T H E V I R G I N I A N - Virginia Physical Therapy Association
T H E V I R G I N I A N - Virginia Physical Therapy Association
A Chapter of T H E V I R G I N I A N K I M S I M M S , E D I TO R IN THIS ISSUE President’s Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2014 House of Delegates . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Summer 2014 VPTA PAC . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 The 2014 PTA Caucus Annual Meeting Minutes and House of Delegates . . . . . 4 VPTA Launches New Site . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 District Updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Student News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Integrity in Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Virginia Member Elected to APTA Nominating Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Are You a VPTA Facebook Fan? VPTA’s Facebook fan page, easily navigated from www.facebook.com/myvpta, is a quick and simple way to keep up with the field of physical therapy around the state of Virginia. Members and potential members are able to access news and pictures of events occurring at the state level through social networking. You can “Like” the page (click on the little thumbs up sign) and be part of a group of PTs, PTAs, and physical therapy students who currently live and/or work in Virginia. Comments on the announcements can be made immediately and allow for discussions on topics and events. We welcome all to contact the VPTA Office at info@vpta.org if you would like to post pictures of physical therapy-related events in Virginia. Leah Frazier, PT Technology Chair The Virginian • Fall 2014 Fal l 2 014 President’s Message By the time this message reaches you it will be almost fall. I hope each of you had a relaxing summer with family and friends and enjoyed some well-earned down time. As autumn approaches and our Annual Conference nears this October, it is time to focus on growth, both individually and as a profession. I have said many times that I believe that the profession of Physical Therapy is one of the greatest. That is evident in the number of other professions that try to emulate and encroach on our scope of practice or additionally weigh in on the control of our own practices. We as a profession must step up to protect our scope and right to autonomous yet collaborative practice. The time for the few supporting the many has passed and ALL Physical Therapists and Physical Therapist Assistants must become involved. The first step is to join the association if not a member or become engaged if already a member in this great association. The VPTA is the front line for license protection and professional advancement in Virginia. We also represent the mission of the APTA nationally, being the closest chapter to the national office. Please remember that each and every member voice counts and each is important in the protection and advancement of our profession. PTs and PTAs must work together to achieve common professional goals. As we push into Fall, I challenge each PT and PTA in Virginia to become more involved. Join the association, attend annual conference, contact your legislators, donate to the VPTA – PAC and have our and your professional voice heard. 2014 House of Delegates Tom Bohanon, PT, DPT, OCS VPTA President The 2014 APTA House of Delegates (HOD) convened in Charlotte, NC June 9-11. As always, we had a wonderful Virginia Delegation working on your behalf that includes 12 Delegates, a Delegate elect, and a PTA Caucus representative. We welcomed Karen Abraham as our Delegate Elect this year, and welcomed back Melissa Fox as a Delegate after a few years away. It was also a year of celebration as we thanked our own Virginia member, Shawne Soper, for her 6 amazing years as our Speaker of the House of Delegates. The House debated 23 RC’s that ranged from a few bylaw amendments to topics like telehealth, the regulatory designation for DPT, PT education, value of membership for the PTA, and important practice issues for our future. As I write this short narrative for our newsletter, the final minutes of the HOD have not yet been released, but I look forward to offering more detail on the specific RC’s at the fall Annual Conference in McLean. Page 1 VIRGINIA PHYSICAL THERAPY ASSOCIATION 2014 OFFICERS/EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE T H E V I R G I N I A N The Virginian, the newsletter of the Virginia Physical Therapy Association, is published quarterly. Articles and news items of interest should be submitted to The Virginian. Letters to the editor must be signed and include an address and telephone number. Articles and letters printed express the author’s views only and are not necessarily the official policy of VPTA. All materials submitted are subject to editorial consideration and review. Ad copy should be submitted to the Chapter Office on an issueby-issue basis. Checks are to be made payable to the Virginia Physical Therapy Association Inc. and must accompany the ad copy. All advertisers will receive copies of the issue in which they advertise; advertising in The Virginian does not imply VPTA endorsement of products or services. The right to reject, add, or change wording in accordance with VPTA and editorial policy is retained by the publisher. The rates for advertising are as follows for camera-ready copy: AD SIZE AD SIZE - (width x height) NEWSLETTER Full page: (7 ½” x 9 7/8”) $300 ½ page horizontal: (7 ½” x 4 ¾”) $225 ½ page vertical: (3 5/8” x 9 7/8”) $225 ¼ page: (3 5/8” x 4 ¾”) $150 DEADLINES FOR SUBMISSION OF NEWS ITEMS AND ADS ARE FEBRUARY 2ND, MAY 18TH, JULY 20TH AND NOVEMBER 25TH. President Tom Bohanon PT, DPT, OCS president@vpta.org Treasurer Tom Mayhew PT, PhD treasurer@vpta.org Executive Director Hugh “Mac” Cannon MPA, CAE 8400 Westpark Dr. 2nd Floor McLean, VA 22102 703.610.0213 Secretary Megan Bureau, PT, DPT, Cert. MDT 703.610.0226 (F) hmcannon@vpta.org secretary@vpta.org Vice President Sharan Zirges PT, MSHA vicepresident@vpta.org Chief Delegate Lisa Donegan Shoaf PT, DPT, PhD chiefdelegate@vpta.org BOARD OF DIRECTORS Blue Ridge *Jessica Dobbs PT, DPT jydobbs@gmail.com Northern *Megan Poll PT, DPT mcpollpt@gmail.com Justin Dimitt PT, DPT, CSCS, OCS jdimitt75@gmail.com Perry Esterson PT, MS, ATC, SCS p.esterson@verizon.net Central *Amanda Avila PT, DPT, WCS amiller@progressphysicaltherapy. com Tidewater *Heather Byrne PT byrnehm@gmail.com Betty Cobaugh PT cobaughbd@aol.com Mountain Debbie Clark PT, DPT debbieclark@lpnt.net Brian Edmunds PT, DPT, ATP, NCS brian.edmunds@hamptonu.edu Valley *Andy Tatom, PT, DPT, OCS andytatompt@aol.com Harrison Hunt, PT, DPT harrison.hunt@racva.com *District Chair Please submit ads to : VPTA Mac Cannon, Executive Director 8400 Westpark Dr. 2nd Floor McLean, VA 22102 703.245.8043 hmcannon@vpta.org Please submit articles to : Kim Simms, Editor The Virginian 320 Valleydale Ave. Salem, VA 24153 KimSimms@aol.com BE FOUND Help potential patients and clients in Virginia find you … Are you using APTA’s FREE member benefit to promote your expertise to potential patients and clients? Distinguish your scope of practice from other physical therapists in your area. Sign up online at www.apta.org/findapt! The Virginian • Fall 2014 COMMITTEES & SPECIAL-INTEREST GROUPS BYLAW MANDATED COMMITTEES Ethics Bunny May, PT, DPT, PCS vmay@tcc.edu Finance Tom Mayhew PT, PhD treasurer@vpta.org Nominating Colleen Whiteford PT, DPT, OCS cwhitefd@aptfc.com STANDING COMMITTEES Communications Leah Frazier PT, DPT docoftherapy@gmail.com Government Affairs John Miller PT Jmiller1@laurelhealth.com Education Sharan Zirges PT, MSHA sdzirges@sentara.com Membership Stephen Elam DPT, GCS, CLT elam.s@lynchburg.edu Practice Justin Dimitt, PT, DPT, CSCS, OCS jdimitt75@gmail.com Public Relations Vacant Research Amanda Avila, PT, DPT, WCS amiller@progressphysicaltherapy.com SRC Work Group Missy Wolff-Burke (co-chair) mwolff@su.edu Megan Bureau PT, DPT, Cert. MDT (co-chair) mbureau@su.edu Page 2 COMMITTEES & SPECIAL-INTEREST GROUPS (continued) OTHER Historian Bunny May PT, DPT, PCS vmay@tcc.edu Pediatrics SIG Deb Rose PT, DPT, PCS dsrose@fcps.edu Political Action Committee (PAC) Mark Bouziane, PT, MSPT, Chair mjbouziane@aol.com Sydney Sawyer PT, Treasurer sydneysawr@aol.com Private Practice SIG Ron Masri PT, DPT, OCS, ATC rmasri@totalmotionpt.net PTA SIG Michael Hmara PTA mdhmara@gmail.com Student SIG Brandon Smith smithbk@vcu.edu APTA Board Liaison Mary Sinnott marysinnott@apta.org APTA Federal Affairs Liaison Sydney Sawyer PT sydneysawr@aol.com Lobbyist Richard Grossman The Vectre Corporation 411 E. Franklin Street, Ste. 602 Richmond, VA 23219 804-644-6600 804-644-6628 (F) rgrossman@vectrecorp.com Payer Relations Specialist Angela Brooks PT angelasbrooks@verizon.net Virginia Board of Physical Therapy State Licensure Lisa Hahn, Executive Director Department of Health Professions Perimeter Center 9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 300 Richmond, VA 23233 ptboard@dhp.virginia.gov lisa.hahn@dhp.virginia.gov The Virginian Editor Kim Simms PT kimsimms@aol.com 2014 DELEGATES Chief Delegate Lisa Shoaf PT, DPT, PhD Delegate-Elect Karen Abraham, PT, PhD Delegates Laura Baldwin PT, MPT Katherine Baucom PT, DPT Tom Bohanon PT, DPT, OCS Mark Bouziane, PT, MSPT Megan Bureau PT, DPT, Cert. MDT Secili DeStefano PT, DPT, OCS Amber Devers, PT, DPT, NCS Terri Ferrier PT Melissa Fox, PT Tom Mayhew PT, PhD Sharan Zirges PT, MSHA PTA Caucus Representative David Emerick, PTA Make Sure VPTA Has Your E-mail! FYI… Did you know that if you have elected NOT to give your e-mail address to APTA for their distribution of information, you are automatically excluded from information from VPTA also? Great things are happening in Virginia! We hope you will allow us to send you the Virginia Physical Therapy news by including your e-mail address in your APTA membership renewal. The Virginian • Fall 2014 2014 CALENDAR OF EVENTS DateEvent JANUARY 9 Lobby Day on the Hill – Richmond 9 VPTA BoD Meeting – Richmond 13Submit APTA bylaw amendments for 2014 House of Delegates to APTA FEBRUARY 3 Deadline for Submission of material to Editor for Spring The Virginian 3-6 CSM - Las Vegas, NV MARCH 1 Deadline: Applications for VPTA Student stipend to APTA Annual Conference and APTA Federal Advocacy Forum 14 Submit Main Motions for 2014 HoD to APTA Governance Department 21 VPTA Mini Conference 23 VPTA BoD Meeting – Charlottesville 22-23 VPTA Annual Retreat APRIL 14 Nominating Committee posts offices for 2014 MAY 16 2014-2015 Final Program Budgets and Action Plans Due 16 Deadline: Submission of Material and Ads to Editor for Summer The Virginian JUNE 13 Nominating Committee posts tentative slate of candidates for 2014 11-14 APTA NEXT - Annual Conference – Charlotte, NC 21 VPTA BoD Meeting - Richmond, VA JULY 11 18 25 Nominations are closed Deadline for submission of material and ads to Editor for Fall The Virginian Nominating Committee posts final slate of candidates for 2014 AUGUST 1 District Financial Reports due to Chapter Treasurer 29 Deadline for Submission of Abstracts to Research Committee SEPTEMBER 1 Deadline for submission of nominations for VPTA Awards 1 Deadline for student stipend applications for VPTA Student Conclave and NSC 12 Deadline for submission of biographical sketch to SSIG Nominating Committee by any student interested in running for a leadership position 27 VPTA BoD Meeting OCTOBER 3 Student SIG online voting begins 7 Voting deadline for VPTA SSIG representatives 10–12 VPTA Annual Conference 12Annual Membership Meeting 31 Deadline for applications for VPTA Student Minority Scholarship NOVEMBER 1 Deadline: Applications for VPTA Student Stipend to CSM 2014 21 Deadline for submission of ads to Editor for Winter The Virginian 25 Deadline: Nominations for APTA National Office DECEMBER 2Submit names and nominees for APTA Committees 2 Deadline: Mary McMillan Scholarship nominations and all Honors and Awards 31 Candidate Statements and Consent Forms due to APTA JANUARY 2015 8 Lobby Day 8 VPTA BoD Meeting Page 3 Summer 2014 VPTA PAC The VPTA PAC is having a busy time of it over the summer months. Our committee has been meeting and communicating to set objectives and a direction for the VPTA PAC in the coming months. Once these goals are realized, they should bring a great deal of enthusiasm and energy to our efforts in time for our Fall annual conference. Here are just a few of the items that we’re focusing upon • • Expand our visibility with the Virginia Physical Therapy professional community. We want to inform physical therapists and physical therapist assistants ( VPTA members and non-members) of the important role that the VPTA PAC plays in supporting our legislative goals at the state level. Our main goal this year is to raise $100,000 for the VPTA PAC. We will be contacting PT’s and PTA’s over the coming months at district meetings, through e-mail, as well as faceto-face communication. For our PAC to truly be successful we need have ongoing fund raising efforts, not just once or twice a year. Developing a web page that links to the VPTA web site. Our VPTA PAC is an integral part of our roles as professionals providing physical therapy in Virginia. We want to increase our access to PTs and PTA’s and improve our up-to-date information while expanding our visibility with members. • Reach out to student members. Our student membership can provide an important role in PAC functions with their knowledge, talents and ability to assist in raising funds for our state PAC. In coming days we hope to recruit a core group of student leaders – PAC ambassadors – who can give us assistance at district and state meetings as well fresh ideas about how to encourage improved PAC support for our coming legislative goals. • And finally, the VPTA PAC has expanded the means by which we can now accept PAC donations. We will soon sign a contract with MobileCause – a private company that is skilled in enhancing donations to charitable organizations as well as PACs such as ours. With their experience and know how we anticipate an enhanced bottom line for our PAC which will greatly add to our abilities to promote our state legislative agenda. Please let us know if you’d like to be a part of our VPTA PAC. Get in touch. Get involved. Now is the time. Mark Bouziane, PT, MSPT VPTA PAC chair Press Release: The 2014 PTA Caucus Annual Meeting Minutes and House of Delegates David W. Emerick, Sr PTA Caucus Representative for the Virginia chapter participated in the 2014 PTA Caucus Annual Meeting and APTA’s House of Delegates. Forty-five PTA Caucus Representatives, 8 PTA Caucus Alternate Representatives, and 5 Delegates gathered in Charlotte June 7 and 8 for the PTA Caucus Annual Meeting. Amy Smith, Chief Delegate presided over the meeting. A moment of silence was observed in memory of Valecia Snyder, PTA (TX), former PTA Advisory Panel Chair and a dear friend of the Caucus. PTA Caucus Nominating Committee conducted candidate interviews and elections. Those elected to serve included: David Harris (TN), Delegate; Crystal Morris (NC), Delegate; Jane Jackson (AZ) Alternate Delegate; and Nicole Volek (TX), Nominating Committee. The Chief Delegate also acknowledged outgoing officers, Paul Purdue (WA), Crystal Morris (NC), Jane Jackson (AZ), and Christina Wilson (AL) as well as those who had attained PTA Recognition. The PTA Caucus voted down a motion to change voting privileges for the delegates in the PTA Caucus. The Caucus adopted a description of the PTA to be included in the approved updated version of the PTA Caucus Procedure Manual and used as needed pending approval of the Procedure Manual by the APTA House Officers via the ‘Approval Process for Component Bylaws.’ The Virginian • Fall 2014 The PTA Caucus honored the Board members of the work group – Jennifer Green-Wilson, Chair, Shawne Soper, Lisa Saladin, and Sharon Dunn. Janet Bezner was also honored for her efforts on the work group and her support of PTA members during her tenure at APTA. The meeting concluded by reviewing the PT/PTA Team videos on APTA’s web site that are the result of work conducted by the Public Relations Committee in conjunction with APTA staff and are located at http://www.apta.org/SupervisionTeamwork/SuccessStories/. From the House of Delegates: The official minutes of the House of Delegates are not yet available; please check the actual language for the following motions when the minutes are available. The House made the following decisions that impact work and governance in APTA for the PTA: • RC 2-12 was rescinded, so there was no reason to hear RC 3-14 or RC 4-14. The patient care delivery model will not change - PTAs will remain the only other physical therapy care provider in APTA positions and policies (at least for now). continued on page 6 Page 4 PTA Recognition of Advanced Proficiency The following Virginia Chapter members have met all of the eligibility requirements for the 2013-2014 American Physical Therapy Association’s Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) Recognition of Advanced Proficiency: Names Category of Work Judy Campbell, PTA Geriatric Heather Nicole Mullenax, PTA Geriatric Michelle Cobb Tinsley, PTA Musculoskeletal Shelley Woodroof, LPTA Musculoskeletal Amanda Lynn Yates, PTA Musculoskeletal APTA’s PTA Recognition of Advanced Proficiency awardees receive a certificate of advanced proficiency suitable for framing, a lapel pin, and recognition in PT in Motion (p. 51). In addition, recipients were recognized during APTA’s Honors and Awards Ceremony on Thursday, June 12, during the NEXT Conference and Exposition in Charlotte, North Carolina. Meeting these eligibility requirements demonstrates that your members are progressing towards advanced knowledge and skill in a chosen area of work. Thank you for the support that your chapter has provided to your PTA members in the pursuit of the education and experience needed to meet the requirements of this recognition. Stephanie Sadowski Honors and Awards Program Specialist, Member Services Check out our new site! The Virginian • Fall 2014 Page 5 Press Release: The 2014 PTA Caucus Annual Meeting Minutes and House of Delegates continued from page 4 • RC 11-14 resulted in the House charging the Board (and staff) to create a plan to increase the value of PTA membership in APTA. therapist assistant team related to utilization and outcomes be collected via one or more of the following mechanisms in order to implement the most feasible approach to begin data collection in FY 2014: From the March and April APTA Board of Directors Meetings: At the March APTA Board of Directors Meeting, the Board discussed RC 20-12 regarding the feasibility study for PTA education. The Board determined that there was insufficient information to make a decision and adopted the following motions aimed at gathering more data: • That APTA conduct an analysis of the work of the physical therapist assistant. • That mechanisms to identify and promote best practices in the work and relationships of the Physical Therapist(PT)/ Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) Team in a variety of practice settings be identified and implemented in collaboration with the sections, American Council of Academic Physical Therapy (ACAPT), Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE), and PTA Caucus. At the April APTA Board of Directors Meeting, the Board heard and discussed the report from the PTA-Board Work Group and adopted the following motions: • That a bylaw amendment to provide eligibility for physical therapist assistant members to serve in non-officer positions on the Board of Directors (Board) be forwarded to the 2015 House of Delegates. • That a bylaw amendment that would allow components the option to amend their bylaws to provide physical therapist assistant members a full vote at the component level be forwarded to the 2015 House of Delegates. • That bylaw amendments that would establish physical therapist assistant membership eligibility to serve as a chapter delegate and continue to serve as a section delegate to the House of Delegates, at the discretion of each component, and that would eliminate the Physical Therapist Assistant Caucus delegates by the year 2020 be forwarded to the 2015 House of Delegates. • That APTA policies related to the Physical Therapist Assistant Caucus be reviewed and revised to reflect the way in which the Physical Therapist Assistant Caucus currently operates. • That procedures be developed to encourage physical therapist assistant (PTA) members to join the volunteer interest pool and to facilitate the appointment of PTA members by the APTA Board of Directors and APTA staff to appropriate groups. • That data on the value of the physical therapist/physical The Virginian • Fall 2014 »» »» Explore access to existing/developing databases Determine resources required to collect data • That the physical therapist/physical therapist assistant team tool kit that describes the models of practice for physical therapist/physical therapist assistant teams and is a resource for members to communicate the role of the physical therapist assistant in physical therapist practice to payers be actively supported and promoted to APTA Components. • That a motion be prepared for the 2015 House of Delegates to consider the creation of a section-like component for physical therapist assistants and in the interim that the charge of the PTA Board Work Group be revised by the president to work towards advancing physical therapist assistant initiatives. (Minutes available at: http://www.apta.org/BOD/Meetings/) As you can see, the PTA Caucus and APTA Board of Directors are working hard to change the culture of APTA to one of inclusiveness. They have done their part and now it is time for you – clinicians, faculty and students – to do yours by doing the following: • Join APTA. It is very difficult to convince APTA leadership that PTAs are invested in the profession when less than 8% of licensed PTAs are members of APTA. If you haven’t been a member because of the ½ vote or lack of inclusiveness in APTA for PTAs, now is the time to rejoin and make a difference! • Get active at the district and/or chapter (state) level of APTA. Go to meetings. Volunteer to help on committees. If you don’t feel welcome, then take your PTA and/or PT friends with you to the next meeting so you won’t be alone! • Campaign and vote for chapter (state) delegates and leadership that value PTAs and will support this change in culture. If you have questions please contact me at: DWEPTA@RCN.COM. The members of the Affiliate Assembly, National Assembly, and PTA Caucus have provided innumerable hours and displayed the utmost professionalism to get to this point. Please be part of this evolution to a new and more inclusive role in APTA for PTAs. Sincerely, David W. Emerick, Sr. PTA, BBA Virginia PTA Caucus Representative Page 6 Join Us Become a part of a community of nontraditional learners who are UVa proud. Join the faculty, staff, and fellow students at SCPS who care about your life, your career, and your success. Earn a UVa Bachelor of Professional Studies in Health Sciences Management > Online and part-time for allied health professionals with an associate’s degree and national certification > Opportunities for advancement in health care through a focus on: > Strategic communication > Relationship management > Professionalism > Team building > Business skills Visit us online at scps.virginia.edu/vapta > Leadership > Pre-application advising > Financial aid and scholarship opportunities Applications accepted starting May 1. 354-BPHM-VAPTA-mag > Expert faculty and outstanding student support SCHOOL OF CONTINUING AND PROFESSIONAL STUDIES The Virginian • Fall 2014 Page 7 D I S T R I C T Blue Ridge District Tuesday, February 10, Winchester • Tuesday, May 12, Charlottesville Thursday, September 18: • Thursday, September 17, Harrisonburg »» Location: O’Neill’s Grill, 221 University Boulevard, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 • Thursday, November 5, Staunton »» Time: 6:30 – 7:00 pm meet and greet, 7:00 – 8:30 pm meeting »» • Save the Date for the 2015 Meetings: • Save the date for the remaining 2014 BRD meetings: • N E W S Topic: Round table discussion of current physical therapy issues and elections for district secretary and director. Please contact Colleen Whiteford, Nominating Committee Chair, at cwhitefd@aptfc.com if interested or for more information on positions. Thursday, November 6: »» Location: Murphy Deming College of Health Sciences, Mary Baldwin College, DPT program, 100 Baldwin Boulevard, Fishersville, VA 22939 »» Time: 6:00 – 6:30 pm tours of the new department, 6:30 – 7:00 pm meet and greet, 7:00-9:00 pm education »» Topic: “Therapy Considerations Following Acetabular Labral Repairs” »» Speakers: The orthopedic surgeons of Orthopedic Associates, Ltd ***Check the VPTA website, the BRD facebook page, and/or your e-mail for specific locations and additional details closer to meeting dates*** Attention all Blue Ridge District Clinical Educators: The Blue Ridge District is planning to award one $500 scholarship to support a member in attending the APTA’s Educational Leadership Conference in Kansas City, Missouri which will take place October 10-11, 2014. Please check the district’s webpage or contact Jessica Dobbs at jydobbs@gmail.com for more information and to complete an application. Hurry deadline to submit applications is August 15, 2014. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or would like to learn ways you can get involved in the Blue Ridge District or the VPTA! Don’t forget to check your e-mail and the VPTA website for specific details on any of the district activities. Information is also posted on our facebook page (VPTA Blue Ridge District). Jessica Dobbs, PT, DPT Blue Ridge District Chair Justin Dimitt, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS Blue Ridge District Director Mountain District VPTA’s Mountain District is hosting a continuing education presentation, reception and meeting to honor new graduates, PT students and LPTA students on September 30. Wil Kolb, PT, DPT, OCS will present a course, Evidence Based Practice Review for the Lumbar Spine, beginning at 5:00 PM. A social hour will be held from 6:30 – 7:00 with a Mountain District business meeting from 7:00 – 7:30. The CE course will conclude from 7:30-8:30. The CE, reception and meeting will be hosted by Wythe County Com- The Virginian • Fall 2014 munity Hospital in Wytheville. Members and non-members are invited for any and all segments of the evening. Pre-registration is encouraged in order to ensure adequate course materials and to plan for refreshments. Debbie Clark, PT, DPT can be contacted for additional information at 276-228-0498 or at debbie.clark@lpnt.net. Debbie Clark, PT, DPT Mountain District Director Page 8 Northern District Tidewater District Northern District is excited and eager to start the Fall 2014. Please see below (or at the vpta.org website) for complete meeting and event details. We also have several positions in the District that are open for volunteers. Currently we are looking to fill the following positions: District Director/Chair, Continuing Education Chair, Legislative Chair, and others. If you are interested in running for one of these positions please contact Megan Poll, current Northern District Chair. Online voting will open in September and close in October. The Tidewater District has a great line-up of meetings as well as social events for this year! Members, nonmembers and students are all welcomed! Meetings are held on Wednesday nights with social/food at 6:30pm, Business meeting at 7pm and speaker at 7:30pm. Fall Events: Walk Off Parkinson’s charity event to benefit the Parkinson Foundation of the National Capital Area • • • • • When: Sunday, Sep 14, 2014 Where: Nationals Park, 1500 South Capitol St SE, Washington, DC, United States Description: Join team by going to the PFNCA site www.parkinsonfoundation.org and clicking on the “Walk Off Parkinson link” on the home page. Details: Gates open at 8:30 am Team name: “PTs to Punch Out PD” National Falls Prevent Awareness Day: community falls screening in Northern VA • • • When: Saturday, September 27 Where: TBA Description: Northern District is looking for PTs/PTAs/ SPTs/SPTAs to volunteer for a community Falls Prevention Screening event. If you are interested please contact Nandina Jinnohara at nandina@gmail.com for more information. Fall District Meetings: September Meeting • • • • • • • When: Wed, September 10, 6pm – 9pm Where: Shenandoah University - Northern Virginia Campus, 44160 Scholar Plaza Suite 100, Leesburg, VA, United States Description: Northern District Meeting Location: Shenandoah University Northern campus 44160 Scholar Plaza Suite 100, Leesburg, VA Topic: Meet and Greet new SU PT program in Northern District Presentation: Updates in Clinical Education • September 17, 2014 at Hampton University. “Return to Golf” by Brian Hoke. Sponsored by Tidewater Physical Therapy Inc. • November 12, 2014 at Hampton University. “Aquatics Across the Spectrum: An Update”, by Kelly Pierce and Paul Reed. Sponsored by Southeastern PT. • January 28, 2015 at Old Dominion University. Cadaver Lab, led by Matthew Ammons. Reservations required. • March 25, 2015 at Old Dominion University. Topic TBD. Sponsored by Lawson Medical. Please contact us if you are interested in presenting on a Neurological Topic for this meeting. We are also hosting two social nights this year! Our first event is a social for PT Month on October 16th, 2014 at Smartmouth Brewery in Norfolk. Incentives will be offered to APTA/VPTA members and those who join that evening! Our second event is a New Professionals Social on May 14th, 2015 in Newport News/Hampton. This event is geared towards those who have graduated in the past 5 years and are looking to connect with other new grads as well as seasoned professionals. To be added to our email list, please contact Abigail Hawe, Membership Director at ahawe@cox.net. For any questions or to volunteer to assist on the leadership team or be our March meeting speaker, please contact Heather Byrne, Chair at byrnehm@gmail.com. November Meeting • • • • When: November 6th or November 20th 2014 Where: INOVA Fair Oaks Topic: Medical Management for Spinal Pathologies Presenter: Dr. Christopher Silveri December Meeting • • • When: TBD Where: TBD Topic: Holiday Happy Hour The Virginian • Fall 2014 Page 9 S T U D E N T N E W S Bringing it all together at NEXT It was not until I returned from Charlotte, NC after APTA’s NEXT Conference that I realized what I lost during the rigmarole of PT school. For the past three years, PT school has been an all-out sprint for knowledge, making it quite easy to lose focus of the dream that got me into PT in the first place. At NEXT, I had a chance to sit back and reflect on my PT career (so far) and who would have guessed that everything would come full circle. At the conference, I took the opportunity to attend several different types of seminars to gain as many perspectives of the profession as possible. Some gave me new skills/ideas to share with my current clinical instructor. Some were a great review for boards. The Oxford Debate tickled my funny bone and made me proud of the uniqueness of our profession. But, a few (primarily, the sessions on health promotion) got me back on track with where I would like to see my career go and what impact I want to make on my community. These presentations rekindled the tiny ember glow of what I wrote about for my PT application essay. The conclusion of that essay read: Ultimately, I think I may want to work with children who are obese or at risk of obesity. I want to teach them healthy lifestyles and encourage them to love their bodies. I want them to overcome their current condition. I want to enable them to lead a healthy, physically active life. I want to be their best resource and encourage them in their goal. Granted this is a lofty goal, but it aligns well with APTA’s vision: Transforming society by optimizing movement to improve the human experience.1 I know I will be on the front lines, forging my way into this aspect of our profession and I now know that there are others who are doing this exact thing from whom I can learn and follow. I want to thank the APTA, VPTA and speakers at the NEXT Conference for showing me how my passion aligns with the profession. As graduation quickly approaches, I look forward to joining the working world and seeing where my career takes me. Natalie Jabbour, SPT Shenandoah University, Winchester, VA References 1. Bellamy J. Vision Statement for the Physical Therapy Profession and Guiding Principles to Achieve the Vision. Available at: http://www.apta.org/Vision/. Accessed June 20, 2014. Ghana Clinical Kyle getting a baseline on a patient. On June 26th I began the final few weeks of full-time clinical placement before earning a DPT from Shenandoah University. The most exciting part was not that I was almost done school and stepping out into the real world, but that I was stepping on a plane to spend 5 weeks in Takoradi, Ghana. During my three years at SU I was fortunate enough to participate in two medical mission trips to Haiti and one to Nicaragua with other students. This time I was headed on my own to spend four weeks at a Regional Hospital and one week in a rural village. The Ghana clinical rotation was organized through Work the World which is a UK based organization which helps set up medical placements for medical, nursing, physical therapy, pharmacy, and midwifery students. After over a year of planning with Shenandoah University and the organization, I was able to begin an opportunity of a lifetime. During the first four weeks I stayed in a house with 24 students from all over the world. Each day of the week we went to placement, visited orphanages, walked through the local markets and immersed ourselves in the culture. On the weekends we traveled Even with limited equipment, PT can be done effectively. together around Ghana eating the local cuisine, sleeping in a rain forest, and visiting different villages and even attending a traditional funeral. The physiotherapy clinic was very organized with seven physiotherapists, and three PTA’s. I spent time working in all areas of the clinic (evaluations, gym, pediatrics, ward rounds, manual treatment, and the electro treatment room). The organization and hospital had other opportunities I participated in during my time in Ghana (HIV clinic, village outreach, and club foot clinic). I spent a lot of time working hands on with patients and even more time educating the PTs on treatment techniques, clinical reasoning, and continued on page 11 The Virginian • Fall 2014 Page 10 Ghana Clinical continued from page 10 treatment progression. I learned so much more about the culture, creativity of treatment, and difficulties of the Ghana health care system because I was able to work in the setting for an extended period of time. This experience helped to solidify my passion for working internationally but also showed me where and how practitioners from developed nations can provide the biggest assistance and impact on these cultures; with education. Equipment used during our in-service. I kept a blog during my time in Ghana highlighting the trip, the physical therapy clinic, and my development as a student/practitioner. http://ghana2014feldman.blogspot.com Work the World was a great organization and upon my return back home I will become a student ambassador for the organization in the US. I would love to help other PT schools in Virginia set up clinical sites in Ghana or one of the other 4 countries. It was a great opportunity that I will treasure for the rest of my life and hope others can use this time as students to try something new or out of their element to develop not only as physical therapists but global citizens. Kyle Feldman, SPT Kyle encourages you to consider joining such a group! Be part of an independently owned, outpatient practice that has proudly served Southeastern Virginia since 1986 with 33 clinical locations between Richmond and Virginia Beach. We value clinical excellence, foster professional growth and support specialization with generous continuing education funds. Comprehensive Physical Therapy Services Aquatic Therapy • Balance and Fall Prevention • Dry Needling Functional Capacity Evaluations & Impairment Ratings • Hand Therapy Lymphedema • McKenzie Therapy • Neurological Rehabilitation Orthopedic Certified Specialists • Orthotics • Pediatric Orthopedic Therapy Temporomandibular Disorders Treatment • Vestibular Rehabilitation Work Conditioning/Work Hardening • Women’s Health Services Work Performance Services and Aquatic Center and For more information about Tiffany Rhodes at (877) 843-3878 career opportunities contact: or by email: hr@tpti.com ftixr The Virginian • Fall 2014 TPTI.com Tidewaterperform.com EOE Page 11 Faculty: Aaron Hartstein MPT, FAAOMPT, OCS Kristin Kelley MPT FAAOMPT, OCS AJ Lievre DPT, CMPT, OCS Eric Magrum DPT, FAAOMPT, OCS Michael McMurray DPT, FAAOMPT Myra Pumphrey DPT FAAOMPT, OCS THE VIRGINIA ORTHOPAEDIC MANUAL PHYSICAL THERAPY INSTITUTE ANNOUNCES THE 2014 ORTHOPAEDIC MANUAL PHYSICAL THERAPY SERIES! REGISTRATION FOR CHARLOTTESVILLE COURSE STARTING SEPTEMBER 2014 IS NOW OPEN!! The goal of this 6 weekend series is to provide the physical therapist with a comprehensive continuing professional education course focused on evidence based examination and treatment and to prepare the participants for the ABPTS Orthopaedic Specialty Examination. Lab Based Courses 7:1 Participant to Faculty Ratio Emphasis on manual techniques and clinical reasoning > 95% pass rate on OCS Exam GO TO WWW.VOMPTI.COM FOR MORE INFORMATION AND TO REGISTER ONLY A LIMITED NUMBER OF SLOTS AVAILABLE….REGISTER EARLY. THE PAST THREE YEARS HAVE SOLD OUT! www.VOMPTI.com Nominating Committee A few months ago I was talking by email with Heather Byrne from the Tidewater district about the lack of a candidate from that district to run for the Nominating Committee role. She sent me 3 names with no further information about them. I contacted all three of them and much to my surprise they all three responded and expressed interest in the role! It was all pretty last minute as nominations were closing, and as I write this I don’t know the outcome of the election. But that’s not my point, or points. These are: First, it was great that Heather could give me these names. Nice when a leader recognizes potential in others for leadership and/or getting involved. Secondly, it was remarkable that all three folks not only responded to me, but expressed interest in the role and knowing more about it. All three stated they had been wanting to get more involved but just didn’t know how. Thirdly, even if none of them steps into the role, I am hopeful that they will continue to be or become involved and supportive of the VPTA at the district level, which is a great place to start. Maybe nobody’s approached you about getting involved. So consider approaching someone in leadership and asking! Names and contact information are listed in this publication. We’d love to chat with you! Colleen Whiteford, PT, DPT, OCS Nominating Committee Chair THE NOMINATING COMMITTEE: • Blue Ridge District - Colleen Whiteford • Central District – Brittany Church • Mountain District - Laura Baldwin • Northern District - Nandina Ustaris • Tidewater District - Matthew Ammons • Valley District – Brent Harper Integrity in Practice Integrity is defined by the Merriam Webster Online Dictionary as the quality of being honest and fair and/or the state of being complete or whole. If asked, I am certain that each of us strives to exhibit integrity in our professional and personal lives. Statistics show however that a select few abuse the system thus flawing the view that the public and regulatory entities have of our profession as a whole. Earlier this year, the APTA kicked off the Integrity in Practice campaign. The campaign is designed to offer education and support to practitioners in maintaining consistent professional integrity. The APTA has created a number of free educational tools to assist in fully understanding and complying with billing requirement as well as defensible documentation. The APTA partnered with the American Board of Internal Medicine in their Choosing Wisely Campaign. Some of you may have participated in this campaign by offering input to the APTA’s request for a list of five things that providers and patients should question. The results of which should be published close to the publication date of this newsletter. This The Virginian • Fall 2014 list will be the result of member input and subsequent literature and panel reviews. This list will assist in educating clinicians and patients as they each make decisions about their clinical care. While education is a primary component of the Integrity in Practice Campaign, the APTA has also created the Integrity in Practice Recognition Program. This is a process by which clinicians can obtain the APTA Seal of Integrity which will be awarded to clinicians who complete select educational and data collection requirements. As a part of the campaign providers will be asked to share data regarding patient outcomes to ultimately foster best practice efforts. For additional details regarding the Integrity in Practice Campaign go to http://www.apta.org/Integrity/. Angela S. Brooks, PT Payer Relations Specialist Page 13 YOU’RE INVITED! The University of Southern California (USC) & The Jackson Clinics Orthopedic Residency Program have formed a partnership to deliver residency level continuing education to the Mid-Atlantic Region. We invite any Physical Therapist interested in comprehensive orthopedic education to participate. FORMAT: Five modules will be taught covering each area of the body beginning in August as follows: August 22 - 24, 2014 September 19 - 21, 2014 October 17 - 19, 2014 December 5 - 7, 2014 February 20 - 22, 2015 PROGRAM SESSIONS: LOCATION: The Jackson Clinics, Broadlands 43490 Yukon Dr., Suite 212 Ashburn, VA 20147 Module #1: Low Back Module #2: Lower Extremities Module #3: Thorax Module #4: Neck Module #5: Upper Extremities Friday: Saturday: Sunday: 1:00 pm - 8:00 pm 9:00 am - 5:00 pm 8:00 am - 4:00 pm COST: All five modules (15 day series): $2500 Taken separately in any order: $600/per module REGISTRATION AND PAYMENT*: Open to all clinicians. Register and pay online through the USC Division of Biokinesiology and Physical Therapy @ http://www.pt.usc.edu/continuingeducation. *Class size is limited to 15 outside registrants per class. INSTRUCTOR: Joe Godges, PT, DPT, OCS Joe Godges is an associate professor at the University of Southern California where his primary role is to provide educational support for clinical residency and fellowship programs. He is also the ICF-based Clinical Practice Guidelines Coordinator for the Orthopaedic Section of the American Physical Therapy Association. Dr. Godges is currently a member of the Board of Directors for the Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy. Previously, Joe was the coordinator of the physical therapy clinical residency and fellowship programs for Kaiser Permanente in Southern California and he has served on the Orthopaedic Specialty Council for the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties, on the APTA’s Committee on Clinical Residency and Fellowship Credentialing, and on the Orthopaedic Section’s Board of Directors. For questions or more information contact Helen Kim, Ed.D., e-mail: ptconed@usc.edu or via phone: 323-442-3156. PO Box 1769 | Middleburg, VA 20118 | 540.687.8181 | thejacksonclinics.com American Board of Physical Therapy Residency and Fellowship re-accredits Virginia Program University of Virginia & HealthSouth Orthopaedic Residency program in Charlottesville, VA has successfully achieved reaccreditation as an orthopedic residency program. An accredited residency or fellowship program promotes standards of quality and consistency in the teaching and practice of physical therapy. Through their voluntarily participation and adherence to the requirements of the accreditation process, these programs confirm to potential residents or fellows their commitment to providing quality learning experiences by meeting established criteria. Additionally, completion of the accreditation process is an affirmation to the public at large of the program’s commitment to the protection of the consumer of physical therapy. VPTA congratulates this program for their achievement of excellence in physical therapy education under the direction of Eric Magrum, PT, DPT, OCS. Virginia Member Elected to APTA Nominating Committee Congratulations to Virginia’s own Secili DeStefano, PT, DPT, Northern District, who was elected to the APTA Nominating Committee at the June 2014 APTA House of Delegates in Charlotte, NC. Secili has been an active member and leader in the VPTA since her days as a PT student, including the Student Conclave Committee, various Tasks Forces, Delegate, Chair of Northern District and Vice President of VPTA. She also has an active leadership role in the APTA Women’s Health Section. Secili’s positive attitude and encouraging spirit make her a great fit for the Nominating Committee that slates candidates for APTA national office. Join the Delegates and the VPTA leadership in congratulating Secili on her recent election. We look forward to her bringing her enthusiasm and love for PT to her position of service at the national level. “I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to the Virginia Physical Therapy Association for your support during my recent candidacy for the APTA Nominating Committee. I am deeply honored by the opportunity to serve in this capacity, and I will do my best to make you proud.” - Secili DeStefano Lisa Donegan Shoaf, PT, DPT, PhD – Chief Delegate, Virginia Sharan Zirges, PT, MSHA – Vice President & Delegate, VPTA The Virginian • Fall 2014 Secili DeStefano, PT, DPT Page 15 THE VIRGINIAN Virginia Physical Therapy Association 8400 Westpark Drive, 2nd Floor McLean, VA 22102-5116 An APTA Chapter Publication Was this forwarded? Remember to call the state licensing board and your physical therapy association with your new address. 16 Contact Hours for $365 if you register before September 20th! m ilton.co ww.h w | 02 221 , VA n a Le Mc r. | D ch ran sB e n Jo 920 | 7 r e orn sC n o Tys an cLe M n Hilto
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