holy spirit - Logos Retreat Centre
holy spirit - Logos Retreat Centre
15 (Private Circulation only) A Logos Retreat Centre Publication, Bengaluru Vol. 6 Issue 3 Bi-monthly May - June 2016 COME Inside HOLY SPIRIT Calledto ourside Dangersof PremaritalSex Howtoovercome yourfears? "Together withMary" 4 7 10 14 C Editorial ontents LogosRetreatCentre 29,PrakruthiTownship,1stMain, P.B.#4326,Babusahibpalaya, Bengaluru-560043 Tel:9742234234/080-25603252 Email:voice.logos@gmail.com, www.logosretreatcentre.com 04 07 DangersofPremaritalSex . . . . . . . . . . 7 Rev.Dr.MathewIllathuparampil Payment ByCash/MoneyOrder/DemandDraft/Payable atparCheque/Onlinepaymentinfavourof ‘VincentianAshramTrust’ (Kindlyrefertodetailsonpaymentonpage26) AboutLogosRetreatCentre LogosRetreatCentreislocatedinBengaluru.This is one of the many Retreat Centres run by the Vincentian Fathers, who also run Divine Retreat Centre,Potta.VincentianCongregationhasspread itswings far and widein ourcountryas wellas abroad. The wonderful Lord Jesus continues to workmightyandmarvellousdeedsinthisRetreat Centre through the preaching and healing ministrydonebytheVincentianPriests. Many healings and deliverances have been receivedandhavebeentestifiedbythemanysick, woundedandheartbrokenpeople,whocomeand attend the Retreats/ Prayer Services which are conductedhere.Agoodnumberofthemcontinue toregularlyattendtheseBibleConventionsherein ordertogetspiritualnourishment. Do come and taste the Lord Jesus in our Logos RetreatCentre. Rev.Fr.JoseVettiyankalVC NoelFernandes 12 Disclaimer: “Allcharacterimagesappearinginthisworkare fictitious.Anyresemblancetorealpersons,living ordead,ispurelycoincidental” SubscriptionRate SingleCopy`15/1Year(`150/-),2Years(`300/-), 3Years(`450/-) Theabovesubscriptionratesarefor6issuesina yearincludingpostage Howtoovercomeyourfears? . . . . . . 10 Opentheeyesofmyheart,O’Lord . 12 Design&LayoutConsultant A.S.TonyBosco-Ph#+919481908126 PrintedBy WilliamsStevens-Ph#+919845301882 HisGraceMostRev.GeorgeAntonysamy MoralTheology 10 "TogetherwithMary"-asonthedayof Pentecost!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Fr.SamKoonamplackilVC 14 Priesthood:closetothe HeartofJesus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Sacrament Fr.LysonVargheseVC YestoChrist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 16 ChristExperience Florence GospelofLuke: AGospelofMercy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 18 ScriptureReflection Fr.JimilMealkarapurathVC TheMercyFeast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 ElizaPaul 20 Allthearticlesinissue2are inspiring...worthreading,spendingtime& applyingindailylife. DirectorandChiefEditor Editorial Calledtoourside . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 EditoralBoard PawanPeterMinj NoelFernandes L.S.P.Mahalakshmi FlorenceMorris CherylHartley CirculationTeam BabuThomas CarolLewis Ness Joyce Whattodowhenyouaresick? . . . . . . 3 Rev.Fr.JoseVettiyankalVC ChiefEditor Rev.Fr.JoseVettiyankalVC Editor Fr.SamKoonamplackilVC DearLogosVoiceteam... Rev.Fr.JoseVettiyankalVC Testimonies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 RetreatCentreProgrammes . . . . . . . 27 What to do when you are sick? Introduction Mostofthepeoplearedeeplytroubledand worriedwhentheyareaf lictedbydeadly andincurablediseasesbecausetheythink thatthereisnoremedyforit.Thereisno incurablesicknessintheBible,Godcanheal it – “Behold, I am the Lord, of all lesh: is anythingimpossibleforme(Jer32:27)”.This GodispresentinourtimesintheBlessed Sacrament and the Blessed Sacrament heals.Ithasthepowertohealthepeople who sit in front of the Blessed Sacrament (CCC 1509). You have to do three things when you are in sickness: call upon the nameoftheLord,askfortheprayersofthe people who have the gift of healing and haverecoursetomedicalremedy. PrayertoGodinoursickness KingHezekiahfellsickandwasatthepoint of death. Isaiah the prophet came to him andsaid,“ThussaystheLord,setyourhouse in order for you shall die, you shall not recover”. Then Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed to God and said “Rememberme,O'LordIbeseechthee,howI havewalkedbeforetheeinfaithfulnessand withawholeheart,andhavedonewhatis good in thy sight”. And Hezekiah wept bitterly.ThenthewordofGodcametoIsaiah, “ThussaystheLord,theGodofDavidyour father:Ihaveheardyourprayer,Ihaveseen yourtears;behold,Iwilladd15yearstoyour life”(Is38:1-5).Sowhenyouareinsickness cryandprayinthepresenceofGodandyou willbehealed. Seektheprayers When King Abimelech and his family was sickhecriedandprayedtoGodbutnothing happened.ThenGodsaidtohiminadream, “CallAbrahamandhewillprayforyou,and youshalllive”.SoAbimelechroseearlyinthe morningandcalledallhisservants,andtold themallthesethings;andthemenwerevery much afraid. Then Abimelech called AbrahamandthenAbrahamprayedtoGod andGodhealedAbimelechandhishousehold (Gen20:7,8,17).Thatmeanswhenyouare in sickness your personal prayer alone is notenough.Afteryourpersonalprayer,as KingAbimelechdid,seektheintercession of others who have the gift of healing because God has given to some gift of h e a l i n g t o m a n i f e s t t h e p o w e r o f resurrection (CCC 1508). A certain man calledProf.Schmidtwassufferingfromthe 4 th stage of cancer and was suggested surgery,chemotherapy,radiationandsoon. He would be impotent and life-long in diapers, the doctors remarked. He was so depressed. He came to Logos Retreat Centre, attended the 5 days retreat and went home. He consulted his doctor. The doctor diagnosed that he was cancer free andsaidthatheneedednomoretreatment. LaterhecametoLogosandgaveadetailed testimonywithallthemedicalproof. TakeMedicine You are in need of medicine and doctors when you are in sickness. The book of Sir38:1–14,saysyouareinneedofmedicine anddoctors.Godcreatedmedicinalplants andgaveknowledgetomanastotheuseof itforhealingsicknesses.Sir38:9saysthat whenyouareinsicknesspraytoGodand takemedicine,Hewillhealyou.Sometimes our life directly depends upon medicines anddoctors(Sir38:13). Conclusion Tessy, a professor in a college came to Assumption Church in Bangalore when I was preaching the word of God. For 14 yearsshehadbeensufferingfromurinary incontinencyandshewasindiapersfor14 years.SheprayedtoGodfor14years,took medicinebutnothinghealedhersickness. Then she came to me for prayer. I prayed over her, but instantly nothing happened. Whenshewassleepingthatnight,shewoke upwithaseverecoughandsneezes.Butnot even a drop of urine dripped. Then she realized that she was completely healed. Two years went by and she came to the LogosRetreatCentretoglorifyGodthrough hertestimony.Therefore,wheneveryouare sufferingwithincurablediseasesapplythe abovementionedthreeprinciples. Pray to God very sincerely through the beads of the Divine Mercy Chaplet and seektheprayersofthepeoplewhohave thegiftofhealing.Finallytakemedicine ifitisneededandwaitupontheLordfor Histime.InHistimeyouwillbehealed. Recentlyhadtheopportunitytodistribute 300LogosVoiceindifferentchurchesbefore &aftermass.Iwaspleasantlysurprised whenalltherespectiveparishpriestsgavea positivereplytodistributeLogosVoice. Peoplereceivedthesamegladly. Godworksalong...hehasblessedmeandmy familyinaspecialwayafterthis.Am learningtogrowinLove. Keepupyourgoodwork...TeamLogosVoice. Regards Raghu Bangalore DearFr. ThankyouforthewonderfulLogosVoice magazine.Itismypleasuretosubscribeto suchawonderfulmagazine.Ialwayslook forwardtoreadingiteverytime.The articles/faithbuildinginterviews/ testimonies/saints/youthcatechism teachingsareallindeedrefreshingly beautifultouchinguponallalmostallthe areasthatweneedinourCatholiclife.I keepthemallandrereadthemoften. WheneverpossibleItrytodistributeto otherssothattheyarealsoblessedthough thewordofGod. Itisarealblessingformeandsurelyabalm tomysoul.Iconsideritmy"prescription" ratherthana"subscription"....delvinginto thepagesislikeadoseofagooddrugwhich indeedisthepowerfulwordofGod! MayGodblesstheentireLogosVoiceteam Regards, Teresa,Bangalore DearFr. Justwantedtodropyouanotetellingyou howmuchIenjoyyourmagazine.Your articleinthelastissue"Heisnothere! WhereisHe?"reallytouchedme.Ireally experiencedtheloveandhealingtouchof Christinthetestimoniesaswell. Keepusinprayers, AngelDivya Bangalore CALLED TO OUR SIDE: Holy Spirit and the Mission of Mercy “If Christ is the Head of the Church, the Holy Spirit is her soul” HisGraceMostRev.GeorgeAntonysamy istheArchbishopofMadras-Mylapore T “EverPresent,TruestFriend, EverNear,ThineaidtoLend." ThisisalsothepromisethatJesusgave us before He left His disciples. After Jesus announced to His disciples that He would be leaving them soon, He said,“IwillpraytotheFather,andhe willgiveyouanotherCounsellor,tobe with you forever, even the Spirit of truth…Youknowhim,forhedwellswith you,andwillbeinyou.”(Jn14:16–17). been “called to our side.” The Holy SpiritistheCounsellorwhoisalways presentwithGod'speopleandreminds us of all that Jesus said and did. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth who guidesus,andservesastheguarantee oftheeternalinheritancepromisedin Christ. Wealsoreadaboutthepromiseofthe HolySpiritintheOldTestament.The Lordsays,forexample,inEzek36:2627,“IwillputmySpiritwithinyouand causeyoutowalkinmyways.”Butthere isaqualitativedifferencebetweenthe promiseoftheOldTestamentandthe promiseofJesus.IntheOldTestament, theSpiritofGodwouldcomeonpeople and then leave them. God's Spirit departedfromKingSaul(1Sam16:14; 18:12).David,whenconfessinghissin, askedthattheSpiritnotbetakenfrom him (Ps 51:11). But when the Spirit was given at Pentecost, He came to God's people to remain with them forever.WemaygrievetheHolySpirit, butHewillnotleaveus. TheParaclete The original Greek word translated “Comforter” or “Counsellor” in the Gospelisparakletos,whichmeans“one called to the side of another”. This Counselloris God the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Trinity who has Jesus says, “I will not leave you as orphans;Iwillcometoyou.”(Jn14:18). TheHolySpiritisJesus'wayofbeing with us till the end of the world. The LordJesusisthe irstParaclete.During Hislifetime,JesuswastheShepherdof Hisdisciples.Heguidedthem,guarded hesearelinesfromthepopular hymn ''Holy Spirit, faithful Guide'writtenbyanAmerican farmer Marcus M. Wells. As he was workinginhiscorn ieldonaSaturday afternoon in October 1858 near Hardwick,NewYork,hewasinspired to compose a song about the Holy Spirit.Marcusfelturgedtowriteabout the Holy Spirit as a true friend, ever p re s e n t by h i s s i d e . H i s hy m n continues to inspire us to an ever deeperexperienceofthepresenceand activityoftheHolySpiritinourlivesas atruefriend,evernearandeverready tohelp. 4|LogosVoice|May–June2016 t h e m a n d t a u g h t t h e m . A s H e approached the time to leave, He started preparing them to receive another Paraclete. He promised His disciples that the Holy Spirit would dwellinthem,takingtheplaceoftheir Shepherd'sphysicalpresence. The Spirit Perpetuates Christ's Mercy: DuringHisearthlyministry,Jesushad guided, guarded, and taught His disciples;butnowHewaspreparingto leavethem.HepromisedthattheSpirit ofGodwouldcometothedisciplesand dwellinthem,takingtheplaceoftheir Master's physical presence and His MinistryofMercy. As one called to our side, to help our in irmities and to guide us, the Holy Spirit enables us to experience the Mercy of God. There are many ways that we experience the presence and activityoftheHolySpirit'byourside' as the mercy of God. He stands by us andprayswithus(Rom8:26-27).He enlightens us when we read the scripture(Jn14:26).TheSpiritworks inustogiveusHispeace(Jn14:27),His love (Jn 15:9–10), and His joy (Jn 15:11).Hehelpsusinourtasks(Acts 8:29).Hestrengthensuswhenweare te m p te d ( Ro m 8 : 2 ) . T h e S p i r i t regeneratesus(Jn3:5-8;Titus3:5). TheSpiritisChurch'sSoul: WehaveoftenheardtheChurchbeing described as Christ's mystical body. Now, all that Jesus was, the Spirit of GodisnowtotheChurch.PopeLeoXIII intheEncyclicalDivinumilludmunus (1897) said, “If Christ is the Head of theChurch,theHolySpiritishersoul”. StAugustinestates:“Whatourspirit, is for our body, the Holy Spirit is for Christ's body, which is the Church” (Sermon267,4). ItisthepresenceoftheHolySpiritthat enablestheChurch,sinfulasweare,to beandtobecomeatruesignofGod's kingdomhereonearth.Thereforewe proclaim with St Paul that where sin abounds, grace abounds even more. (Rom5:20). L u m e n g e n t i u m , t h e D o g m a t i c Constitution on the Church, No 42 teachesthat,“TheHolySpiritdwellsin the Church not as a guest who still remains an outsider, but as the soul that transforms the community into “God'sholytemple”(1Cor3:17;6:19; Eph 2:21) and makes us more and morelikehimselfthroughHisspeci ic gift, which is love (cf. Rom 5:5; Gal 5:22). Love governs, gives meaning a n d p e r f e c t s a l l t h e m e a n s o f sancti ication.Thelifeandmissionof theChurch,asasignofGod'sloveand mercy, is made possible by the Holy Spirit,whostandsbyoursideagainst thetestoftimeandchange. The Sprit Renders the Church Merciful: Speaking in his weekly general audienceinSt.Peter'sSquareafterthe inauguration of the Extraordinary Jubilee year of mercy, Pope Francis said that "only a merciful Church shines.Thenecessaryworkofrenewal of the Church's institutions and structuresisameansthatmustbring us to make alive and enliven the experienceofGod'smercythatalone can guarantee a Church that is a city uponahillthatcannotremainhidden." ThisidealthatPopeFrancissetsforus can translate into reality when we become attuned to the inspiration of theHolySpirit,theCounsellorbyour side.IntheprayerfortheJubileeYear, we pray to the Holy Spirit to enliven theChurchwiththemandatetomercy. We pray, “Send your Spirit and consecrate every one of us with its anointing,sothattheJubileeofMercy maybeayearofgracefromtheLord, and your Church, with renewed enthusiasm, may bring good news to thepoor,proclaimlibertytocaptives andtheoppressed,andrestoresightto theblind.” CalledtotheSideofthosewhoneed Mercy: Just as we experience the presence and activity of the Holy Spirit as a faithfulfriendandCounsellor,weare called to re lect that same mercy This Counsellor is God the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Trinity who has been “called to our side.” The Holy Spirit is the Counsellor who is always present with God's people and reminds us of all that Jesus said and did. MoralTheology mercytothosewhoareinneedofit. The mercy we receive from God through the Holy Spirit makes us resemble Him. Mercy, therefore, is a signoflovewhichwesharewithour fellow human beings. Starting from thewaywetreateachotherinlife:to feel compassion for one another, to support each other in moments of dif iculty,tobindthewoundsofthose who are wounded and to strive to overcome con licts, hate, jealousy, to refrain from passing judgement on o t h e r s w h i c h c a u s e s h a r m (MisericordiaeVultus,14). Themostconcretewayofsharingthe mercy we have received from God during this jubilee will be to recommit ourselves to the works of mercy. The spiritual works of mercy include: to counsel the doubtful, instruct the ignorant, admonish sinners, comfort the af licted, forgive offences,bearpatientlythosewhodo us ill, and pray for the living and the dead. The corporal works of mercy are: to feed the hungry, give drink to thethirsty,clothethenaked,welcome the stranger, heal the sick, visit the imprisonedandburythedead.These arewaystohelpthesufferingandthe needy. MercyasSpirit-InspiredMission: It is unfortunate that our modern worldisbecomingimmunetohuman s u ff e r i n g . A m a n o r a w o m a n abandonedtodieonapavementdoes not seem to hurt our conscience a n y m o r e . Yo u n g s t e r s l o s t t o addictions, wives battered by their abusive husbands, workers denied their fair wage, farmers losing their land to debts, middle class families that struggle to make ends meet, tribalsdisplacedfromtheirancestral lands,therisingcostofhealthservices –theyjustnolongerseemtodisturbus. Whatisevenmorehurtingisthefact that these innumerable stories of agonyunfurlrightunderournose:in our families, our neighborhoods, our villagesandcolonies,ourparishesand anbiyams.Westillchosetoturnaway orcrosstheroadasitwere.Wehave become thick-skinned to corruption, injustice,poverty,structuralviolence, u n e m p l oy m e n t , d e s t r u c t i o n o f ecology and the list is endless. The Spirit'svocationtomercycanbelived o u t o n ly wh e n s u c h u n h e a l t hy immunityisbroken.Thefailuretodo somethingonecanandoughttodoto alleviatetheabove,amountstothesin of omission. The Spirit's vocation to mercy is a spirituality of active engagement. Mercy changes us and reformsus.Ithelpsustojudgeothers in a different light, with forgiveness, toleranceandcompassion. He promised that the Spirit of God would come to the disciples and dwell in them, taking the place of their Master's physical presence and His Ministry of Mercy. Thevocationofmercyinspiredbythe Holy Spirit cannot be reduced to a simplistic feeling of pity. When faced with the poignant reality of human suffering, it is not enough to be overcomebysympathy.Itshouldgrow into empathy, where one not merely feels for the other but feels with the other.Thisisthequalityofmercythat isrecommendedintheopeninglines ofthepastoralconstitution,'Gaudium etSpes': “Thejoysandthehopes,thegriefand theanxietiesofthemen(andwomen) of this age, especially those who are poororinanywayaf licted,theseare the joys and hopes, the grief and anxieties of the followers of Christ. Indeed,nothinggenuinelyhumanfails toraiseanechointheirhearts.Thatis whythiscommunityrealizesthatitis truly linked with mankind and its historybythedeepestofbonds.” ArchbishopRinoFisichella,President of the Ponti ical Council for the New Evangelization,theCouncilorganizing theJubilee,saidon05May2015,“The idea of the Jubilee came from the Spirit, not just from a desire as the Popewasinspiredthroughtheaction oftheHolySpirit”.MaythesameHoly Spiritcontinuetoinspireustoalifeof mercy, called to the side of our brothersandsisters. Dangers of Premarital Sex Despite the fact of the increasing number of premarital sexual relationships, it is still definitely immoral and therefore unacceptable T henumberofpeopleengaging i n p re m a r i t a l s ex i s n o t decreasing in our country, if sex-surveys are to be believed. Some people wrongly think engaging in premaritalsexisanormalpartoftheir personalmaturation.Otherstakeitas partofanexperiencewhichtheydeem necessary to enter into married life later.Somecountitasamatterofan experiment , testing the sexual compatibility of the would-be couple orofothers.Someunmarriedpeople think it is quite natural to give expression to their sexual emotions through premarital sex. Yet some otherstakeitasmatteroffun,making itjustrecreationalsex. Premaritalsexneednotbetakenasan unusually modern phenomenon. But itsexpressionsaremuchmorevisible nowthaninthepast.Therearemany cultural and social reasons why premarital sex gets at least a tacit s o c i a l a p p rova l a m o n g c e r t a i n sections of the society, in spite of its knownmoralunacceptability.AsPope JohnPaulIIwroteinhisencyclicalThe GospelofLife(#23):“Sexualitytoois depersonalized and exploited, from beingthesign,placeandlanguageof love, that is, of the gift of self and acceptance of another, in all the other's richness as a person, it increasingly becomes the occasion andinstrumentforself-assertionand the sel ish satisfaction of personal desires and instincts”. The so-called sexual freedom is displayed as the normamongteenagersandadults. Despite the fact of the increasing n u m b e r o f p r e m a r i t a l s e x u a l relationships, it is still de initely immoral and therefore unacceptable. Below we shall consider the reasons t h a t m a k e p r e m a r i t a l s e x unacceptable. Those reasons will surely reveal the negative effects of premaritalsexwhichinturnmakeit obviouslyundesirable. ContrarytoMarriedLife Onlyinmarriagesexualityhastomake i t s f u l l — p h y s i c a l o r genital—expression.For,marriedlove isthesolidandstablefoundationupon whichsexualityhastotakeitsphysical expression. Genital love is a sacred sign of a husband and a wife's covenant of love and they share that love in union with God. Thus by marriedlove,husbandandwifeenter intoacovenantallovewhichisfaithful, permanent,exclusive,andself-giving. Thisunderstandingiswellillustrated by Jesus in his response to the Pharisees'questionregardingdivorce: “Have you not read that at the beginningtheCreatormadethemmale and female and declared, 'For this reasonamanshallleavehisfatherand May–June2016|LogosVoice|7 Premarital sex involves spiritual harm, meaning that it is a sin (1Thes 4:3). Such people shall not enter into the kingdom of God (1Cor. 6:9). Fornicators attract the anger of God against themselves (Col 3:5-6). motherandclingtohiswife,andthe two shall become as one?' Thus they are no longer two but one lesh. Therefore let no man separate what G o d h a s j o i n e d ” ( M t 1 9 : 4 - 6 ) . P r e m a r i t a l s e x v i o l a t e s t h i s theological or God-designed plan of sexuality. So engaging in premarital sex derails the purpose of sexuality with all its negative effects, some of whicharestatedbelow. PhysicalEffects Premaritalsex,basicallybeinganact in the human body, has physical effects. It will cause one to lose respectforhis/herbody,aswellas thebodyoftheones/heisinvolved with. Once the personal respect is lost, it becomes easier to indulge in promiscuoussex.Losingrespectwill not be limited to sexual relation alone, rather it will pervade one's wh o l e l i fe . T h a t i s why m a ny 8|LogosVoice|May–June2016 premarital affairs end in mutual distrust, condemnation and hatred. Only in marriage it is possible for sexual relationships to reaf irm the dignity and uniqueness of each sex partner. EmotionalEffects Since sexual act is not merely a physical event, it will have its deep emotionalimpressionontheperson. The emotional baggage that often comeswithpremaritalsexcanleadto sexualdysfunctionsinmarriage.Guilt is an emotional consequence of premaritalsex.Itwillhavelongterm effects on future relationships in marriage.Howevermuchonemight approve of premarital sex, in the heart s/he knows that it is wrong. Therefore, guilt cannot be escaped from. We shall not be misled by the idea that guilt is a religious feeling, cultivated because of religious reasons. It is basically a moral emotionwhicheverybodyshares. Premarital sex dislocates emotions f r o m t h e c o n t e x t o f a s t a b l e relationship enshrined in marriage. Inanunstable, leetingrelationship, emotionswillbeorphaned.Itwillnot offerfulljoyofthesexualact,except physical pleasure. Because, there is no total mutual giving ensured in marriage.For,thereisnolastingbond between the partners, except a workingarrangement. People engaged in premarital sex oftenconfusebetweensexandlove. Theythinkengaginginsexoutsideof marriage is love. They may even confusetakingasgiving.Byoffering sexonemaybeinrealitybuyingthe securitytheotherpartyprovidesor evenotherprovisions.Manytimesyoung peopleare misled by these emotions andthinktheyreallyareinlove. RelationalIssues Premarital sex is bound to unleash relationalissues.Oncesexbecomesan active element in one's life, other aspects of the relationship have little chance to develop. When one enters intomarriagewithanotherperson,itis very likely to create frustrating, disturbing and destructive moments especiallybywayofcomparisons.Ifthe earliersexualexperiencesinvolvehurt, pain, mistrust, exploitation, or guilt, then one is bound to carry them over into marriage. As we know, the most importantsexorganisthemind.When twopeoplelearnaboutsextogetherfor the irsttimewithinmarriage,theyare creating vivid and unforgettable memories.Thesearepositivememories that bind two people together in a loving, trusting union without any interferencefromthepast. Premarital sex is not “safe” always as manytendtothink.Premaritalsexoften leads to children born out of wedlock a n d r a i s e d b y a s i n g l e p a r e n t . Consequently, parental relationship duetochildrenisdenied. SpiritualDangers Sexuality is not merely a relational or personal issue. It has to do with our relationshipwithGod.Weareexhorted to lead a chaste life by God. There are many texts in the Bible in this regard: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Mt 5:8). “Watch your heartwithalldiligence,forfromitspring theissuesoflife”(Prov4:23).“Weareto bewiseinwhatisgoodandinnocentin whatisevil”(Rom16:19).“Abstainfrom sexualimmorality...Godhascalledus forpurity”(1Thess.4:3-5,7).Thereare spiritual consequences whenever we disobeyGod.“Godwilljudgefornicators andadulterers”(Heb.13:4). inpromiscuouslife:sexualsinsbrought destructiontoSodomandGomorrahin Genesis 19. Due to sexual sins, heavy trouble and grief came to Lot and his daughters, to Shechem, Reuben, Judah a n d Ta m a r, S a m s o n a n d D av i d . Spiritually, sin, including sexual sins, separatesusfromGod(Isa.59:1-2;Hos. 5:6). That is the meaning of being punished. Brie ly,premaritalsexinvolvesspiritual harm, meaning that it is a sin (1Thes 4:3).Suchpeopleshallnotenterintothe kingdomofGod(1Cor.6:9).Fornicators thesinofpremaritalsex,s/hehasstill hope and ways to overcome the situation.Afewstepscanbesuggested. 1. Admit that you have sinned and repent as Jesus commanded in Luke 13:3.Repentanceisnotmerelyfeeling remorse. It is changing the course of your life. So take a strong decision to avoidsinandthewaysofsin.Ourpartis repentance;God'spartisforgiveness. 2.AcceptGod'sforgivenessandmercy. He is willing to forgive, if we are repentant. God always keeps his promises.“Godisfaithfultoforgiveand cleanseusfromallunrighteousness.”(1 Jn1:9). 3. Forgive yourself. Not only that God forgives us, but we have to forgive ourselves.Forgivingourselvesispartof receiving God's forgiveness. Christ didn'tcometosavetherighteous,butto savesinners(Mk2:17;Lk19:10). Therefore, beware of your imagination, what feeds your mind and imagination; the type of film you watch, the kind of materials you read. Read the Bible daily. Get strengthened by the Word of God attract the anger of God against themselves (Col 3:5-6). The spiritual punishmentforfornicationisindicated intermsofdeathintheOldTestament (Deut22:13-21). 4.Keepawayfromthecircumstancesof sins. This is a necessary fruit of repentance.Ifyouarereallyrepentant, you will have to totally abstain from relationshipsandsituationsthatinvite you to premarital sex. In practice, d i s a s s o c i a t e y o u r s e l f f r o m immoral/ungodly peer group. Keep in mind St. Paul's exhortation, “think on right things” (Phil. 4:8; Rom. 12:1-2), notoldsinsofthepast. 5.Takepracticalspiritualsteps. Therefore,bewareofyourimagination, whatfeedsyourmindand imagination;thetypeof ilmyou watch,thekindofmaterialsyouread. ReadtheBibledaily.Getstrengthened bytheWordofGod. Rev.Dr.MathewIllathuparampil We indGodpunishingpeopleengaged Whatnext,ifIamfallen? Ifsomeonehasunfortunatelyfallento istheRectorofSt.JosephPonti ical Seminary,Aluva,Kerala May–June2016|LogosVoice|9 How to overcome your fears? There is no incurable sickness in the Bible, God can heal it O vercome fear by staying focused on Jesus and talk to Him. And also talk to His Father directly. Trust in Jesus and pray. That will help you to overcome yourfears.Whatistheoriginoffear? Originoffearisfromanyeventwhich has no remedy or answer. But God helps one to overcome it. The Bible says,“Fearnot,forIamwithyou.Ihave calledyoubyname”(Is.43:3-5).”There are366daysinayear.Andthereare also366versesintheBiblewherewe read“Fearnot,Iamwithyou”-onefor eachday. In a retreat, I said, “If any have fear, please raise your hand”. Almost all raised their hands. One man in the front didn't. I thought he was full of courageandhadnofear.Iaskedhim, “ W h a t i s t h e s e c r e t t o y o u r fearlessness? Theanswerfrightened me. “Father I have fear, to raise my hand and acknowledge that I have fear”. We have fear of one or other concerns of our life such as driving, coming onto the stage, people, animals, insects, reptiles, ghosts etc. Howdoweovercomeit?Followingare sometipsforit. into my shell until it goes away.” Bennysaid,“ButIdon'thaveashell!” So Benny went to see his friend, the zebra and said, “I'm afraid of my shadow.WhatcanIdo?” The zebra said, “When I'm afraid of something I just run as fast as I can untilI'mfarawayfromit.” Bennysaid,“ButnomatterhowfastI run my shadow is still with me.” So Benny went to see his friend, the lionandsaid,“I'mafraidofmyshadow. WhatcanIdo?” The lion said, “I'm not afraid of anything. But if I were, I'd just roar untilitgoesaway.” problemsthatneverseemtogoaway. ButaslongaswelooktowardsJesus, ourproblemswon'tseemasscary. Heb 12:2 says, “Let us ix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.” Let'sprayaboutthat.FatherGod,we know that there will be things in life that scare us, so we pray that you'll always help us to keep our eyes on Jesussothatourproblemswon'tseem asscary. 2.LetustalktoGodtoovercomeour fearsGod'sphonenumberis333. So Jer33:3says;“CalltomeIwillgiveyou theanswer”"Therighteouscryoutand theLordhearsthem."Ps34:17(NIV) Benny said, “But I'm a rabbit. And rabbitscan'troar.” T h e p a s t o r ’ s c e l l p h o n e a n d a companion with a cell phone are neededfortheact. So Benny went to see his friend, the giraffe and said, “I'm afraid of my shadow.WhatcanIdo?” Thepastorwasaddressingachildren's meeting in the Church, then the cell phonerang! The giraffe thought for a minute and thensaid,“WhenI'mnibblingonthe leaves at the top of the trees, I don't even notice my shadow because I'm lookingupinsteadofdown.SoIthink if you keep your face toward the sunshine, you'll never see your shadow. What'sthatnoise?Oh,no!Somebody's cellphoneisringinginChurch!Uh-oh! It'smine!I'dbettergetthat.(Hetakes the phone out of his pocket and answers.) 1."Letus ixoureyesonJesus,the author and perfecter of our faith." (Heb12:2)(NIV) BennytheBunnylivedinthezoo.He had lots of friends at the zoo, but he hadabigproblem;hewasafraidofhis shadow!Andhecouldn'tgetridofit.It just followed him wherever he went. OnedayBennywenttohisfriend,the turtle and said, “I'm afraid of my shadow.WhatcanIdo?” Bennythoughtthatwasaprettygood advice. So ever since that day he has focused on the sunshine, and even thoughhisshadowwasstillthere,he wasnotafraidofitagain. Hello? (Acts surprised and looks up toward the ceiling. Looks back at the c h i l d r e n , p o i n t s u p w a r d a n d mouths,“It'sHim!”)Yes,Lord.Yes,this isSteve.Thekids..?They'rehere.OK, I'lltellthem.I'lltellthemthat,too.OK. Isthatall?Alright,thanksforcalling. Goodbye–ImeanAmen. The turtle answered, “Whenever I'm afraidofsomething,Ijustpullmyhead You know, it is the same with us Christians. Sometimes we have (Closes phone and turns to the children.) Guess who that was! Sometimes we have problems that never seem to go away. But as long as we look towards Jesus, our problems won't seem as scary. Well…doyoureallythinkthatwasGod onthephone?No,ofcourseitwasnot Him.Iwasjustkidding.Butlet'stalk abouttalkingtoGod. Firstofall,doyouneedacellphoneto talktoGod?No,wedon'tneedaphone. Doyou needto talk out loudorcan youjustprayinyourmind? HowaboutwhereyoucantalktoGod? SurewetalktoGodhereinchurch,but whereelsecanyoutalktoGod?(Solicit suggestionssuchasathome,atschool, walkingdownthestreet,etc.) Well, you can talk to God anywhere, anytimeaboutanything.AndtheBible saysthatGodwillbelistening.Ps34:17 says, “The righteous cry out, and the Lordhearsthem.” So if you have something on your mind,Godwantstohearfromyou.It doesn't matter when and it doesn't matter where. And you don't even needacellphone! Whenyouprayyouwillgetananswer from God for all your problems. The questions and problems which have noanswerwillgeneratefear.ButGod hasananswerforeveryquestionand every problem. What is that answer which gives us consolation? The answer is “Everything will be turned forthefavourofallthosewholoveGod and are called for his purpose” Rom 8:28.Wewillestablishasincereloving relationshipwithGodthroughprayer. Prayer(talkingtoGod)isaconscious thismodelofprayerofinnerhealing. constantconversationwithGodwhich will result in an intimate loving “Jesus, you are the same yesterday, relationship with the Almighty. today and forever. Come into my yesterdays;intomywoundedfeelings That's something we should pray andnegativeeventstotransformthem about:HeavenlyFather,wethankyou formyfavourandgood.Jesus,Ipray that we can talk to you anywhere, overallthesenegativesthathappened anytime about anything. We pray in my life and over feelings such as you'll help us to remember to do it rejection,unforgiveness,sorrows,fear, moreoftenandwethankyousomuch lonelinessandfailureetc.Iprayover for listening to us. We pray this in them all. Jesus! Come into my bitter experiences and change them into Jesus'name. sweetmemories.Iprayandforgiveall thosewhohaveoffendedmeunjustly 3.Innerhealingprayer It is a spiritual technique through and pray that you bless them more which we ask Jesus to go to the past thanyoublessme”. stages of growth and to erase the painful memories registered in the Thenaddtoit“ForthesakeofJesus' brainaspartoftheunconsciousmind. sorrowful Passion, Abba Father, have OncealadynamedRitaThomascame mercyonusandonthewholeworld toLogoshavingwithafearofsittingin a n d o n my sy m p to m s o f i n n e r closed rooms and spaces. She was wounds”(10Times). suffering from claustrophobia. She couldnoteventravelbycarorsitinthe Conclusion ChurchduringHolyMass.Duringthe Fear is a general factorwhich affects inner healing prayer and adoration thewholesystemofthehumanbody.It sheinvitedJesusintothepaststagesof startsfromthethinkingandisdeveloped growthanddevelopment.Miraculously inthemind.Itaffectsthewholesystem she was freed from that great fear of the human body. If you have a registered in her brain. Recently she serious problem of fear, you are in came to Logos and shared her needofaninnerhealingretreatoryou testimonyofhowshewasfreedofthis willhavetotrytheabovementioned fearofmanyyears.Ifyouhaveseveral three tips. If you do not overcome kindsoffear,pleasecomeandattend your fear, fear will overcome you an inner healing adoration and very soon. And the whole human p r a y e r s . T h e n i n s t a n t l y o r system will collapse. In short, fear prevents you to achieve progressivelyyouwillberelieved. somethinggoodinyourlife. Youcanalsoprayathomeaccordingto Rev.Fr.JoseVettiyankalVC DirectorandChiefEditor Open the eyes of my heart, O’ Lord The eye is the mother of the five senses. Through the eye lot of inputs are received into our mind. T here are two worlds around us,amaterialworldwhichwe canseewithourphysicaleyes; and a much beautiful spiritual world which we can see with our spiritual eyes. To perceive the material world, Godhasgivenus ivephysicalsenses namely eyes (sight), touch, hearing, taste, and smell. Beyond these ive physicalsenses,wehave ivespiritual senses which God has given us to perceivethespiritualthings.Through thesesenses,wegetinputsphysicalas wellasspiritual.Thephysicalsensesif notcontrolled,giveustheinputsthat lead to pleasures of this world and makeuscommitsins,wearingoutour soul. Spiritual senses give us the inputsthatdrawusclosertoGodand help us grow spiritually. When our outersensesaresinful,thenweblock the inner force of our soul striving afteritsCreatorGod. These physical and spiritual senses cannotbeactiveatthesametime.One ofthemwillbeactivewhiletheotheris dulled depending on the choice we make,whethertogetattachedtoGod ortotheworld,forBiblesays;“Noone canservetwomasters;foraslavewill eitherhatetheoneandlovetheother, orbedevotedtotheoneanddespisethe other. You cannot serve God and wealth”(Mt6:24). In the beginning when God created Adam and Eve, they enjoyed the friendshipofGod,sawGodfacetoface andeverydaywalkedwithGodinthe eveningbreeze.Theirphysicalsenses wereusedonlytomeettheirmaterial needsandtopraise&glorifyGodfor 12|LogosVoice|May–June2016 His marvelous creation. However, when they fell to the temptation and committed sin, their physical eyes (thus all physical senses) were opened,therebytheirspiritualsenses became dull. “Then, their eyes were opened”,whichmeanstheirfocusand priorityshiftedfromGodandspiritual matters, to the material world and they disobeyed God. We must make constant efforts by prayer and detachment of this world to activate our spiritual senses. St. Paul tells us, “LivebySpirit,Isay,anddonotgratify the desires of the lesh. For what the leshdesiresisopposedtotheSpirit,and whattheSpiritdesiresisopposedtothe lesh; for these are opposed to each other,topreventyoufromdoingwhat youwant”(Gal5:16-17) Eyes(sight):Theeyeisthemotherof the ivesenses.Throughtheeyelotof inputsarereceivedintoourmind.The HolyBiblesays,“Theeyeisthelampof thebody.So,ifyoureyeishealthy,your whole body will be full of light; but if youreyeisunhealthy,yourwholebody will be full of darkness. “(Mt 6:22). In thesemoderndays,lifeisdominated byshamelessfashionsunbecomingof Christian modesty; abuse of media a n d i n t e r n e t t h a t p r o p a g a t e nakednessandpornography;obscene commercials, and crass glamour magazines. One has to cautiously guard one's eyes from the in luences around. Otherwise these inputs receivedwillbestoredinthememory o f o u r m i n d a n d t h r o u g h o u r imaginations will make us fantasize and commit mortal sins frequently. Jesus said; “But I say to you that (Eph 1:18) everyone who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Mt 5:28). We knowDavidsawawomanbathingand ended up in committing adultery physically; the two judges lusted for Susannaandlosttheirliveseventually (DanCh.13).Weneedtotrainoureyes and our minds that lust doesn't overtakeus,throughoureyes.LikeJob said“Ihavemadeacovenantwithmy eyes; how then could I look upon a virgin?”(Job31:1). In the modern consumerist world, whereplentyofmallsarecomingup displaying luxurious goods, varied food stuffs in attractive packaging, innumerablecolorfuldazzlingfashion items,weshouldbewaryofwhatwe are drawn to. The more we look at them,themoreweare illedwiththe desiretopossessthem.Asaresultwe keeponamassinggoodswhicharenot necessary for our daily living. We compareourlifestylewithothers.We wanttoamasswealthtobecomerich overnight.Thiswillleadustoprideof possession.Biblesays;“Allthingsare wearisome;morethanonecanexpress; the eye is not satis ied with seeing, or the ear illed with hearing” (Ecc1:8). “The eye of the greedy person is not satis ied with his share” (Sir 14:9a). “Rememberthatagreedyeyeisabad thing…Thereforeitshedstearsforany reason.”(Sir 31:13). We read in Bible, h o w p r o p h e t B a l a a m b e c a m e spirituallyblindwhenhewasluredby king Balak with the wealth of this world. But God was merciful to him. Biblesays;“ThentheLORDopenedthe eyesofBalaamandhesawtheangelof theLORD…”(Num22:31a).Whenour physical eyes are activated to the created things of this world, our spiritual eyes will be dull to see the supernatural spiritual things around us. That is why God commanded the Israelites;“Youhavethefringesothat, whenyouseeit,youwillrememberall thecommandmentsoftheLORDanddo them, and not follow the lust of your own heart and your own eyes” (Num 15:39) Touch:St.Paultellsus“Itiswellfora man not to touch a woman” (1Cor 7:1b).Weneedtoguardthissenseand examineourconscience,ourintention andthewaywegreetothers;whether itissincereornot.Onecannotclaim thathis/her ingerisnotburntdespite touching ire. One should not justify one'sactionanddeceiveone'sself.The sense of touch brings us in direct physical contact with the other person. That is why St. Paul teaches theseriousnessofsexualsin;“Doyou not know that whoever is united to a prostitutebecomesonebodywithher?” (1Cor6:16).Anysinfultouchshouldbe avoided. Hearing: In our modern world the spiritualsenseofourhearingisdulled duetohighoutputmusicsystemsand sound pollution due to manmade machines. Loud senseless music is called and considered as music of satan. Only in silence, our spiritual senseofhearingwillbeactiveandwe canhearthevoiceofGod.Elijahheard thevoiceofGodinsilence(1Kg19:1113). Samuel heard God speaking to himinsilenceofnight.(1Sam3:10). WecanhearthevoiceofGodspeaking tousdeepinourconscienceonlywhen ourmindiscalmedandinsilence.We mustguardoursenseofhearingbynot listening to any blasphemous/ erotic/psychicmusic, ilthylanguage, sinprovokingwordsordirtyjokes. S m e l l : B y n a t u r e , w e a r e n o t comfortable with everything that we smell. Some smell is pleasant while someothersarerepulsive.Wecannot smell everything that is pleasant. In these days where innumerable perfumesareavailablewithdifferent fragrances, we should be careful to avoid those perfumes which kindle deeppassions. Taste: Taste buds are very much essential for us when we consume food. We need food to maintain our bodyandhealth.Howeverifthissense is not morti ied, it can make us gluttonous.Alsocertainfoodcanmake uslazy,someothercankindlelustand other passions; yet some others intoxicate and some others kick our psyche.Weshouldcheckwhatweeat forourspiritualwell-being. Conclusion:Oursoulalwayswantsto bedrawntoGod,butwehamperthis when our outer senses are drawn to sin. We must control, mortify and makerightuseofourphysicalsenses, lest they provide inputs to commit cardinal sins. Every day we need to Spiritual senses give us the inputs that draw us closer to God and help us grow spiritually. When our outer senses are sinful, then we block the inner force of our soul striving after its Creator God washoursenses,pastsinfulmemories and our imaginations with the preciousbloodofJesus. WeneedtopraytoGodconstantlyto open our spiritual eyes that we may see Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament (Lk24:31),toseethedivineprotection ofHeavenallaroundus.(2Kg6:17). TheHolyBiblesays;“Looktohim,and beradiant;…O’tasteandseethatthe LORDisgood;”(Ps34:5a,8a).Thebest o p p o r t u n i t y t o e x p e r i e n c e supernaturalgiftsonearthiswhenwe receiveJesusintheHolyCommunion inourheart;forTheHolyBiblesays; “ButanyoneunitedtotheLordbecomes onespiritwithhim”(1Cor6:17).Arewe abletoseeHim,touchHim,hearHis voice,taste His goodness and smell the divine fragrance when Jesus comesintoourheart? The knowledge of the reality of His presence (through the opening of theeyesofourheart)inandaround u s i s t h e g r e a t e s t spiritualgiftever. NoelFernandes isapreacherforEnglish&Kannadaretreatsin LogosRetreatCentre.Heisalsoacounseller fortheEnglish&Kannadaretreats. "Together with Mary"as on the day of Pentecost! The infilling or rekindling or baptism in the Holy Spirit is received through faith and prayer which we can obtain when we pray with Blessed Virgin Mary. W hyisitsoimportantthat we pray along with our Blessed Mother? What happened when all the apostles togetherwithsomewomen,including MarythemotherofJesus,aswellHis brothers prayed in the upper room beforethePentecost? DidweknowthatSheisthe“Supreme Masterpiece of the Holy Spirit" the Mother of the Church and therefore can obtain for us the Power of the HOLYSPIRIT? St. Alphonsus Liguori says, “Mary obtains for us grace; for….it is the willofGodtodispensethroughthe handsofMarywhatevergracesHe ispleasedtobestowuponus”.Thus prayingtoourspiritualMotherbrings aboutinusaspiritualcomfortandshe can lead us to have a great intimacy with the Blessed Trinity. Therefore, when we pray to Mother Mary for a powerfulintercessionorasweprayto her,wecanobtainanoutpouringofthe enlightening and strengthening gifts oftheHolySpirit. Indeed she is the irst woman, who, when greeted by angel Gabriel, was told“TheLordiswithyou.”Though perplexed, she continued to listen to theangel,(Lk1:28-32)whorevealed toherthemightyworkoftheLord,but shejustasked“HowcanthisbesinceI amavirgin?”TheangelGabrielsaidto her (Lk 1:35) “The Holy Spirit will comeuponyouandthepowerofthe Most high will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will 14|LogosVoice|May–June2016 beholy;hewillbecalledSonofGod” Mary then just said “Here am I, the servant of the Lord; Let it be with meaccordingtoyourword”.Atthat momentsheexperiencedthedescent oftheHolySpiritandtheImmaculate Conception[thegiftofimmunityfrom sin,(evenoriginalsin)accordedbythe Fathertoher–CCC491], was illed withfullofgrace.Thusshebecamethe irstpersonintheNewTestamentever to have been possessed by the Holy S p i r i t . T h i s g i v e s u s a c l e a r understandingthatMotherMarywas chosen well before, by the Almighty Mother Mary prayed from the day of Ascension until the day of the Pentecost, that the apostles would know the Holy Spirit, whom she already knew. God from Heaven for various God experiences. Throughout her whole life as the Immaculate Conception to themomentoftheConceptionofJesus andthereonfor33longyearsshewas in constant communication with the Holy Spirit. She understood the mysteryoftheHolyTrinitybetterthan anyone,anexperienceoftheultimate heavenly Divine Bliss. The virginal conception of Christ our Lord, the birth of the Catholic Church on the Pentecost which is the Mystical conceptionoftheBodyofChrist–yes, shewasprofoundlychosentoprepare theApostlesforthePentecost. WhatisPentecost? The iftydayperiodfromEastertothe PentecostSundaycommemoratesthe descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles on the Pentecost day. The HarvestfestivaloftheJewscelebrated onthe iftiethdayafterthesecondday ofPassover,whichinturncorresponds totheHebrewShabuoth. After the cruci ixion of Jesus the apostleswerefaithless,wentignorant about the Holy Spirit, denied Christ andwereafraidofthehappenings.But Mother Mary prayed from the day of Ascension until the day of the Pentecost, that the apostles would know the Holy Spirit, whom she already knew. While the apostles p r a y e d a n d w a i t e d w i t h o u t knowledge, Mary prayed with the knowledgeoftheParaclete. ( A c t s 1 : 1 4 ) “ A l l t h e s e w e r e constantly devoting themselves to prayer,togetherwithsomewomen, includingMarythemotherofJesus, as well his brothers”. And on the Pentecost morning 120 faithful received the Holy Spirit. Through her,theHolyTrinitywasrevealedto the people of God. The Holy Spirit inspired Saint Luke to include these detailsforourbene it. Dear believer in Christ, I would say, MotherMaryisaveryhumblewitness for Christ. She was among those who thereafter (Acts 2:42) "…devotedthemselvestotheapostles' teaching and fellowship to the breaking of bread and the prayers”. Shewillcontinuetoprayforus,inthis eraasour"Co-Redemptrix".Sheisthe true,humbleservantofourLordand Saviorwhoseobjectiveissavinggrace. So,whenweprayalongwithher,the same effects brought about by the anointing of the Spirit upon the group of Apostles, can also come uponusasitisknownthatwhenwe prayorspendtimewithpeople illed with the Holy Spirit we can be possessedbytheHolySpirit. In the old testament (1Sam 10:1-13) signi icantlyverse5-6“Afterthatyou shall come to Gibeath-elohim at the placewherethePhilistinegarrisonis; there as you come to the town, you will meet a band of prophets comingdownfromtheshrinewith harp, tambourine, lute and lyre playinginfrontofthem;theywillbe in a prophetic frenzy. Then the SpiritoftheLordwillpossessyou, andyouwillbeinapropheticfrenzy alongwiththemandbeturnedinto adifferentperson”.. As prophesy is a charism, when we interactwiththeonewhoprophesies, there is a possibility of it being handeddowntous,aswellas, webeing illedwiththe HolySpirit.Ifwecanspendtimewith thepeople illedwiththeHolySpirit, we will be blessed. Like again in the NewTestament,Lk1:41-45helpsus tounderstandthatElizabethbecame the irst worshipper of the Divine PresenceinthepersonofHolyVirgin Mary,whowaspossessedbytheHoly Spirit,consequentlyElizabethandthe childinherwombwere illedwiththe HolySpiritmakingitleapinecstatic joy. These are two instances which substantiate our learning and reveal why it is so important that we pray insistentlyalongwithMaryforanew P e n t e c o s t . F o r M a r y i s t h e “MasterpieceworkoftheHolySpirit” and when we pray in union with the Mother,whoissounitedwiththeHoly SpiritthatJesusistheunion'sblessed fruit,shecanalsode initelyobtainfor us the gift of the Holy Spirit and Jesus.TheHolySpiritwillmanifesta renewalinallofus-inourjourneyto salvation- to receive the gifts of the Paraclete in greater abundance. So that the blazing wind of the Holy S p i r i t m a y l o w powerfully (Lk 24:49). The in illing is a gift offered to the children of God and is the “Power fromonhigh”whichJesuspromised to His disciples. The in illing or rekindling or baptism in the Holy Spirit is received through faith and prayerwhichwecanobtainwhenwe praywithBlessedVirginMary.Andas a result we will get the power to overcomesin,becomeboldenoughto witnessChrist,drawdivinecomfortto solveallourproblemsandenjoygood h e a l t h , p e a c e a n d p r o s p e r i t y throughoutourlife. Prayer:O’God,whogavejoytothe world through the resurrection of Thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ; grant , we beseech Thee, that through His Mother, the Blessed VirginMary,wemayobtainthejoys ofeverlastinglife. Fr.SamKoonamplackilVC istheAssistantDirectorofLogos RetreatCentre,Bengaluru. BlessedMotherMary'sunionwithGod uniteshertothetendermerciesofGod.She intercedesforallofuseverymoment.Why? Thereasonisthattheverypresenceofthe MotherofChristismademeaningful wheneverweaskforherintercession. Mar–Apr2016|LogosVoice|7 Sacrament PRIESTHOOD: CLOSE TO THE HEART OF JESUS Priesthood is a call by God to be a mediator between God and mankind according to the model of Jesus Christ, the supreme High Priest and unique mediator. Praise the Sacred Hearts of Jesus andMary. The mon t h of Ju n e is a mon t h dedicated to re lect upon the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This is the perfect monthtore lectuponthebeautyofthe Sacrament of Priesthood. St. John Maria Vianney (the Patron Saint of Priests) said that 'Priesthood is the closenesstotheheartofJesus.'Tothe question,'Whysomeoneisgiftedwith priesthood?';theanswerissimpleand itisthat'Jesusloveshim.'Itisnotatall theworthinessoranyqualityofthat human but simply the love of the Divine. As we know there are 4 types of vocation of life agreed in the Holy Catholic Church. 1) Single life 2) M a r r i e d L i fe 3 ) P r i e s t h o o d 4 ) Religiouslife.Allthesevocationshelp ustokeepourselvespureinmindand body,towitnessJesusChristandHis Kingdom. To enter deep into the subjectIreferandquotemainlyfrom the following text: The Charter for PriestlyFormationintheSyro-Malabar Church, published by Syro-Malabar CommissionforClergyandInstitutes of Consecrated life from Kochi in the year2007. Priesthood: What do we mean by sacrament? “The Sacraments are the ef icacioussignsofgrace,institutedby ChristandentrustedtotheChurch,by whichdivinelifeis'dispensed'tous” (CCC1131).Sacramentsaretheways in which the invisible grace lows t h r o u g h v i s i b l e s i g n s . T h e 16|LogosVoice|May–June2016 understandingof'howPriesthoodisa sacrament' will give us the beauty of thatcall.Itispurelytheinvisiblegrace ofGod lowinginahumantominister Divine. Priesthoodisagreatblessing for the people of God and for those who are its recipients. Personally I feel that Priesthood should be called theSacramentofallsacraments. Itis because there can exist no other sacrament,asperthepresentsystem, withoutthesacramentofpriesthood. By his ordination, the priest is sent by the Father through the mediatorship of Jesus Christ to work in the Church by the power of the Holy Spirit for the salvation of the world. There is an intimate union of priest with the Trinitarian God. Priesthood is a call by God to be a mediator between God and mankind accordingtothemodelofJesusChrist, the supreme High Priest and unique mediator. Hence,theNewTestament times must resemble Christ, the unique High Priest of the new covenant(Jer31:31-34;Mt26:28;Heb 8:6-13;9:15-23;10:1-18)whoperfected thepriesthoodoftheOldTestament. The Priest in the Old Testament: ThepriestoftheOldTestamentwasan intermediary between God and man, representing God before the people and mediating for the people before God.Peopleapproachedpriestsforthe followingfunctions: a)ToknowthemindofGod(Judg8:56;Num27:21;Mal2:7); b)ToknowthewillofGodinTorah– the law book – (Deut 31:9-10; 2 Kgs 17:27;Ezek22:26) c) To offer sacri ices and offerings which are ways of mediation (Num 6:22-27;Deut10:8;21:5;1Chr21:13) TheOldTestamentpriesthoodwas tothedescendantsoftheLevitetribe andfamily.Theyhadtokeepthetribal purityandphysical itness(Ex29;Lev 8;Lev21).Yahwehgrantedforgiveness through the priestly mediation (Ex 30:10;Hag1:1,12,14;2:2-4).Thusthe Old Testament priesthood was more anof icethanavocation(Heb5:1). The Priest in the New Testament: TheNewTestamentpicturesJesusas theHighPriestexercisingthepriestly functionsinauniquemannerthrough His passion, death, resurrection and glori ication. Since Jesus is both God andman(Heb2:17-18),thesacri ice ofJesusisthegreatestsatisfactionthat manhaseverrenderedtoGodandthe greatesttestimonyoflovethatGodhas ever given to humanity. Also the priesthood of Jesus takes away the priesthoodfromthetribeofLeviteand makesiteternalandforeveraccording to the order of Melchizedek (Gen 14:16-20;Heb7:3).Hewasamerciful andatrustworthypriest. TheministryofJesusaccordingto the New Testament, is divided into three: prophet, priest and shepherd. LikewiseaDecreeontheMinistryand LifeofPriests(PresbyterorumOrdinis– PO)oftheSecondVaticanCouncilcalls the priests to share in this threefold ministry of Jesus by proclaiming the WordofGodtoallpeople(Prophetic role), to administer the sacraments andleadpeopletobuildupthechurch ofGod(Priestly);andthirdlytobetrue pastors and grow in holiness in the spiritofChrist(Shepherd'srole). it is directed at the unfolding of the baptismal grace of all the Christians andthebuildingupoftheChurch. Ministerial Priesthood: By his ordination, the priest is sent by the Father through the mediatorship of JesusChristtoworkintheChurchby the power of the Holy Spirit for the salvation of the world. There is an intimate union of priest with the TrinitarianGod. IfhestandsforGod hecanseeGodstandingforhim.Sucha gracefulcallisvocationtoPriesthood. CommonPriesthoodandMinisterial Throughthesacramentofpriesthood Priesthood: There is only one apriestacts'inpersonofChrist'and'in priesthood, the priesthood of Christ. person of Church'. He is representing However, there are two ways of ChristandChurchbyhislife. p a r t i c i p a t i n g i n i t : c o m m o n priesthood of all the baptized (1 Pet The different facets of Ministerial 2:5)andministerialpriesthoodofthe priesthoodaresummarisedthus: ordained. Theministerialpriesthood 1)Itisaradicalcallandresponse:It impliesatotalcommitmentoflife(Lk is at the service 9:62) with risks and sufferings of the common attached to it. It demands a total p r i e s t h o o d detachment from the world, thus life (CCC 1547) in of celibacy becomes very meaningful the sense (1Cor7:32-35). that 2)ItisanApostolate:JesuscalledHis disciples (Mk 3:14-15) to send them.(Mk6:7-13). 3)MinisteroftheGospelandProphet of the Kingdom: Proclamation of the WordofGodistheprimarytaskofthe priest who shares in the mission of Jesus(Deut18:15;Heb1:1-2;Lk4:1821;PO4). 4)MinisteroftheSacraments I conclude, by thanking God that He called me to be a priest. “To me, therefore,youshallbesacred;forI,the Lord, am sacred, I who have set you apartfromtheothernationstobemy own”(Lev20:26). Iseekyourprayers for me, all the priests and the candidates aspiring for priesthood and the little boys at homewaitingtorespond t o t h e v o c a t i o n t o priesthood. Fr.LysonVargheseVC istheDirectorofDivineMercyRetreat Centre,Elavur-nearChennai to Christ Hidden Hand Touched By God's Mighty Hand... Interview with Ms. Martha Lourdes Francis This is about a youngster, for who Godwasjustafantasyinhermind. This interview details the way the teen life was to her in school. And then an incident that had her strickenwithgriefandanguishbut lateronhowthatsameanguishtook atwisttoherSpirit illedlife………… What was your life all about as a youngster in your teenage before youmetGodinSpiritandTruth? I,MarthaLourdesFrancishailfroma staunchCatholicfamilyfromChennai. Iusedtopraymerelyoutofasenseof dutywithnorealizationofthereality of God. God was someone seated behind the clouds, answering whatever we ask of Him. I was a rude natured person with a strained relationship at home as is the case of m o s t t e e n a g e r s i n general.BadlyIn luenced by a circle of friends for gaining popularity in s c h o o l , I w a s e v e n encouragingtheminstead of standing for what was right, instead of obeying the book of Sir 18:27 “When sin is all around, o n e g u a r d s a g a i n s t wrongdoing”… Iwasdoing wellinstudiesatSt.Michael's AcademyChennai.Ihadsome interestinmusicatthebackof my mind. I loved sports and other activities. Everything seemed perfect and colourful untilthatdreadfuldayinClass9. Mywholeworldcametumbling& crashingdownwhenInoticedahuge lumponmylefthandnearthewrist. Thedoctorsadvisedthattheonlyway out was a surgery, and after that I wouldlosethemobilityofmythumb for the rest of my life. Since I was in class 9 and the next academic year w a s c l a s s 1 0 w h i c h w a s v e r y important, my parents decided to postpone the surgery until the completionofschooling.Mylefthand became useless and I was asked to refrainfromeveryactivitythatIloved andthathandslowlybecameasgood as dead. I lived with the lump for 4 w h o l e y e a r s w i t h q u i t e a n embarrassment as the lump was visible and that made me cover my handbyputtingthehandinthepocket constantly. When did our Almighty Lord Jesus touchandhealyoumightily? Afterschooling,IjoinedtheCollegeof Engineering,Guindyin2008.Around that time, my sister Maria who was workinginBangalore,hadcomedown to Chennai for attending a three day retreatthatwasconductedinSt.Louis Church,Adyar. WhenMariareturned home after attending the irst day of the retreat, she told me, “You are wasting your time”. She zealously invitedmetoattendtheretreat,butI was not very keen. The next day my cousinswereathome,theywantedto meetMariaandsowewenttogetherto theretreatvenuetobringMariaback homefromin-betweentheretreat. I satinthelastbenchoftheretreathall waitingtomeetmysisterandaround the same time I heard the preacher declareahealingforalllumpsinthe body. My immediate instinct on hearingthatwastofeelthelump,just tomakesurethelumpwasstillthere. Buttomydismay,Icouldnot indthe lump, and my wrist was completely latandIcouldactuallyfeelmybones.I was completely healed. That day I realizedthatOurGodisindeedaliving God who is just waiting to meet us whereverweareandinwhateverstate weare! Iwasamazedandastounded by this marvellous miracle of our Mighty Lord Jesus. Tears trickled down from my eyes. Rom 5:8 “God proves His love for us in that while westillweresinnersChristdiedfor us”. At this juncture, I realised that I had wasted all these years without realizingthatJesusisthereal&living God. Jesus had healed me although I hadnotapproachedHiminprayeror inFaith,butmyparentsandmysister Mariahadbeenferventlyprayingfor the healing of my lump. “For I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal, says the LORD, because they have called you an outcast: It is Zion; no one cares for her!”Jer30:17 “ aboundinginsteadfastlove.” •MymindwasrenewedbytheWordof God.Rev1:3“Blessedistheonewho readsaloudthewordsofprophecy, andBlessedarethosewhohearand whokeepwhatiswritteninit.” • God blessed me with a job of my interestandinlinewithmyeducation despiterecessionintheITsector. After you received healing, which directiondidyourspirituallifetake? I realized God's unconditional love through Christ's Cruci ixion which in turntouchedmetremendouslyandI realized that He died for our sins althoughHeknewnosin.2Cor5:21 “ForoursakeHemadeHimtobesin whoknewnosin,sothatinHimwe p u n i s h a n d O n e w h o w o u l d recompense justly when we were on the right. This very wrong notion abouttheLivingandMightyLordJesus got reformed at the spur of the moment when I was miraculously healedofthelumpthathadappeared onmyhandfromnowhere.Jesusmade that lump disappear to nowhere and madeeverythingnewinmylife. Walking with Lord Jesus ever since theLordtouchedyouinyourteens, whatisthemessageyouhaveforthe teens? OurGodisaGoodFatherandaFaithful Friend,andHeknowsoureveryneed. We might have walked 10000 steps awayfromtheLord,butifwetakethat My immediate instinct on hearing that was to feel the lump, just to make sure the lump was still there. But to my dismay, I could not find the lump, and my wrist was completely flat and I could actually feel my bones. I was completely healed. That might y healing that you experienced has brought about 'Graces' in your life. Can you share themfortheGreaterGloryofJesus? •Icompletelylostinterestinthesinful thingsthatusedtogivemepleasure.I gained courage to stand up and to speaktomyfriendstoabstainfromthe samesins. •Christtook irstplaceinmylife.My lifebecameorganizedandfruitful. •Myheartwas illedwiththejoyofthe Holy Spirit and my friends noticed a visiblechangeinmyconduct. • Interest in music and playing the keyboard for the Lord, grew. Now Jesushasgivenmethegracetoplayfor HisGlory. •TheCompassion,MercyandLoveof Jesus led me to true repentance. Ps 145:8 “The Lord is gracious and m e r c i f u l . S l o w t o a n g e r a n d “ Yes ChristExperience might become the righteousness of God.” I apprehended myself from sinful habits not because I feared a tyrantGodbutbecauseofthelovethat IhadforHim,whodrewmeoutfrom thepitwhileIwasstillsinkinginsin. The moment I experienced this unconditionallove,mylifetookahuge turn and my heart was illed with gratitudeforallthethingsthatIhad takenforgrantedallthoseyears. Inmyschooldays,IwasjustaChurch goingChristian,prayingoutofasense ofduty.IneitherlookeduptoGodwith love and faith nor had I understood God'slove.MynotionaboutGodwas very ambiguous. God was someone b e h i n d t h e c l o u d s c o n s t a n t l y controlling everyone by curtailing everyone'sfreedom-agruellingGod who when we were wrong would 'onesmallstepinFaith'towardsHis Kingdom, He will come running to embraceusinHisarms,Mt6:33“Seek ye irsttheKingdomofGodandHis righteousness and all these things shallbeaddeduntoyou.”Everystep that we take with Him is like an adventure ride and He never fails to surprise His children with His 'Good Gifts'. Hewalkswithus,picksusup when we fall and is ever so patient withus.Hisloveforusistrulyamazing anditisthisPreciousLoveofGodthat willguideusandkeepusfromfalling ateverystep.TrustinJesusatalltimes for He will never ever let you down. Remember Dear Young OnesinChrist-that'one smallstepinFaith'! AsinterviewedbyFlorence Florencemanageseffectivelyacorporatelifeand theeditorialactivitiesofLogosVoiceministry. May–June2016|LogosVoice|19 Gospel of Luke: A Gospel of Mercy For the Gospel of Luke, salvation is universal, merciful, and the joyful view of repentance. Introduction:Mercy,compassionand pitycanberegardedassynonyms.In theNewTestament,Jesus'responseto thosewhocametoHimforhelpisseen in two ways: inward and active. To portray the inward expression of c o m p a s s i o n t h e G r e e k v e r b splagnizomai is used. The inward feeling led Jesus to action; giving of sighttotheblind,cleansingtheleper; teaching the ignorant; feeding the hungryandraisingthedead.Theverb splagnizomai reveals to us the deep a n d p o w e r f u l m e a n i n g o f t h e ex p re s s i o n “ t o b e m ove d w i t h c o m p a s s i o n .” W h e n J e s u s wa s confronted with human need, the GospelssaythatHewasmovedinHis bowels, as we might say, “his heart went out to these people” or “they broke his heart,” that is, He had compassion on them. The Greeks regarded the bowels as the seat of violentpassionsuchasangerandlove; theJewsregardedthemasthecenter o f t h e m o re te n d e r a ff e c t i o n s , especially kindness and pity. The “bowels”wereforthemwhatwemean by“theheart.” God's Merciful Love in Luke: The biblical scholar MenkenMarten through his analysis of the Greek terms splagnizomai and splangna in the Gospel of Luke, has shown the 20|LogosVoice|May–June2016 evangelist's special interest in highlightingthemercyofGod.Itisnot thatthewordsaremorefrequentthan elsewhere,buttheyoccurassplangna inLk1:78andsplagnizomaiinLk7:13; Lk10:33andinLk15:20.Ineachcase theyconstitutetheturningpointofthe p a s s a g e , d e m o n s t r a t i n g t h a t compassion is “the most important element” in the passage. This, of course, its the generally accepted view that the Gospel of Luke is especially concerned with God's love fortheneedy,thepoor,thesinnerand thatthislovemanifestsitselfinJesus. Opening of the Gospel with Two Canticles of Divine Mercy: God's mercyisseenascompassioninaction anditisrealizedinGod'svisitationin thepersonofJesus.Thisweseeinthe openingchaptersofLuke.Thebirthof theMessiahrevealsGod'scovenantal mercy and faithfulness to save His unworthypeople(Lk1:50,54,72,78). ThetwogreatcanticlesofMagni icat and the Benedictus teach us the uniqueharmonyofthemercyofGod. TheMagni icatisessentiallyahymnof thanksgivingtotheGodforHismercy, whichisbestowedonthosewhofear Him from generation to generation. The phrase used in Lk 1:78 is splagnaeleous, which literally means through the "bowels" or "guts" of G o d ' s " m e rc y," - a p h ra s e t h a t expresseshowdeepthemercyofthe Lordforhumanityis. ParablesofDivineMercyinLuke : The message of the merciful love of GodpermeatesintheGospelofLuke.It isvisibleinmanyoftheparablesofthe GospelofLuke,namelytheparablesof Good Samaritan (Lk 10:25-37), the richfool(Lk12:16-21),therichman andtheLazarus(Lk16:19-31)andthe Pharisee and the tax collector (Lk 18:9-14).TheparticularsectionofLk 15:11-32,whichisgenerallyknownas the "parables of mercy” is unique to this Gospel, and it centers upon the themeofDivineMercy. Collection of Mercy Parables in Luke15:Chapter15oftheGospelof Luke,isoftenconsideredastheheart of the Gospel because of the three parablescollectedtogether,whichare uniqueoftheLucanportraitofJesus. TheyareseenastheparablesofDivine Mercy. Jesus' saving ministry is characterized by seeking out, inding thelost.Hisparablesofthelostsheep, thelostcoinandthelostson,illustrate thejoyinheavenoverasinglesinner whorepents.Theessentialunityofthe t h re e p a ra b l e s i s s h o w n m o s t obviouslyinGod'sdelightinasinner's repentance(Lk15:7,10,24and32). ScriptureReflection T h e i r s t t w o parablesleadustothe climaxpointinthewonderful parableofthecompassionatefather. Themainideainthe irsttwoparables deliversthemessagethatthereisjoy in heaven or in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents. Humans are forever losing things, including themselves, but in God's perspective, it is essential to rememberthatjoywillresultinbeing foundagain.Inallthethreeparables, whatis"lost"isthesinner,becauseof hissins,andtheonewho indshimis the merciful Savior-God. These three parables, therefore, focus on one particular form of God's Mercy, namely, His Mercy that meets our needs of forgiveness and moral renewal. Emphasis on the Universality of DivineMercyandSalvation:Forthe GospelofLuke,salvationisuniversal, The Gospel of Luke has traditionally merited the title "the Gospel of Mercy." The theme of God's merciful love really ties the whole book together from beginning to end, Mercy of God being its theme merciful, and the joyful view of repentance.Asuniversal,itisintended for all men and women everywhere, whatever their racial or social background, whatever their past record of moral success or failure. Jesus' care for the outcastes reached itsclimaxonthecross.TheoneWho has sought to save sinners and seek out the lost throughout His life now a sks God's forg iven ess for His torturers (Lk 23:34). Jesus died betweentwocriminalsandHiswords totheone“TrulyItellyou,todayyou willbewithmeinparadise,”(Lk23:43), shows His compassion even at the point of His death on the cross. The universality of the Divine Mercy is visible from beginning to end in the GospelofLuke. Conclusion: The Gospel of Luke has traditionally merited the title "the GospelofMercy."ThethemeofGod's merciful love really ties the whole booktogetherfrombeginningtoend, Mercy of God being its theme. A collection of parables in Chapter 15 are unique to Luke, and it highlights themercifulloveofGod.Finally,Luke places special emphasis on the universal scope of Divine Mercy. Compassionisalifethanathought.It istobelivedratherthanpreached.In pity and sympathy, God's heart goes outtothehurtingandtheneedy.The p e o p l e o f G o d t ra n s l a t e G o d ' s compassionintoactionparticularlyas they go about in God's name and enabling others to lead holistic lives. Reaching out in compassion enables us to understand others with deep empathy and without condemnation. It leads us to constructive action to alleviate their suffering. Itshouldleadustoaccept persons and situations w i t h o p e n n e s s a n d compassion. Fr.JimilMealkarapurathVC istherectoroftheVincentianSeminaryinAhmednagar, Maharashtra.HehasdonehismastersinScripturalStudies. The Mercy Feast th - 17 year of Divine Mercy feast celebration at Logos Retreat Centre, Bengaluru S Rev. Dr. George Arackal VC (Divine Retreat Centre, Kolkata) Rev. Dr. Augustine Vallooran VC (Divine Retreat Centre, Muringoor), Fr. Vijay JosephfromHyderabadandBro.Jude ThesewordsofOurLordJesuscapture Antoine from Malaysia. We also had theessenceofthisgreatfeastofDivine anointed praise and worship by Bro. Mercy. This was the 17th year Glen & Sis. Teresa (Divine Retreat celebration of Divine Mercy feast at Centre, Muringoor), Bro. Vincent Logos Retreat Centre, Bangalore. It (Divine Retreat Centre, Muringoor) wasatimeofgreatjoyandfellowship andtheGospelmusicbandFaithfully for all ‘Logosians’. Over 5000 people Yours(Bangalore). gatheredtogethertoreceivetheWord thatwassharedbyHisGraceBernard OurDirector,Rev.Fr.JoseVettiyankal Moras (Archbishop of Bangalore) on led us through the Novena and this great feast day of Mercy. The Adoration on all days, imprinting in biblicalthemechosenforthenineday ourheartsthattheDivineMercyisnot conventionwasthesameasthatofthis justadevotionbutawayoflifethatwe Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy need to live out in every way. Our declared by the Holy Father -“Be attitude towards every human being merciful, just as your Father is shouldbemarkedbymercy.Thisisa merciful.” (Luke 6:36) The feast was necessary condition for receiving preceded by a novena which was graces by means of this devotion. prayedtogether,asacommunitywith Three ways in which we can be the chaplet of Divine Mercy during merciful to one another is by our EucharisticAdoration,followedbythe words, our deeds and by our prayer. celebrationoftheHolyMassandthe OurattitudetowardsGodmustbeone sharing of the Word by anointed of childlike trust. Trust and Mercy is preachersforninedays. the essence of this devotion. Various peak to the world about my M e rc y, l e t a l l h u m a n k i n d recognise my unfathomable Mercy.(St.Faustina,Diary848) O n t h e l a s t t h r e e d a y s o f t h e convention,wewereledinprayerby aspects of God’s mercy and how we should practice it were emphasised upon by the preachers. We were remindedthattheDivineMercyfeast isnotonlyadayforworshippingGod inHisMercybutalsoatimeofspecial grace for all people. As Catholics, we often ind ourselves running after healing and blessings but we were reminded that we need to seek God our loving Father who is waiting to shower us with His blessings and all thehealingweneed.Wewereaskedto put on the Armour of God daily (Ephesians6:10-18)andtobestrong inTheLordbecauseourenemiesare notof leshandbloodbutthedifferent forcesofdarknessthatprevailinthe spiritual realm. It was emphasised thatweneedtheWordofGodtobea part of our daily spiritual walk. We wereremindedthattheWordofGodis meanttobeourdailybreadandnota cakeforspecialoccasions! PopePiusXII’sassertionthat“thesin ofthecenturyisthelossofthesenseof sin” –could not be truer in this millennium. We were told about the greatneedtocryoutforGod’smercy againstthemultipleformsofevilthat weighuponhumanityandthreaten,it b e f o r e t h e h u m a n c o n s c i e n c e succumbs to these powers and loses its sense of the very meaning of the word Mercy. It is perhaps for this reasonthattheLordwanted,through St.FaustinaandotherwitnessesofHis, to proclaim the joyful news of His Divine Mercy. Contrary to what is thought by those who reject God’s mercy,itdoesnothumiliatemanbut lifts him up from the ground and restoreshisdignitytohim.Itrestores tohimhisgreatnessasahumanbeing, having been created in the image of GodAlmighty. We w e r e r e m i n d e d t h a t T h i s ExtraordinaryJubileeYearofMercyis theopportunemomenttochangeour lives!Andthatanimportantemphasis in this Year of Mercy is the extent of absolution of sins through the SacramentofPenancethroughallthe priests in Churches throughout the world for certain sins that could previously be absolved by only bishopsorafewpriestspermittedby thebishop. We were told that the Holy Year of Mercywillbeatimeforthefaithfulto re lect on the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. We were reminded thattheHolyFathercallsustoenter more deeply into the heart of the Gospelwherethepoorhaveaspecial experienceofGod’smercy.TheYearof Mercy is a time to rediscover the corporal works of mercy(feed the hungry,givedrinktothethirsty,clothe thenaked,welcomethestranger,heal thesick,visittheimprisoned,andbury thedead).Evenifwearenotabletodo allthecorporalworksofmercygiven oursituations,todowhatispossible and not forget the spiritual works of mercy (to counsel the doubtful, instruct the ignorant, admonish sinners, comfort the af licted, forgive offences,bearpatientlythosewhodo us ill, and pray for the living and the dead). HisExcellencyLawrencePius(Bishop ofDharmapuri)spoketousontheeve of the feast of Mercy about several examplesthatSt.Faustinagaveinher Diarythatwouldhelpusunderstand that“Mercy”istheverynameofGod. HisExcellencyencouragedallofusto taketimetoreadSt.Faustina’sDiaryas it would reveal to us what Mercy is fromGod’sperspectiveandnotasman understandsit.SomeexcerptsfromSt. Faustina’s diary that can widen our understandingofGod’sMercy. “Helpme,O’Lordthatmyeyesmaybe merciful,sothatImayneversuspect or judge from appearances, but look forwhatisbeautifulinmyneighbours’ soulsandcometotheirrescue. Helpme,thatmyearsmaybemerciful, so that I may give heed to my n e i g h b o u r s ’ n e e d s a n d n o t b e i n d i ff e r e n t t o t h e i r p a i n s a n d moanings. Helpme,O’Lordthatmytonguemay be merciful, so that I should never speaknegativelyofmyneighbour,but h a v e a w o r d o f c o m f o r t a n d forgivenessforall. Helpme,O’Lord,thatmyhandsmay bemercifuland illedwithgooddeeds, so that I may do only good to my neighboursandtakeuponmyselfthe moredif icultandtoilsometasks. Helpme,thatmyfeetmaybemerciful, so that I may hurry to assist my neighbour, overcoming my own fatigueandweariness.Mytruerestis intheserviceofmyneighbour. Helpme,O’Lord,thatmyheartmaybe merciful so that I myself may feel all thesufferingsofmyneighbour. Iwillrefusemyhearttonoone.Iwill be sincere even with those who, I know,willabusemykindness. AndIwilllockmyselfupinthemost mercifulHeartofJesus.Iwillbearmy own suffering in silence. May Your mercy, O’ Lord, rest upon me. O’ my Jesus,transformmeintoYourself,for Youcandoallthings”(Diary163). This prayer clearly summarises that DivineMercyisnotjustadevotionbut awayoflifethatweareencouragedto livebytrustinginGod’swillwhichis love and mercy and that would result in great t r a n s f o r m a t i o n a n d miracles. ElizaPaul isanactivememberofLogosministry. SheisacounsellerfortheEnglishretreats. Witness Witness 4 4 Christ Christ Testimonies ANTHONYRODRIGUES HealedoffearandfrequentUrination Healedofseverekneepainduetoanaccident MynameisAnthonyRodrigues,am57yearsoldandIcomefromGoa.Icameforthisretreatwithalotof burdensinmyheart,andtheLordhasfreedmecompletely. Ihavealwaysstruggledwithfearinmylife,Iusedtobescaredtoevensitinthefrontrow.Butforthis retreatIwasgiventhe irstrowbytheLordandtheLordhassetmefreefromthisfear. Forthelast2years,Iusedtogetupatleasttwiceorthreeeverynighttopassurine.ThedayIlandedat LogosRetreatCentrethisproblemdisappeared.TheLordhashealedme.AllGlorytoJesus! MynameisRitaPatrickHanda,am63yearsoldandIcomefromPune.Ihadmetwithanaccidentjusta weekpriortomyarrivalhere.IwassufferingwithseverekneepainbuttheLordmadeitpossibleforme toattendthisretreat.Duringtheretreat,Ireceivedcompletehealingofmykneeandamfeeling ine. ThankyouJesus!PraiseYouJesus! Healedofshoulderpainand illedwithjoyintheSpirit MynameisBanyllaJyrwa,am18yearsoldandIamfromBangalore.Duringthisretreat,Igothealedof theshoulderandwaistpainIusedtosufferfrom.Iusedtofeelverytiredatalltimes,whetherIworked, studiedorprayed.ButaftertheretreatIfeeltheHolySpiritishelpingmetodoallthiswithease.Iused to inditdif iculttosayHalleluiah,butnowIamabletofreelypraise. BANYLLAJYRWA Testimonies AfterIconfessedmysins,Ifeltlightandveryhappy.Icontinuetobejoyfulinmyheartandsmileatall times.Thishashappenedtomeonlyafterthisretreat.ThankYouJesus! RITAPATRICKHANDA Healedofseveralhealthproblemsandmanyinnerwounds My name is Sr. Anthony Mary. I am 39 years old and I come from Bangalore. During this retreat I experiencedalotofpeaceinmyheart. 1) Iwassufferingfromaseverecontinuousheadacheontheleftsideforabout3months.Iamnow healedofthiscompletely. 2) Amhealedofearitchingof3years. 3) Amhealedofmanyinnerwounds. PraiseYouJesus!ThankYouJesus! SR.ANTHONYMARY HealedofSevereMigraineandvariousworriesandanxiety MynameisMarthaFrancisandam24yearsoldandIamfromBangalore.Iwashealedofsevere migraineof3yearswhenIcametoattendtheretreatinNov2015.DuringthisretreatIexperiencedthe loveofGodandreceivedimmensepeaceandJoy. MARTHAFRANCIS Iwashealedoffear,anxiety,worriesandreceivedinnerhealinganddeliverance.Ialsoreceivedthegift offaith.WhenIbegantheretreatIwasrunninghighfever,butIwascompletelyhealedduringthe Adorationintheretreat.ThankYouJesus! Healedofasevereheadacheof12years MynameisSr.Lalitha,am30yearsoldandIcomefromBangalore.Ihavebeenhavingasevereheadache forthelast12years.Duringtheretreat,Iwashealedcompletely.IthankGodforthisblessing.ThankYou Jesus! SR.LALITHA HealedofSevereShoulderTendonitisandanger HealedofLowerbackpainandseverekneepain MynameisNirmalaArokia,am39yearsoldandIcomefromBangalore.Iwassufferingfromasevere shoulderpainforthepast3years.ThediagnosisrevealedthatitwasShoulderTendonitis.Duringthe Innerhealing,IprayedaskingtheLordtohealmeandtakeawaytheproblemofanger.Iwashealedof myshoulderpainandalsomyanger.Asacon irmationFr.Josealsoannouncedit.IthankJesusforthese healings. MynameisDianaD'Souza.Iam56yearsoldandIcomefromBangalore.Iwassufferingfromlower backpainontheleftsideandaseverekneepainoftheleftlegforthelast6months.Igotanattackofviral fever and the temperatures would not reduce even after taking medicines but during the healing serviceIreceivedcompletehealingofallmyhealthissues.NowIcanalsowalkproperlywithoutany pain.ThankYouJesus! NIRMALAAROKIA DIANAD'SOUZA Receivedimmenseinnerhealingandspiritualhealing. HealedofBackacheof10yearsandreceivedpeaceofmind MynameisMrs.ReenaCutinha,am54yearsoldandIamfromBangalore. Forthepast10yearsIhavebeensufferingfromseverebackache.DuringthehealingsessionIhave beencompletelycured.ThankYouJesus!Iwassufferingfromseverethroatinfection;Iwashealedof thistoo.Ihavealsoreceivedpeaceofmindthroughtheinnerhealing.ThankYouJesus! MynameisSr.Jacinta,am20yearsoldandIamfromBangalore.Iwashealedofthesevereheadache thatIhad.Forthe irsttimeduringthepraiseandworship,mywholebodyandheadbecomelightand allmyheavinessdisappeared.Duringtheretreat,thevariousquestionsinmymindaboutfaithwere answered.IexperiencedalotofInnerhealingduringthesessions.Iamhealedandchangednow.Idid notexpecttoexperienceallthis.ThankyouandPraiseyouJesus! SR.JACINTA REENACUTINHA 24|LogosVoice|May–June2016 AscontributedbyElizaPaul May–June2016|LogosVoice|25 Logos Voice Evangelisers Name Contribution Kiran&BindyaKeswani ShwethaNath RosaM.L.Mascarenhas DianaBriggs AngelineVictor LourdesCordeiro AlbaBraganza FrancinaGeorge Theotokos CarltonLewis `10000/`3000/`2550/`2500/`2200/`2000/`2000/`1550/`1500/`1500/- Name Contribution CarolLewis LiannaFernandes AnkitDevunapalli K.P.ShyamSundar CatherineReddy ArockiaLouisRaj MaryAmal FlorenceandMary WellWisher `1500/`1100/`1000/`1000/`1000/`500/`500/`500/`450/- "Wethankallourwellwishers andthosewhohavemade generouscontributionstowards LogosVoiceMagazineforthe workofevangelisation.Weassure youandyourfamilyofour prayers.Weheartilywelcomeall whocansponsorandevangelise LogosVoicebybuyinginbulkand distributingintheirrespective areassothatmorepeopleare touched,blessedandhealed throughtheLord” Yes,Iwouldliketo*subscribe/*renew/*changeaddressforLogosVoiceSubscriptionNo……………….... Subscription form Name&Address.......................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ State:.............................................................................Zip/Pin.................................................... TelNo:........................................Email:......................................................................................... MO/DD/PayableatparChequeNo................................................Date........................... Signature:....................................................................................................................................... 1Yr,`.150/-2Yrs`.300/-3Yrs`.450/Please illtheaboveformwithpaymentfavoring‘VincentianAshram Trust’andsendyoursubscriptionsto: Rev.Fr.SamKoonamplackilVC Editor&AssistantDirector,LogosRetreatCentre,29,PrakruthiTownship,1stMain, P.B.#4326,Babusapalaya,Bengaluru-560043 Tel:9742234234/080-25603252,Email:voice.logos@gmail.com OnlinePaymentDetails Bank:SouthIndianBank AccountName:VincentianAshramTrust AccountNumber:0231053000012349 Branch:M.S.Nagar,Bangalore-33 IFSC:SIBL0000231 SWIFTCode:SOININ55 Pleasenotethataftertransferringtheamount pleasesendusanemailat voice.logos@gmail.comwithcomplete transactiondetailssuchasNameofAccount Holder,TransactionID/Reference,Amount, Date,Time.Alsopleasementionthedetailsof subscriptionintheemailsuchNew Subscription/RenewalofSubscriptionwith SubscriptionNumber. *Strikeoffwhatisnotapplicable Fr. SEBASTIAN PADINJAREKUTTU VC Fr. JOSE VETTIYANKAL VC Fr. SAM KOONAMPLACKIL VC Fr INNOCENT PUTHENTHARAYIL VC Fr ALBIN PULICKAKANDATHIL VC Fr. GEORGE KALASSERRY VC Superior & Parish Priest Director, Logos Retreat Centre Assistant Director Logos Retreat Centre Adminstrator Logos Retreat Centre Assistant Parish Priest and Assistant Administrator Director, Divine Mercy Home HolyMass(Everyday) MondaytoThursday(English) FridayFastingPrayer(Kannada) SaturdayBibleConvention(English) SundayServices YouthProgramme(Sunday) (TheBreadofLifeprayergroup) NightVigils(EverySaturday) Yes,Iwouldliketo*subscribe/*renew/*changeaddressforLogosVoiceSubscriptionNo……………….... Subscription form Name&Address.......................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ State:.............................................................................Zip/Pin.................................................... TelNo:........................................Email:......................................................................................... MO/DD/PayableatparChequeNo................................................Date........................... Signature:....................................................................................................................................... 1Yr,`.150/-2Yrs`.300/-3Yrs`.450/Please illtheaboveformwithpaymentfavoring‘VincentianAshram Trust’andsendyoursubscriptionsto: Rev.Fr.SamKoonamplackilVC Editor&AssistantDirector,LogosRetreatCentre,29,PrakruthiTownship,1stMain, P.B.#4326,Babusapalaya,Bengaluru-560043 Tel:9742234234/080-25603252,Email:voice.logos@gmail.com OnlinePaymentDetails Bank:SouthIndianBank AccountName:VincentianAshramTrust AccountNumber:0231053000012349 Branch:M.S.Nagar,Bangalore-33 IFSC:SIBL0000231 SWIFTCode:SOININ55 Pleasenotethataftertransferringtheamount pleasesendusanemailat voice.logos@gmail.comwithcomplete transactiondetailssuchasNameofAccount Holder,TransactionID/Reference,Amount, Date,Time.Alsopleasementionthedetailsof subscriptionintheemailsuchNew Subscription/RenewalofSubscriptionwith SubscriptionNumber. *Strikeoffwhatisnotapplicable At Logos Retreat Centre, retreats are held in English, Malayalam, Kannada & Tamil. Different retreats are held throughout the year including Inner Healing retreats, Growth retreats, retreatfortheReligious,Youthretreats, andChildrenretreats.Variousoutreach programmes are also organized for differentparishes,schoolsandcolleges. Bookingsfortheresidentialretreatscan be done in advance or one can walk in directlyonthedayoftheretreatitself. 6.00am–English,6.45am–Malayalam 3.00pm–DivineMercyChaplet&Adoration4.00pm–HolyMass (Rosary,JerichoPrayer,Preaching&HealingService, Counselling,HolyMass)inKannada10.00am–5.30pm (Rosary,JerichoPrayer,Preaching&HealingService,Confession &Counselling,HolyMass)inEnglish10.00am–5.30pm 2.00pm–5.00pm(PreachingtheWordofGod,PraiseandWorship, EucharisticAdoration)inMalayalam.5.15pm-HolyMassinMalayalam 1.30pm–5.00pm(PreachingtheWordofGod,DivineMercy Chaplet,HolyMass)inTamil.5.30pm–HolyMassinEnglish 2.00pm–5.00pm(PraiseandWorship,PreachingtheWordofGod, &EucharisticAdoration)inHindi 2.30pm–5.30pm(PraiseandWorship,EucharisticAdoration, SharingtheWord),5.30pm–HolyMassinEnglish 1stSaturday–Malayalam,2ndSaturday–Tamil, 3rdSaturday–Kannada,4thSaturday–English Ranjitha Chicken Centre Please bring Holy Bible, 2 bed sheets, toiletries etc. All residential inner healing retreats start at 4.00 pm on Sundayandendat4.00pmonThursday. HowtoreachLogosRetreatCentre-From:MajesticRailwayStation-Busno:302A,302F(17Kms).CantonmentRailwayStation-Busno:302G, 303C(12Kms).CityMarket-Busno:302C.Peenya-viaR.T.Nagar-Busno:252B.Vijaynagar-viaR.T.Nagar-Busno:300G.K.R.Puram-Busno:400, 404.RingRoadbusno.500,501.AirportviaHebbalflyover,takeleftandcometoBabusahibpalaya(35KMs) For More info Contact: Fr. Jose Vettiyankal VC, Director - Logos Retreat Centre No.29 Prakruthi Township, 1st Main, P.O. Box. 4326, Babusahebpalaya, Bengaluru - 560 043 Tel: 080 0 2560 3252; Mobile: 097422 34234 Email: logosblr@gmail.com / frjosevet@gmail.com / voice.logos@gmail.com Website: logosretreatcentre.com / www.frjosevettiyankal.org