Baldwin City Library


Baldwin City Library
FOBCL Newsletter
January 2016
Annual Meeting: Basketball & Civil Rights
By Cynthia Beall, Secretary
Basketball and civil rights will be discussed in the program portion of the Tuesday, March 8th Annual
Meeting of the Friends of the Baldwin City Library. The event will begin at 6:30 p.m. in the Library
Activity Room with a reception and light refreshments. The program starts at 7:00 p.m. with remarks by
Friends President Anne Walker. Milton Katz, author and professor at the Kansas City Art Institute, will
then present “The Forgotten Jayhawk: John B. McLendon, Basketball
Legend and Civil Rights Pioneer.”
Sports has been one of the primary arenas for breaking down racial barriers in American society.
Milton will tell about Kansas native
b k”, who used sporting achievement to inspire pride and bring democracy in America closer to
reality. His far-reaching list of firsts include being the first coach to win three consecutive national
titles and the first African American coach of an integrated professional team. This presentation will
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to continually break through barriers to become what one sports analyst called him, an American
The event is open to the community free of charge and made possible by the Kansas Humanities
Council. For more information contact the KHC at (785) 357-0359 or at
LEGOS - Playtime for Kids!
By Barbara Mathews, Children’s Librarian
The library has a Lego Club for kids 7 yrs and up. All that is required is imagination and
creativity. The library will provide the Legos. Parents may drop off their children and library staff
will provide supervision. In fact, we want this activity to be kids-only, no adults. Adults are welcome to
browse the library, go get a cup of coffee, or take a nap in the reading nook. Lego Club meets on Tuesdays
from 4pm to 5pm. We will be posting upcoming dates on the library's Facebook page and website, and send
an email to our approved list. Currently scheduled dates include January 26 th, February 9th, and February 23rd.
If you have gently used Legos to donate, we'll gladly put them to good use. We thank those that already cleaned out their
children's closets and helped us begin our collection. Call Barbara or Susan at the library for more information, 785-594-3411.
COLORING – Playtime for Adults
By Emily Malin, Marketing
Adults ONLY coloring sessions are enjoying success in Baldwin! A theme
from last month was ugly sweaters which turned out beautifully! All are
welcome to join in the fun and relaxation from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. in the Library
Activity room on Thursday afternoons January 21st, February 11th, March 3rd,
March 24th, April 14th, and May 5th. Supplies and pleasant company are
provided! Often, the artwork is then displayed in the library for others to enjoy.
What’s New!
By Kathy Johnston, Library Director
Come check out movies or books for the low cost of – FREE!! Recently purchased movies
are Oscar nominated Inside Out and Sicario in addition to The Gift, The Scorch Trials, War
Room, Minions, and Mr. Holmes. New books include From the Guys Who Were There…The
Kansas City Royals, and NY Times bestsellers The Crossing by Connelly, Ashley Bell by Koontz,
Bazaar of Bad Dreams by King and more! Let us know if we do ’ v w y u w
we can request
from other libraries or expand our collection!
FOBCL Newsletter
Page 2
Beatnik Poetry Night
By Mary Lou Klein, Volunteer Extrordinaire
Looking for something new and different? You can find it at the library February 23rd at 7:00 p.m. That’s
when the Friends of the Library are offering a blast from the past with a new twist: it’s Beatnik Night and the
Activity Room will be transformed into a hip coffee house, complete with bongo drums, candle lighting, and
refreshments from, appropriately enough, Jitters Java & Ice.
All ages are invited to share poetry readings, their own work, or that of others. A five minute time limit will be
enforced by musical intervention. No applause will be allowed but, in true beatnik fashion, appreciative finger
snapping is encouraged. While the Friends Board members plan to come in black clothing complete with berets,
no costumes are required for participants. Come one, come all, to enjoy a unique experience of literary fun!
2016 Summer Reading
By Barb Mathews, Librarian
The theme of the 2016 Summer Reading program is Wellness, Fitness, and Sports specifically, On Your
Mark, Get Set, Read for kids, Get in the Game: Read for young adults, and Exercise Your Mind - Read for
adults. Reading will run approximately seven weeks with registration beginning after school ends in May.
There will be Wednesday morning activities and presentations including Operation Wildlife and one of
Baldwin's own, magician Eric Vaughn, who is in demand for library and school programs across Kansas and
Missouri. Prizes, drawings, and a pool party for those completing the program will continue as in past years. We
are looking forward to seeing everyone in 2016.
BookTALK – Contemporary Immigration
By Cynthia Beall, BookTALK Coordinator
The Spring 2016 Friends’ BookTALK Series focuses on “Contemporary Immigration” and will explore how the newest wave of
immigration is being integrated into the traditions, foods, art and history that comprise the complex mosaic of American life. It has
been widely reported that the use of salsa now outpaces consumption of ketchup; mosques are among the fastest growing religious
communities in America, and West Indian musical styles like reggae have hugely influenced American popular musical styles.
The Friends join with the Kansas Humanities Council (KHC) to sponsor the BookTALK series. Talk About
Literature in Kansas is a program for every Kansan who loves to read and discuss good books. The books are
available to check out at the Library circulation desk. The discussion sessions begin at 7:00 p.m. in the periodicals
section of the Library. Coffee will be provided by co-sponsor Jitters Java & Ice! All are welcome.
Event dates, book titles, and discussion leaders for the spring series are:
Tuesday, January 19, 2016, Breath, Eyes, Memory by Edwidge Danticat
Sophie makes the difficult transition from rural Haiti to an impoverished New York. As Sophie comes of age, she
traverses the challenging path toward familial reconciliation. “I come from a place where breath, eyes, and memory
are one,” Sophie declares, as she comes to terms with that dark heritage.
Denise Low, who has recently retired as Dean of Humanities and Arts at Haskell Indiana National University, will
serve as discussion session leader on this book. Low received her Ph.D. in English from the University of Kansas. She
was poet laureate of the state of Kansas from 2007-2009. Low has been leading Kansas Humanities Council TALK
discussions since 1989.
Tuesday, February 16, 2016, Caramelo by Sandra Cisneros
Beginning with family trips from Chicago to Mexico in the 1960s, circling back to stories from the Mexican Civil
War, Cisneros waves a dense tapestry of family, identity and immigration in a fancifully postmodern style incorporating
footnotes and characters who argue with the narrator.
The discussion session leader for this book will be Peter Haney, who is Assistant Director at the KU Center for
Latin American and Caribbean Studies. His research deals with history, performance and verbal art in greater Mexico.
Tuesday, March 15, 2016, Typical American by Gish Jen
Chinese immigrants Yifeng, Theresa, and Helen find themselves trapped in America by the triumph of the Chinese
Revolution back home. Jen follows the intertwined course the three Chinese-Americans follow despite themselves with
a light touch, employing a narrative voice strong on both empathy and humor.
Nancy Pope will serve as discussion session leader for this book. Pope is the Associate Director of the Kansas
Consortium for Teaching about Asia and the Associate Director of Education of the Confucius Institute at the
University of Kansas. Hope joined the KHC TALK program as a discussion leader in 2006.
For more information about TALK and other programs for libraries, museums, and non-profit
groups, contact the Kansas Humanities Council.
FOBCL Newsletter
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Thursday, February 4th
7:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Baldwin City Library
Kids, put on your PJs and join local ‘STARS’ for
storytime followed by snacks & a gift!
‘STARS’ include: Greg Wesseling, Manager Baldwin City Market;
Jason Bryan, Staff Sergeant at Kansas Army National Guard; and
Devon Mihesuah, KU Professor and Native American Writer.
Library Card + email + internet = FREE music, movies, audio books, & TV shows
More information available at the library!
Thank You to Our 2015 Individual Members
Bookend ($10 to $24)
Susan Baker
Patricia Carpenter
Laura Huggins
Barbara Johnston
CoRene Keith
Mary Lou Klein
Kropf Children
Lisa LaFountain
Barbara McIntire
Doris Pratt
Gregg & Susan Schiffelbein
Tom & Mylinda Wilhite
Jim & Krystal Williams
Bookstore ($25 - $49)
Marcia Baird
Cynthia & Ray Beall
Kelley Bethell-Smith
Larry & Linda Box
Roger & Jan Boyd
Phyllis Braun
Vera & Ted Brecheisen
Jo & Cal Cink
JoAnne DeGraffenreid
Roy & Connie Deel
Jan Elder
Linda Geyer
Raymond & Pam Gottstein
Kay Hartzell
Pinky Hayes
Cat Henry
Delma Hitchcock
John & Anne Jackson
Harold & Wincel Jehle
Albert & Kathy Johnston
Heather Karlin
Brian & Sharon Messenger
Paula Moore
Dotty Puckett
Loretta Robson
Sarah Snedeger
Angela Spielman
Gloria Sturm
Waneta D. Turner
Gwen Whitebread
Ray Wilber & Cathy Dwigans
Ron & Linda Wright
Sheryl Wright
Book Collector ($50 to $99)
George & Jane Akob
Edwin & Phyllis Booth
J.C. & Carolyn Breithaupt
Anna & Bill Busby
J.T. & Sandra Cardens
Clay & Carol Chapman
Bob & Marlene Courtney
James & Janet Craig
Rebecca & Gary Dick
Frank & Judy Foye
Kathy & Mike Gerstner
Kim Hamlin
Deb Handy
Dan & Peggy Harris
Jon & Becky Hayes
C.D. & Linda Hixon
Boytt Impson (by Delene)
Barbara James
Bud & Shirley Jardon
Marvin & Norma Jardon
June Jewett
Denny & Paula Johnson
Tom & Sue Ann Kleist
Jean Lawson
Sharon Mader
Donna Masoner
Jane Miller
Bill & Anita Neuenswander
Jim & Diane Niehoff
Martin & Barbara Pressgrove
Peter M. Sexton
Jeff & Lisa Simpson
Ron & Merrie Skaggs
Ralph & Judith Tanner
Joan Toot
Jeff & Robbyn VanHorn
Janet Venable
Peg & Steve Wessel
Roger & Anita White
Sara & Riley Winkler
Book Publisher ($100 to
Nancy & Roger Arnold
Walt & Barbara Bailey
Peggy Baker
Tony Brown & Becky
Sheryl Cleverley
Larry & Eloise Craig
John Fowler & Carol
John & Helen Graettinger
Sean & Jana Hare
Ivabelle Hey
Robert & Claudia Hey
Bootsie Lauridsen
Steve & Emily Malin
Becky & Danny McMillen
Debbie Morgan
Don & Ruth Ann Nutt
Mary Ontko & Jared
Graham & Anne Walker
Richard Wellman
Book Patron ($500+)
Thanks to the MANY volunteers who make our community events and fundraisers so successful!
2016 Individual/Family
Membership Form
Memberships are essential to funding programs & activities. Support the Friends by joining today!
Donations are tax deductible. Friends is a 501(c)(3) organization.
To maintain an association of people interested in libraries; to focus public attention on library services,
facilities, needs, and programming; and to stimulate gifts of publications, desirable collections, endowments,
and bequests. Membership is open to individuals, businesses, and organizations supporting these purposes.
Annual Member Benefits
• Membership from January 1st to December 31st
• Three newsletters
• Citywide Garage Sale Directory available at the library the night before the event
• Choice of zipper-top tote bag or umbrella with $25 or higher membership
• Invitation to annual meeting, reception, and program including voting privileges
Member Contact Information (For Friends Use Only)
Member(s) Name _______________________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________ City _____________________ State ________
Zip ___________ Phone _____________________
E-mail ______________________________________
Membership Levels
Bookend ............. $10 to $24
Bookstore............ $25 to $49
Book Collector .... $50 to $99
Book Publisher ... $100 to $499
Book Patron………. $500 or more
Amount $_______
 Cash or  Check #________
Volunteer Interest(s)
Board membership (monthly meeting)
Book discussion programs
Night of 1,000 Stars (read to children)
City-wide garage sale
Plant sales
Other ________________________
Computer workshops (internet, word, excel)
Local History/Memory Sharing
Crafting ___________________________
Other _____________________________
Programming Interest(s)
Board Games
Personal Finance
Creative Writing/Writing Group
Programming Time preference(s):
o Morning
o Afternoon
o Evening
o Saturday
Please make check payable to Friends of the Baldwin City Library.
Submit at circulation desk or mail: Friends of the Library Memberships, P.O. Box 565, Baldwin City, KS 66006.
FOBCL Newsletter
Page 5
President’s Message: A Community Library Then & Now
By Anne Walker
Wow! The Baldwin City Public Library turns 100 years old this year! Thanks to the research of Archivist
Richard Wellman, we know from The Baldwin Ledger of May 26, 1916, that the idea of a community children’s
library was proposed by the First Methodist Sunday School superintendent. It was estimated that $200 would be
required to start the enterprise. A committee was formed and a Library Day designated during which the entire
Sunday School collection would be used for library books.
By December 29, 1916, according to The Baldwin Ledger, the Baldwin Community Library had completed its fourth month of
existence. There were 200 books in the collection, and at any given time, about 150 of them were in circulation “in the homes of the
boys and girls.” An additional 100 books had been ordered and parents were encouraged, “…when your boy or girl comes home with
an envelope and asks for money to put in it for the library, give him or her a dime, or better, a quarter, to put in it.”
It is fitting that the original organization was called “Baldwin Community Library,” because the entire community has supported it
and benefited from it since its inception. From its beginnings in a corner of City Hall (the City Clerk was the librarian!) to the newly
expanded handsome building at 7th and High Streets, the Library has grown with the city and provided “a gateway to information
which supports and enhances lifelong learning, personal leisure and the community’s quality of life.”
If you haven’t been to the Library in awhile, stop in and see what is offered for your education and pleasure. The Friends of the
Library salute the board and staff of the Baldwin City Public Library on the 100 th anniversary of our fine community facility.
Books on Wheels
Friends of the Library will deliver & pick up books for patrons who are unable to get to the library.
Call the library, (785) 594-3411, to request service.
Cathy Roberts Scholarship Applications & 2105 Recipient
By Barbara Bailey, Treasurer & Scholarship Selection Coordinator
The Cathy Roberts Scholarship has been awarded to a Baldwin City area high school student
since 1999. The 2015 recipient of the $500 award was BHS senior Cameryn Galvan. Cameryn is a
freshman at Baker University. Her list of achievements was noteworthy including honor roll,
National Honor Society, Family, Career and Community Leaders of America, Student Advisory Team, and
volunteer at Lawrence Memorial Hospital. Cameryn’s love of reading was apparent in her application. She
participated in Summer Reading every summer. She modeled good reading habits for children, including taking
the BCRC Day Camp to the library and assisting them in selecting books. She was also able to do some volunteering at the library.
One of Cameryn’s teachers commented that Cameryn never had to be asked twice to take on a responsibility or complete a task,
describing her as an adroit problem-solver. The teacher said that she could always be seen with her arms full of book. She “reads and
values the lessons she finds in books.”
Established in memory of Ms. Cathy Roberts, a 1989 BHS graduate, the annual scholarship honors her love of reading, willingness
to help others, and ability to take responsibility for her education. The Friends thank Melva & Gary Roberts and Friends members for
their continued support of this award.
Any local senior may pick up a scholarship application from the BHS senior counselor. Applications will be available in February
and are due to the counseling office by April 1, 2016. The award will be announced in May.
Thank You 2015 Business Partners
Contributor (up to $99)
Antiques on the Prairie, 594-7555
Baldwin City Business & Professional
Women, 594-3832
Goodwill of West MO and Eastern KS
Hestia Study Club, 594-6603
Leisure Hour Club, 594-6990
Live & Learn Club, 594-6730
Order of the Eastern Star - Evangeline
Chapter 162, 594-9829
Santa Fe Market, 594-2970
Tammy’s Tots Daycare, 594-2363
Tuesday Reading Club
Vintage Park at Baldwin City, 594-4255
Whitney’s Hair Salon, 594-6626
Worden United Methodist Church,
Supporter ($100-$499)
A & H Air Conditioning & Heating Inc.,
Baldwin City Lions Club, 594-7549
Baldwin Medical Clinic, 594-6412
Bauer Inspections & Consulting, 594-7420
Executive Title, Inc., 594-9090
Jitters Java & Ice, 594-3022
MidAmerica Bank, 594-2100
Roberts Drug Store, 594-6867
Patron ($500 to $999)
Benefactor ($1000+)
Ad Astra Alpacas, 594-6767
Baldwin State Bank, 594-6421
Please support our business partners!
Postal Customer
Visit the library at 7th & High Street
(785) 594-3411
Mon, Wed* 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. *Storytime 10 a.m.
Tues, Thurs, Fri 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Sat 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Follow our Facebook page “Baldwin City Ks. Public Library”
FOBCL Newsletter
Page 6
2016 Event Dates - Mark Your Calendars!
Individual Membership Renewal Campaign January 2016-March 2016
BookTALK Series – Contemporary Immigration, January 19th
7 p.m., Tuesday, Library, Breath, Eyes, Memory by Edwidge Danticat
Adult Coloring, January 21st, February 11th, March 3rd, March 24th and more!
1:00 - 3:00 p.m., Thursday, Activity Room
LEGO Club, January 26th, February 9th, February 23rd and more!
4:00 - 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, Activity Room, Kids 7 yrs and up
Night of 1,000 Stars, February 4th
7:00 – 8:00 p.m., Thursday, Library
BookTALK Series - Contemporary Immigration, February 16th
7 p.m., Tuesday, Library, Caramelo by Sandra Cisneros
Beatnik Poetry Night, February 23rd
7:00 p.m., Tuesday, Activity Room
The Forgotten Jayhawk: John B. McLendon, Basketball Legend and Civil Rights Pioneer, March 8th
6:30 p.m. Reception, 7 p.m. Friends Annual Meeting & Presentation, Tuesday, Activity Room
BookTALK Series - Contemporary Immigration, March 15th
7 p.m., Tuesday, Library, Typical American by Gish Jen
2015 - 2016 Friends of the Library Board
Anne Walker, President & Expansion Queen
This Could be You, Vice-President
Barbara Bailey, Treasurer/ Scholarship Selection Coordinator
Cynthia Beall, Secretary/BookTALK Committee Chair
Barbara Pressgrove, Past President
Kathy Johnston, Library Director
Emily Malin, Marketing/Newsletter
Kay Hartzell, Volunteer Extraordinaire
Mary Lou Klein, Volunteer Extraordinaire