kinship 1 - District 1 Kin
kinship 1 - District 1 Kin
DISTRICT 1 KIN 2009-2010 ISSUE 1 KIN SH I P 1 FALL 2009 BACK TO THE FUTURE TEAM INSIDE THIS ISSUE: DISTRICT 3 DIRECTORY EXECUTIVE 3 Well folks; the Kin year is just underway, and seems to be off to a very good start. We just finished the district pre-term meeting, and from what we heard, there are many good things happening in District One. REPORTS CF SERVICE 15 TRIP DISTRICT KIN PHOTOS 17 DEPUTY 10 GOVERNOR - REPORTS 23 DAN LAWRIE 25 INSURANCE TIPS FALL 26 LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST: We have a very good team of Deputy Governors this year. All seem to be very excited about their upcoming year. Please be supportive and send them the information they request from you as quickly as you can. They have a big job to do, and the more you can help them out, then the more that they can help you! Growing our membership seems to be the top of the list for many clubs. It is also the main focus of the district team. Growing our membership in all clubs has so many positive effects on both the club and the organization. For the club, more members means more can be done in your communities, and that is what we are here for. It also helps to insure the future of the organization. On a district or na- tional level, more members will also mean more dues revenue, which equates into more and better resources, support, marketing etc., for everyone. There are several new club charters being worked currently. One in Woodstock, Woodstock another in Mount Forest Forest, and possibly more! If anyone has contacts in these areas, or would like to help get these potential clubs going, please let 20092009-2010 Back to the Future District Team (Continued on page 24) • National News • Membership Strategies • What’s the Risk? • District Executive Introductions • Registration Form for Fall Leadership Conference YOUR BACK TO THE FUTURE EXECUTIVE—HERE FOR YOU! CONGRATULATIONS to all the new executives. Hope your year is off to a good start. the Trip to Cuba (see flyer) and are available to come out to clubs for CF or Service Nights. Chris Heimpel and Life Member Dave Hart had a successful project with the Tiger Cats Football and both are now working on Dave Heimpel our membership director is also available to come out. We’ve heard rumblings of Charters in the offing. Keep your members educated on Kin and busy with helping your communities. This builds confidence and leads to good fellowship. Life Member Dave McKenzie is also available on any Risk Management issues you may have. Just KINSHIP 1 Page 2 BACK TO THE FUTURE EXECUTIVE—HERE FOR YOU! District Governors Life Member Judy Dallaway and Darrell Cooper give him a call. keep members involved. Remember to contact Coordinator Life Member Liz Russell if you want any of us to come for special occasions. Remember to take and send pictures from all your events; write articles; promote your events in this publication . Ad space is available for sale to members or businesses in your town. The ads will appear three times in Kinship 1 and will be on line as Have you looked at the AWARDS this year? Cindy Maxwell will be reminding you frequently as this is another way to well. These should be sent to Kinship 1 Editor Carol Cooper at Have a good year, utilize the district executive and to help with whatever you’re doing. Yours in Kin, Governors Darrell and Judy District 1 Statistics: 103 Clubs= KIN 5, Kinette 35, Kinsmen 63 1,652 members as of May 31 2009 KINSHIP 1 INFORMATION KINSHIP 1 Advertising Rate Page “Remember to 20092009-2010 take and send Publication of the Kin in District 1 Serving areas in South Western Ontario from Windsor – WiartonWiarton- Oakville pictures from all your events; write articles; promote your events in this publication.” Please send Ads to Kinship 1 Editor with ad copy and how many issues you would like your ad in, along with a cheque to District 1 Kin. Kinship 1 Editor Carol Cooper: 154 Inverary Cres, London, On N6G 3L8 Print Deadlines: Sept.15, Nov. 15, Jan. 15, Mar.15 All print ads also go online on our site- an additional $25 charge applies Kinship 1 will be 8 1/2 x 11 format sent to 103 clubs; available to 1650 members. Full Page 8” x 10” $300 1/2 Page 4” x 10” $175 1/4 Page 4” x 5” $100 Business Card Ad 2” x 31/2” $ 30 per issue $25 ea for 3 or 4 issues Back to the Future Use your KIN member number found on your Kin Mag to log in to Kin National website. 2009-2010 ISSUE 1 Page 3 District Mail MEMBERSHIP With keeping in line with Vision 20/20, Our Membership growth will be based on Youth, Associate Members, and Chartering New Clubs (which there are 3 in the works). Our goal for District 1 is plus 100 members. This is only plus 1 member per club which is obtainable if all clubs focus on growth. There will be no incentive program this year. We will be giving each member and sponsor a District pin at FLC, and District Convention, they will also be invited to the Wine and Cheese. This will be a personal invite by the district 1 team. Youth: Secretary: Cindy Maxwell 33 Hillcrest Ave, Simcoe, On, N3Y 4K6 Treasurer: Life Member Esther McKenzie 281 Admiral Drive London, Ontario, N5V 1J2 Phone:519-659-2850 Attract Youth of Good Character: this will help to re-establish our youth orientated niche. Where do we start – we need to start with our own KIN KIDS ages 16-19. By having KIN KIDS join as they understand what KIN is about, then they will be able to bring their friends. Which at a later date they will be able to start Campus Clubs when they go to College or University. With the new Youth group there will be restrictions, there will be more on this program for FLC. So get your KIN KIDS out now. Life Member Dave Hart New Charters: CF/Service Directors: 977 Osgoode Drive London, Ontario, N6E 1C9 Phone: 519-649-4121 Cell: 519-668-4268 With keeping in line with National, we want to have 15 new Charters by 2010 Nationwide. Let’s try to focus on areas that had Kinsmen and Kinettes Clubs before or new areas. Every Zone has an area that could benefit from a KIN club. I am looking for each Deputy Governor to focus on an area that could be a potential Charter. If you need any help with the Charters, please call me. Associate Members: An Associate Memberships are for those persons who wish to show their loyalty and support for KIN, without having to attend meetings. Although initially designed for professionals, family members and friends are also welcome. Christine Heimpel 192 Sydney Street S Kitchener, Ontario, N2V 3G5 Phone: 519-504-2657 Membership Director: Dave Heimpel 192 Sydney Street S ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP — Commences July 1st, 2009 - Associate Memberships are for those persons who wish to show their loyalty and support for Kin, without having to attend meetings. Although initially designed for professionals, family members and friends are also welcomed. Kitchener, Ontario, N2V 3G5 The Associate Member does not have to live in the Club’s territorial limits or even District. They are not eligible for National Awards, cannot serve on any Executive and cannot vote at National Convention. (Voting at Club, Zone and District level is dependent upon House Rules). Associate Membership counts towards GEM Award for sponsors. Associate Membership dues are $200.oo per year and they will receive Life Member Dave McKenzie Kin Pin and the right to refer to themselves as Kin. (Note: District III Governor Cone Rudicka-Olsen of Assiniboia Kinettes has signed up seven Associate Members ((mostly family)) since July already!) Drawing from our past to create a better future Phone: 519-504-2657 Risk Manager: 281 Admiral Drive London, Ontario, N5V 1J2 Phone:519-659-2850 Kinship 1 Editor: Carol Cooper 154 Inverary Cres London, Ontario, N6G 3L8 Governors: Darrell Cooper 154 Inverary Cres, London, Ontario, N6G 3L8 Phone: 519519-641641-3943 Email: Life Member Judy Dallaway 750 Ireland Road RR#3, Simcoe, Ontario, N3Y 4K2 Phone: 519519-426426-3170 Email: Phone: 519-641-3943 Webmaster: Russ Jackman 303 Bridge Street Port Stanley, Ontario, N5L 1C2 Phone:519-782-7877 KINSHIP 1 Page 4 MEMBERSHIP Kin Sales For every Associate Member, $100.00 is directed to reduce national dues and $100.00 is deducted from the sponsoring Club’s national dues. (i.e.: Kinette Club of Assiniboia will receive a $700.00 deduction in their national dues.. .so far)! Develop and Engage Members of good character: Kin Sales Rep Dawn Petit We need to help new members to understand what goes on at a meeting (i.e. Kinsmen song, dress code). Sponsors need to do this. Also get new members involved in your projects, if you ask them to be Co-Chairs they will know how to run it possibly for following year. The last thing is to help them be active, because when people get bored they leave. Promote fellowship after the meeting, so if you can keep the meeting short. 519-485-3020 ext 253 RETENTION Shop for all your club's supplies and promotional items Fax 519-485-3080 If retention is a problem for your club, and you would like some help. If you are a member see your president, if you are the president see your DG. Proper protocol should always be followed. Optimize Information on Technologies: There is websites for you to access, if you do not have or can not remember your password or ID, please contact Melina at National. 1 800- 265-7083 ext 253 Kin Canada will utilize current and emerging information technology to: • Contact, engage, inform and educate existing members. “Keep asking • Re-establish contact with past members potential • Attract and Engage new members and demographics members out to Reduce environmental impact. meetings, If your club has a website, this will help to get the members involved as to what is going on. Your website could also attract new members. eventually they will join.” In conclusion, keep doing what you are doing. Keep asking potential members out to meetings, eventually they will join. There will be more info coming on the upcoming membership’s initiatives, hopefully by Fall Leadership Conference. Your District Membership Director Dave Heimpel NEW BARRIE KINETTE CLUB CHARTERED IN DISTRICT 8 The charter of the new Kinette Club of Barrie was held on Oct 3, 2009. P.O. Box 312, Barrie, ON, L4M 4T5 Megan Suggitt, President, 44 Orwell Cres, Barrie, ON, L4N 6M6 (h#) 705-730-6823 Sponsoring Club—Barrie Kinsmen President John Donley KINSHIP 1 Page 5 BACK TO THE FUTURE EXECUTIVE—HERE FOR YOU! Elaine and I just recently completed vice-governor training at National Head Quarters. Life Member Sheila Laverty from the Brooks Alberta Kinettes and Good Kin Jeff Ainsley from the Sackville NB Kinsmen were our facilitators for the 2 day set of workshops. Some of you may remember Jeff from his motivational speech "We've got to get far" at FLC 2007 in Oakville. National Vice President Lee Burry was also in attendance along with Executive Director Ric MacDonald. It was a pleasure getting to be face-to-face with the next National President of our Association. He has a huge heart for Kin and he's only 27! Because of his "youth" he is the perfect fit for Vision 20/20. Vice Governors from the other 7 districts were also in attendance. It's been said that Vice Governor training is one of the best training sessions you'll ever receive from Kin and I believe that to be the case. Man, are we pumped! We are really looking forward to meeting all of you and raising a flagon of ale or whatever beverage that happens to be handy at Medieval Times Fall Leadership Conference in Guelph as hosted by the Mount Forest Kinsmen. The date for Fall Leadership Conference this year is November 13th - November 15th in Guelph at the Best Western Royal Brock. Just in case you didn't know, Elaine and I are available to come out to your club and events. All you have to is ask and we will do our very best to accommodate any and all r e q u e s t s. Forever yours in Kin, Vice Governors Elaine and Norm Vice Governors Elaine Couch and Norm McColl “New National Vice President KIN CANADA 1920 Hal Rogers Drive Box KIN Cambridge, ON N3H 5C6 Tel: (800) 742742-5546 Fax: (519) 650650-1091 EE-mail: Lee Burry… because of his "youth" he is the RISK MANAGER LIFE MEMBER DAVE MCKENZIE First of all I want to thank Past Risk Manager Bill Harris and last year’s District executive for all of their hard work on our behalf with the Special Risk Accident Insurance coverage for our membership. As we go forward there is still much to be done and a few changes have occurred that will enhance the coverage. ciation with the same package as we in District 1 passed at convention but with a couple of minor changes. This year at national convention it was announced that there is now coverage for all of the membership throughout the Asso- Your executive is working to make the changes as seamless as possible. The initial premium for the term from June 2009 to The first change is that the age has been extended to 85 from 75. The second change is that it is not mandatory and a club can opt out of the program if they so wish. June 2010 was paid from surplus as was passed at Spring Convention. The premium for the second year was to be paid from the assessment included in the budget. With National now involved, the premium will be included in the national dues being sent to your club this October to be paid by November. If your club wishes to participate you must pay the amount per member that will be billed to you at $1.80 + applicable taxes. perfect fit for Vision 20/20” District Risk Manager Life Member Dave McKenzie KINSHIP 1 NATIONAL KIN AWARD WINNERS 2008 Page 6 ‐ 2009 NATIONAL AWARD WINNERS 2008 ‐ 2009 Diane Rogers Kin Pride Award w‐Kevin Baird, Cornwall r/u‐ r/u‐ Allyson Austin, Goderich Kin Know it all Award Pat Moldowan, Stonewall Kinettes Kinsmen Junior Bulletin Award Jeff Nash, Hamilton Kinsmen Kinette Junior Bulletin Award Sheila Laverty, Brooks Kinettes Kinsmen Senior Bulletin Award Marylou Bolger, Valley East Kinsmen Kinette Senior Bulletin Award Stettler Kinettes Kinsmen Public Relations Award Brockville Kinsmen Kinette Public Relations Award Collingwood Kinettes Zone C Website Award Mirimichi Kinsmen Kinsmen Quill Award Lee Burey, Fredericton Kinsmen Kinette Quill Award Tanya Hartung, Palmerston & District Kinettes Zone B Photography Award Edmonton Kinettes Outstanding District Award District 8 Kinsmen Speak Off Award Chuck Stoffle, LaSalle Kin Club Zone H Kinette Speak Off Award Leanne Metnechenko, Lloydminster Kinettes O/S District Membership Director Jeanine Boldger, District 8 O/S Deputy Governors District 1 ‐ Marty Makins & Wendy Rolfe, Zone A (note there were in total 14 Brenda Dineen, Zone B o/s DG's across Canada, 8 in Lisa Burechails, Zone C District One) Tracy Spalding & Dan Strugar, Zone D Cheryl Brydges, Zone F Terri Iredale, Zone K KINSHIP 1 Page 7 NATIONAL KINVENTION NIAGARA FALLS- EDITORIAL I was excited to represent Hanover at the Kinvention in Niagara Falls. The newly renovated Crowne Plaza hotel (the oldest hotel in Niagara Falls) was very nice, featuring old photos of the city and falls in the hallways and meeting rooms. Attendance was approximately 300 registered Kin. Business was business, although there was not a lot on the agenda and finished early on Friday afternoon. A good time was had by all at the service dinner on Friday night. Overall a good experience, one that many missed. A few concerns I have coming from the National Kinvention. Local attendance being the first, I was disappointed that the attendees from Zone J that I encountered were limited to myself and 3 Kinettes from Walkerton. Attending national is a great way to re-motivate yourself in Kin, by learning from and meeting with members from other parts of Canada, surely some other Zone J members could have attended, if even for one day as did the Walkerton Kinettes. Another concern I have is that National Vice President Lee Burry ran uncontested. Is it right, that our National President next year will have never previously held National Office, and has only been a Kin member for 7 years? I do not doubt his intellect or motivation for this office, but would Kin Canada be not better served with a President that has more experience? Hopefully he will surround himself with an experienced executive. There was little or no discussion about membership recruitment or retention. However a strategic alliance with Toastmasters is planned to improve our members. Pilot projects in Cornwall, Edmonton and somewhere in the Maritimes are starting now. I feel that improved public speaking abilities will benefit some Kin members, but where is the plan to recruit more members, and keep the members we have motivated and productive? Will that important function fall to District and Zone levels? Perhaps my biggest concern at national was the response to Kin Dave Sopha’s Sopha’ portraits of our casualties in Afghanistan. A notice of motion to make these portraits a project of National Priority was made. Kin Dave has made a significant donation of his time and talent to this fitting tribute to our soldiers. Kin Dave will need to be compensated for his time and the materials needed to complete the portraits. The response to this notice of motion was overwhelmingly positive as it should have been. However, that was all, no mention of helping the families who have lost a mother of father. No mention of scholarships for children who have lost a parent. No mention of protecting our remaining soldiers by providing better training or equipment. No talk of funding enhanced physical or mental rehabilitation for returning soldiers. No talk of assisting our soldiers re-integration into society, a process that appears to be incredibly difficult, judging by the rate at which our returning soldiers get into trouble with the law. I do not intend this letter to take away from any efforts to honour our soldiers such as the portraits painted by Kin Dave Sopha. I am deeply saddened that an organization such as ours with such a proud tradition of supporting our military would be satisfied to have this tribute be all that we can do. We must do more. We have to, or we will be dishonouring or own traditions. Greg Lansink, Past President, Hanover, District 1, Zone J “National Vice President Lee Burry ran uncontested.” KINSHIP 1 Page 8 National Operations Update for Delegates Fall Leadership Conference 2009 Executive Director Ric McDonald This is a very brief summary of recent National developments as carried out by your staff, national committees and other volunteers. It is a blend of info for those who did not attend National Convention, plus some updates that have occurred since. More detail on these and other activities and member services can be found at, or by calling staff at 1800-PICKKIN (800-742-5546). National Convention “East Meets West” in Niagara Falls was an outstanding and very entertaining convention. Congratulations to the host committee, as well as staff Carmen Preston and new Membership Coordinator Jessica Wulff. National Budget The Draft 2009/10 National Budget as presented during district conventions was approved with the addition, by delegate resolution off of the floor, of $1.15 per member to fund all National Directors to attend their district events. This equalizes the situation whereby four districts provided such funding in their budgets and four did not. Targeted events are FLCs and district conventions. This brings National dues for 2009/10 to $114.36. Insurance is $30.68. Total combined is $145.04, amended from the proposed $143.89. General Association Finances Our biggest financial challenge continues to be maintaining dues levels while membership is shrinking. Revenue diversification (generating non-dues revenue) has begun to improve. Combined with ongoing savings in operating costs and some stability in membership levels, we managed to compensate for member loss to achieve a surplus of $14,000 for 2008/09. Audited financials as provided by PriceWaterhouseCoopers were available in the Kin Canada Annual Report, which is available on the National website. National Operational Planning During the past year, staff has been making a transition from the building blocks of the 2006 National Implementation Plan to the next steps of Vision 2020. With many improvements to member services, education programs and a more positive culture nationally within clubs, we have now begun to accelerate our work on areas that are strategic to our future, such as Kin branding and PR, and attracting youth. National Project A national Kin project that will be fully unveiled during the coming year was introduced at Convention. The Portraits of Honour project centres on a 10’ x 50’ mural that will include life size portraits of every Canadian soldier who falls in Afghanistan. It is a labour of love by Preston Kinsmen Dave Sopha that has been going on behind the scenes for the past six months in the basement of HQ. Destined to tour Canada in 2011, the project is intended to raise public support for our troops abroad and raise funds for a related cause while giving Kin Canada increased public profile. Convention delegates were asked to offer ideas on the charitable cause to be selected for the project by emailing to . Many more details, including a dedicated website, will emerge in the coming months as the project ramps up. Member Consultations Association leaders continue to gather member input on significant topics that affect our future. The dedicated micro-site is a forum created for your thoughts and questions. Watch for new discussions on subjects like branding and environmental projects in the months ahead. Kin Sales Kin Sales generated $15,700 for Kin Canada in ‘08/09. On-request quoting on clothing and custom items has improved our (Continued on page 16) KINSHIP 1 Page 9 KINSHIP 1 Page 10 ZONE A DEPUTY GOVERNOR THERESA MCCOLL Deputy Governor Theresa McColl “in Waterloo Grand River installing the new executive I had the honour of installing 2 new Kinettes” Deputy Governor The year started off by installing the clubs in zone A, while I was in Waterloo Grand River installing the new executive I had the honour of installing 2 new Kinettes to their club. Kitchener –Waterloo Kinettes participated in the Great Strides Walk for CF and will be holding their monthly euchre nights starting this month. They are all gearing up for a new and exiting kin year. The Club Executive Seminar took place on Sunday September 13th, at the KW clubrooms. This was a joint event with the zone A Kinsmen we had a very good attendance with many different topics that covered power of the gavel, as well as break out sessions for all the club executive positions. The Hamilton Stoney – Creek Kinettes have been very busy with the Winona Peach Festival running the Candy Floss booths an alternative food booth. They also have a member who sits on there board. They have also been busy all summer making plans for their Halloween Dance to be held jointly with the Hamilton & Stoney Creek Kinsmen to be held Saturday October 24th. A president’s round table will be scheduled for October. The Guelph Kinettes were busy selling fireworks this summer along with holding BBQ’s. They also helped out at the Fergus Highland Games. This fall the club will be selling 50/50 tickets at Guelph Storm game in October, also holding monthly euchre nights. The Preston Kinettes have helped out with the Kinsmen at the yearly Carnival in Preston. They have also participated in the Kin Ride and The Big Heart & Stroke. Waterloo Grand River Kinettes held a BBQ at Conestoga Mall in the summer called Grillin’ for a Cure. They are also gearing up for another kin year. The Oakville Kinettes Held a boat cruise this summer called Empire Sandy, this is a tall ship. The dinner & dance cruise was run by the Kinettes in partnership with Habitat for Humanity Halton. Although the final numbers are not in they raised approximately $14,000 of which $7,000 will be donated to Habitat Halton. The remaining will be distributed to worthy causes in our community. They also operated a food booth at the Waterfront Festival. Zone A has an amazing bunch of Kinettes and all clubs are really working hard to build their clubs and support their communities. I am looking forward to working with all of them over the upcoming year. To laugh grow and have fun. Theresa McColl Deputy Governor Zone A The Guelph Kinettes are selling ticket to Guelph Storm Hockey games. Ron Couch Save money and help a local service club give back to the community. Back to the Future Storm play at the Sleeman Centre The tickets are only $12.00 per seat. Dec. 29th VS London Knights, Jan. 22nd VS Saginaw Spirit Feb. 12th VS Sarnia Sting Please contact your Guelph Kinette friend or contact Heather O’Brien chippy65_87 @ If you don’t hear back within 24 hours please call at 519-821-9708 KINSHIP 1 ZONE B DEPUTY GOVERNOR Page 11 COREY STICKNEY Kinette Club of Palmerston & District This club of 10 members is a very busy and visible club in their community. Some of their events are: Annual Garage Sale for CF; Angels of Hope December in local schools and businesses; Redneck Games Food Booth; Grays Ball Tourney Food Booth. Watch for them out and about cooking up fries at local events in June, July and August. They have become excellent Fry Chefs! Club meetings: 3rd Sunday of the month Location: Wallace Public School, Gowanstown Contact Past President Sandy Mitton 519-338-2846 Deputy Governor Corey Stickney NEWEST LIFE MEMBER—BRENDA DINEEN THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! This goes to each and everyone of you that had a hand in, or were part of, my 'Surprise' Life Membership. Surprise is an understatement! If you hadn't heard by now, they got me good! I'm afraid of what pictures there are out there of my look of total shock! The face book people will be so pleased with themselves. I must admit that some members in this association have indeed been learning from my direction as the secrets they kept were amazing. And they call me secretive!?! They even had my 7 yr. old grand-daughter in on it! It was truly an amazing evening and I will hold those memories in a place of honour for a long time to come. To my Palmerston Girls, YOU ARE THE BEST. I can't start thanking individuals here as I would be sure to forget someone and that just wouldn't do. You know who you are. For all the kind words, cards, e-mails and phone calls, THANK YOU. “This doesn't mean you're getting rid of me though, I still have work to do!” Yours in Kin Life Member Brenda Dineen This doesn't mean you're getting rid of me though, I still have work to do! OB Palmerston Kinettes surprise Kinette Brenda Dineen with Life Membership. KINSHIP 1 Page 12 ZONE C DEPUTY GOVERNOR CHRISTINE COOPER Always Cruizin’ Cool in clubs kickin’! (Not to say which had more than Zone C! that we don’t appreciate 800 people last year. The the not so young ones Collingwood Kinettes are either… that’s where all getting ready for their our good ideas come annual Craft auction in from!) November. The Meaford Jambo! Kwaheri? (Pronounced “jaam-bo, kwa-hair-y”) In other words, hello and Deputy Governor Christine Cooper I’m very honoured to how are you (kiswahili)? have I’m so excited for this Kin year. All of the Zone C Kinettes are on a roll with big plans and projects underway. Let me “The new national initiative for younger Kin members has sparked quite a flame in our tell ya, it’s not just cot- Past Governor Odette Houle as my zone CF/Service Director. Odette’s been a huge help so far and I’m sure we’ll have a lot of fun building strong ties with their immediate communities and having fun every step of the way. Over all, the ladies here neck of the seem very focused on woods” having successful service fund raisers and improving and growing our membership within the zone Kin family. The new national initiative younger Kin has sparked for members quite a flame in our neck of the woods and will hopefully find us a few more youngin’s to keep our I’d like to highlight some of the exciting events that their annual Scarecrow Invasion with the town of Meaford and are also excited to be hosting yet another joint installation night with the Meaford Kinsmen. Kinsmen together! tage country up here. These ladies are forever Kinettes are right into my clubs have planned for the next couple of months. The Kinette Club of Shelburne is hosting a Fantasia As you can see, there’s lots going on up here in the Grey Bruce area and hopefully we’ll continue to see some positive growth and idea development this year! party in October and has Have a great fall every- invited the entire zone one and I hope to see out to a night of friend- everyone ship, Leadership food and “entertainment”. It’s sure out you this November! Beach Kinettes are roartowards their 8th planning annual “Christmas At The Beach Yours in Kin, Christine Cooper Zone C Home Tour” and their annual Artisans show Fall Conference to be a riot! The Wasaga ing at Deputy Governor KINSHIP 1 Page 13 ZONE C DEPUTY GOVERNOR LARRY SHEARD Hi all. I'm very pleased and has been a Kin Mem- make a difference and to once again be repre- ber for around 20 years. have a positive effect on senting Zone C as your Past Governor Rob Houle the zone. We are all for- Deputy this is our CF Service/Awards tunate in that we are year. Over the past years Chair and is a very active supported in our Kin ac- I have had the honour of member of the Shel- tivities by our spouses, holding burne Kinsmen Club. Club His Shelly, Lois and Odette, offices: Deputy Governor, Kin and this makes our jobs Zone Coordinator and CF Governor, Deputy Gover- Chair. I have also held nor, three times and Dis- all club positions in my trict 1 CF /Service Chair, With all of us working 22 years as a member of as well as several zone together, let’s have a fun the Feversham and Dis- teams and club level po- and active year in Kin. trict Kinsmen Club. Club sitions. Governor different zone resume includes: that much easier. Deputy Governor Larry Sheard Yours in KIN, is Together, we feel we can Larry Sheard Murray Parks as Secre- handle just about any- Zone C Deputy Governor tary/Treasurer. tary/Treasurer Murray is thing that comes our also way, and that we can Joining my from team Feversham “Together, we feel we can handle just about anything CELEBRATING 50 YEARS OF KIN KAMP! that comes our way, “ ATTENTION ALL CLUBS IN DISTRICT 1!!!!! HELP MEAFORD CELEBRATE!!!!!!! 2010 IS THE 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF KIN KAMP!!!!!!! Please send us any memorabilia from ANY Kin Kamp: Kamp Pictures, Stories or Whatever, for use in a “SPECIAL EDITION BULLETIN” to be distributed at next year’s Kin Kamp. Kamp Please send to: Tony Weldrick at: or (519-538-4138) Or Chris Caesar at: or (519-538-1362) KINSHIP 1 Page 14 INTRODUCING CF SERVICE DIRECTORS—HERE FOR YOU! Christine Heimpel and Life Member Dave Hart District CF Service Directors Hi, my name is Dave Hart and I am half of the District 1 CF/ Service directors. I am a life member of the Kinsmen Club of Greater London and have held most executive positions including president 4 times. I am a past deputy governor and also a past governor’s have been a member of kin Canada for 18 years. Because of my membership in Kin I developed a passion for the Cystic Fibrosis cause and soon became a member of the London Cystic Fibrosis Chapter. I have held many positions on the chapter including being president for 4 years. In my personal life I am married to Sue and we do not have any children. Hi, my name is Christine (Chris) Heimpel and I am the other half of District 1 CF/ Service Directors. I am a member of the KW Kinettes and I have held the positions of Presidents, Vice Presidents, and Secretary. I have been on 3 Zone Teams. I have been a member of KIN for 7 years. I am also a member of the KW Cystic Fibrosis Chapter. In my personal life I am married to Dave (who is also a Kinsmen), we have 2 children Brett (who will be joining Kinsmen in Sept), and LeighAnne. each ticket sale going to Cystic Fibrosis. We also have access to the 50-50 draw at the game (the winner got $5672.00). We made an $8000.00 profit. We also have a Cystic Fibrosis fundraising trip to Cuba. Our goals for this year are many. We have 2 main projects. We are selling tickets to the Labour Day football game between Toronto and Hamilton with 20 dollars of Yours in Kin We would like to raise awareness of Cystic Fibrosis within the clubs and visit as many clubs as is possible especially those which may not have contributed to our national service project in the past. Christine and Dave “On February 20, 1920, Hal KIN CANADA’S 100TH ANNIVERSARY PROJECT Rogers and 11 men gathered for a meeting at the Namking Café in Hamilton” Our Beginnings On February 20, 1920, Hal Rogers and 11 men gathered for a meeting at the Namking Café in Hamilton, ON. This group formed the first club in our Association – the Kinsmen Club of Hamilton. These men found that budding relationships alone were not sufficient enough to sustain a continued interest and decided to perpetuate the ideal of service in peace time as they had done in the war years; thus we became a service organization. Our Golden Jubilee Back to the Future Fifty years later, on Friday, February 20, 1970 National President Dick Rendek of the Regina Kinsmen opened The Kinsmen National Institute on Mental Retardation on the campus of York University. For five years all Kinsmen and Kinettes had been working towards the goal of opening the building that housed the Institute. The discussions leading up to making the building a reality had also added years to the overall project. Kin had set a goal and the building on the York campus was the result. Also in 1970 “The Cross and the Square” was first published. Our Diamond Jubilee The Hal Rogers Building (commonly referred to as Kin Headquarters) had its official opening on February 23, 1980. Three of our founding members were in attendance, Hal Rogers, Perc Dawson and Trevor Thomp- son. This project consumed much of the time and energies of our clubs in the years leading up to the Diamond Jubilee. The Intervening Years Since the Diamond Jubilee project there has been little done to mark the significant milestones in Kin history. This may be because much time and energy has gone into supporting Cystic Fibrosis. It may be because of national projects like Raise the Flag or the Proud to be Canadian Tour. Or, it could be that the Hal Rogers Building was essentially an internal project and, together with other changes introduced around the same time, was not universally popular among the members (Continued on page 19) KINSHIP 1 Page 15 THE DISTRICT SERVICE DIRECTORS –GO CUBA FOR A CURE! KINSHIP 1 Page 16 NEWS FROM NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS (Continued from page 8) operator Coyle & Greer’s pricing. Although they can’t always be competitive on merchandise that isn’t their core business, what counts is that you at least give them a chance to quote and let them know when their price isn’t competitive. Members should contact Jessica Wulff or Melina Hayward at HQ should any service issues arise. Please support Kin Sales – a portion of sales goes to National to help reduce dues. Kin Education The National Education Committee began this spring to re-evaluate Kin training programs from the ground up. Online training initiatives have been put on hold for the moment. The committee has turned its attention to what is needed most at our grass roots level in order for members and clubs to be successful. For starters, a series of mini-modules is being developed for use at club meetings. The Kin L.I.N.K. quarterly Education newsletter continues and is available from the National website. As well, a survey was conducted to see what Kin members are looking for from Kin education and training. Those results will be used as a baseline going forward. Membership Total official membership at year-end was 7,271. That’s a net loss of just 187 from last year – about ½ of last year’s loss. While no loss is acceptable, these are the best results in many years. Three districts – 4, 6 and 8 – showed positive growth. That hasn’t happened since 1989. New charters included: Kinsmen Club of Cambridge-North Dumfries (D1) Kinette Club of Barrie Kin Club of Norquay (D3) University of Saskatchewan Campus Club (D3) (D8) Two Kinsmen clubs converted to Kin clubs. In two cases, Kinsmen and Kinettes merged to form a Kin club. Official chartering of the new Lakeshore Kin Club (D8) is scheduled for early November. Sadly, eight clubs were lost this year that had been struggling for some time due to a variety of factors. As well, two clubs had their charters revoked by National due to non-compliance with policy. The National Charter and Expansion Committee’s mandate is to pursue expansion opportunities for Kin Canada, including attracting youth. A number of new initiatives were introduced at Convention including pilots for youth (16-19) members, and targeting campus clubs and family memberships. A new recognition program named “Reach for the Stars” was announced for the next three years. National Membership Coordinator Jessica Wulff joined us in late May and will be guiding the National Membership Committee as they focus on better ways of identifying & supporting struggling clubs. They are also about to begin work on a new grass-roots recruiting program. Communications National website enhancements will soon allow members to pay for such things as new member registration, badge addons, magazine subscriptions, 2010 national convention, etc., as our Kin Store is launched. Register at Catch us as well on Twitter and Facebook, which now boasts over 1,000 ‘fans.’ KIN Magazine October edition will feature highlights of National Convention. After two years of record ad revenues, 2008/09 saw a slight decease to $24,357 due mainly to placement of smaller ads and provincial election timing that prevented Messages-of-Support participation by NS or BC MLA’s. Kin Cyber.News launched last winter to streamline requests to send out information via e-mail to our membership. The eletter keeps members informed on programs, policies, Association developments, upcoming events and partner information. Sign up at Marketing Last March we took a big step in Marketing by hiring Christine Ewing as National Marketing Coordinator. She has been working on concepts for marketing our Association, potential national campaigns, new uses of technology, re-branding strategies and promotional material. She is also available to help you with club or event marketing and promotions. External branding will be a major focus for the coming year. This began with a branding workshop at Convention. A continuation of the popular We Are All Kin campaign was also announced at Convention. KINSHIP 1 Page 17 DISTRICT 1 KIN EVERYWHERE! KINSHIP 1 Page 18 ZONE D DEPUTY GOVERNOR KAREN PETERS I can tell you what is happening with West Lincoln Kin Club; Club we are in the process of putting together 3 fundraisers to have before the New Year: Grimsby Kinettes will hold the Zone conference in March. Rounding out our zone; the other Kinette Clubs of Zone D are: Stephensville and Fort Erie. Erie 1. Road Toll - for CF Deputy Governor Karen Peters 2. A draw 3. A mystery dinner being held in the West Lincoln Community Care. place before thanksgiving. Thank you to everyone who attended our National Kinvention in August and to those that make it happen! Well Done! Yours in Kin Deputy Governor Bob Cole and I are in the process of arranging a president's meeting and hope to have that in Karen Peters Deputy Governor Zone D ZONE D DEPUTY GOVERNOR BOB COLE Wow! Niagara Falls! “some Clubs are reporting a climb in membership.” What a Kinvention; the best one in quite a few years. You can tell the men and women hours that went into this event. I would like to thank the people I met and had the chance to work with on this event. It was a great experience for me; I made some new friends along the way. Now we are on to our Kin Year! It has been a slow start with me being on the convention committee and with all the clubs being on summer break. But now we are back and things look good for 2009-2010 Kin Year in Zone D. Some Clubs are still hiding from me but I will find them! Membership looks it will be stable, with some Clubs reporting a climb in membership. That's all to report for now until we get farther into our new year. Thank You Bob Cole Deputy Governor Zone D DISTRICT TREASURER LIFE MEMBER ESTHER MCKENZIE Welcome to a new Kin year! I hope everyone had a good summer, in spite of July’s weather. Deputy Governor Bob Cole Dues have been coming in steadily. Due to the fact that Spring Convention was in June, the dues billings were sent out closer to the middle of the month, and so it was difficult to have them remitted to me by June 30, as the House Rules stipulate. So the deadline has been extended to Oct 15, 2009 in order to give clubs a chance to have the dues paid by FLC and remain in good standing. The implementation of the National Policy for the Special Risk Accident Insurance coverage has presented some questions concerning the District billing which included the premium for the second year of District 1’s coverage. We are investigating the logistics of this and will provide you with a resolution in the near future. Have a good year and see you at Fall Leadership Conference! Yours in Kin Esther McKenzie, Life Member District Treasurer KINSHIP 1 Page 19 ZONE F DEPUTY GOVERNOR CHERYL BRYDGES This year your Zone F team will consist of: Deputy Governors Brad Rockefeller and Cheryl Brydges Membership Chair: Dave Dallaway, Dallaway Simcoe Kinsmen Zone Newsletter Editor: Carol Cooper, Cooper Kinette Club of London. Treasurer: Brent Woodcock, Kinsmen Club of Greater London We have room for a Service chair and secretary. The secretary’s job boils down to the three meetings that the zone will host jointly. A zone project called “the house that Zone F built” will be making its way around this year. It incorporates some of the green initiatives that are coming down through Vision 2020. So hang onto a few plastic bottles, extra house siding and paint to add to this house. The zone web page is accessible through the “District 1” web site under “zone”. I encourage you to visit this for updates or to look up some past information. You may add your club’s information onto this just send it to Deputy Governors Cheryl or Brad. Or you may set up a link to your club’s web page. have laid plans for this year. Please confirm your information and send in the reports to Head Quarters . The year-end audits and this year’s budgets are due October 31st, please. On the membership side, we welcome: Tammy, Shelby, Kristy, Julie and Denise. In the works we have members setting up 1 to 3 charters for this year. Deputy Governor Cheryl Brydges Let’s keep spreading Kin fellowship. We look forward to visiting with you and sharing in your projects. Yours in Kin Cheryl Brydges Installations are well on their way and the clubs Deputy Governor “the house that Zone F built” KIN CANADA’S 100TH ANNIVERSARY PROJECT will be making its way around (Continued from page 14) of the day. Whatever the reason, there were no significant 70th or 80th anniversary projects ... likewise for the 90th anniversary on February 20, 2010. Centennial Project Your National Board of Directors is looking for ideas for a Centennial Project. It does not have to be a building ... but it could be. It does not have to be a book ... but it could be. We are looking for something that our members, past, present and future will look to with pride ... a project that we look back on with awe and amazement in ten, twenty or even 100 years and everyone will say, “That was done by the premier service organization in the country ... Kin Canada.” At this stage we are only looking for ideas or concepts. We’re not concerned about funding or how to make the project happen. We would like you to submit your ideas before December 31, 2009 to National Headquarters in Cambridge. You may submit as many ideas as you like but please put each one on a separate page. The Board will sift through the ideas and select one or more that seem to be appropriate. Over the next two or three years we will ask for your input on the ideas that have been sug- gested. It is hoped that we will have narrowed down the selection to a single project or group of projects within the next three years. Planning, fundraising and implementation will follow with the idea being that the project will be completed by February 20, 2020. this year” Be Creative We have over 7,000 creative resourceful members. Do not restrict your thinking. Think big. We would like to hear from all of you. Submit your ideas on or before December 31, 2009 to: Centennial Project, Kin Canada,.1920 Hal Rogers Drive, Box KIN, Cambridge, ON N3H 5C6. KINSHIP 1 Page 20 ZONE G DEPUTY GOVERNOR SCOTT SYRIE Fellow Kin of Zone G, Deputy Governor Scott Syrie Chatham Kinsmen will celebrate their 80th Anniversary November 21st! “As the Kin saying goes Family, Work and Kinsmen… Kinsmen never left me.” I started this journey to be your Deputy Governor and was elected in April. I took on this important position because of the fellowship with my fellow Kin, and as well to see if we could get Zone G united and “Back to the Future”. This is my second go round in Kin. I left Kinsmen because I was raising a young family and they needed me at home. As the Kin saying goes Family, Work and Kinsmen. I know sometimes we don’t follow this rule as our communities are our greatest need. Kinsmen never left me I always saw the Kinsmen name in the paper or on the radio and different projects you were dedicated to help in your own communities. My family is now grown up and have allowed me to go back into the Family of Kin and to be your Deputy Governor of Zone G. Here are a few highlights of what I have been doing as your Zone G DG. In April, I attended Spring Convention in Leamington and fun was had by all and a job well done by Zone H. In June the installations of Chatham and Sarnia clubs were recognized. I wish the executives in all the clubs success for the coming year and have planned my year out to visit each and every club. I also attended the District Leadership Seminar with the new district executive and all the other Deputy Governors from around the district. We shared Kin Fellowship as well as our aims for “greener” service projects and vision 20/20. The month of July was the Perc Dawson golf tournament held at Blenheim Golf Club by the Kinsmen Club of Blenheim and then back to Past DG Dave Walters house where the awards and the coveted “RED JACKET” was given out. Congratulation to Kin Bruce Mouton on a well deserved victory. We also had a great steak dinner with all the trimmings and the Kin atmosphere was awesome. Sarnia held their Rib fest and Chatham helped out with a bbq for a Caribbean fest. In August East meets West in Niagara Falls at the National Convention there was great workshops, excellent tours, delicious food, business was short and sweet and to the point and best of all fantastic fellowship. In closing I would like to thank Past DG Charlie Quennville for helping me on the Zone team as treasure and Kin Rob Greehalgh as our Zone Co-ordinator. We still are looking for other to help us in the zone to bring Zone G “Back to the Future” Yours in Kin Scott Syrie Deputy Governor Zone G ZONE H EVENTS YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS! Wheatley Kinettes are hosting a HALLOWE’EN DANCE! Funite in Fabulous Las Ve- Recently held their Saturday October 24th 8pm October 17th $15 at Door $15 per person/19 yrs &up Includes costume contest, prizes, light refreshments Back to the Future 519-825-3438 Windsor Kin gas, La Salle! Vollmer Complex for tickets Golf Tournament Sunday October 4th Be sure not to miss it next year! KINSHIP 1 Page 21 KIN CANADA BURSARIES A program of the Hal Rogers Endowment Fund Fellow Kin, Welcome to your District Fall Leadership Conference. Here’s “What’s New” with Kin Canada Bursaries… This year marks the 15th Anniversary of Kin Canada Bursaries, as the Hal Rogers Endowment Fund was established in 1994 to celebrate and support Founder Hal’s belief in the value of education. In Hal’s own words, “providing and promoting the finest and most effective education possible for our young people is a noble endeavor.” The Club Recognition Program has been revised for the coming year. Clubs that reach cumulative donation levels of $1,000 / $2,500 / $5,000 / $10,000 and $25,000 will now receive badge add-ons for their members. Clubs reaching the $50,000 level will be honored in perpetuity with a Named Bursary awarded in their District each year. The first of these is the “Winnipeg Kinsmen Jackpot Bingo Bursary” to be awarded each year in District 2. A new reward was announced at National Convention that was designed to encourage more clubs to support HREF and to grow the Endowment Fund so that it becomes self-sustaining. Starting this year, any club that donates $2,500 in a single year will be granted a “Preferred Bursary Submission” meaning that they can submit an extra application in addition to their regular submission, and any of these submissions that qualify for the final scoring round will be automatically awarded. This rewards the club for their sizeable donation, while preserving the integrity of the Kin Canada Bursaries program as all applications that make it to the final round are worthy of our support. Each club will soon receive an information package containing everything that is needed for the bursary program. Please be sure to review it at your club and select a member to look after this worthwhile program in your community. On behalf of students across Canada, we thank you for your continued support. If you have any questions, please contact Bas Zak at National Headquarters at 1-800-742-5546 ext. 215 or email or any member of the Board of Trustees. Yours in Kin, Tracey Wilson 2009-2010 Board of Trustees Chair / Hal Rogers Endowment Fund In recognition of our 15th Anniversary, the HREF Board of Trustees wants to hear from you – the members and clubs! We want to compile a list of 15 projects that clubs can do as fundraisers for Kin Canada Bursaries. Let us know your ideas. We are always looking for testimonials from past recipients. Is there someone in your club or your community who received a Kin Canada Bursary? Let us know their story (or let us know their name/contact information and we’ll get the story). Please support Kin Canada Bursaries. Consider including a donation to HREF in your club’s annual budget. Club Donations District 1 2008-09 To-Date 6,293 163,295 District 2 450 77,049 We value your input. Do you have suggestions to help us improve Kin Canada Bursaries? Let us know your comments and ideas. District 3 7,950 56,873 District 4 12,000 178,509 Contact Us: District 5 6,500 78,290 District 6 2,275 85,751 District 7 9,099 132,932 District 8 4,150 48,717 97,281 869,979 Toll-Free: 1-800-PICK KIN ext. 215 Fax: 519-650-1091 Email: Website: Total KINSHIP 1 Page 22 ZONE H DEPUTY GOVERNOR DAVID FALCIONI Deputy Governor David Falciono “A big Thank You to Andy Mantha for his hard work last year” As I walked my kids to the bus stop the other day, I couldn’t help but notice . . .the sun came up a little later, the air was a little crisper in the morning (yes, even in Windsor), and the leaves are not only starting to change colour, but are very slowly beginning to litter the street. Fall is upon us. But, as nature is showing signs of slowing down in preparation for winter, it is clear that the clubs in our Zone have no intention of following suit. Projects are getting started, budgets are being approved, dues are being collected and members are being recruited. It all starts off with the Kin Club of Windsor Hosting the “Fighting Cystic Fibrosis Golf Tournament” at Hydeaway Golf Course on October 4, 2009. From here, it’s just a short drive to LaSalle to attend the LaSalle Kin Club “Night in Vegas” on October 17. Not missing a beat, the Wheatley Kinette Club is holding a Halloween Dance on October 24th. Finally, the Tilbury & District Kinsmen Club is hosting their annual Hockey Tournament at the end of November. If you are up for a drive, feel free to join us! A big Thank You to Andy Mantha for his hard work last year with “housekeeping” in the Zone! It is thanks to this hard work that my year will be just a little smoother. I would like to offer congratulations to LaSalle Kin Club President Chuck Stoffle for winning the Gord Harbinson Speaking Contest at National Convention in Niagara Falls. Thanks for bringing it to our Zone Chuck! I would like to close by saying that I am looking forward to the coming year and the friendships it will bring. We have good, strong leaders in our Governors, Darrell and Judy, and it will be a pleasure to work with them. And I am thankful for the opportunity to serve Zone H and the chance to learn from the experience our clubs and members. David Falcioni, Deputy Governor Zone H ZONE K DEPUTY GOVERNOR DAVE VAN BEERS Well what better way to kick of the year by doing a couple of installations. Goderich and Clinton, Clinton I would like to thank both clubs for an enjoyable evening. Deputy Governor Dave Van Beers Just looking back at what went on this past summer, it seems like Zone K had everything .Clinton’s Clinton’s Pluckenfest, Goderich’s Summerfest Mitchell’s Cornfest and St Mary’s Summerfest/Carnival. Summerfest/Carnival Why I even heard that once again some rubber ducks were racing down the Thames River to the finish line. There are a lot of kids out that made good use of Stratford’s Camp Tanner for their vacation this year. From what I have heard most clubs had very successful events. It even sounds like Mother Nature cooperated with most of the events. Its Fall and time for clubs to get their meetings up and going again. Tina and I were happy to organize and chair this year’s Club Executive Seminar, with the help from our District team and Zone members we had a very successful night. 28 members were present for and evening of learning and fellowship. I am happy to hear that most clubs are bringing out a few prospective members. Let’s hope this trend will carry on (Continued on page 23) KINSHIP 1 Page 23 ZONE K DEPUTY GOVERNOR TINA WOLTERBEEK Zone K is heading off to a great start for the 2009-2010 Kin year. At their first meeting in September, the Goderich Kinette Club was honoured to have Past Deputy Governor, Terri Iredale in attendance to present Allyson Austin with the National Diane Rogers Kin Pride Runner up award from National Convention in Niagara Falls. Terri also presented Allyson with a pin for Reach for the Stars from National Charter of Expansions Committee for bringing in 5 new members last year. I had the pleasure of presenting Allyson with her Gem award as well and I know she is looking for one more new member to sponsor so that she can attain the prestigious Double Gem Award. Congratulations Allyson for all of your successes. Marie who is 10 and in grade 5, and Joey who is 8 and in grade 3. They will become an official family on September 26, 2009 when the children move in full time. Congratulations Wanda and Blake for your new family and all of the joys that come with it. In St. Marys, there is also big news on the horizon. St. Marys Kinette Wanda and her husband Blake Mossey have announced the exciting news that they will be having a family. Wanda and Blake are adopting two children. With all this news, I can't wait to see what else will happen in the upcoming year. It should be a good one. Tina Wolterbeek Deputy Governor Zone K Deputy Governors Tina Wolterbeek “With all this news, I can't wait to see what ZONE J DEPUTY GOVERNOR BARRY MCTEER I am glad to see everyone back and ready to go for another year. I know there is lots to do and planned for this next y e a r . Please check out our Zone website: for a listing of what is up and coming. I am glad to see so much going on and I will try to get out to as much as I can or as much as the wife will let me!! Please keep me informed as to all your activities any anything that you might need and I will see what I can do. else will happen in the upcoming year. “ Yours in Kin Barry McTeer Deputy Governor Zone J ZONE K DEPUTY GOVERNOR DAVE VAN BEERS Deputy Governor Barry McTeer (Continued from page 22) throughout the year. I am looking forward to doing the rest of my installations as well as my club visits. Just a couple events to pass along for the fall: Clinton will be doing their “Ladies Night” again this year on November 14th. Goderich will be doing their annual Social Gaming night on November 28th. As well Goderich will also be doing their Cystic Fibrosis night on October 26th. As always this is a fun and entertaining evening. Well if the past summer is any indication of what’s ahead for the rest of the year, its going to be busy and exciting year ahead. Dave Van Beers Deputy Governor Zone K KINSHIP 1 Page 24 BACK TO THE FUTURE EXECUTIVE—HERE FOR YOU! (Continued from page 1) Past District CF Service Directors Nancy and Brad with Mike Croghan and Gerry Boehm us know. We are planning the Fall Leadership Convention, being held in Guelph this November 13th, 14th. The Kinsmen Club of Mount Forest will be your hosts. The theme is Medieval Times, so let your imagination run wild and show up in full costume. There will also be some very informative seminars so that new or experienced Kin will gain from them. National President Sean will be attending, so come out and meet him. We are planning a town hall meeting for Friday night, so you will be able to meet the President and ask whatever questions you may have on your mind. Hopefully, by now, your year is planned out, and projects are starting. We are available, everyone on the district team is at your disposal. Please let us know what we can do to help you succeed! Yours in Kin Darrell and Judy Governors NEW CHARTER IN DISTRICT 8 “National President Sean will be attending, so come out and meet him.” The Lakeshore Kin Club Charter night CELEBRATION Please join us for “MARTINI NIGHT IN MISSISSAUGA” MISSISSAUGA” Saturday, November 7, 2009 Streetsville Kin Hall 327 Queen Street South, Mississauga 6:30 p.m. for cocktails - 7:15 p.m. for dinner $25.00 per person Please RSVP to order tickets by October 24th Contact Deb Corpe at or 905905-848848-0651 Back to the Future KINSHIP 1 Page 25 DAN LAWRIE INSURANCE BROKERS LTD HERE FOR YOU! Article Provided by KIN PARTNER, Dan Lawrie Insurance Brokers Ltd. HomeHome-Based Businesses Beware! Does having a home business affect my personal home insurance? The short answer is yes. Traditionally, insurers have been reluctant to endorse personal policies to cover “commercial” enterprises. More and more people are starting home-based businesses, for everything from marketing homemade products to keeping a home office for a consulting business. From an insurer’s perspective, this adds new types of risk to your home, and therefore, may require additional insurance. Residential policies provide limited coverage on business property Anything you use in running your home-based business is subject to the limits of insurance and/or might not be covered at all. Be aware that: Dollar limits apply on business property, computer and software. This limit might be as low as $2,000 in total, which would not cover even the most basic home office. Your policy might completely exclude any special equipment that you keep in your home for business purposes. Items that are covered for business use are usually only covered while in the home. So, for example, if the computer you use for your home-based business is stolen while on a trip, it may not be covered. Home-based business policies can be tailored to your precise needs with a variety of flexible coverage options including loss of business property on and off premises, stolen credit cards, money or securities related to your home business, losses due to interruption of your business, liability losses connected with your business and much more. Some home businesses may require added liability insurance The operation of your home-based business might mean that you have more people coming and going, and therefore, more risk associated with the activities in your home. If this is the case, not only will a basic liability limit of one million dollars likely not cover you properly, but also, some insurers might refuse to cover a third party claim by a customer or employee who is injured in your home. An application may be required to be completed to evaluate the exposures and underwrite the risk. Today, we are confronted with changing lifestyles, increased communication facilities in our homes, and many people preferring to be self-employed or operating a small business from their home. If you think this situation applies to you, talk to your insurance professional about your home business and make sure your insurance company is made aware of your home-based business activities. To avoid unpleasant surprises, it is important to work with a professional in this area. Additional questions? Ask us, we’re here to help! For additional information, no-cost advice or for your free, no-obligation insurance quote, please call Dan Lawrie Insurance Brokers at (905) 525525-7259 or toll-free at 1-800-661-1518. • Be sure to visit your new KIN interactive website at and take advantage of: • Free, instant onon-line auto insurance quotations from 15 of the top insurance companies in the marketplace, • A comprehensive Tools & Resources Library that includes tips and advice to help better understand your insurance, • Your welcoming video message from President & CEO, Dan Lawrie • A complete list of our Products and Services, • On-line quote requests for all lines of insurance KINSHIP 1 Page 26 RISK MANAGER LIFE MEMBER DAVE MCKENZIE (Continued from page 5) Any club may withdraw from the program at the same time and every year following upon receipt of the national billing received in October. Past National President Doug Robinson Going forward as new members are added to the rosters they will be automatically covered and the following year will be added to the billing in the national dues. There will be no extra costs at the beginning of their Kin career for the coverage. I am working closely with past Risk Manager Bill to ensure that the membership remains informed of the changes that have or may take place with coverage now and in the future. I will be available at FLC to answer any questions anyone has or the membership can email me at david.mckenzie2@sympat or call me at 519659-2850 and I will respond as soon as possible to your enquires. At spring convention the floor voted to have Accident Insurance for the membership of District 1. The first year was to be covered by monies from the surplus account which was done and the second year was to be added to the dues sent out in June for the District billing of $1.80 + applicable taxes per person. At National convention an agreement with the insurance company was changed to cover the entire association of Kin. The policy will start in December of 2009 to December 2010 and be billed to all of the clubs again. The council has made arrangements for District 1 portion to be (Continued on page 28) KINSHIP 1 Page 27 Medieval Times Fall Leadership Convention of Kin November 13th – 15th, 2009 Hosted by the Kinsmen Club of Mount Forest HOTEL INFORMATION Best Western Royal Brock Hotel & Convention Centre (Formally Ramada Inn) Registration Information 716 Gordon Street Name: _____________________________________________________________ Guelph, Ontario Address: ___________________________________________________________________ N1G 1Y6 City/Town: _________________________Postal Code: _____________________ Phone: _______________________ Alternate Phone: ______________________ E-Mail: _____________________________________________________________ Home Club: _________________________________________________________ Is this your First Convention? Yes _______ No __________ 519-836-1240 Rooms $89.95 per night Plus taxes Suites Available Please Book your own rooms, Quote “Kinsmen FLC” for the above rate FULL Registration: Full Early (If paid by October 16th, 2009) $89.00 Full Late (if paid after October 16th, 2009) $95.00 --------------------------REGISTRATION DETAILS Enclose cheques payable to Individual Meals: Serf’s Up Breakfast $ 7.50 Feudal Society Lunch $30.00 M’ Lords and M’Ladies Dinner Gala $50.00 Camelot or Not Breakfast $ 7.50 (If you have special dietary requirements, please contact Kin John) No Debit, Credit Cards, or Post-Dated Cheques accepted. “Medieval Times FLC” & Mail to: John Williamson 542 Cork Street Mount Forest, On N0G 2L3 For More Info: John 519-323-4205 or Gord 519-334-3693 We are on the web! DISTRICT 1 KIN Kinship 1 Submissions Kinette Carol Cooper 154 Inverary Cres, London, On, N6G 3L8 District Mail Secretary: Cindy Maxwell 33 Hillcrest Ave, Simcoe, On, N3Y 4K6 National Co Chairs Past Governor Cheryl Patterson and Life Member Denny Pyatt B A C K T O T H E F U T U R E Kin Canada – the Association of Kinsmen, Kinette and Kin clubs is proud to be an allCanadian service organization made up of outstanding community volunteers. From coast to coast, members are enhancing quality of life in their communities by promoting service, fellowship, positive values and national pride. The Association boasts a proud 89-year history dedicated to fostering lifelong friendships while “Serving the C o m m u n i t y ’s Greatest Need.” THE BACK PAGE - KINSHIP 1 EDITOR CAROL COOPER This is your space for your news about your club or zone. As Kinship 1 Editor, I will try to promote as many events in your area as I can. I want you to use this publication to shout out to your fellow KIN! If you need help writing press releases; event stories please write me with the details and I will help promote your event and can give you tips on how to get the word out. Write me at . Yours in Kin, Kinship 1 Editor Carol Cooper RISK MANAGER LIFE MEMBER DAVE MCKENZIE (Continued from page 26) paid out of the money that has already been collected and the National dues will reflect that on the billing. There will be a workshop at Fall Leadership Confer- ence to explain all of the changes that have occurred and what effect it has on the District. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me and I will do my best to find the answers for you. Yours in Kin Have a great day! Risk Manager Life Member Dave McKenzie
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