52nd CONGRESS 2008
52nd CONGRESS 2008
BUCHAREST Bucharest: the UIA’ s bridge to the future Programme and Registration 52 CONGRESS nd OCTOBER 29 I NOVEMBER 2 2008 UNION INTERNATIONALE DES AVOCATS INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LAWYERS UNIÓN INTERNACIONAL DE ABOGADOS MAP OF BUCHAREST 2 1 HOUSE OF PARLIAMENT 1 ROYAL PALACE 2 LA CORTINA (16 km) Programme and Registration 52nd Congress Bucharest - Romania October 29 - November 2, 2008 House of Parliament ACCREDITATION / CLE CREDIT UIA has obtained official accreditation from the Conseil National des Barreaux (CNB France), as well as from the Belgian bars, within the continuing legal education framework. In this context, 21 hours of training have been approved for Congress participants. UIA has obtained official accreditation from the Romanian National Bar Association (UNBR). UIA is pursuing the same approach with organisations in other countries. Please contact it for more detailed information. Union Internationale des Avocats Tel Fax Email Website 25, rue du Jour - 75001 Paris - France > + 33 1 44 88 55 66 > + 33 1 44 88 55 77 > uiacentre@uianet.org > www.uianet.org GENERAL INFORMATION CONTENTS 1. RECEPTION AND PRACTICAL INFORMATION > Welcome messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 > Our partners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 > Information – Country . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 > Information – Congress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 > Committees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 > UIA Presentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 > Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 > Congress Schedule and Timings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 2. SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME 2.1 MAIN THEMES > The Information Society: Questions and Challenges . . . . . . . . 14 > Water and the Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 > The Legal Profession: Just another Business? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 > Competition Law: Competing Models of Market Regulation . 27 2.2 JOINT WORKING SESSIONS OF COMMISSIONS AND WORKING GROUPS > International Arbitration/Sports Law/Mediation and Conflict Prevention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22, 24 > Banking Law/Corporate Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 > Media Law/Litigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 > Mergers and Acquisitions/Litigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 > Tort Law/Health Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2.3 COMMISSIONS AND WORKING GROUPS’ WORKING SESSIONS > Administrative Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 > Art Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 > International Arbitration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22, 24 > Banking Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 > Bankruptcy Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 > Biotechnology Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 > Business and Human Rights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 > Competition Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 > Computer and Telecommunications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 > Contract Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 > Corporate Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 > Criminal Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 19 > International Criminal Defence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 > Defence of the Defence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 > Environmental and Sustainable Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 > European Union Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 > Family Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 > Financial Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 > Foreign Investment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 > The Future of the Lawyer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 > Health Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 > Human Rights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28, 29 > Immigration and Nationality Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 > Insurance Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 > Intellectual Property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 > International Estate Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 > International Private Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 > International Sale of Goods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 > Judiciary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 > Labour Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 18 > Litigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18, 28, 29 > Management of Law Firms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 > Media Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 > Mediation and Conflict Prevention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22, 24 > Mergers and Acquisitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 > Protection of Personal Data and Rights of the Digital Person . 28 > Real Estate Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 > Sports Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22, 24 > Tax Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 > Tort Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 > Transport Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 3. OTHER MEETINGS > International Bar Leaders Senate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 > Commissions Presidents Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 > Regional Secretaries, Presidents of National Committees and UIA Representatives Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 > International Commissions and National Committees Meetings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 > Law Firms Forum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 > ABA-SIL Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 > Meeting of the new Training Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22, 24 > Associated Meetings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 4. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES > Opening Ceremony – Parliament – October 29, 2008 . . . . . . 31 > Welcome Reception – Parliament – October 29, 2008 . . . . . 31 > Informal Evening – Cocktail Dinner – Club Cortina October 30, 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 > Closing Ceremony – Parliament – November 1, 2008 . . . . . . 32 > Gala Dinner – Royal Palace – November 1, 2008 . . . . . . . . . . 32 > General Excursion in Bucharest November 2, 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 5. TRANSPORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 6. ACTIVITIES FOR ACCOMPANYING PERSONS . . . . . 33 7. CONGRESS TOURS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 8. ACCOMMODATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 9. METHODS OF PAYMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 10. CANCELLATION CONDITIONS (registration, accommodation, activities) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 11. GENERAL CONDITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 12. MAP OF BUCHAREST CITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cover page Registration forms are included in this brochure. This brochure is printed on Cyclus Print recycled paper for the respect of the environment. 2 To register please complete the forms attached or register online www.uianet.org GENERAL INFORMATION Welcome in Bucharest! In this year of 2008, we will be holding our 52nd Congress, our organisation’s most important annual event, and I wish to invite all UIA members to participate in it. In fact, it will be taking place at a crucial moment for lawyers who are being threatened and harassed in different corners of the planet, but also at a time when the profession is on the verge of turning into a mere business and no longer a profession. This is an issue that we will be able to discuss during this Congress. Furthermore, UIA celebrates and supports Romania’s entry into the European Union, which is a source of great pleasure for me as UIA President and a European citizen. The European Union’s expansion was essential as an affirmation of the Rule of Law and democracy, as well as for the respect of Human Rights in East Europe. Furthermore, the main themes which we will address are crucial both for the world at large and for our profession. Finally, this will be a memorable occasion thanks to the efficiency of the Organising Committee, led by my friend Mihai TANASESCU – a guarantee of success in terms of organisation and results. All these reasons would be more than enough to justify your taking part in the Congress, but there is yet another: it will be held in Romania, giving us the opportunity to discover the charm of this extraordinary country, where Europe meets the Black Sea, a region steeped in history and culture. There we will find the magnificent city of Sibiu, which easily merited the title of Europe’s Cultural Capital in 2007, the year when Romania joined the European Union. The proceedings will be held at the House of Parliament and the gala dinner at the Royal Palace. My words of welcome to you would not be complete without mention of Cristian IORDANESCU, who was the first person involved in the organisation of our Congress in Romania but who sadly died in early December 2007. I look forward to seeing all of you in Bucharest, with the certainty that the Congress will be unforgettable – both useful and fruitful on the professional front, and pleasant and interesting at the personal level. Dear friends, Héctor DÍAZ-BASTIEN UIA President You already know from the messages in the preliminary programme that the Bucharest Congress will be unique: the beauty of the city that most of you haven’t been to, the joy of its inhabitants after joining the Great European Family, the country’s special characteristics - Latin by training and culture, Oriental because of the influence of the Middle Ages and the Ottoman domination - and its multiculturalism. This is a land at the crossroads of history and much more. Unfortunately, a shadow has been cast over this unique event, by the fact that the person who fought with all his heart and soul to organise this Congress in Bucharest, the one who, with his intelligence, his joy, his energy, his good humour and his friendship invited you all here – I am obviously speaking of Cristian IORDANESCU – is no longer with us to welcome you. He who had the idea of transforming Bucharest into a “bridge towards the future” now only lives on in our memories… The generations that come after us must not forget that those who witnessed the transition from the 20th century to the 21st century lived through a period when a wall divided a city, a curtain divided a continent and an ideology divided a world. I believe that it is the mission of the lawyers present at the Bucharest Congress - indeed, that of all the world’s lawyers - to show by their own example the unity of our profession with other professional structures – social and political. This will also ensure that our Congress is crowned with success because it is here, more than anywhere else, that memory will help us build the future. The generations that take the first step onto the “bridge towards the future”, here in Bucharest, are sure to find unity, harmony and joie de vivre on the other side. In Bucharest, you will smile, meet friends, participate in technical and cultural meetings, enjoy yourselves in the company of colleagues from Romania and the Black Sea countries, discover and rediscover a world that has long been waiting for you. Welcome in Bucharest! Mihai TANASESCU President of the 2008 Congress 3 I N F O R M AT I O N S WELCOME MESSAGES GENERAL INFORMATION THE UIA PARTNERS FOR THE 52nd CONGRESS The International Association of Lawyers wishes to thank the following for their support in organising the Congress: AUTHORITIES AND INSTITUTIONS BUCHAREST BAR Baroul București Str. Dr. Râureanu, nr 3 Sector 5 050047 Bucharest – Romania Email: secretariat@baroul-bucuresti.ro Website: www.baroul-bucuresti.ro NATIONAL UNION OF ROMANIAN BARS Uniunea Naţionala a Barourilor din România UNBR Palatul de Justiţie Splaiul Independenţei nr. 5 Sector 5 050091 Bucharest – Romania Tel: +40 21 316 07 39 Fax: +40 21 313 48 80 Email: unbr@unbr.ro Website: www.unbr.ro LAWYERS INSURANCE OFFICE – BUCHAREST SUBSIDIARY Casa de Asigurari a Avocaţilor – Filiala București Str. Dr. Râureanu, nr. 3 Sector 5 050047 Bucharest – Romania Tel: +40 21 313 16 12 Fax: +40 21 313 16 14 Email: webmaster@filbuc-caa.ro Website: filbuc-caa.ro HOUSE OF PARLIAMENT – CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES Parlamentul României – Camera Deputaţilor Palatul Parlamentului Str.Izvor nr.2-4 Sector 5 Bucharest – Romania Tel: +40 21 316 03 00; +40 21 414 1111 Email: webmaster@cdep.ro Website: www.cdep.ro PARTNERS AND EXHIBITORS BRUYLANT EDITIONS Rue de la Régence, 67 1000 Brussels - Belgium Tel: +32 2 512 98 45 Fax: +32 2 511 72 02 Website: www.bruylant.be INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL LAW REVIEW Nestor House Playhouse Yard London EC4VSEX - United Kingdom Email: hotline@euromoney.com Website: www.iflr.com LEXISNEXIS 141, rue de Javel 75747 Paris Cedex 15 - France Tel: +33 1 45 58 93 80 Fax: +33 1 45 58 93 48 Website: www.lexisnexis.fr & ASOCIAŢII ATTORNEYS AT LAW 239, Calea Dorobanti, 6th Executive Floor First District 010567 Bucharest - Romania Tel: +40 (21) 317 79 19 Fax: +40 (21) 317 85 00 / 317 75 05 Email: office@pnpartners.ro Website: www.pnpartners.ro POPOVICI NIŢU BRD GROUPE SOCIETE GENERALE Boulevard Ion Mihalache 1 – 7 Tour BRD Bucharest 1 - Romania NATIONAL TOURISM OFFICE 7, rue Gaillon 75002 Paris - France Tel.: +33 1 40 20 99 33 Fax: +33 1 40 20 99 43 Email: info@guideroumanie.com Website: www.guideroumanie.com 4 To register please complete the forms attached or register online www.uianet.org GENERAL INFORMATION ENTRY FORMALITIES Citizens of European Union member countries can visit Romania without a visa for a maximum 90-day stay. However, a passport valid for at least 6 months after the date of entry into the Romanian territory is necessary to cross the border. For short stays not exceeding 90 days, European citizens (citizens of one of the Union’s 27 member countries as well as Swiss and Norwegian citizens) can enter Romania with a valid national identity card. COUNTRIES WITHOUT VISA Malaysia Mexico Monaco New Zealand Nicaragua Panama Paraguay Salvador San Marino Singapore South Korea United States of America Uruguay Venezuela Andorra Argentina Australia Brazil Brunei Canada Chile Costa Rica Croatia Guatemala Holy See Honduras Israel Japan FOR OTHER NATIONALITIES Congress delegates from some countries need to obtain a visa in order to enter Romania. They must fulfill the administrative requirements of the Consulate or Embassy of Romania in their country of residence. It is strongly recommended that you apply for the visa well ahead of your departure date. For any additional information, please consult the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ website: www.mae.ro (Section: “visas and consular services/visas”). 1. List of countries whose nationals can apply for a visa without requiring an invitation: Antigua and Barbados Bahamas Bahrain Barbados Belize Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Colombia Dominica Ecuador Grenada Indonesia Kiribati Kuwait Lesotho Macedonia Malawi Mariana Islands Marshall Islands Micronesia Montenegro Namibia Nauru Oman Palau Qatar Rep. of Moldavia Russian Federation Salomon Islands Santa Lucia Saudi Arabia Serbia Seychelles South Africa St. Kitts and Nevis St. Vincent and Grenadines Swaziland Thailand Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Turkey Tuvalu Ukraine United Arab Emirates Uruguay Vanuatu Western Samoa Zimbabwe 2. List of countries whose nationals are required to submit an invitation in order to obtain a visa: Afghanistan Albania Algeria Angola Armenia (without bank guarantee) Azerbaijan (without bank guarantee) Bangladesh Benin Bhutan Burkina Faso Burundi Byelorussia (without bank guarantee) Cambodia Cameroon Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Comoros Cote d'Ivoire Cuba (without bank guarantee) Democratic Popular Republic of Congo (Zaire) Djibouti Dominican Republic Egypt Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia Fiji Gabon Gambia Georgia (without bank guarantee) Ghana Guinea Guinea Bissau Guyana Haiti India Iran Iraq Jordan Kazakhstan (without bank guarantee) Kenya Kirghizstan (without bank guarantee) Korea/DPR Laos Lebanon Liberia Libya Madagascar Maldives Mali Mauritania Mauritius Mongolia (without bank guarantee) Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Nepal Niger Nigeria Pakistan Palestinian Authority Papua-New-Guinea People’s Republic of China Peru Philippines Republic of Congo Rwanda Sao Tome and Principe Senegal Sierra Leone Somalia Sri Lanka Sudan Surinam Syria Tajikistan Tanzania Togo Tunisia Turkmenistan Uganda Uzbekistan Vietnam Yemen 5 I N F O R M AT I O N S INFORMATION – COUNTRY GENERAL INFORMATION INFORMATION – COUNTRY TRANSPORT BY AIR AIR FRANCE and TAROM are the official carriers for the Bucharest Congress. You can obtain of preferential rates by making your reservations directly with either of the two airlines. In order to avail of the special rates, Congress delegates must book their flights directly on the website: www.airfrance-globalmeetings.com using the following identification code: 04438AF To obtain preferential non restrictive rates(1), Congress delegates must contact the offices of the Romanian airline TAROM directly and present official documentary evidence of their participation in the Congress (registration form, invitation, etc.). TAROM has blocked a certain number of seats for the UIA Congress on flights from the following cities on October 28 and 29 and on November 2 and 3 for the return. In view of the limited number of seats and the fact that these preferential rates(1) cannot be guaranteed after the September 15, 2008, we urge you to make your reservations as soon as possible with: TAROM PARIS 12, rue des Pyramides - 75001 Paris Tel: +33 1 42 65 43 66 Fax: +33 1 42 65 43 67 TAROM MADRID & BARCELONA Calle Principe de Vergara, no 112 5/B, 28002 Madrid Tel: +34 91 564 18 83 Fax: +34 91 564 19 01 Email: madrid@tarom.es 6 TAROM LONDON 27 New Cavendish Street, London W1G9TX Tel: +44 20 72 24 36 93 / +44 20 79 35 36 00 Fax: +44 20 74 87 29 13 Email: lonoffice@taromuk.co.uk TAROM ROME Via Alessandro Scarlatti 5, 200198 Rome Tel: +39 06 85 30 50 45 Fax: +39 06 85 30 51 14 Email: tarom.roma@virgilio.it TAROM BRUSSELS Brussels Airport, Departure Terminal OP 44, 1930 Zaventem Tel: +32 2 21 86 382 Fax: +32 2 21 98 046 Email: financial@tarom.be TAROM FRANKFURT 13 Zeil Strasse, 60313 Frankfurt Tel: +49 69 29 52 70 Fax: +49 69 29 29 47 Email: frankfurt@tarom.de TAROM MUNICH Munich Airport 85336 , Terminal 1, module C, office C5-363 Tel: +49 89 97 59 11 40/42/43 Fax: +49 89 97 59 11 41 Email: munich@tarom.de (1) No minimum stay requirement, changes made without charge, reimbursement permitted (return fare). These preferential fares can be sent to you on request by DESTINATION PLUS. Kindly contact our agency, DESTINATION PLUS, to organise your air transport for groups of more than 10 persons: DESTINATION PLUS 58, rue Saint Lambert - 75015 Paris, France Tel.: +33 1 56 08 37 37 - Fax: +33 1 56 08 37 38 Email: congres-uia@destinationplus.fr To register please complete the forms attached or register online www.uianet.org GENERAL INFORMATION ARRIVAL The International Bucharest-Otopeni Airport is located 16 km North of Bucharest. On your arrival, information will be available at the UIA welcome desk (October 27-29, 2008). TRANSFERS FROM THE AIRPORT UIA will not be providing any transfers from the airport. It takes around 40 minutes to reach Bucharest city centre from the airport. You can obtain of preferential transfer rates to Bucharest city centre by using the company “Fly taxi”, which has been approved by UIA. In order to do so, the amount payable for the journey has to be submitted at the UIA welcome desk, in cash only (Euros, Dollars or Lei). The amount for the journey is 35 Euros. CURRENCY The national currency is the Romanian New Leu (Lei in the plural). Exchange rate on 13/05/08: 1 RON= 0,27174 € 1 EURO = 3,68002 RON BANKS/FOREIGN EXCHANGE Banks are generally open from Monday to Friday, between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm. However, each establishment determines its own working hours. Most banks are closed on the weekend. International credit cards are accepted by most hotels, restaurants, shops, car rental agencies and companies offering tourism related services (A word of caution though: American Express cards are not accepted everywhere). ATMs can be found throughout the capital city. You can exchange currencies in banks, some hotels, stations, the airport, major shopping complexes or foreign exchange bureaus (you will have to show your passport or other valid identification). Avoid exchanging money at places other than those mentioned above. Lei cannot be exchanged abroad. Hence, you must ask for a receipt when you buy Lei so that you can exchange them back into the original currency before your departure. LANGUAGE Romanian is the national language. In the big cities, English and French are spoken at hotels, travel agencies, airports and at major tourist sites. POWER SUPPLY The electrical current supplied is 220V; 50 Hz. An adaptor will be required for electrical appliances that do not have two pin plugs and for appliances from the United States, a transformer will be required. SHOP TIMINGS In major cities, department stores are open throughout the week, weekends included. Smaller shops are normally open during the week between 10:00 am and 8:00 pm and are closed on Sundays. CLOTHING Romania is blessed with a temperate continental climate with seasonal variations. At the time of year when the Congress is to be held, the weather can be quite variable (with temperatures oscillating between 10° and 17°C). It is best to carry mid-season clothing. Dress code for the various social events: ceremony and welcome cocktail party: Suit (the cocktail will be held in the House of Parliament) Informal party and dinner cocktail: Casual wear but bring along something warm (the informal party will be held partially outdoors) Gala dinner: Full evening dress (the reception will take place indoors) General excursion: Casual wear (visits and meals partly outdoors) Opening TOURISM IN BUCHAREST A strange mix of oriental hustle and bustle and occidental refinement, Bucharest will surprise you with the ease with which it adopts all its contrasts. Ever since it became the capital of Romania in 1862, the city has been evolving continuously, becoming the country’s artistic and cultural hub. The city’s architecture, a harmonious blend of the neoclassical with the rococo and the French Renaissance styles, and also the literary and artistic activity here in the early 20th century earned it the name of “The Little Paris”. BUCHAREST, THE CITY OF CULTURE Like every true European metropolitan city, Bucharest offers visitors an intense cultural experience, with numerous theatres staging the most varied types of shows, art galleries hosting painting, photography and sculpture exhibitions, book exhibitions, not to forget the inviting bookshops in which you can take refuge from the hustle and bustle on the street outside and even order a cup of tea – all very charming, a charm which experienced once will give you a taste of this unique metropolis. HISTORY AND CULTURE OF ROMANIA Once a Roman province, Romania even today bears the stamp of this civilization. Located at the junction of the large empires that have dominated European history, the Romanian provinces have successively been subjected to Byzantine, Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian domination. In Transylvania, the influence of Western cultures, particularly German but also Italian and French, is very perceptible – as can be experienced in the old medieval cities of Sibiu or Sighișoara. To the south and east of the Carpathian mountains, oriental influences have been stronger as can be seen in the religion, the painting, the architecture and also in the music of these regions. In Bucovina, located in the north-east of the country, one can admire the famous 15th century monasteries with their external frescos. These monuments are classified as world heritage sites by UNESCO since 1989. Over the years, Romanian culture has contributed to the enrichment of the world’s cultural heritage with outstanding contributions in very varied areas: George Enescu, a brilliant musician, created musical works with an obvious popular, national or realist quality. Constantin Brâncuși, a visionary artist, left a mark on modern sculpture, and then there were the works of the famous writers: Eugene Ionesco, Emil Cioran and Mircea Eliade. The medieval city of Sibiu was designated the Cultural Capital of Europe in 2007: www.sibiu.ro. A Single Number for all Emergency Services – 112 7 I N F O R M AT I O N S INFORMATION – COUNTRY GENERAL INFORMATION INFORMATION – COUNTRY THE HOUSE OF PARLIAMENT The most famous and controversial monument in Bucharest, it was built between 1984 and 1989, with the help of 400 architects and 20,000 workers who toiled day and night in shifts. Initially called “The House of the People”, it was supposed to bring all government authorities together under one roof, around the dictator whose residence it was meant to be. The building is now called the House of Parliament and houses the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate. The House of the People or House of Parliament in figures: Nothing is of reasonable size in this structure of gigantic proportions. Standing 84 metres high, the building is 270 meters long and 240 meters wide. It has 1,100 rooms spread over 12 floors, with four additional underground levels currently accessible and utilized (another four floors being only partially complete). The halls have ceilings that are over 20 meters high and the largest hall is the size of a football field. The magnificent chandeliers are made of Médias crystal. The heaviest one weighs 4 tons!! It is believed that the House of Parliament is the second largest building in the world, second only to the Pentagon (Washington DC). PRE-CONGRESS TOURS / ACTIVITIES FOR ACCOMPANYING PERSONS DESTINATION PLUS offers two pre-Congress tours that will take you to the must see monuments of Romania: TOUR N°1: “On Romania’s Treasure Trail: The Monasteries of Bucovina” 4 days/3 nights – Sunday, October 26 to Wednesday, October 29, 2008 (very early return to Bucharest) PRE-CONGRESS TOUR N°2: “From the Carpathian Mountains to South Transylvania: Discovery of the Region, Romanian Culture & Traditions” 3 days/2 nights – Sunday, October 26 to Tuesday, October 28, 2008 (return in the evening) PRE-CONGRESS Governing Board General Assembly Opening Ceremony International Bar Senate Main Theme on the Information Society Main Theme on Water and the Law Main Theme on Competition Law Main Theme on Legal Profession Closing Ceremony Date October 29 October 29 October 29 October 30 October 30 October 31 November 1st November 1st November 1st You will also have the opportunity to visit Bucharest and its surroundings during the Congress. Details of pre-Congress tours and activities for accompanying persons are on pages 48 to 58 of the programme. To make a reservation, use the DESTINATION PLUS reservation form attached hereto. In case enough people have not registered by September 8, 2008, the pre-Congress tours and activities for accompanying persons may be cancelled or postponed to a date on which there are more participants. DESTINATION PLUS 58, rue Saint Lambert - 75015 Paris, France Tel.: +33 1 56 08 37 37 Fax: +33 1 56 08 37 38 Email: congres-uia@destinationplus.fr Website: www.destinationplus-uia.com ACCREDITATION / CLE CREDIT UIA has obtained official accreditation from the Conseil National des Barreaux (CNB France), as well as from the Belgian bars, within the legal continuing education framework. In this context, 21 hours of training have been approved for Congress participants. UIA has obtained official accreditation from the Romanian National Bar Association (UNBR). UIA is pursuing the same approach with organisations in other countries. Please contact it for more detailed information. INTERPRETATION English yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Spanish yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes French yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Arabic yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Romanian yes yes yes yes yes yes yes The table above summarises the meetings for which simultaneous interpretation has been arranged, to date. On your arrival at the Congress, kindly consult the final programme in order to check whether simultaneous interpretation has been arranged for any other meetings. The UIA would like to thank the Majed M. GAROUB Law firm for sponsoring the simultaneous translation costs in Arabic. 8 To register please complete the forms attached or register online www.uianet.org GENERAL INFORMATION VENUE House of Parliament (Palatul Parlamentului) International Conference Centre of Bucharest (CIC) Str. Izvor, nr. 2-4 - Bucharest Tel.: + 40 21 312 17 80 - Fax: + 40 21 312 09 02 Email: cic@cdep.ro - Website: www.cdep.ro/cic/ SHUTTLES, ACCESS A shuttle service will be set up for transfers between the JW Marriott (the Congress hotel) and the House of Parliament. Due to the very difficult traffic conditions prevailing in Bucharest and in order to reduce carbon emission, the organisers are planning to provide just one transfer in the mornings and one in the evenings between the other Congress hotels and the House of Parliament. For all evening programmes, to and fro transfers from your hotel will be provided. The shuttle timings will be given to you upon your arrival and posted up in the Congress hotels. ORGANISERS’ ADDRESS To register for the Congress and for any information on the UIA and/or the Congress, please contact: UNION INTERNATIONALE DES AVOCATS 25, rue du Jour - 75001 Paris - France Tel.: +33 1 44 88 55 66 – Fax: +33 1 44 88 55 77 Email: uiacentre@uianet.org - Website: www.uianet.org To reserve your hotel, register for optional social activities, excursions for accompanying persons and round-trip excursions, please contact: DESTINATION PLUS 58, rue Saint Lambert - 75015 Paris - France Tel.: +33 1 56 08 37 37 - Fax: +33 1 56 08 37 38 Email: congres-uia@destinationplus.fr Website: www.destinationplus-uia.com ASSISTANCE DURING THE CONGRESS For any further information, representatives of the UIA and DESTINATION PLUS will be at your disposal at the Congress registration desk at the House of Parliament to answer all your questions. A welcome desk will be at your disposal in the Congress hotels. ACCOMPANYING PERSONS No members of the legal profession can be registered as accompanying persons for the Congress. Accompanying persons are not authorised to attend the technical sessions. EXHIBITION An exhibition will be held for the entire duration of the Congress. LIST OF CONGRESS PARTICIPANTS You can consult the list of participants on the UIA website’s Bucharest Congress section, under “My UIA Congress”, at any time. You need to have registered for the Congress first. In the confirmation of registration you will find your login and password. You can identify in “My UIA Congress” section and have access to the participants list, reports and your own registration. CONGRESS REPORTS All Congress participants who have paid their registration fees will receive a copy of the CD-ROM containing the reports received in electronic format by the UIA at the latest by July 31, 2008. Reports received after this date but before the Congress will be available on the UIA website, www.uianet.org, in the section “My UIA Congress”, for all registered participants who have paid their registration fees. You will be able to find your login and password in your registration confirmation.During the closing ceremony, the Monique-Raynaud Contamine Prize will be awarded to the best reports. CHANGES AND ADDITIONS Some names and certain activities have not been given in this programme, as we did not receive confirmation in time. We invite you to visit the UIA website www.uianet.org regularly, especially the “Bucharest Congress” link, as this will enable you to learn about the changes and additions made in the Congress programme. The final programme will be handed over to participants at the Congress venue, including all updates and logistical information. To directly access the Bucharest Congress website, please log on to the home page of UIA’s website www.uianet.org and click on the “Bucharest Congress” icon located at the bottom left. MONIQUE-RAYNAUD CONTAMINE PRIZE In 1999, the UIA or International Association of Lawyers established the Monique Raynaud-Contamine Prize in tribute to Mme Monique Raynaud-Contamine, a former UIA Director of Legal Projects – Publications, and former President of the Banking Law Commission. Monique Raynaud-Contamine was a vitally important UIA member for several years. The Monique Raynaud-Contamine Prize was established in honour of her work and her personality and is given to the author of the two best legal reports drafted for UIA’s annual Congresses. One of the two awards will be given to a young lawyer. In addition, the two winners will each receive a prize awarded by the legal publisher, Bruylant (Brussels). To be able to participate in the social activities, accompanying persons must be registered and pay the corresponding registration fees. They will be given a special badge. BADGE The badge (for Congress participants and/or accompanying persons) can be used as a pass. Please keep it with you at all times. FIRST-TIME PARTICIPANTS AT A UIA CONGRESS In order to enable regular attendees of UIA’s annual Congresses, as well as the Association’s officers to offer an especially warm welcome to those (UIA members or non-members) attending a UIA Congress for the first time, their badge will indicate that they are first-time participants. LUNCHES Lunches have been organised to give you ample time to meet friends and colleagues. They will be served on the spot at the House of Parliament, upon presentation of your voucher. 9 I N F O R M AT I O N S CONGRESS INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION COMMITTEES 52nd CONGRESS ORGANISING COMMITTEE UIA Officials Héctor DÍAZ-BASTIEN (Spain) Paul NEMO (France) Mihai TANASESCU (Romania) Guy ARENDT (Luxembourg) Mary-Daphné FISHELSON (France) Jean-Jacques UETTWILLER (France) Nicole VAN CROMBRUGGHE (Belgium) Stephen DREYFUSS (United States) Geoffrey RICHARDS (United Kingdom) Michael BRAUCH (Germany) Guilène VALETTE (France) UIA President UIA President of Honour President of the Congress Secretary General Deputy Secretary General Financial Director Director of Legal Projects Main themes Congresses Director of Legal Project - Commissions Director of Legal Projects - Commissions Congress Coordinator Events Manager – UIA Local Committee Arin Alexandru AVRAMESCU Organising Committee President Elena BUSTEA UIA National Committee President for Romania, Protocol and VIP Ana DICULESCU-SOVA Congress Promotion Cornelia LALU Congress Promotion Ernest Virgil POPOVICI Congress Promotion Mihai FERARIU Diplomatic Relations Olivia IORDANESCU Media Relations Alina STOICA Media Relations Calin ISPRAVNIC Media Relations Roxana BOROS-TOTI Relations with service providers Ion DRAGNE Manager for Relations with Local Speakers Sonia FLOREA Assistant for Relations with Local Speakers Florin PETROSEL Relations with Sponsors Silvia PETROSEL Social Activities Gheorghe GROZA Security Measures, Transfers Camelia IORDANESCU Medical Assistance Alexandru HERBAY Relations with Romanian lawyers Nenad JANICEVIC Relations with BCBA Lawyers, Macedonia Bar President Florina TUDOSE Relations with Law Faculties Valentina DUMITRACHE Secretariat Special Participation María-José RODRIGUEZ FRAILE for the Congress Organisation (Díaz-Bastien & Truan Abogados) Marbella, Spain The UIA would like to thank especially Laurence BORY-VILLA, María-José RODRIGUEZ FRAILE and James MOORE for reviewing of this brochure in French, English and Spanish. UIA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Héctor DÍAZ-BASTIEN (Spain) Paulo LINS E SILVA (Brazil) Bernd REINMÜLLER (Germany) Corrado DE MARTINI (Italy) Mihai TANASESCU (Romania) Pascal MAURER (Switzerland) Nicole VAN CROMBRUGGHE (Belgium) Geoffrey RICHARDS (United Kingdom) Stephen DREYFUSS (United States) Rafael TRUAN BLANCO (Spain) Carlo MASTELLONE (Italy) UIA President Immediate Past President President Elect First Vice-President Congress 2008 President and Director of Development Director of Human Rights and Defence Director of Legal Projects - Main Themes Congresses Director of Legal Projects - Commissions Director of Legal Projects - Commissions Director of Legal Projects - Publications Director of Legal Projects - Seminars Jean-Jacques UETTWILLER (France) Financial Director Guy ARENDT (Luxembourg) Secretary General Ulrich HIRT (Switzerland) Coordinator of Regional Secretaries, Presidents of National Committees and UIA Representatives Michael BRAUCH (Germany) Congress Coordinator Verena MOLL (France) Director - Press Relations Andras SZECSKAY (Hungary) Director of Legal Projects - Independence of the Profession Bernard GRELON (France) Chief Editor - Juriste International James MOORE (United States) Director - Collective Members Paul NEMO (France) Special Representative of the President Deputy Directors Stéphane BONIFASSI (France) Román ORIA FERNANDEZ DE MUNIAIN (Spain) Marcus SCHRIEFERS (Germany) Isabel CANALS-FROSCH (Austria) Jorge MARTI MORENO (Spain) Deputy Directors Human Rights and Defence Deputy Director - Commissions Deputy Director - Seminars Deputy Director - Seminars Patricia LOPEZ AUFRANC (Argentina) Deputy Directors of Development for Louis F. BURKE (United States) South America, North America, A. K. GANGULI (India) Asia, North Africa and Africa Driss CHATER (Morocco) and Issouf BAADHIO (Burkina Faso) Martin SCHIMKE (Germany) Deputy Director Development - Collective Members Pierre VIVIANI (France) Deputy Director Development - Collective Members Deputy Secretary General Mary-Daphné FISHELSON (France) Relations with UIA Headquarters Jutta BERTRAM-NOTHNAGEL Relations with International (United States) Organisations UIA ADMINISTRATIVE CENTRE Marie-Pierre RICHARD Anne-Marie VILLAIN Felix MARQUES Romina BLANCH Marie-Pierre LIENARD Julie GOFFIN Guilène VALETTE Joyce GIELEN Sabine DAVID Noelia ALONSO MORAN 10 To register please complete the forms attached or register online www.uianet.org Executive Director Assistant to the Executive Director Accountant Assistant of Development and Relationships with Members Website and Communication Assistant Coordinator - Human Rights and Defence Events Manager Events Coordinator Events Assistant Events Secretary GENERAL INFORMATION HISTORY The Union Internationale des Avocats (UIA) was established in 1927 by a group of European, French-speaking lawyers convinced that lawyers needed to establish international contacts. Today, it has become an Association that is open to all lawyers the world over, both generalists and specialists, bringing together over 200 bars, federations and associations (representing almost two million lawyers) as well as several thousand individual lawyers spread out over 110 countries. The UIA’s official languages are French, English, Spanish, German, Italian, Arabic and Portuguese. Its working languages are French, English and Spanish. The UIA is the only major multilingual and multicultural international lawyers’ organisation. OBJECTIVES Defending the profession. Promoting the fundamental principles of the profession. Participating in the development of jurisprudence at international level. Contributing to the establishment of an international legal order based on the principle of justice between nations, through the law and in favour of peace. Collaborating, as a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), in activities undertaken by other national or international organisations. Establishing relations and exchanges between bars, lawyers’ or jurists associations and their members, at an international level. Proposing continuous lawyers’ education services through seminars and Congresses. MEMBERS The UIA is composed of four categories of members: 1. Individual Members: Lawyers primarily practicing law 2. Collective Members: Bars, lawyers’ associations and federations 3. Associate Individual Members: Other law professionals 4. Associate Collective Members: Associations of other law professionals STRUCTURE AND STATUTE The UIA’s executive bodies are the General Assembly, the Governing Board and the Executive Committee. Since 1971, being a non-governmental organisation (NGO), the UIA has enjoyed a special consultative status with the United Nations and the Council of Europe. It is represented at the United Nations Organisation’s main offices (New York, Geneva and Vienna). The UIA is also a member of the Advisory Council to the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. ACTIVITIES Interventions The UIA frequently intervenes the world over in support of lawyers who have been imprisoned or persecuted for practicing their profession. Commissions and Working Groups The UIA has over 40 Commissions and Working Groups, divided into two departments: General Practice and Human Rights on the one hand and Business Law on the other. Each Commission or Working Group specialises in a particular field of law and examines comparative law and international law in various legal systems and national laws. Congresses and Seminars The UIA holds a Congress every year, as well as several seminars in different countries. These events enable participants to examine and discuss topical issues, keep themselves informed about the latest developments in law, gain general or specific knowledge and discuss several aspects of legal practice. Apart from their academic aspect, these meetings enable participants from very different horizons to exchange their experiences and contacts, and to set up a professional and personal relationship network. Resolutions and Charters The UIA has adopted resolutions of a general nature, such as the International Charter on the Right to Defence (Quebec, 1987), the International Charter on Access to Justice for All (Morelia, 1991), the Charter on the Defence of Minority Rights (San Francisco, 1993), the Charter on Lawyers, Peace and Development (Marrakech, 1994), the Charter on Children’s Rights (New Delhi, 1999), the Resolution on the Abolition of the Death Penalty (Lisbon, 2003) and the Charter on the Right to Health (Fez, 2005), as well as resolutions dealing with legal practice, such as the Resolution on Multidisciplinary Practices (New Delhi, 1999), the Resolution on Legal Professional Privilege in the European Union and the Directive on Money Laundering (Porto, 2000), the Charter on Legal Professional Practice in the 21st Century (Turin, 2001), the Resolution on Principles for Lawyers establishing a firm outside their country (Sydney, 2002). UIA’s COMMUNICATION NETWORK Directory Website: www.uianet.org Newsletters Other publications (the Juriste International, CD-ROMs of legal reports, etc.) For further information, kindly consult the UIA website: www.uianet.org In addition, the UIA has closely followed the work of the preparatory commission for the International Criminal Court, since its inception. Today, it attends the sessions of the Assembly of States Parties to the Statutes of the Court. The UIA is a member of the Executive Council of the International Criminal Bar. 11 I N F O R M AT I O N S THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LAWYERS (UIA – UNION INTERNATIONALE DES AVOCATS) GENERAL INFORMATION CONGRESS REGISTRATION KINDLY COMPLETE ONE REGISTRATION FORM PER CONGRESS PARTICIPANT Your registration can only be confirmed after the full payment of the registration fees has been received. Categories Rates for registration before July 31, 2008 Rates for registration from August 1, 2008 onwards 1 200 € 750 € 600 € 450 € 1 450 € 900 € 720 € 550 € CONGRESS PARTICIPANTS – INDIVIDUAL REGISTRATION UIA MEMBER Members Members – Young lawyers (< 35 years) Members – Emerging countries (as per UIA list)* Members – young lawyers (< 35 years) Emerging countries (as per UIA list)* ROMANIAN AND BCBA DELEGATES (BLACK SEA COUNTRIES BAR ASSOCIATION): Albania, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Macedonia, Moldavia, Romania, Serbia and Turkey NON MEMBER Non Members Non Members – Young lawyers (< 35 years) Non Members – Emerging countries (as per UIA list)* Non Members – Young lawyers (< 35 years) Emerging countries (as per UIA list)* Registration for one day only Accompanying persons – Adult Young accompanying persons (8 – 18 years) NON MEMBER 1 500 € 950 € 720 € 550 € ACCOMPANYING PERSONS’ REGISTRATION (*) The list is available on the UIA website: www.uianet.org How to register 1. On-line registration on the Bucharest Congress section of the UIA’s website: www.uianet.org 2. Paper registration: Kindly complete the enclosed registration form and please write your surname and first name(s) in capital letters. Kindly send the duly filled and signed form by courier or fax to: UNION INTERNATIONALE DES AVOCATS 25, rue du Jour - 75001 Paris - FRANCE Tel: +33 1 44 88 55 66 - Fax: +33 1 44 88 55 77 Email: uiacentre@uianet.org Registration fees The registration fees have to be paid to the UIA only in Euros. A confirmation by Email will be sent by the UIA for each application for registration received with the full payment of registration fees. In the event you do not receive our Emails, please contact us to find out the status of your registration. The registration fees cover the following: Opening Ceremony and Welcome Cocktail at the House of Parliament, October 29, 2008 Informal reception and dinner cocktail, Club La Cortina, October 30, 2008 Closing Ceremony at the House of Parliament, November 1, 2008 Working meetings (main themes, commissions and working groups), except for accompanying persons. Lunches and coffee breaks on October 30 and 31, as well as on November 1, 2008 To and fro transfers for social activities Congress briefcase (only for Congress participants) CD-ROM of reports (only for Congress participants) Entry to exhibition 12 600 € 1 800 € 1 150 € 860 € 660 € 500 € 400 € 200 € All the participants are requested to indicate the activities in which they wish to participate on the registration form, whether or not they are included in the Congress registration fees. No registrations will be made for activities that are not included in the registration fees, until the full payment for those activities has been received. Registration Management As soon as we receive your registration (by fax, mail, online or Email), the secretariat will deal with your file. You will first receive a confirmation of receipt by Email and when the payment is made (by credit card, bank transfer, cash or check in Euros) a confirmation of registration will be sent by Email with your login and password where you can identify in “My UIA Congress” section and have access to the participants list, reports and your own registration. If you do not receive our Emails, please contact the UIA secretariat. Romanian Young Lawyers: Romanian Young Lawyers may benefit from a specific registration fee. Please contact the Bucharest Bar for more information and for registration and payment: Bucharest Bar Baroul Bucuresti Str.Dr. Râureanu nr 3 Sector 5 050047 Bucharest – Romania Tel: +40 21 315 45 37 Email: dumitrache@baroul-bucuresti.ro To register please complete the forms attached or register online www.uianet.org GENERAL INFORMATION Time Event Tuesday, October 28, 2008 9:00 am - 5:00 pm UIA Executive Committee Meeting presided over by Héctor DÍAZ-BASTIEN and Bernd REINMÜLLER (by invitation) 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm UIA Executive Committee Lunch (by invitation) Wednesday, October 29, 2008 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Registration of participants 9:00 am - 12:30 pm UIA Governing Board Meeting (by invitation) 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm UIA Governing Board Lunch (by invitation) Venue Hotel Marriott Hotel Marriott House of Parliament House of Parliament Hotel Marriott 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm UIA General Assembly House of Parliament 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm Welcome Reception House of Parliament Registration of participants House of Parliament 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm Congress Opening Ceremony Thursday, October 30, 2008 8:30 am - 5:30 pm 9:00 am - 12:30 pm Main Theme: The Information Society: Questions and Challenges International Bar Leaders Senate Working Sessions of Commissions and Working Groups House of Parliament House of Parliament 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm Lunch House of Parliament 5:45 pm - 6:45 pm House of Parliament 2:00 pm - 5:30 pm Main Theme (cont’d): The Information Society: Questions and Challenges Working Sessions of Commissions and Working Groups Regional Secretaries, Presidents of National Committees and UIA Representatives’ Meeting 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm Informal Evening and Dinner Cocktail Friday, October 31, 2008 8:30 am - 5:30 pm Registration of participants 12:30 pm -2:00 pm Lunch House of Parliament Club La Cortina House of Parliament 9:00 am - 12:30 pm Main Theme: Water and the Law Working Sessions of Commissions and Working Groups House of Parliament 2:00 pm - 5:30 pm House of Parliament House of Parliament 5:45 pm Evening Main Theme (cont’d): Water and the Law Working Sessions of Commissions and Working Groups Commissions Presidents Meeting Free Saturday, November 1, 2008 8:30 am - 5:30 pm Registration of participants Main Theme: The Legal Profession: Just another business? 9:00 am - 12:30 pm Main Theme: Competition Law: Competing Models of Market Regulation Working Sessions of Commissions and Working Groups 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm Lunch 2:00 pm - 5:30 pm 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm 8:30 pm Main Theme (cont’d): The Legal Profession: Just another business? Main Theme (cont’d): Competition Law: Competing Models of Market Regulation Working Sessions of Commissions and Working Groups Closing Ceremony Gala Dinner Sunday, November 2, 2008 House of Parliament House of Parliament House of Parliament House of Parliament House of Parliament House of Parliament House of Parliament Royal Palace General Excursion – General Excursion in Bucharest, traditions and customs Ancillary Meetings: Most Commissions and National Committees will hold a meeting for their members during the Bucharest Congress (the dates and timings will be given in the final programme). The Law Firms Forum will conduct its third meeting on Friday, October 31, 2008. Following the recent partnership agreement signed with the International Section of the American Bar Association (ABA SIL), a special session will be devoted to the presentation of this section and their events on Saturday, November 1, 2008. Following recent partnership agreements with the Vizcaya (Bilbao) Bar, a new committee devoted to the training of lawyers will hold its first session on Friday October 31, 2008. 13 I N F O R M AT I O N S CONGRESS SCHEDULE AND TIMINGS SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2008 9:00 AM-12:30 PM/2:00 PM-5:30 PM HOUSE OF PARLIAMENT MAIN THEME 1 THE INFORMATION SOCIETY: QUESTIONS AND CHALLENGES The information society is a fertile breeding ground for new and innovative technologies. Very often such technologies are introduced without proper disclosure or explanation of all their functions and consequences. This poses serious questions and concerns in relation to citizens’ rights and liberties and we propose to look at the various issues involved. Theme Coordinator: César IGLESIAS (Díaz-Bastien & Truan Abogados) Madrid, Spain Morning Session Chairman: Gianluca POJAGHI (Studio Legale Pojaghi) Milan, Italy SUB-THEMES SPEAKERS INTRODUCTION 1. Round table 1: Patents and copyright vs. public domain. 2. Round table 2: Regulating new technologies: striving to balance innovation and safety. 3. Conclusions of the morning session AFTERNOON SESSION Chairman of the afternoon session: SUB-THEMES Shigeki TAKAHASHI (Hamani-Takahashi) Tokyo, Japan Malcolm BAIN (LegisTICs) Barcelona, Spain Christoph PETSCH (Petsch Frosch Klein Arturo Rechtsanwälte) Vienna, Austria Mete TEVETOGLU, Istanbul, Turkey Professeur Viorel ROS (Romanian Association for the Protection of IP Rights) Bucharest, Romania Alain BENSOUSSAN (Cabinet Alain Bensoussan) President of the Commission Personal Data Protection and Digital Human Rights, Paris, France SPEAKERS INTRODUCTION 4. Conference 1: Ambient intelligence (AmI): Challenges for the legislation in a global economy. 5. Round table 3: Privacy in the Internet and beyond: legal and ethical considerations. 6. Summary of the afternoon session 14 Denis CROZE (World Intellectual Property Organization) Geneva, Switzerland Catharina MARACKE (Creative Commons Europe) Berlin, Germany Mahmoud Annis BETTAIEB (Bettaieb Law firm) Nabeul, Tunisia César IGLESIAS (Díaz-Bastien & Truan, Abogados) Madrid, Spain Mª Teresa ARRENDONDO (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) Madrid, Spain Artemí RALLO (Spanish Personal Data Protection Agency) Madrid, Spain Harish V. SHANKAR, New Delhi, India Javier DEL ARCO (Vodafone Foundation Spain) Madrid, Spain Benoît VAN ASBROECK (Bird & Bird) Brussels, Belgium Julen FERNÁNDEZ CONTE (Delegación del Consejo General de la Abogacía Española) Brussels, Belgium To register please complete the forms attached or register online www.uianet.org SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2008 9:00 AM-12:30 PM HOUSE OF PARLIAMENT Welcome: Héctor DÍAZ-BASTIEN (Díaz-Bastien & Truan Abogados) UIA President, Madrid, Spain Introduction by the President of the UIA International Bar Leaders Senate: Steven A. HAMMOND (Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP) UIA President of Honour, New York, United States Keynote Address: Ana Palacio VALLELERSUNDI, former Foreign Minister of the Kingdom of Spain, former General Counsel of the World Bank “The Role of the Legal Profession in Confronting the Issues of Poverty, Justice and Development.” Update and discussion of UIA activities relating to Access to Justice for the World’s Poor Update on the UIA Global Challenges Project Delos N. LUTTON (Reinhart, Boerner, Van Deuren S.C.) UIA President of Honour, Milwaukee, United States Remarks on Money Laundering and the Legal Profession Bernard VATIER, past President of the CCBE and of the Paris Bar (Vatier et Associés) Paris, France Remarks on The CCBE Working Group on Multijurisdictional Legal Issues Michael IRVINE, Past President of the CCBE and of the Law Society of Ireland (Matheson Ormsby Prentice) Dublin, Ireland Report concerning UIA, the United Nations and other International Institutions Jutta BERTRAM-NOTHNAGEL, UIA Deputy Secretary General Relations with International Organisations, New York, United States Open Debate among Collective Member Representatives Translation will be provided in French, English Spanish and Arabic. 15 T H U R S D AY UIA INTERNATIONAL BAR LEADERS SENATE BRIEFING SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2008 9:00 AM-12:30 PM HOUSE OF PARLIAMENT JOINT SESSION – BANKING LAW AND CORPORATE LAW President of the Banking Law Commission: Judit BUDAI (Szecskay Attorneys at Law) Budapest, Hungary Dominique CHRISTIA (Bianchi, Carnice, Christia & De Coulon) Geneva, Switzerland Alessandro COLAVOLPE (Studio Legale Tributario) Rome, Italy President of the Corporate Law Commission: Patricia LOPEZ AUFRANC (Marval, O'Farrel & Mairal) Buenos Aires, Argentina Atul DUA (Seth Dua & Associate) New Delhi, India Dangers, Pitfalls and Issues in Financing a Corporate Group: The Subsidiaries' and Bankers' View Manfred FINKEN (Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer) Düsseldorf, Germany Due to overarching principles of capital integrity, protection of interests of creditors and nonassenting or non-interested shareholders/owners, most juridictions apply limitations or prohibitions on subsidiaries’ability to guarantee the borrowing of their parents, or otherwise provide financial assistance, unless such transactions serve the interest of the relevant subsidiary and/or do not jeopardize such subsidiary's solvency or liquidity. The session panel will discuss the issues generally arising when a subsidiary guarantees several borrowings (ordinary current operations; development, etc.) of the parent to assess whether the parent, the subsidiary and their management may be liable for breach of the duty of care if the pledge is enforced, and/or whether pledge contracts may be found invalid or unenforceable according to the purpose and use of the parent's borrowing. Speakers/reporters: Christopher ASHWORTH (O'Melveny & Myers) London, United Kingdom Ana BEN VAZQUEZ (Prol & Asociados) Madrid, Spain Jean BRUCHER (Brucher & Associés) Luxembourg, Luxembourg Judit BUDAI (Szecskay Attorneys at Law) Budapest, Hungary Peter FEYL (Schoenherr) Vienna, Austria Christian FRANZ (Franz Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaftsgesellschaft) Düsseldorf, Germany Marc FYON (Stibbe) Brussels, Belgium Nikolai GOUGINSKI (Djingov, Gouginski, Kyutchukov & Velichkov) Sofia, Bulgaria Olivia IORDANESCU (SCA Cristian Iordanescu & Associates) Bucharest, Romania Thierry JACOMET (Gide Loyrette & Nouel) Paris, France Peter KORSCH (Anwaltsbüro Peter M. Korsch) Düsseldorf, Germany Jorge MARTI MORENO (Uría & Menéndez) Valencia, Spain Eddie MEYER (Houthoff Buruma N.V.) Rotterdam, The Netherlands Christoph R. RAMSTEIN (Pestalozzi Lachenal Patry) Zurich, Switzerland Enrica SENINI (Studio Legale Senini) Brescia, Italy LABOUR LAW President: Mark WATSON (Fox Williams) London, United Kingdom 1. Protecting your Business Restrictive Covenants and the Legal Profession. A consideration of the use of restrictive covenants by law firms, with reference to partners and others. 2. Whistleblowing Protections and Problems for Employers. A review of legal protections for whistleblowers and the obligations on employers when faced with a whistleblowing scenario. Speakers: Sonia CORTES (Cuatrecasas) Barcelona, Spain Mary-Daphné FISHELSON (SCP Lefèvre, Pelletier et Associés) Paris, France ART LAW President: Andrea PIZZI (Studio Legale Avv. Andrea Pizzi) Bologna, Italy Museum Law: Legal Liability, Structure, Relations with Artists and Exhibitors, Acquisition of Works of Art Codes of Ethics, Fundraising,Marketing and Commercial Activities. Are Museums prepared for the Legal problems of the 21st century? Speakers: Irene BIGLINO (Grande Stevens) Turin, Italy Michel HUET (Cabinet Michel Huet) Paris, France Alexander JOLLES (Schellenberg Wittmer) Zurich, Switzerland Fernando PEREZ DE LA SOTA (Uría & Menéndez) Madrid, Spain Claudio GOMARA DE OLIVEIRA (Gomara De Oliveira Adv.) San Paulo, Brazil Makoto SHIMADA (SAH & Co) Tokyo, Japan Michael MEYENBURG (Sladek & Meyenburg) Vienna, Austria Flavia TEODOSIU (Flavia Teodosiu Law Office) Bucharest, Romania Matelda LO FIEGO (Studio Legale Lo Fiego) Milan, Italy Acácio Pita NEGRÃO (Sociedade de Advogados, RL) Lisbon, Portugal Alessandro TALARICO (Studio Legale Talarico) Turin, Italy Laurent RIBADEAU-DUMAS (Granrut Avocats) Paris, France Federico TORZO (Studio Legale Macchi di Cellere Gangemi) Milan, Italy Ricardo SOARES DOMINGOS (Noronha Advogados) Lisbon, Portugal Diana TEODORESCU (Arin Alexandru Avramescu law firm) Bucharest, Romania Federico TORZO (Studio Legale Macchi di Cellere Gangemi) Milan, Italy Maria Antonia CAMEIRA (PACSA & Cameira) London, United Kingdom 16 To register please complete the forms attached or register online www.uianet.org INTERNATIONAL PRIVATE LAW President: Sebastiaan MOOLENAAR (AKD Prinsen Van Wijmen Advocaten) Rotterdam, The Netherlands Is it Personal? Liability Issues for Directors and Managers in the International Marketplace This year we will study various issues regarding international directors’ liability. On the basis of an interesting case study we will compare and contrast the different regimes around the world. Where and how should one litigate claims against those responsible for a company operating internationally? How is this issue dealt with in view of recent insolvency reforms? The audience will have an opportunity interactively to compare and discuss the views of experts specialised in different areas of law from jurisdictions all over the world. Speakers: Ángel María BALLESTEROS BARROS (Ballesteros Estudios Juristicos Internacional) Sevilla, Spain Ian HUSKISSON (Reed Smith Richards Butler) London, United Kingdom Simona Melania MATTA (Asmar & Assayag) Paris, France Sebastiaan MOOLENAAR (AKD Prinsen Van Wijmen Advocaten) Rotterdam, The Netherlands Lynne R.OSTFELD (Lynne R.Ostfeld, P.C.) Chicago, United States Carlo PAVESIO (Pavesio e Associati) Turin, Italy James ROSENER (Pepper Hamilton) New York, United States Miguel TORRES BLANQUEZ (Iuris Valls Abogados) Barcelona, Spain SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2008 9:00 AM-12:30 PM HOUSE OF PARLIAMENT INTERNATIONAL ESTATE PLANNING President: Laurent DERUY (Gide Loyrette & Nouel) Paris, France President: Jean-Marc Tirard (Tirard, Naudin) Paris, France Administrative Litigation and “Class Actions” Will Substitutes The session aims to compare the approaches and the practice of class actions brought before the judiciary (criminal, civil and commercial) and administrative judges. Based on the experience of judicial litigation practitioners in the field of “class actions” of long standing (such as in the USA in particular) or more recent ones (as in some European countries), the working group offers to make administrative litigation practitioners reflect on the opportunities, conditions of implementation and, finally, the consequences of the practice and on the introduction of “class actions” in administrative litigation. The group will try to respond to the three following questions: The session will be devoted to the study of the principal methods used in the countries represented for the transfer of assets not including succession in a domestic and international environment in order to avoid testamentary devolvement formalities in common law countries and/or to avoid the constraints of hereditary reserves and/or the laws of succession in civil law countries (life insurance, joint ownership of property, tontine pact, family foundations, joint accounts, trusts, etc.) Speakers: Erich BAIER (Bilanz-Data) Vienna, Austria Véronique DE MEESTER (De Meester Avocats à la Cour) Luxembourg, Luxembourg Barbara HAUSER (Stanford Group) United States / Switzerland Maryse NAUDIN (Tirard, Naudin) Paris, France Simone NUDELHOC (Liedekerke Wolters Waelbroeck Kirkpatrick) Brussels, Belgium Francisco VEGA SALA, Barcelona, Spain Frédéric VUILLEUMIER (Oberson & Associés) Geneva, Switzerland David WAY (Fladgate Fielder) London, United Kingdom CRIMINAL LAW President: Maxime DELHOMME (Delhomme-Bregou et Associés) Paris, France Liability of Business Executives: Civil, Criminal or Both? Managers who commingle their company's assets with their own, financial schemes that defraud companies and their shareholders, fraudulent bankruptcies: a new scandal seems to emerge nearly every day. How do the world's major legal systems deal with these issues? Is criminal prosecution of business executives too harsh or too lenient? Is the civil route preferable? These and other related issues will be addressed through a case study that will permit us to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the differing approaches of various countries to these important questions. Speakers: Stéphane BONIFASSI (Lebray & Associés) Paris, France Maxime DELHOMME (Delhomme-Bregou et Associés) Paris, France Stephen DREYFUSS (Hellring Lindeman Goldstein & Siegal LLP) Newark, United States Judge Judith GIBSON (District Court of New South Wales) Sydney, Australia André LUTGEN (Lutgen & Mc Gaw) Luxembourg, Luxembourg Peter MULLER, Stuttgart, Germany Marino VIOLA (Studio Legale Viola-Zanari) Turin, Italy Michel VALTICOS (Keppeler & Associés) Geneva, Switzerland - Does litigation before an administrative judge need “class action”? - Is administrative litigation adapted to “class actions”? - What are or what will be the consequences of the introduction of “class actions” in administrative litigation law? Intervenants: Louis F. BURKE (Louis F. Burke PC) New York, United States Laurent DERUY (Gide Loyrette & Nouel) Paris, France 17 T H U R S D AY ADMINISTRATIVE LAW SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2008 2:00 PM-5:30 PM HOUSE OF PARLIAMENT JOINT SESSION – LITIGATION AND MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS Mergers & Acquisitions Commission President: James GRENNAN (A & L Goodbody) Dublin, Ireland Co-Presidents of the Litigation Commission: Louis F. BURKE (Louis F. Burke PC) New York, United States Mark C. HILGARD (Mayer, Brown LLP) Frankfurt, Germany How Things Can Go Wrong on M&A Deals A joint meeting of the Litigation and Mergers & Acquisitions Commissions highlighting problems that can arise in merger & acquisition transactions, joint ventures and in relation to shareholder agreements, including discussion on how to avoid typical pitfalls, additional issues arising in cross-border transactions and guidance on clear drafting. Speakers of the Litigation Commission: Gérard BREEN (Dibbs Barker Gosling Lawyers) Sydney, Australia Daniele DE BENEDETTI (Studio Legale Associato Benessia Maccagno) Turin, Italy Emmanuel HAYAUX DU TILLY (Popineau, Hayaux du Tilly) Paris, France Speakers of the Mergers & Acquisitions Commission: Judit BUDAI (Szecskay Attorneys at Law) Budapest, Hungary Pierre Menno DE GIRARD (Dubarry Le Douarin Veil) Paris, France Christian DORDA (Dorda Brugger Jordis Rechtsanwälte GmbH) Vienna, Austria Marc FYON (Stibbe) Brussels, Belgium James GRENNAN (A & L Goodbody) Dublin, Ireland Stephan KÖNIG (Linklaters Oppenhoff & Rädler) Cologne, Germany Stephane KONKOLY (Vischer Attorneys) Basel, Switzerland Patricia LOPEZ AUFRANC (Marval, O'Farrel & Mairal) Buenos Aires, Argentina THE FUTURE OF THE LAWYER Président: Luis Miguel NOVAIS (Novais) Porto, Portugal Coordinator: Huguette ANDRE-CORET, Soisy sur Seine, France The Legal Profession: Just Another Business? In most developed nations, the practice of law has historically been considered a “profession” rather than a business, and the independence of the legal profession from the state has been seen as critical to the interests not only of clients, but also of society as a whole. The future of the legal profession in Europe will, to some degree, be shaped by the experiences, needs and aspirations of the new EU Member states. It will also be shaped by the response of the legal profession as a whole to political and commercial pressures across the world. So, the debate is not just European; it concerns us all. The aim is that fruitful discussion within the commission session will be taken to the Main Theme as matters to be discussed at the round table. Speakers: Ezzeddine BEN AMOR (Cabinet Ben Amor) Sousse, Tunisia José Luís CAPUTO, Buenos Aires, Argentina Ruhi CHHABRA (Maheshwani & Co.) New Delhi, India Johannes GROOTERHORST (Grooterhorst and Partner) Düsseldorf, Germany LABOUR LAW (continuation) President: Mark WATSON (Fox Williams) London, United Kingdom 1. Protecting your Business Restrictive Covenants and the Legal Profession. A consideration of the use of restrictive covenants by law firms, with reference to partners and others. 2. Whistleblowing Protections and Problems for Employers. A review of legal protections for whistleblowers and the obligations on employers when faced with a whistleblowing scenario. Speakers: Sonia CORTES (Cuatrecasas) Barcelona, Spain Mary-Daphné FISHELSON (SCP Lefèvre, Pelletier et Associés) Paris, France Claudio GOMARA DE OLIVEIRA (Gomara De Oliveira Adv.) San Paulo, Brazil Matelda LO FIEGO (Studio Legale Lo Fiego) Milan, Italy Michael MEYENBURG (Sladek & Meyenburg) Vienna, Austria Acácio Pita NEGRÃO (Sociedade de Advogados, RL) Lisbon, Portugal Laurent RIBADEAU-DUMAS (Granrut Avocats) Paris, France Federico TORZO (Studio Legale Macchi di Cellere Gangemi) Milan, Italy Dogbemin Gerard KONE (SCPA Nambeya - Dogbemin et Associés) Abidjan, Ivory Coast James C. MOORE (Harter, Secrest & Emery) Rochester, United States Iñigo Javier NAGORE APARICIO (Bartell Abogados) Bilbao, Spain Mario NAPOLI (Grande Stevens Studio Legale Associazione Professionale) Turin, Italy Johannes POTTER VAN LOON, Geneva, Switzerland 18 To register please complete the forms attached or register online www.uianet.org MANAGEMENT OF LAW FIRMS President: Juan Eduardo PALMA JARA (Vial y Palma Abogados) Santiago, Chile Analysis of Different Crisis Situations in Law Firms – Causes, Effects and Solutions. Speakers: José Antonio Miguel NETO (MNA Miguel Neto Advogados) San Paulo, Brazil Juan Eduardo PALMA JARA (Vial y Palma Abogados) Santiago, Chile SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME COMPETITION LAW Présidente: Michela COCCHI (Studio Legale Avv. Michela Cocchi) Bologna, Italy Présidente: Benoît MERKT (Lenz & Staehelin) Geneva, Switzerland Industrial Production: Luxury Goods vs. Mass Market Products - The Role of Lawyers in Affirming Best Practices and the Rule of Law Competition Law in Romania: Example of an Eastern Country in Transition Business creates wealth and employment, and develops skills and innovation. Globalisation has meant that, since the nineteen fifties, average per capita income has nearly tripled, average life expectancy has grown, infant mortality has dropped by two thirds and hundreds of millions have been lifted out of poverty. But the benefits of globalisation have not been equally shared. A billion people do not benefit from the global market for many reasons. The problems are well illustrated by the luxury goods market, which would be virtually unrecognizable to its founders. Largely gone are the family-owned businesses dedicated to quality. The industry is now run by multibillion-dollar global corporations focused on growth, visibility, brand awareness, advertising and profits. The session digs into darker side of the luxury goods industry to uncover all the secrets that luxury brands do not want us to know and to answer some pressing questions. Speakers: M. Hakan ÇINAR (Çinar and Çinar Law Office) Ankara, Turkey Key note speech of the President of the Competition Council of Romania. This presentation will be followed by a discussion of the implications of competition law on the economy of countries in transition. Dawn Raids The competition authorities are increasingly carrying out dawn raids at the head offices of companies suspected of illegal practices. Such dawn raids raise many questions such as: to what extent can the competition authorities seize original documents, take computers, interview people present? May the investigations take place at the houses of directors? What is the normal way to carry out dawn raids and what is the role of outside lawyers in this context? How to prepare in advance to a dawn raid? This interactive session will discuss the latest developments, with competition law practitioners from Europe, the United States and Latin America. Speakers: Astrid ABLASSERNEUHUBER (bpv- Hügel Rechtsanwälte OEG) Vienna, Austria Arnaud de CORBIERE (Cournot Association D'avocats) Paris, France Fabio BORTOLOTTI (Buffa Bortolotti & Mathis - Studi Legali Associati) Turin, Italy Julie GOFFIN (Chibane-SoetaertGoffin) UIA Coordinator for Human Rights and Defence, Brussels, Belgium Mauro GRINBERG (Barcellos Tucunduva Advogados) Sao Paulo, Brazil Shpend DEVAJA, Skopje, Macedonia Joan S. JOHNSEN, (JSJ Mediate) Newton, United States Alessandro TALARICO (Studio Legale Talarico) Turin, Italy Ellen YOST (Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen & Loewy) New York, United States Judit BUDAI (Szecskay Attorneys at Law) Budapest, Hungary FOREIGN INVESTMENTS President: Pedro PAIS DE ALMEIDA (Abreu & Associados) Lisbon, Portugal Investment Opportunities in the Eastern European Countries Foreign investment tends to flow to jurisdictions where there is favourable legal and tax treatment. The goal of this session is to cover several Eastern European jurisdictions and to provide an overview of foreign investment regulations and tax incentives in the Eastern European countries. Introduction: What drives an Investment Decision? Pedro PAIS DE ALMEIDA (Abreu & Associados) President Foreign Investments Commission, Lisbon, Portugal Overview of Legal Developments in Various Eastern European Countries. Miguel TORRES BLANQUEZ (Ebame & Associats) Vice-President of Foreign Investment Commission, Barcelona, Spain Hungary: Dr. Andras SZECSKAY (Szecskay Attorneys at Law) Budapest, Hungary Poland: Robert MAŁECKI (Karniol Małecki i Wspólnicy) Warsaw, Poland Romania: Simona Maria MILOS (Stanescu, Milos, Dumitru & Partners) Bucharest, Romania Slovakia: Viera POHLOVÁ (Daniel J. Kratky Consulting House) Košice, Slovakia Speakers still to be appointed for Slovenia, Macedonia and Estonia. Experience of a Foreign Investor in Romania Mihai FERARIU (Ferariu, Negoita & Partners) Bucharest, Romania Q&A Closing remarks Pedro PAIS DE ALMEIDA (Abreu & Associados) President Foreign Investments Commission, Lisbon, Portugal CRIMINAL LAW (Continuation) President: Maxime DELHOMME (Delhomme-Bregou et Associés) Paris, France Is Continued Detention of Offenders after Completion of their Sentences Permissible to Prevent Recidivism? Speakers: Stéphane BONIFASSI (Lebray & Associés) Paris, France Maxime DELHOMME (Delhomme-Bregou et Associés) Paris, France Stephen DREYFUSS (Hellring Lindeman Goldstein & Siegal LLP) Newark, United States Judge Judith GIBSON (District Court of New South Wales) Sydney, Australia André LUTGEN (Lutgen & Mc Gaw) Luxembourg, Luxembourg Peter MULLER, Stuttgart, Germany Marino VIOLA (Studio Legale Viola-Zanari) Turin, Italy Michel VALTICOS (Keppeler & Associés) Geneva, Switzerland Foreign Investment Regulations and Tax Incentives in the Eastern European Countries: Bulgaria: Emilov ANTONOV (Dokovska, Atanasov and Associates) Sofia, Bulgaria Czech Republic: Eliska BARTHELEMY (Law office Vyskocil, Kroslak and Partners) Prague, Czech Republic Thomas HEIDE (Berwin Leighton Paisner LLP) London, United Kingdom Martina MAIER (Howrey) Paris, France Sonia Marques DÖBLER (Sonia Marques Döbler Advogados) Sao Paulo, Brazil Benoît MERKT (Lenz & Staehelin) Geneva, Switzerland Marc REYSEN (Howrey LLP) Brussels, Belgium William SCHOPF (Schopf & Weiss) Chicago, United States 19 T H U R S D AY BUSINESS AND HUMAN RIGHTS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2008 2:00 PM-5:30 PM HOUSE OF PARLIAMENT www.airfrance-globalmeetings.com Discounts on a wide range of airfares for domestic France or international Business Events. • As an attendee, save time by organizing your entire trip on-line. • As an Organizer, access our website to make your event request and benefit from our special Rewards Program. Air France Global Meetings SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2008 9:00 AM-12:30 PM / 2 PM-5:30 PM HOUSE OF PARLIAMENT MAIN THEME 2 WATER AND THE LAW Water is an indispensable resource for the development of people and states. The protection and management of water raise several major challenges in the 21st century, including the right of access to clean water; water pollution and desalination; waste water drainage and disposal; water management in rural and urban areas; the protection of wet areas; and the cross-border management of water-bearing (aquiferous) resources. We shall examine these different issues as well as other related aspects. Morning President: Carlos DE MIGUEL PERALES (Uría & Menéndez) President of the Environment and Sustainable Development Commission, Madrid, Spain SUB-THEMES SPEAKERS 1. Introduction to the Water Issue Today André BRUYNEEL (Stibbe), UIA ex-Director of Legal Projects, Brussels, Belgium Niels IPSEN (UNEP Collaborating Centre on Water and Environment) Hørsholm, Denmark Amal K. GANGULI, New Delhi, India 3. Water Protection SUMMARY OF MORNING SESSION Afternoon Mohamed CHALGHOUM (Bureau Méditerranéen d’Avocature, d’Arbitrage et d’Audit Juridique) Tunis, Tunisia Antoinette HILDERING (Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance, Utrecht University) Utrecht, The Netherlands Miguel LOINAZ (ALS Abogados) Montevideo, Uruguay Jan VAN DE VENIS (JustLaw) Amsterdam, The Netherlands Harry DAHME (Gowling Lafleur Henderson) Toronto, Canada Dr. Birgit SPIESSHOFER (Hengeler Mueller) Berlin, Germany Pascale KROMAREK (Total S.A., Legal Service) Paris, France Mircea DUTU (Individual legal firm, Mircea Dutu) Bucharest, Romania F R I D AY 2. Access to Water as a Human Right SUB-THEMES SPEAKERS 4. Water and the Law in Developing Countries Tzvi LEVINSON (The Levinson Environmental Law Firm) Haifa, Israel Manmohan Lal SARIN (Sarin & Co.) Chandigarh, India Olufemi SUNMONU (Femi Sunmonu & Associates Solicitors) Kano, Nigeria Elvire VIGNON, Cotonou, Benin 5. Water and the Law: Corporate Role 6. Mediation and Resource Management SUMMARY OF AFTERNOON SESSION Tineke LAMBOOY (Utrecht University / Nyenrode Business Universiteit) Utrecht/Breukelen, The Netherlands Jill WILLIS (Best Best & Krieger LLP) California, United States Thierry GARBY (Lerins Avocats) Paris, France 21 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2008 9:00 AM-12:30 PM HOUSE OF PARLIAMENT INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION / SPORTS LAW / MEDIATION AND CONFLICT PREVENTION Mediation and Conflict Prevention Commission President: Héléna DE BACKER (DS De Backer & Bastin) Brussels, Belgium President, International Arbitration Commission: Xavier FAVRE-BULLE (Lenz & Staehelin) Geneva, Switzerland President, Sports Law Commission: Lucio COLANTUONI (Colantuoni, Allegri & Coll. - Studio Legale Associato) Savona, Italy Arbitration & ADR to Resolve Sports Disputes The sports news increasingly involves various types of dispute such as disputes between players and sponsors, players and clubs, federations, clubs and sponsors, event organisers, etc. Many of these disputes involve a cross border aspect. The specific nature of these disputes requires effective and speedy dispute resolution systems. The working session will cover the specific needs of the different protagonists in the sporting world and will analyse how arbitration, mediation and other ADR respond to these needs. Coordinator: Martin SCHIMKE (Bird & Bird) Düsseldorf, Germany Welcome by the Presidents of the Commissions General introduction Theme 1: Identifying the Needs: Which Disputes in Sports? Moderator: Lucio COLANTUONI (Colantuoni, Allegri & Coll. - Studio Legale Associato) Savona, Italy Needs Needs Issues of the athletes of the sports federations to be decided in sports disputes: need for specific dispute resolution mechanisms? Why arbitration / Mediation or other ADR? 22 Theme 2: Mediation Moderator: Héléna DE BACKER (DS De Backer & Bastin) Brussels, Belgium Mediation Mock case Debriefing: why choosing mediation for sports dispute? Panel discussion Speakers-Participants Guest speakers Official of CAS (Court of Arbitration for Sport, Lausanne) Nadia COMANECI, former gymnast winner of 5 Olympic gold medals, Romania (invited) Official Romanian Sport Federation Organising Committee: Arin Alexandru AVRAMESCU (Arin Alexandru Avramescu Law firm) President of the Organising Committee, Bucharest, Romania Sports Law Commission: Lucio COLANTUONI (Colantuoni, Allegri & Coll. - Studio Legale Associato) Savona, Italy Serena HEDLEY-DENT (Farrer & Co) London, United Kingdom Michael MEYENBURG (Sladek & Meyenburg) Vienna, Austria Martin SCHIMKE (Bird & Bird) Düsseldorf, Germany Bernhard WELTEN (Hodler & Emmenegger) Bern, Switzerland Mediation Commission: Héléna DE BACKER (DS DeBacker & Bastin) Brussels, Belgium UIA TRAINING COMMITTEE HEALTH LAW / TORT LAW New Committee We are very pleased to announce the establishment of a new committee devoted to training lawyers. Health Law Commission President: Jim ROBINSON (Best Hooper) Melbourne, Australia The committee was created with the support of the Vizcaya Bar (Bilbao-Spain), which will be responsible for setting it up structurally. The Role of the Outside Indiapendent Expert Qualification and Utilisation The committee is open to all UIA members (individual and collective) who are interested in the issue of training and are ready to participate in preparing specific training sessions. The first day-long training session will take place during the Bucharest Congress, on the theme of “access to the profession”. We invite you to join us and take part in the new committee’s activities. Tort Law Commission President: Murray S. LEVIN (Pepper Hamilton) Philadelphia, United States When do I need an expert to assist in a trial or other legal situation? How do I find the right expert (practical experience vs “ivory tower” academic)? How do I qualify the expert to testify in court? What is the relationship between the expert and the Court or Tribunal? How do I interact with experts? The Role of expert witnesses in medical litigation in Japan. These and other questions will be explored in an entertaining and informative manner. Speakers: Murray S. LEVIN (Pepper Hamilton) Philadelphia, United States Jim ROBINSON (Best Hooper) Melbourne, Australia Shigeki TAKAHASHI, Tokyo, Japan Douglas F. WELEBIR (Welebir, Mccune & Jure APLC) Redlands, United States Amance PERROT (Me Perrot Law firm) Antibes, France Michael IRVINE (Past President of the CCBE and of the Law Society of Ireland, Matheson Ormsby Prentice) Dublin, Ireland Wathek MAGHREBI, Tunis,Tunisia Livia TURCULEANU (Turculeanu & Stanciulescu - Société d'Avocats) Craiova, Romania Arbitration Commission: Xavier FAVRE-BULLE (Lenz & Staehelin) Geneva, Switzerland Antonio RIGOZZI (Schellenberg Wittmer) Geneva, Switzerland Mark MANGAN (Freshfields) Paris, France To register please complete the forms attached or register online www.uianet.org INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Intellectual Property Gianluca POJAGHI (Studio Legale Pojaghi) Milan, Italy The Protection of Threedimensional Trademarks Perspectives and Experiences around the World Speakers: Fabrizio LA SPADA (GLM Avocats) Geneva, Switzerland Gabriel OUSSI (Oussi Law firm) Damascus, Syria Gavin LLEWELLYN (Berwin Leighton Paisner) London, United Kingdom Marla BOJORGE (Bojorge & Associates) New York, United States José Antonio LOPEZ (Lopez Gimenez Torres) Alicante, Spain SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME BANKRUPTCY LAW President: José PAJARES ECHEVERRIA (Pajares & asociados) Saragossa, Spain 5. Bankruptcy: Creditors’ Rights Insolvency Situations and the Information Society 6. Creditors’ Control over the Activities of Insolvent Debtors Themes broached: International Corporate Groups and, in Particular, Dealing with Insolvency in The European Union’s New Member States (Romanian Experience). SPEAKERS and subjects broached: 1. Consequences of Insolvency in International Corporate Groups Angel BALLESTEROS BARROS (Ballesteros Law Firm) Sevilla, Spain 2. Application for Insolvency within the Framework of the 85/2006 Act and Parties to the Proceedings Mircea MOLDOVAN (Judge at the Bucharest Commerical Court) Bucharest, Romania 3. Treatment of Insolvency in the European Union’s New Member States Salvador PEÑA OCHOA (Peña, Oria Asociados) Madrid, Spain 4. The Innovative Treatment of the Liquidation of a Major real Estate Group in the Context of a National Banking and Real Estate Crisis (use of MARDs) Can we Learn from Experience in order to face the Impending Crisis on our Markets? Isabelle Didier (advocate and receiver and manager) Paris, France Francisco PIMENTEL (JPAB José Pedro Aguilar-Branco & Associados) Lisbon, Portugal Elena BUSTEA (SCPA Bustea – Deheza & Partners) Bucharest, Romania 7. Developments in Law in the Field of Collective Proceedings in Romania since 1990 Arin Octav STANESCU, (President of the Romanian Body of Liquidators / UNPIR) Bucharest, Romania CONTRACT LAW TAX LAW COMPUTER AND TELECOMMUNICATION President: Stephen SIDKIN (Fox Williams) London, United Kingdom President: Daniel LEHMANN (Baer & Karrer) Zurich, Switzerland President: Mark REUTTER (Walder Wyss & Partner) Zurich, Switzerland Unfair Commercial Practices Real Estate Taxation Open Source - practical experiences and challenges in the future Economic and legal developments around the world have caused an increase in unfair commercial practices. What does the concept of “unfair trade practices” mean in Europe, the Middle East and Asia? What are the consequences for injured parties, and how can they protect themselves? Speakers: Horst BECKER (Rechtsanwälte Becker & Collegen) Munich, Germany Ignacio CORBERA (J&A Garrigues) Barcelona, Spain Stefano DINDO (Studio Legale Dindo e Associati) Verona, Italy Manuel FRICK (Frick Attorneys at Law) Bern, Switzerland Ryad GHALI (Ryad Ghali) Damas, Syria Wilfred GORIS (Loyens Advocaten) Antwerp, Belgium Simona Melania MATTA (Asmar & Assayag) Paris, France Bénédicte QUERENETHAHN (GGV Grutmacher Gravert Viegener) Paris, France Makoto SHIMADA (SAH & Co) Tokyo, Japan Stefan-M. TIESSEN (Smith, Gambrell & Russell) Atlanta, United States Domestic and international aspects of the taxation of real estate, in particular in connection with cross-border acquisitions and sales of real estate. Speakers: Ignacio ALONSO (Advocatia Abogados) Madrid, Spain Jean-Jacques BATAILLON (Bataillon & Associés) Paris, France Vito D’AMBRA (D’Ambra & Associati) Milan, Italy Peter FEYL (Schoenherr) Vienna, Austria Alan JESSUP (Piper Alderman) Sydney, Australia Daniel LEHMANN (Baer & Karrer) Zurich, Switzerland Tiago MARREIROS MOREIRA (Viera de Almeida & Associados) Lisbon, Portugal Elizabeth SHERWOOD (Macfarlanes) London, United Kingdom Russell P. TROCANO (Russell P. Trocano & Associates) Ridgewood, United States Open source concepts are not only theoretical ideas: the questioning and challenging by the open source movement of traditional concepts as regards the proprietary nature of intellectual property has strongly influenced and changed the software world. Free software is reality, of utmost importance and spread widely. Open source poses specific and new issues and problems in the day-to-day practice. Our session aims to explore and address some of the most pertinent related aspects and deals, amongst other things with the following: - Open source business models - Open source benefits and risks - Categories of licences - What clauses need to be included in business contracts in order to address open source risks and realities - Copy left and its potential viral effects - Open source experiences in particular jurisdictions, validity of GPL etc. Speakers: Shalini AGARWAL (Almt Legal) Bombay, India Thomas KRITTER (Kleiner Rechtsanwaelte) Mannheim, Germany Lars PERHARD (Wersen & Partners) Stockholm, Sweden Brad RICHARDS (Haynes and Boone ) Houston, United States Benoît VAN ASBROECK (Bird & Bird) Brussels, Belgium A representative of the Free Software Foundation 23 F R I D AY FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2008 9:00 AM-12:30 PM HOUSE OF PARLIAMENT SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2008 2:00 PM-5:30 PM HOUSE OF PARLIAMENT INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION / SPORTS LAW / MEDIATION AND CONFLICT PREVENTION (continuation) Mediation and Conflict Prevention Commission President: Héléna DE BACKER (DS De Backer & Bastin) Brussels, Belgium International Arbitration Commission President: Xavier FAVRE-BULLE (Lenz & Staehelin) Geneva, Switzerland Sports Law Commission President: Lucio COLANTUONI (Colantuoni, Allegri & Coll. - Studio Legale Associato) Savona, Italy Arbitration & ADR to Resolve Sports Disputes The sports news increasingly involves various types of dispute such as disputes between players and sponsors, players and clubs, federations, clubs and sponsors, event organisers, etc. Many of these disputes involve a cross border aspect. The specific nature of these disputes requires effective and speedy dispute resolution systems. The working session will cover the specific needs of the different protagonists in the sporting world and will analyse how arbitration, mediation and other ADR respond to these needs. Theme 3: Arbitration Moderator: Xavier FAVRE-BULLE (Lenz & Staehelin) Geneva, Switzerland Introduction Ad to CAS arbitration Hoc Panels at the Olympic Games Other FIA) arbitration schemes (e.g. Jurisdictional issues: what arbitration agreement and what parties? Review of recent sports case law Mediation Mock case Panel Discussion and Conclusion by the Presidents of the Commissions Speakers-Participants Guest Speakers Official of CAS (Court of Arbitration for Sport, Lausanne) Nadia COMANECI, former gymnast winner of 5 Olympic gold medals, Romania (invited) Official Romanian Sport Federation Organising Committee: Arin Alexandru AVRAMESCU (Arin Alexandru Avramescu Law firm) President of the Organising Committee, Bucharest, Romania UIA TRAINING COMMITTEE New Committee We are very pleased to announce the establishment of a new committee devoted to training lawyers. The committee is open to all UIA members (individual and collective) who are interested in this training session and are ready to participate in preparing specific training sessions. The first day-long training session will take place during the Bucharest Congress, on the theme of “access to the profession”. We invite you to join us and take part in the new committee’s activities. The committee was created with the support of the Vizcaya Bar (Bilbao-Spain), which will be responsible for setting it up structurally. Sports Law Commission: Lucio COLANTUONI (Colantuoni, Allegri & Coll. - Studio Legale Associato) Savona, Italy Serena HEDLEY-DENT (Farrer & Co) London, United Kingdom Michael MEYENBURG (Sladek & Meyenburg) Vienna, Austria Martin SCHIMKE (Bird & Bird) Düsseldorf, Germany Bernhard WELTEN (Hodler & Emmenegger) Bern, Switzerland Mediation Commission: Héléna DE BACKER (DS DeBacker & Bastin) Brussels, Belgium Amance PERROT (Me Perrot Law firm) Antibes, France Michael IRVINE (Past President of the CCBE and of the Law Society of Ireland, Matheson Ormsby Prentice) Dublin, Ireland Wathek MAGHREBI, Tunis,Tunisia Andreea-Livia TURCULEANU, Bucharest, Romania Arbitration Commission: Xavier FAVRE-BULLE (Lenz & Staehelin) Geneva, Switzerland Antonio RIGOZZI (Schellenberg Wittmer) Geneva, Switzerland Mark MANGAN (Freshfields) Paris, France Debriefing: why choosing mediation for sports dispute? Panel discussion 24 To register please complete the forms attached or register online www.uianet.org INSURANCE LAW President: Françoise HECQUET (SCP Preel Hecquet Payet-Godel) Paris, France Lawyer’s professional liability and its insurance in France, Italy, Japan and Romania Speakers: Luc ADJE KACOU (S.C.P.A. Adje-Assi-Metan) Adidjan, Côte d’Ivoire Mohamed Lakkim BENNANI (Bennani-Idrissi Avocats) Fez, Morocco Françoise HECQUET (SCP Preel Hecquet Payet-Godel) Paris, France Lorenzo LOCATELLI (Studio legale Locatelli) Padova, Italy Shigeki TAKAHASHI (HamaniTakahashi) Tokyo, Japan Alessandro TALARICO (studio legale Talarico) Turin, Italy Cristiana I. STOICA (Stoica & asociatii – Attorneys-at-law) Bucharest, Romania SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2008 2:00 PM-5:30 PM HOUSE OF PARLIAMENT Coordinators: Michael BRAUCH (Schwarz Kelwing Wicke Westpfahl) UIA Congress Coordinator, Munich, Germany Mary-Daphné FISHELSON (SCP Lefèvre, Pelletier et Associés) UIA Deputy Secretary General Paris, France Jean-Jacques UETTWILLER (UGGC) UIA Financial Director, Paris, France JUDICIARY President: Cesare LOMBRASSA (Studio Legale Lombrassa) Milan, Italy Universal Jurisdiction: International Criminal Court and National Courts Speaker: Silvia Magdalena PETROSEL (Cabinet Silvia Petrosel) Bucharest, Romania “Partners’ income” From the establishment of a practice to the entry of a new partner, to the departure of a partner, what method should be chosen for profit-sharing between partners? What factors need to be taken into account in order to determine the different components of the partners’ remuneration? What profit share should remain in the firm to finance its development? Should a part of the profits be allocated to retired partners? If yes, how should this be done? Should all or part of the partners’ income be deferred? These are just some of the questions that law firms raise in order to hold on to valuable professionals and to attract young talent. We hope a large number of you will gather to debate this issue. INTERNATIONAL SALE OF GOODS President: Marie-Christine CIMADEVILLA (Cabinet Cimadevilla) Paris, France International Sale of Goods Toward Unification Primary parties obligations of the Romanian CISG decisions under the International Sale of Goods: Isues not Covered by the CISG: Romanian Law Interantional Sale of Goods: Issues not Covered by the CISG: Hungarian Law Institutions and the CISG: Practical Aspects of the Convention and Institutional Suggestions REAL ESTATE LAW FINANCIAL SERVICES President: Michel HUET (Cabinet Michel Huet) Paris, France President: Sylvestre TANDEAU DE MARSAC (SCP Fischer, Tandeau de Marsac, Sur & Associés) Paris, France Access of companies to Procurement Orders Within the framework of the theme on the access of companies to orders, the Real Estate Law Commission proposes to discuss various aspects of the laws applicable to public and private construction procurement. Each rapporteur will present the rules related to competitive procurement and the procedures for access to requests for proposals (RFPs) as prescribed by his or her own national law. Their presentations will also cover the different practices of corporate groups as well as their access to RFPs through sub-contracting or the assignment of contracts. Specific cases such as those of companies involved in single family houses, rehabilitation or restoration companies may also be covered. Speakers: Wilfred GORIS (Loyens & Loeff Advocaten) Antwerp, Belgium Bruno HERBOTS (Beauchamps solicitors) Dublin, Ireland Hassan KETTANI (Cabinet Kettani) Casablanca, Morocco François LASTELLE (Viviani & Lastelle) Nice, France Richard LUCAS (Berwin Leighton Paisner) London, United Kingdom Colin MILLER (Biggart & Baillie) Glasgow, United Kingdom Murray SHAW (Biggart & Baillie) Glasgow, United Kingdom José Antonio PEREZ BREVA (J&A Garrigues) Barcelona, Spain Are you a member of a law firm? We would like to inform you that the International Association of Lawyers (Union Internationale des Avocats) is now offering a new membership fee category aimed at promoting the membership of major law firms, on the basis of the following principle: Reporter: Multilateral Trading Facilities (MTF) The entry into force of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) eliminated the concentration of orders rule, thereby promoting the creation of Multilateral Trading Facilities (MTF) or Alternative Trading Systems (ATS). Are MTFs competitive with or complementary to regulated trade contracts? What is an MTF or ATS? kind of financial assets can be traded through these facilities? What is their nature and legal position? What is their impact on investors? What The Financial Services Commission’s session will discuss these issues and attempt to find answers to the questions. Speakers: Ana BEN VAZQUEZ (Prol & Asociados) Madrid, Spain Louis F. BURKE (Louis F. Burke PC) New York, United States Judit BUDAI (Szecskay Attorneys at Law) Budapest, Hungary Cédric CHAPUIS (Bär & Karrer) Geneva, Switzerland Alessandro COLAVOLPE (Studio Legale Tributario) Rome, Italy Wilfred GORIS (Loyens Advocaten) Antwerp, Belgium Eric LAUT (Sullivan & Cromwell) Paris, France Franck JUDO (Liedekerke & Partners) Brussels, Belgium The firm must be the entity joining the Association, which would simplify your accounts. The annual membership fee is calculated depending on the number of partners. Each of the partners is considered a full-fledged UIA member and receives the documentation reserved for members. Employees, up to a limit of 5 per firm, benefit from the rates reserved for members during seminars and Congresses. 25 F R I D AY LAW FIRMS’ FORUM SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2008 9:00 AM-12:30 PM / 2:00 PM-5:30 PM HOUSE OF PARLIAMENT MAIN THEME 3 THE LEGAL PROFESSION: JUST ANOTHER BUSINESS? Presentation: The practice of law has historically been considered a “profession” rather than a “business”, and the independence of the legal profession has been seen as critical to the interests not only of clients, but also of society as a whole. In a global economy our profession could not stay immune to market forces and eventually come to be perceived as a business. But is it just another business? The future of the legal profession in Europe will, to some degree, be shaped by the experiences, needs and aspirations of the new EU Member states. Recent major market moves around the world also call for adequate response of the legal profession to political and commercial pressures into its core values. The debate is open and it concerns us all. Coordinator / President: Luis Miguel NOVAIS (Novais) President of The Future of the Lawyer Commission, Porto, Portugal Morning Session SUB-THEMES SPEAKERS 9:00 am-9:30 am Opening remarks Luis Miguel NOVAIS (Novais) President of The Future of the Lawyer Commission, Porto, Portugal 9:30 am-11:00 am 1. Core Values of the Legal Profession in the 21st Century Sub-theme Coordinator: Paul NEMO (Cabinet Nemo-Kacem) UIA President of Honour, Paris, France Gheorghe FLOREA, President of the National Association of the Romanian Bars (UNBR), Bucharest, Romania Bernard VATIER, Former president of the CCBE, European Bar Coucil (Vatier & Associés) Paris, France Laurel BELLOWS (American Bar Association) Chair of the ABA's House of Delegates, United States Reginaldo Oscar DE CASTRO, Former president of the OAB (Brazilian Bar Association) Brasilia, Brazil Luís DELGADO DE MOLINA (Delgado de Molina abogados) UIA President of Honour, Alicante, Spain 11:00 am-12:30 pm 2. Recent Major Market Moves Sub-theme Coordinator: Geoffrey RICHARDS (Farrer & Co) Director of Legal Projects, London, United Kingdom a. UK’s Legal Services Act PAUL MARSH, President Elect of the Law Society of England and Wales, London, United-Kingdom b. Secrecy in Europe and according to the European Court of Justice Augusto LOPES CARDOSO (Lopes Cardoso Advogados) Former President of the Portuguese Bar, Porto, Portugal d. Americas & Eastern Europe Christopher BERLEW (Salans) Bucharest, Romania c. First Law Firm Flotation in a Stock-Market Speaker from Australia Afternoon session SUB-THEMES SPEAKERS 2:00 pm-3:30 pm 3. The Future Role of the Bar Associations 3:30 to 4:00pm 4. Round Table: a.Core Values of the Legal Profession in the 21st Century b. Recent Major Market Moves c. The Future Role of the Bar Associations 5. 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm 26 Sub-theme Coordinator: James C. MOORE (Harter, Secrest & Emery) Rochester, United States Calin Andrei ZAMFIRESCU, Past President of the National Association of the Romanian Bars (UNBR) Bucharest, Romania M. Hakan ÇINAR (Çinar And Çinar Law office) Ankara, Turkey José Luís CAPUTO, Buenos Aires, Argentina Miguel ESTRADA SAMANO (Curtis, Mallet – Prevost, Colt & Mosle, S.C.) UIA President of Honnor, Mexico DF, Mexico Dogbemin Gerard KONE (SCPA Nambeya - Dogbemin et Associés) Abidjan, Ivory Coast Maurits VAN DEN WALL BAKE (Stibbe) Amsterdam, The Netherlands Moderator: Luis Miguel NOVAIS (Novais), President of the Future of the Lawyer Commission, Porto, Portugal Steven A. HAMMOND (Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP), UIA President of Honour, New York, United States MICHEL BENICHOU, Commission Affaires Européennes, Paris, France Marco GAY (Studio Legale Gay), Turin, Italia Duarte ATHAYDE (Abreu Advogados) President of the AIJA, International Young Lawyers Association, Lisbon, Portugal Screening of a film on the defence of the defence To register please complete the forms attached or register online www.uianet.org SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2008 9:00 AM-12:30 PM / 2:00 PM-5:30 PM HOUSE OF PARLIAMENT MAIN THEME 4 COMPETITION LAW: COMPETING MODELS OF MARKET REGULATION Presentation: Is free competition a universally accepted principle of economic development? We will look at principles of competition law across the globe, as well as comparing alternative types of control of commercial activity. A comparative study of the principal national and international systems will enable the determination of the role of lawyers and of the law in the application of this principle. How do states implement and enforce this principle? We will examine the powers of competition authorities and the different types of court procedures and remedies available to private parties. Theme President and Coordinator: Morning session Session Presidents: SUB-THEMES Conor QUIGLEY Q.C. (Brick Court Chambers) President of the EU Law Commission, London, United Kingdom Conor QUIGLEY Q.C. (Brick Court Chambers) London, United Kingdom Benoît MERKT (Lenz & Staehelin) President of the Competition Law Commission, Geneva, Switzerland Alan DAVIS (Pinsent Masons) London, United Kingdom SPEAKERS 1. Competition Law: Cartels; Abuse of Dominance; Chris COOK (Clearly Gottlieb) Brussels, Belgium Merger Control; State Aid Davide GRESPAN (European Commission) Brussels, Belgium Robert O'DONOGHUE (Brick Court Chambers) London, United Kingdom Philip WAREHAM (Holman Fenwick& Willan) London, United Kingdom 3 . Competition Law and the Legal Profession: Impact on Self Regulation and Legal Privilege Afternoon session Session Presidents: Sorin DAVID (David & Baias) Bucharest, Romania Mauro GRINBERG (Barcellos Tucunduva) Sao Paolo, Brazil Dr. Hüseyin KARABULUT (Foreign Relations Center) Istanbul, Turkey William G. SCHOPF (Schopf & Weiss) Chicago, United States Astrid ABLASSER-NEUHUBER (bpv- Hügel Rechtsanwälte OEG) Vienna, Austria Martina MAIER (Howrey) Paris, France Benoît MERKT (Lenz & Staehelin) President of the Competition Law Commission, Geneva, Switzerland Conor QUIGLEY Q.C. (Brick Court Chambers) London, UK Martina MAIER (Howrey) Paris, France SUB-THEMES SPEAKERS 4. Enforcement of Competition Law: Public and Private Law Remedies Alan DAVIS (Pinsent Masons) London United Kingdom Sonia FLOREA (SCA Florea Gheorghe & Associates) Bucharest, Romania Pierre KIRCH (Paul Hastings) Brussels, Belgium and Paris, France Morvan LE BERRE (Wardynski & Partners) Warsaw, Poland 5. Regulation of Particular Sectors: Telecoms; Transport; Banking Judit BUDAI (Szecskay Attorneys at Law) Budapest, Hungary Olivia IORDANESCU (SCA Cristian Iordanescu & Associates) Bucharest, Romania Robert O'DONOGHUE (Brick Court Chambers) London, United Kingdom Rene PLANK (European Commission) Brussels, Belgium S AT U R D AY 2. Globalisation of Competition Law: a Comparative Study 27 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2008 9:00 AM-12:30 PM HOUSE OF PARLIAMENT PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA AND RIGHTS OF THE DIGITAL PERSON FAMILY LAW President: Luís ZARRALUQUI NAVARRO (Zarraluqui Abogados de Familia) Madrid, Spain The Role of the Lawyer in Family Law Investigate the role of the lawyer in an area like family law, across different countries and cultures. Speakers: Anne DE BLUTS (Gilson De Rouvreux, De Bluts & Associés) Brussels, Belgium Myrna FELDER, New York, United States Hugues LETELLIER (Hohl & Associés) Paris, France Paulo LINS E SILVA (Paulo Lins E Silva – Advogados e Consultores de Familia) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Corina Zoica MARCU (Law office Corina Marcu) Bucharest, Romania Carmen MEZA INGAR (Meza Ingar Abogados) Lima, Peru Federico PRUS (Estudio jurídico Dr Prus) Buenos Aires, Argentina Pura Angelica SANTIAGO (Santiago, Cruz & Sarte Law offices) Pasig city, Philippines Fadéla SEBTI (Cabinet de Me Sebti) Casablanca, Morocco Carla SECCHIERI (Studio Legale Secchieri) Padova, Italy Carmen TUFARIU (Ligia Danila Law Office) Timisoara, Romania Francisco VEGA SALA, Barcelona, Spain 28 President: Alain BENSOUSSAN (Cabinet Alain Bensoussan) Paris, France Cyber-Surveillance of Employees Companies and directors generally use information and communication technologies for human resource management. They collect and store personal data on their employees. Such processes may be harmful to employees’ rights and freedoms in their workplace. Personal information therefore must be protected. Speakers: Guy ARENDT (Bonn-SchmittSteichen) UIA Secretary General, Luxembourg, Luxembourg Anda BALASA (Buta Doina Law Firm) Bucharest, Romania Virginie BENSOUSSAN BRULÉ (Cabinet Alain Bensoussan Selas) Paris, France Jérôme CAYOL (Cayol, Cahen & Associés) Paris, France Rosario LEON JIMENEZ (DíazBastien & Truan Abogados) Madrid, Spain Zineb LARAQUI (Cabinet d’avocats Bassamat & Associés) Casablanca, Morocco Elizabeth THOLE (Van Doorne N.V.) Amsterdam, The Netherlands LITIGATION INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL DEFENCE HUMAN RIGHTS Co-Presidents: Louis F. BURKE (Louis F. Burke PC) New York, United States Mark C. HILGARD (Mayer, Brown LLP), Frankfurt, Germany President:: Omar ABOUZZOHOUR (Cabinet Abouzzohour) Marrakech, Morocco The Enforcement of Foreign Judgments/Orders in other Jurisdictions: Pitfalls, Grounds and Recognition of Judgments and/or Interim Orders Problem Guantanamo Bay torture, of ill treatment and President: Philippe MORICEAU (Moriceau Associés) Biarritz, France First meeting of the International Criminal Defence Working Group. Infringement of the right to an equitable court, Childrens’ rights violations. Speakers: Gérard BREEN (Dibbs Barker Gosling Lawyers) Sydney, Australia Louis F. BURKE (Louis F. Burke PC) New York, United States Thomas GELZER (Vischer Attorneys) Basel, Switzerland Christian GIROD (Schellenberg Wittmer) Geneva, Switzerland Emmanuel HAYAUX DU TILLY (Popineau, Hayaux du Tilly) Paris, France Mark C. HILGARD (Mayer, Brown LLP), Frankfurt, Germany David PARKIN (Berwin Leighton Paisner) London, United Kingdom Alberto PIERGROSSI (Piergrossi Bianchini Eversheds) Milan, Italy ABA-SIL Programme co-sponsored by the American Bar Association – Section on International Law (ABA-SIL) The New Surveillance Society and Trends and Hot Topics in Global Antitrust Enforcement Coordinateurs: Michael BYOWITZ, Jacqueline KLOSEK and Fiona SCHAEFFER Dharmandra RAUTRAY (Kachwaha & Partners) New Delhi, India William SCHOPF (Schopf & Weiss) Chicago, United States Enrica SENINI (Studio Legale Senini) Brescia, Italy To register please complete the forms attached or register online www.uianet.org SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2008 2:00 PM-5:30 PM HOUSE OF PARLIAMENT President: Jean Léopold RENARD (SCP Renard et Associés) Marseille, France Piracy at Sea – Le Ponant Jean-Léopold RENARD Air-Land-Sea Transport Law Commission President Introduction to Romanian Air-Land-Sea Transport Law Professor Gheorghe PIPEREA, Bucharest, Romania Mihai FERARIU (Ferariu, Negoita & Partners) Bucharest, Romania Tonnage Tax Carel VAN LYNDEN (Akd Prinsen Van Wijmen) Rotterdam, The Netherlands Marinas under French Law Amance PERROT (Cabinet de Me Perrot) Antibes, France Marinas under Italian Law Lucio COLANTUONI (Colantuoni, Allegri & Coll. - Studio Legale Associato) Savona, Italy Intermodal Contracts Marcus SCHRIEFERS (Kleiner Rechtsanwälte) Stuttgart, Germany BIOTECHNOLOGY LAW Présidente: Geneviève AUGENDRE (SCP Augendre) Paris, France Biotechnologies and Food Security Fundamental Rights and the Precautionary Principle Speakers: Geneviève AUGENDRE (SCP Augendre) Paris, France Augusto LOPES CARDOSO (Lopes Cardoso Advogados) Porto, Portugal DEFENCE OF THE DEFENCE President: Pascal MAURER (Keppeler & Associés) UIA Director of Human Rights and Defence of the Defence, Geneva, Switzerland Report on cases dealt with by the Commission during the year 2007-2008. The cases the commission dealt with will be outlined. Speaking time will be allocated for the commission session’s participants to speak. Speakers: Pascal MAURER (Keppeler & Associés) UIA Director of Human Rights and Defence of the Defence, Geneva, Switzerland Julie GOFFIN (Chibane-SoetaertGoffin) Coordinator of Human Rights and Defence of the Defence, Brussels, Belgium LITIGATION /MEDIA LAW Co-Presidents of the Litigation Commission: Louis F. BURKE (Louis F. Burke PC) New York, United States Mark C. HILGARD (Mayer, Brown LLP), Frankfurt, Germany Media Law Commission President: Francisco PIMENTEL (JPAB José Pedro Aguilar-Branco & Associados) Lisbon, Portugal Celebrities vs. The Press: Media Litigation Speakers: For the Litigation Commission: Ian DE FREITAS (Berwin Leighton Paisner) London, United Kingdom Julianne FARNSWORTH (Farnsworth Law Firm) Charleston, United States Alberto PIERGROSSI (Piergrossi Bianchini Eversheds) Milan, Italy Jim ROBINSON (Best Hooper) Melbourne, Australia HUMAN RIGHTS President: Omar ABOUZZOHOUR (Cabinet Abouzzohour) Marrakech, Morocco Women and Water: more than a Symbol, a Right. For the Media Law Commission: Francisco PIMENTEL (JPAB José Pedro Aguilar-Branco & Associados) Lisbon, Portugal Salvador PEÑA OCHOA (Peña, Oria Asociados) Madrid, Spain IMMIGRATION AND NATIONALITY LAW President and Moderator: Ellen YOST (Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen & Loewy) New-York, United States Free Movement of Workers in Europe We will discuss the situation in the “old states” of Europe, but also in the new Eastern European states whose citizens will one day circulate in all the European countries without passports; the difference between Schengen and non-Schengen; the black side of Schengen including blacklists, no fly lists, no visa lists; reciprocity rules. We will compare border control in EU, US and Canada; and the movement of lawyers. This should be an especially interesting topic since the EU recently announced that it would institute stricter border controls similar to the US by 2015 including the requirement of electronic documents and biographical data, centralized information sharing and the like. Speakers: Louise BOYES (Fisher Jones Greenwood LLP) Colchester, United Kingdom Michela COCCHI (Studio Legale Avv. Michela Cocchi) Business and Human Rights Commission President, Bologna, Italy Laura DEVINE (Laura Devine Sollicitors) London, United Kingdom Hugues LANGLAIS (Hugues Langlais Law Firm) Montreal, Canada Alexandru LUPU (Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen Attorneys & Counselors) Bucharest, Romania S AT U R D AY TRANSPORT LAW 29 SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Images of Transylvania and Bucovinia 30 To register please complete the forms attached or register online www.uianet.org All participants are requested to mention on the registration form all the activities they would like to take part in, whether or not these activities are included in the registration fees for the Congress. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2008 – INFORMAL RECEPTION THE CORTINA CLUB 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm For activities that are not included in the registration fee, registration will be invalid until full payment for the activity is received. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2008 – OPENING CEREMONY (6:00 PM – 7:30 PM) CUZA HALL, HOUSE OF PARLIAMENT, FOLLOWED BY A WELCOME COCKTAIL PARTY 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm The idea of raising such a monumental piece of architecture was originated many years ago, but it materialized only in 1984, when the foundation stone was laid on the 25th of June, and construction began. Scores of teams of architects and engineers contributed to the realization of this ambitious project, originally called “The House of the Republic”, then “The House of the People” and finally “The Palace of Parliament”. Eclectic in style, it brings together elements of traditional Romanian architecture, where the Brancovenian style prevails, of Romanian popular ornamental art (such as the rosette, the symbol of the sun and typical woodcarvings), as well as Renaissance, Germanic and Baroque influences. This architectural ensemble reunites not only impressive quantities of marble, steel, concrete and wood, but also a huge amount of work. The materials used are genuine Romanian and one can say that the entire country has contributed something to the construction and decoration of the halls. As it is divided into 21 parts, the edifice is an overwhelming alternation of monumental spaces, magnificent auditoriums, generously sized halls and foyers with a profusion of ornamental details. Since 1989, this building has become, by dint of the institutions it hosts, the symbol of Romanian democracy. Thus, the Chamber of Deputies, the Constitutional Court and the Legislative Council are located here. The informal reception will be held at the Cortina Club, a former private residence. The Cortina Club is located in a residential neighbourhood outside Bucharest. The reception’s theme will be Romanian folklore, with activities, traditional dishes and a traditional Romanian barbecue. You can stroll through this atypical residence, which has an unrestricted view of the lake. It is composed of various salons and terraces with different moods. The setting is supposed to be quite modern but you can admire the antique furniture and the paintings displayed pretty much all over the place. The reception will be a high point of good cheer to share with Romanian colleagues. Transport will be organised to and from the Congress hotels. The timings will be given to you during registration and will be displayed in each hotel. The Chamber of Deputies is, according to the 1991 Constitution, one of the two Chambers of the Parliament to which the deputies are elected every four years by universal, equal, direct, secret and free vote. Some of them are elected into the Standing Bureau, comprised of a Chairman, Vice-Chairmen, Secretaries and Quaestors, while the President of the Chamber of Deputies also acts as the Chairman of the Standing Bureau. The work of the parliamentary committees is aimed at ensuring that parliamentary activities are carried out properly, and they have a major role in preparing the proceedings of the Chamber of Deputies and in exercising the parliamentary functions. The 20th NATO Summit was organized in the House of Parliament, Bucharest on 2– 4 April 2008. A transport service will be provided between the Congress hotels and the House of Parliament. You will be given the timings during registration and they will also be displayed in each Congress hotel. For security reasons, it is mandatory for you to keep your badge or invitation card with you, along with proof of identity. During the Opening Ceremony, the UIA President, Héctor DÍAZ-BASTIEN, and the Congress President, Mihai TANASESCU, will declare the 52nd Congress open. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2008 – EVENING FREE Bucharest city is well known for its classical concerts and shows, including the famous Georges Enescu Festival of classical music which is held every two years in Bucharest. Auditoriums like the Atheneum Concert Hall are magnificent. The international festival of contemporary dance will be held at the same time as the Congress. The Organising Committee has been able to negotiate special rates for delegates who wish to go to a concert, opera or clubs. A detailed programme will be sent to you. 31 S O C I A L AC T I V I T I E S SOCIAL ACTIVITIES SOCIAL ACTIVITIES SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2008 – CLOSING CEREMONY HOUSE OF PARLIAMENT 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm The Congress Closing Ceremony, which will take place in the House of Parliament, will enable us to summarise the legal work undertaken at the Congress and to witness the transfer of the presidency from President Héctor Díaz Bastien to the President Elect, Bernd Reinmüller. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2008 – GALA DINNER NATIONAL MUSEUM OF ART (ROYAL PALACE) 8:30 pm Located right in the heart of Bucharest, the National Museum of Art (the former Royal Palace), was founded in 1948 to receive the erstwhile royal collection of Romanian and European art dating from the Middle Ages to our times (paintings, sketches and sculptures). The gala dinner will be held in the majestic throne hall and the reception hall. This venue has symbolic significance for Romanians. The gala dinner will be prepared by one of the most renowned caterers in Bucharest and you will be served in the authentic traditional style. The quality and elegance of this evening will make it an unforgettable experience. For those who like partying, the evening can continue late into the night. Transportation will be organised between the Congress hotels and the Royal Palace (to and fro). The timings will be given to you when you register and will be displayed in each hotel. Dress code: long dress and dinner jacket or dark coloured suit. The cost of the gala dinner, which includes the transfers, welcome cocktail, dinner and dance, is 150 Euros per person. 32 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2008 – GENERAL EXCURSION IN BUCHAREST, TRADITIONS AND PRACTICES 9:00 am – 2:00 pm Departure from the Congress hotels is scheduled for 9:00 am. Visit to the Palace of the Romanian Patriarchate, the seat of the Romanian Orthodox Church, located on the hills of Bucharest. We will begin with a visit of the palace and you can, if you wish, attend the Sunday mass with its gentle ambience of Byzantine splendour which lends tremendous beauty to the services presided over by the patriarch. We will continue with our discovery of the old Bucharest, better known as Lipscani. You can stroll through the old streets, some of which have retained their “Art Nouveau” inspired facades. In the Hanul cu Tei passage, you will see the ancient boutiques housing antique dealers and art galleries. This huge poetic zone, currently being rehabilitated, is on its way to becoming the most trendy area in Bucharest, with its set of cafés, clubs and restaurants. On the way you will come across a little masterpiece: the Stavropoleos church. The beauty and harmony of this church, founded in 1724, lies in the sculpted external stone decorations, the frescos and the original iconostasis, but mainly in its proportions. A perfect example of post Brancovan architecture. The brasserie Carul cu Bere (the beer cart), one of the rare Neogothic buildings in Bucharest, is worth a detour. The embellishments are rich: mural dyes, panelling, stained glass. On the way, you can admire the private mansions built between the wars. We suggest that you end the tour with a visit to the Romanian Farmers’ Museum, an exciting, complex museum, which is not just a place but a philosophy and a generous profession of faith. Enhanced by a refined display, it brings alive and recreates the nobility of the peasant world. This remarkably designed museum was designated the European Museum of the Year in 1996. The museum shop has on offer a vast selection of Romanian handicrafts: pottery, embroidery, icons, etc. At the end of the visit you will be served a country lunch – a farewell meal as you bid goodbye to Romania. End of the excursion and return to the hotels between 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm. The price of the excursion, including transportation by bus, the visits and lunch, is 100 Euros per person. To register please complete the forms attached or register online www.uianet.org Reservations for accompanying persons’ activities have to be booked at the same time as reservations for accommodation and for the pre congress tours in the attached DESTINATION PLUS form. You may also register for activities at the DESTINATION PLUS desk at the Congress hotels and the House of Parliament (all activities are subject to availability). The final times for the accompanying persons’ activities will be confirmed in the final programme and displayed at the UIA / DESTINATION PLUS reception desk in all the Congress hotels. If the minimum number of participants is not reached, the specific activities concerned may be postponed or cancelled. Once you register, kindly indicate on the DESTINATION PLUS form the date, language and time of your preference. In case of no show on the day of the excursion, DESTINATION PLUS will not refund. Important information: Monday is the weekly closing day for all museums. INTRODUCTION TO ROMANIAN CULTURE: 1ST APPROACH TO BUCHAREST This first approach to Bucharest will end with lunch in one of its oldest and most emblematic restaurants, the “Carul cu Bere” (“the beer cart” – they brew their own beer). The restaurant, opened in 1789, has not undergone any changes since and is also one of Bucharest’s rare neo-Gothic buildings. Return to the Congress hotels around 3:00 pm/4:00 pm * As the Cotroceni Palace is an official building, it could be requisitioned without notice. An alternative site will be provided in this case. EXCLUSIVE TOUR OF DOINA LEVINTZA & DAN COMA’S HOUSE Departure time: 10:00 am Return time: 12:15 pm Minimum participants: 10 (maximum 15) Price: 42 Euros / person We offer a tour of Romania’s most renowned “haute couture” designer, Doina Levintza’s house. She has the distinction of receiving several scenography awards in Romania and abroad and was East Europe’s first designer on New York’s Fashion Week Model in 1984. This very special tour will take you into a world that is totally dedicated to fashion and its accessories. Wednesday 29 - Thursday 30 - Friday 31, October and Saturday, November 1 Departure time: 9:00 am Return time: 3:00 pm/4:00 pm Minimum participants: 10 Price: 57 Euros / person (lunch included)(1) Her husband, Dan Coma, a shoe and leather designer, will show you their extraordinary place: his fabrication workshops, filled with leather goods and diverse material, as well as unique collections of evening dresses, shoes, bags and other leather items. This tour will be an excellent introduction to your stay in Romania. It will enable you to understand better this capital city, through its most important museums, main points of tourist interest and Bucharest’s various districts, as well as the exploration of an Orthodox Church. The tour will start with the “Cotroceni Palace*” – the residence of the Romania Republic President since 1991. In 1888, the heir to the throne, Prince Ferdinand, decided to build his residence on the site of the old Cotroceni Monastery. The building combines the French and neo-Romanian styles (just as its monumental stairway is inspired by the Opéra Garnier in Paris). The most representative rooms are on the first floor – its neo-renaissance dining room and the Henry II style king’s library. On the second floor are the private suites: the Queen’s bedroom decorated in Tudor style is impressive with its abundant panelling, like the small Norwegian sitting room, which is a real masterpiece of wood sculpture. After 1977, the Palace was used as a guest house by the dictator, Nicolae Ceausescu. You will then visit one of Bucharest’s most interesting museums: the National Museum of Art. Your guide will help you discover Romania’s history through the extraordinary medieval art gallery, some of whose works date back to the 13th century. You will also be able to see collections of icons, illuminated manuscripts, silverware and gold work from all Romania’s different regions. You will then discover most contemporary works when you visit the art gallery (painting, sculpture, major artistic trends of the 1900s, the Romanian “avantgarde” and other very famous Romanian artists). (1) Wednesday, October 29 In order to keep the house’s privacy, only 15 persons will be able to come. BUCHAREST SURROUNDINGS: TOUR OF THE MOGOSOAIA PALACE & WINE TASTING Thursday, October 30 and Saturday, November 1 Departure time: 9:00 am Return time: 5:00 pm Minimum participants: 10 Price: 52 Euros (lunch included)(1) 9:00 am Departure from Bucharest (the Palace is about 10 km away from Bucharest) 10:00 am Arrival at the Mogosoaia Palace and start of the tour Built at the end of the 17th century as a royal residence on the road linking Bucharest to Targovist, the Palace is endowed with all the characteristics of the Brancovenian style: the remarkable stone sculpture, plant motifs as the predominant elements, figurative sculpture (generally mythological figures), columns ending in impressive capitals, etc. The Mogosoaia Palace is now the Brancovenian Art Museum. After the visit, we will leave for the Urlati Vineyard, where you will be able to discover and test the property’s various wines in the presence of an oenologist. Lunch at the vineyard. 3:00 pm Departure and transfer back to Bucharest. Beverage not including 33 S O C I A L AC T I V I T I E S ACTIVITIES FOR ACCOMPANYING PERSONS ACTIVITIES FOR ACCOMPANYING PERSONS FULL DAY: TRANSYLVANIAN CASTLES Departure time: 8:00 am Return time: 7:00 pm Minimum participants: 10 Price: 135 Euros (lunch included) (1) Friday, October 31 An idyllic, picturesque day that will enable you to get an idea of the charm and beauty of Romania’s countryside through its magnificent sites. 8:00 am: Departure from Bucharest to Sinaia. 10:00 am: Arrival at Sinaia, nicknamed the “Pearl of the Carpathians”. Surrounded by forests and steep slopes of the Bucegi mountains, this resort owes its popularity to the King Carol I who established one of his residences here in the 1870s. Bucharest’s nobility followed him. Exploring the Sinaia Monastery (1695): It got its name from the Sinai mountain, where its founder spent some time during his pilgrimage to the Holy Land. This will be followed by a visit of the fabulous “Peles Castle”, the most beautiful of the royal family’s summer getaways, built at the end of the 19th century in magnificent surroundings, which has a rich collection of furniture, carpets, arms and armours. 11:30 am: Departure for the charming city of Brasov which looks like Salzburg. (1) A medieval city founded in the 13th century by the Saxons in beautiful mountainous surroundings, with deeply anchored traditions, history and culture, Brasov offers a unique atmosphere. The historical centre has retained its charm, with its square surrounded by ancient houses, the ancient town hall, the black church in the gothic style and the pedestrian street bordered by typical coloured houses. 1:00 pm: Lunch in a typical restaurant. After lunch, departure to Bran to visit the most famous Castle in Transylvania. Surrounded by an aura of mystery and legend, the Bran Castle is better known as “Dracula’s Castle” because Bram Stoker drew inspiration from it for his famous novel in 1897. Perched on a rock (at a height of 60m), the Castle imposed its romantic silhouette in magnificent surroundings: exceptional layout, secret rooms and narrow corridors truly make it into a labyrinth. Beyond mythology, the Castle was transformed into summer residence by Queen Maria of Romania in 1920. You will be able to admire the restoration: beyond the superb inner courtyard, you will visit different rooms with medieval furniture, rich with reminiscences of the world of knights. 4:30 pm: Departure for Bucharest. 7:00 pm: Arrival in Bucharest. Beverage not including 34 To register please complete the forms attached or register online www.uianet.org PRE CONGRESS TOURS 4 DAYS/3 NIGHTS – FROM SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26 TO WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2008 (early return to Bucharest) In the North-East of Romania, nestled in the most recently emerging highlands of the Carpathians, lies a land marked by intermingling and co-habitation of different peoples. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28 – MONASTERIES Breakfast in your hotel. SUCEVITA The origins of Moldavia, its holy places and the most beautiful pages of its history lie here. Five churches rivalling with each other in terms of the beauty of their external frescoes stand tall in a narrow space (each well-integrated in a monastery): Humor, Moldovita, Voronet, Sucevita and Arbore. From one church to another, there is 10 to 40 km of exceptional landscape, meticulously worked by the farmers. With their external painted walls, ornated with 15th and 16th century frescoes – “chefs-d'œuvre” of Byzantine art – these churches are unique in Europe and belong to UNESCO’s world heritage list. Far from being simple mural decorations, these paintings systematically cover all the façades and represent full cycles of religious mural paintings. Their exceptional composition, the elegance of figures and the harmony of colours integrate perfectly in the surrounding landscape. This tour will enable you to discover the most beautiful of the Bucovina monasteries. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26: BUCHAREST/SUCEAVA 7:45 pm*: Meeting point at the OTOPENI airport. 9:15 pm*: Take-off from Bucharest to Suceava. 10:25 pm*: Arrival in Suceava and accommodation in a 4 star hotel in Gura Humorului. * the schedule will be confirmed in the travel documents. MONDAY, OCTOBER 27: SUCEAVA/MONASTERIES It is an impressive fortress that surrounds the church. The surrounding walls are 6 meters high, 3 meters thick and are flanked by four lookout towers that are reminiscent of the medieval citadels. You will also find a great set of mural paintings. Lunch in the monastery. After lunch, you will take one of the oldest trains of Bucovina: the Mocanita. The train was used in the 19th century to transport wood. Today, it is considered as national museum. You will cross the colourful landscapes of the Bucovina mountains. This trip will end by a light meal outdoor and a local music and dance show. Return to the hotel at the end of the day. Dinner in a typical restaurant. Accommodation in a 4 star hotel. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29 – SUCEAVA/BUCHAREST Transfer from hotel to airport. 6:25 am*: Flight take-off from Suceava to Bucharest. 7:35 am*: Arrival in Bucharest. Transfer to hotels (if you booked accommodation with DESTINATION PLUS). Breakfast at your hotel. Day dedicated to visit 3 monasteries: Voronet, Humor and Arbore. * the schedule will be confirmed in the travel documents. VORONET The church is called the “Orient’s Sistine Chapel” and it is one of Europe’s most beautiful Orthodox churches. It became popular for its unique, transparent blue colour and its exceptional fresco of the Last Judgment covering the entire western façade while the Jessi Tree and the Akathist Hymn are represented on the southern façade. Inside, you will see a portrait of Stephen the Greatest. You will then visit the HUMOR monastery. Located on a hill in the heart of the Bucovina village, the Humor monastery offers beautiful external frescoes painted by Toma de Suceava. The church was founded in 1530 by the Voivode Petru Rares (the region’s sovereign) and Chanceler Théodor Bubuiog. The monastery with modest dimensions is decorated with external frescoes – from the foundations to the canopy – which look like a manuscript page embellished with thousand miniatures. Lunch in a typical restaurant. The afternoon will be dedicated to visit the ARBORE monastery, pure jewel of the Moldavian in the Petrus Rares period. The frescoes were made 40 years after the church was built. The exceptional quality of these mural paintings are really worth it. Return to Gura Humorului at the end of the day. Dinner in a typical restaurant. Accommodation in a 4 star hotel. The monastery is one of the most famous for Moldavian architecture and also one of the last ones built. Its foundation goes back to the end of the 16th century. It was built by one of the Movila brothers, a family of boyars (big landowners) between 1581 and 1601. PACKAGE PER PERSON Minimum: 15 BUCOVINE MONASTERIES From October 26 to 29, 2008 Double room Single room 670 € 740 € The prices include: Airplane ticket – Bucharest/Suceava/Bucharest, accommodation in 4* hotels with breakfast (3 nights),meals & beverages, the tours and transfers mentioned in the programme, an English-speaking guide The prices do not include: International airplane ticket to Bucharest, accommodation during the Congress, personal expenditure, and extraordinary expenditure for which the agency cannot be held responsible, such as: strikes, delayed flights or trains, bad weather conditions, etc., assistance/repatriation insurance obligatory and cancellation/ luggage insurance. The prices above are based on a minimum of 15 participants. DESTINATION PLUS reserves the right to increase the rates if that minimum number was not reached or if the airplane tickets were modified due to significant official fuel increase. If on September 8 the minimum number of participants was not reached, DESTINATION PLUS reserves the right to cancel the significant pre tour concerned. In that case, DESTINATION PLUS will refund the tour costs (except the fees due to the modification of your international airplane ticket that you have booked). Consequently we strongly advise you to book modifiable airplane tickets. 35 S O C I A L AC T I V I T I E S PRE-CONGRESS TOUR NO. 1 “ON ROMANIA’S TREASURE TRAIL: THE MONASTERIES OF BUCOVINA” PRE CONGRESS TOURS PRE-CONGRESS NO. 2 “FROM THE CARPATHIANS TO SOUTH TRANSYLVANIA: Roman discovery, culture and traditions” 3 DAYS/2 NIGHTS FROM SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26 TO TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2008 (Return in the evening) Imposing palaces, romantic castles of the Middle Ages, severe Gothic cathedrals, fortified villages and medieval cities. This is not a trip to Europe but to Romania, marked with an intermingling of East and West and a mix of GrecoByzantine, Roman and Gothic styles. Transylvania, “a land beyond forests”, located in Central Romania, is one of the most interesting regions of Europe from the perspective of the cultures' organisation and ethnic co-habitation. Most of its cities were founded at the end of the 12th century or at the beginning of the 13th century. The most representative of them are Brasov, Sighișoara, Sibiu, Cluj, Fagaras, Bistrita and Medias. For the unusual and authentic lover, in regions that are the most beautiful and at the same time, the wildest, you will discover true treasures of hospitality and sympathy. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26 – BUCHAREST – SIBIU “EUROPEAN CAPITAL OF CULTURE IN 2007” 11:30 am*: Meeting point at the OTOPENI airport (Bucharest). 1:00 pm*: Flight take-off from Bucharest to Sibiu. 1:45 pm*: Arrival in Sibiu. * the schedule will be confirmed in the travel documents. Lunch in a typical restaurant followed by the Sibiu visit. Birthplace of the Saxon civilisation, Sibiu is the Romanian city that has preserved the largest number of old districts. Designated the “European Capital of Culture in 2007”, the city is divided into upper and lower towns, full of small squares, churches, ancient houses that give a picturesque atmosphere. Visit the “upper town” (Large Square, Small Square), Evangelical Church and the Brukenthal Museum. Dinner in a typical restaurant. Accommodation in a 4 star hotel in Sibiu. MONDAY, OCTOBER 27 SIBIU/SIGHIȘOARA/BRASOV/POIANA BRASOV Departure in the morning for Sighișoara, Vlad the Impaler's (Dracula) place of birth. Preserving until today its German ancient cities specific character, Sighișoara is a homogenous complex, which offers a variety of charm through a maze of little roads and squares. The most beautiful medieval city in the country (site protected by UNESCO) and native city of the famous Prince Vlad the Impaler – who inspired the character of Dracula – was founded by German artisans and merchants. The Sighișoara city centre kept the characteristics of a small fortified medieval city and remains the only inhabited medieval city of Europe today. For those who love “deciphering” a city, Sighișoara is an ideal place: corners of greenery, streets with loosely laid cobblestones and bulging blue, yellow, green or pink façades following upon one another… Without forgetting alleys, small ways and stairs that link the lower town to the upper town. Visit of the citadel whose ramparts surround the city, the bell tower, the hill church and the Medieval Arms Museum. Lunch in Sighișoara. 36 The trip continues towards Brasov wich looks like Salzburg. A medieval city founded in the 13th century by the Saxons in very beautiful mountainous surroundings, with well-established traditions, history and culture, Brasov offers a unique atmosphere. The historic centre has retained its charm, with its large square surrounded by old houses, the old town hall, the Black Gothic church and the pedestrian street bordered by typical picturesque houses. Transfer to Poiana Brasov, a typical small ski resort in the Carpathians. Dinner in a special inn. Accommodation in a 4 star hotel in Poiana Brasov. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28: POIANA BRASOV/BRAN/SINAIA Departure to Bran to visit the most famous Castle of Transylvania. Surrounded by an aura of mystery and legend, the Bran Castle is better known as “Dracula’s Castle” because Bram Stoker drew inspiration from it for his famous novel in 1897. Perched on a rock (at a height of 60 m), the Castle imposed its romantic silhouette in magnificent surroundings: exceptional layout, secret rooms and narrow corridors truly make it into a labyrinth. Beyond mythology, the Castle was transformed into summer residence by Queen Maria of Romania in 1920. You will be able to admire the restoration: beyond the superb inner courtyard, you will visit different rooms with solid furniture, rich with reminiscences of the world of knights. Late morning departure for Sinaia, nicknamed the “Pearl of the Carpathians”. Surrounded by forests and steep slopes of the Bucegi mountains, this resort owes its popularity to the King Carol I who established one of his residences here in the 1870s. Bucharest’s nobility soon followed him. You will be seduced by colourful houses one after the other giving it an undisputed charm. You will then leave for the two most interesting sites of Sinaia, the Sinaia Monastery (1695), which got its name from the Sinai mountain, where its founder spent some time during his pilgrimage to the Holy Land and the fabulous “Peles Castle”, the most beautiful of the royal family’s summer getaways, built at the end of the 19th century in magnificent surroundings, which shelters a rich collection of furniture, carpets, arms and armour. Lunch in Sinaia. Transfer back by bus to Bucharest PACKAGE PER PERSON Minimum: 20 FROM THE CARPATHIANS TO SOUTHERN TRANSYLVANIA October 26 to 28, 2008 Double Room Single Room 560 € 645 € The prices include: Airplane ticket – Bucharest/Sibiu, accommodation in 4* hotels with breakfast (2 nights), the meals & beverages, the tours and transfers mentioned in the programme, an English-speaking guide. The prices do not include: International airplane ticket to Bucharest, the accommodation in Bucharest for the night of October 25, 2008, accommodation during the Congress, personal expenditure, extraordinary expenditure for which the agency cannot be held responsible, such as: strikes, delayed flights or trains, bad weather conditions, etc., assistance/ repatriation insurance obligatory and cancellation/luggage insurance. The prices above are based on a minimum of 20 participants. DESTINATION PLUS reserves the right to increase the rates if that minimum number was not reached or if the airplane tickets were modified due to significant official fuel increase. If on September 8 the minimum number of participants was not reached, DESTINATION PLUS reserves the right to cancel the significant pre tour concerned. In that case, DESTINATION PLUS will refund the tour costs (except the fees due to the modification of your international airplane ticket that you have booked). Consequently we strongly advise you to book modifiable airplane tickets. To register please complete the forms attached or register online www.uianet.org A certain number of rooms have been reserved for the UIA Congress at preferential rates in several hotels in Bucharest (Hotel JW MARRIOTT is the closest to the House of Parliament) from October 28 to November 3. Due to the limited number of rooms and as the preferential prices cannot be guaranteed beyond the number of rooms booked for the UIA, we strongly advise you to make your registration as soon as possible with our agency DESTINATION PLUS 58, rue Saint Lambert - 75015 Paris, France Tel.: +33 1 56 08 37 37 - Fax: +33 1 56 08 37 38 Email: congres-uia@destinationplus.fr Website: www.destinationplus-uia.com Once the number of rooms reserved for UIA Congress is sold out or for any stay before or after these dates, DESTINATION PLUS will make a specific request for availability and pricing. HOTEL/CATEGORY JW MARRIOTT BUCHAREST GRAND HOTEL 5* (Official Congress Hotel) Room Type Individual deluxe (king size bed) Double deluxe Twin deluxe Price per Night and per Room in Euros (3) 235 € 260 € Individual or double 310 € executive(1) Individual or double 330 € Grand executive (2) Contact us for other type of room Individual 240 € (king size bed) ATHENEE PALACE Double HILTON BUCHAREST 5* 250 € Twin (2 single beds) Contact us for other type of room Single (large bed) 110 € Double VENEZIA 3* 120 € Twin (4) (1) (2) (3) (4) Access to executive lounge Access to executive lounge – about 50 sq.m. room These prices include: breakfast, services and local taxes On request only These rooms have been booked for the UIA Congress and are subject to special group sales conditions. Kindly refer to page 39 for more details. All hotels reserve the right to change the night rates in case of any major economic change in Romania. The hotel classification is provided by the local tourism administration. No compensation will be made for any complaints related to these criteria. In accordance with the hotel industry’s practices, rooms may only be occupied from 3:00 pm on the date of arrival and guests must check out by 12:00 noon on their date of departure. Please refer to the Bucharest map on the programme’s second page to locate the hotels. For more information, kindly refer to the UIA Website: ww.uianet.org Shuttle buses will be available to take you from and back to the Congress hotels and the House of Parliament. 37 S O C I A L AC T I V I T I E S ACCOMMODATION METHODS OF PAYMENT CONGRESS REGISTRATION FEES / GALA DINNER / GENERAL EXCURSION The Congress registration fees, as well as the Gala dinner and general excursion fees, payable in Euros only, must be paid: 1. By a cheque in Euros made out to UIA and sent to: UIA, 25, rue du Jour, 75001 Paris – France; or 2. By credit card (VISA, EUROCARD/MASTERCARD) in Euros only; or 3. By bank transfer, specifying on the transfer order: “sans frais pour le destinataire” (“no charges for the beneficiary”), in favour of the Union Internationale des Avocats, indicating your surname and first name and marked: “52e congrès / Bucarest” (“52nd Congress/Bucharest”). Warning: We have changed our bank: SOCIÉTÉ GÉNÉRALE 8, avenue du Président Wilson - 75116 Paris - France. BANK CODE: 30003 COUNTER CODE: 03170 ACCOUNT NO.: EUR NO. 00050320729 - “RIB” KEY (STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT INFORMATION): 06 SWIFT NO.: SOGEFRPP IBAN: FR76 3000 3031 7000 0503 2072 906 METHODS OF PAYMENT FOR DESTINATION PLUS ACCOMMODATION / ACTIVITIES FOR ACCOMPANYING PERSONS / PRE CONGRESS TOURS Registrations must be sent by Email or fax to DESTINATION PLUS latest by September 28, 2008. Any registrations received after that date will have to be paid by credit card only (VISA or MASTERCARD). Reservations will be processed in chronological order and will be confirmed only when the total payment is received; a confirmation/invoice, including all services requested and a file number will be sent to you. In case of no reply from participants within 15 days, reservations will be automatically cancelled. Last minute registration will be confirmed only upon immediate payment of the total invoice and no payment will be accepted in Bucharest for accommodation. MODE OF PAYMENT By credit card (VISA or MASTERCARD only) By bank transfer (SWIFT). Please alert your bank that all wire transfers should be made “without fees to the beneficiary”. This will avoid us having to charge you banking fees afterwards. Kindly mention “52nd UIA Bucharest Congress” as well as the file number (given on the confirmation/invoice) and clearly write your family name and first names. DESTINATION PLUS 58, rue Saint Lambert – 75015 Paris – France Account no.: 008116A0110 IBAN: FR 20 3036 8000 8100 8116 A011 043 BIC Code: BHVTFRPP Counter Code: 00081 Bank Code: 30368 “RIB” (Statement of Account Information): 43 Domiciliation: HSBC HERVET PARIS LAMBER Please attach a copy of your transfer order to your signed confirmation/invoice. Registration confirmations are sent by Email. If you do not receive our Emails or confirmation, please contact us. 38 To register please complete the forms attached or register online www.uianet.org CANCELLATION OF REGISTRATION FOR THE CONGRESS / GALA DINNER / GENERAL EXCURSION All cancellations will be subject to a 20% deduction for processing fees and will have to be sent in writing, to be received by the Union Internationale des Avocats at the latest by September 28, 2008. No reimbursements will be made for cancellations received after this date. In order to avoid any reimbursement problems, we earnestly advise all those needing a visa to proceed with their registrations as soon as possible. Participants who have paid the total registration fee amount and are unable to attend the Congress personally may send a colleague as a substitute after informing the UIA. A 50 Euros processing fee will be charged. DESTINATION PLUS will not refund in case of no show, late arrival or early departure. 2. CANCELLATION OF ACTIVITIES FOR ACCOMPANYING PERSONS Until 15 days prior to the Congress: no cancellation fees will be charged 3. CANCELLATION OF PRE-CONGRESS TOURS From registration to August 15, 2008: 10% of the travel costs All reimbursements will be made after the Congress. CANCELLATION OF ACCOMMODATION / ACTIVITIES FOR ACCOMPANYING PERSONS / PRE CONGRESS TOURS 1. CANCELLATION OF ACCOMMODATION The rooms have been reserved for the UIA Congress and are subject to special conditions group sales – see below. The cancellation conditions for individual participants have been established as follows, entailing the payment of the following charges (% of the price of services reserved): HOTEL JW MARRIOTT From registration to July 31, 2008: No charges From August 1 to 29, 2008: 25% of charges From August 30 to September 29, 2008: 50% of charges From September 30 to October 15, 2008: 75% of charges From October 16, 2008: 100% of charges HOTEL HILTON – VENEZIA HOTEL From registration to July 31, 2008: 10% of charges From August 1 to 29, 2008: 30% of charges From August 30 to September 29, 2008: 50% of charges After that: 100% will be charged From August 16 to 31, 2008: 25% of the travel costs From September 1 to 30, 2008: 50% of the travel costs From October 1 to 15, 2008: 75% of the travel costs From October 16, 2008: 100% of the travel costs (1) (1) (1) 100% of tickets issued Refunds will be made AFTER the Congress. MODIFICATION Charges for changes made less than 30 days before the date = 30 € INSURANCES (at your own charge) With regard to your participation in the Congress, we advise you to purchase an insurance policy providing hospitalisation and medical expenses coverage. If you are taking part in a pre Congress tour you have the obligation to acquire assistance/repatriation insurance. For your information, the insurance policy may be included if you pay by credit card (please check with your bank to see the details about such coverage). UIA and DESTINATION PLUS accept no liability in case a Congress participant fails to purchase such an insurance policy. From September 30 to October 15, 2008: 75% of charges From October 16, 2008: 100% of charges 39 S O C I A L AC T I V I T I E S CANCELLATION CONDITIONS GENERAL CONDITIONS All registrations received by the Union Internationale des Avocats along with the full payment of fees corresponding to the events selected will be confirmed in writing. A registration number will be assigned to each participant, which will be required during registration at House of Parliament for handing over the Congress documents. Payments for all registrations made after September 28, 2008 will have to be made by credit card only (bank transfers will not be accepted after this date). The Union Internationale des Avocats (UIA) and DESTINATION PLUS reserve the right to cancel or postpone the Congress to a later date, change the Congress venue and/or programme, make any corrections or modifications in the information published in the Congress programme and cancel any invitation to participate in the Congress, at any time and at their entire discretion, without having to provide any reasons for the same. Neither the UIA, DESTINATION PLUS, nor any of its managers, employees, agents, members or representatives shall be held responsible for any loss or damage, of any nature whatever, suffered (directly or indirectly) by a Congress delegate, accompanying person or a third party following any cancellations, changes, postponements or modifications. Neither the UIA, nor any of its managers, employees, agents, members or representatives shall be held responsible for any loss or damage, of any nature whatever, suffered (directly or indirectly) by a Congress delegate or accompanying person, except in case of death or personal injury due to gross negligence by the UIA. The contractual relations between the UIA and each participant (Congress delegate or accompanying person) in relation to the Congress are subject to French law and jurisdiction, to the exclusion of any other law. Paris will be the city of jurisdiction. 40 As far as accommodation for the Congress and the tours proposed by DESTINATION PLUS before and during the Congress are concerned, the contractual relationship will be established directly between DESTINATION PLUS and each participant. This relationship is subject to French law, to the exclusion of all others. Paris will be the city of jurisdiction. Formalities It is the responsibility of Congress participants to ensure compliance with police, customs and health formalities for their journey. Congress participants unable to take part in the Congress because of their inability to take a flight or any other means of transportation due to being unable to provide the documents required (passport, visa, vaccination certificate, etc.) cannot claim any reimbursement. Force Majeure “Force majeure” is understood to mean any events external to the parties, of both an unforeseeable and insurmountable nature that prevents either the client or the participants, or the agency or service providers involved in organising the Congress, from executing all or part of the obligations provided for in the present agreement. By express agreement, such will be the case in the event of a strike affecting the means of transport, hotel staff, air traffic controllers, an insurrection, a riot or any prohibition whatever decreed by Governmental or public authorities. It is expressly agreed that for the parties, a case of force majeure would suspend the execution of their reciprocal obligations. At the same time, each of the parties shall bear the burden of all the expenses incumbent upon them, resulting from the case of force majeure. Health The organisers decline any responsibility in case of any health problems existing prior to the Congress that may lead to complications or be aggravated during the entire period of the stay: pregnancy, cardio-vascular problems, any allergies, special diets, any disorders under treatment and not yet consolidated on the day the Congress starts, psychic or mental or depressive illness, etc. (List not exhaustive). To register please complete the forms attached or register online www.uianet.org 20:00 20:30 17:30 17:45 18:00 18:30 16:00 14:00 12:30 09:00 OCTOBER 28 Executive Committee Executive Committee Opening Ceremony Parliament Cuza Room OCTOBER 29 General Assembly Governing Board U N C H O U S Bankruptcy Law Judiciary Intellectual Property Firms Forum Health Law / Tort Law Insurance Law Training Committee Training Committee O F P A R Free Evening Commissions Presidents Meeting E Afternoon Coffee Breaks: from 3:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. > Contract Law International Sales of Goods FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31 Morning Coffee Breaks: from 10:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. H Informal Evening - Cortina Club L THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30 Banking Law / Corporate Law The Future of the Lawyer Art Law Private International Law Administrative Law International Estate Planning Criminal Law MAIN THEME 2 Water and the Law International Arbitration / Sports Law / Mediation and Conflict Prevention Tax Law Real Estate Law L I A M E N T MAIN THEME 3 The Legal Profession: Just another Business? Gala Dinner - Royal Palace MAIN THEME 4 Competition Law: Competing Models of Market Regulation Human Rights Human Rights Litigation Ligitation / Media Law ABA Section of International Law Meeting Defence of the Defence Data Protection and Digital Human Rights Biotechnology Law Family Law Transport Law SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1 Closing Ceremony - Rosetti Room, Parliament SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Regional Secretaries, Presidents of National Committees and UIA Representatives Meeting MAIN THEME 1 The Information Society: Questions and Challenges MAIN THEME 1 The Information Society: Questions and Challenges Meeting of the International Bar Leaders Senate Ligitation / Mergers & Acquisitions Labour Law Labour Law Management of Law Firms Business and Human Rights Competition Law Foreign Investisments Criminal Law MAIN THEME 2 Water and the Law International Arbitration / Sports Law / Mediation and Conflict Prevention Computer and Telecommunications Law Financial Services MAIN THEME 3 The Legal Profession: Just another Business? MAIN THEME 4 Competition Law: Competing Models of Market Regulation International Criminal Defence Immigration and Nationality Law