20th Sunday in Ordinary Time August 14, 2011 Queen of All Saints
20th Sunday in Ordinary Time August 14, 2011 Queen of All Saints
Queen of All Saints Basilica “O woman, great is your faith! Let it be done for you as you wish.” From today’s Gospel, Matthew 15:21-28 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time August 14, 2011 Queen of All Saints Basilica The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Tomorrow is the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Our Mass schedule will be that of every weekday, i.e. 6:30, 7:30 and 8:45 a.m. This is not a Holy Day of Obligation. Religious Education News! We Need You! As we begin a new year of Religious Education, we are once again in need of additional volunteers. Whether you can make a longterm commitment, or are only able to offer a little bit of your time, we could use your help. Please call the RE Office (773-286-1939) to ask about the various opportunities that we offer where you may be of help. Not only will you be insuring the proper handing on of the faith to the next generation, but I promise you that the rewards are ― heavenly‖. Religious Education Office Hours The RE Office will be open Monday through Thursday beginning this week from 10 – 3PM. There are a few spots open for Sunday classes but they are filling fast. Be sure to register as soon as possible to insure that your child will have her/his first choice of class times. In the case where there is no catechist in place, your child will be placed in the first available slot. Seven days without Catholic Relevant Radio makes one weak! Tune in for your daily recharge in Christ, our Hope. Chicago 950AM, Chicago West 930AM, or NW Indiana 1270AM (Listen online at www.relevantradio.com <http://www.relevantradio.com/> ) August 14, 2011 www.qasparish.org 2 Queen of All Saints Basilica School begins August 24! “Be it known to all who enter here that Christ is the reason for this school. He is the unseen, but ever-present teacher in its classes. He is the model of its faculty and the inspiration of its students.” - Author Unknown GREAT NEWS !!! A third Kindergarten room has opened for the 20112012 school year!! As always, each room will enroll both Half-Day Kindergarteners and Full Day Kindergarteners. Registration for Half-Day and Full-Day Kindergarteners is open. Please contact the school office at 773-736-0567 for registration information. Thank You, Stephanie M. DiPrima, Principal Please note: The Lemont School Office and the School Business Office will be open for parents to register, or to transfer students as follows - August, Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to Noon. Marissa Joan Duffy, Daughter of Kyle Duffy and Jessica Duffy We appreciate your patience! The scaffolding in the transepts of the Basilica is there for repairing, painting and gilding of the water damaged areas. The process, for both transepts, is going to continue for a few more weeks. August 14, 2011 www.qasparish.org 3 Queen of All Saints Basilica August 20, 2011 Liane Lamprea & Ronald Villegas August 27, 2011 Cherrie Catama & Jordan Smith September 3, 2011 Delia Groshek & Michael Landy A Good Prayer…. A good prayer, though often used, is still fresh and fair in the eyes and ears of heaven. —Thomas Fuller Mass intentions August 14 - All Sunday Masses will be offered for Sunday, Queen of All Saints and the Benefactors of our Endowments for the School and the Parish. the People of Monday, August 15, The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - All Masses will be offered for the People of Queen of All Saints Tuesday, August 16 - School Endowment Fund Benefactors, QAS Homebound, QAS Ministry of Praise, Deceased Members of QAS Widowed Group, Madeleine Grant, In Honor of Our Blessed Mother-Ben & Sara Testa, Wilfredo Gomez, John Roger Allen, Robert Pecho, Magdalene Bazar, Prudencio del Rosario Sr., Lino Acciari, Eugenia Tarroza del Rosario, Prudencio del Rosario Jr. Wednesday, August 17 - Basilica Fund Members, Salvy Monastero, Charlie Marcelino, Robert Edelmann, George B. Stegmaier, Simon R. Pahati, Ricardo Velasquez, Rita Ebrom, John Roger Allen, Eugene P. Costello Thursday, August 18 – Ruth G. Stegmaier, Francis Szwedo, Daniel & Josephine Amico, Larry Pahati, John Roger Allen, Egisto & Elena Pagnucci, Charles, Kathryn & John Hansen, Lido Acciari, Lino Acciari, Ronald Latin, Agapito Manaois, Eufrosina Manaois, Jorge Manaois Friday, August 19 – Helen & Jerry Martin, Chester & Wanda Burzawa, Stanley & Kay Przepiorski, Rev. Edwin Karlowicz C.R., Adolph & Antoinette Burzawa, Janis Johnson, John & Christine Peters, Wanda & Chestan Peters, John Roger Allen, Eileen B. Stegmaier, Carrie Koziol, Natalie Koziol Beach, Clifford H. Miller, Joseph Alumparapil, Elizabeth & Josef von Nemeth, Mary Healy Family Saturday, August 20 - Beatrice Hermann, Mildred Pifke, Mary Potzmann, John Roger Allen, John T. Kelly, Verna Dudzinski, Esther Elizabeth Henington, Pamela Ann Collier Please pray for our recently deceased. August 14, 2011 www.qasparish.org 4 Queen of All Saints Basilica August 14, 2011 www.qasparish.org 5 Queen of All Saints Basilica Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) The RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) is a process for those considering becoming Catholic. Specifically, it is: For those who are not baptized and are in the process of making a decision to become Catholic For those who were baptized and are in another faith and are thinking of becoming Catholic For those who were baptized Roman Catholic and have not received Eucharist or Confirmation The process is designed to assist those interested in Catholicism, to learn about our faith, our traditions, and our celebrations. Each person is invited to reflect on his/her own relationship with God and the faith community. We journey through this process together, assisting each other in our response to God’s call. If you or someone you know is interested in participating in the RCIA, please call the Religious Education office (773) 286-1939 for more information. Weekend of August 20/21 5:00 p.m.(Sat.) Fr. Rich Conyers 9:30 Fr. Ed Grace 6:45 a.m. Msgr. John Pollard 11:00 Fr. Tom Campana 8:00 Fr. Simon Braganza 12:30 p.m Msgr. Wayne Prist Parish Financials for July 31, 2011 Actual to Prior Year YTD Week $23,618 $122,929 Last Year $28,738 $133,270 Difference ($5,120) ($10,341) Actual to Budget YTD Week $23,618 $122,929 Last Year 28,000 $140,000 Difference ($4,382) ($17,071) August 14, 2011 www.qasparish.org 6 Queen of All Saints Basilica DON’T FORGET TO MARK YOUR CALENDARS! WOMEN’S SPIRITUAL SPA DAY THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 2011 ―So with old age is wisdom, and with length of days understanding.‖ Job 12:12 Topic: “Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow…Looking at Our Many Lives” On this day…we’ll take a look at the gift of the years. Be they 30, 40 or 50 plus…we’ll explore how they have impacted us…what we have gleaned from them…and how we use them as we move into our future. We will touch on some of Sr. Joan Chittester’s book by the same name, The Gift of the Years, as a starting off point for our time together. Speaker: Maureen Kuhn Maureen has been a parishioner for the past 50 plus years; raising her family in the neighborhood. After spending many years volunteering in both school and church activities, she and her husband, Tom, went back to school at Loyola’s Institute of Pastoral Studies and received their Master’s Degree in Pastoral Studies. They spent a number of years ministering as Pastoral Associates for St. Mary’s Parish in Platteville, WI. For the past 15 years, Maureen has been a Spiritual Director. She has her own ecumenical practice in her home and directs retreats at various Jesuit Retreat Houses during the summer. Time: Morning session – 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon Evening session – 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. (Gathering and refreshments 30 minutes prior) Cost: $10/session Felician Sisters Convent 3800 W. Peterson Ave. (Entrance in rear – follow signs) Register by calling Ellen Ward at 773-736-7406 or Ann Briody at abriody@comcast.net WALK-INS WELCOME! PLEASE JOIN US! August 14, 2011 www.qasparish.org 7 Queen of All Saints Basilica TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Thus says the LORD: ―Stand firm in justice; do what is right‖ (Isaiah 56:1, 6-7). Psalm — O God, let all the nations praise you! (Psalm 67). Second Reading — The gifts and the calling of God are unable to be revoked (Romans 11:13-15, 29-32). Gospel — Recognizing the Canaanite woman’s great faith, Jesus told her, ―It shall be done as you wish‖ (Matthew 15:21-28). READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Vigil: 1 Chr 15:3-4, 15-16; 16:1-2; Ps 132; 1 Cor 15:54b-57; Lk 11:27-28 Day: Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; Ps 45; 1 Cor 15:20-27; Lk 1:39-56 Tuesday: Jgs 6:11-24a; Mt 19:23-30 Wednesday: Jgs 9:6-15; Mt 20:1-16 Thursday: Jgs 11:29-39a; Mt 22:1-14 Friday: Ru 1:1, 3-6, 14b-16, 22; Mt 22:34-40 Saturday: Ru 2:1-3, 8-11; 4:13-17; Mt 23:1-12 Sunday: Is 22:19-23; Ps 138; Rom 11:33-36; Mt 16:13-20 SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary; World Youth Day Tuesday: St. Stephen of Hungary Friday: St. John Eudes Saturday: St. Bernard Pilgrimage to the Holy Land January 9 – 18, 2012 Join Father Simon, Kieran Lyons and Father Chuck Faso, OFM on a pilgrimage to the holy sites of Israel, the land of the Bible, the home of Jesus. We will pray, celebrate daily mass, and tour this significant place in the history of our faith. Questions? Call Father Simon at 773-736-6060 or visit www.amitravel.com for more info and registration details. August 14, 2011 www.qasparish.org 8 Queen of All Saints Basilica The Word Feeding Justice Reflections on the Sunday Lectionary August 14, 2011: 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time Catholic Social Teaching: Solidarity First Reading: Isaiah 56:1, 6-7 Psalm: 67 Second Reading: Romans 11:13-15, 29-32 Gospel: Matthew 15:21-28 Jesus shed the taboo of His culture by not only speaking to a woman, but also speaking to a woman from another heritage. His initial response doused potential hostility. In listening to the core of her commitment, Jesus dispelled prejudicial notions to send her away. His affirmation to dialogue allowed the woman access to morsels of mercy for her great faith. From this encounter, we observe what is right and the Lord’s justice compassionately revealed. All who join themselves to the Lord, with prayer and sacrificial offerings of time, talent and treasure, to become His servants will be acceptable on His altar. But do our parishes portray this example of Jesus or do subtle forms of prejudice appear as exclusion or crevasses of ignoring silence? Do we deny God’s irrevocable call and gifts for our parishes to be called a house of prayer for all people? And all means people that speak a different language, were born in another country, have a different skin color, are in a different stage of life, have a different education level, live with a different sexual orientation, work at a job unlike ours and represent all levels of economic means. When God says all, He means ALL. God delivered all to disobedience that He might have mercy on all of us. He lets His face shine upon us and His way be known upon the earth. We partake in the mercy with joyful praise. When we welcome all as God welcomes all, we will be healed of prejudice from that hour forward. Individual Reflection: Isaiah 56; 1, 6-7…See if your town has an interfaith council and attend a meeting. Be attentive to appreciate the goodness in all people. Family Reflection: Psalm 67...Does your town have an interfaith Thanksgiving or care for creation prayer service? If so, plan to attend and if not network with people of different faith traditions to establish these as an annual events Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church 580. The immediate purpose of the Church's social doctrine is to propose the principles and values that can sustain a society worthy of the human person. Among these principles, solidarity includes all the others in a certain way. It represents “one of the fundamental principles of the Christian view of social and political organization”. Light is shed on this principle by the primacy of love, ―the distinguishing mark of Christ's disciples (cf. John 13:35)‖. Jesus teaches us that ―the fundamental law of human perfection, and consequently of the transformation of the world, is the new commandment of love‖ (cf. Matthew 22:40, John 15:12; Colossians 3:14; James 2:8). Personal behavior is fully human when it is born of love, manifests love and is ordered to love. This truth also applies in the social sphere; Christians must be deeply convinced witnesses of this, and they are to show by their lives how love is the only force (cf. 1 Corinthians 12:31-14:1) that can lead to personal and social perfection, allowing society to make progress towards the good. August 14, 2011 www.qasparish.org 9 Queen of All Saints Basilica Queen of All Saints will be offering the Little Rock Scripture Study Exodus. The Exodus is the central event of the Old Testament. Its themes of liberation, wilderness, Passover, Covenant, and God’s dwelling are central for the whole Bible. All sessions will be held in the second floor of the Benedict Center (6275 N. Ionia Ave.). We will be offering the Exodus Study at two times. It will be offered on Tuesday mornings from 9:30 A.M to 11:00 A.M. and the other will be on Tuesday evenings from 7:30 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. There will be eighteen (18) meetings beginning on September 6th, 2011 and ending on January 17th, 2012. Access to the meeting room will be twenty-five (25) minutes before the start of the session. Exodus will cost twenty ($20.00) dollars to cover the cost of the materials used. Each participant will receive a study set consisting of a study guide and a commentary, which also contains the text of Exodus. We use the Little Rock Scripture Study provided Wrap-Up lectures on DVD for each lesson. More information concerning Little Rock Scripture Study can be obtained at www.littlerockscripture.org . To enroll in the Exodus studies please send in the following application form with a check made out to Queen of All Saints Basilica for twenty ($20.00) dollars for arrival by August 24th, 2011. Send or drop off the application and check, in an envelope addressed to: Queen of All Saints Basilica Attn: LRSS 6280 N. Sauganash Ave. Chicago, Il 60646-4944 Mike.Monnelly@QASParish.Org Little Rock Scripture Study Exodus September 6th, 2011 – January 17th, 2012 Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________ City: _________________________ Telephone: ______________________________ E-Mail: _______________________________ Check session you will attend: ___ Tuesday mornings: 9:30 A.M. – 11:00 A.M. ___ Tuesday evenings: 7:30 P.M. – 9:00 P.M. August 14, 2011 www.qasparish.org 10 Queen of All Saints Basilica August 14, 2011 www.qasparish.org 11 Queen of All Saints Basilica Increase your Understanding of the Eucharist and the Catholic Faith Rare, full-day opportunity to hear popular speaker, acclaimed theologian and prolific author, Fr. Robert Barron present his insights on two topics: the Eucharist, and the living culture of the Catholic Church Saturday, October 1 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Drury Lane Theatre and Conference Center, Oakbrook Terrace Mayslake Ministries is delighted to present ―Perspectives on Eucharist & Catholicism‖ with Father Robert Barron, founder of Word On Fire, at 2011 Fall Symposium. Through morning and afternoon sessions, participants will gain insights and understanding of the Eucharist followed by an exclusive presentation on the living culture of the Catholic Church as portrayed in the soon to be released 10-part PBS documentary entitled "Catholicism". Fr. Barron is a sought-after speaker on the spiritual life. From prestigious universities, to YouTube, to national conferences and private events, this theologian and podcasting priest is one of the world’s more innovative teachers of the faith. Tickets include continental breakfast and lunch. $65/individual; $55/catechist/clergy/religious; Group rates: 6/$50 each, 10/$50 each with VIP seating. Register by phone 630-268-9000 or online www.mayslakeministries.org. August 14, 2011 Deacons in the Catholic Church Deacons are referred to as transitional or permanent. Transitional deacons are in the process of moving toward priesthood. Permanent deacons (who may be married and have families) are on a distinct path to remaining as a deacon – permanently. Their role and function is different from priests. Deacons assist at liturgies, proclaim the gospel, preach, evangelize in the workplace and help the poor and needy in direct ways. Do you believe Jesus may be inviting you to inquire about this ordained ministry? _________________ “Exploring the Permanent Diaconate” Mass (Sundays) and dialogue about the path toward an ordained lifestyle as a permanent deacon at the Cardinal Stritch Retreat House in Mundelein, Illinois ½ mile west of Butterfield Road on Route 176 across from Carmel High School. Thursday, September 15, 2011 – 7:30 P.M. Wednesday, October 19, 2011 – 7:30 P.M. Sunday, November 20, 2011 – 12:00 P.M. Sunday, February 19, 2011 – 12:00 P.M. R.S.V.P. Deacon Jim Cozzo, Jr. at 847-8374563 or at jcozzo@usml.edu ARCHDIOCESE OF CHICAGO DEACON FORMATION PROGRAM UNIVERSITY of SAINT MARY of THE LAKE MUNDELEIN SEMINARY www.qasparish.org 12 Queen of All Saints Basilica Queen of All Saints Basilica Parish Staff Pastor: Rev. Msgr. John E. Pollard Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Msgr. Wayne F. Prist Associate Pastors: Rev. Simon Braganza Rev. Thomas J. Campana From now until the end of August, we will be collecting school supplies for the children at the Albany Park Community Center Food Pantry (sponsored by QAS). The stores are starting their sales now. If you can help us get paper, pencils, pens, book bags, notebooks, folders, crayons, markers, etc., please put them in the bins in the back of church. If you need us to pick up your donations, call Pat Steiner at 773-282-3746. You will be helping the children get off to a good start in school. Thanks so much! The Albany Park Community Center Food Pantry Volunteers Scheduling Weddings: To schedule a wedding and begin marriage preparation please call the rectory to make an appointment with a priest at least six months prior to the wedding. Baptisms: Baptisms are on the 2nd, 3rd & 4th Sunday of each month at 1:30 PM. To register for a baptismal preparation class and Baptism, please contact the rectory. Newcomers: We welcome all newcomers to the Parish. To register as a member of the parish, kindly come to the rectory. The Sick: Please notify the rectory about anyone who is seriously ill at home or in the hospital. Becoming a Catholic: Adults or teenagers interested in receiving the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation or Eucharist) or those who are interested in the Catholic Faith should call the Rectory for more information about the R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults). August 14, 2011 www.qasparish.org Residents: Rev. Edward D. Grace Rev. Richard Conyers, CSC Deacons: Rev. Mr. Michael Monnelly Rev. Mr. Bill Malloy Pastoral Associate: Sr. Ann Kathleen Mc Donnell, BVM School Principal: Ms. Stephanie M. Di Prima Dir. Of Sacramental Formation: Mrs. Aline Reynolds Dir. of Music:Dr. Kenneth Sotak Asst. :Paul Scavone Business Manager: Mr. Jerry Farrell Parish Secretary: Judy Carlson School Admin. Asst.: Ida Segreti Mass Schedule Weekdays: 6:30, 7:30 and 8:45 AM Saturday: 8:00AM & 5:00 PM (vigil), Sunday: 6:45, 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM and 12:30 PM Confessions: Sat., 8:30 – 9:15AM Perpetual Novena: Monday, 7:00 PM Benediction 7:30 PM on First Monday of the month Rosary: Daily after 8:45 AM Mass Contact Us: Rectory: 6280 N. Sauganash Ave. Office Hours M-F 8:30AM—4PM (773) 736-6060 fax (773) 736-6099 School and Early Childhood Center: (773) 736-0567 Religious Education Center: (773) 286-1939 www.qasparish.org 13 Queen of All Saints Basilica August 14, 2011 www.qasparish.org 14
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