contents - Northampton County Bar Association
contents - Northampton County Bar Association
(USPS 395-280) VOL. LVI EASTON, PA June 10, 2010 NO. 23 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Romonda Southall, Defendant Lower Mount Bethel Township, Plaintiff v. North River Company, LLC, Defendant Northampton County Reporter Digest—2010-6 CONTENTS Bar News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Estate Notices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Fictitious Name Registration Notice. . . . . . . . . 10 Legal Notice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Northampton County Reporter Digest—2010-6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Notice of Dissolution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Notices of Incorporation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Orphans’ Court Audit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Pennsylvania Treasury Unclaimed Property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Trust Notice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 INSERT: Goldenrod: 1. 2010 Bench Bar Conference 2. 2010 Summer Outing 3. 2010 Calendar NOTICE TO THE BAR.... Arraignments Beginning with the June 24 arraignment list, there will be a judge available at the DUI arraignments which are generally held in a courtroom other than Courtroom #1. See page 3 for more details All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or any other means without the prior written permission of the copyright holder. NORTHAMPTON COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION 2010 BAR ASSOCIATION OFFICERS Jacqueline M. Taschner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President Kerry S. Freidl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President-elect Victor E. Scomillio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice President Stanley J. Margle, III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Treasurer Christopher M. Reid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secretary Joseph A. Corpora, III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Past President BOARD OF GOVERNORS ZONE II DELEGATES Kevin F. Danyi Michael C. Deschler Alyssa A. Lopiano-Reilly Barbara L. Hollenbach Jessica Frisch Moyer Nicholas Noel, III Daniel M. O’Donnell Joel M. Scheer Matthew C. Potts Michael P. Shay Michael P. Shay Ronald W. Shipman Samuel P. Murray Northampton County Reporter Attorney Referral & Information Service 155 South Ninth Street, Easton, PA 18042-4399 Phone (610) 258-6333 Fax (610) 258-8715 E-mail: PBA (800) 932-0311—PBI (800) 932-4637 BAR ASSOCIATION STAFF Mary Beth Leeson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Executive Director Stephanie Pasquel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accounting Heather Rizzotto-Stefanik . . . . . . . . . . . . Legal Journal Gloria A. Robison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Attorney Referral Deborah J. Flanagan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Attorney Referral The Northampton County Reporter will be published every Thursday by the Northampton County Bar Association, 155 South Ninth St., Easton, PA 18042-4399. All legal notices relating to the business of the county, are required by rule of Court, to be published in this Journal. All legal notices must be submitted in typewritten form and are published exactly as submitted by the advertiser. Neither the Law Reporter nor the printer will assume any responsibility to edit, make spelling corrections, eliminate errors in grammar or make any changes to content. Subscription Price—$75.00 per year. Periodical Postage Paid at Easton, PA and additional office. Postmaster: Send all communications and address changes to: NORTHAMPTON COUNTY REPORTER 155 South Ninth St., Easton, PA 18042-4399 Telephone (610) 258-6333 FAX (610) 258-8715 Edward P. Shaughnessy, Esquire Editor 2 NOTICE TO NCBA MEMBERS – BAR NEWS Arraignments Beginning with the June 24 arraignment list, there will be a judge available at the DUI arraignments which are generally held in a courtroom other than Courtroom #1. Following the call of the list, and after excusing people to another courtroom for the DUI arraignments, a judge will be available to preside with regard to requests for ARD for DUI’s, as well as guilty pleas and scheduling of trials. Attorneys representing people on the arraignment list who have DUI’s, will need to make themselves available at approximately 10:00 in the morning in the courtroom assigned for the DUI’s. We are hopeful that this procedure will help in eliminating many of the languishing DUI cases that remain on the criminal list. If you have any questions, please call the Court Administrator’s Office at 610-559-6700. Summer Outing – Thursday, July 22, 2010 Louise Moore Park, All day food, competitions and fun New This Year: We have two captains for the softball game who are currently recruiting for their teams. If you want to play on the winning team contact your captain of choice: Kerry Freidl or Rick Yetter. Registration form inside. NCBA Bench Bar Conference and U.S. Supreme Court Swearing In Ceremony October 16-17, 18, 2010 – Washington, D.C. On August 3, 1949, President Truman signed an Act of Congress designating June 14th of each year as National Flag Day. “Our flag honors those who have fought to protect it, and is a reminder of the sacrifice of our nation’s founders and heroes. As the ultimate icon of America’s storied history, the Stars and Stripes represents the very best of this nation.” ~ Joe Barton 3 NORTHAMPTON COUNTY REPORTER Vol. 56 No. 23 ESTATE NOTICES Notice is hereby given that in the estate of the decedents set forth below the Register of Wills has granted letters, testamentary or of administration to the persons named. All persons having claims or demands against said estates are requested to make known the same, and all persons indebted to said estates are requested to make payment without delay to the executors or administrators or their attorneys named below. Executrix: JoAnn M. Silva c/o William W. Matz, Jr., Esquire, 211 W. Broad Street, Bethlehem, PA 18018-5517 Attorney: William W. Matz, Jr., Esquire, 211 W. Broad Street, Bethlehem, PA 18018-5517 GARY, DOROTHY A., dec’d. Late of the City of Easton, Northampton County, PA Executrix: Audra Marie Sutton c/o Robert C. Brown, Jr., Esquire, Fox, Oldt & Brown, 940 West Lafayette Street, Suite 100, Easton, PA 18042-1412 Attorneys: Robert C. Brown, Jr., Esquire, Fox, Oldt & Brown, 940 West Lafayette Street, Suite 100, Easton, PA 18042-1412 GERBER, ANN A., dec’d. Late of Bethlehem, Northampton County, PA Executors: Anne P. Gerber and Gerald J. Gerber, Jr. c/o Dennis P. Ortwein, Esquire, 5201 William Penn Highway, Easton, PA 18045 Attorney: Dennis P. Ortwein, Esquire, 5201 William Penn Highway, Easton, PA 18045 GRIFFITH, MICHAEL T. a/k/a BRUCE ALAN SENSINGER, dec’d. Late of the Township of Lehigh, Northampton County, PA Executor: Willie Nichols Attorneys: Joseph J. Piperato, III, Esquire, Benner & Piperato, 2005 City Line Road, Suite 106, Bethlehem, PA 18017 MILLHEIM, HELEN DOYLE, dec’d. Late of the Borough of Nazareth, Northampton County, PA Executor: Roger L. Millheim Attorney: Nicholas R. Sabatine, III, Esquire, 16 S. Broadway, Suite 1, Wind Gap, PA 18091 FIRST PUBLICATION CRUVER, ELEANOR E., dec’d. Late of the Borough of Bangor, Northampton County, PA Executors: Richard C. Cruver and Orrelle Cruver Attorneys: McFall, Layman & Jordan, P.C., Attorneys at Law, 134 Broadway, Bangor, PA 18013 FLECK, CYRUS S., JR. a/k/a CYRUS STONER FLECK, JR., dec’d. Late of the City of Easton, Northampton County, PA Executrix: Jane S. Fleck Attorneys: McFall, Layman & Jordan, P.C., Attorneys at Law, 134 Broadway, Bangor, PA 18013 ECKROTH, GERALDINE A., dec’d. Late of Danielsville, Northampton County, PA Executor: Floyd D. Eckroth, Jr. Attorney: William J. Fries, Esquire, The Atrium—Suite 106, 2895 Hamilton Boulevard, Allentown, PA 18104 FARNACK, LUCILLE V., dec’d. Late of Nazareth, Northampton County, PA 4 6/10/2010 NORTHAMPTON COUNTY REPORTER Vol. 56 No. 23 MORYKAN, JOHN, JR. a/k/a JOHN MORYKAN, dec’d. Late of Hellertown, Northampton County, PA Executors: Joanne Salash, 702B Briarwood Drive, Bethlehem, PA 18020 and Raymond J. Morykan, 1368 Spring Valley Road, Bethlehem, PA 18015 Attorney: Daniel P. Sabetti, 224 West Broad Street, Bethlehem, PA 18018 NYCHAY, MYKOLA, dec’d. Late of the Township of Bethlehem, Northampton County, PA Executrix: Jean S. Harasymo wych c/o William P. Leeson, Esquire, Leeson, Leeson & Leeson, 70 E. Broad Street, P.O. Box 1426, Bethlehem, PA 180161426 Attorneys: William P. Leeson, Esquire, Leeson, Leeson & Leeson, 70 E. Broad Street, P.O. Box 1426, Bethlehem, PA 180161426 RHOADS, LOUISE D., dec’d. Late of the Township of Williams, Northampton County, PA Executrix: Kay Rhoads c/o Karl H. Kline, Esquire, Karl Kline P.C., 2925 William Penn Highway, Suite 301, Easton, PA 180455283 Attorneys: Karl H. Kline, Esquire, Karl Kline P.C., 2925 William Penn Highway, Suite 301, Easton, PA 18045-5283 SNYDER, ALMA M., dec’d. Late of the City of Bethlehem, Northampton County, PA Administratrix C.T.A.: Susan R. Leverington c/o Bradford D. Wagner, Esquire, 662 Main Street, Hellertown, PA 180551726 6/10/2010 Attorney: Bradford D. Wagner, Esquire, 662 Main Street, Hellertown, PA 18055-1726 TODARO, MARY T., dec’d. Late of the Borough of Nazareth, Northampton County, PA Executor: Thomas V. Hoffman c/o Robert C. Brown, Jr., Esquire, Fox, Oldt & Brown, 940 West Lafayette Street, Suite 100, Easton, PA 18042-1412 Attorneys: Robert C. Brown, Jr., Esquire, Fox, Oldt & Brown, 940 West Lafayette Street, Suite 100, Easton, PA 18042-1412 ZAHM, RICHARD C., dec’d. Late of Bethlehem, Northampton County, PA Executor: Gregory K. Zahm, 2445 Polk Valley Rd., Hellertown, PA 18055 and Scott L. Zahm, 113 Sherris Way, Smithsburg, MD 21783 Attorney: Steven B. Molder, Esquire, 904 Lehigh Street, Easton, PA 18042 SECOND PUBLICATION BRANTON, JOYCE, dec’d. Late of Plainfield Township, Northampton County, PA Executor: David Graziani, c/o David J. Ceraul, Esquire, 22 Market Street, P.O. Box 19, Bangor, PA 18013-0019 Attorney: David J. Ceraul, Esquire, 22 Market Street, P.O. Box 19, Bangor, PA 18013-0019 CLARK, FRANCES M., dec’d. Late of the Township of Hanover, Northampton County, PA Executor: Gary C. Mertz c/o Littner, Deschler & Littner, 512 North New Street, Bethlehem, PA 18018 Attorneys: Littner, Deschler & Littner, 512 North New Street, Bethlehem, PA 18018 5 NORTHAMPTON COUNTY REPORTER Vol. 56 No. 23 DeNARDO, WENDY A., dec’d. Late of the Township of Plainfield, Northampton County, PA Executor: Christopher W. De Nardo, 5633 Sherwood Drive, Easton, PA 18040 Attorney: Roseann B. Joseph, Esquire, Sovereign Bank Building, 100 N. Third Street, Suite 501, Easton, PA 18042 EISENHARDT, EUNICE R., dec’d. Late of Bethlehem, Northampton County, PA Co-Executrices: Gayle R. Justice and Carol A. Saeger c/o William W. Matz, Jr., Esquire, 211 W. Broad Street, Bethlehem, PA 18018-5517 Attorney: William W. Matz, Jr., Esquire, 211 W. Broad Street, Bethlehem, PA 18018-5517 FOGEL, MICHELE L., dec’d. Late of the Township of Bushkill, Northampton County, PA Executor: Wayne W. Fogel, 115 Hillendale Avenue, Nazareth, PA 18064 Attorneys: Peters, Moritz, Peischl, Zulick, Landes & Brienza, LLP, 1 South Main Street, Nazareth, PA 18064-2083 FOGEL, TROY S., dec’d. Late of the Township of Bushkill, Northampton County, PA Executor: Wayne W. Fogel, 115 Hillendale Avenue, Nazareth, PA 18064 Attorneys: Peters, Moritz, Peischl, Zulick, Landes & Brienza, LLP, 1 South Main Street, Nazareth, PA 18064-2083 GUIDA, ANTONINA R., dec’d. Late of the Township of Forks, Northampton County, PA Administratrix: Suzanne Coch ran c/o Richard J. Shiroff, Es- 6/10/2010 quire, 724 Lehigh Street, Easton, PA 18042 Attorney: Richard J. Shiroff, Esquire, 724 Lehigh Street, Easton, PA 18042 KEARNS, HELEN MARY a/k/a HELEN M. KEARNS, dec’d. Late of the Township of Bethlehem, Northampton County, PA Executrix: Patricia Ann T. Miga, 4011 Wilson Avenue, Bethlehem, PA 18020 Attorney: Erv D. McLain, 561 Main Street, Suite 275, Bethlehem, PA 18018 LAMBERTON, RAYMOND M., dec’d. Late of the City of Bethlehem, Northampton County, PA Executrix: Ida Lou Lamberton c/o Kevin F. Danyi, JD, LLM, Danyi Law Offices, P.C., 133 East Broad Street, Bethlehem, PA 18018 Attorneys: Kevin F. Danyi, JD, LLM, Danyi Law Offices, P.C., 133 East Broad Street, Bethlehem, PA 18018 MILLER, ELOISE W. a/k/a ELOISE BASSETT MILLER, dec’d. Late of Bethlehem, Northampton County, PA Executor: Michael Randolph Bassett, 313 Nehoiden Street, Needham, MA 02492 Attorneys: Stephen D. Marriner, Jr., Esquire, Marriner, Jones & Fitch, 30 East Beau Street, 800 Washington Trust Bldg., Washington, PA 15301 MONROE, ELIZABETH B., dec’d. Late of the Township of Bethlehem, Northampton County, PA Executrix: Elizabeth M. Aiken, 1324 Highland Drive, Orefield, PA 18069 6 NORTHAMPTON COUNTY REPORTER Vol. 56 No. 23 SOLLOY, HELEN W., dec’d. Late of the Township of Bethlehem, Northampton County, PA Administrator: Henry R. Newton, Jr. c/o Herster, Newton & Murphy, 127 N. 4th St., P.O. Box 1087, Easton, PA 18044-1087 Attorneys: Herster, Newton & Murphy, 127 N. 4th St., P.O. Box 1087, Easton, PA 18044-1087 STROHL, WILLIAM R. a/k/a WILLIAM ROBERT STROHL a/k/a WILLIAM STROHL, dec’d. Late of the City of Bethlehem, Northampton County, PA Administrator: William J. Strohl c/o Littner, Deschler & Littner, 512 N. New Street, P.O. Box 1407, Bethlehem, PA 180161407 Attorneys: Littner, Deschler & Littner, 512 N. New St., P.O. Box 1407, Bethlehem, PA 180161407 TRAPP, ELMER H. a/k/a ELMER HENRY TRAPP, dec’d. Late of the Township of Lower Saucon, Northampton County, PA Executrix: Debora Ward a/k/a Debora A. Ward c/o Lawrence Center, Esquire, 60 W. Broad St., Ste. 103, P.O. Box 1248, Bethlehem, PA 18016 DeFRAIN, BETTY I., dec’d. Late of 1342 N. Cottonwood Road, Danielsville, Northampton County, PA Executor: Michael A. DeFrain, 222 Second Street, Slatington, PA 18088 Attorneys: David B. Shulman, Esquire, Shulman & Shabbick, 1935 Center Street, Northampton, PA 18067 FAUST, WILLIAM S., SR., dec’d. Late of the City of Easton, Northampton County, PA Executor: William S. Faust, Jr., 12424 Lisborough Road, Bowie, MD 20720 FILLER, MARIE P., dec’d. Late of the Township of Lower Saucon, Northampton County, PA Executor: Scott M. Noonan c/o 3101 Emrick Blvd., Suite 205, Bethlehem, PA 18020 Attorneys: Daniel E. Cohen, Attorney, Seidel, Cohen, Hof & Reid, L.L.C., 3101 Emrick Blvd., Suite 205, Bethlehem, PA 18020 HAFFLING, EVELYN M. a/k/a EVELYN F. HAFFLING, dec’d. Late of the Township of Upper Mt. Bethel, Northampton County, PA Executors: Darla Ann Tuller and Carolyn Jane Gray Attorneys: McFall, Layman & Jordan, P.C., Attorneys at Law, 134 Broadway, Bangor, PA 18013 HENDERSON, CHARLOTTE P. a/k/a CHARLOTTE HENDERSON, dec’d. Late of Palmer Twp., Northampton County, PA THIRD PUBLICATION ADAM, MARJORIE R., dec’d. Late of the Borough of Nazareth, Northampton County, PA Executrix: Gail C. Kinitz c/o Bradford D. Wagner, Esquire, 662 Main Street, Hellertown, PA 18055-1726 Attorney: Bradford D. Wagner, Esquire, 662 Main Street, Hellertown, PA 18055-1726 7 6/10/2010 NORTHAMPTON COUNTY REPORTER Vol. 56 No. 23 Executors: James W. Henderson, III and Kathy L. Henderson, 592 Germans Road, Lehighton, PA 18235 Attorney: Holly A. Heintzelman, Esquire, 192 South First Street, Lehighton, PA 18235 HUMMEL, NORMAN L., dec’d. Late of the Borough of Portland, Northampton County, PA Executor: David Hummel, 8023 Cricket Road, Bath, PA 18014 Attorneys: James L. Pfeiffer, Esquire, Pfeiffer, Bruno, Minotti & DeEsch, P.C., P.O. Box 468, Easton, PA 18044-0468 LEHR, HILDA C. a/k/a HILDA ANDRASHKO LEHR, dec’d. Late of the Borough of Bath, Northampton County, PA Executor: Ronald E. Lehr c/o William P. Leeson, Esquire, Leeson, Leeson & Leeson, 70 E. Broad Street, P.O. Box 1426, Bethlehem, PA 18016-1426 Attorneys: William P. Leeson, Esquire, Leeson, Leeson & Leeson, 70 E. Broad Street, P.O. Box 1426, Bethlehem, PA 180161426 PRISTAS, JOHN, dec’d. Late of the Township of Bethlehem, Northampton County, PA Executor: Joseph M. Sabo c/o Mary Ann Snell, Esquire, Suite 311, 3400 Bath Pike, Bethlehem, PA 18017 Attorney: Mary Ann Snell, Esquire, Suite 311, 3400 Bath Pike, Bethlehem, PA 18017 SMITH, FRANK C., dec’d. Late of the Township of Forks, Northampton County, PA Executors: Frank L. Smith, 107 Brunswick Ave., Bloomsbury, NJ 08804 and JoAnn Shotko, 1504 6/10/2010 Sunbury Road, Selinsgrove, PA 17870 Attorneys: Peters, Moritz, Peischl, Zulick, Landes & Brienza, LLP, 1 South Main Street, Nazareth, PA 18064 SNYDER, RICHARD F., dec’d. Late of the Township of East Allen, Northampton County, PA Executrix: Dorothy L. Snyder c/o Gregory R. Reed, Attorney-atLaw, 141 South Broad Street, P.O. Box 299, Nazareth, PA 18064-0299 Attorney: Gregory R. Reed, Attorney-at-Law, 141 South Broad Street, P.O. Box 299, Nazareth, PA 18064-0299 WEBER, CATHERINE M., dec’d. Late of 250 West Wilkes Barre Street, Easton, Northampton County, PA Executor: Joseph V. Weber, Box 486, Valley Forge, PA 19481 TRUST NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of the existence of the trusts of the deceased settlors set forth below for whom no personal representatives have been appointed witin 90 days of death. All persons having claims or demands against said trusts are requested to make known the same, and all persons indebted to said trusts are requested to make payment, without delay, to the trustees or to their attorneys named below. MAMANA, JULIA a/k/a JULIA C. MAMANA, dec’d. Late of the City of Easton, Northampton County, PA Trustee: Julianne Mamana Boyd, 300 Central Park West, #11F, New York, New York 10024 8 NORTHAMPTON COUNTY REPORTER Vol. 56 No. 23 Attorneys: Robert A. Nitchkey, Jr., Esquire, Hemstreet, Nitchkey & Freidl, 730 Washington Street, Easton, PA 18042 June 10, 17, 24 6/10/2010 The name of the corporation is: F&A TRUCKING, INC. P. Christopher Cotturo, Esquire 75 Bangor Junction Road Bangor, PA 18013 June 10 NOTICES OF INCORPORATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Articles of Incorporation have been filed with the Department of State of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the purpose of obtaining a Certificate of Incorporation pursuant to the provisions of the Business Corporation Law of 1988 (1988, Dec. 21, P.L. 1444, No. 177, Section 103) of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The name of the proposed corporation is: BOJOMIKAY, LLC Articles of Incorporation were filed on May 6, 2010. The purpose for which the corporation has been organized is: Marketing and Research. This corporation is to be incorporated under the Business Corporation Law of Pennsylvania of 1988 (1988, Dec. 21, P.L. 1444, No. 177, Section 103). EDWARD L. REDDING, ESQUIRE 548 North New Street Box 558 Bethlehem, PA 18016-0558 June 10 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Articles of Incorporation have been filed with the Department of State of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania for the purpose of obtaining a Certificate of Incorporation pursuant to the provisions of the Business Corporation Law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Act of December 21, 1988 (P.L. 1444, No. 177), by the following corporation: The name of the Corporation is: TASEM, INC. with its principal place of business at: 1684 Kevin Drive, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18015. The certificate was filed on May 18, 2010. Michael F. Corriere, Esquire 433 East Broad Street P.O. Box 1217 Bethlehem, PA 18016-1217 June 10 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Articles of Incorporation have been filed with the Department of State of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, for the purpose of obtaining a Certificate of Incorporation pursuant to the provisions of the Business Corporation Law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, approved Act of December 21, 1988, PL. 1444, No. 177, as amended, by the following corporation: The name of the corporation is: UNGER INSTRUMENT INC. The Articles of Incorporation were filed on May 25, 2010. The purposes NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Articles of Incorporation have been filed with the Department of State of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, for the purpose of obtaining a Certificate of Incorporation pursuant to the provisions of the Pennsylvania Business Corporation Law, Act of December 21, 1988, (P.L. 1444, No. 177) as amended, by the following Corporation: 9 NORTHAMPTON COUNTY REPORTER Vol. 56 No. 23 for which it was organized are: The unlimited power to engage in and do any lawful business for which a corporation may be incorporated under the Business Corporation Law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Unger Instrument Inc. 14 S. Broad St. Nazareth, PA 18064 June 10 6/10/2010 2744 Briarwood Place, Bethlehem, PA 18017. James L. Broughal, Esquire Broughal & DeVITO, L.L.P. 38 West Market Street Bethlehem, PA 18018 June 10 NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all creditors and claimants of P. A. SULLIVAN, INCORPORATED, T/A PATS OF HISTORIC BETHLEHEM; that the Corporation has filed Articles of Dissolution and been dissolved in accordance with the Pennsylvania Business Corporation Law of 1988, as amended, and all persons having a claim against the corporation must present the same in accordance with the following procedures: (1) All claims must be presented in writing and must contain sufficient information reasonably to inform the corporation of the identity of the claimant and the substance of the claim. (2) Claims must be sent to the following address: J. Stephen Kreglow, Esquire, P.O. Box 20833, Lehigh Valley, PA 18002. (3) A claim must be received by the corporation no later than September 15, 2010 or it will be barred. (4) The corporation may make distribution to other claimants and to the shareholders of the corporation without further notice to any claimants. J. Stephen Kreglow, Esquire P.O. Box 20833 Lehigh Valley, PA 18002 June 10 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Articles of Incorporation have been filed with the Department of State of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, for the purpose of obtaining a Certificate of Incorporation pursuant to the provisions of the Business Corporation Law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Act of December 21, 1988 (P.L. 1444, No. 177), as amended. The name of the corporation is: 1231 COMPANY, INC. The Articles of Incorporation were filed on April 29, 2010. James L. Broughal, Esquire Broughal & DeVITO, L.L.P. 38 West Market Street Bethlehem, PA 18018 June 10 FICTITIOUS NAME REGISTRATION NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to the provisions of Act 295 of 1982 of intention to file, or the filing of, in the Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, a certificate for the conduct of a business in Pennsylvania, under the assumed or fictitious name, style or designation of: THE MINT with its principal place of business at: 2744 Briarwood Place, Bethlehem, PA 18017. The entity interested in the said business is: 1231 Company, Inc., 10 IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF NORTHAMPTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA CIVIL ACTION—LAW Northampton Area School District v. NORTHAMPTON COUNTY REPORTER Vol. 56 No. 23 Robin Glenn Kennedy and Viola Kennedy NO. C48CV-2006-8185 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the above were named as defendants in a civil action instituted by the plaintiff. This is an action to recover delinquent real estate taxes for the years 2005, 2006, and 2007 for the property located at E. of Miller Drive, East Allen Township, Pennsylvania, tax parcel L5NE1 5 8 0508. A Motion to Consolidate Liens in the amount of $7,039.63 was filed on or about March 31, 2010, for this claim and a writ of scire facias was filed. You are hereby notified to plead to the writ in this case, on or before twenty (20) days from the date of this publication or a judgment will be entered. If you wish to defend, you must enter a written appearance personally or by attorney and file your defenses or objections in writing with the court. You are warned that if you fail to do so, the case may proceed without you and a judgment may be entered without further notice for the relief requested by the plaintiff. You may lose property or other rights important to you. You should take this paper to your lawyer at once. If you do not have a lawyer or cannot afford one, go to or telephone the office set forth below to find out where you can get legal help. 6/10/2010 Lawyer Referral Service 155 S. Ninth Street Easton, PA 18042 (215) 258-6333 Portnoff Law Associates, Ltd. P.O. Box 391 Norristown, PA 19404-0391 (866) 211-9466 May 27; June 3, 10 IN THE NORTHAMPTON COUNTY COURT OF COMMON PLEAS ORPHANS’ COURT DIVISION The following Executors, Administrators, Guardians & Trustees have filed Accounts in the Office of the Orphans’ Court: ESTATE; Accountant DAVID W. AMY; Kelly L. De Groff, Executrix JUDITH A. HAAS; Susan C. Made mann, Administratrix AUDIT NOTICE All Parties interested are notified that an audit list will be made up of all Accounts and the said list will be called for audit at the Northampton County Government Center, Easton, PA on: FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 2010 AT 9:00 A.M. IN COURTROOM #1 Dorothy L. Cole Clerk of Orphans’ Court June 10, 17 11 NORTHAMPTON COUNTY REPORTER Vol. 56 No. 23 6/10/2010 Pennsylvania’s Largest Lost and Found Last year, the Pennsylvania Treasury returned over $100 million dollars of unclaimed property. Search or call 1-800-222-2046 to see if we have money for you. Each year, Treasury receives millions of dollars in unclaimed property – things like • • • • • • • abandoned bank accounts forgotten stocks uncashed checks certificates of deposit life insurance policies safe deposit box contents recovered stolen property At Treasury, we work hard to find the rightful owners of this unclaimed property. But even if we can’t find you, you can find your property. If you see your name, visit to make a claim. We are only required to publish the names of owners of property worth more than $250 one time – so even if you don’t see your name here this year, you may have something. It’s worth a search of our website. Visit us now and claim what’s yours! Notice of Names of Persons Appearing to be Owners of Abandoned and Unclaimed Property Northampton County A Rd,Easton,Pa,18040 Arnold Phillip,713 Lincoln Ave,Northampton,Pa,18067 Artioli Jessica M,,Easton,Pa,18045 Artioli Joseph,527 Graystone Dr,Cherryville,Pa,18035 Arvelo Elizabeth,4555 Lehigh Dr,Walnutport,Pa,18088 Associates Berkheimer,Pob 906,Bangor,Pa,18013 Aviles Graciela,1116 Butler St,Easton,Pa,18042 A1 Paving Inc,,Nazareth,Pa,18064 Abel Kayla,132 Ridgeline Ln,Easton,Pa,18045 Abrom David,10033 Gravel Hill Rd,Bangor,Pa,18013 Acevedo Ramon,415 West St,Windgap,Pa,18091 Acordia Southeast,P O Box 25253,Lehigh Valley,Pa,18002 Action Machinery Co Inc,Po Box 20045,Lehigh Valley,Pa,18002 Affordable Housing,416 Wyandotte St,Bethlehem,Pa,18015 Aguilar,726 Lachauwicki Ave,Fountain Hill,Pa,18015 Albert Geraldine A Miss,C/O Marjorie A Russo 3235 Shelton Ave,Bethlehem,Pa,18020 Allegranzi D,780 Johnston Dr,Bethlehem,Pa,18017 Amato Christopher R,15 Drexel Dr,Northampton,Pa,18067 Amer Auto Parts,4202 William Penn Hwy,Easton,Pa,18045 American Homecare Supply,Dba Young’s Med Equipment 3320 Nazareth Rd,Easton,Pa,18045 Amerparts Inc D/B/A,4202 William Penn Hwy,Easton,Pa,18045 Amidon David C,1840 Jennings St,Bethlehem,Pa,18017 Amore,,Bath,Pa,18014 Andralts George J,3537 Chippendale Cir,Bethlehem,Pa,18017 Animotion Inc,950 Pembroke Rd,Bethlehem,Pa,18017 Antero Estevao Joag,641 Rha Dresterdamde,Bethlehem,Pa,18015 Anthony Carabasi Dc,1990 E Rt,Cherry Hill,Pa,18003 Arastu Ahmed I,,Bethlehem,Pa,18017 Armitage C Marguerite,1938 Woodbury Rd,Bethlehem,Pa,18017 Arndt Cemetery Co Inc,419 Frost Hollow B Baer Doris Dau,3281 Daniels Rd,Nazareth,Pa,18064 Baker Patricia M,6352 5th Ave. P.O.Box 345,Martins Creek,Pa,18063 Bamco,Attn: Group Ins Administrator 2508 Schoenersville Rd,Bethlehem,Pa,18017 Bananto Nathan S,174 N Chestnut St,Bath,Pa,18014 Banfy Margaret,1820 Rosewood Dr,Bethlehem,Pa,18017 Banko Anna D,2431 Freemansburg Ave,Easton,Pa,18042 Barnett Betty J,1430 Catasauqua Rd,Bethlehem,Pa,18017 Barrese Sadie,3307 Glen Ave,Easton,Pa,18045 Barron Florence V,7091 William Penn Hwy,Easton,Pa,18045 Barry Dorothy Alice,3408 Shelton Ave,Bethlehem,Pa,18020 Bartkovits Ruth A Dau,Rd 1,Hellertown,Pa,18055 Batchler Verna Dau,2134 Freemousburg,Easton,Pa,18042 Baumann Ilene,110 South Greenwood Ave,Easton,Pa,18045 Bbds Comm Wash,Attn Lnda Swift 110 Main,Easton,Pa,18042 Bealer Terry A,3102 Kreidersville Rd,Northampton,Pa,18067 Beam Rita,446 Saint John St,Easton,Pa,18042 Bean Victor,2205 Forest,Easton,Pa,18042 Beasley Bernice,27 S 6th St,Easton,Pa,18042 Beatty Josephine Dau,730 Coleman,Easton,Pa,18042, 12 NORTHAMPTON COUNTY REPORTER Bechtel Eleanor M,108 E Wayne Ave,Easton,Pa,18042, Beck Jarrett R,2342 Forest St,Easton,Pa,18042, Beers D L,451 Mud Ln,Northampton,Pa,18067, Bendekovits Alfred Son, Bendekovits Johanna,1022 Jeter Ave,Bethlehem,Pa,18015 Berkheimer Associates,50 North Seventh St,Bangor,Pa,18013, Bernick John B,Po Box 216,Northampton,Pa,18067, Bethlehem Steel Family Health,1665 Valley Center Parkway,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Bianco Elaine M,933 E 6th St,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Bieler George E H,Arch St 2nd Floor,Pen Argyl,Pa,18072, Bieler Mildred M,S Brd,East Bangor,Pa,18013, Birckhead Katherine A,427 Blaine St,Bangor,Pa,18013, Blue Crystal Software,4383 Hecktown Rd,Bethlehem,Pa,18020 Blue Roof Ski,13282 Blue Mountain Dr,Danielsville,Pa,18038 Bognar Estateofer,2021 Westgate Dr,Bethlehem,Pa,18017 Bond Sue,4453 Cedar Dr,Walnutport,Pa,18088 Bonini Sandra,102 Wynnwood Ln E.,Easton,Pa,18040 Bonnie Netschert,2250 Barry Court,Easton,Pa,18040 Bookwalter Charles R,137 New St,Hellertown,Pa,18055 Borgo J,3306 Easton Ave,Bethlehem,Pa,18020 Bosze Michael J,55 Flagler St,Easton,Pa,18042 Bowman Jeanette,40 Raubsville Rd,Easton,Pa,18042 Bowman Lloyd I Estate Of,40 Raubsville Rd,Easton,Pa,18042 Braun Francis P,656 Roosevelt Ave,Bethlehem,Pa,18015 Breaden Matthew D,551 Redfern Ln,Bethlehem,Pa,18017 Breidinger Allison Sara,130 Bushkill St,Easton,Pa,18042 Broadspire,Po Box 25104,Lehigh Valley,Pa,18002 Broscius D S,3535 Freemansburg Ave,Easton,Pa,18045 Brown And Brown Of Lehigh,268 Brodhead Rd Bethlehem,Pa,18017 Brown Maitland,4025 Bayart St,Easton,Pa,18042 Buley Raymond,Apt 311 221 S 4th St,Easton,Pa,18042 Burd Jeannine E,2440 Birch St,Easton,Pa,18042 Burnett Amanda,1841 Washington Blvd Apt B,Easton,Pa,18042 Burns Pleasant Wyllie,340b Main St,Bath,Pa,18014 Buskirk Russell N,427 Maple St,Windgap,Pa,18091 C C/O Al Gentile,Hollywood Tans 3926 Linden St,Bethlehem,Pa,18020 Cafe Havana,4 West 4th St,Bethlehem,Pa,18015 Cafe Rafiki Inc,3729 Nazareth Rd Suite 301,Easton,Pa,18045 Caleskie Richard,2064 S Ogden,Lehigh Valley,Pa,18001 Campia Roxanne,609 S Bishopethorp St,Bethlehem,Pa,18015 Caponcello Salvatore,113 Northhampton St,Easton,Pa,18042 Caporelli Janine,2204 Fourth St,Easton,Pa,18042 Carbon Schuylkill Comm Hosp The,Po Box 5489 Po Box 5489,Bethlehem,Pa,18015 Carrigan Patrick W,324 Gower Rd,Nazareth,Pa,18064 Casciole Sharon,1434 Cottage St,Easton,Pa,18040 Castillo Aristides,681 Ferry St,Easton,Pa,18042 Cavanagh Rosalie Ex,127 N 4th St,Easton,Pa,18042 Cbi Research Inc,500 W Cummings Park,Ackermanville,Pa,18010 Central Transport International Inc,6955 Chrisphalt Dr,Bath,Pa,18014 Ces Oil Inc,C/O 33 N 8th St,Bangor,Pa,18013 Vol. 56 No. 23 6/10/2010 Charles D,205 Main St,Stockertown,Pa,18083 Charles Keith D,3951 Bruce Ln,Bethlehem,Pa,18020 Charlotte Martin,24 Sycamore Dr,Bath,Pa,18014 Chase Lawrence A,303 Green St,Bath,Pa,18014 Chiavaroli Daniel R,231 S Whitfield St,Nazareth,Pa,18064 Chim Kam Y,3232 Highfield Rd,Bethlehem,Pa,18020 Chronin Melissa J,1200 Bluestone Dr,Bethlehem,Pa,18017 Cibula James A,1416 E 8th,Bethlehem,Pa,18015 Cibula Kathleen E,1416 East 8th St,Bethlehem,Pa,18015 Cikana Kenneth L,3201 Scherman Blvd,Bethlehem,Pa,18020 Citadel Communications Corp.,P. O. Box 25096,Lehigh Valley,Pa,18002, Citgo Station Mohiender Kabif,1301 Linden St,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Colitas Cynthia Cust,1200 Bluestone Dr,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Collura Rose,519 Garibaldi Ave,Roseto,Pa,18013, Committee For Handicapped,395 Bridle Path Rd,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Community Health Systems Inc,401k Fbo Lynn Nunamaker 3515 Glen Ave,Easton,Pa,18045, Compass Group,87 S Commerce Way Ste 750,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Conard Elizabeth H,1531 Dixon Ct,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Cotter Karen C, Cotter Thomas J,2725 Covington Ave,Bethlehem,Pa,18017 Crafa John D,586 Batts Switch Rd,Pen Argyl,Pa,18072, Craigament Amy,126 4th St,Nazareth,Pa,18064, Cromonic Robert,2329 3rd St,Easton,Pa,18042, Cruz Benjamin T,1203 Mechanic St,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Crx Pharmacy Carriage,3747 Hecktown Rd,Easton,Pa,18045, Cuevas Carmen,724 Delaware Ave,Fountain Hill,Pa,18015, Cunard Lower,602 E. 21st St.,Northampton,Pa,18067, Cutler Robert B,Seidersville Rd Rd 7,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Cwhite Eagle Trucking,6853chvisphalt Dr Po Box 301,Bath,Pa,18014, D Dalessandro George N Ii, Dalessandro Leslie A Cust,220 Blaine St,East Bangor,Pa,18013 Daley Jennifer,1408 Washington St,Easton,Pa,18042, Dalton Shirley,919 Pt Phillips Rd,Bath,Pa,18014, Damelio Mary V,3716 Haupt St,Easton,Pa,18045, Davies Robert R,1155 Sunset View Dr,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Davis Florence H Est Of,1 Chateau Ln,Easton,Pa,18042, Day-Timers Inc,Po Box 6168,Allentown,Pa,18001, De Maria Laurie H,109 Woodside Dr,Easton,Pa,18045, Decapua Joseph A, Decapua Mary K,5005 Wagner Dr,Bethlehem,Pa,18020 Decrosta Anna M,429 Adams St,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Decroste Anna,12 W 4th St,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Dees Lester R,56 Portland Trailer Park Dr,Mount Bethel,Pa,18343, Dejonge Karen K,109 Maple St,Bangor,Pa,18013, Deleon Stephen L,3614 Brader St,Bethlehem,Pa,18020, Derasse Eric,4001 Freemansburg Av,Easton,Pa,18042, Derocher Joseph R,3817 Lower Saucon Rd,Hellertown,Pa,18055, Diacogiannis Evan J, Diacogiannis John N Cust,1360 Bonnie Ave,Bethlehem,Pa,18017 Didenko Laraslav,,Walnutport,Pa,18088, 13 NORTHAMPTON COUNTY REPORTER Dietterich Cheyann K,,Easton,Pa,18045, Ditsky Agnes,404 Briarwood Dr,Village Of Highfield,Pa,18017, Donato Matthew M,1105 Highfield Dr,Bethlehem,Pa,18020, Dorner Helen R,1801 Newport Ave,Northampton,Pa,18067, Driesen Lola F,88 Birchwood Dr,Nazareth,Pa,18064, Drumbore Mildred W,731 N Main St,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Dudzak Charles J,9852 Upper Little Creek Rd,Bangor,Pa,18013, Dumont Larry E,621 East Fourth St,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, E Eastern America Transport And Warehousin,1240 Win Dr,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Easton Area Heritage Day Committee,Po Box 310,Easton,Pa,18044, Easton Coach Company,1200 Conroy Place,Easton,Pa,18045, Eberts Mildred E,208 Goldenrod Xing,Bath,Pa,18014 Ebner Julia E,2708 Farmersville Rd,Bethlehem,Pa,18020 Echevarria Jose A,422 Pawnee St,Bethlehem,Pa,18015 Ehret Goldie L,Rd 1,Hellertown,Pa,18055 Ehrig Michael Md,2649 Schoenersville Rd,Bethlehem,Pa,18017 Eleaser Gwendolyn,1751 Roth St,Bethlehem,Pa,18017 Emergency Services Pc,1027 Moosic St,Scranton,Pa,18050 Emergencysquad Forks T,2610 Walbert Ave,Allentown,Pa,18040 Engler Charles W Sr,317 S 17th St,Easton,Pa,18042 Erickson Calvin,485 Heyer Mill Rd,Nazareth,Pa,18064 Espinosa Soto Carlos I,,Bethlehem,Pa,18017 Essroc Cement Corp,3251 Bath Pike,Nazareth,Pa,18064 Eurest Dining Services,2211 Ave C,Bethlehem,Pa,18017 Evans David,,Portland,Pa,18351 Ewungkem Julius,2 Duh Dr Apt 222,Bethlehem,Pa,18015 Exaros William P,513 Kevin Dr,Bethlehem,Pa,18017 F F M C C,88 Birchwood Dr,Nazareth,Pa,18064 Family Dollar Store Will Simmons,509 Wyandotte St,Bethlehem,Pa,18015 Faraannte Kristal,1615 E 8th,Bethlehem,Pa,18015 Faulkner Oldsmobile,And James Laubach 2204 Jennings St,Bethlehem,Pa,18017 Feehan Joseph T,Echo Lake Rd Rr1 Box 1166,Bangor,Pa,18013 Ferrigno Neil,1206 Butler St,Easton,Pa,18042 Figueroa Harold,834 Reynolds St,Bethlehem,Pa,18015 Fillman Greg,134 New St,Hellertown,Pa,18055 Fitzgerald Josephine,614 Forrest St,Bethlehem,Pa,18015 Fleck Construction,814 Lehigh St,Easton,Pa,18042 Fleet National Bank,First Valley Bank Po Box 25500,Lehigh Valley,Pa,18002 Fleming James L,1765 Potomac St Box 316,Mount Bethel,Pa,18343 Flute Emma M,2351 S Main,Nazareth,Pa,18064 Fogel D J,17 Belvidere St Apt 1,Nazareth,Pa,18064 Fogel Raymond T,360 Browns Dr,Easton,Pa,18042, Forrest Glen J,579 Coventry Court,Northampton,Pa,18067, Forte Wayne,2695 Appian Way,Easton,Pa,18040, Fountain Hill Hunsicker Phcy,1049 Brdway,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Fox Courtney B,420 Quaker Plain Rd,Bangor,Pa,18013, Vol. 56 No. 23 6/10/2010 Fox Michael F,4076 Old Bethlehem Pike,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Frable Alberta Bachman,2085 Westgate Dr 1019,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Fraites Beverly D,7 Rosemont Ct,Easton,Pa,18045, Francois Oscar H,21 Grenada Ave Federation Park,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, French Patricia B,3044 Cornwall Rd,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Frey Jack W,4430 Henry St,Easton,Pa,18042, Friedman Beatrice, Friedman Leon Estate Of,2150 Stocker Mill Rd,Philadelphia,Pa,18042 Fritzinger Dennis L,4023 Butternut Dr,Walnutport,Pa,18088, Fronheiser Ronald,,Walnutport,Pa,18088, Fry Ethel,621 Alaska St,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Fry Keith W,404 Nolf Rd,Nazareth,Pa,18064, Furman Cula M,533 Center St,Easton,Pa,18042, G Gaeta Vincent,5886 Shady Ln,Pen Argyl,Pa,18072, Gafford Dorothy A,1225 Kirkland Village Circle,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Garcia Michael P,3025 East Blvd 10,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Gardner Christina Marie,468 E 11th St,Northampton,Pa,18067, Garn Roy,R D 1 Box 16,Mt Bethel,Pa,18343, Georgellis George B,2555 Chestnut Ln,Easton,Pa,18040, Gerhart Margaret,614 Atlantic St,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Germenetti Laura M,1544 Elm St,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Gerstenberg Donna Lee Cust, Gerstenberg Kara M,1541 Main St,Hellertown,Pa,18055 Godbout Brett P,288 E Macada Rd,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Golden Sidney,828 Balata St,Easton,Pa,18042, Gonzalez Gilberto,608 Fiot Ave,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Goodman Shawniqua,601 Adams St,Easton,Pa,18040, Gostony Patricia A,Po Box 54,Wind Gap,Pa,18091, Gouger Helen L,Po Box 273,Bangor,Pa,18013, Grant Maxfield R, Grant Raymond A Jr,840 Wolf Ave,Easton,Pa,18042 Gray Brandike L,219 E Nesquehoning St,Easton,Pa,18042, Greco Joseph,8147 N Deleware Dr,Bangor,Pa,18013, Greene Colleen H, Greene Keith M,Suite 100 1655 Valley Center Pkwy,Bethlehem,Pa,18017 Gregg William M,1059 Main St,Northampton,Pa,18067, Grietzer Roland,2624 East Blvd,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Gross Victory G,819 Lincoln Ave Fbo Herman F Marako vits,Northhampton,Pa,18067, Grube Mae P,2508 Northwood Ave,Easton,Pa,18045, Gua Angelina,1616 Northampton St,Easton,Pa,18042, Gudzinas Stacy A,736 Washington St,Easton,Pa,18042, Guerra Gilberto,528 Senecca St,Bethlehem,Pa,18015 Guridys Travel Agen,339 Brdway,Bethlehem,Pa,18015 Guy Clifford,316 State St,Bethlehem,Pa,18015 H Haas Lillian M,2516 Friendship Ln,Bath,Pa,18014 Hab-Ret,Berkheimer Outsourcing Hab-Ret Po Box 912,Bangor,Pa,18013 Hale Maryann,2222 Sullivan Trail,Easton,Pa,18040 Hall Evelyn C,6628 Sullivan Trail,Wind Gap,Pa,18091 Hamill Susan B,2410 Main St Apt 0,Bethlehem,Pa,18017 Hamm Arthur T,2316 Dewey Ave,Northampton,Pa,18067 Hank Aliceann M,127 N 4th St,Easton,Pa,18042 Hansen Michael A Jr,127 Founders Ct,Bethlehem,Pa,18020 Harlor Charles P Jr,3812 Mockingbird Hill Rd,Bethlehem,Pa,18015 14 NORTHAMPTON COUNTY REPORTER Harris Arthur J,R D 1 Box 1671,Mount Bethel,Pa,18343 Harrison Darren E,1916 Hay Terrace,Easton,Pa,18042 Hartung Richard S,B5617 Martins Creek Belvidere Hwy,Bangor,Pa,18013 Hartzell David H,Steuben Rd,Bethlehem,Pa,18017 Hassay Mary H,2521 Boyd St,Bethlehem,Pa,18017 Havlik Stephen,P O Box 3035,Bethlehem,Pa,18017 Haydt Robin J,4822 Old Bethlehem Pike,Bethlehem,Pa,18015 Hayes William J,2173 Rose Ln,Hellertown,Pa,18055 Hazoury Juan,1339 Fritz Dr,Bethlehem,Pa,18017 Heffelfinger E M,6844 Silver Crest Rd,Nazareth,Pa,18064 Heffelfinger Elsie,6844 Silver Crest Rd,Nazareth,Pa,18064 Hendershot Allyce,1023 Washington St,Easton,Pa,18042 Henne John D,210 W Main St,Pen Argyl,Pa,18072 Hepner Randy S,37 Park St,Nazareth,Pa,18064 Hernandez Argenis,3 George Ct,Easton,Pa,18045 Herritt George E,900 Brdway,Bangor,Pa,18013 Hesh Mary,1174 Spring Valley Rd,Bethlehem,Pa,18015 Hiler Ronald,759 Wolf Ave,Easton,Pa,18042 Hill Kenneth G,407 E 5th St,Northampton,Pa,18067, Hilley Brendan,Dravo Hall,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Hilton Michael B,233 Brdway,Bangor,Pa,18013, Hinnerschietz Robert P,5103 Cheryl Dr,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Hobbs Family Irrevocable Trust,126 E Wayne Ave,Easton,Pa,18042, Hogan Claire M, Hogan Timothy M,1670 Stoke Park Rd,Bethlehem,Pa,18017 Hollick Stephen,322 E 11th St,Northampton,Pa,18067, Hollywood Tans,3926 Linden St Ud6,Bethlehem,Pa,18020, Home Visit Doctors,Fourth Floor 1770 Bathgate Rd,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Hoogendan Helen A,1101 Knox Ave Apt 011,Easton,Pa,18040, Hoskins S J,106 W Northhampton Stree,Bath,Pa,18014, Hosler David R,105 Flagler St,Easton,Pa,18042, Houck David E,751 Jacobsburg Rd,Nazareth,Pa,18064, Hughes James,4762 S Cypress Dr,Walnutport,Pa,18088, Hulse Brian Philip,,Northampton,Pa,18067, Hummel A M,968 Boulder Dr,Mount Bethel,Pa,18343, I Ian M Carlis Dmd & Micha,2597 Schoenersville Rd,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Iannelli Corinne, Iannelli Paul,2815 Ohio Street,Easton,Pa,18045 Ic Systems Verizon,P O Box 28002,Lehigh Valley,Pa,18002, Indasi Albert,416 Edward St Floor 2,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Information Product,,Easton,Pa,18043, Insured,2610 Northwood Ave,Easton,Pa,18045, Ispahani Syed,1910 Stefko Blvd,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Ives Eleanor,1182 Creek Rd,Bangor,Pa,18013, Ivins Leann,123 N Main St,Bangor,Pa,18013, Iyer Md Manny S,201 Drift Court,Bethlehem,Pa,18020, J J H Leskin Associates Inc,2360 Ave A,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Jabberwocky,,Easton,Pa,18042, Jabbour Marijo,11 N 4th St,Easton,Pa,18042, Jackson Nellie,221 N 8th St,Easton,Pa,18042, Jaindl Karen Dau,6628 Sullivan Trail,Wind Gap,Pa,18091, Jhr Maintenance Corp,1351 Howard Vol. 56 No. 23 6/10/2010 Ln,Easton,Pa,18045, Johanson Mfg Corp,Johanson Fiber Optins Grp,Lehigh Valley,Pa,18002 John Sonn,21 Bunker Hill Ct,Easton,Pa,18040 Johnson Alice E,125 S 4th St,Easton,Pa,18042 Jordan Emma,1874 Cloverleaf St,Bethlehem,Pa,18017 Juste Mirline,Po Box 104,Easton,Pa,18044 K Kanchwala Rashida,1665 Valley Ctr Pkwy,Bethlehem,Pa,18017 Kane Melvene J,19 Gordon Dr,Easton,Pa,18045 Kassis Abraham,2940 William Penn Highway,Easton,Pa,18045 Kaur Jagraj S,Workheiser Ave,Nazareth,Pa,18064 Kaur Jagraj,529 Werkheiser Ave,Nazareth,Pa,18064 Kazmakites Alberta M,23 Belvidere St,Nazareth,Pa,18064 Keenan Edward J,1745 W Macada Rd 332,Bethlehem,Pa,18017 Kern Clay D,410 Messinger St,Bangor,Pa,18013 Kerschbaumer Mildred,676 American Bangor Rd,Bangor,Pa,18013 Kester Edna S,105 Coffeetown Rd,Easton,Pa,18042 Keyser Norman B,2432 Ridge View Ct,Bethlehem,Pa,18020 Kids First Pediatric,Dominique Bailey,Easton,Pa,18045, Kids First Pediatrics Pc,Po Box 22225,Lehigh Valley,Pa,18002, Kiefer Charles J, Kiefer Ina L,3765 Jacksonville Rd,Bethleham,Pa,18017 Kirby Tiffany J,826 Montclair Ave,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Kishihara Kiyonobu,10 Duh Dr Apt 112,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Kleinman Michele,,Easton,Pa,18044, Klingel Michelle L,512 North New St Po Box 1407,Bethlehem,Pa,18016, Kloiber Dwight N,602 E 21st St,Northampton,Pa,18067, Kmart Corp Store #7192,320 S 25th St,Easton,Pa,18042, Kobe Grill Inc,2445 Butler St,Easton,Pa,18042, Kobielnik Suzanne,,West Easton,Pa,18042, Koch Goldie,410 Cherry Ln,Hellertown,Pa,18055, Kocsi Cadi M,1651 Best Pl,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Kodek Jeremy M,925 Euclid Ave,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Kolosky Cathy,,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Kordek Mary P,925 Euclid Ave,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Kostick Robert,219 Venetian Dr,Easton,Pa,18040 Kounev Kamen K,3068 Oakland Rd,Bethlehem,Pa,18020 Koury A P,104 Spring Garden,Easton,Pa,18042 Koury Anthony P,104 Spring Garden,Easton,Pa,18042 Kovacs Antal,814 E 5th St,Bethlehem,Pa,18015 Kovacs Irene,836 E 5th St,Bethlehem,Pa,18015 Kozak Jayne M,2745 Mountain View Dr,Bath,Pa,18014 Kranich Jean,419 Frost Hollow Rd,Easton,Pa,18040 Kray Vilma,3670 Wilhelm Rd,Hellertown,Pa,18055 L La Bar Gregg D,Ow Rd Apt 3231a,Bangor,Pa,18013 La Caillade Lawrence M,380 Potomac St,Mount Bethel,Pa,18343 Landry Robert,Rfd 3,Easton,Pa,18040 Lasalle Business Credit Llc,Po Box 981,Bangor,Pa,18013 Lawless Norman,619 Cherokee St,Bethlehem,Pa,18015 Lear John F,1025 West Layfayette St,Easton,Pa,18042 Leclair Dorothy,4011 Green Pond Rd Apt 48,Bethlehem,Pa,18020, Lehigh Plastic,201 Drift Court,Bethlehem,Pa,18020, Lehigh Valley Bone Muscle And Joint Grp,Po Box 15 NORTHAMPTON COUNTY REPORTER 20847 Po Box 20847,Lehigh Valley,Pa,18002, Lehigh Valley Eye Phys,2663 Schoenersville,Bethlehe m,Pa,18017, Lehigh Vly Infant Sleep Med Pc,Fourth Floor 1770 Bathgate Dr,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Lemminger Mabel A,2351 S Main,Nazareth,Pa,18064, Lentini Frank J,204 Pine Top Trl,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Lentz Ruth,730 Jennings Pl,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Leong Jesse W Estate Of,460 Northampton St,Easton,Pa,18042, Lesse S Michael,2768 Stephen St,Easton,Pa,18042, Lift All East Inc,2706 Brodhead Rd,Bethlehem,Pa,18020, Linaberry Edward C,403 Miller St,Bangor,Pa,18013, Lipyanic Patrick M,144 Washington St,Easton,Pa,18042, Litsch Harry J, Litsch Mary Louise,2514 Schoenersville Rd,Bethlehem,Pa,18017 Little Thomas Md,241 N 13thst,Easton,Pa,18042, Litzenberger Tracy L,103 E 3rd St 3,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Lloyd Lisa L,2602 Winston Rd,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Loerch Karen A,1438 Johnston Dr #A,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Long & Foster,3200 Farmerville Rd,Bethlehem,Pa,18020, Lorah Gregory A,3645 Old Philadelphia Pike,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Lorrah Tillie D,371 Clearfield St,Freemansburg,Pa,18017, Lutz George R Son, Lutz Ruth L,213 N 8th St,Easton,Pa,18042 Lutz Ruth L,213 N 8th St,Easton,Pa,18042, M M&M Prosthetic,31 S Commerce Way Suite 102,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Mac Kechnie Kathleen,440 Wedgewood Rd %John L Mac Kechnie,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Macherey-Nagel Inc,6 South Third St Suite 402,Easton,Pa,18042, Mack Joan,1695 Pen Argyl Rd,Pen Argyl,Pa,18072, Mahmoud Tarajee,1920 Lee High St Apt 2n,Easton,Pa,18042, Mahoud Tatajee,1920 Lehigh St Apt A2,Easton,Pa,18042, Majio Sarap,224 W 3rd St,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Makhdomi Jawahira,1901 Washington Bl A1s,Easton,Pa,18042, Malec Raymond A,1901 Linden St,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Mammano Thomas Jr,Dba Easton Auto 1328 Elm St,Easton,Pa,18042, Mann Richard,2724 Brd St,Easton,Pa,18045, Mann William,1815 8th St,Bethlehem,Pa,18020, Mansfeld Richard E,1640 Clauser St,Hellertown,Pa,18055, Marazas Kelly A,125 Gaffney Hill Rd,College Hill,Pa,18042, Mark Unger,2710 Schoenersville Rd,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Marrero Lydia E,,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Martin Bertha A, Martin Henry H,621 Wyandotte,Bethlehem,Pa,18015 Mathis Waymond,224 Taft St,Wind Gap,Pa,18091, Mati’s Express,740 E 4th St 1f,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Mattei Inez, Mattei Louis G,1214 Washington St,Easton,Pa,18042 Matus Paul G,127 W 4th St,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Mc Kinney Sherri L,1210 Brentwood Av,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Vol. 56 No. 23 6/10/2010 Mccabe Hermy L,P O Box 33,Stockertown,Pa,18083, Mccarthy John,28 N Fourth St,Bangor,Pa,18013, Mccullin Alonzo L,4 Canal Rd,Easton,Pa,18042, Mcgavin John A,511 Seneca St Apt B2,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Medei Irene,1504 Dennis St,Bethlehem,Pa,18020, Mendez Vanessa,1320 Fritz Dr. Apt# E,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Meraj Shafquat,Box 4567 Lafayette College,Easton,Pa,18042, Merrick Thomas P,3333 Bridlepath Rd,Easton,Pa,18045, Merwarth Elizabeth C,1320 N Hampton St,Easton,Pa,18042, Messics Joseph Estate Of,C/O Manorcare 2029 Westgate Dr,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Metzgar Kenneth E,434 Shafer Ct,Easton,Pa,18042, Middleton Sharon,5423 Monocacy Dr,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Milheim Albert L, Milheim Helen B W,115 N Schanck Ave,Pen Argyl,Pa,18072 Mill Street,Po Box 179,Bath,Pa,18014, Miller Denise L,4762 S Cypress Dr,Walnutport,Pa,18088, Miller Ida,828 Balata St,Easton,Pa,18042, Miller Kelly A,62 S Green St 2,Nazareth,Pa,18064, Miller Lucille,506 James St,Easton,Pa,18042, Miller Marlene,40 Albie Ln,Easton,Pa,18042, Miller Richard J Iii,4070 Farmersville Rd,Easton,Pa,18045, Minnich David,5415 Oswego Dr,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Mitchell Douglas, Mitchell Lisa M,1817 Ferry St,Easton,Pa,18042 Mitnick Anne, Mitnick Israel,4546 Steeplechase Dr,Easton,Pa,18040 Mitteff Aron Daved,906 Briarwood Dr Apt 260,Bethlehem,Pa,18020, Mohring Brenda J,208 1/2 Clearfield St,Freemansburg,Pa,18017, Molewski Financial,Suite 300 100 Gateway Dr,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Molnar Rose, Molnar William E Jr,1550 Irene St Apt 413,Bethlehem,Pa,18017 Molnar Rose,1550 Irene St Apt 413,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Mondesi Luis F,1459 Lehigh St,Easton,Pa,18042, Montalvo Francisco,4035 Oliver Ave,Bethlehem,Pa,18020, Montgomery Bonnie C, Montgomery Paul W,516 Georgetown Rd,Nazareth,Pa,18064 Moo-Young Horace,Lehigh University 13 East Packer Ave,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Morales Fabian,Apt 804 225 E 4th St,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Moralessantiag Jose,811 E 6th St,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Mornick Tammy R,32 South Brd,East Bangor,Pa,18013 Morris Becky,,Bethlehem,Pa,18017 Morris Susan,708 Pawnee St,Bethlehem,Pa,18015 Morris Terry,1841 Sycamore St,Bethlehem,Pa,18017 Moultney Donald M,P O Box 181,Martins Creek,Pa,18063 Moutain View,4401 Timerline Rd,Walnutport,Pa,18088 Msg Associates Inc,Po Box 301,Roseto,Pa,18013 Msg Associates,Po Box 265 Robert Goffredo,Wind Gap,Pa,18091 Munves Ellen,2045 Westgate Ste 203,Bethlehem,Pa,18017 Murphy Sean,4626 Steuben Rd,Bethlehem,Pa,18017 Myer William,1019 Ferry St 2nd Fl,Easton,Pa,18042 Myers David C,5187 Vermont Dr,Easton,Pa,18045 16 NORTHAMPTON COUNTY REPORTER N Nase Zachary,1001 Wyandotte St A3,Bethlehem,Pa,18015 National Association Of Colleg,62 Highland Ave,Bethlehem,Pa,18017 Nationwide,Shirleywalter 2761 Wassergass,Hellertown,Pa,18055 Natishyn Thomas A,117 Brentwood Ave,Easton,Pa,18045 Nattapong Saelim,422 Taylor St Apt 3,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Nazareth Natl Bank,76 South Main St,Nazareth,Pa,18064, Neighborcare Williamsport,Po Box 20347,Lehigh Valley,Pa,18002, Nelson Geraldine H,2929 Shakesppeare Rd,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Newhart Dale E, Newhart Phoebe L,Box 462,Treichlers,Pa,18086 Newhart Salome S,222 Chestnut St,Bangor,Pa,18013, Nguyen Tuan,240 Butztown Rd,Bethlehem,Pa,18020, Nieves Keith L,5627 Colony Dr,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Noll Vivian C,251 W Kleinhans St,Easton,Pa,18042, North Hampton County Drs,77th & Washington Sts,Easton,Pa,18042, Noto Brothers Inc,13282 Blue Mountain Dr,Danielsville,Pa,18038, Noyola Sandra,1116 Butler St,Easton,Pa,18042, Nyitray Dezso Jr,610 Folk St,Easton,Pa,18042, O Oleary Caitlin E, Oleary Peter D Cust,258 Dolores Lane,Bethlehem,Pa,18020 Omnipoint Communications Mb Operations,Property Management Dept 95 Highland Ave,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Option Care Enterprises Inc,3708 Freemansburg Ave,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Ortiz Migdalia,,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Our Lady Of Hungary Convent,1314 Newport Ave.,Northampton,Pa,18067, Oyer Louise,37 Mt Bethel Hwy,Bangor,Pa,18013, P Paff Walter M,2610 Northwood Ave,Easton,Pa,18045, Palinkas Danelle L,829 Laible St,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Palmer Bernadette T,26 Mt. Pleasant Rd.,Bangor,Pa,18013, Panfil Daniel,Allentown Anesthesia Pension T Box 176,Hellertown,Pa,18055, Papageorgiou Nikita,1435 Quarry Dr,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Paris Accessories,40 3rd St,Walnutport,Pa,18088, Parnell Arlene M W, Parnell James A,147 Ann St,Easton,Pa,18042 Parsons Norma G,850 George St,Pen Argyl,Pa,18072, Paszynsky Marlene T,1639 7th St,Bethehem,Pa,18020, Pathfinder Sign Systems,2845 Center St,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Patino Enrique,1025 Northampton St,Easton,Pa,18042, Patterson Charles Bro, Patterson Harvey C,1 Main St,Walnutport,Pa,18088 Pavlinsky Vicki M,1651 Best Pl,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Pearse Donna, Pearse Terrence,603 Pen Argyl St,Pen Argyl,Pa. Pediat Kids F,484 South Nulton Ave,Easton,Pa,18045, Penn Liner & Unifom Serv,2255 City Line Rd,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Perez Edward,825 Atlanta St,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Vol. 56 No. 23 6/10/2010 Perna Alfred,1405 Graham St,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Perry Spates Chanel,,Easton,Pa,18045, Peters Anthony D,1442 Washington Ave Apt 1,Northampton,Pa,18067, Petrei Antonette,426 S 4th St,Bangor,Pa,18013, Pfeffer Mark,432 W Grant St,Easton,Pa,18042, Pharmaceutical Prescription,40 Adamson St,Easton,Pa,18042, Pharo Teresa Marie,,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Piercing Pagoda Inc,Po Box 25007,Lehigh Valley,Pa,18002, Pillar Cecile M,3025 Christine St,Bethlehem,Pa,18020, Piller Stephen G,2121 6th St,Bethlehem,Pa,18020, Piper Stephanie,828 Mccartney St,Easton,Pa,18042, Pitotti Rose,98 Chris Ct,Bangor,Pa,18013, Polak Joseph G Jr,1863 Butztown Rd,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Pollack Barry Md,2061 Fairview Ave,Easton,Pa,18042, Post Evelyn E,2134 Freemousburg,Easton,Pa,18042, Ppl Services Corporation,Po Box 25223,Lehigh Valley,Pa,18002, Practice Chs P,2775 Schoenersville Rd,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Prager Suzanne,307 Creek Rd,Bath,Pa,18014, Premier Heart Specialists,241 N 13th St,Easton,Pa,18042, Prentiss Michelle,1001 Glass St,Pen Argyl,Pa,18072, Prepress Solutions Inc,C/O Patrick Nocera 3451 Fox Dr,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Prime Properties Inc,2045 City Line Rd,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Pritchett David C,3046 Kennedy Dr,Northampton,Pa,18067, Progressive Women Ob-Gyn,301 South 22nd St,Easton,Pa,18042, Pruitt Teddy,227 Brdway,Bangor,Pa,18013, Pugliese Patricia J,4326 Freemansburg Ave,Bethlehem,Pa,18020, Q Quivey Frederick J, Quivey Hobbs,126 E Wayne Ave,Easton,Pa,18042 Quivey Frederick J,126 E Wayne Ave,Easton,Pa,18042, R Radiology And Mri,5325 Northgate Dr,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Rakowski Frank A,1945 Waldheim Rd,Hellertown,Pa,18055, Ramirez Juan Pablo,1102 E 4th St 1st Floor,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Rcn Telecom Services Inc,1849 Butler St,Easton,Pa,18042, Reeves Allan,3600 Freemans Ave,Easton,Pa,18045, Reis Mary, Reis Paulo,P O Box 3425,Bethlehem,Pa,18017 Reiss Anna,931 Sour Apple Ln,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Reiss Nathaniel A,Po Box 955,Easton,Pa,18044, Rempp Ann Marie L,Apt E 505 W Third St,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Renner Jane,,Easton,Pa,18042, Renner Robert P,1330 Washington St Apt B 27,Easton,Pa,18042, Reppert Kim C,1204 Riverview Dr,Walnutport,Pa,18088, Resar Kelly Jr, Resar Larry Jr,618 Dorothy Ave,Bethlehem,Pa,18015 Residential Services,63 Residential Dr Rathbone Hall,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Restoration Certified And,Connie L Huyler And David R Huyler,Bath,Pa,18014, 17 NORTHAMPTON COUNTY REPORTER Restucci Shawn,1434 Cottage St,Easton,Pa,18040, Reto Richard A,1750 West Bangor Rd,Bangor,Pa,18013, Reyes Beulah K,730 Coleman 1st Floor,Easton,Pa,18042, Rhein John, Rhein Rita,8484 N Delaware Dr,Bangor,Pa,18013 Rhodenbaugh Marian M Dau,621 Alaska St,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Rivera M,726 E 6th St,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Rivero Nicole R,407 N 13th St,Easton,Pa,18042, Roadlink Usa Systems Inc,1240 Win Dr,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Robb Felicia, Robb Paul W,2858 Christine St,Bethlehem,Pa,18020 Roberts Randolph D,5844 Colony Dr,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Robinson Dalseandro Kimberly,,Easton,Pa,18040, Rodriguez Suleima,Po Box 935,Easton,Pa,18044, Ronald S Hoffman Insurance Age,2019 Industrial Dr,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Rosado Oscar,1531 E 7th St,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Rosenbluth Intl,Attn Travel Agency Mgr/ Owner,Allentown,Pa,18067, Ruff Jennifer,809 Vernon St,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Ruiz Victoriano H,1011 Northampton St,Easton,Pa,18042, Rw Son Construction Inc,3111 Hilly Rd,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, S Sacred Heart Pt Rehab,2222 Sullivan Trail,Easton,Pa,18040, Salabsky B J,2132 Kemmerer St,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Salice Frances,3846 Chipman Rd,Easton,Pa,18045, Salzman Louis,431 W West St,Wind Gap,Pa,18091, Sanchez David A,2008 Sycamore St,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Sandt Barry Frank Cust, Sandt Samantha T,1151 Jaime Circle,Wescosville,Pa,18016 Santana Luis,118 S 6th St,Easton,Pa,18042, Satterthwaite V,509 Parsons St,Easton,Pa,18042, Schaff Betty,7 Edgewood Ct,Bath,Pa,18014, Schaffer Esther N,1116 Brdway 1,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Schaffer Esther,1116 Brdway 1 Fl Side,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Schatzel Richard,425 Trails End Ct,Easton,Pa,18040, Schlough Theodore H,716 Pardee St,Easton,Pa,18042, Schmidt Elizabeth, Schmidt Robert,118 Main St Glendon,Easton,Pa,18042 Schmidt Elizabeth,118 Main St Glendon,Easton,Pa,18042, Schran Thelma,916 Ostrum St,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Schreibman Irene A,2085 Westgate Dr Apt 517,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Schwartz Joshua,6939 S Delaware Dr,Martins Creek,Pa,18063, Schweizer Marykate,2432 Ridge View Ct,Bethlehem,Pa,18020, Schwendeman David,Po Box 21130,Lehigh Valley,Pa,18002, Schwenk Michelle,2258 Springtown Rd,Hellertown,Pa,18055, Scott Debra A,468 E 11th St,Northampton,Pa,18067, Scott Tyson,360 Taylor Ave Apt 5b,Easton,Pa,18042, Segata Michael S,703 Hayes St,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Seidenberger Jeffrey P Cust, Seidenberger Joseph R,1710 Jennings St,Bethlehem,Pa,18017 Selle Harry,Po Box 22672,Bethlehem,Pa,18002, Service Electric Cable Tv Inc,2260 Ave A,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Vol. 56 No. 23 6/10/2010 Setar Mark S,485 Million Dollar Highw Rr 1,Bangor,Pa,18013, Shakir Devon Lee, Shakir Lisa,193 Orchard Road,Mount Bethel,Pa,18343 Shaplin Sherwood W,502 Maple St Apt 13,Wind Gap,Pa,18091, Shapow Arleen F,300 Echo Lake Dr,Bangor,Pa,18013, Shapow Ivan I,30 Echo Lake Dr,Bangor,Pa,18013, Sharga Marie, Sharga Paul J,1515 Newport Ave,Northampton,Pa,18067 Shaye Tina,408 East Prospect St,Nazareth,Pa,18064, Sheets Marie D,Apt 204 2085 Westgate Dr,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Shop-Rite Bethlehem Township,3926 Linden St,Bethlehem,Pa. Shotko Nora,Co John Fliszar 181 Persimmon Ln,Bangor,Pa,18013, Shoup Christy L,2208 Treeline Dr,Easton,Pa,18040, Shriver Kirk,3019 Freemansburg Ave,Easton,Pa,18045, Shulze Carl,3067 William Penn Highway,Easton,Pa,18045, Silver Line/Gts Inc,P O Box 146,Bath,Pa,18014, Singh Harjeet,4001 Peacock Dr,Bethlehem,Pa,18020, Skloff Shirley A, Po Box 22227,Lehigh Valley,Pa,18002, Slate Belt Medical Equipment & Supplies,1414 Blue Valley Dr,Pen Argyl,Pa,18072, Smith Beverly,733 Canal And Center Sts Apt,Easton,Pa,18042, Smith Chastity,2190 Howertown Rd,Northampton,Pa,18067, Smith Francis J,513 E 5th St,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Smith Jeffrey S, Smith Tristan P,921 E George St,Easton,Pa,18042 Smith Joel,1528 Springgarden A,Easton,Pa,18042, Smith Joy L,2438 Freemansburg Ave,Easton,Pa,18042, Smith Robert E,817 Wood Ave,Easton,Pa,18042, Smith Suzanne,4530 Deer Brook Ct,Walnutport,Pa,18088, Sn Tvl Network Inc,201 Drift Ct,Bethlehem,Pa,18020, Snyder Melissa M,732 Point Phillips Rd,Bath,Pa,18014, Soloi Jean M,443 Vera Cir Apt L,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Somers Raymond J,1020 Ferry St,Easton,Pa,18042, Sommer Faye K,175 W North St,Nazareth,Pa,18064, Sotero Olga L,4 S 7th St Apt 3,Easton,Pa,18042, Southdown,2200 Sullivan Trl,Easton,Pa,18040, Spaziani Margaret,125 S 4th St Apt A10,Easton,Pa,18042, Sperlbaum Jospeh L,1506 Poplar St,Northampton,Pa,18067, Srock Matthew, Srock Renee E,3111 Hilly Road,Bethlehem,Pa,18017 St Clair Regional Hosp,Po Box 21130,Lehigh Valley,Pa,18002, St Lukes Hospital Bethlehem,801 Ostrum St.,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Staffieri Michael,2002 Main St,Hellertown,Pa,18055, Stalbird Marie C Estate Of,3031 Vermont St,Easton,Pa,18045, Stampf Frank,546 W Seip Ave,Nazareth,Pa,18064, Star Open Mri,,Easton,Pa,18045, Staub Sonya J,1821 Frances Ave,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Stein Vernice V,127 S 4th St Apt B3,Easton,Pa,18042, Stenabaugh Florence,125 N Delaware Dr,Easton,Pa,18042, Stephen Bendekovits J,1022 Jeter Ave,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Stephens Robert L,3854 Post Dr,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Stitt Dorothy J,110 Upper Shawnee Ave,Easton,Pa,18042, 18 NORTHAMPTON COUNTY REPORTER Stull Terrence,223 S. Main St. #4,Nazareth,Pa,18064, Summers Lauren, Summers Lisa Cust,3115 Vermont St,Easton,Pa,18042 Summitt Financial Services Gp Cust,Po Box 22227,Lehigh Valley,Pa,18002, Szabo Estateofge,1106 Belmont St,Bethlehem,Pa,18017 Szalaj Julia T,1424 Philip Floor 1,Bethlehem,Pa,18015 Szilagyi Ronald S,1339 Delaware Ave,Bethlehem,Pa,18015 Szollosy Beverly,3419 Vermont St,Easton,Pa,18045 Szylagyi Ronald,1339 Delaware Ave,Bethlehem,Pa,18015 T Thompson Susan,2300 Northwood Ave,Easton,Pa,18045 Tig Insurance,P O Box 25475,Lehigh Valley,Pa,18002 Timms Erica,Natural Guardian Of Sydney Tim 2940 William Penn Highway,Easton,Pa,18045 Toggart William A,Po Box 1279,Bethlehem,Pa,18016 Tomlinson Charles,205 Main St,Stockertown,Pa,18083 Toole Ryahn,4561 Lehigh Dr,Walnutport,Pa,18088 Torres Maria,625 Hillside Ave,Bethlehem,Pa,18015 Toth Arlene J,733 Arndt Rd,Easton,Pa,18040 Trexler Louise L,Apt E 505 W Third St,Bethlehem,Pa,18015 Tricoli Mildred E,677 Ferry St,Easton,Pa,18042 Trimmer Chad,Apt C 3127 Linda Ln,Allentown,Pa,18013 U U S Foodservice Inc,Po Box 25006,Lehigh Valley,Pa,18002 Uguccioni Mona A,1744 Falcon Dr,Bethlehem,Pa,18017 Uhler Mary G,4116 Bethman Rd,Easton,Pa,18045 United National Mortgage Corp,101 Larry Holmes Dr 510,Easton,Pa,18042 Urso John W,,Roseto,Pa,18013 V Valdivia Jose L,687 Ferry St Apartment 1,Easton,Pa,18042 Van Hecke Jeremy,301 W Grant St,Easton,Pa,18042 Vanbrackle Tina,115 N 13th St,Easton,Pa,18042 Vargas Hector,1126 East 4th St,Bethlehem,Pa,18015 Vargo Doris J,735 Cattell St,Easton,Pa,18042 Vasquez Leonard,2430 Sheffield Dr,Easton,Pa,18040 Vazquez Pedro Luis,2027 Willow Park Rd Apt 4,Bethlehem,Pa,18020 Verenna Agnes E,91 Oak Ln,Northampton,Pa,18067 Vollman Matthew D,1009 Jeter Ave,Bethlehem,Pa,18015 Voorhies Robert L,525 7th,Clainton,Pa,18042 W Wagner Betty J,122 W Milton St,Easton,Pa,18042 Walker Jeremy C,1430 S Delaware Dr,Easton,Pa,18042 Vol. 56 No. 23 6/10/2010 Wallitsch Christina,,Easton,Pa,18040 Ward Bernae Ttshivelyed,1250 Oakwood Dr,Bethlehem,Pa,18017 Wargo John P,2109 Yale Ave,Bethlehem,Pa,18015 Watkins Madeline E,4473 Lehigh Dr,Walnutport,Pa,18088 Weiss Jeanne E,102 E Northampton St,Bath,Pa,18014 Weist Maud A,C/O Mary Dieter 4584 Steuben Rd,Bethlehem,Pa,18020 Wentzel Carl S,840 Clearview Ln,Bethlehem,Pa,18017 Werner J M,4904 Steuben Rd,Nazareth,Pa,18064 Wert Helen A,600 Hexenkopf Rd,Hellertown,Pa,18055 Westerfield A R,2869 Hope Ridge Dr,Easton,Pa,18045 Weston Group Inc,2222 Sullivan Trl Fbo A Donaldson Dos,Easton,Pa,18040 White Julie L,251 E Church St,Bethlehem,Pa,18015 Whitlock A,106 W Northhampton Stree,Bath,Pa,18014 Wilder Maura,,Bangor,Pa,18013 Wilhelm May,2442 Birch,Easton,Pa,18042, Wilki Carolyn R,2167 Lake Minsi Dr,Bangor,Pa,18013, Williams Marguerite Ann,Old Orchard Health Center 4100 Freemansburg Ave,Easton,Pa,18045, Williams Paulette,2657 Tamlynn Ct,Easton,Pa,18045, Williams Rodney,114 Morrison Ave,Easton,Pa,18042, Williams Roger L,4053 Vaughn St,Easton,Pa,18045, Williamson Sybil,1532 Highland Dr,Bethlehem,Pa,18015, Withnow Megan A,Mail To: James M Mchale,Northampton,Pa,18067, Withnow Michael W,Mail To: James M Mchale,Northampton,Pa,18067, Withrow Megan,Mail To: James Mchale,Northampton,Pa,18067, Wolper Sales Agency Inc,,Easton,Pa,18042, Y Yandrisovitc Joseph Estate Of,1436 Spruce St,Easton,Pa,18042, Yates Barber Dau,213 N 8th St,Easton,Pa,18042, Yeakel Betty M,Apt 115 1802 Lincoln Ave,Northampton,Pa,18067, Yerger Sandra, Yerger Scott A,1776 Center St,Bethlehem,Pa. Yerry Gordon A,5702 Shows Rd,Bethlehem,Pa,18017, Yohn Edith C,107 Greenbriar Dr N,Bath,Pa,18014, Z Zelenak David,1990 E Rt Ste 7,Cherry Hill,Pa,18003, Zellers William,7 Creamery Ln,Easton,Pa,18040, Zerby Debbie A, Zerby Harvey E,2437 South Ct,Bethlehem,Pa. Zonay Alice,604 Lincoln Ave,Northampton,Pa,18067, Zwickl Robyn A,207 1/2 Clearfield St,Bethlehem,Pa,18017 For information about the nature and value of the property, or to check for additional names, visit Pennsylvania Treasury Department Rob McCord, State Treasurer 19 Com. of PA v. Southall Com. of PA v. Southall 107 COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA v. ROMONDA SOUTHALL, Defendant Omnibus Pretrial Motions—Rule 600—Extradition—Due Diligence by the Commonwealth. Defendant filed pretrial motions alleging that the Commonwealth violated Rule 600. Defendant contends that the Commonwealth failed to take sufficient steps to bring him to trial within 365 days as required. The Court found that while defendant was incarcerated in Virginia the Commonwealth had detainers lodged with Virginia officials and he was extradited as soon as he was available. The Court held that the Commonwealth had exercised due diligence in its efforts to bring defendant to trial. In the Court of Common Pleas of Northampton County, Pennsylvania, Criminal Division—No. 2332-2008. Michael McGinley, Esquire, for Commonwealth. Dwight L. Danser, Esquire, for Defendant. Order of the Court entered on March 12, 2010, by Beltrami, J. ORDER AND NOW, this 12th day of March, 2010, the defendant’s Motion to Dismiss Pursuant to Pa. R.Crim.P. 600 is hereby DENIED. The defendant’s Motion for Writ of Habeas Corpus is hereby DENIED as moot. By agreement of the parties, the case is hereby remanded to Magisterial District Judge Todd M. Strohe for a preliminary hearing. STATEMENT OF REASONS This matter is before the Court on the defendant’s Rule 600 motion contained in an Omnibus Pretrial Motion filed on November 25, 2009. On July 2, 2008, a complaint was filed charging the defendant with burglary, twelve counts of theft by unlawful taking, twelve counts of receiving stolen property, criminal trespass, and criminal mischief. On the same date, a warrant was issued for the defendant’s arrest. At the time the complaint was filed, the defendant was being held without bail in Harrisonburg, Virginia on unrelated burglary charges. On October 23, 2008, the arrest warrant was lodged as a detainer at Rockingham County jail in Virginia. On several occasions thereafter, the Northampton County District Attorney’s office contacted prison officials in Virginia, requesting permission to pick up the defendant and transport him to Northampton County. Each time, the request was refused, as the defendant had unresolved charges in Virginia. On May 1, 2009, the defendant was sentenced to five years incarceration in Virginia. When the Northampton County District Attorney’s office learned that the defendant had thereafter been moved from Rocking20 108 Com. of PA v. Southall Vol. 56 ham County jail to Henrico County jail, it lodged a formal detainer at Henrico County jail on June 1, 2009. On October 6, 2009, the defendant waived extradition from Virginia to Pennsylvania. The defendant arrived in Northampton County on or before October 19, 2009. The defendant asks the Court to dismiss the charges against him pursuant to Pa. R.Crim.P. 600, arguing that the Commonwealth failed to exercise due diligence in bringing him to trial within 365 days. We disagree. While Rule 600 requires a court to dismiss charges where a defendant is incarcerated more than 365 days prior to the commencement of trial, the period of time used to determine the period for commencement of trial does not include that period of time where the defendant is unavailable. Pa. R.Crim.P. 600(C)(3)(a). A criminal defendant who is incarcerated in another jurisdiction is unavailable within the meaning of Rule 600 if the Commonwealth [establishes] that it exercised due diligence in attempting to procure the defendant’s return for trial. ... ‘Due diligence is a fact-specific concept that is determined on a caseby-case basis.’ ... ‘[It] does not require perfect vigilance and punctilious care, but rather a showing by the Commonwealth that a reasonable effort has been put forth.’ Commonwealth v. McNear, 852 A.2d 401, 404 (Pa. Super. 2004) (quoting Commonwealth v. Wallace, 804 A.2d 675, 680 (Pa. Super. 2002) and Commonwealth v. Hill, 558 Pa. 238, 736 A.2d 578, 588 (1999)). In this case, the Commonwealth offered the testimony of a law enforcement officer as well as the extradition secretary for the district attorney’s office. Both of the witnesses described, in detail, the measures taken to locate and then extradite the defendant. The extradition secretary testified to the numerous phone calls her office made to officials in Virginia from December 9, 2008 through June 1, 2009 tracking when the defendant would be available for extradition. Detainers were lodged on October 23, 2008 and June 1, 2009. Between July 2, 2008 and October 19, 2009, the defendant was unavailable, as Virginia officials opposed extradition. As soon as the Virginia officials made the defendant available for extradition, he was immediately extradited. In this regard, the instant case cannot be distinguished from McNear. Thus, we find that the Commonwealth’s efforts in this case were sufficient to satisfy the due diligence required by Rule 600.1 ——— 1 The defendant’s reliance on Commonwealth v. Booze, 947 A.2d 1287 (Pa. Super. 2008) is misplaced. In that case, the Commonwealth failed to lodge a detainer or institute extradition proceedings but instead merely faxed a copy of the criminal complaint to Maryland officials. Id. at 1291. The court held this to be a lack of due diligence but went on to hold that the filing of a detainer is an appropriate means of securing a defendant sentenced to imprisonment in another state. Id. at 1291-92. In this case, as soon as the Commonwealth learned that the defendant had been sentenced to imprisonment in Virginia, it lodged a formal detainer there on June 1, 2009, approximately one month prior to the mechanical run date for Rule 600. 21 Com. of PA v. Southall 109 For all of the above reasons, the defendant’s Motion to Dismiss Pursuant to Pa. R.Crim.P. 600 is hereby DENIED. The defendant’s Omnibus Pretrial Motion also contained a Motion for Writ of Habeas Corpus, which was held in abeyance pending disposition of the defendant’s Rule 600 motion. The parties agreed that the case could be remanded for a preliminary hearing if the Rule 600 motion was denied, rendering the Motion for Writ of Habeas Corpus moot. 22 Lower Mount Bethel Township v. North River Company 110 Lower Mount Bethel Township v. North River Company Vol. 56 LOWER MOUNT BETHEL TOWNSHIP, Plaintiff v. NORTH RIVER COMPANY, LLC, Defendant Judgment on the Pleadings—Zoning—Enforcement Notice—Failure To Appeal—Admission. Defendant property owner appealed a judgment entered against him by the District Magistrate Judge for failing to comply with an Enforcement Notice issued by the Township. Defendant failed to appeal to the Zoning Hearing Board and thus is deemed to have admitted the alleged violation. Therefore, no valid defense was available to the defendant. The Court entered judgment on the pleadings and ordered a subsequent hearing to determine the appropriate sanctions pursuant to 53 P.S. §10617.2. In the Court of Common Pleas of Northampton County, Civil Division—No. C-48-CV-2007-6856. Trisha M. Majumdar, Esquire, for Plaintiffs. Erv D. McLain, Esquire, for Defendants. Order of the Court entered on April 8, 2010 by Beltrami, J. OPINION OF THE COURT This matter is before the Court on the Plaintiff’s Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings. Briefs have been submitted, and the matter is ready for disposition. We grant the plaintiff’s motion. The standard for ruling on a motion for judgment on the pleadings is well-established. [A] court must accept as true all well-pleaded facts of the party against whom the motion is made, while considering against him only those facts which he specifically admits. ... Neither party can be deemed to have admitted either conclusions of law or unjustified inferences. ... Moreover, in conducting its inquiry, the court should confine itself to the pleadings themselves and any documents or exhibits properly attached to them. Hammerstein v. Lindsay, 440 Pa. Super. 350, 356, 655 A.2d 597, 600-601 (1995) (citations omitted). Thus, “the party moving for judgment on the pleadings must admit the truth of all the allegations of his adversary and the untruth of any of his own allegations that have been denied by the opposing party.” Pfister v. City of Philadelphia, 963 A.2d 593, 597 (Pa. Commw. 2009).1 ——— 1 The defendant argues that this proceeding should be governed by the rules of criminal procedure rather than the rules of civil procedure. The defendant cites Town of McCandless v. Bellisario, 551 Pa. 83, 709 A.2d 379 (1998), and it bases this argument on the fact that the municipal ordinance governing enforcement in this case provides for imprisonment for 23 Lower Mount Bethel Township v. North River Company 111 The relevant facts are set forth in this Court’s Order of Court and Statement of Reasons filed on March 9, 2009, and the same are incorporated herein by reference. The pivotal issue with regard to the matter presently before the Court is whether the defendant filed an appeal from the enforcement notice to the zoning hearing board (hereinafter “ZHB”). Once a landowner has been given notice of a zoning violation pursuant to [the Municipalities Planning Code], that landowner can contest the asserted violations only by way of appeal to the municipality’s zoning hearing board and cannot merely defend the charge when the municipality seeks ordinance violation fines before a district justice. City of Erie v. Freitus, 681 A.2d 840, 842 (Pa. Commw. 1996). A landowner’s failure to appeal an enforcement notice to the ZHB is to be taken as an admission that such a violation indeed occurred, and renders the notice of violation unassailable in any future court proceedings. See Township of Penn v. Seymour, 708 A.2d 861, 864 (Pa. Commw. 1998); Johnston v. Upper Macungie Township, 162 Pa. Commonwealth Ct. 170, 177, 638 A.2d 408, 412 (1994). The defendant admits that the plaintiff sent it an enforcement notice. Compl. ¶23; Answer, New Matter, Third Party Compl., and Countercl. ¶23. The defendant also admits that it failed to appeal the enforcement notice to the ZHB. Compl. ¶25; Answer, New Matter, Third Party Compl., and Countercl. ¶25.2 Thus, the defendant has no defense to the action filed by the plaintiff. For this reason, the plaintiff’s motion for judgment on the pleadings will be granted, and the case will be scheduled for a hearing to determine the appropriate sanctions to be imposed pursuant to 53 P.S. §10617.2. WHEREFORE, we enter the following: ——— failure to pay assessed fines. See Zoning Ordinance, Lower Mount Bethel Township §1161 (1971). However, the plaintiff does not seek to recover under this provision. Rather, in its complaint, the plaintiff references “53 P.S. §10617.2, et. seq., as amended.” Compl. ¶34. This is precisely the section cited by our Supreme Court in Bellisario, when it found that the statute, as amended, did not contemplate imprisonment and, as such, the rules of civil procedure govern. Accordingly, the defendant’s argument regarding this issue is meritless. 2 While numbered paragraph 25 of the defendant’s answer states that it “[a]dmits the allegations contained in Paragraph 23 of the Complaint,” we read this to be a typographical error. Answer, New Matter, Third Party Compl., and Countercl. ¶25. In this regard, we note that paragraph 25 of the complaint states that the defendant did not file an appeal to the ZHB from the enforcement notice. Despite the reference to paragraph 23 of the complaint, numbered paragraph 25 of the defendant’s answer specifically states “that no appeal was necessary.” Id. This admission, coupled with the fact that all of the other numbered paragraphs of the defendant’s answer (with the exception of 27) contain statements referencing the corresponding numbered paragraphs of the complaint, leads us to conclude that the reference to paragraph 23 rather than paragraph 25 of the complaint in paragraph 25 of the defendant’s answer is clearly a typographical error. 24 112 Lower Mount Bethel Township v. North River Company Vol. 56 ORDER AND NOW, this 8th day of April, 2010, the Plaintiff’s Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings is hereby GRANTED. Within fourteen (14) days, the plaintiff shall file a praecipe scheduling the matter for a hearing on the issue of sanctions. 25 NORTHAMPTON COUNTY REPORTER Vol. 56 No. 23 6/10/2010 NORTHAMPTON COUNTY REPORTER DIGEST—2010-6 Caption: Diane Silviotti, as Executrix and Personal Representative of the Estate of Mary Silviotti v. Robert Glazer, Term No.: C-48-CV-2008-7332 Keywords: Amended Complaint; Preliminary Objection; Demurrer; Leave to Amend Complaint; Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress; Survival Action; Legal Malpractice; Wrongful Death Attorney(s): Diane Silviotti, Pro Se April L. Cordts, Esquire for Defendant Date of Order: October 23, 2009 Judge: Anthony S. Beltrami, J. Description of Decision: Plaintiff filed an amended complaint after this court granted the defendant’s original demurrer. Defendant filed another preliminary objection in the nature of a demurrer to the amended complaint which this court granted. Plaintiff failed to establish a causal chain in either complaint. Thus the court did not grant further leave to amend. Caption: BAC Home Loans Servicing, L.P. fka Countrywide Home Loans Servicing, L.P. v. Louis P. Pektor, III Term No.: C-48-CV-2009-4780 Keywords: Motion for Summary Judgment; Mortgage Foreclosure; Pa. R.C.P. No. 1029(c); Improper Denial; Lack of Knowledge Attorney(s): Kristina G. Murtha, Esquire for Plaintiff Erv D. McLain, Esquire for Defendant Date of Order: October 14, 2009 Judge: Anthony S. Beltrami, J. Description of Decision: Summary Judgment granted for plaintiff. Defendant’s answer contained improper denials alleging a lack of knowledge regarding issues that were a matter of public record. Defendant also claimed a lack of knowledge regarding facts about which he must, by their very nature, have information. Therefore, improper denials were deemed admissions in accordance with the rules. Based on these admissions and the remaining facts set forth in the pleadings, no genuine issue of material fact existed and the plaintiff was entitled to judgment as a matter of law. Caption: Unifund Ccr Partners, Assignee of First Usa Bank v. Barbara J. Kneller Term No.: C-48-CV-2007-4511 Keywords: Preliminary Objections; Capacity to Sue; Pleading Assignment of Debt; Pa. R.C.P. No. 1019(i); Credit Card Agreement Attorney(s): Joel M. Fink, Esquire for Plaintiffs Sheila J. Fisher, Esquire for Defendants Date of Order: January 6, 2010 Judge: Anthony S. Beltrami, J. Description of Decision: Defendants filed preliminary objections alleging that plaintiff’s amended complaint failed to conform to the Pennsylvania Rules of Civil Procedure. Specifically, that plaintiff failed to attach proof of an assignment or a written copy of a credit card 26 NORTHAMPTON COUNTY REPORTER Vol. 56 No. 23 6/10/2010 agreement. The Court overruled the objections, noting that the plaintiff sufficiently pleaded assignment, and that attaching a copy of the card holder agreement is sufficient under Pennsylvania law. Caption: Kershaw Contracting, Inc., v. Greenock Construction, Llc, Real Solutions at Greenock, L.P., Real Solutions at Greenock Management, Llc, And Richard A. Patterson Term No.: No. C-48-CV-2008-3774 Keywords: Breach of Contract; Pierce Corporate Veil; Undercapitalization; Alter Ego Attorney(s): Lisa A. Dougherty, Esquire for Plaintiff Richard Patterson, Pro Se Date of Order: December 17, 2009 Judge: Anthony S. Beltrami, J. Description of Decision: Plaintiff, a construction company, sought to recover unpaid fees for services rendered under a construction contract with defendant, a commercial builder. Plaintiff presented sufficient evidence at a bench trial to establish a valid contract, breach, and resulting damages. Plaintiff also presented sufficient evidence that the corporate veil should be pierced. Verdict rendered for the plaintiff. Caption: Ana Molloy v. Christopher Molloy Term No.: C-48-CV-2006-8551 Keywords: Petition to Reconsider; Preliminary Objections; Pleadings; Pa. R.C.P. No. 1028; Pa. R.C.P. No. 1017; Pa. R.C.P. No. 1920.11; expressio unius est exclusio alterius Attorney(s): Abele A. Iacobelli, Esquire for Plaintiff Stanley J. Margle, Esquire for Defendant Date of Order: December 7, 2009 Judge: Anthony S. Beltrami, J. Description of Decision: Plaintiff petitioned the Court to reconsider our prior decision overruling plaintiff’s preliminary objection to this Court’s subject matter jurisdiction as well as granting the defendant’s petition to freeze disputed funds. Plaintiff argued that the Court erred in holding that a preliminary objection was not a proper filing in response to a petition. The court denied the petition and rejected the plaintiff’s interpretation of the Pennsylvania Rules of Civil Procedure regarding the propriety of preliminary objections to a petition. 27 D E L I V E R TO: PERIODICAL PUBLICATION * Dated Material. Do Not Delay. Please Deliver Before Monday, June 14, 2010