ST. MONICA Catholic Church


ST. MONICA Catholic Church
March 17, 2013
Fifth Sunday
of Lent
ST. MONICA Catholic Church
One Parish, One Journey
Una Parroquia, Un Viaje
6131 N. Michigan Rd. • Indianapolis, IN 46228 • Phone: (317) 253-2193 • Fax: (317) 253-3342 •
Mass Schedule/
Horario de las Misas
Weekend / Misas de fin de
Saturday (anticipation)/Sábados
5:30 PM and 7:15 PM (Español)
Sunday/Domingos 7:40 AM, 9:00 AM,
10:45 AM, 12:30 PM (Español) & 6:00 PM
Holy Days Please call Parish Office
Weekday / Misas Diarias
Monday-Thursday / Lunes-Jueves
5:30 PM
Wednesday & Friday / Miércoles,
Viernes 8:00 AM
First Friday Mass / Misa del Primer
Viernes 12:00 PM
Eucharistic Adoration /
Adoración Eucarística
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 6:00 PM
to 9:00 PM in the Daily Chapel
Tuesdays 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM in the
Lunes, Miercoles, Jueves 6:00 PM a
9:00 PM en la Capilla y los Martes de
6:00 PM a 9:00 PM en la Iglesia
24-Hour Adoration is also available at
the Divine Mercy Chapel at St. Michael
the Archangel Church, 3354 W. 30th
También hay Adoración las 24-Horas en
la Capilla de la Divina Misericordia en la
Iglesia San Miguel Arcángel ubicada en
el 3354 W. 30th Street
Fifth Sunday of Lent ~
Quinto Domingo de Cuaresma
We Asked… and You Responded!
We would like to express our sincere thanks to the parishioners of St. Monica for their
generosity when asked to help offset the cost of the new sound system in the church. Not
only did your donations offset that expense – they paid for it entirely! We collected a total
of $40,706 which, in turn, was used to fund the $40,000 upgrade. Thank you, again, for
you kindness and generosity! Fr. Todd and Barb Bacon, Business Manager.
Check Out Our New Website!
Weekly Collections
March 9-10, 2013
Collection Envelopes
Electronic Giving
Loose Cash
Weekly Collections
Weekly Budget
Weekly Overage
$32, 184
$4, 748
$2, 551
$39, 483
$37, 479
$2, 004
Our parish website has a fresh look and feel to reflect our new parish theme and structure.
Stop by to view ministry happenings and upcoming events at St.
Year to Date Actual
Year to Date Budget
Year to Date Overage
St. Monica Book Club
Total # of Households
2, 623
Total # of Households Donating
% Households Donating This Week 22%
Signups are now taking place for the 2nd session of the St. Monica Book Club. This
session’s selection is The Shattered Lantern by Ronald Rolheiser. This 4-session series
begins April 11 and meets the second Tuesday of the month through July. Books can be
purchased in the parish office for a discounted price of $8.00, but quantities are limited.
They can also be purchased new or used at To participate, register in the
narthex or parish office by April 5. For more information, contact Gloria Olson at
317-291-8233 or
Align Our Hearts Workshop
Tuesday, March 19, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
All Ministry Leaders and interested parishioners are invited to attend a workshop entitled
Aligning Our Hearts with Jesus: Being Disciples of All Nation presented by Br. Moises
Gutierrez, Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. The
workshop utilizes recent research from the social sciences as well as our Catholic
understanding of conversion and community to address the reality of bringing people of
various backgrounds together. The intended outcome of the workshop is to help parish
leaders understand and address some of the dynamics that may be operating in their
parishes. Light refreshments will be served.
Natural Family Planning
The NFP Ministry at St. Monica's seeks to promote Natural Family Planning and provide
support, fellowship, and teaching about fertility awareness and its practice for married
couples and singles. The Men of the NFP Ministry are hosting a fellowship night at
Trader's Mill Bar from 7-9pm on Monday March 18 (previous bulletins listed an
incorrect date of March 11). All men are welcome. If you have questions, or would like
to join others for conversation and fellowship concerning the practice of NFP, please join
us. Contact Tony Carr at Look in the bulletin in upcoming weeks
for a Women's Gathering in April and a Couple's Gathering in May. All men, women,
and families are also welcome to join us for a monthly mass on the 3rd Wednesday of
every month, followed by fellowship and appetizers in the PMC. For questions, please
contact Kari Carr at
Vocations Corner
The Sisters of St. Benedict in Beech Grove are hosting a Discernment Retreat on
March 22 thru March 24. If you are not married, between the ages of 18 – 45, and have
no idea why you’re reading this blurb (but you are), then you should contact Sr. Jennifer
at 317-787-3287 in order register for the retreat.
There is another Discernment Dinner for young men with Archbishop Tobin. Any and all
high school men are invited Bishop Brute Seminary on Wednesday, April 3. The
Archbishop will begin the evening with Mass at 4:30 PM. Dinner and fellowship will
follow. Please contact Susan Burris at 317-924-4100 to register.
$1, 399, 039
$1, 398, 353
Young Adult Ministry
Join the St. Monica Young Adults each
Thursday during Lent for Thirsty
Thursdays. Following the 5:30 pm Mass
all young adults are invited to join us in
the Youth and Young Adult office for
Bible study, reflection, food and
fellowship. All young adults are invited to
come to any or all Thirsty Thursdays.
Please email Patrick Sullivan with any
Catholic Cemeteries Way of
the Cross Services
Our Way of the Cross procession at
Calvary, Holy Cross & St. Joseph
Cemeteries, 435 West Troy Avenue, will
be on Good Friday, March 29 at
12:00 P.M We will start at the first
Station located outside the Mausoleum.
Our Way of the Cross procession at Our
Lady of Peace Cemetery, 9001
Haverstick Road, will be on Good Friday,
March 29 at 2:00 P.M. We will start at the
first Station located in Our Lady of
Fatima Section B located near the north
entry gate. Should there be inclement
weather, Stations will be held in the
chapel of Our Lady of Peace Mausoleum.
Legion of Mary
St. Monica Legion of Mary invites you to
join them to recite the rosary every
Sunday in the daily Mass chapel at
2:00pm (after 12:30pm Mass). The
rosary is recited in both English and
Holiday Bulletin Deadlines!
Can We Talk?
Due to the upcoming Easter holiday,
some bulletin deadlines have changed!
Please note that articles for the
March 30-31 (Easter weekend) bulletin
must be submitted before noon on
Friday, March 22. Thank you!
Having “the talk” with your kids is tough enough but there’s another tough family
conversation—talking about end-of-life issues for yourself or an aging family member.
Do you know what kind of care your loved one wants or doesn’t want? Do you know
how to find their important financial and legal documents? What about their funeral and
burial wishes? St. Monica’s Bereavement Ministry invites families and individuals to
explore these issues with expert presenters at 4 practical Saturday morning sessions from
10 AM to 12 noon:
Kairos Prison Ministry
The Kairos Prison Ministry visits the
incarcerated in prison and brings them the
word of the Love and Forgiveness of the
Lord. Last year the teams from Saint
Monica were able to bring the Love of
God to over 150 offenders at the
Plainfield Correctional Facility for men
and the Rockville Correctional Facility
for women. To do this we relied on your
support by praying for us, by baking
cookies to bring to the offenders and staff
of the facilities and helping us bring them
food. The Holy Spirit touched their
hearts and many were moved to
believe. This year we need your support
again. We invite you to join us in the
Narthex after Masses on the March 23-24
to learn more about our ministry and to
sign up to pray for us. We also invite you
to join with us and fellow parishioners on
Friday, April 12 at 5:00 PM in the
Emmaus Center to bake cookies to take to
the offenders. For more information,
contact Al Ammons at 216-0979 or John
McShea at (317) 299-8874.
April 20—Family aspects—how to start the conversation
April 27—Medical aspects—getting good information & making medical care
May 4—Legal aspects—what are the most important legal documents to have?
May 11—Spiritual aspects—funeral
planning & reflecting on how our
Catholic faith guides us as we prepare for death/eternal life?
Sessions are free and open to the public--attend one or all. Every participant will receive a
CD with valuable resources. For more information stop by the narthex
display on March 9-10 or contact Jean Galanti: 257-6826 or
Additional Times for Confessions During
In addition to our regularly schedule confession times, Frs. Todd and
Dustin will also be hearing confessions at these additional times for
Wednesday, March 20, 6:00-6:30 PM (Fr. Jim Bates)
Friday, March 22, 6-9 PM (Fr. Dustin)
Wednesday, March 27, 6:00-6:30 PM (Fr. Jim Bates)
Holy Thursday, March 28, 4-6 PM (Frs. Todd and Dustin)
Good Friday, March 29, 5-7 PM (Frs. Todd and Dustin)
Holy Saturday, March 30, 4-6 PM (Frs. Todd and Dustin)
Celebrate Easter at the Vigil!
Last Catholicism Lenten
Come see CATHOLICISM by Father
Robert Barron on Wednesday, March 20
at 7:00 - 9:00 PM in the St. Augustine
Room. The last episode on "The Last
Things" (Heaven, Hell and Purgatory)
will be shown. Stay for a lively discussion
on the afterlife while munching
on snacks provided. Contact Kim Marks with any questions.
Contemplative Prayer
Meets each Monday evening 7:00 to
8:30 PM starting in the Holy Family
Room (formerly the nursery) for one
hour, then followed by a half-hour of
Contemplative Prayer in the Church.
For more information, contact Eileen
Cassidy, 298-8611.
This year St. Monica will welcome 32 catechumens into a
whole new life, in Christ, at the Easter Vigil. These will
be our newest brothers & sisters in faith.
On Sunday, April 7, St. Monica will welcome 9 more
persons into Full Communion in the Catholic Church.
On the Feast of Pentecost, May 19, St. Monica will send
60 more persons for Confirmation with Archbishop Joseph Tobin at Ss. Peter & Paul
Please keep all of these RCIA candidates and elect in your prayers! Take a prayer card
this weekend after Mass and pray especially for the one pictured on the card; consider
writing the person a note of congratulations and prayer.
Easter Vigil Goodie Bakers Wanted
Help welcome our newest members of the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil; then join
your newest brothers and sisters in faith at the Vigil Reception! Create your favorite,
scrumptious home baked cookie or brownie and donate 3 to 5 dozen of them for the
Easter Vigil Reception: look for sign-up sheets and suggestions for recipes in the Narthex
after all the masses the weekends of March 10th and March 17th. Contact Dianne
Metzler for more information at 317-919-3853 or Spanishspeaking bakers will be providing Kermes-type food rather than desserts. Contact Luz
Maria Flores 717-1635 for more information!
Are You Thinking Spring Yet??
It is that time again…time for the Annual Spring PTO Plant
Sale. The PTO is having its Annual Plant Sale and we would
welcome orders from everyone in the parish. You can find the
order forms on-line under “What’s New” on the school
All the order forms need to be turned in by Friday, March 22 with payment. These plants
are beautiful and of great quality; and the proceeds from the sales goes back into the
school…. Please visit to view the plants that we have selected for
this year’s sale. An added bonus is that we kept the prices the same from last year!
The delivery date is Thursday, May 9, which is the Thursday before Mother’s Day. The
Hanging Baskets make a great Mother’s Day present.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Christine Martin at email or Kristen Gentry at email, and thanks for
supporting St. Monica school!
Save the Date!
Saturday, March 23: Dining to Donate at Le Peep at 86 th and Township Line Road. Look
for fliers will be posted shortly. When you mention St. Monica School on that day, the
school will get a percentage of the sales for that day. Le Peep closes at 2:00 PM. Please
support St. Monica School on March 23 at Le Peep Restaurant!
Helping The Lord’s Pantry
The Lord's Pantry depends on the nonperishable foods we bring in each week
and put in the blue food bin in the
Narthex. The Pantry services around
100 clients each week, every Tuesday
morning from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM at
the Witherspoon Presbyterian Church,
5136 N. Michigan Road.
Checks can be made out to “The Lord's
Pantry” and sent to: The Lord’s Pantry,
PO Box 17104, Indianapolis, IN 46217.
Unfortunately, we cannot use clothing or
diapers; please donate those to the St.
Vincent de Paul Society or the Gabriel
Project. Thank you so much for all of
your generous giving, and please join us
on Tuesdays mornings to help distribute
the food! Peace, from the Lord's Pantry
Team. For more information, please
contact Dyan Huey, 297-9798.
Social Justice Committee Presentation
St. Monica’s Social Justice Committee invites you to a presentation by Kathy Licht from
the Hoosier Environmental Council (IUPUI Associate Professor of Earth Sciences), on
Thursday, April 4 at 7:00 PM in PMC 1 & 2, followed by a discussion with Father Dustin
on topics including:
 Causes and evidence of climate change
 Climate change Predictions for Indiana and the globe
 Things that everyday people can do to stop climate change
 What Catholic Social Teaching asks us to do
For more information contact Ed Witulski at 317-590-6970 or at email address
Divine Mercy Sunday Events
"...immerse yourself completely in My Mercy..." (Diary of St. Faustina, #1572)
On Palm Sunday weekend (March 23-24), please pick up at a Narthex table, the Divine
Mercy Novena/Chaplet leaflet so you can pray the Novena beginning on Good Friday,
(March 29). The Novena ends on Saturday, April 6, Divine Mercy Sunday weekend. The
particular indulgences and graces attached to Divine Mercy Sunday are outlined on a
separate card also on the table. Please read this carefully and join in this incredible gift of
grace and forgiveness offered by the Church! Also, on Divine Mercy Sunday, April 7,
there will be two observances of this great Octave of Easter, besides Mass. They are:
1. At St. Monica Parish - 3pm - in the church itself......Bilingual praying of the Divine
Mercy Chaplet
Memorial Masses
Calvary Cemetery will hold their
monthly Memorial Mass on Wednesday,
March 20 at Calvary Cemetery Chapel,
435 W. Troy Avenue, at 2:00 PM.
2. At St. Michael the Archangel Church on W. 30th St. at 3pm, a service led by
Monsignor Schaedel includes an hour of Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament at 2pm,
followed by the praying of the Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3pm and a homily, concluding
with a Eucharistic Procession.
Our Lady of Peace Cemetery will hold
their monthly Memorial Mass on
Thursday, March 21 at Our Lady of
Peace Cemetery Chapel, at
9001Haverstick Road (just west of 86th
& Keystone), at 2:00 PM. Please join us,
all are welcome!
Everyone is invited to join either Divine Mercy celebration! If you have any questions,
please call Dyan Huey at 297-9798.
If you have any questions, please call
Susan Meacham at (317) 574-8898
La inscripción de nuevos
feligreses y la orientación
correspondiente se realizan
el tercer domingo de cada
mes después de la Misa.
Las clases en Ingles, 6:30 PM,
los Martes y Jueves, en salón
#16. Todos están
Horario Adicional Para las Confesiones Durante la
En adición al horario regular de las confesiones en español, el PadreTodd y el Padre
Dustin oirán confesiones en estas fechas durante la Cuaresma:
Viernes 22 de Marzo, 6-9 PM (Padre Dustin)
Jueves Santo, 28 de Marzo, 4-6 PM (Padres Todd y Dustin)
Viernes Santo, 29 de Marzo, 5-7 PM (Padres Todd and Dustin)
Sábado Santo, 30 de Marzo, 4-6 PM (Padres Todd and Dustin)
¡Celebre la Pascua en la Vigilia!
Este año Santa Mónica dará la bienvenida a 32
catecúmenos a una nueva vida, en Cristo, en la Vigilia
Pascual. Ellos serán nuestros nuevos hermanos y
hermanas en la fe.
Eventos para el domingo de
la Divina Misericordia
."..sumérjanse en Mi completa
Misericordia..."(Diario de Sor Faustina,
El domingo de Ramos (Marzo 23-24), por
favor lleve la novena de la Divina
Misericordia que estará en las mesas del
Narthex para que pueda empezar su
novena el viernes Santo, (Marzo 29). La
novena termina el sábado 6 de Abril, el
fin de semana de la Divina Misericordia.
Las indulgencias y gracias particulares de
la Divina Misericordia también estarán
disponibles en la mesa en una tarjeta. ¡Por
favor lea cuidadosamente y únase en este
increíble regalo de gracias y perdón
ofrecidos por la Iglesia! También, el
domingo de la Divina Misericordia, 7 de
Abril, habrá varias actividades en
observancia a la octava, aparte de la Misa:
1.En la Parroquia Santa Mónica - 3 pm-en la Iglesia...Coronilla de la Divina
Misericordia Bilingüe
2. En la Parroquia San Miguel Arcángel
de la calle 30 a las 3 pm, un servicio
dirigido por Monseñor Schaedel que
incluye 4 horas de adoración ante el
Santísimo Sacramento, desde las 2 pm,
seguido de la Coronilla de la Divina
Misericordia a las 3 pm y una homilía,
concluyendo con una Procesión
¡Todos están invitados a unirse a la
celebración de la Divina Misericordia en
cualquier lugar!
El domingo, 7 de Abril, Santa Mónica dará la bienvenida
a 9 personas que harán su transición a la Comunión
completa en la Iglesia Católica.
En la fiesta de Pentecostés, 19 de Mayo, Santa Mónica mandará más de 60 personas para
la Confirmación con el Arzobispo Joseph Tobin en la Catedral de San Pedro y San Pablo.
¡Por favor mantenga en sus oraciones a estos candidatos y elegidos de RICA! Tome
una tarjeta para orar por ellos este fin de semana después de la Misa y ore
especialmente por la persona que está en la tarjeta; considere también escribir a la
persona una nota de felicitaciones y de oración.
Se necesita comida para la Vigilia
Por favor contacte a Luz María Godínez al 717-1635 para más información
Las Hermanas de la Orden de San Benito de Beech Grove le invitan a un Retiro de
Discernimiento del 22 al 24 de Marzo. Si no es casada, y tiene de 18 – 45 años, y no
tiene idea de por qué estás leyendo este anuncio (pero lo estás haciendo), entonces llama a
la Hermana Jennifer al 317-787-3287 para registrarte para este retiro.
Habrá una Cena de Discernimiento para hombres jóvenes con el Arzobispo Tobin.
Cualquier hombre y estudiantes de secundaria son invitados al Seminario Obispo Brute el
miércoles 13 de Abril. EL Arzobispo empezará la tarde con una Misa a las 4:30 PM.
Seguida por una cena y compartimiento. Por favor contáctese con Susan Burris al
317-924-4100 para registrarse.
El Grupo de Oración Carismático
“Yo soy el pan que da vida. El que viene a Mi, nunca tendrá hambre; y el que
Cree en Mi, nunca tendrá sed.” Juan 6:35
El grupo de oración de Santa Mónica “Espíritu Divino” le invita a estar en la presencia de
Dios, a gozarse con alabanzas y oración. *Misa cada primer Viernes del mes. *El
Padrecito Todd y Padrecito Dustin compartirán la Palabra De Dios con enseñanzas del
Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica el segundo y tercer Viernes. Todos los viernes a las 7:30
PM. Para mas información contacte a Sandra Rivera, 220-8069 o Julia Gonzalez,
Small Church Communities (SCC)
Join any time! Call Anne Corcoran in the parish office,
253-2193, opt. 5.
SAM Substance Addiction Ministry
Are YOU or a LOVED ONE touched by Addiction?
You are Not Alone. Call 317-690-4624
Ministry to the Sick and Shut-Ins
If you know of anyone who would like communion brought to
them, please contact the Parish Office, 253-2193, opt. 2.
Saturday 4:00-5:00 pm (English); Monday & Tuesday
6:00 -7:00 pm (Spanish & English); or by appointment.
Lunes y Martes de 6:00 pm a 7:00 pm (Español y Inglés) o por
la cita.
Celebrated each week. Contact the Parish Office for dates and
times of baptisms & required prep classes.
Contact parish office 9-12 months prior to your wedding date.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and Children
Call Anne Corcoran in the parish office, 253-2193, opt. 5.
Youth Schedules
Religious Education (September through May)
3 years-Grade 6 ..... Sunday 9:00-10:00AM or 10:45-11:45 AM
Grades 7-8 ....... Sunday 9:00-10:10 AM or 10:45-11:55 AM
SPRED (Special Religious Education)
Youth—Sunday 9:00 - 10:30AM
Adults—Tuesday 7:00 - 8:30PM
Confirmation Preparation
Grades 7-8 call Mary-Jo Thomas-Day at 253-2193, opt. 4 for
Children's Liturgy of the Word (September - May)
4 years through Grade 2 during 9:00AM and 12:30PM Mass.
Automatic Withdrawal
Parishioners can now tithe using automatic withdrawal. Find
the form on our website under the
“about us” tab and click on “Auto-withdrawal Giving”. Fill it
out and return it to the Parish Office with a voided check. Call
the Business Manager at 253-2193, ext. 2 with questions.
Parish Pastoral Council (PPC)
The Parish Pastoral Council is a consultative body of
parishioners who assist the Pastor in guiding the parish on issues
requiring practical wisdom and investigation. The PPC has three
purposes: 1) to investigate pastoral matters; 2) to give these
matters in-depth consideration and prayer; and 3) to propose
practical conclusions and assist in cultivating our vision. Twelve
parishioners discerned their participation on PPC for a threeyear term through June 30, 2015 related to the parish theme of
“Immersed in Christ: One Body. One Mission.” The PPC meets
the second Wednesday of the month. All parishioners are
welcome to attend! The next meeting is April 10 from
6:45 PM to 9:15 PM in Holy Family Room. Agendas and
meeting minutes can be found on our parish website at
Mass Intentions/Intenciónes de las Misas
(I)=Intention of...
Monday, March 18, 2013
5:30 PM
(I) Anna Marie Miller
Tuesday, March 19
5:30 PM
A Special Intention
Wednesday, March 20
8:00 AM
(I) Nancy Needham
5:30 PM
(I) The Sevi Family
Thursday, March 21
5:30 PM
Marcelino Garcia
Friday, March 22
8:00 AM
Stewart Milne
Saturday, March 23
5:30 PM
Jake & Mac Werner
7:15 PM
(I) Jesus Family
Sunday, March 24
Palm Sunday
7:15 AM
James Foltz
9:00 AM
Gene Dottery
10:45 AM
St. Monica Parish
12:30 PM
Juana Hernandez
6:00 PM
Shawn Hoch
St. Joseph,
pray for us!
March 19
Wedding Banns
Gabriel Cabrera / Senorina Lopez I
Guillermo Perez / Magaly Huesca I
On Saturday, March 23, Fr. Todd Goodson will be hearing
confessions from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM.
Praying for One Another
Prayers of the Faithful and Bulletin Prayer List and Prayer
Tree: Call the Parish Office at 253-2193, opt. 2 to have your
intention included. Prayer Tree email address:
Si desea incluir una intención en el boletín por favor llame al
253-2193, anexo 9 y hable con la Hermana Ana Maria o Julia
Gonzalez, o déjele un mensaje.
Please remember in your prayers / Por favor recuerde en sus
oraciones a: Tanya Barker; Urban Neppl; Millie Jacobs; Shirley
Gamble; Jose Obil Cura; Henry Hartwell; Ryan Hidinger; The
Nancy Needham Family
Recently deceased / Fallecido Recientemente: Art Young,
husband of Jennifer Young
Connecting Faith & Life
Readings for March 24, Palm Sunday
Procession: Luke 19:28-40
First Reading: Isaiah 50:4-7
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 22:8-9, 17-18a, 19-20, 23-24
Second Reading: Philippians 2:6-11
Gospel: Luke 22:14-23:56
Lecturas para el 24 de Marzo, el Domingo de Ramos
Procesión: Lucas 19:28-40
Primera Lectura: Isaías 50:4-7
Salmo Responsorial: Salmo 22:8-9, 17-18a, 19-20, 23-24
Segunda Lectura: Filipenses 2:6-11
Evangelio: Lucas 22:14-23:56
New Parishioners Are Welcome!
¡Bienvenidos Nuevos Feligreses!
New parishioner registration packets are in the Narthex, right next
to the Daily Mass Chapel.
Phone...................................................................... (317) 253-2193
Fax .................................................................................. 253-3342
E-mail .........................................
Website ....................................................
Mass Schedule........................................................................opt. 1
Prayer Tree…………………………………………..317-874-0087
Bulletin Submissions
If you would like to submit an article for an upcoming bulletin,
the deadline is Noon on the Sunday prior to the weekend
announcement is to appear. Please send all bulletin submissions
to email address
Parish Staff
Pastor, Rev. Todd Goodson ..................................................opt. 2
Associate Pastor, Rev. Dustin Boehm.....…………………..opt. 2
Emergency Line.....................................................................opt.7
Office Secretaries, Linda Pitcher & Martha Horvath . .........opt. 2
Business Manager, Barbara Bacon ........................................opt.2
Maintenance Director, Kevin Starkey .................................opt. 2
Director of Youth Ministry and Young Adults,
Emily Scharbrough…………………………………...……..opt. 3
Religious Education Director, Mary Jo Thomas-Day .........opt. 4
E-mail ....................................
Pastoral Associate, Anne Corcoran ......................................opt. 5
E-mail .........................................
Music Director, Christine Seitz ............................................opt. 6
E-mail ................................................
Director of Communications/Volunteer Coordinator,
Mel Ullrich………………….…….………………………….opt. 8
Hispanic Ministry, Sr. Anna Marie Megel ...........................opt. 9
Principal, Michelle Boyd ............................................... 255-7153
Fax .................................................................................. 259-5570
Ministerio Hispano
Hermana Ana María Megel o Julia Gonzalez .............. 253-2193-9
(los días lunes a jueves de 9:00 AM a 4:00 PM)
Boletín en Español - Anuncios
Y Clases para Padres, Percy Consiglieri...................... .280-8551
Charlas Pre-Matrimoniales, Ricardo & Carmen Davila....691-3718
Charlas para Bautismos, Gerardo Dimas ..................... 824-9230
Coordinadora para Quinceañeras, Luz Maria Florez..717-1635;
Clases de Biblia, Enrique y Carmen Rosa Hurtado........ 253-8173
Catecismo y Educación Religiosa, Maria Pimentel-Gannon ........... 298-3033
Jóvenes Adolencentes, Luis Sanchez..............................514-6894
Liturgia de la Palabra, Nora Martinez……..………….291-4525