Downwasting of the Tasman Glacier, South Island, New Zealand
Downwasting of the Tasman Glacier, South Island, New Zealand
New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 1995, Vol.38: 1-16 0028-8306/95/3801-0001 $2.50/0 © The Royal Society of New Zealand 1995 Downwasting of the Tasman Glacier, South Island, New Zealand: changes in the terminus region between 1971 and 1993 MANFRED P. HOCHSTEIN DAVID CLARIDGE* Department of Geology University of Auckland Private Bag 92019 Auckland, New Zealand STUART A. HENRYS ALEX PYNE Research School of Earth Sciences Victoria University of Wellington P.O. Box 600 Wellington, New Zealand DAVID C. NOBES STEPHEN F. LEARY Department of Geology University of Canterbury Private Bag 4800 Christchurch, New Zealand * Present address: Clear Communications Ltd., Private Bag, Auckland, New Zealand. Abstract Downwasting has altered the morphology of the terminus region of the Tasman Glacier between 1971 and 1993. Rapid melting began in the late 1960s in a few isolated melt ponds in the centre and in a small elongated lakelet at the eastern lateral moraine. These ponds and lakes grew rapidly in size during the 1970s and coalesced to form a large melt lake by about 1990. This melting has led to a disintegration of the entire terminus region, and now occurs as far as 3 km upstream from the old terminus. The main front of the glacier has retreated c. 1.5 km since 1982. The breaking up of the glacier has been accelerated by the onset of iceberg calving—a process which probably started in 1991. The icebergs can have volumes of several millions of cubic metres before they break up into smaller ice masses that melt slowly during the summer. A temperature survey has shown that the melt lake is almost isothermal (0.30.5°C). A poorly understood convection mechanism prevents suspended silt from settling and causes the uniform grey colour of the lake (here called "Tasman Lake"). Gravity surveys in 1971/72 and in 1982 revealed that the average thickness of the glacier was between 150 and 200 m over the large (almost 2 km2) area now occupied by the melt lake. The bottom level of the glacier was close to 600 m a.s.l.; this level has been confirmed by recent radar 094024 Received 13 June 1994; accepted 29 September 1994 soundings and bathymetric surveys. The present lake level stands at 727 m a.s.l. The surveys demonstrate how the terminus region of the largest New Zealand glacier has disintegrated over the past 22 years. Keywords temperate glacier; downwasting; glacier breakup; bathymetry; isothermal lake; calving; icebergs; ice thickness; gravity surveys; radar soundings INTRODUCTION The Tasman Glacier in the Mt Cook National Park is the largest compound valley glacier in New Zealand. Its main trunk is 28 km long, between 1 and 2 km wide, and covers an area of c. 55 km2 (220 km2 if tributary glaciers are included). The glacier descends from an altitude of 2400 m to c. 730 m near the terminus (Fig. 1). Geodetic measurements have shown that the level of the Tasman Glacier has decreased ever since the glacier was surveyed for the first time in 1883 (v. Lendenfeld 1884) and in 1890 (Broderick 1891). The decrease is well documented for profiles crossing the glacier near the old Ball Hut (Harper 1934; Skinner 1964). In 1958, mass losses by ablation dominated any gains by accumulation (Goldthwait & McKellar 1962). Later detailed studies by Anderton (1975) showed that net accumulation occurred in 1972 only above 1600 m altitude whereas net ablation could be observed over the remaining part, covering c. 70% of the total length of the glacier. Continuous decrease in the level of a glacier in the net ablation zone is referred to as downwasting. Both net ablation and melting at the bottom of a glacier contribute to downwasting, which is controlled by longterm climatic changes (Posamentier 1977). To obtain information about the downwasting process, several surveys of the Tasman Glacier have been made since 1971. As downwasting leads to a reduction in cross-section of the glacier, the studies included measurement of ice thickness using gravity and seismic surveys. The first survey in 1971/ 72 was undertaken by staff of Geophysics Division, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) Wellington, establishing baseline monitoring sections across the glacier near the old Malte Brun Hut, the old Ball Hut, and near the terminus (Hochstein & Broadbent 1971). Results from the 1971/72 survey were published by Broadbent (1974), who found that the total glacier volume was of the order of 1 x 1010 m3. The Ball Hut and terminus sections were resurveyed in 1982 by a University of Auckland team (Claridge 1983). The same sections were again surveyed during the summer of 1993 by a group from the Universities of Auckland and Canterbury (Christchurch) and Victoria University (Wellington). These surveys showed that considerable changes have occurred during the past 20 years, the most impressive of these having taken place in the terminus region where some catastrophic melting has New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 1995, Vol. 3 North Island, NEW ZEALAND, 2 3 4 5 LEGEND Glacier boundary Catchment boundary Ablation moraine on glacier ice Lateral moraine AREA SHOWN IN FIGS. 2 - 4 . _70 o Outwash gravels Regional gravity field (mgal) Reduced Bouguer anomaly (mgal) on outcropping rocks Contour Interval on glacier is in metres Fig. 1 Tasman Glacier and tributary glaciers in 1972 (based on a modified map by Anderton 1975). The area covered by Fig. 2 4 is boxed. Also shown is the regional gravity field at stations on outcrops where the gravitational effect of the masses in the valleys has been reduced (modified after Claridge 1983). Hochstein et al.—Downwasting of Tasman Glacier occurred during the last decade on a scale not previously reported for temperate glaciers in the Southern Hemisphere. Although downwasting and terminal retreat have been observed from about 1935 onwards at many other, smaller valley glaciers in the South Island of New Zealand (Suggate 1950; Harrington 1952; Odell 1960; Sara 1968; Gellatly 1985; Bishop & Forsyth 1988), none of these changes has been as great as those caused by rapid melting of the Tasman Glacier in the terminus region since 1982. These changes are described in more detail in this paper. An analysis of downwasting along the Ball Hut and Malte Brun Hut sections will be presented separately. THE TERMINUS OF THE TASMAN GLACIER (1883-1964) The Tasman Glacier was mapped in detail in 1883 by v. Lendenfeld (1884); his 1:80 000 map contains elevation contours of the glacier based on numerous altimeter traverses tied into trig stations of known height. The lower reaches of the glacier and the terminus were also mapped at a 1:31 680 scale by Broderick in 1890 and 1906. If one compares the older maps with the first photogrammetric map of the area (New Zealand Department of Lands and Survey 1972, based on 1964 air photos), one finds that the position of the glacier front did not change between 1890 and 1964, although d minor advance between 15 and 45 m might have occurred between 1890 and 1906 (Broderick 1906). Some changes, however, occurred in front of the terminal moraine. Up to 1883, the "mouth" of the glacier, called "Gletschertor" by v. Lendenfeld, was near the southeastern corner of the end moraine, that is, in a position similar to that occupied by a smaller meltstream in 1971/72 (Fig. 2). Between 1883 and 1890 the mouth changed to the southwestern corner (Broderick 1891). This new meltstream became the "Tasman River". The maps by v. Lendenfeld (1884) and Broderick (1891) show that, in the terminus region, the glacier was completely covered by ablation till; clear ice was visible only at the mouth and c. 6 km upstream from the terminal moraine. An earlier sketch map of the glacier (v. Haast 1866) was found to be unreliable (Broderick 1897) and did not allow an assessment of whether movement had affected the terminus between 1866 and 1890. Stations in the terminal region with elevations measured by Broderick in 1890 are shown in Fig. 2; the data listed indicate that the elevation of the glacier was between 870 and 890 m along an east-west profile c. 2.5 km upstream from the terminus. The 900 m contour across the glacier in v. Lendenfeld's map lies c. 500 m upstream from Broderick's east-west profile; the 800 m contour of the 1883 survey occurred c. 1000 m downstream of Broderick's profile. However, the contours in v. Lendenfeld's map are based on only a few barometric heights and field sketches; the map has been reproduced by Gellatly (1985). Little is known about changes in the terminus region between 1890 and 1971. Harper (1934) remarked that, in 1890, the level of the glacier was at the same height as the top of the eastern lateral moraine across the Murchison Valley. In December 1933, Harper found that the glacier was c. 20 m below the top of the lateral moraine in the same area. Both Harper (1934) and Rose (1937) commented that downwasting of the Tasman and the nearby Murchison Glaciers might have started as late as 1913/14. Some monitoring of the terminus using photographs from fixed centres was begun in 1957 by Ian McKellar, who detected no significant changes in the terminus up to 1971 (I. McKellar pers. comm. March 1972). These studies were summarised by Goldthwait & McKellar (1962) when they stated: "Downwasting at the terminal has been of the order of 50 m in this period [i.e. from 1890 to 1960], and yet comparison of the present day situation with old surveys and photographs shows that there has been little horizontal movement in the position of the terminal, and the ice front occupies much the same position as it did in 1900." It has been inferred that all the New Zealand glaciers advanced to some extent during the period 1885-95 (Burrows & Greenland 1979) during an 80 year climatological period with lower mean annual temperatures lasting from about 1865 to 1945 (Salinger et al. 1993). The lowest temperatures during that period occurred around 1900. Significant warming occurred from about 1945 onwards (Salinger et al. 1993) and continues at the present time. It can be inferred that the Tasman Glacier reached a maximum level along its entire course during the period 1890-1914, and that its volume has decreased continuously since that time. FIRST SURVEY (1971/72) (Fig. 2) During the first survey of the terminus region from November 1971 to July 1972, 21 gravity stations were occupied along a transverse profile A-A' and an axial profile B - B ' (Fig. 2). All stations were surveyed by tacheometry (mean error in height ±0.3 m) and tied to a base station (entrance to a bulldozer shed whose foundation still exists today). The elevation of the base was not known at that time, and the observed gravity anomalies were interpreted in terms of "modified" Bouguer anomalies assuming that the effect of any regional field could be neglected. For logistic reasons, seismic measurements could not be made on the glacier close to the terminus at that time. However, seismic measurements over the outwash gravels showed that there was no concealed old ice body in front of the terminus {vp of saturated, presumably compacted, gravels was 2.8 km/s). Resistivity soundings along the seismic line confirmed this (Broadbent 1974). The seismic surveys were made along a 1.9 km long profile which started c. 400 m south from the base and ended near point B' in Fig. 2. The studies showed that the outwash gravels are c. 400 m thick in the centre of the valley. Assuming a similar structure for the infill below the glacier, a maximum ice thickness of 220 m was obtained by Broadbent (1974) at the centre of line A-A', as indicated by a maximum residual anomaly of -9.5 mgal (-95 x 10"6 N/kg). In 1981, the elevation of the base station became available (720.8 m). All survey data from the 1971/72 survey could therefore be expressed in terms of absolute heights. Comparison of these data with contours in the 1972 topographic map (based on 1964 photos) showed that the level of the glacier along line A-A' had probably decreased between 1964 and 1971 on average by c. 6 m. The elevation contours were slightly adjusted, and the smoothed contours shown in Fig. 2 reflect approximately the 1971 surface of the glacier in the terminal region. The 1971/72 survey data also showed that the level of one melt pond near line A-A' New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 1995, Vol. . Survey station 1890 (elevation in metres) Younger moraines exposed in 1972 Melt pond on glacier (grey water) Exposed ice cliff Pond level (a.s.l.) Perched lake (blue-green water) Ball Hut Road Gravity station (July 1972) Smoothed elevation contour covering glacier mouth1 of glacier 2282 2283 Fig. 2 Topography of the terminus region of the Tasman Glacier during the summer of 1971/72. The glacier contours have been smoothed using data from the S79 Lands and Survey map (1972) based on 1964/65 air photos. Tacheometric survey data (1971/72) were used to reconstruct the 1971/72 surface. The grid co-ordinates refer to those of the DOSLI Infomap 260-H36 (1992). The position of the melt holes was taken from a 1971 air photo reproduced by Kirkbride (1993). Spot heights on the glacier and the moraine were taken from Broderick's map 60.T. (1891); B stands for barometric height; all others were surveyed using a theodolite. Hochstein et al.—Downwasting of Tasman Glacier was 730 ± 1 m, similar to the level of the mouth of the Tasman River. The melt ponds were much smaller craters in 1964 (New Zealand Department of Lands and Survey photo 3724/24), when they could have been described as large "moulins" although there was little water in the craters at that time. By 1971 the craters had grown in size and were filled with grey-coloured meltwater (i.e. they had become melt ponds). Air photos taken in April 1971 (Kirkbride 1993) indicate an average diameter of 100 m for the ponds. Their size as shown in Fig. 2 is only approximate. A smaller meltstream had breached the end moraine in the southeastern corner (see Fig. 2). SECOND SURVEY (1982) (Fig. 3) The morphology of the terminus region had changed when the second survey was made during the summer of 1981/82. The melt ponds had increased in size to 0.56 x 106 m2 (see Fig. 3). Over 70 gravity stations were established on the glacier and were tied in to the base station (only half of these stations are shown on Fig. 3). Allowing for intermediate stations and local assessment of surrounding terrain, there were sufficient data available to construct the elevation contours of the terminal region shown in Fig. 3 (mean error in station height was still ±0.3 m). The surface level of most of the melt lakes lying south of line A-A' was surveyed, and these levels were almost the same as that of the Tasman River outlet, namely 728 ± 1 m. These melt lakes were therefore hydraulically connected with the outlet by a network of fractures and fissures. All lakes south of A-A' were filled with grey-coloured meltwater containing suspended silt. Two small lakes to the north of line A-A', at higher elevation, contained grey-green water, and were assumed to be perched shallow lakes; two other perched lakes occur within the western lateral moraine ("Blue Lakes" in Fig. 2). A bathymetric survey using a small boat and a 100 m leadline showed that the water depth of most of the melt lakes was between 20 and 50 m. In one lake, depths >100 m were found at two sites c. 80 m apart, indicating that vertical channels probably extended to the bottom of the glacier. In the summer, the surface water temperature near the ice cliffs was as high as 10°C, decreasing to 3°C at 0.3 m depth. The warmer surface layer enhanced melting, resulting in 13 m deep horizontal cuts (grooves) causing slumping of the overlapping ice cliffs (Claridge 1983). Comparison of glacier levels along lines A-A' and B-B' showed that downwasting between 1972 and 1982 had been irregular. Consistent downwasting of 12 ± 3 m is indicated for the axial profile B-B', whereas decreases between 5 and 45 m are indicated for the transverse profile A-A'. As the effect of terrain had been carefully assessed using an accurate method by Olivier & Simard (1981), the 1982 gravity data were of high quality. For interpretation, the gravitational effect of subglacial till was assumed to be similar to that in Broadbent's model. In the centre of profile A-A', the ice thickness was found to be c. 160 m (i.e. bottom level of glacier close to 600 m a.s.l.). A 3-D model showed that thick ice (>100 m) occurred c. 500 m upstream of the terminus. The ice thickness was confirmed by DCresistivity surveys which pointed to a thickness close to 230 m c. 2 km upstream at station A110 and 100 m (max. thickness) at station A104 c. 0.3 km upstream from the terminus (Fig. 3). The ice resistivities were about 11 and 5.5 x 106 £2m, respectively (i.e. falling in the lower range of those obtained on other temperate glaciers; Rothlisberger & Vogtli 1967); a significant anisotropy (25% near Al 10 and 10% near A104) was observed, with the resistivity in flow direction attaining a minimum value. Because the whole glacier is covered in the terminus region by a 1-2 m thick layer of ablation till, which is fairly coarse, it was impossible to define accurately the ice edge at the terminus. DC-resistivity traverses with small spacings (100 m) were used with success to map the ice-end moraine contact (Claridge 1983). Attempts to map the glacier bottom with seismic methods, using a 12-channel, portable SIErefraction unit, failed; the measurements only provided the trivial result that ice was coherent beneath the till at four profiles (vp of glacier ice = 3650-3700 m/s). THIRD SURVEY (1993) (Fig. 4) In February 1986, a photogrammetric survey of the Mt Cook area was repeated by the New Zealand Lands and Survey Department; the air photos indicate that the surface of the melt lakes had increased and covered 1.07 x 106 m2, a twofold increase since 1982. The new Mt Cook topographic map was published just before the third survey (New Zealand DOSLI 1992). It was now apparent that some catastrophic melting was occurring in the terminus region. A glaciological study of the terminus region had been made in the meantime (Kirkbride 1989); ice flow measurements by Kirkbride near the centre of profile A-A' showed that the glacier was still moving slowly at a rate of 3.3 m/yr at that locality. Several new methods were introduced in 1993 to assess the structure of the terminus region, namely the groundpenetrating radar method, and detailed limnological surveys (water depth, temperature, and water velocity). Standard tacheometric surveys were used to determine the position of stations on the glacier (with reference to the 1971 base station), and a small satellite navigation system (Ensign GPS) was used to determine positions on the lake (controlled by observations with a land-based theodolite and compass bearings). Radar soundings Earlier studies had shown that the thickness of ice caps and thick cold ice can be measured with radar (radio echo) reflections (Harrison 1973). Because of relatively strong attentuation of the signal and scattering effects of ice with englacial debris, the method provides less clear results if used on temperate glaciers and permafrost (e.g., Goodman etal. 1975; King etal. 1987). Recent developments, however, have shown that ground-penetrating radar can be used to map temperate glaciers and ice bodies (Robinson et al. 1993) and that ice thicknesses of temperate glaciers based on radio echo-soundings are, in general, accurate to within 5% of the actual ice thickness (Haeberli & Fisch 1984). For our surveys in February 1993 we used an EKKOIV ground-penetrating radar system employing 25 MHz antennas. The equipment was tested first in the terminus region of the nearby Miiller Glacier, where good reflections from the bottom of the glacier (max. depth 140 m) were obtained (Leary 1993). The survey was then shifted to the terminus region of the Tasman Glacier. For logistic reasons we could only take measurements along one 500 m long New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 1995, Vol. 2282 2283 Fig. 3 Topography of the terminus region of the Tasman Glacier at the end of the 1982 summer. The glacier contours are based on ;i tacheometric survey (Claridge 1983). The outlines of the larger melt lakes were constructed from air photos and ground surveys. Hochstein et al.—Downwasting of Tasman Glacier Bathymetric contour (in metres) of Tasman Lake Boat track with continuous soundings Spot sounding of water depth Bathymetric station (temperature and velocity logs) see Fig. 7. Station with GPS fix Gravity station (February 1993) Radar sounding profile on ice 0 SCALE 500 m TS Radar Profile \-_> 2282 2283 Fig. 4 Topography and bathymetry of the terminus region of the Tasman Glacier at the end of the 1993 summer. The glacier contours have been smoothed using data from the H36 DOSLI map (1992) based on 1986 air photos. Tacheometric survey data (1993) were used lo reconstruct the 1993 surface. The bathymetric survey lines are controlled by satellite fixes; details of the margins of Tasman Lake are based on 1993 air photos. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 1995, Vol. 38 profile near the western lateral moraine (profile TT in Fig. 4) and another 300 m long north-south trending profile (TS in Fig. 4) over the glacier snout. Separations between the antennas were typically 2 m, although a few common midpoint (CMP) profiles and "step-out" profiles were also observed. Analysis of the traveltime of direct and reflected radar waves showed that the speed of these signals in ice is c. 0.135 m/ns at shallow depth; it increases to 0.16 m/ns at greater depths. A processed section of the TT profile is shown in Fig. 5 (taken from Leary 1993). This section shows that old ice underlies the whole profile; the observed ice thickness has been incorporated in the cross-section of the A-A' line shown in Fig. 8. Since the ablation till in the western half of the TT profile is covered by sparse vegetation (moss, lichens), it had been assumed in the past that there was no thick ice beneath this area. Interpretation of gravity anomalies over the western part of profile A-A' by Broadbent (1974) and Claridge (1983) were based on this assumption. Our radar soundings showed that the assumption had to be revised. The sounding results of the TS profile were less clear although the bottom of the glacier can be recognised along certain segments of the profile. The section of the snout shown in Fig. 9 was taken from a processed section of Leary (1993). A summary of our radar soundings has been presented recently (Nobes et al. 1994). Tasman Lake surveys A reconnaissance survey in February 1993, using a small boat and a 100 m long leadline, had shown that the water depths of the greater part of the melt lake were >100 m. It was therefore likely that the glacier had melted down to its base. A separate bathymetric survey was mounted in April 1993 to investigate the structure of the large melt lake (Tasman Lake*). Since it was possible that bottom melting was enhanced by a large subglacial flow of meltwater, an Inter-Ocean current meter was used to measure temperature and horizontal flow at various depths in the lake. Water depths were measured using a pair of 28 kHz and 200 kHz acoustic transducers (CRAME 800 Echo Sounder). A depth sounding section for the bathymetric profile 4, which is close to line A-A' in Fig. 4, is shown in Fig. 6A; another sounding section (bathymetry profile 11, close to line B-B') is shown in Fig. 6B. It can be seen from Fig. 6B that the ice cliffs at the northern edge of the lake are almost vertical, and dead ice at the southern end of the profile dips smoothly c. 35° beneath the lake. At the western edge of the profile in Fig. 6A, the ice slope dips c. 30° to the east. Leadline soundings showed that in certain depressions a thin layer ( e l m ) of silt sludge had already accumulated at the bottom of the lake. The bathymetric profiles and spot soundings were used to compile a bathymetric map of the terminal lake (Fig. 4); the outlines of the lake were taken from a vertical photo (May 1993; L. Homer pers. comm.). Integration of the data in Fig. 4 showed that in April 1993 the Tasman Lake occupied an area of c. 1.95 x 106 m2. Analysis of the tacheometric survey showed that the lake level was 727 ± 1 m a.s.l. from February to April 1993. *New name proposed to the New Zealand Geographic Board. The temperature-depth profiles taken at six bathymetric stations are shown in Fig. 7; the temperatures displayed are the mean of down and up logging runs at 1 m intervals. The data indicate that the lake is almost isothermal, wild temperatures between 0.3 and 0.5°C (the instrument;A accuracy was ±0.05°C). A 0.1 °C colder layer is indicate;! for the bottom section at stations 3 and 5, which were closest to the northern vertical ice cliffs (Fig. 4). Measure ments showed that the direction of the horizontal component of flow in the lake was essentially random; the speed varied at the lake bottom between 0.05 m/s at station 5 to 0.25 nVs at station 3. Similar values were observed at the other stations. The vertical component could not be measured with the equipment. An oblique air photo taken in August 1993 (R. Bellringer pers. comm.) has shown that the melt lake froze over during winter except for three large patches of open water up to 100 m in extent along the northern ice cliffs between stations 3 and 5. It is therefore likely that mixing of the lake is driven by subglacial meltwater which enters the lake near the northern ice cliffs. Since the density of water is a maximum at 4°C, the slightly colder temperature of the bottom layer would result in minor buoyancy forces causiri ^ secular convection. SECTIONS OF THE GLACIER (TERMINUS REGION) By April 1993 we had collected sufficient data to reconstrm t the actual shape of the glacier in the terminus region. The shape of the bottom of the glacier is constrained by the radar soundings and the recent bathymetric survey. Putting all interpretation models together in the form of an integrated model produced the sections shown in Fig. 8 (line A-A ) and Fig. 9 (line B-B'). To obtain representative residual Bouguer anomalies, we subtracted the regional field showa in Fig. 1 (modified after Claridge 1983) from the observed Bouguer anomaly values. This field represents "absolute" Bouguer anomalies at stations on solid rocks, allowing for the "edge effect" of nearby glaciers. Using all available data, the theoretical gravitational effect of the glacier (1982 surface) was computed for lines A-A' and B-B' using the algorithm of Barnett (1976). The results are shown in the upper half of Fig. 8 and 9. It can be seen that 2-D models produce theoretical effects (ice only) that are too small, causing a difference of almost 2 mgal (20 (xN/kg) near the intersection of the two lines (stations A108 and K106). The 2-D model over the "snout" (right-hand side of section in Fig. 9) also produces anomalies which are too small. When a 3-D model was used, these inconsistencies disappeared. The difference between computed 3-D (ice) anomalies and observed residual anomalies reflects the effect of low-density gravels and glacial till beneath the glacier. The two curves in Fig. 8 indicate an asymmetric distribution of these deposits for the cross-sectional profile A-A', wiih the thickest deposits occurring beneath the western half of the section. The upstream divergence of the two anomaly curves in Fig. 9 points to an increasing thickness or decreasing density of subglacial deposits in that direction; it might also reflect poor control of the regional field in the terminus region. Further studies of the regional field are required before the structure of the subglacial deposits beneath the terminus region can be presented. T c Position (m) 250 300 350 400 450 500 538 n_ ft 5" -250 re 500 1 ^-750 1000 fro -1250 1500 o -1750 2000 Processed West •o- 3 Position (m) 50 I 100 I 9'acier surface 150 200 250 300 350 400 I East 450 -780 ^^ -760 = E -740 (O lodgement till Lake level (726.8 m) y - : • • • • • — • • • • . : • • . • - • - ; . " ; • • » . ; •>' - v ' ^ S ; . '••. lodgement till \ N -720 Tasman glacier <D -640 Interpretation Fig. 5 Processed radar sounding section TT; for locality see Fig. 4. The distance between recording sites is 2 m. The bottom reflection comes from the ice-bottom till interface (max. thickness 110 m). 10 New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 1995, Vol. 38 Bathymetry LINE 4 (Tasman Lake), 24.4 1993 14:16.9 I*.: I. 200 Ml, T W 0 500 250 750 1250 approx. distance (m) Fig. 6A Bathymetric sounding profile of Line 4 (W-E) across Tasman Lake (for location see Fig. 4). The profile in the upper half was recorded with a 200 kHz transducer, and the profile in the lower half with a 28 kHz transducer (copy of original record). -< Fig. 6B Bathymetric sounding profile of Line 11 (S-N) acn ss Tasman Lake (copy of original record). Bathymetry LINE 11 (Tasman Lake), 24.4.1993 15:54.7 15:59.5 16:06.3 RAPID MELTING AND ASSOCIATED DISINTEGRATION OF THE GLACIER TERMINUS 500 approx. distance (rn) r 750 1000 Long-term changes in the level of the glacier near the terminus region can be assessed if the spot heights of Broderick's survey in 1890 are compared with the smoothed contours of the glacier in 1971 (Fig. 2). This shows that the level decreased at an average rate of 1.1 m/yr during that time. This rate, however, probably contains an opposing component associated with a short-term increase in crosssectional ice flux and, hence, increase in level during the period 1885-95 when other New Zealand glaciers advanced. Significant downwasting probably began only from 1914 onwards (Harper 1934; Rose 1937). Between 1964 and 1971 the downwasting rate was probably 0.85 m/yr, reaching a value of 1.2 m/yr between 1972 and 1982 (these rates refer to the area near the intersection of profiles A-A' and B-B' in Fig. 2). The surface profiles in Fig. 9 indicate that downwasting at the terminal moraine was insignificant until about 1972. An increase in the rate of downwasting from about 1960 onwai Is has been reported for the lower reaches of another laige valley glacier in the South Island, the Dart Glacier (Bisri ip & Forsyth 1988), although downwasting there has stopped more recently (G. Bishop pers. comm. 1993). The 1-2 m thick layer of ablation till in the terminus region shielded the Tasman Glacier from melting by Hochstein et al.—Downwasting of Tasman Glacier Fig. 7 Temperature-depth logging profiles of Tasman Lake al six bathymetric stations (for station locality see Fig. 4). The error bars represent the difference in temperature between down- and upward logs. Temperatures are plotted at 1 m depth intervals; surface temperature is not shown. 11 Q" ° 0.4Q. £ 0.2& 0.0 20 40 20 40 60 80 120 1Q0 140 O •0.4- 0.20.0 . 60 . 80 . 1Q0 . 120 . 1 60 , 80 . 1Q0 . 120 . 140 o• 0 . 4 0.20.0 20 ^ 40 60 8Q 1Q0 120 #2 0.4 - ^ 0.0 20 40 60 80 1Q0 120 #1 o °>— 0.4 Q. I 00.02 "I 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Depth (m) insolation; glacier downwasting upstream from the terminal moraine was presumably the result of a continuous decrease in cross-sectional ice flow. The shape of the 800 m contour in v. Lendenfeld's map (1884) suggests that there were two slowly moving ice streams, one on the eastern side, probably fed by the Upper Tasman Glacier, and a westerly stream fed mainly by the Hochstetter Glacier (see Fig. 1). Large sinkholes had developed along the margins of these two ice streams: v. Lendenfeld (1884) mapped numerous sinkholes in the lower 4 km of the glacier, and a number of circular features are also shown in Broderick's map (1891). These sinkholes, called "Dolinen" by v. Lendenfeld, were characteristic features of the terminal region, and occur in all older photos of this region (Kirkbride 1993). Before 1960, the western ice stream became stagnant, and sinkholes developed mainly along the margins of the eastern ice stream (see Fig. 2). After 1960, sinkholes to the south of line A-A' (Fig. 2) filled with meltwater, the bottom of these holes having intersected the coherent intraglacial water table at c. 730 m elevation. Melting was now enhanced by convection in vertical channels and tubes, as described by Rothlisberger (1972) and Shreve (1972), and water in the ponds attained a characteristic grey colour caused by mixed, suspended silt particles. Other sinkholes further upstream also filled with meltwater but the water often remained unmixed, attaining a grey-green colour (perched water table). Rapid melting of the exposed bare ice (due to insolation) and bottom melting by convection in vertical tubes caused the rapid increase in size of these ponds noticed between 1971 and 1982 (see Fig. 2, 3). Two of these deep tubes only 80 m apart were detected by our first bathymetric survey in 1982; the location of one with a water depth >100 m is shown in Fig. 3. The lateral growth of the melt ponds was studied in detail by Kirkbride (1993) during 1986/87, who detected pronounced seasonal growth. Another process probably caused the elongated melt lakes at the contact between the glacier and eastern lateral moraine. A 550 m long and c. 40 m wide lake had already New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 1995, Vol. !8 12 A'(East) A (West) = ©„ K100 v - 4 -- y* • ? - ~ ~ — • o 0 J — , o ? -8 - / K110 / 0 - - - P-12 / x - - 0 Observed (1982) residual anomaly (effect of ice and moraine) « • Computed effect, 3D - model (ice only) ° ° Computed effect, 2D - model - \ o •' - 0 K1O60^ A108 ^ -- ' K X 106 N. Blue Lake Murchison River 1" 800 ^' • /' • if 1972 ice 1982 §-• ^nK •' dry <a B700 "% >: % y rock > LU \ ^ K "* . TT Radar • f \ profile —— saturated \ W. side moraine \ water level \\\r/ — " \ « a t e r level (1993) / : dead ice Tasman Lake \ Ik /C | 727m I If 1993 !• '/if Asides : A'moraineS (me« water) -'^l irSi i<.- rock JtJ 600bottom 0 moraine i 1000 2000 Distance (m) Fig. 8 Upper part: Theoretical and observed residual gravity anomalies along line A-A' (Tasman Glacier); for locality see Fig. 4. The theoretical anomalies (gravitational effect of ice only) are based on the section of the glacier shown in the lower part and a modified ice isopach map by Claridge (1983) bounded by the 1982 surface. Lower part: Cross-section of the Tasman Glacier along line A-A'. The bottom was constructed using results from bathymetric and radar soundings. The level of the glacier and lateral moraines are from tacheometric survey data. been formed by the summer of 1971/72 (Fig. 2). It is possible that melting in this lake was induced by surface water, which infiltrated from the east, through the lateral moraine that blocks the Murchison Valley (Fig. 1). When the rapidly growing, quasi-circular melt lakes in the western part of the terminus region reached the elongated melt lakes in the eastern half (about 1988/89, according to Kirkbride 1993) a new ablation mechanism, namely calving of icebergs, began to operate. This enhanced the breaking up process of the glacier. In February 1993 we noticed that six large icebergs (up to 100 m long) were floating in the terminal lake. Their position changed from day to day depending on the prevailing wind direction. One of the six icebergs, however, did not move—it had become grounded near the outlet, where the water depth was 50 m (Fig. 4). Triangulation from land stations showed that the top of this iceberg stood 4.7 m above the lake level, pointing to a maximum submerged thickness of 50 m (assuming hydrostatic equilibrium for the ice body with a density of 0.916 x 103 kg/m3). Its volume could therefore be assessed, and it was found to be c. 200 000 m3. Another, much larger ice block at the calving front was noticed in 1993. This tabular block covered an area of c. 86 000 m2 and was part of a promontory of the northern ice cliffs (Fig. 4). A large, well-defined crack, 2^1- m wide, had appeared by April 1993 and could be entered by boat on the eastern side. Since the bathymetric survey had shown that the ice block has vertical sides to the south, and using the geometry shown in Fig. 9, it could be inferred that the volume of this ice block was 12.5 x 106 m3 (i.e. about onetenth of the volume of the present lake). Calving of icebergs is controlled by the buoyancy ratio (pw/pi)d!/7j, where d = water depth, h = ice thickness, p w and Pj = density of water and ice, respectively. For the large ice block at the calving front in the Tasman Lake (see Fig. 9). d = 125 m and h = 140 m at the southern cliff. Hence, the buoyancy ratio is about 0.97, and the large ice mass should be grounded. However, its average density could be slightly less than 0.916 x 103 kg/m3, as indicated by air bubbles enclosed in the matrix of smaller icebergs floating in the lake, and the error in d and h is of the order of a few metres. Therefore, the buoyancy ratio could be >1, which implies Hochstein et al.—Downwasting of Tasman Glacier 13 B1 (South) B (North) 1 1 © £ > -* •— —• CQ - § ° 1 ' 1 0 Observed (1982) residual anomaly (effect of ice and moraine) / / Computed effect, 3D - model (ice only) X -' * o Computed effect, 2D - model „/ ^©-~. ^© A100 --0- / ^ CD 0 - / * ' A105 ro Residual Boug • # O © y _ - - - -©" © K106 - " A107 _•©'' CD •— _ — - A108 1 I 800 . ^ 1972 ice . _ , ^ ~~ © — — — _ 1993 ice —?—^ ~~~ o — - °^ — • CO u 1982 ice f^ 1993 /g CO • TS Radar _ E "5 700 I moving ice calving iceberg (1993) '*"••'-.••;..•" '"•'=; =:./'6««wiUi« / "• dead ice A• (meltwater) // outwash gravel /& A' r /J CO * LLJ 600 - tftjF" bottom /^•6"p: ^'-%J: - moraine 1000 i 2000 Distance (m) Fig. 9 Gravity profiles and cross-section of the Tasman Glacier along line B - B ' (for locality see Fig. 4). Details listed in the caption of Fig. 8 also apply. that the ice block is afloat although it might touch the bottom moraine in a few places. We therefore use the term "iceberg" for this large block of ice. An air photo taken in August 1993 showed that the large iceberg was still in the same position as in April 1993. The large crack along the northern margin had widened to a V-shaped valley, and 5-7 east-west striking fissures with en echelon structure had developed within this 320 m wide ice block. It is therefore possible that this iceberg will disintegrate by further calving. Another important parameter, which reflects melting in the terminus region, namely the outflow rate of the Tasman River, is still not yet known. From the drifting speed of a small boat, and a bathymetric section of the outlet area, we estimated in February 1982 that the outflow rate was of the order of 50 m3/s. This flow rate, however, changes with season and the degree of ongoing melting. The observed changes in lake surface and in volume of meltwater of the terminal lakes between 1972 and 1993 are shown in Fig. 10. These point to an almost linear increase in surface area with time since 1982. POSSIBLE NEAR-FUTURE CHANGES If the disintegration of the terminus region continues at the present rate, some significant changes are indicated which are associated with the damming of the lake outlet, downwasting and slumping of the lateral moraines, and melting of dead ice beneath the old terminus. In 1993, when we launched a boat in a small bay that lies c. 450 m north from the lake outlet (Fig. 4), we noticed silt terraces standing 1-3 m above the lake level. Obviously, the lake level had changed during the last few years. The observation of a grounded iceberg near the outlet might explain such changes as being the result of the damming effect of icebergs in that area. Changes in lake level might also be caused by seasonal meltwater flows. Melting of the glacier over a distance of almost 3 km has weakened the support of the eastern lateral moraine (Fig. 4). Enhanced slumping of the moraine can be expected in this area. Such slumping has already occurred near line AA'. Surface level data show that the top of the moraine has New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 1995, Vol ; 8 14 1968 70 </ 74 78 82 Time (year) 90 1992 Fig. 10 Total area of melt lakes and lake volumina for the period 1972-93. The graph covers all ponds and lakes in the terminus region (Tasman Glacier) shown in Fig. 2-4. decreased in level by c. 8 m since 1982 (Fig. 8). After completion of the study, the Murchison River broke through the eastern moraine in January 1994 and now discharges into the Tasman Lake. The section in Fig. 9 indicates that the terminus of the Tasman Glacier has retreated by c. 1.3-1.6 km as a result of rapid melting between 1971 and 1993. The new terminus is represented by the ice cliffs (calving front) forming the northern margin of Tasman Lake. When the dead ice near the old terminus disappears, some additional drainage of the lake may take place via existing gaps in the old terminal moraine, which could lead to flood surges. In view of the possible developments outlined here, further, more detailed monitoring of the terminal region is desirable. Our old monitoring schedule with 10-11 year intervals is no longer suitable for such surveillance. SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION Sporadic observations of the terminus region between 1900 and 1972 indicate that the Tasman Glacier decreased in thickness at a rate of the order of 1 m/yr. More detailed monitoring began in the summer of 1971/72 and showed that the terminus region began to disintegrate from 1972 onwards. This was caused by rapid melting which started from a few melt ponds and an elongated marginal melt lake; all lakes were hydrologically connected by a network of intraglacial fissures and channels. The level of the interconnected ponds and lakes was controlled by the level of the outlet into the Tasman River; this decreased slightly from 730 m a.s.l. in 1971/72 to 727 m in 1993. Downwasting became uneven between 1972 and 1982, although along an axial strip it was still rather uniform (1.2 m/yr). It is likely that the 1-2 m thick layer of coarse ablation till that already covered the glacier at lower altitudes before 1890 reduced ablation. The total surface area of the melt ponds and lakes has increased at a rate of c. 125 000 m2/yr since 1982. By 1990, these features had coalesced to form one large, coherent lake (Tasman Lake) which covered an area of 1.95 km2 in April 1993. A bathymetric survey showed that the glacier had melted down to its bottom, which lies near 600 m a.s.l. The glacier's retreat accelerated in 1991 by iceberg calving. The thickness of the glacier was assessed during our earlier surveys from residual gravity anomalies. The 19 2 and 1982 gravity models of an east-west section of tl e glacier c. 1.5 km upstream from the terminus indicated a bottom level of 580 m (Broadbent 1974) and 600 m (Claridi e 1983), respectively. Considering the various uncertain tics in these interpretations, the agreement with the actual level of 600 m, as found in 1993 from bathymetric and sounding surveys, is remarkably close and confirms that the glacier thickness can be assessed reliably in steep terrain by gravity surveys (Kanasewich 1963; Klingele & Kahle 1977). A detailed structure of the ice-bottom moraine contact, however, cannot be obtained with this method. Neither could it be obtained from seismic reflection surveys as the 1-2 m thick debris layer on top of the glacier prevented us from obtaining good reflection data. An important finding of the 1993 survey, therefore, was that radar signals can penetrate the debris layer, and that radar reflections of hie h resolution can be obtained from the glacier bottom (Nobcs et al. 1994). Detailed information about the fine structure of the bottom comes from bathymetric soundings, which show that the bottom of the glacier is quite irregular. This is a surprising result because it was expected that movement of the glacier would have created a smooth subsurface. Analysis of seism i c and gravity data near the terminus has shown that a thick bottom moraine exists and that it consists of compacted gravels and till that are c. 400 m thick near the terminus. Another important result of our study is the discovery i if the anomalous hydrological setting of the terminus region, where a coherent intraglacial water table was extant in 1972, before smaller melt ponds started to develop. The hydraulic gradient was small (<1 x 103), pointing lo anomalously high permeability in the glacier. In other temperate glaciers, hydraulic gradients are at least 1-2 orders of magnitude greater (Hantz & Lliboutry 1983), even in the presence of intraglacial meltwater channels (Rothlisberger 1972). The effective permeability of these glaciers appears to be at least an order of magnitude lower than that indicated for the lower Tasman Glacier. We do not know what caused this high permeability but it can be inferred that it is an important parameter which controlled subsurface melting once melt ponds intersected the water table. This caused meltwater convection, which was maintained by the small density difference between water in the ponds (max. density at T = 4°C) and colder water in deeper melt channels i T close to 0°C). The fact that silt remained in suspension, us indicated by the uniform grey colour of the water in the melt ponds, confirms that convection did occur. Melting of the bare ice exposed in the walls of ponds and lakes wits enhanced by insolation, but surface melting was minor compared with melting of the ice below the water table. Ice calving began in 1991 after most of the ponds and smaller lakes had coalesced to form one large melt lake (Tasman Lake). Calving dynamics are poorly understood and seem to differ between temperate and cold glaciers, and also between glaciers with grounded and floating termini (Hughes 1992; Warren 1992). Calving is common where a fast-moving glacier discharges into the sea (in Greenland and Alaska, for example), or into deep terminal lakes (Patagonia). The Tasman Glacier, however, is almost stagnant at its calving front (<4 m/yr). Hochstein et al.—Downwasting of Tasman Glacier 15 Although we cannot yet classify the calving dynamics of the Tasman Glacier, some conditions which facilitate calving of a stagnant temperate glacier can be described. Our studies indicate that calving can commence once most of the ice at the bottom of the terminal lake has melted. For calving to occur, the buoyancy ratio (p^lp^d/h has to be >1 at the calving front. A coherent intraglacial water table with a small hydraulic gradient, as occurs in the lower part of the Tasman Glacier, is probably a prerequisite for calving in this setting. Rapid melting, formation of a large terminal lake, and subsequent calving occur not only at the Tasman Glacier but have also been reported for smaller glaciers in the Mt Cook National Park (Kirkbride 1993), although the onset of rapid melting differed from glacier to glacier. By 1950, large melt lakes had developed at the foot of the Classen and Grey Glaciers, c. 22 km to the northwest of the Murchison Terminus (Fig. 1). The terminus of the Godley Glacier, which borders the Grey, disintegrated after the coalescence of several melt lakes in the mid 1970s. Calving has been reported since 1961 for the Classen Glacier; the Godley Glacier has retreated, mainly by calving, since 1974 (Kirkbride 1993). The terminus of the Tasman Glacier had disintegrated by 1989, with calving starting in 1991. Glaciological Section and the Central Laboratories of the New Zealand Ministry of Works. The 1982 and 1993 surveys were supported by grants from the University of Auckland Grants Committee. Members and rangers of the Mt Cook National Park Board assisted during each survey. Sierra software at VUW was used to process the 1993 radar data. W. Haeberli (ETH Zurich) and C. R. Warren (University of Edinburgh) read a draft of the manuscript and provided valuable comments. At the present time, accelerated growth of preglacial lakes also occurs at three other glaciers in the vicinity of the Tasman Glacier, namely the Murchison (Fig. 1), Hooker, and Miiller Glaciers (c. 7 km to the west of the Tasman terminus). During visits in 1982 we found that several melt ponds, similar in size to those seen in 1972 on the lower Tasman Glacier, had just formed. Most of the ponds are shown in small maps by Gellatly (1985). By 1993, the ponds had become terminal melt lakes, which are c. 0.7 km long at the foot of the Hooker and Miiller Glaciers. Calving has not been observed here yet. The ongoing, rapid distintegration of the whole terminus region of the Tasman Glacier is ultimately a result of climatological changes. These began in about 1945, when mean annual temperatures began to rise in New Zealand (Salinger et al. 1993). However, the mean temperature is only one of the many parameters affecting the behaviour of glaciers (Hay & Fitzharris 1988) because timing and the nature of glacier retreat are also modified by other, non-climatic factors (Warren 1992). The staggered development of melt lakes and calving of glaciers in the Mt Cook National Park is good evidence for the influence of non-climatic factors. Broderick, T. N. 1891: Map of the Tasman and Murchison Glaciers (1 inch to 40 chains). (Topo 60.T.). Held by Department of Survey and Land Information (DOSLI), Christchurch. A CKNO WLEDGMENTS The surveys described were made possible by the assistance of many helpers, volunteers, students, and professionals. In appreciation of their work, the names of those mentioned in our field books are listed: 1971/72 party: P. W. Anderton (Joint Leader), R. A. Atkins, H. Bibby, M. Broadbent, L. Carrington, F. Davey, B. Hochstein, M. P. Hochstein (Joint Leader), D. Innes, R. Jenkins, C. O'Reilly, arid R. Williams. 1982 party: R. Bellringer, G. Bulte, G. Caldwell, D. Claridge, S. Davidge, S. A. Henrys, M. P. Hochstein (Leader), S. Rawson, D. J Robertson, H.P. Schmidt, and A. Sutherland. 1993party: R. Bellringer, S. A. Henrys, M. P. Hochstein (Leader), S. F. Leary, D. C. Nobes, A. Pyne, and M. Watson. The 1971/72 survey was sponsored by Geophysics Division (DSIR) and supported by Antarctic Division (DSIR), the REFERENCES Anderton, P. W. 1975: Tasman Glacier 1971-73. Hydrological research: annual report 33. Wellington, Ministry of Works and Development. 28 p. Barnett, C. T. 1976: Theoretical modelling of the magnetic and gravitational fields of an arbitrarily-shaped threedimensional body. Geophysics 41: 1353-1364. Bishop, G.; Forsyth, J. 1988: Vanishing ice. An introduction to glaciers based on a study of the Dart Glacier. John Mclndoe and New Zealand Geological Survey, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. 56 p. Broadbent, M. 1974: Seismic and gravity surveys on the Tasman Glacier 1971-72. Geophysics Division report 91. Wellington, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. 43 p. Broderick, T.N.I 897: Letter to Lands and Survey Chief Surveyor. Letterbook S43 86/21. 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