Queen of All Saints Basilica


Queen of All Saints Basilica
Queen of All Saints Basilica
January 23, 2011
Queen of All Saints Basilica
January, 2011
Dear Parent/Parishioner:
It is with great joy and a happy heart that I write to you. The 2010-2011 school year continues to be filled with
enthusiasm, hope and optimism. We are blessed and proud to be a part of the Queen of All Saints’
long-standing tradition of religious education and academic excellence. We know that this excellence is the result of
many hearts, minds, hands, boundless energy and spirit of those who are present and those who preceded us.
The theme for Catholic Schools Week is: ―A+ for America: Catholic Schools‖. With this theme, we celebrate the fact
that Queen of All Saints School is an A+ added value to our parish, to our community, and to the great city of Chicago.
We celebrate the fact that Queen of All Saints School instills in children the faith, morale, knowledge, and discipline
that will enable them to fulfill their roles as committed Catholics, productive citizens, and effective leaders.
Our A+ academic excellence is all wrapped up in a National Blue Ribbon. We have the ability to integrate valuesbased education and to nurture a child’s relationship with God. We are committed to academic excellence, to maintain
high expectations for students; to integrate Catholic values into curriculum and instruction.
A+ Faith Formation teaches the children to accept the challenge to live as Jesus did, to demonstrate the character of
Jesus by living their lives as He did and always asking, ―What Would Jesus Do?‖ and ―What Do We Stand For?‖.
On their journey to discipleship, children learn that sharing in the life discipleship takes courage, stamina,
perseverance, and trust in God. The Gospel truths we teach strengthen our children spiritually and morally as they
strive to be of service to one another and to those with whom they interact.
Our school earns an A+ for service as students put their faith into action, with hearts full of compassion, as they
participate in a variety of social outreach programs throughout the year. These powerful experiences of community
and involvement in social concerns offer authentic human fulfillment for our children.
On behalf of the administration, faculty, staff, and children of Queen of All Saints School, I wish to extend to you an
invitation to join our school family in celebrating Catholic Schools Week. We ask you to share our faith and pride by
joining us at the 11 a.m. Eucharist followed by a Curriculum Fair/Open House until 1:30 p.m.
We wish to extend to you our gratitude for so generously sharing your time, talent and treasure with us. You
exemplify the values we hold dear.
With your prayers and most generous support, we will continue to nurture the values-based faith and academic
community of which you will always be proud.
May the Lord continue to bless you as He knows best.
Stephanie M. Di Prima
Stephanie M. Di Prima
January 23, 2001
Queen of All Saints Basilica
January 23, 2001
Queen of All Saints Basilica
A+ For America: Catholic Schools!
The Christian Educational Community of Queen of All Saints gratefully acknowledges
the following members of our community for their continued support, service,
dedication and loyalty to the mission and educational endeavors of Queen of All Saints
Stephanie M. Di Prima, Principal
May the Lord continue to bless you.
Evelyn R. Daly, Assistant Principal
Arbor Psychological Associates, 4055 W. Peterson
A.S.A.P. Printing, 3625 W. Devon
Alderman Laurino, 39th Ward
Bob’s Dairy, 8526 W. Winona
Chicago Fire Department, Pulaski & Peterson
Chicago Police Department, 17th District
Chicago Police Department Crossing Guard, Mary Faust
The Chocolate Shoppe, 5337 W. Devon
The Cleaning Company, Inc., Villa Park
Edgebrook Ace Hardware, 5423 W. Devon
Edgebrook Library, Sandy Art
Edgebrook/Sauganash Chamber of Commerce
The Felician Sisters of the Mother of Good Counsel Province
The FranCenter, Darien
Happy Foods, 6415 N. Central
Kentucky Fried Chicken, 3357 W. Peterson
Monastero’s Restaurant, 3935 W. Devon
North Shore Community Bank, 4343 W. Peterson
Queen of All Saints Parent Association
Queen of All Saints School Council
Romance in Blooms Florist, 6729 N. Northwest Hwy.
Unforgettable Edibles Catering Company, 7280 W. Devon
Van Gogh Photographers, Barrington
Villa Rosa, 5345 W. Devon
Whole Foods Market, 6020 N. Cicero
Wright with You, Stephen J. Wright, Video Artist, Chicago
January 30th-February 4th, 2011
January 23, 2001
Queen of All Saints Basilica
Registration for new and transfer students in Early Childhood, Kindergarten through Grade 8, entering
QAS School in August 2011, will take place after the 11 a.m. Eucharist on January 30 in the QAS Jubilee
Room in the Lemont Avenue Building.
Registration applications requested after January 30 will be by appointment in the Main School Office (773
For registration:
Please present a Birth Certificate (not the hospital certificate) for incoming
Early Childhood, Kindergarten and First Grade students.
Please present a Baptismal Certificate.
Junior Kindergarten through Grade 8 children transferring to QAS School
from other schools – public, private or parochial, will be accepted on an
individual basis.
At the time of registration, copies of the most current progress report, report
card and standardized testing are to be submitted with all registration forms.
There is a $50.00 non-refundable registration fee for Early Childhood.
There is a $200.00 non-refundable registration fee per family for
Kindergarten through Grade 8, which will be applied toward tuition.
Age requirements:
Early Childhood:
Child must be 3 years of age by September 1, 2011 (2 day session – A.M. or P.M.)
Child must be 4 years of age by September 1, 2011 (**)
**Junior Kindergarten (4 year olds)
- A.M. Session – 3 day program
- P.M. Session – 3 day program
- A.M. Session – 5 day program
- Full Day – 5 day program
Child must be 5 years of age by September 1, 2011 (1/2 Day or Full Day)
First Grade:
Child must be 6 years of age by September 1, 2011
January 23, 2001
Queen of All Saints Basilica
Mass Intentions
Sunday, January 23 - All Sunday Masses will be offered for the People of Queen of All Saints and the
Benefactors of our Endowments for the School and the Parish.
Monday, January 24 - School Endowment Fund Benefactors, QAS Homebound, QAS Ministry of Praise, In
Honor of Our Blessed Mother-Ben & Sara Testa, Chester & Wanda Burzawa, Stanley & Kay Przepiorski, Rev.
Edwin Karlowicz C.R., Feliciano Landicho, Adolph & Antoinette Burzawa, Janis Johnson, John & Christine
Peters, Wanda & Chestan Peters, Peggy Martinez
Tuesday, January 25 - Deceased Members of QAS Widowed Group, Matthew Brown, Florence Wren,
Vincent J. Lentino, Stephanie Wachowicz, Charles A. Hohmeier, Anthony Nigliazzo, David Jorbin
Wednesday, January 26 - Basilica Fund Members, Salvy Monastero, Vigil Coles, George B. Stegmaier,
Moss Cantillon, James White, Sam J. Cannizzaro
Thursday, January 27 – Ruth G. Stegmaier, Marie Marcelino, Emma Smith, Louis E. Metzger, Michael
Friday, January 28 – Helen & Jerry Martin, Eileen B. Stegmaier, Nicola Losurdo, Florence Rooney
Saturday, January 29 - Helen Czechorski, George Gnat
Please pray for our recently deceased
Lorraine Alt
Joyful Again !
Are you widowed? Do you know someone who is widowed? Still struggling with the loss?
Widowed for some time and feeling ―stuck‖? Need something to get you ―over the hump‖?
Wanting to move on with your life while still treasuring your past and its precious memories?
All are invited. The Joyful Again! Retreat is for both men and women (all ages) who have been widowed and
are still trying to find hope and joy in their lives.
This weekend program will be held at
Our Lady of Victory Parish, Chicago IL.
On March 5 & 6
(easy access from expressway, plenty of off-street parking and overnight accommodations.)
For more information: Phone 708-354-7211
January 23, 2001
Queen of All Saints Basilica
Paul zealously persecuted the followers of Jesus. But then, on a journey to Damascus, a bright light
shone about him, and a voice asked him, ―why are you persecuting me?‖ The repetition of this question
highlights its importance—in persecuting the followers of Jesus, Paul is persecuting Jesus himself.
Jesus identifies himself with his followers absolutely: this becomes one of the principal themes of
Paul’s letters, his insistence that the assembly of believers is intimately connected—that we are the Body
of Christ.
January 23, 2001
Queen of All Saints Basilica
The volunteers as well as our clients wish to thank all of you who participated in the Whole Foods ―Bag
Hunger‖ drive we had for Christmas. Due to the cooperation of Whole Foods, we received $3500 with
which we were able to purchase food at wholesale prices. This truly stretched our buying power.
We are looking for volunteers who would be able to pick up our bakery items from either the Deerfield
Bakery or Whole Foods. Call Maureen DeRose for details, 773-777-0990.
In today’s readings we find ourselves being drawn more
deeply into relationship with Jesus. We are getting to know more
about him as we see how he struggles with the news of his cousin
John’s arrest. His first response is to withdraw, to leave Nazareth and
go to Capernaum. There he is perhaps both consoled and challenged
by the words of Isaiah that Matthew quotes, ―the people who sit in
darkness have seen a great light, / on those dwelling in a land
overshadowed by death / light has arisen‖ (Matthew 4:16). Jesus
contemplates his cousin’s death, perhaps his own death, and he seeks
the light. Maybe it is these words of Isaiah that move Jesus out of his
withdrawal and into action. He begins to preach, teach, cure disease and illness, and proclaim the gospel
of the kingdom.
Parish Financials for January 9, 2011
$29,011 - Weekly
$755,739 - Year to Date
Last Year
$27,551 - Weekly
$786,764 - Year to Date
$29,400 - Weekly
$822,800 - Year to Date
THANK YOU for your generous gifts.
January 23, 2001
Queen of All Saints Basilica
First Reading — The burdens
that were once laid upon the
Heb 9:15, 24-28; Mk 3:22-30
people have been vanquished
(Isaiah 8:23 — 9:3).
Acts 22:3-16 or Acts 9:1-22;
Psalm — The Lord is my light
Mk 16:15-18
and my salvation
(Psalm 27).
2 Tm 1:1-8 or Ti 1:1-5; Mk 4:1-20
Second Reading — Paul exhorts
the believers at Corinth: As there
Heb 10:19-25; Mk 4:21-25
is one Christ, so too must there be
no divisions among you.
Heb 10:32-39; Mk 4:26-34
(1 Corinthians 1:10-13, 17).
Gospel — After calling his first
Heb 11:1-2, 8-19; Mk 4:35-41
disciples, Jesus goes throughout
Galilee teaching, proclaiming the
Zep 2:3; 3:12-13; Ps 146;
gospel, and curing the people of
1 Cor 1:26-31; Mt 5:1-12a
their illnesses
(Matthew 4:12-23 [12-17]).
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Francis de Sales
The Conversion of St. Paul;
Week of Prayer for
Christian Unity ends
Ss. Timothy and Titus
St. Angela Merici
St. Thomas Aquinas
Blessed Virgin Mary
Adult Confirmation
Are you an adult who has not celebrated the
sacrament of Confirmation? Adult Confirmations will be
held during the spring months throughout the.
Archdiocese. Preparation groups are forming now. To
register or for information please telephone (312) 5348047 or go to www.catechesis-chicago.org
Yearly contribution statements will be sent out during the first week of February
for those parishioners who donated $400 or more.
January 23, 2001
Queen of All Saints Basilica
The Word Feeding Justice
Reflections on the Sunday Lectionary
January 23, 2011: 3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time
Catholic Social Teaching:
The Dignity of Work and Rights of Workers
First Reading: Isaiah 8:23 - 9:3
Psalm: 27
Second Reading: 1st Corinthians 1: 10-13, 17
Gospel: Matthew 4: 12-23
John the Baptist’s arrest did not cause Jesus to shirk from proclaiming the Gospel. He enlisted followers,
taught in the synagogues and cured afflictions among the people. In the face of authoritarian oppression, He
chose to radiate light with stouthearted courage. When we feel challenged to speak out for justice and build
coalitions among various social justice groups, let us be the light to build common ground that unites. This
will lift the burdensome yoke of isolation and the feeling we need to address concerns through just our
individual group. Walking in unity dispels darkness.
Individual Reflection: Isaiah 8:23 - 9:3
This Sunday is the collection for the Church in Latin America. Reflect upon how the Church in Latin
America has been a voice against injustice. From social struggles in that region, what can we learn to
address poverty and worker injustice in our country?
Family Reflection: Matthew 4: 12-23
As a family, discuss if you were living in Jesus’ time and He called you would you have followed Him
considering the newness of His ministry and the strength of religious and government leaders of the day.
The Difference Between “Conventional Wisdom” and the Church’s Social Teaching on The
Communitarian Nature of the Human Person
Conventional Wisdom states that humanity has made a ―social contract‖; we are all willing to limit
individual freedom for the sake of order. Therefore, living in community is a ―necessary evil.‖ The Church’s
Social Teachings states that we are created in God’s image. But God is community (Father, Son, and Holy
Spirit). So we are created by our very nature to live in community – to love one another and return to God.
Community is no longer a necessary evil but a positive good.
Father Matt Garr, S.J.
January 23, 2001
Queen of All Saints Basilica
Queen of All Saints Basilica
Religious Education Classes
Parish Staff
Religious Education classes resume this week for all
grades. The final four classes before Confirmation are very
busy for our candidates. Letters to the bishop are due as
are the saint’s projects. Reconciliation will be celebrated as
part of their February 6th class. In addition, an important
parent meeting for candidates will take place in the Basilica
on Wednesday, January 26 at 7 PM. Preparations for their
retreat at Techny Towers are well underway. Please
continue to pray for both them and their families, as they
enter in to the final stages of preparation
Rev. Msgr. John E. Pollard
Pastor Emeritus:
Rev. Msgr. Wayne F. Prist
Associate Pastors:
Rev. Arkadiusz Falana
Rev. Simon Braganza
Rev. Edward D. Grace
Rev. Richard Conyers, CSC
Rev. Mr. Michael Monnelly
Rev. Mr. Bill Malloy
Pastoral Associate:
Sr. Ann Kathleen Mc Donnell, BVM
School Principal:
Ms. Stephanie M. Di Prima
Dir. Of Sacramental Formation:
Mrs. Aline Reynolds
Dir. of Music:Dr. Kenneth Sotak
Asst. :Paul Scavone
Business Manager: Mr. Jerry Farrell
Parish Secretary: Judy Carlson
School Admin. Asst.: Ida Segreti
Mass Schedule
Weddings: To schedule a wedding and begin marriage preparation please call
the rectory to make an appointment with a priest at least six months prior to
the wedding.
Baptisms: Baptisms are on the 2nd, 3rd & 4th Sunday of each month at
1:30PM. To register for a baptismal preparation class and Baptism, please
contact the rectory.
Newcomers: We welcome all newcomers to the Parish. To register as a
member of the parish, kindly come to the rectory.
The Sick: Please notify the rectory about anyone who is seriously ill at home
or in the hospital.
Becoming a Catholic: Adults or teenagers interested in receiving the
Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation or Eucharist) or those who
are interested in the Catholic Faith should call the Rectory for more
information about the R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults).
January 23, 2001
Weekdays: 6:30, 7:30 and 8:45 AM
Saturdays: 8:00AM
Weekend: Sat. 5:00 PM,
Sundays: 6:45, 8:00, 9:30,
11:00 AM and 12:30 PM
1st Sunday Adoration 12:30
Confessions: Sat., 8:30 – 9:15AM
Novena: Monday, 7:00 PM
Rosary: Daily after 8:45 AM Mass
Contact Us:
Rectory: 6280 N. Sauganash Ave.
Office Hours M-F 8:30AM—4PM
(773) 736-6060
fax (773) 736-6099
School and Early Childhood Center:
(773) 736-0567
Religious Education Center:
(773) 286-1939
Queen of All Saints Basilica
We invite all the Over 50 Club Members and Friends
to join us for a Valentine’s Day Luncheon
Amici Ristorante,
7660 N. Milwaukee Avenue (at Howard Street)
Friday, February 11, 2011 at Noon
The cost is $22.00
Check should be submitted to:
Donna Lee Wilson
5568 W. Ardmore Avenue
Chicago, IL 60646
Please contact Donna Lee Wilson (773) 792-2070 for further details
January 23, 2001

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