August 2015 - Teurlings Catholic High School
THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER FOR PARENTS OF TEURLINGS CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS From Our Principal... W elcome to Teurlings Catholic. Although we have not met with our student body, we embark on another academic school year with tremendous excitement. Once again our student population has exceeded expectations. For the third consecutive year our freshmen class is the largest in school history. Our sophomore class is the largest ever and is excited they are no longer freshmen. The junior class is the largest ever, and they are excited they have passed the halfway mark in their high school experience. Seniors are excited to be elevated to the position of leaders at Teurlings Catholic. We are excited we have seven new faculty members join our tremendous teaching staff. We are excited to have you as part of the TCH family. We are excited to enter into our fifth year with our Chancellor, Father Hampton Davis, at the helm of our spiritual journey. It is no coincidence the faculty and staff began their journey this year with a retreat. Father Hampton shared a quote credited to Pope Paul VI that gave direction to our group experience, “People don’t listen to teachers, they listen to witnesses! If they do listen to teachers it’s because they are witnesses!” We enthusiastically invite you to join us for daily morning prayer, weekly Friday morning rosaries led by students and parents, weekly liturgical celebrations, and Adoration on the first Friday of each month in the Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta Chapel here on the TCH campus. Several important dates are on the calendar for the month of August. Monday, August 10th, will be orientation day for all freshmen and sophomores. Juniors and seniors will report for orientation on Tuesday, August 11th. The annual “Back to School Night” will begin at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 18th. The Guidance Department has scheduled a High School seminar for freshmen parents of Monday, August 24th, beginning at 6:00 p.m. in the Rebel Dome. They have also scheduled a College Seminar for senior parents on Tuesday, August 25th, at 6:00 p.m. in the Rebel Dome. One group Leaders of Distinction receiving tips about transitioning into high school, the other, tips Chancellor for transitioning to college. Rev. Hampton Davis, III Freshmen are excited to begin their high school experiences and leave behind their elementary and middle schools. Seniors are excited about the culmination of their high school careers and look forward to their commencement ceremony. Success is determined by what happens between the beginning and the end. With the tremendous effort of many in the Teurlings Catholic community, we are creating opportunities for positive memories for all of our students. Our Lady Queen of Peace Church Principal Michael Boyer (Ext. 104) Assistant Principal Bruce Baudier (Ext. 102) Academic Assistant Principal Marty Heintz (Ext. 103) Director of Development Aline Norwood (Ext. 105) Phone: 337-235-5711 Fax: 337-234-8057 Athletics: 337-234-7022 Cafeteria: 337-232-8861 Director of Athletics Sonny Charpentier (Ext. 208) Director of Faith Formation Josette Surratt (Ext. 229) AUGUST, 2015 FOR YOUR INFORMATION... Rebel Rumble August 8th, 1:30 PM New Student Mass August 8th, 4:00 PM DISCIPLINE Bruce Baudier - Assistant Principal Please read the following reminders carefully in order to assist your student with a successful school year: ▪ Dropping off Students in the morning – Students are not allowed to be dropped off in the back baseball lot area nor in the front of the main office area. Also, please do not “cut” through the front student parking area to avoid the drop off line. ▪ 9th-10th Orientation August 10th 11th-12th Orientation August 11th First Full Day of School August 12th Back to School Night August 18th, 6:30 PM Lift-A-Thon/Rebel Fest/ Meet the Rebels August 21st ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Senior Day August 26th Senior Retreat August 30th-31st Newsletter The deadline for submitting articles for the SEPTEMBER issue of the Rebelation is August 24th . Email Tiffany Dugas Parks ( with your articles and pictures. ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Picking students up in the afternoon – I am aware that this aspect can move slowly at times. The line can only move as fast as the kids can get into the vehicles. The initial 5-10 minutes is very, very slow because the kids go to their lockers to exchange books, get lunch boxes, etc. Then, the inevitable time to catch up on the “day’s scoop” from their “BFF” occurs. Once the line begins to move, it generally is steady but slow. Since most kids have cell phones, a parent calling them and reminding them to “get moving” may help. Again, picking up in the back lot, front lot, and in front of the main office area is not permitted. Also using name cards helps move the line quicker. When in Doubt, Don’t – Should a question arise as to what can/can’t be worn, don’t wear it. Simply bring the article of clothing to Mr. Baudier and a determination can then be made. I.D.’s/Lanyards – All students will be required to wear their ID on campus at all times on a school-issued lanyard. Students will receive their ID cards and lanyards at orientation on August 10-11. Students who arrive on campus after that date without ID cards or the lanyard will be sent to the front office and must purchase a temporary “peel & stick” ID for $1.00 for that day only. A replacement ID and lanyard can be obtained in the front office for $5.00; a replacement lanyard alone can be purchased in the front office for $2.00. Absences - All student absences & tardies must be reported to the front office by 7:50 AM, in one of the following ways: email; call 337-235-5711, ext. 100 (leave message); or fax from parent to 337-234-8057. Athletes/Extracurricular Activities – A student must be at school a minimum of three (3) classes or four (4) clock hours during the school day in order to participate in extracurricular activities, practice, or competition on that day. Messages – Only emergency messages will be delivered to students during break and/or after school. Students may use the phone in the front office during break, lunch, and before or after school. Cell Phones – Allowed in lockers or cars only. Students are not allowed to carry them in purses, book bags, or with them – NO EXCEPTIONS! Lunch – Parents may not drop off lunch to students during the school day. Lunches dropped off during school hours will be given to students at 2:30 PM. Lockdown Procedures – In the event that TCH must go on lockdown status, blinking strobe lights will be activated at various entry points to our campus. Strobes will indicate to those coming on to our campus that the school is in lockdown mode and no one is allowed to check in/out, visit, or otherwise come onto campus until the lockdown status is lifted. If you are off campus and, upon returning, see the blinking strobes, leave campus immediately and call every 15-30 minutes until contact with the school is made. It is crucial for everyone involved that no one attempt to come to campus while in lockdown. It can create a nightmare for first responders if there were an active event taking place on our campus. Boys & Girls: No extr eme hair styles or color s ar e allowed. Lines, br aids, Mohawks, ombre, and unnatural colors are not allowed. Girls: Only one stud type ear r ing per ear is allowed, no hoops or dangling ear r ings. Feathers are not allowed in the hair. Skirts and shorts must be no shorter than three inches from the top of the knee. Boys – Be clean shaven daily. Please remind even the youngest to shave, if needed, when whiskers are seen. Shaving is a periodic necessity. 2 AUGUST, 2015 ACADEMICS Marty Heintz - Assistant Principal For those of you who are TCHS veterans, you know I really enjoy writing these columns. However, I am going to deviate from my norm this month, because I ran across an article that said just what I wanted to say – and it was written by a Harvard college senior from Kansas City who at time was the president of the National Teen Council. The Huffington Post published Annie Schugart’s article on October 27, 2013. I hope you will read it with your TCHS student and remind them this is not me, as the administrator, but a fellow student speaking: LEAVING HIGH SCHOOL REGRET-FREE We have all heard it: these are supposedly the best four years of our life. But are these years we spend monstrously walking the halls of high school really the best years we will ever live? Or will we look back on these four years with a sense of regret? The best way to ensure we graduate high school regret-free is to step outside the bubble we live in and to step outside of the classrooms we are trapped in. Gaining a sense of the greater picture -- of how these years affect our future -- will ground us in the decisions we make during these four years. When we are receiving our diploma at graduation, what will we wish we had done differently? When we base our thinking on this imagery, suddenly our perspective will be a little more focused. But more than that, we will ensure that we can look back on the four years with a positive note. Of course, it is always difficult to obtain complete regret-free status just by, well, thinking about what we will regret in the future. Fortunately, here is a list of how to prevent some of the most common regrets: 1. Try out for your favorite sport (or the musical, or the band, or Student Council, etc.). So many people w ant to be an athletic superstar in high school, and the reality is that very few ever will be. But that does not mean you will never play on varsity. If you are even vaguely considering trying out for something, do it, even if you do not think you will make it. It is much better to try out for a team and not make than it is to constantly wonder in the future if you would have made it. And if you do not make it, keep trying out for other sports or activities (or try out for the team next year) until you find one that is meant to be. 2. Do not try out for the sport (or activity) the next year if you do not enjoy it. If you make the team and find out it is not all you thought it would be, do not keep playing in the future. Even if you are the star player on varsity. If it is not worth your time, if you are not being treated fairly, if it is causing more harm than good, or if you simply are tired of it, just finish up the season and do not try out again. If it is something you can fix by talking to a coach or taking a break, then by all means do that before quitting -- because you do not want to regret quitting, either. But ultimately do what is best for you, and you will not regret it in the future. 3. Listen to the cliché advice of joining clubs... but do not join too many. High school is all about absorbing every opportunity you have. Join clubs. Be involved. Be proud of the school you attend. Take a stand against injustice, learn new things, and meet new people. But do not go overboard. If you are in every single club your school offers -- or close to that -- you will never find what you are really passionate about. And you will not even have space to list all your clubs on the Common Application for college anyway. 4. Get to know every single person in your grade. Do not set limits on who you can be friends with, and do not judge people. I guarantee one of your biggest regrets could be going to a class reunion, speaking with someone, and thinking to yourself, "Who are they?" (even after they have introduced themselves). Sure, there are a ton of people in high school. But each person has a unique story and personality that is worth getting to know. It is impossible to know who you could end up being friends with, so do not take the risk of missing out on a great friendship. Get to know everyone. 5. Get to know your teachers. Teachers would not come to school unless they wanted to teach you and help you. So no matter how crazy or evil they may seem, get to know them. They will teach you more than you could ever expect. And if you think you will 3 never regret not getting to know your teachers, wait until you are a senior and cannot find a teacher to write you a good letter of recommendation for college. 6. Have fun, but do not have too much fun. Stay true to yourself. You w ill probably regret spending every Friday night at home alone (unless that is just your personality), so go out there and have some fun. But do not have too much fun; you will regret that MIP that is on your permanent record. You do not have to engage in illegal activities to have fun. And do not think you will regret your decision to not drink or partake in other illegal or immoral activities -because you will not. Society makes it seem like in order for high school to be high school, you have to drink or partake in similar activities. But you do not. Stay true to who you are and the ideals you live by. Do not change who you are just for the approval of others. 7. Sleep. If you w ant to be the high school superstar that has a perfect academic record, is the star of the varsity team, has the greatest social life, and is president of Student Council -- you are not going to get any sleep. And in return, you will probably not have much fun either. It is impossible to do everything and be perfect at everything and get sleep at the same time. Choose what is most important to you, and do not stress out about everything else. Keep your academics at the forefront of your priorities, but do not go overboard. Maintain a proper balance. If you are getting less than two hours of sleep -- or less than six for that matter -- you need to realize that you are going to regret being tired every day of your life more than you will regret getting a 95 instead of a 100 on a test. 8. Go to school events. Do not be afraid of asking someone to prom. Do not miss out on Friday night football games. Do not forget to go all-out on school spirit days. Do not get too caught up in the stress of high school to forget that this is your chance to get involved -- and the chance to make this four of the greatest years of your life. ************************************************* Again, I hope you and your teen will adopt Annie’s philosophy as your mantra this year so the future has no “Gee, I wish” regrets! AUGUST, 2015 This column is designed to recognize the accomplishments of our students in the areas of academics, athletics, and extra-curricular activities at school or around the community. Parents, teachers, coaches, sponsors, moderators, and pastors are invited to “brag” about a student by sending information to Tiffany Dugas Parks - Fax 234-8057 or email Spread the good word! Congratulations to sophomore, Michael Scott Boudreaux who represented St. Martin Parish in the Louisiana Farm Bureau's Talent Competition at their annual State Convention in New Orleans. He placed 3rd in the Senior division against other talent from around the State. (Pictured below) 2nd place, Large Varsity time out cheer camp champs, Large Varsity extreme routine 2nd place, Overall Large Varsity Game Day Champions, the Superior Team Award, and the 2 most prestigious awards: Top Banana (staff selection) and Leadership Award (camper selection, 3rd year in a row. Congratulations also to the recipients of the “Pin It Forward” award - Haiden Dupre, Mallori Taylor, Colleen Cahanin, Hailey Bourque, Maddy Scrantz, and Hanna Poche’. (Pictured Congratulations to the TCH Rebel Revue who had an outstanding camp this summer! Kalli Rose Segura, Laurel Prejean, Peyton LeMaire, Brooke Badeaux, Kaylie Darbonne and Meagan Ortego were selected as All- American Dancers. The team won 1st place in Home Routine Performance, Team Full Out Award, Superior Trophy for routines learned while at camp, Spirit Stick Award, and 110% Award! (Pictured Below) Right...Team Picture & AllAmericans) Congratulations to sophomore, Wesley Blazek and freshmen, Julia Blazek who were selected to the USA Beach Volleyball High Performance Team - A2. Each of them is one of the 16 top players in the country selected for their age group. They participated at Hermosa Beach, CA, July 12-19, 2015. (Pictured Below) Congrats to seniors, Madi Miller, Elizabeth Heintz, Mallori Taylor, Gregory Grappe, Brandon Alleman, Hadley Smith and Josh Broussard, for participating in the Boys and Girls State Convention in June. Great job to senior, Elizabeth Heintz who was elected as Louisiana Girls State “Secretary of State”. Elizabeth was also elected as District Attorney. (Pictured below...Elizabeth Heintz and Emma Marcus of Pontchatula “Girls State Governor”) Our Varsity Cheerleaders attended UCA camp in June and received the following awards: Large Varsity sideline Our Junior Varsity Cheerleaders also attended UCA camp in June and received the following awards: JV sideline camp champs, JV time out cheer 3rd place, and JV extreme routine 3rd place. run. The Rebels qualified to participate in next summer’s Perfect Game WWBA National Championship. (Pictured Below) (Pictured Left...Nicholas Webre) (Pictured Above) Congratulations to the following TCH Cheerleaders who were chosen as AllAmericans at UCA Cheer Camp in June: JV- Maddie Burch and Madi Mouton; Varsity - Emily Buller, Maddy Scrantz, Haiden Dupre, Mallori Taylor & Hannah Guidry. The Mizuno Rebels (TCHS Summer Baseball Team) finished as Runner-up in the 2015 17u Perfect Game WWBA National Championship Qualifier. The Rebels finished with a 7-1 record, and junior, Nicholas Webre, was named Tournament MVP. Nick hit .500 in the 8 games we played with 6 RBI and a home (Pictured Right) 4 Congrats to incoming freshman, Peyton LeJeune who was named to the USA Baseball 17U National Development Team. In addition, he was named MVP at the Perfect Game 14u BCS Finals Tournament, July 1-7th in Ft. Meyers, FL. Peyton hit .478 for the week with 3 triples, 6 RBI & 12 runs scored. (Pictured Right) AUGUST, 2015 DEVELOPMENT Wishes Granted Teurlings Catholic High School would like to acknowledge all our donors for helping make dreams come true. Gifts are listed as reported to the Development Office by grateful recipients since the last issue of Rebelation. (5/28/15 - 8/4/15) Academic Departments (Restricted Gifts/Wish List Items) Albertsons Target Annual Appeal (May 28 – Aug. 4) GRANDPARENTS Acadiana Pest Control M/M Paul A. Arceneaux Nolan & Ann Ardoin In Memory of Kirk Ardoin In Honor of Kade Sonnier Roland Authement Allen & Charlene Begnaud Mary Benoit Claudia & Don Bergsma Ronald & Carolyn Bienvenu In Honor of Julia Guilbeau Wayne & Patsy Bienvenu In Honor of Jordy Provost Cynthia Boudreaux In Honor of Lilly Chapman Kathryn & Richard Boudreaux Ronald & Gwyn Bourgeois In Honor of Brooke Bourgeois M/M Aurien Paul Broussard In Honor of Caroline & Collin Broussard Sheila Broussard In Honor of Haydon Urban David & Brenda Buck Eugene & Sheila Cahanin (Gene’s Exterminating) In Honor of Colleen Cahanin Perry & Sadie Calais Jessica & Charles Chatelain Jane Crowell Raymond & Dorothy Daspit Al & Lelia Douett In Honor of Katie & Matt Douet Mrs. Donald Dunbar August & Loula Dupuis Patricia Falgout In Honor of Samantha Pfeifer Mavis Fruge In Honor of Myles Fruge Murray & Carolyn Fuselier In Honor of Hanna Poche’ M/M James P. Hamilton Lorita Johnson In Memory of Matthew Johnson, Sr. In Honor of Jill Johnson Harold & Peggy Keneker Marilla LaFleur In Memory of Harry J. LaFleur M/M LaHood LaHood Norman Landry In Honor of Trent LeBlanc Alfred & Rose Larriviere Sue LeBlanc In Honor of Dane Langley Yvonne LeBlanc In Honor of Cailey Goulas Shirley H. LeBreton In Memory of Marietta LeBreton, Ph.D. Joan G. Major In Memory of Russell J. Major Beverly Maloz In Memory of Louis J. Maloz, Sr. Kip & Becky Manuel Robert & Dorothy McManus Janice H. McNeil In Honor of Anthony Leblanc Raymond & Hilda Mikolajczyk In Memory of Phil Baer Ruby Motty In Honor of Grant Clark Carroll Noel In Honor of Chaney & Kanin Dodge Allen Oubre Sr. In Honor of Jenna Oubre Rhonda Ortego In Honor of Anaice & Luke Hackett Jerry & Janel Pellerin In Memory of M/M Robin Bonin Roland & Hillery W. Peltier In Honor of Christopher Thomas Thomas Peltier In Memory of Anna Dean Peltier M/M Donnie Perron Sandy Peterman M/M J.C. Petry Mary Picard M/M Louis Prejean In Memory of M/M Floyd Trahan Leonard & Sherry Scrantz Deacon Ken & Cindy Soignier In Memory of Jenni B. Schexnailder In Honor of Cole Newland Alfred L. Sonnier, Jr. In Memory of Rounie B. Sonnier Bob & Donna Spillers In Honor of Callie Landry Glenda L. Stelly 5 Harold Stelly In Honor of Addison Thibodeaux Ray & Pat Thibodeaux In Honor of Reese Higgin Mae Fietz In Memory of Tim Fontenot Mrs. Leonie Trahan Norman & Elaine Landry Velma Trahan Robert & Margaret Vidrine Barbara Williams In Honor of Raven Kidder Tony & Joyce Whaley John Ray Dickinson In Honor of John Ray Dickinson III Edith LeBlanc Kenneth Dugas In Honor of Blake Theriot Coatney S. Raymond In Honor of Sydney Branch Iris Diesi EJ & Brenda Patin In Honor of Kaitlin Guidry Robert & Terryl Masson Ruth Salopek Sonny & Barbara Major In Honor of Madison Willett Carroll Crouchet In Memory of Marcie Crouchet M/M Jim Edney In Honor of Tanner Edney Clifton & JoAnn DeRousselle In Memory of Bryon DeRousselle Peggy Miller Mary Jane K Braquet Alvis & Debra Roach JoAnn Delhomme In Memory of Rene’ (Poochie) Delhomme Lois Leinen In Honor of C’Ana Keleher PARENTS Kelly & Danielle Caillier Colby & Nicole Guidry In Honor of Kaitlin Guidry Kevin & Peggy TCH ’78 LeBlanc Tami Castex In Memory of Steve Castex Adam & Mel Champagne Tal TCH ’81 & Geri Guidry Barry Prevost (Provost Electric) Jeff & Michelle Prilliman Abbott W. Metz AUGUST, 2015 DEVELOPMENT Wishes Granted Teurlings Catholic High School would like to acknowledge all our donors for helping make dreams come true. Gifts are listed as reported to the Development Office by grateful recipients since the last issue of Rebelation. (6/1/15 - 8/6/15) Kevin & Raquel Quebodeaux In Honor of Logan 9th & Camille TCH ’13 Donald & Karla Richard Lisa & Leighton Guilbeau Mike & Michelle Comeaux Tommy & Jill Fontenot Matt & Jan Johnson Benjamin Knott Jill & Troy LeBlanc Mina & Charlie Morrison M/M E.J. Stelly Sandra & Guy Thibodeaux In Memory of Stanley & Theresa Huval In Memory of Dona H. Miller In Honor of Brendon TCH’11, Travis TCH ’13, & Jason ’15 Thibodeaux Jean & Kristy V. TCH ’91 Thibodeaux Marsha & Brent Thibodeaux Randy & Melissa Usie Kerry & Ellen Griechen In Memory of our Grandparents Lou Dupre In Honor of Trevor Dupre Anthony & Debbie Hebert In Memory of Yvonne A. Gandolfo Paula & Billy Guidry Louis & Jeanne Chiriboga Jude & Michelle Fontenot Cheryl Lemelle Greg TCH ’86 & Kim Authement Ron Harris In Honor of Noah & Mariah Harris Stephen & Chris LeMaire Jeannie TCH ’89 & Chester P. Begnaud ‘77 Jude & Sherry Firmin David & Paula Dupuis TCH STAFF Amie Adams Nicole Blazek Leslie & Dexter Bergeron Kyle & Sally Bourque Tisha & Mike Collado Kathy & Gary Dodson Linda & Mike Doherty Ann Dugas Joseph & Stacy Freeman Ceata Hackett Aline Norwood In Memory of Glenn Norwood Tiffany TCH ’98 & Rick Parks George Stonecipher In Memory of Bill Stonecipher Josette Surratt Dona TCH ‘72 & David TCH ‘74 Dugas Terry & Meredith Hebert Athletics Basketball (G) Randy & Paula Ratcliff AUGUST Wish List Our wish list contains items requested by teachers, moderators, Al & Tammy Moseley and coaches that would be helpful Shantelle Bajat Prejean TCH ‘88 to them in the classroom or on the BJ Johnson/ Southern Oilfield Supply field or court as they guide and Don Foley Memorial Fund teach our students. These items, Rosalind Foley although helpful and useful, are Uni-Pro Business Systems, Inc. not covered by the school’s budget. Donation checks should Dolores Zimmerman be made payable to Teurlings Memorial Fund Catholic with the purpose written Gordon & Yvonne Delahoussaye Bernard on the memo blank of your check. If you can assist, please contact Tuition Assistance Mrs. Aline Norwood in the Anonymous (2) Development Office at Dr. and Mrs. Terry Latiolais or 235-5711 Landry Consulting Services, LLC Ext. 105. Capital Mr. Jed Hebert requests ten (10) Fire HD 6 Tablets which would allow his World Geography students immediate access to up-to-date information from around the world, i.e., Google earth maps, AP News, CNN, etc. Fire tablets provide transformative educational experiences for students with its superior reading experience and time-saving study features such as search, highlighting, notes, flashcards, and X-ray. Cost $100/each Mrs. Vivica Marino (English), Mrs. Carrieanne Ledet (English) and Mrs. Linda Doherty (Social Studies) would like 4-5 Stand2Learn desks for each of their classrooms (15 total). Recent research showed that the children in stand-biased desks maintained better postures, more energy, and increased focus and behavior. The result for students is better attitudes and improved academic outcomes. Cost $200/each 6 AUGUST, 2015 2015-2016 THEOLOGY BOOKS May be purchased either locally at Acadian Religious and Gifts, Crossroads Catholic Bookstore, or through an online store (such as, Textbooks may be new or used. They may also be purchased from any TCH student previously enrolled in these classes. However, the book must be the edition shown below. For your information, book titles along with ISBN numbers are provided. FALL FRESHMEN THEOLOGY Jesus Christ: His Mission and Ministry Author: Michael Pennock Format: Paperback Size: 8.5 x 11 inches ISBN: 978-1-59471-186-2 Jesus Christ: God’s Revelation to the World Author: Michael Pennock Format: Paperback Size: 8.5 x 11 inches ISBN: 978-1-59471-184-8 FALL SOPHOMORE THEOLOGY JUNIOR THEOLOGY SPRING Your Life in Christ: Foundations of Catholic Morality Author: Michael Pennock Format: Paperback Size: 8.5 x 11 inches ISBN: 978-1-59471-123-7 Meeting Jesus in the Sacraments Format: Paperback Size: 8.5 x 11 inches ISBN: 978-1-59471-143-5 FALL SPRING Jesus and the Church: One, Holy, Catholic Apostolic Format: Paperback Size: 8.5 x 11 inches ISBN: 978-1-59471-212-8 Jesus Christ: Source of Our Salvation Author: Michael Pennock ISBN: 978-1-59471-188-6 FALL SPRING SENIOR THEOLOGY Sacred Scripture:A Catholic Study of God’s Word Author: Rev J Patrick Mullen Format: Paperback Size: 8.5 x 11 inches ISBN: 978-1-59471-171-8 SPRING Foundations of Catholic Teaching: Living as a Disciple of Christ Format: Textbook Size: 8.5 x 11 inches ISBN: 978-1-59471-467-2 7 AUGUST, 2015 TOUR de FORCE We are very proud of our faculty and staff. Many have achieved status above and beyond the call of duty; all are terrific with the students. This column is designed to feature accomplishments of those faces on campus. Congratulations! Six-hour training session on using Promethean and Class Flow in the classroom, August 3rd: Amie Adams, Michelle Binnings, Lauren Delahoussaye, Dona Dugas, Danielle Farris, Ceata Hackett, Jed Hebert, Lauren Jeffrey, Emily Lancon, Roberta LeBlanc, Vivica Marino, Liz Snyder, Brad Taylor, Kristy Underwood, Craig Wall New Teacher In-Service conducted by Stacy Freeman: Madeline Boudreaux, Marie Champagne, Roch Charpentier, Robinn Dukes, Mallory Manuel, Holly Tracy International Society for Technology in Education Conference in Philadelphia, June 28th-July 1st: Dexter and Leslie Bergeron RenWeb Conference in San Antonio: Mike Boyer, Lori Beslin, Ann Dugas, Lisa Taylor Google Summit at David Thibodeaux: Leslie Bergeron, Marty Heintz, Tiffany Parks, Jed Hebert, Roberta LeBlanc, Ceata Hackett, Cathryn Martin, John Paoletti Marty Heintz co-chaired the Diocesan English/Social Studies and Math/Science workshops on July 21st-22nd and Roberta LeBlanc was a presenter for Science/ Math. Attending from TCHS were Amie Adams, Michelle Binnings, Nicole Blazek, Marie Champagne, Roch Charpentier, Lauren Delahoussaye, Dona Dugas, Robinn Dukes, Danielle Farris, Elizabeth Froeba, Ceata Hackett, Jed Hebert, Lauren Jeffrey, Emily Lancon, Carrieanne Ledet, Kristy Underwood Welcome back Rebels! Please note the following important dates for August: August 24th Freshmen Parent Night in the Rebel Dome August 25th Senior Parent Night in the Rebel Dome August 26th Senior Day on campus. Please check your email for more details in regard to activities, picture dress code requirements, etc. TCH TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION LESLIE BERGERON - TECHNOLOGY COORDINATOR It is not mandatory that students have computers to bring to school but we do allow them on campus. They definitely need access to a computer/internet at home for the completion of assignments. Students at TCH bring a variety of devices to use on campus such as laptops, Chromebooks, iPads, tablets, etc. The type of device you purchase is really personal preference. We recommend that whatever you buy, it should have internet access and some type of word processing program like Microsoft Office or Google Docs. 2015-2016 School Calendar August 10 9th & 10th Orientation (Full Day) August 11 11th & 12th Orientation (Full Day) August 18 Back to School Night (6:30 PM) September 7 Labor Day Holiday October 12-13 Fall Break & Parent/Teacher Conferences November 23-27 Thanksgiving Holidays December 21-January 3 Christmas/New Year Holidays January 18 Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday February 8-12 Mardi Gras Holidays March 28-April 1 Easter Holidays May 2-5 Senior Examinations May 16 Graduation May 25-28 Underclassmen Final Examinations St. Genevieve Introduction to the Google Classroom, July 30th – Lauren Jeffrey, Dona Dugas, Emily Lancon, and Marie Champagne Diocesan Principals’ Meeting, Aug. 4th – Mike Boyer Teach Louisiana Program throughout June and July, sponsored by the Louisiana Department of Education – Lauren Delahoussaye and Chance Mistric AdvancEd and Southern Association of Schools and Colleges Workshop on July 9th-10th: Mike Boyer, Dona Dugas, Lauren Jeffrey AdvancEd and Southern Association of Schools and Colleges Lead Evaluator Training on July 16th-17th– Marty Heintz Josette Surratt, Ramey Badeaux, Liz Snyder, John Paoletti, Danielle Farris and Madeline Boudreaux attended several workshops sponsored by the Diocese of Lafayette. Ms. Surratt and Mrs. Badeaux also made presentations at two of the sessions 8 AUGUST, 2015 INCOMING FRESHMEN & NEW STUDENTS TO TCH! Join us on Saturday, August 8, 2015 for our annual “Rebel Rumble” Mrs. Madeline Boudreaux Theology Mrs. Danielle Farris Math/Theology Ms. Marie Champagne (TCH ‘06) English Mr. Roch Charpentier (TCH ‘04) World Geography/Civics Mrs. Mallory Manuel Mrs. Holly Tracy Art Fine Arts/DE World History 9 Mrs. Robinn Dukes Chemistry Mrs. Kelli Trosclair Business Manager Assistant AUGUST, 2015 TCH AGENDAS FOR SALE! Start the year off your TCH agenda today! Agendas will be available during orientation and in Mrs. Liz Snyder’s room (Room 22) during school. $12.00 Cash/Check (made to TCH) GET INVOLVED AT TCH… **Club Membership Drive** *Thursday/Friday - August 20/21 @ both lunches *Check the video boards around campus for more information STOP BY MRS. MARIA HANES OFFICE (IN THE FRONT OFFICE) FOR SPIRIT ITEMS! Order your TCH yard sign today or at the next home Football game! $20.00 Order from Maria Hanes ( 10 REMINDER: to students and par ents that bullying, harassment, and/or teasing are all ZERO tolerance issues at TCH. If you feel you or your child is the victim of such actions, please contact Mrs. Dawn Aucoin at (337)235-5711, ext. 114 or “” or Mr. Bruce Baudier at (337) 235-5711, ext. 102 or “” as soon as possible. CONFIDENTIAL HOTLINE: This confidential hotline is for those wishing to remain anonymous with related information...please call (337)235-5711, ext. 255. AUGUST, 2015 ORIENTATION: 9th-10th...Monday, August 10th 11th-12th...Tuesday, August 11th *All students report to the TCH Gym...bell rings at 7:30 am *Have your students bring ALL paperwork, fees, etc. *Proper grooming/uniform is required INITIAL SAFE ENVIRONMENT TRAINING Monday, August 17th 6:00 PM Guidance Office Conference Room *Volunteers for retreats, TCH activities, etc. must attend *Contact Tisha Collado ( for more information ▪ ▪ ▪ Do you want to be informed about upcoming events? A great resource available to parents is the TCH Calendar! Our calendar can be viewed from the TCH website ( and is displayed on the lower left-hand portion of the home page listed under “Upcoming Events.” By clicking on “View All Events,” you may choose to filter events by type (academic, athletic, etc.) for an entire month. In most cases, if the event will take place at a location other than TCH, by clicking on the specific event, then clicking on <<map to location>> Google Maps will open with the destination address identified (assuming you have internet access). The TCH Calendar may also be viewed through Parents Web by selecting Calendar under Parent Resources. Again, by selecting the event, the destination address will be displayed. CAR POOL CO-OP BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT *Tuesday, August 18 @ 6:30 pm *Meet your child’s teachers *Walk their schedule and attend all classes 11 Looking for others wanting to carpool? Able to help someone who needs a ride? We’ll be happy to post your name and number in the next issue of our Rebelation newsletter. 1. Contact – Dr. Wanda Phillips; assistance for afternoon ride for daughter Kaitlin Phillips; drop off at 127 Edna St. (block from TCH) or possible Breaux Bridge; willing to pay for assistance; (337) 654-6241 Email Tiffany Parks for requests AUGUST, 2015 Campus Ministry Class 2015-2016 Brandon Alleman Brayden Blanchard Marie Bordelon Bailey Broussard Josh Broussard Brennan Burch Eliana Carrier Claire Champagne Karrigan Danenberg Abbey Frederick Greg Grappe Allie Guidry Mari-Catherine Guidry Elizabeth Heintz Allyson Huval McKenzie Melancon Madi Miller Hanna Poche’ Natalie Usie The 2015-2016 Campus Ministry Class held their annual retreat August 1st-2nd at Lake Dupuis. Special thank you to all who helped make this retreat possible. (Pictures below) The Faculty & Staff of TCH attended their annual retreat at Lake Dupuis on August 5th. Thank you to Father Hampton Davis for leading such a spirit filled retreat. PLEASE JOIN US IN WORSHIP: Weekly Masses and prayer services every Thursday at 8:34 AM in the RebelDome. Attention Parents: Join us for a rosary each Friday morning in the chapel at 7:15 am to pray for our TCH family and teens! Available for Confession! SENIOR RETREAT REMINDERS: Parents….a letter was mailed home on August 6, 2015 with all information. Due to Mrs. Lavergne by FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 2015 in a sealed envelope with your child’s name and “SENIOR RETREAT” written on the outside: ▪ Teurlings Catholic High School Permission Slip (enclosed) ▪ Copy of Medical Insurance Card (attached to permission slip) ▪ Volunteer Reply Form (enclosed) Questions—please contact Mrs. Ramey Badeaux “”. 12 Confessions will be heard in the chapel every other Wednesday from 10:15-11:15am. See school calendar for scheduled dates. ╬ AUGUST Upcoming Events † † † † † August 8th - New Student Mass August 13th - Liturgy August 20th - Liturgy August 27th - Liturgy August 30th-30st - Senior Retreat AUGUST, 2015 LIFT-A-THON … 1:30 pm TCH Gym SAND VOLLEYBALL & HOMERUN DERBY … 3:00 pm ▪ MEET THE REBELS … 6:00 pm Rebel Stadium ▪ ▪ Meet our FALL SPORTS teams! Football - Volleyball - Cross Country - Swimming - Cheerleaders - Rebel Revue ▪ REBEL FEST LIVE … 7:00 pm … $20 at gate ($15 pre-sale) TCH STUDENTS GET IN FREE! Fried Fish Plate Lunches will be sold! Concession will be open! Drinks will be sold! Babysitting Available - Multipurpose Building - Sponsored by the TCH Cheerleaders (7:00 pm - 11:00 pm) 13 AUGUST, 2015 SUMMER SACRIFICE 2015 - 5 STAR REBELS The football team’s Summer Sacrifice program was a tremendous success. 120 Varsity players and 65 Freshmen players (the largest group ever) participated in Summer Sacrifice. This team displayed relentless effort and intensity over 8 weeks of training this summer. Senior Noah Harris (Also selected as the IRONMAN Award Recipient) Senior Jacob Richard Senior Alec Robertson Senior Gregory Grappe Senior Ashton Whaley Junior Hayden Cantrelle BASEBALL NEWS UPDATE… Congratulations to: Recent grad and Outfielder Nathan Arceneaux, 2015, signed a baseball scholarship with LSU-Eunice in June. ▪ Recent grad and infielder, Caleb Lasseigne, 2015, has accepted an offer to play baseball at LSU-Shreveport ▪ Sr. pitcher, Josh Taylor, has verbally committed to attend ULL after receiving a baseball scholarship offer this summer. Josh will sign his national letter of intent at the next NCAA signing day in September. ▪ Visit Click on the tab “Athletics” Select “TCH Sports” Get all up to date schedules for our fall sports! THANK YOU To all who participated in our Summer Skeet Shoot! SAVE THE DATE! TCH TASC $10,000 Raffle/Dance Dancing With the Rebel Stars Cast Reveal Saturday, October 31, 2015 Tickets available in the TCH Athletic Office Winners: 1st Place - Haze Garrett, Kevin Gilles, Kenneth Breaux, Blake Bergeron Youth 1st Place: Dylan Friloux (TCH ‘17) 2nd Place - Glenn Ray, Les Babin, Aubrey Milligan, Mark Lokey 14 AUGUST, 2015 TEURLINGS CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL 2015-2016 REBEL FIELD Promotional & Sponsorship Opportunities Welcome to another exciting year of TCH Athletics! We invite you to join us in supporting our athletic department through our sponsorship opportunities for you, your family and your business. As a sponsor you become a member of our Rebel Nation Family. Sponsors partner with community businesses, leaders, our educators, alumni, coaches, families and supporters in the development of our most treasured resource…our youth! TCH and our Rebel Field offer a broad range of advertising opportunities resulting in expanded community awareness for you, our sponsors. Another added benefit as a sponsor is increased loyalty from your customers as they endorse your positive image as an advocate for youth development. Your company will be promoted during the numerous recurring athletic events, including high school football, soccer, track and field and in addition at the various events of our five feeder schools hosted by TCH throughout the year to hundreds of fans from Lafayette as well as surrounding communities in the Acadiana region. Your financial support through sponsorship and donations assist us as we continue to provide quality sports programs that have become synonymous with Teurlings Catholic. We thank you in advance for your consideration and generous support. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT KELLIE TROSCLAIR Business Manager Assistant 337·781·5962 $250 - “BASIC” Fence Banner Sponsor STADIUM BANNERS Keep your name and business front and center every year with your selection of available banner sponsorships that are proudly displayed in Rebel Field uninterrupted from September to May. Lock in banner prices with multiple-year sponsorships or at reduced annual renewal prices. See individual banner sponsorships for specific prices and terms. $750 - “PREMIUM” Sideline Banner Sponsor Become part of the game along the sidelines or end zones as your company name, company logo and business information (address, phone, email, website address, tag line, etc.) appear on Terms & Pricing Options two (2) full color 3’x9’ vinyl *Renewa New banners. Your premium banners Term l will be displayed on a single, 1 Year $750 *$700 double-sided frame to receive $2000 n/a maximum visibility from any 3 Year view, including both visitor and *Based on original art work submitted; home sides of Rebel Field. any changes will be considered new and Your company name, company logo and business information (address, phone, email, website address, tag line, etc.) will appear on a 4’x8’ mesh banner displayed on outward facing, home side fence of Rebel Field. Terms & Pricing Options Term New *Renewa 1 Year $250 *$225 3 Year $650 n/a *Based on original art work submitted; any changes will be considered new and subject to new banner pricing. $125 - “GO REBELS” Banner Sponsor The name of your company or Terms & Pricing Options your family name will be listed with others on a single banner New *Renewa recognizing you as a proud Term supporter of TCH Athletics. 1 Year $125 *$100 This 4’x8’ mesh banner will be with 2016 season for returning displayed on outward facing, *Begins “Go Rebels” Sponsors home side fence of Rebel Field . Each “GO REBELS” banner will have a composite listing of up to 12 sponsors per banner. subject to new banner pricing; begins with 2016 season for returning sponsors. 15 Teurlings Catholic High School 139 Teurlings Drive Lafayette, Louisiana 70501 *** If you did not receive the inside pages of this newsletter, please pick up a copy in the front office or visit *** AUGUST, 2015 Adopt - A - School Sponsors Breaux’s Cleaners Breaux Bridge The Grad Shoppe Clif Lane H.A. McConnell, Jr., DDS Oral Surgeon Faugot Photography Jay Faugot Bayouland Trophies Lowry’s Printing & Copying The Lowry Family Many thanks to our wonderful business partners! We are extremely grateful for their continued dedication and generosity. We encourage our TCH family to support these business establishments. Contact Aline Norwood 235-5711 ext. 105, if you would like to be a partner in this program.
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