have you been in this area for a long time?


have you been in this area for a long time?
Dear Friends,
I’m writing this
having just
returned home
from a holiday in
Scotland. We
had booked a
holiday cottage a stones throw from the
rocky beach. It was wonderful to just sit
gazing out at the relaxing rhythm of the
waves as they dragged themselves
onto the shore.
Nature is a wonderful testament to the
work of God so it is no wonder that
there is something spiritual about just
watching it at work.
I wonder if any of you remember the
story of Canute 'The Great' who was
King of England from 1016-1035?
I grew up being taught that he was the
King who was so arrogant that he set
his throne on the beach and
commanded that the tide halt before it
wet his feet and robes. As we all know,
the tide waits for no man and the
waves washed over his feet and legs
without respect to his royal person.
It was only recently that I learnt that
King Canute was perhaps not as
arrogant or mad as his actions had
Henry of Huntingdon, the 12th-century
chronicler, records that Canute did set
his throne on the shore and
commanded the tide to halt. But, as the
waves washed past him, Henry
documents how the King leapt
backwards saying, “Let all men know
how empty and worthless is the power
of kings, for there is none worthy of the
name, but He whom heaven, earth, and
sea obey by eternal laws.” He then
hung his gold crown on a crucifix and
never wore it again "to the honour of
God the almighty King".
King Canute recognised that there was
a power far greater than himself. He
realised that Jesus was the King of all
In comparison, the gospel of Mark in
the Bible tells us that Jesus actually did
have power over the waves.
Mark 4:35-41 tells us:
‘That day when evening came, he said
to his disciples, “Let us go over to the
other side.” Leaving the crowd behind,
they took him along, just as he was, in
the boat. There were also other boats
with him. A furious squall came up, and
the waves broke over the boat, so that
it was nearly swamped. Jesus was in
the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The
disciples woke him and said to him,
“Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?”
He got up, rebuked the wind and said
to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the
wind died down and it was completely
calm. He said to his disciples, “Why are
you so afraid? Do you still have no
faith?” They were terrified and asked
each other, “Who is this? Even the
wind and the waves obey him!”
The disciples question resonates in our
ears today, “Who is this? Even the wind
and the waves obey him!”
It is certainly a question worth asking!
Who is this Jesus?
The Alpha courses that we run start by
asking that very important question. I
believe the answer has the ability to
change your life for the better! Why not
ring me on 01844 346957 and book
your place?
Just as Jesus instructed the waves, he
is also whispering that same message
to us “Quiet! Be still!” As I sat on the
shore in Scotland watching the waves, I
could feel Gods presence. My prayer is
that you too will experience Jesus’
power and presence in your own
God bless, Val
What’s on at Kimble Free Church?
Our Sunday Services are at 11am. We give a warm welcome to any visitors.
Saturday 4th August at midday
Kimble Free Church Village BBQ.
All are welcome at our BBQ on Saturday 4th August at
midday but please ring us on 01844 346957 so that we can
cater for numbers. The food is free yet any donations would
be gratefully accepted. Please bring your own drink. Alcohol
is permitted.
Sunday 12th August 11 am & Sunday 9th September 11 am - Chatty Church
Chatty Church has crafts, drama, live music, a short
interactive talk and Kimble’s own puppets ‘Puppetual Motion’.
Come and enjoy cheerful chat whilst also tackling the bigger
questions of life!
Sunday 9th September - 7 to 8pm - justworship.
An occasional evening event with live music allowing us to
meet with God in an informal relaxed manner. We want to
provide a space where we can listen to what God is saying and
respond appropriately. There will be no pressure to do
anything - you don’t have to sing - you don’t have to pray – just
turn up and spend some quality time seeking and
communicating with God.
Please note: There will be NO ‘Craft Cafe’, T4U, KoolKidz, Reminiscence
Group or Bible study in August.
If you have a story or memories concerning the local area then Val would be very
interested in talking to you.
Kimble Free will be having a birthday party in 2012 as it celebrates it’s 90th year
of being in the existing church building. We are planning a special celebration over
the Harvest weekend and are hoping to do a display of past events that have
taken place in the local area.
We would be really interested if anyone has any old
photos or memories concerning our church or the
surrounding area. If you’ve got a family tree relating to
the district that would also be wonderful to see.
It would be great if we could have some local stories that
we could share with others. The plan is to put the display
together for September so if you can help, please ring
Val on 01844 346957.
The following
story is from
the internet.
A sobbing little girl stood near a small
church from which she had been turned
away because it was "too crowded."
"I can't go to Sunday School," she
sobbed to the pastor (Dr. Russel H.
Conwell) as he walked by.
54 of the original 57 pennies were
returned to Rev. Conwell and he later
put them up on display.
Some church members made large
donations and offerings came from far
and wide. Other members of the church
formed what they called the ‘Wiatt Mite
Society’ which was dedicated to making
Hattie May's 57 cents grow as much as
possible and to buy the property for the
Primary Department of the Sunday
school. A house nearby was purchased
S e e i n g h e r s ha b b y , u n k e mp t with the $250 that Hattie May's 57 cents
appearance, the pastor guessed the had produced and the rest is history.
reason and, taking her by the hand,
took her inside and found a place for If you are ever in the city of
her in the Sunday school class. The Philadelphia, look up Temple Baptist
child was called Hattie May Wiatt and Church, with a seating capacity of
she was so happy that they found room 3,300. And be sure to visit Temple
for her, and she went to bed that night University, where thousands of students
thinking of the children who have no are educated. Have a look, too, at the
Good Samaritan Hospital and at a
place to worship Jesus.
Sunday School building built so that no
Some two years later, Hattie became child in the area will ever need to be left
sick and sadly passed away. Her outside during Sunday School.
parents called for the kind-hearted
pastor who had befriended their In one of the rooms of this building may
da ughte r to ha ndle t he f unera l be seen a picture of Hattie, the sweet
face of the little girl whose 57 cents, so
s ac rif ic ia lly sa ve d, ma de s uc h
Rev. Conwell was told by the girl's remarkable history.
mother that Hattie May had been saving
money to help build a bigger church and In our age of financial uncertainty we
gave him her little purse containing just too need to grasp hold of Hatties story.
57 cents. This was in 1886 when 57 Her young life was cut so very short but
cents was no small savings account for the difference her life made to others
a little girl from a poor family. For two was enormous and still lives on today.
years she had saving her love offering.
Luke 21:1-4
When the pastor tearfully heard the As Jesus looked up, he saw the rich
story, he knew instantly what he would putting their gifts into the temple
do. The following Sunday he shared the treasury. He also saw a poor widow put
story of her unselfish love and devotion in two very small copper coins. “Truly I
and challenged the congregation to get tell you,” he said, “this poor widow
busy and raise enough money for the has put in more than all the
larger building. Rev. Conwell had the 57 others. All these people gave their
cents turned into 57 pennies and (after gifts out of their wealth; but she
he related her story) they were sold out of her poverty put in all she
had to live on.”
bringing in a return of about $250.