Supercoat™ MAXRaft Foundation System (MFS)


Supercoat™ MAXRaft Foundation System (MFS)
Advanced Coating Systems for Future Living
MAXRaft Foundation System (MFS)
Waterproofing System Technical Specification
Copyright © CFG Coatings Limited 2013
Without limiting the rights of the copyright above, no part of this publication shall be reproduced (whether in the same or a different
dimension), stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical,
or otherwise),
© CFG Coatings
2013 the prior permission of the copyright owner.
1.0 Coating Products Overview
Appendix B
Handling and Storage
Product and Material Warranty
Working Temperatures
Applicator Producer Statement
1.1 Products for Waterproofing
Supercoat™ MFS Surface Sealer Technical
Supercoat™ MFS Membrane
Supercoat™ MFS Texture
Supercoat™ MFS Membrane Technical Data Sheet
Supercoat™ Tanking Mesh
Supercoat™ MFS Texture Technical Data Sheet
Waterproof vs Water Resistant
Supercoat™ Elastoshied Technical Data Sheet
Holdfast™ FIXALL 220LM MS Technical Data Sheet
Technical Support17
1.2 Supercoat™ Protective Coating Systems
Supercoat™ Elastoshield
2.0 MAXRaft Foundation System - Application
3.0 Required Equipment6
Data Sheet
Appendix A
Health and Safety17
Light Reflectance Value (LRV)
Colour Variations Between Batches & Tints
• Moisture can be retained in the substrate during the application and installation process, especially during wet winter
months. It is important that applicators ensure that they allow adequate time for the substrate to completely dry out before
applying any subsequent Acrylic products.
• Follow Technical Data Sheets located in the back of this Technical Specification
• It is important that the Owner should not rub or clean the Supercoat™ MFS System with any material for the periods
stated below to ensure full cure has taken place;
* 18 months after coating for the Supercoat™ Protective Coating System products listed in this Technical Specification.
12 months after this period, the owner can then proceed to care for the external surfaces of their Supercoat™ MFS
System in the following manner. The owner shall wash the exposed Supercoat™ MFS Texture Surface annually to keep
the coating clean. Use water at a low pressure and a soft brush to remove any dirt or dust. Do not use high pressure
hoses or water blasters to rinse off. If fungus, oil, fuel soot, or other stubborn grime cannot be cleaned with water alone,
use Supercoat™ Mould, Moss and Grime Cleaner, available from MAXRaft. Instructions for dilution rates and application is
located on the container. This process removes any dirt or other build up that has gathered on the textured coatings.
Copyright © CFG Coatings Limited 2013
1.0Coating Products Overview
Working Temperatures
This manual covers the technical aspect of coating
over the MAXRaft Foundation System (MFS) and
should always be read in conjunction with the relevant
Supercoat™ TDS sheets and technical literature for the
product to be coated.
The acrylic products are supplied in pails ready to apply
in accordance with the current technical literature. The
minimum operating air temperature for exterior coating
is 10˚C ensuring that the temperature does not drop
below this during the entire curing process. Internal
application minimum operating air temperature is 5˚C
ensuring the temperature does not drop below this
during the entire curing process, maximum operating
temperature is 20˚C
The Supercoat™ range of products have been designed
to compliment the most commonly used building
substrates. In new buildings, additions and retro fitting
of existing buildings there are a variety of materials used.
This manual covers the use of the products detailed in
the Supercoat™ MFS System over Expanded Polystyrene
(EPS) and Extruded Polystyrene (XPS).
Handling and Storage
All products must be stored in a well ventilated area,
kept dry, out of direct sunlight, away from freezing
conditions and up off concrete floors. The acrylic
products, in the original unopened containers, have
a shelf life of 2 years from date of manufacture, or 12
months once opened.
If after the first opening the lid is replaced tightly on the
acrylic products, the container can be stored upside
down, thus sealing the lid and therefore maximising the
shelf life.
Keep containers closed at all times when not in use. Avoid
contact with eyes, skin or clothing. Avoid breathing vapour.
Clean any overspill and splatters thoroughly from surfaces,
skin and clothing after use.
Showing Supercoat™ MFS Membrane under
the Timber bottom plate and the exposed
front face of the Supercoat™ MFS Texture
Detail 2.1 - Supercoat™ MAXRaft Foundation System (MFS)
Cladding System over drained and
ventilated cavity
Bottom plated hold down bolts. Refer
MAXRaft documentation
Refer ‘MAXRaft’ documents for all concrete
slab & foundation reinforcing
Foundation Formwork
Copyright © CFG Coatings Limited 2013
Polythene DPC over
blinding layer
225mm Min - Unpaved
150mm Min - Paved
175mm Min
Apply 1 coat of Supercoat™ Surface Sealer
Apply 3 coats of mesh reinforced Supercoat™
MFS Membrane under bottom plate, down face
of EPS foundation & over DPC on blinding layer.
Apply 1 coat of Supercoat™ MFS Texture to the
exposed face of the foundation and over DPC
Bead of Holdfast FIX ALL
220 LM MS
200mm Wide gravel
filled channel
SMFS 2013
1.1 Supercoat™ MAXRaft
Foundation System (MFS)
Product Overview
Waterproof vs Water Resistant
The distinction between a waterproof coating and a water
resistant coating is an important one.
Supercoat™ Acrylic Paints and Textures are water resistant
in the sense that they will not allow water as a liquid, to pass
through them. Under normal atmospheric conditions the
microscopic pores of the water resistant Acrylic coating
are too small to allow liquid water to pass through them,
provided always, they have been applied to an area where a
sufficient fall provides adequate run off to avoid water pooling.
Water resistant coatings will however, allow water vapour
to pass through these pores when in a gaseous state. This
enables internal moisture vapour, such as steam from cooking
or washing and vapour from breathing etc., to escape the
building, whilst preventing rain from entering. Most wall and
floor surfaces benefit from NOT being waterproof, but simply
being water resistant.
This product is supplied as a dry powder in 25kg bags,
with the Applicator adding the water on site to achieve
the desired consistency. Supercoat™ Multitex is a strong
adhesive based product with an aggregate to provide a key
for the subsequent layers.
It will cover a variety of substrates as listed below and can
be applied over adjacent substrates without modification
to enable a smooth, uniform base coat for the subsequent
texture coatings.
Supercoat™ MFS Membrane
Supercoat™ MFS Membrane is a liquid applied
elastomeric waterproofing membrane for use in sealing
MAXRaft Foundations. This membrane is particularly
useful where substrates are subjected to weather or
dampness. Available as Plain, Keycoat and Texture
(containing aggregate). This product is mesh reinforced.
By contrast, a waterproof coating has no pores to allow
water liquid or vapour to pass. Supercoat™ Tanking
Membrane is fully waterproof and therefore only suitable for
selected wet areas, such as decks, parapet or balustrade
tops, upper surfaces of sills, bathrooms, laundries or kitchen
surfaces. Elsewhere, it is critical that only water resistant
breathable coatings are used to avoid the problems caused
by a build up of internal moisture.
Supercoat™ MFS Texture
Supercoat™ MFS Texture is an elastomeric textured
waterproofing membrane for use in the MAXRaft
Foundation System (MFS). The Supercoat™ MFS Texture
is Hopper applied using a standard Hopper gun with an
8mm tip applied at very low pressure. The Supercoat™
MFS Texture is the final coat applied over the Supercoat™
MFS Membrane to the exposed MAXRaft Foundation.
1.2 Supercoat™ Protective
Coating Systems
Supercoat™ Elastoshield
A specially formulated, breathable, elastomeric coating with
strong adhesion characteristics for use on most building
envelopes. A high viscosity, pure acrylic, incorporating fillers,
extenders and fungicides for increased durability. Designed
for great adhesion and corrosion resistance with a strong
elastomeric membrane providing maximum weather durability
under extreme conditions. For coating suitable external
surfaces requiring an elastomeric membrane topcoat with
excellent micro fissure crack spanning capabilities.
Supercoat™ Tanking Mesh
This is a fine 62gsm polymer mesh made from 40
denier polyester with a 62/65 mesh construction
that the applicator embeds into the first Supercoat™
Tanking Membrane layer and completely conceals with
the second and third coat. The Supercoat™ Tanking
Mesh reinforces the coating system and provides
greater resistance to movement. Its embedment and
concealment ensures the correct system thickness of
Supercoat™ Tanking Membrane is applied. Supercoat™
Tanking Mesh is available in 400, 800, 1200 & 1500mm
wide by 50m rolls. Custom sizes within this range can
also be obtained by special order.
Surface Sealer
Supercoat™ Surface Sealer is a fast drying, low viscosity,
high penetration sealer used in the MAXRaft Foundation
System (MFS) to seal the Expanded Polystyrene (EPS)
or Extruded Polystyrene (XPS) prior to application of the
Supercoat™ MFS Membrane.
SMFS 2013
Installation of the MAXRaft Foundation
System (MFS)
Copyright © CFG Coatings Limited 2013
2.0MAXRaft Foundation System (MFS)
Supercoat™ MFS System Summary
Layer 4 - Supercoat™ Tanking Mesh
The Supercoat™ Tanking Mesh is designed to structually
reinforce the Supercoat™ MFS System. The Supercoat™
Tanking Mesh must be embedded into the first coat of the
Supercoat™ MFS Membrane whilst it is still tacky. Ensure
that there are no creases or folds in the Supercoat™ Tanking
Mesh. It is critical that the Supercoat™ Tanking Mesh has
been firmly pressed into the corner junction point where the
EPS/XPS meets the Polythene DPC over the Holdfast FIXALL
220LM MS. If the Supercoat™ Tanking Mesh should ever
need to be joined, ensure that there is a 50mm mesh overlap.
Layer 1 - Apply 1 coat of Supercoat™ MFS Surface Sealer
Layer 2 - Apply a Bead of Holdfast FIXALL 220LM MS Sealant
Layer 3 - Apply 1 coat of Supercoat™ MFS Membrane Layer 4 - Insert Supercoat™ Tanking Mesh into Layer 3
Layer 5 - Apply 1 coat of Supercoat™ MFS Membrane
Layer 6 - Apply 1 coat of Supercoat™ MFS Membrane
Layer 7 - Apply 1 coat of Supercoat™ MFS Texture
Supercoat MFS System Application Details
Ensure that the Polythene DPC and EPS/XPS is thoroughly
cleaned and dry prior to application. Do not use any abrasive
cleaning chemicals that are not compatible with EPS/
XPS or Polythene DPC, please refer to the manufacturer’s
specifications for these products to ensure that the correct
cleaning products are used.
Layer 5 - Supercoat™ MFS Membrane
Next, apply 1 coat of Supercoat™ MFS Membrane at
an approximate spread rate of 2.25m2/L, with a wet film
thickness of 500 microns. The second coat of Supercoat™
MFS Membrane is applied by roller or brush strokes
perpendicular to the strokes used in Layer 3. As shown in
Detail 2.1 on Page 3, this is applied under the bottom plate,
down the face of MAXRaft EPS/XPS Foundation and over
the Polythene DPC on the blinding layer (ensure that the
Polythene DPC has been trimmed back prior to application so
that it only protrudes 75mm past the EPS/XPS Foundation).
Please reference Detail 2.1 on Page 3 in conjunction with the
below application instructions.
NOTE: For minimum cure times between coats, please
reference the Supercoat™ MAXRaft Foundation System (MFS)
Technical Data Sheets located at the back of this manual.
Layer 1 - Supercoat™ MFS Surface Sealer
Apply one coat of the Supercoat™ MFS Surface Sealer at an
approximate spread rate of 6m2/L, with a wet film thickness of
150 microns. As shown in Detail 2.1 on Page 3, this is applied
under the bottom plate and over the front face of the MAXRaft
EPS/XPS Foundation down to where the EPS/XPS meets the
Polythene DPC layer. Ensure that the Supercoat™ MFS Surface
Sealer is not applied over the Polythene DPC. After application,
allow a minimum of 2 hours at 20°C before the product can be
overcoated with the 1st coat of Supercoat™ MFS Membrane.
Layer 6 - Supercoat™ MFS Membrane
Next, apply 1 coat of Supercoat™ MFS Membrane at
an approximate spread rate of 2.25m2/L, with a wet film
thickness of 500 microns. The third coat of Supercoat™ MFS
Membrane is applied by roller or brush strokes perpendicular
to the strokes used in Layer 5. As shown in Detail 2.1 on Page
3, this is applied under the bottom plate, down the face of
MAXRaft EPS/XPS Foundation and over the Polythene DPC
on the blinding layer (ensure that the Polythene DPC has been
trimmed back prior to application so that it only protrudes
75mm past the EPS/XPS Foundation).
Layer 2 - Holdfast FIXALL 220LM MS Sealant
Apply a 5 x 5mm bead of Holdfast FIX ALL 220LM MS at
the junction point where the MAXRaft EPS/XPS Foundation
meets the Polythene DPC as shown in Detail 2.1 on Page
3. Keeping your small tool wet at all times to ensure that
it glides smoothly across the sealant bead, rub along the
bead of Holdfast FIXALL 220LM MS Sealant to create a 45°
waterproof seal at this junction point. This also acts as a
backing for the Supercoat™ MFS Membrane to be applied
over, ensuring that a waterproof seal is achieved.
Layer 7 - MFS Texture
Using a standard Hopper Gun on very low pressure with
an 8mm tip, apply the Supercoat™ MFS Texture at an
approximate spread rate of 0.9m2/L with a wet film thickness
of 1000-1500 microns. As shown in Detail 2.1 on Page 3, this
is applied down the face of MAXRaft EPS/XPS Foundation
and over the Polythene DPC on the blinding layer. Ensure that
a thorough coat is applied to the Polythene DPC as this helps
to protect the Supercoat™ MFS Membrane System once the
200mm wide gravel filled channel has been filled.
Layer 3 - Supercoat™ MFS Membrane
Next, apply 1 coat of Supercoat™ MFS Membrane at an
approximate spread rate of 2.25m2/L, with a wet film thickness
of 500 microns. The first coat of Supercoat™ MFS Membrane
is applied by roller or brush strokes moving in one direction. As
shown in Detail 2.1 on Page 3, this is applied under the bottom
plate, down the face of MAXRaft EPS/XPS Foundation and
over the Polythene DPC on the blinding layer (ensure that the
Polythene DPC has been trimmed back prior to application so
that it only protrudes 75mm past the EPS/XPS Foundation).
Copyright © CFG Coatings Limited 2013
MAXRaft Foundation System Texture
SMFS 2013
3.0Required Equipment
The following equipment is to be used when applying the Supercoat™ MAXRaft Foundation System (MFS).
Hopper Spray Gun
8mm Fluid Nozzle
Capacity 5250mL.
16mm NAP Roller Sleeve
SMFS 2013
Air Compressor
7 cfm at 25psi.
Wagner Airless Sprayer
1.9L/minute (minimum)
30ft. hose
517 Size Tip
Small Tool
Used to smooth out bead of
Holdfast FIXALL 220LM MS
Used to apply Supercoat™
MFS Membrane in hard to
reach areas
Copyright © CFG Coatings Limited 2013
Appendix A
Light Reflectance Values (LRV)
What is LRV?
Most Building Material Appraisals for claddings and exterior
products state that paint colours must have an LRV higher
than 40%. Colours darker than this are assessed as
Alternative Solutions to the NZ Building Code and require
consent from the relevant Building Control Authority.
The light reflectance value (LRV) of a colour can be measured
by a spectrophotometer. This device can measure how much
of the visible spectrum of light is reflected by a particular colour.
The LRV is measured in a range from 0 - 100% LRV. Pure black
gives a 0% reading and pure white gives a 100% reading. Light
that is not reflected by the colour is absorbed into the paint. The
energy produced by the light absorbed into the paint is ultimately
converted into heat, so the lower the LRV the more heat energy
that is produced by the surface coating of a building.
LRV’s and Building Control Authorities
In certain visually sensitive environments, there are town planning
requirements which dictate that darker colours (below 40% LRV)
must be used, even though this may be beyond the limits of
what is required for compliance with the N.Z.B.C. Supercoat™
recommends that when selecting a colour you consult your local
Building Control Authority about any restrictions that they may
have on the LRV and the suitability of colours below 40% LRV.
LRV Scale
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
The LRV can be affected by the finished surface of the
coating, for example a jet black gloss finish paint will achieve
some reflective values working in a similar way to that of a
mirror, where flat/matte and textured paints do not have these
properties and therefore will only reflect in a radiated manner.
Colours in the LRV Range 40% down to 25%
Use of colours in this range are considered an Alternative
Solution to the Building Code and as such, requires consent
from your Building Control Authority. The Supercoat™ 8
year warranty still applies to this range of LRV, as long as the
B.C.A. approval is given.
LRV Sensitive Substrates
Higher LRV’s are often specified for substrates that are either
sensitive to heat, or where thermal expansion and contraction
would have a negative impact on the buildings ability to function
and remain weather tight. Heat energy build up can increase
the risk of the cracking at joints in monolithic wall claddings,
especially where timber framing is the supporting structure.
Colours in the LRV Range 25% down to 0%
If a colour that has an LRV of less than 25% is selected, the
building owner will be required to sign a Colour Waiver Form. This
form identifies the colour selected for the property as having an
LRV under 25%. This waiver removes any rights to claim, under
warranty for any future damage to coating or building, caused by
excessive heat transmitted by the dark colour.
When sampling paint colours, paying attention to Light
Reflectance Values as you try different hues, tints, tones and
shades creates benchmarks that can assist you in arriving at
colour selections quickly and efficiently.
Traditional Waffle Slab
MAXRaft© Slab
Thermal bridge free construction is essential
for perimeter foundations to ensure there is no
condensation risk and optimal thermal comfort.
A conventional waffle slab floor has many thermal
bridges especially around the perimeter.
MAXRaft© offers a continuous layer of perimeter
insulation. This has a dramatic effect on the surface
temperature at the floor edge. Our iso-thermal
analysis makes it easy to see the difference in
surface temperature.
Copyright © CFG Coatings Limited 2013
SMFS 2013
Colour Variations between
Batches & Tints
What can be done to minimise the impact of colour
1) Use a single batch for a job or an isolated area. i.e. a
paint product that has been tinted from the same tinting
machine at the same time.
As in good trade practice, all pails of tinted paint
should be boxed together prior to use (without
exception). This ensures consistency of colour is
achieved over the entire job.
2) Do not use paint from different batches on the same
surface or surfaces close together. If possible, purchase
paint for the whole job at one time.
3) Industry trade practice requires that if you have
mixed batches of coloured paint then they must
always be ‘boxed’ together. i.e. mixing all the
paints in a large container will always ensure colour
CFG Coatings Ltd produces only the highest quality paints
for professionals using the highest quality raw materials; this
is backed up with quality support. As part of this service,
we offer advice to our Networks of Distributors and system
providers about colour to help them achieve the best results
time after time.
4) Check the colour of all buckets in each batch before you
use it.
The human eye can differentiate between approximately
10 million colours, the way in which light hits a
building can alter that perceived colour, in some cases
substantially. However, although paint manufacturers have
been making and using colours for many, many years,
there are fundamental issues around colour matching that
still arise.
5) Ask the Client or Project Manager to agree that the
colour (and quality of the paintwork) is in line with the
specification by signing off a small test area at the
beginning of the project. This will avoid costly recoating
every time.
6) The appearance of a colour always depends on the
type of lighting. Therefore be sure that the Client or
Project Manager checks the colour in suitable lighting
conditions. The Client or Project Manager may not ask
for this so painting contractors need to be proactive in
requesting this check.
Industry standard paint technology is still plagued with many
variables and whilst these variables may be very small, they
can still be quite significant at times.
Why are variables experienced?
7) ‘Touching up’ should only be attempted using paint
from the original job using the same application
methods. Therefore, paint should be reserved
specially for this purpose. It is recommended that
touching up is carried out up to a break in the
wall or surface. With particular colours, usually
deeper shades and higher sheen finishes it may be
necessary to recoat the entire area to avoid noticeable
differences in appearance.
1) Manufactured pigments have always differed from batch
to batch.
2) Tinting machines consistently produce a slightly different
strength of colour each time.
3) Raw materials used in the manufacture of bases vary
every time the product is made.
These are just three reasons why, historically, the paint
industry has always experienced batch to batch variation on
ready mixed and tinted paint based products.
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact CFG
Coatings Ltd for professional advice.
Over the last 20 years the market has moved from ready
mixed to predominately tinted paints. Whilst this gives
our Distributors, system providers and end users greater
advantages, it also introduces the obstacles associated
with colour variation. These colour variations effect a
wide range of industry where colours are used.
SMFS 2013
Copyright © CFG Coatings Limited 2013
Appendix B
Product and Material Warranty
To the purchaser named hereunder;
CFG Coatings Ltd, warrants that the product and materials for the purchaser’s property are guaranteed for a period
of 8 years against peeling, flaking or deterioration due to faulty formulation or manufacture.
Provided always that;
The Supercoat™ product and material has been applied in a tradesman like manner and in full accordance with the Supercoat™
Coating Systems specifications.
The coated substrate is fit for purpose to bear the coating and able to withstand the additional shear forces exerted by
the coating where appropriate, that it is stable, in that it has not sustained any deterioration or damage prior to the system
application and meets all statutory requirements and building code standards.
The purchaser has made payment in full for the Supercoat™ Coating System and its application.
The Supercoat™ Coating Applicator Workmanship Warranty is approved by the Distributor or system provider and has been
signed by the Supercoat™ Coating Applicator on completion of the job.
CFG Coatings Ltd shall not be liable under this warranty for any damages or claims against failure of the Supercoat™ Coating
System caused by;
Cracking, lifting, peeling or flaking of previous coating, hydrostatic pressure, settling or movement of the substrate, corrosion,
ingress of moisture or other contaminants, presence of undetected moisture at the time of application, maltreatment, excessive
wear and tear or any other factors outside the control of the supplier/manufacturer.
Subject to all statutory rights the purchaser may have, CFG Coatings Ltd will not be liable for any incidental or consequential loss
resulting from any defect of the Supercoat™ Coating Systems.
The purchaser shall give written notice of any claims pursuant to the warranty within fourteen (14) days of any defect coming to
the notice of the purchaser. Where a coating is deemed defective CFG Coatings Ltd shall make available all the Supercoat™
coating materials required to reinstate the Coating System free of charge.
This is the full extent of any “warranty” offered and supersedes any and all other, whether expressed, implied or perceived by any
other person and or party.
Supercoat™ Coating System
This building has been coated with the following Supercoat™ Coating System products.
Name of purchaser
Site address where the Supercoat™ Coating System has been applied
Dated this day of 2012
To be Issued and Signed by;
The Manager
CFG Coatings Ltd
Copyright © CFG Coatings Limited 2013
SMFS 2013
Applicator Producer Statement
To the purchaser named hereunder;
I ....................................................…….........………………….........…………………….................…………… (personal name)
of ..............................................……………………………………………….........……………................…………… (company)
hereby known as the Supercoat™ Coating Applicator, warrant that all the Supercoat™ Coatings applied to the
substrate of the purchaser’s building have been applied in a tradesman like manner and in full accordance with
Supercoat™ Coating System specifications. The Supercoat™ Coating System is warranted for a period of 8 years
against peeling, flaking, cracking or deterioration due to faulty workmanship or defective application.
Provided always that;
The coated substrate is fit for purpose to bear the coating and able to withstand the additional shear forces exerted by
the coating where appropriate, that it is stable, in that it has not sustained any deterioration or damage prior to the system
application and meets all statutory requirements and building code standards.
The purchaser has made payment in full for the Supercoat™ Coating System and its application.
The Supercoat™ Coating Applicator shall not be liable under this warranty for any damages or claims against failure of the
Supercoat™ Coating System caused by;
Cracking, lifting, peeling or flaking of previous coating, hydrostatic pressure, settling or movement of the substrate, corrosion,
ingress of moisture or other contaminants, presence of undetected moisture at the time of application, maltreatment, excessive
wear and tear or any other factors outside the control of the supplier/manufacturer.
Subject to all statutory rights the purchaser may have, the Supercoat™ Coatings Applicator will not be liable for any incidental or
consequential loss resulting from any defect of the Supercoat™ Coating System.
The purchaser shall give written notice of any claims pursuant to the warranty within fourteen (14) days of any defect coming to
the notice of the purchaser. Where the coating application is deemed to be defective the Supercoat™ Coatings Applicator shall
make available all the labour and replacement coating materials and sundry items required to reinstate the Supercoat™ Coating
System free of cost to the owner.
This is the full extent of any “warranty” offered and supersedes any and all other, whether expressed, implied or perceived by any
other person and or party.
Supercoat™ Coating System
This building has been coated with the following Supercoat™ Coating System products.
Name of Purchaser
Site address where the Supercoat™ Coatings System has been applied
Dated this day of 2012
Signed by
The Supercoat™ Coating Applicator ____________________________________
SMFS 2013
Copyright © CFG Coatings Limited 2013
em (
Product Description
Supercoat™ Surface Sealer is a fast drying, low viscosity, high penetration sealer used in the MAXRaft
Foundation System (MFS) to seal the Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) or Extruded Polystyrene (XPS) prior to
application of the Supercoat™ MFS Membrane.
Vehicle Type
Touch dry time
Recoat time (minimum)
Wet film thickness
Solids Content
Specific Gravity
Usual number of coats
Thinning & cleaning
Pail type & size
900 - Version 1.0
Milky Light Blue
Styrene Acrylic
Clear Gloss
25 minutes at 20°C
2 hours at 20°C
150 microns
50 - 60 KU
1.03 - 1.4
No added Chromites or Lead
Plastic 4L, 8L & 20L
Please Note
Do not apply at temperatures below 10°C or if it is likely to drop below 10°C during drying/curing time. Softens
at temperatures over 70°C. Safe to use on surfaces that collect drinking water.
CFG Coatings Ltd
PO Box 2398 Dunedin, New Zealand.
Phone (03) 456 4222
The information contained herein is correct to the best of our knowledge. Due to product improvement and supply, these specifications may be
subject to minor changes.
Supercoat Surface SealerTDS091113V1.4
Copyright © CFG Coatings Limited 2013
SMFS 2013
em (
Product Description
Supercoat™ MFS Membrane is a liquid applied elastomeric waterproofing membrane for use in sealing
MAXRaft Foundations. This membrane is particularly useful where substrates are subjected to weather or
dampness. Available as Plain, Keycoat and Texture (containing aggregate). This product is mesh reinforced.
Vehicle Type
Touch dry time
Recoat time (minimum)
3 coat wet film thickness
1 coat wet film thickness
Solids Content
Specific Gravity
Usual number of coats
Thinning & cleaning
3 coat system coverage
1 coat coverage
Pail type & size
003 - Version 1.0
Grey (white optional)
Pure Acrylic
Ceramic Oxides
30 minutes at 20°C
2 hours at 20°C
1300 - 1500 microns (3 coat meshed system)
433 - 500 microns (1 coat system)
115 - 120KU
1.03 - 1.4
2 - 4 (depending on required use)
No added Chromites or Lead
0.75m²/L depending on substrate profile and applicator
2.25m²/L depending on substrate profile and applicator
Plastic 4L, 8L & 20L
Please Note
Do not apply at temperatures below 10°C or if it is likely to drop below 10°C during drying/curing time. Softens
at temperatures over 70°C. Safe to use on surfaces that collect drinking water.
CFG Coatings Ltd
PO Box 2398, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Phone (03) 456 4222
The information contained herein is correct to the best of our knowledge. Due to product improvement and supply, these specifications may be
subject to minor changes.
Supercoat Tanking MembraneTDS091113V1.6
SMFS 2013
Copyright © CFG Coatings Limited 2013
em (
Product Description
Supercoat™ MFS Texture is an elastomeric textured waterproofing membrane for use in the MAXRaft
Foundation System (MFS). The Supercoat™ MFS Texture is Hopper applied using a standard Hopper gun with
an 8mm tip applied at very low pressure. The Supercoat™ MFS Texture is the final coat applied over the
Supercoat™ MFS Membrane to the exposed MAXRaft Foundation.
Vehicle Type
Touch dry time
1 coat wet film thickness
Solids Content
Specific Gravity
Usual number of coats
Thinning & cleaning
1 coat coverage
Pail type & size
600 - Version 1.0
Grey (white optional)
Pure Acrylic
Ceramic Oxides
British Standard 5252, Colour 00A09
2 hours at 20°C
1000 – 1500 microns (1 coat system)
115 - 120KU
1.03 - 1.4
No added Chromites or Lead
0.9m²/L depending on substrate profile and applicator
Plastic 4L, 8L & 20L
Please Note
Do not apply at temperatures below 10°C or if it is likely to drop below 10°C during drying/curing time. Softens
at temperatures over 70°C. Safe to use on surfaces that collect drinking water.
CFG Coatings Ltd
PO Box 2398, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Phone (03) 456 4222
The information contained herein is correct to the best of our knowledge. Due to product improvement and supply, these specifications may be
subject to minor changes.
Supercoat Tanking MembraneTDS091113V1.6
Copyright © CFG Coatings Limited 2013
SMFS 2013
Elastoshield -Technical
Data Sheet
Product Description
A specially formulated breathable external elastomeric coating for use on most building envelopes. A high viscosity, pure
acrylic, incorporating fillers, extenders and fungicides for increased durability. Designed for great adhesion and corrosion
resistance with a strong elastomeric membrane providing maximum weather durability under extreme conditions. For
coating suitable external surfaces requiring an elastomeric membrane topcoat with excellent micro fissure crack spanning
Vehicle Type
Touch dry time
Wet film thickness
Solids Content
Specific Gravity
Usual number of coats
Thinning & cleaning
Pail type & size
019 - Version 1.1
White to Mid Cream
100% Acrylic
Fully tintable
1-3 hours at 20C (should not be applied below 10°C)
300 microns per coat
40.6 - 47.6%
115 - 120KU
1.03 - 1.4
2 (depending on substrate and colour density)
No added Chromites or Lead
3.5m²/L via airless spray depending on substrate profile and applicator
Plastic 20L
Please Note
Do not apply at temperatures below 10C or if it is likely to drop below 10C during drying/curing time. Softens at
temperatures over 70C. Safe to use on surfaces that collect drinking water.
CFG Coatings Ltd
PO Box 2398, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Phone (03) 456 4222
The information contained herein is correct to the best of our knowledge. Due to product improvement and supply, these specifications may be subject to minor
SMFS 2013
Copyright © CFG Coatings Limited 2013
Copyright © CFG Coatings Limited 2013
SMFS 2013
SMFS 2013
Copyright © CFG Coatings Limited 2013
Technical Support
MAXRaft provides Techincal Assistance across New
Zealand for the MAXRaft Foundation system.
Colour Variations between Batches & Tints
CFG Coatings take no responsibility for any colour
variations between different batches of tinted paint based
products. Please ensure that you always order enough
paint to complete the entire project. Refer to Appendix A
of this manual for further information.
Visit for your nearest distributor
or system provider who will offer free estimating
services and/or technical support to project architects,
engineers, builders and owners.
North Island Technical Support
CFG Coatings Ltd guarantees its Supercoat™
Coating Systems to be free of defect in materials
and manufacture. This guarantee excludes all other
guarantees and liability for damage or loss in connection
with defects in CFG Coatings Ltd’s product, other than
those imposed by legislation.
Jeremy Lonsdale
021 669 773
Health & Safety
South Island Technical Support
Information on any known health risks of our products
and how to handle them safely is shown on their
package and/or the documentation accompanying
them. Additional information is listed in the Material
Safety Data Sheets available on our website www.
Fraser Mackenzie
021 444 969
For further information on the MAXRaft Foundation System
Phone 0800 MAXRAFT or visit
67 Reid Rd, P.O. Box 2398
Dunedin, New Zealand.
Phone: +64 3 455 1502
Fax: +64 3 456 3587
For your nearest distributor of Supercoat™ Products
visit our website
The information presented herein is supplied in good faith and to the best of our knowledge was accurate at the time of preparation. No responsibility can be
accepted by CFG Coatings Ltd or its staff for errors or omissions. The provision of this information should not be construed as a recommendation to use any of
our products in violation of any patent rights or in breach of any statute or regulation. Users are advised to make their own determination of the suitability of this
information in relation to their particular purposes and specific circumstances. Since the information contained in this document may be applied in conditions beyond
our control, no responsibility can be accepted by us for any loss or damage caused by any person acting, or refraining from action as a result of this information. The
systems detailed in this design manual are only to be used with Supercoat™ Coating Systems, distributed by CFG Coatings Ltd.  This literature is not permitted to be used
for other types of Coating Systems.
Copyright © CFG Coatings Limited 2013
SMFS 2013