May 7 - Saint Jude the Apostle School


May 7 - Saint Jude the Apostle School
Number 34
Eileen Baker
Owen Bell
Joseph Butterfield
Emily Deshotels
Patrick Dugan
Jacob Ehrke
Klarissa Eisenreich
Camilla Feker
Catherine Finerty
Tessa Fleming
Elizabeth Foti
Charles Keller
Theresa Kissack
Anna Kushner
Jacob Lassa
Madyson Lassa
Benjamin Leahy
Margaret Leahy
Lucy Markes
Rowan McCann
Maggie Murphy
May 7, 2014
Let Your Light Shine
to the
Second Grade
Quinn Murray
James O’Callaghan
Georgia Petropoulos
Anne Quesnell
Margaret Rehmann
Irene Ryan
Carter Savagian
Alexandra Sidem
Joseph Smukowski
Matthew Stanmeyer
Dylan Tezak
Steven Thomas
Merin Touzios
Madison Turcinovic
Tillie Vande Hei
Adam Wagner
Raegan Walesa
Lucy Walker
Meghan Walsh
Ava Watson
May 6th
May 7th
May 12th
May 13th
May 15th
May 16th
May 17th
May 18th
May 16th
May 7th
May 8th
May 9th
May 12th
May 13th
Congratulations, Miss LaFond
May 14th
Mayfair Mall - Teacher of the Year
Third Grade Brownies in Activity Center at 3:20
All-school Mass at 8:15 AM; Planned by Grade 2
Scout Troop 125 Meeting at 6:30 PM
Scrip Orders Due by 9:00 AM
School Advisory Meeting at 4:00
All-school Mass at 8:15 AM; Prepared by Grade 1
Family and Friends Day and Let Your Light Shine Awards
Art Show
School Play at 7:00 PM
School Play at 2:00 and 7:00 PM
Bloom for Girls at 6:30 in the Activity Center
Scrip Pick-up
Kristine Eisenreich, Catherine Fleming, Denise Meyer,
Rebecca Eder, Karin Buckholdt, Karen Paglione
Angela Quinn, Terry Tuttle, Ben Bauer,
Donald Dudley, Theresa Boswell, Sandy Winard
Jean Kiesling, Beth Cleary, Rachael Carter,
Bridget Malone, Joan Hansen, Cody Weiss
Melinda Morris, Sarah Anderson, Deborah Schill,
Katie Repinski, Mary O’Donoghue, Trini Keane
Jill Baker, Catherine Fleming, Isabel Davila,
Peter Stefaniak, Jeff Butterfield, Robert Libbey
Scott Van Roo, David Willis, Maricella Feker,
Melli Wickliff, Karin Buckholdt, Karen Paglione
Photo courtesy of Clare Fish
Miss LaFond truly was surprised Tuesday morning when at an
early morning assembly Mrs. LaDien introduced a representative from
Mayfair Mall who announced that Miss LaFond won the Teacher
of the Year award. We are all so happy for Miss LaFond,
a truly worthy recipient of this award.
May 10th
5:00 PM
Zach Libbey
Chloe Gomez
Molly Megal
Megan Mikolajewski
May 11th
9:00 AM
Andy Garcia-Velez
Cecilia Garcia-Velez
Sid Dunn
Ben Kelroy
11:00 AM Grant Winkel
Jane Osowski
Tegan Mizlo
Jorge Astorga
God of Love, we ask that you listen to this prayer.
Bless the mothers of our families. Bless them with the strength of Your spirit,
they who have taught their children the many important life lessons needed
to be good individuals with strong moral values and a sense of what is truly
important for success and happiness. Bless our mothers with the melody
of Your love, they who have shared how to speak, how to sing
and how to pray to You.
Bless all mothers with good things: with health, with joy, love, laughter and pride
in our children. Surround them with many good friends
to love and support them during the difficult and happy times.
We ask you this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Weekly Lunch Menu
May 7th
Sesame Chicken
Shelley Heller
Paula McClelland
May 8th
Firehouse Subs
Jen Schaefer
Michelle Streit
May 9th
Margaret Powell
Jodi Keller
May 12th
Chicken Sandwich
Kristin Dugan
Maureen Kenfield
Courtney Hanson
May 13th
Bunzel’s Tacos
Charlene Lyon
Maja Zagorac
Celeste Stick
Rachelle Cannestra
May 14th
Baked Potato
Maybel Sacramento
Jackie Powell
Heidi Toth
Sarah Gomez
Sheila Shirz
The newsletter is prepared each weekend. Please send submissions to by Saturday mornings. The latest anything can be accepted is Monday at noon.
A Message from Saint Jude Parish Trustees
Fiscal Year News:
Thank you so much to all the households who are current on their financial commitments and to
all of you who continue to support Saint Jude School.
Our school and our parish -- our collective spiritual home and our shared educational endeavor
– continue to thrive through God’s grace and the continued support of parents and
parishioners. We really appreciate your continued support. Without your help, the presence of
this dynamic Catholic faith community and educational institution in the heart of Wauwatosa
would suffer.
We are now just weeks away from the end of our fiscal year in June. You may not realize that
Saint Jude finished both of the last two years in the red. This means that, despite all the
fundraising and fee collection, and despite the careful analysis given to budgeting and paying
expenses, we nonetheless took in less money than we spent. While these operating deficits
were not huge, they nonetheless cause concern.
As the Parish trustees discussed at the annual parish meeting in the Fall, we all need to do
everything we can to avoid finishing in the red this year. The good news is that if we receive the
expected commitments from parish households, we will meet our current expenses. That’s true
even after including the steep increases in heating and snow-plowing that we experienced this
winter. The challenging news is that not all of us are yet current on our annual commitment.
So please complete your annual commitment to the parish soon, preferably well before the end
of the fiscal year. Maybe it would help to start your planning now as to how you will make that
last payment by the time you drop off your students on the last day of school.
Your Saint Jude Home and School Association asks you to join in expressing
appreciation to our Saint Jude faculty and staff. We have a number of activities
planned which we would like to share with you.
Monday, May 5th
Morning Announcements - A Teacher Appreciation Poem was read.
Teachers received a bag of red foil hearts in their mailboxes.
The message which accompanied the sweet treats read, “You enrich
our lives and sweeten our HEARTS.”
Tuesday, May 6th
Morning Announcements - Included with the announcements was a
special message - “Today a United States flag is being flown over
the top of the Wisconsin State Capitol in honor of our fabulous
teachers, administrators and support staff here at Saint Jude the
Apostle School. The parents and students of Saint Jude appreciate
all you do for us throughout the school year. Thank you!”
In the teachers’ lounge coffee and donuts were available for the
teachers. The special message for the day was “Donut I’d do
without a teacher like YOU!”
Wednesday, May 7th
Wednesday will be a RED CARPET MORNING! On the red
carpet will be stars with teachers’ and administrators’ names.
In the mailboxes will be individually wrapped s’mores with the
message “We need s’more teachers like you!”
Thursday, May 8th
In the mailboxes, teachers will find personalized water bottles
with the message, “Your love for teaching is extremely refreshing!”
Each teacher will receive a jar of notes with special messages from
the students.
Friday, May 9th
Teachers will be treated to a special luncheon, hosted by the Powell
During each of the three lunch sessions, one name of a teacher will
be drawn and the recipient will receive a special gift.
Flag Flown in Honor of Saint Jude Teachers
At the request of the Home and School Association, a United States Flag was flown over
the top of the Wisconsin State Capitol Building May 6th, 2014, in honor of the
outstanding, dedicated teachers, administrators, and support staff at Saint Jude the
Apostle School in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin. The flag and a certificate commemorating
the flying signed by the Senate Chief Clerk will be delivered to our school in the next
few weeks. This commemoration is part of National Teacher Appreciation Week which
runs from May 5th to May 9th. In an added note, we were excited to find out that our
4th grade students will be visiting the capital May 6th, the very day “our” flag is flying.
Congratulations, Meaghan!
Ten thousand Wisconsin students participated in National
History Day this year, and just under 600 middle school and
high school students attended the state event on Saturday at
Edgewood College in Madison. Of the 600 state
qualifiers, Saint Jude the Apostle School had an impressive
fourteen students who advanced on to state competition,
following local and regional competition.
We are very excited and proud to announce that 7th
grade student, Meaghan Buckholdt has advanced and
will be competing at the national level for her website
on the Keating- Owen Child Labor Act of 1916.
For those who would like to take a look at Meaghan’s
project, you can check it out at
Friday evening, many of the Saint Jude families met up at
the Hilton Monona Terrace for some swimming and then
headed off to a group dinner party at the Great Dane.
Saturday morning, many groups were up early and off to the
Dane County Farmers Market. Then everyone headed off to
a morning of competition.
From the students who attended the State competition, the
judges selected two Wisconsin representatives from each
junior and senior category, for a total of forty Wisconsin
representatives who will now compete at the national level
June 16th, at the University of Maryland.
Seventh grade parents will want to mark their
calendars for Thursday, June 5th.
On that day, at the 8:15 AM Mass,
we will be celebrating our annual
All-school Mass to honor our graduates and
welcome the 7th graders to their
upcoming leadership positions as 8th graders.
At the “Call to Leadership”, the 7th graders
acknowledge their upcoming leadership role,
recognizing that their words and actions will
impact the younger students. As 8th grade
role models, we look forward to witnessing
behavior and attitudes of trust, honor,
respect and responsibility.
For the remainder of the school year, the
parking lot between the west side of the
school and the Daycare building,
will be closed until 3:00 PM.
Recess and other school activities take
place in that area and any cars in that
area jeopardize the safety
of the students.
The south parking lot is open at all
times during the school day.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Mother’s Day Rose Sale
Roses will be sold the weekend
of May 10th and 11th after all Masses.
Roses are being sold for $2.00 to support
Wisconsin Right to Life Milwaukee
Chapter’s Educational Fund.
A rose is a symbol of life, so please
honor Mom and support life!
Milwaukee Wave
Summer Camps
The date for the Bloom for Girls presentation has been changed
to Sunday, May 18th. A new registration form can be found as a
separate page of the newsletter. Please submit your registration to
the school office by May 15th.
Half & Full-day Camps
information is available
in the school office.
Keep collecting now and through the summer.
We’ll be having another collection drive again next fall.
Saint Jude graduate, Hannah Turcinovic,
participated in the groundbreaking ceremony
for the new addition last week at DSHA.
Families recently received a flyer/registration
form for this year’s TOSA’S Night Out. The
event will be held Tuesday, August 6th at Hart
Park. The Flashlight Walk Against Crime
begins at 8:00 PM. Participants who officially
register for the Flashlight Walk Against Crime
will receive a commemorative t-shirt, flashlight
and sponsored checkpoint items along the 1.5
mile walk route. Registration forms may be
returned directly to school. The deadline for preregistrations is Friday, May 24th. For more
information, visit This
includes additional links, alternate registration
locations, and downloadable registration form.
Always wanted to take piano lessons but don’t
have the time to commit every week? Ms. Marissa Beckman’s piano studio is offering a “Pick
Your 8” lesson program for the summer. Just
schedule 8 lessons over the course of the summer for just $110 (just $13.00 per lesson!). Each
student receives a half hour private lesson tailored specifically to their needs and goals. Hey
band students! The “Pick Your 8” is available to
you as well! All levels welcomed, ages 4 and up
for piano and 3rd grade and up for band. Weekly
band and piano lessons are also available upon
request. Please contact Marissa Beckman at 262
914 0861 or for more
Students in grades 6, 7 and 8 who have maintained
placement on the Honor Roll and/or Principal’s Honor Roll
for the first, second and third quarters of their respective
grades are eligible to receive the Men of Saint Jude Award.
In addition, students who have placed in district, state or
national level academic competitions will receive recognition
awards from the Men of Saint Jude. The eighth grade
awards will be presented to those receiving the Outstanding
8th Grade Leadership Award, the Saint Jude School Service Award and
the Abby Bunzel Scholarship.
This year’s Men of Saint Jude Award Night is scheduled for Tuesday,
May 20th, at 7:00. The speaker for the evening is Maggie Fangmann, a
2009 graduate of Saint Jude School.
Students who are award winners will soon receive letters inviting
them and their families to this special event. If you do not receive a
letter and believe your child should be included in the roster of those
receiving awards, please notify the school office as soon as possible.
Cy Jung Memorial Blood Drive
Monday, May 12th
Please mark your calendars for the Cy Jung Blood Drive
on Monday, May 12th from 2:30 - 6:30 in the cafeteria.
You can reserve a time slot by contacting Mary Jo
Mance at 414-258-1432 or at
Join Us for Our Salute to Heroes
Thursday, May 22nd, at 8:15 in the new gym, Saint Jude School will be
holding a special prayer service honoring our heroes. At this time we
wish to recognize veterans, any current military, police officers, fire
fighters, first responders, etc. On a separate page of this newsletter, you
will find additional information and a form on which you can submit the
name(s) of the veteran(s), current military personnel or public servants
whom you know. We would like to receive those names by May 9th in
order to include them in the program we will be preparing. Please do
invite any hero you may know to join us for this special event.
A special evening for 6th, 7th and 8th
grade girls, their moms and other
special women in their lives.
Sunday, May 18th, from 6:30 - 8:00 PM
in the Saint Jude Activity Center.
See separate page of this week’s newsletter
for additional information and registration form.
Our spring clean-up day is scheduled
for Saturday, May 10th, from 8:00 until noon.
We need many volunteers.
Please bring gloves, rakes and other garden implements.
Seventh graders are reminded that they are required
to assist with either the fall/spring clean-up as part
of their service hour obligation.
High Interest Day is
Thursday, May 22nd.
Please volunteer to create
and instruct
a High Interest Day class.
Below are some class topics
we are looking for volunteers
to teach.
Paper airplanes
Lip gloss
Food - some food ideas are pretzels, puppy chow and lemonade
Scavenger hunt
Fleece pillows - prep help needed
Your own class ideas are welcome.
Class sessions run
40 to 45 minutes. You may run two, three or four sessions.
Prizes and trinket donations are needed.
To volunteer and join the fun, please contact Stephanie DiGiovanni
at 414-617-6305 or, Chrissy Zidanic
at or Adrienne Conradson
Please Pray for...
Mr. Lawrence Lopina, father of Mrs. Celeste Stick and grandfather of Patrick. Mr. Lopina fell recently and is hospitalized.
Mrs. Olga Dendromiris, mother of Maria Watson and grandmother of Ava and Niko. Mrs.Dendromiris is recovering from surgery.
Clarence Jackson, uncle of Torianna Kostuck and brother of Sherita Kostuck. Clarence Jackson is gravely ill.
Sister Imelda who is ill. Sister is one of the helpers who works with some of our first grade students.
Mr. Fran Powell (the bread man) and grandfather of Matthew, Luzita and Nicholas. Mr. Powell is ill.
Parishioner, Audrey Dalrymple, who is seriously ill.
Mrs. Laurie Gomez, mother of David (Sarah) Gomez. Mrs. Gomez is recovering from surgery.
Mrs. Mary Arms, mother of Mrs. Anna Lewandowski and grandmother of Isabelle.
Mrs. Mary Jo Roufus who is ill. Mrs. Roufus is the mother of Mrs. Denise (Tom) Waldoch and grandmother of Jeremy, Jacob and Joseph.
Mrs. Ingleborg Otter, the mother of Elizabeth Castaneda-Stoeger and grandmother of Oscar and Benj. Mrs. Otter is in the hospital and
needs the strength of prayer.
Saint Jude graduate, Father Will Prospero, who is ill. Father Prospero is the son of parishioners, Caesar and Charlene, brother of Tony and
Greg and uncle of Saint Jude alumni, Max, Gus and Gabe.
Programs & Sport Camps at Marquette High
Saint Jude School Service Award
Registration is open for Marquette University High School's new
Summer EXPLORE! Programs and Sport Camps. Summer EXPLORE!
programs provide learning and social opportunities for boys from all
schools entering grades 5 - 9. Programs are offered in Fine Arts,
Technology, History, Science, German, Forensics and Sports! This is
an ideal time for your student to make new friends and experience the
Marquette High community. Visit for more
information and to register. For Sport Camp information, visit For questions, contact JoAnn Cekanor at or 414-933-7220.
Applications are now being taken for the following
8th Grade Graduation Awards.
Willingness to give of one’s self is an attribute we value at Saint Jude School.
Eighth grade students with positive attitudes who consistently go the “extra
mile” for faculty, staff and fellow students are invited to apply for the Saint
Jude School Service Award. Students need to file resumes and apply for this
award by Friday, May 9th.
Outstanding 8th Grade
Leadership Award
For each of the three words below, change one letter to a T and
then rearrange the letters to spell a word related to driving.
To earn the Outstanding Leadership Award, students must exhibit a consistent
pattern of school or parish leadership, express respect for others, demonstrate a
positive attitude toward learning, participate at a high level during class, exhibit
a willingness to share knowledge by helping others, consistently cooperate with
the school staff, and maintain high academic achievement. Award recipients
must have maintained a 3.3 grade point average or above for the first three
quarters of 8th grade. Those being considered for the Outstanding Leadership
Award should have been active members and leaders throughout the school, in
their classes, and in various clubs or organizations during the Middle School
years. Applicants for this award should provide a resume which indicates
examples of leadership, not just involvement, over the years.
Eligible 8th grade students have received applications for these awards.
Additional copies are available in the school office.
Students need to file
resumes and apply for this award by Friday, May 9th. In addition, Middle
School teachers may make recommendations to the school administration for
recipients of this award.
Each eighth grade student has been given forms explaining in greater detail the
award requirements.
Hi! I’m sure you remember us from all the times
we visited your vegetable garden.
Mark your calendar and be sure to join us for our Grandparents and Special Friends Day which is scheduled
for Thursday, May 15th. This day will start off with Mass at 8:15, which will include the “Let Your Light Shine “
award presentation and reception. The annual Art Show is another highlight of the event.
We are pleased to announce the recipients of this year’s
Let Your Light Shine Awards:
Judge Christopher Foley - Alumni Award
Bob and Ruth Leffler - Alumni Parent Award
Bev Kreul - Let Your Light Shine Service Award
Tim Lewis - Rising Star Award
Look for the
form in today’s
Plan to attend the 3rd Annual Saint Jude Stampede
Friday, May 30th.
This is a parish-wide family event which includes
a one-mile walk or 5K run.
All this will be followed by food, fun and live music on the parish grounds.
We also need many volunteers
to make this event safe and successful.
You can find the online Sign-up Genius on
the parish website,
on the Stampede page or at the following link:
You may also
register and pay online
on the parish website
We are also looking for sponsorship for the event.
The sponsorship form is located on the Stampede page of the parish website.
Please consider helping with any of the following:
T-shirt sponsor (your company logo printed on back of Stampede t-shirts)
Tent sponsorship - 2 Available
$300 each
Starting Line/Finish Line Sponsorship
Porta-John sponsorship - 2 Available
$200 each
Water Stop sponsorship - 2 Available
$150 each
Mile Marker Sponsorship - 4 Available
Food/Fun Sponsorship: Buns, Brats, Hot Dogs, Candy, Kids’ Activities - 4 Available
$100 each
Water Bottle/Juice Box Sponsorship - 8 Available
$50 each
Please contact Kristin Dugan at if you are interested in any of the sponsorship options.
To be sure you receive your t-shirt in time for the Stampede, paper order forms must be received by Friday, May 16th.
To be sure you receive your t-shirt, online forms must be received by Sunday, May 18th.
for the 2014 - 2015 School Year
Wednesday, August 20th
Remainder of 2013 - 2014 School Year
Wednesday, May 7th
Thursday, May 15th
Tuesday, May 20th
Wednesday, May 21st
Thursday, May 22nd
Friday, May 23rd
Monday, May 26th
Friday, May 30th
Monday, June 2nd
Tuesday, June 3rd
Wednesday, June 4th
Thursday, June 5th
Friday, June 6th
All-school Mass at 8:15; May Crowning;
Second grade students receive Communion
for the first time at an all-school Mass.
All-school Mass at 8:15 AM;
Family and Friends Day and Let Your
Light Shine Awards and Reception
Men of Saint Jude Awards Night in
Church at 7:00 PM
All-school Mass at 8:15 AM
Honoring Our Heroes in Large Gym
at 8:15
No 3K Classes
4K and 5K have morning classes only
No School - Memorial Day Weekend
No School - Memorial Day
Dismissal at 11:00 AM for 8th Graders Only
5K Graduation at 2:00
Last Day of School for 3K, 4K and 5K
8th Grade Retreat at Holy Hill
8th Grade Trip to Chicago
All-school Liturgy to celebrate 8th Grade
Graduates and Call to Leadership for 7th
Graders; Breakfast for 8th Graders and
Guests Follows the Mass
Prayer Service in the Large Gym at 8:10
Dismissal for Summer Vacation at 9:15 AM
8th Grade Graduation at 6:15 PM
(Photos at 5:30 PM)
Thursday, August 21st
Monday, August 25th
August 26th - 28th
Friday, August 29th
New Parent Orientation at 6:30 PM
and Kindergarten Meet ‘n’ Greet at 7:30
Coordination Night from 4:00 - 6:00
First Day of School - Early Dismissal at 11:30
Full Days of School
Early Dismissal at 11:30 AM
Monday, September 1st
Tuesday, September 2nd
Friday, September 19th
Labor Day
Regular Schedule
Early Dismissal at 11:30 AM
Thursday October 9th
Friday, October 10th
Saturday, October 18th
Friday, October 24th
Saturday, October 25th
Friday, October 31st
Teachers’ Convention - No School
Teachers’ Convention - No School
Saint Jude Gala
Spooky Camp Bobcat
Walk for Education
Halloween Parade; Early Dismissal at 11:30
Friday, November 7th
Trivia Night
Wednesday, November 12th Early Dismissal at 11:30;
Conferences and Book Fair
Thursday, November 13th Conferences and Book Fair
Friday, November 14th
No School for Students
Wednesday, November 26th Early Dismissal at 11:30
Thursday, November 27th Thanksgiving
Friday, November 28th
Thanksgiving Break
Friday, December 12th
Friday, December 17th
Friday, December 19th
4K/5K Christmas Concert and
Gathering of Friends
Christmas Concert for Grades 1 - 5
Christmas Vacation at End of Day
Monday, January 5th
Sunday, January 25th
Monday, January 26th
Classes Resume
Winterfest Free Day
Thursday, February 19th
Friday, February 20th
Early Dismissal at 11:30
Archdiocesan Inservice - No School
Friday, March 13th
Early Dismissal at 11:30 AM
Thursday, April 2nd
Monday, April 13th
Saturday, April 25th
Sunday, April 26th
First Day of Easter Vacation
Classes Resume
First Communion
First Communion
Thursday, May 14th
Family & Friends Day and
Spirit of Saint Jude Awards
Art Show
Men of Saint Jude Award Night
High Interest Day
No School
Memorial Day - No School
Saint Jude Stampede
Tuesday, May 19th
Thursday, May 21st
Friday, May 22nd
Monday, May 25th
Friday, May 29th
Monday, June 1st
Tuesday, June 2nd
Thursday, June 4th
Friday, June 5th
Eighth Grade Only Dismissed at 11:00
5K Graduation
Last Day for 3K, 4K and 5K
8th Grade All-school Graduation
Liturgy and Breakfast
Prayer Service at 8:10
Dismissal for Summer Vacation at 9:15 AM
Graduation at 6:15 PM
Please note that this is a preliminary calendar for the 2014 - 2015 school year.
While we don’t expect any changes, it is possible that some adjustments could
be necessary. Do always check the weekly and monthly calendars which are
published in the newsletter and the Google Calendar which can always be
accessed from the parish website at
Dream Deals
Responsible Summer Babysitter Available
Current Saint Jude 6th Grader
Responsible, Enthusiastic and Fun!
Red Cross Certified
Contact Steve Schulte
Now that spring is officially here,
it’s time to start thinking about
summer clothing. Tops, shorts,
sandals and more can be found at
the Saint Jude Thrift Shop. Check
it out now and be prepared.
Solid Wood Loft
Fits a full size mattress.
Attached desk.
Call Jill Didier
at 414-748-5455.
Great selection! Great prices!
The Thrift Shop is open every
Wednesday and Saturday
from 9:00 until 3:00.
Holsen House
415 N 49th St
Milwaukee, WI
3 bedrooms, 1.5 bath
Kitchen Mart
updated kitchen & baths
Stone fireplace,
natural hardwood floors,
BICC, French doors,
Move In Ready!
Step-2 Swing Set; $150.00
If interested, please call 414-416-0315.
Spring Cleaning?
Looking for childcare for my 1½-year-old daughter.
Hours are 6:45 AM - 4:00 PM.
Will also need child care for the 2014 - 2015 school year.
Days/pay negotiable.
If interested, please contact Mrs. Adams at school.
Former Saint Jude student, currently a 16-year-old
sophomore at Pius XI High School seeking nanny position for the summer. I am an experienced caregiver as
I worked at a daycare. I have transportation to and from
your home. References available upon request.
Please email at
A new Saint Jude Family Math Night
is under construction and we would love the following:
old checker boards, old games missing pieces, cards,
poker chips, spinners, dice, commercial games
that are math-related, anything that could be used
for game markers/tokens/counters.
Please send items to the office or bring to Mrs. Mauk's
Room 201. Thank you very much!
Copies of summer activity flyers can be found
at File #3 of
May 30th
More information
Coming soon!
Saint Jude the Apostle School
Study Skills Course
Limited to 8 students.
Session Dates
August 11th - August 14th and August 15th
Session Times
August 11th - August 14th from 9:30 until 11:30 AM
August 15th from 9:30 - 10:30 AM
Mrs. Cathy Richter
Wauwatosa Public Library Conference Room
$200.00 All fees payable to Cathy Richter
at first tutoring session. Includes $75 registration fee.
If you are interested, please fill out the form which accompanies this note and return
with the registration fee on or before Friday, May 30th.
Enrollment is limited. Please sign up early.
Course Description
Preparing to Study
Taking Notes in Class
Learning Styles
A Strategy for Reading Textbooks
A Strategy for Reading Novels
Good Listening In Class
Solving Math Word Problems
Using Reference Sources
Writing Techniques
A Strategy for Taking Tests
Reading Comprehension
Remembering Information
Building Vocabulary
Writing a Research Paper
Making an Oral Presentation
Managing Time
Word Identification Strategies
Thank you very much for your interest.
Child’s Name ____________________________ Grade _____ Birthdate ____________________________
School, if not Saint Jude School ______________________________________________________________
Parent’s Name __________________________
Home Phone _______________ Work Phone________________ Cell Phone _____________________
$75 deposit payable to Cathy Richter at the school office - for office use only.
Saint Jude the Apostle School
May 2014
5th Grade
Orientation to
Middle School
at 6:30 PM
Mass at 8:15
Appreciation Week
First Communion
May Crowning
(2nd First
First Communion
4th Quarter
Progress Reports
Faculty Meeting
at 3:25
Faculty Luncheon
Mass at 8:15
Family and Friends
Let Your Light
Shine Awards
School Advisory
at 4:00
Art Show Set-up
Mass at 8:15
Art Show
Honoring Our Heroes Service
at 8:15 in New Gym
High Interest Day
to Follow
Men of Saint Jude
Awards at 7:00 PM
Finance Meeting
Memorial Day
High Interest Day
Mass at 8:15
Parish Council
Meeting at 7:00
No 3K
4K and 5K Classes
in Morning Only
No School
Saint Jude
Lunch Hour Supervision FAQs
I know I have lunch hour supervision sometime, but I don’t know my dates. How do I check
to see when I’m scheduled?
Go to and enter St. Jude’s code and password. Click on AAAAA LUNCH,
SUPERVISION. You will then see the files for calendar, list by family name, and the substitute
list. Every family is listed with their corresponding dates.
I can’t remember how many dates I might have left. How many lunch hour supervisions do
we have to fulfill?
Every family is responsible for either 4 dates for fall/spring (Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, March, April,
May, June) or 3 dates for winter (Dec, Jan, Feb). If you aren’t sure, look up your last name as
mentioned above.
I have a scheduling conflict and I can’t do my lunch hour supervision. What am I supposed
to do?
Ask a parent in one of your children’s classes to trade with you. You can look people
up in the directory or send an SOS via class email list explaining your situation. More
times than not, someone can step in to help you. Switch dates with them or pay them the
$20 to sub for you.
2. Open the sub list that is available at AAAAA LUNCH, SUPERVISION and click on
Playground Supervision Sub List for 2013 – 2014. Make some phone calls and find a
substitute. Pay him or her the $20.
Parents’ roles are vital to the safety of students during recess. It’s your
responsibility to find a substitute and “no shows” are fined.
Where do I go and when do I need to be there?
Please arrive for lunch hour supervision at 11:10. Go to the cafeteria and sign in on the
clipboard inside the first door to the kitchen. Please also take a lanyard that will give you a
specific station to supervise outside. This is important so that ALL areas of the playground are
supervised appropriately. Every lanyard lists the rules of each area as well. You will be
responsible for helping students in the cafeteria and supervision outdoor recess. Detailed
information is available on the bulletin board. Mike Mullen, safety officer, will help direct you
if you are not sure about what to do. Please refrain from cell phone use during supervision time.
Honoring Our Heroes
Our Veterans
Police Officers
Those Currently Serving
First Responders
Memorial Day 2014 will soon be here. Since we won’t be in school that day, we at Saint Jude School
would like to recognize at a special prayer service all in the Saint Jude community who serve or have served
our country in the military and/or our communities as police officers, firefighters, or first responders. We are
hoping to receive the names of Saint Jude parishioners as well as the names of parents, grandparents, uncles,
aunts, cousins, other family and friends of our community who have distinguished themselves through their
selfless commitment to our country and communities.
We wish to honor all who have helped to protect our freedom and our communities, whether dating back to
World War II veterans to those serving today. They all need to know how much they are appreciated for the
many sacrifices which they have made and continue to make. We will list the names we receive in our May
21st newsletter and include them in a special prayer remembrance on Thursday, May 22nd, at 8:15 AM in the
new gym. Students, parents, veterans and all who serve the public are invited to attend this brief service of
patriotic gratitude.
If you have a loved one who served in the military and is deceased, and would like his/her name included in the tribute and
prayers, please include that information below as well.
Your Family Name
Name of Person(s) Being Honored
Relationship to You
Name/Field of Service
Volunteer for High Interest Day,
Thursday, May 22nd.
Would you like to instruct
a fun or
interesting class?
Are you able to arrange
for a friend or organization
to participate?
Would you like to be part
of the support staff?
To volunteer, please contact Stephanie DiGiovanni
at 414-617-6305 or,
Chrissy Zidanic at or
Adrienne Conradson at
To volunteer for first and second grade, contact Michelle Pape
at or
Jenny Olejniczak at
To volunteer for kindergarten, contact Rachael Carter
at or
Jen Rentmeester at