TARC Riding Guide English
TARC Riding Guide English
Fares Tips for a good trip Cash Fares (exact change only) Safety first • Watch your step when boarding and exiting the bus. • Never walk in front of the bus; wait until the bus has left All express riders must add $1 additional fare, 50¢ for discounted riders.* Adult cash fare.............................................................. $1.75 Day pass........................................................................ $3.50 Students (Ages 6-17 only)*............................................ 80¢ Senior citizens 65+*.......................................................... 80¢ Citizens with disabilities*.................................................. 80¢ Medicare card holders*...................................................... 80¢ Fixed route with TARC 3 I.D................................................ 80¢ Circulators & shoppers....................................................... 75¢ before crossing the street. Courtesy • Smoking, eating and drinkingare prohibited on the bus. • Use electronics with headphones only. • Keep voices down, no loud phone conversations or music. Help us help you stay on time • Have your fare ready when boarding. Trolleys............................................................................ FREE Children (5 and under with adult)........................... FREE Transfer........................................................................... FREE • Exit the rear door, if possible. Tickets & Passes E-News – Sign up for TARC news, detour notices Monthly pass..............................................................$50.00 and other information at www.ridetarc.org or e-mail us at info@ridetarc.org. (30¢ for students, senior citizens, citizens with disabilities and Medicare card holders) * (good any time during calendar month on local routes only) Express monthly pass..................................................$85.00 (good any time during calendar month on local and express routes) 10 ride tickets – regular....................................10 for $15.00 10 ride special tickets*........................................10 for $8.00 (Valid for seniors 65+, students 6-17, citizens with disabilities and Medicare card holders) Summer youth bus pass..............................................$30.00 (Ages 6-17. Good during summer only. Price is subject to change.) TARC3 Paratransit TARC3 cash fare.............................................................$3.00 TARC3 tickets.......................................................5 for $15.00 * TARC I.D. required for reduced fare. Stay Connected with TARC Follow us on: For More Information www.ridetarc.org – Maps, schedules and information on special services including van pools/Ticket To Ride program, TARC3 Paratransit; trolleys and hops and services for seniors. Customer Service Line 502.585.1234; TTY.213.3240 – This automated phone line provides information on routes, schedules, fares, special events, Park and Ride locations and more. Press “0” to speak to a service representative MondayFriday, 6 a.m.- 8 p.m., and Saturday, 7 a.m.- 5:30 p.m. Transit Authority of River City www.ridetarc.org 502.585.1234 REVISE July 201D 2 Your Guide to Riding TARC Fares, Schedules & Services Schedules and Maps TARC is Greater Louisville’s public transportation system with bus routes in Jefferson, Bullitt and Oldham counties in Kentucky and Clark and Floyd counties in Indiana. All TARC buses are equipped with bike racks and are wheelchair accessible. Taking TARC is a cost-effective way to travel, lets you avoid traffic and parking hassles and is better for the environment than driving a car. Easy Trip Planning You can plan your trip through on TARC’s homepage at www.ridetarc.org. By entering your departure and arrival locations and time of travel, this service provides a quick step-by-step itinerary of your bus trip including directions to the nearest stop. If you use a smartphone, you can access a Google Maps mobile application to plan a TARC trip. Stops TARC buses stop only at shelters and designated bus stops clearly marked with red and white “Board Here” signs. Board Here 585–1 23 TTY 2 13-32 4 www 4 .rideta 0 rc.org TARC’s system map and pocket schedules for each route are available at www.ridetarc.org. You can also find schedules and maps at several locations in Metro Louisville including the Hall of Justice at Sixth and Jefferson streets, the main branch of the Louisville Free Public Library at Third and York streets and at the University of Louisville Student Center on the Belknap campus. How to Ride Arrive at your stop at least five minutes before the bus arrival time. As the bus arrives, look for the electronic sign displaying the route number and name to be sure it’s your bus. Have the correct cash fare (exact change only) or ticket ready to put in the fare box just inside the door, or show your pass to the driver as you board. To signal the driver you want to get off the bus, pull the cord above the windows a block before your stop. Connecting Routes If your trip requires a transfer or stop, you can ask the driver for a transfer when you board. With a transfer slip, you can continue your trip on any bus in any direction at no extra charge if you board within two hours from the time the transfer is issued. To transfer to an express bus trip, you will need to pay an additional $1 or 50 cents for discounted rides.* Special Services Park and Ride, Bikes on Board If you live too far from a bus stop to walk, you can check out TARC’s suburban park and ride locations, primarily at churches and shopping centers, at www. ridetarc.org. You can drive to a lot, park and leave your car and take TARC. Or you can ride your bike to the bus stop and use the bike rack on the front of the bus. TARC3 Paratransit For pre-authorized customers whose disabilities prevent them from taking a TARC bus, TARC3 provides door-to-door service. For more information on this service and eligibility, visit www.ridetarc.org or call 502.585.1234. Trolleys Downtown trolleys circulate frequently and are fare-free. Buying Tickets and Passes Tickets and passes can be purchased online at www.ridetarc.org and at the following locations: • TARC Customer Service Centers • TARC Headquarters, Union Station – 502.585.1234 1000 W. Broadway • Nia Travel and Jobs Center – 502.561.5164 2900 W. Broadway • Fifth Third Bank – all area locations • Louisville Free Public Library – Third and York streets For additional locations and updates on TARC tickets and passes check www.ridetarc.org. You can also pay by mail with a mail order form or envelope. Forms can be downloaded from www. ridetarc.org. Envelops can be requested by calling 502.585.1234 or e-mailing info@ridetarc.org.
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