mountaineer - Mountain Avenue Elementary


mountaineer - Mountain Avenue Elementary
2012 California Distinguished School, 2005 U.S. Blue Ribbon School
Principal: Ms. Rebeca Witt
MACK President: Katrina Harbers
Vol um e 4 4 , I s s u e 8
PTA President: Lourdes Wang
Mountaineer Editor: Mary Braswell
A p ri l 201 2
Principal’s Message
Rebeca Witt
It brings me great pleasure to announce that Mountain Avenue is now
a 2012 California Distinguished School! This award is truly significant
because it is the only honor that the state provides to schools with an
outstanding record over a period of years. Only certain schools that
demonstrate great success are invited to apply, and they are only
eligible to receive the award every four years. It is not automatically
given: After submitting an application, schools meeting the paperwork
criteria advance to the next stage – receiving a validation visit.
In March we greeted the state validation team. This group of visitors
walked into all of our classrooms and interviewed parent groups,
students and school staff. They also had an opportunity to speak with
school board members Christine Walters, Mary Boger and our
Superintendent Dr. Sheehan. At the end of their visit, they shared how
impressed they were with our school community, where our PTA,
nonprofit MACK, School Site Council, and staff all come together and
complement one another to provide the best for our students.
4! Recycle Day
5! PTA Association meeting - 9 a.m.
Minimum Day - 12:30 p.m. dismissal
Fourth-Grade Pali meeting - 6 p.m.
Open House - 6:30-8 p.m.
9-13 !Spring Break
16 ! No School - Staff Development Day
21! Math Field Day
MACK Night Out
23-27!Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week
27! PTA Executive Board meeting - 9 a.m.
1-11! STAR testing
3! Teacher coffee, hosted by 1st grade
4! PTA Installation Lunch/Assn. mtg - 9:30 a.m.
9-12 !State PTA Convention, Anaheim
14! Chorus performance - 7:15 p.m.
15! 5th Grade Field Trip - Riley’s Farm
16 ! Instrumental Music performance !
! 6:30 p.m. at Rosemont
18! Volunteer Appreciation flag ceremony
PTA Executive Board meeting - 9 a.m.
MACK Movie Night
20-26!6th Grade Trip to Washington, D.C.
28! No School - Memorial Day
We are great because we recognize that it takes all of us to help
students succeed. At Mountain Avenue, our collaborative spirit and flexibility ensure that our innovations and
traditions continue to develop along with our rising scores and academic excellence. Our incredible level of
PTA involvement creates a warm and welcoming environment in which students know their education and
well-being are a high priority for us all. Our nonprofit foundation, MACK, tirelessly provides support for our
programs, especially in these times of depleted state and federal funding sources. This is why it is very
important that you, our families, support MACK Night Out on April 21 – your support of MACK also funds
professional staff development training for our teachers. I know many of you belong to both organizations,
and if you don’t yet, it is not too late to join PTA or MACK.
State Superintendent Tom Torlakson states, “This award is a direct reflection of the dedication, hard work, and
vision of your school’s educational community, and I am pleased to be able to award this honor to your school.”
We are grateful that our state recognizes the amazing effort our staff, parents and ultimately our students are
making each and every day at Mountain Avenue. How timely that we get to celebrate by having our Open House
this Thursday – where you can come together as a community and celebrate all that makes us special!
Congratulations, everyone, and see you Thursday night!
Mountain Avenue Elementary PTA • 2307 Mountain Avenue • La Crescenta CA 91214 • (818) 248-7766 • Glendale Council, 1st District
April 2012
P TA P r e s i d e n t ’ s M e s s a g e
T.E.A.M. Mountain Avenue: Together Everyone Achieves More for our Kids
We worried we’d need a tent, but the rain and wind held off just long enough for our
“Once Upon a Time” Founders Day celebration last month. Thanks once again to all
the teachers, staff and students who participated. Against a beautiful castle backdrop,
the performances and HSA award presentations were terrific. It’s always such a special
treat to hear our staff sing their song, and the kids did an amazing job learning theirs.
Of course, I can’t forget to mention our parent performers who truly showed that
“The PTA (and MACK) Can.”
Also last month, our Book Fair with Mrs. Nelson’s Book Company was very
successful. Thanks to your generous support, we were able to donate approximately
$3,900 in books to the library and all of our teachers’ classrooms, including the
Speech, Art and EEELP classrooms. Huge thanks again to chairpersons Becky
Foster and Lisa Cha, along with Elizabeth Blake and De Ann D’Ambrosio for all
their hard work in making this year’s book fair a success.
Lourdes Wang,
PTA President
Thursday, April 5th at 9 a.m. is our next PTA Meeting. It is a combined Association/Executive Board
Meeting, so all are welcome to attend. At Founders Day, we elected our slate of officers for next year
without a new President. I’m happy to announce that at the upcoming
meeting, we can vote in Ann Ortiz as our candidate for President. Please
be sure to join us.
Saturday, April 21, is MACK Night Fever. Help raise money for our
school and have a great time doing it! Don’t miss out on this fun night
of dancing, casino games, cocktails and dinner at the Thursday Club in
La Canada. Dinner will be catered by DISH. Get your tickets now!
April 23 - 27 is our Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week. Please look for
details regarding this special week in an upcoming Thursday update. If you’d like to help with planning for
this week, please contact Lisa Carp at or 808-372-0272.
Last month I talked about the importance of our volunteers. PTA cannot provide all the wonderful things
it does without your help. As I mentioned, our Board consists of over 20 different committees – some
jobs are for one short time, and some go longer. A complete list of committees can be found on our
website under the PTA tab, as well as in the front of the Bear Pages. If you are interested in any of these
committees, or know someone who is, please let us know. We are planning for next year and have some
holes to fill – one big one being for our Mountaineer Editor. This position will allow you to work from
home, be creative and always know what's going on at school. Computer experience with publishing
software is helpful. You can email me, call me, leave a note in the PTA box in the office, or let someone
else on the board know. We’d love to hear from you.
I hope everyone has a relaxing and fun Spring Break!
May Mountaineer Submission
Deadline: Friday, April 20
Please email articles to
Thank you!
Mary Braswell, Editor
Enjoy Your Spring Break!
See you back at school on Tuesday, April 17th
April 2012
Art Avenue Press
The Newsletter for Mountain Avenue PTA’s Visual Art Program
Visual Art Lesson Five
Our last lesson of the school year is upon us.
Here’s a quick description of what’s in store.
Gustav Klimt: Our little artists will
study the patterns and rhythms in
the work of Klimt and then stamp
out their own patterns with tempera paint.
American Gothic: Classes will study
the work of American artist Grant
Wood, known
for his depiction of this
famous farm couple.
Horses: Students
will study artistic
depictions of
horses from various
artists and learn how
to draw one themselves using geometric
shapes as a foundation. (*See the “try at
home” bear lesson link on this page.)
Interpreting Nature: In this class,
our young artists will study the work
of Max Ernst and Ohara Shoson and
then create a “frottage collage” of a creature
using texture plates and cut paper.
Matisse: This lesson focuses on the
work of Henri Matisse. Using cut
paper, repeating shapes and complementary colors, the students will create a
collage mimicking his style.
Media Frenzy: Students re-create one
image using four different mediums,
exploring how each creates a different
mood and texture.
Van Gogh: Using tempera paint mixed
with corn starch, artists will paint a
composition in the impasto style,
utilizing texture and complimentary colors.
Note: The masthead of this newsletter shows
a student’s painting from this lesson.
All the lessons can be viewed at our website:
Great Art Is Just A Click Away
We have many great museums here in the LA area, and
it is fantastic to see art in person. However, if
you are looking for examples of a particular
artist, the internet can also be a fantastic
resource. Many of the world’s most famous
museums post images and information
about their collections online. You can usually browse by style, medium, era or by artist.
And, if you like what you see, and decide you
would like to see some examples in person, a
quick search of the LACMA collection reveals
that they have several woodblock prints
by Shoson in their permanent collection.
There are some beautiful examples of April’s
Kindergarten featured artist, Gustav Klimt,
online as well. Check out:
For example, the upcoming third grade
project is to mimic the frottage drawings
of Max Earnst. In 1926, Earnst published a
book of 34 frottage reproductions titled
“Histoire Naturelle”. Every page of this book
is viewable online at the MOMA website!
Simply go to:
explore/collection/ and type “Histoire
Naturelle” into their search bar, then click
on the link with the book cover. Work by
the other third grade artist, Ohara Shoson,
is also readily available online. For example
try this link, which contains 134 full color
large reproductions: http://www.yeeeeee.
Here are just a few of our
favorite art links*:
Try This At Home
In honor of our school mascot, the bear, we
thought it would be fun to include a “try at
home” lesson from Jan Brett on how to draw
a bear of your own. Enjoy!
The Getty:
The Google Art Project:
The Louvre:
The Smithsonian:
*Parents may want to preview the links, as many of the
collections contain images which may not be suitable for
small children.
This year’s Night of the Arts
celebration will be on Friday,
June 1, 6 - 8 p.m.
Come enjoy some live music,
good food and of course,
lots of art from our talented
Mountain Avenue students.
You won’t want to miss it!!
April 2012
A cast of 64 Mountain
Avenue students sang
and danced their way
through "The Secret
Garden" on Saturday,
February 25, as they
staged the musical
theatre production in
partnership with
Missoula Children's
Theatre Program. The
show featured students
from all grades, and
four students were also
given the opportunity
and experience of
being Assistant
Directors, working
behind the scenes with
the Missoula directors.
"The Secret Garden"
was a joyful retelling of
a story of hope and
celebration as a young
orphaned girl travels
from India to her
uncle's home in
England filled with
"The Humans" of the
cast. Along the way she
makes friends with
hilarious Canadian
Geese, colorful Bugs
That Rock, Moor
Animals and Fireflies,
and the whole
household begins to enjoy the return of health and happiness to the home as they watch "The Garden"
members of the cast unfold their costumes into beautiful flowers.
PTA brings this unique theatre experience to Mountain Avenue each year so that our children can experience
musical theatre at a time when funding for these programs is no longer budgeted. Two directors from
Missoula arrived in their little red truck on Monday filled with sets and handmade costumes, cast the show on
Tuesday in a two-hour audition, rehearsed after school that week and performed two shows on Saturday at the
Roosevelt Middle School Auditorium. Special thanks go out to all the staff and parent volunteers who made
every little detail possible that week!
Information on Missoula Children’s Theatre can be found at
April 2012
April 2012
Calling All Earth-Loving
Moms and Dads
(with a small amount of time to share)
Thanks again to all our supporters for bringing their
collected CRV donations to the curb the first Wednesday of
each month. For those of you who are new to the process,
remember we are not allowed to accept glass and the only
way we can make money is if the cans and plastic bottle say
CA CRV on the labels.
As we approach the year’s end, already we are preparing to
say good-bye to three key members of our little co-op called
the Recycle Committee, so we really need helpers. This is
even a great way for dads to help “take out the trash.”
Here are 3 things you need to
a) It’s a fun way to help the school/
art and teach earth awareness.
b) It’s pretty simple and doesn’t take
much time.
c) Without some new volunteers,
the program won’t happen anymore.
So what’s involved? You’re
wondering who does what?
A Point Person – This person reminds the pickup service
to come, puts up signs, tracks incoming and outgoing
money, and reports to MACK as needed.
Curb Hands – This is fun because you see the collection
pile grow as you greet parents, and the student Recycle
Rangers love to help. It’s a busy half-hour at the curb once a
month, but it’s rewarding and over quickly. The more hands
on deck the better.
Store Coordinator – This person buys recycle store items
and manages store needs on the Friday after recycle day.
Kids love to use their coupons to buy plants, seasonal gifts
and art supplies. As with the curb collection, the more
hands the better and it’s fun because you get to interact with
the kid customers. Cute.
Ticket Accounting – One person credits the students’
CRV contribution and allows each one the proper number
of “dollars” for use at the recycle store.
That’s mostly it. Nancy, Becky and Jackie will still be here to
keep it fun. Please let us know how you can help by
contacting Kimberly Jordan at
February / March
Best Citizens
Bartholomew Bendick
Dante Busalacchi
Morgan LashleyHaynes
Daniel Cho
Alyssa Lee
Angela Choi
Nathan Lee
Lydia Choi
Ryan Lee
Connor Eubank
Julia Linney
Marisa Fostrey
Alex Mustain
Jacob Garcia
Kate Nappi
Andres Gurza
Jason Nigro
Cambria Hawes
Kate Oh
Aidan Heberger
Ashlynne Oliver
Cameron Hernandez
Andrew Ortiz
Elizabeth Hernandez
Dashiell Paek
Carolina Herrero
Jacob Sanders
Hannah Hiscott
Caden Schulte
Matthew Jang
Rayluk Smith
David Johnston
Aurelia Thomasy
Matthew Kim
Gabriel Toumani
Norah Kranz
Andrew White
February / March
Super Citizens
Alex Aceytuno
Melo dy Kizirian
Bella Busalacchi
Lauren Kosco
Ashley Cho
Jordan McWhorter
Cate Dou d
Ruben Munoz
McKenna Heeg
Kaitlyn Pak
Nick Desmon d
Debbie Ryu
Lucas McNevin
Grady Schilling
Destin Jordan
Sarah Sciacqua
Joyce Kang
Will Smiley
John Kim
Matthew Stickels
Woojin Kim
Josh Tamara
Yuni Kim
April 2012
What Would We Do
With $405,027?!
PTA is the oldest and largest advocacy group in the
nation. For well over 100 years we have advocated for
children and their families. We put an end to child
labor in factories and farms, brought hot lunches to
schools, immunizations, kindergarten, anti-bullying
reform and much more. In California, in the past
three years we have lost over 20 billion dollars and
40,000 jobs in education. This past summer when we
asked our membership what their No. 1 concern was,
their resounding response was to fix our school
finances. In answer to that, PTA has co-authored a
bill that would bring much needed monies
DIRECTLY to each school and affect each child
$405,027. That’s how much money our school would
get to spend in our first year if we can pass the “Our
Children, Our Future” initiative in November.
$405,027! What would we do? Fund a full-time
computer lab and library? Reduce classroom size at
ALL grade levels? Hire a science or art teacher? Or
both? What would we give our children to make their
education experience what it should be? What would
we be able to do at all grade levels for twelve years?
We will never know unless we get “Our Children, Our
Future” on the November ballot, and we need you to
do it.
It’s simple. If you are a registered voter in the state of
California, sign a petition TODAY! We need to gather
800,000 signatures by April 20 to qualify for the
November ballot. We know that there are only more
cuts to education ahead. This money cannot be
touched by Sacramento and it must be spent at each
school site. There is no robbing Peter to pay Paul here.
We either spend our allotted amount or what remains
goes back to the general pool to pay down school
bond debt. Learn more by going to and sign a petition. (A legal
petition must have an actual signature; there is no
online petition signing. All information will be kept
confidential and not shared in any capacity.) See
Sandy Russell if you would like to sign and/or help
get a few friends and family to join in the effort.
Sandy Russell, Legislation Chair
Follow me on Twitter! (PTA news only): sandyptaglendal
Mountain Avenue Committed to Kids invites all
parents, family and friends to come shake your
groove thing with us at MACK's annual fundraiser
on Saturday, April 21, from 6-10 p.m. at the La
Canada Thursday Club. Tickets are $50 per person
and are available either online or by returning the
envelope that was recently sent home with the
invitation in
your child's
Thursday folder.
Restaurant will
be catering the
buffet, a DJ will
be spinning your
favorite ’70s
tunes to
hustle to, and
cocktails will be
served on the
gaming floor as
you try your
hand at black
jack and roulette.
Raffle items
such as vacation
getaways, Disney packages and Dodger tickets will
be available that night, as well as the live auction
chance for you or your child to be Principal for the
Day. MACK will also be setting up an online
bidding system directly after spring break with everpopular opportunities for your child to have a
special outing or experience with his or her teacher.
All proceeds from the event will support Mountain
Avenue’s science, music and technology programs.
Tickets and sponsorships are also available online at
Flag Ceremony Schedule
April 6 Ms. Gibson’s Class /Reading Incentives
April 20 Mrs. Dziok’s Class
April 27 Teacher/Staff Appreciation
All Parents, Family and Friends are invited to attend these
ceremonies on the school patio at 8:30 a.m.
April 2012
Once Upon a Time ...
... the entire
came together
to salute the
pioneers of
Serenading the crowd on Founders Day were the Mountain Avenue Singers, top;
our wonderful teachers and staff, above; parents from PTA and MACK, below;
and the Class of 2012, opposite page at bottom.
April 2012
Every year, PTA presents Service Awards to special people in our school community for their
contributions and service to our school, community, or youth organizations. Mountain Avenue PTA
makes a donation to the California State PTA scholarship fund in the name of each award
recipient. High school seniors who are members of PTSA may apply for these college scholarships.
This year’s 11 honorees are recognized here and in upcoming issues of the Mountaineer.
Grace and
Paul Sung,
Presented by Jee Hyun Kim.
This award goes to two special people who have
helped our school community in many ways. For
over a year, Paul and Grace Sung have been
providing the Korean translation for our
Thursday updates. They have also translated
many of the PTA and MACK flyers and
brochures, often times on very short notice.
Grace has also served as the Korean Liaison on
the MACK board, and was Treasurer of the
Korean Mothers Group for four years. She helps
with all our events, including the BBQ at the
Halloween Carnival, and the Teacher
Appreciation Luncheon. In addition, she enjoys
helping in the classroom.
Grace and Paul Sung, please come up and receive
your Honorary Service Awards.
Margo Ewing, Golden Oak Service Award
Presented by Emily Wang, Eve McCreary, Kristina Kruegermann, Justin
Pauly, Amanda D’Ambrosio, Zerxes Bhadha and Luke Naoumovitch.
She’s been working up at Mountain, since 1983
She’s been working up at Mountain, teaching you and me
Don’t you hear her piano playing
Singing about rocks with glee
Don’t you hear her class preparing
For their Authors Tea
Don’t forget about the play
And the Gold Rush Day
Westward Movement and the missions, too
Then the used book sale
Valentines and Smencils
Student Council is her specialty
Mrs. Ewing’s in her classroom in the morning
Mrs. Ewing’s in her classroom at night
Mrs. Ewing’s in her classroom all day
Preparing her students all the way
Mrs. Ewing, PTA has a Golden Oak for you
April 2012
Lisa Cha,
Very Special Person
Presented by Jasmine Lee and Stephen Cha.
Denise Pearson, Continuing Service Award
Once Upon A Time at Mountain Avenue…
There was a Volunteer Fairy that I’ll bet you know too!
She works quietly and with care,
Then disappears as if into thin air!
Have you been to Mountain Avenue’s book fair?
You are sure to have seen her in the cashier’s chair.
For five years now, this kind volunteer
Has been helping students purchase books and all
with good cheer.
Like magic she rings up book totals and hands out
precise change,
She could do it blindfolded if it didn’t look so strange!
This great volunteer has more talents up her sleeve –
She even draws and paints and has an artist’s degree!
Both PTA and MACK find her painting SO handy,
She can whip up banners that are just dandy!
Have you guessed who this is? Well here is one more
She is a member of the Korean Mother’s group too!
We are so grateful to have worked with this kind
We wish it wasn’t her very last year!
Please come forward, Lisa Cha, to receive
your Very Special Person Award. Congratulations!
Presented by Tiffany Hale and
Sandy Russell.
Whenever there is a job for
And let’s face it, when isn’t
there a job in MACK or
Denise’s heart tends to start
to bleed
And when a fundraiser needs
a makeover,
She simply has to take over!
She knows, she knows
exactly what they need!
And even in PTA’s case,
Though it’s the toughest case
she’s yet to face,
Don’t worry, she’s
determined to succeed!
Follow her lead,
And yes you’ll see
how to go...
She is an amazing volunteer
She’ll teach you the No
Sweat Fundraiser
When you raise some cash
Little ways to help around
She’ll show you what shows
to book
How to Jogathon
Everything that really counts
to be…
She’ll help you volunteer
You’ll hang with the right
You’ll be good at sports,
Know the slang you’ve got to
So let’s start,
We’ve got a long, long way to
Denise Pearson, we would
like to present you with a
Continuing Service Award
for your dedication to the
Mountain Avenue
Once upon a time, Mountain Avenue Elementary had a VERY successful Book Fair! Thanks to the
amazing volunteers for their time and patience, donuts and muffins, enthusiasm and generosity.
Thanks to all the parents who supported the Book Fair by purchasing books for their children and
teachers. This year, the Book Fair earned $3,900 in books for our teachers and our school library.
April 2012
Student Council
Last month was a successful one for Student
Council. At the beginning of the month, we
issued a Blue Count challenge to all of the
classes. Could their class be the one to have
100% of its students wearing a blue shirt
every Friday? Several classes met the
challenge. Let’s see if the whole school can
show school spirit by wearing blue on
Leah Dilbeck, Honorary Service Award
Presented by Stuart McKinney,
with Arwyn Dilbeck, Rylan
Brodie and Claire McKinney.
Who has been on the
MACK board for 5 years
running? LEAH!
Who hosted MACK Night
Out 2 years in a row?
Who ran Jog-A-Thon this
year and raised over $26,000?
Whose family donated the
large storage container for
our middle field? LEAH!
Who is on the board of
directors at the YMCA?
Who volunteers in all of our
kids’ classes? LEAH!
Who has been an art docent
for 5 years? LEAH!
Helps on all of the field
trips? LEAH!
Has volunteered in the
library for 5 years? LEAH!
Helped organize Gold Rush
Day for fourth grade?
Hosted a fund raiser for
Harambee Ministries?
Hosted a fund raiser for
AIDS Service Center?
Organizes “Easter in the
Park,” giving funds to
various charities? LEAH!
Helps new families move
into the Mountain Ave
district? LEAH!
Has hosted the Pasadena
Foothills Assn. of Realtors
Charitable Foundations
“check giving party,” where
about $70,000 a year is given
to local charities? LEAH!
A loving wife and mother of
4? LEAH!
And who brings home the
bacon and fries it up in a
pan? LEAH!
The PTA is proud to present
Leah Dilbeck with a 2012
Honorary Service Award! On March 9, it was Wacky Rainbow Day.
The whole school was filled with colors of
the rainbow. Everyone tried to wear as many
colors as they could. There were tie-dye
shirts, different colored socks, and some
interesting combinations of clothing. This
fun Spirit Day showed how much school
spirit our students have.
Another successful event was our last Box
Tops Bake Sale of the year. Everyone
enjoyed the sweet treats, and Student
Council collected lots of Box Tops to help
the school. Did you know that over the past
year, we have earned over $1,000 from Box
Tops? Keep cutting them out and bringing
them in!
Throughout the month of March, we sold
Smencils and Smens, which are scented
pencils and pens. Mmmm! Our work
smelled so good that it seemed easier to do.
In April will be our annual rubber ducky
sales. These are the highlight of the year, so
get yours while they last!
Eve McCreary, 4th Grade Representative
Kiran Sheikh, 4th Grade Representative
School Lunch Menu
The Mountain Avenue cafeteria menu is available at (click on
Cafe Menu), or April’s Harvest of the Month is fiber-rich
dried fruits. Tips: Buy dried fruit without added sugar. Top lowfat yogurt with
dried fruit for breakfast, snacks, or dessert. Add chopped dates and figs to salads.
April 2012
Here are some of
Mountain Avenue’s
medalists in this year’s
PTA Reflections
April 23 ~ 27
Thank you, 2nd grade parents, for
putting on a very green (literally)
Teacher Appreciation Coffee! How
fun and creative!
by Brooke Beer
3rd Place, Photography,
Grades 3-5
by Aaron Leucht
2nd Place, Visual Arts,
Grades 3-5
by Angellena
3rd Place,
Visual Arts,
Grade 6
This month, April 23-27, we get to
show the teachers and staff how
much we appreciate them! This is a
weeklong annual event that all
grades and classes participate in.
This year's theme is "Thanks for
Helping Us Bloom." I need some
volunteers to help with this event,
even just a couple of hours of your
time. Thank you! Lisa Carp, Teacher Appreciation Chair 808-372-0272
April Thank You
Special thanks to the following people:
Mimi Reichenbach for handling the logistics of
the Missoula Children's Theatre production, and
all of the parents (too many to mention!) who
helped make the week possible. Chairpersons Tanya Mitchell and David Flores
and all those who came out on Beautification Day
to help make our campus look great.
Becky Foster and Lisa Cha for chairing a
successful book fair, along with Elizabeth Blake,
DeAnn D’Ambrosio, and all the parents who
came in to help.
Sandy Russell for keeping us informed about
legislation issues affecting our kids.
Amy Benedict Brodie, David Connors, Cathy
Hardyment, Stacey Vera and Lourdes Wang
for serving on the Honorary Service Award