April 2015 Rebelation - Teurlings Catholic High School
April 2015 Rebelation - Teurlings Catholic High School
THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER FOR PARENTS OF TEURLINGS CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS From Our Principal... T he Academic Pep Rally was held on March 18th in the TCH “concert hall” with the theme, “All About Them Grades.” We had a record crowd witness the awesome student talent, the humorous faculty and staff skits, and the honored students. Our faculty members and parent volunteers are to be commended for orchestrating such a fabulous event. Two hundred ninety-four students, an all-time high, were recognized as XL award winners; that’s 40% of the total student body. On Holy Thursday, April 2 nd, we held our annual sunrise Passion Play at 6:30 A.M. This was a great way to begin the most important four days of the Catholic Church and to share it with family. This is a senior class project and once again the class elevated themselves as the spiritual leaders on our campus. We invite the grandparents of our freshmen and sophomores to celebrate Mass on April 16 th and juniors and seniors on April 23rd, at 1:20 P.M. in the Rebel Dome. Our annual Senior Mass is scheduled for Friday, May 1st, at 8:36 A.M. All senior scholarship offers, turned in to date, will be announced to the student body. April also brings prom activities as they relate to Teurlings Catholic. The following is our annual plea to parents: If you set no curfew or if you allow your children to rent hotel rooms, sponsor after-parties where anyone who can open the ice chest or look over the bar counter can drink, and let them act as though they are consenting adults, you are risking your child’s life. You are also risking the life of your neighbor’s or your best friend’s child at the same time. When you let your children go to an after-party where drinking is condoned, even though you or other parents are present, you are risking your child’s life, and the lives of other children. Teurlings Catholic does not sponsor, condone, or advertise any after-party or drinking corresponding to any school activity. Parents who permit drinking by underage children are breaking the law, according to the state of Louisiana and the Federal government. The school will notify the appropriate law enforcement agency if we have knowledge of any pre- or post-prom parties where alcohol may be present. Students will be breathalyzed by uniformed security before entry to the prom. Our students are responsible for the behavior and attire of their guests. Through proper and thoughtful communication between all parties, prom can be an awesome event. Leaders of Distinction Chancellor Rev. Hampton Davis, III Our Lady Queen of Peace Church Principal Michael Boyer (Ext. 104) Assistant Principal Bruce Baudier (Ext. 102) Academic Assistant Principal Marty Heintz (Ext. 103) Director of Development Aline Norwood (Ext. 105) Phone: 337-235-5711 Fax: 337-234-8057 Athletics: 337-234-7022 Cafeteria: 337-232-8861 www.tchs.net Director of Athletics Sonny Charpentier (Ext. 208) Director of Faith Formation Josette Surratt (Ext. 229) APRIL, 2015 FOR YOUR INFORMATION: Dancing with the REBEL Stars April 18th, 7:00 PM Prom at the Convention Center April 25th Advisory Council April 15th, 6:30 PM Grandparents’ Mass, 11th & 12th Grade April 23rd, 1:20 PM Newsletter Grandparents’ Mass, 9th & 10th Grade April 16th, 1:20 PM Progress Reports on RenWeb April 24th, 9:00 AM Senior Graduation Orders April 15th, 1:45 PM Invitations were mailed to all grandparent addresses on file but there is nothing more special than a personal call. Students, call your loved ones and invite them to this special Mass. April is Child Abuse Prevention Month The deadline for submitting articles for the MAY issue of the Rebelation is April 20th. Email Tiffany Dugas Parks (tdugas@tchs.net) with your articles and pictures. In a diocesan effort to support this cause, on behalf of Bishop Jarrell, the Office of Safe Environment has provided a blue ribbon and sign to your school to be placed in a prominent location. Through this blue ribbon message, we hope to convey that every child deserves the chance to be raised in a healthy, safe and nurturing environment. Mark 10:14, Let the children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. For more information you can go to www.preventchildabuse.org 2 APRIL, 2015 ACADEMICS Marty Heintz - Assistant Principal Some important reminders about scheduling for the 2015-2016 school year: 1. The online schedule request system will be closed at the end of the school day on Friday, April 17 th. Students/parents must log into RenWeb prior to that time to request classes for next year. You are also free to change your mind until that time, simply by logging back in and changing your selections. After April 17 th, students must make changes directly through my office or with one of the guidance counselors. 2. Because of the changes to graduation requirements effective with the graduating class of 2018 (this year’s current freshmen) we are suggesting that incoming 9th graders and next year’s 10th graders schedule foreign language or an arts class (Art I, Fine Arts Survey or Competitive Speech/Theatre) as their elective. (See information on graduation requirements below.) 3. Actual scheduling will be tentatively completed in May. Seniors will meet with me to schedule classes; other grade levels are automatically scheduled. Current students will be able to log on to RenWeb when the process is complete in May and view the tentative schedule. 4. Remember, the schedules are tentative until August and it is very likely that schedules will change, as teachers are hired, classes are shifted around and numbers adjusted. 5. Finally, teacher assignments are random; parents and/or students may not request or choose teachers. Schedules are not changed to accommodate student preferences for teachers or to place students in classes with friends. Graduation requirements and changes for the Class of 2018 and beyond The state legislature and Board of Elementary and Secondary Education have agreed on a major change to graduation requirements in the state, effective with this year’s freshman class and future classes. These changes do not affect current sophomores, juniors or seniors. Beginning with the class of 2018, there will be two diplomas offered by the state: The Jump Start TOPS Tech (Career) Diploma and the TOPS University Diploma. Here on the TCHS campus, we will only offer the TOPS University Diploma, as we do not have the facilities to offer the nine very specific vocational/technical courses required for a student to earn the Tech diploma. According to information released by the state, the goal is to provide students with the preparation needed to enter the workforce or a four-year university setting after high school graduation. What does that mean for your student? For most, nothing changes. The new diploma will require that students complete and pass four years of college-bound courses for 28 credits, including: ▪ four credits in English ▪ four credits in math ▪ four credits in science ▪ four credits in social studies ▪ two credits in the same foreign language ▪ two credits in physical education ▪ one credit in an approved arts course ▪ seven credits of approved electives/locally required courses (on our campus), that would include four credits in religious studies. Most of our students already meet that goal for the current TCHS diploma. The major change is in the math area, where financial math will no longer be an option, as it is not considered a college-bound course. Students will have to take and pass an upper-level math course, such as Advanced Math I or an equivalent. Our guidance department will work closely with students as we move toward 2018. TOPS GPA Changes ▪ ▪ In addition to the graduation changes explained above, the legislature also approved changes to the TOPS program, effective with the Class of 2018. Students who take an approved dual enrollment or honors course at the junior-senior level may earn an extra quality point. In other words, in those approved courses only, an A will earn 5 rather than the traditional 4 quality points when figuring the GPA. Of course, there is a catch to everything in life, as we adults know. According to state officials, the qualifying GPA and possibly the ACT scores will be adjusted upward as the extra quality point is factored into the GPA. At this time no one knows what those new TOPS requirements will be, but we do know nothing is changing for this year’s seniors and the 2.5 core GPA and 20 ACT score are this year’s standard. 3 APRIL, 2015 This column is designed to recognize the accomplishments of our students in the areas of academics, athletics, and extra-curricular activities at school or around the community. Parents, teachers, coaches, sponsors, moderators, and pastors are invited to “brag” about a student by sending information to Tiffany Dugas - Fax 234-8057 or email tdugas@tchs.net. Spread the good word! Academic Pep Rally RABC Prize Winners: Reese Albert, Josh Goulas, Brennan Pratt, Natalye Alfred, Christopher Booker, Emily Bourque, Kaede Collette, Ryan Delhomme, Lilly Chapman, Brooks Hebert, Faith Dirk, Ashlin Naquin, Olivia Guidry, Noah LaPorte, Bryce LaFleur, Dante’ Hebert; BIG WINNERS: Kelsi Stringer, Abbey Frederick, Hannah Guidry, Kavanaugh Danenberg, Jae’lan Broussard, Kailyn Doiron, Dylan Friloux, John Dickinson, Josh Goulas, Sara Gravouia, Hannah Istre MARCH Juliana gerami & Dante’ hebert Juliana Gerami RALLY: Our students did extremely well at the District Literary and Speech Rally today at UL. We entered 35 contests today and 33 students placed in the largest division at our district competition for our best showing ever. 1st through 4th place qualified for state, unless it was a district-only contest, as indicated below: First place (receives a $100 scholarship to UL) Chemistry, Cody Stelly; English I, Ashley Latiolais; English III, Elizabeth Heintz; English IV, Emily Hawkins; French III, Andrew McCord; Geometry, Ty Theriot; Sociology, Blake Hightower; Radio Speaking, Brandon Alleman (district only); TV Speaking, Sophia Brazda (district only) Second place: Financial Math, Jake Lormand; English II, Brooke Badeaux; French II, Reed Broussard; Health, Dylan Langlinais; Spanish I, Kaitlyn Guidry; Spanish II, Hollie James; US History, Hadley Smith; Extemporaneous Speaking, Connor Richard; Interpretive Reading, Lucy Toups; Original Oratory, Olivia Feucht Third place: Biology II, Kynnedie Maloz; BCA, Courtlin Naquin; Calculus, John Michael Bellard; Civics, Katie McKenzie; Physical Science, Olivia Guidry; Psychology, Harli Jacob; World Geography, Evan Kidder Fourth place: Algebra II, Jasmine Mitchell; Environmental Science, Gunner Restor; French I, Ethan Eddy; Physics, Elizabeth Latiolais; World History, Kenneth Elliott Fifth place (does not qualify for state): Advanced Math/Functions and Statistics, Kailyn Doiron; Dante’ Hebert Clubs/Organizations: Beta Club; Clubs/Organizations: Beta Campus Ministry; Retreat Team Club; Music Ministry; Campus Sports: Wrestling (4 years); Ministry; Retreat Team; School Swimming (2 years); Musical; Rebels for Life Football (1 year) Awards: Girls State; Academic Awards: Wrestling State 2nd @ 145 lbs (2015); Wrestling State 5th @ 138 Pep Rally (4 years) FUN FACTS: Juliana’s favorite lbs (2014); Wrestling Academic AllState; Student of the Year nominee show is “The Walking Dead”; FUN FACTS: Dante’ will be She dreams of owning a sloth attending LSU in the fall, majoring in and polar bear (one day); Mechanical Engineering; He also Juliana dreams of living in Italy would like to work in the automotive industry. one day! CONGRATS! Speech & Debate: Acadiana High Tournament: Zoe Billeaud (2nd Novice Lincoln-Douglas Debate); Olivia Feucht (2nd Extemporaneous Speaking & Qualified for State Tournament of Chamions in Oratory) Katie McKenzie - Qualified in International Extemporaneous for the National Speech & Debate Association National Tournament in Dallas, TX this June State Tournament of Champions: All Speech Team - Brandon Alleman (Humorous Interpretation); Brandon Alleman & Claire Champagne (Duo Interpretation); Zoe Billeaud (Novice Lincoln Douglas Debate); Maddie Deslatte (Oral Interpretation); Olivia Feucht (Extemporaneous and Impromptu); Brandon Alleman & Claire Champagne (2nd - State Duo Interpretation) 4 Biology I, Abbi Ray Of the above, 31 qualified for state competition. In addition, we will have 5 more speech entries at state and 6 additional foreign language competitors, for a total of 42 going to state rally on April 25. The National Cheerleading Association hosts the largest cheerleading competition in the world each year. This competition brings in teams from 7 different countries, over 26,000 athletes and 1,340 teams. Kaylee Dunbar (TCH Sr.) and Kelsie Dunbar (TCH Fr.) competed along with their team LA Cheerz Allstarz Senior Silver in the NCA All-Star National Cheerleading Competition in Dallas, TX. This team, better known as S4, competed against 16 other teams from California, Texas, New York and beyond and was able to take home the NCA National Championship for Level-4 Small Senior Small Gym. Great job to senior, Brennan Riche’ who completed his Eagle Scout Project and made picnic tables for our deck area. Brennan said, " the tables are made from fiberglass and it took 10 days to complete all of them. The tables are a gift for the school and I hope everyone likes them." Thank you Brennan! Congratulations to seniors, Brennan Riche and Lindsey Hargrave, who were awarded the Catholic Youth Leadership Award by the St Leo the Great Council #5345 Knights of Columbus. APRIL, 2015 March 18, 2015 Great job to the TCH Key Club who volunteered at the Acadiana Area Special Olympics Track & Field Meet on April 1, 2015. Father Michael Champagne, from the Community of Jesus Crucified, spoke to the TCH junior and senior classes on “ The Year of Consecrated Life” as designated by Pope Francis to extend from Nov.30,2014 until February 2, 2016 [ the World Day of Prayer]. He was accompanied by two members of his order, Sister Sara Hebert and Brother John Joseph Bourque. Orders for DVDs of Acapep 2015, "All About Them Grades", are being taken now. The cost of the DVD is $25 (which includes the $5 shipping fee). The show was filmed with multiple cameras for wide, medium and close-up views. For an order form, please contact Chris Tanner with BéBé Video Productions by email: chris@bebevideoproductions.com or by phone (337) 224-2004. View official Aca Pep pics at www.jayfaugot.com!!! On March 12th, Father Bryce Sibley, Pastor of Our Lady of Wisdom on the ULL campus, celebrated our Vocation Awareness Mass. After Mass, he spoke to the senior boys and Sisters Fatima and Elizabeth [ also from ULL ] spoke to the senior girls on discerning their call to ministry. 5 APRIL, 2015 VARSITY CHEER Bailie Benton Hannah Blakely Hailey Bourque Emily Buller Colleen Cahanin Alyssa Carter Gabbi Castille Keeley Colarelli Haiden Dupre’ Malorie Fontenot Hannah Guidry Monica Hesse Kennedy Koenig Hannah Laviolette Mayci Lyons Mallory McIntyre McKenzie Melancon Chelsea Nowell Hanna Poche’ Keely Provost Maddy Scrantz Mallori Taylor Christian Whaley JV CHEER Cori Bellard Jolie’ Bernard Colette Boudreaux Maddie Burch Mallory Dupuis Annalise Guilbeau Averie Johnson Lainey Kilchrist Madi Mouton Chloe Perron Kamryn Plumbar McKenzie Poche’ Catherine Richard Celine Stegeman Kaylie Taylor Avery Vallot REBEL REVUE Brooke Badeaux(Co-Captain) Sarah Blakely Kaylie Darbonne GiGi Gibson Sydnea Guidry Peyton Lemaire (Captain) Peyton McCarley Sydney Olivier Meagan Ortego Laurel Prejean (Chaplain) Kallie Rose Segura Hayli Sonnier Alexis Thibodeaux Madi Vidrine Jamie Villagomez DEVELOPMENT Wishes Granted Teurlings Catholic High School would like to acknowledge all our donors for helping make dreams come true. Gifts are listed as reported to the Development Office by grateful recipients since the last issue of Rebelation. (3/2/15 – 4/1/15) Academic Departments (Restricted Gifts/Wish List Items) Albertsons Target Academic Pep Rally Steve & Laurie Dupuis RABC Ann Dugas Athletic Department Baseball Energy Solutions Technology, LLC Billy Michot Memorial Fund Betty Michot Campus Ministry Mike & Glenda Serio Capital Shantelle Bajat Prejean TCH ‘88 Cathy Schexnayder through United Way Al and Tammy Moseley Don Foley Memorial Fund Rosalind Foley Faith Formation Paul & Lydale Carter Music Ministry Constance & Shannon Bellard R.A.B.C. Faculty Recognition March Luncheon Monica Salopek, Chair (Sophie 10th, Stephen TCH ’10) Mel Champagne (Claire 11th, Ann-Marie TCH’12) Alyce Miller (Madison 11th) Monica Domingue (Braydon 9th) Becky Benoit (Colin 9th) 6 Missy Manuel (Jacques 11th) Roddy Richard Memorial Fund Fr. Gary Schexnayder Spotlights on Stadium Grotto Nick & Janice Delhomme Camel Danny Delhomme R.T. & Kelly Delhomme Swap Shop Angels Jamie Prevost Maribel Hernandez Tuition Assistance Anonymous Darrellyn Burts Delores “Dee” Zimmerman Memorial Fund Connie Koury TCH ‘71 APRIL, 2015 TOUR de FORCE We are very proud of our faculty and staff. Many have achieved status above and beyond the call of duty; all are terrific with the students. This column is designed to feature accomplishments of those faces on campus. Congratulations! Robbie Richard, Tony Courville, Kent Masson attended the LSU Football Coaching Clinic. Tony Courville, Joe Heintz, and Kent Masson attended the University of Alabama Football Coaching Clinic. Kyle Bourque, Nikki Bouvier, Dona Dugas, Lauren Jeffrey, Emily Lancon and Tiffany Parks attended the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development annual conference in Houston. Amie Adams, Elizabeth Froeba, Ceata Hackett and Kristy Underwood will attend the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics annual conference in April. April 18th is the next ACT test. Students should arrive on campus between 7:30 am and 7:45 am. Please bring your admission ticket, photo id, calculator, and pencils. All seniors are reminded to complete the FAFSA for financial aid and to apply for TOPS. Only students who complete the FAFSA will be considered for the TOPS award and any other form of financial aid including grants and loans. The website is www.fafsa.ed.gov. BEWARE OF SCAMS: If you do not go to the proper website for the FAFSA, some companies will charge you up to $80 to help you complete the form. This is a FREE Application. Make sure you use the correct website and you should not be charged. www.fafsa.ed.gov. If your child received a scholarship(s) please make copies of all awards/or scholarship offers and send them to the guidance office. All copies should be turned in as soon as possible. Dona Dugas, Marty Heintz, and Lauren Jeffrey served on accreditation committees for the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools at Kaplan, Holy Savior Menard and South Beauregard High Schools during March. All three also completed certification as national and state evaluators for elementary and secondary schools. Anna Proctor and Marty Heintz attended a meeting at the Diocese of Baton Rouge with Louisiana education officials and Catholic school personnel from throughout the state to discuss new graduation requirements effective with the class of 2016. Mrs. Heintz also helped to facilitate a meeting for curriculum coordinators and guidance counselors in the Diocese of Lafayette, Alexandria, and Lake Charles to further discuss those graduation requirements and their impact on our Catholic high schools. Let’s Get Ready to Rumble! WE ARE WINNING!!! DON’T FORGET….Now thru April 17th, drop off empty laser and inkjet printer cartridges and used cell phones. With each item you contribute, we’ll be one step closer to knocking out our competitor! The winning organization between the two will earn a 10% fundraising bonus, and the top recycler among all nationwide match-ups will also win $5,000, all compliments of the national fundraising through recycling program FundingFactory. Don’t forget to ask your workplace for their cartridges to support TCH instead of sending them back to the manufacturer. 7 APRIL, 2015 Keepin’ It REAL Congratulations to the Senior Class of 2015 for their beautiful and reverent depiction of the Passion of Christ. Thank you to all who donated so generously to the “Make A Wish” foundation for the Senior Class of 2015 Lenten service project. The total amount raised during Lent was $8,200! ╬ APRIL Upcoming Events † † † † † † 8 April 15th - Reconciliation April 16th - Grandparents Mass (9th-10th) April 17th - First Friday Adoration April 22nd - Reconciliation April 23rd - Grandparents Mass (11th-12th) April 29th - Reconciliation APRIL, 2015 GRADUATION 2015 Seniors and Parents Graduation will be here before we know it! So that you may begin preparations for the “Big Events,” please note the requirements to be met by each student in order to graduate and the dates and times for senior and graduation events. Graduation Requirements All debts to Teurlings Catholic High School, including tuition and fees-for lost textbooks, library fines, and balances with the cafeteria, must be cleared before a senior will be allowed to take his/her exams, which begin on May 4, 2015. In order to receive a Teurlings Catholic High School diploma, a student must pass a total of 26 units including all state-required courses. A student who fails to qualify under this standard may participate in graduation exercises if, and only if, he/she passed a total of 24 units, including all state-required courses and Theology IV. Such students will not receive a TCH diploma, but a diocesan diploma. Any senior student who receives a grade of “Incomplete” in Theology IV or fails Theology IV for the year shall not be granted a TCH diploma and shall not participate in graduation ceremonies. Please refer to the TCH Student-Parent Handbook for clarification of the aforementioned requirements and policies. Any student who is determined by the sponsors, faculty, or administration to be under the influence of alcohol or any otherwise inappropriate substance during any school-sponsored event will not be allowed to graduate on stage or to participate in any other graduation event. Such students will also be subject to disciplinary action. Dates and Times of Events The Senior Liturgy will be celebr ated on Fr iday, May 1, 2015 at 8:20 a.m. in the school gymnasium. Family and fr iends are invited to join the seniors for this celebration. Seniors are to wear Sunday dress attire with their graduation gown on top. White stoles will be distributed in the gym lobby prior to mass. No graduation caps. The Senior Crawfish Boil will follow. Students may change into appropriate attire. Senior Exams ar e scheduled for May 4 – May 7, 2015. Senior Awards will be held at the Honor ’s Convocation, Sunday, May 17, 2015 in the TCH gymnasium. Attendance at this function is by invitation. Dress Code: Everyone: White Stoles / No Graduation Cap...Girls – Graduation gown, white stole, black sheer stockings, black closed-toe shoes (no slides, must have a back). Boys – Graduation gown, white stole, dark slacks and dark socks (blue, brown, charcoal, or black), dark dress shoes, a white shirt and an appropriate tie. Graduation and Baccalaureate Mass Practice will be held at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, May 18, 2015, at the Heymann Performing Arts Center. Attendance is mandatory for all graduates. Students should be aware that practice will last until rehearsals meet expectations for the final ceremony and, therefore, should not plan any other activities before 12:00 noon. White Stoles, Report cards, and picture forms will be distributed at this time. Baccalaureate Mass will be held at 5:15 p.m. on Monday, May 18, 2015, at the Fr em Boustany Convention Center, which is adjacent to the Heymann Center. Graduating seniors are to report at 4:30 p.m. on that day. Attendance at this Mass is mandatory for all graduates. In order to graduate on stage, the student must attend the Baccalaureate Mass. Dress Code: Girls – Graduation cap and gown, white stole, black sheer stockings, black closed-toe shoes (no slides, must have a back). Boys –Graduation cap and gown, white stole, dark slacks and dark socks (blue, brown, charcoal, or black), dark dress shoes, a white shirt and an appropriate tie. All boys must be clean shaven and hair must meet school requirements. The 2015 Graduation Ceremony will be held at the Heymann Performing Arts Center immediately following the Baccalaureate Mass. Dress Code: Same as Baccalaureate Mass. Girls will be given a class flower to hold and boys will wear a boutonniere. Beta Club, National Honor Society and Honor Graduates will receive additional accessories during the Convocation. These accessories should be worn Graduation night. No other decorations or flowers are allowed at the ceremony. Graduation Seating: Based on a decision of the board of Pastor s and the Administr ation of Teur lings Catholic, graduation is a ticketed event. Each graduating student will be allowed ten (10) reserved seats. More information on obtaining your tickets will be sent home soon. There is limited wheelchair space. Please contact the Heymann Performing Arts Center to make arrangements prior to the ceremony. PLEASE NOTE: TEURLINGS CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL DOES NOT SPONSOR, NOR DOES IT ENDORSE ANY POST-GRADUATION PARTIES OR GATHERINGS. Graduates and their parents are reminded that BebeVideoProductions.com is producing a “Senior Highlight” video, which will include footage from graduation. If you have not already reserved your copy please contact Mr. Chris Tanner at BebeVideo Productions.com or (337) 224-2004. We hope that graduation can be a memorable event for everyone. Please direct any questions about graduation events to Mrs. Vivica Marino at vmarino@tchs.net or Mrs. Anna Proctor at 235-5711, ext. 108. 9 APRIL, 2015 Teams 1, 3, 4, 5 & 8 are in the lead!!!! Teams 2, 6, 7 & 9 are not far behind! VOTE TODAY! www.tchs.net GENERAL ADMISSION $75.00/ticket Each vote costs $1 Visit www.tchs.net to VOTE today! Voting ends Saturday, April 18th Tickets are still available! Contact Ann Dugas for tickets or more information “adugas@tchs.net” 10 APRIL, 2015 Rebel Open XVI grossed over $20,000 and $11,000 in in-kind gifts and services. Thanks to our sponsors, teams, and patrons! Proceeds are designated to the Teurlings Catholic High School Foundation. The purpose of the foundation is to assure the longevity of Catholic education at Teurlings Catholic by investing in an endowment fund. The corpus of the fund is not spent; the interest earned is made available for the needs of the school. PLATINUM DONORS Acadian Ambulance Advanced Piping Solutions Advanced Technology/Advanced Wireless Technology Courtesy Motors Patriot Construction Quality NDT Wear Control Welding GOLD DONORS Acadiana Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Broussard Properties, LLC Chop's Ronnie Theriot Community Projects. NPC Scott Angelle - Go Rebels! Jean Paul TCH '10 & Simone TCH '08 SILVER DONORS DigiTech Lynzie E. Boudreaux, MD Class of 1999 M & H Air Conditioning and Heating, Inc. McDonald's LA Avenue TEE-BOX DONORS 3V Trucking Any Body Towing AXA/Greg Authement Bay Lan Advertising Bubba's II PoBoys Campdogcajunseasoning.com Carolyn's Café Delhomme Animal Clinic Dwight Andrus Insurance Elville Vending Golfballs.com Hole Opener Corporation Hub City Ford -John & Gary Angelle I.L.M. Lafayette Golf Academy Land Coast Louisiana Recovery Services McKesson Medical-Surgical Melancon Funeral Home Moncus Energy Group PAC Stainless LTC Park Place Surgical Hospital Pat's Downtown Pete's On Johnston Pinnacle Financial Pop-A-Lock Safety Management Systems School Time Sierra-Hamilton Petroleum Engineers Sticks Todd Pump & Speciality USSSA Golf V3 Solutions LLC Rebel Open Committee Cody Fortier Gabe Fortier Gabriel Fortier Robert Boudreaux, Bill Fuhrer Chair Lisa Goulas Raquel Arnaud Monica Habetz Allen Arnaud Randy Habetz Allison, Babin Nicole Hamilton Bo Boudreaux Paul Hamilton Liz Boudreaux Maria Hanes Mike Boyer Meredith Hebert Joanie Comeaux-Mouton Monica Judice Sonny Charpentier Terry Hebert Chad Chiasson Val Marze Chantel Danos Marshall Miller Tige Danos Steve Mouton Ann Dugas Aline Norwood Tim Duhon Susan Robin Micah Ellis Paul Stroderd Lisa Taylor REBEL BALL DROP WINNER Kevin Quebodeaux Vesco Rental & Pressure Control Vicky & Ronald Thibodeaux & Jason Whitco Supply, LLC Wholesale Electric www.Games2Geaux.com Zim's\ IN-KIND DONORS Acadiana Security Plus Ann Dugas Anytime Fitness AWA CocaCola Bottling Don's Specialty Meats Grad Shoppe Mary Harrison Micah and Tonya Ellis Moody Moose Pear Tree Promotional Products Pogie's Raising Canes (Pinhook Location) Schilling Distributors The Filling Station Tsunami Sushi 11 1st Place: Scott Capdepon, Tony Courville, Kirt Domingue, Klade Domingue 2nd Place: Guy Zimmerman, Jeff Hunter, Ken Fuselier, Dickie Guidry 3rd Place: Bo Boudreaux, Robert Boudreaux, Terry Hebert, Evan Savoy 4th Place Draw Team: Corey LeBlanc, Mike Hogan, Keith Hayard, Mike Fawcett Longest Drive HOLE #4 Ethan Savoy Closest to PIN #13 Scot Wieland Closest to PIN #17 Kevin Quebodeaux APRIL, 2015 CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Every year the Diocese of Lafayette recognizes outstanding teachers, Catholic school supporters, and students from throughout the diocese. Teurlings is proud of our 2014-2015 representatives: Teurlings Catholic Educator of the Year, Mr. Robbie Richard, Catholic School Achievers/ Supporters of the Year, Janet Ray, and Student of the Year Kynnedie Maloz. Robbie Richard Janet Ray Kynnedie Maloz Outstanding Educator of the Year Outstanding Supporter of the Year Outstanding Student of the Year “Catholic educational excellence is best summed up by Teurlings Catholic’s mission statement, ‘to channel his spirit.’ Our call as teachers is to channel God’s spirit into our students and help to bring out the very best in all they do.” For over a decade, Janet Pepper Ray, has been “Channeling His Spirit” for the glory of God at Teurlings Catholic. She and her husband, Glenn, have six childrenGarrett TCH ’06, Jordan TCH ’08, Jenna TCH ’10, Jillian TCH ’12, Grant TCH ’15 and Jorja Grace TCH ‘2028. Senior Kynnedie Malox was named 2014-15 Outstanding Student at Teurlings Catholic High School. She now progresses to the next level at the Office of Catholic Schools to compete with nominees from other schools within the Diocese of Lafayette. The winner at the diocesan level will advance to state and national levels. Robbie Richard graduated from TCH in 1996. After earning his degree in social studies education at UL Lafayette, he returned to Teurlings Catholic to teach and to coach students. After 13 years, he cannot imagine teaching in a better environment. “Teurlings Catholic has excelled in spirituality, academic performance, athletics, and in most every extracurricular activity.” Mr. Richard is a member of professional organizations including LA Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, and LA High School Athletic Association. He has also been recognized by the Lafayette Educational Foundation as an outstanding teacher. From early mornings when he brings his two sons, future Rebels Alexander and Aaron to school at St. Genevieve, until late in the evenings when he leaves his athletic duties, Mr. Richard makes an impact on young adults. Students in his world history classes feel he makes learning easy. “He is loud, animated, and sometimes throws out random facts that stick in my memory,” says senior Asa Miller. “What he teaches is what is tested. Every day, before starting new information, he reviews what we learned on the previous day. His lectures are interesting and his PowerPoint presentations are POINTS, not lengthy texts.” The class motto of TCH’96, “People may doubt what we say, but they’ll believe what we do,” is still evident in all Mr. Richard does. “I hope that I have made a small contribution into making Teurlings a better place in the way that it has made a large impact on many parts of my life.” Yes, Mr. Richard, you have made and continue to make, a tremendous contribution to Teurlings Catholic. “My husband and I are thankful to God for the opportunity to give our children the gift of a Catholic education. We pray they never take God’s gifts for granted but use them to make the world a better place.” Janet has been President of the Rebels Academic Backers Club for the past two years, chairperson of the RABC raffle for seven years, and has been a cog pin on numerous other committees such as Open House, Catholic Schools Week, Teacher Monthly Luncheons, and the Teurlings All Sports Club Dance. She was also seen on Friday afternoons serving pre-game meals to the Rebel Football team. “Teurlings Catholic has become an extension of our family and has been instrumental in teaching values we hold dear; God first and family second, be honorable, find happiness in all you do, and live a life of service. The faculty and staff of TCH have had such compassion and the best interest of every student at heart. The Catholic education our 6 children have received, and are receiving, not only prepares them mentally and physically, it prepares their soul.” Mrs. Ray is a loving part of the heart and soul of all at Teurlings Catholic. 12 Kynnedie has maintained a 4.0 GPA throughout her high school career at Teurlings Catholic and has scored 32 on her ACT. She is a member of the BETA Club and she made it to semi-finals in the district Quiz Bowl contest. As a varsity volleyball player, she helped secure the school’s State Championship title for the past two years. She was also named as All-District defensive basketball player. Losing her grandfather has taught her to let people know her feelings and appreciation “If there is one thing I’ve come to understand in my 17 years on this earth, it is that life is short, and I intend to make the most of every second that my heart is still beating by loving others and allowing myself to be loved.” Kynnedie reaches out to others as a Retreat Team leader, a Rebel Ambassador, and a member of Campus Ministry at TCH. During her summer and holiday breaks from school, she helps bag and distribute groceries to the homeless and needy at the Crowley Christian Care Center. “The little things that I do in my daily life are a constant reminder of the impact my grandfather has had on my life and I hope to make a similar impact on someone else’s life one day.” There is no doubt that she is a loving force to be reckoned with as she quotes Bill Wilson, “to the world you may be one person but to one person you may be the world.” Kynnedie is the daughter of Amy Maloz of Lafayette. APRIL, 2015 RELENTLESS REBEL LIFTERS OF THE WEEK WEEK 8 WEEK 9 WEEK 10 WEEK 11 Ian Thomassee Patrick Fontenot Off Greg Grappe SOCCER STARS!!!! Congratulations to the Lady Rebel Soccer players listed below on being selected to the LHSSCA Division II AllState Soccer teams.: Allie Joubert - All-State 1st Team - Goalie Oriana Broussard - All-State 2nd Team - Midfielder Hannah Johnson - All-State Freshmen Team Sarah Miller - All-State Freshmen Team Paige Robichaux - Academic All-State Team Elizabeth Latiolais - Academic All-State Team Alida Robin - Academic All-State Team Jill Boudreaux - Academic All-State Team Congratulations to Allie Joubert who was selected to the All-State 1st team for soccer and Oriana Broussard who was selected to the All-State 2nd team for soccer! Seniors, Elizabeth Latiolais and Paige Robichaux received the Academic All-State Award in Soccer. (pictured above) CONGRATULATIONS to senior, Kynnedie Maloz, who signed with U Penn to play volleyball. Kynnedie was also awarded Academic All-State 2015 Girls’ Basketball Composite Team by the LHSAA. (pictured above) 2015 All District Basketball Team (Girls): 1st Team - Reagan Duhon All Defensive Team Renee Delhomme Honorable Mention Kynnedie Maloz & Casey Potts TCH Sports Update Congrats for WINS! Tennis Against Vermilion Catholic: Doubles winners Patrick Roesch & Hunter Sonnier, Sara Benson & Bailey Broussard Against Sam Houston: Doubles winners Margaret Broussard & Madi Douet, Kammi Danenberg & Mari-Catherine Guidry, Sunny Rivero & Reagan Routte, Caroline Lormand & Carmen Calderon, Zack Ashy & Kavanaugh Danenberg, Hunter Sonnier & Patrick Roesch, Sean Gillis & Beau Blanchard; Singles winners - Trey Menuet, Gabrielle Capdepon Against Jennings: Doubles winners - Sara Benson & Bailey Broussard, Caroline Lornand & Carmen Calderon, Gabrielle Fortier & Ashley Forestner, Kavanaugh Danenberg & Zack Ashy, Beau Blanchard & Ike Hidalgo; Singles winners - Jarod Gardiner, Ashley Daigle, Gabrielle Capdepon Against Ascension Episcopal: Doubles winners Caroline Lormand & Carmen Calderon, Gabrielle Fortier & Ashley Forestner, Bailey Bonin & Gabrielle Capdepon, Beau Blanchard & Ike Hidalgo, Patrick Roesch & Hunter Sonnier; Singles winner - Patrick Roesch Against Sam Houston: Doubles winners: Sara Benson & Bailey Broussard, Caroline Lormand & Gabrielle Fortier, Gabrielle Capdepon & Claire Hebert, Britney Young & Elise Graveson, Victoria Lawyer & Kristen Travasos, Sunny Rivero & Reagan Routte, Patrick Roesch & Hunter Sonnier, Zack Ashy & Kavanaugh Danenberg, Sean Gillis & Gabrielle Capdepon; Singles winner - Ashley Daigle Against STM: Doubles winners - Gabrielle Fortier & Ashley Daigle, Carmen Calderon & Caroline Lormand, Carlie Chiriboga & 13 Gabrielle Capdepon, Ike Hidalgo & Sean Gillis; Singles winner - Kavanaugh Danenberg Baseball Frosh: Lafayette High; Comeaux; Cecilia JV: Acadiana; Lafayette High; Comeaux V: St. Michael; Lafayette High; Rebel Invitational Tournament - (Acadiana, Vandebilt Catholic, Notre Dame, Erath); St. Michael; Northside; Catholic High of New Iberia; Westgate Softball V: Cecilia; Rebel Invitational Tournament - (John Curtis, Lutcher, Acadiana) Bowling Against Acadiana: Girls and Boys team Against Comeaux: Girls team (Regional Tournament) and advanced to Bi-Regional in Shreveport Teurlings Catholic High School 139 Teurlings Drive Lafayette, Louisiana 70501 *** If you did not receive the inside pages of this newsletter, please pick up a copy in the front office or visit www.tchs.net. *** APRIL, 2015 Adopt - A - School Sponsors Breaux’s Cleaners Breaux Bridge The Grad Shoppe Clif Lane H.A. McConnell, Jr., DDS Oral Surgeon Faugot Photography Jay Faugot www.jayfaugot.com Bayouland Trophies Lowry’s Printing & Copying The Lowry Family Many thanks to our wonderful business partners! We are extremely grateful for their continued dedication and generosity. We encourage our TCH family to support these business establishments. Contact Aline Norwood 235-5711 ext. 105, if you would like to be a partner in this program.
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