Special Lesson 1차시 학습목표 지도상의 유의점 1 1960년대 미국사회의 특징을 간단히 파악할 수 있다. 2 지컬 영화 Hairspray의 등장인물의 성격을 미리 추 뮤 측할 수 있다. 3 뮤지컬 영화 Hairspray의 내용을 추측해 볼 수 있다. 영화의 배경이 되는 사회의 특징에 대해서는 고등학생의 수준에 맞게 지도한다. 영화의 주인공과 줄거리를 추측 할 때에 영화에 대해 학생들이 흥미를 잃지 않도록 진행 한다. 준비물 CD-ROM, 교과서 pp.172~173 Special Lesson A HAIRSPRAY Here are some pictures of some characters of the movie Hairspray. Match each picture with the description of the character. Tracy Seaweed Velma Link • • • • • He is the goodlooking lead dancer on a dance show. B • She is skinny and selfish, and only cares about her daughter’s success. • She likes dancing and has no prejudice on race and looks. • He teaches Tracy dancing and helps her to win a spot on the TV show. Guess what is happening in each picture. People are in love with the Corny Collins Show. I love singing and dancing. I want to dance with my black friends together on the show. I won the Miss Hairspray title. Discuss with your classmates what America was like in the 1960s. Think about these three features of the society. •race •appearance •relationship between men and women C To become a famous star on the TV, what qualities do you think are needed? Share your ideas with your classmates. Hairspray Introduction ●이 단원에서 학습할 내용에 대해 간단히 살펴본다. Read the title and go over a few pages in this lesson. Can you guess what this lesson will be about? We are going to study about the musical Hairspray. Development Before You Begin ●1960년대의 미국이 어떠했을지 주어진 세 가지 항목에 대해 논의해 173 terms of race, appearance, and the relationships between men and women? 예시답안 - There probably existed a racial problem. - African Americans must have been treated unequally in society at that time. - In the 1960s, people might be less interested in appearance and focused on inner beauty. - Americans may care a lot about appearance and judge each other by appearances. - Boys and girls are not supposed to sit together or talk to each other. - Boys and girls dance together and they can date freely in America. 보게 한다. Discuss with your classmates what America was like in the 1960s. The 1960s was a decade that began on January 1, 1960 and ended on December 31, 1969. Think about these three features of the society. What do you think America was like in 268 Special Lesson Useful Info 미국의 1960년대 미국인들에게 1960년대는 큰 의미가 부여되는 시기라고 할 수 있다. 대 외적으론 베트남 전쟁이 극에 치닫게 되고 대내적으로는 Martin Luther you think are needed? Share your ideas with your classmates? King이 공민권 운동을 이끈 시대로 백인과 흑인의 사회적 인종 차별을 법 으로 규정했던 Jim Crow 법이 폐지되었던 때이자 커다란 문화 개혁이 일어났던 시기이다. 미국의 1960년대는 50년대 보수적 가치에 대한 저 예시답안 항이 전 사회적으로 일었던 시기였다. 50년대는 매카시즘 광풍과 냉전으 로 인해서 정치적인 보수주의가 팽배했다. 정치적으로 60년대는 케네디 대통령이 집권했고 영국이나 이태리에서도 좌파정권이 출현했다. 60년 대는 이러한 보수적 가치에 대한 저항의 싹이 대중문화 속에서도 커가기 시작했다. 모타운의 흑인음악, 포크락, 영국팝이 대중적으로 유행했다. 뮤지컬 영화 헤어스프레이도 이러한 시대적 배경을 바탕으로 한 영화다. - I think an attractive appearance is needed. It doesn’t mean a star has to be beautiful or handsome. To become a famous star, he or she has to be able to attract people’s attention and interest. -D efinitely great talent in music or dancing! Without some talent to show, people easily get tired of a star. Before You Read Useful Info A. 주인공과 그 특징 연결하기 1 영화 Hairspray의 주인공 사진을 보고 주인공을 묘사한 글과 알맞 Hairspray(2007) 게 연결하게 한다. Genre Comedy, Musical, Romance Director Adam Shankman Stars John Travolta, Queen Latifah and Nikki Blonsky Plot Pleasantly plump teenager Tracy Turnblad teaches 1962 Look at the pictures below. They are some pictures of some characters from the movie Hairspray. Match each picture with the description of the character. 2 Baltimore a thing or two about integration after landing a spot on a local TV dance show. 정답을 확인한다. Taglines Let’s check the answer. • Remember when a movie can make you dream, make you dance, and make you feel on top of the world? B. 사건의 흐름 추측하기 • When you follow your own beat, the world will follow you. ●영화 • For anyone who wanted something bigger, there comes a 스틸컷과 그에 대한 간략한 설명을 보고 무슨 일이 벌어지고 있 time to break all the rules. 는지, 사건의 흐름이 어떠한지 추측해 보게 한다. * 영화 Hairspray(2007)에 대한 추가적인 정보는 다음 사이트에서 확인 Look at the pictures below. These are all scenes from the movie Hairspray. There is a short description above each picture to help your understanding of the picture. Guess what is happening in each picture, how the events are related, and how the story is developing. 할 수 있다. Teaching Tips 예시답안 - I can see the boys and girls are dancing happily in the Corny Collins show. It looks interesting and charming. It seems like a popular show. - I can see a big girl dancing in the show. It looks like she enjoys dancing. I wonder how she got the job dancing on the stage, though. I’m sure she is really good at dancing. - I think some people may be jealous of a big girl showing up at such a popular show and dancing there. - There is the big girl dancing with black kids. It looks quite unusual that the black kids and two white girls are dancing together. I’m worried something might happen to them. - A little black girl won the Miss Hairspray title. Racial tension may have disappeared by the end of the movie. 다음은 영화를 학습 자료로 쓸 경우에 참고할 수 있는 사이트이다. • 영화 레슨 플랜 • 영화 사운드 클립 모음 • 영화 포스터 모음 • 인터뷰 모음 film_interviews.shtml • 전반적인 영화 정보 모음 Consolidation 1 You’ve guessed the personality of the characters and the events that took place in the reading text today. C. 유명한 스타가 되기 위한 자질에 대해 토론하기 ●TV에서 유명한 스타가 되기 위해 필요한 자질에 대해 친구들과 논의 하고 의견을 공유해 보게 한다. To become a famous star on TV, what qualities do 학습한 내용을 정리하고 학생들에게 상기시킨다. 2 다음 시간에 배울 내용을 안내한다. Next class, you are going to read Hairspray. Hairspray 269 Special Lesson 2 - 4차시 학습목표 지도상의 유의점 영화로 만들어진 뮤지컬 헤어스프레이를 읽고 내용을 이 해한다. skimming을 먼저 하고 단락의 내용을 짐작하게 한 후 매 쪽 하단에 있는 내용 확인 문제를 풀도록 유도한 후에 정 독으로 넘어가도록 지도한다. Introduction 준비물 CD-ROM, 교과서 Penny’s school, among them the arrogant and wealthy Amber von Tussle and her boyfriend, Link Larkin, the lead male dancer. Amber’s mother, Velma, manages WYZT and ●이번 수업 시간에 할 내용에 대해 간단히 소개한다. Open your books to page 174. Do you remember that in the last class, we predicted what the characters are like and how the story will go? Today, we are going to read Hairspray and check our predictions. makes sure Amber is featured and that The Corny Collins Show remains a racially segregated program. Corny Collins and his Council Members are white; black kids are only allowed on the show on “Negro Day”, held the last Tuesday of each month and hosted by R&B disc jockey Motormouth Maybelle, who owns the local record shop. ③ Tracy’s reclusive mother, Edna, and Penny’s strict, religious mother, Prudy, disapprove of their daughters’ fascination with the program, despite the fact that Prudy watches the Development show herself; Tracy’s father, Wilbur, a joke-shop proprietor, is more lenient. ④ Corny Collins announces that one of the Council Members, 1 Pre-reading Brenda, is pregnant, and is going on a leave of absence, so 제목과 글의 삽화를 먼저 훑어보아 글에 대한 흥미를 유발시킨다. the next day. When Tracy attends, Velma rejects her for Class, what is the title of the reading? That’s right, Hairspray. Look at the pictures from page 174 to page 179. Can you guess how the story will go? Let’s find out more in detail. 2 페이지 하단의 단어를 훑어보고 모르는 단어의 뜻을 확인하여 글을 읽 는 데에 어려움이 없도록 한다. Class, look at the words at the bottom of each page. Let’s check the meanings altogether. While-Reading 1 각 페이지의 문제를 먼저 읽고 정답을 생각하면서 글을 빠른 속도로 훑어보게 한다. Read questions 1 to 6. Now, try to find out the answers while reading pages 174 to 179. 2 정답을 확인하고 다시 한 번 본문을 정독하게 한다. Let’s check the answers. Now, try to read each sentence carefully. Useful Info 영화 Hairspray 의 줄거리로 만들어진 본문을 읽기 전에 영화 자체 auditions for a replacement will be held during school hours being overweight and supporting integration. ⑤ Tracy is sent to detention by Miss Wimsey for skipping school, discovering the “Negro Day” kids practicing their dances in the detention hall. Tracy befriends the students’ best dancer, Motormouth Maybelle’s son, Seaweed, who teaches Tracy several dance moves. As Tracy leaves detention, she inadvertently bumps into Link and dreams of a life with him. ⑥ A t a record hop, Tracy’s moves attract the attention of Corny Collins and he appoints her to the Council. Tracy becomes one of Corny’s most popular Council Members. This, however, threatens Amber’s chances of winning the show’s yearly “Miss Teenage Hairspray” pageant and her relationship with Link, as he grows fonder of Tracy. ⑦ Mr. Pinky, a slightly off-centered salesman, suggests that Tracy be the spokesgirl for his Hefty Hideaway boutique. Tracy persuades Edna to accompany her to the Hefty Hideaway as her agent, and in the process helps cure her mother’s agoraphobia. ⑧ Tracy introduces Seaweed to Penny, and the two are smitten. One afternoon, Amber has Tracy sent to detention. Link follows after taunting their teacher Mr. Flak. Seaweed invites the girls and Link to follow him and his sister Little Inez to a platter party at Motormouth Maybelle’s store. Edna finds Tracy and tries to take her home, until Maybelle convinces her to stay and tells her to take pride in herself. ⑨ Maybelle informs everyone that Velma has canceled “Negro 의 개요(synopsis)를 읽어 보는 활동을 할 수 있다. Day”. Tracy suggests that Maybelle and the others stage ① Tracy Turnblad, a cheerful, overweight high school student a demonstration for the next afternoon, a day before the living in Baltimore, Maryland endures a day’s worth of school “Miss Teenage Hairspray” pageant. Realizing that he has a before she and best friend Penny Pingleton can watch their chance at stardom by singing at the pageant, Link does not favorite television show, The Corny Collins Show, a teen dance show broadcast from local station WYZT. ② T he teenagers featured on the show attend Tracy and 270 Special Lesson attend the demonstration. ⑩ After the party, Edna goes to Wilbur’s shop to flirt with him, but Velma gets there first and tries to seduce Wilbur. Edna p.174 Hairspray Hairspray tells the story of Tracy, an overweight high school girl. 1 Facing society’s prejudice = Although she faces ~ 동격 about looks and size, Tracy achieves her dream of dancing in her favorite television show. The movie’s title comes from the fact that people in the 1960s America loved “big” hairdos. To get ~에서 비롯되다 fact와 동격의 명사절을 이끄는 접속사 that to부정사의 부사적 용법(목적) that kind of hair, they had to keep spraying sticky, quick-drying liquid on their hair. This liquid ~을 계속하다 빨리 마르는 kept their hair in place. Hairspray was an important part of their life. 유지하다 Q 1. Where does the movie’s title Hairspray come from? It comes from the fact that people in the 1960s America loved big hairdos, so they sprayed the liquid on their hair to keep it in place. Hairspray (헤어스프레이) 영화 헤어스프레이는 과체중 여고생 Tracy(트레이시)의 이야기를 다룬다. Tracy는 외모와 몸집에 대한 사회적 편견에 직면하지만, 그녀가 가 장 좋아하는 텔레비전 쇼에서 춤추는 꿈을 이뤄낸다. 영화 제목은 1960년 미국인들이 ‘부풀려진’ 머리 모양을 좋아했다는 사실에서 유래한 것 이다. 그런 머리 모양을 하기 위해서 사람들은 끈적거리고 빨리 마르는 액체를 계속해서 머리에 뿌려야 했다. 이 액체가 머리 모양을 그대로 유 지시켜 주었다. 헤어스프레이는 사람들의 삶에서 중요한 부분이었다. arrives and accuses Wilbur of infidelity. Edna, out of hatred for Velma, forbids Tracy from being on the show. Wilbur and Edna reconcile. ⑪ The next morning, Tracy sneaks out of the house to join the protest, which comes to a halt at a police roadblock set up by Velma. The protesters are arrested, but Tracy runs to the Pingletons, where Penny hides her in a fallout shelter. Prudy catches Tracy and calls the police before tying Penny to her bed. Seaweed and his friends, having been bailed out by Wilbur, help Tracy and Penny escape. Link visits Additional Questions 1.Check T for true, F for false. (1) Tracy’s dream was to dance in her favorite television show. T F (2) To have big hairdos, Tracy sprayed sticky, quick -drying liquid on her hair once a day. T F D o 2. you think it is easy for Tracy to achieve her dream? ‒ 예시답안 : I don’t think it is easy, because society had some prejudice about looks and size. Tracy’s house to look for her and realizes that he loves her. Seaweed and Penny acknowledge their love during the 구문 해설 escape from her house. ⑫ With the pageant underway, Velma places police officers around WYZT to stop Tracy. She also changes the pageant tallies so Amber is guaranteed to win. Penny arrives at 1 양보를 나타내는 분사구문으로, 양보 접속사 although를 써서 절로 나타낼 수 있다. although 대신에 though를 쓸 수 있다. the pageant with Edna incognito, while Wilbur, Seaweed and the Negro Day kids help Tracy infiltrate the studio to participate in the Miss Teenage Hairspray contest. Link breaks away from Amber to dance with Tracy; later, he pulls Little Inez, who has arrived at WYZT with Maybelle, to the stage to dance in the pageant. ⑬ Little Inez receives the most votes and wins the pageant, officially integrating The Corny Collins Show. Velma declares her frustration, informing her daughter of the tallyswitching scheme. Edna and Wilbur have turned a camera on her, and Velma’s outburst is broadcast on the air, causing her to be dismissed. ⑭ The Corny Collins Show set explodes into a celebration as Tracy and Link cement their love with a kiss. Words & Expressions ▪ overweight 과체중의, 비만의 e.g. Doctors warn about the increasing number of overweight children. ▪ hairdo 머리 모양 e.g. My friends have never noticed changes of my hairdo. ▪ sticky 끈적거리는, 달라붙는, 끈끈한 e.g. My fingers were sticky with caramel. ▪ in place 제자리에 있는 e.g. Use this spray to keep your Barbie hair in place. cf. 교과서 본문에는 ③, ⑦, ⑩ 등의 몇몇 에피소드들은 소개되지 않는다. Hairspray 271 Special Lesson 2 ~ 4 차시 p.175 It is 1962 and Tracy Turnblad and her best friend Penny Pingleton are watching the Corny 비인칭 주어 it Collins Show. Like every girl in the city, they are in love with the exciting stage world of music 「every + 단수 명사」 and dancing. In particular, they love Link Larkin, the hot star of the show. = Especially 동격 Back in the early 1960s, black kids kept away from white kids. While white teenagers could keep away from: ~과 멀리하다 접속사: ~반면에 perform on the show every day, their black friends were allowed to dance on the show only once be allowed to: ~하는 것이 허용되다 a month. = per When 1 one of the dancers of the show leaves, Corny Collins, host of the show, holds auditions 「one of the + 복수 명사」: 주어가 one이므로 단수 취급 단수 동사 오디션을 주최하다 for a new star. Tracy is an amazing dancer and singer and decides to go for the chance 2 to be on 등위접속사 and로 연결되어 있음 to부정사의 형용사적 용법 the show. Tracy’s mom (Edna), however, is worried that television people will not pick a girl like 감정을 나타내는 과거 분사 전치사: ~같은 Tracy. Tracy’s mom wants her daughter to lead a simple life, instead of trying to become a star 「want + O + to + 동사원형」: O가 ~하기를 원하다 「instead of + 명사/동명사」: ~대신에 and 3 getting hurt by failure. But Tracy’s dad (Wilbur) supports her dream. 「get + 과거분사」: ~되다 Wilbur: Tracy, do you really want to audition for the show? 동사로 쓰임: 오디션을 보다 Tracy: With all my heart. Wilbur: Then, 4 go for it! You have to think 5 big to be big. Follow your dream. = do anything you have to in order to get something 부사적 용법(목적) Q 2. Why is Tracy’s mom worried about Tracy having an audition? Because she thinks television people will not pick a girl like Tracy. 때는 1962년이고, Tracy Turnblad(트레이시 턴블래드)와 그녀의 가장 친한 친구 Penny Pingleton(페니 핑글턴)은 Corny Collins Show(코 니 콜린스 쇼)를 보고 있다. 도시의 모든 소녀들과 같이 그들은 음악과 춤의 세계인 신나는 무대와 사랑에 빠져 있다. 특히, 그들은 그 쇼의 인 기 스타인 Link Larkin(링크 라킨)을 대단히 좋아한다. 1960년대 초만 해도 흑인 아이들은 백인 아이들을 가까이 하지 않았다. 백인 십대들이 매일 쇼에서 공연할 수 있었던 반면, 그들의 흑인 친구 들은 한 달에 단 하루만 춤추는 것이 허용되었다. 쇼의 댄서 중 한 명이 그만두게 되자, 쇼의 사회자인 Corny Collins는 신인 스타를 발굴하기 위한 오디션을 주최하게 된다. Tracy는 굉장한 춤 꾼이자 가수이고 쇼에 나설 기회를 잡기로 결정한다. 하지만 Tracy의 엄마인 Edna(에드나)는 텔레비전 관계자들이 Tracy같은 여자 아이를 뽑 지 않을 거라며 걱정한다. Tracy의 엄마는 딸이 스타가 되려고 애쓰다가 실패하고 상처받기보다는 평범한 삶을 살기를 원한다. 그러나 Tracy 의 아빠인 Wilbur (윌버)는 Tracy의 꿈을 지지한다. Wilbur: Tracy야, 정말로 그 쇼의 오디션에 참가하고 싶은 거니? Tracy: 진심으로요. Wilbur: 그렇다면, 그렇게 해보렴! 크게 되기 위해서는 크게 생각해야만 해. 네 꿈을 좇아가. Additional Questions 1.Check T for true, F for false. (1) Tracy and Penny love the hot star of the Corny Collins Show. T F (2) T racy’s father and mother don’t support Tracy’s dream of auditioning for the show. T F 272 Special Lesson 2.If you were Tracy’s mom, would you support her trying out for the audition? Explain your answer. ‒예 시답안 : I would support her decision of going for the chance to be on the show. In the world full of prejudice and competition, support from her own family would mean a lot. Special Lesson 2 ~ 4 차시 entire country. 구문 해설 1 2 3 • Hairspray takes place in 1962, at a time when the African- one of the dancers of the show에서 주어는 one이므로 단수 동사 American civil rights movement (1955-1968) was gathering 를 써야 된다. 따라서 동사 leave는 leaves로 수 일치를 시킨다. momentum. This was a reform movement, whose aim to be는 앞의 명사 chance를 수식하는 to부정사의 형용사적 용법 was to abolish racial discrimination imposed on African 이다. Americans. At the time Hairspray is set, racial tension was getting hurt는 등위접속사 and에 의해 trying과 병렬 구조로 연결 되어 있다. 4 and more students, both in college and in high school, were becoming involved in protests against segregation in all go for it은 두려워하지 말고 해보라는 뜻으로, 원하는 것을 위해 모든 힘과 수단을 다하라는 뜻이다. 5 high; demonstrations and riots were in the daily news. More think big은 격식을 차리지 않는 말로 ‘어렵지만 도전해 볼만한 일 을 계획하다’ 즉 ‘크게 생각하다’라는 뜻이다. (to plan to do things that are difficult, but will be very impressive, make a lot of profit, etc.) areas of society. 2. 추가 활동으로 1960년대 미국에서 일어난 주요 인권 관련 사 건들을 알아보고 한국의 1960년대에는 어떤 사건들이 일어났 는지 조사해보고 그 시대 상황을 생각해볼 수 있다. • Here is a time line listing some of the major events in the struggle for civil rights in the US, both before and after Words & Expressions ▪ be in love with ~와 사랑에 빠지다 Hairspray. Complete a time line of major events charting race relations in Korea. Year e.g. This story talks about a girl from a wealthy family who is in love with a poor guy. ▪ in particular 특히, 특별히 USA “white only” rules at drinking 1961 fountains, lunch counters, and rest rooms in bus and e.g. Most of our sales increases have come from Asia, train stations in the South. China in particular. James Meredith, a black ▪ keep away from ~을 가까이 하지 않다, 멀리하다 e.g. He went a long way round to keep away from the wild student, enrolls at the 1962 University of Mississippi under protection of federal dog. ▪ audition Korea Freedom Riders challenge troops. 명 오디션 동 오디션을 보다 Two hundred and fifty e.g. It is part of the director’s job to audition and select cast members. thousand people attend 1963 where Martin Luther King, Jr. delivers his “I have a Teaching Tips 1. 본문에는 특정 장소가 언급되지는 않았지만, 원작 헤어스프레 the March on Washington, Dream” speech. Riots erupt in Watts, a 1965 ghetto neighbourhood in 이의 배경은 미국 Maryland의 Baltimore다. 학생들에게 그 Los Angeles, California. 당시의 시대 상황에 대해 지도하도록 한다. Thurgood Marshall becomes the first black The setting for Hairspray Supreme Court justice. • H airspray is set in Baltimore, Maryland, John Waters’ hometown. In the early 1960s, the time when Hairspray takes place, more than half of the population of Baltimore Riots occur in Detroit and 1967 The first black mayors of was African-American. The city had voluntarily decided to major US cities are elected desegregate the school system, rather than be forced to in Cleveland, Ohio, and do so by court order. However, “white flight” (affluent white Gary, Indiana. families moving to the suburbs) meant that the increasingly overcrowded schools had a much higher percentage of black students than white. Despite the efforts to integrate schools, Baltimore remained heavily segregated, as it had been from other large cities. Martin Luther King, Jr. is 1968 assassinated. Riots erupt across the US. its earliest days. Baltimore, sometimes described as “an outpost of the North in a Southern state,” found itself in a strategic position in the civil rights movement of the 1960s. The proximity of the city to the nation’s capital made it a popular place for civil rights activists to stage protests and rallies. The city’s central position between the North and the South, the very location that made it an economic centre, put Baltimore in the midst of the social struggle that divided the Hairspray 273 Special Lesson 2 ~ 4 차시 pp.176~177 One day, Tracy misses classes and has to stay at school after class. It turns out that this is turn out: ~인 것으로 드러나다[밝혀지다] 명사절을 이끄는 접속사 1 when a group of black students sing and dance together at school. The best dancer of them all, 시간 관계부사 Seaweed, 2 teaches Tracy some wonderful R&B dance moves. These dance moves lead Tracy to 「teach + I.O. + D.O.」 「lead A to + 동사원형」: A가 ~하게 하다 win a spot on the Corny Collins Show. Link comes to like Tracy and loses interests in his girlfriend, Amber, who also stars on the 「come to + 동사원형」: ~하게 되다 ~에 대한 관심을 잃다 주격 관계대명사 주연을 맡다 show. Amber’s mother, Velma, manages the television station producing the show. 3 Skinny and Being 생략 selfish, Velma is angry at Tracy because Tracy rules the show and steals Link’s heart. In response, be angry at: ~에 대하여 성을 내다 이에 대응하여 Velma cancels the show’s Black Kids Day, where talented black kids show off their dancing. 관계부사의 계속적 용법 Faced with this unfair decision, Tracy suggests to her white and black friends – Link, Penny, = As[While] she is faced with ~ Seaweed, Seaweed’s little sister Inez – that they 4 stage a march. Seaweed’s mother, Maybelle, 명사절을 이끄는 접속사 시위 행진을 벌이다 helps them with the march. Maybelle: Here we go now. Tracy! You’re going to pay a heavy price. Tracy: I know. Maybelle: You’ll never dance on TV again. Tracy: If I can’t dance with Seaweed and little Inez... then I don’t want to dance on TV at all. I just want tomorrow to be better. not ~ at all: 전혀 ~하지 않다 「want + O + to-v」: O가 ~하기를 바라다 Q 3. Why does Velma cancel the show’s Black Kids Day? Because she is angry at Tracy ruling the show and stealing Link’s heart. Q 4. What does Tracy think the “unfair decision” is? She thinks canceling the show’s Black Kids Day is an unfair decision. 어느 날, Tracy는 수업을 빼먹어서 방과 후 학교에 남게 된다. 알고 보니 이때가 바로 한 무리의 흑인 학생들이 학교에서 함께 노래 부르고 춤추는 시간이었던 것을 알게 되었다. 그들 중 최고의 춤꾼인 Seaweed(씨위드)가 Tracy에게 멋진 리듬 앤드 블루스 동작을 가르쳐 준다. 이 춤 동작으로 Tracy는 Corny Collins Show의 한 자리를 따내게 된다. Link는 Tracy를 좋아하게 되면서 함께 쇼에서 주연을 맡은 여자 친구 Amber(앰버)에 대한 관심을 잃게 된다. Amber의 어머니인 Velma (벨마)는 쇼를 제작하는 텔레비전 방송국을 관리하고 있다. 비쩍 마르고 이기적인 Velma는 Tracy가 쇼를 장악하고 Link의 마음을 빼앗은 것 때문에 Tracy에게 화가 나 있다. 이에 대응하여 Velma는 재능 있는 흑인 아이들이 춤 솜씨를 뽐내는 Black Kids Day(블랙 키즈 데이)를 중 지한다. 이 부당한 결정에 맞서서 Tracy는 백인, 흑인 친구들인 Link, Penny, Seaweed, Seaweed의 여동생 Inez(이네즈)에게 시위 행진을 벌이자 고 제안한다. Seaweed의 어머니인 Maybelle(메이벨)도 시위 행진을 돕기로 한다. Maybelle: 자, 이제 시작해 보자. Tracy야! 너는 막대한 대가를 치르게 될 거야. Tracy: 알아요. Maybelle: 텔레비전에서 다시는 춤추지 못하게 될 텐데. Tracy: 제가 Seaweed와 어린 Inez와 함께 춤추지 못한다면... 그렇다면 저는 절대로 텔레비전에 나와서 춤추고 싶지 않아요. 저는 단지 내 일이 더 나아지길 바라요. 274 Special Lesson Special Lesson 2 ~ 4 차시 Additional Questions 1.Why did Tracy have to stay at school after class? ‒ She had to stay at school after class because she missed classes. 2.Who was the best dancer of the group of black students? ‒ It was Seaweed. 3.What did Seaweed teach Tracy? ‒ He taught her some wonderful R&B dance moves. 4.What do the black kids do on the Black Kids Day? ‒ Talented black kids show off their dancing. 5.W hat did Tracy suggest her white and black friends do? ‒ She suggested that they stage a march. 6.Who helped the kids with the march? ‒ S eaweed’s mother, Maybelle helped them with the march. 7.Based on the conversation between Maybelle and Tracy, what kind of a person do you think Tracy is? ‒ Her action was just and she was determined to stage a march. I think she is a brave person. 구문 해설 1 2 Teaching Tips 1. Tracy는 수업을 빼먹은 벌로 방과 후에 학교에 남게 되는데, 거기에서 흑인 친구 Seaweed를 만나게 되고 그 친구에게 춤 동작을 배우게 되고 그토록 원했던 Corny Collins Show의 댄서가 되어 쇼를 장악하게 된다. 백인과 흑인이 함께 어울리 지 못했던 1960년대 시대 상황을 생각해보면 낯선 상황에 잘 적응한 Tracy의 행동과 모든 편견에 맞서 한 번에 스타가 된 Tracy를 바라보는 시각을 다음과 같은 질문을 던지고 학생들 이 토론할 수 있도록 할 수 있다. • How do you think you would react to stardom? • Has Tracy made significant changes to her personality in order to fit into a new group? • To what extent do you think she would find being in a group where people function differently from her a positive or negative experience? • Talk through possible scenarios that focus on issues of social acceptance and personal confidence. 2. 학생들에게 흑인을 지칭하는 단어에 대해 지도하도록 한다. 실제 원 작에서는 Black Kids Day가 아닌 Negro Day라고 하는데, negro 있다. 의 어감 때문에 교과서에서는 명칭을 바꾼 것이다. 20세기 중간까지 「teach + I.O. + D.O.」에서 teach는 4형식 동사로 teach some 꿔 쓸 수 있다. 4 e.g. Eventually we will pay a heavy price for that mistake. when은 시간을 나타내는 관계부사로, 앞에 the time이 생략되어 wonderful R&B dance moves to Tracy라고 3형식 문장으로 바 3 ▪ pay a heavy price 큰 대가[희생]을 치르다 만 해도 negro는 nigger와 차별화된 고상한 단어라는 인식이 있었 고, Martin King Luther Jr.의 연설에서도 흑인을 지칭할 때 negro 라고 했다. negro는 검은색을 뜻하는 스페인어라서 문제 삼을 것 이 아니었지만, 1960년대 흑인 인권 운동이 거세지면서 일부 운동 Being이 생략된 분사구문이다.(Being skinny and selfish, ~ / 가들이 negro라는 단어가 흑인들의 어두운 역사를 나타낸다며 부 As[While] she is skinny and selfish, ~) 정적인 입장을 밝혔고, negro는 인권 비하 발언으로 취급되고 있다. stage a march는 ‘시위 행진을 벌이다’라는 뜻이다. stage는 동사로 black 역시 인권 단체들이 문제 삼는 단어이다. 현재는 통상 African 면밀한 계획이 필요한 일을 벌이는 것을 뜻한다. Words & Expressions ▪ turn out 드러나다, 밝혀지다 e.g. It turned out that she was a friend of my sister. ▪ manage 운영[경영/관리]하다 e.g. They fought over the right to manage the company. ▪ skinny 깡마른, 비쩍 마른 e.g. I’m so skinny that I look like a skeleton. ▪ selfish 이기적인 e.g. He lived in himself because of his selfish personality. ▪ in response 이에 응하여, 답하여 e.g. The manager ordered reducing expenditures at the beginning of the year. In response, we’ve been focusing on ways to cut costs. ▪ unfair 불공평한, 부당한 American으로 순화하여 쓰고 있다. negro에 대한 추가적인 설명은에서 확인할 수 있다. 3. 본문에서 Tracy와 그녀의 친구들은 Velma가 Black Kids Day를 쇼 에서 하차시키자 부당한 결정(unfair decision)이라며 시위를 하게 되는 부분이 나온다. 이 부분을 토론 활동으로 확장시켜 수업을 진행 할 수 있다. • How do you see the unfair decision Velma canceling the show? • I f you were Tracy, how would you react to the unfair decision? • What kind of things could be seen as an unfair decision? • Have you ever had to accept a very unfair decision that was hard to stomach? • What do you think a fair society would look like? • Do you think it is possible for groups to treat each other with fairness? • Do you feel as if you are part of a group that is mostly privileged, not privileged, or very much in a neutral position? How do you identify yourself within this group? e.g. It is unfair to say that all homeless people are drugaddicts. ▪ stage a march 시위 행진을 벌이다 e.g. They are to stage a march in support of the fired workers. Hairspray 275 Special Lesson 2 ~ 4 차시 p.178 Velma 1 informs the police of the march and it is stopped by the police. After almost being inform A of B: A에게 B를 알리다 the march 접속사를 남겨 둔 분사구문 arrested by the police, Tracy and her friends plan to show up to the Miss Teenage Hairspray contest. This contest is hosted yearly by the Corny Collins Show in order to choose the best ~하기 위해서 teenage girl dancer. The winner is called Miss Hairspray, because the contest is sponsored by a ~로 불리다: 「call A B」에서 A를 주어로 해서 수동태로 만든 문장이다. hairspray company. The competition begins. Velma places the police around and inside the television station and the television station 생략 makes sure (that Tracy and her friends do not enter .) Velma controls all the votes 2 so that Amber (~을) 확실히 하다 so that: ~하기 위하여, ~하도록(목적) 명사절을 이끄는 접속사 is sure to win the title. With the help of Tracy’s parents and her friends, Tracy succeeds in getting be sure to: 꼭 ~하다(= surely) 성공하다 (cf. succeed to: ~을 계승하다) ~의 도움으로 into the television station and dances with Link. Tracy’s black friends arrive in time and take 제시간에 도착하다 part in the contest. = participate in Q 5. What is the purpose of the Miss Teenage Hairspray contest? The purpose of the Miss Teenage Hairspray contest is to choose the best teenage girl dancer. Velma는 시위 행진에 대해 경찰에 알리고, 경찰에 의해 시위는 중단된다. 경찰에게 거의 체포될 뻔한 후에, Tracy와 친구들은 Miss Teenage Hairspray(미스 틴에이지 헤어스프레이) 대회에 등장할 계획을 세운다. 이 대회는 매년 최고의 십대 소녀 댄서를 뽑기 위해 Corny Collins Show가 주최한다. 승자는 Miss Hairspray(미스 헤어스프레이)라고 불리는데, 왜냐하면 이 대회가 헤어스프레이 회사로부터 후원을 받기 때문이다. 대회가 시작된다. Velma는 방송국 주변과 내부에 경찰을 배치하고 Tracy와 그녀의 친구들이 절대 입장하지 못하도록 한다. Velma는 Amber 가 꼭 우승하도록 모든 투표를 통제한다. Tracy의 부모님과 친구들의 도움으로 Tracy는 방송국에 들어가는 데 성공하고 Link와 함께 춤을 춘다. Tracy의 흑인 친구들도 제시간에 도착해서 대회에 참가한다. Additional Questions 1.Who informed the police of the march? ‒ Velma informed the police and they stopped it. Words & Expressions ▪ show up 나타나다, 모습을 드러내다 e.g. I’ll wait for you until 7, and if you don’t show up, I’ll just 2.W hom did Velma want to win the title of the contest? ‒ Amber, her daughter. 3.Despite Velma’s plan, how did Tracy get into the television station and dance with Link? ▪ host (행사를) 주최하다, 진행하다 ▪ inform 알리다, 통지하다 ‒ Tracy’s parents and her friends helped her. leave without you. e.g. Nine cities have launched their official bids to host the 2012 Olympic Games e.g. I’m sorry to inform you that your flight has been 구문 해설 1 inform은 특히 공식적으로 알리거나 통지하는 것을 뜻한다. 2 「so that s + v」은 ‘~하기 위해서, ~이 되도록’이라는 목적의 의미를 나타내는 문형이다. so that이 결과의 의미를 나타낼 경우에는 so 앞 에 콤마가 나오고 that이 생략되기도 한다. e.g. I woke up early so that I could catch the bus. (목적; 버스를 잡기 위해 일찍 일어났다.) I woke up early, so (that) I could catch the bus. (결과; 일찍 일어났기 때문에, 그 결과 버스를 잡을 수 있었다.) 276 Special Lesson cancelled. ▪ arrest 체포하다 e.g. The police threaten us if we leave our houses, they will arrest us. ▪ yearly 1년에 한 번 있는, 해마다 하는, 연간의 e.g. Yearly subscriptions are only $1.15 per issue. ▪ sponsor 광고주, 후원업체, 후원하다 e.g. The company will sponsor a work visa for you. ▪ vote 명 투표 동 투표하다 e.g. Each candidate will have to drum up support for vote. Special Lesson 2 ~ 4 차시 ▪ make sure 반드시 ~하게 하다, 확실하게 하다 e.g. I just need to make sure they’re there tomorrow by one o’clock. ▪ with the help of ~의 도움으로 e.g. I stopped smoking with the help of my family. ▪ take part in 참가하다 e.g. Artists and dealers from across the state will take part in the exposition. possess. • Using these lists as your guide, write a scripted scene in which your chosen characters have been thrown into jail and are forced to interact with each other. • I n groups of three, read each of your scenes aloud, allocating parts to the group to act out/interpret as they see fit. • I n each case, discuss how the characters have been portrayed. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the scenes? Teaching Tips 1. 본문에서 확인할 수 있듯이 Corny Collins Show에서는 오직 백인 학생들만 쇼에 참가할 수 있고, 흑인 학생들은 한 달에 한 번 참가할 수 있는데, Velma는 그 기회마저도 없애고 있다. 이 • C hoose the scene that you all believe has the most dramatic potential, and set about rehearsing the scene for performance. • Present the scenes to the class. Discuss the elements of each scene which successfully portrays each character. 4. 본문에 대두되는 사회 문제들을 문제 해결(problem-solving) 부분은 그 당시 미국의 흑백 갈등이 텔레비전 프로그램에서도 과정을 통한 활동으로 진행할 수 있다. 나타나는 상황을 보여주고 있다. 이 상황을 다음과 같은 추가 Identify current situations we face today in schools, 활동으로 연결할 수 있다. 실제로 Corny Collins Show와 같 in homes, and in the world surrounding the following 은 텔레비전 쇼를 제작한다고 가정해보고, 각 그룹별로 프로듀 problems: racism, self-image, and bullying. Brainstorm how 서, 진행자, 댄서들을 선정하고 다음과 같은 질문들을 던져보 고 질문에 대한 답을 각 조별로 정리하고 발표하도록 한다. • What sort of cultural identity does the producer want to we might be able to start tackling these problems. • Racism Definition reflect in the show? • H ow do they direct or manipulate the content of the Problems program to achieve their objective? • What would the target audience for this show be? • How diverse would this audience be? • What are the participants thinking during the show? • Do they agree with the producer’s objective for the show? 2. 1960년대의 문화적 배경 속에서 헤어스프레이는 열심히 춤을 춰도 머리가 헝클어지지 않도록 유지하는데 도움이 되기 때문 How to Solve • Self-Image Definition Problems 에 선풍적인 인기와 더불어 필수품이 되었고, 본문에서 Miss Teenage Hairspray 대회가 열리는 이유도 헤어스프레이 회 사에서 스폰서를 받기 때문이라고 언급되어 있다. 일종이 광고 효과를 노리는 것이기도 하다. 이를 확장시켜 다음과 같은 활 동을 할 수 있도록 지도한다. 오늘날 대한민국의 문화적 배경 How to Solve • Bullying Definition 속에서 필수품이라고 생각되는 물품을 생각해보고 조별로 만 약 그 물건을 파는 회사의 CEO라면 어떤 방식으로 광고를 할 것인지에 대한 논의를 한다. • Brainstorm ideas for your own advertisements that focus Problems How to Solve on a particular target audience. • Divide into groups and choose one of the ideas from the brainstorming exercise to work on. • Discuss the nature of the target audience for your advertisement and how you could design your advertisement to promote a positive and honest sense of identity for the chosen audience. 3. 본문에 등장하는 Velma는 악역을 맡고 있으며, Tracy와는 여 러 가지로 반대되는 모습을 보이고 있다. 이 점을 확대하여 정 반대되는 성격을 지닌 인물을 설정하여 하나의 상황을 만든 후 연기해보는 활동을 진행할 수 있다. • Choose three people who you know, or have met, who have contrasting personalities. • Write down a list of characteristics each of these people Hairspray 277 Special Lesson 2 ~ 4 차시 p.179 Against all expectations, Inez, Seaweed’s little sister, receives the most votes and wins the 예상과는 달리 최고 득표 Miss Hairspray title. Black kids and white kids are now able to sing and dance together on the show. Velma’s plan comes to light and she is fired. In the end, the Corny Collins Show is full of come into[to] light: (사람들에게) 알려지다, 밝혀지다 마침내 be full of: ~로 차다 happiness when Link and Tracy kiss. You can’t stop my happiness ’Cause I like 1 the way I am Because의 구어체 And you just can’t stop my knife and fork When I see a Christmas ham So if you don’t like the way I look Well, I just don’t care ’Cause the world keeps spinning round and round keep -ing: 계속하여 ~하다 빙글빙글 And my heart’s keeping time to the speed of sound ~와 박자를 맞추다 I was lost until I heard the drums Then I found my way ’Cause you can’t stop the beat Q 6. Who is the winner of the Miss Teenage Hairspray contest? Inez, Seaweed’s little sister is the winner of the Miss Teenage Hairspray contest. 모든 예상과는 달리 Seaweed의 여동생인 Inez가 가장 많은 표를 얻어 Miss Hairspray 칭호를 얻는다. 흑인 아이들과 백인 아이들은 이제 모두 함께 쇼에서 노래하고 춤출 수 있게 된다. Velma의 계략이 밝혀지고 그녀는 해고당하게 된다. 마침내 Link와 Tracy가 키스할 때 Corny Collins Show는 행복으로 가득 차게 된다. 당신이 내 행복을 막을 수는 없어요 / 왜냐하면 난 내가 살아가는 방식을 좋아하니까요 그리고 당신이 제 칼과 포크를 멈출 수 없어요 / 제가 크리스마스 햄을 보는 바로 그 때 말이에요 그러니 만약 저의 생긴 그대로의 모습을 좋아하지 않는다면 / 음, 전 상관 안 해요 왜냐하면 세계는 계속 빙글빙글 돌고요 / 제 심장은 소리의 속도를 따라가요 난 드럼 소리를 듣기 전까지는 어찌할 줄 몰랐죠 / 그러다 내 길을 찾았어요 왜냐하면 당신은 리듬을 막을 수 없으니까요 Additional Questions 1.Who got the most votes for the Miss Hairspray title? ‒ Seaweed’s little sister, Inez did. 2.What happened to Velma? ‒ Her plan came into light and she was fired. 구문 해설 1 I like the way I am.에서 the way는 ‘~하는 방식’이라는 뜻의 선행 사로, 뒤에 관계부사 how가 생략되었다. 관계부사를 써서 방법을 나 타낼 때 선행사 the way와 관계부사 how 둘 중 하나만 써야 되고, 278 Special Lesson the way how 처럼 둘 다 쓸 수 없다. Words & Expressions ▪ expectation 예상, 기대 e.g. The gifts were not even close to my expectation. ▪ spin 돌리다, 회전시키다 e.g. To determine if an egg is hard-boiled, spin it. ▪ come to light 밝혀지다, 드러나다 e.g. I think neither government really wanted that issue to come to light. Special Lesson 2 ~ 4 차시 ▪ keep time to (music/song/sound) ~에 박자를 맞추다 insignificant? Do the choices they make in school reflect their dreams? e.g. The players are keeping time to the beat of the songs. • What role does media play in your life? • What sorts of characters do you like in dramatic media? Teaching Tips Do you like characters who are fair-minded, offhand, casual, imperious, strident, goofy, silly, chaotic, or 1. 실제로 학생들이 Hairspray를 무대로 옮겨보는 활동을 지도할 problematic? If you were asked to create a particular character, what sort of character would you choose? 수 있다. 스크립트는 인터넷 스크립트 사이트에서 구할 수 있다. • W hat do you think a fair society would look like? Do • Divide the class into two groups. you think it’s possible for groups to treat each other with • Each group should choose a creative team, consisting of fairness? a director, a musical director and a choreographer, whose task will be to co-ordinate the different performing arts • Would you like to see couples from different races and elements, i.e. acting, singing and choreography, to stage ethnic backgrounds as boyfriends and girlfriends, friends, the scene. lovers, and marriage partners on TV and in life? Why or why not? • The creative team have license to adapt the lyrics to a • H ow good are you at observing differences among song which the whole group is familiar with. people? Do you play an active or passive role when there • T he creative team is also responsible for casting the are differences among people in your company? scene. While staging the songs, take care to concentrate • Does diversity among people create a good, challenging, on the storytelling aspect while simultaneously keeping or uncomfortable atmosphere for you? the emotions of the original piece in mind. • What is there about singing a song that is more inspiring • After the scenes have been rehearsed, present them to that speaking words? What is it about music that attracts the class. you? What is your favorite all time most inspiring song? • Discuss how you prepared your scenes for performance, • Was the movie Hairspray like any other movie that you’ve analyzing the rehearsal processes undertaken by both the ever seen? In what ways would you say it was different, creative team and the performers. and in what ways was it similar? What would you identify 2. 다음은 실제로 뮤지컬 영화 Hairspray 를 시청한 후 학생들에 as the themes of Hairspray? 게 던져볼 수 있는 질문들이다. DVD 시청이 가능한 학급에서 • How many movies or plays can you think of that deal with 는 영화를 시청한 후 다음의 질문들을 생각해보는 시간을 갖도 integration in ways that are satisfying to you? Literally 록 한다. count the number that you can think of. Of this number, how many of them represent the world as you know it? • D o you believe that people from various groups and • Some people say movies should be more like life, others societies are equal to each other and should be treated in say that life should be more like the movies. Which equal ways? statement do you agree with and why? • D o you believe that people in different societies and cultures can be comfortable interacting with one another? • Can you remember a time when something you dreamed Or, on the other hand, do you believe that there are some of or wished for came true? If yes, what was it and how long did it last? important differences to notice? If so, do those differences • What is your impression of the 1960s in the USA? Write affect our behavior? How? down your thoughts about the songs, dances, TV shows • Do you believe that members of different cultural groups and politics of the time. can date, intermarry, have children, and communicate as • Was the 1960s a time that you would have enjoyed living effectively as families with all members from the same in? Why or why not? cultural background? Explain your feelings and beliefs. • If you were able to perform in Hairspray, which of the • W hat are the pros and cons experienced in a family characters would you like to play? where everyone is from the same cultural group? What • Hairspray is about “monumental hairdos.” What about about in families made up of differing cultural groups? hairdos today? Write down descriptions or draw sketches • B egin with a brainstorm on career options today, and of the variety of hairdos. compare them to the career choices of your parents. Are the options the same or different? • Would you think about going into the same profession or doing the same kind of work that members of your family Consolidation are doing? Do you daydream about your future or do you prefer to live in the moment and let the future take care of itself? If you’re a daydreamer, do you dream of doing 1 things within your reach, or do you dream of things that Today, we finished reading. You did a good job. seem more difficult to achieve? How do you compare your dreams with those of your sisters, brothers, friends, and other peers? • Discuss the role school plays in their future plans and expectations. Does school play a large part, or is it 학습한 내용을 정리하고 학생들에게 상기시킨다. 2 다음 시간에 배울 내용을 안내한다. Next class, to remind ourselves of what we’ve read, we’ll make a summary and do some postreading activities. Hairspray 279 Special Lesson 5차시 학습목표 지도상의 유의점 1 읽은 지문의 내용을 바탕으로 요약문을 완성할 수 있다. 2 읽은 지문의 세부 사항과 주제를 파악할 수 있다. 3 회적 편견이나 외모에도 불구하고 꿈을 실현시킨 사 사 람에 대해 의견을 공유한다. p.180 Characters Plot summary Time: in the early 1960s Place: Baltimore, Maryland in America Tracy, Velma, Penny, Amber, Wilbur, Link, Seaweed ... 3 Velma cancels the show’s Black Kids Day because she was angry at Tracy’s popularity over her daughter Amber. 1 Tracy, an overweight high school girl, decides to audition for the Corny Collins Show. 5 Tracy succeeds in dancing at the Miss Teenage Hairspray contest in spite of Velma’s dirty trick and Inez wins the Miss Hairspray title. 4 2 Tracy and other people stage a march against Velma’s unfairness. 2 정답을 확인한다. Let’s check your answers. One day after school, Seaweed teaches Tracy some wonderful dance moves which lead her to win a spot on the show. Teaching Tips 주제문 이해의 독해 과정 Which is the theme of the story? Love sees no faults. ① 읽기 전: 글의 종류에 따른 논리전개 방식을 사전에 주지한다. A person’s looks, size, and skin color are not important. ② 읽는 동안 Music is medicine for a broken heart. C 이야기의 주제를 고르게 한다. It was such an exciting story. I’m sure you’ll enjoy the original musical or movie a lot since you’ve read this. So, which do you think it is the theme of the story? Number each sentence in the right order. Setting B 준비물 CD-ROM, 교과서 B. 본문의 주제 고르기 1 A 학생들의 After You Read의 문제를 어려워하면 교과서 의 해당 부분을 참고하여 문제를 풀거나 요약하도록 지 도한다. • 글의 화제가 무엇인지를 찾아낸다. Check T if the statement is true, F if it is false. • 주제문 및 주제를 사전에 생각하면서 읽는다. 1. Back in the early 1960s, black kids were not allowed to dance on the show. [ T / F ] • 저자가 독자에게 전하려는 의도나 주장이 나타나 있는 내용을 찾는다. 2. Tracy’s mom did not want Tracy to audition for the show. [ T / F ] • 주제를 뒷받침 하기 위해 제시된 내용에 주목한다. 3. Link became attracted to Tracy and lost interest in Amber. [ T / F ] • ‘결론적으로 말해서’ 라든가 ‘한마디로 말해서’라는 표현에 의해 연 4. Seaweed suggested a march against the cancellation of the show’s Black Kids Day. [ T / F ] 이어 나오는 말에 주목한다. • 문단 전체에서 반복해서 나오는 핵심어에 유념한다. ③ 읽은 후: 선정한 주제의 범위가 너무 광범위하거나 국부적이지 않은 Do you know anyone who succeeds in achieving his or her dream despite his or her looks or social prejudice? Share your ideas with your friends. 가 확인한다. 180 Special Lesson C. 본문 내용 일치 여부 파악하기 Introduction #YBM기초영어_8(172-185)-17.indd 180 1 2012-12-14 오후 4:10:27 본문 내용과 비교하여 일치하면 T, 일치하지 않으면 F를 표시하게 한다. ●이번 Open your books to page 180. You are going to summarize and wrap up what you have read last class. Then, you will expand on what you’ve read and express your opinions on related matters. Development After You Read A. 본문의 내용에 맞게 순서 배열하기 1 본문의 내용을 생각하며, 요약문의 순서를 알맞게 배열해 보게 한다. According to the content of the reading text, number each sentence in the right order. 2 Look at part C. Read the following statements. If the statement is true, you choose T or if the statement is false, choose F. 수업 시간에 할 내용에 대해 간단히 소개한다. 정답을 확인하고, 함께 본문의 요약문을 읽어보게 한다. Check the answers and read the plot summary. 280 Special Lesson 2 정답을 확인한다. Let’s check your answers. Think and express ●외모나 사회적 편견에도 불구하고 성공한 사람 조사하여 발표하게 한다. Do you know anyone who succeeds in achieving his or her dream despite his or her looks or social prejudice? Share your ideas with your friends. 예시답안 1.Agatha Christie was one of my favorite writers, as a teenager. I love her books, and so do millions all the heavy girls out there — she’s more than that. She’s an of people around the world. How many of you know, however, that she used to be dyslexia in her childhood? This disorder might have stopped Agatha from writing her books, but her strength and ambition helped her to overcome this problem and to become one of the most famous people in the world. 2.Blind and deaf, Helen Keller was the first such person to graduate from college. Famously tutored by Annie Sullivan, her life was chronicled in the play, “The Miracle Worker.” After graduation, Keller became a noted speaker, author and crusader for pacifism, women’s right to vote and birth control among other causes. Being featured on the Alabama state quarter, Keller is coincidentally only one of two people in this list to be on American currency currently in circulation. individual. She doesn’t fit the mold. This show says that you can be whoever you really are, and not only that, you can win. John Waters always likes to say that what he loves most about Hairspray is that when they do it in high schools, there will finally be a part for “the fat girl and the drag queen.” It’s cool to be part of something like this, a show that really says something. Playing Tracy — well, it’s one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my life just because of all the energy it takes, but it’s also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I’m doing my best to enjoy it — and trying not to lose too much weight. Discussion • In the interview with Marissa Jaret Winokur, we see how she feels being a hefty, high-spirited and dimple-kneed girl. Discuss with your partner about how you feel seeing a young woman on stage with such a positive self-image. • M any people deal with issues regarding self-image. Brainstorm ways a person can reach out for help if he/she feels depressed about body image or emotions that are difficult to express. Plus Info (Source from: file107334.pdf) Marissa Jaret Winokur는 오리지널 뮤지컬 Hairspray에서 Tracy 역을 맡은 인물로, 그녀 역시 Tracy와 마찬가지로 편견에 맞선 인 물이다. 학생들에게 그녀가 자신감과 바디 이미지에 대해 이야기 Teaching Tips 한 인터뷰 전문을 소개하고 추가 읽기 자료로 제공할 수 있다. “Big, Blonde & Beautiful” 확장 학습으로 사회적 편견을 극복한 한 사람을 정하고 그 사 Hefty. Plus-sized. Dimple-kneed. Those are all from articles about Hairspray. They never want to use the word “fat” so they 람에 대한 글을 읽거나 영상을 시청한 후 토론을 진행할 수 있 find every other word there is. It’s like nobody can talk about it, 다. 예를 들어, 인종 편견을 극복한 흑인 오페라 가수 Barbara or even say it out loud. Why is that? There are studies around Smith Conrad에 대한 다음의 기사( that say girls who are five years old already have a bad self culture/inspiring-story-opera-star-who-overcame- image. They feel bad when they look in the mirror, and they’re prejudice)를 읽기 전과 후에 다음의 질문을 던져본다. five years old. That is really crazy! • Are all of us here exactly the same? In what ways are we Look at this — I still have my report card from kindergarten. It different? In what ways are we alike? says “Marissa needs to learn to control and lower her voice.” • Are differences bad? Why or why not? Well, I guess I didn’t really pay attention to that. I know they • Barbara Smith Conrad in the article said she was being probably meant well — “girls should be quiet and polite” — but prejudiced. Do you agree or disagree? Why? through your whole life there are people who want to tell you • What is prejudice? How is prejudice different from not liking what you should do and who you should be. I don’t think you someone? should always listen to them. I’ve been lucky, I guess. I always had a lot of self-confidence — that’s what got me into performing. And most of the time nobody gave me too much trouble about my size. I’m short — Consolidation just five feet tall — and I’m not a skinny little stick. But I had a lot of friends, I was a cheerleader, I was in shows at school. I just ignored anyone who said I shouldn’t do those things, I 1 Of course I would love to lose 10 pounds. I would never lie and say I don’t think about it, but I don’t think about it every day. I love my body. I don’t like wearing clothes that hide or cover it. I love wearing costumes that show it off. Whenever I would go out and audition for parts, I always decided I wouldn’t take the “poor fat girl” roles. That’s not who I am. When I heard they were doing a musical of Hairspray 학습한 내용을 정리하고 학생들에게 상기시킨다. Today, you checked your understanding of the reading text and shared opinions about it with each other. guess. 2 다음 시간에 배울 내용을 안내한다. Next class, you will do a group activity. You will write a musical and act it out in groups. I thought, yeah, that’s for me. I know that some people see my weight first, but I don’t think of Tracy as a role model for Hairspray 281 Special Lesson 6차시 학습목표 지도상의 유의점 1 존하는 뮤지컬을 고르고 간략한 뮤지컬 대본을 만 현 들 수 있다. 2 장인물, 춤동작, 무대 효과, 모둠원의 역할 등을 고 등 려해 공연할 수 있다. p.181 학생들이 직접 간략한 뮤지컬을 만들고 공연한 동영상을 유튜브 등을 통해 학생들에게 보여줄 수도 있다. 모둠활 동에 학생들이 모두 적극적으로 참여할 수 있도록 한다. 준비물 CD-ROM, 교과서, Internet connection you can perform that. Useful Info Work in a group to put on a musical. action and A musical is a play or film whose g and dancing! dialog is performed with singin What’s so special about musicals? 학생들에게 다음의 사이트를 알려주고 뮤지컬을 고를 수 있도록 지도한다. • 뉴욕 브로드웨이 뮤지컬 1 • 런던 뮤지컬 Make a group of 8 and talk about musical plays or films you like. Then choose one to perform. musicals.htm • 뮤지컬 영화 Mamma Mia 2 The Phantom of the Opera The Sound of Music Wicked 2 대본 구성하기 ■ ●수업시간에 Write your own musical script. Don’t forget to consider ... Write your own musical script that is about 5~10 minutes long. You will perform your musical in front of the class. characters, songs, dance moves, make-up, special effects ... 3 Decide who will be the stage director, actors and actresses, script writer, and so on. 4 Based on the musical script, show your talent in front of the class! 공연할 수 있도록 간단히 조별 대본을 구성하게 한다. Useful Info • The Sound of Music Hairspray 181 Introduction #YBM기초영어_8(172-185)-17.indd 181 ●이번 수업 시간에 할 내용에 대해 간단히 소개한다. Open your books to page 181. Today, you are going to write your own musical script and show your talent in groups by acting and dancing in front of class. 2012-12-14 오후 4:10:31 • Mamma Mia • The Phantom of the Opera • Wicked * 그 외 다수의 뮤지컬 대본은 다음의 사이트에서 찾을 수 있다. Development BE A MUSICAL STAR 3 역할 분담하기 ■ ●감독, 1 뮤지컬 공연이나 영화를 정하여 연기해보기 ■ ●학급 인원에 맞게 6~8명 정도로 모둠을 만들고 공연하고 싶은 뮤지컬 배우, 작가 등의 역할 분담을 하게 한다. Decide who will be the stage director, actors and actresses, script writer and so on. 을 정하게 한다. Make a group of 6~8 according to the size of the class and choose a musical that you would like to perform. If there is something else that you like, 282 Special Lesson 4 공연하기 ■ ●대본에 맞게 친구들 앞에서 공연할 수 있도록 한다. After practicing, present your musical in front of the class. • Does the picturization provide appropriate dramatic emphasis? Teaching Tips • Do the movements of the performers aid in the characterization? • Is there variety and balance in the use of 학생들이 조별로 뮤지컬 공연을 하면, 나머지 조의 학생들은 the performance space and the dramatic Judge가 되어 평가해보는 시간을 갖도록 지도한다. Objective environment? 8 Rhythm and Tempo ■ Score • Does the production flow smoothly? 1 Ensemble ■ • Does the production team appear to work together to complete the performance task? • Does the performance appear to flow easily (1~15) • Is the pace of the action appropriate to the (1~15) dramatic argument presented? • Does the action build in pace given escalation of dramatic tension? and in an orderly manner from start to finish? TOTAL POINTS 2 Listening and Response ■ • Does each performer appear to be involved in the group event? • Are appropriate responses given to the (1~15) dramatic situation without exaggeration? Consolidation • Is there a lack of appropriate response? 3 Individual Characterizations ■ 1 • Is the delivery of the performers consistent with the character's manners and motives? • Are the performances believable given (1~15) Today, you did a group activity. You wrote a musical and acted it out in groups. textual and behavioral clues exhibited by the 2 performers? 4 Vocal Interpretation ■ • Is there a variation of pitch, rate and quality in the delivery of speech? • Is the characterization consistent with the manners and motives of the character? (1~15) 학습한 내용을 정리하고 학생들에게 상기시킨다. 다음 시간에 배울 내용을 안내한다. This is the end of the special lesson and next class, you’ll make and play your own board game and wrap up lesson 7 and this special lesson. • Are musical vocal selections presented in key, on pitch, and with appropriate characterization? 5 Movement ■ • Does all visible behavior appear to be motivated, spontaneous, coordinated and integrated? • Is the performance free from distracting (1~15) behavior that does not contribute to characterization? 6 Overall Effect ■ • Is there a sense of connection between the production elements and the text? • Does the production team appear to understand the major argument of the dramatic text and effectively communicate (1~10) the argument? • Are the performers and the production team effective in engaging and sustaining the interest of the audience? 7 Composition and Picturization ■ • Does the arrangement of the performers appropriately convey the theme, argument, and mood of the material? • Is there a sense of unity? • Does the picturization contribute to mood and tone? (1~10) Hairspray 283 학습목표 Words Plus 4 7차시 지도상의 유의점 1 단원에서 배운 어휘를 복습하면서 자신의 실력을 앞 확인할 수 있다. 2 과 함께 학습한 어휘와 관련된 게임을 하면서 자기 짝 주도적 학습을 진행할 수 있다. 문제 해결에 어려움을 겪을 경우 단원 내용을 상기시키며 해당 어휘가 쓰였던 맥락을 기억해 보도록 한다. 짝활동 시 돌아다니며 지시사항 이행에 어려움이 없도록 한다. 준비물 교과서, CD-ROM pp.182~183 Making Your Own Board Game Collect the cards and put them face down. Throw a die and start the game How to with classmates. When you arrive at “Open a card,” one person in the group Play reads the question to the player and makes him / her answer. If he / she can’t answer, he / she has to go back to his / her original place. Create your own board game and play with your classmates. As long as you can make question cards, you can use the board again and again. Expressions needed for the board t Move forward two steps. How to make questions t Go back three steps. Read the textbook and make 8 -10 questions about words or your understanding. t Miss a turn. t Exchange places with a player on your left. t Throw a die again. t Short cut What you need (Or you can create your team’s expression such as “Dance for 10 seconds.” and “Share your funniest story with us.”) a few pieces of paper, pen, a die Example Q1 What does the word “income” mean? Q2 What color was “The Chippe ndale A The money that one earn, as the opposite of the money that one has to spend. Commode”? A Mahogany Q3 Is the stat ement “The mov ie’s title, Hairspray comes from the fact that people in the 1960 s America loved big hairdos.” true or false? A True You can make your own board. 182 Words Plus 4 Introduction #YBM기초영어_8(172-185)-17.indd 182 ●이번 수업 시간에 할 내용에 대해 간단히 소개한다. 183 What you need is a few pieces of paper, pens, and a die. #YBM기초영어_8(172-185)-17.indd 183 2012-12-14 오후 4:10:32 2 Today, you are going to do a review of the words you learned in the previous two lessons. Vocabulary is very important in learning English so remember to focus hard on this lesson. 2012-12-14 오후 4:10:32 역할 분담을 하게 하는데, 4명이 1조를 이룰 시에는 2명은 말판을 2 명은 카드를 만들게 한다. In your groups, two people will be the artists making the board and two will be the brains who make the question cards. 3 카드를 만드는 방법에 대해 설명한다. 교과서를 읽고 본문 내용, 어 휘 및 어법 등에 대해 카드 한 장당 한 개의 질문과 정답을 적어서 만 Development 들도록 한다. How do you make questions for the card? Scan the textbook and make questions about the contents, vocabulary, grammar and so on. Then write one questions and the answer per card. You should make 8 to 10 cards. Words Plus 4 우리 조만의 보드게임 만들기 Create your own board game and then play it with your classmates. As long as you can make question cards, you can use the board again and again. 1 종이 몇 장, 펜, 주사위 등의 준비물을 준비하게 한다. 284 Words Plus 4 4 말판을 자유롭게 만들되 유용한 표현을 참고하여 만들게 한다. Here are some expressions needed for the board. Move forward two steps. Go back three steps. Miss a turn. Exchange places with a player on your left. Throw the die again. Short cut. Or you can create your team’s expression such as “Dance for 10 seconds.” and “Share your funniest story with us.” 5 dice, counters and all the pieces neatly put into place. (Source from: ※ 외국에서 제작된 스스로 보드 게임 만들기 동영상을 다음의 사이트에 서 확인할 수 있으므로 학생들에게 예시로 보여줄 수 있다. 모든 준비가 끝나면, 게임을 시작하게 한다. Collect the cards and put them face down. Throw the die and start the game. Teaching Tips Useful Info 교과서에 제시된 보드 게임 제작 방법은 매우 단순화되어 있어서 단계별 자신들이 제작한 보드게임에 대한 평가를 해볼 수 있도록 다음의 로 자세한 방법을 원하는 학생들에게 다음의 사항을 지도할 수 있다. evaluation sheet를 나눠주고 성찰하는 시간을 갖도록 지도한다. How to Develop Your Own Board Game Evaluating your own game 1 Design your game layout. ■ Name of the game _______________ Date __________ If you design your game on paper first, it gives you a chance to 1. What did other people say about your game? see what needs to be incorporated and how the game will be laid out. For example, in this game, we will use the Monopoly idea but only very vaguely. The board layout will be similar, in squares around a board, though these will lead to the central 2. These are the good points of the game: point instead of stopping at the edges. Work out a layout which works for your game. 2 Work out the game strategy. ■ 3. These are weak points of the game: What are the objectives of the game. For example, pieces need to go from A to B, but what will get in the way of progress? There needs to be a strategy in place and this is where the fun comes in. In this example, the idea is to earn 4. I could improve it by changing the rules like this .... money to buy extra moves. The passage of the pieces can be hampered by stumbling blocks. In this case, the stumbling blocks are in the form of penalty cards which you receive if you land on the wrong square! 5. I could improve it by changing the board like this .... 3 Work out any pieces needed. ■ Does your game need currency and rewards? Does it need somewhere which is a place of punishment? Remember the 6. Next time I design a board game, I will .... Go to Jail card? Create an idea which presents reward or penalties, and also ask how these can be created with paper or craft products such as plasticine. 4 Drawing up your game. ■ 7. If a friend asked my advice about designing a board The game needs to be drawn on paper, and colored in. You will game, I’d say .... need to measure your chocolate box to see what size of board would fold in two to be placed in the box, which will also be covered to match the game. You can add images from cut outs from magazines. Make your board as imaginative as you can. Use the ruler to make sure that your lines are nice and straight and use the felt tipped pens to color in the game and give it more depth of color and interest. Consolidation 5 Sticking the game onto the board. ■ Stick the game onto the board neatly. This can be done with a glue stick used for paper. 1 Today, you did a review of the words you learned in the previous two lessons. Do you think that you know them a lot better now? 6 Make the extra cards and playing items. ■ Use your imagination to create the penalty and bonus cards, money and ancillary items to complete the production of your game. Cover the box with white paper and color in a design for the box which matches the theme of the game. 7 Packing and finishing. ■ Put the pieces neatly into the box, and check that you have 학습한 내용을 정리하고 학생들에게 상기시킨다. 2 다음 시간에 배울 내용을 안내한다. Next class, we’ll move on to further reading lessons and grammar close up if time allows. Words Plus 4 285