July/August 2016 - Dickinson Insurance Agency
July/August 2016 - Dickinson Insurance Agency
News and Tips to Make Your Life Easier, Safer and Happier! J.D. Dickinson For Friends and Clients of Dickinson Insurance CEO In this issue: Summer Celebration Travel Tips for Cash and Credit Cards Referral Winners Word Search Golf with JD Business Spotlight—Leo Neal Asphalt Paving We are experiencing explosive growth and need to add more winners to our team. Go to our job application website to find out more and how to apply: www.theultimatesalesjob.com Interested in owning your own insurance operation? Contact us at: info@dickinsononline.com ~Dickinson Insurance ~ PHONE: 208-773-0504 ~ FAX: 208-773-2805 ~ EMAIL: INFO@DICKINSONONLINE.COM We want to thank the following for sending their friends, family and neighbors to us!! Join our Monthly Referral Reward Winners Dickinson Annual Company Campout Moyie River Idaho 2016!! Jeff Guillen Specialized Diesel NW Sarah Fausett Robin Hunt Shelby Edmonds Thomas Dunnigan Unique Wood Cabinets Denise Ward Glen & Trisha Kline Gary Schneidmiller Guy & Stacie Klofenstein Fairway Floors Bill Bomar Kevin Cook Justin Sternberg Timothy & Jackie Edlund Clint Connaughty Cassandra Ragan Carl Riegert Gary Marston Brenda Zwiers Caliente Construction Nicole Peterson ~Dickinson Insurance ~ PHONE: 208-773-0504 ~ FAX: 208-773-2805 ~ EMAIL: INFO@DICKINSONONLINE.COM Insurance 101 by Jessica Cummings 5 Travel Tips For Cash & Credit How to keep your cash and credit cards out of the hands of thieves. One of the biggest challenges of traveling today is traveling safely. The simple act of travel puts your finances at risk, whether from direct theft, identity theft, pickpocketing or other nefarious strategies. You need to be smart, and you need to be careful. Here are five things to do whenever you travel away from home. Inform your bank and credit card companies before you leave. When you go far away from home, it’s always a good idea to inform your bank and your credit card companies. Why? Your bank may notice that your card is being used for transactions internationally and shut down your card without notice or with minimal notice, leaving you without a card in another part of the country or in a foreign nation. That can be a big problem. A simple phone call to your banks and credit card companies before you travel can go a long way toward preventing a headache if your cards get canceled due to an unexpected charge from an unusual location. Carry a minimal and smart wallet. There’s no reason for you to be strolling about in unfamiliar territory with all your credit cards and all your money in your wallet. It’s just a bad idea. A simple pickpocket or thief can put you in a seriously compromised position. A solution to this problem is to only carry one credit card when out and about. Leave a second card – from another issuer – in a safe place back at the hotel, ideally in a safe if one is available. If you’re not driving, leave your drivers license in a secure place, too. That way, if one item gets stolen, you have backups. Separate your money and keep some of it secure. Another strategy is to separate your cash and not keep all of it in the same place. While traveling, leave some cash in a few different places in you’re room, vehicle and hotel safe. That way, if you were to get pickpocketed or be the victim of some other kind of theft, your not in an immediate disastrous situation. Also some experts suggest to keep a small amount of cash stashed in your sock (like a single $50 bill) in case you need it in an absolute pinch. (I’m sure it has come in handy for someone before.) Use a money belt. Still, none of these strategies actually keep your pockets safe from prospective thieves. The solution to that is to use a money belt. A money belt is a pouch that wraps around your torso underneath your shirt, keeping your key belongings in a safe place that’s difficult for anyone to get to. A thief can’t touch a well-placed money belt. Use a credit card for purchases, not a debit card. A credit card offers many financial advantages for purchases over a debit card in any situation, but that’s never quite so true as when traveling. A little bit of planning ahead can make an enormous difference when it comes to traveling with money. It can keep you safe and secure in even the most challenging circumstances. ~Dickinson Insurance ~ PHONE: 208-773-0504 ~ FAX: 208-773-2805 ~ EMAIL: INFO@DICKINSONONLINE.COM The First Three People To Complete and Mail or Fax In This Puzzle Will Win a Gift Certificate! (Please Note: You may only submit a correct puzzle and win every 6 months. Thanks!) Your Name:_______________________________ Email:________________________________________ ~Dickinson Insurance ~ PHONE: 208-773-0504 ~ FAX: 208-773-2805 ~ EMAIL: INFO@DICKINSONONLINE.COM Business Spotlight We are proud to spotlight one of our long time clients and long standing members of our community! LEO NEAL ASPHALT PAVING Why pick Leo Neal Asphalt Paving, LLC for all your paving needs? Because we are professional and courteous toward all who want a free estimate on their driveway. If you became our customer than you can go on our website: leonealasphalt.net for a discount coupon of 5% off your estimate up to $500 max limit off. We are locally owned and operated in Post Falls Idaho and here to serve your needs on your residential or commercial area. We are licensed, bonded and insured in ID and WA. We specialize in paving driveways to parking lots, even ball courts. You name it and we can pave it!! Leo Neal Asphalt Paving, LLC has been in business for over 25 years and counting. Leo Neal is the owner and he is the one that gives you the estimate, so there is no middle man. www.leonealasphalt.net Receive up to 5% off! 1-888-283-1718 or 208-773-9852 leonealasphalt@gmail.com Go to: J.D. is looking for Attention Parents of College Bound Teens! any and all ways Support Your Local Pike Associations Northidahopike.com U.S. high school graduates left over $2.9 billion in free federal grant money on the table last academic year, according to a new analysis by NerdScholar, the higher education team at NerdWallet. Their mistake? Not completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or the FAFSA. Although filling out a FAFSA form is the key to unlocking FREE federal money, the form itself is very confusing and can be a major drain on your time. Parents, if you have a child who is attending college in 2016 it is not too late to take advantage of free federal money and other college funding in order to maximize your out of pocket dollars. to play golf with clients and friends. Enter to Win Free Golf with JD!! Go to: www.freegolfwith jd.com Give us a call today and schedule your free financial aid consultation and claim your money. After all, it’s your money! Call 208-773-0504 today. Ryan Barnes & Rob Strobel ~Dickinson Insurance ~ PHONE: 208-773-0504 ~ FAX: 208-773-2805 ~ EMAIL: INFO@DICKINSONONLINE.COM J.D. Dickinson, C.E.O. 609 N Syringa Street Post Falls ID 83854 Email: info@dickinsononline.com www.dickinsononline.com www.Facebook.com/dickinsoninsurance “ Just Keep Talking” Referral Program! You Can Win Big by Sending Your Friends and Family to Dickinson Insurance Where They Can Find, Better Protection and Incredible Savings. For Every Referral You Automatically Get The Following: Gift Certificate to MoonDollars Bistro! Entered into our MONTHLY drawing to WIN a FREE iPad Mini!! We are giving away 1 iPad every month—12 this year! You could be our next WINNER. There is no limit to the number of entries and no purchase is necessary. 4 EASY Ways To Submit Your Referral 1. Call us NOW 208-773-0504 2. Fax us at 208-773-2805 3. Email us at info@dickinsononline.com 4. Visit www.WinJDsiPad.com Agent Caylen Van Zandt with Referral Reward Winner Carl Riegert
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