August - Braeswood Place Homeowners Association
August - Braeswood Place Homeowners Association
Sentinel President’s Message Braeswood Place Homeowners Association A Deed-Restricted Community 4010 Blue Bonnet Suite 112 Houston, TX 77025 713-666-7248 Have you paid your Annual membership dues? Pay online at: Next Board Meeting: Thursday, August 13 7 pm, St. Vincent de Paul, 6800 Buffalo Speedway, Jamail Family Center Of Special Interest: National Night Out-pg 7 Sheltering Arms Workshop-pg 11 Traffic Update-pg 11 Index: President’s Message1 Calendar/Reminders2 Security 3 4th of July Update 4-5 Membership 6-7 National Night Out 7 McGovern Library 7 BPMOYC 8 Longfellow Elem 8 Twain Elem 9 Pershing MS 9 Garden of Month 10 Sheltering Arms 11 Traffic update 11 Summer pet care 12 Advertisers 12-21 Contact Info 22 August 2015 by James P. Baker We have accomplished the goal of renewing all 13 sections of the Braes Heights deed restrictions! Thank you to all those who volunteered to make this come together, Notaries Linda Barcot, Steve Anton, Janet Maxian, Lillian Levine, Michele Gibbons and Johnelle Moudry. Your service to our neighborhood was invaluable. Many thanks to Area Directors Catherine Hanslik, Michael Kent, Dennis and Heather Barrow, and Stephen Liss for door knocking and setting up signing parties. Mark your calendar for the year 2025, which is the next time we need to worry about renewal in the Braes Heights sections of BPHA! Thank you to all those who volunteered to make the BPHA 20 th Annual 4th of July Carnival and Parade such a great success! A special thank you to the moms who stepped up on the eve of cancellation to chair the event, Katherine Schwartz (volunteered with a 5 week old and a 2 year old), Naz Hopkins (whose home flooded) and Elizabeth Vaughn (who volunteered to help before she even moved into the neighborhood)! Please see the list of event sponsors as well as photos from the event on page 5. The new yard signs that each member will be posting, displaying commitment to neighborhood safety and security will be arriving this week. Please pay your BPHA and Constable Patrol dues promptly and display those yard signs! National Night Out is on October 6. If you would like to volunteer to sponsor a block party, please phone Karen Spearman, whose contact information can be found on the back of the Sentinel. BPHA has been contacted by the Weekley Family YMCA as they have embarked on a long range planning initiative, as well as a short range exploratory effort to determine if the Beal Park facility adjacent to the YMCA could possibly be utilized in a different fashion that might allow for additional uses favoring more participation from the YMCA as well as the surrounding BPHA community. Anyone interested in assisting with, or providing input to, these initiatives, is invited to contact one of these Weekley YMCA members: Rick Steinhart - 713-825-5322 or Tom Friedman - 713-830-3450 or Dave Agerton - 713-873-1318 or Thank you to Austin Landscaping ( for the gracious donation of the colorful annuals on the endcaps of the esplanades with BPHA monuments! Their contribution continues to make our neighborhood more attractive! Finally, let’s continue to ensure this a safe year in our neighborhood. Please be vigilant about securing your houses, cars and valuables. Have the Constable’s number programmed in your phone if you are dues paying member and be sure to report any suspicious activity. 1 BPHA BOARD MEETING Thursday, August 13, 2015 - 7 pm BPHA CALENDAR OF EVENTS August and September Tues Aug 4 Thurs Aug 6 Thurs Aug 13 Mon Aug 17 Mon Aug 17 Mon Aug 17 Tues Aug 18 Tues Aug 18 Thurs Aug 20 Thurs Aug 20 Tues Aug 25 Tues Sept 1 Thurs Sept 3 Mon Sept 7 Thurs Sept 10 Tues Sept 15 Tues Sept 15 Thurs Sept 17 Mon Sept 21 Mon Sept 21 Mon Sept 21 Tues Sept 29 St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church, Recycle North of BB Recycle South of BB BPHA Board Meeting, 7 pm, SVDP Sentinel Deadline for September JUNK Heavy trash South of BB BBA mtg-Mayoral Candidates Forum. Lovett Elementary, 8814 South Rice JUNK Heavy trash North of BB Recycle North of BB Recycle South of BB BSN mtg, 6:30 pm, Linkwood Comm Center, 3699 Norris Recycle North of BB 6800 Buffalo Speedway, Jamail Family Center Residents are welcome to attend and observe Board meetings. We designate the first 15 minutes of BPHA Board meetings for “Open Feedback” by BPHA members who register in advance to speak. To register, members must call the BPHA Office, 713-666-7248, by 2 pm, Wednesday, August 12. The 15 minutes will be divided equally among the registered speakers with 5-minute maximum time for each. BUILDER’S PLEDGE OF MAINTENANCE Recycle North of BB Recycle South of BB BPHA Office closed for Holiday BPHA Board Meeting, 7 pm, SVDP Recycle North of BB TREE Heavy trash South of BB Recycle South of BB Sentinel Deadline for October TREE Heavy trash South of BB BBA mtg, 7:30 pm, The Gathering Place 5310 South Willow Drive 77035. Recycle North of BB Each month, Builders agree to participate in BPHA’s Construction Guidelines and Pledge of Maintenance while constructing and remodeling homes in our area. By signing the pledge, these companies agree to follow a number of guidelines that make their construction site more “neighbor friendly”. We appreciate the builders’ commitment to our neighborhood! 3838 Durness – Robert Martin Remodeling 3810 Durness – MLB Homes 3301 Glen Haven – MLB Homes 3646 Merrick – Scott Frazier Homes 4059 Grennoch – Cason Graye 4107 Turnberry – BAS Concepts BB-Brays Bayou; BW-Braeswood; BBA-Braes Bayou Assoc; BSN-Braeswood Super Neighborhood; KYP-Karl Young Park; SL-Stella Link; SVDP-St. Vincent de Paul LOST OR FOUND A PET? Contact the Braeswood Place Pet Rescue Group! Before beginning new construction, remodeling, or adding a room, driveway, or garage, you must submit three sets of plans for BPHA deed restriction review. There is a $200 fee for renovation plan review and a $500 fee for new construction plan review. Tim Hebert – 713-446-0574 or 713-668-1273 “Finding homes for homeless animals and pets for petless homes” ADVERTISER NOTICE BPHA does not endorse nor recommend Sentinel advertisers. Before contracting for service, check references and recommendations from independent sources. 2 Constable Patrol Statistics June 2015 Auto Accidents Alarm Responses Animal Assistance Burglary of a Residence Burglary of a Vehicle Checks of Businesses Checks of Park Checks of Residences Checks of Schools Checks on Welfare of Person Criminal Mischief/Disturbance Drug Investigation/Arrests Fraudulent Use of ID Illegal Dumping Medical Emergency Meet with Residents Open Door/Window Checks Solicitor Complaints Stranded Motorists Suspicious Persons Suspicious Vehicles Thefts Traffic (arrests, citations, stops, warnings) Vacation Watches Warrants Served Miles Patrolled 3 29 1 1 0 47 74 701 19 5 8 0 0 0 0 468 11 2 0 13 29 2 107 373 1 5,903 Be the eyes and ears of the neighborhood. Report all suspicious cars and persons immediately to the Precinct 1 dispatcher. SECURITY UPDATE by Steve Anton Things to know about home burglaries When is a home burglary most likely to occur? Right now. July and August are the worst months for break-ins. And the vast majority occur between 10 am and 3 pm on weekdays. February is the safest month. Most vulnerable? Busy families on an obvious daily schedule of carpools and errands; homes on corners or near busy streets or on the edges of the neighborhood; ones that look unoccupied; those with uncollected mail or trash cans that are set out too early or brought in late; previously burglarized homes. Where do they look? Burglars rarely search kitchens and nurseries. They spend their time in the bedrooms looking for valuables. Even a cheap home safe (not installed in the garage) is a great investment. Does a security system really help? Yes! Homes without a security system are 2 to 3 times more likely to be hit. A study of convicted burglars found that the overwhelming majority avoided homes with a security system and if an alarm sounded, they fled immediately. Surveillance cameras and alarm systems are cheaper than a burglary. Who, what and why? The typical burglar is male, 25 years old, probably has a partner, and likely is stealing to buy drugs or to cover living expenses. The average thief spends 8 to 12 minutes in a house without a monitored security system. 30% gain access through an unlocked door or window. Most often, they steal cash, guns, jewelry, small electronic devices, prescription drugs and items with personal information that can be used for identity theft. A burglary occurs in the U.S. every 15 seconds. Only 13% are ever solved. How thieves gain entry to your home Next month: How to reduce your exposure 22% back door 9% garage 3 2% 2nd floor 23% 1st 23% floor first window floor 34% front door 10% storage/ basement/ other area TWENTY-FIRST ANNUAL BPHA JULY FOURTH PARADE AND CARNIVAL IS ANOTHER BIG SUCCESS! by Naz Hopkins and Elizabeth Vaughn Braeswood Place Homeowners Association and its residents would like to extend our gratitude to the 2015 Fourth of July sponsors. Without you, the celebration would not have been possible! Annunciation Orthodox School State Representative Sarah Davis Village Plumbing Heritage Texas Properties and Agents Randall Doe, Mary Rustay, Christine Wagers Margaret Vinson- Sotheby's International French Cuff Weekly YMCA Greenpark Pharmacy Greenwood King Realtors Stormy Hayes-Knipe Absolute Glass Steve Anton- Hallmark Properties Precinct 1 Constables 4th of JULY PICS HERE BPHA MEMBERSHIP UPDATE 2015-2016 Patron, Sustaining and Supporting Levels Everyone has received an invoice for BPHA and Constable Patrol dues. Some have paid, some have thought about it, and more than 100 neighbors have paid MORE than they were invoiced. The Patron, Sustainer and Supporter membership program gives our generous neighbors an opportunity to add $300+ (Patron level), $200 (Sustainer level) or $100 (Supporter level) to our normal membership dues. The BPHA Board of Directors would like to thank all of these generous neighbors for being special contributors. Please see the list below in recognition of these special donors. PATRONS Karen & Jim Slack Gary & Susie Stankowski Catherine & Chris Hanslik Theldon & Ester Branch Erin Gottlieb Steven & Robin Kleiman Kevin & Margaret O'Donnell Allen & Joanna Burton Ken & Jennifer Dunphy Joan White Matt & Whitney Anderson Burdette & Kathleen Dunbar Paul & Sara Doyle Ric & Kathy Guenther Kenneth & Anne Engerrand Chris & Divya Brown Jonna & James Miller Ian & Allison Perry Gustavo Hincape Elena Ramirez David Martin Bob Eby Louise Levin Kristy Burt Bryan Blasingame Jason & Valorie Martin Sam & Keely Smith Michael & Kimberly Weill Jeff & Joy Lee Bradford Gathright Louise He Lucy & Peter Mosbacher Amy & Klay Allen Michael & Valerie Martin Gene Narahara Chris Coleman Terry Blasdel Kurt & Robin Stratmann Jeff & Natalie Sieler Peter Scaff Amy Nilsen Rob & Sherry LaPrade SUSTAINERS 6 David & Lindsey Sheinbein Darrell Cass Garfield & Jakeen Johnson Michael & Jessica Kent Tina Lee Joel Smith Michael Feighl Stephen & Carolyn Leatherwood Craig Cavalier Youval & Marthe Meicler Adam & Jennifer Kirk Kristin & Barry Palmer Angela Prince Erik Peden The Cleary Family George & Susannah Webb Patrick & Debra Reardon Kathie & Milton Magness Gil & Ann Radtke Patrick and Debra Reardon Fran & Jack Steele Kathleen McAllister Elizabeth & Jose Vittor Hossein & Jennifer Tcharmtchi Dennis & Marti Stanley Jill & Jeff Young Mary & Mark Beshears Bill & Carol Drawe III Guy & Lisa Hoffman Dan & Aimee Shapiro Jean & Todd Nunnally Brigitt Van Wijk Jordan & Christi Zweig Lalitha & Venkat Raman Jacob & Raquel Janoe Anita Gokhale Gautam Burthakur Dan & Tammy Schoen BPHA SUPPORTING MEMBERS Peggy Christman James Sonnier Shaheryar Ahmed Nerisa Kershaw Ellis & Holly Arjmand Marcelle Sulek Eric Boerwinkle Vicki Huff Curt & Carrie Carlson Jill & Tom Pollard Brent & Jennifer Hyman Tamara & Gary Gannon Craig & Jenny Schneider Stephen Spears Alison Lin Thomas Shaw & Kim Nguyen Linda Smith Janet & Robert McDow Megan Jordan Tanmay & Reena Desai John & Jessica Shupe Stacey Berg Mary Brandt Michele Joy Thomas Shahriari Greg May Gigi Lozano Brad & Madonna Bauch Natalie & Ben Baker Ben & Angela Carranza Ermil & Jennifer Fernandez William & Tiffany Hawkins James Lamotta Michael Porter Rebecca Cole Nan Morris Silvia Orengo-Nania NATIONAL NIGHT OUT IS ALL ABOUT OUR GREAT OPPORTUNITY by Karen Spearman, NNO Chair This year’s Fourth of July Carnival was a big success for signing up new hosts for National Night Out, scheduled for Tuesday, October 6 this year. It was also a great way to discover that there are so many new families in the neighborhood and to get ideas for activities. Anyone up for hosting a petting zoo? The monster trucks from the Harris County Constable Precinct One seemed a big hit but, speaking from personal experience in a flooded home, it would be best to never see those again! Really, hosting is as easy as reaching out to your friends. It is a great reason to catch up and to make new friends over desserts, BBQ or just simple watermelon and drinks. Materials such as a party check list, invitations and sign-in sheets are available to make planning simple. Everyone interested in hosting a gathering for your block, please contact Karen Spearman at and follow up emails to those already hosting will be coming out soon. McGOVERN STELLA LINK NEIGHBORHOOD LIBRARY 7405 Stella Link, 77025 ∙ 832-393-2630 M & W 12-8PM; Tu & Th 10AM-6PM; F 1-5PM; Sat 10AM-5PM; Sun CLOSED Passport Service Hours: Mon, Wed 12-7 pm; Tues, Thurs 10 am-5 pm; Sat 10 am-4 pm Chinese Language Classes: Thursdays at 10 am Needle Work Club: August 8 and 22 from 3-5 pm E-book Open House: First Wednesday of the month at 12 pm and 6 pm (bring device and cables) Open Job Lab: Thursdays at 10 am Microsoft Office: Basic classes Tuesdays at 1:30 pm, Intermediate Thursdays at 1:30 pm Call for more information on all other technology instruction programs offered. Just for Kids: Story Time (ages 3-5 years): Tuesdays at 11 am Toddler Time (ages 1-3 years): Thursdays at 11 am Baby Lapsit (ages 0-12 months): Thursdays at 11 am Tune Time (kids): Wednesdays at 12:30 pm Pajama Storytime: Wednesdays at 7 pm 7 BRAESWOOD PLACE MOTHERS OF YOUNG CHILDREN by Kristin Hamilton We kicked off July with the Braeswood Place 21 st Annual Fourth of July parade and carnival! Thanks to Katherine Schwartz and Brenda Blackwood for organizing the event and all of the countless volunteers who made the event a success! Our kids toured Moeller’s Bakery! They were able to bake and decorate cookies with the help of the wonderful bakers! Thanks to Moeller’s Bakery for a great event! Another tour is planned for August! Our families had fun in the sun at the Summer Swim Party! Thank you to Kari Valdes and Teresa Lin for coordinating! Many of our members’ homes flooded during the recent Houston Flood 2015. We raised over $3,000 to be distributed via gift cards to our members who flooded. Thank you to all our members for donating! If you are interested in joining please contact Jody Martin at SPONSORS We are still looking for sponsors to help us with our kid events. Sponsors are welcome to place promotional signs at the event and will be mentioned in the Sentinel. Please contact if you would like to sponsor an event. UPCOMING EVENTS Moeller’s Bakery Tour for Kids, Glow Mom’s Night Out, Little Gym for Kids, Lush Mom’s Night Out. LONGFELLOW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL by Jessica Evans Longfellow Elementary will be hosting a Meet and Greet night on Thursday August 20th from 5-7pm. Join us for a chance to meet your new teacher and classmates, see your classroom, and learn about what to expect for next year! The first day of school is Monday, August 24. Two Longfellow students wrote a little about their experience at Longfellow and what they are looking forward to next year: My favorite thing about kindergarten was that I had a nice teacher. I learned a lot of new things that were exciting to me. I liked reading stories and doing addition and subtraction. Learning was fun! I met new friends. I really liked art a lot and all the magnet classes. I liked our class pets, Pepper and Peppermint. I had fun going on field trips. I was a Leadership Notebook Leader and I showed visitors to our school what we were learning and doing. I like Longfellow because it is a happy place. I am excited about first grade because now I kind of know what is going to happen. I am excited to learn even more things and meet new friends. I think kids should come to Longfellow because when new students come they like it and I like it a lot too. by Drew, incoming 1st grader I was really excited to go to Longfellow when I started there in kindergarten. I had heard great things about it and it sounded like a lot of fun. On my first day I was excited, but nervous too. The people turned out to be really nice and after a few days I felt really confident and comfortable. The school just got better as I went through the grades. My favorite thing about second grade was reading books and taking AR tests (earning points through taking tests on the computer about books you have read). I was in school programs like Odyssey of the Mind and Name that Book and really enjoyed interacting with new people and improving my skills in specific subjects. I just finished second grade and I am very excited about going into third grade for a lot of reasons like meeting new people and learning more about science. I think that everybody should have The Leader in Me Program at their school because it makes people better and happier people. by Ella, incoming 2nd grader 8 MARK TWAIN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL by Lauren Bireley This month includes a Conversation with Melissa Patin, Principal of Mark Twain: Q: What’s new for Mark Twain next year? A: We are implementing a new program through the Hawn Foundation-MindUP “to improve the overall health and wellbeing of children and adults." Mark Twain, along with other area IB schools, will be piloting the program, which is a curriculum and professional development training program aimed at helping children to learn to manage behaviors, to make mindful choices and to develop qualities aligning with our IB Learner Profile. Q: How is Mark Twain helping the students and their families who are affected by the flooding? A: A number of our families experienced flooding in their homes and damage to homes and cars. Families that have been affected that are in need of assistance with school uniforms, school supplies, after school care once the school year has started or have questions about enrollment status if in temporary housing, please contact the school. Q: There has been a lot of talk about “overcrowding.” What do you anticipate happening in the future? A: Due to a steady increase in enrollment over the last several years, we ask that prospective families register as soon as possible. The state mandated class size is 22:1, and one step the district has instituted is to limit the number of transfer students that overcrowded schools may accept. Returning students and current magnet students are automatically reenrolled and no further action is necessary. If you are new to our attendance zone, then your child must be enrolled. Please contact the school at (713) 295-5230 for enrollment requirements. Q: What do I need to do to make sure my child will have a spot at Mark Twain for the 2015-2016 school year? A: Enroll early! All families were asked to provide documentation of residence in the spring. If that was not provided, then the child will not be assigned a homeroom until the current proof of residence is provided. Also, please make sure your children are in attendance on the first day of school, Monday, August 24 at 8am. It is imperative to ensure your child's spot is held. Q: What are the school’s biggest needs and what can I do to help? A: We are currently looking at how to improve our playground area. OTHER IMPORTANT DATES: Thursday, August 20, 4-6:30: Back to School Rumble (purchase uniforms and school supplies, sign up for communications and directory); Meet the Teacher, 4:30 to 6:00 pm Thursday, August 20, 5-8 pm: The general public is invited to dine at Jerry Built Homegrown Burgers or Candelari's Pizzeria with a percentage of the proceeds given to the Mark Twain PTO. Saturday, August 22 - Incoming Kindergarten Play Date, Karl Young Park, 9-10:30 am. Contacts: Amy Allen ( or Bethany Lenhart ( Monday, August 24th - First Day of School, 8 am to 3:15 pm REMINDERS: Please be mindful when parking around the school and do not block private driveways. Please also be mindful of reduced speed limits and cell phone free zones during drop off and pick up hours. PERSHING MIDDLE SCHOOL NEWS by Priscilla Kennedy We are all set for another great school year at Pershing! To make sure our students will be ready to hit the ground running on August 24, we have scheduled the following events: August 5: 9 - 11 am and 1 - 3 pm: 7th & 8th Grade Early Check-in (Last Names A-L) August 6: 9 - 11 am and 1 - 3 pm: 7th & 8th Grade Early Check-In (Last Names M-Z) At Early Check-in, 7th and 8th graders can pick up their schedules and have their ID photos taken. During the week of August 10-17, 7th and 8th graders can pick up their schedules if they were unable to attend early check-in. Saturday, August 15: 6th grade Panda Camp 9 -11 am (Last Names A-L) and 1 – 3 pm (Last Names M-Z). During Panda Camp, 6th graders will receive their schedules and can purchase uniforms, pick up pre-ordered school supplies, and have their student ID photos taken. Panda Days will be held on Friday, August 14 from 3-7 pm, Saturday, August 15 from 9 am– 3 pm, and Monday, August 17 from 3-7 pm. During Panda Days, uniform sales will take place in the large gym. Students can pick up pre-ordered school supplies and have their ID photos taken as well. Be sure to check the Pershing PTO web site ( for additional details and to sign up for the Panda Post, our weekly email with the latest Panda news. 9 GARDEN OF THE MONTH by Jackie Addington Yard of the month for August was suggested by a neighbor and is located at 3610 Glen Arbor. It happens to be the home of my son-in-law and daughter, Gregg and Jill Jackson. Since the suggestion came from someone else, I hope that somewhat removes the selection bias issue. Our garden club welcomes recommendations from Braeswood Place homeowners as it is difficult to regularly visit all of our service areas. We try to select a balance of new homes with fresh, new landscaping ideas and older homes where the mature shrubs have been trimmed and maintained in proportion to the home. This month's yard is unusual in that it used wise choices for a mid-century modern home. The soft aqua trim color is repeated in three urns which are spaced across the front of the house and contain white penta and purple fan flower. The design is grounded by three statuesque, bright pink crape myrtle mixed with purples: agapanthus, Texas sage, prairie asters, and extensive Katy ruella ground cover across the front. Crinum are interspersed with the Katy ruella. Crinum are sometimes called surprise lilies and appear after a shower. These bulbs were brought from my mother's yard. Draughttolerant, low-maintenance plants were selected and thus, there are nearly always multiple plants blooming at the same time. The plants that are not blooming provide interesting heights and foliage color. Because the home is on the bayou, Jill and her daughters regularly seed bluebonnets and wild flowers along its banks. Home of Gregg and Jill Jackson, 3610 Glen Arbor 10 NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC COMMITTEE UPDATE by Nicole Allman Shah In 2010, an application was submitted to the Neighborhood Traffic Management Program (NTMP) requesting a traffic study in Ayrshire and Braes Heights. The purpose of the NTMP is to improve neighborhood quality of life by implementing traffic calming measures (like speed bumps). Last fall, our neighborhood traffic study began with the first public meeting and subsequent traffic counters placed throughout the neighborhood. Recently, the NTMP finished collecting the traffic data and had its first meeting with the Neighborhood Traffic Committee (NTC). At the first NTC meeting, the City identified streets that it feels could meet the criteria for traffic calming measures if the residents would want such measures. For Ayrshire, the only street identified was Academy. For Braes Heights, certain blocks of Aberdeen, Bellefontaine, Blue Bonnet, Braes, and Glen Haven were identified. The City will continue to work with the NTC to develop a concept plan. Once there is a concept plan, a second public meeting will be held. At this time, the NTC is working on a concept plan and will meet again in late August. The NTC wants to reach out to neighbors in Braes Heights in hopes of getting more representation on the committee. If you are interested in being part of the NTC and know that your block supports traffic calming measures, please contact me at We have some blocks with no representation and this is our opportunity to have the City place and pay for traffic calming measures. SHELTERING ARMS SENIOR SERVICES Free Dementia Caregiver Workshop! Are you looking for strategies to respond to your loved one’s unpredictable behaviors? Join us for a free caregiver workshop: Addressing Difficult Behaviors, an informative workshop with innovative approaches to help you understand and respond to your loved one’s behaviors. The workshop will be held on Thursday, August 20 from 68 pm at Sheltering Arms Senior Services located at 3838 Aberdeen Way, Houston, TX 77025. Respite for your loved one will be provided at no charge! To RSVP please contact Andrea’ Williams at 713-685-6576 or by Monday, August 17. Please include your need for respite in your email or phone call. 11 ADVERTISEMENTS - Page 1 (3/8 ads, ½ pg copy, 1/8 pg Paul ad) FIVE HOT TIPS FOR SUMMER PET CARE Summertime is fun time, but hot weather makes for some unique summer pet care challenges. Although wild animals are well adapted to the elements, companion animals can be just as susceptible to extreme temperatures as their owners are. What does that mean for your pet? When the temperatures get extreme, pet safety should be top of mind. Here are 5 ways to stay safe while enjoying summer activities with your pet: 1. Respect the heat. Unlike you, your pet has a limited ability to deal with the heat. Dogs release heat through their paw pads and by panting. Dehydration can be a big problem for pets during the hot weather. According to the ASPCA, animals with flat faces like Pugs and Persian cats cannot pant as effectively and are therefore more susceptible to heat stroke. Also make sure that your pet always has access to plenty of fresh, cool water and avoid letting them run around outside during the hottest parts of the day. 2. Keep bugs away safely. Another summer pet safety issue is the presence of ticks and other summer insects. Not only can bugs carry diseases, but the ways people try to ward them off can also cause problems for your pet. Fertilizers and pesticides can be very dangerous for your pet. Keep the grass cut short to reduce ticks. Keep an eye out for fertilizer warnings on neighbor’s lawns. 3. Beware of antifreeze. In the summertime, antifreeze can leak out of cars when they overheat leaving puddles on the ground that your dog can lap up and swallow. The sweet taste is tempting to dogs and cats but can be lethal. 4. Sunscreen? Some pets can be susceptible to sunburn. Talk to your vet about which types are safest on your pet’s skin and follow up by routinely applying sunscreen as part of your summer routine. 5. Practice water safety. It’s all about thinking ahead. Although it’s fun to bring your pet to the beach or pool to stay cool, always keep a close eye on your pet when they are in or near the water. Even a strong swimmer could have trouble getting out of a pool or get trapped by ropes or other obstacles. Summer pet safety isn’t hard; it just requires some thought and attention. Watch over your pet the way you would a small child – protect them from too much heat, sun and other summer dangers – and everything should be just fine. 6. 12 How is the market? What is your 5-year plan? Call and let’s visit. The Sales Leader in Braeswood Place For 25 Consecutive Years Steve Anton Hallmark Properties 713-666-3400 CARING FOR THE COMPLETE ATHLETE, FROM START TO FINISH. When an injury or illness forces an athlete to the sidelines, Houston Methodist can get them back to full strength, faster. Applying our experience as professional team doctors, we’re focused on helping athletes at every level recover fully. From simple strains to complex concussions, our board-certified and fellowship-trained doctors use the most advanced technologies to provide the most comprehensive care, including: • Treatment of sports injuries and musculoskeletal conditions • Management of medical conditions that impact athletic performance including hypertension, arthritis and asthma • Concussion diagnosis and management • Sports medical clearance and general wellness exams For more information about our comprehensive services or to find a specialist, visit or call 713.790.3333. THE IDEA BANK FOR CUSTOM HOMES. the Idea Bank for custom homes. As the largest custom home builder in Texas, we’ve built luxury homes since 1986 on every kind of home site. We’re always learning from our customers, too, as we work with them to design their one-of-a-kind home from scratch. Our Build on Your Lot team has learned there is more to building a custom home than just a floor plan and a home site. It’s a process, and we are experts in delivering the things you want most in your home, on time and on budget. When we’re finished, there won’t be another home “ like yours. That’s something you can take to the bank. COME TO A CUSTOM HOME BUILDING WORKSHOP WITH YOUR IDEAS! Call us today at 713 667 3397 LUXURY, CUSTOM HOMES FROM THE $500s TO $1-MILLION+ From the first meeting to the handing over of the keys, Partners in Building was there whenever we needed them and built a house that will last a lifetime. We have told many of our friends, “Why would you build a house with anyone else?” – Charlie and Carol “ The Build on Your Lot team at PARTNERS IN BUILDING is like ON TIME. ON BUDGET. Guaranteed! Incredible Renovations Renovations DESIGN · NEW BUILD · REMODEL Texas Remodeler of the Year 2012 FLOOD DAMAGE? Call Incredible Renovations for a FREE ESTIMATE today! (713) 532-2526 or (281) 702-3188 WWW.I N C R E D I B L E R E N O V A T I O N S .COM Follow us! Since 1979, Incredible Renovations – One of the most accredited builders in the industry WAIT! Before Rolling Your 401(k) into an IRA Rolling from a 401(k) into an IRA is a tempting move. But is it a smart one? True, an IRA may offer you more investment options. But a rollover may also generate income for your wealth advisor. Keep that in mind if you are being advised to make the move. Don’t do it unless it is in YOUR best interest. Here are a few things to keep in mind: • It’s possible to take distributions from a 401(k) plan before age 59 1/2, without a penalty. Rolling into an IRA will cost you this option. • You can borrow against a 401(k), at least as long as you are working for the employer. You generally can’t borrow against an IRA. • Just because an IRA has more options doesn’t necessarily mean you should switch. If there’s a particular investment you’d like to access which is not in your 401(k), you can always use money from outside the plan to invest in it. • A 401(k) may offer investments not available otherwise. Or, fees for the investments may be reduced. One of my clients had access to a fund through his 401(k) with an annual expense ratio of 0.35%. He could get the same investment through an IRA, but the ratio would have been 0.46%. After ten years, with 10% annual returns, $1 million at the lower ratio would earn an extra $25,000. The moral is to research fully before rolling over. Even better, come to us. We deal with these issues all the time and we’ll be happy to help you decide whether a rollover is the right move for you. Please contact PARTNERSINWEALTH President (and Braeswood Place homeowner) Jim Waters, CFP®, at 713.964.4028 or WHY CHOOSE OUR SERVICES? 713.778.1476 We offer online billing and accept all credit cards We have balanced billing maintenance plans for carefree automated service We customize each maintenance plan to match the clients budget and goals Our landscape designs are hardy, lush, and professional and our pricing is competitive Our managers are native, degreed & experienced with local landscapes Lawn Care Average mow price in your area is only $30.00 for weekly and $35.00 for biweekly service! 2007 Recipient of Mayoral Honorable Mention Award, Keep Houston Beautiful Dreaming of Buying or Selling? Selling or purchasing a home is one of the most important decisions most of us will ever make – and one of the greatest investments most of us will ever have. Let me guide you through the process! Area Specialist & Resident Lorian Welsh CLHMS, SRES, CSP REALTOR-ASSOCIATE® - Circle of Excellence 713.558.1919 | Welcome Home Save 15% until June 30, 2015! 713.688.8808 | SPACEMANAGER.COM Paul Weitz MPL 37548 Family Owned & Operated Licensed & Insured (713) 771-8000 THE HEART OF HOUSTON SINCE 1989 Bernard Marino, Realtor GRI, CNE, MCNE, CMHS Email: $15 off with Ad A FULL SERVICE RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL PLUMBING CO. FREE MARKET ANALYSIS & SEARCH APP “I AM COMMITTED TO SERVING MY CLIENTS TO THE BEST OF MY ABILITY WITH NEGOTIATING SKILLS, MARKETING KNOWLEDGE, AND INTEGRITY.” Braeswood Place Resident since 1972 Real Estate Professional since 1979 Keller Williams Realty Memorial 950 Corbindale, Suite 100 - Houston, Tx. 77024 832.368.7285 Print your favorite picture on: Canvas, Poster Paper, Banner, or Vinyl Any Size! From your digital file. 832.722.6244 • 713.433.5282 Ph: 713-838-9333 Fax: 713-838-9449 9333 Main St. • Houston, Tx 77025 Tim Poulos • Property Manager Blue Water Irrigation Systems Automatic Landscape Sprinklers • Installation • Repair • Foundation Watering • Drainage Licensed professionals in business since 1981 with over 3000 satisfied customers Call for an appointment: (713) 661-0312 Our customers are your neighbors...and so are we! (Ask for our Braeswood Place referrals) BRAESWOOD PLACE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION OFFICERS President James Baker V. Pres. East Jack Stopnicki V. Pres. Central Linda Barcot V. Pres. West Carla Brownlee Treasurer Mary Beshears Secretary Jason Marsack DIRECTORS Director Area # 1 Steve Sheaffer Director Area # 2 Todd Nunnally Director Area # 3 Drake Terrell Director Area # 4 Dennis Barrow Director Area # 5 Bob Eby Director Area # 6 Michael Kent Director Area # 7 Catherine Hanslik Director Area # 8 David & Rui Roberts Director Area # 9 Jerry McClain Director Area # 10 Stephen Liss Director Area # 11 Roger White Director Area # 12 Joanne Eisenberger COMMITTEE CHAIRS Appearance/Street Recon Jack Stopnicki Brays Bayou Assoc. Billy Pilgrim Building Plan Review David Sears Campus Park Bill Blackwood Deed Restrictions Jim Power Don Emmite Fogging Chris Ramas Fourth of July Chairs Naz Hopkins Elizabeth Vaughn Garden Club Co-Pres Kathy Jenkins Janet Maxian Garden of the Month Jackie Addington Karl Young Park Jarret Reeves Membership Rob Lee Moms’ Club Kristin Hamilton National Night Out Karen Spearman Recycling Susie Loredo Security Steve Anton Sentinel Editor Alison Bell Super Neighborhood Billy Pilgrim Traffic Committee Nicole Shah BPHA OFFICE Brenda Blackwood Hours: M, W, F: 10-2 832-309-5830 713-299-5556 832-217-8581 713-661-2538 832-287-5216 713-927-2290 281-460-5010 713-664-7332 713-557-6000 713-659-6400 713-664-6706 713-398-9444 713-898-0992 713-665-6979 713-203-6934 713-615-6073 832-373-8798 281-974-5089 713-299-5556 713-661-6513 713-627-9690 713-668-1535 713-664-1960 713-664-1960 713-665-6254 713-661-9939 713-668-4645 832-767-5667 281-685-6666 713-600-6635 281-352-0546 713-256-3793 713-588-1160 713-392-3400 713-504-4610 713-839-0595 713-666-7248 4010 Blue Bonnet, Suite 112, Houston, TX 77025 WELCOME TO BRAESWOOD PLACE!!! Recently moved into our neighborhood? We are happy to deliver a Welcome Brochure to you with information about our Association and Constable Patrol Program and an area map with the name of your Area Director. Contact the BPHA Office at 713-666-7248 or and provide your name, address and phone number. Be sure to visit our website at BRAESWOOD PLACE It’s a Great Place to Live MEMBERSHIP IN BPHA The Homeowners Association of Braeswood Place collects annual dues of $75. Constable Patrol membership is $295 per year for 24/7 coverage. New and established residents are encouraged to contact the BPHA Office for more information about becoming a member in the Homeowners Association and the Constable Patrol Program. 713-666-7248 JOIN ONLINE: The Sentinel is published monthly by BPHA, P.O. Box 20486, Houston, TX 77225, for the residents of Ayrshire, Braes Heights, Braes Oaks, Braes Terrace, Braes Manor, Emerald Forest, and Southern Oaks subdivisions. Our Editor is Alison Bell. The deadline for articles and advertisements to be included in the SEPTEMBER issue of the Sentinel will be Monday, August 17. Submit articles, Good Neighbor stories, compliments, criticisms, questions or suggestions to: The Sentinel is typically delivered on the first weekend of the month. Contact your Area Director if you do not receive it. HELPFUL NUMBERS City of Houston 713-247-1000 Council Rep, Dist C-Ellen Cohen (Residents North of Bayou) 832-393-3004 Council Rep, Dist K-Larry Green (Residents South of Bayou) 832-393-3016 County Commiss-El Franco Lee 713-662-3821 Electricity-CenterPoint Energy 713-207-2222 Gas-CenterPoint Energy 713-659-2111 Graffiti Hotline 713-247-1576 Harris County Mosquito Control 713-440-4800 Houston Police-Beechnut 713-314-3900 22 Poison Control Hotline 1-800-764-7661 State Rep-Sarah Davis 713-521-4474 State Sen-Joan Huffman 713-662-3821 Texas Fish/Wildlife (for birds) 713-876-1520 Street Light/Stop Sign Repair 713-207-2222 Stop Sign Repair 713-837-0311 Trash Collection 713-837-0311 U.S. Rep-John Culberson 713-682-8828 U.S. Rep-Ted Poe (e of BS, S of BB) 713-681-8763 Water & Sewer Repair 713-837-0311
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