ST. MONICA Catholic Church


ST. MONICA Catholic Church
June 15, 2014
ST. MONICA Catholic Church
Most Holy
One Parish, One Journey
Una Parroquia, Una Jornada
6131 N. Michigan Rd. • Indianapolis, IN 46228 • Phone: (317) 253-2193 • Fax: (317) 253-3342 •
Mass Schedule/
Horario de las Misas
Weekend / Misas de fin de
Saturday (anticipation)/Sábados
5:30 PM and 7:15 PM (Español)
Sunday/Domingos 7:40 AM, 9:00
10:45 AM, 12:30 PM (Español) &
6:00 PM
Holy Days Please call Parish Office
Weekday / Misas Diarias
Monday-Thursday / Lunes-Jueves
5:30 PM
Wednesday & Friday / Miércoles,
Viernes 8:00 AM
Saturday 4:00-5:00 PM
Monday & Tuesday 6:00 -7:00 PM or by
Lunes y Martes de 6:00 pm a 7:00 pm o
por la cita.
Eucharistic Adoration /
Adoración Eucarística
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 6:00
PM to 9:00 PM in the Daily Chapel
Tuesdays 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM in the
Lunes, Miércoles, Jueves 6:00 PM a
9:00 PM en la Capilla y los Martes de
6:00 PM a 9:00 PM en la Iglesia
24-Hour Adoration is also available at
the Divine Mercy Chapel at St. Michael
the Archangel Church, 3354 W. 30th
También hay Adoración las 24-Horas en
la Capilla de la Divina Misericordia en
la Iglesia San Miguel Arcángel ubicada
en el 3354 W. 30th Street
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit!
¡Gloria al Padre, al Hijo y al Espíritu Santo!
Upcoming Daily Mass Changes
Due to the Archdiocesan priest convocation, there will no daily Masses Monday
through Wednesday, June 23-25. There will be no Adoration/Benediction or
confessions on those day.
Corpus Christi Procession
On Saturday, June 21, we will celebrate the feast of the Body
and Blood of Christ with a traditional Corpus Christi procession
following the 5:30 PM Mass. Catholic communities all over the
world celebrate Corpus Christi in this way, with a reverent
procession of the Eucharist around churches and through
neighborhoods. Come be part of this rich tradition as we honor
the Body and Blood of Christ present in the Eucharist. Because
of the procession, the 5:30 Mass on June 21 will be a ‘Mass of Unity’, and there will be
no 7:15 p.m. Mass in Spanish.
Weekly Collections
June 7-8, 2014
Collection Envelopes
Electronic Giving
Loose Cash
Weekly Collections
Weekly Budget
Weekly Shortfall
Year to Date Actual
Year to Date Budget
Year to Date Shortfall
$23, 272
$4, 221
$2, 666
$30, 159
$34, 328
($4, 169)
$1, 840, 437
$1, 855, 676
($15, 239)
Total # of Households
3, 021
Total # of Households Donating
% Households Donating This Week 19%
Do You Like to IRON?
The Altar Guild is in need of one member who could, once a month, clean and iron the
purificators used at Mass. This volunteer opportunity involves picking up the purificators
on the 2nd Sunday of every month and then dropping them off the following Sunday. It is
one of the few beautiful hidden ministries in our church. If you are interested, please call
or e-mail Kim Marks at or 298-9573.
Holiday Bulletin Deadline
Due to the upcoming Independence Day
holiday, please note that all submissions
for the July 5-6 bulletin must be
submitted no later than noon on
Monday, June 30. Thank you!
June 29 Farewell Cookout for Fr. Dustin
We will be hosting a parish farewell cookout for Father Dustin
at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, June 29 at the PMC. The parish will
provide hot dogs and beverages, but we are asking each family
who attends to bring a side dish or dessert to share. We also ask
that you bring lawn chairs or blankets for seating on the lawn.
Please join us to thank Fr. Dustin for his faithful service at St.
Monica and to wish him well as he heads to take up his new
assignment as the pastor of St. Gabriel Parish in Connersville, IN.
If you’re unable to say your farewells in person at the cookout and
would like to send him a card instead, Fr. Dustin’s new address starting July 2 will be:
Young Adults Baseball
Take me out to the ball game! The St
Monica Young Adults are planning an
outing to an Indianapolis Indians Game
on Tuesday, June 17 at 7 pm. Tickets are
$10 for 2 (2 for 1 deal). Please contact Liz
Escoffery if you are interested in joining
us by 6/15 at 317-446-4248 or
Fr. Dustin Boehm, St. Gabriel Parish
232 W. Ninth Street, Connorsville, IN 47331
Social Justice Committee Movie Night
The Social Justice Committee is sponsoring the showing of the movie "Inequality for
All" on Wednesday, June 25. It is the documentary film by former Secretary of Labor
(under Bill Clinton) Robert Reich which examines widening income inequality in the
US. In it, Reich explores what effects this increasing gap has not only on the US
economy but American democracy itself. At the heart of the film is a simple proposition:
What is a good society and what role does the widening income gap play in the
deterioration of the nation's economic wealth? This film fits in well with the 3rd Principle of Catholic Social Teaching: Rights and Responsibilities—Every person has a right
to life and a right to those things required for human decency.
K of C Tootsie Roll Drive
The Knights of Columbus will be holding
their annual Tootsie Roll Fund Raising
Drive on the weekend of June 21-22 after
all Masses. The proceeds will be going
to a local needy cause. Please look for us
after each Mass and contribute if you
Ushers Needed for 5:30 PM
There is a need for ushers at the Saturday,
5:30 PM Mass. If you are interested in
serving in this ministry, please contact
Tom Heim at 317-872-5657, or at email
Server Appreciation Dinner
All Servers invited to partake in the
Corpus Christ Mass at 530 PM on
Saturday, June 21. Server appreciation
dinner immediately following Corpus
Christi procession in the Emmaus
center. Please, RSVP by June 18th to
Barb Mack at email or
Watch the fireworks at St.
Mary’s 4th of July ¡Ole!
Saint Mary Catholic Church invites all
those coming to watch the fireworks, to
the parish festival held on July 4 from
3-11pm at 317 N New Jersey St. The
multicultural festival will feature Latino
and typical American 4th of July food and
drink, live music and entertainment for
the whole family. For more information
contact (317) 637-3983 or
Pray for Our Vocations!
Rafael Quintero (priesthood)
José Neri (priesthood)
Jeffrey Dufresne (priesthood)
Vincent Gillmore (priesthood)
Evelyn Lobo (religious life)
Please pray for these young people from
St. Monica Parish as they discern their
own vocations to priesthood and religious
life, and pray for an increase in vocations
throughout the Church!
MSD Washington Township Special Education
Services Survey
The Metropolitan School District of Washington Township is coordinating activities for
the purpose of identifying individuals, birth through twenty-one years of age, in need of
special education services. Information will be collected for statistical reporting and for
the purpose of determining program placement needs. If you are aware of a child with a
disability or suspected disability that may be in need of educational services, please
contact Mrs. Patty Camp, Office of Special Services at (317) 205-3332, ext. 77253.
10th Annual Pentecost Concert
The intercultural Ministry Office from the Archdiocese of Indianapolis invite you to the
10th Annual Pentecost Concert. An evening of praise, music, & fellowship. Sunday,
June 22 at 7:00 PM on the grounds of St. Gabriel Parish, 6000 W. 34th St. Indianapolis.
Admission is free!
Vea los Fuegos Artificiales en Santa María el 4 de
Julio! ¡Ole!
La Iglesia Santa María le invita a ver los fuegos artificiales, en el festival de la parroquia
que se llevará a cabo el 4 de Julio de 3-11pm en el 317 N New Jersey St. Este festival
multicultural ofrecerá comida y bebidas típicas de latinoamericana y americana, música
en vivo y entretenimiento para toda la familia. Para más información llame al
(317) 637-3983 o
Parrillada de Despedida para el Padre
Dustin 29 de junio
Tendremos una parrillada de despedida para el Padre Dustin a las
2:00 p.m. el domingo 29 de junio en “la casita”. La parroquia
proveerá las bebidas y hot dogs, pero le pedimos a cada familia que
asista que traiga un platillo o postre para compartir. Les pedimos
también que traigan sillas o colchas para sentarse sobre el pasto.
Por favor venga para agradecer al Padre Dustin por su fiel servicio
a Santa Mónica y desearle que le vaya bien al tomar su nueva
asignación como Párroco de la Parroquia San Gabriel Parish en
Connersville, IN. Si no puede asistir y desea enviarle una tarjeta lo puede hacer a la
siguiente dirección, la nueva dirección del Padre Dustin a partir del 2 de julio será:
Fr. Dustin Boehm, St. Gabriel Parish
232 W. Ninth Street, Connersville, IN 47331
Talleres de Formación
Santa Monica le invita a los talleres de
formación continua. Estos talleres le dan
la oportunidad de crecer en su fe bajo la
luz de las enseñanzas Católicas. Los
talleres se realizan cada 3er domingo de
cada mes de 2-4 PM en el salón de San
No tiene que esperar el
domingo para asitir a la
Santa Misa. Venga de lunes
a jueves a las 5:30. Seguido
de la Adoración al Santísimo
hasta las 9:00 pm.
10 Concierto Anual de
La oficina de Ministerios Multiculturales
de la Arquidiócesis of Indianápolis le
invitan al 10 Concierto Anual de
Pentecostés. Una tarde de alabanza,
música & convivir. Domingo 22 de junio
a las 7 pm en la Iglesia San Gabriel. 6000
W. 34th St. Indianapolis.
¡Entrada Gratis!
¡Bienvenida a los
Inmigrantes en Sta. Mónica!
Futuro Cambio en Misa Diaria
Debido a la convocación Arquidiocesano de Sacerdotes, no habrá Misa diaria
comenzado el Lunes 23 de Junio hasta el Miércoles 25 de junio. No habrá Adoración
al Santísimo/Benedicción ni confesión en esos días.
Cena de Apreciación de
los Monaguillos
Excursión de Béisbol
para Jovenes Adultos
Invitado a participar en la Misa de
Corpus Cristo en 530 PM el sábado,
todos los servidores 21 de junio. Cena de
Apreciación inmediatamente después de
la procesión del Corpus Christi en el
centro de Emaús. Por favor, confirme su
asistencia por el 18 de junio a Barb
Mack al correo electrónico o 317-209-4568.
¡Vamos a ir al estadio de béisbol! Los
adolescentes de Santa Mónica están
planeando ir a ver Los Indianápolis
Indians el martes 17 de Junio a las 7 de la
noche. Los boletos son $10 por dos
personas. (Están cobrando la entrada al 2
por 1). Por Favor contacte Liz Escoffery
(si tiene interés de ir con nosotros) antes
del 15 de junio al 317.446.4248 o
Procesión de Corpus Christi
¿Intentado obtener respuestas
información de cómo encontrar recursos y
servicios acerca de empleos, asistencia
con sus utilidades, consejo legal, ESL,
acceso a cuidado de salud, vivienda y
otros servicios y programas? La Iglesia
Santa Mónica tiene una sucursal del
Centro de Bienvenida al Inmigrante
abierto cada domingo de 2 p.m. a
5 p.m.
El sábado 21 de Junio, celebraremos la fiesta del Cuerpo y la
Sangre de Cristo con una procesión tradicional de Corpus Cristi
después de la misa de 5:30 PM. Las comunidades Católicas
alrededor del mundo celebran Corpus Cristi de esta manera, con
una procesión de reverencia a la Eucaristía alrededor de la iglesia
y por el vecindario. Venga y sea parte de esta rica tradición
mientras honramos el Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo presente en la
Eucaristía. Debido a la procesión, la misa de 5:30 p.m. el 21 de Junio será bilingüe, y no
habrá misa en Español a las 7:15 p.m.
Legión de María
Las Escuelas de Washington Township Encuesta
sobre Educación Especial
La Legión de María le invita a todas las
personas a que nos acompañen a recitar el
Santo Rosario todos los domingos en la
Capilla a las 2:00pm (después de Misa de
12:30). El rosario se reza en Inglés y en
de los
El Metropolitan School District of Washington Township (Las Escuelas de Washington
Township) está organizando actividades para identificar personas, de cero a ventiún años,
que necesitan servicios de educación especial (special education). Si conoce usted a un
niño con una minusvalía, o si es posible que un niño tiene una minusvalía, y necesita
servicios de educación especial, llame por favor a Mrs. Patty Camp, Oficina de Educación Especiál a (317) 205-3332, ext. 77253.
Gran Concierto con la Cantante
Junio 27, 2014 de 7:30-9:00 pm
Para más información contacte a
Sandra Rivera: 317-220-8069 o 317-366-1163
Teresa Torres: 317-293-6805 o 317-517-9869
Small Church Communities (SCC)
Join any time! Call Anne Corcoran in the parish office,
253-2193, opt. 5.
SAM Substance Addiction Ministry
Are YOU or a LOVED ONE touched by Addiction?
You are Not Alone. Call 317-690-4624
Ministry to the Sick and Shut-Ins
If you know of anyone who would like communion brought to
them, please contact the Parish Office, 253-2193, opt. 2.
Celebrated each week. Contact the Parish Office for dates and
times of baptisms & required prep classes.
Contact parish office at least 6 months prior to your wedding date.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults & Children (RCIA)
Call Anne Corcoran in the parish office, 253-2193, opt. 5.
Religious Education
Religious Education (September through May)
3 years-Grade 6 ..... Sunday 9:00-10:00AM or 10:45-11:45 AM
Grades 7-8 ....... Sunday 9:00-10:10 AM or 10:45-11:55 AM
SPRED (Special Religious Education)
Youth—Sunday 9:00 - 10:30AM
Adults—Tuesday 7:00 - 8:30PM
Confirmation Preparation
Grades 7-8 call Mary-Jo Thomas-Day at 253-2193, opt. 4 for
Automatic Withdrawal
Parishioners can now tithe using automatic withdrawal. Find
the form on our website under the
“Contact/How To” tab. Fill it out and return it to the Parish
Office with a voided check. Call the Business Manager at
253-2193, ext. 2 with questions.
Parish Pastoral Council (PPC)
The Parish Pastoral Council is a consultative body of
parishioners who assist the Pastor in guiding the parish on issues
requiring practical wisdom and investigation. The PPC has three
purposes: 1) to investigate pastoral matters; 2) to give these
matters in-depth consideration and prayer; and 3) to propose
practical conclusions and assist in cultivating our vision. Twelve
parishioners discerned their participation on PPC for a threeyear term through June 30, 2015 related to the parish theme of
“Immersed in Christ: One Body. One Mission.” The PPC meets
the second Wednesday of the month. All parishioners are
welcome to attend! The next meeting is July 9 from
6:45 PM to 9:15 PM in Holy Family Room. Agendas and
meeting minutes can be found on our parish website at
Mass Intentions/Intenciónes de las Misas
(I)=Intention of...
Monday, June 16, 2014
5:30 PM
Nancy Desmartin
Tuesday, June 17
5:30 PM
(I) Marcia Werner
Wednesday, June 18
8:00 AM
Marion Hanson
5:30 PM
(I) Andy Cochran
Thursday, June 19
5:30 PM
Sue Schneider
Friday, June 20
8:00 AM
J. Patrick Rooney
Saturday, June 21
5:30 PM
Mac & Jake Werner
Sunday, June 22
7:40 AM
Gene Dottery
9:00 AM
Roy Williamson
10:45 AM
St. Monica Parish
12:30 PM
Rodolfo Hernandez
6:00 PM
Thomas Lettelleir
St. Marina,
pray for us!
June 18
Wedding Banns
Joshua Colegate / Maria Solis III
Angel Jimenez / Martha Lugo II
Jesus Estrada / Flor Gomez I
On Saturday, June 21, Fr. Dustin Boehm will be hearing
confessions from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM.
Praying for One Another
Prayers of the Faithful and Bulletin Prayer List and Prayer
Tree: Call the Parish Office at 253-2193, opt. 2 to have your
intention included. Prayer Tree email address:
Si desea incluir una intención en el boletín por favor llame al
253-2193, anexo 9 y hable con la Hermana Ana Maria o Julia
Gonzalez, o déjele un mensaje.
Please remember in your prayers / Por favor recuerde en sus
oraciones a: Tanya Barker; Kyle Daehler; Sharon Hostetter,
Scott Bauserman; Tom Marshall; Maria del Carmen Rojas; Mary
Butler; Steve Ahlrichs; Stephanie Merenda
Recently deceased / Fallecido Recientemente: Rene de Jesus
Rodriguez, brother of Rosy Ramirez; Josué Humberto Guerrero;
Nona Kinkead, mother of Tina Dishman; Ivan Vergara-Vargas,
son of Oscar Vergara
Connecting Faith & Life
Readings for June 22, the Body & Blood of Christ
First Reading: Deuteronomy 8:2-3, 14b-16a
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 147:12-15, 19-20
Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 10:16-17
Gospel: John 6:51-58
Lecturas para el 22 de junio, el Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo
Primera Lectura: Deuteronomio 8:2-3, 14b-16a
Salmo Responsorial: Salmo 147:12-15, 19-20
Segunda Lectura: 1 Corintios 10:16-17
Evangelio: Juan 6:51-58
New Parishioners Are Welcome!
¡Bienvenidos Nuevos Feligreses!
New parishioner registration packets are available at the Welcome
Kiosk every weekend in the Narthex
Phone ...................................................................... (317) 253-2193
Fax ................................................................................... 253-3342
E-mail .........................................
Mass Schedule ....................................................................... opt. 1
Prayer Tree…………………………………………..317-874-0087
Bulletin Submissions
If you would like to submit an article for an upcoming bulletin,
the deadline is Noon on the Sunday prior to the weekend
announcement is to appear. Please send all bulletin submissions
to email address
Parish Staff
Pastor, Rev. Todd Goodson.................................................. opt. 2
Associate Pastor, Rev. Dustin Boehm.....…………………..opt. 2
Emergency Line .................................................................... opt.7
Office Secretaries, Linda Pitcher & Martha Horvath . ......... opt. 2
Business Manager, Barbara Bacon ....................................... opt.2
E-mail .............................................
Maintenance Director, Kevin Starkey ................................ opt. 2
Coordinator of Youth Ministry and Young Adults,
Jose Neri…..……...…………………………………...……..opt. 3
Religious Education Director, Mary Jo Thomas-Day ........ opt. 4
E-mail ...................................
Pastoral Associate, Anne Corcoran ..................................... opt. 5
E-mail .........................................
Music Director, Christine Seitz ........................................... opt. 6
E-mail ................................................
Director of Communications/Volunteer Coordinator,
Mel Ullrich………………….…….………………………….opt. 8
Hispanic Ministry, Sr. Anna Marie Megel .......................... opt. 9
E-mail .............................................
Principal, Michelle Boyd ............................................... 255-7153
Fax ................................................................................... 259-5570
Ministerio Hispano
Hermana Ana María Megel o Julia Gonzalez .............. 253-2193-9
(los días lunes a viernes de 9:00 AM a 4:00 PM)
Clases para Padres, Percy Consiglieri .......................... .280-8551
Coordinadora de Bodas, Ana Ortega...……..………….730-3471
Coordinadora para Quinceañeras, Rosa Armendariz,
317-677-6167 o Alma Armendariz, 317-869-3571
Clases de Biblia, Enrique y Carmen Rosa Hurtado ........ 253-8173
Catecismo y Educación Religiosa, Maria Pimentel-Gannon ............ 298-3033
Jóvenes Adolencentes, Guadalupe Pimentel..............808-430-7455