January 14, 2015 - Broad Street Church of Christ


January 14, 2015 - Broad Street Church of Christ
January 14, 2015
God is Colorblind
Quite often, when someone learns that I am colorblind, they begin to quiz my ability to see
colors. “What color is this?” “And how about this one-what color is this?” Colorblindness is
not the same for every person that experiences it. For example, I know a man that is so redgreen colorblind that if he were to approach a traffic light that had been turned on its side he
would not know which side was red and which side was green. While I do have some red-green
colorblindness, it is not that extreme. Here is my point - I still see color. I can observe its
beauty and praise God for His handiwork. But when it come to making a distinction between
two colors, there are some with which I have trouble, so I choose not to make those distinctions
if I can get away with it (e.g., determining someone’s eye color).
When it comes to our relationships with our fellowman, we need to develop colorblindness.
A friend recently said, “Human beings are strange. We look at all the different colored flowers
and say, ‘how beautiful’, but our attitude changes when we look at all the different colored
people God made.” We need to be able to observe the beauty of the different colors without
making distinctions. I see this trait in God. “For there is no respect of persons with God”
(Romans 2:11). No gender, no color, no nationality, no cultural background, nor social status
can prevent a person from obeying the Gospel and becoming a child of God. Paul, by
inspiration of God, put it like this. “For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.
For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew
nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one
in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3:26-28).
Part of me wants to marvel that the world around us is still caught up in racism (distinctions
of skin colors), but I understand that division is of the devil. And as long as the world follows
him, it will be present. What is astonishing is when those that are in Christ make such
distinctions - such ought not to be so!
God is colorblind. He delights in the beauty of colors, not the division of them. “For God so
loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not
perish, but have everlasting life (John 3:16). To God be the glory.
Clifton Angel
via Bulletin Digest
January 14, 2015
Please pray for our sick and remember
them with cards, calls and visits.—
Tangie Grant came through her surgery
fine and everything went as expected. Please
continue to pray for her as she recovers.
Nancy Miles had shoulder surgery last
Tuesday and is home rec overing. She is in
quite a bit of pain. She had a consultation yesterday about
her skin cancers and is scheduled to have the surgery for that
on February 12th. Our prayers are requested.
Larue Anderson had out-patient surgery last Tuesday at
HMC. She has a cast on her foot and leg and will be
confined at home for several weeks. Please pray for a rapid
Eva Latham has completed her radiation treatments. She is
back home now until the beginning of February. She will
then return to Atlanta for the doctors to do some test to
determine what treatments will be needed next. She covets
your prayers. Cards may be sent to her at 1501 Wynn Road,
Scottsboro, AL 35769.
Terry Broome came home from rehab last Wednesday. He
is continuing with outpatient physical therapy and is very
sore but doing well. Please remember him in your prayers.
Ken Lawrence, Jr. is home now. He will have one more
test and then will possibly go to Houston, TX for treatment.
Please keep him in your prayers.
Judy Roberts treatments are going well. Continue to
remember her in your prayers.
Angel Chaney had gall bladder surgery last week and is
slowly improving Her address is 6095 Al. Hway 79,
Scottsboro, Al. 35769.
Rita McCormack had surgery last week. Her address is 206
Montecello Drive, Scottsboro, Al. 35769.
Beverly Strange, a former member here, is in the hospital
with ac ute promyelocytic leukemia. Her address is Shands
Hospital, 1515 SW Archer Rd., South Tower, Rm. 7104,
Gainesville, FL 32608. Prayers are requested.
Judy Roberts
Buzz Alley
Charlene Gothart
Eli Woods
Peg Gough
Tom Hancock
Harold Reynolds
Jeremy Paschel
Johnny McCrary
Cleo Williamson
Euyless Holcomb
Lucille Jones
Nell & Jim Anderson
Lorene McClendon
Ruth Gray
Kay Peake
Robert Thedford, brother-in-law of Ernie Brockway.
Alan Harris, father of Chris.
Hudson Colwell, grandson of Martha Pendley.
Johnny Breccia, brother of Aurora Holcomb & Elane Bagley, 903
Co. Rd. 25, Crossville, AL 35962.
John Weldon, father-in-law of Beth Parks Weldon.
Roy Guess, brother-in-law of Harold & Linda Reynolds, 986 Co.
Rd. 258, Stevenson, AL 35772
Tammie Zwick, niece of Marge Rice, 9916 Georgetown Rd.,
Louisville, Ohio, 44641.
Dee Streck, 2729 Co. Rd. 43, Section, Al 35771.
Kathie Streck, 2383 Co. Rd. 37, Section, Al. 35771.
Truman Roberts, brother of Roxie Wright, is 5942 Co. Rd. 83,
Pisgah, AL 35765.
Ruth Melton, mother of Mary Lawrence, Willow of Winchester,
Johnny Stanley, son-in-law of Julia Suchorski, 5502 Hickory Dr.,
Fort Pierce, FL 34982.
Kristy D’Auria, 1600 Brown’s Ferry Rd., Madison, AL 35758.
Taylor Whitmire, teenage granddaughter of Robin Taylor.
John Palmer, brother of Barbara, 113 Nutcracker Ct., Eagleville,
TN 37060.
Jo Ray, Belmont Village, 6605 Quail Hollow Rd ., Room 251,
Memphis, TN 38120.
Evelyn Hicks, sister of Roxie Wright, 3597 Co. Rd. 177, Henagar,
AL 35978.
Peggy Ivey, 97 Thomas Ave., Fyffe, AL 35971.
Candace Brown, sister of Jeremy Paschal.
Billy Cameron, friend of James Rice.
Mary Pioli, friend of Jacob & Debra Kime.
Joe & Betty D’Auria & family
Shula Newton, friend of a neighbor of Bob & Marge Rice, 314
Holly Springs Rd., Madison, AL 35758.
Fountain Walk er, friend of Ernie & Paula Foster, his address is
611 Carlisle Cutoff, Boaz, Al. 35495.
Zack Laney, 4003 Madison Dr., Unit D, Killeen, TX 76543
LT J ordan Holt, VP5, PSC 480 Box 1113, FPO AP 96370-0012
Sue Grid er, Jean Hancock, Bob & Ruth Harrington, Mary
Sheppard, Red & Edna Strickland, Joan Willard, Betty Williamson
Calendar of Upcoming Events—
Jan. 18
— Sack Sunday
— Elders/Deacons Meeting, chapel, 4:45
Jan. 21 — Young at Heart practice, MPR, 5:45
Jan. 29 — S.L.A.W. group meeting, 11 a.m., MPR
Feb. 6-7 — 12th Annual Men’s Retreat
Feb. 7
— Young At Heart Banquet, 6 p.m., MPR
Of Our
Wed. Bible Study. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Sunday Bible Study. . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Sun. A.M. Worship .. . . . . . . . . . . 254
Sun. Night Worship.. . . . . . . . . . . 173
Contribution. . . . . . . . . . . . $6003.90
Budget.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6953.00
January 14, 2015
(17) Grady Gattis (18) Stephanie
Wilhelm, Jeremy Paschal (20) Libby
Crona (21) Jake Ellis (22) Ray Latham
(23) Tres Sanford
PUPPET PROGRAM - January 18, 2015
Gentleness - John 12:1-11
The 12th Annual Men’s Retreat will be February 6-7,
2015 at Paint Rock Valley Lodge. The speaker will be
Bill Bagents of Heritage Christian University. All men,
young and old, are encouraged to attend. Please sign the
sheet on the bulletin board so that we can have an
accurate count of those attending.
Thanks to Nellie Spring for donating
the book, Giving For All Its Worth by
Melissa Lester to the church library in
memory of Lisa Macy. This book is
divided into 13 chapters that illustrate
how Biblical women gave sacrificially.
Prepare Yourself For The 2015 Ladies Retreat
Read Proverbs 31:17-20
Food For Thought: As women, we are able to overcome
when we are strong in body and soul. We prevail
because we make ourselves spiritually, mentally and
physically strong; ready to work hard and meet life’s
challenges. Whether a kind deed or word, the virtuous
woman gives from her own stores of faith and
knowledge, as well as from her material goods.
The Learning Center gratefully
acknowledges a donation in
memory of Virginia Saint and
Earl Hargrave from Sam &
Roxie Wright.
! 15th Annual Singing, Riverchase church of Christ,
Birmingham, Jan. 23, 7-9 p.m.
! Gospel Singing, Oneonta church of Christ, Jan. 30, 79 p.m.
! Area Wide Singing, Roebuck Parkway church of
Christ, Birmingham, Feb. 6, 7-9 p.m.
- Mark Price
- 2-3 Years - Amber Linville
- 4-5 Years - Teri Matthews
- K-2nd - Chantel Shelton
- 3rd-6th - Cynthia Nance
- Tres Sanford, Tanner Shelton, Kyle Price
- Noah Linville, Jay Jay Fennimore
- Charlsi Henderson, Samuel Cobb
To all members of the Broad St. Church
of Christ,
On behalf of Tom Worst, we express a
sincere thank you for all of the prayers
and cards on his behalf in his battle
against cancer. On Jan. 9th, Tom received a report from
his doctors that he was cancer free for the first time in
the past 25 months.
Ted & Libby Crona
(Tom is Libby’s brother)
Our pantry is extremely
low on food. We are
asking everyone that can
to bring a sack or two of
food on January 18th to
help restock it. If you
would prefer to give a
monetary donation, you
may give it to one of the
elders. Thank you for
helping feed those in
need. Here is a list of suggested items:
Mac & Cheese
Spaghetti & Sauce
Canned Fruit
Canned Meats
Peanut Butter
Mixed Vegetables
Sweet Potatoes
Corn Meal (2 lb. Bag)
Tuna & Tuna Helper
Former member, Sister
Wanda Logan, passed
away on
January 11 . Her funeral
was today (Wed.) at
Collier -Butler Funeral Home in Gadsden, AL.
Our sincere condolences are extended to all of her
family in their time of loss and sorrow.
Russell Alley
Ernie Brockway
David Crawford
Tom Hancock
Roger Kime
David Precise
William Underwood
Dave Bagley
Jo Reed Brumley
David Dover
Earl Hargrave
Joe Manning
Lee Rice
Russell Wilhelm
Rick Baird
Marty Cobb
Joel Gardner
Euyless Holcomb
Bill Parks
Scott Roberts
TERRY BROOME, Minister. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575-2454
E-mail address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tbroome@scottsboro.org
Chris Harris, Youth Minister. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 931-242-9297
E-mail address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . harrischris78@gmail.com
OFFICE PHONES. . . . . . . 574-2489 & 259-6162 Fax 259-5057
E-mail address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . chchrist@scottsboro.org
Our Web Site:. . . . . . . . www.broadstreetchurchofchrist.com
WORSHIP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sunday 9:55 A.M. and 6:00 P.M.
BIBLE STUDY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sunday 9:00 A.M.
and Wednesday 7:00P.M.
LADIES BIBLE CLASS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tuesday 10:00 A.M.
First Class
Stamp Here
The Word of God (the Bible) never changes.
If you go to worship to hear something other
than His Word,
You have gone for the wrong reason.
If you hear something other,
You are at the wrong place.
David Bagley
If you are unable to serve, please call:
Euyless Holcomb 609-0057 -or- Dave Bagley 609-6468
The Learning Center Pre-School (Infants - 4 yrs.)
Debra Wilhelm, Director " 259-0005
— G.K. Chesterton
William Underwood
“Christianity has not been ‘tried and found wanting;’
it has been found difficult and not tried.”
SUNDAY, January 18, 2015
Announcements: Bill Price
Song Leader:
Prayer: Pat Russell
Serve at the Lord’s Table:
Presiding: Trey Russell
1W- Will Shelton
1E- Ernest Brockway
2W- Ralph Cook
2E- Joel Gardner
3W- Russell Wilhelm
3E- Bill Vinson
4W- Larry Laney
4E- Aaron Manning
5W- Joe Manning
5E- Grady Gattis
Closing Prayer: Jo Reed Brumley
Nursery: Vicki Shelton & Mary Ellen Thornton
Ushers: Marty Cobb
*Ray Latham
Tim Allen
Dave Precise
*Assist William Underwood with Building Security during AM & PM
Elders in library after A.M.:
Song Leader: Mark Price
Scripture: Thomas Norwood
Prayer: C.B. Laney
Lord's Supper: Russell Wilhelm & Joe Manning
Closing Prayer: Marty Cobb
Scripture: Joel Gardner
Song Leader: Mark Price
Invitation: Chris Harris
Prayer: Bill Price
Published Weekly By The
Church of Christ
613 S. Broad Street
Scottsboro, AL 35768-1709
Those to Serve. . .