Elwood Bulletin The - Arapahoe Public Mirror
Elwood Bulletin The - Arapahoe Public Mirror
Wednesday, April 13, 2016 The Elwood Bulletin Single Issue 75¢ • Volume 109 • Number 42 Elwood, Nebraska • USPS 174-620 Elwood Board of Education holds meeting, hears reports, approves policies Felicia Knoerzer tries out her driving skills on the driving simulator provided by Central Community College. The simulator shows you how your reaction time is after you have been drinking. Bulletin Photo Tyler Houser attends his last prom as a senior at Elwood School with his date for the evening. Bulletin Photo The Elwood Board of Education met for their regular monthly meeting on Monday, April 11, 2016. Those in attendance included Bill Brell, Kristy Diefenbaugh, Lacie Evans, Shelly Jorges, Tom Martin and Nick Niemeier as well as superintendent Daren Hatch and principal Kyle Hemmerling. President of the board, Shelly Jorges, called the 7:30 p.m. meeting to order and noted that the board followed the Open Meetings Policy Act which was posted in the room. The agenda was approved as presented as was thee Consent Agenda which included the minutes from the last meeting as well as the general and activity financial reports. The monthly claims in the amount of $261,367.31 were reviwed and approved for payment. Superintendent Hatch reported on the following items. •The old bleachers are expected to be removed mid-May following graduation. •He has been working with the person hired to paint the gym as well as the electrician who willl be installing the new lighting in the gym. •The new bleachers are expected to be installed midJuly. •He is looking into the possibility of refinishing the stage floor as well getting new stage lighting. These are projects that will be looked at more seriously at a future date. •Hatch reported that the preschool grant that he had applied for had been awarded to the Elwood Public School. The grant, administered over three years, will pay $75,000 the first year and $50,000 a year for the next two years. Payment of the money is not expected to be received until this summer. Principal Hemmerling reported that 17 students have signed up for kindergarten in the fall. He also noted that there are currently ten children signed up for pre-kindergarten with room for more. During action items, the board approved the option out for Traevyn Koch to EustisFarnam. They also approved the option in for Ryker Wolfe from Lexington for the 20162017 school year. The board also approved the fencing bid from Countrywide Estates of Cozad in the amount of $5,556.99 for a 40’x40’ fence for the preschool play area. It is expected that the fence will be installed in the near future. The board then approved the adoption of Policy #3005, #3007, #3008, #3009, #3010 and #5505. Approved and adopted on the second reading were the following policies, #3011, #3012, #3013, #3015, #3016, #3018, #3019, #3020. The board also approved the first reading of the following policies, #3021, #3022, #3023, #3024, #3025, #3026, #3027, #3028, #3029, #3031, #3032, #3033, #3034, #3035, and #3036. The board discussed setting the salaries for the classifed staff for the 2016-2017 school year, the board tabled making a decision until additional information can be obtained. Chemical dispoal from the chemistry classroom was discussed with the board approving a chemical removal and disposal bid from Tradebe in the amount of $4,903.56. The discussed summer projects which included painting the wood in the gym above the doors along with the panels in the front lobby. The April and May activity calendars were reviewed and it was noted that graduation ceremonies for the Class of 2016 will be held on Saturday, May 7, 2016 beginning at 2:00 p.m. At 8:55 p.m. the board voted to enter into Closed Session for the purpose of conducting the superintendent evaluation. The board entered into Open Session at 9:20 p.m. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:21 p.m. The next meeting for the Elwood Board of Education wlll be held on Monday, May 9, 2016 beginning at 7:30 p.m. 4-H members earn ribbons at public speaking contest Nineteen 4-H members were awarded ribbons at the 2016 Phelps-Gosper 4-H Public Speaking Contest, held April 5, 2016 at the Phelps County Ag Center. Taylor Marjerus served as the judge for the event. The Trophies for the Phelps-Gosper 2016 2-H Public Speaking Contest are graciously donated by The Law Office of Beverly Bogle-Louthan. Speakers for the evening included: Clover Kid, Jayden Dickman. Novice Division; Judah Niemeier “So God Made Farmers”, Bryce Reiners “The Buck in the Snow”, and Evie Pelton “The County Fair”. Junior Division; Elijah Niemeier “My 4-H Animals”, Colton Wagner “Mr. President”, Whitney Dickau “Ralph, My Ornery Bucket Calf”, Maria Ford “Now It’s My Turn “, Brody Rouse “Bucket Calf”, Bethany Pelton “Tickle Girl”, and Camden Dickman “How I Grow 4-H”. Intermediate Division; Johanna Ford “Lessons from My Calf”, Abbey Schloz “From Science to the Show Barn”, Evan Niemeier “How 4-H Has Made Me a Better Person”, Jake Klotz “My Wild Rabbit Adventure”, Sheridan Chaney “Bump, Set, Spike-Eat Beef”, Rianna Chaney “Heart Healthy Beef”, and Carsen Reiners “Boom! It’s Not Just the Shot”. Senior Division; Sarah Pelton “Agvocacy”. Youth from ages 5 to 19 have an opportunity to partici- Got a red check on your address label? Then it’s time to renew your subscription to the √ Elwood Bulletin DO IT TODAY! pate in the 4-H Public Speaking program at county level. 4-H Clover Kids, ages 5-7 had the opportunity to recite a short poem or story. Jayden Dickman recited “You are My Sunshine”. Novice division, youth 8-9, were encouraged to recite a favorite poem or short story of three minutes or less. Evie Pelton was awarded Champion of the Novice Division with her speech, “The County Fair”. The Reserve Champion of the Novice Division was awarded, in a tie, to Judah Niemeier for “So God Made a Farmer” and Bryce Reiners for “The Buck in the Snow”. Top honors of the Junior Division went to Maria Ford for her speech “Now It’s My Turn”. Reserve Champion went to Colton Wagner for his speech entitled, “Mr. President”. Rianna Chaney took top honors in the Intermediate Division with her speech “Heart Healthy Beef”, while Sheridan Chaney took home Reserve Champion with “Bump, Set, Spike-Eat Beef!”. “Agvocacy” was the title of Sarah Pelton’s speech that took home the Senior Division Grand Champion. 4-H members in three divisions, Junior (8 to 10 years of age) Intermediate (11 to 13 years of age) and Senior (Age14 & up) were required to prepare an original speech about 4-H and were competing for a chance to attend the Regional Contest. Selected to represent Phelps and Gosper counties in the Regional Competition were Maria Ford, Colten Wagner, Bethany Pelton, Whitney Dickau, Elijah Niemeier, Rianna Chaney, Sheridan Chaney, Johanna Ford, Evan Niemeier, Abby Schloz and Sarah Pelton. Former 4-H members have said that participation in the 4-H Public Speaking program has helped them develop skills Go to arapahoemirror.org to answer this week’s poll question: Contact the Elwood Bulletin: Phone 308.785.2251 Do you do your own lawn P.O. Box 115 work such as fertilizing and Elwood, NE 68937 weed control, or do you email: hire a lawn service? A. Do it myself B. Hire it done elwoodbulletin@gmail.com that have benefited them in high school, college and on the job. By learning how to present a speech youth develop organizational skills, as well as communication skills. Being able to present your ideas effectively helps build confidence. The 4-H Public Speaking Contest is sponsored by the Nebraska Rural Radio Network, which includes KRVN, KNEB, and KTIC. They provide the ribbons, $25 cash award for the top four winners in the Senior Division of the Regional Contests who participate in the state contest and special awards for the top state speech and PSA winners. Photo Identification: ( Photo Sent as an attachment) Front Row: Evie Pelton and Jayden Dickman. Middle Row: Brody Rouse, Bryce Reiners, Judah Niemeier, Jake Klotz, Maria Ford, Sheridan Chaney, Elijah Niemeier, Whitney Dickau. Back Row: Johanna Ford, Abbey Schloz, Carsen Reiners, Colton Wagner, Rianna Chaney, Camden Dickman, Evan Niemeier, and Bethany Pelton. Not Pictured: Sarah Pelton. Junior Division qualifiers for Regional 4-H Public Speaking Contest; Bethany Pelton, Maria Ford, Colton Wagner, Elijah Niemeier, and Whitney Dickau. - Courtesy Photo NRD to participate in hazard mitigation plan renewal process Tri-Basin Natural Resources District will work cooperatively with Emergency Management personnel from Gosper, Phelps, and Kearney Counties to revise and renew the area’s Hazard Mitigation Plan. According to federal law, a county or area must have a Hazard Mitigation Plan in place in order to receive federal funds in the event of a natural disas- ter. Federal funds will cover 75 percent of the cost of the plan renewal; each county involved and Tri-Basin NRD will provide one-fourth of the remaining 25 percent of the cost. A hazard mitigation plan is intended to identify ways to minimize damage and destruction resulting from a disaster. “It’s always cheaper to plan ahead than it is to clean up and Our Redeemer to hold dedication of remodeled sanctuary Our Redeemer Lu- Taylor Hickey and Tiffany Dickau looking fabulous for the 2016 Elwood Prom. Bulletin Photo Front Page Notes: Wednesday, April 13: 5th Grade Field Trip to McCook. Thursday, April 14: 7:30 p.m.-JH/SH Spring Concert. Friday, April 15: 2:00 p.m.Track @ Bertrand. Monday, April 18: 4:00 p.m.-FKC Academic Quiz Bowl @ Amherst. Monday, April 18: 7:00 p.m.-Community Meeting to meet and greet those running for the hospital board at Gosper County Senior Center. Tuesday, April 19: 10:00 a.m.-Golf @ Alma; 2:00 p.m.-JH Track @ Elwood. Tuesday, April 19: NoonArea Christian Women’s Connection meets @ Kirks. Featured speaker is Robert Messbarger of Kearney. Reservations & cancel- theran Church, 704 Smith Ave, Elwood invites everyone to the dedication of their newly remodeled sanctuary on Sunday, April 24, 2016, at 4:00 p.m. They will have a light lunch following the worship service. They hope you will be able to come and worship with them on this special day. lations by noon Monday –Sheri 308-320-0952 or Teresa 308-324-8386. Wednesday, April 20: 10:00 a.m.-Track @ Arapahoe. Thursday, April 21: District Music Large Groups @ Southern Valley. Thursday, April 21: NoonChamber Meeting @ Gosper County Senior Center. rebuild after a tornado or other disaster,” said NRD manager John Thorburn. Tri-Basin Directors will hold two public hearings in conjunction with the May board meeting at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 17. Proposed revisions to the district’s by-laws will be the focus of one of the hearings. The second hearing will cover revisions to the district’s erosion and sediment control rules. The proposed changes would correlate with changes made to Nebraska’s erosion and sediment control law last year. Tri-Basin NRD’s board also: Approved four certified irrigated acre transfers. Approved seven applications for well decommissioning costshare funds totaling $3,500, 13 applications for Tri-Basin NRD windbreak cost-share totaling $12,920.37, and 14 applications for Tri-Basin NRD and NSCWP irrigation water management cost-share funds totaling $10,500. Tri-Basin NRD’s next Board of Directors meeting will be Tuesday, May 17 at 7:30 p.m. at Tri-Basin NRD, 1723 Burlington in Holdrege, Nebraska. Crystal Theatre Arapahoe, NE April 15-18 “Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice” Starring: Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams 2 hrs 3 min PG-13 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 2016 Community News ELWOOD BULLETIN • PAGE 2 •Obituaries Janice L. Brauer The Chamber First Dollar award was given to The House on the Hill Bed and Breakfast (far right) Sindy Fiene at the monthly Chamber meeting held on March 17th.- Courtesy Photo •Area Church News Our Redeemer Lutheran – Missouri Synod Elwood Pastor Michael Wolff “http://www.ourredeemerelwood.com” www.ourredeemerelwood.com Wednesday, April 13: 8:30 a.m.-Preschool; 9:30 a.m.-Bible Study @ ECC; 6:15 p.m.Midweek & Confirmation Classes; 7:30 p.m.-Choir Practice. Thursday, April 14: 8:30 a.m.Preschool: 9:00 a.m.-Worship Committee; Quilting. Friday, April 15: 8:30 a.m.Preschool; 5:00 p.m.-Adult Confirmation. Saturday, April 16: 5:30 p.m.Communion Worship Service. Sunday, April 17: 9:30 a.m.Communion Worship Service; 10:45 a.m.-Sunday School & Adult Bible Study; 10:45 a.m.- LYF; 10:45 a.m.-Board of Directors Meeting. Monday, April 18: 8:30 a.m.Preschool. Tuesday, April 19: 8:30 a.m.Preschool; 9:30 a.m.-Women’s Bible Study; 4:30 p.m.-Women’s Bible Study; Newsletter Deadline. Wednesday, April 20: 8:30 a.m.-Preschool; 6:15 p.m.- Midweek & Confirmation Classes; 4-H Speech members are Front (l-r) Evie Pelton and Jayden Dickman. Middle (lr) Brody Rouse, Bryce Reiners, Judah Niemeier, Jake Klotz, Maria Ford, Sheridan Chaney, Elijah Niemeier, Whitney Dickau. Back (l-r) Johanna Ford, Abbey Schloz, Carsen Reiners, Colton Wagner, Rianna Chaney, Camden Dickman, Evan Niemeier, and Bethany Pelton. Not Pictured: Sarah Pelton. - Courtesy Photo Intermediate Division of the 4-H public speaking qualifiers for Regional 4-H Public Speaking Contest (l-r) Johanna Ford, Abbey Schloz, Rianna Chaney, Sheridan Chaney, and Evan Niemeier - Courtesy Photo 7:30 p.m.-Choir Practice. Thursday, April 21: 8:30 a.m.Preschool: Quilting. Hope Evangelical Lutheran Church Smithfield Pastor Tim Glendening “http://hopelutheranchurch. co” http://hopelutheranchurch.co Wednesday, April 13: 6:30 p.m.-WINGS & Confirmation; 7:45 p.m.-Choir. Thursday, April 14: 9:00 a.m.Sewing Day; 1:00 p.m.-Bulletin Deadline; 8:00 p.m.-AA & Alanon. Sunday, April 17: 9:00 a.m.Sunday School; 10:00 a.m.Worship Service. Monday, April 18: 1:00 p.m.Visitor Deadline. Wednesday, April 20: 9:30 a.m.-Chapel/Communion @ BNH&AL; 6:30 p.m.-WINGS & Confirmation; 7:45 p.m.-Choir. Thursday, April 21: 9:00 a.m.Sewing Day; 1:00 p.m.-Bulletin Deadline; 8:00 p.m.-AA & Alanon. First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Elwood Pastor Phyllis Dunlop Sunday, April 17: 9:45 a.m.Coffee; 10:30 a.m.-Worship Service. St. John’s Catholic Smithfield Pastor Fr. Thomas Lux Sunday, April 17: 8:00 a.m.Chapel Of Divine Mercy; 8:00 a.m.-8:20 a.m.-Confessions; 8:10 a.m.-Rosary; 8:30 a.m.Sunday Mass. First United Methodist Elwood Pastor Mary Fuller Wednesday, April 13: 6:15 p.m.-Kid’s Club & Youth Group. Sunday, April 17:9:00 a.m.Surprise Choir; 9:30 a.m.-Worship Service: 9:30 a.m.-Kid’s Sunday School. Wednesday, April 20: 6:15 p.m.-Kid’s Club & Youth Group; 7:00 p.m.-UMW. email us Garages ▪ Hobby Shops ▪ Agricultural ▪ Commercial ▪ Equestrian •Subscriptions •News •Advertisements elwoodbulletin@gmail.com Elwood Bulletin Specializing in Complete Post Frame Buildings Janice L. Brauer, age 83, passed away Tuesday, April 5, 2016, at the Community Memorial Health Center in Burwell, Nebraska. She was born February 25, 1933 at Lexington, Nebraska to Wrex A. and Ruth L. (McCarther) Greenlee. J a n i c e grew up in Lexington and attended Lexington High School and later receive her G.E.D. She married Kenneth Brauer at the Methodist Church in Lexington on May 29, 1949. To this union six children were born; Rosalie, Greg, Karla, Jeff, Dawn, & Mark. They made their home in Eustis and stayed there the rest of her life. Janice enjoyed driving the school bus for 30 plus years. She was active in her kid’s lives by volunteering to lead their girl and boy scouts troops. She worked at many area nursing homes, loved to help decorate the church and senior center for Christmas, and was a talented artist working with painting, drawing, and sculpting. The last few years, she lived at Community Memorial Health Center in Burwell to be near family. She was a member of the United Methodist Church of Eustis, Christian Women’s Club, Eustis Rescue Squad, and Walk to Emmaus. Janice was preceded in death by her parents, husband, Kenneth, and sisters Sharon Fisher and Wanda Hopkins, brother Larry, and infant son Mark. Janice is survived by her Sons: Greg and wife Julie Brauer of Elm Creek, Nebraska; Jeff Brauer of Lincoln, Nebraska; Daughters: Rosalie and husband Bruce Bonini of Lexington, Nebraska; Karla and husband Tim Petermann of Arapahoe, Nebraska; Dawn Brauer of Bancroft, Nebraska; Grandchildren: 12 Great- Grandchildren: 15 Condolences and personal reflections may be left at elwoodfuneralhome.com. No viewing or visitation as cremation was chosen. Celebration of Life will be Saturday, April 16, 2016 at 2 PM at United Methodist Church in Eustis, Nebraska with Pastor Neil Kloppenborg, officiating. Private Family Inurnment will be at the Eustis East Cemetery at Eustis, Nebraska. Elwood Funeral Home of Elwood, Nebraska is in charge of the arrangements. Lyle R. Tucker Lyle R. Tucker, 82, of Johnson Lake, died Monday, April 4, 2016 at his home with family by his side. Funeral services were at 10:30 am Thursday at Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Kea r n e y. The Rev. Michael Wolff officiated. Interment at Pleasant Valley Cemetery in Orchard, Neb., at 2 p.m, Friday. Memorials are suggested to the Wounded Warrior Project. Condolences may be shared online at www.osrfh.com. Lyle Ray Tucker was born on Oct. 30, 1933 at Fremont to Ray and Goldie (Stiever) Tucker. He grew up in Ewing and graduated from EwingHigh School in 1951. He entered the United States Army in February of 1954, serving during the Korean War. He was honorably discharged in March of 1956. Lyle was united in marriage to Sherry Couch on April 22, 1956 in Bartlett. To this union three children were blessed. The couple made their home in Ewing until moving to O’Neill in 1960 and then to Kearney in 1970. Lyle was a carpet installer for many years. Among his great achievements was installing carpet for the Buckle, starting with the original Buckle Store in Kearney. Throughout his career he would install carpet in 240 Buckle stores nationwide. He was a member of Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Kearney, the Kearney Home Builders Association, Cadet Wing Commander for the Civil Air Control where he earned the Ace Award for search and rescue of three downed planes. While living in O’Neill he was a member of Christ Lutheran Church where he was a Sunday School Supervisor for five years and the VFW Post 926. Lyle is survived by his loving wife, Sherry of Johnson Lake; two sons, Rick (Rhonda) Tucker and Kelly (Debbie) Tucker all of Kearney; his daughter, Kristi (Jim) Jorgensen of Casper, Wyo.; 10 grandchildren, Rikki and husband Mike, Skye and husband Noah, Kyle, Hunter, Kaleb and wife Jamie, Jordan and wife Brandi, Chantel and husband Mark, Jacob, Shelby and Colten; and five great grandchildren, Tayler, Avery, Ellie, Liam and Diego. He was preceded in death by his parents and a grandson, Joshua. Got a red check on your address label? Then it’s time to renew your subscription to the √ Elwood Bulletin April 23, 2016 DO IT TODAY! 4:00 to 8pm Over 170 Craft Beers & Food Outdoor Venue 1st & St. Joseph Ave. Downtown Hastings www.qualitystructures.com downtowndothebrew.com The Elwood Bulletin 308 Smith Avenue • P.O. Box 115 Elwood, NE 68937-0115 308-785-2251 • elwoodbulletin@gmail.com Published each Wednesday by T.M. Gill and Gayle L. Schutz at Elwood, NE. T.M. Gill and Gayle L. Schutz, Co-Publishers. Periodical postage paid at the Elwood Post Office, Elwood, NE 68937 Postmaster: Send change of address to: Elwood Bulletin, PO Box 115, Elwood, NE 68937-0115 One Year Subscription In Gosper County $29.00; Out of Gosper County $31.00; Out of State $35.00; E-Editions $30.00 • Single copy $1.00 The Elwood Bulletin staff reserves the right to edit all news items. Member: Nebraska Press Association and the National Newspaper Association Wednesday, April 13, 2016 Volume 110 • Number 42 BULL SALE? Run this size ad in over 160 Newspapers for just $5.95/newspaper Place your 2x2 display ad in over 165 Nebraska newspapers & get your message to over 750,000 readers. Statewide coverage for just $5.95* per publication. *Statewide cost only $975. Regional ads also available in Central, Northeast, Southeast or Western Nebraska. Other sizes available. Call this newspaper or 1-800-369-2850 for more information. Nebraska 2x2/2x4 Display Ad Network B A BY P OW D E R OVA R I A N CA N C E R OR OTHER TALCUM POWDER LINKED TO Long-term use of baby/talcum powder is linked to ovarian cancer. If you or a loved one suffered from ovarian cancer after using Johnson’s Baby Powder, Shower to Shower or other talcum powder, you may be entitled to substantial compensation. Call us at 1-800-THE-EAGLE now. No fees or costs until your case is settled or won. We practice law only in Arizona, but associate with lawyers throughout the U.S. GOLDBERG & OSBORNE 915 W. Camelback Rd. Phoenix, AZ 85013 1-800-THE-EAGLE (1-800-843-3245) www.1800theeagle.com ay 7 Dek n e e Op a W s Community News WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 2016 ELWOOD BULLETIN • PAGE 3 Bullis graduates from Fort Hays State Kaitlyn Bullis was among the 786 who completed associate, bachelor’s or graduate degrees at Fort Hays State University, Hays, Kan., in the fall 2015 semester. Fort Hays State is one of six public universities in the Kansas Board of Regents system. Elwood: Kaitlyn Mary Bullis, a Bachelor of Science in nursing. Sophomores who attended the Prom were: Standing - Tiffany Dickau, Aspen Sitorius, Felicia Knoerzer, Manon Martin, Danielle Forster, Madison Clouse, Lindsey Jauken; Seated – Kent Rae, Aaron Clouse, Caleb Werger and Detric Kasson. - Bulletin Photo Please notify the Elwood Bulletin office of your new address so you can receive uninterrupted delivery of your hometown newspaper. Elwood Pirates track teams travel to Arnold and South Loup By Shane Riley for the Pirates by placing in two events. He placed third in the high jump by clearing 5’8”. Aaron Clouse also placed fifth in the pole vault by clearing 9’0”. Kalyn Beam was the second Pirate to place in the high jump. He placed fourth, however he also cleared 5’8”. Jake Gydesen placed third in the discus throw by throwing 118’5”. Raul Clouse rounded out the Pirates scoring with a fifth place finish in the long jump. He cleared 17’9.5”. The Pirates will travel to Bertrand for the Bertrand Invite on Friday, April 15. The Elwood High School Pirates track teams travelled to Arnold for the South Loup Invite on Friday, April 8. The boys finished in ninth place with 20 points. Brady won the boy’s meet with 83 points. The EHS girls had a strong fifth place finish with 57 team points. The teams placed second to fifth all were within six team points of each other. Mullen won the girl’s side with 80 team points. The Lady Pirates had two different athletes place first in their respective events. Tiffany Dickau won the 1600 meter run with a time of 6:01.60. Dickau also placed third in the 3200 meter run with a time of 12:45.40. Aspen Sitorius won the long jump by jumping 15’2”. Holly Lonowski was the first of two Lady Pirates to place in the pole vault. She finished in third by clearing 8’0”. Cassie Jorges also placed in the pole vault. She placed fifth by clearing 7’6”. Jorges also placed fifth in the triple jump with a jump of 27’8.25”. Tobie Carlberg placed sixth in the 100 meter dash with a time of 14.0 seconds. The Lady Pirates had all three relay teams place in the top four at the meet. The 4x400 meter relay team placed second with a time of 4:39.70. The 4x800 meter relay team placed third with a time of 11:55.0. Finally, the 4x100 meter relay placed fourth with a time of 57.50 seconds. Aaron Clouse led the way Having trouble staying up on community events? Elwood golf hosted Invitational on Tuesday The Elwood High School Pirate golf team stayed at home this past week as they hosted their Invitational on Tuesday, April 5. Southern Valley won their second consecutive meet by golfing a 329 as a team. Kallen Nickell placed in the top 20 for the Pirates. He finished tied for 17th by hitting a 93 on his home course. Cody Gutierrez just missed hitting under 100 with his 101. He finished tied for 34th. Seth Carbaugh rounded out the team by hitting a 111 at the meet. The Elwood Pirate golf team will be back on the road as they travel to Arapahoe for the Arapahoe Invite on Tuesday, April 12. YRTC KEARNEY IS HIRING The Youth Rehabilitation and Treatment Center Kearney has immediate openings for Youth Security Specialist I / II $14.41/hour plus shift differential Baseball Triple Play July 19-22 New York City Broadway & Baseball Aug. 3-7 Husker Football Tours Northwestern—Sept. 22-25 Indiana—Oct. 14-16 Wisconsin—Oct. 27-30 Ohio State—Nov. 4-6 Wisconsin Treasures June 6-11 0 California Gold Coast June 15-27 The State of Nebraska offers excellent wages and benefits. Spirit of Peoria River Cruise June 24-29 For more details on the position and to apply on line go to: www.statejobs.nebraska.gov The State of Nebraska complies with Nebraska’s Veterans Preference Laws EEO/Vet Allied Tour & Travel See Tours at AlliedTT.com 800-672-1009 Chiropractic Can Help in the Treatment of... Headaches Neck Pain Low Back Pain Sciatica Elwood Public School held a pre-prom activity last Thursday afternoon for the ninth through 12th grade students. Gosper County Sheriff Deputies Craid Ward and Jim Laudenklos as well as State Trooper Wagner spent the afternoon with the students. The Nebraska State Patrol provided the kids with the affect of a 10 mile an hour accident. Here Christopher Halouska feels the crash at 10 mph on the simulator. - Bulletin Photo Disc Issues Call Cappel Chiropractic to learn more. Insurance accepted. Cappel Chiropractic & Personal Training 308-962-5252 515 Nebraska Ave, Arapahoe NOTICE OF DEADLINES Deadlines for items/ads to be printed in the Elwood Bulletin for •Display Advertising •Classified Advertising •Legal Notices and •News Articles is Tuesdays, 9:00 A.M. News and ads may be submitted to elwoodbulletin@ gmail.com or arapmir@atcjet.net Any copy received after these deadlines will be published in the next newspaper. For more info call 308-785-2251. Looking for work in NEHires.com Your online source for Nebraska jobs, owned and operated by Nebraska’s newspapers. Nebraska? We Auction!!! Our customer service and marketing is second to none! please call or stop by to discuss selling your farm or ranch. We can work for you to get you the most return! Visit www.NEHires.com for more job postings. Search by region of the state, job category, keyword. 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Always wear a helmet, eye protection, and protective clothing and obey the speed limit. Never ride under the influence of drugs or alcohol. 205 Nebraska Avenue, Arapahoe……………………………………………………………….$80,000 802 chestnut street, arapahoe…..………………………………………………………………$64,500 613 Norwich, Holbrook………………………………………………………………………………….$20,000 Please visit our website www.WarnerRealEstate.land or www.realtor.com to view each of these listings along with details & pictures. If you don’t have a K-Lawn dealer in your area, and feel you have what it takes, we’re looking to add a few quality dealers to our network. Call us today at 800-445-9116, or visit us online today at www.k-lawn.com to learn the full story. 709 6th Street, PO Box 205 Arapahoe, NE 68922 Office: 308-962-7976 Kugler Company PO Box 1748 McCook, Nebraska 69001 www.k-lawn.com 7100 Husker Cir, Lincoln • (402) 423-0064 • indianmotorcyclelincoln.com www.WarnerRealEstate.land Kate Warner, CRS Reuben Ahrens Saleperson 308-962-6172 BR10-NE-77080-KEAR0-BROK0-NONE-NONE.pdf, BR10, Financing with us pays..., NE, 7.7080 x4.5, Broker/owner PDF, B7RVVGFI4K, A Cell: 970-520-7439 Cell: ! KL-109.indd 1 11/16/15 9:21 AM powerofownership.com '//'5)03*4'--#.9! #563Α*-3&" ! 30/5*'306/59#*3306/&4"50%,7*--'! ! !! 7'3 *-7'30--#34"50 ! "*/&.*--"'*()54-#448#3'63/*563'! !/*26'/5*26'40--'%5*$-'46%)03' ! $4 5 . 6 million $45.6 million distributed in the state of Nebraska. 030.1-'5'#-'*--*%563'40 0! 8880-&8'453'#-59#/%5*0/%0.! ! ! ! ! ! FINANCING WITH US PAYS DIVIDENDS. AND THAT’S NOT JUST A FIGURE OF SPEECH. In Nebraska this year, our eligible customers were paid $45.6 million in cash-back dividends. Farm Credit Services of America is proud to return a portion of our net earnings to our eligible customer-owners – a return that will benefit agriculture and rural communities across the entire state. KEARNEY OFFICE: 308-234-2577 BROKEN BOW OFFICE: 308-872-2461 -&"'45'#-596%5*0/! '/5'37'/6'! 635*4 ! */&9-40/"""! '(*/#/&3*+'4,*""" ! WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 2016 •Senior Center News Friends joining us for noon dinner this past week included: Bill Willets, Bruce Bader, Maria Atterberry, Elwood; Nancy ward, Carol Jones, Joanne Olson, Holdrege. Thanks for coming and hope to see you again soon. Upcoming activities scheduled are community Bingo on Monday, April 18 at 1:00 p.m. On Tuesday we will have Administrative Board meeting at 8:00 a.m. At 7:00 p.m. we will be open for a community meet- Having trouble staying up on community events? Catch the buzz with The Elwood Bulletin! Subscriptions start at just $29/year in-county. Call today! Elwood Bulletin (308) 785-2251 elwoodbulletin@gmail.com ing to meet and greet the folks who are running for the hospital board. On Wednesday, April 20 we will celebrate the April birthdays and anniversaries and enjoy cake and ice cream sponsored by Pinnacle Bank. Thursday April 21 is Chamber meeting day and if you are interested in dinner, please call for a reservation. The Center number is 785-2500. Remember that we have our Gift Cupboard for those quick gift ideas. We have books and children’s games and several hand-crafted items. Our ‘Balloons for You’ are still available here for gift giving and special occasions. Talk to Lana about using the Center for your card party, community group meetings, or special get-togethers. The Center number is 785-2500. Menu: Monday, April 18: Chicken & noodles, green beans, pears, biscuit. Tuesday, April 19: Roast beef, mashed potatoes/gravy, corn, peaches, wheat bread. Wednesday, April 20: Ham balls, scalloped potatoes, beets, apricots, raisin bread. Thursday, April 21:chili or chicken noodle soup, vegetable tray, coleslaw, mixed fruit/cottage cheese. Friday, April 22: Polish dog, sauerkraut casserole, lettuce salad, mixed fruit, bun. Your Ride Awaits 2014 DODGE RAM 2500 CREW CAB SHORT BOX 4 WHEEL DRIVE Maximum Steel Metallic with gray cloth 40/20/40 seating, Big Horn décor, 5.7 Hemi V8, automatic, air, tilt, speed control, power seat, windows, locks and trailer tow mirrors, U-Connect radio, heated seats, and steering wheel, backup camera, RAMBOX cargo system, trailer tow group, aluminum wheels, keyless entry 53,000 miles 2016 DODGE RAM 1500 CREW CAB SHORT BOX 4 WHEEL DRIVE Maximum Steel Metallic, Gray Cloth Bucket Seats, Bighorn Decor, 5.7 Hemi V8, Air, Tilt, Speed control, Power seat, windows, locks and Mirrors, Stereo, touch shift transfer case, bed lighting, U- Connect, Park sense system, 20” chrome wheels, remote start. 2016 RAM 2500 CREW CAB SHORT BOX 4 WHEEL DRIVE White with Tan leather Laramie P r e m i u m D e c o r, 6 . 4 Hemi V8 automatic, Dual Control Climate Control, Tilt, Speed control, Power seats, Heated seats, Power windows, Locks & Mirrors, Stereo w/Navigation Radio, Remote start. 2011 CHRYSLER TOWN AND COUNTRY TOURING WAGON Gold with neutral cloth 7 passenger bucket seats w/quad seating & stow ‘n’ go, 3.8 V6, automatic dual control, air conditioning w/ rear air & heat, tilt, speed control, power seat windows locks & mirrors, stereo radio, power side doors & liftgate, sunscreen glass, aluminum wheels, keyless entry, 50,000.00 miles. 2 0 1 5 D O D G E DURANGO LIMITED 4 DOOR 4 WHEEL DRIVE Silver with dark gray leather bucket seats, 3.6 V6, automatic, dual climate control with rear controls, tilt/telescoping wheel, speed control, power seats, heated seats, power windows, locks, and mirrors, power sunroof, power liftgate, stereo with Navigation, remote start, aluminum wheels 17,000 miles. 2016 ARCTIC CAT TBX 700 EPS- Red Electric Power Steering, on the fly 2WD/4WD with locking front differential, Massive storage compartments in both of the rear wheels, tilting capacity utility box. Faw’ s Garage, Inc. Arapahoe Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram Trucks Cambridge Chevrolet Buick Home of the “Faw Better Deal” since 1923. Shop Arapahoe - Where the highways always meet. 308-962-7415 Arapahoe, Nebraska fawbetterdeal.com fawmotors.com mcfaw@swnebr.net Community News ELWOOD BULLETIN • PAGE 4 •Gosper County Board of Commissioners Proceedings COURTHOUSE ELWOOD, NEBRASKA MARCH 30, 2016 A meeting of the Gosper County Board of Commissioners was convened in open and public session at 9:00 a.m. on March 30, 2016, at the Gosper County Courthouse, Elwood, Nebraska. Present were Chairperson Terry Lerdall and Members Bruce Bader and Glen Monter. Clerk Cynthia Evans was present to record the proceedings. Notice of the meeting was given in advance thereof by publication in the Elwood Bulletin, Elwood, NE on March 23, 2016. Availability of the agenda was communicated in the published notice. All proceedings of the Board were taken while the convened meeting was open to the attendance of the public. The undersigned Clerk hereby certifies that these minutes were written and available for public inspection within ten (10) working days after the date of said meeting. The meeting was duly called to order and Chairman Lerdall announced and informed the public that a current copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act is posted on the wall of the meeting room. The Minutes of March 9, 2016 were read. Motion by Monter, seconded by Bader to approve the minutes as read. Roll Call Vote: “Aye” Monter, Lerdall, Bader. Motion carried. Audit and approval was made for the following payrolls and claims. GENERAL FUND: PERSONAL SERVICES- March Payroll: $49,581.37; L. Strickland, $445.62; American Family Life Ins, $667.08; Ameritas, $5,720.82; BC/BS of NE, $11,878.54; Delta Dental Plan of NE, $689.80; First Concord Benefits Group LLC, $1,341.22; Illinois Mutual, $15.00; IRS, $12,210.57; Madison Nat’l Life Ins, $75.05; Mass Mutual, $190.00; NE Child Support, $479.00; NE Dept of Revenue, $1,484.87; Philadelphia American Life Ins Co, $48.23; T. W i l s o n P C , $ 2 , 0 8 6 . 9 8 ; OPERATING EXPENSES- AS Central, $173.80; ATC, $350.00; CardMember Svc, $106.49; Chase, $11.49; Comm Action Partnership of Mid NE, $336.56; K. Corder, $34.80; Dawson Co Sheriff, $418.60; Dawson PPD, $725.96; Dawson Co Weed Ctrl, $8,250.00; Elwood Bulletin, $509.43; Elwood Funeral Home, $1,200.00; Elwood Public Library, $733.33; B. Fallesen, $1,800.00; Gosper Co CASA, $750.00; Gosper Co Crt, $643.50, Heldt & McKeone, $574.00; Ideal Linen Supply, $103.13; J. Laudenklos, $45.00; B. Bogle Louthan, $517.40; MIPS, $1,130.73; D. Mitchell, $1,555.00; J. Naputi, $45.00; NE Sheriff’s Assoc, $160.00; NE Tech & Telecomm, $606.47; D. Ocken $45.00; P. Redding, $250.80; Region 15 Emgcy Mgt, $5,467.02; Region II Human Svc, $1,627.67, SourceGas, $309.56; E. Stahla, $42.00; Urbom Law, $221.60; Village of Elwood, $186.70; C. Ward, $45.00; West Crtl Dist Assr Assn, $20.00; Woodward’s Disp, $20.00; SUPPLIESAurora CoOp, $871.29; Comp Assist, $67.50; DataSpec Inc, $399.00; Eakes, $284.82; Ofc Sol, $159.51; EQUIPMENT RENTAL- Hometown Leasing, $289.59; CAPITAL OUTLAYVerizon, $160.08; ROAD & BRIDGE FUND: PERSONAL SERVICES- March Payroll: $31,153.94; American Family Life Ins, $99.10; Ameritas, $3,504.83; BC/BS of NE, $6,773.20; Delta Dental Plan of NE, $348.55; First Concord Benefits Group LLC, $430.00; IRS, $7,349.52; Madison Nat’l Life Ins, $17.43; NE Dept of Revenue, $973.58; OPERATING EXPENSES- Ag Valley CoOp, $689.84; ATC Comm, $48.59; K. Campbell, $31.00; Dawson PPD, $161.85; Hemelstrands Inc, $61.98; John Deere Fin, $95.42; NE Tech & Telecom, $171.62; Platte Valley Glass, $100.00; Platte Valley Comm, $1,124.23; RDO Truck Ctr, $321.99; S&W Auto, $440.17; SourceGas, $309.58; Verizon, $66.76; Village of Elwood, $ 4 4 . 9 5 ; Wa l M a r t , $ 4 9 . 7 6 ; SUPPLIES- Aurora CoOp, $823.44; B’s Ent, $1,486.00; Card Svc, $271.90; CHS Agri Svc Ctr, $74.76; DraftingSteals, $188.12; Fastenal, $58.11; Lofquist, $4,627.50; Matheson Tri-Gas, $25.45; Mead Lumber, $64.23; Menards, $145.81; Ofc Sol, $59.63; Overton Sand & Gravel, $12,629.23; Paulsen’s, $8,267.77; Tri-Basin, $75.00; CAPITAL OUTLAY- Oak Creek Eng, $1,428.40; T R E A S U R E R ’ S MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS: $122,468.40. Motion by Monter, seconded by Bader to approve the Distress Warrant Report from the Gosper County Treasurer and the Distress Warrant Report from the Gosper County Sheriff. Roll Call Vote: “Aye” Monter, Lerdall, Bader Motion carried. Motion by Bader, seconded by Monter to approve an Agreement for Limited Professional Services with Miller & Associates Consulting Engineers, P.C. for preparation of a TIGER grant application for Road 433 (Smithfield Road). Roll Call Vote: “Aye” Monter, Lerdall, Bader Motion carried. A representative was present to discuss Rd 433, known as the Smithfield Road. No action was taken. Pat Gerdes, Region 15 Emergency Manager, Sheriff Dennis Ocken, Roger Powell, Furnas County Emergency Manager and Clyde Davis, Elwood EMT were present to discuss the Gosper County Emergency Manager position due to the resignation of Pat Gerdes. The Board received a letter from the Phelps County Attorney stating that the Phelps County Board of Commissioners have voted to decline to renew the Region Fifteen Inter-local Agreement for Emergency Management Agency Services effective July 1, 2016. Discussion was held. Roger Powell, Furnas County EM stated he would be interested in the position; he will talk to his Board and submit a proposal. Also, Clyde Davis would be interested in the position. No action was taken. Hwy. Supt. Mike Snyder was present and gave a road report. He contacted a company in Valentine that is using the Diamond Rotary Forestry Excavator and contacted Advance Forest Equipment Mfg. to get a quote on their forestry head. Discussion was held. A motion was made by Monter to not purchase the forestry head, the motion died for a lack of a second. Motion by Lerdall, seconded by Monter to table the decision on purchasing a forestry head for a month. Roll Call Vote: “Aye” Monter, Lerdall, Bader Motion carried. The Road employees are working on culverts, will start on Project C-37 (16) next week, they are rebuilding the hills on RD 735 in East Muddy west of Hwy. 283. Overton Sand & Gravel will finish hauling gravel in the Lincoln township, will then start hauling in the Bethel township. Platte Valley Communications checked out all of the Hwy. Dept. radio’s to make sure they were receiving and transmitting. At 11:30 a.m., a Bid Letting was held for the overlay of 1.7 miles at Johnson Lake Drive - East Side - Project No. 104P1-064-16. Present was Jim Jewell, Paulsen, Inc., Julie, Werner Construction, Randy Deans, Miller & Associates and Hwy. Supt. Mike Snyder. The first bid opened was from Werner Construction in the amount of $470,207.70. The seconded bid opened was from Paulsen’s Inc. in the amount of $384,188.29. The Board received an Engineer’s Opinion of Probable Construction Costs prepared by Miller & Associates estimating the cost of the project to be $357,231.00. Discussion was held. Motion by Lerdall, seconded by Bader to accept the bid from Paulsen, Inc., in the amount of $384,188.29. Roll Call Vote: “Aye” Lerdall, Bader, Monter. Motion carried. Motion by Bader, seconded by Monter to approve an Application for Permit to Construction Items on County Property for Consolidated Companies, Inc. Roll Call Vote: “Aye” Lerdall, Monter, Bader Motion carried. The Board recessed for lunch at noon. At 1:00 p.m., the Board reconvened. Lance Harder, Oak Creek Engineering was present and reviewed the plans for replacing a bridge over the E65 Canal at Johnson Lake with a 14’ x 14’ x104’ concrete box culvert. The estimated cost of the project will be $350,000.00, of this $65,000.00 will be paid b y C N P P & I D . H w y. S u p t . Mike Snyder was present and recommended moving forward with the project. Motion by Lerdall, seconded by Bader to approve going forward with the project. Roll Call Vote: “Aye” Monter, Lerdall, Bader Motion carried. The Bid Letting will be held April 27, 2016 at 11:30 a.m. Pam Bogle, Zoning Administrator was present and submitted a recommendation from the Gosper County Joint Planning Commission to change the Ag Zoning District permitted uses. Motion by Lerdall, seconded by Monter to approve the recommended change to the Ag Zoning District permitted uses from Single family dwellings to Single family dwellings on an improved all weather county road (above minimum maintenance road standards). Roll Call Vote: “Aye” Monter, “Aye” Lerdall, “Nay” Bader Motion carried. The Board adjourned at 2:00 p.m. ATTEST: Cynthia E. Evans, Clerk Terry G. Lerdall, Chairperson (Seal) The next regular meeting of the Gosper County Board of Commissioners will be April 13, 2016, at the Gosper County Courthouse, Elwood, Nebraska. The Board will convene on April 27, 2016 at 9:00 a.m., at the Gosper County Courthouse, Elwood, Nebraska to conduct a regular session and to audit claims. Claims to be audited shall be filed with the County Clerk by April 20, 2016. 1T- 4/13 CH ZNEZ _________________________ Seniors attending the 2016 Elwood Prom were: Back – Amber Nelson, Destiny Montey, Tori Wilson, Emma Collins, Breann Eaton. Tobie Carlberg, Cassie Jorges, Kristen Elliott. Middle – Kearney Jess, Seath Carbaugh, Peter Ricciotti, Davius Pinkins, Tyler Houser, Ethan Kranz. Courtesy Photo Girls in the freshman class attending the Prom were Baylee Diefenbaugh, Hannah Steinwart, Julieann Puls, Taylor Hickey, Jaycee Wooters, Haylie Moseley and Kimberly Halouska. Freshmen guys attending were Brandon Jauken, Raul Clouse, Max Elliott and Giovanni Duran. - Bulletin Photo Juniors who enjoyed the Prom activities were: Back – Kody Hort, Kendra Mullins, Jordan Hagan, HollyLonowski, Danielle Trout, Katie Kleine, Kayln Beam. Seated – Ben Bogle, Kallen Nickell, Christopher Halouska and Jake Gydesen. - Bulletin Photo Classifieds & Legals •Invitation to Bid •Statewide Classified CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING works! Place your 25 word ad into thousands of Nebraska homes for $225. Contact your local newspaper or call 1-800369-2850. KEARNEY GUN/Coin Show, April 16th and 17th, Sat. 9 a.m.5 p.m., Sun. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Expo Center, Fairgrounds, Kearney, NE. BANKRUPTCY: FREE initial consultation. Fast relief from creditors. Low rates. Statewide filing. No office appointment n e c e s s a r y. C a l l S t e ff e n s Law Office, 308-872-8327. steffensbankruptcylaw.com. We are a debt relief agency, which helps people file bankruptcy under the bankruptcy code. AFFORDABLE PRESS Release service. Send your message to 170 newspapers across Nebraska for one low price! Call 1-800-369-2850 or www. nebpress.com for more details. SAVE MONEY! Lowest cost Medicare Supplements. Why pay more for federally issued standardized plans? Independent agent, multiple companies. Call Jason! 402675-3084. CITY OF Ogallala is seeking a City Manager. More info at www. ogallala-ne.gov or at 308-2843607. Position open until filled. Salary $87,505-$115,107 DOQ. WESSELS LIVING History Farm seeks Director. Background in museum science/history required. Send resume: Wessels Farm, Attn. Todd Kirshenbaum, 5520 S. Lincoln, York, NE 68467. LOOKING FOR a career with high earning potential and flexible scheduling? Basic Financial Solutions is hiring sales agents. Training/Licensing provided. Send resumes: meganh@wfsm. com. PLUMBER WITH quality workmanship for new home construction in Lincoln. Minimum 5 years experience. No Lincoln license needed. Good driving record. $24.00-$28.00 hr. 402525-3630. Public notice is hereby given that Gosper County, Nebraska invites sealed bids for furnishing necessary equipment, labor, materials and incidentals to complete Structure No. C003700205P Replacement. Sealed bids will be received by the Gosper County Board of Commissioners, P.O. Box 136, Elwood, NE 68937 until 11:30 am local time on April 27, 2016. Sealed bids will then be publicly opened and read aloud. Scope of Work: Project includes removal of existing bridge, reinforced concrete box culvert construction, earthwork and concrete paving. Bids shall be submitted to: Ms. Cynthia Evans, 507 Smith Avenue, P.O. Box 136, Elwood, NE 68937 Bids shall include: Bid Bond in the amount of 5% of the total base bid. Certified check, ca- ELWOOD BULLETIN • PAGE 5 WEDNESDAY, APRIL13, 2016 •Notice of Trustees Sale shier’s check or bid bond made payable to Owner. Selected bidder shall supply: Performance Bond and Payment Bond in the amount of 100% of the total base bid. Questions shall be directed to: Mr. Lance Harter, Oak Creek Engineering, (308) 4551152 Considerations: Contract documents can be obtained by contacting Oak Creek Engineering, (308) 455-1152. Contract documents must be purchased in hard copy, requiring a nonrefundable fee of $40.00. Bids shall be submitted on furnished forms, sealed and marked with bidder contact information. Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids, hold bids for 30 days and select most beneficial bid. 2T 4/6, 13 ZNEZ •Legal Notice SCRAPER/MOTOR Grader Operators and Surveyor needed for Grading Contractor. 100% paid health insurance. Commercial Contractors Equipment, Inc., 701 NW 27th, Lincoln, NE 68528, 402-4761711. EOE THE KEITH County News, Ogallala, seeks a sports editor. Position requires game and event coverage, photos, writing sports stories, and page layout. 308-289-1599, newsboy@ ogallalakcnews.com. Elwood Bulletin Notice of Trustee’s Sale The following described property will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder on April 25, 2016, at 10:00 o’clock a.m., at the Front Steps of the Gosper County Courthouse in Elwood, Gosper County, Nebraska: Lots 13 and 14, Block 11, Original Town of Smithfield, Gosper County, Nebraska subject to any and all (1) prior liens, (2) real estate taxes, (3) special assessments, and (4) easements, covenants, restrictions of record which affect this property. Terms of Sale: For all bidders, other than the Beneficiary, the highest bidder shall deposit $5,000.00 in cash or certified funds at the close of the sale, which shall be non-refundable, and the remaining amount due must be paid in cash or certified funds to the Trustee by 4:00 p.m. on the day of the sale; except this requirement is waived if the highest bidder is the current Beneficiary. Upon receipt of payment, the Trustee shall execute and deliver its Deed without warranties to such purchaser. The purchaser shall be responsible for all applicable fees or taxes including documentary stamp tax. This sale is being held pursuant to the power of sale granted in a Deed of Trust filed November 10, 2014, and recorded in Book 83 of Mortgages, Page 656 as Inst. No. 2014-551 of the Records of the County Clerk of Gosper County, Nebraska, in which Angel M itchell and Ver na Barnhouse, are the Borrower. Dated this 9th day of March, 2016. Todd D. Wilson, Trustee 5T-42 CH ZNEZ •Wanted Dependable person looking for a small house or simple apartment for a couple of years while I intern at a job with USDA in Lexington. Call 308-692-3472 2T 4-6 & 13 PD •Legal Notice The Village of Elwood is requesting any parties interested in demolishing the existing restroom at the park to inquire at the Village Office, 304 Calvert Ave. or call 308-785-2480 by April 29, 2016 with your estimate. 2T 4/13, 20 ZNEZ •Legal Notice The Village of Elwood is looking for someone to prepare the site at the park for the new restroom facility. Information/ drawings available at the Village Office at 304 Calvert Ave, Elwood, 308-785-2480. 2T 4/13, 20 ZNEZ •Legal Notice LEGAL NOTICE THE CENTRAL NEBRASKA PUBLIC POWER AND IRRIGATION DISTRICT Holdrege, Nebraska In the Matters of Applications 16-1 through 16-6,) to Transfer the Location of Use of Portions of ) Water Appropriations A-2355, A-3476, A-9673, ) A-10280, A-10281, and A-17111. ) NOTICE Notice is hereby given that on April 5, 2016, applications 16-1, 16-2, 16-3, 16-4, 16-5, and 16-6, for permits to transfer the location of use of portions of water appropriations A-2355, A-3476, A-9673, A-10280, A-10281, and A-17111 were filed with The Central Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District (Central). All of the following described water appropriations divert water for irrigation through the Tri-County Canal from a headgate located in the W1/2 of Section 8, Township 13 North, Range 29 West in Lincoln County, Nebraska. AppropMaximum Maximum riation Priority Permitted Diversion Number Date Source Acres in CFS A-2355 01-13-1934 Platte River 84,488.3 617.13 A-3476 07-28-1941 Kingsley Reser. 75,336.6 --A-9673 12-24-1958 Kingsley Reser. 10,360.6 --A-10280 01-20-1964 Platte River 38,421.2 564.69 A-10281 01-20-1964 Platte River 84,488.3 617.13 A-17111 09-12-1991 Kingsley Reser. 27,113.5 --The number of acres under each water appropriation Central proposes for transfer is as follows: Appropriation Appropriation Number Acres Number Acres A-2355 176 A-10281 176 A-3476 119 A-17111 189.3 A-9673 15 A-10280 147.3 Central's applications request transfer in location of use from lands described in Column A to lands described in Column B: COLUMN A COLUMN B Section Township Range Section Township Range 2 12 29 36 8 21 18 8 20 1 7 21 13 7 19 18,21,26 7 20 8 6 15 4,13,15 7 20 17,25 7 19 29,31,33 7 17 35,36 7 16 26 7 15 27 6 17 10 6 16 3 6 15 Summaries listing the lands currently authorized for irrigation under the appropriations and lands involved in the proposed transfers are available from Central at telephone number (308) 995-8601. Any owner of land within Central's irrigated area or served by Central may object to and request a hearing on the proposed transfers within seven (7) calendar days after the final publication of this notice. Any such person shall file a formal objection and request for hearing with The Central Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District, P.O. Box 740, Holdrege, Nebraska 68949-0740 by the end of business on May 4, 2016. Each objection and request for hearing shall state the person's interest and the basis of the objection and request for hearing. THE CENTRAL NEBRASKA PUBLIC POWER AND IRRIGATION DISTRICT By /s/ Don Kraus, P.E., Gen’l Mgr Date March 31, 2016 3T 4/3, 20, 27 ZNEZ 1T 4/13 ZNEZ NOTICE OF DEADLINES Deadlines for items/ ads to be printed in the Elwood Bulletin for •Display Advertising •Classified Advertising •Legal Notices and •News Articles is Tuesdays, 9:00 A.M. News and ads may be submitted to elwoodbulletin@gmail. com or arapmir@atcjet.net Any copy received after these deadlines will be published in the next newspaper. For more info call 308785-2251. Choose Ace As Your Natural Gas Provider And Keep Your Dollars Working Locally In Nebraska. RANCH AUCTION! Blue Creek Land Company April 22, 2016 • Ogallala, NE 11,293 acres See details + images & Maps at LashleyLand.com ACE has returned more than $1.6 million to Nebraska communities since 1998, funding parks, swimming pools, playgrounds and other vital community projects. Heating Your Home. Selection Period - April 15-28 800-454-4759 Scott Saults • 308-289-1383 Powering Your Community. ACEenergy.org R WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 2016 Community News ELWOOD BULLETIN • PAGE 6 Hannah Steinwart and Raul Clouse pose for a picture during the Elwood Prom. Looking handsome for the Prom on Saturday evening were Ben Bogle, Caleb Werger, Giovanni Duran, Raul Clouse and Kent Rae. Ben Bogle with his date Emma Collins. Jake Gydesen and his date Mollie Kaps from Bertrand. Giovanni Duran, Aspen Sitorius, Raul Clouse, Max Elliott, Jaycee Wooters and her date enjoy a little sparkling grape juice at Elwood’s Prom. Manon Martin and her date Nolan Meier from Elm Creek. Aaron Clouse and his date Sarah Mutson from Elm Creek. Tori Wilson serves a beach ball as they play a little beach ball volleyball before the DJ’s start playing music at the Elwood Prom held Saturday night. Jaycee Wooters and her date Ayden Boller from Farnam. Paper lanterns hung from the ceiling, flamingo’s, surf boards, palm trees, sunsets and an old woody car were some of the decorations for the Prom who’s theme was “Just Another Day In Paradise”. Kallen Nickel and his date Laurel Berry from Bertrand looking fabulous for the 2016 Elwood Prom. Jordan Hagan and her date Lucas Brandt from Overton. Seniors Peter Ricciotti and Tori Wilson enjoy “Just Another Day In Paradise” at Elwood’s Prom. Bulletin Photos by K. Schutz Karen Schneider and her date Cody McBride from Valentine.