P R O G R A M M E S U m m E r 2 0 1 5
P R O G R A M M E S U m m E r 2 0 1 5
PROGRAMME S U MM E R 2 0 1 5 Artistic Director Myron Michailidis Board of Directors 2 Dear friends of the Greek National Opera Chairman Athanassios K. Theodoropoulos Vice Chairman Giorgios Grammatikakis Secretary Theodore Mavrommatis Member Nikos Kypourgos Member Christos Zerbinos HELLENIC REPUBLIC Ministry of Culture, Education and Religious Affairs GNO is funded by the Ministry of Culture, Education and Religious Affairs In the following months, the Greek National Opera holds great moments in store for you, featuring acclaimed theatre directors, opera singers of worldwide reputation and emblematic works of the international opera repertoire. Giuseppe Verdi's La Traviata, one of the most famous stories of passionate love, conducted by Elias Voudouris and classically staged by Nikos S. Petropoulos rings the curtain down on the winter season at the Olympia Theatre. The first major opera staged at the Odeon of Herodes Atticus is Giacomo Puccini's masterpiece, Tosca in a production that was a great success of the Greek National Opera when it was first staged in the summer of 2012, having received raving reviews. Three years later, this spectacular production makes its comeback on 14 June, in the same venue. It will be conducted by Lukas Karytinos and directed by Hugo de Ana, in the framework of the Athens Festival at the Roman Odeon. Later on, I will have the honour of conducting the Greek National Opera Orchestra and Chorus for our second grand aestival production at the Odeon: the legendary Carmen by Georges Bizet, the most celebrated opera of the French repertoire, permeated by the explosive character of the heroine, as well as by the exquisite arias. The production will be directed by the distinguished British director and Artistic Director of the Göteborg Opera, Stephen Langridge. The Suitcase Opera continues visiting different cities across Greece in the framework of the programme “Journey to the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center”. Amidst our other artistic events the ambitious, GNO outdoor concert in the archaeological site of the Olympieion in the centre of Athens, entitled Overtures and Duets, stands out. Also, our educational actions continue relentlessly whereas the programme of the season is complemented by the presentation of the Studio Opera, the annual performance of the Professional Dance School, as well as the performance of GNO's new ballet choreographers. For more information, please read the following pages. We would like to thank you wholeheartedly for supporting our efforts at the Greek National Opera! Myron Michailidis Artistic Director of the Greek National Opera 3 OPERA 5 G i useppe Ve r d i L a T r a v i ata Opera in three acts Libretto by Francesco Maria Piave, based on the theatre play La Dame aux camélias by Alexandre Dumas, fils 15, 16, 17, 20, 22, 23 May 2015 Olympia Theatre Conductor Elias Voudouris Director — sets — costumes Nikos S. Petropoulos Choreography Petros Gallias Chorus master Agathangelos Georgakatos Violetta Valéry Myrtò Papatanasiu — Francesca Dotto Flora Bervoix Angelica Cathariou — Irini Athanassiou Annina Alexandra Mattheoudaki — Ekaterini Krassa Alfredo Germon Antonis Koroneos — Yannis Christopoulos Giorgio Germon Dimitri Platanias — Dionyssis Sourbis Gastone Alex Tsilogiannis — Nikos Tsaousis Barone Douphol Kostas Dotsikas — Christos Amvrazis Marchese d'Obigny Nikolaos Karagiaouris — Vassilis Kostopoulos Dottore Grenvil Dionyssis Tsantinis — Pavlos Sampsakis Giuseppe Thanassis Evangelou — Manolis Lorentzos Commissioner / Servant Theodore Moraitis — Vassilis Asimakopoulos With the Orchestra, Chorus and Ballet members of the GNO The GNO's winter season at the Olympia Theatre comes to a close with the most celebrated La Traviata by Verdi; the tragic tale of "the lady of the camelias" will be performed in the classic staging by Nikos S. Petropoulos. Beloved arias and duets embellish one of the most favourite stories of great love, thwarted by social conventions. The opera recounts the love of a courtesan for the offspring of a well-to-do family. The affair brings about the reaction of the young man's family; the couple is separated, only to meet again just before Violetta, the "lady of the camelias", perishes. It is an undeniable masterwork of the operatic repertoire. Sponsored by Performances begin at 20.00 Ticket prices €20, €30, €40, €50, €60, €65 / Children & students €15 Restricted view seats €10, €15, €20, €30 Following the GNO's pricing policy of social awareness, on Friday 22 May 2015, all tickets will be sold at a 15% discount. On Saturday 16 May 2015, on the second day of the performance, 150 seats will be sold at €5, reserved exclusively for the unemployed OPERA 7 G iaco m o P ucc i n i T osca Opera in three acts Production within the framework of the Athens Festival Libretto by Giuseppe Giacosa and Luigi Illica, inspired by the homonymous dramatic play written by Victorien Sardou 14, 16, 17, 18 June 2015 Odeon of Herodes Atticus Conductor Lukas Karytinos Director — sets — costumes Hugo de Ana Video projection design Ideogramma S.R.L. — Sergio Metalli Chorus master Agathangelos Georgakatos Children's chorus mistress Mata Katsouli Revival director Katerina Petsatodi Floria Tosca Dimitra Theodossiou — Celia Costea Mario Cavaradossi Roberto Aronica — Rubens Pelizzari Baron Scarpia Dimitri Platanias — TBA Cesare Angelotti Petros Magoulas Sacristan Dimitris Kassioumis Sciaronne Vangelis Maniatis Shepherd Christina Asimakopoulou Gaoler Christos Amvrazis Spoletta Charalambos Alexandropoulos With the Orchestra, Chorus and Children's Chorus of the GNO within the framework of its educational program Tosca: An opera diva, a woman who is madly in love and pathologically jealous of her lover. Scarpia: a sinister personality, a man of absolute power who takes pleasure from seeing his victims in pain. Mario Cavaradossi, who is a pure patriot and Tosca's lover, stands between these two and is led to death; not on account of his ideas but because he enjoys the love of Tosca, the object of Scarpia's desire. Scarpia's scheme is brilliantly set up; nobody escapes his traps. This is a thriller full of wild passions that are accentuated by Giacomo Puccini's overwhelming music. Justifiably it is one of the most famous operas. This scored a great success for the Greek National Opera when it was first presented in the summer of 2012 at the Odeon of Herodes Atticus. The GNO Orchestra will be conducted by Lukas Karytinos. Sponsored by Performances begin at 21.00/ In Italian with english and greek surtitles Ticket prices: Upper Tier €25, C Zone €45, B Zone €55, A Zone €60. VIP Zones B & D €85. VIP Zone C €100 Children & students €15 / Presale starts on 2 May OpEra 9 G eo r ges B izet C a r m en Opéra comique in four acts New production within the framework of the Athens Festival Libretto by Henri Meilhac and Ludovic Halévy based on the homonymous short story by Prosper Mérimée 26, 28, 30, 31 July 2015 Odeon of Herodes Atticus Conductor Myron Michailidis Director Stephen Langridge Costumes — sets George Souglides Video projection design Silbersalz Film GmbH — Thomas Bergmann Lightings Giuseppe di Iorio Chorus master Agathangelos Georgakatos Children's chorus mistress Mata Katsouli Carmen Rinat Shaham — Géraldine Chauvet Don José Giancarlo Monsalve — TBA Micaëla Cellia Costea Escamillio TBA With the Orchestra, Chorus, Soloists and Children's Chorus of the GNO within the framework of its educational programme Carmen, one of the most emblematic operas, still challenges its audience as much as when it was first staged, 140 years ago. The eponymous heroine defends her freedom and her right to choose her lovers instead of her being chosen by them. She is a menace for patriarchic societies, dominated by men. Her choices threaten the foundation of these societies. The only solution is to exterminate her; a task that is undertaken by the love-stricken and "betrayed" Don José. The unconventional plot met by George Bizet's equally unconventional, and today most celebrated, music. The most popular opera of the French repertoire, featuring wonderful arias and superb choruses, will be conducted by the Artistic Director of the Greek National Opera, Myron Michailidis, and directed by the distinguished British director and Artistic Director of the Göteborg Opera, Stephen Langridge. Sponsored by Performances begin at 21.00 / In French with english and greek surtitles Ticket prices: Upper Tier €25, C Zone €45, B Zone €55, A Zone €60. VIP Zones B & D €85. VIP Zone C €100 Children & students €15 / VIP Zone C €100 / Children & students €15 / Presale starts on 22 June RECITAL 11 T r i bute to T e r esa S t r atas With the kind support of the Canadian Embassy in Athens, the Canadian Opera Company and the Metropolitan Opera Guild 28 May 2015 Olympia Theatre Conductor Elias Voudouris Soloists Alexia Voulgaridou (soprano), Myrtò Papatanasiu (soprano), Andrew Haji (tenor) The Greek National Opera pays tribute to the legendary Teresa Stratas, the Greek-Canadian soprano, who has enjoyed an immense international career. Stratas starred in 385 performances at the New York Metropolitan Opera, whereas in her 36-year-long career she undertook 41 different roles and at the same time she performed in the most important opera houses of the world. She was the daughter of Greek immigrants from Crete and started her stunning career in 1958, in Toronto-Canada. She is considered one of the world's best opera singers of the 20th century, but also a legend of opera because her fairytale-like life and her philanthropic activity urged many people to compare her with the opera heroines she embodied in such a gripping manner. Two major and internationally acclaimed Greek sopranos, Alexia Voulgaridou and Myrtò Papatanasiu, feature at the GNO's tribute, singing arias that bear the stamp of Stratas. In the framework of the first joint performance between the GNO and the Canadian Opera Company, the Canadian tenor Andrew Haji also appears with them. The event will take place with the kind support of the Canadian Embassy in Athens, the Canadian Opera Company and the Metropolitan Opera Guild. With the participation of the GNO Orchestra. Performances begin at 20.00 Ticket prices €10, €12, €20, €30, €40, €60 / Children & students €10 / Restricted view seats €8 Side events in the Olympia Theatre Foyer Documentary on Teresa Stratas Sunday, 24 May / 20.30 — Free admission Round table discussion on Teresa Stratas Tuesday, 26 May / 12.00 — Free admission Participating speakers: ▪ Robert W. Peck — Ambassador of Canada to Greece ▪ Myron Michailidis — Artistic Director of the Greek National Opera ▪ Paul Gruber — Executive Director for Program Development of The Metropolitan Opera Guild ▪ Nikolaos Maliaras — Professor of Historical Musicology at the Faculty of Music Studies of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens ▪ Thanos Veremis — Professor Emeritus of International and European Studies at the Faculty of Political Science and Public Administration of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Exclusive Sponsor Supporter Open rehearsal of the GNO Opera Studio 13 Jacq ues O ffenbac h O r p h é e au x enfe r s Orpheus in the Underworld Operetta “in progress” Libretto Hector Crémieux, Ludovic Halévy 15 & 16 July 2015 Olympia Theatre Conductor Nikos Vassiliou Director — sets Stephan Grögler Libretto adaptation Pierre—Henri Loÿs Costumes Véronique Seymat / Lighting TBA Opinion Publique Ioanna Kokovika — Stella Kavvadia Orphée TBA Eurydice Erophile Papadogia — Elisabeth-Nefeli Papageorgiou Pluton Nikolaos Katsigiannis Cupidon Christina Asimakopoulou — Ioanna Karamolegou Jupiter Nikos Masourakis Junon TBA Multitalent TBA Vocal ensemble Christina Asimakopoulou, Stella Kavvadia, Ioanna Karamolegou, Ioanna Kokovika, Elisabeth-Nefeli Papageorgiou, Erophile Papadogia, Marialena Varela, Demosthenes Vlachos Piano TBA / Violin TBA Orpheus in the Underworld is a landmark in the history of operetta, for one of the biggest accomplishments of Jacques Offenbach, a composer who since the mid-19th century contributed more than anyone else to the triumphant success of the genre of operetta. The original version of Orphée was composed in 1858 and marks Offenbach's first treatment of Greek mythology. The Olympian gods are represented as promiscuous merrymakers of Paris of the 19th century and therefore Orpheus in the Underworld is a comment, which in fact remains classic, of the social mores and immorality of the upper class and aristocracy. The operetta is staged by the Opera Studio of the Greek National Opera and is directed by Stephan Grögler. Indeed, this is the first, abridged version of the work's presentation that is in progress. Its full version will be staged during the coming season by the GNO's ensembles. Nikos Vassiliou, the Director of Studies, is the répétiteur and conductor of the project. Sponsored by Performances begin at 20.00 / In French with greek surtitles Free entrance for priority coupon holders. Coupons will be distributed one hour prior the starting time of the performance at the entrance of the Olympia Theatre OPERA AND FASHION 14 ARTISTIC EVENTS Il sogno Overtures and Duets 21 May 2015 National Conservatory of Athens 28 June 2015 Olympieion Idea — concept Isma Toulatos Direction Konstantinos Rigos Special Guest Loukia Music supervisor — piano Dimitris Giakas Make-up artist — transformations' supervisor Achilleas Charitos Biolin Panagiotis Tziotis With the participation of the GNO Orchestra and Soloists Performed by Vassiliki Karagianni (soprano), Myrsini Margariti (soprano), Maria Kokka (soprano), Artemis Bogri (soprano), Nikos Stefanou (tenor), Tassos Apostolou (bass) This is a recent custom of Athens, aspiring to establish the Green National Opera's outdoor summer concerts in the enthralling space of Olympieion, amidst the Columns of the Olympian Zeus, in the centre of Athens. Following the great success of the first concert entitled Opera alla Greca that took place last year, this year the GNO revisits the place with the performance Overtures and Duets, featuring major operas from the world repertoire. The GNO Orchestra and important Greek soloists will take us on a journey of classic compositions created by Verdi, Puccini, Rossini, Mozart and others. With members of the GNO Ballet and members of the Dance School This is the third season in a row that the Opera encounters Fashion. Il sogno (i.e. The Dream) is the title of this season's production, based on a concept of the journalist Isma Toulatos, who also has the overall supervision of this project. The production is directed by the multitalented Konstantinos Rigos. This year's guest is the great lady of Greek fashion, Loukia. Dimitris Giakas is once more the music supervisor. The performers' transformation is supervised by the famous make-up artist Achilleas Charitos. The project Opera and Fashion aspires to combine Opera with Haute couture in a balanced and creative manner in order to underline the contemporary nature and great potential of these two worlds to converge. The performance attempts to demonstrate further the complete, contemporary and classic character of opera and the numerous, perhaps still unknown, possibilities of approaching other domains with the aim to open up to new fields and attract a new audience without, compromising its level of aesthetics. Sponsored by Υποστηρικτής 15 Χορηγοί επικοινωνίας Performance begin at 21.00 Performance begins at 21.30 Free entrance upon priority coupons that will be distributed at the entrance one hour before the starting time of the performance The entrance is free upon priority coupons. Coupons will be distributed at the entrance two hours prior the starting time of the concert. BALLET 16 O pen r e h ea r sal of t h e G N O B allet N e w C h o r eog r ap h e r s 20 & 21 June 2015 Olympia Theatre Every year towards the end of the season, dancers are given the opportunity to develop and present their choreography on a topic and music of their own choice. Twelve dancers of the Greek National Opera Ballet, Agapios Agapiadis, Eleana Andreoudi, Yannis Benetos, Vangelis Bikos, Hector Bolano, Elton Dimrochi, Danilo Zeka, Margarita Kostoglou, Maria Κousouni, Thanassis Solomos, Eleftheria Stamou, George Varvariotis present their own choreographies for two evenings at the Olympia Theatre. The choreographies are performed by their colleagues, dancers of the Greek National Opera Ballet. GNO Dance School 17 P r esentat i on of t h e P r ofess i onal D ance S c h ool of t h e G r eek N at i onal O pe r a 27 & 28 June 2015 Olympia Theatre This is the annual presentation of the Professional Dance School of the GNO, in which the School's students present their own creations as well as pieces of the classical and contemporary repertoire taught at the School under the direction of its Director, Yannis Dontsakis. The audience will have the opportunity of getting to know tomorrow's dancers and coming into direct contact with the creative aspect of the younger generation. Sponsored by Sponsored by Performances begin at 20.00 Performances begin at 20.00 Free entrance Free entrance E V E N T S A T T H E VI S I T O R S ' CENTER OF THE SNFCC In view of moving to its new premises in 2016, the Greek National Opera presents a series of small-scale events at the Visitors' Center of the construction site of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center (SNFCC). The new building of the GNO – one of the most modern ones worldwide, designed by the internationally acclaimed architect Renzo Piano – will combine high aesthetics, top acoustics, modern technological capacities and effortless change of sets with an equally highly aesthetic art repertoire, which will enhance the overall experience of opera. The Visitors' Center, a temporary and recyclable, transparent construction of a simple design that will function until the construction of the SNFCC is completed. In the Center, the audience is given the opportunity to see the construction site of the SNFCC and be updated with regard to the progress of its construction. The entrance is free to the public. 18 POCKET CONCERT 3 May, at 19.00 Alexandra Mattheoudaki (soprano), Yannis Christopoulos (tenor), Maria Neofytidou (piano) LECTURES — PRESENTATIONS 7 May, at 19.00 Operatic Stories The history of opera in a series of concerts/ lectures presenting the major historical landmarks of opera with live examples, performed by students of the GNO Opera Studio. Texts Nikos A. Dontas Répétiteur Nikos Vassiliou Presentation Alexandros Efklidis 10 May, at 18.00 Getting Acquainted with Dance The history and practice of ballet, and dance in general, through a lecture/demonstration by the professors and students of the Professional Dance School of the Greek National Opera, addressed to a young as well as an older audience. Texts Steriani Tsintziloni Piano Thodoris Reglis Prepatory exercises by the professors of the Professional Dance School Erifili Efraimidou, Markela Manoliadi, Yannis Dontsakis, Ageliki Simou Event coordinator Yannis Dontsakis 17 May & 7 June, at 12.00 Getting Acquainted with Opera (Children's workshop) An educational programme, containing elements of theatre game, musical-motor education techniques and visual art expression, aiming at bringing children into a creative contact with the art of opera and the new venue of the Greek National Opera at the premises of the SNFCC. Planning — Implementation: Educational Trainers Team of the GNO Christina Aggelidi, Tatiana Theologou, Venetia Nassi, Konstantina Strani MUSIC EVENTS 31 May, at 20.30 Greek operetta: The Possessed by Theophrastos Sakellaridis The Possessed narrates the adventures of a fortune-hunter seducer and how his enterprising, forlorn, “possessed” girlfriend Loula, in her effort to avert the marriage of convenience he concocts. Research — presentation coordination Alexandros Efklidis, Répétiteur, piano Nikos Vassiliou 5 July, at 20.30 Greek operetta: First Love, Nikos Hadjiapostolou First Love is one of the few operettas that is not dominated by the element of farce (an element related mainly with the complications emerging from marital unfaithfulness). The plot is rather different, focusing on the reminiscences of a romantic love. Direction — adaptation Konstantina Psoma Répétiteur, piano Michalis Papapetrou POCKET OPERA 19 Georg Philipp Telemann's Pimpinone is staged in the form of a pocket opera, in selected places of neighbouring municipalities to the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center, continuing, thus, with the successful performances at the Visitors' Center of the SNFCC. The play, resonant of the comical gimmicks of Commedia dell' Arte, is directed by Ion Kessoulis, in a version based on improvisational theatre and the direct address to the audience. Chrysanthos Alissafis and Domna Chalari conduct and accompany with a piano. The sets bear the signature of George Kollios. Avgi Delega is responsible for the costumes and Dimitra Vlachou for the choreography. The entrance is free to the public. 21 April 2015, at 12.00 Sivitanidios School Pimpinone Zafiris Koutelieris Vespetta Vassia Zacharopoulou 3 May 2015, at 19.00 Multi-venue of the City Hall of P. Faliron Pimpinone Zafiris Koutelieris Vespetta Vassia Zacharopoulou 6 May 2015, at 12.00 5th Lykeion of Kalithea Pimpinone Vangelis Maniatis Vespetta Myrsini Margariti 5 June 2015, at 20.00 "Estia” Cultural Centre, Νea Smyrni Pimpinone Vangelis Maniatis Vespetta Myrsini Margariti For your transport to the GNO, you may use free of charge the shuttle bus connecting the Metro Station Syggrou-Fix with the Visitors Center of the SNFCC (Departure point: Kallirroe street; Arrival point: at the top of the Esplanade). Bus service available 30' before each event. Information: +30 210 877 8396-8 / Email: visitorscenter@snfcc.org SUITCASE OPERA 20 G ene r al i nfo r m at i on — T I C K E T S 21 J ou r ne y to t h e S tav r os N i a r c h os F oundat i on C ultu r al C ente r In the framework of the 3rd stage of the programme “Journey to the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center” taking place in collaboration with Future Library, the Greek National Opera stages new Suitcase Opera production Georges Bizet's Carmen and also offers two educational programmes to its young audience of the cities to be visited with free entrance. Opera seminars conducted by experienced associates of the Greek National Opera towards the development of an educational network on opera art. School visiting in which the students will be given the opportunity to enjoy a first encounter with the opera world. The classic story of the untamed Carmen fits in a suitcase and travels around Greece, in the framework of the “Journey to the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center” of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation. George Bizet's masterpiece is staged in a performance that is overwhelmed by the violent and passionate nature of its heroes and is directed by Angela Saroglou. The spectators will be within spitting distance from one of the most favourite opera heroines, who will bewitch and trap them into a game of fatal charm. 7 May 2015 Cultural Centre, Chania 9 May 2015 Saint Mark's Basilica, Heraklion 13 May 2015 REX Cinema Theatre, Aghios Nikolaos 21 May 2015 Papastratio Megaro, Agrinio 23 May 2015 Cultural Centre, Preveza 28 May 2015 Administration Hall, Livadia Director Angela-Kleopatra Saroglou Sets George Kolios Costumes Alexia Theodoraki Lighting Spyros Tzoras Piano Yiannis Tsanakaliotis (7, 9, 13/5) — Sofia Tamvakopoulou (21, 23/5) — Domna Chalari (28/5) Don José Dimitris Paksoglou (7, 9, 13/5) — Dimitris Sigalos (21, 23, 28/5) Escamillio/Moralles Yannis Selitsaniotis (7, 9, 13, 21, 23, 28/5) Zuniga/Dancaïre Kostas Mavrogenis (7, 9, 13/5) — Nikolaos Karagiaouris (21, 23, 28/5) Carmen Ines Zikou (7, 9, 13/5) — Diamanti Kritsotaki (21, 23, 28/5) Micaëla/Frasquita Sofia Mitropoulou (7, 9, 13, 21, 23/5) — Antonia Kalogirou (28/5) Mercédès Eleni Davou (7, 9, 13/5) — Vicky Tsiliakou (21, 23/5) — Athina Kastrinaki (28/5) A donation of the Performances begin at 20.00 Free entrance for priority coupon holders. Coupons will be distributed one hour prior the starting time of the performance Greek National Opera Olympia Theatre 59 — 61 Akadimias Street, 10679 Athens METRO Station Panepistimio Ticket office operating hours Tuesday — Sunday 09.00—21.00 & Monday 09.00—16.00 Ticket office telephone number: 210 36 62 100 Fax number: 210 36 62 019 Email: info@nationalopera.gr E-ticket sales www.nationalopera.gr Telephone bookings All credit cards accepted. Ticket refunds This is not possible. Student tickets These are provided at all the performances. Students must produce their student identification card during the issuing of the ticket and during their entry into the theatre. Student tickets also apply to people up to 28 years old. Group bookings Groups of music lovers [ten (10) persons and above], associations and schools may apply for bookings on 210 37 11 342 (Mrs Vicky Panagou). People with reduced mobility Seats are provided in the Theatre Square. Arrival by late-comers After the show has commenced, entry is only possible during the interval, where this is provided. Cancellations In the event where the event is cancelled due to weather conditions, force majeure, strikes, or government announcements, there shall be a GNO communication about the method for refunding the ticket price. For young people… Last minute tickets Special Price: € 15 – Applies twenty (20) minutes prior to the commencement of the performances for young people up to twenty eight (28) years of age, for any ticket zone* *Where tickets are available During the performances it is not permitted To take photographs with or without flash; To record or videotape all or a part of the performance; To smoke; To consume food and beverages; To use mobile phones; For children under six years old to enter (excluding children’s shows); or To tip Subscriber services Tel: 210 37 11 381, Fax: 210 36 23 401 Email: pr@nationalopera.gr