Kinsmen and Kinette Clubs of Greater London
Kinsmen and Kinette Clubs of Greater London
Issue 5 Volume 82|District 1 Zone F| January 2014 Kinsmen and Kinette Clubs of Greater London Dave and Bea Crowley Presidents D&C Cooper Bulletin Editors KINNECTIONS Kinsmen Club of Greater London meet 2nd and 4th Thursdays at Various London Venues Kinette Club of London meet 3rd Thursdays at Various London Restaurants Po Box 633, Stn B, London, On N6A 4Y4 | ph 519-461-1073 KINNECTIONS 2 KINSMEN AND KINETTES OF GREATER LONDON HAPPY NEW YEAR 2014 FROM THE EDITORS New years are a chance for a beginning even when there hasn't been an end. Wheels turn in an interminable bend, Yet, marked in one spot, seem to wobble spinning. Each year we hope to do a little better although we know that really nothing's changed. Reason thinks that everything's arranged, So we must dream if we would fate unfetter. ~William Byrd New Year… New Beginnings… The New Year gives us a chance to breathe; a chance to prepare and plan ahead. Kin Canada members are getting ready for our National Day of KINdness. This is where we give back to the community a nationwide thank you for supporting Kin in all we do. On Saturday, February 22nd, 2014 and throughout the month of February, Kin Canada clubs will take part in the annual National Day of KINdness, spreading cheer to people in communities across the country. National Day of KINdness is for our members and clubs to celebrate our founding (February 20, 1920) and commitment to serve the community's greatest need. Every community has a need for kindness and people performing selfless acts, and our clubs are able to spearhead this in their communities. Each Day of KINdness kit received by participating clubs includes cards to be handed out after an act of kindness is performed, asking the recipient to “pass it on”. In 2013, clubs performed over 4500 acts of kindness, showing the country how together, we put the Kin in Kindness! Life Members Darrell and Carol Kinsmen Club of Greater London | Kinette Club of London | Po Box 633, Stn B, London, On N6A 4Y4 | ph 519-461-1073 KINNECTIONS 3 JANUARY 2014 DISTRICT1 ZONE F KINSMEN AND KINETTES OF GREATER LONDON THANK YOU… FROM CYSTIC FIBROSIS CANADA Kin-CF Partnership FROM PRESIDENT BEA partner of Cystic Fibrosis Kin Canada is a proud national Canada. Each year Kinsmen and Kinettes host a variety of fundraising and awareness building activities in support of the cystic fibrosis (CF) cause. As of August 2012, Kin members have raised over $40 million for Dear Kinettes, cystic fibrosis research and patient care. Our Journey I hope you are all having a wonderful The committed partnership between Kinsmen, winter Kinettes and Canadians with cystic fibrosis (CF) began in Esther 1963 so far. Congratulations to Life Member with a conversation between Dr. Douglas Crozier, on her retirement. I hope retirement findsthen you director of the Cystic Fibrosis Clinic at The Hospital for well and rested. Sick Children, and Kinsman Bill Skelly. Just tothis bring youmeeting, up to speed thatspoke we are During chance Dr. Crozier to Bill about his an young CF patients. left Bill having Olympic eventThis at conversation Palasad South interested in joining the fight against CF and he invited on February 27, 2014. Starting at 6:00p.m. I Dr. Crozier to speak at the North York Kinsmen Club. will be making up a flyer and presenting this Almost immediately, the North York Kinsmen at our meeting on the 16th of January. enthusiastically backed the cause. Before long, I will involvement nationwide 1987, Kin Canada be invitingspread St. Thomas andand St.inMarys Kinsmen formally adopted CF as a National Service Project. and Kinettes as well as London Kinsmen to join us on that evening. Kin Canada and Cystic Fibrosis Canada have shared There be more informationincluding to comethe at in manywill exciting accomplishments, discovery of the gene responsible for CF in 1989. our January General Meeting. This discovery would not have been possible without I think perhapshelp Drew Else our Zone F Deputy the tremendous of Kin. Governor will be attending tomorrow evening, so please join T-Shirts us. 50 Year Partnership on Sale You can now buy the Kin - CF 50 year partnership tshirts. All proceeds go directly to Cystic Fibrosis Canada Bea Crowley, President Get your shirt by calling your Zone Service Director Kin Dave Crowley President Bea What is Cystic Fibrosis? Cystic fibrosis is the most common fatal genetic disease that affects Canadian children and young adults. There is no cure. Each week in Canada, two children are diagnosed with cystic fibrosis and one person dies from the disease. Learn more about cystic fibrosis. Have fun on the upcoming Cystic Fibrosis trip to Honduras in February! Kinsmen Club of Greater London | Kinette Club of London | Po Box 633, Stn B, London, On N6A 4Y4 | ph 519-461-1073 KINNECTIONS 4 KINSMEN AND KINETTES OF GREATER LONDON PROJECT REPORT “ADOPT A SENIOR” Christmas 2013 Chair: Kin Life Member Irene Flatt Committee: Michelle from Meadow Park Residence. Meeting: at our general meeting it is voted on to continue this project and confirmation of the budget for the year is set- $200. Outline: as presented in the Online Service project report to National. Our fellow Kinette, who works at their residence, goes shopping with a co-worker and sometimes another Kinette, to pick-up these gifts. Kinette Irene has all the facts of sized, colours and personal preferences of these 3 individuals. They wrap them at the residence along with the gifts that this location shares, Kinettes assist when their schedules allow. Our chosen responsibility is to share a smile by funding the purchases of these gifts and present them as gifts on time for the 3 holiday occasions. Our club is in contact with the administration to keep up to date on changes of the seniors and their needs.. Funds raised: none, total service project Expenses: Christmas 2013 $75.13 Items purchases: Ladies dress and shawl, 2 men’s sweaters with matching golf shirts, 2 wallets Donated: wrapping paper and bows Balance $125.00 Total number of hours: 7 x 2 = 14 hours Volunteers: Kin L.M. Irene and Michelle from Meadow Park Comments: Next occasion will be Easter Kinsmen Club of Greater London | Kinette Club of London | Po Box 633, Stn B, London, On N6A 4Y4 | ph 519-461-1073 5 KINNECTIONS KINSMEN AND KINETTES OF GREATER LONDON KIN EDITORIAL – LIFE MEMBER CAROL Dear Kin Russ, I was speaking (emailing) our new training supervisor in regards to a first aid course for the Kin. There is no problem in doing the course; it just comes down to numbers to specify the cost. I would suspect it will be around the $105.00 per person. The going rate is $ 139.00 with the Red Cross for a two day standard first aid. The participant will get their card that is good for 3 years; they also get a copy of the most recent first aid handbook. At the end of the 3 years the cardholder could be recertified with a one day course and would be good for another 3 years. The Kin are also be welcome to use our training facilities at the farm, but I let Kelly know that you might want to use the pancake house. Participants will learn the Standard First Aid course, which includes CPR and the use of an AED. Let me know what is good for the Kin ~Greg, Craigwood. Yes, Yes, Yes! My opinion is that everyone needs basic first aid training. Not only in our volunteer life and projects but every day. I understand that not everyone is able to afford the course, but at least one member of your family should consider taking this course this year. Our clubs have been proactive by first taking SIPS training, then our safe food handling course. The First aid training will benefit EVERYONE. Possibly our clubs could subsidize a portion of the cost or even offer a payment plan to members. Please think about this then let your club know how YOU feel. Yours in Kin Life Member Carol Kinsmen Club of Greater London | Kinette Club of London | Po Box 633, Stn B, London, On N6A 4Y4 | ph 519-461-1073 KINNECTIONS 6 KINSMEN AND KINETTES OF GREATER LONDON KIN EDUCATION The New Millennium contd. 2004 Kin Canada and Cystic Fibrosis Canada celebrate a 40-year partnership. Since 1964, Kin has raised more than $33 million for CF research. 2005 Kin Canada makes a $48,000 donation to the Canadian Red Cross for the tsunami relief in Southeast Asia. 2006 Kin Canada presents a $1 billion cheque to the People of Canada and the World. This amount represented the cumulative total of dollars raised during the Association's 86-years of service. The New Millennium 2002 Kinsmen raise over $73,000 for the Hay West project. The project helped transport hay from Eastern Canada to the drought-stricken fields of Saskatchewan and Alberta. 2003 Devastating fires ravage British Columbia leaving many homeless or living in shelters. Kin Canada pledges more than $50,000 and 30,000 pounds of beef to assist residents and firefighters. 2010 Kin Canada raises over $50,000 to support Haiti earthquake relief efforts. 2011 Portraits of Honour,' a Kin Canada National Project, begins its tour across Canada to raise money for the Military Families Fund and other charities that support military personnel and their families. Learn more about Portraits of Honour. 2012 Kin Canada clubs surpass $40 million in donations to cystic fibrosis research and care since the partnership with Cystic Fibrosis Canada began in 1964. Learn more about the Kin-CF Partnership. 2003 BBQ Canada supports the ailing beef industry in Canada. On Labor Day, Kin clubs and groups across the country host free barbecues to show the world that Canadian beef is safe and that they support the Canadian beef industry. This event makes the Guinness Book of World Records for serving more than 280,000 individuals a beef product. Kinsmen Club of Greater London | Kinette Club of London | Po Box 633, Stn B, London, On N6A 4Y4 | ph 519-461-1073 7 Do you like outdoor fun? Volunteers are needed for the Kinsmen Fanshawe Sugar Bush Maple Festival. Volunteer Orientation is Saturday February 15th, 10 am – noon with lunch to follow. Call 519-461-1073 to reserve your space! Kinsmen Fanshawe Sugar Bush Maple Festival Every Weekend in March & March Break 9 am – 4 pm 21201-c Lakeside Dr. Thames Centre 519-461-1073 8 KINNECTIONS KINSMEN AND KINETTES OF GREATER LONDON Minutes from Kinsmen General Meeting and Kinette Executive Kinsmen Club of Greater London General Meeting January 9, 2014 Palasad on Pine Valley Blvd. Social 6:30 pm follow by games Call to order 6:50 pm by President Dave O Canada: Life Member Dave King Song: Kin Jim Ross Toast: Life Member Brent Reply to toast: Life Member Carol Present: Life Members Darrell, Dave M., Brent, Carol, Esther, Cheryl, Vince, Russ H., Jim R., Art, President Bea and Dave Guest: Donna Van Beers 8/11 = 73% attendance Kinettes: 4 Secretary’s Report: MMS; Dave M/Vince to accept the minutes as circulated. Carried Treasurer’s Report: MMS: Brent /Russ H. motion made. Carried Payment for recent bills has been mailed. Bingo: Kin Brent: next one is Super Bowl Sunday February 2, 2014- could use some help, please Sugar Bush: February 15, 2014 will be the Volunteers’ Orientation from 10 to noon at the bush, Lunch to follow Family Day February 17, 2014 January 11, 2014 work party 10 am on OMSPA Kin Russ and Art attended the last meeting. Information that applies to our location: better bottling process- especially for the small bottles : labeling up date : New equipment demos January 13, Monday sugar bush meeting at Dave C. 7:30pm Zone F executive meeting January 12, 2014: looking for house rule proposals January 25, 2014 District 1 Council meeting will be in Stratford- guests are welcome after their business. January 23, 2014 next general meeting at Chartwell HREF: Application post marked February 1, 2014 will be accepted. Adjourned: 7:25pm followed by laser tag game. Essay contest: Kin Cheryl: Life Member Carol has just sent out in the media invite to participate. Next step: wait for essays to come in by February 15, 2014. School packages: Life Member Cheryl: target to circulate these to the high schools by Jan. 13th. Kite Day: No Chair: no further action till June 2014. Princess Ball: Life Member Carol: Recommends we assist local Cystic Fibrosis Chapter. Kinette Club of London next general meeting: Thursday January 16, 2014 at Palasad on Pine Valley Blvd, London, Ontario, arrival 6:30 pm HREF: when applications arrive this month we will set up a committee to judge them. Zone F House Rule proposals: Life Member Cheryl sent in the 3 that we discussed at our Kinette meeting. Life Member Carol will prepare a proposal concerning meeting location and accessibility. This may be directed further to the District level. February 14, 2014 executive meeting 2pm at Life Member Esther’s home. Adjournment: 9 pm Kinsmen Club of Greater London | Kinette Club of London |Po Box 633, Stn B, London, On N6A 4Y4 | ph519-461-1073 9 KINNECTIONS KINSMEN AND KINETTES OF GREATER LONDON From the President Electric Dave Hello fellow Kin members, The winter seems to have a grip on us. The snow looks pretty impressive; the nice clean and fresh appeal look. One has to wonder how can those small snowflakes that are so light come together and be so heavy to shovel .The wonders of nature and with that I hope all are enjoying the winter season maybe stargazing, or walking in the moonlight with that someone special ,well who am I kidding .I know the only thing on our mind is the fellowship with our Kin family. Thank you Kin Russ and Jeannie for a wonderful evening of Christmas celebration, and good Kin Jim for an evening of fun at the Palasad, we all enjoyed thoroughly. Holiday fun with the Crowleys Well Life Member Esther, good luck on your recent retirement, great party and good food, Nice to see someone retire so young and we hope you have a long and prosperous retirement. Yes you guessed it we are a busy group Kin let’s keep the fellowship alive and live each day to the best we can ,hope to see everyone at our next meeting Jan 23 at Chartwell Retirement Centre . Remember Sugar Bush is fast approaching, let’s work to enjoy. Also the deadline for kin bursaries is coming up soon, so get your info in today. All for now thanks one and all for a great inspiring winter season President Electric Dave Crowley Join us for Euchre with the seniors! Kinsmen Club of Greater London | Kinette Club of London |Po Box 633, Stn B, London, On N6A 4Y4 | ph519-461-1073 KINNECTIONS 10 KINSMEN AND KINETTES OF GREATER LONDON Minutes from the Kinsmen Club of Greater London Sugar Bush report Need some work still, Kin Russ in charge? Roll Call: Marcus Krueger, Life Member Brent Work party this Saturday. 8:45 at MKS World Bursary Deadline Approaching Woodcock, Bob Boone, President Electric Dave Head Quarters. Wood at Culver Drive The deadline to submit Kin Canada Bursary applications Crowley 5 weekendsto clubs is February 1. Clubs must then select and send in their chosen Johnson, Life Member Darrell Review bottle order. Mega bottling discussed, applicant to KinCooper, CanadaRuss by March 1. Check out the bursary Like us on Facebook Howe, Life Member Dave McKenzie, Art Cohen with process, Jugs resources in the Resource Library for tips onstaying the selection Follow us on Twtiter Kinsmen Meeting Notes Dec 12, 2013 sample letters to applicants and more. District info 7:15 Dates: and updates: National Day of KINdness District 1 Call to Order Euchre with seniors (chickened out Jan 9th meeting Laser tag at Palasad Have you ordered your kindness kit yet? The last day we can ship District 2 no card sharks) kits to your club is February 1, 2014. Check ifFamily Dayhas February District 3 your club ordered17th Sugar Bush District one and if not, fill out our online order form. Next Meeting Date at Chartwell Jan 23 4 District 5 Mr. Crowley called meeting to order District 6 Join a National Team District 7 Oldfor Business: We're looking for DLS Facilitators, HREF Trustees and members District 8 Secretary’s As EmailedCommittee. and read Deadlines vary andATM / Interact Machine further discussed the NationalreportRisk Management some are so check Join a Team page for to cut down $400 – after Sugar Bush Moved byfast-approaching, Kin Marcus, Seconded byout Kinour Brent Tree details and applications. Passed New Business Updates on the Strategic Planning Process Jack heldBoard in a dark cabinetwill be giving regular updates to Motion to build thingy for Ms. Jane Edwards. The still National of Directors members during the strategic planning process. Updates will be Toonstore cart currently stored at The Coops. the Board of Directors page here, as well as on other media where Treasurer’s report as orated by The Woodcock Motion made by Bob Boone, Seconded by The appropriate (such as the Get on Board! Facebook group). They most Moved Brent Seconded by Art Cohen – passed planningWoodCock, Carried. recentlyby released a membership survey summaryand update. Cover Your Assets Mail: Read goes over the charter Nov 30 Cookout report we made $160.00 Thunderclap process in relation to Mystery man/Kin Kan/Kin Critic/St-At-Arms Motion to donateAt$60 Made by the insurance, as well as risk the to endKinettes. of January, an email will go out to members with a link management tips for WoodCock seconded by The Cooper and information to sign up to our online “flash mob” planned ourofnation-wide Good Kin: Mr. Crowley – “the wickedest man Motion Carried. for February 20th (Founder’s Day). You can join awareness campaign by signing up with Twitter or Facebook in the world” once the campaign is set up. A one time message advertising Kin Canada Crowley suffer on beach for us; to run a Motion to pass executive minutes as posted at theMr. with a linkmeeting to our website will be same time toto social commune known as “Abby of Thelema” media accounts that sign up, creating an online flash mob. misread by Mr. Crowley Fatliners – where did the missing tape go? Moved by The WoodCock seconded by The Butters???? Water Gate New Staff Cooper – Passed On January 13, we welcomed Lindsay Irvine to the Kin Canada team. Lindsay’s title Bea and Mrs. Cooper are bottling wine tonight. is Projects Coordinator (formerly known as Service Coordinator). New With a history colors on Darrell’s Car. ????? Next Bingo February Second Super Bowl we’re excited to have someone working for non-profits and a focus- on fundraising, with Lindsay’s skill set on board. You can contact Lindsay by or phone 800-742-5546 ext. 206. Kinsmen Club of Greater London | Kinette Club of London | Po Box 633, Stn B, London, On N6A 4Y4 | ph 519-461-1073 11 KINNECTIONS KINSMEN AND KINETTES OF GREATER LONDON Awards The Kin Canada National Awards program unites club members and generates club pride. Members have the opportunity to receive awards at the individual and club, zone, and district level. Awards are designed to facilitate competition and to encourage members to maximize their personal and professional development in Kin. Army Christmas Kettles, New Year’s Eve Dance! That’s just a few of the Parades, Kin Ticket Draws, Salvation Club, Zone &our District Awards “few things” Kin friends of St. Thomas have been up to! Awards at the club, zone and district levels, such as the service or public relations awards, help build team and create of camaraderie and accomplishment within the The Kinette Clubunity of Simcoe hosteda asense One Stop Shop November 30th. club. It's a way to recognize the hard work and contributions of the various levels of member teams across Canada. Port Dover Kinsmen Sold T-shirts on a very cold day last week on Friday the 13th! Individual Awards Deputy Governor Andrew traveled to Tillsonburg’s joint Christmas dinner to present new Kinette Carrie For individual awards, members have a chance to learn new and strengthen current skills, including with the District 1 Rookie of the Year! Congratulations!!! research and public speaking. With the public speaking competition, members begin at the club level and those who win at the Zone and District level are sent to our annual National Convention in August to compete. The opportunities for growth are endless. Kinindividual News from around the Zone! Do you like to write? We have a Quill award. Do you have a story to tell? We have a Speaker Award Ask award chairs Carol and Darrell Cooper for information! JOIN THE FUN ON JANUARY 23RD FOR OUR NEXT EUCHRE GAMES AT CHARTWELL SENIOR RESIDENCE! Kinsmen Club of Greater London | Kinette Club of London |Po Box 633, Stn B, London, On N6A 4Y4 | ph519-461-1073 12 KINNECTIONS KINSMEN AND KINETTES OF GREATER LONDON Dates to Remember: Euchre at Chartwell January 23rd BINGO February 2nd Kinette Executive Meeting February 14th Volunteer Orientation Saturday February 15th 10 am – noon Family Day at Sugar Bush Feb 17th Don’t Ask! Kinette General Meeting Thursday February 20th Kinette Club of London Olympic Tournament February 22nd Kin helping Kin Kinsmen Club of Greater London | Kinette Club of London | Po Box 633, Stn B, London, On N6A 4Y4 | ph 519-461-1073 13 KINNECTIONS KINSMEN AND KINETTES OF GREATER LONDON Dear Kinettes, I hope you are all having a wonderful winter so far. Congratulations to Life Member Esther on her retirement. I hope retirement finds you well and rested. Just to bring you up to speed that we are having an Olympic event at Palasad South on February 27, 2014, Starting at 6:00p.m. I will be making up a flyer and presenting this at our meeting on the 16th of January. I will be inviting St. Thomas and St. Marys Kinsmen and Kinettes as well as London Kinsmen to join us on that evening. There will be more information at our January general meeting. Drew Else our Deputy Governor for Zone F is attending so we hope that you will join us. Bea Crowley President Of Note: Please RSVP you’re your availability for Family Day and Kinsmen Fanshawe Sugar Bush Maple Festival Awards: Speaking get your tongue? Itching to write? Our Speaking Competition takes place February. Your Quills need to be in to Bulletin Editor Carol before Feb 15th. Kinsmen Club of Greater London | Kinette Club of London | Po Box 633, Stn B, London, On N6A 4Y4 | ph 519-461-1073 14 Serving the London Community’s Greatest Need since 1932 Join us for our Kin Day of Kindness. Family Day in February! Family Day at the Kinsmen Fanshawe Sugar Bush Monday February 17th From the Kinsmen and Kinettes of Greater London KIN CANADA 1920 Hal Rogers Dr. | Cambridge, Ontario N3H5C6 Phone 1-800-PICK KIN | Around the District: Hamilton Kinsmen are hosting a Founder’s Night on February 20th. DID YOU KNOW? Life Member Cheryl Brydges was an elementary school teacher? That Cheryl’s family participates in both Civil War and 1812 re-enactments? That Cheryl’s son Mikey raced at the Delaware Speedway!
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