Statistica: The Great Analytics Migration, Part 2: Process
Statistica: The Great Analytics Migration, Part 2: Process
SAS to Statistica: The Great Dell Migration Part One: People Introduction What do monarch butterlies, sockeye salmon, wildebeest, sperm whales, red crabs and Dell have in common? They have all undertaken a great migration fraught with challenge and peril, but one which ensures survival. Within weeks of acquiring the advanced analytics product Statistica, Dell set out on one of the most ambitious migration projects since the company was founded: a window ending December 31 (approximately six months) during which all users would move of of SAS and adopt Statistica as the core analytics platform companywide. Whether your organization is migrating 10 users or 10,000 users in a 6-week or 6-year project, we think you’ll end up asking questions like the ones we asked ourselves during the project. This e-book describes the approaches to people, process and technology that contribute to the success of a migration from SAS to Statistica. Dell set out on one of the most ambitious migration projects since the company was founded. To give you insight into the scope and objectives of our migration project, here are a few high-level results: • Hundreds of users migrated worldwide • Substantial, bottom-line impact due to saved fees • 300+ projects across multiple business units migrated from SAS to Statistica • Migration project team consisting of 12 points of contact for users • Overall project duration of less than nine months, with user migration in less than six months 2 Of course, every organization is diferent. We at Dell achieved these results in so little time because of our commitment and the extraordinary eforts of teams all around the company, as you'll see in Part 2. We can't guarantee similar savings from every migration to Statistica, but we have seen a bottom-line impact that similar companies making a similar transition could expect to see. In any event, we invite you to learn from our lessons. | © 2015 Dell, Inc. All rights reserved | Share: First, why migrate to Statistica? organization. But they didn’t know what a migration project would entail and like most companies, they were concerned about the downside of an unsuccessful one. Without a good answer to this question, the others don’t matter. Your mileage may vary, but Dell was spending a great deal of money every year to keep SAS in place. Of course, everybody wanted to save money, but everybody also knew the migration was going to involve a lot of risk, work and change, so we had to justify the efort. You want to enable analytics in the enterprise. We’ve all read about it in books, magazines and news articles — we need to do something about analytics and big data. Organizations that embed analytics within all parts of their business to make faster decisions and improve decision making, planning and forecasting have a distinct competitive advantage. Unfortunately, there is a skills shortage, so we need a software package that plays well with existing IT investments and is suiciently easy to use. The goal is to enable all users — experts and line-of-business users alike — to make the most of their data. You want to lower the cost of software licensing. Even before Dell acquired Statistica (formerly of StatSoft), customers and prospects had been telling us that they wanted analytics software that was less expensive. That’s no surprise, but more important, they wanted software that made analytics accessible to more people in their 3 You can ind better value for money. A company the size of Dell derives signiicant value and competitive advantage from applying analytics in areas like marketing, price optimization, forecasting, technical support, supply chain optimization, preventive maintenance and inancial credit risk analysis. We believed we could get better value for less money with the full range of analytics muscle and ease of use we saw in Statistica. You want your analysts to analyze data, not write code. SAS is powerful, but you have to hire people to write and maintain code and administer the complex system to get the most out of it. We, along with many of our customers, were having increasing trouble inding good replacements for the SAS-savvy people who were leaving or retiring, so the cost of keeping SAS was rising beyond our annual licensing fees. It’s the best way to improve the product. You know that the path to a better product leads from your front door to your loading dock. Given that Dell is making signiicant investments in Statistica, it made all the sense in the world to use it ourselves and see what our customers were experiencing. It’s part of why Dell acquired Statistica in the irst place. Dell’s acquisition strategy is driven in part by the opportunity to roll out and use acquired products internally, improve them and save money with them, then take that message out to our customers. When prospects ask whether Dell uses the product they are promoting, our sales teams need to be able to answer, “Yes, we drink our own champagne.” | © 2015 Dell, Inc. All rights reserved | Share: How many people are you going to afect? Where are they? As with any software product, most of your users are casual, working with a subset of the product functions to accomplish their daily tasks. Then you have a group of power users who eat, sleep and breathe the product. When we started the project, we quickly identiied hundreds of users whom we needed to move to Statistica, including 170 users in Dell Global Analytics (DGA). DGA provides analytics expertise and support to diferent functional organizations throughout the company — for example, inance, the customer service center,, marketing and sales, supply chain, operations, pricing and product management — that do not have their own internal analytics expertise. When we started the project, we quickly identiied hundreds of users whom we needed to move to Statistica. Our marketing operations teams all over the world rely heavily on BI and analytics tools, as do Technical Support, Supply Chain and Dell Financial Services. In short, analytics is pervasive throughout Dell and is a big part of our competitive advantage. The migration from SAS to Statistica afected our data analysts and users in all of those groups. But more important, since analytics are ubiquitous at Dell and embedded in our systems and processes, there are many more people who consume and rely on the output. Any adverse change to this output could drastically impact the business. 4 | © 2015 Dell, Inc. All rights reserved | Share: How do your people use analytics? In almost every company, analytics are inding their way into marketing to help make sense of what customers and prospects are saying, tweeting, looking for and buying. We use analytics to personalize ofers, attract prospects and keep existing customers. We study things like customer churn, cross-sell/upsell opportunities, customer sentiment and satisfaction. Analytics use case: Customer churn Suppose that a logistic regression model tells us we’re in danger of losing ive customers to churn because they are likely to buy another company’s products instead of Dell’s. We decide to ofer each of them a $50 discount on a Dell product and they take it. So it costs us $250 to keep them as customers. That sounds like a good use of $250. But suppose it wasn’t the right model to use and the customers weren’t really in danger of churn. Then we’ve wasted $250. With the right model and analytics, it would have cost us only $50 to save $500. In our daily operations, we apply analysis to improve the quality of our manufacturing processes. In Professional Services, our services teams embed it in customer solutions as part of service engagements. For Customer Support, we use analytics for predictive/prescriptive/preventive maintenance on hardware products we sell. Now look at the lip side. Suppose our Random Forest model tells us that a particular customer is happy and not in danger of churning, so we don’t ofer her the discount. If it turns out she buys another company’s product, we might lose $500 of revenue. With the right model and analytics, it would have cost us only $50 to save $500. We also use analytics to assess and control the potential cost and risk of our decisions. So, you might say that the Random Forest is a better model because it results in just one error, but it’s a more costly error than the ive combined from the logistic regression model. Our models need to take that into account, and these tradeofs of model accuracy and costs associated with incorrect predictions are easy to illustrate with Statistica. Dell Financial Services relies heavily on analytics for modeling, assessing credit risk and detecting fraud. Their models are closely tied to forecasts and bank rates, so statistical analysis is part of what they do day in and day out. We use analytics to evaluate models based on not only the overall error rate but also the type of error that the model is making. It allows us to make more-precise, better-informed decisions about the models we apply to business factors like customer churn, product upsell, service level agreements, competitive pricing and delivery dates. Like you, we use analytics to make decisions. But since not all of our decisions are perfect, we also use analytics to assess and control the potential cost and risk of our decisions. 5 | © 2015 Dell, Inc. All rights reserved | Share: Analytics use case: Direct mail campaign Assumptions Data • $2 to mail each prospect Mailing list 1M prospects • 1 out of 100 will buy Results • Proit - Revenue - Cost Mail cost $2 • -($220 × 10,000) - (1M × $2) • $200,000 • $220 proit for each response The value of a prediction Assumptions Data Analytics model output: Mailing list 250K prospects • 25% of the entire list are 3× more likely to respond Results • Proit - Revenue - Cost Mail cost $2 • -($220 × 7,500) - (250K × $2) • $1,150,000 • 5.75× improvement by mailing fewer people Adapted from Predictive Analytics: The Power to Predict Who Will Click, Buy, Lie or Die by Eric Siegel 6 | © 2015 Dell, Inc. All rights reserved | Share: How will people in your organization react? You’ll know the answer to this question in almost no time, because word travels fast. At Dell, most people’s reactions landed in one of three buckets: 1. “But we’ve never used Statistica.” Since our users had been using SAS for many years, they weren’t familiar with how robust an analytics platform Statistica is, so naturally they were skeptical. We pay them to be skeptical. They knew that their work consisted of mission-critical analytics in SAS and assumed (incorrectly, as it turned out) that Statistica wasn’t up to it. 2. “We’ve spent years writing thousands of lines of SAS code. We don’t want to just throw that away.” Our users anticipated a great deal of work in trying to replicate in Statistica the programs they had built in SAS, so naturally they balked. Who wouldn’t feel that way? 7 3. “We consider ourselves SAS professionals and analysts irst, and employees of Dell second. For career longevity and our ability to do our job, we believe that it's really important to continue using SAS.” That’s a tough one. We found a number of heavy SAS users who had been working with the product for over 20 years. They were comfortable using it and they had grown, evolved and become pretty good with it over much of their career. Asking them to switch to something they didn't know was a huge disruption for them. Most users had never heard of Statistica — let alone used it — so it was the devil they knew versus the devil they didn’t know. Plus, many felt an emotional attachment to the tried and true product. We addressed their reactions by having our migration leads from Statistica sit down and show them that their long years of work would not be simply discarded. The leads examined the techniques and functions our users had worked with in SAS, such as K-means clustering, polynomial regression, GLM, ARIMA and neural networks, then demonstrated how to replicate and enhance them in Statistica. Nearly all the techniques they had used in SAS were easier to implement in Statistica without the need to write thousands of lines of code. Users simply dragged and dropped icons onto the Statistica workspace in its easy-to-use graphical user interface. You’ll see that making the migration a success requires consistent communication, executive buy-in, technical support, training and encouragement, mostly from peers. | © 2015 Dell, Inc. All rights reserved | Share: How will you get them on board? Explaining your migration project is one thing; getting all your users on board with it is another. First, all of our users and business units said they would need more than a year to migrate successfully to Statistica. Since the mandate was to migrate before December 31, we had to come up with several diferent approaches to make the project palatable to our users: • Making sure we had identiied all current SAS users and properly communicating the change to them. Nobody wants to ind out about something like this at the water cooler. Our migration project team compiled a list of active SAS users and identiied the afected executives and managers who would be responsible for keeping the users apprised of project status. We were mindful that many users would initially regard the change as a diicult one, so we kept the communications consistent, positive and frequent so they could digest them completely. We held several workshops early in the project to ield and address users’ concerns. • Giving people early access to Statistica. It’s easy to overlook this as a migration project starts up, but as the message went out and we talked to group managers about the timeline, they naturally replied, “We’ll need access to the tool if you expect us to hit those dates.” We had to show them and their users what they were in for and let them start working with Statistica. That kicked of the next set of conversations about setting up infrastructure, rolling out the product internally and paying for it. • Allaying the concerns of the dyed-in-the-wool SAS professionals. Using a new tool does not strip those people of their SAS expertise or marketability, but they consider themselves part of a community that extends beyond Dell. We knew we couldn’t address that on the emotional level, so we addressed it on the technical level by deeply discussing their analytics tasks and demonstrating how Statistica could satisfy them. cases where it wasn’t the best it and where it was overkill. They applied it to functions like data movement (ETL), data aggregation and preparation, which don’t require advanced analytics technologies. • Guiding users away from ineiciencies and shadow IT. By centralizing data movement tasks in oicially supported environments and processes, we lowered internal risk and improved performance within Dell. In cases of ad hoc data movement, the migration leads showed users how to accomplish the same task with Statistica or with tools like Toad Data Point to get them on board with the migration. We knew that carrot works better than stick at Dell, so that’s how we approached migration. • Launching a contest. To inspire teams to take Statistica with both hands and apply it, we ran an internal contest. Teams of one to ive people sprang up around the company, built analytic models to address real-world questions in Dell and competed against one another. The contest not only attracted a lot of attention to Statistica but also helped us solve business problems. Every organization is a diferent ship, steered diferently. You can try a mindset like “Between now and the end of the year we’re switching to a tool you don’t know and which you can’t yet access, and in the meantime you have to do your day job,” but we knew that carrot works better than stick at Dell, so that’s how we approached migration. Since this project was mandated by Michael Dell, it enjoyed the support of our executive leadership. Whenever the migration team encountered a substantial hurdle, its members got the support they needed. In general, we overcame most of our obstacles with additional training, support and one-on-one sessions customized to the teams that needed them. In short: communication, communication, communication. Add executive support, cultivate the employees who are not afraid of the challenge, and persist. • Putting SAS in its proper context. Why use a Ferrari to deliver a load of dirt? We found that, for lack of a better (and lower-priced) tool, many people had grown accustomed to using SAS in 8 | © 2015 Dell, Inc. All rights reserved | Share: Who gets to be an exception, and why? Lesson learned. When you look back, you’ll see where you had to change your original plan and how you had to change it for the people factor. We learned plenty of lessons about how people deal with an extensive tool change in an organization. The bigger lesson, though, was about allowing for exceptions on a migration project. By the end of the project, all but 16 of our users had moved completely of of SAS before the December 31 deadline. Most of Dell Financial Services migrated successfully, but the modeling team made the case that they needed more time to migrate their most sensitive functions and received an extension to continue using SAS for six more months. More important, they demonstrated that any interruption or luctuation in their credit scoring and fraud models would introduce greater risk than it would be worth to meet the initial deadline. That made sense. Some groups use analytics to predict, say, staing levels for IT call centers. If their predictions are wrong, customers may have to wait longer, but the immediate impact is not as prominent as a hiccup in inancial modeling. It was unfortunate that not every user was on Statistica by January 1; the downside, however, might have been even more unfortunate, so the project team worked with the modelers on a speciic plan that extended the migration timeline for that small group. Other than that, it speaks well to the quality of our employees (and of the product) that the transition to Statistica was smooth for more than 95 percent of them, especially considering that we had until December 31 to achieve what everyone thought would take more than a year to accomplish. We had to help some of them over their emotional obstacles to using a diferent tool in a diferent way, but what matters is arriving at the same result. Several teams performed their own comparisons and convinced themselves of that. Learn more Part 2 in this series covers process and the many things we put in place to make the migration project a success. Part 3 describes the technology component of the migration project, from architecture to onboarding users. Visit 9 | © 2015 Dell, Inc. All rights reserved | Share: Statistica: The Great Analytics Migration Part 2: Process How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time, of course. That may not be the exact question you ask yourself as you move from thinking about people (as we described in Part 1) to thinking about process, but the questions in this phase boil down to that. How are you going to take all of the people in the organization who depend on your analytics platform — in Dell’s case, hundreds of users worldwide — and move them to a new and diferent platform? Our high-level plan was to stand up a parallel Statistica environment and provide our users what they needed to move onto it. We avoided the shock treatment of turning of our legacy analytics product one night and then turning on the Statistica environment the next morning. In general, to help ease the transition and ensure that our analytics processes kept running without disrupting the business, our high-level plan was to stand up a parallel Statistica environment and provide our users what they needed to move onto it. We ran the two platforms in parallel for several months so users could see that, with the training and support we provided, they would have the time, opportunity and motivation to move their work into Statistica. In fact, we made it easy for them to compare the two products, satisfy their own curiosity and develop their analytical muscles. We clearly communicated a goal date for them to stop using the legacy product altogether and use Statistica exclusively. 2 © 2015 Dell, Inc. All rights reserved | Share: Where do you start? “Hmm,” you think. “I wonder if that means we’re going to stop using Product A and start using Product B.” Imagine that your company has been using a product from Tool Supplier A for many years. It could be a chemical, an electronic device or a gas-powered turbine — anything you and your co-workers use to get your work done. You check your email one morning in mid-March and discover that your company has acquired Tool Supplier B, which sells a competing product. Around April 1, you stop wondering because executive staf has decided that the entire company is going to migrate to Product B by the end of the year. For Dell, the project started that way. We learned in April that our companywide goal was to stand up a new enterprise-wide instance of Statistica, move of our legacy analytics environment and migrate all of our existing users to Statistica by December 31. Nobody looked forward to the perceived learning curve our users faced in moving from a tool of long-standing use to a new one that few of our co-workers had ever used. Obviously, this task looked formidable because of the short timeline to get software, hardware and network infrastructure into place and working properly. And certainly nobody looked forward to the perceived learning curve our users faced in moving from a tool of long-standing use to a new one that few of our coworkers had ever used. But the thing that made it most diicult to set our compass and see where to start was that this initiative came out of the blue for most of us. In Dell, as in most large companies, a lot of forethought goes into goals of this scale. We usually plan them out months in advance and announce them at the beginning of the iscal year. We submit business requirements documents, deliver systems architecture requirements, provide concepts back to the business teams, identify sources of funding, agree on start dates and estimated timelines and form a project team. Everyone knows where to start. This time we had to put all of that in place during the irst weeks after the acquisition and the goals had been announced. You may not have to switch that quickly, but you will have to igure out the best place for your organization to start. In most cases, that will be to develop timelines for rolling out the software, hardware and infrastructure you’ll need, and for putting in place the education and training, centers of excellence, user community and help desk resources you’ll need for success. 3 © 2015 Dell, Inc. All rights reserved | Share: How do you schedule IT delivery? Your mileage may certainly vary, but we followed the following timeline for our migration: Laying the groundwork April — Where are all the pieces? First, we engaged every available resource from the Statistica team to help Dell’s IT staf understand the software coniguration, infrastructure and security protocols for the hardware on which we were going to run Statistica. Then we worked out which IT skills and resources we would need to put all of those in place. Internally, the hardware was relatively easy to address. Our technical staf and IT staf spent a fair amount of time with the Statistica development team to understand how Statistica was going to interact with all of the other software that Dell runs. But that didn’t mean the hardware would magically appear; we spent a lot of April developing a delivery schedule for that. Finally, we began identifying the analytics user base within Dell — the “customers.” Who are they? Where do they work? Who are the contacts we need to work with so we can start putting together a customer plan for the migration? Dell acquires Statistica (from StatSoft) March 24 April–May May — How long will this take? Once we’d identiied the users, we asked how long they thought it would take them to migrate. Most of them answered, “Let me start using Statistica, and I’ll let you know. But if I had to guess, I’d say it will take at least a year.” That kicked of a couple of weeks of dealing with purely logistical questions from the user community: Who’s going to pay for this? How do we get the hardware? Which data center will host them? Do we need multiple data centers? How will we accommodate of-network users? From those answers, we came up with an estimate of the hardware needed for the migration, then secured approval to proceed based on the estimate. By the end of May, we had a solid plan to present to the IT and business leaders and say, “Here’s what we are going to do.” June — How many users really need to migrate? Our IT team spent June ironing out technical details around security and coniguration. Meanwhile, on the business side, we performed a valuable exercise in rationalization with the Centers of Excellence (CoEs) for each of our business functions — inance, professional services, customer support, marketing operations and sales. Originally, we had asked the CoEs to identify their analytics users. But many users were running the analytics product for its non-analytic features like data management and extract, transform, load (ETL), and others weren’t actively using it anymore. We asked the CoEs to examine more precisely which users really needed analytical functions, and we rationalized down to a few hundred validated candidates. How many users? Migration Security, coniguration, user inventory, ready by August 1 Training continues, CoEs established, users onboarded June–July Executive decision made to migrate to Statistica company-wide July–August Installation and training December 31 Deadline Migration complete (extended to June 30 for 16 users in Dell Financial Services) Initial IT planning and discussions begin 4 August–December © 2015 Dell, Inc. All rights reserved | Share: Knowing exactly how many people needed to migrate and who they were, we were able to estimate the number of servers we would need, how to conigure them and which groups we would have to set up for a successful transition. we started the procurement process with our eye on the August 1 deadline. Late August probably would have been a more realistic target date, but we let everyone in the supply chain know the urgency of the project. In late June, our chief data oicer made the decision to move forward. That was the good news. Also, he wanted Statistica implemented and ready for migration by August 1. That would have been good news, too, except that everyone suspected it would take much longer than that — six to 12 weeks — just to get the hardware. Run, Forrest, run! To our surprise and relief, our colleagues amazed us with what they are able to do when they really put their collective mind to it. We secured the physical servers, installed them in a data center, got them online, had the software conigured and had Statistica available for delivery to users on August 1. In other words, our co-workers helped us accomplish in ive weeks what would normally take up to three months. This was possible due to transparent communication of the plan, the timelines and the urgency of meeting speciic deadlines. When you empower people with information, they are more willing and able to do really good things. July — How fast can we get the hardware up and running? With approval to purchase and install the hardware and conigure the software for delivery to users, 5 © 2015 Dell, Inc. All rights reserved | Share: How do you train and support the users? Having hardware and software in place means you can put Statistica in the hands of your users, but don’t forget that you need comprehensive training and technical support for them to successfully migrate to a new technology, especially when you’re on a tight schedule. Training Some teams don’t wait to be invited for training; they get a jump on it. When the Dell Global Analytics (DGA) group, many of them based in Bangalore, India, learned of the Statistica acquisition, they assumed that Statistica would replace the legacy product eventually. Immediately, they began thinking about ways to use Statistica in DGA. They contacted the Dell oice in Delhi, obtained a trial license of Statistica and invited regional Statistica experts to their oice to provide an introduction to the product’s capabilities. Thus, they had an informal orientation long before the formal migration project was announced. Elsewhere, beginning in mid-July, our Statistica subject matter experts (SMEs) facilitated three rounds of training: • Train-the-trainer sessions — We asked each of the teams that would be using Statistica to send two people for a two-week training session in July, while IT was still installing hardware and coniguring software. Statistica SMEs traveled to Dell HQ in Austin, Texas, to instruct 40 users from all over the world in train-thetrainer sessions. Our goal was to create champions and advocates in diferent groups around the company and around the world, particularly within DGA. • In-person, deep-dive training — Later, to meet the particular needs of our users concentrated in DGA in India, we conducted a formal session for the DGA professionals in Bangalore. • Web conference — We also recorded virtual sessions and made them available as knowledge transfer resources for all migration candidates. The recordings remain available to all appropriate employees within Dell. The train-the-trainer and in-person sessions gave attendees their irst opportunity to learn about and use Statistica, even before it was available at their desks. 6 Technical support As more users began adopting Statistica, we created a separate, speciic SharePoint site where migrating users could submit support issues or questions. We built up a knowledge repository with frequently asked questions and how-to articles, and the Statistica team assigned several sales engineers to provide answers both electronically and in person. We decided to keep the information separate from the standard tech support queue for three reasons: • We could apply a service-level agreement (SLA) and expectation of response that were diferent from those applied to the standard queue. • We monitored the queue, escalated urgent items and kept an eye out in case a signiicant need for widespread training should suddenly come to light. • If a group had questions or concerns about a particular area of Statistica, we could switch from technical support to a model more like a professional services engagement and a workshop. With IT assets, training and support in place, we embarked on the actual migration work. © 2015 Dell, Inc. All rights reserved | Share: What goes on during the actual migration? The important thing to keep in mind is that the process of migration happens behind the scenes — almost invisibly — as users steadily adopt the new tool and cease using the old one. In Dell’s case, although IT managed the project and kept executive staf apprised of overall status, it was the business leads in the CoEs who knew how close or far each user was from completely migrating to Statistica. And for several months, even that was diicult to discern because of all the moving parts inside the actual migration. What goes on during the actual migration is a lot more than merely replacing one software tool with another. You bump into resource constraints. During the migration, users spent time converting their daily tasks — processes, models, algorithms and so on — to the Statistica environment while continuing to perform their existing functions with the existing product. These employees were already allocated for 75 to 90 percent of their time, so when the company asked them to take on the additional work of migration, they began to wonder (aloud, mostly) if they could meet the December 31 deadline. You spend time double-checking. Users ran tasks on both products to ensure they were getting the same result from both tools. (That’s the healthy skepticism we hire them for.) They knew how their models and outputs should look in the old product, and they igured out how to get them to look that way in Statistica as well. That was the result of all the resources Dell dedicated to the project, such as training, technical support and informal knowledge transfer. You herd cats. The individual business groups run their own analytics business processes, so they formulated their own migration plans to meet the deadlines and started executing on them at their own pace. Of course, many of the timelines and migration plans were developed with input from the Statistica SME team. You stop to correct ineiciencies. The last thing you want to think about in the middle of migration is process improvement, but ineicient processes come out of the woodwork, and you have to deal with them. We discovered data extraction tasks that took hours with existing tools because they had never been properly conigured or had not been updated for changing requirements. Correcting ineicient processes wasn’t initially part of the migration plan, but we knew we couldn’t ignore them, particularly when the analytics innovation team saw the chance to whittle a four-hour data extraction process down to a few minutes in Statistica, for example. You eliminate over-dependence on the incumbent software platform. As described above, the CoEs discovered that many users had been using the analytics product for non-analytic functions like data management and ETL. Users soon found that Statistica did not yet support some of the data management functions as well or in the same manner as the legacy programming language. Besides showing the product development team features to add or enhance in future versions of Statistica, the discovery opened up another migration opportunity: to steer users toward Dell Software products designed for data management and ETL, such as Toad Data Point and Toad Intelligence Central. The Statistica-Toad combination allowed those teams to meet their deadline for migrating of the legacy product at a fraction of the cost. Also, because these products are all part of the Dell Software portfolio, we were able to begin work on integrating Statistica and our Toad products more closely. 1 You run a contest. To encourage our power users to showcase their talents, we hosted a contest in which our analytics teams submitted business cases with real-world examples of how it was easier, more appropriate or more robust to deploy certain analytics processes using Statistica. More than 20 teams developed advanced analytics processes and worklows that highlighted their migration story through production applications including customer lifetime value, data manipulation, pricing optimization and — the winner — predicting rates of hard drive failure. In short, what goes on during the actual migration is a lot more than merely replacing one software tool with another. 1 7 Annual maintenance cost for Statistica licensing was approximately 70 percent lower. © 2015 Dell, Inc. All rights reserved | Share: How do you stick to the deadline? The middle of the timeline is often the smoothest part of the process. It’s usually at the beginning and at the end of the project where you encounter the most resistance. With a December 31 deadline, our biggest obstacles arose between the U.S. holidays of Thanksgiving (late November) and Christmas. Over the long Thanksgiving weekend, we saw people planning holiday absences and determined that one-week tasks and approval cycles were going to start dragging out to twoand three-week delays. Users still had access to both products, and we detected that some were reluctant to relinquish their licenses to the legacy product until they absolutely had to do so. To avoid blowing our deadline, we appealed to the CoE leads during early December. Pressure from the business leads “Your people are doing great,” we told them, “but the number of users who have not yet migrated and relinquished access voluntarily is awfully high considering how little time remains on the project plan.” We had them identify a lead on each functional team to tell their users pointedly, “If you're using Statistica and you haven't touched the old product in a while, then I need you to give up your access.” We found that most of those users simply said, “OK,” and relinquished their licenses. During the two weeks after Thanksgiving, we saw a dramatic increase in the number of users switching to exclusive use of Statistica. By mid-December, all but a few dozen of our validated migration candidates had relinquished access. If nobody is telling you that you have to stop using the incumbent analytics software platform right now, then naturally you’ll keep it in your back pocket. Pressure from IT IT project management made phone calls to the inal three dozen users to obtain speciic reasons why they wanted to retain access until the December 31 deadline. Among the holdouts were regional oices that planned to remain open during the last week of December (when much of Dell is closed for business) and continue working on year-end analysis. They had sound business reasons for not relinquishing until necessary, so IT allowed them to retain access until the deadline. The other signiicant holdout was Dell Financial Services (DFS). As described in Part 1, the 16 users in DFS obtained permission from the company’s executive staf to continue using the legacy product through the following June. Our main lesson about sticking to the deadline: If nobody is telling you that you have to stop using the incumbent analytics software platform right now, and if retaining access to it doesn’t appear to cost anything, then naturally you’ll keep it in your back pocket until the very end, just in case. This eleventh-hour cleanup operation is an integral part of sticking to the deadline. 8 © 2015 Dell, Inc. All rights reserved | Share: What else do you learn during a migration project? You learn many of your lessons while the project is still under way. Others don’t occur to you until the dust settles and people begin talking about the project in the past tense. Unexpected dividends As described in “What goes on during the actual migration?” above, we realized a great deal more eiciency and process improvement than we had anticipated. The migration project was an unexpected opportunity to turn over a lot of rocks and scrutinize how we’d been doing things for a long time. We didn’t speciically set out to make a better Dell, but when the chance arose, we couldn’t pass it up. If you’re migrating more than a handful of users, you need an organizational structure that is segmented into manageable sizes of user groups. CoEs can do that because they understand what their users do with the incumbent product, what they wish they could do with it and what they need in the new one. While IT deploys the application and puts infrastructure in place, the CoE handles the migration at the user level, a task for which IT is not set up. Users with three jobs As described above, many users performed double duty by not only building new models and processes in Statistica, but also maintaining existing models and processes in the legacy product. During the train-the-trainer phase of the formal education process, some users performed triple duty. For train-the-trainer sessions, each business unit identiied a small set of power users who underwent in-depth training. These trained users interacted regularly with Statistica SMEs and, in theory, would be the irst line of reference for general questions within their business or functional areas. In practice, however, we found that the teams still needed support from the Statistica SMEs for three reasons: The migration project was an unexpected opportunity to turn over a lot of rocks and scrutinize how we’d been doing things for a long time. The importance of CoEs IT managed our migration project because software and hardware were involved. IT was responsible for knowing where each team was in the process of relinquishing the old product, but not for knowing status at the user level. Dell has analytics and business intelligence CoEs within inance, professional services, customer support, marketing operations and sales. The IT project managers asked each CoE to make a single migration lead accountable for its population of users. The CoE enabled IT to break the user population down into smaller units and have the organizations that depended on analytics drive the migration. 9 • Some teams were not physically co-located, so the trained users had to help co-workers in other oices or time zones. • When applied to an intricate analytics modeling problem, even a software solution as robust and easy to use as Statistica does not always ofer a simple solution. • The trained users also had to perform their day-to-day tasks while migrating to Statistica. Ultimately, Dell conducted formal classroom training for all users (see the section “How do you train and support the users?” above). Train-the-trainer sessions were a good idea, but we underestimated the amount of efort required for these individuals to learn the new product, act as the primary Statistica point of contact for their team and perform normal analytics tasks while migrating. Learn more Part 1 in this series covers the people component of our Statistica migration. Part 3 describes the technology component of the migration project, from architecture to tooling. Learn more at © 2015 Dell, Inc. All rights reserved | Share: For More Information © 2015 Dell, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This document contains proprietary information protected by copyright. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording for any purpose without the written permission of Dell, Inc. (“Dell”). Dell, Dell Software, the Dell Software logo and products — as identiied in this document — are registered trademarks of Dell, Inc. in the U.S.A. and/or other countries. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are property of their respective owners. PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. 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If you have any questions regarding your potential use of this material, contact: Dell Software 5 Polaris Way Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 Refer to our Web site for regional and international oice information. Ebook-TheGreatAnalyticsMigration-Part2-US-GM-26622 10 © 2015 Dell, Inc. All rights reserved | Share: