January 2016 - Tracy Chamber of Commerce
January 2016 - Tracy Chamber of Commerce
Vol. 15, Issue 13 January 2016 CEO Message 2 City/Downton Updates 3 New Year, New HBG 4 New Members 5 Member News 6 Professional Services 7 Calendar 8 “Creating A Community Where Business Thrives” Mel’s Diner Papa Johns RibbonRibbon CuttingCutting www.tracychamber.org Four Seasons Nail & Spa Ribbon PinkCutting Turtle Shoppe Ribbon Cutting A Message from the Chamber CEO... Happy New Year! What an exciting time for all of us! The New Year is a time to look forward to a new year with new opportunities, and a time to reflect on all the successes of 2015. Your Chamber had a busy 2015 filled with new programs that were devoted to improving networking, education, and advocacy for our members. Whether you attended a new event or participated in one of our educational classes, I hope you found value in the programs we diligently planned to help your business grow! What did the Tracy Chamber do in 2015? With your help, we accomplished the following: Created A Strong Local Economy -Recruited 78 of region’s top businesses as new members -Hosted Ribbon Cutting and Grand Opening ceremonies for new and existing businesses -Re-designed the Chamber website www.tracychamber.org to provide easier navigation of events and information -Doubled the Tracy Chamber Facebook Page likes to over 3,000 -Prepared over 1,000 high school students through Hire Me First Provided Networking & Education -Hosted 24 business coffees and mixers -Coordinated 18 lunch meet-ups to promote networking and support for local restaurants -Coordinated Leadership Tracy with 13 graduates who have a better understanding of the Tracy community -Educated over 120 business owners on the commercial and residential growth of Tracy during the Real Estate & Development (RED) Tour & Luncheon. -Hosted 6 Plan for Success Workshops Educational workshops 2016 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Board Chair: Dan Greene, Bank of the West Lisa Aguilera, Aspire Hometown Realty Dan Tavares-Arriola, District Attorney’s Office Dana Cooper, PG&E Bill Fields, Surtec Systems, Inc. Will Fleet, Tracy Press Dr. Brian Stephens, Tracy Unified School District Bruce George, Thrivent Financial Joe Homen, Tracy Toyota Cliff Hudson, Fresh Coat Painters Sherry Jones, Owens Illinois of North America Brent Ives, BHI Management Consulting Nolan O’Brien, Lawrence Livermore Lab Robin Lopez, Taylor Farms Pacific Scott McFarland, Journey Christian Church Patricia Palma Tammy Shaff, Sutter Tracy Hospital Dr. Shailaja Singh, Singh Dental Center Chad Wood, Willbanks & Wood, PLC CHAMBER AMBASSADORS Lisa Aguilera, The Aguilera Real Estate Team Carolyn Brown Blunt, Sow A Seed Foundation Karen Aranda, Altamont Mechanical Heating/Air Gemaine Clark Dave Garcia, Dave Garcia Designs Bruce George, Thrivent Financial Flo Guzman, Faifield Inn Invested & Promoted the Community -Awarded $4,500 in scholarships to Latino students through the Hispanic Business Group scholarship fund -Celebrated 4th of July Day in the Park to encourage community involvement -Hosted a Mariachi Concert at Grand Theatre to promote culture and the arts. -Provided City maps and community books, and relocation packets to new and existing residents Virna Hudson, Fresh Coat Painters Fostered Partnerships Brian Schilling, Zero BS Marketing Conrad Levoit, Levoit Advanced Protective Services Betsy Moreno, California Advantage Real Estate Carol Newman, Surtec Systems, Inc. Nicholas Osborn, Electronic Payments California Debbie Pierotti, All Occasion Gift Baskets -Surveyed over 100 local businesses in first Business Walk -Attended city council meetings to show support for business friendly projects -Conducted business retention visits -Worked with chamber committees such as Ambassadors and Hispanic Business Group to promoted networking among members Lon Swanson, Journey Christian Church In 2016, your Chamber will continue working to bring value and education to your business. Please visit our website to view a calendar of upcoming events, and plan on actively participating with the Chamber in order to get the most out of your membership. Best wishes for a prosperous, New Year! Maria Valenzuela, Membership/Event Services mvalenzuela@tracychamber.org -Sofia Valenzuela, CEO, Tracy Chamber of Commerce CHAMBER STAFF Sofia Valenzuela, CEO svalenzuela@tracychamber.org Alyssa Mupo, Hire Me First Program Coordinator hiremefirst@tracychamber.org Carol Neely, Receptionist www.tracychamber.org What’s Happening in your City... What’s Happening In your Economic Development Update: My Detox Lounge is now open at 917 N. Central Avenue. TCCA is very excited to welcome this new business to Downtown Tracy. A new business, Hector John Cosmetics, will open soon at 33 W. 10th Street. The City of Tracy has hired Shelly Burcham as the new Economic Development Manager. Shelly comes to the City from the San Joaquin Partnership, where she collaborated for over 20 years on economic development efforts for San Joaquin County. El Pollo Loco is now open for business on Naglee Rd. next to Texas Roadhouse. Papa John’s held their Grand Opening Ceremony last month in their location at 318 W. Grant Line Rd. The developer of International Food Court, a 5,900 square foot mixed tenant development applied for a building permit for their location at the southwest corner of N. Tracy Blvd. & Larch A National Specialty Coffee retailer has expressed interest to locate at a Downtown infill location on W. 11th Street. The City is currently processing agreements with the grant recipients of the Downtown Façade Improvement Grant and work will begin soon on improving their storefronts. An industrial user is seeking 1 million square feet for a logistics operations center. Economic Development Staff is working to provide site selections for the client. One of the largest manufacturers of furniture in the world is considering 2 locations in Tracy for a new 1 million sf e-commerce distribution center with a retail component. For more information about the City of Tracy visit www.ci.tracy.ca.us Downtown... Upcoming Grand Theatre Events: The Grand Theatre is proud to present Dave Mason’s Traffic Jam World Tour on Saturday, January 9th at 8PM. Tickets range $49-$59 and can be purchased at the Grand Theatre Box office or at www.atthegrand.org . A limited number of tickets are available for “Dave Mason’s VIP Experience” which includes a meet and greet with Dave, attending sound check, photo taken with Dave, and many more perks. VIP tickets are $125. On Saturday, January 23rd at 8PM the Grand Theatre will host Aja Vu & Stealin Chicago—Tribute to Steely Dan and Chicago. Tickets range $23-$30 and can be purchased at the box office. The Grand Theatre will present Y & T on Friday, January 29 at 8PM. Y & T is one of San Francisco Bay Area’s own innovators of the hard rock sound. Tickets range $25-$37 and can be purchase through the box office. For more information about the Tracy City Center visit www.tracycitycenter.com Elite Ambassador: of the month: Carol Newman, Surtec Systems Thank you for your continuous support to the Chamber and its members! www.tracychamber.org New Year, New HBG! From the 2015 Chair: We ended 2014 with a goal to refocus the Tracy Hispanic Business Group’s mission, and we are well on our way to plenty of growth, and innovation in what we offer our members. This past April, our annual Scholarship and Leadership Awards Gala was another successful event that will be talked about for years to come. We held our first Business Walk in August, where we reached out and surveyed local Hispanic-owned businesses. A very successful Visitors Day in September, brought together the original founders of the Hispanic Business Group, visitors from throughout the community, and many new members that joined right then. At the 3 rd Annual Mariachi Concert in October, we had another strong presence, with proceeds going to our Scholarship Fund. We ended 2015, partnering with the Chamber on a fundraising lunch meet-up, again with proceeds going to our Scholarship Fund for local students. Thank you for all the support in 2015, see you next year! - Dave Garcia, 2015 HBG Chair From the 2016 Chair: I’m honored to serve as the incoming chairman for the Tracy Hispanic Business Group, and it is a privilege to personally invite you to join us for the kick-off business forum on January 12, 2016! The monthly business forums, will allow THBG to: Actively support Business Education, Leadership, and Success. Promote member businesses, through product demonstrations and member spotlight discussions. Establish partnerships and secure resources for a re-launch of the HBG Career Day event targeted to 6-9 graders. Increase community involvement and contributions to our Annual Scholarship Program. If you believe in our mission and haven’t already done so, come check us out! We are a passionate & dedicated group, ready to embrace the many possibilities of 2016! Here’s to a happy and prosperous New Year! - Grace Paget, 2016 HBG Chair www.tracychamber.org Welcome to the Chamber New Members! Thank You for Renewing With Us Under 5 Years: Case for Kids Community Partnership for Families SJC Eaton Optometric Group Grant Bar & Lounge Jeffrey Schulz Catering Oak Valley Community Bank Tracy Business Networking Association Tracy Toyota Vets & Vines Block Advisors 858 S. Tracy Blvd., Tracy, CA 209-836-9600 Ellen Cabrera *Tax & Business Services Flower Pavillion 98 W. 10th Street, Tracy, CA 209-836-3751 Debra Rose *Florists 5-10 Years: Andrade Chiropractic Thrivent Financial World Gym Zero BS Marketing JP Palmer 672 W. 11th Street, Tracy, CA 209-229-7760 John Palmer *Business Development Consultants Rosas Professional Services 11-20 Years: American Medical Response Barista’s Coffee House Tracy, CA 510-461-5610 Marga Rosas **Professional Services 20-40 Years: SANDIS Civil Engineering Surveyors Planners Albert Realty Services -ARS Commercial AllState Insurance - Yerian Insurance Agency Daily Copy Depositions J.T. Storage L.P. Leprino Foods Mizuno CPA United Way of San Joaquin County 2316 Orchard Parkway #120, Tracy, CA 209-820-5380 Julie Thome *Engineers - Civil/Environmental 50+ Years: Tracy Inn Tracy Hills Project Owner, LLC The Owl Box 131 W. 10th Street, Tracy, CA 209-830-0796 Gail Gabbert *Retail 672 W. 11th Street #100, Tracy, CA 209-229-7760 John Palmer *Builders/Developers Thank you for your support! U. S. Bank Home Mortgage Promote your business by sending over info to share in our e-blast & Newsletter! Email info@tracychamber.org 749 Main Street, Pleasanton, CA 925-998-4204 Linda White *Mortgage **Home-Based Business www.tracychamber.org Holiday Mixer Hosted by Chamber Ambassadors Left to Right: Nick Osborn, Conrad Levoit, Caitlynn McNamara, Rebecca Vincent, Lon Swanson, Carol Newman, Virna Hudson, Germaine Clark, Karen Aranda, Debbie Pierotti, Betsy Moreno, Dave Garcia, Carolyn Brown-Blunt Thank to everyone who attended our Holiday Mixer! Special thank you to Grant Bar & Lounge for hosting us and to DJ Dave for his help with sound and lighting. Member News: 20th Annual Martin Luther King Breakfast Tracy Unified School District and local Black Student Union Clubs will host the MLK Breakfast on Monday, January 18th from 8:30 a.m. to 11AM at West High School, located at 1775 W. Lowell Avenue. BUSINESS QUOTE OF THE MONTH: “There is no secret to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure - Colin Powell Electronic Payments Free T e r m i n a l Program Whether starting a new business or replacing outdated processing equipment, Electronic Payments will provide a free terminal stocked with the latest EMV and NFC enabled devices. Take advantage of the free terminal program and be ready for any sale that walks through your door. Contact Nick Osborn, Franchise Director, for more information, 209-652-4652. Community Center for the Blind & Visually Impaired hosts Crab Feed CCBV will host their 9th Annual Crab Feed on Saturday, January 16th at the Waterloo Gun and Bocce located at 4343 N. Ashley Lane in Stockton. Ticket cost is $45 per person. For more information, call Jennifer at 209-466-3836 ext. 202 To submit your member news email 100 words to info@tracychamber.org before the 25th of the month. www.tracychamber.org Tracy Chamber Professional Services Listing JANUARY 2015 PAINTING CONTRACTOR ACCOUNTING & TAX SERVICE Behnam Accounting Solutions……………………….209-835-9655 Block Advisors…………………………………………..209-836-9600 Fresh Coat Painters……………………………………..209–390-4326 POOLS & SPA Pacific Pool & Spa………………………………………..925-337-4207 BANKS Bank of Stockton………………...………………..…....209-820-2000 Oak Valley Community Bank………………...……....209-834-3340 BOOKKEEPING & PAYROLL Account Masters Bookkeeping………………...….....209-836-4961 BUILDERS / DEVELOPERS JP Palmer……………………………………….………...209-229-7760 CHILD CARE KinderCare Learning Center………………….…...….209-835-9247 DENTISTRY Bright Now! Dental ……………………..……………...209-836-4950 Shailaja Singh, DDS…………………………………….209-833-0020 ENGINEERING/ CIVIL SANDIS Civil Engineers Surveyors Planners…...….209-820-5380 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Rosas Professional Services……………………..……510- 461-5610 REAL ESTATE Aspire Hometown Realty..……………………………..209-814-8256 Ray Lopez - Keller Williams….……………………......209-914-8010 Shelly Simonich - Keller Williams…………………….209-910-3334 Virtue Realty Group Inc……………………………..….209-597-3950 RESTAURANT/BAKERY I Live for Dessert…………………………...……………209–222-4737 Papa Johns…………………………………………….…209– 830-0000 SHOPPING - RETAIL West Valley Mall Community Room Rental …………………………………………………..……209-836-4091 x108 The Owl Box………………………………………..……..209-830-0796 SOLAR SALES EVENT PLANNER Captivating Moments Event Planning & Mgmt…...408-314-8130 Sunrun……...……………………….…………....…..……209-814-6156 SUPPLEMENTAL INSURANCE FLORIST Flower Pavillion………………………………..………..209-836-3751 A I L ……………………………………………………..….415-510-9599 TERMITE & PEST CONTROL SERVICES HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING Altamont Mechanical Heating & Air ……………………………………………………….……..209-346-2422 Take Care Termite & Pest Control …………………………………………...............................209-832-7300 WATER WELL PUMP CONTRACTOR INSURANCE SERVICES Farmers Insurance - Hashimi Insurance Agency …………………………………...……...……...……….....925-353-5942 Larry Benson Nationwide Insurance Life, Home, Auto, Business, Workers Comp, Motorcycle ………………………..………………....…………….…...209-229-1096 Commercial, Domestic, Irrigation, 24 Hr. I. J. Larsen Pumps, Inc………………………………..…209-529-2020 WEBSITE HOSTING & DESIGN Nnvent……………………………………………….......888-408-2515 MARKETING/BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Graphic Design, Websites, Social Media Marketing Graphics Connection………………………...………...209-221-8832 Marketing Mojo………………………………………….925-337-3665 MANUFACTURING / ROOFING MATERIALS Duro –Last Roofing Products, Inc. ……………..…..209-993-3221 MORTGAGE LENDING Pamela Dew-Diversified Capital Funding …………………………………………………...…….…..209-833-3338 U.S. Bank Home Mortgage…………...……………….925-998-4204 MOVING & STORAGE COMPANY Greater Bay Relocation Services, North American Van Lines ………………………………………………...…………..209-830-4435 Your company can be listed here for just $100 per year. Call 209-835-2131 www.tracychamber.org January Meetings 01/05 01/12 01/14 01/21 01/27 8:30AM Ambassadors at Chamber 12:30PM Hispanic Group at Chamber 12PM Starting Your Own Biz at Chamber 4PM Governmental Affairs at Chamber 4PM Board Meeting at Chamber January Events 01/11 01/12 01/14 01/21 12PM Lunch Meet Up Extreme Pita 8AM Coffee by Tech Sprout 4PM Ribbon Cutting by Block Advisors 12PM Ribbon Cutting for Home Buyers Realty 01/25 12PM Lunch Meet Up Strings Italian Café 01/28 5PM Mixer & Ribbon Cutting for Aspire Hometown Realty 01/29 5PM Winter Gala at Community Ctr. February Meetings 02/02 02/09 02/11 02/18 02/24 8:30AM Ambassadors at Chamber 12:30PM Hispanic Group at Chamber 12PM Starting Your Own Biz at Chamber 4PM Governmental Affairs at Chamber 4PM Board Meeting at Chamber February Events 02/03 02/09 02/17 02/25 02/29 12PM Lunch Meet Up Buffalo Wild Wings 8AM Coffee by Sunrise Rotary Club 12PM Lunch Meet Up Mazaa Kabob House 5PM Mixer by Pump It Up 12PM Lunch Meet Up Olive Garden www.tracychamber.org
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