advertising rates - Saskatoon StarPhoenix
advertising rates - Saskatoon StarPhoenix
204 - 5TH AVENUE NORTH, SASKATOON, SK S7K 2P1 p. 306-657-6340 f. 306-657-6208 e. w. Effective: April 1, 2012 ADVERTISING RATES FRONT PAGE TICKER AS LOW AS $303 Sunday Phoenix SASKATOON STARPHOENIX / SASKATOON SUN S U N DAY, A P R I L 2 9 , 2 0 1 2 A DIVISION FREE OF P OSTMEDIA NETWORK INC. YO U R L I F E . YO U R C O U N T RY. YO U R W O R L D I N C O N T E X T. The Decline of the Dry Eye Delivered directly to the doorsteps of Saskatoon and area residents every Sunday, the Sunday Phoenix is a refreshingly unique reading experience. Providing readers with premium content, in-depth analysis, and long reads, including the best feature writing from our trusted team of journalists, the Sunday Phoenix is a window to the world and a snapshot of the country with a look ahead to local agendas for the week. YOUR LIFE. YOUR COUNTRY. YOUR WORLD. IN CONTEXT. Public displays of emotion were once considered TOTAL CITY DISTRIBUTION AVAILABLE shocking. Then came a veritable gush. Is it time to pull ourselves together? Whatever happened to our stiff upper lip? / A3 Saskatoon (including Warman and Martensville) 79,900 TOTAL RURAL DISTRIBUTION AVAILABLE Rural INSIDE BOND IS BACK B4-5 With the new James Bond film in production, we take a look back at the inception and evolution of the iconic series. SYRIA AT THE TIPPING POINT A4-5 The Syrian people live in fear of a brutal regime — and with the uncertainty of what could follow should it fall. TOTAL 95,100 THE SEVEN HEALTHY SINS C1 Have a glass of wine and celebrate. Some of the things you’ve been warned about might actually be good for you. YOUR AD HERE DELIVERED TO OVER 95,100 HOUSEHOLDS! AD TYPE & PLACEMENT Ad Type Full Page 1/2 Page 1/4 Page 1/8 Page 1/16 Page Front Page Banner Section Front Banner Banner Ticker (A Section) Ticker (Inside Page) Floating Banner FULL COLOUR GUARANTEE POSITION LEGAL NOTICES NON-PROFIT/CHARITABLE ZOOM TO YOUR AD ONLINE Size 10 x 293 10 x 146 5 x 144 5 x 71 5 x 36 10 x 36 10 x 36 10 x 36 10 x 8 10 x 8 10 x 36 15,200 1 time $5,070 $2,789 $1,458 $ 761 $ 380 $1,797 $1,300 $ 790 $ 550 $ 290 $ 900 4 times $4,817 $2,649 $1,385 $ 722 $ 361 $1,707 $1,235 $ 751 $ 523 $ 276 $ 855 $989.00 30% Charge 1 time rate doubled 12 time rate 12 times $4,310 $2,370 $1,239 $ 646 $ 323 $1,527 $1,105 $ 652 $ 468 $ 247 $ 765 26 times $3,803 $2,091 $1,093 $ 570 $ 285 $1,348 $ 975 $ 593 $ 413 $ 218 $ 675 52 times $2,789 $1,534 $ 802 $ 418 $ 209 $ 988 $ 715 $ 435 $ 303 $ 160 $ 495 DEADLINES Tuesday, 4:30 p.m. Booking and Material Thursday, 10:00 a.m. Final Proof and Copy Change (no proof) Included REACHING AUDIENCES IN MORE WAYS THAN EVER BEFORE. Sunday Phoenix 46402585 Sunday Phoenix 204 - 5THAVENUE NORTH,SASKATOON,SK S7K 2P1 p. 306-657-6340 f. 306-657-6208 e. w. Effective: April 1, 2012 2012 ZONE ADVERTISING RATES FRONT PAGE TIC KER AS LOW AS $303 x Sunday Phoeni ON SUN ASKATO NIX / S ARPHOE OON ST SASKAT FREE NETWORK INC. EDIA OF POSTM EXT. N A DIVISIO IN CONT 2 R WORLD RY. YO U RIL 29, 201 R COUNT S U N DAY, A P FE. YOU YOUR LI The Decline Dry Eye The NEW Sunday Phoenix Delivered directly to the doorsteps of Saskatoon and area residents every Sunday, the Sunday Phoenix is a refreshingly unique reading experience. Providing readers with premium content, including the best feature writing from around the world, in-depth analysis, and long-reads, the Sunday Phoenix is a window to the world and a snapshot of the country, with a look ahead to local agendas for the week. YOUR COUNTRY, YOUR WORLD, YOUR LIFE IN CONTEXT. of the Welcome to Precision Marketing dered were once consi ys of emotion Public displa it time to ble gush. Is came a verita shocking. Then together? pull ourselves With the Sunday Phoenix’s zoned advertising options, reach your audience like never before. Strategically target your message to North, West, East, or Rural for a customized solution to your unique advertising needs. ed to Whatever happen / A3 lip? our stiff upper TOTAL ZONE DISTRIBUTION AVAILABLE City - North (includes Warman and Martensville) City - West City - East Rural TOTAL DISTRIBUTION INSIDE A4-5 — and TIPPING POINT a brutal regime it fall. live in fear of follow should The Syrian people inty of what could with the uncerta SYRIA AT THE B4-5 we take a look in production, series. James Bond film n of the iconic With the new n and evolutio back at the inceptio BOND IS BACK HY SINS C1 Some of the things te. THE SEVEN HEALT wine and celebra good for you. of be Have a glass about might actually you’ve been warned R ADTOHOVEERRE YOULIV ERED DE 95,100 HOUSEH 27,000+ 23,500+ 29,400+ 15,200+ 95,100+ Display Advertising Deadlines Booking and Material Deadline: Tuesday, 4:30 p.m. Final Proof and Copy changes (no proof): Thursday, 10:00 a.m. OLDS! AD TYPE & PLACEMENT Colour Rate $250.00 Non Profit/Charitable 12 time rate Legal Notices 1 time rate doubled Zoom to Your Ad Online Included Ad Type 1/2 Page (vertical only) Size Zone 1 time 4 times 12 times 26 times 52 times 5 x 293 City Rural $1,394 $ 697 $1,325 $ 662 $1,185 $ 593 $1,046 $ 523 $767 $383 1/4 Page 5 x 144 City Rural $ 729 $ 364 $ 692 $ 346 $ 619 $ 310 $ 547 $ 273 $401 $200 1/8 Page 5 x 71 City Rural $ 380 $ 190 $ 361 $ 181 $ 323 $ 162 $ 285 $ 143 $209 $105 1/16 Page 5 x 36 City Rural $ 190 $ 95 $ 181 $ 90 $ 162 $ 81 $ 143 $ 71 $105 $ 52 Page Banner 10 x 36 City Rural $ 395 $ 198 $ 375 $ 188 $ 336 $ 168 $ 296 $ 148 $217 $109 Ticker 10 x 8 City Rural $ 145 $ 73 $ 138 $ 69 $ 123 $ 62 $ 109 $ 54 $ 80 $ 40 Rates quoted are net rates subject to change without notice. REACHING AUDIENCES IN MORE WAYS THAN EVER BEFORE. Sunday Phoenix 46402699 2012 ZONE distribution map RURAL 15,200+ INCLUDED IN NORTH ZONE Warman Martensville Prince Albert Rosthern Blaine Lake North Battleford Wakaw Martensville Langham L Warman Warman humboldt sAsKAtooN Delisle Biggar Colonsay hanley ADILMAN DR Davidson sILVeRWooD hts IVe eXhIBItIoN AN AVeNUe hoLLIstoN QUeeN eLIZABeth CLARe NCe AVALoN CN INDUstRIAL NUtANA PARK 8th stReet BReVooRt PARK VIeW Mcormond Dr DRIVe CoLLeGe PARK e. BRIARWooD eet LO PM ENT A REA LAKeWooD s.C. LAKeVIeW LAKe RIDGe RoseWooD CIRCLe DRIVe EAST 29,400+ bridges T h u rs day, M a rc h 1 5 , 2 0 1 2 DI eR ARBoR CReeK WILDWooD WILsoN CRes stoNeBRIDGe Dr Ne stR ARLINGtoN the WILLoWs ways than ever before. CoLLeGe PARK GReYstoNe heIGhts eAst d ND Ke BoYChUK CeNtRAL 14th stReet tAYLoR reaching audiences in more sILVeRsPRING Wh Ite Nt AD sP hAULtAIN RUth West 23,500+ CRe sCe IN A Ve 3rd A Ve 1st A IDYLWYLD BUeNA VIstA on eRINDALe sUtheRLAND INDUstRIAL DRIVe hoLIDAY PARK NUtANA rm FoRest GRoVe McKeRCheR seDCo IND. CoLLeGe DRIVe GRosVeNoR PARK co stReet VE DE MoNtGoMeRY PLACe UNIVeRsItY oF sAsK VARsItY VIeW WILLoW GRoVe E. S. 11th stReet KING GeoRGe st UNIVeRsItY heIGhts stReet ACADIA RIVeRsDALe FAIRhAVeN West IND. N RM A WA PLeAsANt hILL 108th AVeNUe PARKRIDGe MeADoW GReeN PARK 25th e M 115th sUtheRLAND PRestoN ht LIG FAIR UNIVeRsItY DeVeLoPMeNt AReA IV CeNtRAL CItY IND. DoWN toWN stReet AttR eVeRGReeN DR NoRth PARK ADeLAIDe/ChURChILL 22nd WestMoUNt LoRNe AVeNUe 22nd stReet MoUNt RoYAL PACIFIC heIGhts KeLseY MAYFAIR INDUstRIAL CAsWeLL hILL DIeFeNBAKeR 31st IDGe RIChMoND heIGhts AVeNUe RoAD DRIVe 37th stReet MAsseY PLACe RIVeR heIGhts CIRCLe DRIVe hAMPtoN VILLAGe CoNFeDeRAtIoN PARK IVe sW NoRth INDUstRIAL CYNthIA st hUDsoN BAY PARK DRIV LAWsoN hts AIRPoRt INDUstRIAL 33rd stReet e DR LeNoRe 51st stReet Use DR WestVIeW CeNtRAL AVeNUe MILLAR AVeNUe MeILICKe RD PINeho DUNDoNALD Watrous Rosetown Kindersley 60th stReet North 27,000+ Lanigan outlook 71st stReet nEighbouRs A Brazilian family feels embraced by Forest Grove’s residents P. 6 sPAcEs It has a steeple, people, but inside it’s a unique country home. P. 22 city nEws Sunday church services in movie theatres are winning praise. P. 28 a sTa r P h O E N I X cO M M u N I T y N E ws Pa P E r SAS00184914 Judys specs • Miren • SP 2012 Zones • SP 2012 Distribution Map