T H E V I R G I N I A N - Virginia Physical Therapy Association


T H E V I R G I N I A N - Virginia Physical Therapy Association
A Chapter of
K I M S I M M S , E D I TO R
President’s Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
District Update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Student News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
How Will the ICD-10
Delay Impact You? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Are You a VPTA
Facebook Fan?
VPTA’s Facebook fan page, easily navigated from www.facebook.com/myvpta,
is a quick and simple way to keep up
with the field of physical therapy around
the state of Virginia. Members and potential members are able to access news
and pictures of events occurring at the
state level through social networking.
You can “Like” the page (click on the
little thumbs up sign) and be part of a
group of PTs, PTAs, and physical therapy students who currently live and/or
work in Virginia. Comments on the announcements can be made immediately
and allow for discussions on topics and
events. We welcome all to contact the
VPTA Office at info@vpta.org if you
would like to post pictures of physical
therapy-related events in Virginia.
Leah Frazier, PT
Technology Chair
Su m m e r 2 014
President’s Message
As summer approaches and we begin to think of getting away from our work to relax
and recharge, it’s important not to put aside our goals, challenges and triumphs faced
over the last several months. Since January, the association has conducted a very successful lobby day, assisted in preventing potentially harmful workers compensation
legislation from being enacted, held a successful retreat and compiled data for possible
legislative endeavors for the next few years. If you consider that all of the members
involved have achieved this while having jobs and family’s, a lot has been achieved in
the first 4 months of this year.
I thank everyone who has been involved and helped further our association and profession and look forward to what we will achieve the rest of the year. I hope each and
every member has fun, safe, and relaxing summer with their family and friends. I hope
to see each of you at the next meeting and annual conference.
Tom Bohanon, PT, DPT, OCS
VPTA President
Update from the VPTA PAC
It’s always a challenge to write an article extolling the importance of our VPTA PAC.
After all, the VPTA PAC is a lot like that old relative everyone seems to have in their
family. A bit stodgy and boring to hang around with, but the first person you go to
when trouble starts brewing. Our Political Action Committee provides the resources money, time, and talent - that supports the goals of our legislative mission at the state
level. We depend upon you for our continuing financial support so that when contributions for political campaigns are requested, we can provide the support that shows
our commitment to the legislators who have stood up for us in the past.
Whenever I’m at a loss for words I go to the famous quotes web site to find inspiration.
This month’s quote comes from Aristotle, a true friend of our VPTA PAC; “The whole is
greater than the sum of its parts”. But how can that be? When many parts are working
independently they may be worth something, but when they combine support into one
venture, the value becomes truly inspiring. Please consider giving generously to our
VPTA PAC so that we can accomplish our goals in the coming year. You can do so my
mailing your check made out to VPTAPAC to Sydney Sawyer, PT
11907 Henderson Court
Clifton, VA 20124
continued on page 4
The Virginian • Summer 2014
Page 1
The Virginian, the newsletter of the Virginia Physical Therapy
Association, is published quarterly. Articles and news items of
interest should be submitted to The Virginian. Letters to the
editor must be signed and include an address and telephone
number. Articles and letters printed express the author’s views
only and are not necessarily the official policy of VPTA. All materials
submitted are subject to editorial consideration and review.
Ad copy should be submitted to the Chapter Office on an issueby-issue basis. Checks are to be made payable to the Virginia
Physical Therapy Association Inc. and must accompany the ad
copy. All advertisers will receive copies of the issue in which
they advertise; advertising in The Virginian does not imply VPTA
endorsement of products or services. The right to reject, add, or
change wording in accordance with VPTA and editorial policy is
retained by the publisher.
The rates for advertising are as follows for camera-ready copy:
AD SIZE - (width x height)
Full page: (7 ½” x 9 7/8”)
½ page horizontal: (7 ½” x 4 ¾”)
½ page vertical: (3 5/8” x 9 7/8”)
¼ page: (3 5/8” x 4 ¾”)
Tom Bohanon PT, DPT, OCS
Tom Mayhew PT, PhD
Executive Director
Hugh “Mac” Cannon MPA, CAE
8400 Westpark Dr. 2nd Floor
McLean, VA 22102
Megan Bureau, PT, DPT, Cert. MDT 703.610.0226 (F)
Vice President
Sharan Zirges PT, MSHA
Chief Delegate
Lisa Donegan Shoaf PT, DPT, PhD
Blue Ridge
*Jessica Dobbs PT, DPT
*Megan Poll PT
Justin Dimitt PT, DPT, CSCS, OCS
Perry Esterson PT, MS, ATC, SCS
*Amanda Avila PT, DPT, WCS
*Heather Byrne PT
Betty Cobaugh PT
Debbie Clark PT, DPT
Brian Edmunds PT, DPT, ATP, NCS
*Andy Tatom, PT, DPT, OCS
Harrison Hunt, PT, DPT
*District Chair
Please submit ads to :
Mac Cannon, Executive Director
8400 Westpark Dr. 2nd Floor
McLean, VA 22102
Please submit articles to :
Kim Simms, Editor
The Virginian
320 Valleydale Ave.
Salem, VA 24153
Help potential patients and
clients in Virginia find you …
Are you using APTA’s FREE member benefit to
promote your expertise to potential patients and
clients? Distinguish your scope of practice from
other physical therapists in your area.
Sign up online at www.apta.org/findapt!
The Virginian • Summer 2014
Bunny May, PT, DPT, PCS
Tom Mayhew PT, PhD
Colleen Whiteford PT, DPT, OCS
Leah Frazier PT, DPT
Government Affairs
John Miller PT
Sharan Zirges PT, MSHA
Stephen Elam DPT, GCS, CLT
Justin Dimitt, PT, DPT, CSCS,
Public Relations
Amanda Avila, PT, DPT, WCS
SRC Work Group
Missy Wolff-Burke (co-chair)
Megan Bureau PT, DPT, Cert. MDT
Page 2
Bunny May PT, DPT, PCS
Pediatrics SIG
Deb Rose PT, DPT, PCS
Political Action Committee
Sydney Sawyer PT, Treasurer
Private Practice SIG
Ron Masri PT, DPT, OCS, ATC
Michael Hmara PTA
Student SIG
Brandon Smith
APTA Board Liaison
Mary Sinnott
APTA Federal Affairs Liaison
Sydney Sawyer PT
Richard Grossman
The Vectre Corporation
411 E. Franklin Street, Ste. 602
Richmond, VA 23219
804-644-6628 (F)
Payer Relations Specialist
Angela Brooks PT
Virginia Board of Physical
Therapy State Licensure
Lisa Hahn, Executive Director
Department of Health
Perimeter Center
9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 300
Richmond, VA 23233
The Virginian Editor
Kim Simms PT
Chief Delegate
Lisa Shoaf PT, DPT, PhD
Karen Abraham, PT, PhD
Laura Baldwin PT, MPT
Katherine Baucom PT, DPT
Tom Bohanon PT, DPT, OCS
Mark Bouziane, PT, MSPT
Megan Bureau PT, DPT, Cert. MDT
Secili DeStefano PT, DPT, OCS
Amber Devers, PT, DPT, NCS
Terri Ferrier PT
Melissa Fox, PT
Tom Mayhew PT, PhD
Sharan Zirges PT, MSHA
PTA Caucus Representative
David Emerick, PTA
Make Sure VPTA Has Your E-mail!
FYI… Did you know that if you have elected
NOT to give your e-mail address to APTA for their
distribution of information, you are automatically
excluded from information from VPTA also?
Great things are happening in Virginia! We hope
you will allow us to send you the Virginia Physical
Therapy news by including your e-mail address in
your APTA membership renewal.
The Virginian • Summer 2014
Lobby Day on the Hill – Richmond
VPTA BoD Meeting – Richmond
13Submit APTA bylaw amendments for 2014 House of Delegates
Deadline for Submission of material to Editor for Spring The
CSM - Las Vegas, NV
Deadline: Applications for VPTA Student stipend to APTA
Annual Conference and APTA Federal Advocacy Forum
Submit Main Motions for 2014 HoD to APTA Governance
VPTA Mini Conference
VPTA BoD Meeting – Charlottesville
22-23 VPTA Annual Retreat
Nominating Committee posts offices for 2014
2014-2015 Final Program Budgets and Action Plans Due
Deadline: Submission of Material and Ads to Editor for Summer
The Virginian
Nominating Committee posts tentative slate of candidates for
11-14 APTA NEXT - Annual Conference – Charlotte, NC
VPTA BoD Meeting - Richmond, VA
Nominations are closed
Deadline for submission of material and ads to Editor for Fall The
Nominating Committee posts final slate of candidates for 2014
District Financial Reports due to Chapter Treasurer
Deadline for Submission of Abstracts to Research Committee
25 Ballots available for electronic and mail voting
Deadline for submission of nominations for VPTA Awards
Deadline for student stipend applications for VPTA Student
Conclave and NSC
Deadline for submission of biographical sketch to SSIG
Nominating Committee by any student interested in running for a
leadership position
Student SIG online voting begins
Voting deadline for VPTA SSIG representatives
VPTA BoD Meeting
11–13 VPTA Annual Conference
12Annual Membership Meeting
Deadline for applications for VPTA Student Minority Scholarship
Deadline: Applications for VPTA Student Stipend to CSM 2014
Deadline for submission of ads to Editor for Winter The Virginian
Deadline: Nominations for APTA National Office
2Submit names and nominees for APTA Committees
Deadline: Mary McMillan Scholarship nominations and all
Honors and Awards
Candidate Statements and Consent Forms due to APTA
Page 3
Update from the VPTA PAC
continued from page 1
If you are interested, please let us know if you would like to send
a quarterly contribution. We will send you a reminder if you provide us with your e-mail address. Also if you would like to help
our committee out by becoming your district representative for
our PAC that would be great. We’d love to work with you.
Thanks from all of us at the VPTA PAC,
Mark Bouzianne, PT
George Maihafer, PT
Sydney Sawyer, PT
Northern District Update
Summer 2014
Thank you to all the Northern District members who made this
past year a success. Our District held 3 spring and 3 fall meetings
this year including one, which was a webinar based medium. On
behalf of the Northern District leadership team, thank you to the
host clinics, speakers, and attendees that make this organization
This year one of our own Northern District members, Secili Destefano is running for national office as a Nominating Committee
member of the APTA. Within the chapter Secili has held positions
as the District Director, Vice President, and Delegate. Secili is an
enthusiastic and innovative member of our district, chapter, and
profession. Please show your support for Secili and her bid for
Nominating Committee member of the APTA.
District Chair, Treasurer, Nominating Committee, and additional
district level positions open. If you are interested in becoming
more involved and would like more information as any specific
position please contact Megan Poll at mcpollpt@gmail.com.
Planning for next years district meetings and events will take part
this summer via conference call with the Northern District leadership team and interested members. We will be planning future
district meetings, discussing district events, and assisting with
Annual Conference Planning Committee for the October 2014 AC
held in McLean. If any member would like to be a part of this planning process please contact Megan Poll, your district chair,
Once more, thank you to all the members of Northern District who
make what we do possible. Enjoy your summer and we look forward to seeing you next fall!
Next years plans…
Northern District has a call out for individuals looking to get involved on the leadership level. In the upcoming year we have the
Megan Poll, PT
Northern District Chair
Mountain District
VPTA’s Mountain District held its spring meeting on April 8 at
Function Better Therapy Services in Bristol, VA. Chuck Williams,
PT, and staff hosted the social hour. Jody Helms, MD, of Highlands Neurosurgery, presented a continuing education presentation outlining clinical criteria related to surgical intervention and
return to work decisions in patients with spinal pathology. A business meeting was conducted immediately following the education
program and included discussion on VPTA’s legislative agenda,
the need for PAC fundraising and the status of physical therapy
education programs in the region.
The Virginian • Summer 2014
A September reception and meeting honoring PT and PTA students and new grads is being planned. Wythe County Community
Hospital and Wytheville Community College’s Physical Therapist
Assistant Program will co-host the meeting. Agenda items will include election of district officers, student stipend award and the
2014 VPTA Annual Conference. A November social and meeting
will be scheduled in the Radford area.
Debbie Clark, PT, DPT
Mountain District Director
Page 4
Valley District Update
Our last meeting was very exciting! Lynchburg College
graciously agreed to host the event on April 22nd. It was
one of the most attended meetings to date, with over 100
PT’s, PTA’s, and PT students present. We had US Congressman Bob Goodlatte, who represents the Sixth Congressional
District in the House of Representatives, State Senator Steve
Newman, and State Delegate Scott Garrett as the key speakers at this meeting, and they did an excellent job addressing the healthcare issues that are important to the Physical
Therapy profession. We are pleased to announce that the
Valley District has been successful in influencing Washington through this meeting, as we were notified that Congressman Goodlatte co-sponsored H.R. 1252, the Physical
Therapist Workforce and Patient Access Act of 2013! We are
still working towards pushing support for other important
issues including the Medicare Cap, H.R. 173 and the Stark
Law, H.R. 2914, so please continue to send your letters and
emails to your local representatives! After the legislators
spoke, we had a short business meeting and introduced the
leadership committee.
The next Valley District meeting is scheduled to be a virtual,
educational meeting in July, topic to be determined. Please
continue to check the VPTA website and your email for updated information regarding instruction for connecting to
the virtual meeting, as well as a specific date and time. We
are planning to host another District meeting in Roanoke in
the fall.
Anyone interested in leadership opportunities or looking
for ways to get involved in the Valley District or the VPTA
can contact Brent Harper (bharper2@radford.edu) for more
information. From all the members of the Valley District,
we look forward to seeing you soon!
Jessica Moran, PT, DPT
Valley District Leadership Committee
Valley District Combines
Grassroots Lobbying with
District Meeting
The Valley District held a very successful meeting Tuesday,
April 22nd at Lynchburg College. Guests of honor included
Congressman Goodlatte, Senator Newman, and Delegate
Garrett. The event began with a meet and greet during which
time members were able enjoy some light finger foods and
drinks while talking with the legislators and fellow peers.
Each legislator then made a short speech about some of the
pertinent issues in health care today. The evening concluded
with a short business meeting which included an update
from the VPTA retreat, what the VPTA is planning this year,
and the importance of the PAC donations.
Much was accomplished! Constituents were able to discuss important issues facing physical therapy and health
care with Congressman Goodlatte including the workforce
act, Medicare Cap, and the Integrity Act (Stark Law). By
the end of the evening, Goodlatte had been persuaded to
become a co-sponsor of the Workforce act, which could
bring more Physical Therapists to underserved areas
through student loan forgiveness. On the state level, members discussed the importance of improving Direct Access
in Virginia with Delegate Garrett and Senator Newman
(who has been a support of DA for years). The meeting
drew an attendance ofapproximately 100 PTs, PTAs, and
students from Lynchburg College DPT program.
A huge thanks to Harrison Hunt, PT, DPT and Andy Tatom,
PT, DPT, OSC and and the Valley District for coordinating
the event and to Lynchburg College for hosting.
If you are interested in inviting a state of federal legislator
to your office or district meeting, the APTA and the VPTA
has resources to support you! Contact Sydney Sawyer,
VPTA Federal Affairs liaison for more information.
Sydney Sawyer, PT
VPTA Federal Affairs Liaison
The Virginian • Summer 2014
Page 5
Double E Dry Needling
Courses in North
Carolina now open for
 High quality, lower cost
 Evidence-based and clinical
reasoning focus on
integration into practice
 28 CEU hrs
“Dry Needling—A Tool for Physical Therapy Practice”
-Courses 1 and 2 offered at Elon Univ in Aug and Oct 2014
-5% discount for 3 PTs registering together
-5% military discount
-Special discount price for North Carolina PT Associationsponsored Course 1 in Oct 2015 at the NCPTA Fall
Conference in Greensboro, NC.
Tidewater District
The Tidewater District completed a very successful year with active member participation in meetings, networking, mentoring,
and discussions. Attendance at association meetings varied between 65 and 100 current clinicians and students.
The year started with Dr. Harrison Vaughan, PT, DPT, leading a
lecture and lab on HVLA techniques. Dr. Karen Thomas MD, a local neurologist shared a presentation on current treatments and
rehabilitation for Parkinson’s disease. Dr. Thomas works closely
with physical therapists certified in “BIG Therapy” to enhance her
patients’ functional outcomes.
The 2014 meetings began with Dr. Ray Ogle, PhD presenting on
Regenerative Medicine & Biotechnology. Dr. Ogle is a world renowned researcher in Regenerative Medicine, having spent nearly
forty years at the University of Virginia. Currently he leads an advanced research group at Old Dominion University.
During our final meeting, Mr. Wayne McMasters, PT, lectured on
TMJ Dysfunction & Treatment. Mr. McMaster a local physical
therapist and owner of Tidewater Physical Therapy Inc. shared his
twenty plus years of TMD rehabilitation experience.
Congratulations to Ms. Deanna Gruver SPT, the recipient of the
2014 Dominion Physical Therapy Scholarship. Dr. Allen Jones, PT,
DPT, CEO of Dominion Physical Therapy & Associates, Inc. established a scholarship 3 years ago for students enrolled in a Doctorate of Physical Therapy program in the Hampton Roads area
(Hampton University and Old Dominion University). The scholarship is awarded through the Virginia Peninsula Chapter of 100
Black Men of America’s Annual Black Tie Gala. In 2012 the first
recipient was an Old Dominion University DPT student, and the
2013 recipient was a Hampton University DPT student, and current “Miss Virginia” Ms. Desiree Williams.
The Tidewater District is currently preparing for the 2014-2015
sessions, and foresees another year of exceptional speakers, and
lively discussion.
Dr. Brian Edmunds, PT, DPT, ATP, NCS
Tidewater District Director
Blue Ridge District Update
Our last social/meeting was on May 13th at Shadwell’s Restaurant
in Charlottesville, VA. There were 9 PTs in attendance. If you live
or work in the Blue Ridge District, you are not going to want to
miss out on the networking opportunities and fun that we have
during our meetings!
Save the date for the remaining 2014 BRD meetings:
Thursday, September 18: Elections for district secretary
and director will take place at this meeting. Please contact
Colleen Whiteford, Nominating Committee Chair, at
cwhitefd@aptfc.com if interested or for more information
on positions.
Thursday, November 6
***All meetings have a meet and greet time at 6:30 pm and then
discussion starts at 7:00 pm. Check the VPTA website and your
e-mail for specific locations and details closer to meeting dates***
Attention all Blue Ridge District Clinical Educators: The Blue
Ridge District is planning to award one $500 scholarship to support a member in attending the APTA’s Educational Leadership
Conference in Kansas City, Missouri which will take place October
10-11, 2014. Please check the district’s webpage or contact Jessica
Dobbs at jydobbs@gmail.com for more information and to complete an application.
The Virginian • Summer 2014
Lisa Shoaf, Chief Delegate and member of the Blue Ridge District,
reviewing the RCs for the upcoming APTA
House of Delegates.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or would
like to learn ways you can get involved in the Blue Ridge District
or the VPTA!
Don’t forget to check your e-mail and the VPTA website for specific details on our next meeting in September. Information is also
posted on our facebook page (VPTA Blue Ridge District). We hope
to see you there!
Jessica Dobbs, PT, DPT
Blue Ridge District Chair
Justin Dimitt, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS
Blue Ridge District Director
Page 7
SUPT Thrive Presents at Pro
Bono Conference
SUPT Thrive Service Initiative, a
student-led medical mission trip
organization within Shenandoah
University’s Division of Physical
Therapy recently attended a conference at Widener University. The
conference was the 2nd Annual
Physical Therapy Pro Bono Networking Conference hosted by the
Chester County Pro Bono Clinic
that is run by Widener University’s
Physical Therapy Department.
The objective of this conference is
Kyle Feldman presenting
to unite school-led/run pro bono
on the SUPT Thrive
physical therapy clinics from across
Organization’s history,
the country to network as well as
trips completed, and future get ideas ranging from fundraising,
going forward.
incorporating into a curriculum, research, and issues faced by the organization. There were 19 physical therapy schools from across the
country in attendance.
Two students, 3rd year student and former co-leader, Kyle Feldman, and 2nd year student and current president, Nathan Barr,
attended the conference for the organization. At the event, the
students had both a poster and oral presentation on the history of the group, trips we have completed, and the future of
the organization. While most of the other presentations were focused on national clinics, the SUPT Thrive presentations were
internationally-focused. This intrigued many conference goers
with an almost full room for the presentation! Many schools approached the presenters with questions, suggestions, and interest from either starting their own organization and/or going on
a trip themselves. We are hoping that this will help SUPT Thrive
expand as an organization to help us aide in providing as much
assistance to those in need as possible.
2014 APTA Cardiovascular
& Pulmonary Student
Research Award
Shenandoah University DPT students presented their research titled, Physical Therapists’ Ability to Identify Hypertensive Status Based on Visual Observation at the 2014
APTA Combined Sections Meeting in Las Vegas, NV. Donnie McKinney, Misty Householder, Kyle Feldman, and Aaron Jackson collected data and drafted the research paper
over the course of two years. Their research was selected for
platform presentation under the Cardiopulmonary Section.
Kyle Feldman presented the research to a group of 35 physical therapists, students, and faculty. Interest in the study
was evident by the multiple questions and discussion that
followed the presentation. The group has been awarded the
2014 APTA Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Student Research
Award. The research team is currently pursuing publication
in the Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy Journal.
Misty Householder, Class of 2014
2014 Gary L. Soderberg
Doctor of Physical
Therapy Award
Third year PT student, Kyle Feldman, was one of two recipients of the 2014 Gary L. Soderberg Doctor of Physical Therapy Award. Per the website, http://dptvision.com/, the Doctor of Physical Therapy Visionary Foundation was founded
by 3 students from the first professional DPT program in the
country. More than $15,000 in scholarship money to graduating DPT students has been awarded. This award recognizes
a Doctor of Physical Therapy Student who exhibits a vision
for the future in the profession of physical therapy. The student demonstrates: Evidence of potential and continuing
contribution to the advancement of Physical Therapy, Evidence of involvement in one or more of the following areas:
research, education, clinical practice or other scholarly activities related to physical therapy, and Represents the profession of physical therapy appropriately in the community.
Congratulations to Kyle!
Shenandoah University PT Faculty
Kyle (R) and Nathan (L) in front of the SUPT Thrive
Poster at the 2nd Annual Physical Therapy Pro Bono
Networking Conference
The Virginian • Summer 2014
Page 8
VCU Students Take a Mission Trip
On Dec 31st, 10 second year DPT students from Virginia Commonwealth University and East Carolina University decided to
celebrate their New Year’s Eve in Costa Rica. These ladies were
embarking on a 10 day medical mission trip, designed to provide
physical therapy services to San Jose and surrounding communities in need. There is a high demand for physical therapists and
their services in Costa Rica but due to the structure of their health
care, these demands are hard to maintain. After a quick orientation, the students were paired with some undergraduate pre-PT
students and set out for the first of two nursing centers at which
they would be providing care. There were 2 full time therapists
who worked at the facility but patient caseloads were manageable
mainly through the help of volunteer organizations. It was very
exciting to be able to make a difference and get patients on their
feet; many had not walked in months. The second facility had 1 full
time therapist and even less supplies. The students worked very
hard to gather supplies before their trip and with many generous
donations were able to take over 300 pounds worth of supplies.
These were distributed among all of the clinics that ISL services
and were greatly appreciated. On the last 2 days of the trip, a free
clinic was set up in one of the communities in the afternoon. House
visits were made by the students to invite people down to the clinic
and arrange appointments. The building was divided into two areas, one for evaluations and another for treatments. All services
were provided by the students with the help of four translators
and two PTs. Patient education was also a big part of care provided
to all of the patients. Working with undergraduates provided a
chance to share knowledge and teach learned skills. Not only was
the group able to make a difference in the lives of others but were
also touched by the new friends and precious memories made on
this incredible journey.
Bekkah Corkey, SPT
VCU ‘15
Highlight VCU
The first in a series of looks into the programs of the Commonwealth.
Leslie Portney, DPT, PhD, FAPTA,
was awarded the 2014 VCU Lifetime Achievement Award on April
11. Dr. Portney earned her masters
at MCV in 1974 under the mentorship of Otto Payton and Bob Lamb.
Over the past 40 years, she has
worked at a variety of clinical and
academic position, culminating in
the position of Dean of the MGH
School of Health and Rehabilitation
Sciences. She is an active member
of the American Physical Therapy
L. Portney and M. Shall
Association. In 2002, she was elected a Catherine Worthingham Fellow, the highest honor among the
APTA’s membership categories. She was the Cerasoli Lecturer at
this year’s combined section meeting, and called for innovation in
physical therapy education, including online education, faculty and
curriculum changes and evidence-based teaching. She has served as
the inaugural President of the American Council of Academic Physical Therapy, Chair of the Commission on Accreditation in Physical
Therapy Education (CAPTE), and Chair of the Council of Worthingham Fellows. She serves as an educational consultant to many physical therapy education programs, recognized for her leadership in
clinical education and interprofessional education.
Tom Mayhew, PT, PhD, will be honored with the Lucy Blair Service Award at the APTA NEXT Conference on June 12, 2014 in
Charlotte, N.C. What endeared Lucy Blair most to so many people
were her personal qualities: “unswerving dedication, self-sacrifice
without limit, an infectious enthusiasm, strong personal and pro-
fessional values, a sharp wit and sense of humor, and a genuine
interest and concern for every individual she met.” Based on these
enduring qualities of Lucy Blair, each recipient of this award will
be given a pin with three stones that represent her dedication, devotion, and outstanding service to the American Physical Therapy
Association. Tom exemplifies these qualities and has once again
been asked to be a mentor for the Education Leadership Institute
(ELI) of the APTA. This year, he also serves as a Virginia delegate
to the House of Delegates and Treasurer of the VPTA.
Once again, the VCU students participated in the Miami-Marquette
Challenge to raise money for the Foundation for Physical Therapy. This year, VCU has won the Award of Excellence as well as
the Biggest Stretch Award for the greatest increase in funds raised
over last year! In February, the students sponsored a continuing
education course on “The Neurobiology of Falling: The Science of
Why Our Clients Fall and How to Best Intervene” featuring Jeff
Hoder, DPT, MS. The students also raised money by organizing
a golf tournament where many of the local vendors and physical
therapists enjoyed playing while donating the money to a good
cause. Congratulations to the 2nd year class for leading the effort!
We regret to report that Lori Michener, PT, PhD, ATC, SCS, is leaving VCU in July, 2014, to become a Professor of Clinical Physical
Therapy and Director of Clinical Outcomes and Research in the Division of Biokinesiology and Physical Therapy at the University of
Southern California, Los Angeles, CA. She is finishing up a grant
from the AD Williams Medical Research Fund at VCU on the “Effect of thoracic spinal manipulation on shoulder pain and kinematics of the thoracic spine and shoulder.” She is also completing a
randomized clinical trial with Paul Mintken on the “Validation of
continued on page 10
The Virginian • Summer 2014
Page 9
Highlight VCU
continued from page 9
a Clinical Prediction Rule to Identify Patients with Shoulder Pain
Likely to Benefit from Cervicothoracic Manipulation”, sponsored
by the Orthopedic Section of the APTA. Lori continues to be Chair
of the Advisory Board for the Clinical Research Network Grant,
Orthopaedic Section of the APTA, member of the Task Force on
Benchmarks for Scholarship for the Research Intensive Physical
Therapy Program Consortium of the American Council of Academic Physical Therapy (ACAPT), and member of the National
Outcomes Database of the Orthopaedic Section of the APTA. She
continues to be very active in publications and presentations:
Sousa CO, Camargo PR, Ribeiro IL, Reiff RB, Michener LA,
Salvini TF. Motion of the shoulder complex in individuals
with isolated acromioclavicular osteoarthritis and associated with rotator cuff dysfunction: Part 1 – Three-dimensional
shoulder kinematics. In press, Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, May, 2014.
Sousa CO, Camargo PR, Ribeiro IL, Reiff RB, Michener LA,
Salvini TF. Motion of the shoulder complex in individuals
with isolated acromioclavicular osteoarthritis and associated with rotator cuff dysfunction: Part 2 - Muscle activity. Accepted: Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, May 13, 2014.
Payne C, Michener LA. Physiotherapists’ use and perspectives on the importance of patient reported outcome measures for shoulder dysfunction. Accepted: Shoulder and
Elbow, March 28, 2014.
Gorgey AS, Timmons MK, Michener LA, Ericksen JJ, Gater
DR. Intra-rater reliability of ultrasound imaging of wrist extensor muscles in humans with tetraplegia. PM R. 6(2):12733, 2014.
Harrington S, Michener LA, Kendig T, Miale S, George
SZ. Patient-Reported Upper Extremity Outcome Measures
Utilized in Breast Cancer Survivors: A Systematic Review. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 95(1):153-62, 2014.
Camargo PR, Zanca GG, Okino PS, Russo TL, Michener
Scapular kinematics and muscle performance in a single case of Parsonage-Turner. Man Ther. 19(1):77-81, 2014.
Lori presented at the APTA Combined Sections Meeting in Las Vegas: “ Shoulder Disorders: ICF-based Clinical Practice Guidelines”
She also presented a poster along with McClure P, Tate A, Thigpen
C, Czarnota J, Ketchum J. “Successful Outcome of a Standardized
Program of Exercise and Manual Therapy for Patients with Subacromial Pain Syndrome.”
She was invited to presented “Mechanisms and Treatment Decision-making for Shoulder Pain” at the Federal University of São
Carlos, São Carlos, SP, Brazil; April 3 – 9, 2014.
She presented “Treatment of Shoulder Pain : Relevance of Scapular
Dyskinesis.” As part of the Rehabilitation Science Seminar Series at
the University of Florida; March 26, 2014.
Ben Darter, PT, PhD is the Principle Investigator or a Co-Investigator on 5 research studies at VCU and collaborating institutions. The
studies investigate topics related to enhancing the physical abilities
of individuals with amputation or traumatic brain injury. The studies are sponsored by the VA Rehabilitation Research and Development (Rehab R&D), Department of Education (NIDRR), National
Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, and VCU CCTR
Endowment. He is the recipient of the 2014 VCU SAHP Distinguished Faculty Research Award.
His latest publications are:
Sturdy J, Gates DH, Darter BJ, Wilken JM. Assessing preparative gait adaptations in persons with transtibial amputation in response to repeated medial-lateral perturbations.
Gait and Posture 2014 39(3):995-998. •
Darter BJ, Wilken JM. Energetic consequences of using a
prosthesis with adaptive ankle motion during slope walking in persons with a transtibial amputation. Prosthetics
and Orthotics International 2014 38(1):5-11. Stacey Dusing, PT, PhD, continues to coordinate the Physical
Therapy portion of the Virginia Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (VA-LEND) program at VCU. The
Va-LEND is a leadership program committed to the preparation
LEND posters Sarah Slabach (L) & Alicia Kohn (R)
of health professionals to assume leadership roles within the
community and to serve children with developmental and related
disabilities and their families. This commitment is derived from a
belief that to improve health care for children and their families
a critical number of professionals must receive advanced training
that is interdisciplinary, culturally appropriate, family centered,
continued on page 13
The Virginian • Summer 2014
Page 10
Women’s Health
Section on
September 27-28, 2014
Section on Women’s Health
Location: The Hilton Baltimore
Baltimore, Maryland
Join us as the tradition continues to explore
an advanced topic in depth with a world class speaker
on women's health and pregnancy.
Penny Simkin, PT
Advanced Concepts in Care
of the Childbearing Woman
Presented by Penny Simkin, PT
Day 1: When Survivors Give Birth:
Understanding and Healing the Effects of Early
Sexual Abuse on the Childbearing Woman
Day 2: Traumatic Birth and the Care Provider:
Preventing, Recognizing and Reducing Symptoms in
the Postpartum Woman
Suggested Audience: PT, PTA, SPT, Nurses and Nurse Practitioners, Midwives, Doulas, Childbirth Educators,
other interested health professionals.
Course Description: Disclosure of early sexual abuse and traumatic birth events is not always shared in the clinical setting. This educational programming provides strategies for
prenatal and postpartum care providers to effectively and compassionately reduce negative effects associated with early sexual abuse and traumatic birth events regardless of disclosure status.
Biography: Penny Simkin, PT, is a physical therapist who has specialized in childbirth education and labor support since 1968. She estimates she has prepared over
11,000 women, couples, and siblings for childbirth. She has assisted hundreds of women or couples through childbirth as a doula. She produced several birth related films
and is the author of many books and articles on birth for both parents and professionals. Books include The Labor Progress Handbook (2011), with Ruth Ancheta, The Birth
Partner (2008), and When Survivors Give Birth: Understanding and Healing the Effects of Early Sexual Abuse of Childbearing Women (2004), with Phyllis Klaus.
Currently, she serves on several boards of consultants, the Editorial Board of the journal, Birth, and serves on the senior faculty at the Simkin Center for Allied Birth Vocations
at Bastyr University, which was named in her honor.
Today her practice consists of childbirth education, birth counseling, and labor support, combined with a busy schedule of courses, conferences and workshops.
For information on registration, CEUs, hotel and more go to
Join Us
Become a part of a community of nontraditional learners who are
UVa proud. Join the faculty, staff, and fellow students at SCPS who
care about your life, your career, and your success.
Earn a UVa Bachelor of Professional Studies in Health Sciences
> Online and part-time for allied health professionals with an associate’s degree and national
> Opportunities for advancement in health care through a focus on:
> Strategic communication
> Relationship management
> Professionalism
> Team building
> Business skills
Visit us online at
> Leadership
> Pre-application advising
> Financial aid and scholarship opportunities
Applications accepted starting May 1.
> Expert faculty and outstanding student support
Highlight VCU
continued from page 10
and community based care. The program targets a highrisk population of children and their families and addresses
priority issues of reducing health disparities, providing
access to care, and delivering quality care through advanced
level training (for more information on the program go to
their website http://wp.vcu.edu/virginialend/ This
program is funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau.
Second year students presented research posters to the
VCU community in April 2014. (VCU News photo folder
– LEND…) This year, Stacey received a Foundation for PT
Pediatric Research Grant for her initial efficacy study entitled
“Supporting Play, Exploration & Early Development Intervention (SPEEDI) for Infants Born Preterm.”
Stacey presented “ Supporting Development of Infant’s Born
Preterm: Do our policies match the needs?” at the Southeast
Region Consortium and Association for University Centers
for Disabilities Webinar Jan 15, 2014.
She presented “Postural control variability: A developmental
process supporting sensory motor exploration” at the ‘Inspiring infancy – intertwinement of sensory, motor and
cognitive abilities during typical and atypical development’ in May 2014 in Groningen (the Netherlands). Her latest publications are:
Phillips-Pula L, McGrath JM, Pickler R, Dusing SC,
Brown LF. Caring for a Preterm Infant at Home: A
Mother’s Perspective. Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal
Nursing, 2013 27(4), 334-44.
Dusing SC, Izzo TA, Thacker LR, Galloway JC. Postural complexity differs between infant born full term
and preterm during the development of early behaviors. Early Hum Dev. 2014 Mar;90(3):149-56. doi:
10.1016/j.earlhumdev.2014.01.006. Epub 2014 Jan 28.
Shawne Soper, DPT, will be the Speaker of the House for
the last time in this term at the NEXT Conference in June in
Charlotte, N.C. Her APTA responsibilities have been further
complicated by the new teaching responsibilities as a new
faculty member!
continued on page 15
Be part of an independently owned, outpatient
practice that has proudly served Southeastern
Virginia since 1986 with 33 clinical locations
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For more information about Tiffany Rhodes at (877) 843-3878
career opportunities contact: or by email: hr@tpti.com
The Virginian • Summer 2014
Page 13
The University of Southern California (USC) & The Jackson Clinics Orthopedic
Residency Program have formed a partnership to deliver residency level
continuing education to the Mid-Atlantic Region. We invite any Physical Therapist
interested in comprehensive orthopedic education to participate.
Five modules will be taught covering each area of the body beginning in August as follows:
August 22 - 24, 2014
September 19 - 21, 2014
October 17 - 19, 2014
December 5 - 7, 2014
February 20 - 22, 2015
The Jackson Clinics, Broadlands
43490 Yukon Dr., Suite 212
Ashburn, VA 20147
Module #1: Low Back
Module #2: Lower Extremities
Module #3: Thorax
Module #4: Neck
Module #5: Upper Extremities
1:00 pm - 8:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
All five modules (15 day series): $2500
Taken separately in any order: $600/per module
Open to all clinicians. Register and pay online through the USC Division of Biokinesiology and
Physical Therapy @ http://www.pt.usc.edu/continuingeducation.
*Class size is limited to 15 outside registrants per class.
Joe Godges is an associate professor at the University of Southern California where
his primary role is to provide educational support for clinical residency and fellowship
programs. He is also the ICF-based Clinical Practice Guidelines Coordinator for the
Orthopaedic Section of the American Physical Therapy Association. Dr. Godges is
currently a member of the Board of Directors for the Journal of Orthopaedic and
Sports Physical Therapy. Previously, Joe was the coordinator of the physical therapy
clinical residency and fellowship programs for Kaiser Permanente in Southern
California and he has served on the Orthopaedic Specialty Council for the American
Board of Physical Therapy Specialties, on the APTA’s Committee on Clinical Residency and
Fellowship Credentialing, and on the Orthopaedic Section’s Board of Directors.
For questions or more information contact Helen Kim, Ed.D., e-mail: ptconed@usc.edu or
via phone: 323-442-3156.
PO Box 1769 | Middleburg, VA 20118 | 540.687.8181 | thejacksonclinics.com
Highlight VCU
continued from page 13
This year, Blaise Williams III, PhD, MPT has established and directs the VCU RUN LAB. The LAB’s core mission is to help runners of all levels run better. Blaise is considered an expert in running biomechanics as it relates to injury, and currently serves as the
chair of the Running Special Interest Group of the Sports Section of
the APTA. His research has focused on athletes running, jumping,
landing, balancing and changing directions. This year, students
carried the RUN LAB with them in the Ukrop’s Monument Avenue
10K, helping out and running.
“Absolute and Relative Strength in Adolescents who are
Overweight/Obese” Amy McMillan; Kristen Reinhard;
Wayne Scott; D. S. Blaise Williams. Peter E. Pidcoe, PT, DPT, PhD is director of the Engineering and
Biomechanics Lab which blends students from engineering and
physical therapy to work on projects that link engineering principles with physical therapy treatment and human performance
measures. This Spring, VCU awarded him money from the Quest
Innovation Fund. For “Developing an Interdepartmental CrossCampus Model for Entrepreneurial Development of Clinical Tools –
Using interdepartmental entrepreneurial development to promote
a commercially supported Research & Development model.”
The Sheltering Arms Foundation has also funded the “iWalk Rehabilitation Center Study – Clinical protocol evaluation for the treatment of patients who have suffered stroke, spinal cord injury, and
traumatic brain injury.”
This work provided data for the following poster presentations at
the APTA Combined Sections Meeting in Las Vegas:
“Comparison of rehabilitation outcomes before and after
implementation of a clinical practice guideline using advanced technology for upper extremity recovery.” Chan
AH, Nuckols K, Bowen M, Sandlin J, Pidcoe PE.
“Implementation of a clinical practice guideline for walking
recovery: Standardized users improve knowledge translation.” Devers AM, Wilks MR, Banta MW, Moore J, Nuckols
K, Pidcoe PE.
“Novel, High-Tech Walking Recovery Program Improves
Motor Recovery.” Chan AH, Vaught J, Banta MW, Wilks MR,
Devers AM, Pidcoe PE, Sima A.
Blaise presented a preconference course at CSM in Las Vegas
on: “Establishing a Running Clinic: More than a Treadmill and a
Camera” He also presented the following topics to packed rooms: •
“Taking the Run out of Running: Cross-training and Fitness
for the Runner”
“Run a Mile in my Shoes: Running Shoe Recommendations
for Patients.”
“Effects of Six-Week Static and Dynamic Hamstring Stretching Protocols on Hamstring Flexibility and Lower Extremity
Biomechanics” and the following papers: •
Clingman R, Pidcoe PE, (2014) A novel myoelectric training
device for upper limb prostheses, Transactions on Neural
Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering, (in press).
Wright CJ, Arnold BL, Ross SE, Pidcoe PE, (2013) Individuals With Functional Ankle Instability, but not Copers, Have
Increased Forefoot Inversion During Walking Gait, Athletic
Training & Sports Health Care, Vol. 5 No. 5: 201-209 Dr. Williams’ Posters drew a lot of interest:
“Unstable Surface Training is Associated with Greater Center
of Pressure Variability in Response to Balance Perturbations. “ •
“The effect of sex and age on lower extremity joint coupling and loading during running.” Paul Kline; D. S. Blaise
“Greater Center of Pressure Excursions Associated with
Negative-Feedback Balance Training” Douglas Powell;
Dorsey Williams,
“Relationship of plantarflexion strength to walking gait kinetics in adolescents who are overweight/obese” Amy McMillan; Kathryn DeJesus; Wayne Scott; D. S. Blaise Williams.
The Virginian • Summer 2014
This year’s Robert Lamb Distinguished Lecturer will be Cole Galloway, PT, PhD. Dr. Galloway’s research focuses on motor behaviors of infants. He is especially interested in how neural, biomechanical, behavioral and environmental influences interaction as
infants learn to coordinate their early head, arm and leg behaviors
for later skills such as reaching, sitting and walking.
The lecture will be given on Friday, September 26, 4-6 pm on the
MCV campus of VCU in Richmond, VA.
Page 15
Save The Date!
Nominating Committee
What is it about running for an office that seems to intimidate people so much? Maybe the thought of losing to an opponent? Well, very often that’s not a concern as many candidates run unopposed in this organization – at the district and
state level. So we eliminated that excuse! Maybe people feel
they are too busy and unable to handle another commitment.
While this is a legitimate consideration at certain times in
life, sooner or later everyone needs to chip in and keep the
wheels of an organization grinding. Maybe people don’t see
themselves as leaders or feel comfortable in a leadership role.
That’s great: knowing your strengths and weaknesses is essential in life. There are plenty of roles in the VPTA that don’t
require leadership skills, just a desire to help, get involved,
and be part of a team. Maybe what holds people back from
running for office or getting involved is they don’t personally know the people who are leading or involved in the VPTA.
I can’t think of a better way to get to know them than to join
them! Check out the state offices open for election on the
VPTA website. If that seems too daunting, consider a role at
the district level. Be part of the therapists in Virginia who are
working (and playing!) together to make a positive difference for everyone influenced by physical therapy.
Colleen Whiteford, PT, DPT, OCS
Nominating Committee Chair
Blue Ridge District - Colleen Whiteford
Central District – Brittany Church
Mountain District - Laura Baldwin
Northern District - Nandina Ustaris
Tidewater District - Matthew Ammons
Valley District – Brent Harper
How Will the ICD-10 Delay Impact You?
In April, H.R. 4302, Protecting Access to Medicare Act of 2014, was
signed into law by President Obama. This bill created a temporary
fix for the flawed SGR (Medicare sustainable growth rate) that if
put into place would have significantly decreased overall physician reimbursement. In addition to the SGR, the bill addressed
ICD-10 implementation with an unexpected year-long delay.
Most of you, regardless of your work setting, have heard of the
ICD coding changes that were to take place on October 1, 2014.
The diagnostic coding system utilized in all areas of healthcare,
ICD-9 was to be modified to a more robust, useful and descriptive
system, ICD-10. To modify the basis of medical coding across the
country is no small feat nor is it a minor bump in the road when
the deadline is changed. For some healthcare organizations, perhaps the change is seen as a welcomed addition of preparation
The Virginian • Summer 2014
time however for many practices they must put processes on hold
and in essence work in reverse to accommodate ICD-9 coding for
a while longer. For large hospital settings for whom preparation
involves multiple departments, this delay will be especially costly.
For academic institutions offering health information management
and medical coder certification, curriculum changes will need to
be implemented.
Be aware, the new implementation date for ICD-10 is October 1,
2015. Use the additional time wisely but stay alert for any changes.
The deadline cannot be modified to an earlier date however do not
recycle your ICD-9 manuals anytime soon.
Angela S. Brooks, PT
VPTA Payer Relations Specialist
Page 17
Thank you to our wonderful Web Site partners!
Interested in becoming a VPTA Web Site partner?
Go to www.vpta.org/partners/website.cfm
The Virginian • Summer 2014
Page 18