05_08_2016 - Queen of All Saints Basilica
MAY 8, 2016 · ASCENSION OF THE LORD Queen of All Saints Basilica First Holy Communion 2016 Mass Schedule Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 6:45, 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 am 12:30 pm Daily Mass Monday-Friday 6:30, 7:30, 8:45 am Saturday 8:00 am Confessions Saturday following the 8:00 am Mass until all are heard Holy Hour Monday at 7:00pm Happy Mother’s Day www.qasparish.org Alice O'Hearn Luca Grabowski Madonna Aguilar Nathan Olszewski Marco Graham Alyson Alcain Matthew Osterman William Haring Cian Alcantara Benett Palma John Haring Lorelai Arends Anna Pappageorge James Holowaty Ava Arguelles Arianna Paul Dexter Honda Isabel Arranz Olivia Philbin Ryan Huening Norie Balbarin William Pikarski Grace Ingles Mariana Bañuelos Grace Praznowski Gabriella Janus Nicholas Belcore Ella Puljic Margaret Jirgal Luke Berghoff Laine Rettell Matt Eivan Bernardino Maxwell Karczmarzyk Kevin Rodricks Victoria Karczmarzyk Nicholas Berndt John Anthony Romano Brian Keane Domenica Brunetti Emilie San Roman Lilyana Kielbasa Michaela Burm Brennan Sanchez Henry Kim Kai Calcutt Patrick Sanner Ciaran Koehn Natalia Cerrado Lucas Savaiano Martina Krpan Bridget Coffman Luke Schmucker Alexa Kuman Nora Colgan Amelia Seto Sebastian LaCour Griffin Connolly Penelope Shannon Maeve Lally Maggie Corbett Bridget Smith Oskar Lesniak Samuel Curry Michael Stone Marycait Mackie Nichole De la Pena Joseph Stumm Mary-Brigid Maté James Degand Hazel Tabora Madelyn McNamara Jordyn DeVincent Peter Tedeski Gabriel Meadows Kelvin Doan Joaquin Tejada Benjamin Mellinger Aiden Doerscheln Devin Tinimbang Nicolas Mendieta Miles Drennan Tien Tong Kristel Mercado Lorenzo Elano Sofia Ujiki Nomar Meza Grace Engelbert Christopher Evangelides Lana Urgel Sophia Miller Max Evens Colin Vardijan Landon Mitchell Gage Fallows Emily Vasilj Isabella Monastero Conor Fitzgerald Breanna Vendiola Grant Mulhern Thomas Fowler Amelie Lei Vizconde Lauren Navarrete Loraine Francisco Ava Vlasic Liljana Nelson Olivia Fraterrigo Maria Voight Evan Nguyen Harry Fry Daniel Voss Connolly Nugent Benjamin Gempeler Maya Walczak Anu Odisho Alivia Giamalva Kathleen Warner Ronan O'Donnell William Glunz Liam Weinberg 6280 N. Sauganash Avenue ■ Chicago, Illinois 60646 ■ Phone: 773-736-6060 ■ Fax: 773-736-6099 From the Pastor A beautiful tradition that is developing here at Queen of All Saints is the simple devotion to the Blessed Mother by the First Communicants of our parish on Mother’s Day. The children put on their finery once again, march in solemn procession at the 9:30 Mass and place flowers before the statue of the Blessed Mother in the sanctuary. The children then sit with their parents for the rest of Mass and come forward to receive their second Communion with the other members of the assembly. So much goes on in the swirl of activities that comes upon us each May that this simple, quiet moment of respect and esteem for the Blessed Mother of our Savior, Jesus Christ, provides an oasis of peace for all of us. May is traditionally celebrated as the month of Our Lady. And rightly so. In the natural world May is the month when the bulbs buried in the fall begin to sprout new life. As my own mother used to tell us as we sometimes crouched in the basement during thunderstorms, “April showers bring May flowers.” May speaks of fertility, the regeneration of life, the re-awakening of all that is lifeless to the warmth and brightness of the sun. That’s why it is particularly appropriate that we recognize the role of the Blessed Virgin Mary in bearing the human body of her divinely-begotten Son into the world, in bringing the light of the world itself into human existence. And, since all Christian people, because of their baptism, live a whole new kind of life, life in Christ, Mary is honored as the mother of us all. Her embrace gathers all under her cloak and into her arms: the children of war and conflict, the children of drought and famine, the children of abundance and wealth, the children of hunger and devastation, the children of immigrants and people on the move, orphaned and abandoned children, spoiled and indulged children, children of every race, every nation and every age. For this reason Mary is a worthy object of the prayerful devotion of all of us – not just women and mothers – but fathers and sons as well. Since our splendid Basilica as well as the whole parish is dedicated to the Blessed Mother in her role as Queen of All Saints, she occupies a special place in our devotion. I wonder how many of our parishioners know how frequently their neighbors gather in prayer to honor the Blessed Mother? Every Monday night there is a novena to Mary prayed from 6 - 7. During that novena special Marian prayers are said which include the recitation of the Rosary, the litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary and several Marian songs. A Holy Hour of Eucharistic adoration immediately follows that novena every Monday evening and always includes the Rosary and often other prayers in honor of the Blessed Mother. A fairly large group of those who attend the 8:45 Mass every day remain afterwards to pray the Rosary together. These devotions are only fitting in a parish named for Mary, Queen of All Saints. And it is also very fitting that as we honor Mary today, we also honor all mothers. The First Communicants can perhaps represent all of us as they place their flowers before the statue of Mary. Perhaps we can see in them a little of ourselves showing respect, esteem and affection not just to the Blessed Mother but also to each of our own mothers. Each of us owes so much to our mothers and yet, sadly, we can sometimes take their enormous sacrifices on our behalf for granted. Moms are always there; moms can’t get sick; moms can hardly ever find a moment for themselves; moms don’t think of themselves first; moms are the greatest. May God bless them. Monsignor John Pollard 2 | Queen of All Saints Basilica • Chicago, IL Parish News Religious Education News Vacation Bible School: Surf Shack: Catch the Wave of God’s Amazing Love Once again, Queen of All Saints is offering 4 days of exploring bible stories in music, games, crafts, snacks, and the ever popular pail mail. If you have a 4 year old through the 5th grade, the days of June 27th - June 30th are designed just for you. The day begins at 9AM when we all head out to sea. Campers return to shore at 12 noon with tales of Creation, Moses, and Jesus serving a seaside breakfast. All of the fun will cost only $60. Grab your sunscreen and your surf board and be the ones who experience God’s amazing love this summer. Call the RE Office for details on registration. RE Registration Registration is now open on the parish website. Simply download the documents, fill them out and bring them to the office. Please note that there is a slight change. All returning students need to fill out one set of documents, but all new students need to fill out a different set of forms. This change was meant to simply forms for returning students. Any family wishing to receive the early bird discount of $50 per family must pay in full. The deadline for early bird registration is June 15th. In the case that you would like to pay with a credit card, please go to GIVE Central, and follow their procedure. Mercy Works! Baptized Into the Faith Nathan Dimitar Pellicano Son of Keith & Mary Pankovski Sebrina Salamero Komar Daughter of Mark & Mylene Salamero Komar William Theodore Morrissey Son of William F. & Carrie Sutkus Morrissey Throughout Lent, we invited everyone to participate in doing “works of mercy”. In Pope Francis’ declaring 2016 a holy Year of Mercy, let us continue to fill our box! Please write down your “Work of Mercy” and place it in the baskets throughout the Basilica or our collection box located under the Sacred Heart of Mercy altar in the Basilica (east side). Or you can e-mail your work of mercy to: qasoffice@qasparish.org. Ascension of the Lord • May 8, 2016 | 3 Welcome and Information Meeting on New Troop Forming Open to Queen of All Saints 2016-2017 Kindergarten Class Girls Monday, May 16 3:30 p.m Queen of All Saints Cafeteria We are in need of enthusiastic people to be Girl Scout Leaders for the 2016-2017 Queen of All Saints Daisy Kindergarten Troop. There will be information about existing troops, how to become a leader, volunteer resources, training, and other opportunities that are available for girls and adults. Being a Girl Scout volunteer is a wonderful way to spend quality time with your daughter and make a difference in others girls’ lives. Girls are encouraged to attend as well. For more information or to RSVP contact Tara Keating 312-925-2301 or tarak1013@yahoo.com. Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. Our monthly meeting, along with a Pizza Party will be this... The QAS Daily Rosary Group invites all to join in a “Display of Prayer” by saying at least one Hail Mary everyday to end violence. 4 | Queen of All Saints Basilica • Chicago, IL Friday, May 13th 3:30 to 5:00pm Holy Name Room WHY GO TO MASS EVERY SUNDAY? REASON 24 There are times when the truth seems very hard to find. Most people don’t trust the accuracy of much of the reporting in newspapers or in the electronic media. Politicians unfortunately have lost most of their credibility and are close to the bottom of the list of people who can be trusted to speak the truth. The whole world of advertising relies partially on deception to sell products. Even truth in advertising laws haven’t seemed to regain the confidence of consumers. Some financial institutions have adopted such shady practices that they have placed the whole economy at risk. In light of scandal and cover-up, people even doubt the veracity of what the Church communicates. But of one thing we can always be sure: the truth of God’s word in the person of Jesus Christ. He is the real person we meet in the Eucharist every Sunday, the person who himself is “the Way, the Truth and the Life.” WWW.QASPARISH.ORG © Queen of All Saints Basilica, Rev. Msgr. John Pollard “I was sick and you visited me…” . We have all been homebound at some point in our lives. Perhaps the cause was a serious illness, or a postsurgery restriction, or even one of our snowy Chicago winters. Being homebound for a day or two may be a welcome respite but longer periods might have us feeling lonely, cooped-up, sad. It is these longer periods that our homebound parishioners endure. How wonderful it is to have a visitor! And, even more, to have a visitor who brings the Lord in Holy Communion. One of the Works of Mercy that we have been focusing on during this year is to visit the sick. Our Ministers of Care (formerly Homebound Ministers) live this work through their service of bringing Holy Communion to those who are unable to celebrate Mass with our community. Who can be a Minister of Care? It is someone who loves Jesus in the Eucharist and is eager to share him. It is someone who is compassionate and a good listener. What does a Minister of Care do? Once or twice a month the minister attends the 9:30 Mass and afterwards visits two or three assigned people, prays with them, and gives them Holy Communion. Any of our current ministers will tell you it is a privilege and a joy to serve our brothers and sisters in this way. Our parish will provide necessary initial and on-going training for new ministers. You will “apprentice” to a seasoned minister before you go out on your own. You will be supported by the community of Ministers of Care and share times of prayer and learning with them. Will you join us? Need more information? Please call Carole Eipers at 773-736-6060 extension 232. In the Gospel of Matthew (25:31-40) Jesus tells us that visiting the sick is one of the acts on which we will be judged. How blest those ministers are who have visited the sick! Ascension of the Lord • May 8, 2016 | 5 RAISE PADDLE! WE ARE RAISING THE PADDLE to improve our GYMNASIUM. After the basilica, it is the single most used space in our parish for large gatherings of people. Not only is it a gym but an activity center where we do our entertaining. Just like when you entertain in your home, you want your living room to look its best, be comfortable and be safe for your guests. The same should be true for our gymnasium. We are taking a 3 tiered approach towards our fundraising efforts ! e c n ! e r e act f f i d imp a ka e your M ble Dou TIER 3 $85,000 TIER 2 $55,000 TIER 1 $45,000 Tier 2 plus stage curtain Tier 1 plus new backboards, banners & score table Bleachers For every dollar we raise, a dollar is matched up to $25,000! Donate now at www.events.org/qasfieldofdreams or stop by the rectory to make your donation to this important cause. Help us reach our $85,000 goal to improve our gymnasium! 6 | Queen of All Saints Basilica • Chicago, IL Celebrating 75 Years of Queen of All Saints School “ALWAYS TIED TO QUEEN OF ALL SAINTS” Purchase a tie and support UPP and help commemorate this event! The UPP committee is selling men’s ties and untied bowties honoring the 75th anniversary of Queen of All Saints School. BUY A TIE TO SHOW YOUR SUPPORT AND WEAR IT TO UPP ON MAY 20, 2016! Show your pride for Queen of All Saints and wear your tie to First Communion, Confirmation, Graduation or to church. If you have any questions, please contact Amy Jo Parker at amyjo211@hotmail.com or Shannon Divane at shannoncgrace@aol.com. I would like to purchase ______ neck ties $40 each Please mark a style: Traditional tie $_________ Bowtie Printed Name_______________________________________________________________________ Phone_________________________________ Email_____________________________________________________ Please make all checks payable to Queen of All Saints. Completed forms and payment can be dropped off at the rectory or sent to school. Please mark the envelope UPP 2016 Neckties. Ascension of the Lord • May 8, 2016 | 7 HEADS OR TAILS! One lucky winner will take home $1,200 Quantities are limited - Order yours today! You don’t want to miss out on the fun and a chance to win cash! Heads or Tails is a fun game that will be held at the beginning of the Live Auction! For a chance to play, buy a blinker - 1 for $25 or 2 for $40 (1 for you & 1 for your guest!) (To play for a chance to win, participants must be present at the UPP) Heads or Tails Rules: Participants who have purchased a blinker are eligible to play. Only one blinker per person. Turn your blinker on and you're ready to play! The emcee will announce "It's time to play Heads or Tails" when the game is ready to begin. When directed place both hands on your "Head" or your "Tail" to await the result of the coin toss. Players matching the coin toss remain standing. The coin toss will repeat. The last person standing wins the game and the prize! If you have any questions, please contact Becky O’Hearn at becko1010@gmail.com or Susanne McNamara at smmcnamara25@yahoo.com *This game will replace Split The Pot ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name__________________________________________________ Phone____________________________ Email____________________________________________________________________________________ Please make all checks payable to Queen of All Saints I would like to purchase 1 blinker/$25 2 blinkers/$40 TOTAL $_______ *You will receive your blinker(s) at the event. UPP and its committee are not responsible for lost or stolen blinkers Completed forms and payment can be dropped off at the rectory or sent to school. Please mark the envelope “Heads or Tails” 8 | Queen of All Saints Basilica • Chicago, IL Queen of All Saints Basilica f tewardship Committed to Christ, sharing God's gifts, building the Church together Seventh Sunday of Easter —May 8, 2016 In their pastoral letter, Stewardship: A Disciple’s Response, the U.S. Catholic Bishops remind us that good disciples and stewards do the following: “As Christian stewards, we receive God’s gifts gratefully, cultivate them responsibly, share them lovingly in justice with others, and return them with increase to the Lord.” Each generation of Catholics is given an important mission: how do we pass on the faith to the next generation? Foremost is evangelization — knowing our faith well and sharing it with others. Also important is the careful and prayerful sharing of our God-given resources. “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” REVELATION 22:13 This is a reminder of how we should live our lives 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – putting God first in all that we do. Not only when I am at Mass and parish activities, but when I am in the world, at work or at school. Living gratefully and generously is a lifestyle, it’s how I make all my decisions. Our Weekly Stewardship for April 24, 2016 Actual to Prior Yr YTD Week $25,491 $1,133,344 Last Year $26,312 $1,137,376 Difference ($821) ($4,032) Actual to Budget YTD Week $25,491 $1,133,344 Weekly Budget $27,675 $1,162,350 Difference ($2,184) ($29,006) MENTAL HEATH AWARENESS St. John Paul II was aware that mental illness will increase in our age because of stress in our society. In this year of Mercy, let us come together and pray for our brothers and sisters in need who suffer from these brain diseases. Everyone is welcome to come to the Mass where we honor St. Dymphna and our Blessed Virgin Mary to intercede for these persons that suffer from mental illness. WHEN: Monday, May 16th 8:45am Mass Medals, novena booklets, and holy cards of St. Dymphna will be available. Everyone is welcomed. Refreshments afterwards in the Rectory. Ascension of the Lord • May 8, 2016 | 9 Mass Intentions Sunday, May 8th (Ascension of the Lord) - All Sunday Masses will be offered for the People of Queen of All Saints and the Benefactors of our Endowments for the School and the Parish. Monday, May 9th - School Endowment Fund Benefactors, QAS Homebound, Estelle E. Sklodowski, Patti Kushner, Angela C. Tadel, Kaas and Stegmaier families, Donald Shetler, In Honor of Our Blessed Mother Ben & Sara Testa, Aurora Vinzons, Bernice Parrilli, Aunt Elizabeth Moyes Readings: Acts 19:1-8, Jn 16:29-33 Tuesday, May 10th (St. Damien de Veuster) - Deceased Members of the QAS Widowed Group, Ruth Stegmaier, Chester & Wanda Burzawa, Stanley & Kay Przepiorski, Rev. Edwin Karlowicz C.R., Paul & Anna Burzawa, Adolph & Antoinette Burzawa, Stanley & Marya Kozlowski, Janis Johnson, John & Christine Peters, Wanda & Chestan Peters, Henry & Lillian Miller, Servillo Calabang, Agapito T. Manaois, Eufrocina B. Manaois, Jorge B. Manaois, Bianca & Rutilia Natalucci Readings: Acts 20:17-27, Jn 17:1-11a Wednesday, May 11th - Basilica Fund Members, George Stegmaier, Frank Vitacco, Ria Erdelyi, Fred Stummer, Richard F. Scheuer, Lillian Miller Readings: Acts 20:28-38, Jn 17:11b-19 Thursday, May 12th (Sts. Nereus and Achilleus/St. Pancras) - Over 50 Club Members, Eileen Stegmaier Readings: Acts 22:30, 23:6-11, Jn 17:20-26 Friday, May 13th (Our Lady of Fatima) - Chester & Wanda Burzawa, Stanley & Kay Przepiorski, Rev. Edwin Karlowicz C.R., Paul & Anna Burzawa, Adolph & Antoinette Burzawa, Stanley & Marya Kozlowski, Janis Johnson, John & Christine Peters, Wanda & Chestan Peters, Helen & Jerry Martin, Rocco Salvatore, Patria Abeleda, Stephanie L. Coyne, Rocco Salvatore, Jose F. Lim Readings: Acts 25:13b-21, Jn 21:15-19 Saturday, May 14th (St. Matthias) - Jude Menard, Special Intention, Veramel & Tommy Piazza, Dolores Smith Readings: Acts 1:15-17, 20-26, Jn 15:9-17 We Pray for our Recently Deceased Pavle Briskovic Stjepa Pavlovic Romuald Wierzba 10 | Queen of All Saints Basilica • Chicago, IL Queen of All Saints Basilica Information 6280 N. Sauganash Avenue • Chicago, Illinois 60646 • (773) 736-6060 Pastoral Staff Sunday Masses Pastor…………….……….……….Rev. Msgr. John E. Pollard Pastor Emeritus………....…..….….Rev. Msgr. Wayne F. Prist Associate Pastor………..……………….Rev. Simon Braganza Associate Pastor………….……..…..Rev. Thomas J. Campana Resident ……………….……………….Rev. Edward D. Grace Resident……………….…..……..Rev. Richard Conyers, CSC Deacon………………….………..Rev. Mr. Michael Monnelly Pastoral Associate…………………………...Dr. Carole Eipers Director of Religious Education……..…..Mrs. Aline Reynolds Director of Music . …………………...…….Dr. Kenneth Sotak Assistant Director of Music…….…………….....Paul Scavone Saturday Vigil …………………..……………………5:00 pm Sunday…...…………….6:45, 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 am, 12:30 pm Rectory Hours Monday-Friday……………………..……….8:30 am-4:00 pm Telephone Numbers Rectory………………………………………....773-736-6060 School/Preschool………………………...……..773-736-0567 Parish FAX……………………………….…….773-736-6099 Religious Education Office………………….....773-286-1939 Accounting Office Business Manager……………………..……….Gerald Farrell Accounting Assistant……………………....Kate Dombrowski Rectory Office Staff Parish Secretary………………………….…...Pam Hautzinger Parish Secretary……………………….………....Michael Jolls Parish Secretary…………………..………….…..Mary Morley Building and Grounds Ralph Meschewski, Bobby Brooks, Victor Miranda, Jonathon Hernandez, Eric Martinez, Ken Skokowski Queen of All Saints School Early Childhood through Grade 8 Principal……………………………….....…Mr. Peter Tantillo Administrative Assistant ……….…………….Mrs. Ida Segreti School Secretary………...…………….… Mrs. Janet Santicola Visit Our Website Queen of All Saints Basilica……………...www.qasparish.org Queen of All Saints School…………….....www.qasschool.org Daily Mass and Rosary Monday-Friday…….……………...………6:30, 7:30, 8:45 am Saturday………………………………………...……..8:00 am Rosary………………...………...Daily after the 8:45 am Mass Devotions and Holy Day Masses Holy Hour……………….…………………..Monday, 7:00 pm Please consult the parish bulletin or website for the holy day Mass schedule. The Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday………...…After the 8:00 am Mass until all are heard To Register in the Parish Please contact the Rectory Office……………...773-736-6060 The Sacrament of Baptism Queen of All Saints rejoices in the incorporation of new members into the Body of Christ through the Sacrament of Baptism. If you are a registered parishioner, please come into the rectory during business hours to schedule your child's baptism. If it is not possible for you to come into the rectory, please call the rectory to make arrangements. The Sacrament of Baptism for infants is celebrated two or three Sundays of the month, depending on the time of year, at 1:30 PM call the rectory for the exact schedule. A Baptismal Preparation class for the parents is required. They are held on select Mondays at 7:30 PM in the Rectory and must also be scheduled in advance. If an adult or a school age child seeks baptism, special arrangements should be made with one of the priests. The Sacrament of Matrimony Queen of All Saints helps couples prepare not only for their wedding day, but the lifelong commitment of living a Christian marriage. Parishioners of Queen of All Saints Basilica who are baptized and free to marry in the Catholic Church may celebrate their marriage in Queen of All Saints Basilica. Couples from Queen of All Saints seeking marriage in Queen of All Saints Basilica should contact one of the parish priests at least six months prior to their intended date of marriage. The couple must meet with one of the priests before the date for the marriage can be confirmed. Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick The sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is not a sacrament for those who are at the point of death. As soon as one of the faithful begins to be in danger of death from sickness or old age, the fitting time for him/her to receive this sacrament has certainly already arrived. Therefore, any member of the faithful who is seriously ill because of sickness or advanced age, may properly receive this sacrament. Ascension of the Lord • May 8, 2016 | 11 Today’s Readings Celebrant Schedule Next Sunday, May 15th 5:00pm - Fr. Brendan Horan 6:45am - Fr. Edward Grace 8:00am - Msgr. John Pollard 9:30am - Fr. Thomas Campana 11:00am - Fr. Simon Braganza 12:30pm - Msgr. Wayne Prist First Reading — Jesus tells the disciples that they will be witnesses to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:111). Psalm — God mounts his throne to shouts of joy: a blare of trumpets for the Lord (Psalm 47). Second Reading — God seated Jesus at his right hand in the heavens (Ephesians 1:17-23) or Hebrews 9:24-28; 10:19-23. Gospel — As Jesus blessed his disciples he parted from them and was taken up to heaven (Luke 24:4653). 43rd Annual Senior UNITY MASS Thursday, June 2nd at 10:00am Holy Family Church, 1080 W. Roosevelt Rd. Chicago IL 60608 Catholic Charities invites all senior citizens to the 43rd Annual Senior Unity Mass. Immediately following Mass, there will be a social gathering and FREE hot luncheon in the basement cafeteria. RSVP soon, only 350 spots are available for the free luncheon! If You Live Alone You Need LIFEWatch! 24 Hour Protection at HOME and AWAY! ✔Ambulance Solutions as Low as ✔Police ✔Fire EE Shipping ✔Friends/Family FR FREE Activation $1a Day! ntracts NO Long Term Co CALL NOW! 800.393.9954 Following Jesus Every Day: GOSPEL MEDITATIONS FOR DAILY LIVING Saint Margaret Sunday Missal Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including An ideal companion a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and for personal prayer. a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent In Stock & Ready to Order Today. and Eastertime, or for any time of year! 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Lincoln Ave - Chicago Free Parking, Pick-Up and Delivery www.jspaluch.com 773-267-5000 Better Buisnesss Bureau® Long standing member. We Stop Basement Flooding 3544 W. Montrose, Chicago For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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