Seagle Music Colony


Seagle Music Colony
Seagle Music Colony - 2008
93th Anniversary Season
The Mikado
Gilbert & Sullivan • July 2,3,5,6
Hansel & Gretel
Humperdinck • July 12
Patrice Munsel Gala
July 12
Sondheim • July 16-19
You’re a Good Man
Charlie Brown
Gesner/Lippa • July 23-25
La Bohème
Puccini • July 30-August 2
Bringing Music
to the Adirondacks
Since 1915
The Magic Flute
Mozart • August 13-16
Table of Contents
General Information
About Seagle Music Colony
Seagle Music Colony Board of Directors
History of the Seagle Music Colony
Donor Opportunities
2007-08 Seagle Music Colony Members
Seagle Music Colony Guild
The Patrice Munsel Gala
The Productions
The Mikado
Hansel & Gretel
You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown
La Bohème
The Magic Flute
2008 Faculty and Artists
Faculty and Staff
Young Artists
Restrooms are located in the Shames Rehearsal
Studio. Handicapped Facilities are at the rear
of the theatre lobby.
Refreshments are provided in the theatre lobby
by the Seagle Music Colony Guild.
So that all our patrons may enjoy the performance,
please turn all cell phones and pagers
to the silent or off positions.
Thank you for attending tonight’s performance.
Oscar Seagle Association, Inc./
Seagle Music Colony
PO Box 366
999 Charley Hill Road
Schroon Lake, NY 12870
Our Mission
To identify, train and develop gifted singers and to present
quality opera and musical theatre performances to the public.
Our Vision
To be the pre-eminent summer vocal training program in the world,
supported by an operating endowment and state-of-the-art facilities.
From the General & Artistic Directors
Dear Friends:
Another summer is here, and another year behind us. In the time since we’ve seen you last, we have been busy
striving to become a better organization than ever before. In January, Tony took up residence in Schroon Lake and
transitioned to full-time General Director. By making this next growth move in our organization, we’ve reaffirmed
our commitment to all of our generous contributors and especially to the community of Schroon Lake. We plan to be
an even more vital part of the North Country by being able to reach out to audiences and supporters throughout the
We’ve again assemble the most talented group of young artists that we’ve ever had and offer you an amazing
season of musical theatre and opera this summer. After a number of seasons of newer operas, we have a bit more
traditional season in 2008. From the opening notes of Gilbert and Sullivan’s Mikado to the last chords of Mozart’s
masterpiece, The Magic Flute, you won’t want to miss a minute. The operas and musicals that we’ll be presenting
this summer will not only offer you much entertainment, but be fantastic learning tools to aid the growth of our
young artists.
Not to abandon our long standing tradition of cultivating new music, we’re also excited to announce that
following the close of the 2008 season, the Colony will remain open for a couple of weeks and will retain some artists
and a skeleton staff to workshop three new operas and present them to the public. Stay tuned through the summer
for details of these exciting events.
We can’t do anything that we do without your help and support, so we’d both like to sincerely thank each of you
that generously contribute to our continued prosperity. Together, we are heading toward our 100th Anniversary with
a strong foundation and eyes to the future.
Enjoy the season!
Tony Kostecki, General Director
Darren K. Woods, Artistic Director
From the Board of Directors
Dear Friends:
Here we are in the 2008 season and it is wonderful to hear the voices and sounds on the hill again. We are so
blessed to have Seagle Music Colony in Schroon Lake and the young artists are blessed with the wonderful
professional training and experience that is theirs. You all make this possible with your donations of time, talent and
your contributions. During the past year, your contributions have allowed us to improve and maintain the excellent
program and facilities. Thank you so much.
As we look forward to our 100th Anniversary in 2015, we are proud of the past achievements of
artists and staff, and we are looking to the future and making plans. Our long range planning
development committee are working with the entire Board to develop and define these plans. Tony
a full-time director and that is a first. We are so pleased to have someone on site all year long.
support and continued enthusiasm.
the Colony , its
committee and
Kostecki is now
We need your
On behalf of the Board of Directors, welcome. I know you will enjoy the show!
Joan Lomnitzer
President, Board of Directors
Seagle Music Colony Board of Directors
Joan Lomnitzer
Executive V.P.
Thomas Magee
V.P. for Development
Robert Claus
V.P. for Membership/Treasurer
Joseph Steiniger
Recording Secretary
Ruth Durkee
Corresponding Secretary
Jane Claus
General Director
Tony Kostecki
Artistic Director
Darren K. Woods
Board of Directors
Joseph Bishop
Walter Fredericks
Joel Friedman
Oliver Goodenough
Charles Harste
Phyllis Shames Korn
Ann Breen Metcalfe
Ed Moore
Peter Scott Oberdorf
Dan Perry
Lisa Reid
Donald Rhodes
James Seagle
Tom Seagle
Nancy Strohmeyer
Bill Tribou
Midge Woolsey
Advisory Board
George Edelman
Richard Kagey
Joseph Kelly
Karl Mills
Jacqueline Posner
2007 Young Artists Andrew Fuchs, Lesley Friend,
Dora Hastings and Ashley Kerr with Metropolitan
Opera star and guest artist Victoria Livengood in
The Medium. July 2007
A History of Seagle Music Colony
Seagle Music Colony, the oldest summer singer
training program in the country, was founded in 1915,
by world renowned baritone, Oscar Seagle. Oscar made
several concert tours in the United States and Europe,
and recorded albums for Columbia, including the
popular World War I hit "Dear Old Pal of Mine." He
served from 1903-1914 as teaching associate in Europe
with his teacher, the great Polish tenor Jean de Reszke.
De Reszke was a star of the Metropolitan Opera as well
as Queen Victoria's favorite singer.
When Oscar returned home, he opened a studio in
Hague, on Lake George, in 1915. He then moved to
Schroon Lake and taught at the Brown Swan Club,
which is now the Word of Life Inn. In 1922, Oscar
bought the property where the Colony currently stands.
The Colony was quickly nicknamed "Olowan," an Indian
name meaning "Hill of
Mr. Seagle's
reputation made the
Colony a magnet for
During the 1920s, up
to 125 students would
come each summer,
and in the winter
many would follow
him to Nice, France for
further study at the de
Reszke-Seagle School.
"There is about
the name of Oscar
Seagle a glow of
extraordinary musical
associations. His relationship with the immortal de
Reszke and his own position as a master of many
singers have made him unique among American
artists." (New York Morning Telegram)
Oscar's son John was among the most prominent of
his pupils. Born in Paris, France on February 15, 1906,
he grew up hearing fine singing from morning to night.
When the Seagles left Europe during World War I, John
entered the Choir School of St. John the Divine in New
York City, where he was the soprano soloist for three
John Seagle made recordings for Decca and RCAVictor, and sang with a number of weekly network radio
programs, including Beatrice Lillie, Burns and Allen,
Palmolive, Firestone, Cities Service, Wildroot, Maxwell
House, Showboat and Sal Hepatica. He began singing
with the Cavaliers Quartet in the 1920s and recorded
over 500 hymns with them for an NBC program called
The Church in the Wildwood, which was broadcast in
many countries.
The Seagle Music Colony Singers were one of the
first groups to perform before television cameras. John
Seagle served on the staff of WRGB in Schenectady, NY,
where Colony singers were frequently called upon to
perform. The Colony Opera Guild was formed in 1941
and performed for several years at the Wikiosko Barn
Theatre on Lake George, which was the Bolton Road
home of Mrs. Charles Peabody. After Oscar Seagle's
death in 1945, John directed and taught voice at the
Seagle Music Colony from 1945 to 1985. The old barn
that was Oscar Seagle's studio in Schroon Lake was
extended into a theatre in his memory. John also
taught voice at Trinity University in San Antonio, TX and
continued to sing on radio, television and the concert
stage. He was honored in June of 1996 by the Schroon
Lake Chamber of Commerce as Schroon Lake's Citizen
of the Year. John died in 1997, and the John and Helen
Seagle Scholarship was established in memory of John
and his wife, who gave many years to Seagle Music
stewardship of John’s
son Peter, his wife
Dodie and their three
sons, which continues
to this day, the Colony
continued in many or
the same traditions.
Then, in 1996, Darren
K. Woods was hired as
Di rector.
Under his leadership,
and with a core staff
consisting of Richard
Kagey, Keith Wolfe,
John Mueter, Richard
Kostecki, the Colony has grown to become the "Best
Summer Vocal Training Program in the United
States" (Classical Singer Magazine, 2000). Today over
500 applicants vie for the opportunity to attend the
Colony. In the past ten years, the Colony has grown
from two productions and eight performances per
summer to six full productions and over thirty-five
performances. This growth mandated the need in 2008
for Tony Kostecki to move to full-time resident General
Director and Darren Woods to transition to part-time
summer Artistic Director.
From its beginning in 1915 and to this day, young
singing actors travel from across the country to study
with the wonderful faculty and staff who gather every
summer "on the hill."
In addition to invaluable
performance experience in opera and musical theatre,
each student receives weekly music coachings and
private voice lessons by the exceptional faculty.
Students also take part in career development classes,
acting and dance lessons. Further, they sing in master
classes for famous singers and artist managers, and
learn the ins and outs of the world of opera and musical
Donor Opportunities
Please consider a membership/charitable gift to Seagle Music Colony
The Oscar Seagle Association, Inc., doing business as Seagle Music Colony, depends upon the support of our patrons
to meet our budget requirements each year. Most of our young artists receive scholarship assistance.
The annual income from ticket sales and tuition does not begin to cover the cost of running the Colony.
A charitable gift to the Seagle Music Colony, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation, can increase your current income
and provide substantial tax benefits. Speak with your financial and/or tax advisor about the benefits of charitable
remainder trusts, charitable gift annuities, and charitable lead trusts.
For additional information about scholarship and charitable gifting programs at the Seagle Music Colony,
please contact General Director, Tony Kostecki at 518.532.7875 or
Membership Levels and Benefits
Friend ($50-$99) – Seniors (62+) and Students $25
Vote at our annual membership meeting
Advance notice of performances when possible
Members only ticket pre-sale for most events
Ability to charge tickets by phone by calling our box office
Subscription to the Seagle Colony Chronicle
Partner ($100-$249)
All of the above plus:
Listing in the Seagle Music Colony program book
Patron ($250-$499)
All of the above plus:
Invitation to an annual member appreciation event
Benefactor ($500-$999)
All of the above plus:
Two complimentary tickets upon request (subject to
Director ($1,000-$2,499)
All of the above plus:
Invitation to a dress rehearsal
Producer ($2,500 and above)
All of the above plus:
Invitation to attend a master class
Invitation to Producer’s Circle Dinner
Sponsorship Levels and Benefits
Young Artist Sponsor ($4,000-$4,999)
(Covers one Seagle Music Colony Young Artist’s annual
Producer level member benefits plus:
Your name in the bio of the Young Artist you sponsor
Invitation to lunch at the White House with your Young
Patron of the Arts & Season Sponsor ($10,000-$24,999)
Producer level member benefits plus:
Name on supertitle board (when used) prior to
Name on signage in Theatre and Rehearsal Studio
Dinner with General Director and a Young Artist
A Pair of Season Tickets
Production Sponsor ($5,000-$9,999)
(Helps defray costs for one production during the season)
Producer level member benefits plus:
Signage in the Theatre as Production Sponsor for your
A pair of tickets to one performance of your production
Endowed Scholarship Patron ($25,000 and above)
(Provides funding for an endowed annual scholarship,
in perpetuity, in your name)
Producer level member benefits plus:
Name on supertitle board (when used) prior to
Name on signage in Theatre and Rehearsal Studio
Reception with General Director and a Young Artist
A Pair of Season Tickets
Donor Opportunities
Seagle Music Colony Legacy Society
The Seagle Music Colony Legacy Society was established to recognize our patrons who have provided for Seagle Music Colony
in their estate planning. If you have made a provision for Seagle Music Colony, please let us know so that we can recognize your
generosity while you are still with us!! Talk to your financial advisor about how a charitable gifting program can provide valuable
tax benefits, potentially increase your income now, and help the not-for-profit organizations that you care about most. For more
information, call the Seagle Music Colony office at 518.532.7875.
Martin & Phyllis Shames Korn, Joseph C. Steiniger, Darren K. Woods & Steven W. Bryant
John and Helen Seagle Charitable Trust
The John and Helen Seagle Charitable Trust consists of a number of funds to help ensure the future of Seagle Music Colony. Gifts
of any amount can be contributed to the Trust. Growth is accomplished through investment performance and additional fundraising
that increase the body of the Trust Fund. For more information on contributing to this fund,
please contact Finance Chairman, Joe Steiniger at 518.532.9768.
Anonymous, Janet & Moe Friedman and the Friedman Family, Jerome Hines, Martin & Phyllis Shames Korn, Lisa Reid,
The Weinstock Family
2007-2008 Seagle Music Colony Sponsors
Endowed Scholarship Patrons
($25,000 and above)
Ms. Lisa Reid
Walter & Yvonne Fredericks
Seagle Music Colony Guild
Frank & Kathie Smith
Patron of the Arts & Season Sponsors
Apple Pickers Foundation
Joseph Illick & Gina Browning
National Endowment for the Arts
Darren K. Woods & Steven W. Bryant
Young Artist Sponsors
Mr. Joel J. Friedman
In Memory of Robert Schuler
In Honor of Ann Breen Metcalfe
In Honor of Tony Kostecki
Martin & Phyllis Shames Korn
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Magee
United Jewish Endowment Fund
Production Sponsors
New York State Council on the Arts
Mr. Peter Scott Oberdorf & Ms. Ann Oberdorf Durney
Seagle Music Colony is funded in part
by generous grants from:
2007-2008 Seagle Music Colony Members
Producers ($2,500-$3,999)
Mr. Bard Bunaes
Mrs. Janet R. Friedman
Roger & Myriam Friedman
In Memory of Walter Cohen
In Memory of Bob Schuler
Lueza & Bruce Gelb
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Seagle
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Tribou III
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence M. Waterhouse
Charles R. Wood Foundation
Directors ($1,000-$2,499)
Mark Adamo
Margo & Seth Bader
The Beechwood Group of Wachovia
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Brown, Jr.
Eileen & James Carnahan
Bobbie Coats-Wondrasch
Doris D. Cohen
John T. Dillion
Bill & Barbara Foley
Glens Falls National Bank
Irene & Edward H. Kaplan
Dave & Gerry Logan
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lomnitzer
Mary & Leland Loose
Stephen Lusmann & Maryanne Telese
Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Malatesta
Mrs. Ann Breen Metcalfe
Mr. Edward T. Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Warner North
Ruth H. Pelmas
Ms. Jacqueline A. Posner
In memory of Ethel Meta & Harold
Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Rhodes
Stephen Schwartz
Mr. Joseph C. Steiniger
Susan & William Stiehm
Rosemarie & John Trainer
In Memory of Phyrne & Ron Pitkin
Benefactors ($500-$999)
Joyce Castle
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Claus
Gene & Ginnyann Coppola
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cunningham
Nicholas DeFlora & Amy K. Foy
Reverend & Mrs. Peter Durkee
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dwyer
Naomi & David Goltzman
In Memory of Lance Gregson
Frank P. Grebowski
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Hershaft
Ronnie & Jerry Hirsch
Leonard & Val Horovitz
Carole Hunt & Richard Tynebor
Gregg G. Juarez
Mr. & Mrs. Mark and JoAnne Lawrie
The Pearsall Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Alan and Hanna Press
Mr. Michael Prochoroff
In Honor of Dorothy Prochoroff
Dr. & Mrs. Brian O'M Quinn
Robert & Tess Robinson
In Honor of Herman Simon
Tom Seagle & Meaghan McManus
Pat and Peter Shrope
Karen Parker Sikorski
Joseph & Amelia Taglieri
Upstate Agency, Inc.
Patrons ($250-$499)
Mr. Donald Abrams
Mr. Eric J. Backman
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Belles
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Bennison
David T. Biggs
Beth Ann Bryant-Richards & Edward
Kathryn Burdick
Marianne Burhans
Mr. & Mrs. William Casey
Mr. & Mrs. William Christian
William & Anne Ciraco
Joan and John Crosby
Don & Patricia Dagenais
Mr. & Mrs. Steve de la Rosa
Rev. Christopher DeGiovine
Ms. Ruth Durkee
Mr. George Edelman
In Honor of Herman Simon
In Honor of Tess Robinson
Sara Eggers & Prosper Cima
Jim & Cathy Fagan
Frances H. Filshie & Joanne Treffs
Joan Forbath
The Honorable Nina Gershon & The
Honorable Bernard Fried
Tim & Judy Gow
Astra Grinmanis
Mr. Robert E. Gross & Evelyn S. Kittay
David & Sharon Harder
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Harste
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Heiden
Stephanie & Charles Heineman
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hill
Ray & Tammy A Hochrein
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Indelicato
David & Jane Kaufman
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kelso
Sandy & Peter Koppen
Allan & Kathy Koritzinsky
Tony Kostecki & Javier Aldaco-Solis
Thomas & Joan Lawless
Dick & Marian Lloyd
Mr. & Mrs. David Lowe
Drs. Peri & David Namerow
Burt & Evelyn Nelson
In Memory of William H. Barber
Marion Petri
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Purdy
Mr. Hilbert Rapp
Mrs. Patrice Schuler
Judy & Tom Sides
Mr. & Mrs. Herman Simon
Brian & Jackie Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Kempton A. Smith
Lester & Vivyan Speiser
Mr. & Mrs. Jon S. Spisiak
Nancy Strohmeyer & Warren Harr
Mr. Arthur O. Sulzberger
Susan & Paul Tillotson
Drs. Riza & Jacquiline Touba
Richard & Wauneata Waller
Brian & Jennifer Ward
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Williams
Mr. Keith A. Wolfe
Midge Woolsey
Kelly & Karen Wright
Dr. & Mrs. Gary Yukl
Partners ($100-$249)
Woodbury & Cynthia Andrews
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick T. Andrews
Anonymous (3)
Jack & Carol Arnold
Susan & Floyd Barwig
Phyllis Berger
Thomas M. & Laura J. Bird
Alice M. Bragg
G. William & Susan M. Bray
Ruth Breen
Robert & Janet Cabat
Dick & Sharon Cahill
Ms. Theodora Casale
Mrs. Iris Civalier
Nan & William Clarkson
Ryna & Melvin Cohen
Terry & Edie Conner
Margaret M. Coyle
Mr. Camello Crisafulli
Valentin, Carolyn, Ari, & Aviv Cukierman
In Memory of Phyrne Pitkin
Howard Daniel
Jenifer Hale Deming
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dietz
Bruce B. Donnell
Alexandria S. Downie
Ms. Joyce Falkenbury
Milton J. Farbstein
Cynthia K. Ferguson
Ronald Fink
Doug & Linda Fish
Lynn Fisher
Brenda P. Foley, CPA
Annchen & Robert Gager-Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Gherlone
Jan & Billy Gilleland
Fred & Gloria Gleave
Susan & Peter Goldbecker
Ann L. & Smith E. Goldsmith
Oliver Goodenough & Allison Clarkson
Terry Gottesman
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Greenslade
Diahne D. Grosjean
Bob & Joan Guarnera
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony F. Hall
Emily & Mark Hanlon
Elizabeth B. Hawkins
Katie & Ray Henrikson
Karen S. Howard
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Hughes
Mr. James E. Hughes
In Memory of Margaret P. Hughes
Leslie C. Hughes
In Memory of Margaret P. Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Huston
Nancy & David Hyman
Dr. Ben Jenkins
2007-2008 Seagle Music Colony Members
Christine & Willie Johnson
Mr. Peter Juliano
John & Judy Juzaitis
In Memory of Bob Schuler
Ms. Marjorie Karowe
Dr. & Mrs. Wayne W. Keller
Kathy Kelly
In Memory of Speed & Harry Kelly
Diane & Stuart Koslov
Clifford & Robin Kulwin
Bruce E. & Judy Ann Kurtz
Cheryl & Walter Lamb
Paul & Diane Leah
Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. Lewis
James & Megan Mactavish
In Memory of Margaret P. Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. Frank McDonald
Dick & Janet McManus
W. Joseph McPhillips, Inc.
Ms. Joan Meer
James & Sheilagh Menzies
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Millham
Caroline Moores
Phyllis & John Morelli
Vicki & Neil Morse
Carrie L. Musso
Lyn & Doug Nestler
Mary Newmann & Ted Smith
John Newmann
In Memory of Bob & Janet Misch
In Memory of John & Helen Seagle
Kathleen & Harry Odabashian
Inci Bashar & Norman Paige
Mr. & Mrs. Lee and Pamela Parker
Joan A. Robertson
Julia Pitkin-Shantz & Mark Shantz
Joseph A. Provoncha
Dr. Tom & Mary Reagan
Harriet P. Renison
Barbara C. Repp
Rosemarie Ritson
Irene & Joe Roach
Ms. Dorothy Rudolf
Jacqueline Q. Russler
Alan J. Savada & Will Stevenson
Pam & Sam Scavera
Bob & Lois Schielke
Mim Shelden & Lou Kinsey
Linda McClary and John Shirley family
Barbara Smetana
Larry & Diane Willis Stahl
John & Joyce Steggles
Mr. & Mrs. Alan E. Steiner
Susan & Jacob Stern
Maggie Stewart
Nancy & Jesse Strauss
Reverend Richard S. Sturtz
Jan & Bob Thurling
Louise & Gerhard Urban
Mr. Arthur S. Weinstock
In Memory of George J. Weinstock
Frances K. Weinstock, Rita
Weinstock, Blossom W. Landsman
& Betty Weinstock
Carol Whalen
Charles & Paula Williamsen
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Williford
Lois Wilson
In Honor of Dodie & Pete Seagle
Ms. Irma Worrell-Fisher
In Honor of John & Rosemarie Trainer
Joseph & Joyce Leavitt Zanchelli
Sharon & Elliot Zucker
We wish to thank those generous donors with contributions under $100 and regret that space limitations do not permit us to list
these friends of Seagle Music Colony. This listing includes donations made from June 1, 2007 to June 10, 2008.
If there have been any inadvertent errors or omissions, please accept our apologies.
For corrections, please contact Tony Kostecki at 518.532.7875 or by email at
2008 Patrice Munsel Gala
Christopher Temporelli – Bass – 2001 & 2002 Seagle Music Colony Young Artist
Walt & Yvonne Fredericks and Joseph Bishop – Seagle Music Colony Board Members & Supporters
Saturday, July 12, 2008
6:30 PM Reception, 7:30 PM Elegant Table-Served Dinner
Greetings by Patrice Munsel, Entertainment by Colony Singers, All Under A Grand Tent,
Silent Auction, Dessert & Dancing with Bobby Dick and the Sundowners
5:45 PM – 6:30 PM Patron Only
Champagne Reception and Command Performance
With Christopher Temporelli
Honorary Chairperson: Patrice Munsel
Gala Co-Chairs: William & Kristine Tribou and Dusty & Nancy Rhodes
Gold Sponsor:
Janet R. Friedman, Roger & Myriam Friedman & Joel Friedman
Silver Sponsors:
Bard Bunaes
Marty & Phyllis Shames Korn
Peter Scott Oberdorf & Ann Oberdorf Durney
Tina & Larry Waterhouse
Darren K. Woods & Steven W. Bryant
Bronze Sponsors:
The Beechwood Group of Wachovia Securities
Bobbie Coats-Wondrasch
Glens Falls National Bank
Lisa Reid
Dusty & Nancy Rhodes (In memory of Mary Louise Bunaes)
Bill & Kristine Tribou
Special Thanks for the Donation of Champagne for the Evening
Bill & Patricia Christian and Tony & Cherie Indelicato
Gala Committee: Janet Friedman, Joel Friedman, Tony Kostecki, Joan Lomnitzer, Tom Magee,
Dusty & Nancy Rhodes, Dodie Seagle, Tom Seagle, Nancy Strohmeyer, Bill & Kristine Tribou
The Purpose of the Patrice Munsel Gala is to Financially Support
the Young Artist Program of Seagle Music Colony
About Patrice Munsel
Patrice Munsel was not only a star coloratura at the Metropolitan Opera but also broke all box office
records in the history of musical theatre, starring in The Merry Widow in Lincoln Center. Her musical
career included performing in many of the major television variety shows, specials, and dramas. She
starred in the movie Melba as the famous opera singer Nellie Melba. (Oscar Seagle sang with Nellie
Melba on the concert stage.) Ms. Munsel lives in Schroon Lake and spends time in New York City
where she MC's the annual Licia Albanese Scholarship Foundation Gala concert at Lincoln Center.
She actively supports the Seagle Music Colony program, and gives master classes for the singers.
About Walt & Yvonne Fredericks
Walt & Yvonne are both natives of New Jersey and were married in 1962 after his graduation from
Clarkson University in Potsdam, NY and her graduation from Grace New Haven (Yale) with an RN
degree. They have three children, Bob, Carole & Kristin and six grandchildren. Mr. Fredericks retired
in 2001 after selling an electronics business in Ballston Spa and Transplantation Laboratories in
Connecticut and Germany. He has been on the Board and Management committees of numerous
public companies, including a Fortune 100. Most of his business life was committed to early cancer
detection and treatment. The Fredericks vacationed in Bolton Landing for several years before
finding Schroon Lake in 1973. They bought vacant land on the west shore of Schroon Lake in 1981,
built a modest cabin the next year, expanding the house after Mr. Fredericks’s retirement in 2001.
They were introduced to Seagle Music Colony through the good graces of Gerry and Dave Logan,
immediately becoming impressed with the quality of the performances, the educational program and
its professional staff. Mr. & Mrs. Fredericks donated the “Libretto” men’s housing unit that was first
used during the 2006 season.
About Joseph Bishop
Joe Bishop was born in 1939 in Peoria, Illinois and spend his formative years in suburban New Jersey
and Philadelphia. He’s the proud father of two and grandfather of seven. He graduated from
Clarkson University and currently resides with his wife Linda in Phoenixville, PA and spends as much
time as he can in Schroon Lake, where he has vacationed since 1974 and been a property owner
since 1992. He is the Founder of Hydromotion, Inc., a hydraulic valve company, a Founding Director
of New Century Bank in Phoenixville, PA and Founder and Owner of Tactical Medical Equipment,
which makes stretchers and lifts. He became involved with Seagle Music Colony after renting a home
on Schroon Lake next door to long time Seagle supporters Dick and Janet McManus. He has been on
the Board since 2004. Along with college friend and fellow Board Member Walt Fredericks, Mr.
Bishop contributed funding for the “Allegro” men’s housing unit, which was completed before the
2006 season.
About Christopher Temporelli
Acclaimed by Toronto's Globe and Mail as "clearly one to watch" and "the total package - a goodlooking singer with a strong, resonant voice," American bass Christopher Temporelli is quickly gaining
recognition in the worlds of opera, concert and recital.
In the 2007-08 season Mr. Temporelli makes his Canadian debut at Opera Atelier in Toronto,
performing the role of Neptune in Monteverdi's Il ritorno d'Ulisse in patria, joins the roster of New
York City Opera for their production of Falstaff as well as their summer VOX festival, and sings the
roles of Dottore Grenvil in La traviata and Betto in both Gianni Schicchi and Buoso's Ghost with Lake
George Opera. He also appeared at Symphony Space for the University of Michigan's Alumni Concert.
In the summer of 2007, Mr. Temporelli was a member of Glimmerglass Opera's renowned Young
American Artist Program and made his critically acclaimed mainstage debut with the company as The
Judge in Philip Glass's Orphée and Pluto in Monteverdi's L'Orfeo.
Past highlights include Dottore Grenvil with Fort Worth Opera; Alidoro in La Cenerentola at the Pine
Mountain Music Festival; Grandpa Moss in Copland's The Tender Land and Master Pausanias in
Chabrier's An Incomplete Education with Bronx Opera; and Marquis de la Force in Dialogues of the
Carmélites, Escamillo in Carmen, and Judge Turpin in Sweeney Todd at the Seagle Music Colony.
Other notable past roles include the title role in Don Pasquale with the Opera Company of MidMichigan and the Forester in The Cunning Little Vixen at the University of Michigan.
Mr. Temporelli was recognized in a live broadcast from New York to the 2007 San Remo Festival in
Italy and internationally on the RAI network after receiving an award from the Franco Zefferelli Fund
for the Arts and subsequently was invited by the Columbus Club to appear in recital. He was also the
2006 recipient of the Liederkranz Foundation's Norman Carlberg Award and performed in a winners'
concert at Carnegie's Weill Hall. He appeared in a gala performance at New York City's historic
Hudson Theatre after being awarded the Andy Anselmo Achievement Award, and was a 2007 finalist
for both the Jensen Foundation Competition and the Albanese-Puccini Foundation.
Christopher Temporelli received a Doctor of Musical Arts degree in vocal performance from the
University of Michigan, where he studied with opera luminaries Shirley Verrett and George Shirley.
He studied additionally at the Hochschule für Musik in Freiburg, Germany, where he performed at the
Haus zur Lieben Hand. Also a gifted pianist, Mr. Temporelli has performed repertoire for solo piano at
music festivals in England, as well as at the Moscow and St. Petersburg conservatories in Russia.
The Mikado
Music by Sir Arthur Sullivan, Libretto by W.S. Gilbert
Stage Director
Music Director
Assistant Music Director
Set Designer
Lighting Designer
Costume Designer
Wig & Makeup Designer
Stage Manager
Assistant Stage Manager
John de los Santos
Richard Williams
Christopher Devlin
Richard Kagey
Richard Kagey
Asa Benally
Jim McGough
Clyde Berry
Allison Klem
The Cast
The Mikado of Japan
Matthew Young
Chai Jindasurat
Lane Johnson
Edward Hanlon
Mikeal Allen
Amy Cahill
Lauren Henderson
Clara Nieman
Meaghan Deiter
Chorus of School Girls, Nobles and Guards
Traci Bair, Ashley Becker, David Blalock, Jonathan Blalock, Ashley Burnett, Jessica Cates,
Anthony DiMeglio, Kimberly Dowda, Jesse Enderle, John William Gomez, Dora Hastings,
Clare Jacobs, Dan Kempson, Desiree Maira, Wes Mason, Evan McCormack, Courtney Miller,
Lori Paradoski, Danielle Pecone, Andrew Penning, Amanda Robie, Logan Rucker, Joseph Shadday
The Mikado
In the town of Titipu, a chorus of nobles are joined by Nanki-Poo, disguised as a traveling musician, who is
looking for Yum-Yum, the ward of Ko-Ko. A noble lord named Pish-Tush asks what Nanki-Poo’s business is
with Yum-Yum, and learns that the minstrel had seen the girl a year ago when he was a member of the town
band, and they had fallen in love. But Yum-Yum was betrothed to her guardian Ko-Ko, “a cheap tailor.”
However on learning that Ko-Ko was condemned to death for flirting, the minstrel has hurried back to try to
claim Yum-Yum. Unfortunately on his return he finds that far from being dead, Ko-Ko has in fact been let out
on bail, and appointed Lord High Executioner. There is worse to come as Pooh-Bah, who holds every major
office of state, informs Nanki-Poo that Yum-Yum and Ko-Ko are to be married that very day.
Yum-Yum and her sisters, Pitti-Sing and Peep-Bo, appear with their schoolfellows. When Yum-Yum finally
catches sight of Nanki-Poo he reveals that he is the son of the Mikado, and when they are alone, she admits
she does not love her guardian. The two lovers realize their cause is hopeless, and Yum-Yum leaves NankiPoo who then tries to kill himself. Meanwhile, Ko-Ko has received a letter from the Mikado, who threatens to
abolish the post of Lord High Executioner and reduce Titipu to the rank of a village unless a beheading takes
place within a month. On seeing Nanki-Poo about to “terminate an unendurable existence,” Ko-Ko points out
that suicide is a capital offense, and offers to do the job professionally. Nanki-Poo agrees, on the condition
that he can marry Yum-Yum and enjoy one month of married life before he is beheaded. After the execution
Ko-Ko will then be able to marry the widowed Yum-Yum. Amidst the celebrations, Katisha storms in, having
tracked down the object of her affections, Nanki-Poo, threatening to reveal his true identity. She is
outshouted by a chorus of Japanese syllables: “O ni! Bikkuri shakkuri to!” (One of the many possible
translations of which is “So surprised, we hiccup! Bah!”). But the town dwellers are not to be deterred and
“joy reigns everywhere around.”
Yum-Yum is being prepared for her wedding, but soon the awful fact is out that under the Mikado’s law the
widow of a beheaded man must be buried alive. This places Nanki-Poo in a dilemma. If he holds Yum-Yum to
this marriage, she dies a hideous death, and if he releases her she must marry Ko-Ko at once. The marriage
is off and Nanki-Poo determines to do away with himself that afternoon unless Ko-Ko will kill him at once.
But it turns out that Ko-Ko can’t kill anything. To make matters worse, the Mikado and his suite are
approaching the town and will arrive in ten minutes. In desperation Ko-Ko arranges to draw up an affidavit of
Nanki-Poo’s execution.
The Mikado arrives with Katisha who makes much of being his daughter-in-law elect. When Ko-Ko presents
his certificate of execution, the Mikado reads it and says, “My poor fellow, in your anxiety to carry out my
wishes you have beheaded the heir to the throne of Japan!” Ko-Ko and Pooh-Bah find Nanki-Poo and beg him
to present himself, alive, to his father, thereby absolving them of his death. But Nanki-Poo, now married to
Yum-Yum, is afraid of Katisha’s wrath. Unless Ko-Ko will agree to marry the old hag himself, he and YumYum will leave on their honeymoon at once. Katisha, meanwhile is mourning the death of Nanki-Poo, and
when Ko-Ko tries to woo her she is at first reluctant, but he wins the formidable lady with a pack of flattering
lies and a sad, lovelorn song.
Katisha adds her powerful pleas to the Mikado for everyone to be pardoned. The Mikado, a bit bewildered by
it all nonetheless pronounces that “Nothing could possibly be more satisfactory!”
Hansel and Gretel
Music by Englebert Humperdinck
based on the fairy tale by The Brothers Grimm
Stage Director
Music Director
Lighting Designer
Costume Designer
Costume Coordinator
Tony Kostecki
Tyson Deaton
Sean Jeffries
Pat Seyller
Asa Benally
The Cast
Clara Nieman
Dora Hastings
Lori Paradoski
Amanda Robie
Schroon Lake Arts
2008 Boathouse
Concert Schedule
Concerts @ 8 PM
July 8
July 15
July 22
July 29
Aug. 5
Aug. 7
Aug. 12
Aug. 19
Gypsy Jazz
Sun Mountain Fiddler
Bluegrass, Celtic & Cajun
Hot Soup
Spicy, Innovative Harmonies
Canadian Roots
Lockhart Mountain Boys
Azzara Quartet
Woods Tea Co.
Celtic & Folk
Sounds of the Northway
Acoustic Music Variety
Minor Repairs
Minor Adjustments
Reasonable Rates
John Trainer
(518) 532-7260
Jonathan Blalock & Tawny Seward in Lysistrata
Seagle Music Colony 2007
Children’s Programs
Hot Soup ~ Funny & Silly Songs
Tuesday July 22 @ 11 AM
Puppet People ~ The Last Dragon
Saturday, August 2 @ 11 AM
19th Adirondack Folk Music Festival
Sunday, August 10
Noon-5 PM ~ Town Park
Atwater & Donnelly, Great Bear Duo
Jam Crackers; Peggy, Dan & Dan
Sara Milonovich & Greg Anderson
Celia Evans & Jamie Ward
Mondays 7-10 PM ~ at the Boathouse
Music and Lyrics by STEPHEN SONDHEIM, Book by GEORGE FURTH
Originally Produced and Directed on Broadway by Harold Prince
Stage Director
Music Director
Assistant Music Director
Set Designer
Lighting Designer
Costume Designer
Wig & Makeup Designer
Costume Coordinator
Stage Manager
Richard Kagey
R. Jason Smith
Richard Williams
Justin Seward
Sarah Andoe
Pat Seyller
Jim McGough
Asa Benally
Allison Klem
The Cast
Anthony Di Meglio
Courtney Miller
Jesse Enderle
Jessica Cates
Wes Mason
Traci Bair
Evan McCormack
Lauren Henderson
Jonathan Blalock
Carolyn Marcell*
Steve Elmore*
Ashley Burnett
Kimberly Dowda
Clare Jacobs
* Appearing Courtesy of Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the
United States, appearing under a Special Appearance Contract
COMPANY is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI).
All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI.
421 West 54th Street, New York, NY 10019 • Phone: 212-541-4684 Fax 212-397-4684 •
Musical Numbers
Act 1
The Little Things We Do
You Could Drive a Person
Have I Got a Girl for You
Someone is Waiting
Another Hundred People
Getting Married Today
Finale Act 1/Marry Me A
Act 2
Joanne, Amy Paul, Peter,
Susan, Jenny, David, Larry
Harry, David, Larry
April, Marta, Kathy
Husbands, Wives
Woman, Amy, Paul, Guests
Husbands, Wives, Robert
Side By Side By Side
Poor Baby
Have I Got A GirlReprise
The Ladies Who Lunch
Being Alive
Robert, Husbands, Wives
Robert, April
COMPANY Guest Artists
Steve Elmore - Larry
Steve Elmore’s Broadway journey began at the Majestic Theatre with Lerner and Lowe’s Camelot,
and continued with a string of hits including: The Apple Tree, Jenny with Mary Martin; Fade Out,
Fade In with Carol Burnett; as well as revivals of Hal Prince-Susan Strohman Showboat at the
Gershwin Theatre, and Anything Goes at Lincoln Center. His career really took wing with the offBroadway classic Dames at Sea, which also introduced Bernadette Peters, and led to his first major
role in a really major musical – Company. He also starred in that show’s London production at Her
Majesty’s Theatre. He appeared in Arthur Laurent’s The Enclave and Bob Fosse’s film All That Jazz,
as well as stepping into Jerry Orbach’s leading roles in Chicago with Gwen Verdon, and 42nd Street
at the Winter Garden. He performed regularly in the St. Regis Hotel’s King Cole Room with leading ladies Patrice
Munsel, Marni Nixon, and Martha Wright, singing the great songs of the American Theatre. He has sung tributes to
and/or with Jule Styne, Stephen Sondheim, Jonathan Tunick, Howard Dietz, Ira Gershwin, Irving Berlin, George Abbott
and F.Y. “Yip” Harburg. Because Steve has always shown great respect for the words as well as the music, Harburg
referred to him as “The lyricist’s guardian angel.”
Carolyn Marcell - Joanne
Carolyn considers herself one of the original crossover artists. Long before there was a name for
singers with equal vocal and interpretive affinity in multiple musical styles, she was studying voice
and opera in a masters program at Manhattan School of Music while simultaneously performing in
musical theatre at Papermill Playhouse, Riverside Contemporary Theatre, various summer stock and
children’s theatres. Since then, she has sung with multiple civic opera companies, orchestras, and
theatres. She created a duet recital with soprano Brionna McMann for which composer Seymour
Barab wrote a 20 minute opera skit called The Ruined Maid, which received critical acclaim.
Carolyn’s favorite theatre roles include Madame Giry on the national tour of Ken Hill’s Phantom of
the Opera, Anna in The King and I, Madame Armfeldt in A Little Night Music, Nettie Fowler in Carousel, Jacqueline in La
Cage aux Folles among many others. In addition to her theatre roles, Carolyn has sung leading roles at the Peterloon
Opera festival in Cincinnati for 3 consecutive seasons. Favorite operatic roles include Nicklause in The Tales of
Hoffman, Siebel in Faust, Dorabella in Cosi fan tutte, Nedda in Pagliacci and Michaela in Carmen among many others.
In addition to her performance credits, Carolyn taught voice at Marymount College in Tarrytown, NY for 13 years, at
Muhlenberg College in Allentown, PA for 3 years and taught a Musical Theatre class at the American Academy of
Dramatic Arts in New York City for 3 consecutive summer sessions. She currently maintains a private voice studio in
New York City and Allentown, PA, and performs when time and opportunity allow.
You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown
Based on the Comic Strip “Peanuts” by Charles M. Schultz
Book, Music and Lyrics by Clark Gesner
Additional Dialogue by Michael Mayer
Additional Music and Lyrics by Andrew Lippa
Original Direction for this version of “You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown” by Michael Mayer
Originally Produced in New York by Arthur Whitelaw and Gene Persson
Stage Director
Music Director
Set Designer
Lighting Designer
Costume Designer
Wig & Makeup Designer
Clyde Berry
Christopher Devlin
Justin Seward
Sean Jeffries
Asa Benally
Jim McGough
The Cast
Sally Brown
Lucy Van Pelt
Charlie Brown
Linus Van Pelt
Amy Cahill
Desiree Maira
Joseph Shadday
Lane Johnson
Dan Kempson
Mikeal Allen
Musical Numbers
Act 1
You’re a Good Man
Charlie Brown
My Blanket and Me
The Kite
The Doctor Is In
Beethoven Day
The Book Report
Sally, Lucy, Schroeder,
Charlie Brown & Linus
Linus w/Company
Charlie Brown
Charlie Brown & Lucy
Schroeder & Company
Act 2
My New Philosophy
The Baseball Game
Glee Club Rehearsal
Little Known Facts
Sally w/Schroeder
Charlie Brown & Company
Lucy w/Linus & Charlie
Snoopy & Company
YOU’RE A GOOD MAN CHARLIE BROWN is produced by arrangement with,
and all music and dialogue materials furnished by TAMS-WITMARK MUSIC LIBRARY, INC.
560 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10022 • 212-688-2525 •
La Bohème
Music by Giacomo Puccini
Libretto by Giuseppe Giacosa & Luigi Illica
Stage Director
Music Director
Assistant Music Director
Set Designer
Lighting Designer
Costume Designer
Wig & Makeup Designer
Costume Coordinator
Stage Manager
John de los Santos
Tyson Deaton
Richard Williams
R. Jason Smith
Richard Kagey
Richard Kagey
Pat Seyller
Jim McGough
Asa Benally
Allison Klem
The Cast
Wes Mason
John William Gomez (July 30 & Aug. 1)
Logan Rucker (July 31 & Aug. 2)
Edward Hanlon
Jesse Enderle
David Blalock
Ashley Becker (July 30 & Aug. 1)
Kimberly Dowda (July 31 & Aug. 2)
Dora Hastings
David Blalock
Chorus of Students, Working Girls, Shopkeepers, Street Vendors, Soldiers & Waiters
Mikeal Allen, Traci Bair, Jonathan Blalock, Ashley Burnett, Amy Cahill, Jessica Cates, Meaghan Deiter,
Anthony Di Meglio, Lauren Henderson, Clare Jacobs, Chai Jindasurat, Lane Johnson, Dan Kempson,
Desiree Maira, Evan McCormack, Courtney Miller, Clara Nieman, Lori Paradoski, Danielle Pecone,
Andrew Penning, Amanda Robie, Joseph Shadday, Matthew Young
La Bohème
In their Latin Quarter loft apartment, the painter Marcello and the poet Rodolfo try to keep warm on
Christmas Eve by burning pages from Rodolfo's latest drama. They are joined by their comrades — Colline, a
young philosopher, and Schaunard, a musician who has landed a job and brings food, fuel and funds. While
they are celebrating their unexpected fortune, the landlord arrives to collect the rent. Plying the older man
with wine, they urge him to tell of his flirtations, and then throw him out in mock indignation. As the friends
depart for a celebration at the nearby Café Momus, Rodolfo promises to join them soon, staying behind to
finish writing an article. There is another knock: a neighbor, Mimì, says her candle has gone out on the
drafty stairs. Offering her wine when she feels faint, Rodolfo relights her candle and helps her to the door.
Mimì realizes she has dropped her key, and as they search for it, both their candles are blown out. In the
moonlight the poet takes the girl's shivering hand, telling her of his dreams. She then recounts her solitary
life, embroidering flowers and waiting for spring. Drawn to each other, Mimì and Rodolfo leave for the café.
Amid shouts of street hawkers, Rodolfo buys Mimì a bonnet near the Café Momus before introducing her to
his friends. They all sit down and order supper. Marcello's former lover, Musetta, enters ostentatiously on the
arm of the elderly, wealthy Alcindoro. Trying to regain the painter's attention, she sings a waltz about her
popularity. Marcello agrees to take her back so, complaining that her shoe pinches, Musetta sends Alcindoro
to fetch a new pair, then falls into Marcello's arms. Joining a group of marching soldiers, the Bohemians
leave Alcindoro to face the bill when he returns.
At dawn on the snowy outskirts of Paris, a Customs Officer admits farm women and vendors to the city.
Musetta and revelers are heard inside a tavern. Soon Mimì walks by, searching for the place where the
reunited Marcello and Musetta now live. When the painter emerges, she pours out her distress over Rodolfo's
incessant jealousy. It is best they part, she says. Rodolfo, who has been asleep in the tavern, is heard, and
Mimì hides; Marcello thinks she has left. The poet tells Marcello he wants to separate from his fickle
sweetheart. Pressed further, he breaks down, saying Mimì is dying; her ill health can only worsen in the
poverty they share. Overcome, Mimì stumbles forward to bid her lover farewell as Marcello runs back into the
tavern to investigate Musetta's raucous laughter. While Mimì and Rodolfo recall their happiness, Musetta
quarrels with Marcello. The painter and his mistress part in fury, but Mimì and Rodolfo decide to stay
together until spring.
Some months later, Rodolfo and Marcello lament their loneliness in the garret. Colline and Schaunard bring a
meager meal. The four stage a dance, which turns into a mock fight. The merrymaking is ended when
Musetta bursts in, saying Mimì is downstairs, too weak to climb up. As Rodolfo runs to her, Musetta tells how
Mimì has begged to be taken to her lover to die. While Mimì is made comfortable, Marcello goes with Musetta
to sell her earrings for medicine, and Colline leaves to pawn his cherished overcoat. Alone, Mimì and Rodolfo
recall their first days together, but she is seized with coughing. When the others return, Musetta gives Mimì a
muff to warm her hands and prays for her life. Mimì dies quietly, and when Schaunard discovers she is dead,
Rodolfo runs to her side, calling her name.
The Magic Flute
Music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Libretto by Emanuel Schikaneder
English singing translation by Andrew Porter
Stage Director
Music Director
Assistant Music Director
Set Designer
Lighting Designer
Costume Designer
Wig & Makeup Designer
Costume Coordinator
Stage Manager
Assistant Stage Manager
Richard Kagey
Christopher Devlin
Tyson Deaton
Isaac Waters
Isaac Waters
Pat Seyller
Jim McGough
Asa Benally
Clyde Berry
Allison Klem
The Cast
First Lady
Second Lady
Third Lady
Queen of the Night
Three Spirits
First Priest
Second Priest
Men in Armor
Old Woman/Papagena
Jonathan Blalock (Aug. 14 & 16)
Evan McCormack (Aug. 13 & 15)
Lori Paradoski
Desiree Maira
Amanda Robie
Dan Kempson
Clare Jacobs
Andrew Penning
Jessica Cates (Aug. 14 & 16)
Danielle Pecone (Aug. 13 & 15)
Ashley Burnett, Amy Cahill, Courtney Miller
Joseph Shadday
David Blalock
Anthony Di Meglio
Matthew Young
John William Gomez, Logan Rucker
Traci Bair
Chorus of Priests, Slaves and Attendants
Mikeal Allen, Ashley Becker, David Blalock, Ashley Burnett, Amy Cahill, Meaghan Deiter, Anthony Di Meglio,
Kimberly Dowda, Jesse Enderle, John William Gomez, Edward Hanlon, Dora Hastings, Lauren Henderson,
Chai Jindasurat, Lane Johnson, Wes Mason, Courtney Miller, Clara Nieman, Logan Rucker, Joseph Shadday
The Magic Flute
Three ladies in the service of the Queen of the Night save the fainting Prince Tamino from a
serpent. When they leave to tell the queen, the birdcatcher Papageno bounces in and boasts to
Tamino that it was he who slew the serpent. The ladies return to give Tamino a portrait of the
queen’s daughter, Pamina, who they say is enslaved by the evil Sarastro, and they padlock
Papageno’s mouth for lying. Tamino immediately falls in love with Pamina’s face in the portrait.
The queen, appearing in a burst of thunder, is grieving over the loss of her daughter; she charges
Tamino with Pamina’s rescue. The ladies hand a magic flute to Tamino and magic silver bells to
Papageno to ensure their safety, appointing three spirits to guide them. Sarastro’s slave,
Monostatos, pursues Pamina but is frightened away by the feather-covered Papageno, who tells
Pamina that Tamino loves her and intends to save her. Led to the Temple of Sarastro, Tamino is
advised by a high priest that it is the queen, not Sarastro, who is evil. Hearing that Pamina is
safe, Tamino charms the animals with his flute, then rushes to follow the sound of Papageno’s
pipes. Monostatos and his retainers chase Papageno and Pamina but are rendered helpless by
Papageno’s magic bells. Sarastro, entering in ceremony, promises Pamina eventual freedom and
punishes Monostatos. Pamina is enchanted by a glimpse of Tamino, who is led into the temple
with Papageno.
Sarastro tells his priests that Tamino will undergo initiation rites (“O Isis und Osiris”). Sworn to
silence, Tamino is impervious to the temptations of the queen’s ladies, who have no trouble
derailing the cheerful Papageno from his course of virtue. The Queen of the Night dismisses
Monostatos, whom she finds kissing the sleeping Pamina, and gives her daughter a dagger with
which to murder Sarastro. The weeping Pamina is confronted and consoled by Sarastro. The
gourmand Papageno is just as quick to break a new oath of fasting, and he jokes with a flirtatious
old lady, who vanishes when asked her name. Tamino remains steadfast, breaking Pamina’s
heart: she cannot understand his silence. The priests inform Tamino that he has only two more
trials to complete his initiation. Papageno, who has broken his oath, is eliminated from the trials,
but after pleading for a cuddly wife settles for the old lady. When he promises to be faithful she
turns into a young Papagena, but soon disappears. After the spirits save the despairing Pamina
from suicide, she finds Tamino and walks with him through the ordeals by water and fire,
protected by the magic flute. Papageno also is saved from attempted suicide by the spirits, who
remind him that if he uses his magic bells he will find true happiness. When he does, Papagena
appears and the two plan for the future and move into a bird’s nest. The Queen of the Night, her
three ladies, and Monostatos attack the temple but are defeated and banished. Sarastro joins
Pamina and Tamino as the throng hails Isis, Osiris, and the triumph of courage, virtue, and
By Robert J. Misch
New York Times writer and Seagle Music Colony friend
Many’s the time I have trudged up the Charley Hill
road, fish pole over shoulder, heading for the
hidden reaches of the little stream that is born in
Seagle Pond. That was many years ago. The only
difference between then and now is that in my
boyhood days, I came home with fish!
But more often these days, I chug up Charley Hill
in the tireless Ford, one in the procession of cars
heading for Vespers.
Schroon Lake without
Vespers would just not be Schroon Lake. It is a
Sunday ceremony we cherish, along with the
thousands who have made the pilgrimage to the
Hill. Our little girls are hushed, for once. They’re
in their Sunday best – wearing skirts for the first
time in a week. The family piles in, and off we go.
There is the Seagle Memorial Theatre, nestled in
the trees, with the chiaroscuro of sunlight and
shade playing over its walls. Outside, a little group
of the Colony singers are chatting, laughing. A
latecomer dashes up, breathless, relieved that
Vespers hasn’t begun. We go in and find our
seats, bowing here and nodding there to the
“regulars” we know, who feel as we do about
worship on the Hill.
Silently, the young singers file in. They’re solemn
now. We all rise to sing a hymn – and we really
sing, the richer, fuller voices of the students
ringing out over the dull timbres of the visitors.
And then the solos, duets, choral numbers – the
Bach, the Handel – so carefully rehearsed, so
Vespers c. 1932
sincerely done, with just a piano, played like an
angel by Nathan Price, to accompany them. If
ever there is a word to describe the charm and
informality of the service, it is that word –
Some have never sung before an
audience, others still are only in the beginning of
their musical careers – yet all give their best,
sensing the warmth, the friendliness and the aura
of unaffected worship.
From the rear of the auditorium – no dias, no
trappings, no cant – the Reverend Dr. Erington
says, “Let us pray.” One can say “Amen” to Dr.
Erington’s prayer with a deep feeling of conviction,
for his are prayers for all people. Would that
humankind could hear and would heed that still,
small voice, from the hills of the North Country.
And then “Now the Day Is Over,” so right a hymn
to finish every Vespers. For we walk out into the
dying day, to see the sun turning Seagle Pond into
molten gold, with Schroon Lake shimmering behind
it, and the far-off majesty of Mt. Pharaoh benignly
surveying this scene of beauty and human
As the Seagle pupils go out into life, some bound
for fame, others for lesser state, and as the visitors
leave to go back to their varied ways of life, I
wonder if any one of them will ever forget those
golden afternoons on the Hill and the deep
meaning and memories they hold. I know I never
2008 Seagle Music Colony Faculty & Staff
General Director
Artistic Director
General Manager
Operations Manager
Tony Kostecki
Darren K. Woods
Nathan Wentworth
Allison Klem
Voice Faculty
Julia Broxholm
Stephen Lusmann
Craig Maddox
Tyson Deaton
Christopher Devlin
R. Jason Smith
Richard Williams
Music & Coaching Faculty
Director of Productions
Stage Directors
Technical Director
Master Carpenter
Stage Technician
Set Designers
Costume Designers
Wig and Makeup Designer/Wigmaster
Stage Managers
Piano Technician
Richard Kagey
Clyde Berry
John de los Santos
Richard Kagey
Isaac Waters
Sean Jeffries
Sarah Andoe
Richard Kagey
Justin Seward
Asa Benally
Pat Seyller
Jim McGough
Clyde Berry
Allison Klem
Steven Bryant
Brad Allen
John Trainer
2008 Seagle Music Colony Faculty/Staff Profiles
Tony Kostecki, General Director
Tony Kostecki was appointed General Director of
Seagle Music Colony in January of 2008. Previous to
this appointment, he held the position of General
Manager of the Colony from 2006-2007. Before
moving into management, he was on the faculty of
Seagle Music Colony as a coach/accompanist and
conductor for ten years. Between 2002 and 2007,
he was Director of Education at Fort Worth Opera
and also Director of the Fort Worth Opera Studio. During his tenure with
Fort Worth Opera, he oversaw the creation of the Fort Worth Opera
Studio Young Artist Program and all outreach aspects of Fort Worth
Opera. From 2002-2007 he was also the Fort Worth Opera Chorus
Master and writer of many of the supertitle translations for Fort Worth
Opera. As a coach/accompanist, Mr. Kostecki has worked for Fort Worth
Opera, Shreveport Opera, Florida Grand Opera, Utah Opera, Kansas City
Lyric Opera Express and Kansas City Civic Opera. A native of Topeka,
Kansas, he received his undergraduate degree in Music from Benedictine
College in Atchison, Kansas and his Master of Music Degree in Piano
Accompanying and Organ Performance from the University of Kansas in
Darren K. Woods, Artistic Director
During his 13th Season with Seagle Music Colony,
Darren K. Woods, returns to the position of Artistic
Director after serving as General Director for 10
years. Mr. Woods is also General Director of Fort
Worth Opera. At Fort Worth Opera, he has overseen
the successful transition of Fort Worth Opera from a
fall/spring season to a spring Festival Season while
growing the company and keeping it in the black.
Previous to his appointment in Fort Worth, he was General Director of
Shreveport Opera. During his performing career, Mr. Woods was a
frequent performer with the New York City Opera, were he was seen as
Gastone in La Traviata, Basilio in The Marriage of Figaro, and on
television for the
Live from Lincoln Center broadcast of NYCO’s
production of Paul Bunyan. He also performed with such companies as
the Dallas Opera, Seattle Opera, Washingotn Opera, Opera de San Juan,
Sante Fe Opera and with the Minnesota Orchestra at Carnegie Hall. His
European credits include opera in Trieste, Italy, and in Madrid, Spain.
Mr. Woods recorded Douglas Moore’s The Devil and Daniel Webster for
Newport Classics.
Sarah Andoe, Stage Technician
Sarah Andoe is a twenty one year old senior at
Columbus State University. She is pursuing a BFA
degree in Technical Theatre and Design. Some of her
favorite CSU involvements include being the stage
manager for A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Fuddy
Meers, assistant stage manager for Pippin, and
lighting designer for Refuge. Last summer, she
worked at The Hangar Theatre in Ithaca, NY as an
electrics intern and was the lighting designer for
their production of Alice in Wonderland.
Asa Benally, Costume Designer
Asa Benally is excited to return for a second summer at the Seagle Music
Colony where last summer he designed Crazy for You and assisted on all
other productions. Past costume design credits include Walt Disney's
Beauty and the Beast, Anything Goes, Cinderella, My Fair Lady, Our
Town, Trojan Women, and Chicago. Mr. Benally is currently attending the
world renowned fashion design program at Parsons School of Design in
New York City, where for the past year he has been able to work
alongside fashion designer Rogelio Velasco, whose clients include Queen
Rania of Jordan, in developing evening gowns inspired by the art deco
period for the end of year fashion show at Parsons.
Clyde Berry, Stage Director & Stage Manager
Mr. Berry returns for his fifth year at Seagle as Stage
Manager and director of Charlie Brown.
He has
worked in theatre for over 20 years, both as a
He has served on the boards, or
founded numerous theatrical organizations. Clyde
spent a decade in public education, creating award
winning arts programs for urban public schools. He
is most proud of his students that have pursued
careers in the arts and arts education. At the collegiate level, Mr Berry
taught in the Theatre and Education departments of Old Dominion
University and will run the Opera Studio this fall at Christian
University. Currently, he is the Director of Education for Fort Worth
Opera, and the Fort Worth Opera Studio. He holds degrees from
Longwood College and Old Dominion University.
Julia Broxholm, Voice Teacher
Soprano Julia Broxholm is a first year faculty
member of Seagle Music Colony. She is a highly
regarded recital soloist, chamber musician,
recording artist, and educator. She is a founding
member of SATB, a vocal quartet specializing in
vocal chamber music of the 19th and 20th
centuries. Recordings include two releases with
SATB; Magic, and It's a Grand Night...Four Singing.
She also has recorded two CD's of soprano, clarinet
repertoire with clarinetist Fred Ormand and pianist Martin Katz. She
received her D.M.A from the University of Michigan School of Music, and
has been an active performer and teacher for over twenty-five years.
Her operatic roles include Alice Ford in Verdi's Falstaff, the title role in
Floyd's Susannah, Susanna in Mozart's Le Nozze di Figaro, Norina in
Donizetti's Don Pasquale and Musetta in Puccini's La Boheme. Former
students are leading players on stages on Broadway, in Las Vegas, in
national touring companies, and in Europe. Dr. Broxholm joined the
Music and Dance Department faculty at the University of Kansas in the
fall of 2005.
Tyson Deaton, Coach/Accompanist
Based in New York, Tyson Deaton has gained
attention as one of the busiest young collaborative
artists and coaches of opera and recital literature
of this generation. He is sought out by singers and
instrumentalists alike who represent some of the
best talents of today. Most recently, he appeared
in a recital with both singers and instrumentalists
from the Metropolitan Opera. A former faculty
member of the University of the Pacific
Conservatory of Music, Mr. Deaton's various appointments have yielded
productions garnering critical acclaim with Opera News, among many
other professional publications. His 2007-08 season includes productions
of Of Mice and Men and Angels in America with Fort Worth Opera,
Carmina Burana with the Long Bay Symphony, in addition to Cosi Fan
Tutte and La Rondine with Sarasota Opera. He returns to Seagle Colony
after a successful run of The Merry Widow in the 2007 season.
Christopher Devlin, Coach/Accompanist
Christopher Devlin joins the Seagle Music Colony
for his first year and also currently acts as vocal
coach and assistant conductor of the Connecticut
Opera. Productions with the company, under Willie
Anthony Waters, Cal Stewart Kellogg and Scott
Bergeson include L'Italiana in Algeri, Cavalleria
Rusticana, Gianni Schicchi, Carmen, Così fan tutte,
Don Pasquale, Tosca and La Cenerentola.
Devlin also acts as music director of Connecticut
Opera's outreach and educational program, Opera
Express. Having served on the faculty of McGill University as opera
coach for four years, Mr. Devlin has also been recorded by CBC Radioboth as soloist, as well as with soprano Maria Pellegrini and the Cantata
Singers of Ottawa. His work at Canada's National Arts Center includes
the premiere performance of Steven Gellman's opera, Gianni, as well as
assisting Sergiu Comissiona, Duane Wolfe and James Judd.
Internationally, Mr. Devlin's recital tour of the Middle East with mezzosoprano Julie Nesrallah was highlighted by a performance for the
Jordanian royal family. In North America, Mr. Devlin has appeared in
recital with artists including Frederick Burchinal, Mariateresa Magisano
and Denyce Graves.
John de los Santos,
Stage Director/Choreographer
John de los Santos returns to Seagle Colony for his
fourth season in 2008. Past productions at Seagle
include Anything Goes, Crazy for You, The Medium,
and The Fantastiks. Originally from San Antonio, he
was a principal member of the Alamo City Dance
Co. where he danced major roles in The
Nutcracker, A Midsummer Night's Dream, and the
world premiere of Lepidoptera. After graduating
2008 Seagle Music Colony Faculty/Staff Profiles
from Texas Christian University in 2003 with a BFA in Theatre/Film
Performance & Direction, he became the resident choreographer for the
Fort Worth Opera. His credits there include Rigoletto, Salome, La
Traviata, and the world premiere of Pasatieri's Frau Margot. His
other credits as director/choreographer include his own adaptation of
Christopher Marlowe's Edward II (McNair Foundation), The Music Man
(Utah Festival Opera), The Tenderland, and Cosi Fan Tutte (The Living
Opera). In the spring of 2008 he directed/choreographed Ricky Ian
Gordon's Orpheus & Euridice for Dallas' Voices of Change, which will now
tour. After having choreographed Carmen for both the Florida Grand
Opera and Austin Lyric Opera, he will direct his own production in Fort
Worth for the 2009 Festival. Mr. De los Santos is also an actor, and has
been seen in various stage venues and independant films across the DFW
Sean Jeffries, Master Carpenter
Sean just completed his junior year at Frostburg
State University in Frostburg, MD, where he is a
theatre major following both the technical and acting
tracks. He began acting in seventh grade at St.
Mary’s School in Bryantown, MD and continued for
four years at St. Mary Ryken High School in
Leonardtown, MD. During high school, he built sets
and performed in two plays each year as well as
participating in the Student Shakespeare Festival at
the Folger Theatre in Washington, DC. While at Frostburg State, Mr.
Jeffries has spent most of his time backstage, designing and building sets
and lighting. For the past two years, he has also worked for Woodwind
Productions, a traveling professional company that builds sets and
rehearses at Frostburg State during the winter break.
Richard Kagey, Director of Productions
Richard Kagey has been Director of Productions at
Seagle Music Colony for over thirty years, directing
operas and musicals as diverse as Oklahoma! to
2006's world premiere of Morning Star by Ricky Ian
Gordon. After working in New York from1976-1982
on Broadway he served on the faculty at several
colleges and universities. Since 2006 he has devoted
full time to directing for opera companies and
regional theatres. He was involved with Thomas
Pasatieri's opera Frau Margot from its inception, and directed the first
workshop production at Seagle Music Colony during the summer of
2005. In the summer of 2007, he directed and was also set desginer for
another Pasatieri premiere, Hotel Casablanca, for the San Francisco
Opera Merola Program. This summer he will be directing a workshop of
another new work by Pasatieri and a work by Joeseph Illick both in
August. He just finished directing a production Of Mice and Men during
the 2008 Fort Worth Opera Festival. In December he will return to Fort
Worth to direct Amahl and the Night Visitors. In January he is staging a
production of Phillip Glass’s Akhnaten for the Atlanta Opera. He and his
wife now make their home in Atlanta.
Allison Klem,
Operations Manager & Stage Manager
Allison Klem is a 22 year old senior at Columbus
State University pursuing a BFA in Theatre
Performance and Directing. She is returning to
Seagle for her second summer as a Stage Manager
and couldn’t be more excited for the summer! Her
stage management credits include The Merry Widow,
Dutchman and Merrily We Roll Along, and many
more. Besides stage managing she also works as a
director and an actress. Her directorial credits
include The Most Massive Woman Wins, Graceland, Dracula and Agnes of
God. Her performance credits include Blood Wedding, A Midsummer
Night’s Dream and Three Tall Women.
Stephen Lusmann, Voice Teacher
Stephen Lusmann has enjoyed a successful
international career singing leading baritone roles
with major opera houses, including the Oper de
Stadt Bonn, Opera de Monte Carlo, Stadttheatre
Luzern, Washington National Opera, Cincinnati
Opera, Boston Lyric Opera and Glimmerglass Opera
among many others. As an active concert soloist, he
has performed at Carnegie Hall and Alice Tully Hall,
and with numerous symphony orchestras in the
United States and abroad. On recording, Mr. Lusmann may be heard in
Richard Strauss' Der Friedenstag on the Koch International label,
Operngala on Tonstudio AMOS, and on E. E. Cummings: An American
Circus, songs of Logan Skelton on the Centaur Records label. He is
Associate Professor of Voice at the University of Michigan. His students
are having great success performing professionally in opera, concert,
musical theatre, and young artist programs throughout the United
States, Canada, and Europe. They are also winning prestigious vocal
competitions and are members of university voice faculties. He has been
a member of the Seagle Music Colony faculty for seven years.
Craig Maddox, Voice Teacher
Dr. Craig Maddox, lyric baritone, is a first year
Seagle Music Colony faculty member. He joined
the Stetson University School of Music voice faculty
in 1984. He holds the BM in Voice Performance
from the North Carolina School of the Arts; the MM
in Voice Performance, the MM in Opera Production
(Stage Directing), and the DM in Voice Performance
from Florida State University. Dr. Maddox has
appeared with such opera companies as Orlando
Opera, Shreveport Opera and Mobile Opera. He also has experience in
musical theatre, having performed leading roles in such shows as
Brigadoon and Carousel. Dr. Maddox's academic passions include
establishing Stetson's Hollis Voice Laboratory and expanding its Vocal
Pedagogy program. An active 25-year NATS member, he has served two
terms as Florida NATS Governor. Some recent Maddox student successes
include: Tai Oney - Met Auditions District Winner & Regional 2nd place
2007; Donovan Singletary - Met Auditions Grand Finals Winner 2006;
and, Katherine Rohrer - Met Auditions Grand Finalist 2001.
Jim McGough, Wig & Makeup Designer/Wigmaster
Mr. McGough is pleased to be returning to the Seagle Music Colony for
his second season. While last summer was a total treat for him, this
summer will not catch him without adequate cool weather clothing- so
you can expect an abnormally HOT summer! Kidding aside, Mr. McGough
comes to the Adirondacks direct from a very busy year that began at the
Virginia Opera where he designed wigs and make-up for Tales of
Hoffmann, Pirates of Penzance, Eugene Onegin and Lucia di
Lammermoor. He then traveled to Ft. Worth, Texas where he worked
with Darren K. Woods and Steven Bryant on the second Ft. Worth Opera
Festival designing wigs and make-up for Angels In America and Of Mice
And Men, and serving as a principal make-up artist for Turandot and
Lucia di Lammermoor.
Justin Seward, Set Designer
Justin began working for the Colony in 1999 as
technician and stage manager, and now returns to
For the Colony, he has designed the
productions of The Medium, Barber of Seville,
Sweeney Todd, Hansel and Gretel, and A
Midsummer Night’s Dream, as well as directing
Little Red Riding Hood. Originally from western
Maryland, Justin received his Bachelor’s Degree in
technical theatre from Frostburg State University. In 2004, he earned
his Master of Arts Degree in Scenic and Props Design from Purdue
University. At Purdue, he co-designed a conceptual production of King
Lear called King Lear @ Ground Zero for the Prague Quadrennial
He has worked and freelanced for various companies
including the Ft. Worth Opera, Opera Theatre of St. Louis, Reduxion
Theatre Company in NYC, SpeakEasy Stage Company, and North Shore
Music Theatre, where he worked for three years as staff Props Artisan.
NSMT production highlights include The 3 Musketeers, Abyssinia, and the
regional theatre premiers of Thoroughly Modern Millie and Hairspray.
Currently, Justin resides in Boston and works as Assistant Props Master
for the Huntington Theatre Company. Mr. Seward recently built props
for his first Broadway show, The 39 Steps, which is currently playing at
the Cort Theatre.
Pat Seyller, Costume Designer
Pat Seyller returns for her thirteenth season with the Seagle Music
Colony. She is one of the most sought-after costumers in the United
States today, having served as assistant to some of the top designers in
the world. She is resident Costume Director of the Opera Theatre of St.
Louis and for the Virginia Opera. Ms. Seyller’s designs for the Colony
have been seen in Lysistrata, The Merry Widow, Don Giovanni, A Little
Night Music, Madame Butterfly, The Magic Flute, Once Upon a Mattress,
Dialogues of the Carmelites, Sweeney Todd, Carmen and many other.
2008 Seagle Music Colony Faculty/Staff Profiles
R. Jason Smith, Coach/Accompanist
R. Jason Smith returns to the Seagle Music Colony
faculty for his fifth season in 2008.
He'll be
remembered by audiences as Music Director and
pianist for Crazy for You, The Fantasticks, The
Barber of Seville, La Traviata and Most Happy Fella.
He is currently staff coach/accompanist at Southern
Methodist University in Dallas, TX. Previous to this
position he was Principal Coach for the Fort Worth
Opera where his duties include being rehearsal
accompanist for main stage productions as well as touring across the
state of Texas with Children's Opera Theatre. Mr. Smith received a
Master of Music degree in Opera Coaching from Florida State University
after completing a Bachelor of Music degree in piano performance from
the University of Utah. Other experience includes work as an apprentice
coach/accompanist for Utah Opera.
Isaac Waters, Technical Director
Isaac Waters is a senior Technical Theatre major at
Columbus State University in his native Georgia. He
has been involved with theatre for over nine years.
He returns to Seagle Music Colony for his third
summer season where he has held the positions of
Stage Technician, Master Carpenter , Set Designer
and Lighting Designer. Last summer he was Set
Designer for The Merry Widow.
Richard Williams, Coach/Accompanist
A member of the Seagle Music Colony faculty for
twelve seasons, Richard Williams is assistant
professor of accompanying and coaching at the
University of Missouri-Kansas City Conservatory of
Music and Dance where he serves as coordinator of
accompanying activities and as faculty coach for the
Middle-America Opera Apprentice program shared by
the Conservatory and the Lyric Opera of Kansas
City. He holds degrees in Liberal Arts and Piano
Performance from the University of Akron and the Master of Music in
Piano Performance from the University of Illinois. He has appeared as
accompanist with opera performers Sandra Warfield and James King. He
is the official pianist for the Kansas City District of the Metropolitan
Opera auditions and an official accompanist for the West Central Regional
Auditions of the Music Teachers National Association. He is a principal
coach of the Conservatory Opera, a training program whose students are
working as principals or apprentices with New York City Opera, Santa Fe
Opera, Utah Opera, Des Moines Metro Opera, Tulsa Opera, St. Louis
Opera, Lyric Opera of Kansas City, Central City and San Francisco Opera
as well as other companies.
Nathan Wentworth, General Manager
Nathan Wentworth was born and raised in
Hawaii. He studied music at the University of North
Texas and the University of Memphis. He made his
international debut during the 2001-2002 season
singing Laurent in the French language world
premiere of Tobias Picker's Thérèse Raquin with
L'Opéra de Montréal under the direction of
Francesca Zambello. He has also worked with the
Opera Cleveland, Fort Worth Opera, Des Moines
Metro Opera, Opera North (USA), Glimmerglass
Opera, Chicago Opera Theatre, Anchorage Opera,
Dallas Opera, Seagle Music Colony, Hidden Valley Opera, Connecticut
Lyric Opera, Florida Grand Opera, Brevard Music Center, Natchez Opera
Festival, Asheville Lyric Opera, Shreveport Opera, Mississippi Opera,
Opera Company of Brooklyn and Théâtre d'Evreux in Évreux, France.
Seagle Music Colony
Left to Right:
Tawny Seward & Jonathan Blalock in Lysistrata
Dora Hastings & John de los Santos in The Medium
Andrew Fuchs, Ashley Burnett and Ryan Bowie
in Crazy for You
George Cornelius & Ashley Becker in The Merry Widow
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2008 Seagle Music Colony Young Artists
Mikeal Allen, Baritone
Pish Tush, The Mikado
Linus, You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown
Mikeal Allen is a Kansas City native and will be
remembered by Seagle Music Colony audiences as
Goose in Crazy for You, Hucklebee in The
Fantasticks, Kromov in The Merry Widow and the
King in The Goose Girl in 2007. A recent graduate
of the University of Missouri Kansas City
Conservatory, his past credits include Doc in The Most Happy Fella,
Schaunard in La Bohème and Anotoio in The Marriage of Fiagro.
Traci Bair, Soprano
Jenny, Company
Old Woman/Papagena, The Magic Flute
Traci Bair recently completed two Bachelor of Music
degrees at Oklahoma City University in Vocal
Performance and Music Theatre.
At OCU, she
studied under voice instructor Florence Birdwell. Her
favorite roles include Anna (Le villi), Sarah (The
Ballad of Baby Doe), Mrs. Gobineau (The Medium),
and Marian Paroo (The Music Man). Favorite regional credits include
Angelina (Trial By Jury) and Gertie Cummings (Oklahoma!).
Ashley Becker, Soprano
Mimi, La Bohème
Ashley Becker returns for a second summer at
Seagle Music Colony after a memorable Hanna in
The Merry Widow last season. Since then she has
performed in the Opera Company of North Carolina’s
“Opera About Town”, and been a semifinalist in the
International Tommaso Traetta competition and also
won second place in the Orpheus National Voice
Competition. A graduate of McGill University, her
repertoire includes Madame Lidoine (Dialogues of the Carmelites), Mimi
(La Boheme), Baroness von Gondremarck (La Vie Parisienne), Elettra
(Idomeneo) among others. She has also appeared with orchestras in the
United States and Canada. Dorothy Shames Scholar.
David Blalock, Baritone
Alcindoro/Benoit, La Bohème
Second Priest, The Magic Flute
After a recent performance as Manuel in the UNCG
Opera Theatre’s production of La Vida Breve, CVNC
said David Blalock sang “with a burnished tone and
apt sense of emotion and style.” He has sung
throughout North Carolina, including roles with the
Opera Company of North Carolina and Raleigh
Capital Opera.
He has sung principal roles in
Madama Butterfly, La Vida Breve, La Traviata, The Ballad of Baby Doe,
and The Tender Land. Mr. Blalock is a senior at UNCG, where he is
working toward a degree in voice performance.
Jonathan Blalock, Tenor
Paul, Company; Tamino, The Magic Flute
Jonathan Blalock is thrilled to return to Seagle Music
Colony after a summer highlighted by his
performance of Nico in 2007’s Lysistrata.
emerging professional, he has recently sung Frederic
(Pirates of Penzance) with Opera Carolina, Ferrando
(Così fan tutte) with Capital Opera and Normanno
(Lucia di Lammermoor) with Fort Worth Opera.
During the 2008-09 season, he will be a member of the FWOpera Studio.
He enjoys working frequently as an oratorio soloist with Triad Ensembles.
He earned a B.A. from Bryan College and two M.M. degrees from the
University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Lisa Reid Scholar
Ashley Beth Burnett, Mezzo-Soparno
Marta, Company; Second Spirit, The Magic Flute
Ashley Beth Burnett recently graduated from the
University of Missouri-Kansas City Conservatory with
a B.M. in Vocal Performance. She was most recently
seen in Bernstein’s Broadway, with Musical Theatre
Heritage and in a two-month run of Charles Dicken’s
A Christmas Carol with the Kansas City Reperotry
Favorite credits include the world premier workshop of
Terrence Atkins’ and Jeffrey Lyle Segal’s I Come for Love, Pirates of
Penzance, Parade, Pippin, The Mikado, and Sussical the Musical. She is
thrilled to return to Seagle Music Colony where she debuted last year as
Polly Baker in Crazy for You.
Amy Cahill, Soprano
Yum-Yum, The Mikado; Sally, You’re a Good Man
Charlie Brown; First Spirit, The Magic Flute
Amy Cahill is thrilled to be back at Seagle Music
Colony for her second summer. Last season, she
appeared as Luisa in The Fantasticks, Princess in
The Goose Girl and Patsy in Crazy for You. In May,
she completed her B.M. in Voice at the University of
Kansas, where she studied under Ms. Joyce Castle and performed in
several operatic and musical theatre productions. This fall Ms. Cahill will
continue her vocal studies while pursuing a Master’s degree. Lisa Reid
Jessica Blaire Cates, Soprano
Susan, Company; Pamina, The Magic Flute
A recent graduate of the University of North
Carolina at Greensboro, Ms. Cates was the 1st
place winner of the Charlotte Opera Guild
Competition in 2006 and has had regular success in
local and regional NATS competitions as well. Ms.
Cates has frequently performed main-stage with
Livestock Players Musical Theatre playing lead and
character roles. In 2006 she appeared as Lauretta in UNCG’s Gianni
Schicchi. She was a soloist at the York Minister of England, with the First
United Methodist Church of Salisbury, NC (Brahms Requiem) and for the
American Guild of Organists (Bach, Cantata No. 68).
Meaghan Deiter, Mezzo-Soprano
Katisha, The Mikado
Meaghan Deiter is currently pursuing a master’s
degree in Vocal Performance at the University of
Kansas. In May she sang the role of Edith in
Pirates of Penzance with Wichita Grand Opera.
With KU Opera she has performed the roles of Mrs.
Potts in Picnic, Miss Todd in The Old Maid and the
Thief, Meg Page in Falstaff, and Mrs. Herring in
Albert Herring. Equally interested in musical theatre, Ms. Deiter spent
the summer of 2006 performing in the New Theatre Dinner Restaurant’s
production of Fiddler on the Roof, and she has appeared with KU Theatre
in The Music Man, Jacques Brel, Candide, A Little Night Music, and South
Anthony Di Meglio, Baritone
Robert, Company; Speaker, The Magic Flute
Anthony Di Meglio is a Senior Vocal Performance
major at Drake University and studies private voice
with Prof. Leanne Freeman-Miller.
He will be
premiering a new opera in September, 2008 with
the Des Moines Symphony and Des Moines Vocal
Arts Ensemble entitled The Sparks Fly Upward, playing Karl Rosenbaum.
He recently played Macavity in Cats and Ryan in Disney’s High School
Musical, both at Des Moines Playhouse. John & Helen Seagle Scholar
Kimberly Dowda, Soprano
Kathy, Company; Mimi, La Bohème
Kimberly Dowda is a graduate student at the
University of North Texas where she has portrayed
Juliette (Romeo et Juliette), Clori (L’Egisto), and
Susanna (Le nozze di Figaro). As a student in San
Antonio, Ms. Dowda sang Mother (Hansel and
Gretel), Grete Fiorentino (Street Scene) and has
performed in many musicals including Trial by Jury, Titanic, Sweeny
Todd, and Das Barbecu. Ms. Dowda participated in Turandot, Lucia di
Lammermoor and Madama Butterfly with Fort Worth Opera and in San
Antonio Opera’s productions of La Boheme and Carmen. She recently
won UNT’s Concert Competition and placed second in the Young Texas
Artist Music Competition. Patrice Munsel Scholar
2008 Seagle Music Colony Young Artists
Jesse Enderle, Baritone
Harry, Company; Schaunard, La Bohème
Baritone Jesse Enderle is excited to be a first time
performer at Seagle Music Colony. In the summer
of 2006 he traveled to Italy to sing the role of Baron
Zeta in Operafestival di Roma’s production of The
Merry Widow. Last summer he participated in the
TCU/Fort Worth Opera festival and was the Prince in
Pasatieri’s The Goosegirl and has spent the last two
seasons singing in the Fort Worth Opera Festival Chorus. Mr. Enderle is
a recent graduate of the University of Texas at Arlington and will begin
his graduate studies in the fall at the University of Michigan. Darren K.
Woods Scholar
John William Gomez, Tenor
Rodolfo, La Bohème
Second Man in Armor, The Magic Flute
John William Gomez hails from Tampa, Florida. He
received an Associate Degree from Miami Dade
College and then transferred to the Boston
Conservatory where he has studied with Robert
Honeysucker, Rebecca Folsom and Sanford Sylvan
and is currently pursuing his Master of Music degree.
He has won the New England Regional Metropolitan Opera Competition
as well as NATS competitions and has sung around the world in countries
that include Venezuela, Argentina, Dominican Republic, Israel, Syria and
Italty where tenor Carlo Bergonzi invited him to participate in the
Giuseppe Verdi Academy. Roles include Nemorino in The Elixir of Love,
Lysander in A Midsummmer Night’s Dream, Alfred in Die Fledermaus,
and Almaviva in The Barber of Seville, which he performed at Seagle
Music Colony during the 2006 season. Seagle Music Colony Guild
Edward Hanlon, Bass
Pooh-Bah, The Mikado; Colline, La Bohème
Edward Hanlon is currently pursuing a M.M. degree
in Voice at the University of Michigan where he
recently played the bass in Argento’s Postcards from
Morocco. Other Michigan highlights include Colline
(La Bohème), and Tobias Micha (The Bartered
Bride). At Seagle Music Colony, he has been seen
as Leonidas (Lysistrata), Baron Zehta (The Merry
Widow), Commendatore (Don Giovanni), and
Truffladino (Ariadne auf Naxos). He received his undergraduate degree
from McGill University where he played Pangloss (Candide), Rene Leblanc
in the world premiere of Evangeline and Nettuno (Il Ritorno d’Ulisse).
Dora Hastings, Soprano
Gretel, Hansel & Gretel; Musetta, La Bohème
Dora Hastings is thrilled to return for her second
season with Seagle Music Colony where she was
seen last season as Monica in The Medium and Rita
Clayton in Séance on a Wet Afternoon. She holds a
B.A. in Theatre from Indiana University of
Pennsylvania and an M.M. in Vocal Performance
from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
Ms. Hasting’s previous credits include Salud in La Vida Breve, Silver
Dollar (Older) in The Ballad of Baby Doe and Papagena in The Magic
Flute. Seagle Music Colony Guild Scholar
Lauren Henderson, Mezzo-Soprano
Pitti-Sing, The Mikado; Amy, Company
Lauren Henderson is originally from Manhattan,
Kansas. In May 2008 she graduated from the
University of Kansas with a Bachelor of Music degree
in Vocal Performance where she studied with Joyce
Castle. Ms. Henderson will begin a Masters of Music
degree in Vocal Performance and Literature at the
Eastman School of Music in September 2008. Her
most recent roles consist of Mrs. Wintry in the 2007 Seagle Music Colony
production of Stephen Schwartz’s Séance on a Wet Afternoon, Arete/
Megaera in Mark Adamo’s Lysistrata as well as Millie in the world
premiere production of Forrest Pierce’s Picnic at the University of Kansas
in the spring of 2008. Weinstock Scholar
Clare Mortimer Jacobs, Soprano
April, Company
Queen of the Night, The Magic Flute
Ms. Jacobs is a graduate of the University of North
Texas and Baylor University. She has performed
the roles of Fraülein Silberklang in The Impresario,
Gretel and the Dew Fairy in Hansel and Gretel,
Adele in Die Fledermaus, Queen of the Night in The
Magic Flute, Despina in Così fan Tutte, and Amore in L’Egisto. She has
participated in the Opera Festival di Lucca and Casalmaggiore
International Music Festival in Italy. In 2006 she played Despina in UNT
Opera’s production of Così fan Tutte at the Galuppi Festival in Venice,
Chai Jindasurat, Tenor
Nanki-Poo, The Mikado
Chai Jindasurat graduated in May with a Bachelor’s
Degree in Voice Performance and a minor in French
from the University of Missouri-Kansas City
Conservatory. He was seen at Seagle Music Colony
last summer as Mingo in Crazy for You, Bellomy in
The Fantasticks, and Conrad in The Goose Girl. At
UMKC he performed Parpignol in La Bohème, Frederick in The Pirates of
Penzance, Elder Gleaton in Susannah, Leon in Signor Deluso and
Sandman in Hansel & Gretel.
Lane Johnson, Baritone
Ko-Ko, The Mikado
Schroeder, You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown
Lane Johnson is currently completing M.M. degrees
in Voice Performance and Choral Conducting at the
University of Kansas. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree
in Voice Performance from Louisiana State
University. At KU Opera he has performed Alan
Seymour in the premiere of Picnic, Giorgio Germont
in La Traviata as well as Dr. Miracle and Schlemil in The Tales of
Hoffman. While at LSU, he was part of the Louisiana Opera Outreach
Program and performed Father Confessor in Dialogues of the Carmelites.
He was recently featured as soloist in Bach’s St. Matthew’s Passion with
the Bethany College Oratorio Messiah Festival of Music and Arts and the
William O. Baker Festival Singers in Kansas City.
Dan Kempson, Baritone
Charlie Brown, You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown
Papageno, The Magic Flute
Dan Kempson is completing his Master of Music at
the Manhattan School of Music. Since performing
El Gallo in The Fantasticks at Seagle Music Colony
in 2007, he has performed the title role in Don
Giovanni with Amsterdam Concert Opera, Geroge
Jones in Street Scene with MSM Opera, and been a
soloist in the Orff Carmina Burana and the Gounod
St. Cecilia Mass with the Connecticut Master Chorale and Orchestra.
Since last year he received a 2007 Opera Index Encouragement Grant
and was a Finalist in the 2008 Liederkranz Foundation Lieder
Competition. Moe & Janet Friedman Scholar
Desiree Maira, Mezzo-Soprano
Lucy, You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown
Second Lady, The Magic Flute
Desiree Maira is a 2007 graduate of Stetson
University. Summer programs include the Corso
Estive per Giovani Cantanti Lirici in Italy and the
New York Vocal Institute in Manhattan. She has
portrayed Dorabella in Così fan tutte, Isabella in
The Italian Girl in Algiers, and Meg Page in The
Merry Wives of Windsor. She has received the Metropolitan Opera
District Competition Encouragement Award and was a semi-finalist in the
junior division Palm Beach Opera Competition. Ms. Maira is currently a
Master of Music student majoring in Opera Performance at the Boston
Conservatory, studying with Dr. Rebecca Folsom.
2008 Seagle Music Colony Young Artists
Wes Mason, Baritone
Peter, Company; Marcello, La Bohème
Wes Mason, a native of Norfolk, VA, recently made
his main stage debut with Michigan Opera Theatre in
the roles of Parichaud in La Rondine and the
Marchese in La Traviata.
This past spring, he
performed the role of The Shoe Salesman in the
University of Michigan’s production of Argento’s
Postcards from Morocco. In addition to his performances this year, Wes
won 2nd place in the Mid-South Regional Finals of the Metropolitan Opera
National Council Auditions. He is looking forward to portraying the title
character in Eugene Onegin next year at the University of Michigan
where he is currently pursuing his Bachelor’s degree in Voice
Performance under Professor Stephen Lusmann. Lisa Reid Scholar
Evan McCormack, Tenor
David, Company; Tamino, The Magic Flute
Evan McCormack, a native of Rochester, NY, finished
his Master’s in Opera Theatre from The University of
South Carolina this past May. His accomplishments
at USC include Acis in Acis and Galatea, Sylvio in Le
Docteur Miracle, Lyric Tenor in Postcard from
Morocco, and Tamino in The Magic Flute.
summer he was a young artist with the Italian Operatic Experience and
spent five weeks in Urbania, Italy where he studied the role of Nemorino
in The Elixir of Love and performed the role of Rinuccio in Gianni Schicchi
at the Teatro Bramante. Other credits include Filch in The ThreePenny
Opera and Tony in West Side Story.
Courtney Miller, Mezzo-Soprano
Sarah, Company; Third Spirit, The Magic Flute
Courtney Miller, a native of Madison, WI, will be
graduating next spring with a B.M. in Vocal
Performance from the University of Michigan. Last
summer she performed with the College Light Opera
Company on Cape Cod. This past year, she played
the title role in Iolanthe with the UM Gilbert and
Sullivan Society and Joanie in The Full Monty.
Clara Nieman, Mezzo-Soprano
Peep-Bo, The Mikado; Hansel, Hansel & Gretel
Clara Nieman returns for a second summer at
Seagle Music Colony where she was seen last year
as The Waiting Woman in The Goose Girl among
other roles.
She is a voice student at Indiana
University, where she will receive her undergraduate
degree next spring. Favorite roles include Penelope
Pennywise in Urinetown and Ado Annie in
Oklahoma!. Phyllis & Marty Korn Scholar
Lori Paradoski, Soprano
Mother/Sandman, Hansel & Gretel
First Lady, The Magic Flute
Lori Paradoski received her bachelor’s degree from
Texas State University and is currently pursuing her
master’s degree in vocal performance from the same
school. She was recently awarded the Alice Dutcher
Thorton award for the most career potential and also
took first place in the Graduate Women’s division at
the 2007 NATS Southwest Division. In addition to being part of the
Texas State Opera Program, she has performed Rosalinda in Die
Fledermaus and Sister Angelica in Suor Angelica.
Danielle Korinne Pecone, Soprano
Pamina, The Magic Flute
Danielle Pecone currently resides in Boston, MA
where she is pursuing a Graduate Diploma from New
England Conservatory, where she studies with
Professor James McDonald. Last year at Seagle
Music Colony she performed the roles of Irene Roth
in Crazy for You, Olga in The Merry Widow, Queen in
The Goose Girl, and Miss Rose in Séance on a Wet Afternoon. She
recently performed Ora 3 in L’Egisto at the New England Conservatory.
Andrew Penning, Tenor
Monostatos, The Magic Flute
Andrew Penning, a native of St. Paul, MN, is
currently pursuing a Bachelor of Music degree in
Vocal Performance at Lawrence University where he
studies voice with Dr. Karen Leigh-Post.
recently performed the role of Fenton in Lawrence
University’s production of The Merry Wives of
Windsor. Past roles at Lawrence include Gherardo
in Gianni Schicchi and First Armored Man and Second Priest in The Magic
Amanda Robie, Mezzo-Soprano
Witch, Hansel & Gretel; Third Lady, The Magic Flute
Amanda Robie attended Bucknell University where
she received her Bachelor of Music degree in Music
Education. While there, she was a member of the
Bucknell Opera Company. Following graduation,
she lived in Washington, DC, where she was an
associate professional of the Master Chorale in
Currently, she is completing her
Master of Music degree in Voice Performance at the Boston Conservatory,
studying with Monique Phinney.
Logan Rucker, Tenor
Rodolfo, La Bohème
First Man in Armor, The Magic Flute
Logan Rucker is currently a member of the
Maryland Opera Studio and studies with Gran
Wilson. His most recent role was Ferrando in Cosi
fan tutte at the Maryland School of Music. Other
notable roles are Meleagros in Lysistrata, Gastone
in La Traviata, and Monastotos in Magic Flute. He was the first place
winner of the Texas NATS competition last spring. He will be singing the
role of Ovidio in the new work Before Night Falls by Jorge Martin this
summer. Lisa Reid Scholar
Joseph Shadday, Tenor
Snoopy, You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown
First Priest, The Magic Flute
Joe Shadday is a senior vocal performance major at
DePauw University in Greencastle, IN.
He has
appeared in several productions at DePauw under
the direction of Orcenith Smith.
Roles include
Eisenstein in Die Fledermaus, Tamino in The Magic
Flute and Pecadillo in P.D.Q. Bach’s Abduction of
Figaro. Other credits include Rinuccio in Gianni Schicchi with La Musica
Lirica festival and numerous credits with the College Light Opera
Matthew Young, Bass-Baritone
The Mikado, The Mikado; Sarastro, The Magic Flute
Matthew Young returns for his second season at
Seagle Music Colony where he was seen last year
as Inspector Watts in Séance on a Wet Afternoon
and Bela Zangler in Crazy for You.
He just
completed a season as Resident Artist with Chicago
Opera Theatre, where he coverd the role of
Zoroastro in Handel’s Orlando.
He made his
professional debut with Fort Worth Opera playing The Imperial
Commissioner in Madame Butterfly. In addition to Seagle Music Colony,
Mr. Young has completed training at the American Institute of Musical
Studies in Graz, Austria and the Brevard Institute in North Carolina
where he performed Judge Turpin in Sweeney Todd. Phyrne & Ron
Pitkin Scholar
Seagle Music Colony Guild
This summer the Guild celebrates its
thirteenth season. The mission of the Seagle
Music Colony Guild is to increase awareness and
generate community support, both locally and
regionally, for the exceptional training program
for singers at the Seagle Music Colony. In
addition, the Guild is committed to creating a
welcoming atmosphere at each performance by
ushering and providing refreshments before the
performance and during intermissions.
profits raised by the Guild support the Seagle
Music Colony Guild Scholarship Fund. Each year
scholarships are awarded to offset tuition for a
young artist attending the program. After the
2007 season, the Guild was able to fund $9,200
in scholarships. Members also create a homey
atmosphere by adopting the singers for the
summer. Thanks to the members’ support, the
artists are encouraged and enriched by these
friendly relationships.
2008 Guild Officers
Barbara Repp
Judy Sheridan
Jane Roth
Betty Organek
2008 Guild Members
Carol Barth
Kay Belles
Nancy Belluscio
Pat Bennison
Phyllis Berger
Camille Burbidge
Dorothy Byrne
Barbara Casey
Lenore Casey
Jane Claus
Bobbie CoatsWondrasch
Beth Cole
Ginnyann Coppola
Margaret Coyle
Eileen DeSalvio
Marie Dillon
Brenda Donley
Ann Durney
Elaine Dwight
Carol Fahey
Jessica Finnegan
Yvonne Fredericks
Bea Friedman
Janet Friedman
Cathy Giove
Pearl Glassman
Naomi Goltzman
Astra Grinmanis
Nancy Harste
Ronnie Hirsch
Ann Hoff
Marilyn Kelso
Martin Korn
Diane Koslov
Barbara Laurer
Paul Leah
Helen Lindenberger
Gerry Logan
Joan Lomnitzer
Nadine Magee
Barbara McDonald
Janet McManus
Ann Metcalfe
Lynn Nestler
Patricia Noerr
Betty Organek
Lee & Arnold Paglia
Teddi Pereau
Judy Perry
Susan Purdy
Barbara Repp
Nancy Rhodes
Lil Richardson
Selma Robinson
Jane Roth
Julie Sawyer
Guild Scholarship Luncheon
August 6, 2008 • 11:30 AM
Sagamore Resort • Bolton Landing, NY
Elaine Schwartz
Dodie Seagle
Judy Sheridan
Pat Shrope
Ann Slaterpryce
Barbara Smith
Judy Smith
Helene & Jon Spisiak
Sue Stiehm
Marge Strohmeyer
Amelia Taglieri
Saundra Tobman
Kris Tribou
Jean Vanderzee
Sandy Vanno
Carol Whitney