Voices of Vellore Fall 2013 Newsletter


Voices of Vellore Fall 2013 Newsletter
N E W S L E T T E R O F V E L L O R E C M C F O U N D AT I O N , I N C .
New York, NY vellorecmc.org
Fall 2013
The lobby in the newly-renovated Ida Scudder Auditorium
to the premiere issue of Voices of Vellore.
Welcome to Voices of Vellore, our re-designed newsletter
(formerly The Vellore Advocate). I became President of
the Vellore CMC Foundation nine months ago, and
have enjoyed meeting many alumni doctors, nurses,
volunteers, institutional members and long-time
supporters of CMC. During this time we have also
begun to upgrade our communications to serve CMC
in Vellore and all of our American friends better.
Our mission, in full partnership with CMC’s
Directorate, is to build support for CMC’s programs
and capital projects; to be a voice for CMC in the US;
to offer resources to all alumni; and to assist American
students, doctors and travelers who are planning a stay
in Vellore. Along with this goes our commitment to
regularly celebrate the life and work of Dr. Ida S. Scudder.
If you are someone who has fallen out of touch
with CMC I hope that you will welcome this new
quarterly communication to help keep you linked.
Voices of Vellore will stay current with the clinical work
and the research being conducted there. We will include
regular contributions from CMC Director Dr. Sunil Chandy,
Dr. Rosaline Jayakaran, Dean of the College Nursing,
alumni, students, staff and others. If you have news,
information or thoughts to share please send them along.
In January our re-designed website will launch and
you will see a vibrant and compelling new face for
CMC that is designed with you in mind. I hope
that you enjoy this premiere issue of Voices
of Vellore; in the next few months it will be
digital—a change many have requested.
Our doors are always open; let us know
what you think!
Katherine D. Guenther, President
Vellore Christian Medical
College Foundation
CMC Director
Sunil Chandy’s
Visit to the
United States
Vellore spirit of friendship and
generosity welcomed me in every city.
That evening Prasad
and Sapna Palla hosted
a dinner for the
Chandys at their home
in Bronxville, NY
(Prasad is Treasurer of
the VCMCF Board).
Dr. Meredith Hawkins
Dr. Honorine Ward opened her home in Boston.
attended-she is
conducting NIH-funded diabetes research at Albert
Einstein’s Diabetes Research and Education Center
in collaboration with CMC Endocrinologist
Dr. Nihal Thomas (’82). Sapna is the daughter of
Drs. Cornelius and Sarah Walter (esteemed members
of ‘58-‘59 and ‘63), which meant the sharing of several
candid CMC stories!
Early on Friday, June 13th Drs. Chandy headed to
Boston via AMTRAK, accompanied by Foundation
President Kate Guenther and Board Chair Anish Mathai.
The trip’s primary purpose was to visit VCMCF Board
member and Tufts faculty member Dr. Honorine Ward
(’69), and Dr. Harris Berman, Dean of Tufts University
School of Medicine. There is a comprehensive and very
active partnership between Tufts and CMC-most
recently strengthened by a gift from Tufts to establish
the Tufts-CMC Public Health Education and Research
Center in Vellore. Conversation
focused on the Center, what it
will include programmatically
and how it will benefit Tufts
and CMC.
Friday evening Dr. Honorine
and her wonderful spouse
Dr. Shiv Pillai (’69) hosted a
terrific dinner with about 30
CMC alums, Tufts faculty and
others. It was a sensational
n June Drs. Sunil and Gigi Chandy made the
customary visit that a new CMC Director makes to
meet alumni at the Gathering of the Clan (GOTC).
This year the event was in Oklahoma City, OK. Before
arriving at the GOTC, Drs. Chandy made several stops,
from Boston to Kansas City, meeting Vellore CMC
Foundation Board members and other important
In New York City Anish and Susan Mathai
hosted the Chandys in their home overlooking
the Hudson River. The Vellore CMC Foundation
(VCMCF) Board, of which Anish is Chair, planned the
first few days of the
trip bringing donors,
alumni, researchers,
and prospective
partners together in a
variety of settings so
that all could meet
Dr. Sunil and hear his
vision for his tenure
which started in
Dr. Jamshed Bharucha (2nd from left) hosted a
September 2012.
dinner honoring the Chandys (l-r) John Mathew,
Dr. Bharucha, Anish Mathai, Susan Mathew (CON’69).
Secretary Dr. Madelon
Finkel scheduled a tour and visit with the Dean of
Weill Cornell Medical School,
Laurie H. Glimcher, MD. The
Chandys saw the School’s portrait of
Dr. Ida S. Scudder and a very beautiful
architectural model of the Cornell
Medical College campus that
Aunt Ida would have attended.
Dean Glimcher also heard from
Dr. Sunil about some of CMC’s
programs, and she expressed a strong
interest in visiting CMC in 2014.
Dr. Mark Steinhoff with Drs. Gigi & Sunil Chandy.
evening, and the Chandys returned
where Thoms, the Carmans
to New York the next morning.
and other notable CMC family
On their final night in New York,
members attended.
Dr. Jamshed Bharucha, President of
On to Kansas City, KS, where
The Cooper Union and friend of
Dr. Mani Mani (’55) and his wife
CMC, hosted an elegant dinner at
Rebekah (both Honorary Directors
his historic residence. Several
of the VCMCF Board) hosted the
Anita Sharan Jesudass (CON ‘85), Valsa Kuruvila
VCMCF Board members, donors,
Chandys to a full agenda of
(CON ‘76) and Margaret Kumar (‘67 and VCMCF
and Scudder family members were in Board Member)
meetings with our many partners at
attendance. Jamshed offered a
the University of Kansas Medical
strong endorsement of CMC; Anish Mathai introduced Center. A traditional Texas BBQ meal was held at
Dr. Sunil, who spoke about his vision for CMC. Many
Dr. Mani’s home with daughter Rachel Mani, as well
insightful questions were asked, even as the night grew
as Drs. Rachel and George Cherian (both ’61).
long. It was a very special evening, one that fostered new The following day Dr. Sunil gave Grand Rounds,
and deepening relationships.
completed a hectic day
Kate Guenther accompanied Drs. Sunil and Gigi
of meetings, and
to Cincinnati for a day with VCMCF Board member
enjoyed a reception and
Dr. Mark Steinhoff at the Children’s Hospital there.
dinner with Hospital
Mark and his spouse Rev. Liz Senft hosted a dinner with leadership.
the Hospital Director Dr. Arnold Strauss and his wife,
Finally…Oklahoma City
Pat. Dr. Sunil also spent a morning at the hospital
and the GOTC!
with Dr. Steinhoff,
Wonderful planning
Dr. Strauss and
by the GOTC committee
others. There are
made this a fabulous
Dr. & Mrs. John Carman (left) travelled from
many current
Maine to enjoy Dr. Honorine’s party (with
few days. On Friday and
and prospective
Geeta Oommen and her son Chacko).
Saturday mornings CME
relationships with
Cincinnati-particularly courses were offered and Friday afternoon Drs. Sunil
and Gigi joined the group that visited the very moving
in the area of training
pediatric sub-specialists Oklahoma City National Memorial and Museum.
Friday evening Dr. Chandy presented his vision for
for service in Vellore.
Drs. Gigi & Sunil Chandy (l) with
CMC to an appreciative audience and he garnered a
A brief stop was
Dr. & Mrs. Mani Mani (‘55).
very positive response. He made a point of saying how
made in St. Louis
important American donors are and will be to CMC’s
to visit with Dr. Nesa Joseph. Dr. Joseph and his
sustained leadership; he also expressed his gratitude
family, along with Dr. Elizabeth George, VP of
for the partnership that CMC enjoys with the
the Deaconess Foundation, enjoyed dinner with
VCMC Foundation.
Drs. Sunil & Gigi, and Kate Guenther.
VCMC Foundation President Kate Guenther had
Kate delighted in her visits with special CMC
the opportunity to speak on Saturday and she offered
supporters including Mrs. Polly Coxe, the widow of
Dr. Bill Coxe, a pediatric neurosurgeon who spent some a thorough and transparent look at the Foundation’s
work and finances over the last 5 years, including
time at CMC in 1965; Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Duerksen
who are involved with both CMC and CMC Ludhiana; details of the nearly $5 million that has been given to
and with Dr. Norman Thoms, his wife Anna, and two CMC through the VCMC Foundation in that timeframe.
She thanked alumni of CMC who support CMC through
of their daughters. Dr. Thoms served lunch and shared
the Foundation.
stories about days at CMC and at the Kodai School
Ms. Sudha Murty
Delivers the
Dr. Ida S. Scudder
n August 9th during Alumni Weekend, the
second Dr. Ida S. Scudder Humanitarian Oration
was given by Mrs. Sudha Murty, Founder and
Chair of the Infosys Foundation. Eight hundred guests
gathered in the newly-renovated Scudder Auditorium to
hear Mrs. Murty’s talk, which she aimed specifically at
the many medical students in the audience.
Mrs. Murty is a woman of wealth, power, and extraordinary
accomplishment. Any of these could have made her a
compelling speaker. However, the qualities that made
her an extraordinary Ida S. Scudder Orator came alive as
she delivered a powerful personal story without a single
note. In humility she bowed her head as the Citation
was read. She stood and offered Namaste to a standing
audience. And when she began her story she spoke
from her heart with tenderness and humor and a
strong affirmation of compassion and life.
Her story was about a young doctor (who
happened to be her own father) and his
first patient – a 16-year-old girl in
labor with a fatherless baby. The girl
had dishonored the family by
becoming pregnant and was
subsequently sent away to avoid
further familial disgrace. The young
doctor, blindfolded, was taken to the
secret location where the girl
labored. He found her in a dark, dirty
room, her spirit crushed by shame
and humiliation, her will to live lost.
Mrs. Murty had never shared this
personal recollection with an
audience before. She paused in her
story and told us that she was close
to her father, a man of intellect,
curiosity, and principle. He made
sure his daughters were
Dr. Sunil Chandy introduced
Mrs. Murty.
VCMCF Board Chair Anish Mathai with Mrs. Sudha Murty.
educated at a time when young women did not go
beyond basic schooling. He led by example and his
children learned to live by their values and good instincts.
The story culminated in a dramatic and powerful end:
what did the young doctor do, inexperienced and wary
of thwarting the family’s will, that changed this
desperate girl’s life? He identified with her fear; he
acknowledged that her life was changed forever; and he
spoke from his heart with courage and love.
With a baby girl delivered he was able to slip the girl his
small fee and whisper a simple message that would lead
her to safety and ultimately to a worthwhile life. Years
later when the doctor was close to retirement he learned
that fate had brought them together once again. His first
patient, long forgotten, had indeed left her village and
followed his suggestion. She had become a nurse; her
daughter had grown up to become a wonderful doctor
who cared for mothers and babies.
More than recounting the facts that made her story
moving, Mrs. Murty brought the audience back to that
first night to leave a strong message. The seeming
simplicity of the doctor’s actions and the good that came
from them were the product of taking a risk in the name
of humanity. The doctor supremely valued life. In this he
was able to step outside his professional role and give
dignity and hope.
Mrs. Murty finished her talk, and looking into the eyes of
her audience, she recalled Ida Scudder’s powerful, often
unspoken message: live a life of compassion, heart, faith
and example!
We are deeply grateful to Mrs. Sudha Murty for
sharing her personal witness to the values Dr. Ida taught.
To watch the Oration and to learn more about
Mrs. Sudha Murty, visit us at http://www.vellorecmc.
Mrs. Murty received her award from
Kate Guenther.
Mrs. Murty
In our conversations with supporters the question often arises: What does CMC need money for? In Voices of
Vellore we will regularly offer a sampling of the important projects that are in the planning and fund raising stages
at CMC.You can call or email us for more detail.
u Expansion of RUHSA Campus
Dr. Rita Isaac (l) is planning a major
expansion of RUHSA’s patient areas.
Dr. Rita Isaac (Community Medicine, ’76) has gained preliminary approval for a significant
capital expansion on the RUHSA campus; her challenge now is to raise approximately
$250,000. The primary benefit of the expansion will be to significantly enlarge the
Outpatient Department and add the hospital’s first Emergency Care Department. With the
nearest hospital 25-30 miles away, Dr. Rita knows that RUHSA will be saving the lives of
trauma sufferers, cardiac patients, poisoning victims and many others. Every area of care
will benefit from this project, with new room for clinics, training, screenings and patient
education. Dr. Rita will be in the US in October presenting her plan and seeking funding
for this important initiative. Please call 212-870-2640 for more detail.
u The College of Nursing Keeps Growing
Dean Rosaline Jayakaran sends greetings and thanks to alumni and well-wishers for their
prayers and financial support! She is immensely proud of the new campus that opened in
2010, and of the new curricula being added to meet expanding interests among nursing
students. To provide a one-year scholarship at the College of Nursing costs $750.
u Expanding CMC’s Reach
With Distance Learning
The Lobby of the new College of
Nursing Administrative Office.
Dr. Jachin Velavan (Family Medicine, ‘90) is Coordinator of Distance Education at CMC.
She has helped to develop superb programs that are imbued with all the standards and
values that a traditional CMC student receives. Three hundred twenty-five (325) doctors
received the Program’s diplomas or certificates in March, 2013. Their new credentials
included the 2-year Post-Graduate Diploma in Family Medicine (one track for experienced
practitioners and one for recent graduates); and the 1-year Distance Fellowship in Diabetes
Dr. Jachin Velavan
Management (run with CMC’s Dept. of Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism). The
program has grown rapidly as demand has increased, technology has improved, and effective teaching models
have emerged. A scholarship for one rural doctor (e.g. a Mission Hospital doctor) is $1,500.
u A Coordinator for Clinical Research at CMC
CMC is an international leader in conducting breakthrough research. Recently Dr. Gangadeep Kang (Microbiology
’81), Lab Vice Principal for Research/Head of CMC’s Wellcome Trust Lab, celebrated the worldwide announcement
of a new Rotavirus vaccine partly developed in her lab. Other ongoing projects include a phase I/II Typhoid
Vaccine trial; research into the absorption of HIV/AIDS drugs in infected children in poor areas; and study of the
atypical chronic diseases (e.g. lean type 2 diabetes mellitus) that occur in under-resourced countries.
With all this, CMC research scientists, doctors and nurses currently prepare their own applications, data and
financial reports, etc. With contributions to the Research Dept. at CMC, a new Research Coordinator position will
be created to assist in coordinating all aspects of scientific research. Funding needed is approximately $75,000.
Dr. Anika Amritanand Pursuing
Community Ophthalmology
I continued my work in Community
Ophthalmology in Vellore and Karigiri
(Schiffelin Hospital). Currently a
Drs. Anika (Ophth. ’90) and her spouse Rohit (’91
major portion of my responsibility in
Orth.) Amritanand have moved their family to the
the Department of Ophthalmology
Toronto area, where Rohit is completing a Clinical
involves the planning and
Spinal Fellowship at Toronto Western Hospital; and
Community Ophthalmology doctors
implementation of screening,
at CMC restored this 5-year-old’s sight
where Anika is completing a Master’s in Community
referral, treatment and
after double cataracts blinded her.
Health (MScCH) in the Dalla Lana School of Public
rehabilitation of patients with
Health at University of Toronto. Last year both Anika
blindness and other ocular disorders
and Rohit were on Study Leave in
within Vellore District and neighboring area.
Calgary, AB, where Anika completed an
CMC’s Schell Eye Hospital has a great legacy of
Ophthalmology Research Fellowship at
community outreach first established by Dr. Victor
Rambo. With the benefit of the MScCH program I will
the Gimbel Eye Center, University of
bring new skills and knowledge to our communityCalgary; the Gimbel Eye Foundation
based eye care services in Vellore, where we plan to
has awarded her funding to complete
improve their accessibility and relevance. I am especially
her MScCH.
interested in curriculum development in all phases of
Dr. Anika wrote to us recently about
Community Ophthalmology and Optometry training;
her passion for her work:
I would like to help incorporate the related principles
I have a keen interest in Community Ophthalmology
and practices in our curricula so that our doctors can
and have been actively involved in community eye
include screening, treatment, disease prevention,
health services since 1999 when I started my Residency.
rehabilitation and patient education in their future
The Amritanand Family
In 2003 I joined the Eye Service of Emmanuel Hospital
practices. I also wish to develop training modules for
Association in North India to fulfill my 3-year
grassroots community health workers so that they can
postgraduate service obligation. Those years cemented my belief that there is recognize common ocular conditions. The specialized Health Practitioner
a strong need for community eye services in India. Following that very
Teacher Education offered in the MScCH program will be extremely valuable
gratifying time, my husband and I rejoined our Alma Mater, CMC Vellore.
towards this goal.
Dr. Premal Das Receives the
2013 Dr. Emmanuel Sunder Raj Memorial Award
The Dr. Emmanuel Sunder Raj Award honors a person who, having
completed surgical training at CMC, has spent the major portion of
his/her career in mission hospitals. The late Dr. Raj (‘66) dedicated
most of his career to service in a mission hospital at Andhra Pradesh;
his life was cut short in a tragic accident in 1995. Drs. Gandam (’56)
& Saroja (’58) Jayakar established an endowment with the Foundation
to fund this memorial award. The Citation to this year’s honoree
Dr. V. Sitaram, Head of the Dept. of Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary
Surgery and Dr. Benjamin Perakath, Head of the Div. of Surgery
Dr. Premal Das (General Surgery, ’78) reads in part: Dr. Premal Das
and Head of Surgery Unit II presents certificate to Dr. Premal Das.
belongs to a family that has been involved in service to those afflicted
by Hansen’s disease since 1890. His grandfather and father dedicated their lives to the Leprosy Mission. Dr. Das
chose to follow a similar path and dedicate his life and services to the cause of those afflicted with Hansen’s
disease. (After completing his surgery training in 1993) Dr. Das rejoined the Leprosy Mission where he continues
to serve today. He has a continuing passion for reconstructive surgery for the Hansen’s-disease-affected as well as
those with correctable deformities; he has transformed many lives through his adept surgical skills. Read the
Citation at cmch-vellore.edu/PDF/WeeklyNews/2013/September/20130902.pdf.
Dr. Sushil Mathew John
Dr. Sushil John (Community Medicine ‘89), Acting Head of the Low Cost Effective
Care Unit, is off on a 12-month sabbatical. Don’t look for him in an ivory tower
though! He will be working with the venerable Virologist Dr. T. Jacob John and
members of the Rotary Club of Vellore TB Control Society as they embark on a
Dr. Sushil John with visiting student,
service project. With support from CMC, they will be using a combination of
Isabel Laterzo.
behavioral and biomedical interventions to control TB in Vellore Town. Dr. Sushil
will also continue his work with CMC colleague Dr. Gangadeep Kang on a phase I/II trial for a new Typhoid
Vaccine; continue his research (also with Dr. Kang) on the inter-relationship between enteric disease and
malnutrition (MAL ED); and collaborate with his colleague Dr. Rita Isaac at RUHSA, where the Vellore-Aberdeen
Nutrition Exchange Project (University of Aberdeen & CMC) is studying the effect of diet and physical activity
on the double burden of obesity and under-nutrition in South Indian populations.
Dr. Paul Brand Centenary
Plans are quickly coming into focus for CMC’s observance of the centenary
of Dr. Paul Brand’s birth. From February 6-8, 2014 the first triennial
Paul Brand Memorial Oration will be given at CMC by Dr. Jan Fridén, M.D.,
Ph.D., from Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Göteborg, Sweden.
Dr. Paul Brand
July 17, 1914 – July 8, 2003
There is growing momentum in favor of creating a residence for retired
elderly CMC doctors/staff who have no family to care for them. This would
be built on the 2.5 acres where the New Life Centre currently resides.
The residence will not operate as a charity; funds raised (amount TBD)
will be for construction. A ceremonial event will be held on Alumni
Weekend 2014 to launch this project.
Drs. Moir & Sarojini Budden and Batch of ‘58,
Thank you for providing new refrigerators in
Alumni House rooms!
Dr. Rohan Ganguli (’67)
has returned safely
from a 3-week motorcycle
tour of Ladakh!
What Moves You About CMC?
No matter how many times I hear the story of young Ida Scudder’s epiphany it touches something.
Her willingness to put aside the life she imagined for herself; to serve selflessly; to teach joyfully; to trust fully:
these are the touch points of Ida’s story that draw me to it over and over again.
Many of our readers have been to CMC either as students, visiting doctors or nurses, missionaries or
volunteers. As we report to you in this newsletter and in other places, I hope that we are connecting you to the
things that move you about CMC: maybe it’s the sheer goodness that infuses the place; the faculty member who
listened and changed your life or career; the opportunity to work with a world class scientist; the awakening that
you experienced living in a community of faith; or the bonds of friendship that endure even today.
There are lots of theories about why people give generously. I hope that whatever moves you about CMC will
move you to give to CMC. The Foundation exists for the benefit of American partners/donors, as an uncomplicated
conduit between them and the place they love. We have other roles that we cherish; but our primary purpose is
to keep you connected to CMC and its future. Thank you! To make a gift today go to vellorecmc.org or call 212-870-2640.
- KG
For a hard copy, contact us
at 800-875-6370, or
For a digital copy, please visit us on
the web: http://www.vellorecmc.org
Anish Mathai, Chair
S. Balasubramian, MD (’58-‘59), Vice Chair
Prasad Palla, Treasurer
Madelon Finkel, PhD, Secretary
Rohan Ganguli, MD (’67)
Albert Johnson, MD (’61)
Emma Koshi
Margaret Kumar, PhD (CON ’67)
Bibhuti Mishra, MD (’71)
Daleep Mukarji, MD (’64)
Raj Narayan, MD (’69)
Thomas K. Philips, PhD
Mark Steinhoff, MD
George Varughese
Honorine Ward, MD (’69)
By Mail:
Please make your check payable to The Vellore CMC Foundation. Also, please
indicate any special instructions for the use of your gift (e.g. specific program?)
Vellorecmc.org ‘s Donate page is easy to navigate. You can set up an automatic
monthly gift – this helps us with cash flow and can make it a little easier to
give more!
Appreciated Stock:
Please call the office (212-870-2640) for routing number, etc.
Honorary and Memorial Gifts are welcome and very meaningful.
Holiday Gifts:
Are you thinking about the Holidays yet? When you want to give a meaningful
gift, consider a gift to CMC in the name of your gift recipient. We will send you
a beautiful announcement to give in person or we will mail/email it for you.
475 Riverside Drive, Suite 725
New York, NY 10115
800-875-6370 or 212-870-2640
fax: 212-870-2173