November - Braeswood Place Homeowners Association
November - Braeswood Place Homeowners Association
Sentinel President’s Message November 2013 by Linda Barcot Braeswood Place Homeowners Association Voluntary Dues Payments A Deed-Restricted Community Does the Sentinel feel a little thicker this month? In this month’s edition we have a very long list of neighbors who have paid their dues. The majority of BPHA homeowners have the option to pay dues or not, with the exception of a small section with mandatory dues. Without recognition, neighbors fund the many expenses that our association bears. Thank you to our dues paying Members! 4010 Blue Bonnet Suite 112 Houston, TX 77025 713-666-7248 Have you paid your Annual membership dues? Pay online at: After many years of pushing and voting to keep dues low, I felt strongly that we should recognize the many neighbors who do pay. Please take a moment to read through this list to recognize the many neighbors who financially support this neighborhood. Listed are neighbors who paid before October 21. Next Board Meeting: Dedicated Service of our Volunteers Thursday, November 14, 7 pm – St. Vincent de Paul, 6800 Buffalo Speedway, Jamail Family Center Of Special Interest: Patrons/Supporters/Sus tainers Ice Cream Social-pg 4 Board Nominationspgs 5-6 Index: President’s Message 1 Calendar/Reminders 2 Security 3 Supporters Update 4 Members Party 4 Karl Young Park 4 Board Nominations 5-6 Recycling 6 BPMOYC 7 Mark Twain Elem 8 Pershing Pandas 7 Garden Club 8 Garden of Month 9 McGovern Library 9 Paid Dues 10-20 Advertisers 20-29 Contact Information 30 Many thanks to Catherine Hanslik for leading the Nomination Committee this year and for putting together our 2014 ballot. BPHA’s unsung heroes are the many neighbors who have tirelessly served our community over the years with little recognition. Janet Maxian has served in many roles over the past 30 years, including President and Security Chair, as she raised a family of three and worked outside of the home. Lisa Kantoff recently passed the baton after being Block Captain for 17 years. David Sears has volunteered his professional services for over 25 years reviewing building plans to be sure that they are in line with Deed Restrictions. There are many tireless volunteers who generously share their time. Feel free to send a note to the editor about your favorite Braeswood Place volunteer! Residential Parking Please be careful to not block driveways when parallel parking on the street. Please pull forward to the next possible space if you are not sure if you will block entry or exit from the driveway you are next to, or the one across the street. Fall Color Many thanks to Claire Bland and Austin Landscaping for the work that they will be doing to spruce up the esplanade end caps that we tried to beautify. This month they will get those esplanades up to an Austin Landscaping quality caliber, and I can hardly wait. Since we will not be looking to the trees for fall color, let us check out our fall colors in the flowers that will be planted. Many thanks to Austin Landscaping for donating the seasonal color that we will all soon enjoy! 1 BPHA BOARD MEETING Thursday, November 14, 2013 - 7 pm BPHA CALENDAR OF EVENTS November and December Tues Nov 5 Tues Nov 5 Mon Nov 11 Tues Nov 12 Wed Nov 13 Thurs Nov 14 Thurs Nov 14 Sat Nov 16 Mon Nov 18 Mon Nov 18 Mon Nov 18 Tues Nov 19 Tues Nov 19 Thurs Nov 21 Thurs Nov 28 Fri Nov 29 Fri Nov 29 Tues Dec 3 Thurs Dec 12 Thurs Dec 12 Mon Dec 16 Mon Dec 16 Tues Dec 17 Tues Dec 17 Thurs Dec 19 Wed Dec 25 Thurs Dec 26 Tues Dec 31 St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church, Recycle North of Brays Bayou ELECTION DAY! VETERAN’S DAY NO Garbage Pick Up TUESDAY Garbage Pick Up Recycle South of Brays Bayou BPHA Board Meeting, 7 pm, St. Vincent’s Patrons/Supporters/Sustainers Ice Cream Social, KYP Sentinel Deadline for December TREE Heavy Trash South of Braeswood* (except 3601 S. Braeswood to SL) BB Assn Mtg, 7:30 pm, 5310 S. Willow Recycle North of Brays Bayou TREE Heavy Trash North of Braeswood* (includes 3601 S. Braeswood to SL) BW Super Neighborhood Mtg. THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY. No trash pick up Recycle South of Brays Bayou THURSDAY Garbage Pick Up 6800 Buffalo Speedway, Jamail Family Center Residents are welcome to attend and observe Board meetings. We designate the first 15 minutes of BPHA Board meetings for “Open Feedback” by BPHA members who register in advance to speak. To register, members must call the BPHA Office, 713-666-7248, by 2 pm, Wednesday, November 13. The 15 minutes will be divided equally among the registered speakers with 5-minute maximum time for each. BUILDER’S PLEDGE OF MAINTENANCE Each month, builders agree to participate in BPHA’s Construction Guidelines and Pledge of Maintenance while constructing and remodeling homes in our area. By signing the pledge, these companies agree to follow a number of guidelines that make their construction site more “neighbor friendly”. We appreciate the builders’ commitment to our neighborhood! Recycle North of Brays Bayou Recycle South of Brays Bayou BPHA Board Meeting, 7 pm, St. Vincent’s Sentinel Deadline for January JUNK Heavy Trash South of Braeswood* (except 3601 S. Braeswood to SL) JUNK Heavy Trash North of Braeswood* (includes 3601 S. Braeswood to SL) Recycle North of Brays Bayou BW Super Neighborhood Meeting BPHA Office closed Recycle South of Brays Bayou Recycle North of Brays Bayou 3114 Glen Haven – Mod Fab Homes IMPORTANT BUILDING NOTICE Before beginning new construction, remodeling, or adding a room, driveway, or garage, you must submit three sets of plans for BPHA deed restriction review. There is a $200 fee for renovation plan review and a $500 fee for new construction plan review. BB-Brays Bayou, BW-Braeswood, KYP-Karl Young Park, SL-Stella Link LOST OR FOUND A PET? Contact the Braeswood Place Pet Rescue Group! ON ELECTION DAY – DON’T FORGET YOUR ID! Jill Wells – 713-592-8855 or 713-299-2150 “Finding homes for homeless animals and pets for petless homes” Remember that there is a new voter ID law in effect in Texas. You MUST have a PHOTO ID that matches your Voter Registration Card when you go to vote this November! 2 SECURITY INCIDENTS FOR SEPTEMBER Constable Patrol Statistics for August Alarm Responses Burglary of Habitation by Janet Maxian 20 2 Burglary of Motor Vehicles 2 Checks of Buildings/Schools 71 Checks of Parks 99 Checks of Residents Criminal Mischief Disturbances/Loud Noise Investigations of Suspicious Persons, Cars Major/Minor Accidents Traffic Monitoring (citations, warnings, arrests) Vacation Watches Assault Telephone Harrassment Miles Patrolled 118 1 6 39 0 264 276 2 1 5,993 BURGLARY/ROBBERIES – 3 Robberies nearby on 10/18, 10/21, 10/22. 1 Burlary on 10/21 at 8:30 am, 3000 block of Tilden. TRAFFIC MONITORING – Citations for: no inspection; no registration; failure to come to complete stop; illegally parked cars at KYP; no insurance; no driver’s license. Warnings for no headlights, defective brake light, speeding. ARRESTS – one motorist with outstanding warrants; one DWI. INVESTIGATIONS: – Activated residential alarms; Complaint of basketball goal blocking sidewalk; Gas leak – Centerpoint accident; Downed tree limb-COH notified and removed debris; Noise disturbance; Responded to call about vehicle blocking driveway; Responded to YMCA member who was vocally upset; Responded to local business where two female juveniles were found and returned to school. ASSISTANCE – Monitored school zones; Returned lost male to safety; Aided stranded motorists; Minor accidents in neighborhood. SUSPICIOUS PERSONS/VEHICLES – Some turned out to be solicitors who were cleared and asked to leave, one was a homeless person, a contractor and a newspaper delivery person. SECURITY NOTES by Janet Maxian You can find out about crime in and around our area reported to HPD by accessing the website: Follow these steps for our “Beat 15”: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Enter the weblink – Look for “Enter Crime Site” Accept terms Access “Recent Crimes” Download PDF and press click This will bring up a city map. Go to the top right side to the large, blue dot. First blue dot will allow access into 5 crime areas – murder, rape, aggravated assault, robbery and burglary. 8. Second search is “reporting options” – up to 30 days 9. Choose your “filter type” (beat, district, division, zip code) 10. Enter all the fields and the crime data will be listed 3 BPHA MEMBERSHIP UPDATE Patron (+$300) Donna & Steve Anton Michael Feighl Allison & Ian Perry Louise He & Bradford Gathright Scott & Linda Kelm Sustainers (+200) Renee Pool Paul & Brittany Schaefer Tom & Melanie Lux Bobby & Aleta O’Neal Barry & Kristin Palmer Pat & Debra Reardon Peter Scaff & Amy Nilson Anita Gokhale Gautam Borthaker PATRON, SUPPORTER AND SUSTAINER MEMBERS ICE CREAM SOCIAL by Rob Lee We are planning a good old fashioned Ice Cream Social as an appreciation party for those that contributed a little extra to become a Supporter or a Sustainer of BPHA. All Supporters and Sustainers and BPHA Board Members, please plan to attend our first Ice Cream Social on Saturday, November 16 from 2 - 4 pm at Karl Young in the pavilion. You have heard for years that only approximately 70% of the residents are paying membership dues. We want to thank those members who are helping us keep the dues down for everyone and allow us to do special projects that improve our neighborhood that we would not be able to otherwise undertake. In return, we want to offer a little extra benefit for those special members! For anyone who would like to become a Supporter or Sustainer, it is not too late to upgrade your membership! You can pay your dues now and include an extra $100 (Supporter) or $200 (Sustainer) along with your regular dues. Or, if you have already paid the regular dues, you can add to your membership by making the additional contribution to Brenda in our BPHA office. Our goal is to make Braeswood Place one of the most attractive and inviting neighborhoods in Houston. I would like to hear from you if you have any ideas on how to help us get more dues paying BPHA members or any other thoughts you might have on how we can improve things. My email is KARL YOUNG PARK – YOUR PARK! by Jarret Reeves Hello fellow Karl Young Park Patrons! I am delighted to be the new Chair of the park and am excited to build upon past successes. Right now, I am working with the city to fill some basic gaps such as mulching the playset, new sand in the sandbox, cleaning the pavilion area, and putting up “Do Not Litter” signs. We will call this Phase 1. However, post Phase 1, I am sure there are other initiatives we can execute to make the park more enjoyable, safe, and clean. With that being said, please forward any ideas you may have to No matter how crazy or basic the idea is, let’s get them on the table and see if we can move one or more forward. 4 BPHA 2013 BOARD ELECTIONS Submitted by BPHA Nominating Committee: Catherine Hanslik, Stormy Hayes-Knipe and Whitney Ogle Ballots will be mailed in early November 2013 to all current BPHA members (one ballot per household). Ballots must be returned or postmarked by November 29, 2013 to be counted. Replacement ballots will not be provided. However, any member who wants to claim the ballot in person may go to the BPHA Office (4010 Blue Bonnet, Suite 112) on Monday, November 11 between 10 am and 2 pm. Members will be asked to provide identification and sign for their ballot. The packet will include a ballot and a return envelope. Ballots will be counted during the last week of November and results will be posted at the BPHA Office and announced at the BPHA Board Meeting on December 12, 2013. Candidates were asked to submit short biographies, and those are included in this Sentinel. Board vacancies vary by area, and your ballot will contain only the candidates for which you are eligible to vote (Refer to BPHA website for area map – Please read about the candidates. Their contact information is listed if you have any questions. Due to the new Property Code Laws, each ballot must be signed in order to be counted, if contested. Please mark your ballots upon receipt and return them for counting. together to operate and maintain the Campus Park area as best as possible for appropriate usage and enjoyment. I have served Braeswood Place in various board and committee positions with BPHA for many years, and hope to continue to do so as VP-Central for the coming year, as we continue with positive action and solutions for improved drainage, support of our Constable Patrol, and other work towards the well-being of our community. I look forward to serving you again in 2014! Please call me anytime. Phone: 713-668-1535 VP WEST – Nicole Shah I am very pleased to be nominated for the position of VP- West for BPHA. During my inaugural year on the BPHA Board, I have been amazed by the other Board members’ commitment and dedication. It is refreshing to know how much everyone cares about our community. Plus, I truly enjoyed helping coordinate a very successful National Night Out. My husband, Shalin, and I moved to Braeswood Place in 2006. I fell in love with this neighborhood because of the friendly neighbors and strong sense of community. Currently, I stay at home with our two children. Our oldest son attends Mark Twain Elementary and our daughter attends St. Luke’s Day School. I look forward to the opportunity to further serve our wonderful neighborhood. Phone: 713-839-0595 TREASURER – Matt Malinsky My wife, Kahla and I moved to Braeswood Place in the summer of 2008 after returning to Houston from assignments in London and New York City. We feel very fortunate to live in such a great community. We have two children, Ella (9) and Lucas (7), both of whom attend Mark Twain Elementary. Kahla is a veterinarian and I am an audit partner with KPMG LLP, where I have worked since graduating with an accounting degree from Texas A&M University in 1993. I have enjoyed serving as Treasurer during the past five years and look forward to the opportunity to further serve our community. Phone: 713-336-3767 PRESIDENT – Linda Barcot My name is Linda Pack Barcot and I have been a resident of Braeswood Place since 2004. I have had the privilege to serve as BPHA President for 2013. I am a proud Mom of 3 boys, 2 of whom are Twain Tigers, and wife to Victor Barcot. I have truly enjoyed my time on the board these past several years and love actively participating in all of the good work that is done by the board, committee chairs and all of the other volunteers who support our community. I am happy to try to maintain the things that we love about our deed restricted community. I look forward to serving as BPHA President and am honored to stand on the shoulders of all who have come before me. 832-2178581 or VP EAST – Jack Stopnicki My name is Jack Stopnicki and I have lived in the neighborhood since 1988. I have served on various positions on the board including Area 12 director and chairman of the Neighborhood Street and Drainage Committee. I am currently in charge of Neighborhood Beautification. I am honored to serve as Vice President East. My wife Karen, and my son Ben, really enjoy the neighborhood and look forward to spending many more years here. I am self-employed and own the Ticket Stop, a business I started in 1989. I sell tickets to all concerts and sporting events in the Houston area and nationwide. My office is located just outside Braeswood Place at 6733 Stella Link at Bellaire. Email: VP CENTRAL – Bill Blackwood My wife, Brenda, and I have lived in Braeswood Place since 1989. Our two sons attended Mark Twain Elementary, Pershing Middle School, St. Thomas High School and are now both attending Texas A&M University. I lead the McGovern Park Advisory Council, in which the leaders of the participating organizations and entities of the McGovern Campus Park, including the schools’ leadership and PTO’s, work 5 BOARD NOMINATIONS, cont: enjoyed recording the minutes at the monthly BPHA Board meetings. As in the past, I will continue working with the BPHA Membership committee to increase the number of active members in both the home owners association and to support the Constable Patrol. With your vote, I can continue to serve my friends and neighbors in Area #12 and all of Braeswood Place. I look forward to continuing to serve and addressing the challenges ahead in our neighborhood. Thank you for this opportunity! Phone: 713-661-9346 SECRETARY – Stephen Ostrow My name is Stephen Ostrow and I am very pleased to be nominated for the Secretary position. My wife Karen and I have been residents and BPHA members for the last thirteen and a half years. During the last seven years it has been my privilege to serve as Secretary (2010 - 2013) and as Area 12 Director (2007 – 2009). This year has been both a busy and rewarding one and I . RECYLING AND TRASH UPDATE by Susie Laredo Let’s take a short quiz to see how well you remember what goes into your recycling cart! 1. Paper is great for recycling. I like to throw these in my recycling cart: A. empty pizza boxes B. used paper plates and napkins C. old cardboard boxes, broken down, folded flat. 2. When not in use, I like to store my recycling cart: A. out of view - in the garage, or on the side or back of my house B. right in front of my garage for easy access C. at the curb, so everyone can see my pretty new recycling cart! 3. After a party, we: A. drain and rinse empty bottles and put them in the recycling cart B. break the empty bottles so they take up less room C. put half-filled bottles in the recycling cart, just in case the recyclers want some. 4. If we end up with lots of recyclable items, we: A. put them all in plastic bags to keep them tidy, then throw the bags in the recycling cart B. place the items all mixed together in our recycling cart C. put the items in the cart mixed with Styrofoam peanuts to help it all pack nicely. 5. TRUE or FALSE? After working in the yard, we put all the clippings in our recycling cart. Nothing is more recyclable than leaves and twigs. 6. I just bought a 70-inch TV and now I have this huge box it came in. I will: A. put the box out on the curb so everyone can see I got a new TV B. jam it into the recycling cart even though it doesn’t fit quite right C. take it to the Westpark Recycling Center at 5900 Westpark. 7. These items are allowed in my recycling cart: A. Phone Books B. Magazines and Newspapers C. Rinsed and drained cans D. Rinsed and drained glass food and beverage bottles E. All of the above Answers and explanations: 1. C. Any item that has touched food will not be accepted by the recycling center due to possible contamination. 2 A. City of Houston ordinance requires that your recycling cart be placed out of sight, just like your trash can. 3 A. Glass bottles are accepted in the new recycling carts. They should be rinsed, drained and empty. 4 B. Plastic bags cannot be placed in your recycling cart. The reason is the bags get caught in the sorting machinery. Styrofoam of any sort is NOT allowed in the recycling carts. All of your recycling can now be mixed together in the cart. 5 False. Yard trimmings cannot be placed in your recycling cart. They should be placed in biodegradable bags approved by the City of Houston and placed at the curb at least 3 feet away from your trash and recycling carts. 6 C. Large boxes that will not fit in your cart are welcome at the Westpark Recycling Center at 5900 Westpark. 7 E. All these items are recyclable! 6 BRAESWOOD PLACE MOTHERS OF YOUNG CHILDREN by Karen Stopnicki October was a very busy month for the Moms! We enjoyed a lovely Couples Party at Miller Outdoor Theater with great food and lots of fun. A big thanks to Jean Crosby and Amanda Murray. We also got together for a relaxing and fun evening at Union Kitchen. Thank you to Bethany Lenhart and Whitney Casey for organizing and hosting our Mom’s Night Out. The month ended with a resounding and happy BOO! for the kids at the Halloween Party at Karl Young Park. Spook-tacular thanks to Lucrecia Bincaz, Cricket Dewalch and Sarah Eddlemon for organizing. So you see, all our events have wonderful volunteers that make them happen. If you are a member and interested in volunteering with the group, let me know at I can fill you in on the opportunities available in the upcoming year. Plans are underway for a wondrous Holiday Shopping Night this year. The event will take place on Wednesday, November 20 from 7 - 9 pm. Keep tuned into forthcoming emails with more details. This is going to be an awesome shopping night, not to be missed! Playgroup Information: Need to find some fun friends for your little one and meet some great new moms? Contact Jackie Pourciau Phillpott, playgroup coordinator at to find a playgroup for your child’s age. Want to Join? Check out our website, to learn more about our group. Membership in BPMOYC is limited to moms or expectant moms who live in Braeswood Place and the surrounding neighborhoods. To join or to ask any questions prior to joining, please send an email to Jody Martin at Include your name, address, neighborhood, and how you heard about us. If approved, Jody will send you an invitation to join our group on BigTent. Our membership fee is a very affordable $30 per year. STORK REPORT Amy and Peter Scaff welcomed their second son Connor Lee on September 30. Sarah and Corby Chaffin welcomed daughter Anne “Annie” Elizabeth on October 7. PERSHING PANDA NEWS by Ellen Fava A few reminders: November 2 – Pershing Food Truck Festival, 4-8 pm November 4-8 – Parent Magnet Awareness Week November 10 – Fall fanfare Adult Social at Kay’s, 3-8 pm November 14 – Fine Arts Showcase and Dinner, 6-8 pm. Catered by Gugliani’s Please view the Pershing website at for more information. 7 MARK TWAIN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL by Amy Allen Thank you to everyone that made our annual Spooky Spaghetti fundraiser a huge success. Thanks to all the sponsors, volunteers, attendees, staff and all the Spooky committee members led by Elecia Wheeler and Jennifer Griffith. It was a fun and spooktacular community event benefitting our school. The Mark Twain Book Fair will take place in the cafeteria November 11-15. The theme for this year’s Book Fair is “Paws for Reading.” Hours are from 7:30 am – 4 pm Monday – Thursday and 7:30 am –12 pm on Friday. On Thursday, November 14, the day will begin with the Story Book Parade at 8:30 am and end with Family Fun Night from 5–7 pm. Family Fun Night will include guest readers, crafts, games, Firehouse Subs and local children’s author Jo Harper. For more information contact Book Fair Co-Chairs Holly Lee at or Jennifer Fernandez at Additional Highlights from the November Calendar of Events: November 4-8 (Monday – Friday) – Magnet Awareness Week. School tours are available at 1 pm during Magnet Week. There will not be tours on Tuesday, November 5 due to Election Day. School tours are also available throughout the year on Tuesdays at 10 am by appointment only. Please contact Janelle Wade at for more information. Friday, November 8 – Annual Dad’s Campout at 5 pm. Dads, tents, games, pizza, movie, s’mores and more. Register at Wednesday, November 13 – PTO Meeting at 6:30 pm in the library. Childcare is provided and all parents are welcome and encouraged to attend. For more information visit BRAESWOOD PLACE GARDEN CLUB by Janet Maxian and Kathy Jenkins Monday, November 18 is the date of the next BPHA Garden Club meeting. We will meet at 3831 Gramercy. After our business meeting, Sharon Smith of Thompson+Hanson Nursery will demonstrate her skills at producing her unique Colorpots. She takes plants and herbs and puts them together in very creative ways. Her work has recently been shown in the Chronicle’s Saturday garden section. All are welcome to join us. If you have questions, please call 713-661-9939 or 713-668-4645. IN MEMORY OF CAROL LEWIS HEIDEMAN by Janet Maxian On October 2, 2013, Braeswood Place and the world lost a truly remarkable woman, Carol Lewis Heideman. Carol possessed a kind and giving disposition, creative talents and a courageous spirit. Braeswood Place benefitted greatly from these attributes. Carol gave tirelessly to improvements in this neighborhood, chairing a major tree planting project of 300+ live oak trees on the esplanades, chairing the first improvement to Karl Young Park, initiating this neighborhood’s recycling program and serving on the board of the Stella Link Redevelopment Association. Carol is survived by her husband, John, who is a former past President of BPHA, daughter Diana and husband, Andrew McClure, son Paul and wife April, grandchildren Constance Elin Heideman and Rhett Paul Heideman, and mother, Ruth. Carol was a dear friend to many of us and will be missed. 8 McGOVERN-STELLA LINK NEIGHBORHOOD LIBRARY NOVEMBER EVENTS Mon-12-8; Tues-10-6; Wed-12-8; Thurs-10-6; Fri-1-5; Sat-10-5; Sun-closed Library will be closed November 11, 28 and 29 Game Room – Daily after school from 4-5 pm (play XBOX 360, PS3 and Wii) Open Job Search Lab – Thursdays at 10 am all month ESL Open Lab – Tuesdays at 10 am all month Toddler Time(ages 1-3 years) – Tuesdays at 11 am all month Story Time(ages 3-5 years) – Thursdays at 11 am all month Baby Lapsit(ages 0-12 months) – Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11 am all month Chinese Class – Thursdays at 10 am all month E-book Open House – Every Wednesday at 12 and 6 pm (bring e-reader) Tune Time for Kids – Mondays and Wednesdays at 12:30 pm all month Pajama Storytime – Wednesdays at 7 pm all month Passports processed Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. Call for hours. GARDEN OF THE MONTH by Jackie Addington Yard of the month for November is located at 3750 Underwood, home of the Schnelle family. Especially fitting for this season is the whimsical pumpkin patch on either side of the front yard. A combination of pumpkins scattered among living sweet potato vines with field mice scattered about create this charming setting. Of special interest to residents with sloping yards which have not thrived in our heat and drought is the use of primarily native plants all around the sloped lawn of this corner lot. The very wide variety which are thriving beautifully include; three varieties of salvia, Mexican marigold, Russian and Mexican sage, Spanish lavender, pink gaura, bulbine, society garlic, knockout roses, rosemary, mint, yarrow, plumeria, blue dace, numerous grasses and agave, cone flower and Carolina jasmine. The homeowner does her own gardening and attributes her success to both research and trial and error. This lawn is worth a drive-by! HOME OF SCHNELLE FAMILY, 3750 UNDERWOOD 9 Braeswood Place Homeowners Association 2013 Dues Paying Members 3100 Aberdeen Way Larry & Naomi Foote Donald & Barbara Lazarz Hollis & Marcarita Young Chris & Irene Lahart Louis & Jessica Roddy Craig & Jonette Whitley 3200 Aberdeen Way Donald & Catherine Wylie Lee & Barbara Winderman Brian & Linda Carmichael Bill & Betsy Jansa Hank & Kristi Dentler 3300 Aberdeen Way Robert & Erica Burnette Jorge & Ana Rodriguez Mabelle E. Adams-Mayne Scott & Dena Segal Paul Fong Jonas & Carol Garcia 3500 Aberdeen Way Jim & Courtney Hawkins Maria & Orlando Budini Chris & Kristina Barr Robert & Sherry LaPrade Stuckey Builders Keith Rodecker & Linda Meyer Jason & Kristina Marsack 3600 Aberdeen Way David & Ann Rose Seth & Anne Chandler Howard & Karen Batt Robert Samen David & Nilgun Giray- Bellezza Fred & Betty Brooks Ronald & Patricia Brown Joseph & Carly Beauchamp John & Suzanne Caram Richard & Karen Klucznik Guillermo & Isabel Garcia-Manero Derek & Ashley Anthony Tommy & Jill Wells Mary Haus & Willard Holmes George & Barbara Batten Wayne & Mary Bader 3700 Aberdeen Way Gil & Ann Radtke Fay DeSale John & Nancy McCoy Steve Anton Drew Dillard Li Xin & Li Zhang Jay & Lisa Burgess Augustine Kim Cedric Siqueira Craig Shenkman Princeton Homes George & Mary Rustay 3800 Aberdeen Way Rebbecca Kortum Hung & Bao Nguyen Kyle Sanders James & Nita Schriver 4000 Aberdeen Way Elena Gacitua Henry & Maria-Celia Pastor Andrew & Alicja Kelly Christopher & DeAnna Estrada Spyros & Marian Catechis Shalin & Nicole Shah Brian Triche Elizabeth & Kevin Stavens Karen Daugherty Al & Kathleen Fenoy Julie & Darrin Schlegel Shalin & Nicole Shah Jim Lawson Paul & Ginny Kerlin Richard & Cheryle Hrachovy Jamie & Greg Grissom Louis & Elizabeth Sullivan Falk Poenisch & Tina Brieve Hardy & Liana Fairbanks LeRoy & Joanne Taylor Charles & Pat Perry Darren & Tami Johnson 4100 Aberdeen Way Mark & Silvia Jason Norma Eiman Edward or Jessie Godwin 6800 Academy St. Chi Vi Duong & Hui-Liang Loh Michael & Kelly Descioli 6900 Academy St. Andrew & Fabia Hill 7000 & 7400 Academy St. Craig Cavalier Steven & Megan Miller Sophie Yeo Richard & Laura Elwood David & Patricia Lassen 8400 Academy St. Vernon & Carol Whitney Andrew & Ellen Taer Shuhua & Jyhgong Hou Nick & Lauren Lindauer Zelma Etheredge & Nelda Shoup Daniel Horwitz & Tobi Cooper 3200 Bellefontaine St. David McLendon Charles Elliott Charles & Susan Baimbridge Stephan & Kelly Selinidis Paul A. Wood Charles Baimbridge Glenna & Khaled Sharafeldin James Hill & Juliana Marek David & Joni Calkins Kay Collins Artzberger 3300 Bellefontaine St. Jan Smith Bryan & Karen Simmons Sherif Armanious Martha Broussard Germaine & Donald Welch David Jacobs Donald Verser Jamil & Carter Higley Carlotta Ramirez Ava Plummer George & Jane Strickland 3500 Bellefontaine St. Judge Jerry & Mary Jane Smith Richard & Claire Lynch Gabriel & Kristin Assaad Antonio Buenaflor Victor Makris Michael Davidson Sung Won Jung Walid Baaklini & Helen Nahhal Roy Pruden 3600 Bellefontaine St. Peter Lang & Jeanine Graf Kevin & Wendy Yamamoto Christopher & Juliette Davin Erik & Angela Mazur William & Yvette Hill Tony & Dana Olive Rosemary Batson Robert & Jackie Phillpott Vollie & Carol Sponseller Chris Magnus & Sarah Blutt Susan Kherkher Terry & Bates Martin Desmond Hoebig Paul & Namieta Janssen 3700 Bellefontaine St. Aaron & Ashley Baxter Robert & Gerry Bosworth Clinton & Mary Brisco Jeff & Dolly Thomas Don Edwards Edward & Linda Schneider William & Cynthia Sudela Doug & Kim MacInerney Gary & Theo Szurek Andrew & Katherine Cafcalas Susan White Milton & Yava Scott Stephan Mason Demo & Christina Kouzounis Christopher Reinecker Paul & Hedda Kahl Joe & Jean Koshy Chester & Heather Barrow Nadia Michel & Samer Fakhri 3800 Bellefontaine St. Lastenia Pineda Sean & Edit Churchill Perryn & Caroline Leech Lastenia Pineda David Weekley Homes Ben & Angela Carranza Rachel & Thyilmapurathu Samuel Tom Lindsay & Anne McGauley Thomas Lindsay 4000 Bellefontaine St. Howying Liou Gary & Jill Hughes Jill Hughes Doris Huang & Chicheng Yeh 4000 Bellefontaine St. (cont.) Leif Allred & Laura Pressley Jiha Kim & Sangdeuk Ha Jihui Oiu Jarfee Yung Theodore Ballent Catherine Bell Lone Star Bldg. Construction James & Nancy Trimble Tim Cornelson Rosalind McLeroy Patrick & Alida Zweidler-McKay Christian & Elizabeth Groff Frank & Sheryl Burge Donna & Gerry Rein Blanche J Burkhalter Hiroshi & Yumi Katayama Doran & Laurie Levin James & LaVonne Rytting Sam & Sally Luber Lisa & Jeff Beard 4100 Bellefontaine St. Oida Townsen Richard Willson & Aniko Sabo John Swerdlow Richard & Margaret Vinson Brad & Madonna Bauch Brian & Mitzi Hoffman Wanglsee & Angela Mo Danny & Lori Hood McClung Jason & Rebecca King Joy & Wagner Williams Geraldine Brock Grady Fenner & Gwen Hulsey Orin & Lorraine Lewis Janet Tudor 3000 Blue Bonnet Blvd. Ron Maor David Rabinowitz William Laing Mona Sarkiss & Omar Aboudaher 3100 Blue Bonnet Blvd. Lai Mao & Lei Chen David Roberts & Nancy Templeton Stephen & Martha Tyler Edgar Castro Edward Bednorz Richard Goldman Vuh & Nikki Bui 3200 Blue Bonnet Blvd. Clark Warthen Group Sharon Kann Michael & Aymara Risch Lidong Qin 3300 Blue Bonnet Blvd. Rolando & Edith Rambaut Roger & Suzanne White 3306 Blue Bonnet Trust Ken & Virginia Bartunek Jack Stopnicki Alex Guevara 3500 Blue Bonnet Blvd. Franklin Singer Christopher & Melissa Murrah Tom Daly Keith & Ilse Rassin Matt & Judy Howard Don Nelson Ignacio Valdes Collin & Erin E. Salisbury 3600 Blue Bonnet Blvd. James Colthart & Jackie Simon David & Kim Swales Steven Schuler Erik Hawes & Melissa Giles James Davis Ignacio Bincaz Robert & Dayna Burnett Charles & Elizabeth Dial Jordan & Lauren Mintz Richard Kirsten & Elizabeth Fowler Rashmi & Sanjeev Rode Linda Robson Jerry & Lynn Tauber JIm & Michele Foreman Henry & Linda Pownall 3700 Blue Bonnet Blvd. Joshua & Rachel Jacobs Caldwell & Claire Cassidy Flet Scott & Claire McDonald Vince & Pam Ryan Jay & Tricia Young Bill Byerly Robert & Denise Burton Judy & Philip Giles Stephen & April Siegfried 4000 Blue Bonnet Blvd. Thomas Ames Dorothy Geyer Osvaldo & Felecita Castagnino Peng Roc Chen & June Yao Jung Hoon Kim & Hyun Seon Kang Yiping Li & Wei Liu Brent & Cassie Gallagher John Lovett 4100 Blue Bonnet Blvd. Laura Folse Danielle Garsin & Michael Lorenz Mike & Gina Pepchinski Robert & Janet McDow Jacqueline Clark Kevin Davidson James Sonnier & Peggy Christman Jane Colfer Alan & Jennifer Nahman David & Sylvia Baker Linda & Kevin Burns Rick Ferguson Charles & Jane Segal Bailey Joe & Virginia Peters 8400 Braes Blvd. Michael & Susan Murphy Karen Spearman Jake Everett Randy & Cindi Simpson 3600 Broadmead Dr. Ralph Butler Phillip & Julie Brunson John & Jacquelyn Bland Helen Rosenzweig Dorothy Claiborn Karen Anderson Kathy Cowan & Larry Blake Freddy & Allison Feldman Laura Grubb Mary Eva Coley Dustin & Christina Wilkerson Betty Brenner 7700&7800 Buffalo Speedway Jayanti & Madhu Patel Kay McKechnie John Tsai & Karen Lang 8000 Buffalo Speedway Phillyis Rogers Robert Huddleston 8300 Buffalo Speedway Dottie Williams JoAnn Christiansen Allan King Hector Garcia Frank Chow 3100 Castlewood St. Bethkristi Co & Beth Sweet Erin Chambers Gould & Brandon Gould Robert Schrock Berniece Williams Darbe & Shannon Gosda Adam Roth Ellis Freitag Ballard & Mary Burgher Billy Pilgrim Margaret Smith Ron & Mary Robins & Emily Brabo 3300 Drummond St. Paul & Jennifer Osteen Jill & Jeff Young 3500 Drummond St. Tom & Sarah Niermeyer Karen & Stephen Ostrow Steven & Adriana Borsos David K & Kim H Brown Kenneth & Cindy McDowell Mark Speets & Wendy Kirby Christopher Betz Robert & Joanne Eisenberger 3600 Drummond St. Hugh & Margaret Crump Matthew Borgmeyer Elizabeth & Lloyd Conaway Joy Hartley Michael & Karen Huhnke Mark Tatam Gustavo Hincapie Elaine Whitley Elizabeth & Jose Vittor Steven Weisberger & Denise Marks O.J. & S Lynn Tauber Philip & Deepa Alapat Pat & Teresa Franey Gustavo & Lydia Roman Ken & Gretchen Penny Scott & Jennifer Hanks Dan & Yvette Jackson Colleen Walsh 3100 Conway St. 3700 Drummond St. 3200 Castlewood St. Issa Tannous Brian & Susan Fischer Maury & Dana Walker Mary Kathryn Casey Walt & Sissy Boyer Daniel Mills & Myriam McChargue John & Rosalie Fazzino 3600 Deal St. Mildred Munoz Jeff Shadwick Rui & David Roberts Harold Hemstreet Bernard Aresu Dan Seilheimer & Barbara Reid Carrie Toffoletto Roy McMullen Ricardo Rivero 3200 Drummond St. Troy & Nikki Deltz Bruce Goldfarb Jim & Pam Gaspar Michele & Don Gibbons James D'Agostino Michael & Jessica Kent Albert & Melanie Geisendorff Chris & Debra Lantzy Yarbrough Michael & Leigh Hines John Stegnik & Janet Schwind John Thomas & Dawn Malone David & Courtney Lipp Harry & Janice Schindeler Crof David & Courtney Lipp Lee & Tracie Reichel Guy & Melissa Aldrich Chris & Lori Potocki Gotlieb Charles Tsang & Tina Noel Zack & Jill Clement Elizabeth Varney WalterJohns & Sherry Adams Shelly & David Katz Tuppen Bourianoff Ashwin & Sheena Pimpalwar 3800 Drummond St. Robert Yetman 3800 Drummond St. (cont.) Dorothy Spencer Guillermo & Maria Clarin William & Linda Thomson Jose & Magdalena Ramirez Michael P Shih & Janice S Shen Winston Huh & Elizabeth Escobedo Mark Kalinsky Richard & Sharon Kammerman Kristin Wingenroth & Paul Blankenship Jerry Wiesner & Pamela Clark John Kozakis Kyle & Shannono Eskue Jason & Jennifer Trotter Hafne Michael & Ellen Newman Maria Alma Rodriguez Paula Vance & Duane May 4000 Drummond St. Mark & Amy Potts Rake Burudgunte Gang Zheng & Weimin Zhao Bettye Pennington Laurence & Linda Quintanilla M Alex & Angela Holmes Clinton & Ginger Berni Ginger Durrill Ian & Meagan Lilly Marsac Tiffany Tarrant Thomas Otjen Pete Poulos Michael & Rebecca Cole Porter Stephen Thompson Russell & Mary Schulze Tom & Pat Berwick Ann & Mary Poulos Tom & Earlene Stewart Brian & Wynne Newell Weeks Chunlei Zhang Brian & Erin Orzeck Goldman 4100 Drummond St. David & Dodie Blake Carla Delony Steven & Martha Curry Clemens & Louise Horst Emil & Jennifer Fernandez Charles Graml Paul & Kathryn Weathers 3500 Dumbarton St. Tom & Karen O'Brien Rex & Maria Grey Brian Silver Tom & Sarah Niermeyer 3500 Dumbarton St. (cont.) Ben & Kathy Lee Steve & Donna Anton Sheila & Dan Berggren Steve Anton James & Lotus Martin Armando & Christine Orengo- Chavez 3600 Dumbarton St. Tom & Stephanie Payton Earl Weed Andy & Kaye Cates Fisher Reynolds Greg & Claire Bassett Mike & Mary Monks Dolores Ashford Thomas & Dianne O'Neill Karin Singley Violante Donna Drawe John & Carol Heideman Doris Rodriguez Bart & Diane Ashford Sinclair Sanford Stephens Charles & Joyce Medlin 3700 Dumbarton St. Mrs. Harry R. Touchy Todd & Janie Mason Fred Crowder Prashant & Hira Lotlikar Bill Rademacher Janice Kelly Connie Tuthill Lee & Claire Reeves Larry Martin William & Katherine Macey William & Clara Fuge 4000 Dumbarton St. Homayon Sidiq & Aafia Azhar Rob & IVonne Dominguez Ping Tan & Chunyan Fang Nand & Meenakhi Vyas Diane Maskey Kevin & Pam Finkel Steven & Leslie Boyd Al & Beth Atkinson Aaron & Leslie Roffwarg Dale & Carol Brant Julie Gold Dovie Morgan Poe & Patricia Reed M. Hossein David & Angela Lee 4000 Dumbarton St. (cont.) Lisa Kantoff Eric & Jennifer Enos 4100 Dumbarton St. Ratna & Vivek Sarkar Brian & Susan Welch Michael & Karen Maraldo Paul & Pat Johnson Erin C & Mark J Packwood Norman & Karyn Nabhan Gary & Dagmar Beck Gary Grote 3300 Durness Way Hector Moreno James Leif Jordan and Amy Pincu Margaret Badeaux Bob & Karyn Carmical 3500 Durness Way Glenn Kerrigan Bethkristi Company Paul & Donna Mendez John & Suzanne Milner West B. Bruce McFarlin & Kelty Baker Deanna & Gilbert Garcia Eduardo & Diana Diaz Johanna & Robert Norvell Gary & Cara Doughty Brene Brown & Steve Alley 3600 Durness Way Harold & Donna Vanderweide Kenneth & Amy Weiss Jaime & Margarita Ortiz Scott & Eileen Singleton Craig & Kristin Allen Jeff & Milena Newhook Jon & Laura Danos Ritu & Siddartha Sachdeva Bradley & Denise Chase Lynn & Susan Belling-Hausen Robert Guynn Michele Joy Philip & JoAnn McCormick 3700 Durness Way Scott & Stephanie Sanders Prasanth & Allison Boyareddiga Jeff Forbis David & Loretta Elledge Mark & Laura Zivley 3700 Durness Way (cont.) Gail Glass Brian & Annie Dunkin Todd Mensing & Sara Jurney John & Margaret McConn Zephry & Amy Moss Bradley & Lisa Smolen William & Tiffany Hawkins Don & Joanie Jacobsen Lenn Kelly & Jean Kelly Nicholson Tom & Erin Stus Jeff & Ana Perez Snyder Bradley & Laura Frank German & Diana Fraustro Madeline Mauk & Mary J Sommerfield Patrick & Carol Brady 3800 Durness Way 7200 Edloe St. Dominique & Jason Dyer Razouk & Mary Kherkher John & Beth Cahill 3100&3200 Fairhope St. Marlin Wogstad & Susan DeVinny Christopher & Evelyn Saxon Charles Parker Ann Alexander Marilyn Knight Hongbin Wang Willam Baumeyer Joseph Hsu Lynn Huffman Robert Udell R.W. Aldridge Jake & Jennifer Kushner Jerry & Cindy McClain Glenn & Camille Cunningham Carly & Jon Lee James & Patricia Allen Donald & Robin Wayne Kelly & JoAnn Elmore Brad & Ellen Spalding Dau-fan Wang & David Chen George Hope Giavanni & Allison Diano Marjorie Kochran Joseph & Kathleen Eichberg A. Doodeheefver Christopher Krause & Lynn Morstead Megan & Kevin Kaplan Janie Yao & Yan Pan Tamara Norwood Patrick Kee Scott & April Lynch Frank & Rejane Hayden Scott & Jean Ann Crosby Troung Dang & Loan Ngo Xiaoqing Liu Scott & Jill Ferguson Brent & Jennifer Hyman Gary & Georgia Petering Pincus & Helen Brounes Sean & Tracy Martin Eric & Kerry Schachter Louis & Helen Maher Jack & Toby Segal Satyanarayana V & Sarada Mangu Jonathan & Margaret Greene Thomas & Judy Crow 4000 Durness Way 4100 Falkirk Ln. John & Lisa Gilchrist Sprowls Jim & Sandra Thompson James P Lehmann Kenneth & Patricia Solway Eric Boerwinkle & Vicki Huff Michael & Nan Duhon Cecilia Clementi Wally & Ann Ford 4100 Durness Way Doug Kennedy Scott & Karin Williams Raji & Potu Rao Monica Ryan Stacey & Scott Butler 4000 Falkirk Ln. Velma Rice Mary & Steve Broome Helen Blumberg Manley & Audrey Mandel Mike & Betsy Liau Timothy & Shannon French Revel Michael A & Alicia B Davies Arthur & Rebecca Grove Irma Frankel 4100 Gairloch Ln. Todd & David Meliza Kulp Nir & Blythe Grossman Marvin & Helen Meistrich Carl & Mary Ann Chua Yao Lisa & Richard Carlos 4100 Gairloch Ln. (cont.) Yun Wu Tsang Drake & Joan Terrell Scott & Reina Schmulson McMill David & Marlene Friedman Barbara Montet 3500&3600 Glen Arbor Dr. Eric Barvin James Davis Grant Harpold Jill & Gregg Jackson Grace Mosby 3000 Glen Haven Blvd. Betty Luman Charles Kuck John & Valerie Box Evelyn Williams 3100 Glen Haven Blvd. Louis Houck Mohsin & Seema Mir Joe & Charlotte White Tom & Paula Leis Peeler Bruce & Mary Fehr 3200 Glen Haven Blvd. Darrell & Lesley Whitley Hoi Shan Kwan & Suk Chun Cheng BAS Concepts John & Eileen Debo Allison Parker Michael & Beth Chambers 3300 Glen Haven Blvd. Michael & Beth Chambers Hugh & Kristin Hamilton Nick & Candice Goodwin Robert Bass Sandy Tyer 3500 Glen Haven Blvd. Nancy Oncken Thomas Riggs Eric & Shazia Khan Steve Tostengard Albert & Joan Gunn Jessica Brown & Gabriel Mena Fabrizio & Sibyle Gabbiani Eric Yota Yang James & Dorsey Halbouty Steven & Deborah Brochstein He 3600 Glen Haven Blvd. Mark & Jodi Nolen Ben Pearlman Marshall D Lang Rob & Rachel Lee Jack & Martha Chailer Clovis & Barbara McArthur Doug & Carrie Campbell Elizabeth Ann Hughes Thomas & Kristen Nerz Jean-Nicolas & Evelyn Vauthey Tom & Sue Neville Charlie & Lisa Gasper Jeff & Joy Lee Marcelle Mallory & Joel Silverman Andy & Robin Rambin Al & Kathleen Wiesenthal Brent & Kelley Southwell Jeff & Julie Streich 3700 Glen Haven Blvd. Jim & Ann Ainsworth Gabrielle Patout Kathleen Kennedy Pat & Maureen Swanson Gerald & Jennifer Ducey Blanche McNally Donald & Linda Hayes Phil McCormick Jr Chandler Davidson & Sharon Plummer Misty Mach Weihs Roupon & Sylvia Dekmezian Donald & Andrea Blanton M. Ruhi & Fatma Ozgel George & Dorey Zodrow 3500 Gramercy St. John & Kelly Larkin Ric Guenther Colleen Morris & Doug Coleman Corey & Margaret Brown Wlater & Frances Pagel Amy & Jason Cooper Pamela Soliman & Russell Content Walter & Cindy Murphy David & Emily Ahlquist 3600 Gramercy St. Timothy & Brenda Williamson Alton & Nancy Milrany George & Jill Schaar Caflisch Larry Russell & Regina Lederman William & Susan Gallagher Durh Allan Ring & JoAnn Peeks 3600 Gramercy St. (cont.) Soli Forouzan Linda & Victor Barcot Sam & Jana Gay Chris & Divya Brown Samuel & Michele Stewart 3700 Gramercy St. Ranjit & Hiroko Sato Singh Hugh & Judy Plummer Michael & Rona Sonabend Tony Stegman Paul & Cathy Duke Matthew Malon & Yalilia Guerrero Jason & Kimberly Schlanger Amy Arvey Leitner Manuel Vera & Luisa Meouchi David Hansen Frank Sortin Eric Jan & Eva Chang 3800 Gramercy St. Marvin & Pat Johnson Beth Gunn Rose Khavari & Ali Jalali Kathy Jenkins Janet Maxian Scott Daniel Peggy Hurley & Allen Carlson Alan & Anita Ying Sucheta & Lal B. Thukral Huan Minh Truong & Tri Tuc Vo Angulo Ana Gonzales 4000 Gramercy St. John & Ayumi Sardar Kent & Beth Brock Roberta Kowalishin Kyle & Claire Teas Cecile Doughty 4100 Gramercy St. Clay & Kim Cauthorn Tom & Lisa Laird George & Jennifer McCormick Ashley & Travis Landers Michele Baun Glen & Maureen Kilgore Chuck Butler Shirley Tang & William Wang James C. & Carla Holly Vincent & Ellen Leeman Brad & Janet Robertson James & Anne Lee Stafford 3300 Grennoch Ln. Irvin Serra & Thomas G Serrentino James & Sarah Carpentieri-Asbu Richard & Eileen Stade Wei & Fei Yu 3500 Grennoch Ln. Richard & Patricia Legler William & Sandy Lowe Robert & Bonnie Glisson Ted & Suzanne Barrall Maurie & Lynne Lorenz Marcus & Jody Martin Paul & Nancy Whitford Darst 3600 Grennoch Ln. Bernard & Patty Dems James & Sarah Baker Carolyn Rolsten James & Sarah Baker Cate Ebbs Burdett & Kathleen Dunbar Bernard & Linda Marino Davis & Emily Adams Ben & Elizabeth Smith Chris & Kristin Morran Richard & Byrd Powell Bill & Brenda Blackwood 3700 Grennoch Ln. John & Beverly Lott Ronnie & Debbie Hale Tom & Kathy Wadley Garfield & Jakeen Johnson David & Linda Castaneda Edourd & Marta Phillippe William & Marjorie Moore John Shupe Jeff & Barbara Maxey Ken & JoAnne Ritacca Goldsmith Doug Morris & Betsy Brehm-Morris Chad & Whitney Casey Carol Gradziel Jim & Liz Brigman Ed & Mary Hungerford 3800 Grennoch Ln. Greggory & Susan Baars Merav & Eyal Gilboa David Weekley Homes Richard & Carol Simmons Jeffrey & Madeline Rosen Paul & Michele Pilibosian Minnie Jackson 3800 Grennoch Ln. (cont.) Thibodeaux Daniel & Danielle Bass Adam Bayar & Dana Kober Jim Claffy & Bob Orleanski Christopher & Marlane Orth Hedley Hichens Ronny & Ruth Barner 4000 Grennoch Ln. Barbara Hutchings Andres & Marily Stephens Leday Gary Hancock JoAnn Klar Charles & Cathy Guo Sarah Crane Jeff & Kathy Taebel Sudipto & Sudeshna Sen Shelly Bangerter William Salathiel Vada Brady Mark & Kathryn Dillon Motard Dan Wagner & Anna Horowitz Adam & Brooke Lasics Greg & Liz Bernica Stanley & Mary Bujnowski Jose & Elena Perez Kirby & Koetting Jackson Thomas Burttschell 4100 Grennoch Ln. William & Michele Hayes Dottie McDonald James & Louise Wooten Eric Beam & Mary Johns Virgil & Peggy Haney Don & Jane Faber Glen & Esther Jenkins John & Jeanette Cash Divyakant & Hansa Parikh Mahendra & Prabha Korivi Cory Jammal Alex Ignatiev 8500-8700 Ilona Ln. Lois Jackson Robert Emmot Michael Scheurer James Farek Brandon Clark & Maria Maldonado-Sanchez 4000 Lanark Ln. Evelyn & Yale Schorr 4000 Lanark Ln. (cont.) Armando & Nilda Florido Bill & Brenda Meyer Donald & Barbara Buckner Robert Ling & Yungtsun Tsang Tom & Ellie Samuels Dean & Jane Gladden John & Polly Collier Mohammed Salhoot Joseph & Leslie Abuso Bobbie Stavinoha 4100 Lanark Ln. Emilio & Lina Martinez Yves & Rebecca Giot Nadir & Christine Rasheed Cliff & Angela Stanich Barron & Jana Bogatto Mick & Shirin Rasheed Will & Virginia Sisson Maze Forrest & Audrey Wylie Chad & Bethany Pedley Doron & Laurie Levin Alain & Rebecca Katic Kevin & Marsha Hennigan Reena Hermoso Christine Kaczmarek-Young Michael & Patricia Inselmann Neel & Lisa Bonner David Beck Lookout Court Mark New Howard & Trish Heald Mark Grisham 3000 Maroneal St. Amber Podoll Steve Shiller Anne & Konstantinos Papakonsta 3100 Maroneal St. Mina Hoyer Wheless Rafael & Alda Luz Molano James & Theresa Loh Christopher Collins 3200 Maroneal St. Margaret Lewis Murray & Elizabeth Novy Caren & Lawrence Whitehead George William Bickford Curtis Culver Danny Feux 3200 Maroneal St. (cont.) Bradford Hovious Joe & Ashley Anderson Mueth Jan Roberts Robert & Alicia Brooks Gregory & Mary Lyons Diana Fuchs Scott Nguyen & Jana Guerrero Robert & Ellin Grossman Peter & Cynthia Dempsey Howard Batt Joe & Janice Wilson Martin Korbling 3300 Maroneal St. Jane Paton Andrew Schumacher Roy Touchy & Lori Stiffler Jon Patrick & Rebecca Oliver Thomas & Dawna Menges David & Lori Hessel Michael & Margaret Hansen Konstantin & Irina Mardanov Richard Walker Kenneth & Judy Nadolny Jonathan & Nancy Sheiman David Burns Valentin Dragoi Jerry & Lynne Singerman Douglas Miller & Sherri Zack Marvin Chancellor & Karen Noecker John Green Frank Pargac Florence Hlavaty Beverly Ann Rhodes Christopher Magnus Mary Federer James & Melinda Noel 3500 Maroneal St. Nicole Ehni Kurt Rasmussen & Karen Cockrell Rick & Valorie Steinhart Kathleen Sayers Jeffrey & Carol Bowman John & Catherine Joe Ronnie & Sharon Keller Maurine Harris Brent & Martha Jernigan 3600 Maroneal St. Alan & Carolyn Swan Oscar & Maria Mangini Constance Sechelski Helen & Eugene Kim 3600 Maroneal St. (cont.) Carroll Oubre Mitchell & Ann Liberman Dick & Frances Bogatto Rosemary Batson Randy & Karen Walters Marcks Eric & Laura Thomas Mark Schusterman Tom & Clare Friedman Sean & Teresia O'Connor David & Cheryl Lawrence Stephen & Karen Stuyck Theldon & Ester Branch F.B. Hagemeister 3700 Maroneal St. Ehab & Sylvie Hanna Jeff Fleming & Kit Flanagan Paul & Katie Bosman Stephen & April Siegfried Justin & Emily Harbison Don & Rita Vessels Mark & Laurel Carleton Jason & Laura Bumgarten Henry & Laura Heyser Roger & Kirsten Herrscher Timothy & Kristina Drone Melanie & Christopher Bibb James & Mary Thomas Martin & Barbara Bronstein Chris & Anne Godinich Peter & Cheryl Fasullo 3200 Merrick St. Tuan & Giao Nguyen Greg & Elecia Wheeler Patty Neva Lynn Ron & Kathleen Smalky Tintner John Garber & Seong Shin Ra 3300 Merrick St. Alvin & Mary Beyer David & Lois Coyle Thomas & Susan Pokorny Egolf Christopher & Victoria Skinner Jack & Kristin Ownby John & Bethany Lenhart 3500 Merrick St. David & Michelle Feavel Naveen Garg James & Susan Waters Earl & Evelyn Beard 3500 Merrick St. (cont.) Gary & Paula Hargrave Steven & Laura Bradford Leila Bakht Michele Levy Jimmy & Barbara Moon Renee Coovert 3600 Merrick St. Richard & Kendra Rozic Linda Meyer & Alan Rodecker Nicolas & Elena Lacouture George & Theda Conner Marcial & Claire Timberlake Ba Kenneth & Michelle Crowell-Vog Isabel Mayer Ricardo Garcia-Moreno Karl Seibert Wayne & Susan Friesell Mouton Thomas Chen Francesco & Janet DeMayo Jim & Teresa Briggs Jim & Beth Stephenson J. Alan Samuel & Caroline Chase Fred & Cathy Hawley Juan Carlos & Raquel Rozo Patrick & Gay Chaudoir 3700 Merrick St. Patrick & Shannon Hayes Don & Michele Gibbons James Wilhite Tim & Aloysia Lotze Don & Paula Crowder Chaian Mao & Szuyao Lu Manning Yu & Joyce Keung Kaye & Lisa Garcia Kidwell Frank Hogan Bob & Ann Peck Beatrice Landrum Jacob & Rachel Shupe Leonard & Susan Kammerman Oriol Rijken Joe Ben Lewis Clarence Fisher Egon & Elisa Durban James & Renee Webster Burdette & Monica Huffman Jane McGee 3800 Merrick St. Lisa Heyden & Stephen Douglas 3800 Merrick St. (cont.) Rhona Richardson Kevin & Diane Rech Emil & Jennifer Fernandez Robert & Julie Lang Emil & Jennifer Fernandez Gustavo & Elsa Reyes Grullon Emery & Ann Biro Charles & Kathy Chaffin Elias & Cora Woloski Bill & Tonya Crombie Jonathan & Leslie Greene Tim O'Connor Ricardo Rodriguez Shannon Antekeier 4000 Merrick St. William & Rebecca Massey Chad & Denise Joost Brett & Tiffany Podolsky Allen Holt Anju Syal Mary Ann Bradford David & Jennifer Wilhelm Charles & Leslie Manner William VanderLyn W. Neblett Brown Surviving TR Bill VanderLyn Bobby & Jayne Kapur Jessie Weichert William VanderLyn Robert & Rochelle Mintz Britt & Diana Mayo Eleftheria-Leda Kloudas & Ilias Kotsianis Michael & Nancy Turner Stern Brian & Michelle Duncan Eric Orzeck 4100 Merrick St. David & Judith McGuire Bill & Barbara McVicker Gary & Sara Pressel Elizabeth Rogg 3100&3300 N. Braeswood Blvd. David Cantwell Christina Orengo Jesse & Marcy Johnson 3500 N. Braeswood Blvd. James Porter & Kay Kamas Kimberly Bernal Goode Norma Clark JoAnn Williams Howard Baker Young 3600 N. Braeswood Blvd. Tony Houck & Chastiti Horne Patricia Sepulveda Jason & Valerie Martin Joe Cash Eric & Megan Stidman Geoff Beal & Linda Cordell Emily Chen & Zhigang Li Carol Coleman Judy Wallace Marie Amerman & Louis Miller 3700 N. Braeswood Blvd. Jerry & Jacqueline Glover Margaret Sanchez Gustavo Hincapie Stephen Liss Afsa Meredith 4000 N. Braeswood Blvd. A.G. & Roslyn Luprete Benjamin Lichtiger Dirk & Martha Hitipeuw Xiaozhuang Wu & Hong Jaing Rahn K. Bailey Robert & Norma Roady Bich-Ngoc Nguyen 4100 N. Braeswood Blvd. 7200 Prestwick St. (cont.) Monica & Catalin Loghin Dixie Lee Shannon Mohammed Salhoot Anila Shah Ryan & Sydni Mossman Eileen Allan Brad & Megan Beauchamp Charles & Jannette Neutzler 7500 Prestwick St. Gregory May & Guillermina Lozano Benard & Ethel Nelkin James & Maria McAdams 3100 S. Braeswood Blvd. Perry Lavergne Jim Price Kevin Lacobie Elizabeth & David Reddell Margaret H Smith 3200 S. Braeswood Blvd. Linda E Moon Henry Adams Beverly Gorman Latimer Tika Enterprises LLC Terrence O'Rourke Richard E Weinberg Gang Zhen Keith & Beth Edler Chris Ramas Richard & Carla Brownlee 3300 S. Braeswood Blvd. 3000 Oakwood St. 3500 S. Braeswood Blvd. Lisa Vandenham Jeng Liaw Suresh Roongta 3100 Prescott St. Lois Lebo Benjamin J & Ginger L Brown Lois Sauer Jacks Philip Deitiker James & Fran Avera Diane & William Lee Alex & Karen Pancheri Jeff Carpenter Frances Dunn 7200 Prestwick St. Marcia Livingston & Ela Carvajal Myron Steves Tina Quattlebaum Richard Scroggins Renee Protopapas Tom & Marnie Clark Denise Hamilton Rosemary Gendusa Thomas Vining Susan Difilippo 3600 S. Braeswood Blvd. Albert Klimas Lance Meyer Mike Cracraft 4100 Solway Ln. Carl Herman & Randi Faust James & Janice Zimmerman Alkek Anne & Dale Fitz Alpheus Moss Mark & Marcey Day Jackson 4100 Solway Ln. (cont.) Wei Wang Roger Hochman Peter & Lynn Noldt 3100 Stanton St. Helen Byess Franks Walt & Sissy Boyer Constance Gooden Brett Pancamo Keith Lain Florence Deforest Peter Scaff & Amy Nilson Mark Hurley Wendy Wilkerson Frank & Dottie Csernak Willia Paula Cox 3500 Tartan Ln. Chris Keahey Silvia Orengo-Nania Donald & Cynthia Westheimer R.J. & Patti Simon Chris Keahey 3600 Tartan Ln. Lori Morgan Steven & Catherine Hollerbach Roger & Amy Horton Miles & Leslie Culhane Kevin & Analisa Didway Ali Alhimyary Dawnelle Schatte Chris & Cookie Boeker Edwin & Johnelle Moudry Jean Albert & Patricia Miller 3700 Tartan Ln. Adam & Amanda Murray Andrew & Maria Keene Lorinda Smith Aaron & Leticia Jessop Virginia O'Brien Christian & Kourtney Lyda Bobby & Alice Hatfield Omar & Stephanie Ochoa Michael & Christina Murchison Vashisht Yennu-Nanda & Suparna Vashisht George & Jill Hutton Bradley & Julie Deering Elizabeth Standish Rick & Whitney Ogle Doug & Mary Nell Suell 3700 Tartan Ln. (cont.) 3100 Tilden St. (cont.) Ritchie Wilson Gordon & Kristin Mills Alfred & Ellen Lee 3800 Tartan Ln. Eugenio Bacani Bob Gemignani A. Gaudin & Georgeanna Ryland-Gaudin Pauline Koumonduros Robert & Nancy Haight Andree & Claude Sonsino Norma Rouner James Averill Paul & Monica Agosta Keith & Audrey Glickert Sean K. Willis Alan Curry Lorraine George Estate Neal & Heather Garrett Rosemary Claxton Jonathan Lim Kristin Horn 4000 Tartan Ln. Kathleen Fowler Michael & Kara Bailiff Ben & Lauren Bireley Ted & Georgena Bailey Vincent & Elaina McNulty Bruce & Nena Marshall Xiuring Nie Eugene Marshall Clarence & Jeanetta Johnson Cody & Katherine Loverin Nora Klein Jane Richardson Alex & Heather Montoya Constantin & Catherine Ioannides Pete Saldivar 4100 Tartan Ln. Dora Klaff & Matthew Okin Robert & Marie Wilcox Archie & Jill Groff Joe & Kathleen McMorris David & Suzanne Baker Bradley Marks Vernon & Beverly Peeples Paul Wilbur Ken & Amy Snell Donald & Le Han Tom 3100 Tilden St. Cecil Caldwell Steven Scherer & Michelle Rivas Marie Henry Dan & Frances Wolfe 8500 Timberside Dr. 8600 Timberside Dr. Michael & Eileen Dearman Alexei Protopopov 3700 Turnberry Circle Bou-Loong Ho Keith & Gail Lloyd Steve Hopkins Diane Billings Jim & Michele Foreman David & Lindsey Sheinbein William Dom & J.L. Whitworth Pranav & Alpana Loyalka Bill & Margaret Ann Wilkerson 4000 Turnberry Circle Sugamar & Sreelatha Panthay Am George & Susannah Webb Ed & Dania Turner Louise Young Richard & Bonnie Hutton Richard Hutton Hope Arnold Saucedo Suky & Angela Dhother Pat Duffy & Constance Faro Kavassery & Latha Ramchand Anila Shah Anne Marie Starr Steven & Laurie Noteboom 4100 Turnberry Circle Pat Foye & Ana Blackmon Samuel Kaplan Alan Frierson & Carolyn Allen Tom & Eyvette Hetherington Jason Yustein & Gabrielle Moses Gurunath & Anu Sigireddi Kristine Alejandro Wayne & Barbara Tansey Rick & Lisa Schrimsher David & Judy Schubert Bill & Jean Frazer George & Judy Taffet David Tyte 3000 Underwood St. Pat Chaudoir Makiko Smith James Kendrick & Richard Hightower Diana McSherry 3100 Underwood St. Richard Murray & Deborah Hartman Kevin & Melissa Riley Davis & Nancy Tucker David & Lynn Edwards Deborah Lowery Adams & Patricia Lowery 3200 Underwood St. Stewart Meas & Van Huynh Mark & Keri Dykes Richard Scamell 3300 Underwood St. John & Trudy Ambrose Cheng Chi Lee James Frye Sandy Tyer Doreen Sabalesky 3500 Underwood St. Bill & Liz Basler Craigen Weiwei & Yan Dang Lewis Lee Martin & Denise Snyder Blanch Stice Irene Chang Clete & Cynthia Conrad Bayer Robert Bolton 3600 Underwood St. North South Investors LP Raymond & Esmeralda Vale Joe & Tracy Bailey John & Katie Lott Matt & Whitney Anderson Robert G Eby & Louise Levien Darren & Tina Alch Danny & Sissi Easterling Craig Burns & Kimberley Ayers Darshan & Renate Singh Cecile Crowe David Melbourne Georgia Caloudas 3700 Underwood St. Tamara & Gary Gannon Ron & Cecilia Castilla Jammar Camilo Amezquita Scott & Wanda Goode Glen & Paula Koehn Scott & Amalie Rosenfeld Sylvia Levy Keith & Claudia Schnelle Don & Tanya Krolls 4000 Underwood St. Desiree Morgan Khanh Nguyen Chelsea & Kapil Saxena Amado Zuritas-Saavedra Maria Lozano- Barbarra 4000 Underwood St. (cont.) Anne Nan Morris Tinsu Pan & Dershan Luo Neal & Joni Lane Tim & Kim Birtcher Zhongxing & Xingui Wei Liao Justin & Alice Tholany Dianna Jones Bobbye Followill Amish Dave & Monisha Singh Basil & Melissa Nichols Clifford & Stephanie Song Martha & Jim Kahlden Antonion & Susana De Pinho 4100 Underwood St. Wadsworth B. Crews Carolyn Allen 4100 Underwood St. (cont.) Yassir Ashraf & Fasiha Kanwal David Piper Tron & Alva Allen Oliver Bogler & Irene Newsham Jo Ann Ward David & Ruth Ann Stiles Bob & Jennie Duffy 3100 Winslow St. Dottie Williams Blaine Cole & Diane Wiernasz Lynda Collins Ali & Assad Jumshyd William & Rebecca Gibbons Blue Water Irrigation Systems Automatic Landscape Sprinklers • Installation • Repair • Foundation Watering • Drainage Licensed professionals in business since 1981 with over 3000 satisfied customers Call for an appointment: (713) 661-0312 Our customers are your neighbors...and so are we! (Ask for our Braeswood Place referrals) Ph: 713-838-9333 Fax: 713-838-9449 9333 Main St. • Houston, Tx 77025 Tim Poulos • Property Manager There’s No Need to wait until spring. The current fall market is the strongest ever, and we have buyers ready to see your home today. Don’t miss this historic sellers’ market. Close now and stay until 2014. We have buyers for original ranch homes, updated houses, lots, teardowns and newer construction. Not ready to sell? Call us today for a list of easy and affordable ways to add thousands to the value of your home. The Sales Leader in Braeswood Place for 25 Consecutive Years Steve Anton Hallmark Properties 713 - 666- 3400 Your Land. Our Quality. Build your dream home on your own land and enjoy the very best in Design, Choice and Service from a builder with a track record for excellence. For more information about the David Weekley Homes Build on Your Lot program, call 281-249-7760. For a limited time, receive a $20,000 Homebuyer Incentive when you purchase a Build on Your Lot home by November 30th! See a David Weekley Homes Build on Your Lot Sales Consultant for details. Not valid with any other offer or previously written contracts. $20,000 Buyer Incentive offer good only on Build on Your Lot program homes purchased in Houston, TX, from November 1, 2013, to November 30, 2013. Incentive valid only on Decorator Selections, Home Discount or Closing Costs only. Any amount allocated to Closing Costs is subject to limits on seller contributions, and can only be used for costs actually charged by the lender or Title Company for their services. Decorator Selections must be made through David Weekley’s Design Center in Houston. Any other amount above incentive amount is the Homebuyer’s responsibility. Offer must be presented to Sales Consultant prior to the signing of the contract. David Weekley Homes reserves the right to terminate the program or change rules at any time. Prices, plans, dimensions, features, specifications, materials, and availability of homes or communities are subject to change without notice or obligation. Illustrations are artist’s depictions only and may differ from completed improvements. Copyright © 2013 David Weekley Homes All Rights Reserved. Houston, TX (HOUA48701) ON TIME. ON BUDGET. Guaranteed. R Incredible Renovations Renovations DESIGN · BUILD · REMODEL Texas Remodeler of the Year 2012 ONE-STOP-SHOP: Structural Engineer, Architectural Designer, & Interior Decorator on staff DEPENDABLE: OnTime On Budget. Guaranteed. ACCOMPLISHED: Golden Hammer Award Recipient BBB Pinnacle Award Recipient Adam Bakir, P.E., GMB, CGR EXPERIENCED: Over 30 years designing &building homes Follow ONEus! -STOP-SHOP: Structural Engineer, Architectural Designer, (713) 5&3I2nt-er2io5r D2ec6or·at5 or8on1s4tafW f INSOME LANE · WWW.I N C R E D I B L E R E N O V A T I O N S .COM DEPENDABLE: Build your Dream Partners in Building’s Exclusive In-town Build on Your Lot Program • • • • • • • • Custom Architectural Services Exclusive Award Winning Custom Plans Complete “Turn-key” Process Individual Attention Licensed Interior Designers 25+ Years of Experience Company Stability Over 18 years BBB A+ Rating 4102 Richmond Ave. Ste C | Houston, TX 77027 713.667.3397 | Turf Aeration Fertilization Special Bonded & Insured (713) 778-1476 Includes application of Gypsum and Turface $124.99 +tax Average size yard Why Aeration? * Stimulates root growth * Enhances water uptake * Reduces compaction * Improves oxygen content * Enhances nutrient absorption * Helps squeeze out weeds Lawn Care 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Proud Sponsors of Mark TwainElementary Spring Auction 2007 and 2008 Braeswood Place Home Tour “Fit and Finish” Sponsors Members Greater Houston Southwest Chamber • Members Texas National Landscapers Association 2007 Recipient of Mayoral Honorable Mention Award, Keep Houston Beautiful Average mow price in your area is only $30.00 per service! You be the judge Before After Transform your home and increase it’s value to reflect your standard of living with a remodeling project by William Shaw & Associates, one of the most rewarded and highly regarded remodeling companies in Houston. Remodeling * 3D Project Design * Build On Your Lot * Green Building * Barrier Free Modifications * Design Build Winner of the 2009 Remodeler of the Year Texas Assn. of Builders William Shaw & Associates Shawn Vacek - Owner 4206 Law Street Visit our “Remodeling Ideas” blog for information on creating the greatest value for your home. Houston Tx 77005 713-666-1931 Trafton Academy Educating Minds, Building Character for Life PROSPECTIVE PARENT COFFEES W/ Q & A, 4TH- 8TH GRADES 8:30 AM Wednesday, November 6, 2013 Thursday, January 23, 2014 Thursday, April 3, 2014 ******* Trafton is GROWING! PRE K AND KINDERGARTEN, 9:30 AM Thursday, November 14, 2013 Thursday, January 16, 2014 Small Class Sizes ● Honors & On- Level Curriculum ● Sports ● Enrichments ● Extended day offered until 6:00 pm Questions? Interest in touring/ a shadow day for your child? Admissions office: 713.723.5888 ● 4711 McDermed, Houston, TX 77035 ● Winter is ● Coming! Educating Minds…Building Tune Up Special Don’t wait until the weatherman forecasts the first cold front. Let us check your central heating system for safe & efficient operation. AIR TEMPERATURE, INC. Educating Minds…Building Characte 4711 McDermed ● Houston, TX 77035 ● ad 2507 South Blvd. (off Kirby & SW Fwy) Call Today! 713-528-0643 4711 McDermed, Houston, TX 77035 ● admissions@tr First System - $90.00 (Regularly $98.00) Additional Systems - $20.00 ea. Parts not included (Labor on Authorized Repairs Extra) OFFER EXPIRES: 12/1/13 Prices based on single residential property only TACLA 0228 Custom Window Coverings Shutters • Draperies • Blinds 713-592-0224 Your Braes Heights neighbor Lynne Lorenz FREE In-Home Consultation & Estimates Mention this ad for 30% off your purchase Paul Weitz MPL 37548 Family Owned & Operated Licensed & Insured (713) 771-8000 $15 off with Ad A FULL SERVICE RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL PLUMBING CO. Printing Signage Paul Montoya Cell: 832.722.6244 Promotional Products Office: 713.433.5282 Fax: 713.434.1485 Silkscreen & Embroidery (Promotional Products Website) (Promotional Products Website) BRAESWOOD PLACE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION OFFICERS President Linda Barcot 832-217-8581 BRAESWOOD PLACE V. Pres. East Rosemary Gendusa-Glick713-560-2820 It’s a Great Place to Live V. Pres. Central James Baker 832-309-5830 V. Pres. West Nicole Shah 713-839-0595 MEMBERSHIP IN BPHA Treasurer Matt Malinsky 713-336-3767 Secretary Stephen Ostrow 713-661-9346 The Homeowners Association of DIRECTORS Braeswood Place collects annual Director Area # 1 Steve Sheaffer 281-460-5010 dues of $75. Director Area # 2 Todd Nunnally 713-664-7332 Director Area # 3 Drake Terrell 713-557-6000 Constable Patrol membership is Director Area # 4 Jeff McNear 713-665-7518 $285 per year for 24/7 coverage. Director Area # 5 Bob Eby Director Area # 6 Lundin Schneider 713-662-2674 New and established residents are Director Area # 7 Catherine Hanslik 713-898-0992 encouraged to contact the BPHA Director Area # 8 David & Rui Roberts 713-665-6979 Office for more information about Director Area # 9 Jerry McClain 713-203-6934 becoming a member in the Director Area # 10 Grant Harpold 713-665-7519 Homeowners Association and the Director Area # 11 Roger White 832-373-8798 Director Area # 12 Joanne Eisenberger 281-974-5089 Constable Patrol Program. COMMITTEE CHAIRS Appearance/Street ReconJack Stopnicki 713-299-5556 Board Nominations Catherine Hanslik 713-898-0992 713-666-7248 Brays Bayou Assoc. Billy Pilgrim 713-661-6513 JOIN ONLINE: Building Plan Review David Sears 713-627-9690 Campus Park Bill Blackwood 713-668-1535 Deed Restrictions NEED VOLUNTEER! Fogging Chris Ramas 713-665-6254 The Sentinel is published monthly by BPHA, Fourth of July Chair Pamela Weisner 713-306-5496 P.O. Box 20486, Houston, TX 77225, for the Garden Club Co-Pres Kathy Jenkins 713-661-9939 residents of Ayrshire, Braes Heights, Braes Janet Maxian 713-668-4645 Oaks, Braes Terrace, Braes Manor, Emerald Garden of the Month Jackie Addington 832-767-5667 Forest, and Southern Oaks subdivisions. Our Karl Young Park Jarret Reeves 281-685-6666 Editor is Alison Bell. The deadline for articles Membership Rob Lee 713-840-4762 and advertisements to be included in the Genie Neukomm 713-249-6512 DECEMBER issue of the Sentinel will be Moms’ Club (BPMOYC) Karen Stopnicki 713-927-8992 Monday, Novembber 18. Submit articles, National Night Out Kathleen Fenoy 281-501-8586 Good Neighbor stories, compliments, criticisms, Co-Chairs Nicole Shah 713-839-0595 questions or suggestions to: Recycling Susie Loredo 713-588-1160 The Sentinel is Security Janet Maxian 713-668-4645 typically delivered on the first weekend of the Sentinel Editor Alison Bell 713-504-4610 month. Contact your Area Director if you do Traffic Committee Nicole Shah 713-839-0595 not receive it. BPHA OFFICE Brenda Blackwood 713-666-7248 Hours: M, W, F: 10-2 4010 Blue Bonnet, Suite 112, Houston, TX 77025 HELPFUL NUMBERS City of Houston 713-247-1000 Council Rep, Dist C-Ellen Cohen (Residents North of Bayou) WELCOME TO BRAESWOOD PLACE!!! Recently moved into our neighborhood? We are happy to 832-393-3004 Council Rep, Dist K-Larry Green (Residents South of Bayou) 832-393-3016 Texas Fish/Wildlife (for birds) County Commissioner-El Franco Lee 713-876-1520 713-662-3821 Electricity-CenterPoint Energy Street Light Repair (give pole#) 713-207-2222 713-207-2222 Gas-CenterPoint Energy Street/Stop Sign Repair 713-659-2111 713-837-0311 Graffiti Hotline Trash Collection 713-247-1576 713-837-0311 Harris County Mosquito Control U.S. Rep-John Culberson 713-440-4800 713-682-8828 Houston Police-Beechnut Water & Sewer Repair 713-314-3900 713-837-0311 deliver a Welcome Brochure to you with information about our Association and Constable Patrol Program and an area map with the name of your Area Director. Contact the BPHA Office at 713-666-7248 or and provide your name, address and phone number. Poison Control Hotline 1-800-764-7661 State Rep-Sarah Davis 713-521-4474 State Sen-Joan Huffman 713-662-3821 Be sure to visit our website at 30
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