol Sarich
Danielle Sasbrink-Harkema
Trevor Saunders
Chad Sawatzky
Katrina Sawchuk
Louise Schaan
Catherine Schabel
Donna Schindel
Theresa Schmidt
Lynette Schmitt
Michael Schneider
Bernard Schulte
Janice Schulte
Bernadette Schultz
Dale Scott
Karen Seidle
Crystal Serhyenko
Owen Serhyenko
Patricia Seto
Maureen Shebelski
Bridget Sherban
Mary Jane Sherven
Tammy Shircliff
Daniel Shirley
Tami Shirley
Tammy Sielski
Stephen Sikora
Sheri (Loretta) Simonot
Deborah Simpson
Jodi Simpson
Michelle Smalcel
Cecile Smith
Joan Smith
Roxanna Smycniuk
Lezlee Soloway
Nancy Sparling
Dennis Spence
Shelley Spizawka
Wanda Spooner
Diana Sproat
Camille St. Amand
Beatrice Stang
Molisa Stanzeleit
Valerie Stone
Gayle Stookey
Laurie Stotz
Jason Stratychuk
Randy Strawson
Janice Street
Brandon Stroh
Denise Strong
Wayne Stus
Elaine Sutherland
Cathy Swarbrick
Donna Sych
Patricia Tastad
Janet Taylor
Rayanne Taylor
Connie Tenaski
Katherine Tennent
Debbie Tetreault
Kerrie Thomas
Anna Thompson
Cheryl Thorson
Michael Thorson
Tammy Topp
Maria Torgerson
Kaeli Trew
Kimberly Troesch
Valerie Udell
Jenise Vangool
Michelle Vanhouwe
Anne Venning
Julie Vermette
Guy Verrette
Donald Vogt
Curtis Wagner
Karren Walker
Leah Walker
Beverly Walter
Sharon Watkins
Kari Weiman
Vicki Weinkauf
Corinne Welch Baumann
Sandra Wellsch
Joanne Weninger
Carol Weninger-Calver
Guy Werbicki
Jay Werbicki
Nelda Werbicki
Fred Wesolowski
Jennifer Wiens
Kristin Wilde
Janice Wilkinson
Nicole Wingerter
Dorothy Wionzek
Rita Wolfe
Candace Wolitski-Conley
Dianne Woloschuk
Jody Wolos-Knopp
Chelaine Woodcock
Kathy Woytowich
Michelle Yuzdepski
Irene Yuzik
Jenine Yuzik
Bohdan Zerebecky
Charlene Zipchen
Sandra Zurevinski
GSCSF Board of Directors
Denise Bandet-Reaser
Ed Cechanowicz – Treasurer
Laurie Karwacki – Chair
David Paslawski – Secretary
Dale Smith
Rita Smysnuik
Michel Thibault – Chair
Sharon Tkachuk
Sharon Zakreski-Werbicki
Student Directors (2 year term) – Holy Cross
Board of Trustees’ Representatives
Ron Boechler
Alice Risling
Sarah Smith
Jonathan Zimmer
Principals’ Association Representative
Sherry McLean
Student Directors (1 year term) – Bethlehem
Brett Weiman
Maria Zerr
The Foundation is also grateful to the donors who wish to remain anonymous.
For employees of Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools
Founders’ Circle Employee Payroll Donation Plan
I hereby authorize and instruct St. Paul’s RCSSD #20 to deduct $____________ from my salary per month commencing ___________________ (dd/mm/yy) and
continuing until further notice is provided.
Please indicate targeted areas of choice:
$1.60 l
Penny an Hour ($1.60) per month that will be matched by St. Paul’s R.C.S.S.D. #20 for Staff and Student Spiritual Wellness
l General fund for ongoing projects
$______ l Christian Values
l Byzantine Rite
$______ l Student Leadership
l Cross-Cultural
$______ l Innovative Programs
l FAST Program
$______ l Hungry Children
l Infant Care
$______ l Columbus Bosco Homes (columbusboscohomes.ca)
l Legacy of Leadership
$______ l ________________________ School
are tax deductible.
l Other Programs (please specify) ________________________________________________________
Total: $ _____________
Please print:
NAME: ____________________________________________________________________________
LOCATION: ________________________________________________________________________
DATE: ____________________________________________________________________________
SIGNATURE _______________________________________________________________________
One time donation $ _______________________
Please make cheques payable to: Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools Foundation Inc.
Card # ________________________________ Exp. Date ____________________
If you have already made a donation to the Greater Saskatoon Catholic
Schools Foundation Inc. or you are currently donating through the
payroll deduction plan we thank you! We include this form for
individuals/corporations who wish to contribute at this time.
For payroll purposes:
m Teacher
m Support
Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools Foundation Inc.
420 22nd Street East, Saskatoon SK S7K 1X3
Phone: (306) 659-7003 Fax: (306) 659-2013
Email: catholicschoolsfoundation@gscs.sk.ca
Completed forms can be returned to the Foundation located in the
Board Office through the interschool delivery.
Enclosed is my gift in the form of:
n Cheque n VISA n MasterCard
Card # ________________________________________________
n Yes!
Expiry Date: ___________________________________________
I wish to support the Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools
Foundation Inc.
Name: ________________________________________________
Please make cheques payable to:
Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools Foundation Inc.
420 - 22nd Street East · Saskatoon, SK S7K 1X3
Tax receipts will be issued for all donations over $10.00.
Charitable Registration #14074 1398 RR0001
Phone: ________________________________________________
Thank You!