November 2015 - Dickinson Insurance Agency
November 2015 - Dickinson Insurance Agency
News and Tips to Make Your Life Easier, Safer and Happier! For Friends and Clients of Dickinson Insurance J.D. Dickinson CEO Hello Friends! Football, Thanksgiving and the Holiday Season is upon us. This time of year here at Dickinson Insurance we always take opportunity to give thanks to our friends and clients for allowing us to serve them for this past year and for a lot of you the past 32 years. Again, you are the reason we are in business, thank you. December is National Life Insurance Month. We have amazing products, Call Today!! SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! The best restaurant on the planet is re-opening in our building, MoonDollars Bistro! Join me in welcoming back owners/operators Rick Demmig and Jaqueline Dickinson, who will make this place amazing again! Come check it out and say hello to the team at MoonDollars. Opening mid-December 2015. MoonDollars Bistro Rick & Jaq Are Back! MoonDollars-Restaurant Follow us for updates as we get ready for opening! Join Us for the Annual Kelly Hughes Band Christmas Party Saturday December 19th 6pm to Close ~ Live at MoonDollars!! Must Reads Enclosed In This Issue: Referral Thanks ...Pg. 2 Insurance 101– Garage Door Safety Tips ...Pg. 3 Thanksgiving Puzzle... Pg. 3 Health Insurance Open Enrollment ...Pg. 4 Agency Fun...Pg. 5 ~Dickinson Insurance ~ PHONE: 208-773-0504 ~ FAX: 208-773-2805 ~ EMAIL: INFO@DICKINSONONLINE.COM We want to thank the following for sending their friends, family and neighbors to us!! Jeff Guillen Lesley Stevenson Mike Johnson Aimee Landon Oscar Cueller Wendy Wise Diane Kamphaus Mack Byrum Matthew Guillory Keith Hanlon Aurora Rogers Wanda Locken Cody Hewson Chad Oswald Paulette Ketza Debbie & Randy Meyers Alpine Construction Michelle Cafaro Lori Toews Dustin Cook Brett Terrel Rob Poindexter Makenna Lidyard Chad Hall David Baker Joe & Cindy Holman Thomas Singleton Thomas Erny Matt Williams Vicki Shaffer Bobby Vigil Tina Hood Tom Craig Zajicek Neal Price Melissa Hadaller Geneva Wong Jay Schranck Tammy Miller Ty@Dave Smith Cassandra Reagan Tim Shook Bill Milsap Connie Tucker Rebecca Guiterrez Sam Kimball Justin&Sierra Bright Pete Real Mike Johnson Kathy Edlund EJ Chaney Wendy Wise Michael Darrar Edward Andrews Matthew Guillory Angie Osteen Gary Schneidmiller Wanda Locken Tami Martinez Heath Peterson Refer Your Friends and Family to our team! We are licensed in 39 states and can help provide the same great protection and service we are proud to provide you! Every referral gets you a gift certificate & entered into our iPad drawing! Sara Aho Tera Miller Thomas Mills Jennifer Martinsen Andy Crateau Bob Kramer Bobbie Huxoll Lori Sherman Tabitha Wall Josh Martz Sue McDonald Patrick Kearney Phoebe Wilson Bob Kramer Coty Cummings Dan & Carolyn Stoval Debbie Edmiston Steel Structures Peter McManus Annette Powell Terry Beck Vitality Lapin Joe Holman Brock Morrow Ron Corta John Anchich Candi Doolin Travis Evans Lori Inbody Duane Oliver Lisa Lanham Clint Overall ~Dickinson Insurance ~ PHONE: 208-773-0504 ~ FAX: 208-773-2805 ~ EMAIL: INFO@DICKINSONONLINE.COM The First Three People To Complete and Mail or Fax In This Puzzle Will Win a Gift Certificate! (Please Note: You may only submit a correct puzzle and win every 6 months. Thanks!) Your Name:_______________________________ Email:________________________________________ ~Dickinson Insurance ~ PHONE: 208-773-0504 ~ FAX: 208-773-2805 ~ EMAIL: INFO@DICKINSONONLINE.COM Insurance 101 Tip: Did You Know A Thief Can Open Your Garage Door in less than 10 seconds. We were stunned by the video we were sent by a client on YouTube showing how quickly someone armed only with a wire hanger can maneuver the wire through the door and hook the emergency release lever on the other side. All garage doors have levers that allow them to be opened manually in case power is lost. Burglars, standing outside your garage, have figured out a way to use a hanger to pull down the release or to hook the red string that dangles from the lever. Once it is released, the garage door can be opened by hand from the outside. There are a few businesses that sell garage locking systems that prevent these kind of break-ins. The cost varies by manufacturer. Here is an inexpensive way to prevent this type of break-in. You can use a zip tie to fasten the emergency release lever to the garage door track to prevent it from being pulled open. A package of zip ties costs about $5 at the hardware store. Money well spent. Health Insurance—Open Enrollment Time is Here! Am I eligible for a tax credit to help with my health insurance premium? How do I apply or enroll? Am I getting the best plan I can for my insurance dollars? Are there other options out there for me for 2016? At Dickinson Insurance, we have an ACA certified and trained agent with 12+ years’ experience in health insurance that can help answer these questions and more. Open enrollment is coming up. Are you prepared?? It cost you $0 (yes free!!!) to have an agent on your side to help you navigate the complicated waters if health insurance. Call Kelsey today We are experiencing explosive growth and need to add more winners to our team. Go to our job application website to find out more and how to apply: Interested in owning your own insurance operation? Contact us at: for further information. 208-773-0504 Christmas is right around the corner and we are hosting Christmas pictures with Santa Clause again this year!! Thursday December 10th 4pm—6pm 609 N Syringa Street Post Falls ID ~Dickinson Insurance ~ PHONE: 208-773-0504 ~ FAX: 208-773-2805 ~ EMAIL: INFO@DICKINSONONLINE.COM HALLOWEEN PARTY 2015 Football is Back Dickinson Game Day Annual Dickinson Insurance 2015 Road Clean Up!!! Ramsey Rd - Lancaster to Hayden Dickinson Insurance 1st Annual Chili Cook Off was a great success!! We had 7 team entries and the WINNER was #2 Team Daniel and Sebastian!! Outstanding per the judges JD, Rick, Jessica and Caylen 2nd Place was #4 Team Brian and Angie and 3rd Place was #5 Team Sam and Sister. Great Job and Fun Day for our entire team! ~Dickinson Insurance ~ PHONE: 208-773-0504 ~ FAX: 208-773-2805 ~ EMAIL: INFO@DICKINSONONLINE.COM J.D. Dickinson, C.E.O. 609 N Syringa Street Post Falls ID 83854 Email: “ Just Keep Talking” Referral Program! You Can Win Big by Sending Your Friends and Family to Dickinson Insurance Where They Can Find, Better Protection and Incredible Savings. For Every Referral You Automatically Get The Following: Gift Certificate to MoonDollars Bistro! Entered into our MONTHLY drawing to WIN a FREE iPad Mini!! We are giving away 1 iPad every month—12 this year! You could be our next WINNER. There is no limit to the number of entries and no purchase is necessary. 4 EASY Ways To Submit Your Referral 1. Call us NOW 208-773-0504 2. Fax us at 208-773-2805 3. Email us at 4. Visit Agent Jessica Duran with Referral Reward Winner Shelby Edmonds!
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