November, 2013 - Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church
November, 2013 - Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church
BETHLEHEM LEARN GROW CARE SHARE JESUS! NOVEMBER 2013 Bethlehem Ev. Lutheran Church 1903 – 2013 Missouri Synod 4815 Hamilton Avenue Baltimore MD 21206-3899 410-488-4445 FAX 410-488-2599 Email: Pastor Rev. Jim Kleinfelter Come and Worship with us! Sunday Worship 8AM & 11AM Sunday School 9:30 AM Sunday Bible Class 9:30 AM Bethlehem Christian Day School Mr. Alice J. Moore, Principal Pre-School thru Grade 8 with Child Care 410-488-8963 FAX 410-488-2689 Email: OUR MISSION is to share Jesus and together live for Him. OUR VISION Powered by the Holy Spirit, we learn, grow, care and share Jesus One of the great ironies of life is that the more a person has, the less generous he is with it. This, of course, is not true of everyone; but in general it seems to hold true. Studies have shown that the poor on average give a higher percentage of their income than the rich do. I have known of poor people who come into some money, and they are very quick to make loans to their friends who have needs. Oil tycoon Paul Getty was once asked by a reporter, “If you retired right now, would you say your holdings would be worth a billion dollars?” He answered, “I suppose so, but remember, a billion dollars doesn’t go as far as it used to.” The rich can easily become more keenly aware of what they don’t have than of what they have. If we are not careful, the things we own can quickly own us. How much better to regard what we have as tools entrusted to us by God to get a job done! Our possessions become implements to get us around, keep us in good health and present ourselves well in public. Our wealth provides for our needs and gives us a way to help care for the needs of others. There are times in our lives when we don’t have much to work with; and other times when we have more than we really need; and times may come again when we don’t have as much entrusted to us. What is important is that we manage well what we have while we have it. We look not just to our own desires, but also to the needs of those around us. 1 Timothy 6:17-19 (ESV): “As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty 1 of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life.” On Sunday, November 10 we will present before the Lord our financial commitment for the next calendar year. We commit ourselves in prayer and activity: so also in our finances. Take some time to plan carefully how you will serve God with what He has entrusted to you. Let it be your servant, not your master. May we serve Him with every aspect of our lives! Our Homebound Members. . . LaRue Denning Rae Hummel Elma Morse Viola Rein Dottie Zink Alice Frick Billie Lancaster Erma Pfaff Geraldine Sieglein The families and friends who have lost loved ones in our war on terrorism. The brave men and women who serve in our Armed Forces both at home and abroad. . . . all this we ask in the name of Your beloved Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus. Amen CELEBRATIONS NOVEMBER PRAYER REQUESTS Lord, we bring the manes of these loved ones to Your heavenly throne as we pray for their comfort, healing and peace. . . Those who need our prayers. . . Chealsea Carolton “Charlie” Rick Crayton “Dawn” Ray Dodson “Emma” Lionel Farley Bev Garner Ann George Pierre Georges Gail Grote Jordan Family Tina Kellnor R Little Family “Maliq” Steve Matthews “Melissa” Carol Meyer William Payne Stacie Ramirez “Rita” Berry Rodeffer Joseph Roncace Angela Rose Laura Rose Paul Scelsi John Schrieber Sherwood Family Nancy Tejnecky Pat Trotta Juanita Zielezinski BIRTHDAYS 1 4 7 9 11 12 19 21 22 25 26 29 The victims of hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, floods, cave-ins and wildfires; and those who are rendering aid in the devastation. 2 Allison Chlada Brad Ferrone Noah Gurganious Andrew Kordula Pat Freeland Gen Offerman Lori Pfaff Erma Pfaff Happy 100th!!! Stephanie Carter Angela Beverly Tim Moore Addison Svec Ken Hood Shannon Thompson Pat Kautsch Brad Thomas Mina Reiter Jazmine McDonald 5 8 10 11 14 18 27 100th Birthday Party for Erma Pfaff Saturday November 9 Augsburg Lutheran Home 2:00 – 4:00 pm Wayne & Pat Edwards George & Bette Lindemann Ted & Pat Kautsch Marc & Amanda Spliedt Mike & Karen Droter Tim & Tina Rein Ken & Beth Hood Everyone is invited to come and celebrate! VETERANS DAY MONDAY NOVEMBER 11!! Lord, we thank you for another year of blessings upon your children. Thank you for serving! FRIDAY NOVEMBER 1 We remember. . . E. Lee Jones, Jr. Bobby W. Carter Dennis W. Ruark Meghan Kerrigan Loving Father, We thank you for the gift of these dear saints, and we look forward to the day we can join them gathered around Your throne with our voices raised in praise. Thank You, Bethlehem family for all your prayers, your cards, your calls and your concern for us as we are mourning the loss of my other, Grace Schnepp, and the treatments I am undergoing. You have blessed us more than you know. Ken & Ruth Schnepp Confirmation Class Meets Thursdays November 7 & November 12 7:00 pm The Trial by Robert Whitlow Join us on Monday, November 11, at 7 pm when we gather at the Hazelwood Inn to share our thoughts about Mac and Pete. Mac – an attorney, after years of anguish is preparing to commit suicide when his phone rings. Pete finds himself accused of murdering the daughter of a powerful family – he has no recall of the evening’s events! A judge brings the lives of these two men together. . . But God has a better and stronger plan in mind for both of them! Parent Visitation for our Bethlehem Christian Day School students will be held on Tuesday, November19 from 8:30 – 10:30 am. Classes will dismiss at 11:30 am on Wednesday, November 27, so students, families and staff can enjoy the Thanksgiving long weekend. 3 Everyone is invited to have lunch after the 11am worship on Sunday, November 24. Enjoy the food, the fellowship, and the entertainment! WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 27 7:00 pm The Holidays are right around the corner, and soon we will be decorating Bethlehem for Christmas. This year we are limiting the total number of poinsettias to be ordered to 32. “Why” you ask! This will allow: proper care of the plants donated artistic decoration of the Altar and Chancel less waste when plants are left unclaimed. Thanks for your understanding. O4O: Organizing for Outreach: About 20 members came together for a good time of learning, discussion and prayer. We sought the Lord’s will in prayer concerning what we ought to be doing, and 4 areas surfaced: work in the area of media and marketing; follow-up on those participating in community events; prayer ministry, including prayer walking in the neighborhood; and ministry to the students and families of our school. You will be hearing more as we develop each of these areas. A big thank-you to those who participated, and continue to pray that God bless the lives of others through us! Have you noticed the submissions we received for our new Bethlehem Logo? They are mounted on the easels located in the back of the church. Now we need your opinion! Pick up a ballot and vote for the one you think best represents Bethlehem and our mission to Learn, Grow, Care and Share Jesus. A dozen cars and over a hundred children enjoying good music and a safe environment and a sharing of the Word of God made this a wonderful event! A big thank you to you who decorated cars, arranged games and activities and helped out in any way! Pray for the children and families that came that the Holy Spirit touch their hearts in a positive way. Food Pantry! The weather is changing, and our neighbors are asking for help to feed their hungry families! Here is a list of the items we need the most: Soup Pasta Chili with beans Pork & Beans Potatoes Canned vegetables Canned Chicken Canned Turkey Peanut Butter Canned Fruits Dried fruit (raisins) Cereal Macaroni and Cheese Spaghetti sauce Canned Dak Ham Canned Pork Dried Beans As always, we thank you for your generous support. We thank God for our Bethlehem Family, our School Staff. Students and their Families, and our Community. May God use us to share His love and care for each of them. 4 8 TRICK or TREAT 2013 Sex According to God Seminar Friday, November 1 6:30 – 9:00 pm — Calvary Lutheran Church, 2625 E Northern Parkway. Our permissive society has begun to create “gray areas” on God’s gift of sexuality, while the Bible has spelled out God’s perfect will in black and white. This seminar is designed for all ages — from children age 7 to our senior citizens. Discussion is led by Rev. Lloyd Gaines and his wife, Paulette, of our Southeastern District. Get equipped to recognize Satan’s lies (tricks) about our sexuality, and prepare to reap all the blessings (treats) God intends for us to enjoy. For more info contact Nikki Rochester, 410675-5780 or email All holiday greetings should be addressed and sent to: Holiday Mail for Heroes P O Box 5456 Capitol Heights MD 20791-5456 Cards must be received by December 6. SUPPORT OUR TROOPS Holiday Mail for Heroes Thanksgiving The American Red Cross is gathering Christmas Cards to send to our active servicemen and servicewomen stationed in the U. S. and abroad. For all the good things I do have And for al the good things I have had And for all the good things I will have, For what I am For what I have been, For what I can be, For what I shall be, Thank you, God. If you would like to send a greeting – or many greetings – here are the guidelines to follow: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ensure that all cards are signed Use generic salutations such as “Dear Service Member”. Cards addressed to specific individuals cannot be delivered through this program Only greeting cards are accepted. Do not send or enclose letters Do not include email or home addresses on the cards: this program is not meant to foster pen pal relationships Do not include inserts of any kind, including photos: these will be removed during the reviewing process Please refrain from choosing cards with glitter us using loose glitter as it can aggravate health issues of ill and injured warriors If you are mailing a large quantity of cards, please bundle them and place them in large mailing envelopes or flat rate postal shipping boxes. Each card does not need it’s own envelope, as envelopes will be removed from all cards before distribution Every card received will be screened for hazardous materials and then reviewed by Red Cross volunteers working around the country Joan Bel Geddes The Joyful Noiseletter Vol 15 No 9 Nov 2000 Worship the Lord with gladness. Worship Him in spirit and in truth. Worship God with joy and thanksgiving. Come before Him with joyful songs. Blessings in Disguise Band The Joyful Noiseletter Vol 15 No 9 Nov 2000 Out of the Mouths of God’s Kids A 6th grader stood up in class and gave this politically correct report on the origins of Thanksgiving Day. “The pilgrims came here seeking freedom of you know what. “When they landed, they gave thanks to you know who. “Because of them, we can worship every Sunday you know where.” via Rev. Karl R. Kraft Mantua (NJ) United Methodist Church 5