Gaza Province - Mozambique XAI-XAI CHIDENGUELE CHIZAVANE BILENE Where to STAY Where to PLAY Where to SHOP Where to EAT www.xaixai-mozambique.com Volume 15 PRAIA DE XAI-XAI - STAY, PLAY, EAT www .m ozambique-a ccomm odation.co. info@mozambique-ac 027 833 051 588 (M c o m m o d a 0 ) A tion.co.za (S OZ ) 0 0258 8 29 729 867 LUXURY AIR-CONDITIONED SELF-CATERING HOUSES WITH POOL 50 SEATER GOURMET RESTAURANT - CAFE PESCADOR CONFERENCE CENTRE/ WEDDING VENUE OPEN 1 JULY ACTIVITIES: DEEP SEA FISHINGCHARTERS GUIDED QUAD TOURS SNORKELLING W OPEN NO za BLUE DOLPHIN RESORT Praia de Xai-Xai Mozambique Well Stocked Bar R&Rs, Cocktails, Big Meals, Best Value, Sport TV, Pool Table, Karaoke Lisa Powell - Accommodation +258 84 203 2807 relax@bluedolphinresort.com GPS CO-ORDINATES: Noites de Sábado Jantar/Dançar Musica Passada Lance Powell - Restaurant +258 82 556 1255 www.bluedolphinresort.com LAT:S25,06,67 LONG:E33,45,13 PRAIA DE XAI-XAI - STAY, PLAY, EAT FISH / PRAWNS / PIZZAS / BURGERS / CHICKEN PRAIA DE XAI-XAI - STAY O Paraiso de Mocambique XAI-XAI ECO-ESTATE - luxurious self catering villas - unbelievable sea views - 3 to 4 bedrooms - sleeps 8 to 10 pax - stunning beaches - fully air-conditioned - serviced daily Contact: 00258 82 515 1527 frank@xaixai-eco-estate.co.za www.xaixai-eco-estate.co.za PRAIA DE XAI-XAI MOZAMBIQUE PRAIA DE XAI-XAI PRAIA DE CHIDENGUELE PRAIA DE CHIZAVANE - STAY, PLAY, EAT • Camp Sites • Caravan Sites • Self Catering Chalets • Restaurant Bar Shop • Swimming Beach • Boat Launch Site • 4x4 necessary • GPS S24 59 14 E033 58 07 PARADISE MAGOO PRAIA DE CHIZAVANE FO LO R DG SA E LE Praia de Chizavane 00258 867 696 762 / 00258 844 232 001 / 0027 828 256 807 www.paradisemagoo.co.za paradisemagoo@gmail.com WINTER SPECIALS BILENE PRAIA DO SOL GREAT BILENE MOZAMBIQUE Only 90kms south of Xai-Xai / Only 180kms north of Maputo SA +27 82 570 4300 Moz +258 82 319 3040 info@pdsol.co.za www.pdsol.co.za XAI-XAI WHERE TO STAY, PLAY AND EAT - BILENE Bilene •TRUE AFRICAN PARADISE for weddings, conferences, 4x4 excursions, honeymooners or just a party! •On the beach tropical paradise with self catering luxury villa and luxury tented camp that can accommodate up to 44 guests. •Exotic Beach Cocktail bar, Restaurant, AWSOME SUNSETS, Tipo-Tinto buckets and don’t forget our famous PIRI-PIRI Tequila!!! Open for breakfast, lunch and supper. •TRUE PARADISE HAS NO TARRED ROADS, 4x4 NEEDED!! A shuttle/ transfer can be arranged. •We on a 11km lagoon and 2km from the ocean and are ideal for exploring the dunes and beach, whale watching, fishing, quad biking and water sports. Bilene, Zonguene, Nhabanga Village, Mozambique t- 00258 84 382 1290 t- 00258 86 146 4872 t- 0027 82 823 2378 info@villanbanga.co.za sales@villanbanga.co.za www.villanbanga.co.za GPS: S25.15.12 E33.20.35 Relax in our well appointed and luxurious self-catering units or soak up the sun next to our pool with the sound of water rushing over our rock waterfall. 13km from Bilene on the beach of the Bilene Lagoon. 4x4 or transfers from Gauteng, Maputo or Bilene. Contact: Stan Westman 0027836273174 00258844976417 mono@mjvn.co.za serenity@tdm.co.mz www.serenitymoz.co.za Villa Espanhola lodge & Complex Vista Alegre Only 180km north of Maputo Bilene accommodation | Bed & breakfast or self-catering Villa Espanhola andaffordable Complex Vista Alegre offers stylish, but affordable the town ofclear Bilene. Stylish, but accommodation in Bilene,accommodation with its warmincrystal With its warm crystal clear water, safe swimming along the shallow calm shores and perfect water, safe swimming along the shallow calm shores and perfect conditions for any conditions for any water sport and boating activities. water sports and boating activities. Villa Espanhola or Complex Vista Alegre is your choice holiday destination when it comes to location, perfectly situated away from the noisy town, but aaway stone’s throw the lagoon. We a warmly invitethrow you to come and enjoy our the majestic Perfectly situated fromaway thefrom noisy town, stone’s away from sunsets, beautiful stars and tranquil beaches. lagoon. We warmly invite you to come and enjoy our majestic sunsets, No 4x4 required beautiful stars and tranquil beaches. No 4X4 required. Contact us today for our special offers: Contact us today for our special offers: Tel: 00258 84 452 7893 / 00258 82 512 9009 / Email: info@villaespanhola.com Tel: 00258Website: 84 452 7893 / 00258 82 512 9009 www.villaespanhola.com info@villaespanhola.com / www.villaespanhola.com WHERE TO STAY AND PLAY - BILENE Voted number one for accommodation in Bilene by Tripadvisor reviewers! WHERE TO SHOP CASA DE CAMBIOS FOREIGN EXCHANGE BUREAU NOW OPEN IN XAI-XAI & MACIA - OPENING SOON IN CHIBUTO Don’t be cheated by black market operators Best rates with no bank fees and charges Safe and professional Xai-Xai - tel: 282 22477 fax: 282 22478 ccambioxaixai@tdm.co.mz | Rua Milagre Mabote 1027 Macia - tel/fax: 282 51088 ccambio.macia@tdm.co.mz | Rua 1° de Maio Bairro do Cimento WHERE TO SHOP BEST SELECTION OF BEVERAGES & GROCERIES IF WE DON’T HAVE IT WE WILL GET IT FOR YOU! Rua Martires da Revolucão No 639 (diagonally opposite the main Handling) Tel: 282 22 768 WHERE TO SHOP Children’s Clothing, Bedding and Toys ing,bed sheets and toys Handmade products, by a dmadegroup Collection of 50 women from surrounding areas of Xai-Xai . Together they find ways, through craft production, to sustainably improve the life of their families who are often exposed to HIV and AIDS. The first fruits are brought through solidarity and cooperation with Danida; (Danish international development agency). Mozambique Handmade Collection Cooperativa de Bordadeiras de Xai-Xai, Dulce Mudlovo dulcemudhlovo@yahoo.com, Tel: +258 282 25163, Cell: +258 82 92 65470 CASAS APARTIR DE US$600 000 (mais prestacões) +258 84 26 43 056 +258 82 91 02 251 telefax +258 282 22370 luxury@juliusestate.com www.juliusestate.com PRESIDENCIAL MILIONÁRIO EXCLUSIVO ON os so son h o é mesmo seu, tornar Gaza reconhecida e respeitada XAI-XAI - PRIME REAL ESTATE PRAIA DE XAI-XAI GAZA PROVINCE - INFORMATION GAZA PROVINCE, MOZAMBIQUE FACTS • Extent of 75 709 km2 • Capital is Xai-Xai • 11 Districts and 5 municipalities • 210km from Maputo (capital of Mozambique) • Tropical climate • Temperatures: Summer 20°C to 35°C, Winter 15°C to 25°C, Rainy season October to March • Population of +- 1.3m, of which 56% are women • Mainly agricultural - using Limpopo River for irrigating farms - and fishing in fresh rivers, lakes and the ocean • Limpopo River extends 600km through Gaza to the ocean • Main language is Portuguese • Cultural languages are Xichangana and Xichopi • Gaza borders countries South Africa and Zimbabwe, and provinces Maputo and Inhambane, and the Indian ocean. CULTURE AND HISTORY • In the colonial period Gaza was a District. Hence, the name the Gaza Empire, founded by Manicusse at the beginning of XIX century. During the Portuguese occupation, Gaza was a field of heroic and resistant battles. • Gaza has a fusion of modern and ancestral traditions turning it into a multicultural and multilingual province expressed through food, clothing, music, dance and handcrafts. • Gaza is famous for its cuisine of prawns, grilled chicken with munyassi (mafura oil), xiguinha of cacana and sweet potatoes, tihove, grilled fish, mussels and quibo. • Traditional beers are produced with cashews and amarula. • The province also has cashew nut factories. COASTAL AREAS The coastal area is about 150km, offering good conditions for recreational fishing, swimming windsurfing, jet skiing and scuba diving. The beautiful beaches of Bilene, Zongoene, XaiXai, Chongoene, Chizavane and Chidenguele have sunny white sandy beaches, rock pools, idyllic sunrises and sunsets, shells, whales, dolphins and turtles. TRANSFRONTIER CONSERVATION AREAS Limpopo National Park Located in the Districts of Massingir and Mabalane Chicualacuala it has untouched forest formations with the Big Five (lion, elephant, rhino, leopard, buffalo). Banhine National Park Located in the District of Chigubo and focused on tourism, it inhabits several species of birds and has beautiful open savannas where ostrich, goats, bush pig, impala, leopard and others can be observed. • The City of Xai Xai, 250km north Maputo, is the capital of Gaza Province and is situated on the banks of the Limpopo river. It is a bustling town with markets, shops, restaurants, bars, petrol stations, banks and a post office. • Praia do Xai Xai (Xai-Xai Beach) is approximately 12km from the main town. It has long sweeping beaches with safe swimming. Xai Xai beach was a busy holiday destination in the 1960/70's but hotels were abandoned during the war days. • Xai Xai beach is coming back to life with accommodation from rustic to luxury, restaurants, bars and gorgeous beaches. Two reefs running parallel to the shore offers good snorkelling and swimming. Fishing charters, whale watching and quad tours are the order of the day. CHIDENGUELE •70km north of Xai Xai, the EN1 to Beira winds to its closest with the Indian Ocean, only 5 km away. • Here lies the tiny, sleepy village of Chidenguele (meaning “The Highest Point” in the local, Chope language). The village may only have one short street, but its name is emblazoned proudly in white stone on the hill behind the sandy soccer field. • 5km from the main road and Chidenguele Village, is lake Nhambavale with a depth of 35 metres. Resorts situated around the lake offer numerous water sports. Given its importance, the river hosted the canoeing competitions of the 10th African Games that took place in 2011. It is navigable up to Quissico, Inhambane Province. • 2km away is the Indian Ocean where visitors can enjoy beautiful beaches, watch and take pictures of whales, turtles and other marine animals. The local communities are well-known for their hospitality and offer varied services. A wide range of accommodation is available. CHIZAVANE • Chizavane is a small village between Xai-Xai City and Chidenguele (approximately 40km north of Xai-Xai). The road to the beach and resorts is a hard sand road so access to some of the resorts by 2x4 is possible. • Praia de Chizavane offers a wide open swimming beach, that is peaceful and seldom filled with many people, providing privacy to all holiday makers. Safe jogging or walking along the shore can be enjoyed for kilometres alongside the undisturbed nature and tranquillity of the ocean. Enjoy fishing from the mussel invaded reef exposed during low tides and accessible by foot. An opening in the reef allows boats to be taken out into the deep sea BILENE • Bilene is situated about 180km to the northeast of Mozambique’s capital, Maputo. Before independence the village was known as San Martinho. This small town is situated along the edge of the 27km long, and 8km wide Uembje Lagoon. • The Uembje lagoon is an ideal family spot with its pristine stretches of white sandy beaches and shallow calm water which allows for safe swimming and a large selection of resorts. • Bilene is a popular water sports destination, including jet skiing, waterskiing, parasailing, paddle ski’ing, canoeing, windsurfing, fishing, kayaking, snorkelling as well as whale watching and boat rides on the lagoon. • Large populations of flamingos and various other water birds frequent the area in the summer months searching the shallow fringes of the water for food. GAZA PROVINCE - COASTAL AREAS XAI-XAI MAPS Gaza Province 7 - 11 EN1 6 17 18 19 12 - 16 1-5 Bilene 4 5 1 2 3 1 - Praia do Sol 2 - Villa Espanhola 3 - Carioca Inn 4 - Villa N’Banga 5 - Serenity Xai-Xai Bridge over Limpopo River - Toll Gate EN1 - South Maputo - 250km KEY Markets ATMs 1-6 / 90,60km 7 1-5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12-16 17 18 19 Limpopo River 8 Standard MAPS City of Xai-Xai 10 9 Bilene Casa Cambios Macia Xai-Xai Paper Casa Mirage Casa Cambios Xai-Xai Bazar Limpopo / Pitambar Baia Magazine Praia de Xai-Xai Paradise Magoo Zona Braza Sera Lodge Barclays 11 + FNB Private Clinic EN1 - North Chizavane - 40km Inhambane - 250km 17,18,19 - 40,60km Millenium Bim Main Police Station + Main hospital BCI Praia de Xai-Xai - 12km 12-16 Praia de Xai-Xai From City to Praia de Xai-Xai e6 Dun l→ hote Old 12 Julius Estate Xai-Xai Eco-Estate Blue Dolphin Resort 15 Reef Resort / Cafe Pescador 16 14 km +-5 Xai-Xi Guest House ole wH ←Blo 13 N HELPFUL INFORMATION LET’S TALK Good morning - Bom dia Good afternoon - Boa tarde Good evening - Boa noite How are you? - Como está? I am fine - Estou bem What is your name? - Como é que te chamas? My name is - Chamo-me Thank you - Obrigado No problem - De nada You are welcome - Nada Excuse me - Sorry - Desculpa Goodbye - Adeus / Tchao I do not understand - Não compreendo Please - Faz favor Where are you going? - Para onde vais? I am going to…. - Vou para Friend - Amigo / Amiga Toilet - Casa de banho When? -Quando? Where? -Onde? How much is....? - Quanto custa? Can i have some change? - Peço troco? How much - Quanto custa Too expensive - Muito caro I want to buy... - Quero comprar Cheap -Barato Can you help me? - Pode ajudar-me? Go away! - Va-se embora! I’m lost - Estou perdido Please can you help me - Por favor pode ajudar-me Right -Direita Left - Esquerda Front - Em frente Back - A trás Please come here - Chega aqui por favor Please bring me a…… - Por favor traga me a/o .. House Do you have ....? Dangerous Now Tomorrow Today Tonight Yesterday In the morning In the afternoon In the evening Fruit Vegatables Fish Beer Mineral water Bread Milk Meat Rice Breakfast Lunch Supper Bill Fried Potatoes Soup Steak Sugar Tea Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday -Casa - Tem....? -Perigoso -Agora -Amanha -Hoje - Esta noite -Ontem - de amanhá - á atarde - á noite -Fruta -Vegetais - Peixe -Cerveja - Agua mineral -Pão - Leite -Carne -Arroz - Pequeno - almoço -Almoço -Jantar -Conta - Batata frita -Sopa - Bife -Açucar -Chá -Segunda-feira - Terca - feira - Quarta - feira - Quinta - feira - Sexta - feira -Sabado -Domingo PUBLIC HOLIDAYS January 1 - February 3 - April 7 - May 1 - June 25 - September 7 - September 25 - October 4 - December 25 - M-Info Universal Brotherhood Day. Mozambican Heroes Day [In honor of Eduardo Mondlane] Mozambican Womens Day to all Mozambican Women [In honor of Josina Machel] Workers/Labor Day Mozambique Independence Day [For the proclamation of independence by the former President of the Republic Samora Moises Machel-1975] Mozambique Victory Day [In tribute to the signing of the Lusaka Agreements] Mozambique Armed Forces Day [In tribute to the start of the National Liberation Armed Fight] Mozambique Day of Peace and Reconciliation [In tribute to the Peace Agreement] Family Day [Christmas] Mozambique Information www.mozambiqueinformation.com COMMON TRAFFIC OFFENCES • No drivers licence • Speeding: max speed 120kmph w/o trailer, with trailer 100kmph - this is an expensive fine so do not speed in towns and reduce speed at schools exceeding up to: 20kmph is 1000mt, 40kmph is 2000mt, 60kmph is 4000mt, over 60km is 8000mt (double speed limit - jail time) • Non-roadworthy vehicle (lights/brakes etc not working) • Not having 2 triangles • Not having 2 safety jackets • Not having an insurance policy • Not wearing seat belts (in front and back) • Drunk driving • Alcohol in vehicle - must be sealed in the boot • Exceeding number of persons in vehicle that is registered on car papers • Ignoring traffic regulator lines, signs etc. • Not having a blue and yellow towing sticker on the front of your vehicle if towing • Canoes or loads on top of vehicles obstructing ANY view of the windscreen (eg: canoes must face up so curved end does not obstruct view) • Arms out of windows • Driving without a shirt or shoes • Vehicle not conforming to your papers(eg canopy) • No fire extinguisher • Talking on cell phone • Back seats must be clear of objects & luggage • Not having receipts for all goods purchased (Customs officials/ALFANDEGA - can fine) MALARIA • The mosquito that transmits malaria (female Anopheles) is not born with malaria - she has to feed on someone who has malaria before she is infected • She feeds from evening till morning • Be very strict about applying repellents during this period • If you are infected - and have not taken any prophylactics - symptoms will appear around 10 days (aching body, sore joints, headache, vomiting, diarrhoea) • If you have taken prophylactics, symptoms can take up to 3 months to appear. Remember to tell your doctor you have been in a malaria area. • If you are still in Mozambique, go to clinic/ hospital for a test and take the medication supplied (1 to 3 day courses available) • Do not delay if you suspect you have malaria it is fatal if not treated! There is also a private clinic in Xai-Xai. They can be contacted on +258 829 254 765. There are also numerous pharmacies in town where malaria tests and medication may be purchased. HELPFUL INFORMATION WHAT TO DO IN CASE OF AN ACCIDENT INVOLVING A MOTOR VEHICLE OR OTHER PERSONS • If the accident is between vehicles or persons don't remove your vehicle before the police arrive at site of the accident • If a person is injured (but not badly) put him in a vehicle (not the one involved in a collision with another vehicle) and take him and someone who knows the person to the nearest hospital and ask the medical doctor or assistant to call the police • Show the police your drivers licence, car papers and insurance of your vehicle • Call the insurance company to assist you, never admit your guilt, only tell the truth of what happened • Contact the tourism association (ASINHOS), your destination resort or reservation agent WHAT TO DO IF STOPPED BY THE TRAFFIC POLICE • Traffic police are dressed in a white shirt and blue trousers - police in green (taxi police) are not allowed to fine you for any traffic offences • Put on your indicator and pull over • Remove your sun-glasses and turn the music down (a sign of respect and trust) • Greet the officer politely, never be rude • Wait for him to ask what he wants & check he is wearing his badge or ask for ID before showing your identification (no ID - no questions or fine!) • If you are guilty of an offence first apologise • If he does not ‘forgive’ you then do not instigate a bribe. Insist on the handwritten fine • You can pay the fine on the spot - but then insist on an official receipt • OR you can pay the fine within 15 days at a police station (*see article from Road Decree below) • If you have handed over your papers and they are not returned and/or you are being harassed or threatened, phone ASINHOS or travel to the next police station and report it (these guys are normally the ones not wearing their badges) • Do not be scared or intimidated but do not get aggressive • Insist on a receipt and help stamp out bribery and corruption COMING SOON - PAMPHLET AT BORDERS WITH INFO ON FINES AND PENALTIES If you require advice regarding an accident or police please contact your insurance company, resort destination or the Gaza Tourism Association (ASINHOS) (+258) 823 969 890 *Art. 172: Cumprimento voluntário (multas): 1. É admitido o pagamento voluntário da multa, ou reclamação, nos termos e com os efeitos estabelecidos nos números seguintes. 2. A opção de pagamento voluntário e sem acréscimo de custas deve verificar-se no prazo de 15 dias utéis a contar da notificação para o efeito, podendo, o infractor pagar a multa em qualquer Departamento Provincial de Trânsito da Policia da República de Moçambique ou Delegação Provincial de Viação. Xai-Xai brochure and website created especially for you by Terra Bonita Mocambique For advertisement bookings contact Carol: (00258) 82 88 26 004 / ola@terrabonita.net July 2014 DayHigh Low High Low High Tue 1 12:31 AM06:30 AM12:46 PM06:51 PM Wed 2 01:03 AM07:02 AM01:19 PM07:24 PM Thu 3 01:38 AM07:36 AM01:53 PM08:01 PM Fri 4 02:15 AM08:13 AM02:33 PM08:43 PM Sat 5 03:02 AM08:59 AM03:22 PM09:36 PM Sun 6 04:03 AM10:01 AM04:31 PM10:53 PM Mon 7 05:26 AM11:32 AM05:58 PM Tue 8 12:27 AM06:53 AM01:06 PM07:21 PM Wed 9 01:44 AM08:04 AM02:15 PM08:26 PM Thu 10 02:42 AM08:59 AM03:08 PM09:19 PM Fri 11 03:30 AM09:45 AM03:53 PM10:05 PM Sat 12 04:13 AM10:29 AM04:36 PM10:49 PM Sun 13 04:54 AM11:10 AM05:17 PM11:31 PM Mon 1405:35 AM11:51 AM05:58 PM Tue 15 12:13 AM06:15 AM12:31 PM06:39 PM Wed 16 12:55 AM06:55 AM01:13 PM07:21 PM Thu 17 01:37 AM07:37 AM01:56 PM08:04 PM Fri 18 02:23 AM08:21 AM02:43 PM08:52 PM Sat 19 03:14 AM09:11 AM03:38 PM09:51 PM Sun 20 04:19 AM10:18 AM04:51 PM11:16 PM Mon 21 05:45 AM12:00 PM06:24 PM Tue 22 01:01 AM07:20 AM01:39 PM07:51 PM Wed 2302:16 AM08:30 AM02:43 PM08:52 PM Thu 24 03:05 AM09:18 AM03:27 PM09:37 PM Fri 25 03:43 AM09:56 AM04:02 PM10:12 PM Sat 26 04:15 AM10:29 AM04:33 PM10:44 PM Sun 27 04:45 AM10:59 AM05:03 PM11:14 PM Mon 2805:14 AM11:28 AM05:32 PM11:43 PM Tue 29 05:42 AM11:56 AM06:00 PM Wed 30 12:11 AM06:11 AM12:24 PM06:29 PM Thu 31 12:40 AM06:39 AM12:53 PM06:58 PM August 2014 Day High Low High Low High Fri 1 01:09 AM 07:09 AM 01:22 PM 07:29 PM Sat 2 01:41 AM 07:41 AM 01:54 PM 08:04 PM Sun 3 02:17 AM 08:18 AM 02:34 PM 08:47 PM Mon 4 03:05 AM 09:06 AM 03:29 PM 09:47 PM Tue 5 04:18 AM 10:23 AM 04:58 PM 11:27 PM Wed 6 06:05 AM 12:24 PM 06:49 PM Thu 7 01:17 AM 07:40 AM 01:57 PM 08:12 PM Fri 8 02:28 AM 08:44 AM 02:56 PM 09:09 PM Sat 9 03:19 AM 09:33 AM 03:43 PM 09:56 PM Sun 10 04:02 AM 10:16 AM 04:24 PM 10:38 PM Mon 11 04:42 AM 10:56 AM 05:04 PM 11:17 PM Tue 12 05:20 AM 11:35 AM 05:42 PM 11:56 PM Wed 13 05:58 AM 12:12 PM 06:20 PM Thu 14 12:34 AM 06:34 AM 12:50 PM 06:57 PM Fri 15 01:11 AM 07:11 AM 01:28 PM 07:34 PM Sat 16 01:50 AM 07:49 AM 02:08 PM 08:13 PM Sun 17 02:31 AM 08:29 AM 02:53 PM 08:59 PM Mon 18 03:23 AM 09:20 AM 03:55 PM 10:05 PM Tue 19 04:45 AM 10:55 AM 05:42 PM Wed 20 12:25 AM 06:51 AM 01:27 PM 07:41 PM Thu 21 02:08 AM 08:19 AM 02:38 PM 08:47 PM Fri 22 02:58 AM 09:07 AM 03:18 PM 09:27 PM Sat 23 03:32 AM 09:42 AM 03:49 PM 09:59 PM Sun 24 04:01 AM 10:12 AM 04:17 PM 10:27 PM Mon 25 04:28 AM 10:39 AM 04:43 PM 10:54 PM Tue 26 04:54 AM 11:06 AM 05:10 PM 11:21 PM Wed 27 05:20 AM 11:32 AM 05:36 PM 11:47 PM Thu 28 05:47 AM 11:58 AM 06:02 PM Fri 29 12:13 AM 06:14 AM 12:24 PM 06:30 PM Sat 30 12:40 AM 06:42 AM 12:52 PM 06:59 PM Sun 31 01:09 AM 07:12 AM 01:22 PM 07:31 PM Advert prices: 1/4 page 1500mtn, 1/2 page 3000mtn, 1 page 5500mtn ,+ page on website + print 4000 copies Maputo June 2014 Day High Low High Low High Sun 1 12:13 AM 06:13 AM 12:29 PM 06:33 PM Mon 2 12:46 AM 06:45 AM 01:02 PM 07:08 PM Tue 3 01:21 AM 07:19 AM 01:39 PM 07:45 PM Wed 4 02:01 AM 07:58 AM 02:20 PM 08:29 PM Thu 5 02:49 AM 08:45 AM 03:14 PM 09:26 PM Fri 6 03:56 AM 09:50 AM 04:26 PM 10:47 PM Sat 7 05:21 AM 11:23 AM 05:50 PM Sun 8 12:19 AM 06:44 AM 12:53 PM 07:05 PM Mon 9 01:29 AM 07:47 AM 01:55 PM 08:04 PM Tue 10 02:21 AM 08:37 AM 02:44 PM 08:52 PM Wed 11 03:05 AM 09:20 AM 03:26 PM 09:35 PM Thu 12 03:46 AM 10:01 AM 04:07 PM 10:17 PM Fri 13 04:25 AM 10:40 AM 04:46 PM 10:58 PM Sat 14 05:04 AM 11:20 AM 05:27 PM 11:40 PM Sun 15 05:45 AM 12:01 PM 06:08 PM Mon 16 12:22 AM 06:26 AM 12:43 PM 06:51 PM Tue 17 01:07 AM 07:09 AM 01:28 PM 07:36 PM Wed 18 01:55 AM 07:55 AM 02:17 PM 08:27 PM Thu 19 02:49 AM 08:47 AM 03:13 PM 09:27 PM Fri 20 03:54 AM 09:52 AM 04:22 PM 10:44 PM Sat 21 05:12 AM 11:18 AM 05:43 PM Sun 22 12:15 AM 06:36 AM 12:50 PM 07:04 PM Mon 23 01:33 AM 07:49 AM 02:00 PM 08:10 PM Tue 24 02:30 AM 08:45 AM 02:52 PM 09:02 PM Wed 25 03:15 AM 09:29 AM 03:34 PM 09:44 PM Thu 26 03:52 AM 10:06 AM 04:11 PM 10:22 PM Fri 27 04:25 AM 10:40 AM 04:44 PM 10:55 PM Sat 28 04:57 AM 11:12 AM 05:16 PM 11:28 PM Sun 29 05:28 AM 11:44 AM 05:48 PM 11:59 PM Mon 30 05:59 AM 12:15 PM 06:19 PM TIDE CHART
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