Two for One - Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center
Two for One - Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center
Summer 2004 Profılesin caring S T H I S I A I N T F R A N C I S S S U E Two for One A joint gift from Gerard H. and Marjorie Murphy Morrissey honors “M.J.” An Exchange of Gifts Capital Campaign Update Honor Roll of Donors H O S P I T A L A N D M E D I C A L C E N T E R 2004 Profıles SAVE THE DATE! Saturday, September 18, 2004 MIRACLES XV University of Hartford Sports Center, West Hartford The 15th year celebration of MIRACLES is sure to be an entertaining event, with some exciting surprises for our guests.This year’s black tie gala will feature the Peter Duchin Orchestra. Proceeds will benefit Women’s Health Services at the Hospital. For more information on the golf outing and MIRACLES, contact the Foundation Office at 714-4900. in caring Table of Contents 1 President’s Letter 2 Two for One 5 An Exchange of Gifts 8 Happenings 10 Capital Campaign Update 12 Honor Roll of Donors CORRECTION The article entitled “Dreaming About Food” which appeared in the Fall 2003 edition of Profiles in Caring incorrectly stated that Foodshare was founded in Canada in 1985. Foodshare was started in Hartford in 1982 and is affiliated with America’s Second Harvest which is currently headquartered in Chicago. The article also referred to the organization’s fundraising event as Walk for Hunger.The correct name is Walk Against Hunger.We extend our apologies to Foodshare for these errors. Pictured on the front cover are (L-R): Marjorie Murphy Morrissey, Michael Joseph Morrissey, M.D., and Liza Davis Morrissey Profiles in Caring is published by the Saint Francis Foundation David D’Eramo, Ph.D., President; Edward S. Johnson, D.D.S., Senior Vice President, Public Relations and Community Affairs; Philip L. Rockwell,Vice President for Fund Development and Community Affairs; Mary Ann Hanley, Director,The Valencia Society; Pilar R. Schmidt, Director of Development. For further information, call 860-714-4900 or visit us on the Web at: President’s Letter Dear Friend, Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center is an institution that has been richly blessed in so many ways. Each year, we have the privilege of caring for thousands of individuals, restoring their health with skill and dignity and returning them to home and family.We are fortunate to have the finest medical professionals, whose caring hearts and healing hands, coupled with the most advanced health care technologies and techniques, have significantly improved the lives of many in the Greater Hartford community. Our dedicated employees and volunteers strive every day to advance the life-saving work at Saint Francis, and are additional assets who are greatly appreciated. Among our greatest blessings are the members of the extended Saint Francis family: those individuals who have a direct connection to our organization and a deep commitment to ensuring that quality medical care is available to everyone. In this edition of Profiles in Caring, we recognize two generous families, the Morrisseys and the Mullanes, whose long and valued histories with the Hospital have inspired them to contribute to our institution in unique and meaningful ways. It is with deep gratitude for these families that we share their stories with you. We also acknowledge our ever growing number of benefactors whose thoughtful gifts are making a profound difference in the lives of Saint Francis patients and families.Through their philanthropic support, we are able to continue to provide the programs and services that have earned us the distinction of being named a 100 Top Hospital in America for the sixth time. Please join me in thanking all those who have given so freely and generously to our fine institution. Sincerely, David D’Eramo, Ph.D. President and Chief Executive Officer 1 TWOONE for A joint gift from Gerard H. and Marjorie Murphy Morrissey honors “M.J.” hen Roz Montgomery thinks of her grandfather, Michael Joseph Morrissey (M.J.), she still recalls the W tribute sentence spoken by so many who attended his funeral nearly forty years ago.They said, quite simply, “He was such a gentleman.” That seems a description both elegant and apt for the man who began his medical practice in 1896 as a country doctor in small towns of the Farmington Valley, became an anesthesiologist at Saint Francis Hospital, sailed off to study at the University of Vienna in 1908 and returned to Connecticut as the state’s first dermatologist. Traveling in a horse-drawn carriage in the early days, Dr. Morrissey brought to patients a keen intellect, a no-nonsense approach and a sense of respect for them as proud, hard-working people. It was an active and varied practice.The country doctor carried home tales of delivering a baby on an ironing board and fighting off a belligerent, grief-stricken and inebriated husband, whose wife had died. As a young doctor in Unionville, Dr. Morrissey also returned home often carrying eggs or a bushel of apples with which his poorer patients, who would not accept his charity, insisted on paying him. Roz Montgomery remembers the respect her grandfather showed and, in particular, his unfailing courtesy to people in all walks of life. “You’re as good as anybody, but no better than anyone,” she remembers her grandfather telling her far more than once or twice. As one of M.J.’s older grandchildren, Roz Montgomery enjoyed a close relationship with her grandmother Ann Lambert Morrissey and “Docu,” as all 24 of his grandchildren called him. She spent several childhood summers with her grandparents at their West Hartford home, and in 1955, returned to Docu’s home to spend the last six months 2 of his life with him. “At that time I was in nurse’s training at Saint Francis where he was a former director and my grandmother a past president of the Women’s Auxiliary,” she recalls.“He seemed to enjoy the fact that somebody in the family had embraced his chosen field.” M.J. never did learn to drive an automobile, even after the family moved to West Hartford.When he stepped off the city bus at the end of the day, Roz’s grandfather — resplendent in his straw boater and silk bow tie — would turn and tip his hat to the lady passengers. His wife, however, had a different take on transportation. Mrs. Morrissey vigorously wheeled a Lincoln with automatic windows around town, raising a few eyebrows, but impressing her granddaughter with a display of spirit that was as characteristic in the Morrissey marriage as on Hartford’s roads. “My grandmother and grandfather were equal partners,” Roz Montgomery points out. “In that day and age, it was unusual.” To honor his father, whose lifetime bridged two centuries and career stretched from country doctor to city specialist, Gerard “Rod” Morrissey and his wife Marjorie Murphy Morrissey decided together on a significant memorial gift to Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center. Rod died in 2000, and the bequest came to Saint Francis after Marjorie passed away last year.The couple’s daughter, Marge, who helped her parents plan the bequest, says the gift was the natural extension of a long history of To honor his father, whose lifetime bridged two centuries and career stretched from country doctor to city specialist, Gerard Morrissey and his wife Marjorie Murphy Morrissey decided together on a memorial gift to Saint Francis Hospital. the family involvement at Saint Francis and of helping Catholic charities in Hartford. “Saint Francis, Saint Mary’s Home, Saint Agnes Home, Mercyknoll, Mount Saint Joseph Academy, Saint Joseph College: my father was involved in all the organizations,” Marge says. In fact, Marge’s favorite memories of Christmas reflect the sense of service that pervaded the Morrissey house on Fern Street in West Hartford. After the family attended Mass, but before the family gifts could be opened, Mr. and Mrs. Morrissey took their daughters around town to deliver small gifts to the nuns they called “our friends.” “We were giving gifts to people who meant a lot to our family, because they were giving themselves to help others,” she recalls. At Saint Francis Hospital, the gift-giving meant taking a tour, too — a tour that sometimes may have seemed a bit long to the young Morrissey sisters who had presents of their own waiting at home. In the late 1960’s, Rod Morrissey and E. Clayton Gengras, who were close friends and ardent supporters of the hospital, convinced Saint Francis’ Board of Directors the community would support a capital campaign to construct a new building. Morrissey and Gengras worked together with Monsignor Charles Daly to make the initiative a resounding success.This was punctuated by a substantial donation 3 from the McGovern family, and in recognition of their support, the new facility was called the McGovern Pavilion.The campaign was one of the most decisive turning points in the Hospital’s history as it helped to “reinvent” Saint Francis as a community hospital with a Catholic foundation and gave the Greater Hartford region a stronger medical center. Her parents’ relationship, which Marge characterizes as a partnership of equals, echoes the kind of marriage that her grandparents M.J. and Ann enjoyed. Marge is emphatic in pointing out that her mother’s support and encouragement of Dr. Michael J. Morrissey surrounded by his grandchildren. Rod made his business success and community involvement possible.“My dad was able to start a successful insurance agency, raise five daughters and be very active with civic, religious and corporate organizations because he had a very supportive wife and partner,” their daughter says.“Civic duties or contributions — they both had input on what should be done.” The recent bequest to Saint Francis was just such a joint offering. Both Rod and Marjorie felt strongly about making a gift to Saint Francis, which will be used to help renovate one of the Medical/Surgical Floors in the McGovern Pavilion. “The gift in honor of my grandfather was decided upon by my father and mother to celebrate a man who gave back to the community that had been so generous to him. M.J. always felt fortunate to be a doctor and help others,” Marge Morrissey says. It is a gift that undoubtedly would have made Dr. Michael Joseph Morrissey — and Ann Lambert Morrissey — both pleased and proud. “The gift in honor of my grandfather was a gift decided upon by my father and mother to honor a man who gave back to his community that had been so generous to him.” Marge Morrissey 4 Roz Montgomery and Marge Morrissey Exchange An Gifts OF hen Kathryn Mullane was diagnosed with Stage 4 non-Hodgkins lymphoma in the fall W of 1999, she knew she faced both difficult times and an uncertain outcome because of the often-fatal cancer. As she always did in a crisis, Mrs. Mullane turned to her family, her friends and her faith for support over the months she spent undergoing aggressive treatment and chemotherapy at Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center. During Kathryn’s treatment, her husband Denis spent every day and most nights at the hospital helping attend to his wife’s needs and, when he had some free time, helping other patients, too. “I spent so much time there, they made me an honorary nurse,” he recalls with a smile. Denis Mullane, retired president and CEO of Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company, considers that “nursing degree” among the most important honors he has ever received. During countless hours at Saint Francis throughout his wife’s illness, he witnessed again and again what a profound 5 During countless difference the gift of extraordinary nursing care made to Kathryn and to the other patients on 8-1, the Hospital’s inpatient oncology unit. “We hours at Saint Francis thought the nurses were fantastic — helpful and encouraging and willing to do anything they could do to make life better,” Denis remembers. throughout his wife’s Life did become much better for the Mullanes. By March 2000, Kathryn was cancer free and had regained her health and strength — illness, Denis Mullane as well as a new sense of playfulness. Kathryn and Denis proceeded to witnessed again and summer 2002, they went on a cruise to Bermuda to celebrate their again what a profound and spouses, and six grandchildren. difference the gift of extraordinary nursing care made to Kathryn and to the other take what he calls “a second honeymoon that lasted three years.” In fiftieth wedding anniversary, bringing along their three adult children It was a grand celebration for the couple who had first met in grade school and then became good friends. Denis confesses that it wasn’t until he was in college at West Point that he finally realized his old friend Kathryn Mullman was actually a member of the opposite sex. He promptly proposed — and was just as promptly rejected.They began to date seriously, though, and after every date, Denis asked Kathryn to marry him. “I proposed once a week for a year — that’s 52 times,” he says. “I finally wore her down.We were married for 51 years, and we had a wonderful life together.” Sadly, the extended second patients. honeymoon was abruptly cut short after Kathryn suffered a fatal heart attack. Recalling how much the nurses at Saint Francis had meant to Kathryn, the Mullane family created a very special way to honor and remember a beloved wife, mother, and grandmother: a grant given twice annually to four selected Saint Francis nurses to allow them to enjoy some well-deserved rest and recreation of their own choice. “Many people made contributions to our family foundation, in Kathryn’s honor,” recalls Denis. “We wanted to show them how their money would be spent. Our daughter, Denise, came up with the idea of the grants to nurses. And we all fell in love with that idea.” 6 Asked about the specific intent of the grants, he goes on to explain: “There is lots of funding for nursing education and additional training. With these awards, we wanted to say, this is for fun; this is to say thank you.” “Most people don’t pay enough attention to themselves,” adds son Kevin Mullane.“We wanted nurses who go above and beyond to realize they need to take some time off so they can return to the Hospital refreshed and continue their work.” Thomas Hijeck, RN, Senior Vice President for Patient Care Services at Saint Francis, says the grants are deeply appreciated by the recipients and the Hospital.Their purpose is unique and very The first recipients of the Mullane award. Pictured with Kevin Mullane are (left to right): Natalie Garces, RN; Denise Burns, RN; Carolyn Levine, RN and Mary Ann Walsh, RN. ever it might be, that will bring rest and relaxation.” “These grants recognize the nursing staff by giving them funds for something, whatever it might be, that will bring rest and relaxation.” “We are focused increasingly on retention of Thomas Hijeck, RN special.“Denis Mullane and his wife were very impressed and grateful for the nursing care and compassion, and these grants recognize the nursing staff by giving them funds for something, what- nurses,” explains Tom Hijeck. “This award is something that can be part of our overall strategy of recognizing nurses from the patient perspective.” He emphasizes that although the technology and science of medical treatment are vital, it’s the compassion demonstrated by nurses that often touches patients and their families most directly. Kevin Mullane agrees, calling the nurses “the human side” of the medical equation. Recalling the close relationship that developed between the Mullanes and the nurses who cared for Kathryn, Tom Hijeck talks about how much a family comes to value a nurse who not only provides competent care but also is a person with whom the patient and the family members can “just talk and share.” Mary Ann Walsh, one of the first four recipients of the Mullane Family Foundation grants, is just that kind of nurse. A graduate of the Saint Francis School of Nursing, she served as Kathryn Mullane’s primary care nurse on the inpatient oncology unit.Three years later, she still remembers the Mullane family vividly. “When people are as warm as the Mullanes, when they extend themselves, it’s easy to give back,” she comments. “It was a pleasure to take care of them. I find that to be a gift. If there’s mutual respect between human beings, I gravitate to that. I think that’s the way life should be. And the longer you know and care for someone, the stronger the bond becomes.” Denis Mullane credits Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center for working to attract nurses who demonstrate care and compassion, and providing an atmosphere that fosters those vital qualities. “Every corporation and organization has a personality,” he says.“At Saint Francis, I think it all goes back to the founding Sisters, who helped everyone see their work as a religious occupation.” “There’s just something about Saint Francis,” he says. “It’s a personal place, and people take pride in working here.” 7 Happenıngs S A I N T F R A N C I S Cohort Nursing Program Graduates First Class In January, 13 registered nurses from Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center became the first graduates of the Saint Francis/Sacred Heart University Accelerated R.N. to B.S.N. Program as an audience of family, friends, faculty and hospital personnel filled the Chawla Auditorium. The graduating class began the accelerated cohort model (ACM) program in January 2002, attended classes one day a week and completed 33 to 36 credits of study to earn their B.S.N. degrees. Photo: Sharon Rookwood, R.N., (right) receives her B.S.N. diploma from (l-r): Rosemary Hathaway, Ph.D., Director of Nursing; Dori Taylor Sullivan, Ph.D., Director of Nursing Programs at Sacred Heart University; and Marjorie Freeland, M.S., clinical specialist. Pizzarelli Concert Benefits The Rehabilitation Hospital of Connecticut A concert by John Pizzarelli and The First Family of Cool was held at The Bushnell Center for the Performing Arts. Proceeds from the concert helped expand the hospital’s sports, exercise and recreation programs for people with disabilities. Photo (l-r): Robert Krug, M.D., medical director of The Rehabilitation Hospital of Connecticut; John Pizzarelli; and Thomas Miller, M.D., general rehabilitation program medical director of The Rehabilitation Hospital of Connecticut. Chawla Cardiac Surgery Pavilion Dedicated The Chawla Cardiac Surgery Pavilion, the latest addition to the broad array of Saint Francis Care cardiac services, was recently dedicated. Located on the eighth floor of the Patient Care Tower, the Pavilion is a component of the Chawla Cardiac Surgery Center, which offers one of the most comprehensive suites of surgical procedures in the region. The Center was founded in honor of Ranjana and Surendra Chawla, M.D. As long-time friends of Saint Francis, the Chawla’s vision, dedication to excellence and generosity have brought cardiac surgery and surgical education to new heights at Saint Francis Hospital and for the community. Photo: Ranjana and Surendra Chawla, M.D., at the newly dedicated Chawla Cardiac Surgery Pavilion. 8 Saint Francis Welcomes Archbishop Mansell Newly installed Archbishop Henry J. Mansell was warmly welcomed by members of the Hospital family and the Hartford community during a gala reception held in his honor in the rotunda of the Patient Care Tower. Photo: Most Reverend Henry Mansell talks with Bernard Clark, M.D., acting chairman/director, department of medicine. Woodbury Memorial Lecture Held The eighth annual Kate Kuhn Woodbury, M.D. memorial lecture was held in May. This year’s featured speaker was Dr. Sherwin Nuland. Dr. Nuland is a National Book Award-winning author and clinical professor of surgery at Yale University Medical School. The Kate Kuhn Woodbury Memorial Lecture was established in 1997 in honor of Kate Kuhn Woodbury, an anesthesiologist who died from ovarian cancer 8 years ago at the age of 35. Photo: Kate Kuhn Woodbury, M.D. Women’s Auxiliary Hosts Theater Party The Women’s Auxiliary of Saint Francis celebrated the arts with a theater party at the Park Road Playhouse. Guests enjoyed a wine and cheese reception prior to the performance of the humorous play “Romantic Comedy.” Photo (l-r): Ann DuPlessis, Dr. David D’Eramo and Jean Schear share a moment at the reception. MIRACLES Celebrates 15 Years In celebration of 15 years of MIRACLES, volunteers are busy creating a quilt that will reflect the caring hearts and healing hands at work each day at Saint Francis. Under the able leadership of Jean Heagney and Mary Kay Godar and with the guidance of renowned artist EdJohnetta Miller, volunteers are gathering material from different parts of the world. The fabrics will then be dyed and panels fashioned to produce a large quilt that will be displayed in the Patient Care Tower following MIRACLES. Using fabrics from different world cultures symbolizes the multicultural life in Hartford and the diversity of people Saint Francis serves. Photo (l-r): Melanie Galen, MIRACLES General Co-Chair, Jean Heagney and Mary Kay Godar, Quilt Project Vice Chairmen, and EdJohnetta Miller, local artist. 9 Capital CampaignUpdate “ iving” takes several forms, and Profiles in Caring explores the many avenues of contributing through G portraits of individuals, couples and families who have donated to Saint Francis in exemplary ways. A gift isn’t always monetary, but may consist of “Time,Talent or Treasure,” as the well-known phrase depicts. At times, a gift of “Treasure” takes center stage. During our Capital Campaign, we seek these gifts to meet the growing requirements for expanded facilities and cutting edge technology so we may continue to serve the people of our community who need the quality of health care for which Saint Francis is known. Emerging medical breakthroughs, as well as an increased demand for services, have challenged the Hospital’s ability to fund all necessary capital requirements. In response, two years ago we entered the Leadership Phase of The Campaign for Saint Francis Care — Building Today for the Miracles of Tomorrow. During this silent phase, members of the Hospital family and close friends have been asked to step forward to make the initial gifts necessary to provide momentum to the The philanthropic dollars raised through The Campaign for Saint Francis Care will be used to improve and expand the following areas: Campaign. In just two years, through the generosity of this leadership group, almost $16 million of the $37.8 million goal has been achieved, which equates to more than 42% of our goal.This early and resounding success has provided energy, excitement and optimism to our important campaign, that will continue through the year 2007. THE HOFFMAN HEART INSTITUTE OF CONNECTICUT THE MAIN OPERATING ROOM SURGICAL SUITES THE SAINT FRANCIS/MOUNT SINAI REGIONAL CANCER CENTER THE MEDICAL/SURGICAL FLOORS IN THE MCGOVERN PAVILION PATIENT CARE CLINICAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY THE HOSPITAL’S ENDOWMENT 10 There have been many wonderful gifts to the Campaign to date, and you will read about them in this and other editions of Profiles.Three particular donor groups deserve special mention, however, because of their early and generous commitments: • The Saint Francis Boards and Campaign leadership are in full support of The Campaign for Saint Francis Care and their participation stands at virtually 100%. Their giving has exceeded expectations by a level of support that is 180% of their original financial goal. • The Women’s Auxiliary of Saint Francis pledged $1.5 million at the outset of the Campaign and will likely complete this pledge ahead of schedule, as they did with their last Campaign donation of $1.0 million for the critical care floor in the Patient Care Tower. This time their dollars have been applied to the extensive renovation of 8-1, the oncology/hospice floor. • Saint Francis employees also stepped to the fore early in the Campaign with a pledge of $1.5 million, exceeding their gift of $1.0 million to the last Campaign. We are pleased to report the employee campaign surpassed the $1.5 million goal.This level of support is reflective of the loyalty and commitment to the Hospital by the people who make Saint Francis the great place that it is. We salute the members of the Saint Francis Family who comprise these three donor groups! Campaign activity progresses as we look forward to the “As a member of the Saint Francis family for the past 33 years, I feel it is my duty to support the Employee Campaign. The benefits to me and my family, in the past and in the future, are invaluable.” public phase to be announced in the fall. Currently Saint Francis Corporators are being asked for their generous Shirley Thomas, R.N. support prior to the official launch of the public phase. It is our hope that you will recognize the importance of this Campaign to the Greater Hartford community by pledging your support.Thank you for your thoughtful consideration. 11 HONOR ROLL OF DONORS Generous-hearted and public-spirited individuals, who have given to Saint Francis throughout the years, have helped us become one of the 100 Top Hospitals and one of the top 15 major teaching hospitals in the United States.The Honor Roll of Donors recognizes those whose support helps to ensure the Hospital’s continued excellence by providing annual fund and capital campaign support for new facilities, state-of-the-art technology and high-quality programs and services. The gifts listed below represent annual fund donations (over $100) from October 1, 2002 to February 27, 2004 as well as capital campaign commitments from May 1, 2002 to February 27, 2004. The extensive list of Tribute Gifts will be reported in the Fall 2004 issue of Profiles in Caring. CHAIRMAN’S CIRCLE Anonymous (1) Aetna Foundation, Inc. Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield Archdiocese of Hartford The Beatrice Fox Auerbach Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Booth Mrs. Shirley Burns Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Byrne C. M. Smith Agency, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Caputo Dr. and Mrs. Surendra K. Chawla ConnectiCare, Inc. Connecticut Health and Education Facilities Authority Connecticut Health Foundation Mr. and Mrs. R. Michael Curran Dr. and Mrs. David D’Eramo Dornenburg Group Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Fiondella Mr. Daniel F. Flynn† and Mrs. Barbara L. Flynn Reverend Henry C. Frascadore The Estate of Angela L. Gionfriddo The Estate of Catherine Guethlein The Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Hart The Hartford Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co. Henkel Loctite Corporation Maximilian E. & Marion O. Hoffman Foundation ING Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Kelly R. C. Knox and Company, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Karl J. Krapek 12 Mr. and Mrs. David A. Lentini MassMutual Financial Group Mr.Thomas J. McInerney The Estate of John M. McNally The Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Gerard H. Morrissey Mount Sinai Association Mr. Denis F. Mullane Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. O’Connell Radiology Associates of Hartford, P.C. Donald Ruffkess Unitrust Dr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Sappington The Estate of Pauline H. Schwind Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Shima The Travelers Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Pierre van Rooy The Women’s Auxiliary of Saint Francis Hospital Woodland Anesthesiology Associates, P.C. CENTURY CIRCLE Dr. and Mrs. Nicolas N. Abourizk Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Albanesi The Alumni Assoc. of Saint Francis Hospital School of Nursing Dr. and Mrs. George Barrows The Estate of Claude R. Belliveau Dr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Berrien Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Bisson Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Carey CIGNA HealthCare Dr. and Mrs. Bernard A. Clark, III Winifred E. Coleman Mr. and Mrs. George S. Cunningham Dr. Perry M. Dansky Dr. and Mrs. John T. DeMaio Dr. and Mrs. Luis F. Diez Dr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Diver Mr. and Mrs. John E. Downes, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard F. Driscoll Dr. Richard L. Edwards The Estate of Lucian M. Euliano Mr. and Mrs. John J. Farrell Dr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Flaxman Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Fox Dr. Susan L. Freeman Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Gassner Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Gfeller Dr. and Mrs. P. Anthony Giorgio Dr. and Mrs.Thomas J. Godar Greater Hartford Jaycees Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hanley Dr. and Mrs.Walter Harrison The Hartford Courant Foundation Inc. Hartford Wolf*Pack Mr. and Mrs. R. Christopher Hartley Aaron & Simon Hollander Funds Mr. Chandler J. Howard Hughes Health and Rehabilitation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Jarvis Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Jeresaty Dr. Edward S. Johnson Dr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Kayser Ms. Joanne Klocek Dr. and Mrs. Bimalin Lahiri Mr. Ronald F. LaPensée Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Levin Mr. James B. Lyon Mandell Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. E. Merritt McDonough, Jr. Mr. E. Merritt McDonough, Sr. Ms. Joscelyn A. McNaughton Dr. Raul Mendelovici and Dr. Pamela Lewis Dr. and Mrs. Paul F. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Richard Moed Dr. Anthony S. Morgan and Ms. Linda Mackay-Morgan Mr. and Mrs.Wayne Morris Mr. and Mrs.Timothy J. Moynihan Mr. and Mrs.Thomas F. Mullaney, Jr. Dr. Pauline N. Olsen On-Site Support Services Corp. Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Pabich Mr. and Mrs. James Perretta Pitney Bowes World Headquarters Dr. and Mrs. Elliot S. Pollack The Estate of Ruth B. Post Mrs. Carol McCrann Proom Mr. and Mrs. Millard H. Pryor, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Rockwell Mr. Steven H. Rosenberg Dr. and Mrs. Frederick N. Rowland Saint Francis Hospital Medical and Dental Staff Office Mr. and Mrs. David E. Sams, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Ricardo L. Sanchez Dr. and Mrs. R. Kent Sargent Estate of Thomas F. Sarubbi Dr. Phyllis L. Schatz Dr. and Mrs. S. Jacob Scheinerman Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Scherer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Schulz Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Shumway Mr. and Mrs. John T. Small, Jr. Dr. Jonathan R. Sporn Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stillman Mr. and Mrs. Donald Straceski Ms. Catherine M. Szenczy Dr. and Mrs. Michael L.Therrien Dr. and Mrs. Peter J.Tutschka Dr. Eric van Rooy Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L.Whitmire Mr. and Mrs. Bernard F.Wilbur, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. ZuWallack LEADERSHIP CIRCLE Anonymous (1) Mr. and Mrs. Stanley F. Alfeld Applied Proactive Technologies, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Babkowski Mr. and Mrs.Thomas O. Barnes Reverend Thomas J. Barry, J.C.L. Dr. and Mrs. Frank Bauer Dr. Jay B. Benson Ms. Diane Betkoski Dr. and Mrs. Syed Fazl Ali Bilgrami Ms. Mona Branchini The Estate of Hilda M. Brassill Mr. and Mrs. John M. Burns Dr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Burt Mr. and Mrs.Anthony J. Campanelli Mr. Jere A. Carangelo Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Carrier Ms. Sally D. Carrier Mr. Stephen P. Christopher Dr. and Mrs.William J. Cibes, Jr. Mr. Patrick J. Cosgrove Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Dalstrom Drs. Hema and Paula de Silva Miss Marylou Dillon Mr. Robert J. Falaguerra Mr. Marshall S. Feingold Dr. and Mrs. Brendan M. Fox Mrs. Elizabeth Frechette Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Fulco Mr. Ezequiel L. Galo Mr. Hunter K. Giroux Mr. and Mrs.William R. Griffin Mr. and Mrs. James T. Gutmann Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hathaway Mr. and Mrs.Thomas W. Hijeck Dr. and Mrs. Edward H. Karl Mr. Albert Kissling, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Rolf W. Knoll Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Koseski Mr.Wayne Kowalczyk and Dr. Pamela Kowalczyk Mr. Jess Kupec Dr. and Mrs. Peter S. Kurtis Mr. and Mrs. John C. F. Lennhoff Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Lennon Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Long Dr. Manuel Lorenzo Dr. Patricia Luhan Dr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Martin Ms. Ruthie B. Mathews Drs. Dean and Thalia Mesologites Ms.Valerie A. Mickewich Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Midura, Sr. Ms. Barbara Miles Mr. Peter A. Mobilia Mr. John J. Moran Dr. Lee M. Pachter and Dr. Deidre Reynolds-Pachter Ms. Millicent Prayzner The Lucien B. and Katherine E. Price Foundation Pulmonary & Internal Medicine Associates of Great Hartford Mr. Daniel Rapoport and Dr. Susan N. Rabinowe Dr. Zia Rahman Dr. Joerg Rathmann Estate of Stephen F. Richards Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schmidt Ms. Margaret A. Schwanda The Estate of Lillian Shea Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Soucier Spudman Charity Open State Farm Insurance Companies Mr. and Mrs. David C. Stone Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J.Talge Dr. Sharon Tan Mr. and Mrs. Anton W.Taschner Mr. Michael S.Taub Ms. Debra Turcotte Ms. Ernetta A.Van Orden J.H. & C.K.Walton Fund Mr. and Mrs. David P.Watson The Wiremold Company The Solomon and Katie Wohl Foundation Woodland Women’s Services, LLC FOUNDERS’ SOCIETY Anonymous Donor (1) Dr. Paula K. Anderson Ms. Catherine A. Babick Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey G. Beaty The Estate of Antoinette M. Benevento Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Birnbaum Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brown Ms. Nancy J. Budds Ms. Denise M. Burns Ms. Anne Cahill-Dufour Mr. Joseph Capone Ms. Lisa V. Carl The Hon. and Mrs. Stephen T. Cassano CBIA Ms. Margaret L. Charon Ms. Josephine M. Cristofaro Mr. David A Crowell Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Cushman Mrs. Denise M. Czapracki Reverend Msgr. Charles W. Daly, S.T.L. Mrs. Donna P. Davis Ms. Marilyn Diaz Ms. Kathleen F. Dimond Mr. Antonio M. Domingos Mr. and Mrs. John Doyle Dr. and Mrs. Paul H. Dworkin Ms. Carol Eckler Mr. Robert M. Fechtor Mr. Robert R. Ferris Dr. and Mrs. Eamon Flanagan Dr. Daniel A. Gerardi Dr. and Mrs. John M. Gibbons, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Goldfarb 13 Mr. Paul D. Hennessey Dr. Emmanuel C. Javier Dr. Anna S. Jovanovic Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Kilray Dr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Krajc Dr. Robert J. Krug Ms. Linda A. Kuszaj Mr. and Mrs. James P. Laurito The Estate of Irene Lavell Ms. Sheila A. Lennon Mr. and Mrs. Jim Little Ms. Ann M. Lizak Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Lombardo Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Long Ms. Maryellen Lyman Mrs. Carol B. Martin Drs.Thomas and Judith McCaffrey Mrs. Judith G. McDonough Ms. Nancy A. Neligon Mr. and Mrs. John F. O’Connell, Jr. Dr. John D. Papandrea and Dr. Kathleen A. Kennedy Mr. Richard J. Papanos Mr. and Mrs. David W. Parmelee Mr. Philip A. Perrone Mr. Robert J. Phelan Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Quartararo Dr. Surita Rao Mr. Carlos A. Rivera Ms. Maria E. Rodrigues Ms. Kathleen B. Rogers Mrs. Jane M. Romano Mr. and Mrs. Steven I. Rosen Dr. Konstantinos Roussis Dr. and Mrs. Neil L. Schechter Ms. Carol Schuster Ms. Mary L. Simmonds Ms. Kathleen O. Smith Dr. David J. Spinelli Mr. Robert A. Strange TA Associates Management, L.P. Ms. Doreen M.Tarascio Ms. Shirley A.Thomas Ms. Sandra L.Vezina Mr. Edisio C.Vieira Mr. Richard Weaver-Bey Mr.William Witkowsky Dr. and Mrs. C. Steven Wolf Mr. and Mrs. Philip Woodrow Zachs Family Foundation Ms. Michelle H. Zajac Mr. Robert T. Zbuska WOODLAND SOCIETY Abbott Ball Company Ms. Sandra K. Alexander Ms. Helene H. Anthony Dr. Jose M. Arias-Camison 14 Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Armour Associated Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, P.C. Mr. George Bahamonde and Ms. Jenny Smith Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Balick Ms. Pamela H. Bannon Mr.Wallace Barnes and The Hon. Barbara H. Frank Mrs. Norma L. Barry Ms. Diana Barton Ms. Marie L. Benoit-Connors Dr. Frederick J. Bogin Mr. James F. Boucher Mrs. Kimberly A. Brault Mr. and Mrs. Morton B. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Brown Mr. Jerry Buchanon Mr. and Mrs.William L. Bucknall Ms. Patricia L. Byrnes Ms. Donna J. Caputi Judith A. Carey, R.S.M. Mr. Christopher M. Carroll Mr. Jorge M. Carvalho Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Carver Reverend Liam C. Casey Ms. Jody Cella Mr. Clifford M. Chapman Ms. Phyllis E. Chapman Ms.Virginia G. Chipps The Church of the Nativity Mr. Robert E. Cohn and Mrs. Sherry Banks-Cohn Ms. Cheryl B. Collins Reverend Bradford Colton Mr.Theodore W. Crommett Ms. Nora Crozier Mrs. James P. Curley Mr. Lemuel R. Custis Ms. Patricia M. Daigneault Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Dance Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Danek, Jr. Mr. Paul F. Davern Ms. Beverly A. Davis Mr. and Mrs.William R. Davis Ms. Marri Day and Mr. Jonathan Fairbanks Dr.Tom R. Dekker The Delaney Memorial Foundation, Inc. Ms. Kathleen A. DeMatteo Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Devino Ms. Darlene E. Dionne Ms. Arlene K. Doherty Mr. Brian D. Dolge Ms. Delphine R. Donaghue Mr. Anthony L. Drapelick Mr. and Mrs.Thomas M. Driscoll Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dropick Ms. Regina P. Eaton Ms. Lynne M. Erickson Ms. Evelyn Ertman Mr. and Mrs. Barry Feldman Mr. Julio E. Fernandez Ms. Faye Ferris Mr. and Mrs. John Fiori, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James L. Fisher Mr. and Mrs. James F. Flaherty, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Flannery Mr. and Mrs.Terry B. Fletcher Mr. Robert J. Fliss, Jr. Dr. Kelly Flynn Ms. Holly A. Foetsch Ms. Pamela J. Fowler Mr.Timothy F. Fox Mr. Paul Freitas Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Frost Ms. Susan J. Fullana Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm A. Galen Mr. Artemis H. Gaudette Ms. Joan B. Gialluca Mr. John N. Giamalis Mr. Harvey A. Ginsberg Reverend Msgr.Thomas M. Ginty Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Gionfriddo Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Glassman Mr. and Mrs. James F. Gleason Ms. Patricia J. Goodrich Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Goslicki, Jr. Dr. Richard J. Grayson Mr. Joseph Greenier Mr. Diego F. Grisalez Rebecca & Israel Grody Family Foundation Ms. Frances Guinipero Ms. Mary Guinipero Mrs. Maureen E. Guite Ms. Kim G. Hanka The Hartford Courant Mrs. Ann-Marie Harvey Mrs. Marie Hebert-Begley The Hermann Family Charitable Foundation Mrs. Eugenie B. Hijeck Mr. Frederick Hill Dr. Marie T. Hilliard Mrs. Geraldine Hunt Ms. Lorraine Hurd Ms. Deborah Hurst Mr. John Hynes IBM Corporation Ms. Marie F. Jaboin Ms. Leonore M. Joaquim Reverend Msgr. Charles B. Johnson Dr. and Mrs.Thomas V. Johnson Mr. Joao S. Jorge Mrs. Anne C. Kaminski Mr. Robert Kaufman Mr. Anthony F. Kayser Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Kayser Mr. John B. Keane Mr. Philip G. Keating Dr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Keating, Jr. Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc. Keeney Foundation, Inc. Mr. David Kelley, Jr. Ms. Lauren Kelly Sister Mary Kelly, C.S.J. Mr. and Mrs.Thomas D. Kennedy, III Ms. Cynthia L. Kiesewetter Ms. Doris A. Kinsley Ms. Mary J. Kirchhof Ms. Karen Kitchens Mrs. Judith B. Knowlton Kohn-Joseloff Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James Kole Mr. and Mrs. Simon Konover Mr. Barry N. Koslow Mrs. Pamela D. Kraiza Mr. Gerald E. Kulig Mr. David Kumnick Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. LaCava Ms. Shelley L. Lampron Mrs. Ellen W. Lawrence Mr. Jonathan A. Lazzarini Ms. Jodine M. Leahy Mr. Michael G. Lemire Mr. and Mrs.Thomas J. Lenihan Levenson Foundation Ms. Ann Levinskas Lewtan Family Foundation Mr. James F. Ley Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Lindberg Ms. Cecilia Lopez Lopez-Rivera Family Mr. Jae A. Lorenzet Mrs. Kerry Lorenzet Mr. and Mrs.Vernon S. Lunt Ms. Lorraine Mack Mr. and Mrs. Bret Maffett Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Maine Mr. Frank Maloney Ms. Linda S. Mangiafico Mr.Vincent J. Mango Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Marra Ms. Jean F. Martin Ms. Marian C. Mason Mrs. MaryLinda McBride Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McCafferty Mr. Peter A. McCormick Ms. Kathleen J. McGann Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. McGoldrick Reverend and Mrs. Marcus M. McKinney Mr. Joseph Medeiros Mr.Wesley Mendes Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Messier, Jr. Midwest Analytics LLC Mr. Robert A. Mileti and Mrs. Susan D. Bartsch Ms. Mary-Beth Moriarty Mr. James F. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. John S. Murtha Dr. Jacqueline C. Napper Mr. Gary E. Neilan Ms. Ann R. Nelson Dr. Beth E. Nelson Mr. David A. Neville Mr. Anthony W. Newman Mr. and Mrs.William J. Newman Ms. Kristen P. Nichols Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Nigro Nimco, Inc. Ms. Kathy A. Noel Ms.Theresa M. Nunes Dr. Mark Obadowski and Dr. Karen Magnuson-Obadowski Mrs. Lena P. Oliva Mr.Walter J. Oppelt Mrs. Sharon Ormstedt Ms. Donna A. Peacock Peak Fitness Ms. Susan E. Pearson Ms.Wendy J. Pelkey Mr. and Mrs. Brewster B. Perkins Ms. Roberta M. Peron The Phoenix Companies, Inc. Ms. Georgia B. Pope Mrs. Catherine H. Posteraro Mr. and Mrs. James R. Potter Mr. and Mrs. James J. Pryor Mr. John Quinlavin Mr. Carlo A. Reale Mrs. Martha Rebmann Mr. Dennis C. Redden, Jr. Mr. and Mrs.William Reis Ms. Sandy E Renfro Mr. Keith T. Revaz Ms. Raquel L. Rhone Mrs. Irving S. Ribicoff Mr. Daniel G. Rittereiser Mr. John C. Roberson Mr. Luis Rodriguez Mr. and Mrs. Stuart E. Rosenberg Ms. Deborah Rossi Ms. Jeanne M. Roush Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ruef Dr. and Mrs. Richard B. Sadler Mr. Robert U. Sattin Ms. Nancy G. Scanlon Mr. Craig W. Schmechel Dr. and Mrs. J. David Schnatz Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan Schreiber Mrs. Shelley T. Schulman Mrs. Rosemary A. Shea Dr. H. Robert Silverstein Simsbury Newcomer’s Club Dr. and Mrs. Satesh C. Singh Mr. and Mrs. B. John Skawinski Mr. Courtland Smith The Estate of Eleanor M. Smith Ms. Gail E. Smith Mrs. Melinda W. Smolkin Mr. and Mrs. John F. Solan, Jr. Sorenson-Pearson Family Foundation Ms. Rose Stamilio Mr. and Mrs. John H. Stearns, Jr. Ms. Antoinette C. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. John Sullivan Mr. Francis A. Sullivan Ms. Maureen Tiroletto TRC Environmental Corporation Ms. Kathleen Tummillo Ms. Lauren J. Underhill Mr. Fred J.Verrilli VFW, Post 4740 Ms. Kathy C.Vieira Mr. Manuel L.Vieira Mr. Anthony J.Vitale Mr. Robert J.Volz Ms. Gloria G.Walsh Mr. Andrew J.Wasilewski Dr. Otto Weis and Dr. Lisa Menillo Ms. Alexandra Welch Ms. Holly A.Wills Ms. Joan Wilson Mr. and Mrs. David Winter Ms. Donna L.Wirthman Ms. Ann C.Wojcicki Mr. George Wood Ms. Kathleen Woods Mr. and Mrs. Richard T.Wozniak Mr. and Mrs. Ira Yellen Mr. and Mrs. James W. Zanavich CAPITAL CITY CLUB Anonymous (1) Mrs. Bernadine Acqua AIG American General Dr. Mary Allen Dr.Teresa A. Allen Mr. Jon M. Aramendi Ms. Elizabeth M. Arbeiter Mrs. Bernice Bailey Ms. Susan A. Bailey Ms. Gladys L. Baker 15 Balch Bridge St Corp Ms. Erin E. Barry Mr. George J. Baylock Ms. Gail Beaulieu Ms. Sarah A. Begina Mr. and Mrs. John J. Bernardini Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bittar Mr. and Mrs. David Black Drs. Adam and Melissa Borgida Ms. Diane D. Bouchard Ms. Elizabeth D. Bouchard Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bouvier Dr. and Mrs. James C. Boyle Mr. John J. Brady Ms. Jorgina Braga Ms. Margarida Braga Ms. Debra C. Bridgewater Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Brown Mr. Modesto F. Brunoli Mr. and Mrs. Roger S. Bruttomesso, Sr. Mrs. Jennifer Bryant-Sevigny Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Brzozowski Ms. Nancy Burton Mr. and Mrs. John F. Byrnes Ms. Madalena M. Cabral Mrs. Sally D. Campbell Ms. Dana Cantiello Ms. Maria A. Cardoso Ms. Rose P. Carter Casey’s Cafe Cee-It Live, LLC Ms. Linda Chagnon Mr. Antonio B. Chaves Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Chaves Ms. Carol L. Choomack Ms. Donna C. Claffey Ms. Ruth Clancy Ms. Susan Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Cloud, Jr. Ms. Michele F. Connors Ms.Wendy T. Conroy Mr. and Mrs. Gerald C. Cooper Mr. and Mrs.Timothy H. Coppage Mr. Sergio D. Correia Mr. and Mrs. Rob Cosker Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Costa Mr. Duarte Costa Mr. Richard W. Coyle Ms. Susan Crawford Mrs. Marianne C. Cronkhite Mr. Robert T. Cross Mr. and Mrs.William M. Cullina Mrs. Natalie Cummings Mrs. Elizabeth Cunha Ms. Maria R. Cunha Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Curran Dr. and Mrs.Timothy L. Curran 16 Mrs. Sharon M. Cutler Ms. Charlotte Dallett Dr. E. Steven Damon Ms. Catherine L. Davis Mr. John H. Davis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Deck Ms. Angela Dejesus Ms. Janet A. Deltenre Ms. Judy F. Demarest Ms.Wanda DeRonck Ms. Iris G. Dichner Mr. and Mrs. Anthony DiCicco The Estate of Bertha Diem Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Donnelly Ms. Lisa Dorr Ms. Diana S. Downs Mr. Joseph C. Driscoll Ms. Esperanza R. Ducharme Mrs. Ellen O. Duell Ms. Elaine M. Durato Ms. Joan O. Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Paul Emley Mr. and Mrs.William H. Farley Ms. Margaret Fernald Mr. Jorge B. Fernandes Mr. Jose M. Ferreira Ms. Maria C. Fiano Mr. Joseph D. Filomeno Mr. Herbert B. Fishman Ms. Felicia Flaherty Mrs. Angela C. Flammia Ms. Rena B. Foley Mr. Alfred C. Forster Mr. Maurice J. Fox Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fraleigh Ms. Laudalina G. Freitas Mr.Yefim Frenkel Mrs.Terry M. Gagne Mr. Howard J. Gaines Mr. Robert E. Gauvin, Jr. Mr. Edward C. Gendreau Mr. and Mrs. Libero A. Giardi Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Gilligan Mr. John A. Giordano Ms. Michele Giuliano Glastonbury Dental Associates, LLP Mr. Louis J. Golden and Ms. Margaret Buchanan Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Goldenberg Mr. Edmund J. Goralski Mr. John S. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Brian Gorman Mr. John J. Gorman, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. R. Max Gould Delores P. Graham Ms. Patricia A. Graham Ms. Judith A. Gregson Mr. and Mrs. R. Nelson Griebel Mr. and Mrs.Thomas J. Groark, Jr. Mr. Marcel J. Grondin Ms. Ceya L. Guilford Ms. Marcelle Haffreingue Ms. Nancy A. Hagen Ms. Barbara A. Hamel Ms. Derri L. Hamilton Ms. Ellen F. Hankard Ms. Hattie C. Harbour Hartford Foundation for Public Giving Ms. Ann Marie Hayden Mrs. Patricia A. Healy Ms. Cathy B. Hebert Mrs. Noreen M. Hendley Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hoffman Ms. Elinor Hoffman Mr. Michael Hogan Mr. and Mrs. Keith B. Hook Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Horanieh Ms. Sandy M. Howard Mrs. Joanne K. Hoye Mrs. Constance Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Paul Inguanti Mr. Clifford H. Iser Ms. Susan Ives Mr. and Mrs. B.Theodore Jacobs Mr. Antonio J. Janeiro Ms. Sara L. Johnson-Davis Ms. Sheila J. Junious Ms. Karen S. Kaeser Ms. Joan M. Karpuk Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc. Mr. Lafayette Keeney Ms. Jean T. Kelleher Ms. Peggy S. Kent Ms. Stella Kimball Mr. and Mrs. Peter King Mr. and Mrs. James H. Kinsella Ms. Antoinette Kondracki Mrs. Shirley M. Koplowitz Ms. Elaine Kovach Mrs. Anna Krempl Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Kuhn Mr. John F. Lagosz Mrs. Kathleen Langan Ms. Caron D. Lanouette Mr. Edson Lawrence Mr.William R. Leahy Reverend Lawrence Leclair Ms. Kristine B. LeFebvre Mr. and Mrs. Jason W. Limansky Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Lindboe, Jr. Mr. Raymond Lindsley Mr. Lance Lonergan Miss Kathleen Magowan Ms. Nancy L. Mahony Georgette Auerbach Koopman The Greater Hartford community, along with the Saint Francis Family, mourns the loss of one of its most committed and devoted citizens, Georgette Auerbach Koopman. Mrs. Koopman, who passed away in early April, was known for her philanthropic outreach to many worthy causes and community institutions including Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center. As a lover of the arts, Mrs. Koopman was a longtime supporter of the Hartford Art School, The Hartford Stage Company, the Hartford Symphony Orchestra and the Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art. She was also a leader and advocate for the University of Hartford and KingswoodOxford School. When Mrs. Koopman became a Corporator of Saint Francis, she assumed the role much in the same way she approached everything in her life; with a good heart, an open mind and a full spirit. The Hospital was fortunate to have her as an ambassador and a benefactor and will remember, with gratitude, her selfless way and enduring grace. Mr. Marco Maio Ms. Claudia Malino Mrs. Genevieve Mango Dr. Neil F. Mara Ms. Sharon J. Marosek Mr. George D. Marquis Ms. Audrey M. Marshall Ms.Victoria P. Marshall Mrs. Carolyn B. Martindale Ms. Jennifer M. Martino Ms. Madeline Martino Mrs. Allison Matheson-Laudati Ms. Miroslawa Matosz Mr. John A. Matuszko Ms. Josephine Mavromatis Ms. Paula M. Mayo Mr. Arnell McCormack Ms. Sharon R. McCray Ms. Corliss McCusker Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. McKenna, Jr. Mr. John S. McLean, Jr. Ms. Janice M. McLear Ms. Farrah McMahon Ms. Caroline S. Merrick Ms. Pamela J. Michaels Ms. Laura E. Michalski Ms. Cynthia G. Michaud Ms. Leola Miles Dr. and Mrs.Thomas B. Miller Mrs. Debra Mlinek Ms. Linda Moffitt Ms. Judy A. Monroe Ms. Susan E. Montminy Mr. F. Paul Mooney Mr. J. Michael Moore Ms. Rafael A. Morales Mr. Reynaldo Morales Mrs. Regina Moskey Mr. Joseph C. Moylan Ms. Corinne A. Mullen Mr. and Mrs. John Davis Murphy Mrs. Gloria J. Myers Ms. Margaret E. Nagle Mrs. Kimberly Nardone Mr. Robert Nash Ms. Ann D. Navage Mr. David C. Neff Mr. Mark E. Nelson Mr. Ceferino C. Ng Mr. Pedro Nieves Ms. Karen N. Northrop Mr. Emile G. Noujaim Novartis Pharmaceuticals Mr. Steven M. O’Keefe Mrs. Jeanne H. O’Neil Ms. Ava M. Opalach Mr. Juan A. Ortiz Ms. Rosenne L. Orvis Mr. Armindo A. Pacheco Mr. Antonio C. Paiva Mr. Joseph Pallis Dr. Hemant Panchal Mr. and Mrs.Thomas F. Parker Partitions, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pearson Mr. Philip J. Peluso Mrs. Idalina C. Pereira Dr. Milosh Perovitch Ms. Catherine E. Petrunti Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program Mr. Diem H. Phan Ms. Mary Agnes Phelan Physicians for Women’s Health Mr. Lawrence D. Pierce Mr. John R. Pike Mr. Steven L. Pilver Ms. Susan A. Pinkham Mrs. Karen N. Pitkin Mr. Harry L. Pokorny Mr.William Ramos Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Ranard Ms. M. Carolyn Reid Mrs. Greta L. Rich Mr. Ken Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Dale Richter Ms. Donna Ricketts Ms. Dorothy E. Riley Mr.Timothy P. Riley Mrs. Eleanor M. Rinaldo Mr. Andrew S. Rinkavage Ms. Ana C. Rivera Mr. Robert P. Roberge Ms.Veronica F. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rosenbecker Ms. Elizabeth A. Rosenberger Mr. Ralph Rossano Ms. Cathy A. Roy Ms. Catherine E. Saccente Mr. Charles T. Salvatore Mr. Juan G. Sanchez Mr. Paul E. Santanella Ms. Jennifer S. Schneider 17 Mrs. Marian Sciacchitano Ms. Kathleen A. Scotti Ms. Lorraine D. Scrivano Mrs. Martha A. Segui Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. Sennett Ms. Jayne M. Shea Ms. Barbara A. Shelanskas Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Sibella Mr.William D. Simpson Ms. Sandra B. Sims Mrs. Mary P. Singleton Mrs. Lucille R. Smith Mr. John F. Soha Mr. Sheldon S. Sones Ms. Maria F. Sousa Ms.Vernette Soutar Sperry Marine Engineering and Program Management Ms. Karen Stasinos Ms. Susan M. Stebbins Ms. Patricia A. Stefanow Ms. Mary Sternberg Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Stevens Mr. Robert J. Stratton, Jr. Ms. Leslie Suarez Ms. Maria A. Summa Dr. and Mrs. Kishan N.Tandon Ms. Amy B.Taranovich Ms. Louise M.Thomas Ms. Marta J.Tipping Mr. and Mrs. Emmet E.Tracey Mr. Stephen Tracy Ms. Carolyn H.Tyler Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tymkow, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Van Demark Ms. Linda Z.Varcoe Mr. Margaro Velez Mr. Richard A.Voudren Mr. Allen W.Wachtel Dr. and Mrs. Peter B.Wade Ms. Donna C.Walker-Thomas Ms. Raquel Welch Mr. Frank E.Wellersdieck Dr. Clarence W.Welti Westminster Presbyterian Church Mr. Arthur D.Williams Mr. Jerome C.Williams Miss Ann M.Williamson Mr. and Mrs. James E. Willingham, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald K.Wilson, Jr. Ms. Elizabeth A.Winkler Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wood Dr. Roy Zagieboylo and Dr. Susan I. Lowery Ms. Bonnie Zebrowski Ms. Cynthia F. Zotter Mr. Donald Zurell 18 1897 CLUB A & L Student Services LLC Mr. and Mrs. Norman L. Abell Ms. Patricia Abramoske Mr. Grigory Abramovich Mr. Anthony Abruzzo Absolute Coatings, Inc. Academy of Early Learning Ms. Patricia M. Acevedo Ms. Diane Achenbach-Zatorski Ms. Delores B. Adighibe Aetna Foundation, Inc. Mr. Nathan G. Agostinelli Mr. M. F. Ahmed Ms. Sharon E. Ahrens Mr. Mario Alborghetti Mr. Luis M. Albuquerque Alcohol & Drug Recovery Centers, Inc. Ms. Lynn C. Aldrich Mr. Gregory K. Aldridge Ms. Joyce A. Alexander Mr. Mark C. Alexander Ms. Alexandria Manor Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Alibozek Mrs. Claudette Alleyne Mr. and Mrs. Latham L. Allison ALSTOM Power Inc. Mr. Mark P. Alves Ms.Tina Alves Ms.Virginia Alyea Ms. Maria C. Amaral Mrs. Elizabeth G. Ambrosi The American School for the Deaf Mr. and Mrs. Arvid J. Anderson Mr. Francoise Anderson Ms. Linda M. Anderson Ms. Phyllis D. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Loren J. Andreo Mr. David H. Angliss The Ann Howard Enterprises Mr. Louis Annino Ms. Deborah J. Anthony Mr. Owen Antoine Mr. Ernesto Aponte Mr. Savitri M. Appiah Mr. Morton W. Appleton Ms. Paula A. Ardel Mr. and Mrs. August Arndt Ms. Arlene Arnum Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Arute Ms. Marie Aschenbrenner Mr.William Asseline Mr. Merrill J. Atkins Mr. and Mrs. John Atkinson Ms. Marie Aual Mr. and Mrs. Brian Austin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Avenia Mr. and Mrs.William L. Axline Mr. Albert A. Ayoubi Mr. Donald Ayrton Mr. Anwar Aziz Mr. and Mrs. Angelito C. Bacay Dr. Marilyn A. Bacon Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Bahre Mr. Leo Baillargeon Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Baillif Ms. Marcia T. Bajjo Ms. Janet Baker Mr. Jeffrey D. Baker Mr. Steven Balick Dr. Steven M. Balloch Ms. Erin Ballou Mr. Andrew E. Balosie Ms. Anne L. Banda Ms. Sue F. Banks Mr. Adrian Barahona Barbara H. Hance Associates, Inc. The Barnabas Foundation Mrs. Marie Barnes Mr. Paul J. Barnett Mr. and Mrs. David S. Barrett Ms. Sharon F. Barrett Ms. Suzanna L. Barrett Mrs. Judith L. Barry Ms. Rosemarie M. Barry Ms. Eunice A. Barstow Ms. Judith Bartoletti Mr. Richard Barton Mr. Edward Bassett Dr. and Mrs. Subrata K. Basu Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Batch Mr. Stephen W. Bates Mr. and Mrs. Paul Batterson Mr. Bernard A. Batycki Mrs. Arline J. Baum Mr. Brian E Baumgart Mr. Dennis Bayer Ms. Helen R. Beam Mr.Thomas J. Beaulieu Mrs. Frankie Beauregard Mr. Brad Becker Mrs. Patricia D. Beckley Mr. Robert J. Beeman Ms. Pauline Begin Ms. Margaret Behne Ms. Jean Belfast Mr. and Mrs. Ian Bell Ms. Dorothy Beller Mr. John P. Belli Mr. Salvatore Bellinghiri Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Belliveau Dr. and Mrs. Mark A. Belsky Dr. and Mrs. Gary H. Belt Ms. Patricia Bennett Mrs. Marion P. Berard Mr.Vincent Bergamini Berger, Santy & Barbieri, P.C. Reverend Monsignor Robert D. Bergin Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bergsteinsson Ms. Bernice Bermingham Mr. Jose A. Bermudez Ms. Normande C. Bernard Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Bernard Mr. Robert Bernardo and Ms. Rose Dunn Mr. Myron Bernstein Ms. Mary Bertrand Mr. Joseph Berube Mr. and Mrs. George W. Betts Ms. Mamie R. Bibbins Miss Cecile Bibeault The Hon. and Mrs.William C. Bieluch Mr. Carl Bienkowski Ms. Mary I. Bihlmeyer Mrs. Rachel Billie Mr. Robert O. Bingham Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Bird Mr. Richard Bird Mr. Oscar Birman Mr. and Mrs. George A. Bishop, III Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Bishop Mrs. Nancy J. Bisson Mr. David J. Black Ms. Dorrett Black Mr. Scott D. Black Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Bland Ms. Elizabeth A. Blanda Mr. and Mrs.William Blecher Mrs. Linda M. Blondin Mrs. Cynthia L. Blozie Mr.William J. Blum Mr. and Mrs. David P. Blume Bob’s Discount Furniture Mr. Leo Bocwinski Mrs. Gisele Bodozian Mr. Robert M. Boesch Mr. Robert Boggan Ms. Laura A. Bolella Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bond Mr. and Mrs. John L. Bonee Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Bonee Reverend Mark J. Bonsignore The Hon. Kevin Booth Mr. Frank J. Borchetta Ms. Saundra Kee Borges Mr. and Mrs. Cosimo Bosco Mr.Vito A. Botticello Ms. Renee Bottomley Mrs. Kyrsten Bourdon Dr. and Mrs. Michael R. Bourque Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J. Bourret Ms. Jane Bourret Mrs. Bessie M. Bowles Ms. Dena L. Boylan Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bozzi Ms. Arlene Brace Ms. Christine S. Bradford Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Brady Ms. Mary K. Brand Mr. Calvin Brathwaite Brax Ltd. Ms. Heather C. Bray Mr. and Mrs. George Brazel Mr. Bailey Brenn, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Brennan Ms. Melanie Bridges Ms. Nancy J. Bridgman Ms. Pamela K. Bridgman Mr. and Mrs. George H. Brigham, Jr. Mr. Marcello Brighenti Ms. Kristen Brillo Dr. and Mrs. John A. Britting Ms. Janaki M. Bro Mr. and Mrs.Timothy J. Brockway Ms. Karen Broderick Ms. Amy Brodeur Mr. John S. Brodrib Mrs. Kathleen Bromage Mr. Donald Brookman Mrs. Jean E. Brooks Ms. Mary M. Brooks Mr. Michael W. Brosnan Ms. Dorothy Brown Ms. Janet Brown Ms. Kathleen M. Brown Ms. Sarah F. Brown Mr.Willaim Brown Mr. and Mrs. Jay P. Bruemmer Mr. and Mrs. John A. Brunalli Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Bruner Ms. Katharine Van R. Brush Mr. and Mrs. Gene F. Bruyette Mrs. Henry Bryant Mr. Roy H. Bubbs Ms. Christine Buccheri Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Buckingham, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bull, Sr. Ms. Carol C. Bullock Mrs. Anne B. Burke Mr. and Mrs. John P. Burke Mr. Floy L. Burns Mrs. Nancy Burns Mr.William Burns Reverend William L. Burns Mr. and Mrs. Craig Bursey Mr. Edward Bush Mr. Clarence Butler Ms. Delores Butler-Jordan Ms. Eleanore P. Buxton Mr. Kevin G. Byrnes Ms. Barbara L. Cable Ms. Gilda M. Cabral Mr. Salvatore R. Caccomo Mr. Paul Cadro Mr. Evans A. Caesar Mr. and Mrs. Morton Cafarelli Ms. Linda J. Cahill Ms. Linda M. Calcagni Mr. and Mrs. Hugh G. Caldwell Ms. Allison L. Calhoun-White Mr. Albert J. Callahan Calvary Church Mr. Donald A. Cameron Mr. Robert W. Camp Mr. and Mrs.Timothy R. Campbell Ms.Valerie J. Campbell Ms.Viola Campbell Ms. Jane G. Cannon Mr. and Mrs. John Cannon Ms. Anne E. Cappelli Ms. Alice Caravella Mr. Gregory P. Caravella Ms. Patricia A. Carbone Cardiac & Thoracic Surgical Associates, LLC Mrs. Cora Cardillo Mr. Daniel L. Cardillo Cardiopulmonary Corp. Mrs. B. Jeanne Cardwell Mr. John P. Carey and Family Ms. Nicole M. Cari Mr. Alfred Carifa Ms. Bonnie Carilli Ms. Mark K. Carlough Ms. Barbara Carmen Ms.Victoria S. Carmona Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Carney Mr. and Mrs. Michael Carney Mr. Paul P. Caron Mr. and Mrs. John H. Carr, Jr. Mr. Noel Carrasquillo Mr. and Mrs. Christopher B. Carroll Mr. John J. Carson Mr. Richard Carson Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carstensen Dr. Patricia and Mr. Carl Carta The Hon. Annette W. Carter Ms.Tracy Carter Mr.Wallace Carter Ms. Paulette A. Caruso Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Case Ms. Kimberly A. Case Mr. and Mrs. Alan F. Casey Mr. and Mrs. Shaun B. Cashman 19 Ms. Beverly Catalani Mr. Chandler M. Caton Mr. and Mrs.William R. Caval Mr. Richard H. Cave Mr. John J. Caviston Ms. Audra Celio Cell Therapeutics, Inc. Mrs. Lynne A. Centore Century 21 Alaimo & Corrado Mr. Nicolas Chahoud Ms. Mary P. Chambers Mr. Raymond Champy Ms. Susan Chandler Ms. Corinne E. Chant Mr. and Mrs. John Chapman Mr. Bejoy Cheriyan Mr. Damase Cheverier Ms. Erica B. Chigounis Mr. Kashmiri L. Chopra Ms. Janet A. Chua-Reyes Ms. Kathy Church Mr. Joseph Ciccaglione Ms.Theresa Ciocci The Ciorletti Family Circulation Experti, Ltd. Mr. and Mrs. David W. Clark, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence F. Clark Mr. Stephen Clark Mr. Gustavo A. Clarke Ms. Iva Clarke Ms. Corinne Clavette Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Cleary Mr. S. Prescott Clement Mr. James R. Cleveland Mr. Gerry Cohen Mr. Marshall B. Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cohen Dr. and Mrs. Steven R. Cohen Mrs. Laurel M. Cohn Mrs. Mary Colbert Mr. and Mrs. Howard R. Cole Mr. Jeffrey Cole Mr. and Mrs. Randall Cole Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Cole Collaborative Laboratory Services Collaborative Laboratory Services of Bristol Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Collins, Jr. Mr.Willie Collins, III Ms. Margaret F. Collins Ms. Sally A. Collins Collinsville Savings Society Ms. Candace L. Colonese Mr. and Mrs. Robert Compagna Conard High School Mrs. Mary A. Condit Mr. Robert D. Cone Connecticut Department of Labor Connecticut Horticultural Society Connecticut Medical Insurance Company Connecticut Stone Industries Mr. and Mrs.William M. Connelly Mr. Mark R. Connolly Ms. Maureen Connors Mr. Robert A. Connors Mr. and Mrs. C. Jay Conway Mr.William Cook Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Cooley Ms. Sally W. Cooney Mr. Bradford A. Cooper Ms. Cheryl Cordeira Mr. and Mrs. Dominic A. Cordone Mr. Robert Cormier Ms. Alexis Corrigan Mr.Thomas H. Corrigan Ms. Marianne T. Cosgrove Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Cosgrove Ms. Anne Cosseboom Mr. and Mrs. Steve J. Costas Mrs. Nicole A. Costello Ms. Huijing S. Counsilman Mr. and Mrs. Jerry J. Coursey, Jr. Ms. Cynella E. Cowie Ms. Kathleen J. Coyle Mrs. Rita M. Coyne Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Craemer Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cranmore Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Crawford Ms. Melissa D. Crawford Mr. and Mrs. J. David Creedon Mr. Herbert L. Crocker, Jr. Ms. Andrea Cronin Ms. Nancy E. Cronin Mr. Robert W. Cronin Mr. and Mrs.Timothy H. Cronin Ms.Theda Crowder Ms. Sally H. Crowe Father James A. Crowley Mr. James M. Crowley Ms. Patricia A Crowley Mrs. Shirley Crump Ms. Iris Cruz Mr. Juan Cruz Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Cullina Mr. Brian Cunningham Ms. Kimie A. Cunningham Ms. Ann M. Curran Mrs. Genevieve M. Curran Mr. Arthur Curry CVS Pricing Department Mr. and Mrs.Walter Cwikla Butterfly Boutique A boutique designed to meet the special needs of cancer patients was recently opened by the Women’s Auxiliary of Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center. Butterfly Boutique, located in the Saint Francis/Mount Sinai Regional Cancer Center, currently carries unique items and gifts such as fashionable head wear, clothing and accessories, skin care products and inspirational books and tapes. Professionals are also available by appointment for the fitting of wigs, prostheses and bathing suits. The Auxiliary created the boutique to help cancer patients cope with their illness.The effects of chemotherapy and radiation, particularly for women, are especially difficult to accept.The trendy and fashionable items that are offered allow women to maintain their femininity throughout their course of treatment.The Rainbow Fund has been established, through individual donations, for patients who may need financial assistance in purchasing items. Response to the Boutique has been tremendous with many customers delighted with the merchandise and the convenience of purchasing it where they come for treatment. Butterfly Boutique is open Monday through Friday from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. Lori Driscoll, President of the Women’s Auxiliary, invites guests from a dedication reception into the Boutique. 20 Mr. Rui A. Da Silva Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Dahill, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Daigle Reverend Leo J. Daily Mr. and Mrs. Julian B. Dal Ponte Ms. Donna M. Daley Ms. Ellie Daley Dr. and Mrs. George R. Dalton Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Dalton Ms. Kenna I. Daly Ms. Dorothy M. Danaher Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Dandurand Mr. Jon J. D’Arpino Ms. Maria D’Ascanio Ms. Sumana Datta Ms. Beverly B. Dattilio Mr. Gary W. Daugherty Mr. Frank J. Daversa Mr. Andrew M. Davis Mr. John H. Davis Ms. Patricia Davis Ms. Nancy B. Day Day, Berry & Howard LLP Ms. Jesusita De Pedro Ms. Carlota F. De Venutolo Ms. Mary L. Dean Ms. Muriel M. Deck DeFoe Corp. Dr. and Mrs. Leonard DeFusco Mr. and Mrs. John T. Del Negro Ms. Martha D. Delaney Mr.Thomas E. Delaney Mr. Armand Dellabianca Mr. and Mrs.Todd M. DeMatteo Dr. and Mrs. Richard Demko Ms. Krystyna Demusz Mr. Philip Dennehy Ms. Ruth C. Dennis Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. DePatie Mr. and Mrs. Martin V. D’Eramo Mr. James Derby Mrs. Judy G. D’Errico Mr. Joseph N. Desautel, Jr. Deutsche Bank Mr. James J. Devlin Mrs. Cynthia Di Nino Mrs. Patricia Dickinson Mr. Robert K. Dickson, Jr. Ms. Judith O. Didato Mr.William Diener Mr. John D. DiLaurenzio Ms. Rosemary W. Dineen Ms. Lydia Dingle Ms. Audreylyn Dixon Ms. Monique A. Dixon Mr. Gerald H. Doherty Mr. John L. Dombrowski Ms. Diane Dominguez Ms. Rita Donaghue Mr. and Mrs. John M. Donahue Mrs.Wendy Donovan and Family Mr. and Mrs. George J. Doody Mrs. Sylvia Dorfman Mr. John A. Dormer Mr. Juan Dos Santos Mrs. Barbara Dougeneck Ms. Fidelia C. Douglas Ms. Rosemary N. Dowd Mr. and Mrs.Vincent J. Dowling Ms. Mary T. Dowling Mr.Victor Dowling Mr.Vincent J. Dowling, Jr. Mr. Porter H. Downey Ms. Joyce Doyle Mr. David A. Draghetti Mr.Walter Dreaher Mr. Daniel G. Drouin, Jr. Ms. Deborah Drown Mr. and Mrs.Thomas E. Duckett Ms. Janet Dudek Mr. and Mrs. Dennis D. Duff Mr. Charles J. Duffy Mr. Richard B. Duhaney Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Dumond Ms. Hattie J. Duncan Mr. Joseph T. Dungan Mr. Robert W. Dunn Ms. Anita V. Duprey Mr. Jason G. Dupuis Mr. Brendan A. Durkin† and Mrs. Barbara Durkin Mr. Matthew D. Durst Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Duval Mr. Edward Duzik Dwyer & Brennan Attorneys at Law Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Dwyer Ms. Natalie Dydyn Ms. Lynne R. Dykstra Ms. Cynthia J. Dzielenski Ms. Genowefa Dziewaltowski Mr. and Mrs. F. Owen Eagan Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Earl Mr. Christopher D. Earlington Edal Industries, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Edelson Mrs. Charlotte K. Edkin Reverend John F. Edwards Ms. Shawna D. Edwards Dr. and Mrs. James F. X. Egan Mr. Kenneth J. Eilers Mr. Joseph Eisenberg Ms. Lisa G. Elflein Ms. Sharon Elias 21 Ms. Lori G. Elkey-Brown Ms. Johanna P. Ellwood Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Emrick Enfield Congregational Church Mrs. Barbara Engelke Ms. Anne T. English Ms. Ellen E. English Mr. and Mrs. James F. English, Jr. Mr. Robert P. Engvall Enrico Fermi High School Mr. Joseph M. Evangelisti Ms. Nancy A. Evans Fairfield Financial Mortgage Group, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Rishi Faldu Mrs. Jacqueline Fargo Mr. and Mrs. John Farland Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Farley Mr. and Mrs. John B. Farrell The Jack Farrelly Company Mr. John A. Fecteau Ms. Patricia A. Feeney Mr. Joseph Felici Mr. Hipolito Feliciano Ms. Mary Ellen Fell Mr. David R. Fellows Dr. Herbert W. Felsenfeld Ms. Deane K. Felter Ms. Denise G. Fernandez Mr. and Mrs. Libero D. Ferrante Ms. Beverly J. Ferron Ms. Elaine Fetko Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Ficks Mr. Robert Fillatti Mr. Edward Finneran Mrs. Donald P. Finnigan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Fiore Ms. Mary Fiore First Marketing Company Dr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Fishman Mr. and Mrs. Alan Fitz Mrs. Betty L. Flagg Ms. Jessica Flagg Ms. Kristine K. Flangers Fleet Bank, CCO Fleet Boston Financial Foundation Mr.Thomas C. Fleming Ms. Anna I. Flores Ms. Angela Florio Mr. and Mrs.Warren H. Flug Mr. and Mrs. Benedict D. Flynn, Jr. Mr. James Flynn and Mrs. Claudia C. Mosher Ms. Judith M. Flynn Ms. Ann T. Foley Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel Fonde Mr. Edgar Fonseca Mr. Conrad C. Fontaine 22 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Foran Mr. Jerre Forbes Mr. Mark Forge Dr. and Mrs.Victor L. Fortin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David Fortuna Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fortuna Ms. Marylou M. Foster Mr. Joseph S. Fowler, III Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Fox Ms. Erin J. Fraboni Ms. Anne Francis Mr. Eric R. Francis Ms. Christine M. Franco Franklin Distributors Inc. Ms. Mary R. Franklin Mr. and Mrs. George Franz Ms. Susan Franz Dr. and Mrs. Myron E. Freedman Mr. Harry M. Freeland Ms. Karen I. Freilich Mr. Robert F. Freitag Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Friedman Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Friedman Mr. Patrick F. Friel Mr. and Mrs. David A. Frink Ms. Carol Fritz Mr. and Mrs. Chad J. Frost Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Frost Mr. George D. Fuerth Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Fuller Fusco Corporation Mr.Virgil Gabel Mr. Eugene R. Gaddis and Dr. Alison Lane-Reticker Ms. Mamie B. Gage Mrs. Susan Gagliardi Ms. Janet Galante Mr. Donald Gale Ms. Rosemond Galipeau Ms.Wendy Gallagher Ms. Anita Galli Mr. and Mrs.William C. Galligan Mr. Michael P. Gallo Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ganci Ms. Cheryl L. Gannon Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Gannon Mr. Robert J. Garbe Mr. and Mrs. Felix Garlasco Ms. Edith D. Garrison Ms. Frances M. Garrow Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Gavin Mrs. Barbara Geary Mr.William B. Geary, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Gebrian Mr. Arthur Geltz Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gendreau Mr. and Mrs. Roger Gendreau Mr. John J. Gensheimer Mr. and Mrs. Duane G. Gentile Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Gentsch Ms. Jean Georgiades Ms. Agnes Gergely Mr.William Gerick Ms. Lori Getz Ms.Vera Giboyeaux Mr. Michele Giglio Ms. Doris Giles Mr. and Mrs. Milton A. Gilman Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Gilrain Ms. Santina N. Gionfriddo Ms.Tracey Gionta Ms. Filomena M. Giordano Mr. Sotirios Gizelis Mr. and Mrs. Leon H. Glazer Mr. Charles R. Glendon Mr. and Mrs.William B. Glotzer Ms. Mary E. Glynn Mr. Asa Goddard Mr. Frederick Goldberg Dr. Philip T. Goldenberg† and Mrs. Gloria Goldenberg Mr. Harry E. Goldfarb Mr. and Mrs. David S. Goldman Ms. Amy Goldstein Mr. and Mrs.Willard E. Gombert Ms. Maria C. Gomes Mr. Epifanio Gonzalez Ms. Nina F. Gonzalez Mr. Richard Gonzalez Mrs. Sherry Goodwin Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Googins Mrs. Lianie Gorcenski Mr. Samuel Gordon Mrs. Barbara Gorman Ms. Catherine E. Gorman Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Gorman Ms. Jeanette P. Gorynski Ms. Cynthia O. Gould Ms. Carol E. Gourlie Mrs. Deborah Grahn Ms. Carolyn Grant Ms.Theresa Grant Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Gray, Jr. Ms.Valarie A. Gray Mr. Raymond Graziani Ms. Sheila J. Graziosi Ms. Joan S. Green Mr. and Mrs.Arnold C. Greenberg Mr. and Mrs.Albert W. Greenspoon Greenwood Health Center Mr.Thomas Greer Ms. Lynne Grening Mr. and Mrs. Albert R. Grenon Ms. Nancy Gresh Mr. Roy Grieves Ms. Grace Griffin Mr. Paul J. Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Griffin Mr.Thomas G. Griffin Mr. and Mrs. J. Bruce Grimaldi Mr. Samuel P. Grimes Mr. John A. Griner, III Dr. David P. Grisé, Jr. Mr. Donald Griswold Miss Nancy E. Grogan Grove Hill Medical Center Ms. Gail M. Gruszczynski Ms. Elizabeth Gubbins Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Guerra Ms. Giselle Guevarez Mr. Enzo Guidobono Mr. Maurice E. Guillet Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Guillot Ms. Cleo Guillotte Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gulish Mr. and Mrs. John C. Gunning, Sr. Mrs. Karen A. Gurba Mr. Adam W. Guzick Ms. Carmen D. Guzman Hackett and Company, Inc. Haddad LLC Mr. Blair Hagy Ms. Elizabeth K. Hall Mrs. Alfred J. Hamilton Hamilton Sundstrand Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hamlin Hammack Oil Company Mr. Charles R. Hammond Mrs. Paula F. Hankard Ms. Mary K. Harding Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Harding Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harman Mr. and Mrs. Richard Harper Ms. Leiba Harracksingh Ms. Carla J. Harrell Ms. Sue B. Hart Mr. Reed Hartel Hartford Magazine Hartford Ostomy Association Hartland Building and Restoration Co. Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates Mr. Richard B. Haskell Mr. Robert Hastings Mr. Barry Hauser Mr. and Mrs. Girard E. Haverty Mr. and Mrs. James T. Healey Mr. James T. Healey and Mrs. Pamela Dowling Hebron Elementary School Ms. Suzanne L. Heise Mr. and Mrs. George A. Hellemann Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hendron Ms. Mary Frances Hennessy Mr. Lasalles Henry Mr. Benjamin Hernandez Ms. Sergia Hernandez Mr. Richard Heronemus Mr. Marcos Herrera Ms. Cindy Hightower Ms.Yvonne W. Hill Ms. Christina Hillemeir Mr. Stephen Hillery Dr. and Mrs. Richard K. Himmelsbach Mr. Michael R. Hinze Mr.William W. Hodges Ms. Joan M. Hoffman Ms. Kathleen F. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs.William Holden Ms. Karen S. Holley Ms. Caroline A. Holmes The Homicki Family Mr. Jessie Hopkins Mr. and Mrs. Milan J. Hornik Ms. Linda Horton-Jarvis Mr.William Hoss Mr.Vahid M. Hosseini Mr. Arthur H. House and Dr. Rita D. Jepsen-House Mr.Thomas F. Howard Ms. Maxine Howell Mr. David J. Hoyt Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Hudson Mr.Warren M. Huertas Ms. Sara Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Kimball H. Hunt Mr. Robert C. Hunt Mr. and Mrs. R. Alan Hunter Mr. and Mrs. James J. Hurley Ms. Elizabeth F. Hussey Ms. Darlene Hutchins Ms. Nicole L. Hutchinson Ms. Denise M. Hyland Mrs. Beth Iacampo Ms. Lila Innes Mr. John R. Irace Mr. and Mrs.Willy Isaac Mr. Alden A. Ives Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Izard J. P. Morgan Chase Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Jachym Ms. Marilyn Jack-Ortique Ms. Suzanne Jackson Mr.Thomas Jackson Ms. Anna M. Jacobs Mr. Frederick Jacobs Mr. James W. Jacobs Jacobs,Walker, Rice & Basche, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Jager Dr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Jagielski Ms. Natalie James Ms. Eleanor T. Jamieson Ms. Mary F. Jandreau Ms. Elvire Jasmin Ms. Karen A. Jenkins Mr. Korey A. Jenkins Mr. David W. Jenks Jensen’s Inc. Ms. Kathleen M. Johanns Ms. Candace H. John Mr. David P. Johndrow Johnson & Johnson Ms. Helen Johnson Mrs. Helen R. Johnson Mr. Lawrence H. Johnson and Ms. Susan J. Roman Mr. and Mrs. Pedro Johnson Ms. Lynn H. Johnston Ms. Angeline Joiner Jones, Raphael & Oulundsen, Inc. Mr. Gyanendra Joshi Mrs. Carole F. Joslyn Dr. Patricia M. Joyce Dr. Peter H. Judson Dr. and Mrs. Edward Juozokas Kaestle Boos Associates Mr. Kenneth R. Kahn Ms. Bernice O. Kaiser Ms. Gail F. Karanian Mrs. Cecile Karlowicz Mr. Andrew T. Kataja Mr. and Mrs. Alan H. Kaufman Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kazmarski Mrs. Catherine Keating Mr. and Mrs. John Keating Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. Keith Mr.Thomas R. Kelley Mr. John Kelly Mrs. Kathleen M. Kelly Ms. Sara Kelman Mr. Erwin E. Kennedy Mrs. Maura J. Kernan Ms. Pamela W. Kersey Mr. Scott Kertanis Ms. Beverly Kidd Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Kiely Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Kiely Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Kieper Ms. Barbara Kiernan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Kiernan Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kiernan Ms. Elizabeth B. Kilbourne Mr. Augustine Killiany Ms. Jean Killiany Mr. George Kimball Mr. Rudolph W. Kindl, Jr. Mr. James J. King 23 Mr. and Mrs. James T. King, Jr. Mrs. Mary M. King Ms.Yvonne King Ms.Wendy B. Kingsbury Mr. Kevin Kirby Ms. Susan P. Kirk Ms. Lucille G. Kirton Ms. Norma Kivney Mrs. Colleen Kleczkowski Dr. and Mrs. Albert Kleiman Mr. Gerald J. Klimkiewicz Mr. Patrick A. Klingman Mr. Matthew G. Kmec Ms. Susan L. Koehne Ms. Maryann Kolano Ms. Sylvia Kolodziej Mr.William Korkosz Mr.Yuriy Kormnov Mr. and Mrs. Albee M. Korn Mr. Edward Korpusinski Ms. Alice A. Kosinski Ms. Petra Koster Sister Barbara Kowalski Mrs. Kathleen M. Kowalsky Ms. Deborah A. Krajewski Ms. Heidi M. Kraushaar Mr. Steve S. Krawczynski Mr. Herbert Kreitner Ms. Kerri Kroner Mr. Conrad J. Kronholm, Jr. Ms. Elizabeth Krystopa Ms. Patricia E. Kubick-Rabinovitz Mr. Joseph Kuczynski Mr. and Mrs. David P. Kulas Mr. and Mrs. John Kupper Mrs. Aviva Kupperman Mr. Paul R. Kuraitis Mr. Robert W. Kurnik Mr. Adam Kurpat Mr.William Kyle Mr. Richard W. LaPorte Mr. and Mrs.Walter Lacey Mr. Richard F. Lach Ms. Brenda H. Lachapelle Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lachniet Mr. James T. LaCroix, Sr. Ms.Tammy P. Ladyko Mr. Claude Lallier Mr.William Lamontagne Mrs. Bertha Lanagan Ms. Ruth Landgren Ms. Mary Landrigan Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Lane, II Ms. Lisa Lane Dr. and Mrs. Steven E. Lane Mr. and Mrs.Wallace G. Lane Ms. Rene Lanthier Mr. J. P. Lanza 24 Mr. and Mrs.Vincenzo Lapira Mrs. Claire Lapointe Mr. Ernest J. Lapointe Mr. Richard LaRose Mr. and Mrs.William Lash Ms. Lucille A. Lashetski Mr. and Mrs. Mario S. Latina Mrs. Carmella Lattizori Mr. Michael LaVerde Mrs. MaryAnn Lavoie Ms. Mary T. Lavorgna Dr.Timothy Machon and Dr.Virginia S. Ferlan Law Offices of William J. Melley, III Ms. Cora Lawless Ms. Claudette K. Lawrence Ms. Catherine LawrenceWedderburn Mr. Louis D. Lawson Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Lazzaro Ms. Dian L. Leach Ms. Deborah Leary Mr. David LeBlanc and Dr. Lynn LeBlanc Mr. A. Peter Lecoultre Dr. Harvey Lederman Mr. John P. Ledonne Mr. John S. Lefler Ms. Elizabeth Lengyel Mr. Mark E. Lennox Ms. Rosemarie Leon Mr. Lynne A. Leonardi Miss Eleanor M. Leone Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lessoff Ms. Margaret C. Levasseur Mr.William LeVasseur Mr. and Mrs. Harvey S. Levenson Ms.Vanessa A. Lewis Ms. Diana Leyden Mr. and Mrs. F. Peter Libassi Mr. and Mrs.William C. Lichtenfels Ms. Ruth T. Lieberman Mr. George Lillenstein Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Lindberg Mr. George Lindley Mr. and Mrs.Thomas D. Lips Mrs. Evelyn S. Lipton Mr. Jimmie Litchfield Lithographics, Inc. Ms. Ruby C. Littles Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Livingston Mr. Robert Lizotte Ms.Vivelyn A. Llewellyn Ms. Susan Lockery Mrs. Nancy Lombardo Ms. Deborah L. Lonergan Mr.William M. Longan Mr. Donovan R. Longmore Mrs. Corine C. Longo Mr. and Mrs.Worth Loomis Mr. and Mrs.Victor A. Loura Mr. R. Alex Lovell Ms. Francine R. Lowell Mrs. Elaine T. Lowengard Ms. Maria R. Lucarz Mr. and Mrs. David J. Lucey Mr. and Mrs. Octavio Luciano Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ludgin Ms. Susan C. Lukas Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Lundy Mr. and Mrs. G. Edward Lussier Ms. Sien Van Ly Mrs. George J. Lyman Mrs. Doris G. Lynch Mrs. Grace Lynch Mr. and Mrs. John P. Lynch M.B. Squire Company, Inc. Mr. John T. MacDonald Ms. Julie K. MacDonald Miss Mary C. MacDonnell Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mack Ms. Cynthia D. Macon Mr. Bernard Madnick Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Maffiolini Ms. Lurdes M. Magalhaes Ms. Marion G. Magish Mr. Harry Magnuson Ms. Maribeth Magoon Ms. Georgina Mahar-Carling Mrs. Marguerite Mahony Mr. and Mrs. Hugh V. Maiocco Mr. Richard N. Maiocco Ms. Jennifer L. Maloney Mr.Vincent A. Mammano Dr. Irwin T. Mancall Mr. Harold J. Manierre Ms. Catherine Mann Ms. Renee Manning Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Manning Mrs. Margaret M. Mannix Mr. and Mrs. Ohan Manoukian Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mansella Dr. and Mrs. Neil F. Mara Mr. George Marcus Ms. Linda Maril Marlborough Barn Mr.Thomas R. Marston Mr. Edward L. Martin The John G. Martin Foundation Mr. and Mrs.William B. Martin Ms. Millicent V. Martin Mr. Carlos Martinez Ms. Rosemarie F. Martocchio Ms. L. J. Martorell Mr. Michael B. Masius Mr. Frank Maslan and Mrs. Roslyne E. Rosenfield Ms. Katherine Maslow-Teixeira Mr. Albert D. Mason Ms. Susan M. Masse Mr. Jose A. Matos Mr. Maria E. Matos Ms. Elizabeth Matthews-Sitnik Mr. and Mrs. Michael Maulucci, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Mauri Mr. David Maycock Ms. Maria Mazerolle Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mazzotta, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David B. McAneny Mrs. Doris McAusland Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. McCall Ms. Carol E. McCallum Mr. Francis McClave Mrs. Patricia F. McClure Mr. Sean M. McCooey Reverend David M. McDonald Ms. Sarah J. McDowell Ms. Bertha McFarland Mrs. Deanna M. McGarvey Mr. and Mrs. George McGauley Mr. and Mrs.William L. McGaw, Jr. Mr. and Mrs.Thomas G. McGee Ms. Elaine McGlashen Ms. Shelaugh L. McGrath Ms. Kathleen H. McGuinness Mr. Michael F. McGuinness Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. McGurkin Mr. and Mrs. Samuel F. McKay Ms. Shirley D. McKenzie Mrs. June W. McKeon Mr. Bob McKinney Ms. Gail L. McKinney-Weaver Mrs. Deborah A. McLaughlin Mr. Frank A. McLaughlin Mr. Donovan G. McLean Mr. Irmine G. McLean Mr. Brian McMorrow Mr. James F. McNally Mr. Mark D. McPherson Ms. Colleen E. Meany Mr. and Mrs. John J. Meehan, Jr. Ms. Maura L. Melley Mr. and Mrs.William J. Melley, III Ms. Nancy E. Melocowsky Mr. and Mrs. Alan Mendelson Ms. Edna E. Mendez Ms. Anne Merritt Mrs. Michalee Merritt Mr. Frederick S. Mertz Mr. Langhorne Messenger Metals Testing Company Mr. Samoeun Mey Mr. Philip Meyers Ms. Mary Jane Michaels Michigan State University Mr. Garth A. Mickelson Ms. Fannie T. Migliaccio Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mikulski Ms. Nedra A. Miles Dr. Stanislaw A. Milewski Mr. and Mrs. Robert Milkie Ms. Barbara J. Miller Ms. Betsy C. Miller Mrs. Crystal C. Miller Mr. Michael Miller Ms. Carolyn Milton Mrs. Carolyn S. Miscia Ms. Sue Mitchel Mr. Roy Mitchell Mr. Silas N. Mitchell Ms.Tammy L. Mitchley Mr. Richard R. Mitera Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Monaco The Estate of Mary C. Monahan Dr. and Mrs.Thomas J. Monahan Monarch Plastic, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Money Ms. Mary Grace Montana Mr. Anthony Monticello MONY Mr.Ward K. Mooney Mrs. Joan M. Moore Mr. Patrick A. Moore Ms. Elsie Morales Ms. Karla Morales Ms. Kim A. Moras Dr. Gwendolyn H. Moraski Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Morgan Mr. Rudy Morin Mr. and Mrs.Thomas J. Morin Mr. John F. Morkan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Morrison Mr. Farrel Morton Morton Handel Co., Inc. Ms. Barbara Moses Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Moses Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moses Mrs. Anahid Mosesian Mountain Laurel Skiers, Inc. Mr. Stephen C. Mouthaan Ms. Karen T. Mudano The Hon. and Mrs. John F. Mulcahy Dr. and Mrs. John G. Muller Mr. Raymond P. Mullman, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Mulpeter Mr. and Mrs. Christopher S. Mund Ms. Kathryn Mund Mr. Rocco A. Murano Dr. Eva S. Murcia Miss Clare T. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Francis L. Murphy Ms. Margaret M. Murphy Mr. Owen P. Murphy Murray & Murray Mr. Mark A. Murray Murtha Cullina, LLP Mr. Authur J. Namerow Mrs. Mary Jayne Naparkowsky Dr. and Mrs. N. Chandra Narayanan Ms. Ilda C. Nascimento Mr. Jose Navarro Mrs. Judith T. Nellen Mr. David J. Nelligan Mr. Duane C. Nelson Mrs. Robert S. Nelson Mr. Richard G. Nelson, III Ms. Sheila Nemazee Mrs. Cynthia M. Nemeth Mr. Abdelslam Nemri Ms. Lisa Nestor Mr. and Mrs. James E. Neville Ms. Meghan Neville New England Delegation New Shoreham Human Systems Consulting, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Newell Mrs. Clover B. Newman Mr. Kevin L. Nichols Ms. Helena P. Nickerson Ms. Beatrice Nimrod Mr. Len Noble Mr.Wayne Nolan Mr. and Mrs.Timothy B. Norbeck Mr. and Mrs. Kevin A. North Ms. Lynn Norton Novartis Pharmaceuticals Nutmeg International Trucks, Inc. O&G Industries, Inc. OB/GYN Attending and Resident Staff Dr. and Mrs. Frederick J. O’Brien Dr. Stephen T. O’Brien Ms. Susanne M. O’Brien Ms. Mary Ochocki Ms. Helen O’Connell Mr. and Mrs.Thomas M. O’Dell Mr. Stephen Q. Oehmsen Ms. Karan Ogilvie Mr. Donald J. O’Hare Mr. H. Russell Ohlheiser, Jr. Ohmeda Medical OK, Inc. Ms. Margaret F. O’Keefe Reverend William O’Keefe Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Oliveira Ms. Christine M. Olmstead Mr. Jerry G. Olson Olson Mobek & Associates, Inc. Ms. Roberta Olson 25 Mr. John Onderko Mr. Joseph M. Oneto Mr. Russell Ordway Ms. Adelaide Orfao Ms. Ethel Orfitelli Mr. Howard W. Orr, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Orsini Mrs. Leona Orsini Ms. Cynthia A. Oskwarek Ms. Mary J. Osterman Ms. Joy Otaluka Ms. Mary G. O’Toole Mr. and Mrs. Augustine Pace Mr. Joseph L. Pace Mr. Lawrence Pace Ms. Barbara Pacheco Mr. and Mrs.Warren C. Packard Ms. R. Joan J. Page Ms. Jane Paine Painting & Decorating, Inc. Ms. Donna M. Paleveda Mr. Richard Palma Mr. Bruce Palmer Ms.Yvonne Palmer Ms. Maria Pangakis Mr. John S. Papa Mr. and Mrs. John C. Pappalardo Ms. Sharon M. Paquin Mr. George W. Pardee Mr. Paul S. Pariser Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Pariser Mr. and Mrs. Rajan Parmeswar Paron Financial Co., LLC Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Parsley Ms. Denise M. Parsons Mrs. Paul F. Parsons Mr. Sam Pasco Ms. Leona A. Paslaski Dr. and Mrs. Dominick N. Pasquale Mr. Raman Patel Patti Dunne’s School of Gymnastics, Inc. Ms. Sally Pauloz Mrs. Janet Dinkel Pearce Mr. Edward Pearson Ms. Nancy Peck The Pecoriello Family Ms. Debra L. Pedroso Mr. Joseph Pehr Mrs. Pamela Pelczar Ms. Christine R. Pelletier Ms. Laurene Pellinger Mr. and Mrs. Louis F. Pellino Pelton’s Ms. Chanier Pemberton Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Pemberton Mr. and Mrs. James B. Penny Ms. Lisa M. Perdue 26 Mr. Lev Perelman Dr. Joseph A. Perkins Ms. Pamela Perll Ms. Elizabeth S. Permedi Mr. Clive E. Perrin Mr. Ronald E. Perusse Mrs. Patricia Peta Mrs. Ruth W. Peterman Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Peterson Ms. Marie Petrella Ms. Anna V. Petrogallo Mr. Joseph F. Petronella Mr. Rolando E. Phee Mr. and Mrs. James Phelps Mr.Vincent Philip Mr. Jule W. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Piacentini Mr. Patrick Picard Mr. Ronald Piecka Ms. Sheila A. Piggott Mrs. Elaine Pike Ms. Kimberly L. Pikor Ms. Laruen P. Pikor Ms. Libby Pinkes Mr. Reginald Pinnock Mr. Rocio Pinto Mr.Victor A. Pippo Ms. Serenalda R. Pleasent Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Pollack Mr. Patrick A. Porter Mr. and Mrs. Rubin Potoff Mrs. Lucille D. Pranitis Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Mr. and Mrs. David Prescott Mrs. Elvira Presutti Mrs. Clarence Pritchard Mr. Bernard D. Prusaczyk Ms. Irene Pryor Mr. Ricardo Puglielli Dr. and Mrs. Ganson Purcell, Jr. Mr.Thomas Puthiyadom Ms. Holly E. Pytka Quality Printing Company, Inc. Ms. Abigail N. Quaye Mrs. Joan E. Quinn Ms. Margaret E. Quinn Mr. Robert C. Quinn Mr. Janafe A. Quirk Ms. Maria P. Quiterio Mr. Robert W. Rader Ms. Lucille S. Ramdharry Ms. Johamie Ramirez Ms. Jane Raupach Mr. Mario L. Ravizzoli Mr. and Mrs. John F. Reagan Ms. Gina M. Reale Mr. Louis P. Reale Recochem, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart H. Reese Ms. Dorothy Rehm Ms. Helen A. Reilly Mr. Lawrence Reindel Major and Mrs.Thomas L. Rempfer Mr. and Mrs. Rick Rentz Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Reyes Mr. Richard M. Reynolds Mrs. Bonnie B. Rice Ms. Heather A. Richard Ms. Jennifer J. Richard Ms. Minnie R. Richardson Mrs. John A. Ricketts Mr. John Riege Ms. Nancy W. Riella Mr. Eugene Rijs Reverend John E. Rikteraitis Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Riley Ms. Jeannett M. Riley The Ritchie Organization-TRO Dr. Arnold Ritvo Mr. Russell Riva Mr. Angel L. Rivera Ms. Eva Y. Rivera Ms. Sandra Rivera Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rixon Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Rizzo Rizzo Pool Company Ms. Irene Roach Mr. Norbert Roach Robinson & Cole, LLP Ms. Barbara A. Robinson Mr. George E. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. James Robinson Ms.Tammy Kelly Rock Rockville Bank Foundation, Inc. Mr. Modesto Rodas Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rodgers Mr. Joseph S. Rodowicz Mr. Joseph B. Rodrigues Ms. Ana I. Rodriguez Mr. Confessor Rodriguez Mr. Ricardo Rodriguez Ms.Teresa Rodriguez Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Romaine Mr. Jose Roman Ms. Kelly Rome Mrs. Nellie Roncaioli Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Rondeau Ms. Carole J. Root Mr. Raymond Root Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rosadini Mr. Carlos Rosario Ms. Glenda Rosario-Lugo Ms. Iola M. Rose Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rose Mr. Everett C. Roseen Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rosen Ms. Paula Rosen Ms. Miriam L. Rosenberg Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Rosensweig Ms. Ann E. Rosetta Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Rosi Ms. Amy Ross Lt. Colonel Marvin A. Ross, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John Rossi Dr. and Mrs. Eugene S. Rotatori Dr. and Mrs. Bruce S. Rothschild Mr. David Rothstein Ms. Donna M. Rowe Ms. Monique Rowley Mr. Glenn E. Rowtham Mr. Clement J. Roy Mr. and Mrs. George J. Roy Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Roy, Jr. Ms. Rosemarie Roy Mr. Simon Roytman Mr. and Mrs. Clarence R. Rubb Mr. Jack Rubin Dr. and Mrs. Robert D. Rudnicki Mr. Jesus Ruiz Ms. Ruth M. Ruiz Mr. Arthur J. Russell Mr.Weldon Russell Ms. Michelle C. Russi Mr. John J. Russo Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Rust Mr. Daniel J. Ryan Mr. John Ryan Mr. and Mrs. F. Guy Safino Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sahjian Saint Francis Hospital Surgical Staff Mr. and Mrs. Louis Salera Mrs. Ruth S. Salomon Ms. Elena D. Salvador Mr. Igor V. Samegulin Mr. John Samela Ms. Beryl Sampson Ms. Rebecca Santanella Mr. Richard V. Santoro Mr. Amilcar R. Santos Mr. Antonio M. Santos Ms. Isabel Santos-Case Dr. Marilyn Sarles Deokarran N. Sattaur Mr. Joseph T. Saunders Mr. Stephen W. Savino Mr. Michael Sawyer Ms. Kathleen M. Scalise Scapa Tapes North America, Inc. Ms. Annie Scarlett Dr. and Mrs.William A. Schear Mr. Joseph Scheyd Mr. Morris Schiller Ms. Karen G. Schilling Dr. and Mrs.Walter A. Schloss Ms. Judy Schmidt Mrs. Ruby N. Schultz Mr. Robert B. Schulz Ms. Nancy H. Schuville Ms. Corinne Schwarz Ms. Eileen O. Schworm Mr. Louis Sciarra Ms. Kazimiera Scierka Ms. Mary F. Scobee Mr. and Mrs.William Scranton Mr.William D. Scranton Mr. James T. Scully Mr. and Mrs. John F. Scully Scully, Nicksa, Martin & Reeve, LLP Mr. Mark Seaha Mr. Peter M. Seigle and Ms. Patty Giardi Dr. and Mrs. Jay Selcow Dr. and Mrs. Steven E. Selden Mr. Nils D. Sellman Ms. Donna R. Senior Ms. Jean M. Sennett Mr. and Mrs. John Seremet Ms. Carol B. Seretto Mr. and Mrs. Albert P. Serruto Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Setaro Mr. Jon D. Shafer Mr. and Mrs. Scott Shanks Dr. and Mrs. Howard R. Shapiro Ms. Robin F. Shaw The Hon. and Mrs. David M. Shea Mr. and Mrs. James E. Shea Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Shedroff Mr. James Shepley Mr. James M. Sheridan Mrs.Teresa D. Sheridan Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Sherman Mr. Stanley W Shostak Ms. Susan L. Shuffman Mr. Jenson Shzu Mr. Alexander G. Sibicky Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Sichler Dr. Alvin M. Siegler Ms. Elizabeth M. Siegrist Ms. Conceicao A. Silva Ms.Teresa Silva Silver Star Athletic Club Mr. Robert Simione Ms. Nancy M. Simmons Simsbury High School Ms. Rochelle J. Sinclair Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas D. Sinsigalli, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Sitarz Ms. Laura C. Skarp Mrs. Penelope P. Skenderian Mr. Daniel S. Skiba Mrs. Betty A. Slabysz Mr. and Mrs.Theodore G. Slaiby Dr. Richard Slater Ms. Donna Smith Ms. Frances E. Smith Lt. and Mrs. Gail L. Smith Ms. Katherine J. Smith Mr. Luther E. Smith, Sr. Ms. Margaret M. Smith Mr. Paul K. Smith Dr. R. Scott Smith Mr. Richard L. Smith Mrs. Roxanna W. Smith Ms. Sylvia I. Smith Ms. Gloria P. Soares Ms. Grace Soares Mr. Jose L. Soca Mr. Charles Sohl Ms. Dorothy F. Sohn Dr. Alan E. Solinsky Ms. Rose Solomon Mr. and Mrs.Warren Soneson Ms. Joan N. Sonski Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Sorbo, Jr. Ms. Nora R. Soto Mr. and Mrs. David Souto Mr. Calhoun Sowell Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Sparveri, Sr. Ms. Suzan G. Speer Ms. Margaret T. Spencer The Spencer Turbine Company Mr. Joseph St. Germain The St. Jean Family Mr. James Stack Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Stambaugh Stanley Canada Inc. Stanley Chiro International Ms. Linda C. Starr Ms. Barbara Stearns Mr. Craig S. Stearns Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Steinmiller, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Stenard Ms. Antoinette Stevenson Ms. Diane C. Steward Mrs. Lucy E. Stewart Ms. Margo N. Stewart Mr.Vincent A. Stifano, Jr. Mr. Richard Stoddard Mr. and Mrs. Leon Stoltze Dr. and Mrs. Richard I. Stone Mr. Roy Stone Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Stoner Mr. and Mrs.William Stortz Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stover Mr. Conrad Strietelmeier Mrs.Yvonne V. Strudwick-Lewis 27 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Suisman Mr. Michael Suisman Ms. Maria B. Sulewski Mr. Bernard R. Sullivan Mr. Daniel P. Sullivan Mr. Neil Sullivan and Dr. Dori T. Sullivan Ms. Margaret M. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. R. Mark Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Sullivan Mr.Thomas L. Sullivan Mr. Gary W. Sumple Surgical Group, P.C. Ms. Elaine M. Swart Mr. and Mrs. James M. Sweeney Mr. Alcide L.Tacy Mr. Salvatore Tancredi Mr. J. Charles Taney Dr. and Mrs. James Tauber TechCare, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tedeschi Tempo Staffing Mr. Roger Tencza Ms. Lynn Terlaga Mrs. Frances Terragna Mr. Patrick A.Testa Texas A&M University Ms. Anne D.Thayer Mr. Oliver Therian Mr. and Mrs. Emery Thomas Mr. Jeffrey Thomas Ms. Joan M.Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Karl M.Thomas Ms. Oveta Thomas Ms.Valley M.Thomas Mr. and Mrs. David T.Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Colby Thresher Mrs. Denise Tierney Mr. Angelo J.Tiezzi Mr. Ferole L.Tingley Ms. Kristen F.Tinney Dr. and Mrs. Glenn Toner Ms. Diana L.Topa Mrs. Linda B.Topham Ms. Mery C.Torres Dr. and Mrs. Michael J.Tortora Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Toscano Ms. Frances O.Tracy Miss Lorraine M.Tracy Professor William L.Trousdale Mr. Herman R.Trudeau Mr. Charles E.Trudell Ms. Rosita M.Tschummi Mrs. Mary Agnes S.Tullis Ms. Carol A.Tupek Mrs. Gloria M.Turco Turf Products Corporation Mr. James Turner 28 Ms. Marilyn K.Turner Ms.Wendy Turner Mr. Stanley A.Twardy, Jr. United Way of Greater New Haven United Way of the Capital Area Updike, Kelly & Spellacy, P.C. Mr.Thomas Ursin Mr. and Mrs. Perry S. Ury UTC Fuel Cells Ms. Evelyn A. Utley Mr. Frederick D.Vale Ms. Margaret Valente Mr.Wilfredo Valentin Mrs. Natalia F.Valinho Ms. Nancy van Zelm Singh Mr. Francisco Vargas Mr. Mickey Vargas Mr. Robert G.Varsanik Ms. Pauline H.Vehslage Ms. Michele R.Vezina Ms. Antonia R.Vieira Mr. and Mrs. Bernard S.Vinick Mr. and Mrs. James S.Viola Mr. and Mrs. Paul H.Wabrek Mr. James R.Wagner Ms. Marcia L.Wagner Ms. Jane M.Wahl Ms. Kimberly A.Wahlberg Ms. Lucienne Waite Mr. and Mrs. James E.Wakim Ms. Colleen P.Walker Ms.Wendi C.Waller Mr. and Mrs. John N.Walsh Ms. Carolyn K.Walton Ms. Laurie M.Ward Mr. John D.Wardlaw Ms. Nancy S.Warmath Mr. and Mrs. Robert E.Warner Mr. Joseph Wassell, III Mrs. Elizabeth B.Waterman Mr. Luther M.Watson Ms. Kathleen C.Weathers Mr. Peter S.Webb Ms. Debra Webster Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Weddle Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Weeks Mr. and Mrs. Richard W.Wehren Ms. Linda Weintraub Mrs. Carol M.Welch Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Wentworth, Jr. West Hartford Federation of Educational Secretaries Ms. Lynn Wetzel Mr. and Mrs.William G.Whitaker Mr. Anthony S.White, Sr. Mr. Charles J.White Mr. and Mrs. George K.White Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth H.White Mr.Thomas D.White Mr. Frank G.Whiteley Ms. Michelle B.Wiener Ms. Lorna Williams Ms. Maxine C.Williams Ms. Patricia Williams Ms. Angeline Willis Mr. George W.Wilson Dr. and Mrs. H. Paul Winalski Mr. Herbert Winkler Mr. and Mrs. John E.Winters WinZip Computing, Inc. Mr. and Mrs.Tom Wippick Ms. Deborah M.Wisneski Mr.Thomas Wojtusik Women’s Health Connecticut, LLC Ms. Obeline M.Wood Mr. Columbus Woodard, Jr. Woodland Women’s Health Associates Ms. Una Woods Ms. Deborah P.Woodworth Ms. Dorothy Woodworth Mr. Joseph E.Woolley, Jr. Worktools International, Inc. Ms. Donna Worst Mr. Casimir Wosilis Mr. David K.Wright The Hon. Douglass B.Wright Mr. Joel B.Wulff Ms. Susan Wurz Mr.Walter A.Wutsch Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wylie Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Yandow Ms. Anna N.Yelunina Ms. Andrea J.Young-Davis Mr. and Mrs.Theodore L. Zachs Dr. and Mrs.Todd A. Zachs Mr. Stanley Zadora Mr. and Mrs. Albert Zakarian Ms. Cathy J. Zampino Mr. Robert C. Zarnetske Mr. Michael Zides Mr. Frank R. Ziskowski † deceased GIVING CATEGORIES 1897 Club $100–499 Capital City Club $500–999 Woodland Society $1,000–2,499 Founders’ Society $2,500–4,999 Leadership Circle $5,000–9,999 Century Circle $10,000–49,999 Chairman’s Circle $50,000+ make a difference You can in people’s lives.Today. You can become a partner with Saint Francis in providing skilled and compassionate care by making a charitable donation to the Hospital’s New Century Society (annual giving) or to The Valencia Society (planned giving).Your contribution is an investment in the lifesaving services our community needs now and in the years ahead. Attached to this edition of Profiles in Caring is an envelope for your convenience. Please consider a gift today or call us at 860-714-4900 to discuss ways of giving to suit your particular needs. On behalf of Saint Francis and those we serve, thank you in advance for your generosity. We appreciate your interest in Saint Francis and would like to stay in touch with you. If you do not wish to receive our fundraising mailings, however, please contact the Foundation Office at 860-714-4900 or contact us via our website at Editors: Edward S. Johnson, D.D.S., Doreen Tarascio Writer: Jane Hudson Graphic Design: Dornenburg Group,West Hartford, CT Photography: Joseph Driscoll, Saint Francis; Jeffrey Yardis, Hartford, CT (p. 4) Printing: Moore Wallace Andrews Printing, Manchester, CT Saint Francis named a Top100 Hospital in America for the 6th time! We’d like to thank the entire Saint Francis family for their skills, hard work and unwavering dedication to the needs of those we serve. You are the reason Saint Francis has achieved its 6th 100 Top Hospitals® in America award. You are the reason our patients can rely on us, time after time, year after year, for consistent quality in health care delivery. For information, visit or call the Health Learning Center at 714-KNOW(5669). SAINT FRANCIS Hospital and Medical Center A D VA N C E D T E C H N O L O G Y. AC C O M P L I S H E D P H Y S I C I A N S . A M A Z I N G R E S U LT S . The 100 Top Hospitals® award is from Solucient, a national leader in medical benchmarking information.