Kinsmen and Kinette Clubs of Greater London


Kinsmen and Kinette Clubs of Greater London
Issue 6 Volume 82|District 1 Zone F| April 2014
Kinsmen and Kinette Clubs
of Greater London
Dave and Bea Crowley Presidents
D&C Cooper Bulletin Editors
Kinsmen Club of Greater London meet 2nd and 4th Thursdays
at Various London Venues
Kinette Club of London meet 3rd Thursdays
at Various London Restaurants
Po Box 633, Stn B, London, On N6A 4Y4 | ph 519-461-1073
Well winter has come and gone and spring
has finally sprung. A sure sign of this is
our Kinsmen Fanshawe Sugar Bush
Maple Festival is in the books.
I want to thank my Kin family and all my
volunteers who braved the weather and all
elements to make this year’s festival a
great historical success.
Good Kin Art and Good Kin Russ: I am
proud to have worked with you on this
project. It is always fantastic and I thank
my Kin spouse for the hours Bea worked
at this project. It was a bit trying at times
but in true Kin fashion we rock thanks to
I hope we all are ready for a busy spring
and summer remember to have fun enjoy
and most of all play safe.
It is election time so please if asked to
help on the club don’t be shy.
Again thanks to all for a great Kin year and
I am looking forward to many more.
P.S. I stopped in at the fitness centre to
witness some of our members changing
the shape of our club my hats off to you
All for now President Dave
Bob Boone
This week's Husky Hero is Bob Boone of
London. Bob has been a member of Kin Canada
for 26 years; 22 of them as an active member of
the Kinsman Club of Greater London. in Oct
2011, our club received a letter from a friend of
Jayne Edwards saying she was in need of
transportation for grocery shopping, errands, and
outings just to get out of the tiny apartment she
has. She has significant mobility issues. Bob
volunteered immediately. The following week
and every week since then Bob has taken Jayne
out 1-3 times a week for groceries, entertainment
or anything else she needs or just to get her out
of the apartment. One of Jayne's major
pleasures was reading but she was experiencing
problems flipping pages of a book. Bob helped
her buy an ereader and showed her how to
download ebooks from the London Public library
over the internet. He recently assisted her to buy
a small freezer so she could stock up with
favorite items when they were on sale. I would
also like to add that our club would totally lost
without our fine unsung hero good kin Bob.
Kinsmen Club of Greater London | Kinette Club of London | Po Box 633, Stn B, London, On N6A 4Y4 | ph 519-461-1073
VOLUNTEERISM proves that - In every straining, there is a
training; in every training, there is a learning; and in
every learning, there is an earning.
Hello everyone!
It’s nice to get back to things that we normally do.
Another Sugar Bush has come and gone even though
we are still boiling. Saturday was the Appreciation
Day for all the volunteers that worked at the Sugar
I thank all the Kinettes for all their hard work in
participating in the Kinsmen Fanshawe Sugar Bush
Project. The Kinsmen thank us for our support in their
Going forward I am excited to say we are into spring
and with that there is the Great Strides Walk in
support of Cystic Fibrosis Sunday May 25, 2014. We
have an official ask from the Chapter for this event
which I will bring to the meeting. I also have an ask
from Cystic Fibrosis Canada to partner with them in a
fundraising project which I am very excited to bring
and I think this would be perfect for our Club to do.
This can be used for our Cystic Fibrosis contribution
from our Club.
We are also in the final stages of our Essay Contest.
We have determined a winner and now Cheryl and
Esther are preparing along with the school on
presentation. So you can see we have been very busy
and productive.
Congratulations and jobs well done to all our
members. We are also working on next year’s
executive and New Member installation. It has been a
very exciting and rewarding year for all of us and me.
Kinsmen Club of Greater London | Kinette Club of London | Po Box 633, Stn B, London, On N6A 4Y4 | ph 519-461-1073
Happy Founders Day to Kin Canada, our national partner of
50 years. Kinsmen and Kinettes have made tremendous
contributions to the fight against cystic fibrosis, and have
raised more than $40 million in the pursuit of a cure or
effective control. Thank you Kin Canada! Like, comment and
share to help us thank Kin Canada!
Kinsmen Club of Greater London | Kinette Club of London | Po Box 633, Stn B, London, On N6A 4Y4 | ph 519-461-1073
Kinsmen Club of Greater London | Kinette Club of London | Po Box 633, Stn B, London, On N6A 4Y4 | ph 519-461-1073
HREF History
Kin Canada established the Hal Rogers Endowment Fund in memory of Hal Rogers, Kin Canada's founder who
passed away in 1994. The HREF Board of Trustees carry out the Fund's purpose to promote, encourage and
sponsor educational programs and activities.
Club Involvement
Kin Canada clubs will find their Bursary Package of materials in the Hal Rogers Endowment Fund page under
National Committees in the Member's Centre.
Kinsmen Club of Greater London | Kinette Club of London | Po Box 633, Stn B, London, On N6A 4Y4 | ph 519-461-1073
Minutes from Kinsmen Executive Meeting
Kinsmen Meeting Notes March 27, 2014
Roll Call: Marcus Krueger, Life Member Brent Woodcock, Bob Boone, President Dave Crowley
Art Cohen, Russ Howe, Vince LaFaiveDo
Brydges fun?
you Wess
like outdoor
Location Sugar bush
Volunteers are needed for the
Kinsmen Fanshawe Sugar Bush Maple
Bottling this meeting
Volunteer Orientation is Saturday
Correspondence tabled till next meeting
February 15th, 10 am – noon with
Treasurers Report
lunch to follow.
Bingo – 5421.13
General – 82.78
Call 519-461-1073 to reserve your
Service – 23692.45
Funds from Sugar Bush lower than expected
May have to cut donations
Motion to accept treasurer’s report as stated
Moved by Dave Crowley Second by Vince Carried
Sugar bush:
Target to come out this weekend
Ricco to sponsor horses this Saturday
We have to make sure this weekend works.
Wrap up party April 5th 11 to 2
Healthy Health inspector was here last weekend
Water test strips
Look at adjusting Operating weekends 4 or 5 weekends
Shift start weekend one week later
Tuesday April 2nd Both Sugar bush tour and Bingo
Kinsmen Club of Greater London | Kinette Club of London |Po Box 633, Stn B, London, On N6A 4Y4 | ph519-461-1073
From the President Electric Dave and the Sugar Bush Crew
Wow, it has been quite the adventure so far!
We have had lots of ups and downs at this year’s 2014
Kinsmen Fanshawe Sugar Bush Project. The highlights
have been many so far. Lots of new volunteers and
potential members have been coming out for both clubs.
This has been another fantastic year of advertising; great
job Carol and everyone else for spreading the
word. Although we have been busy, it seems that we
have been steady and not crazy. Our numbers seem to
be down, though both last Saturday & Sunday we hosted
around 450 people. Many of our days have been around
those numbers with some up in the 600's and then on our
early cold days we were under 100; lots of variety this
year. We will have a better idea of totals after the next
week. It seemed we were going to be down in tours as
well, however since we have started to warm up Cheryl
has been getting more calls to arrange more tours. The
one area that seems to be down for sure is our syrup
sales. People seem to be holding on to their money a
little more.
Our boiling crews have been hard at work and we have
been producing some great syrup. This will continue and
we will hopefully have a great production season. The
weather appears to be co-operating this area. Lots of
cold days still forecast so we should get a long boiling
season. The question is will we last?
So far all has been going really well! On behalf of the
2014 Sugar Bush committee, I want thank everyone for
all your support and extra work this year. Together, along
with our many volunteers we are making this 2014 Sugar
Bush Project a success.
Art, Dave & Russ,
I am pleased to report that we have new
members just waiting to join and to add
to the one new member we have at this
time, exciting times ahead and with good
fun, respect and fellowship we are ready
for anything.
Thanks fellow Kinsmen,
President Electric Dave Crowley
PS Kingrats to Kin Bob Boone!
Kinsmen Club of Greater London | Kinette Club of London |Po Box 633, Stn B, London, On N6A 4Y4 | ph519-461-1073
Minutes from the Kinette Club of London
Kinette Club of London General Meeting #7
Thursday March 20, 2014
Location: Shelly restaurant on Wellington Rd.
Arrival: 6:30pm
Call to order: 7:10 pm
O Canada: Kin Holly
Kin Song: Kin Cheryl
Moment of Silence
Address: President Bea, guests and fellow Kinettes; When will winter ever end?
Present: Kin Bea, Esther, Kim, Carol, Holly and Cheryl
Guests: Bonita Stevens -Vere, Elise Stark and Carol Richardson
Sergeant at Arms: Kin Carol
O Canada: Kin Cheryl
Secretary’s report: MMS. Kin Cheryl/Holly: to accept February general minutes and March executive minutes as
circulated by email.
Treasurer’s Report: Kin Esther: General Account: $2,869.24 Service Account: $1,269.26
Bills: $165. Spring Convention registration for club pres.
MMS. Kin Esther/Kim: to accept the treasurer’s report as presented.
MMS. Kin Carol/Holly that we purchase Kin Canada flag at #33 + tax.
Registrar’s Report: Kin Cheryl: 3 Members, 3 Life members and 3 Guests 60% attendance.
Membership Director: Our guests were asked individually if it is their intension to join the Kinette Club of London.
All 3 answered yes. Director will contact Kin Head Quarters with this up date to our club roster. Congratulations
ladies we have grown by 3 members tonight. Welcome to Bonita, Alize
and Carol R.
Old Business: 1. Christmas Bazaar: Kin Holly/Kim returned the start-up funds for this project. Thanked everyone
2. Waiting to hear about: a) blood pressure cuffs: presentation date to be arranged b) Receipts for Adopt 3 Sr.
Christmas shopping; c) Kin Carol has begun communications with the new high school expressing our club’s desire
to sponsor an award (maybe June 2016)
These projects were explained for our guests along with the Chartwell card meetings that our men hold.
3. Zone F Conference: Kin Bea: awards won: Jr, bulletin- Kin Carol from London
Kinette of the Year: Kin Kim from London
Kinsmen of the Year: Kin Bob B. from London
Quill award Kin Carol and Russ H. from London
Deputy Governor Elect for Kinettes: Kin Karen Coutts from St. Thomas
For Kinsmen: Kin Darryl Van Morsel from Dorchester
Zone F Conference 2015 will be hosted by Aylmer Kinsmen
Kinsmen Club of Greater London | Kinette Club of London | Po Box 633, Stn B, London, On N6A 4Y4 | ph 519-461-1073
Minutes from the Kinette Club of London continued
Perc Dawson Golf Tournament will be hosted by Kinsmen Club of Greater London Aug. 22 (?) in Strathroy.
Correspondence: 1. Ministry of Service: date correction on our filing. Done and returned.
Committee Reports: 1. Olympic event: Kin Bea: summarized and gave a financial report.
2. Essay contest: Kin Cheryl/Esther: Winner for the grade 5 is Ellen McDonald from West Nissouri P.S.
Sponsors and teachers have been up dated and we are arranging the presentation date. Thank you,
Kinettes for your time to judge the entries. No grade 6 entries.
3. Sugar Bush: Kin Cheryl: Summarized current events and thank all who have helped so far. Please come
out over the next 2 weekends, wear a cap if you plan to be in the kitchen.
4. Gem and Java: Kin Holly: explained event for our guests and mentioned that this event has grown to 2
days. Please contact Kin Holly if you are able to assist. Friday April 4th from 7 to 9:30pm and Saturday April
5th from 2 to 4:30pm. Please arrive 1 hour early, wearing black pants, white shirt and Kin apron as we will
be serving food; Location Innerkip.
5. Pepperettes: Kin Bea: up-dating order form as costs have changed, watch for an email
New Business: 1. $0.25 auction event: Kin Kim: March 27th at St. Ann’s Centre 20 Morrison Dr. St. Thomas
admission $5 each with proceeds to Kidney Foundation. Suggests we attend to learn how to host this style of event
from 5:30 to 11pm RSVP Kin Kim
2. Spring Convention in Collingwood, Ontario May 2-4, 2014 has its registration form online, now.
3. Great Strides: London Kinettes will support Kin teams.
4. Dragon Boat: Kin Bea: We were contacted to see if any of us would like to join a rowing team. Individual replies
to Addy.
5. Princess Ball: Kin Carol: The London area Cystic Fibrosis members are planning to host this style of event in the
Fall of 2014. St. Thomas Kinettes are supporting this. MMS. Kin Carol /Esther that we assist this project when it
comes to London.
6. CPR: Kin Kim shared that an instructor has been speaking with her. He is able to do this course for $20 each.
More details to research.
Good of Kin: Sugar Bush March 22/23, 29/30 Friday 28th 5 to 7pm; Sugar Bush wrap up party April 5th from 11 to
2pm at the sugar bush. Chartwell residence to have a tour before our lunch. Gem and Java April 4th and 5th RSVP
Kin Holly; Spring Convention May 2 to 4, 2014 hosted by Collingwood. 1964;Next Kinette general meeting April 17th
Kin Kim will contact us. Next Kinette executive meeting April 8th at Kin Carol’s; April 1st Kinsmen bingo could use
one more helper please. Kin Colleen is at home recovering from a work injury.
Adjourned: 8:43 pm MMS. Kin Esther
Historical picture time-line of the Kinette Club of London was led by Life Member Carol.
Thank you to our guests for joining us. Thank you Life Member Carol for researching our history in honour of Kin
Kinsmen Club of Greater London | Kinette Club of London |Po Box 633, Stn B, London, On N6A 4Y4 | ph519-461-1073
Dates to Remember:
Kinette Mystery Meeting Thursday April 17th
Kinsmen/Kinette Labatt Tour Thursday April 24
District 1 Convention May 2
Kinette Exec May 6th at Life Member Irene’s
May 8th Kinsmen Meeting
May 10th Royal Le Page BBQ/Garage Sale
Fundraiser 425 Dundas St 7 am
May 15th Kinette meeting 6 pm Montanas Tour of
Ronald McDonald House 4 pm
May 22nd Kinsmen Meeting/Elections
May 24th Drayton Kinette Charter
May 25th Great Strides for Cystic Fibrosis
May 31st Saugeen Shores Kin Club Charter
June 12th Kinsmen Meeting
June 14th St. Thomas Kinette Anniversary
June 19th Kinette Installation and Induction of new
members Crowley’s House Potluck 4:30 pm
July 1st London Celebrates Canada BBQ Harris Park
All Day
Kinsmen Club of Greater London | Kinette Club of London | Po Box 633, Stn B, London, On N6A 4Y4 | ph 519-461-1073
District Resolutions 1 of 4
I am Bonita Stevens-Vere recently married, and have a 15 year old step son, Born in
Thorndale, living in London, work for Bell for 17 years. I have been lucky to have
traveled twice to Africa and once to Peru with different mission groups, and hope to do
a ton more! Helping others is soul food!!! WELCOME, BONITA!
What the Heartbleed Bug Is and Why You Need to Change Your Passwords
The last time we alerted you to a major security breach was when Adobe’s password database was compromised,
putting millions of users (especially those with weak and frequently reused passwords) at risk. Today we’re warning
you about a much bigger security problem, the Heartbleed Bug, that has potentially compromised a staggering 2/3rds
of the secure websites on the internet. You need to change your passwords, and you need to start doing it now.
Kinsmen Club of Greater London | Kinette Club of London | Po Box 633, Stn B, London, On N6A 4Y4 | ph 519-461-1073
District Resolutions 2, 3, of 4
District Resolutions 4 of 4
2 Part Resolution Submitted by the Kinette Club of London February 2014
District House Rules
pg 17 Article 11 Annual District Convention
Section 2 Time and Location
Whereas there is no reference in our District 1 House Rules or National Governing Operating Bylaws concerning
accessibility at our Annual District Meeting.
Whereas the District 1 Annual Meeting and the Fall Leadership Conference include Council meetings, hospitality
suites, dinners, workshops, and all general business meetings of the day.
Whereas facilities for the District 1 Annual Meetings and the Fall Leadership Conference should be chosen in
consideration of the Ontario Disabilities Act and Human Rights Commission in order to be inclusive to all members of
the District.
Therefore be it resolved that the following be added to our District 1 House Rules: Article 11 Section 2
4. The host club must provide accessible venues for all annual District 1 meetings, including District 1 Council
meetings, dinners, workshops and hospitality suites as per the Ontario Disabilities Act.
Whereas there is no reference in our District 1 House Rules or National Governing Operating Bylaws concerning
accessibility at our Fall Leadership Conference.
Whereas the District 1 Annual Meeting and the Fall Leadership Conference include Council meetings, hospitality
suites, dinners, workshops, and all general business meetings of the day.
Whereas facilities for the District 1 Annual Meetings and the Fall Leadership Conference should be chosen in
consideration of the Ontario Disabilities Act and Human Rights Commission in order to be inclusive to all members
of the District.
Therefore be it resolved that the following be added to our District 1 House Rules Article 12 Section 4:
6. The host club must provide accessible venues for District 1 Fall Leader Conference meetings, including District
1 Council meetings, dinners, workshops and hospitality suites.
Please Read these resolutions and let your Presidents know your
opinion on these, so they can vote at the District Convention in
Collingwood in May.
Kinsmen Club of Greater London
c/o Mr. Dave Crowley
PO Box 633 Stn B
London, ON
N6A 4Y4
Kinette Club of London
c/o Ms. Beatrice Crowley
PO Box 633 Stn B
London, ON
N6A 4Y4
Tuesday, April 1st, 2014
Dear Dave and Bea,
We are thrilled that Kin Canada, as a National Team Partner in the London area for over 20 years, has continued
its support to the Great Strides™ campaign! Kin Canada has, for many years, played a vital role in the fight
against CF in Canada. Since 1964, your members have raised more than $38 million in support of Cystic Fibrosis
On behalf of the members of Cystic Fibrosis Canada, we would like to request the Kinsmen Club of Greater
London to cook and provide a pancake breakfast and candy floss for our participants at our Great Strides Walk!
Our Great StridesTM walk, in support of Cystic Fibrosis Canada, will take place at Greenway Park on
Sunday, May 25, 2014. Based on last year’s response, we are once again offering both a walk/run format for
this year. If you are in agreement, we are asking Greater London Kinsmen to feed the walkers before they start
walking from 9 am to 9:45 (walk/run commences at 10 am); then feeding the runners when they arrive after 10
am. We ask that setup for the breakfast to begin at 8am to eliminate confusion as participants begin to arrive.
We also would appreciate any tables, chairs and tents that the Greater London Kinsmen have access to in order to
help provide comfort and shelter to our participants.
Our committee would gratefully welcome the Kinette Club of London to once again assist with the events of the
day. We would appreciate knowing how many volunteers are able to assist with activities including set up and take
down before/after the walk/run.
We hope you agree to support the progress being made in CF research and treatment, by participating in the Great
Strides™ walk. In recognition of your long-standing support of the Foundation, all pledges and donations
collected by Kin members will be credited to Kin Canada’s annual Foundation contribution! Kin members can
identify themselves by checking the ‘I am a Kin Canada member’ box on the hard-copy or on-line pledge form.
If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact us at the phone numbers and email
addresses listed below.
We are taking steps to cure cystic fibrosis! Thank you for your kind partnership!
Teresa Peart
Food/Drink Coordinator
Marz Taylor
Chair 226-678-1344
Life in the Fast Lane but 18
Looking Up- Kin Quill Entry
Life Member Carol L. Cooper Kinette Club of London
My life was turned upside down for five years as I dealt with severe arthritis in my knees and knee injuries. My life quickly
went from being able to stand, to use a cane, a walker then a wheelchair.
I used to drive for special needs children – so was used to watching for barrier free facilities, ramps, and power doors.
What I found surprising was what it was like being on the inside of the wheelchair, instead of pushing it.
Difficulties occurred within my professional life, my service work and my personal life.
I worked from home, but had to arrange monthly meetings. I would pick up and deliver items for my work- park the car, get
out the walker, load it up then carry on. That did not bother me. What bothered me were peers that I worked for and with,
teasing and making fun of me. Depending on the level of my knee pain- I could use either a walker or a cane. A friend would
pick me up on bad days and push me in a wheelchair. I was jeered at because sometimes I used one and not the other, or
told, “Ya right, you are faking it.”
I am an active member of my service club. Conventions are held twice yearly with people from all over the province. Some
of these “service minded” people did exactly the same as my coworkers. “I was faking it.” I was on our executive board,
along with a couple others: one with breathing problems and the other with heart problems. We were to attend an
executive meeting on a second floor, only accessible by stairs. No consideration was made for us. I was the only one to
speak up about OUR concern and we were told ‘that they were sorry, too bad; we’ll find you when we are done.’ The
general meeting was accessible but the hospitality rooms were not. Hmm, our main charity that we raise funds for is Cystic
Fibrosis. The person with the breathing problem, which also was excluded from the meeting, has cystic fibrosis.
My personal life changed radically. I am a very outgoing person. I would go on spur of the moment road trips, visit family,
go to movies, shop; you name it – I went places. As I became less and less mobile, and was house bound: I had to rely on
mostly my husband, my two children that lived out of town and my home service club members. I couldn’t shop for
groceries or household items unless someone was with me. Very few wanted to go with me because they had to drop me
off at the store door and wait while a mobile scooter became available or they would have to push me. The distance from
the parking lot to the store was too far. Some store wheelchairs or scooters are at the back of the stores so I wouldn’t be
able to use them either, so I didn’t go there anymore.
Two stores that had mobility scooters that I could use were Costco and Walmart. The shopping experiences were different
as night and day. While in Costco – the land of “too big” items, I couldn’t not only lift items into the basket on the scooter,
but couldn’t open doors, or even see the titles of my favourite book counter. The books were too high and the doors were
too heavy and hard to maneuver. To the other shoppers, I was invisible. If anything, I was in their way of their carts and
their shopping experience. A checkout had a wheelchair accessible sign on the post but you could not get through and have
another customer go through the lineup next to you. So I again, inconvenienced shoppers and staff by blocking two lanes.
This is the kind of thing that makes you not want to go out in public.
I cannot say enough about Walmart. Walmart shoppers and their wonderful staff, for whatever reason, seem more aware
and are genuinely more helpful throughout. People would help me to reach something, would move over to let me though
an aisle and even carryout my purchases to my car. People talked to me! Staff talked to me!
My eyes were open to a few of the daily struggles of those that have no choice but to use a mobility device. Barrier
free public washrooms are scarce. Yes there may be a large stall, but there are one or more doors to try to go through
to get to it. Once in the oversize stall, there may be safety bars but the toilet is too low to get on or off. It’s ironic how
some places will have a fantastic wheelchair accessible washroom but they do not have a power door or even a ramp
to be able to get in to use it!
I now have the luxury of two new knees! I can walk! I still have difficulties getting out of too low chairs or vehicles.
Yes, I still park in a special needs parking space because I need to open the door fully to get in or out and swing my
legs over.
I can’t say enough about my Kinette sisters, friends and family that helped me through the last few years – getting
groceries, driving me places, kidnapping me to get out of the house. They held my arm to steady me, walked behind
me as I attempted stairs, checked out seating arrangements, so that I would be comfortable, and held me when I
cried. I am blessed to have them in my life.
My life on the other side of the chair has made me more vigilant in accessing the needs of others to make their lives
happier. No one deserves to be treated as invisible, as a fake, as a problem. Their disability was not created to
inconvenient others. It’s up to the rest of us to open our eyes and change our way of thinking.
Word Count 999
Cool Customer Service Story – Kin Russ
Not to brag however it feels pretty good sometimes to share a cool story of extra customer service.
Yesterday, during our last school tour I came up to the front to find a mom and her son waiting outside on the cold
I enquired about what was going on. It ended up that the young boy had a disability and was unable to do the walking
tour. I said that was unfortunate and moved onto my assigned task.
However, the more I thought about it the more I thought I needed to do something about it or at least offer too.
I went back outside and offered to take them on a personal tour from my van. Mom quickly excepted and we loaded
up, starting with mom lifting him into the van.
As we drove out towards our first stop they received all the tour info as if they had been on the walking tour.
Our first stop was a tree next to the road where I could jump out and show them the lines and how the sap was being
sucked through the lines. Next we went to the first Nations display. I jumped out again and demonstrated how the
water in the sap was boiled off with a hot rock, and then I ran back to the van with the antlers so they could see and
touch them.
Then we backed down the road so we were in the correct position to see the Pioneer display. Again I jumped out and
brought the bucket and spiel over for them to see. Next we moved over to the flat pan display and finally I drove right
up evaporator shack and the three of us where able to get out and took a short summarized tour of the modern
I was rewarded with the best compliment. I guess just before I had offered to take them out, the young boy had said
to his mom, he wasn’t sure why he came on the tour. After the driving tour he was very excited and happy about the
day and seemed to have really enjoyed himself.
On Saturday April 26th the Tillsonburg Kinsmen club is organizing a day to go and see a Blue
Jays Game in Toronto. We have 44 seats reserved of which a little more than half are already
price Community’s
includes :Round
trip seat
1932 on our Limo bus operated by A
Universal Limo, check it out <>;Your entrance to the
game. All seats have been reserved behind 3rd base line, approx 12 rows up.; Dinner at
McMullan's on Highland in Kitchener which will include a mixture of pizza, wings, fries,
appetizers, and your first 2 drafts.
There could also be a few surprises along the way and there is sure to be some
money making opportunities with some game boards. Those that have ever attended
a Kinsmen event before I am sure can tell you "We never disappoint"!!!
Anyway if you are interested please let me know. Price is $150/seat. We normally
require a $50 deposits to hold your spot but at this point we will just collect
in full the day of.
RSVP ASAP to President of Tillsonburg .Cedric Tomico (519) 842-8628
Around the District:
Drayton Kinette Club will Charter May 24th!
Kinette Club of Tillsonburg is hosting a Princess
Kinette Club of St. Thomas is helping the Tom
Zombie Prom
Simcoe Kinettes cater to the Port Dover Friday
the 13th Police
1920 Hal Rogers Dr. | Cambridge, Ontario N3H5C6
Phone 1-800-PICK KIN |
Four of the London Kinettes have been to Africa!
Guess who?

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