Pastor`s Perspective - Highland Baptist Church


Pastor`s Perspective - Highland Baptist Church
April 2014
A monthly publication of
Non-Profit Org.
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Highland Baptist Church
Picnic & Egg Hunt
Men’s Prayer Breakfast
34th & Quaker Lubbock, Texas
Summer Camp Info
January 2014 Newsletter
Pastor’s Perspective
Dear Church Family,
Over 50 participants selling new
and used items.
Even Flowers!
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Highland Baptist Church
4316 34th Street
Lubbock, Texas 79410
This month’s Route 66 verse is
1 John 3:1,16 (NIV)
See what great love the Father has lavished on us,
that we should be called children of God! And that is
what we are! The reason the world does not know us
is that it did not know him. 16 This is how we know
what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And
we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and
I have really enjoyed our sermon series Seven Sayings from the Cross. I pray it has been a blessing to you as
well. When we think of all Jesus did, the cross was the ultimate sacrifice. What Jesus said from the cross is
extraordinary. This Sunday morning we will finish this series as we prepare for Palm and Easter Sunday.
When I think about Easter, one of the best reminders I have heard about our celebration came from S.M.
(Shadrach Meshach) Lockridge. In his famous sermon “Sunday’s Coming,” He said (this is a small piece):
 It’s Friday - Jesus is praying, Peter’s a sleeping, Judas is betraying but Sunday’s coming…
 It’s Friday - Pilate’s struggling - The council’s conspiring - The crowd’s vilifying - They don’t even know that
Sunday’s coming…
 It’s Friday - The Romans beat my Jesus - They robed Him in scarlet - They crowned him with thorns - But
they don’t know That Sunday’s coming…
 It’s Friday - The world’s winning - people are sinning - and evil’s grinning…but Sunday’s coming.
 It’s Friday - The soldiers nailed my Savior’s hands to the cross - they nailed my Savior’s feet to the cross and then they raised Him up Next to criminals...but Sunday’s coming.
 It’s Friday - He’s hanging on the cross feeling forsaken by His Father left alone and dying can nobody save
Him? But Sunday’s coming.
 It’s Friday - The earth trembles - The sky grows dark - My King yields His spirit. But Sunday’s coming
 It’s Friday… Hope is lost…Death has won…Sin has conquered…and Satan’s laughing. But Sunday’s coming
 It’s Friday…Jesus is buried…A soldier stands guard…And a rock is rolled into place…But it’s Friday…It is
only Friday…and Sunday’s coming!
Sunday did come; Jesus conquered death, and was raised to life so that 500 eyewitnesses saw him over the
course of the next 40 days. Jesus did not go to the cross to become a way for you and me to be reconciled to
God. He did all of this to be the way, truth and life! Amen!!! We wills see you soon...remember, Sunday’s
coming. God bless you church family.
Your Pastor,
Youth News
Girls Camp June 20-23
Nicaragua Fundraisers:
Sunday April 27-6:00 pm
Ice Cream Social and
Cake Auction
July 14-18
Boys Camp July 9-12
Camp Eagle
June 22-28
To sign up contact Scott at
Sunday, April 16
Saturday April 26
1st-6th Grade Girls
1st –6th Grade Boys
Contact Kathy to Volunteer and be
part of a Great Week.
Camp Xtreme July 14-18
Boys and Girls 4th
All Camps are at Plains Baptist
Camps, Floydada
Vacation Bible School
June 9-13
For children entering Kindergarten –6th
grade completed
Please Join Us For A
Picnic and Easter Egg Hunt
Baby Shower Honoring
Sunday April 13 Following Morning Worship
Paige Spruill
At Hub City Park 26th & Nashville
Saturday April 26
Bring a picnic lunch, blanket or chairs, basket and at least 1
dozen filled and taped plastic eggs per child.
Egg Hunt will start at 1:15!
At Cynthia Dillard’s Home
5908 84th
8:30am in the fellowship hall
Paige is registered at Target
and Babies R Us
We are in need of filled and taped plastic eggs for the egg hunt.
If you can donate you may drop them off at the church office.