February 2015 - Germania of Poughkeepsie
February 2015 - Germania of Poughkeepsie
In Verbindung Germania Almrausch Schuhplattler Verein 37 Old DeGarmo Road, Poughkeepsie, New York 12603 AlmrauschSecretary@germaniapok.com Editor: Karen L. Rose / krose@GermaniaPok.com Vol. 14, No. 1, February 2015 ANNIVERSARY EDITION Dear Almrausch and Friends, Are we having winter fun yet?? We all may have to switch our Schuhplatteln activity to another "s" activity - snowshoeing, skiing, sledding! Fortunately, we rehearse and meet on Fridays rather than Mondays. I cannot recall when the schools in our area have been opened on a Monday. We seem to be in a Monday snow cycle. Members of the Almrausch participated in our annual Heritage Day at the Galleria Mall on Valentine's Day where we promoted our dance group and hopefully attracted interest in our group and our mother club Germania. I'm sure everyone enjoyed the fresh Apfel Strudel from the bake sale, and the Kinder performance. On February 20th we volunteered as kitchen and wait staff for Germania's Biergarten. Willkommen! Germania Almrausch welcomes its newest associate members: Arthur Kascsak and Stacy & Stephen Molison! Arthur's grandkids Julianna and Lydia, and Stacy and Steve's kids Olivia, Isabelle, Jackson and Jacob dance with the Germania Almrausch Kindergruppe! INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Bericht von der Vorplattler, P 2 Kinder Talk, P 3 Our club's history, P 4-8 Quotes and Gaufest News, P 9 Germania Almrausch news, P 10 Personal Tidbits, P 12 History of the Schuhplattler - part 3, P 13 45th Stiftungsfest details, P 15-18 Calendar, P 19 Pictures throughout! Plans are moving forward for our 45th Stiftstungfest on May 30th and we hope to see many of you there. Really, the snow should be melted by then! Christine Pattantyús, Vorstand Please consider an ad for our commemorative program book (see pages 17 & 18 for details and order form). Alles gute zum 45. Jubiläum * 30. Mai 2015 Bericht von der Vorplattler Februar 2015 I want to Thank our dancing Members and Kindergruppe and all of the families that supported the Club throughout the 2014 Season. Your commitment and participation was and is greatly appreciated! What a busy year 2014 was! From all of the various engagements throughout the year to participating in the actual Oktoberfest in Germany, the Almrausch were present and in force. Already in the New Year, the Almrausch have hosted and participated in several Germania Events. It certainly looks like 2015 will be just as busy and engaging as 2014! In just a few months, we get to celebrate our 45th Stiftungsfest! It’s truly something special and like all Birthdays, something to look forward too. I know our Chairman, Gert-jan has been hard at work making sure this year’s celebration on Saturday May 30th, will be nothing less than successful and fun! Then in July, Germania Almrausch will attend and participate in this year’s Gaufest. This too will be a celebratory event, as the Gauverband Nordamerika holds its 25th Bi-annual Gaufest in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. This year, Sabine Doedée (Kinder-Gruppe member) will compete for the first time in the Jugendeinzel Preisplattln for her age group. She will have at least 11 other Almrausch members there to support and cheer her on. Go team Almrausch!!! Finally, I would like to congratulate all of the 2015-16 elected Officers and acknowledge all of the hard work put in by the 2013-2014 outgoing Officers. Much success to Horst Schaffner in his new role as 2. Vorstand and to Marijo Weinzierl as Trachtenmutter and Vortänzerin. We wish them well in their new roles. A special thanks to Gábor and Evelyn, whose efforts and accomplishments were/are greatly appreciated. I look forward to another great year for Germania Almrausch! Mit freundlichen Grüßen, John Weinzierl, Vorplattler Germania Almrausch S.V. Page 2 of 20 www.GermaniaPok.com Alles gute zum 45. Jubiläum * 30. Mai 2015 Kinder Talk - By David Yearack The first dance rehearsals of the year have been spent reviewing the dances the kids know. At each practice we have had over 20 kids present which is a great number of kids to have to start out the 2015 season. I want to thank each of the kids who sent me cards last year for my surgery, each card and well wish brighten my day and has helped my recovery. On Sunday February 22, 2015, the Kindergruppe will participate in a community service event in support of Kinder member Hazel Mangelsdorf: Girl Scout International Thinking Day at Tymor Park. We are happy to help Hazel earn a badge for this event. Om March 20th at 7pm we will again dance at Netherwood Elementary School's spaghetti dinner. We are looking forward to the upcoming events in May at Germania: the Maifest on May 16th and 17th and our 45th Anniversary dance on May30th, the Kinderfest on June 6th, and then the Oktoberfest season this fall. I also want to thank my co-director Jen who has been managing the Kindergruppe while I am still recovering. I also want to thank the rest of the Almrausch members who are stepping in to help with Kinder rehearsal. Without your help it would not be possible to show the kids the various dances and all parts of the dance. Right: Hazel at last year's Kinderfest! Page 3 of 20 www.GermaniaPok.com Alles gute zum 45. Jubiläum * 30. Mai 2015 GERMANIA ALMRAUSCH S.V. ANNIVERSARY EDITION NEWSLETTER - HISTORY Germania of Poughkeepsie was founded in 1850, then known as Germania Singing Society, and strives to dedicate German song and language to the community and provide a place of gathering for people of European decent. In 1969, after seeing a performance of Schuhplattler dances at a festival, a handful of Germania members formed a group and set forth its purpose to promote and preserve Bavarian folk dance and culture. On January 23, 1970 the first official meeting of “Germania Almrausch” was held under the leadership of Charter President Robert E. Rose Jr., who held that position until June 1974, and Charter Vorplattler Charles Angevine. In fact, the founding members were Robert, Charles, Len Plumb, Ed Berger, Clarence Babe Killmer, Rosina Huettinger Wilkert, Dorrie Rose, and Ingeborg T. Egan (documented in the minutes of the 1st monthly meeting). Charles, who had danced with Edelweiss-Passaic of New Jersey since he was a teenager, was the only member with experience. With the blessing and help of Edelweiss-Passaic, Charles brought sheet music, dances and information about Tracht to the Almrausch and continued to teach the group until he transferred out of the area in 1971. At that time George Hupe was appointed Vorplattler and held this position until January of 1977. He held this position again at various times over the years, as well as other positions during his active membership such as 2. Vorplattler, President and Business Manager. The first recorded election of officers was held on June 23, 1971; Almrausch had 22 members at that time and 16 voting members were present. Annual elections were held in June until 1975 and then Almrausch revised its bylaws calling for annual elections to be held in January. The first time Trachtenmutter became an elected position was January 14, 1976. Trustees were appointed until the election held on January 12, 1977. In 2004, officer terms were changed to two years. Vortänzerin (female dance leader) is historically an appointed officer position, except years 2006-2013 when she was an elected officer. In 2015, the positions of Trustee, Business Manager and Zweite Vorplattler were eliminated in an effort to balance the officer-member ratio. On April 3, 1971, Almrausch held a dance at Germania Hall on 197 Church Street, City of Poughkeepsie, called Gründungsfest to celebrate its first year. There were 292 tickets sold; the Knickerbockers provided the music and the group performed the Kronentanz. After that, the group's annual anniversary dance was held the fourth Saturday of April until the Church Street clubhouse was sold in 1997; now our Stiftungsfest celebration is held bi-annually in the spring. The Kronentanz was the group's traditional Ehrentanz up until and including the 35th Stiftungsfest in 2005, which was held at The Italian Center because Germania's new clubhouse was still under construction. On April 28, 2007, Almrausch held its first Stiftungsfest in its new home at Germania Hall, 37 Old DeGarmo Road, Town of Poughkeepsie. We welcomed our Patenverein Edelweiss-Passaic (Passaic, NJ), our Patenkind Auerhahn SV (Oley, PA), SG Alpenland Montreal (Canada), and Alpenrose SV (Lancaster, PA), and celebrated to the music of The Austrian Boys Band. Together with Germania Singing Society and Germania Blue & White Soccer Club, on June 7, 1987 the Germania Almrausch participated in the City of Poughkeepsie's Tricentennial Parade and celebration of 300 years of People, Pride and Progress. The parade proceeded down Hooker Avenue to the River Front Festival at Bartlett Park, and Almrausch performed. THE MUSIC AND PERFORMANCES The group’s first musician was Fritz Doneit who mastered his accordion with much encouragement from the group. Fritz played for many years for the adults and the children. When he retired his accordion he played piano for the children’s group into the early eighties. Fritz became a member of Germania in 1938, Honorary Member in 1999 and sadly passed away at age 98 in 2001. The group was also fortunate over the years to dance to the accordion music of Joe Eppich (1977-1982) and Steve Mazucca, and the button box music of Adam Levine. Currently the Almrausch adult group currently relies on recorded music. After Fritz, our Kindergruppe danced to the accordion music of Ursula Holl, Esther Odescalchi, Steve Mazucca and currently to the accordion music of dance member Marion Bauer who learned to play from band leader and longtime Almrausch friend Joe Unger. Page 4 of 20 www.GermaniaPok.com Alles gute zum 45. Jubiläum * 30. Mai 2015 GERMANIA ALMRAUSCH S.V. ANNIVERSARY EDITION NEWSLETTER - HISTORY Continued from Page 4 With pride Almrausch had its first performance in its own backyard at the Germania Picnic on July 12, 1970. Its first public appearance was on August 2, 1970 at the Clearwater Sloop Festival on the Hudson’s riverfront in Poughkeepsie. In addition to the ‘plattlers’, Almrausch performed fest dances such as the Muhlradl and the Steire Figuren Tanz. By 1971 membership had grown to 20+ members and on April 3, 1971 the group held its first Stiftungsfest (celebration of our founding year) at Germania Hall, then on Church Street in the City of Poughkeepsie. Our Ehrentanz (honorary dance) was the Kronen Tanz and through the years following it became the club’s anniversary Ehrentanz until active membership fell below six couples. The club has been honored to dance throughout the East Coast. Favorite past times include the Purling festival, Bear Mountain, New Hackensack Bier Fest, Great Escape, Taj Mahal, Bellayre Ski Lodge, Black Forest Mill Restaurant, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church and West Point Officer’s Club. Almrausch currently performs annually at Germania's 3-day Oktoberfest, Hunter Mountain, Yulan Fire Department Oktoberfest in Barryville, Tymor Park in Union Vale, Poughkeepsie Galleria Mall and Germania's Maifest. The group has also donated its time entertaining at hospitals, nursing homes and schools. KINDERGRUPPE The Almrausch members who had children encouraged the children to learn the Schuhplattler dances. By 1971 the Germania Almrausch Kindergruppe had taken its formation under the direction of Gloria Hupe. Gloria first taught the Kindergruppe the Bandltanz, a maypole dance. The original children dancers were Hugo Fueglein Jr., Diane Hupe, Norman Licis, Audrey and Robert Rose, Charlotte Barnum, Joey Huettinger, and Cindy Plumb. By August of 1971 the Kindergruppe consisted of approximately eight couples and Hugo Fueglein Sr. helped Gloria teach. In 1973, their successor Kindergruppe directors were Bob and Dorrie Rose followed by Fred & Elizabeth Wilkins who directed the group at a time in its history when Kindergruppe was broken into a children’s group and a teen (junior) group. Ann Von Knoblauch and Fred Salchli directed the Junior Group until 1977 which is when all the teens moved into the adult group. Members Gábor and Christine Pattantyús, who took leadership of the Kindergruppe from 1978 until 1993, were proud to have the children present the ‘Miner’s Dance’ at the Almrausch 19th Anniversary, a dance that was taught to them by Adam Levine. Gábor also brought the Ambosstanz to the Kindergruppe and taught them the Steire Figurin Tanz. After the Pattantyús’ retired as Directors, Dan Bauer and Pam Capelli took the leadership and in 1994 they took the Kindergruppe to the 1st Mid-Atlantic Kinderfest hosted by Auerhahn SV in Oley, PA. Sadly, membership dwindled and when Pam’s family relocated to Florida in July 1995 the Kindergruppe folded. It was revived in year 2000 under the direction of David and Faith Yearack with their niece and nephew dancing and families Rose, Doedee, Zehner and Zuck. In 2007 Dave attended a workshop hosted by our Patenverein Edelweiss-Passaic and from it brought the Besentanz to the Kindergruppe; at our 37th Stiftungsfest the dance was showcased using broom props donated to us by Edelweiss-Passaic. In 2010 Dave and Faith re-introduced the Bankl Tanz at the urging of their son Erik; the benches for the Kindergruppe were handmade and donated by Hank Parslow. Faith codirected the Kindergruppe through 2012; Jennifer Reichert became co-director in 2013 and Dave continues as its director. At the beginning of 2015, the Kindergruppe had grown to more than 20 kids. They have been teaching the Kindergruppe dances that the adults perform and we look forward to performances we do with both groups on the floor. On June 5, 2010, Almrausch was the host of the 17th annual Mid-Atlantic Kinderfest. Sixteen Verein checked in representing the Germania Kinderchor and Schuhplattler Kindergruppen from New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and Quebec. We held a parade of over 170 children in Tracht to the music of The Austrian Boys Band. The 2010 Kinderfest Committee was Dave & Faith Yearack, Karen Rose and Jennifer Reichert who were later joined by Evelyn Wuytack and George & Gloria Hupe. Karen and Faith introduced the first ever traveling Kinderfest scrapbooks; over 45 pages capturing most of the first 16 years of Kinderfest. The memories of our hosted Kinderfest, and each year since, are now within the pages of those books and passed to the next host each year to be shared by all. Page 5 of 20 www.GermaniaPok.com Alles gute zum 45. Jubiläum * 30. Mai 2015 GERMANIA ALMRAUSCH S.V. ANNIVERSARY EDITION NEWSLETTER - HISTORY Continued from Page 5 Almrausch is proud to have a children’s dance group in addition to its adult group and recognizes it is important to invest in the children as the club’s future. GAU Edelweiss-Passaic accepted to be the group’s Patenverein and sponsor their application to the Gauverband Nordamerika, Bayerisher Schuhplattler und Trachten Vereine. This organization is composed of Bavarian folk dance groups and Trachten vereine throughout the US and Canada. In 1974 Germania Almrausch S.V. was voted into the Gauverband. Since that time, Almrausch has had the honor of sponsoring two clubs joining the Gauverband: The Original Auerhahn Schuhplattler of Miami (at the request of Honorary member Gene Somma who had moved to Florida in 1979) and in 1984, the Auerhahn S.V. of Oley, PA (which celebrated its 25th anniversary in April 2005). Our relationship with Auerhahn of Oley began in the early 1970's before they were even founded when we met George Babilon, then with Edelweiss Reading, at the Barnsville PA festival where he was running a wein stube. The Gauverband was formed as a federation to form bonds and improve communication between Vereine throughout North America, and because dance style varies from one region to another, it also sets the rules and guidelines for Preisplatteln. Preisplatteln (competition dancing) takes place every two years and is hosted by a member Verein. This gathering is called “Gaufest”. Almrausch attended its first Gaufest in Montreal, 1975 and is proud to have been represented at most Gaufests since then. Almrausch participated in Gruppen (group) Preisplatteln in Montreal, 1975; New York City, 1981; New Jersey, 1989 and Buffalo, 1993. At the 7th Gaufest in 1979, hosted by GTEV D'Oberlandler, Los Angeles, California, the Germania Almrausch was presented with the Weitpreis, a silver trophy given to the Verein that had traveled farthest to hold onto until the next Gaufest. In 2013, at the 24th Gaufest, junior member Janneke Doedée represented Almrausch by competing in the Einzelpreisplatteln (one couple competition) 16-34 Age Group - a first for her and the Club! While she and her partner, Phillip Loeschinger from GTEV Schlierachtaler Stamm, did not place, they did do very well for their first time together and for an age group that saw 66 couples compete. In 2015, Kindergruppe member Sabine Doedée plans to participate in both the Mid-Atlantic Jugend Einzelplatteln and the Einzelpreisplatteln at the 25th Gaufest. TRACHT The first dirndl worn by the women was made locally by seamstress Krista Kohlmaier. The dirndls worn over the years after that were made by Almrausch members Inge Egan, Dorry Rose-Mathewson and Margarethe Killmer. In 1974, Almrausch first appeared in Fest Tracht (formal clothing). The club’s Miesbacher Tracht consisted of a deep red wine skirt with black velvet ribbon circling the bottom, a Meider and a white cotton blouse, apron and shawl set with lace inserts. Today the ladies wear a silk shawl and apron with their Fest Tracht. In 1981, the men received its club designed crosspiece for the hosenträger (suspenders). It is embroidered with the Verein’s name and was made by Trachten Pöllmann in Munich, Germany. The hunter green dirndl was made by Ernst Licht and was first worn by the group at the 12th Gaufest in 1989. Almrausch later adopted a black-teal plaid skirt made by a seamstress in Albany and a blue dirndl made in Canada by a woman named Regina. The men purchased and started wearing Bauchgurt (belts) in 2005. Material scraps from our dirndls from three decades were sewn into a quilt by Kathleen Magiera of Cranston, RI (cousin of Almrausch member Karen Rose) and the quilt was raffled off at our 35th Stiftungsfest on May 14, 2005. In 2015, a hunter green shirt and spencer, a black shirt, and multicolored aprons were made for the adult women by Bergland Trachten. As for the history of the Kindergruppe Tracht, the Kindergruppe adopted a black spencer and burgundy Tracht skirts handed down by the adult women around 2002. Since the group continued to grow in size and the girls outnumbered the skirts, in 2005 the girls then wore a green multi-colored skirt with pink hearts, and a mauve colored apron and shawl set, that was made by Page 6 of 20 www.GermaniaPok.com Alles gute zum 45. Jubiläum * 30. Mai 2015 GERMANIA ALMRAUSCH S.V. ANNIVERSARY EDITION NEWSLETTER - HISTORY Continued from Page 6 Anny Mueller of SG Alpenland Montreal; they first wore it at our 35th Stiftungsfest. Singer Helga Razey Nowak later made a new mauve apron and shawl set for the girls. In 2009 the girls adopted a blue dirndl and a multicolored checked apron made by Bergland Trachten in Kansas and wore it for the first time at the 16th Mid-Atlantic Kinderfest. In 2014, the girls adopted the black flowered skirt with yellow aprons using unused material and gently used dirndls the adults wore in the 1980's.; and they found material to continue wearing burgundy skirts to match the adults. Our boys wear lederhosen that we purchase from Ernst Licht Embroidery and Imports and alternate between white shirts and blue checked shirts. THE FLAG (FAHNEN) In 1972, a committee was created to work on getting the group a table flag; its members were Rolf Dammenhayn, George & Gloria Hupe, Bob Rose, Fred Salchli, and Inge Egan. Rudolf Jaeger took drawings, made by the members, to Markt Hohenwart in West Germany where nuns hand embroidered the group’s table flag. It is made of silk and is bordered by 14K gold fringe. It arrived from Germany in 1974. The inscription on the table flag’s backside reads “Treu dem Guten Alten Brauch” (loyal to the good ol’ traditions). The group’s full size parade and display flag is an exact replica of the table flag. It was ordered from Reichardt Flag Shop in Poughkeepsie and made in Pennsylvania. It arrived at the club in 1984 and was shown to family and friends at the 14th Stiftungsfest. The weekend of April 19, 1991 Almrausch celebrated its 21st Anniversary and Fahnenweihe (to devote the flag solemnly to a purpose). April 20, 1991 was officially proclaimed “Fahnenweihe Day” by City of Poughkeepsie Mayor Robert E Bleakley and was also recognized by the County Legislature, State Assembly and State Senate. The service was lead by Rev. Richard LaMorte, Pastor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church and was accompanied by Pastor Henry Wuertz of the First Evangelical Lutheran Church. Almrausch was honored to have the Germania Men & Ladies Singers sing the hymns for the service. Following the flag blessing, Almrausch and its guest Vereine paraded to the Poughkeepsie Main Mall and danced the traditional Massenplattler (dance as a large group) around the Bee Hive. The formal banquet was held at the Civic Center and the group took pride presenting its own version of the Marianna Plattler under the leadership of 1. Vorplattler Joseph Sultana to approximately 500 guests. This memorable weekend gave Almrausch open doors to new friendships and to strengthen old friendships. Almrausch's first Fahnenträger (flag-bearer) was Henry Schmitz (1979-1984). The honor of carrying the club's flag was then held by Mark H Delaney, Steve Wood, Greg Delaney, Mark E Delaney and Gertjan Doedee, and currently Michael Reichert. GOOD TIMES, GOOD FRIENDS… Music, Dance and Gemuetlichkeit! Through the years the Almrausch has come to know and love a great many people within the Gauverband. It was through these lifelong friendships that the 12:01 Club was organized. Members of Germania Almrausch SV, Alpenveilchen, Auerhahn SV and United German Hungarian Schuhplattlers came up with the idea to co-host a Gaufest hospitality room and it was a tremendous success at the 12th Gaufest in 1989 in New Jersey! John Blank, Gary Phlag, Ronnie Row and Robb Rose will never forget the line that formed outside the door waiting to get in, or the bottles of Jägermeister that were consumed! Alpenrose Schuhplattlers later joined the 12:01 Club at Auerhahn’s Annual Picnic; a ceremonial event that was all in good fun. The name of the club comes from not being able to open the doors of your hospitality room to guests until after Midnight, which is when the Gaufest Banquet ends. Cartoonist Marty Qatani designed a special logo: a penguin dressed in Lederhosen pouring a shot of Jägermeister! The logo appeared on post-it stickers and letterhead in 1989 and on embroidered shirts in 1993. Musicians from the participating Vereine would provide a musical jamboree at each party. Unfortunately by the 15th Gaufest it was getting too hard to host the 12:01 Club Hospitality Room due to cost and hotel restrictions, so the 12:01 Club disbanded. Page 7 of 20 www.GermaniaPok.com Alles gute zum 45. Jubiläum * 30. Mai 2015 GERMANIA ALMRAUSCH S.V. ANNIVERSARY EDITION NEWSLETTER - HISTORY Continued from Page 7 Almrausch, a daughter club of Germania of Poughkeepsie, is proud to call Germania Hall home. Several Almrausch members serve on the Germania Board as well as on committees each year. In 1996, Almrausch donated and installed a swing set to Germania which was a welcome addition to the Germania festival grounds. In 2006, Almrausch moved, enlarged and improved the swing set and in 2008 installed a chain link fence for the playground. It takes pride in seeing Germania’s future, the children, playing there. In addition to some monetary donations by the group and its individual members during the construction of the new clubhouse, a group of Almrausch members and friends were instrumental in building the vestibule that serves as the main entrance of the new clubhouse which opened in the summer of 2006. Almrausch members Robert Rose and Mike Reichert also served on the team that was instrumental in building the bar at the new clubhouse under the leadership of Germania member, the late Cal Baker. The group hopes to help as much as it can with future improvements of the Germania clubhouse, pavilion and grounds. It donates annually at Germania's Christmas Party and to its 25-Week Club insurance fund, and as a newsletter advertiser. Germania Almrausch Schuhplattler Verein would like to recognize our members with 25 or more years of membership that are still active: Grete Licis, Christine & Gábor Pattantyús, Robb & Karen Rose and Dave & Faith Yearack. Almrausch continues to look for new members and hopes that many generations to come will join us and continue to bring Bavarian dance into the community, uphold true traditions and promote German social and cultural activities. 1973: Dorrie, Inge & Margarethe 1975 Kindergruppe Page 8 of 20 www.GermaniaPok.com Muhlradl at Germania Picnic July 12, 1970 Circa 1989: Lenny, Grete, George & Gloria Inge Egan Gabor & Chris 1973 Alles gute zum 45. Jubiläum * 30. Mai 2015 "Organs come in all sizes." "Fleep flops." "I wanna know, why do I smell like fish?" "This is between a wife and a husband." "We're not married." "What's wrong with that?" "What's right with it???" "Robb, you've changed. The first time I met you, you were all professional." "We met at Pickles and Chits." "It's a 6-hour drive." "No its not. It's 3 1/2." "You have to drive the speed limit." "I second the emotion." "I can't see it, it's so tiny." [Get your head out of the gutter; talking about name pins here!] Response to our being referred to as the youth of Germania: "The youth group is officially gone." "GJ was voted the Kassier Rippchen." "We're brown nosers." "What are our parents giving us?" "Advice." "There's more beef coming." "Thank God." "He's the conscience of Almrausch." "My God! There're no bartenders!!" "How does it feel to have your friend wear your mother's nightgown?" "He's Gaborable." "Ten....cents." "Double nickels." "We need a prop picture." "Most colorful.... Rachael!" "Ya know Jim, whatever you get you need to share with the Almrausch!" "Since you didn't order pizza, I got some crackers instead." "Tracey, your husband is sooooo talented." "He's guarding the beer with his wife." "I like drunk Jenny better, she goes to the diner. Sober Jenny goes home." GJ to Horst: "We're going to do one Steirer." Reply: "What. You and me??" Germania Almrausch is a member of the Gauverband Nordamerika, an umbrella organization for many of the Schuhplattler Vereine within the United States and Canada. This year marks the Gauverband's 50th Anniversary and their 25th Gaufest (held bi-annually). This will be a very special event for Schuhplattlers nationwide given this milestone. The host club S.V.E.V. D'Oberlandler, located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin expects between 2000 to 2500 Schuhplattlers to attend the 25th Gaufest, including groups from Germany! This year's Gaufest will be held Thursday July 30, 2015 through Sunday August 2, 2015. As with all Gaufeste, dance competition is the highlight of the event. Gruppenpreisplatteln and Jugendeinzelplatteln occur on Saturday August 1st. Our Kindergruppe member Sabine Doedee plans to take part in the Jugendeinzelplatteln (children's single-couple dancing competition) in the youth level 12 to 15 years old. This will be her first time competing at the Gaufest and the Almrausch's second time having a member participate in Jugendeinzelplatteln (Janneke was the first in 2013). Sabine also plans to participate in the Mid-Atlantic Jugendeinzelplatteln in March (held at Enzian Volkstazgruppe in Newark, DE), so this is exciting news for our Verein. So far the Almrausch has 14 members planning to attend this year's Gaufest: Marijo & John Weinzierl, Janneke & Sabine Doedee, Horst Schaffner & Kimberly Brown, Christine & Gábor Pattantyús, Gerhard & Robin Stoetzel, Barbara & Angelo Giaimo, Beverly Orser and Gertjan Doedee. Almrausch members and Kindergruppe families that need more information should contact Marijo Weinzierl as soon as possible, especially since the hotel reservation deadline has passed and we are sending in our official reservations in the next thirty days. Page 9 of 20 www.GermaniaPok.com Alles gute zum 45. Jubiläum * 30. Mai 2015 GERMANIA ALMRAUSCH NEWS Our annual meeting and bi-annual elections were held on Friday January 16, 2015. Congratulations January 2015-December 2016 Executive Board: Christine Pattantyús, 1. Vorstand Horst Schaffner, 2. Vorstand Beverly Orser, Sekretärin Gertjan Doedée, Kassier John Weinzierl, Vorplattler Marijo Weinzierl, Vortänzerin und Trachtenmutter David Yearack and Jennifer Reichert, Jugendvertreter Special thanks for their willingness to serve our Verein for the upcoming two-year term. Additionally, the following non-officer appointments were made and accepted: Michael Reichert, Fahnenträger Karen Rose, Archivarin and Pressewart of In Verbindung Marion Bauer, Kindergruppe Musikerin Gábor Pattantyus, Good & Welfare Thank you to all! We look forward to the next two years under the leadership of these members! We wish to thank the following for their service the past two years: Gábor Pattantyús served us as Vice President and did his part to assist during a time when Vorplattler was a vacant position. Also, he maintained the photo albums as the club's historian for over a decade. Evelyn Wuytack filled the vacancy of Trachtenmutter in 2011 followed by a two year elected term; she got our Kindergruppe girls into the new black flowered skirts with yellow aprons and started the project that is underway to outfit the adult women in new Tracht. Karen Rose served as the group's Vortänzerin (dance leader for the women) putting her focus on breaking down some of the dances and fine tuning the dance performances; there were three new women learning Schuhplattler dancing during her term. Jennifer Reichert served as Trustee since 2008 until the position was eliminated this year. As a Trustee, Jenny could be relied upon to be a voice of the members, join committees, and volunteer, in addition to her duties as Kindergruppe Co-Director which she accepted in 2013 and continues with today. For many years Grete Licis served as the group's Good & Welfare Chairperson and successfully kept the membership informed of health developments with members both past and present, special occasion announcements, sending greeting cards and putting together and delivering gift baskets on behalf of the club. Horst Schaffner no longer holds the title of the group's Business Manager, an eliminated position, but those duties were assumed by our Vice President to which he was elected to this year. We also wish to acknowledge and thank the 45th Stiftungsfest Committee and subcommittees: Chairman: Gertjan Doedee Co-Chair: Beverly Orser and Christine Pattantyús. Program Book: Karen Rose and Kimberly Brown Decorations: Jennifer Reichert, Heather Blatz and Faith Yearack Kitchen and Mother Club Liaisons: Dave Yearack and Michael Reichert Raffle: Marijo Weinzierl and Grete Licis Chef: Gerhard Stoetzel Page 10 of 20 www.GermaniaPok.com Alles gute zum 45. Jubiläum * 30. Mai 2015 1974 Left: 1984 Group Photo Right: 1994 Hunter Mountain Kindergruppe Left 1970's Right 1980's Page 11 of 20 www.GermaniaPok.com Alles gute zum 45. Jubiläum * 30. Mai 2015 MORGAN BLATZ, a sophomore, was selected as a Silver Key Award Winner in the Regional Scholastic Art Awards Competition for an animated video she created in her Computer Graphics class at Arlington High School. She received a certificate and lapel pin during an awards ceremony at SUNY New Paltz on Friday, February 6th. Congratulations! Congratulations to DAVID YEARACK and LISA FAITH YEARACK who were among the honorees at the 165th Germania Membership Dinner celebrating 25-year membership in Germania of Poughkeepsie! Dave and Faith became part of the Germania family when they joined Germania Almrausch Schuhplattler Verein in 1990. Their contributions to the success of the Almrausch are worth reflection. In 1993, both were part of the group's Gau Team and at the 14th Gaufest, in Buffalo, New York, Faith competed in the Gruppen Preisplatteln, and Dave stood ready as an alternate. Even before they had kids of their own, they revived the Kindergruppe in year 2000 with about five couples including their niece and nephew Kimmie and Patrick, and Dave continues to serve as Kindergruppe Director today. Both of their children April and Erik dance with the Kindergruppe. Dave has also held the Almrausch officer positions of VicePresident, President, Treasurer for 11 years, 2nd Vorplattler for 2 years and Vorplattler for 4 years. Faith served as Kindergruppe Co-Director until 2012, and has also held the Almrausch officer positions of Trustee, Secretary for 7 years and Vortänzerin for 3 years. Dave and Faith served on the Committee for our successful hosting of the 17th Mid-Atlantic Kinderfest in 2010 where we had about 170 children at the Germania Festival Grounds representing 16 east coast Verein. Faith worked with Karen Rose on the first traveling Kinderfest Scrapbook (their Jägermeister song writing is not their only talent!). Faith has been a food service volunteer at Germania Hall and at both Maifest and Oktoberfest each year, and has donated her time to the Kinder parties committee since 2007. Dave served on the Germania Gala Committee, as a Trustee for Germania, helped construct the vestibule of the new Germania Hall in 2006, participated in the playground fundraising and renovations, and donates his time to taking down and putting up the flowers that decorate the ceiling greens. Dave is also a food service volunteer and has playfully been called Da Grill Man. He has served on the Festival Committee since 2006. Thank you Dave and Faith for your dedication and continued membership! Herzlichen Glückwunsch und alles Gute zum Geburtstag wünscht dir Christine Pattantyús 3-Feb, Gloria Hupe 6-Feb, Diane Zehner 6-Feb, Marion Bauer 14Mar, Grete Licis 27-Mar, Faith Yearack 13-Apr and Marijo Weinzierl 30-Apr. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Hochzeitstag! Diane & Steve Zehner 4-Dec; Ann-Marie & John Lewis 14-Feb; Pam & Ron Capelli 26-Apr PICTURES NEEDED FOR PROGRAM BOOK: Members and fellow Trachtlers. If you have pictures from our Fahnenweihe in 1991, or anniversary dances 1971-2000, please email to KRose@GermaniaPok.com, or I can scan and return to you. PLEASE LOOK FOR US! Page 12 of 20 www.GermaniaPok.com Alles gute zum 45. Jubiläum * 30. Mai 2015 What’s in a name? The History of the Schuhplattler – part 3 By John Weinzierl The Bavarian homeland is where most of the Schuhplattlers we dance come from. The Free State of Bavaria, or “Freistaat Bayern” is one of 16 federal states or “Länder” that comprise Germany today. With 70,548 square kilometers, Bavaria makes up almost a fifth of the total land area of Germany, making it Germany’s largest state. Bavaria’s 12.5 million inhabitants live within 7 administrative districts or “Regierungsbezirke”. Within each administrative district are smaller districts known as “Bezirke”. And within each of these are “Landkreise” (rural districts) and “Kreisfreie Stadt (local cities). Bavaria’s largest city, Munich, with 1.5 million citizens is also its capital and lies within the administrative district of “Oberbayern” or Upper Bavaria. Many of the “Plattlers” we dance and “Tracht” we wear originate from the Oberbayern district. To be continued… The Kronentanz at our 35th Stiftungsfest on May 14, 2005 at The Italian Center Page 13 of 20 www.GermaniaPok.com Alles gute zum 45. Jubiläum * 30. Mai 2015 LOOKING BACK AT GAUFEST Germania Almrausch Gau Teams 12. Gaufest 1989 hosted jointly by Bayern Verein Newark (Union, NJ) and EdelweissPassaic SV (Fairfield, NJ) and 14. Gaufest 1993 hosted by S.G.T.V. Edelweiss (Buffalo, NY) Germania Almrausch at the 18. Gaufest 2001 hosted by Die Gemuetlichen Enzianer (Franklin Square, NY) at the Nevele Resort in the Catskill Mountains and 19. Gaufest 2003 hosted by United German Hungarians (Oakford, PA) at Hershey Park Horst, Marijo and John at the 22. Gaufest 2009 hosted by Toledo Holzhacker Buam (Toledo, OH); John, Marijo, Janneke and Sabine at the 23. Gaufest 2011 hosted by S.T.V. Maiglöckchen (Daytona Beach, FL); and Janneke Doedee and Janneke and her partner, Phillip Loeschinger from GTEV Schlierachtaler Stamm competing in the Einzelpreisplatteln at the 24. Gaufest 2013 hosted by STV Bavaria (Cleveland, OH) at the Kalahari Resort Page 14 of 20 www.GermaniaPok.com GERMANIA ALMRAUSCH SCHUHPLATTLER VEREIN 45TH STIFTUNGSFEST * MAY 30, 2015 Herzlich Willkommen! Everyone is sincerely welcome to join us! We are Celebrating 45 years of promoting and fostering an interest in Bavarian folk dancing and other expressions of the German culture! DOORS OPEN 6:30PM; DINNER SERVED 7:00PM Das Abendessen (Dinner) Kassler Rippchen mit Kartoffelpüree und Sauerkraut (Smoked Pork with mashed potatoes and sauerkraut) Dessert mit Kaffee oder Tee (Dessert with Coffee or Tea) Unterhaltung (Entertainment) Music by Bernie’s Orchestra Schuhplattler dance performances throughout the evening by Germania Almrausch und Kindergruppe and guest Schuhplattler Verein This is a sellout event! Non-Plattler Tickets $30.00 $10/$15 for Children age 5-12 Schuhplattler Verein Tickets $20 Kinder $10/$15 (Beer, Wine & Soda for Trachtlers) Pre-paid Reservations due by April 30, 2015 Contact Beverly Orser at 914-456-0237 almrauschsecretary@germaniapok.com Checks payable to “Germania Almrausch, SV” should be mailed to Beverly Orser, c/o Stiftungsfest 11 Straub Drive, Pleasant Valley, NY 12569, or can be mailed to: Germania of Poughkeepsie Stiftungsfest 37 Old DeGarmo Rd., Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 Hawthorn Suites by Wyndham in Fishkill, NY is pleased to offer a Group Rate for: GERMANIA ALMRAUSCH ~ 45th Stiftungsfest ~ May 30, 2015 for 20 rooms, one night Queen Suite with Queen bed (sleeps 4), Sofa bed, Fully-equipped kitchen … $119.00 Double Double Suite (sleeps 6), Fully-equipped kitchen, Sofa bed … $119.00 Penthouse Queen- Loft bed, Murphy bed (sleeps 6), Full kitchen, 2 baths … $129.00 Room Reservations will be made individually and guaranteed by individual credit cards. This Group Block will have a Cut-off Date of 3 Weeks in advance of the group reservation date. Room Availability and the Group Rates cannot be guaranteed for reservations made past the Cut-off Date. Room type and location cannot be guaranteed but every effort will be made to fulfill requests. Guests should identify reservations as part of the “GERMANIA ALMRAUSCH” when calling the hotel. Check-in time for guests is 3PM - Check-out time is 12:00 noon - Room Cancellations are allowed until 3PM. Please be courteous to other guests. Quiet time begins at 10PM. Additional nights before or after the date will be at the same rates, depending on room availability. All Room Rates must include local taxes, unless a NY State Tax Exempt Certificate is on file. This Group Rate will apply to only this specific Group Block and Dates as described above. To Make a Reservation Call the Front Desk – (845) 896-5210 Note you must still call to make your reservations. Additional Hotels and Motels in the Poughkeepsie Area Poughkeepsie Courtyard by Marriot 2641 South Road (Route 9 South), Poughkeepsie / 845-485-6336 Best Western Plus – The Inn & Suites at the Falls 50 Red Oaks Mill Rd., Poughkeepsie, NY / 800-568-8520 Holiday Inn Express Poughkeepsie 2750 South Road (Route 9 North), Poughkeepsie / 845 473-1151 Residence Inn Poughkeepsie 2525 South Rd. (US Route 9), Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 / 845-463-4343 Hampton Inn and Suites Poughkeepsie 2361 South Road, US Route 9, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 / 855-271-3622 Poughkeepsie Grand Hotel 40 Civic Center Plaza, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 (next to Mid-Hudson Civic Center) / (845) 485-5300 Germania Almrausch Schuhplattler Verein 45. Stiftungsfest / Saturday, May 30, 2015 Germania Hall, Poughkeepsie, New York Commemorative Program Book Boosters $2 / per name (Please Print) Amount Due: __ # names @ $2 each = $ _____________ Deadline: April 15, 2015 Email booster list to KRose@GermaniaPok.com Subject: Program Book Boosters See Page 2 for ad prices and payment instructions Page 1 of 2 Germania Almrausch Schuhplattler Verein 45. Stiftungsfest / Saturday, May 30, 2015 Germania Hall, Poughkeepsie, New York Commemorative Program Book Advertisements / Personal Greetings (Black & White) Full Page (approx. 4" x 7") Half Page (approx. 4" x 3") 1/4 Page (approx. 2" x 3") $40 $20 $10 Deadline: April 15, 2015 MS Word, Rich Text, or Power Point formats only. Ads can contain pictures, graphics, clip art. Email ad to KRose@GermaniaPok.com (Subject: Program Book ad) Payment Deadline: April 15, 2015 Name: _____________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________ Phone: __________________ Email: _________________________________ Ad(s): __ @ $40 __ @ $20 Booster total = $ ______ __ @ $10 = $ ______ Total enclosed: $ ______ Checks payable to Germania Almrausch Mail check and this form to: 45. Stiftungsfest Program Book Karen Rose 93 E Cedar Street Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Questions: (845)471-7442 or KRose@GermaniaPok.com Thank you for your support! Page 2 of 2 Alles gute zum 45. Jubiläum * 30. Mai 2015 GERMANIA ALMRAUSCH CALENDAR AS OF 2/1/2015 - DATES AND TIMES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE ALMRAUSCH REHEARSALS: KINDER 7:30PM ADULTS 8:30PM * There may be a delay in rehearsal start time on dinner nights depending on hall layout, dinner attendance and time last meal is ordered Feb 20 Feb 27 Feb 28 Mar 06 Mar 07 Mar 13 Mar 13 Mar 14 Mar 14 Mar 17 Mar 20 Mar 20 Mar 21 Mar 27 Mar 28 Mar 28 Mar 28 Apr 10 Apr 10 Apr 18 Apr 18 Apr 21 Apr 24 Apr 25 May 01 May 01 May 03 May 08 May 16-17 May 19 May 22 May 29 May 30 Jun 05 Jun 06 Jun 12 Jun 19 Jun 20 Jun 26 Jul 30-Aug 2 Oct 25 Germania Biergarten 6:30pm, Music by Joe Unger (Almrausch volunteers) Friday Dinner (Rouladen) 5:30pm followed by Almrausch Rehearsal Edelweiss-Passaic Strauss Ball Almrausch Rehearsal Mid-Atlantic Jugend Einzel (Enzian Volkstanzgruppe, DE) Germania Biergarten 6:30pm, Music by Joe Unger Almrausch Membership Bylaws Meeting 7:45pm (Faith & Dave's House) Lancaster Liederkranz Bock Bier Fest Almrausch Group Photo (adults and Kindergruppe) 10:00am at Germania Hall Germania Membership Meeting 7:30pm Kindergruppe performance at HPCSD Netherwood Elementary School at 7pm (arrive 6:45) Almrausch Rehearsal (adults only) Germania St. Patrick's Day Party (Mac Cana)(Reserve early!) Friday Dinner (Sauerbraten) 5:30pm followed by Almrausch Rehearsal UGH Gala Anniversary Banquet (black tie) Edelweiss-Passaic (NJ) Irish Bayerisch Nite Bayern Verein Newark's 85th Stiftungsfest (NJ) Germania Biergarten 6:30pm, Music by Joe Unger Almrausch Membership Meeting 7:45pm (Marion's House) Germania Frühlings Gala (Spring Formal) Gemuetlichen Enzianer's Stiftungsfest on Long Island Germania Membership Meeting 7:30pm Friday Dinner (Rouladen) 5:30pm followed by Almrausch Rehearsal GTV Almrausch 90th Stiftungsfest (Philadelphia) Germania Biergarten 6:30pm, Music by Joe Unger Almrausch Membership Meeting 7:45pm (Heather & Kevin's House) Bavarian Club Edelweiss 82nd Stiftungsfest Almrausch Rehearsal GERMANIA MAIFEST Germania Membership Meeting 7:30pm Almrausch Rehearsal Almrausch Rehearsal and Hall setup for Anniversary Germania Almrausch SV 45th Stiftungsfest (Bernie's Orchestra) Friday Dinner (Pork Schnitzel) 5:30pm Mid-Atlantic Kinderfest (UGH, PA) followed by UGH Sommerfest Almrausch Membership Bylaws Meeting 7:45pm (Karen & Robb's House) Almrausch Rehearsal Germania Annual Meeting & Election 7:30pm Friday Dinner (Sauerbraten) 5:30pm followed by Almrausch Rehearsal 25th Gaufest (Milwaukee, WI) hosted by S.V.E.V. D’Oberlandler Edelweiss-Passaic Oktoberfest 2017 Jun 29-Jul 2 26th Gaufest (Buffalo, NY) hosted by SGTV Edelweiss Please contact us if you would like to add your event to our calendar! Page 19 of 20 www.GermaniaPok.com Alles gute zum 45. Jubiläum * 30. Mai 2015 pict 20 of 20 Page www.GermaniaPok.com
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