April 30-May 13 . 2011 qnotes


April 30-May 13 . 2011 qnotes
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April 30-May 13 . 2011
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April 30-May 13 . 2011
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April 30-May 13, 2011 Vol 25 No 26
news & features
  6 News Notes: Regional Briefs
  8 More than just a ladies’ night
opinions & views
Editor’s Note
General Gayety
Out in Print
Beyond the music
Help pets beat summer heat
Meet Mecklenburg’s ‘Top Dog’
Spots for Spot
Tell Trinity
Out in the Stars
Q events calendar
contributors this issue
Leah Cagle, Robbi Cohn, Matt Comer, Charlene
Lichtenstein, Lainey Millen, Leslie Robinson, Terri
Schlichenmeyer, SMP Wire, David Stout, Trinity
front page
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April 30-May 13 . 2011
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editor’s note
by matt comer
by robbi cohn :: qnotes contributor
If two things are equal to a
third thing…
I’ve been blown away by the magnitude
of evil emanating from Congress and the
North Carolina General Assembly since
Republicans took over in November.
Yes, I said “evil.” I don’t use the word
lightly. It’s a serious accusation and I
understand that. But, I mean it. What the
GOP seeks to do or is already doing — both
nationally and in states across the nation,
including North Carolina — is truly evil.
I recently addressed such thoughts in a
post on my Facebook profile, writing, “The
GOP’s new mission statement: ‘We belong
to our Father, and we want to carry out our
Father’s desires.’ See John 8:44.”
The status update was a facetious and
multi-part satire of the religious “family
values” spin Republicans sometimes give to
their agenda. The “Father,” of course, isn’t
God. Look up the passage for the context.
A friend responded, accusing me of an ad
hominem attack. “I expect better from you,
Matt,” she wrote.
No — that doesn’t work for me. See, I
expect better from Republicans. I expect
them to undertake initiatives that help and
benefit the whole of the nation. Instead, every
move Republicans have made thus far in
their recent — and, if they keep it up, limited
— stint in power has been harmful to the
vast majority of people in this country. You
can deny it, twist it and lie about it — i.e. “tax
breaks will create new jobs” — all day long,
but it won’t change facts.
There’s a simple philosophical and
mathematical truth that states if two things
are equal to a third thing, then they are all
equal to each other. It’s an amazingly simple
Public accommodations = civil rights
concept with powerful consequences and
GOP budgets both nationally and on the
state level will forever change Medicare as
we know it. They will reduce funding for all
other sorts of healthcare programs. They will
strip much-needed monies from both primary
and secondary education. They will deny
college students financial aid. They will cut
food stamps and environmental protection
services and emergency management agencies. The list of cuts keep going.
At the same time, GOP proposals seek to
reduce corporate tax rates. That’s despite
the fact that dozens and dozens of mutli-billion dollar, multi-national companies raked
in billions in profits this year without paying
a cent in corporate income tax. Other GOP
proposals seek to reduce the tax rate for
the nation’s highest income earners. While
millionaires and billionaires continue to
make more and more money each year,
Republicans seriously seek to fork over
some of the lowest tax rates the rich have
ever seen.
Remember: if two things are equal to a
third thing, then they are all equal to each
other. The arithmetic seems simple in this
case. Cutting services to families, children,
students and the poor while giving massive
tax breaks to those who already have everything seems pretty damn evil to me.
Republican ideals, proposals and principles are evil. They are evil because they
cause a tremendous amount of pain and
harm to the least among us. Jesus would be
ashamed. But, they don’t care. The GOP is
serving a different kind of master. : :
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In many states, if a bill has not been
passed through committee by a certain juncture, it’s considered dead. Such was the fate of
Maryland House Bill 235, the Gender Identity
Anti-Discrimination Act. This highly contentious bill garnered some support, but was also
deemed by many to have been constructed
with inappropriate language. Championed
by Equality Maryland, National Center for
Transgender Equality (NCTE), as well as by the
National Gay & Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF),
it mandated protections for trans individuals
with respect to employment, housing and
credit. Conspicuously missing, however, was
one critical component of anti-discrimination
legislation: public accommodations.
The case Equality Maryland and its
allies made was that including public accommodations was untenable given the
state of Maryland politics and the decision
was made to introduce the bill sans public
accommodations protections. This choice
led to a trans insurrection — activists both
within and outside Maryland leapt to defend
the importance of public accommodations
and to make the case that a bill without
these critical protections was not only insufficient, but counterproductive.
What is meant by public accommodations? The kinds of things generally included
are transportation facilities, schools, hospitals, malls, homeless shelters, restaurants,
other retail areas and, of course, public
bathrooms. After all trans activists have
written about the bathroom issue, it must be
obvious that a bill which leaves huge gaps
in these critical areas does so because of
all the misinformation that’s been put forth to
scare people about purported predation by
“trans-freaks” upon innocent women and
children. There has never been any evidence
to support or corroborate these allegations
— they’re merely the ravings of uneducated
doom predictors who preach fear as their
daily message. And, isn’t this really where the
resistance to public accommodations derives
and finds root?
The failure to include all of these aforementioned (and other) areas within the aegis
of anti-discrimination language leaves huge
gaps in both actual protections and in how
the public perceives and interprets these
protections. It may even be possible for those
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April 30-May 13 . 2011
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predictors of doom to use such non-inclusion
to bolster their baseless attacks leveled at
trans persons and, mostly at trans women, a
case of unadulterated transmisogyny.
Am I saddened at the death of HB 235? No
and yes. Yes, because of the dissension/lack of
concord amongst trans advocates vis a vis the
best way forward. But, my gut tells me “no,”
because the repercussions and consequences of passing a bill without public accommodations language are potentially disastrous.
One of the reasons trans advocates have
become alienated from the larger LGBT
community is due to the disparity of enacted
legislation. According to the NGLTF website, if
gender identity and sexual orientation are not
bundled together for the initial anti discrimination bill, then a gap averaging 14.5 years exists
between passage of laws protecting gay and
lesbian individuals and passage of the same
legislation that protects trans persons. Just
as in Maryland, we are told to wait, be patient,
give it time until the lawmakers and the public
are “ready” to accept us. This is unacceptable given the length of time usually needed to
revisit many of these pieces of legislation.
The list of jurisdictions which have passed
laws protecting gays and lesbians, yet which
have not enacted laws to protect trans persons, is vast. One might think that, of course,
New York and, especially Massachusetts,
the first state to ratify marriage equality,
would have taken steps to protect their trans
citizenry, but the answer is no.
I spoke with Robyn Webb, a Baltimore
resident and a former board member for the
International Foundation for Transgender
Education (IFGE), just after the bill had died
in committee. Her exact words were, “This
is not a trans issue…this is an American
issue.” Furthermore, she reminded me that
the Baltimore and Montgomery County had
already passed protections regarding gender
identity which supported public accommodations as a critical area of concern. Had
HB 235 passed, she and others residing in
Baltimore and Montgomery County would
have been subject to a curtailing of their
individual civil rights.
What kind of message do we send when
we attempt to legislate poorly constructed
see T-Notes on 15
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by leslie robinson :: qnotes contributor
Chests out, slogans on
In my last column, I discussed the role
T-shirts with slogans play in the battle over
gay rights. It occurred to me, aside from the
T-shirts I’ve read about that have caused
ruckuses in schools and elsewhere, I don’t
know what kinds of pro-gay and anti-gay Tshirts are available these days.
Like a size XS T-shirt, ignorance doesn’t
look good on me.
So, I’m on the hunt. For snappy and snippy
I googled “gay T-shirts” and landed on
Zazzle.com, whose shirts for women include
“I used to be a tomboy, but now I’m a fullgrown lesbian.”
I want it. I want it now.
I’m less inclined to wear the shirt that
reads “Vagitarian: One whose sexual diet consists exclusively of vagina.” I’d have a hard
time looking anyone in the eye while wearing
that. Even at Pride.
Were I bisexual, I couldn’t handle the shirt
featuring a rooster and a cat and below them
the words “I’ll take both.” Yup, a cock and a
pussy. My face would display shades of red
heretofore unknown.
By contrast, I’d be happy to sport “God
hates shellfish.” Then I could call out religious
hypocrisy and wear it, too.
The motto of the gay-owned company
Queer Republic Tees is “Not your typical,
lame-ass rainbow crap.” Hence the shirt for
guys reading “Trick-o-matic. Just add booze.”
One of the offerings for women says “Save
a tree…eat a beaver.” Hmm, maybe I could
pull that one off. I am environmentally minded.
After the last column ran, I heard from
BMP T-Shirts, also gay-owned, whose options
include a shirt featuring a rental truck labeled
“She-Haul.” The punch line is “The seconddate vehicle of choice.”
I have no idea what that refers to.
At Cafepress.com, a T-shirt sports a
small guy in a sailor outfit and the words
“Who’s ready for a little seaman?” For lesbians who also like, um, maritime themes,
there’s a shirt with a female scuba diver
and the slogan “Dykesville Divers: We don’t
come up for air.”
I’m drawn to “Pink sheep of the family”
and “Gay marriage killed the dinosaurs.” If I
had a toddler, he or she would be clad in “My
mom is a Dykosaurus rex.”
Now for the other side of the culture war.
I typed in “anti-gay T-shirts” at Cafepress and
sure enough, they sell those too, just not as
many and the slogans are less than inspired.
general gayety
“Diversity sucks” opines one shirt; “Be happy,
not gay” suggests another.
One of the more clever offerings says
“Celebrate diversity: Marry someone of
the opposite gender.” The male and female
symbols and the cross are included. A person
so inclined can buy this design on a T-shirt,
tank top, hoodie, mug and Christmas stocking. Ho, ho, ho.
I googled “anti-gay T-shirts” and wound
up where I started, at Zazzle. There — among
options like “Obama makes me puke” and
“Global Warming. Bullcrap” — was a shirt
reading “Do not lie with a man as one lies with
a woman; that is detestable. Leviticus 18:22.”
A bit wordy for a slogan. Someone should
chat with the author about that.
At the same time, Zazzle sells a T-shirt that
points out “Leviticus also said no hair cuts, but
I guess we are skipping that.”
Zazzle is covering its rear by covering
everyone’s chest. Pro-gay, anti-gay, the
money’s the same.
Why are the anti-gay slogans flat? Is it
accurate what we like to say about ourselves,
that we’re more creative? Or, does truth offer
better material with which to work?
I could help the other side get snappier.
But, Leviticus clearly says, “Thou shalt not be
an idiot.” : :
LesRobinson@aol.com . generalgayety.com
April 30-May 13 . 2011
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news notes:
from the carolinas, nation and world
compiled by Lainey Millen :: lainey@goqnotes.com | David Stout :: david@goqnotes.com | Matt Comer :: matt@goqnotes.com
Mayors co-chair LGBT choral event
RALEIGH — The spokesperson for the Triangle Gay Men’s Chorus (TGMC) said three North
Carolina mayors have lent their support and names to a fundraiser benefiting his group, another
local chorus and the local Susan G. Komen foundation chapter.
On June 12, TGMC and the LGBT-friendly
Common Woman Chorus will present the
Triangle premiere “A Proclamation of Hope”
featuring “Sing for the Cure,” world-renowned
song cycle that honors breast cancer victims,
survivors and their loved ones. The proceeds
from the event, which occurs the same weekend as the Triangle Komen Race for the Cure,
will be shared equally by Common Woman Chorus, TGMC and Komen for the Cure NC-Triangle, a
local affiliate of the Susan G. Komen for the Cure foundation.
Raleigh Mayor Charles Meeker, Durham Mayor William Bell and Chapel Hill Mayor Mark
Kleinschmidt (pictured left to right) have all signed on as honorary co-chairs of the event. News
anchors Debra Morgan (WRAL) and Frances Scott (WTVD) are also co-chairs.
Stephen Melott, TGMC’s executive vice-president and marketing director, said he found each
of the mayors’ offices open to working with the groups.
Gov. Bev Perdue has also issued an official letter of welcome to the event. Melott says the
governor might attend the event, if her schedule permits.
— M.C.
Guild welcomes D.C. officer
CHARLOTTE — The Charlotte Business
Guild is bringing the U.S. Department of
State’s Director of the Office of Civil Rights
and Chief Diversity Officer John Robinson to
its May 17 meeting at Crowne Plaza Hotel, 201
S. McDowell St.
Robinson will present the topic: “Lessons
Learned at The Department of State on
Diversity Issues.”
He will deliver a presentation relating
to such current and vital subjects as: how
leadership makes the difference for diversity
effectiveness, the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t
Tell,” Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s inclusion of sexual orientation and gender identity
in the State Department’s non-discrimination
policy statements and the presentation of the
2009 Equal Employment Opportunity Award
to Robert Gilchrist for outstanding leadership
in improved personnel policies relating to
LGBT employees. As part of the presentation,
Robinson will review milestones reached on
behalf of the LGBT population since 1950.
Admission to the event is $20 and is open to
the public. It includes appetizer, dinner entrees,
dessert, coffee and tea. A cash bar is available,
as well as free parking. Doors open at 5:30 p.m.
Sponsors are the Human Rights Campaign,
Equality North Carolina and Mecklenburg
LGBT Political Action Committee.
To make reservations or for more information, email guild@charlottebusinessguild.org
or visit charlottebusinessguild.org.
— L.M.
Fundraiser approaches
CHARLOTTE — “Forté!,” the annual blacktie fundraising gala of the Gay Men’s Chorus
of Charlotte, will be held on May 7, 6:30-11:30
p.m., at the Morrison Atrium of the Mint
Museum, 500 S. Tryon St.
It features dinner, auctions and performances by the Chorus and its smaller ensemble,
Seventh Son. Dancing and dessert follow.
Tickets are $50 and must be purchased by
May 4.
For more information or to purchase
tickets, visit gmccharlotte.org.
— L.M.
Justice officials discuss bullying
CHARLOTTE — Assistant U.S. Attorney
General Thomas Perez and U.S. Attorney for
the Western District of North Carolina Anne
Tompkins met with students on April 14 at
Northwest School of the Arts to discuss bullying, hate crimes and civil rights issues. Perez
and Tompkins spoke briefly before showing
the Justice Department Civil Rights Division’s
“It Gets Better” video, inspired by columnist
Dan Savage’s It Gets Better Campaign.
Perez is the head of the U.S. Department
of Justice’s Civil Rights Division. He encouraged students to embrace diversity.
Tompkins, a graduate of West Charlotte
High School and a lesbian, also encouraged
students to make their schools safer for all.
Following the It Gets Better video, Perez
and Tompkins took questions from students,
most concerned with anti-LGBT bullying and
what the Justice Department is doing to create safer schools.
Last October, the U.S. Department of
Education’s Office of Civil Rights announced
new interpretations of federal civil rights laws.
Some anti-LGBT discrimination, harassment
and bullying is now considered a type of sexbased discrimination and falls under federal
jurisdiction. Perez told students that such
bullying and discrimination is often based on
gender roles and stereotypes. Discrimination
against LGBT and Muslim students are among
his division’s fastest growing.
Immediately following the assembly, Perez
met with about a dozen student leaders from
the school. He and Tompkins also met with
leaders from the local LGBT community.
— M.C.
Pride event to premiere
NAGS HEAD — OBX Pride will be held
from June 24-26 and is now accepting applications for vendors, as well as sponsors.
Sponsor packages are available at rates
of $250, $500 and $1,500. Email organizers at
obxpride@gmail.com to make sure that packages are still available at requested rates. Or,
call 252-564-4456.
They also welcome donations of any
amount. The organization is a 501(c)(3) one, so
contributions are tax deductible. Send checks
payable to OBX, Inc., P.O. Box 1241, Manteo,
NC 27954.
For more complete information, visit
— L.M.
Screening slated
GREENSBORO — The University of North
Carolina at Greensboro’s MFA Media Studies
students will present thesis works as part of
their requirements for the program on May 5,
7-9 p.m., at the Weatherspoon Auditorium. A
pre-screening reception begins at 6 p.m.
“Between Friends and Family,” a documentary by Dir. Rick Dillwood, tells the story
about a lesbian family and their sperm donor.
Discussion follows the films.
Dillwood was previously an eighth grade
English teacher. He has also directed other
works, such as “How to Make a Heartbeat,”
which was premiered at the San Francisco
International LGBT Film Festival in 2010. Its
narrative followed a lesbian couple and their
donor while they worked out the boundaries
of their relationship.
He also spends time at Production
Photography, a collective of independent artists who aspire to elevate their craft.
Due to mature content, parental guidance
is recommended.
The event is free.
For more information, visit weatherspoon.
— L.M.
UNC hate crime was false
CHAPEL HILL — The chancellor of the
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
announced on April 12 that an earlier report of
an alleged anti-gay hate crime on his campus
was a false report.
Freshman Quinn Matney had told police
he was attacked by a man on the university’s
South Campus during the early morning hours
of April 4. He said the man had branded him
with an unidentified object and used an antigay slur.
“The Department of Public Safety has
determined that the alleged aggravated
assault reported to campus last night did not
occur,” UNC Chancellor Holden Thorp said in
a statement. “That report, filed with campus
police on April 5, was false. The University will
not report it as a hate crime.”
Thorp added, “It is important to recognize
that incidents of harassment do occur. When
they do, we take them seriously. We strive
to foster a welcoming, inclusive and safe
environment at Carolina.”
Police have not commented on Matney’s
motive for filing the false report. The incident
will not be reported to federal authorities.
April 30-May 13 . 2011
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Matney has since been taken back to
his home in Asheville to receive treatment,
according to his father. Matney remains a
student at UNC and has been charged with
filing a false police report.
The original story can be read online at
— M.C.
Center to move
RALEIGH — After a successful year, The
LGBT Center of Raleigh is moving to larger
quarters at 411 Hillsborough St.
The new digs will be more visible and will
allow for more opportunities and services for
the community, including, but not limited to
additional on-site programming such as youth
and senior group meetings; health-related
classes; an expanded resource library; community events; and more meeting space for
other like-minded community organizations.
An opening night First Friday will be held
on May 6 from 6-9 p.m. Artist Chad Hughes
will be featured. Light refreshments will be
provided. The grand opening follows on May
14 to coincide with the OutRaleigh Festival.
For more information, email info@lgbt 
centerofraleigh.com or visit lgbtcenterof 
— L.M.
Grads celebrate
RALEIGH — LGBT students at North
Carolina State University are gearing up for
their annual Lavender Graduation ceremony
on May 12 at 3:30 p.m. at SAS Hall Auditorium,
Room 2203), 1210 Varsity Dr. It is sponsored by
the GLBT Center.
This event celebrates the accomplishments and dreams of those who turn their
tassel and embark on their post-graduate life.
Participants also recognize the school for
leadership, successes and achievements.
Light refreshments will be served.
For more information, call 919-513-1200,
email glbtcenter@gmail.com or visit ncsu.
— L.M.
ALFA holds awards reception
HICKORY — ALFA, during its observance
of National Volunteer Week, bestowed
awards on a number of people who “went
beyond the call of duty,” Community Outreach
Manager Linda Sheehan said.
The reception was held on April 19 at
Taste Full Beans, 29 2nd St. NW, followed by
the ceremony.
Those who were honored for their service
were: Distinguished Business Philanthropist,
Youssef 242; Distinguished Youth Volunteer,
Lelia Boyce; Angel Award, Brad Hutchinson;
Consumer Advocate Volunteer, Linda
Smallwood; Candlelight Award, Michael
Stewart (Queenie Gabor); Distinguished Board
Member, Leslie Cothren; and Steve Yount
Memorial Award, Michelle Mathis.
— L.M.
info: Have news or other information? Send
your press releases and updates for inclusion
in our News Notes: editor@goqnotes.com.
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Taxpayers foot the bill for bias
WASHINGTON, D.C. — In their ongoing
effort to defend the Defense of Marriage Act,
House Republican leaders have contracted
with the law firm King
& Spalding at the rate
of $520 per hour to
argue that it’s right for
the federal government to deny recognition to legally married
same-sex couples.
The contract caps
the cost at $500,000
but can easily be increased upon further
negotiations with the firm.
Former Republican Solicitor General Paul
Clement (pictured) is a partner at King &
Spalding. He served under President George
W. Bush as the government’s lawyer before
the Supreme Court
In a related move, Speaker of the House
John Boehner endorsed a GOP plan to defund
part of the Department of Justice because of
the Obama Administration’s determination that
DOMA is unconstitutional and legally indefensible. Boehner made his position known in response to a letter from Minority Leader Nancy
Pelosi who had originally questioned the cost
of the House’s intervention in the cases.
— D.S.
Trans employment bill passed
HONOLULU, Hawaii — On April 19, the
Hawaii House voted overwhelmingly for a
bill prohibiting discrimination in employment
on the basis of gender identity. The 45-4 vote
followed the state Senate’s earlier approval
of the measure. At press time the bill was
awaiting Gov. Neil Abercrombie’s signature.
Hawaii law already protects transgender
people from discrimination in housing and
public accommodations. Sexual orientation
discrimination is barred in employment, housing and public accommodations.
— D.S.
percent more likely to try suicide than those
who live in more liberal areas.
— D.S.
The most powerful LGBTs
WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Employment
Non-Discrimination Act, which would make
workplace discrimination based on sexual
orientation and gender identity illegal in most
workplaces, has been introduced into both
houses of the legislature this month. Currently,
it is legal in 29 states to fire or refuse to hire
someone for being lesbian, gay or bisexual,
while transgender workers can be denied or
refused jobs in 37 states.
— D.S.
LOS ANGELES — Out magazine’s fifth annual “Power 50” list was released this month,
ranking celebrities, moguls, activists and media
figures that the magazine declares “the most
influential gays and lesbians in America.”
Apple’s acting CEO, Tim Cook, a new entry,
topped the list this year. Other new entries
include Houston Mayor Annise Parker and
Chuck Wolfe, president and CEO of the Gay &
Lesbian Victory Fund. The four openly gay and
lesbian members of Congress and New York
City Council Speaker Christine Quinn made the
list, as did philanthropist Tim Gill and MSNBC
commentator Rachel Maddow. The “Power 50”
issue is on newsstands now.
— D.S.
Conservative areas up suicide risks
ENDA intro’d in Congress
NEW YORK, N.Y. — A landmark study
involving nearly 32,000 Oregon 11th graders found that lesbian, gay and bisexual
teenagers who live in conservative areas
with fewer same-sex couples, registered
Democrats and schools without anti-bullying
protections for LGBT students are 20 percent
more likely to attempt suicide than their
counterparts in less conservative communities. The survey, led by Mark Hatzenbuehler,
a Columbia University psychologist and
researcher, also revealed that those factors
raised the odds and were a substantial influence on suicide attempts even when known
risk contributors like depression and being
bullied were considered. Straight teenagers
in conservative places were found to be nine
Boys sent to ‘straight’ camp
international outcry erupted earlier this month
when news broke that the education department of the conservative state of Terengganu
was sponsoring a week-long camp for 66 boys
deemed overly effeminate by their teachers.
Reports said the camp employed a combination of physical education, religious teaching
and guest speakers in a bid to prevent the
boys from growing up gay or transgender.
Education department director Razali Daud
told the New Straits Times that he understands
some will end up gay or trans anyway, but the
state will do its best to limit the number.
— D.S.
April 30-May 13 . 2011
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More than just a ladies’ night
Charlotte’s FemmeFest 2011 promises a fun, fundraising celebration for all to enjoy
by Leah Cagle :: leah@goqnotes.com
Out lesbian and former Christian music star will perform a this year’s FemmeFest, along with the band
Grown Up Avenger Stuff (right).
As a booking agent for The Evening Muse, Lea Pritchard
worked very hard to bring in a diverse collection of artists
and musicians. After noticing a female presence in each of
the bands during a show one night, a co-worker approached
Pritchard and asked, “What is this? A ladies’ night?”
As a musician, Pritchard had encountered this type of logic
before. All it takes is one noticeable female on stage to deem
a group a “chick band” and musical groups featuring one or
more women are usually considered primarily for women.
Women are often seen as “others” in the music industry, as an
exception to the assumed male presence in musicianship. Even
female headliners avoid using female opening acts.
As an artist herself, Pritchard grew frustrated with these
confining interpretations of the female role in music. So, drawing from past experiences of performing at women’s festivals
around the country and a strong desire to have the female
voice in music recognized, Pritchard and a few of her friends
determined to join forces for a cause, to create a night for
celebration of female musicianship.
With the help of a few willing venues and supportive community groups such as The Charlotte Rollergirls, their dream
began to grow and take shape. People responded enthusiastically to Pritchard’s pitch and the event jumped quickly from one
venue to three. Despite its newbie status and terrible weather,
FemmeFest’s first year was a wonderful success.
Now, four years later, FemmeFest 2011 in Charlotte is gearing up for yet another night of fun and celebration. With more
artists, more venues and more people expected to attend than
ever before, this year’s festival is a sure
sensation. Attendees can enjoy a wide
variety of styles from the musical minds
of singers and bands such as Jennifer
Knapp, Elizabeth and the Catapult,
Donna Duncan and Reeve Coombs
— just to name a few.
Jennifer Knapp, one of the more well-known faces gracing
the stage this year, has been a recent outspoken advocate for
the LGBT community. Having reached immense commercial
success in the mainstream Christian music world back in the
late ‘90s and early 2000s, Knapp took a five-year sabbatical to
the natural wilderness of Australia.
Upon returning to the music scene in 2010, Knapp announced that she identifies as lesbian and has been in a loving,
committed relationship with her girlfriend for eight years.
Engaging in a series of written and televised interviews, Knapp
sought to open the “coming out” door within Christian conversations and proudly declared herself as both a Christian and
a lesbian. That same year Knapp released her newest album
“Letting Go,” from which she will be performing at FemmeFest.
Pritchard appreciates and respects the strong LGBT presence that has always supported FemmeFest.
“There is always a really strong component of women like
that — women who have come into their own sexuality identity,
who are strong and know who they are, and are involved in
the industry…They are always such an important component
because they are just strong and wonderful.”
April 30-May 13 . 2011
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And, the famous faces are not the only ones
to watch out for at this year’s musical celebration. Charlotte’s own Grown Up Avenger Stuff
will be one of several bad-ass bands hitting the
stage that you do not want to miss. This hometown indie rock band brings a bold yet quirky
sound to their uniting message.
“I don’t know if it really constitutes a
philosophy. It’s a call. It’s not something that we
need for survival but it’s something that all things
and all cultures of times have made….and so
we want things that make us whole people and
mammals, we have some sort of a spiritual side
and a need to share emotions in that way. And
music to me is one of those things that unites us
all,” they explained.
Superhero clad lead singer Dierdre Kroener
and her gifted trio of musicians “Mister Black,”
Bradley Graham and John Tompsen combine
serious talent and musicianship
with a fun zeal for life and a
positive message.
“We just want to be positive and bold in this community and encourage everyone
who’s out there playing…it’s
much more important to just
have fun while you’re doing
it,” Kroener explained.
The festival will be held
Saturday, May 21 in the NoDa
Arts District on the corner of
North Davidson and 36th Sts.
The bands will be featured
in several locations including the Neighborhood Theatre, the
Evening Muse, and the Green Rice Gallery, leaving festival-goers the freedom to meander from venue to venue, enjoying the
musical tastes of their choice.
As a one-night festival of music that “aims to reach, inspire,
and strengthen our cultural community by showcasing the
diverse work of emerging and established female voices
throughout the region and beyond,” FemmeFest is truly a celebration of not only women, but of community.
To this end, organizers will give all the proceeds to Relatives
Crisis Shelter, a non-profit established to reach out to runaway, homeless and struggling youth and their families in the
Charlotte community.
Boasting a vibrant combination of family-friendly environment, food and drinks and great entertainment, FemmeFest aims
to be a fun, kick-off to summer outing for anyone and everyone.
To learn more about the artists mentioned in this article,
check out their websites: Jennifer Knapp at jenniferknapp.com
and Grown Up Avengers Stuff at grownupavengerstuff.com.
For more information on FemmeFest 2011, including on how
to purchase your tickets, visit charlottefemmefest.org. Tickets
are on sale now for $15 in advance or $20 the day of the show. : :
Not for Reproduction
by terri schlichenmeyer :: qnotes contributor
It Gets Better
High school, it seems,
was built for drama.
Maybe it’s because
of hormones or because
everybody’s searching
for who they are or the
person they’ll become,
but one thing’s certain: Mean Girls,
jocks and cheerleaders, nerdy
kids, geeks and bullies generally
cannot co-exist in peace.
And, therein lies a problem,
particularly if you’re on the receiving end of brutality, teasing or
ostracism. Not only does that stuff
hurt, but it makes life so unpleasant that you can sometimes see
only one way to stop it…
Columnist Dan Savage, with
his husband Terry Miller and a
friend, decided to do something
about that. In “It Gets Better,” they
explain what happened and how
their un-splashy video became a
tidal wave of support.
Just a hundred videos.
That’s the response that Dan Savage and
Terry Miller hoped they’d get from a YouTube
post they made in the aftermath of several
suicides by LGBT teens. In an AHA! moment,
Savage had realized that those kids had no
vision of a future and no idea that things get
better — hence, the video.
But, one video begat two, then a hundred, then a computer crash, a presidential
message and a movement. In this book, they
gather notable messages to LGBTQ teens;
some poignant and some surprises.
Like teens who see only “one way out”
of the torment, many It Gets Better posters
tell of trying to take their own lives at 15, 12,
even 10 years old. But, as one pointed out,
there are many things she
would have missed, were
she successful. Another
poster begs teens not to
make him miss the chance
to know them.
The respondents came
from around the world:
the U.S. and Canada,
England, Australia, Iraq.
Politicians weighed in,
as did ministers, doctors,
dancers, soldiers and
teachers. The posters
were gay and straight,
parents and friends. One
offered to send readers a
letter of support. One gave the website for an
alternative school. Some saw being gay as a
gift. One man said he was his own bully.
The posters are varied, but the message is
the same: find your people. Hang in there — it
will be over soon. Don’t suffer in silence.
We need you to live.
“It Gets Better” is one of those books
that slams you from emotion to emotion in
six pages or less. Readers will get teary,
they’ll laugh, nod their heads, gasp and want
to scream. And this book isn’t just for teens:
adults who need it and read it will find comfort
here, too.
The only caveat is that this book is
(somewhat) targeted to middle-schoolers, but
it may be too much for them to handle. What’s
written here is often profane, in-your-face and
generally pretty grown-up, so caution should
be used before giving this to a kid who isn’t
ready for it yet.
Still, if you know someone that needs this
book, you’ll feel compelled to act. After you’ve
read it yourself, you’ll know that “It Gets Better”
gives him or her a better chance of surviving. : :
“It Gets Better: Coming Out,
Overcoming Bullying, and Creating
a Life Worth Living”
by Dan Savage and Terry Miller
Penguin Group (USA) Incorporated
March 2011
out in print
‘It Gets Better’ authors and husbands Terry Miller and Dan Savage.
Photo Credit: Kelly O.
April 30-May 13 . 2011
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April 30-May 13 . 2011
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Beyond the music
Beloved musical ‘RENT’ makes an anticipated return to the Queen City
by Leah Cagle :: leah@goqnotes.com
Billy Ensley, the lead director of Theatre Charlotte’s
upcoming production of
“RENT,” has been performing professionally since he
was a child and dove into
directing and choreographing about 10 years ago.
According to Ensley, taking
on the task of directing a
powerful work like “RENT”
was an easy yes for him.
“Rent revolutionized the
American musical,” Ensley
says. “It brought in a brand
new generation of theatergoers in New York City.”
And, that is exactly
what the organizers at
Theatre Charlotte are hoping for their
Charlotte production. Ensley is hoping that
“RENT,” as it has always had a curiously
strong attraction in the young community, will
draw a diverse audience.
“The ultimate goal for them is to perpetuate the arts…widen their demographic
appeal,” he says. “Their mission is to produce
outstanding theater opportunities for all
people in Charlotte — well, there are a lot of
people in Charlotte.”
With higher pre-sales than any other
show this season, it seems like they are on
the right track.
It has been more than four years since
the Queen City played host to a “RENT”
production. It last graced the stage here
in 2007 at Oven’s Auditorium; it was the
first time a smaller neighborhood venue
welcomed the show.
tant is right now and loving those people close
to you and holding them dear,” Ensley says.
“RENT” is often praised for its attention to
controversial issues — primarily HIV/AIDS, and
featuring complex and
meaningful LGBT relationships. But, as Ensley
so eloquently explains,
the musical appeals to
much deeper levels.
“It does deal with
AIDS. It does deal with
LGBT. But it also deals
with heterosexuals,” he
says. “It’s about people
being people in a society. And, recognizing
that there are all types
of people that make
up our community. It’s
about living in hope
— not dwelling in fear. It illustrates the power
of love and our human connections and how
we do that to overcome our greatest fears.”
It is through live-action performance,
Ensley believes, through a storytelling of
humanity, through a visceral connection of actors and actresses that theater finds its power
to change people. Theater can act as a tool of
education, allowing the audience to interact
with worlds different, more progressive than
their own and moving them to react accordingly.
“When you see a show like ‘RENT’ where
heterosexuals are friends and best friends
of homosexuals…the audience sees these
people struggling to live and loving one
another and accepting one another for who
they really are — that’s an education,” Ensley
says. “Theater can teach us things about
each other and can make us look at aspects
of each other and make us more tolerant.”
With tickets selling rapidly, “RENT” fans
need to secure their seats soon. The production will play from May 13-29 with prices
varying from $12-24. To purchase your tickets
or learn more, visit theatrecharlotte.org. : :
Widespread support,
Theatre Charlotte has not only received
support from Charlotte’s tight-knit greater
theater community and their enthusiastic fan
base, but has also welcomed 17 performers
on board to make this production special.
Ensley boasts, “The beauty is that
Charlotte does have the talent pool to pull
off quality theater. Charlotte is not just about
banking and NASCAR… [We have] 17 very
talented performers who are very diverse
— African-American, white, Latino, Asian.
And, they are awfully talented, the best talent
in town.”
Calvin Grant, who has performed several
roles on Broadway, traveled with national
tours, and even sung at the White House,
is set to play Taye Digg’s Broadway role of
Benjamin Coffin III.
‘Living in hope, not
dwelling in fear’
In recent years, society’s understanding of
the LGBT community and gay issues has undoubtedly made great strides. A rise in LGBT
activism and heightened exposure in the
media world has helped increase awareness
and promote (albeit, limited) legal progress;
yet advancements such as these can often
distract us from what’s really important
— the heart. “RENT” speaks directly to the
heart with the always needed, unchanging
reminder of humanity and love.
“It’s about love and dealing with obstacles
in our lives and how we, as a resilient animal,
come around to realizing that what is impor-
April 30-May 13 . 2011
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Help pets beat the summer heat
National animal protection society provides tips allowing you and your pet to safely enjoy summertime fun
Most pet owners love their animals so
much they want to take them everywhere and
summer is a great time to frolic together in the
backyard or to hit the road for a fun vacation.
However, even the healthiest pets can
suffer from sunburn, dehydration or heat
stroke if you aren’t careful, say the experts at
The American Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA).
Photo Credit: A. Blight.
Here are several ways you can help keep
your pet safe and healthy during the dog (and
cat) days of summer:
Visit the Vet :: A visit to the veterinarian
for an early season check-up is a must. Make
sure your pet is up-to-date on all necessary
vaccinations. Pets should also be given a
blood test for heartworm — a deadly parasite
that is transmitted through the bite of an
infected mosquito. It’s also
recommended that dogs and
cats be on a monthly preventive medication year-round.
Keep Cool :: Dogs and
cats can become dehydrated
quickly, so give your pets
plenty of water when it is hot
outdoors. Also, make sure
your pet has a shady place
to escape the sun and when
the temperature is very high,
don’t let your dog linger on
hot asphalt. Being so close
to the ground, your dog’s
body can heat up quickly and
sensitive paw pads can burn.
And, never, ever leave your
animal alone in a parked vehicle, even with the windows
open, since potentially fatal
heatstroke can develop.
Know the Symptoms ::
According to the ASPCA, the
symptoms of overheating in
pets include excessive panting or difficulty breathing,
increased heart and respiratory rate, drooling,
mild weakness, seizures and an elevated
body temperature of over 104 degrees. And,
animals with flat faces, like pugs and Persian
cats, are more susceptible to heat stroke
since they cannot pant as effectively. These
pets, along with the elderly, the overweight
and those with heart or lung diseases, should
be kept cool in air-conditioned rooms as much
as possible.
Just Say No :: Summertime is the perfect
time for a backyard barbeque or party, but
remember that the food and drink you serve
your guests may be poisonous to pets. Keep
alcoholic beverages away from pets and avoid
human snacks — especially raisins, grapes,
onions, chocolate and products with the
sweetener xylitol.
Pest-Free Pets :: Commonly-used flea
and tick products, rodenticides (mouse and
rat baits), insecticides and herbicide lawn
products can be harmful to cats and dogs if
ingested, so keep them out of reach. While
there are flea products that can be used
safely on dogs, these same products can
be deadly to cats, because of the presence
of the chemical permethrin. Be sure to read
directions on these products carefully. When
walking your dog, steer clear of areas that
you suspect have been sprayed with insecticides or herbicide lawn products. Keep citronella candles, oil products and insect coils
out of pets’ reach as well.
Water Safety :: Do not leave pets unsupervised around a pool, as not all dogs are
good swimmers. Introduce your pets to water
gradually and make sure pets wear flotation
devices while on boats. Rinse your dog off af-
see Summertime on 13
Meet Mecklenburg’s
‘Top Dog’
Local pet gets winning honors
Bella DeLaura, a four-and-a-half-yearold miniature dachshund, has been chosen
as winner of Mecklenburg County Park and
Recreation Department’s 2011 Top
Dog Photo Contest. The winning
photo shows Bella suspended in
mid-air as she runs and jumps in
a grass field. Bella is owned by
Jessica DeLaura of Charlotte.
The drawing was among three
finalists ­— Bella, Boss and Zoe
— chosen for cleverness and
originality by a panel of judges from
49 entries. The contest is a preliminary to the Pedigree® Bark in the
Park Dog Festival presented by Food
Lion, an event held by Mecklenburg
County Park and Recreation
Department on April 30 at Rural Hill
in Huntersville.
The Top Dog and master were
the grand marshals of the Pooch Parade at
Bark in the Park and received a pet portrait by
Tianna Fisher, a year’s supply of dog food, plus
the dog will be featured on next year’s festival
logo. Bark in the Park is “for dogs and the
people they own!”
April 30-May 13 . 2011
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The 2010 Bark in the Park Dog Festival
drew more than 14,000 people last year, most
with dogs. The festival features contests
like Best Costume, Best Bark, Largest Dog,
Smallest Dog, Best Trick, Disc Throw and
Catch, and Disc Long-Shot Catch. The festival
this year included exhibits, dog products,
adoptable dogs and prize drawings. : :
— compiled from release
Not for Reproduction
Spots for Spot
qnotes checks out the best dog-friendly places in your
Charlotte neighborhood
by Leah Cagle :: leah@goqnotes.com
Looking for a great place to take your pup
out for a night on the town? Search no more!
We’ve got you covered. Check out these great
places we’ve found in a few of Charlotte’s
most “pet-friendly” neighborhoods.
The Wine Vault
9009-L J.M. Keynes Dr.
Located just across from UNC Charlotte’s
campus in the Shoppes at University Place,
the Wine Vault is an excellent spot for you and
your pet. Enjoy your choice of beverage from
a wide selection of wines and beers while enjoying the warm ambiance inside or grabbing
a covered table outside to enjoy the summer
weather. With local art always on display and
live music to entertain, the Wine Vault is the
perfect spot for you to enjoy their self-defined
“Cool Dogs. Weird people.”
Luna’s Living
2102 South Blvd.
Suite 150
Luna’s Living Kitchen is an organic and
local foodie’s dream! And, the gorgeous patio
outside open to all our furry friends is just
granola on top. Luna’s, “a new restaurant
experience, a place with the peaceful heart of
home and the living art of fresh vegan and raw
foods” located in the Southend/Dilworth area,
has a natural feel that creates a wonderful
environment for you and your pup to relax in
the summer sunshine.
2121 Shamrock Dr.
Foskoskies, a great neighborhood café
serving the Plaza-Midwood community for
running on four years now, is a delicious
spot to order some fresh, made-from-scratch
dishes. The staff welcomes you and your furry
friend to come visit them on their beautiful patio for a taste of southern food and hospitality. Dog Bar
3307 N. Davidson St.
A dog bone sign, dogs sitting on stools,
even private dog birthday parties — at this
place, dogs rule. As the weather warms
up, the bar will stay open later and begin
to feature live music and social events.
Conveniently located just past the Green Rice
Gallery in NoDa, The Dog Bar is a “must visit”
for any dog lover.
pet safety
continued from page 12
ter swimming to remove chlorine or salt from
his fur and try to keep your dog from drinking
pool water, which contains chlorine and other
chemicals that could cause stomach upset.
No Fireworks for Fido :: Leave pets
at home when you head out for fireworks
celebrations and never use fireworks around
pets at home.
And, some final tips: Be sure to keep all
unscreened windows or doors in your home
closed and make sure adjustable screens are
tightly secured. This helps prevent pets from
falling out of them.
If your dog or cat accidentally ingests
a potentially toxic substance this summer,
contact your local veterinarian or the ASPCA
Animal Poison Control Center at 888-426-4435
for immediate assistance. For more information on having a fun, safe summer with your
pet, visit aspca.org. : :
— SPM Wire
April 30-May 13 . 2011
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by david stout :: david@goqnotes.com
lang packs a bang!
k.d. lang
is back with a
bang…a Siss
Boom Bang
to be precise.
Earlier this month
the peerless
singer-songwriter returned
with “Sing It Loud,” her first studio album in
three years and first recorded entirely with a
band of her own since the pair of albums she
released with the Reclines that launched her
groundbreaking career over 20 years ago.
The songs on “Sing It Loud” reflect the
organic, collaborative nature of the sessions,
which took place at co-producer Joe Pisapia’s
Middletree Studios in Nashville. Many of the
songs were recorded live in the studio and that
energy is palpable. Lead single “I Confess” is
one of three songs lang penned with keyboardist Daniel Clarke and
Joshua Grange, who plays
baritone guitar and dobro.
In addition to the original
material, “Sing It Loud”
includes a striking version
of Talking Heads’ “Heaven.”
Pisapia, who plays
numerous instruments
and serves as the band’s
musical director, contributed the title track and
co-wrote five songs with
lang. Bassist Lex Price
(Mindy Smith, Peter Bradley Adams) and
drummer/percussionist Fred Eltringham (The
Wallflowers) complete the lineup.
k.d. lang and the Siss Boom Bang made a
string of TV appearances this month, including “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno,” “Good
Morning America” and “The View,” performing “I Confess.” In addition, lang and the band
played “Sing It Loud” in its entirety at the
Troubadour in L.A. and at (le) poisson rouge
in New York City to
promote the release.
They will embark
on a summer tour
that will bring them
to the Appalachian
Summer Festival
in Boone on July
15. “Sing It Loud”
(Nonesuch Records)
is available now at all
digital music retailers
and brick-n-mortar
records shops.
Gleek Out: Triple threat entertainer
Matthew Morrison (who plays hunky teacher
April 30-May 13 . 2011
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Mr. Shue on gay-fave “Glee”) is set to release
his self-titled debut album May 10. The set
contains a duet with music legend (and new
adoptive dad) Elton John on a mash-up of the
icon’s own “Rocket Man” and “Mona Lisas
and Mad Hatters.” Morrison will be touring
behind the record in the coming months and
on July 7, he’ll be in Greensboro for a performance at the War Memorial Auditorium.
Ethereal Girl: Rock’s mystic queen Stevie
Nicks (Fleetwood Mac) will issue her newest
solo CD “In Your Dreams” May 3. This will
be Nicks’ first collection of new material
since the release of her Grammy-nominated
“Trouble in Shangri-La” 10 years ago. The
new album was written and recorded at
Nicks’ L.A. home with co-producers Dave
Stewart (Eurythmics) and Glen Ballard. Nicks
and Stewart co-wrote seven of the album’s 13
songs. Lead single “Secret Love” (available
now on iTunes) was written in 1976 while
see next page u
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Fleetwood Mac was on tour opening for
Peter Frampton.
Pro-gay Poptarts: Christina Aguilera’s
“Beautiful” was the most empowering pop
song of the last decade for LGB people,
according to an internet poll conducted by
U.K. gay rights group Stonewall. The multiplechoice, light-hearted poll asked Stonewall’s
online supporters which pop song/video had
the most empowering message for or best
depiction of LGB people over the last 10 years.
There were 1,007 respondents with the
results as follows:
1. Christina Aguilera – “Beautiful” (33 percent)
2. Boyzone – “Better” (25 percent)
3. Lady Gaga – “Born This Way” (17 percent)
4. Gossip – “Standing in the Way of Control”
(16 percent)
5. Katy Perry – “Firework” (9 percent) : :
bills without a sufficient radius of coverage? Are we setting a
precedent? Of the 13 states which have enacted gender-identity
inclusive legislation, each and every one has mandated public accommodations as part of the bill. Only one state, California, passed
all-inclusive public accommodations protections after it had already
approved other workplace protections. The others states bundled
each of these protections together with one other exception
— Hawaii omitted workplace protections and is only just now about
to overcome that shortcoming. It’s been almost six years! Of the
hundreds of jurisdictions which have locally taken steps, most have
stipulated public accommodations provisions. Had Maryland chosen
to follow the path of California, there is certainly no guarantee that a
follow-up bill would have been forthcoming.
Not including buses, lunch counters, homeless shelters, state
office buildings and the other areas a bill which opted out of public
accommodations language would exclude, means depriving people
of their civil rights. Imagine the Civil Rights Act of 1964 guaranteeing
right to work, but insisting upon separate bathrooms and lunch counters? It’s hard to make the case that discrimination is unacceptable,
info: audiophile@goqnotes.com
continued from page 4
when we hedge on what is and what is not deemed “discrimination.”
Precedent goes even further when we talk about the court of
public opinion. Many will buy into the fanatic position that standing
for full and equal rights means allowing men in dresses license to
prey on women and children in bathrooms; that men in dresses will
be free to teach their children; that no one will be safe with these
gender confused people lurking around. A bill without public accommodations essentially gives power to this baseless mindset; if
there were no problems then why exclude critical areas of need? No
wonder so many of these transphobes rename bills in their respective states “bathroom bills”.
Passing legislation which protects all citizens of any given jurisdiction should be no big deal. But, when we quibble over what will
and what will not be protected, we are treading on civil rights. And,
we empower those who would perpetuate baseless allegations that
some people are dangerous and don’t deserve equal rights. Wasn’t
that part of the argument in 1964? : :
— Comments and corrections can be sent to editor@goqnotes.com.
To contact Robbi Cohn, email robbi_cohn108@yahoo.com.
qomunity qonexions u
-H_! 76)V_
April 30-May 13 . 2011
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tell trinity
by trinity :: qnotes contributor
Is it killing you?
Dearest Trinity,
As I reach middle age, my health, looks
and sex appeal are dying out. Don’t you
think suicide at middle age is better
than letting old age
kill me?
Aging, Hollywood, FL
Dearest Aging,
I often lay my head on the
lap of my plastic surgeon
and cry for the same reason, but I’m learning to
respect life, aging and so
must you. Suicide is for cop-outs and
losers. Now start raising your consciousness,
start seeing the beautiful life that’s ahead and
stop dwelling on the aging process. Darling, it
may also be time for a makeover and to start
getting some emotional help!
Hey Trinity,
I was doing great until the IRS called. Now the tax auditor is
making my life hell. Help!
Audit Axed, New York City, NY
Hey Axed,
The one thing people fear more than God is the tax auditor. “60
Minutes” did a story showing the cruelty of an IRS audit. The
IRS said “they’re” trying to get better. So, pumpkin, get an accountant and/or a lawyer friend to help you. That which doesn’t
kill you will make you stronger! (I got that way after much trial
and error, which is evident in my cartoon.)
Dear Trinity,
I’ve been dating someone for almost a month. How
many dates does it take to know if it’s working or not?
Going To Work, Dallas, TX
Dear Going To Work,
Question! How long does it take for a seed to sprout? Answer:
If you’re blinded by love or stricken with low self-esteem, then
it may take a while to notice nothing is sprouting. If you follow
your intuition, then you’ll know
in a few dates. And, baby, if
by five or six dates there’s still
no mutual love, lust or joy then
find a new gardener.
Hello Trinity,
It’s my partner! More often
then not, he acts as if he has
no brains or common sense. I
need more!
Needing More,
Washington, DC
Hello Needing,
You can get counseling, a
separation or, honey, make
him read:
Trinity’s Smart Tips For Having
Wisdom And Common Sense
  1. Boundaries: OK, you have an open relationship, but you
are hitting on your BF’s best friend and you’re bragging
about it. (Dating — and life — means practicing good
  2. Traveling: For a week you played houseguest by yourself,
at your in-laws without offering to clean up after yourself or take them to dinner! (Being a houseguest means
giving gifts!)
April 30-May 13 . 2011
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  3. Religion/Politics: You love pushing your religious and political views on people. (Talking about religion and/or politics
means having healthy discussions and sharing ideas, not
yelling about who is right!)
  4. Money: You borrow $2,000 from your cousin and avoid
visiting, calling or making payments. (Borrowing money
means paying it back with integrity!)
  5. Sex: You have unprotected sex with a one-night stand and
kick they’re drunken butt out in a snowstorm! (Sex means
being responsible for your partner’s health and safety!)
  6. Expressing Your Feelings: Just because your lover says,
“How are you?” doesn’t mean he/she wants to hear all
about your dramas. (Expressing yourself means talking
about the bad while including the good.)
  7. Stubborness: You’ve repeatedly been told, “It doesn’t work
when you do that!” But, you still do it. (Being open-minded
means trying different things differently!)
  8. Hosting a Party: You throw a B.Y.O. drinks and food party
and refuse to clean up before or play hostess during.
(Giving a party means transforming your slum into a welcoming center not a do-it-yourself disaster!)
  9. Job Interview: You arrive late, with a bad copy of your
resume and refuse to take off your sunglasses. (A job
interview means making the best first impression.)
10. Relationship: Seven years together, but the last two years
were without sex. Your partner says, “I’ll try anything!”
and you refuse. (Relationship means working together,
not separately.) : :
— With a Masters of Divinity, Reverend Trinity was
host of “Spiritually Speaking,” a weekly radio drama,
and now performs globally.
info: www.telltrinity.com . Trinity@telltrinity.com
Tell Trinity, P.O. Box 23861 . Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33307
Sponsored by: Provincetown Business Guild
800-637-8696 . www.ptown.org
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out in the stars
by charlene lichtenstein :: qnotes contributor
April 30 - May 13
If this time period starts
out hot and heavy, blame
Mercury, Venus, Mars,
Jupiter and Uranus in
energetic Aries. When
is too much too too much? You may not know your
outer limits. Maybe that is a good thing?
ARIES (03.21-04.20) Nothing is quite like a gay
Ram when they are fired up and raring to go,
go, go. You have so much energy that you might
as well package it and sell it to needy nations.
Start new projects immediately and extend your
outreach further than you have ever tried before.
You are cooking on all four burners. Do I smell
something burning? Is it rubber?
TAURUS (04.21-05.21) Your imagination runs
wild! And, it also seems to run in overdrive.
What crazy ideas are swirling in your head now?
Maybe, just maybe, you are getting a little paranoid. Let things play out as they will and you may
find that there is nothing to worry about. In fact,
things might be almost peachy. Take a bite out of
the competition this summer.
GEMINI (05.22-06.21) How many friends can you
amass? Maybe mass is not the point. Try to catch
quality and not mere quantity in your social net,
pink Twin. There are some folks out there who
can provide you with glitter, glamour and extra
cache. And, there are some bad seeds who will
tempt you with ill-fated activities and lead you
astray. Ah, how to choose? How to choose?
CANCER (06.22-07.23) It’s time to focus squarely
on the job to see how far you can get on your
abilities, efforts and political acumen. Gay Crabs
often toil in the background without cashing in
on their talents and accomplishments. That day
is past, pardner! It is time to show the big bosses
who you are. Who knows? This could be the big
pay off time. How much will it take?
LEO (07.24-08.23) This is the perfect time
to spread your wings and take off for parts
unknown. Spend some time planning your big
vacation and see how far you can go and how
much you can experience in a short time. Proud
Lions with empty wallets can still expand their
horizons by doing things that are out of the
ordinary, but closer to home. How about inviting
some exotic friends over?
VIRGO (08.24-09.23) Use what you’ve got to meet,
greet and sweep a few lovers off their feet.
Queer Virgins have ample charisma, lots of pep
and a little more oomph in their step. Don’t waste
this sexy opportunity to spread it around. Before
you know it you will rule the roost and hatch a
few boiled eggs. When in doubt, scramble them
up into an omelette. The more the merrier!
LIBRA (09.24-10.23) Relationships need your
attention before the summer gets fully underway.
Seek your perfect partner or make your current
partnership more perfect. Gay Libras can be very
creative, so put your best brain cells to work in
your relationships. Are you giving all that you can
give? Do you need to try a little harder? You know
that will usually work!
SCORPIO (10.24-11.22) Forget about trying to
take some time off. Now is the time to put your
nose to the grindstone. Clean off your desk by
tackling all long-standing projects. This will give
you breathing space to fully enjoy the summer
months. It is also advisable to revamp your
health regime with an eye towards toning and
buffing. Swimsuit season is here proud Scorp,
ready or not.
SAGITTARIUS (11.23-12.22) Throw off your
shackles and enjoy yourself. Gay Archers are
footloose and fancy free, so make it a priority to
find the most creative and fun-filled activities in
town and take advantage of them. You might also
want to try your luck at some games of chance.
The odds are in your favor as long as your risk is
not too big. Uh, how big is big?
CAPRICORN (12.23-01.20) If relatives beat a path
to your door, blame it on the cosmos and decide
if you will answer the doorbell. Some of them
might be worth letting in. Pink Caps will find that
they spend more time at home now, but life does
not have to be dull. Plan some randy get togethers and become the go-to spot for a good time.
Or, maybe, that is already your reputation?
AQUARIUS (01.21-02.19) Aqueerians have a lot to
say and this is the time to say it loud, proud and
queer. Get your word out and about. Start a blog,
write a column, stand on a street corner with a
microphone. At some point, someone will hear
you and help you get to the next level. Is running
for elected public office in your future? I don’t
know. How much of a masochist are you?
PISCES (02.20-03.20) Money may be the root of
all evil, but now it is a heavenly gift. Guppies now
know how to earn it and burn it. Let yourself go
and enjoy life a little more than usual. The challenge will be to find ways of spending and saving
at the same time. Yes, there is enough to do both.
But, if not, lean toward more saving so you have
an umbrella for those expected rainy days. : :
© 2011 Madam Lichtenstein, LLC. All Rights
Reserved. Entertainment.
info: Visit www.TheStarryEye.com for
e-greetings, horoscopes and Pride jewelry. My
book “HerScopes: A Guide To Astrology For
Lesbians” from Simon & Schuster is
available at bookstores and major booksites.
April 30-May 13 . 2011
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April 30-May 13 . 2011
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arts. entertainment. news. views.
May 3 • Charlotte
Walk against domestic violence
The Avon Foundation presents Walk the
Course Against Domestic Violence. Walk up
to 18 holes (five miles) alongside tournament
players’ wives and families at Quail Hollow
Club, a PGA TOUR course, to raise funds and
awareness for the domestic violence cause.
All proceeds benefit local domestic violence
organizations. $35 per person ($25 before
4/22), under 12 free. Quail Hollow Club, 3700
Gleneagles Rd. 6-9 p.m. 866-646-2866.  
May 5 • Charlotte
Antiques show
From apartments to million dollar homes, you’ll
find unique items to fit any style and budget
at the International Collectibles and Antiques
Show! Including: home decor, antiques, furniture, collectibles, art, jewelry, crafts and more.
Metrolina Tradeshow Expo, 7100 Statesville
Rd. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. icashows.com/ICAShows.
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prize winning Broadway musical, “RENT.” 501
Queens Rd. Various times. Various prices. For
more information and to purchase tickets, visit
Kind of a drag!
May 14 • Charlotte
Queen City Drag Race
The second annual Queen City Drag Race heats up! Competitions, music,
drink and food! Proceeds benefit Human Rights Campaign and Pride Charlotte.
Hartigan’s Irish Pub, 601 S. Cedar St. 1-6 p.m. queencitydragrace.com.
May 6 • Charlotte
The Mint Museum in Charlotte is hosting three
“First Friday” Mint events this summer, the
second of which is Empower(mint). The Mint
Museum Uptown will be organizing live entertainment, gallery tours, hands-on art activities
and a cash bar. The event is free for members
or $10 for non-members. The Levine Center for
the Arts, 500 S. Tryon St. 6-11 p.m. For more information contact April Young at april.young@
mintmuseum.org or call 704-337-2034.
May 6 • Charlotte
HIV, AIDS, and You Art Show
Local artists present their “Positively Art”
show, remaining on display until June 17.
The Lesbian and Gay Community Center, 820
Hamilton St., Suite B11. Show opens at 5:30
p.m. Free. 704-333-0144. gaycharlotte.com.
May 7 • Charlotte
AIDS Walk Charlotte
One of the largest AIDS fundraisers across
the Carolinas, AIDS Walk Charlotte raises
funds for the Regional AIDS Interfaith
Network. To register walk teams or learn
more, visit aidswalkcharlotte.org.
May 7 • Charlotte
The Gay Men’s Chorus of Charlotte invites you
to their annual fundraising gala featuring a
dinner buffet, silent action and performances
by the chorus and its small ensemble, Seventh
Son. Morrison Atrium, Mint Museum Uptown,
500 S. Tryon St. $50 in advance only. For more
information, visit gmccharlotte.org.
May 12 • Charlotte
RENT Event
Theatre Charlotte, Charlotte’s Community
Theatre, performs their “RENT” as a fundraiser for Time Out Youth. A silent auction
will also be featured. 501 Queens Rd. Doors
open at 6 p.m. Performance at 7 p.m. $75. For
more information and to purchase tickets, visit
May 13-29 • Charlotte
Theatre Charlotte, Charlotte’s Community
Theatre, presents the acclaimed, 1996 Pulitzer-
To Reserve:
May 14 • Raleigh
The LGBT Center of Raleigh presents its
downtown festival celebrating diversity — an
historic first for the capital city. Festival will
include vendors, children’s area, entertainment and more. City Plaza, Martin St. For more
information, including festival schedule and a
location map, visit outraleigh.com.
May 19-June 11 • Charlotte
Chess: The Musical
Queen City Theatre Company presents the
London version of “Chess: The Musical,” by
the composers of ABBA and lyricist of “Evita.”
Duke Energy Theatre at Spirit Square, 345 N.
College St. Various times. Various prices. For
more information or to purchase tickets, visit
May 13 • Charlotte
Lady Luck Bingo
Equality Winston-Salem presents their  
third Gay Bingo event, “Lady Luck Bingo.”
YWCA-Gateway, 1300 S. Main St. 7:30 p.m.
$20/general. $10/students. For more  
information or to purchase tickets, visit  
Meeting Date:
May 14 • Charlotte
The Casting Couch
Join the Charlotte Pride Band and take a seat
on the “casting coach.” Charlotte Pride Band
presents fun and well-known music from the
big screen. Unitarian Universalist Church of
Charlotte, 234 N. Sharon Amity Rd. 8 p.m. $10.
May 21 • Raleigh
AIDS Walk+Ride
Alliance of AIDS Services-Carolina hosts their
annual walk and bicycle ride in downtown
Raleigh. Register walkers, learn more about
the ride and more at aidswalkandride.org.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
John Robinson
U.S. State Department Director of the Office of
Civil Rights and Chief Diversity Officer
Crowne Plaza
201 S. McDowell St.
Cash Bar Social/Heavy Hor d’oeuvres @ 5:30 pm
Program starts @ 6:45 pm
Call 704.565.5075
or email businessguild@yahoo.com
for more information
or pay online via PayPal at
April 30-May 13 . 2011
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April 30-May 13 . 2011
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