Shore Lines - Saratoga Lake Association


Shore Lines - Saratoga Lake Association
keep their
eyes skyward in
anticipation of the
dropping to
welcome in
the New
Shore Lines
Saratoga Lake Association
P.O. Box 2152
Ballston Spa, NY 12020
January 13, 2013
Julie Annotto, co-editor
Sharon Urban, co-editor
Deep Freeze Coming?
Lately, all we hear in the news is how unusual the weather is
around the world — from record snows in France and Germany, to
the hottest start in a century to southern Australia, to China’s
driest and snowiest weather in history. And, no one can say that
Sandy wasn’t a very strange occurrence in our own backyard.
We are fortunate to receive updates from the Chairman of the
Emergency Planning Committee, Tom Rinaldi, on weather issues.
He recently sent the information below and if the frigid pattern
comes to pass, we should all be ready for it.
Drinking Water Update
Now that the holidays have passed, it is time to get back
to work and press on to get public water for our Saratoga
Lake Community.
The outpouring since the last update has been
great. We currently have 18 families /houses that have indicated that they would sign a contract in advance for public
water. That is a great start since this was a big issue with the
south end of the lake when the project was started and many
residents backed out of the commitment at the last minute.
“According to Accuweather long range guidance, it apTo date the “AFTER THE HOLIDAYS MEETING” has
pears that we may be in for a pattern shift resulting in some not taken place nor been scheduled. I have calls into both
of the most frigid temperatures in recent memory. Current- Tom Wood, supervisor of the Town of Saratoga and Bob
ly cold air is damned up in Canada and Hudson Bay north
Iovinella, President of Saratoga Glen Hollow Water Supply
to the Arctic Circle. This frigid air may be forced into the
Company. However, neither of these two gentlemen have
lower layers of the atmosphere and will then drive south
called me back yet to firm up the meeting date to outline a
into the lower 48. The exact timing of the emergence of
plan that will work for all. I am continuing to follow up
this frigid air is uncertain but will likely occur during the
with these two people since they are key to our success.
second half of January. During the next week or so a flow
With the recently announced expansion of the Global
of milder Pacific air will invade much of the nation for sevFoundries and the addition of 1000 new jobs, as well as the
eral days followed by an arctic mass by the third week of
probable expansion of the Casino, our area will be explodJanuary. It is more likely that this will occur in waves of pro- ing and the need for high quality water will become even
gressively colder air with each wave driving further
more important.
south. As these waves of cold air spread into the south and
Please continue to talk up the public water whenever you
east, some energy may be released in the form of a series of
get the opportunity and keep me informed about new peostorms riding the cold air. So the bottom line, get ready for ple who would sign a contract in advance will work to bring
some real cold weather that we have not experienced in
this to fruition. Thanks for all the support.
some time.
Pete Morse
continued on page 7 215-688-6286
Our last Welcome Basket set sail so the Welcome Boat
committee is seeking donations for our next round of 12
baskets to be made. If you have a business and would like
to help fill our baskets with a give-away or discount coupon, we would gladly accept it. You might also provide a
service and might like to give away a business card with a
little gift.
All the baskets are given to new neighbors moving in
next door to our SLA members. They make a terrific house
warming gift and give those new to SLA a very nice first
impression of our group.
Please support our effort and if you indeed have something you would like to give, contact Lisa Morahan at or call 584-3935.
If you have a new neighbor moving in please contact
Dianne Fedoronko at
Web Cam Up and Running
Be sure to check out Steve Bleznyk’s lake cam. It’s a new
look and one Steve says is a work in progress. It is especially nice for our snow birds who want to look at the
lake while away for the winter.
Steve has also agreed to keep track of our ice in/out
dates. This year, the official ice in date is January 2.
“Being a newbie to the lake, imagine my amazement at seeing
this bald eagle just off the south shore this a.m., with
prey. Beautiful! The crow was waiting for any leftovers.”
—Julie Wash
Be Careful Out There!!
This life size bronze statue of cigar was unveiled in February,
1997 at a "Salute to Cigar Day" at Gulfstream Park in Florida. As a four year old, Cigar was shipped to the east coast to be
trained by Bill Mott. In 1995 - 1996 he was the first American
race horse to win 16 consecutive races against top-class competition. His earnings were $9,999.813, just short of the 10 million
dollar mark. Cigar now lives at the Kentucky Horse Park's Hall
of Champions in Lexington. His statue stands in a place of
prominence at Gulfstream Park.
The first brave souls have ventured onto the lake for fishing and
recreation. It’s important to be aware
of the thickness of the ice, especially
in areas that serve as inlets.
Please see page 7 for an interesting and informative
piece on lake ice.
Location, Location, Location
“Christmas in Australia” — Billie and Arthur cook, part-time
residents of Australia, spend their summers both here and there!
The best of both worlds.
“Christmas in Florida” — Nick Annotto, Bob and Dominick
Giombetti, take a Christmas day swim.
No, not Christmas in Tahiti! New Year’s Day at
Saratoga Lake. Photo by Paul Phillips.
The famous Times Square ball first
dropped on New Years Eve in NYC in
1908. The original ball was lit with
100 incandescent light bulbs housed in
iron and wood. Today’s ball boasts
2,688 Waterford crystal triangles illuminated by a computerized LED system attached to an aluminum frame.
One of our members spent New
Years Eve elbow to elbow with revelers
in Times Square and managed to get
this shot of the ball dropping.
Here’s to the New Year!
Here’s to you —To health and happiness each day
through, to new dreams rising on wings
of light — new beginnings sparkling like
a star studded night.
4th Annual SACC Night of Comedy
Tickets are Here!
Linda Couse and friends enjoyed a visit to the Christmas Lights
Display in Albany.
Join us on January 26th for an evening of comedy at
the Stillwater Area Community Center! Doors open
at 6:00 pm and the show starts ay 7:00 pm. Tickets
are $25 each. You can get them here at SACC from
the executive director, Madeline Patterson, or from
any board member. This is an event for adults 21 and
older. For tickets or information call 664-2515 or
Stillwater Fire Company News
Stewart’s Holiday Match Raises
$1.3 million for Charity
Thanks to some generous folks in the Capital Region,
Stewart’s Shops is providing more than a million dollars to
local children’s charities. The money is from their 26th
annual Holiday Match program.
This year, customers donated more than $600,000 to the
program, which was matched by Stewarts to total $1.3 million.
With customer’s help, Stewart’s has given out $17 million since the start of the program in 1986.
Look who’s at McMahon’s Horse Farm! The first foal of the
year was born on January 8th at the Fitch Road farm. It’s such
a treat to drive by McMahon’s and look at all the new “babies.”
Birthing will go on for several months, so if you’re out for a joy
ride, stop over and enjoy the sights.
In a continuing effort to connect with the community
the fire department will be holding a Pot Roast Dinner at
the main station on Kellogg Road at 6PM Saturday the
26th of January. Advanced tickets are available from any of
the fire fighters for $8, or $10 at the door.
The Arvin Hart Fire Company would like to announce
the volunteer officers who have been elected to manage
the department for 2013. Operational officers are; Chief,
Jamie Herrick, Deputy Chief Zach Zendran and Assistant
Chief Bob Wood. Fire Captains are Rick Hopeck, Dave
Dunn and Darren Lesson, Lieutenants are TJ Rinaldi Jr.,
RJ Laurenzo and Jeff Nylon. The fire police Captain is
Bob Okosky and fire police Lieutenant is Jim Woodruff. The administrative officers are; President Bob Carson, Vice President Nick Maciariello, Treasurer Lisa Laurenzo, Business Secretary Chris Wright and Recording
Secretary Peter Hughes. Mike Handerhan was elected to
another 5 year term on the Board of Fire Commissioners. The Board of Fire Commissioners has the administrative as well as fiduciary responsibility for the operation of
the fire district guided by several state laws. The department’s current strength is approximately 50 members, but
we always could use more especially for daytime response
when everyone is working out of town. The department
answered approximately 200 calls this past year. We are
relatively quiet compared to Clifton Park Fire Department
which answers approximately 600 calls annually.
(Tom Rinaldi, Commissioner, Stillwater Fire Company)
Send all submissions to Shore Lines to Julie at:
Featured Businesses
Tonya Trombley, Dan Porrazzo, and daughter
Takoda, welcomed Brett Maybee and Megan to the
lake community. They appreciated the warm welcome
and took the opportunity to ask questions about the
lake and the area.
The Saratoga Lake Association would like to add
their welcome to Brett and Megan and hope to meet
them at one of our social functions.
Reprised from winter, 2012
In order to make snow and road clean-up efficient and
timely, it is IMPERATIVE:
• you move objects that are in the Town’s Right-of-way
(ROW) in order to facilitate snow removal. These
objects include: basketball/hoops, rocks and landscaping.
The ROW is about 30 feet from the center of the road.
Unfortunately, the Town will not be responsible for replacing or repairing any objects left within that ROW.
• you do not park on the streets! There is a Town Law
that prohibits parking on the streets or 4 feet from
the shoulder of the roads from November 1st through
April 1st. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated so
that we can efficiently remove snow from the roadways.
Your vehicle may be towed and a possible fine of up to
$100. If there are any concerns or questions, please do
not hesitate to call us at 899-2818.
To all snowbirds in Florida . . . do you have a need for
a dentist while in Florida? Member John Ritota has
his practice in Delray Beach and would be happy to
help you out. He also offers a 20 percent discount to
SLA members.
John P. Ritota, DDS
3401 South Federal Highway
Delray Beach, FL 33483
(561) 272-6664
Community Care Links Network for Ne3wly Diagnosed Cancer
582 Route 9P
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
(518) 584-3935
Lisa Morahan, Founder
Karner Psychological Associates
Psychotherapy and EMDR Trauma Resolution
634 Plank Road
Clifton Park, NY 12065
(518) 456-5056
June E. Morier, LCSW
Saratoga Smiles
176 Lake Avenue
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
(518) 584-5060
Richard Dennis, DDS
Luther Forest Corporation
P.O. Box 2109
Malta, NY 12020
(518) 899-6001
Alex Mackay, President
Curley Associates, Life Insurance
Least Expensive in New York
23 Simon Lane
Latham, NY 12110
(518) 733-6370
Joseph Curley
Adirondack Public Adjusters
Fire and Water Adjusters
P.O. Box 4985
Clifton Park, NY 12065
(518) 588-0677
Robert Daviero
Margot Lucy Thomas
Attorney at Law — Environmental, Real Estate Development,
and Business Law
100 Trillium Lane
Albany, NY 12203
(518) 456-3415
Notable News
Malta nearing decision on downtown zoning -
Many of Lisa Morahan’s associated and friends received this
letter from her about her organization, floydwarriors, and we
wanted to share it with all our readers. We all know Lisa as
our events coordinator and know how hard she works for SLA,
but it’s but a small part of what Lisa is about. Being involved
in good works takes us most of her time and she deserves recognition and good wishes from all of us.
“Hi all my loyal friends and incredible floydwarrior
Saratoga Lake's Waterfront Park to benefit from
$325,000 grant -
Saratoga Springs mayor says 2013 will be about planning
for the city's future -
GlobalFoundries to invest $2 billion in new Malta research and development facility -
2012 in review: A look back at the local news stories of the
Fascinating Facts
We’re never too old to learn something new
More than half of the coastline of the entire US is in
The Amazon rainforest produces more than 20% of
the world’s oxygen supply.
Antarctica is the only land on our planet that is not
owned by any country. Ninety percent of the world’s
ice covers Antarctica and that ice represents seventy
percent of all the fresh water in the world. However,
Antarctica is essentially a desert with an average yearly total precipitation of about two inches. It is the
driest place on the planet.
Istanbul, Turkey, is the only city in the world located
on two continents, Europe and Asia.
He first city to reach a population of one million people was Rome, Italy, in 133 B.C.
I hoped to draft a fancy e-zine with pictures and stories and all the GREAT things 2012 has brought to
Needless to say, this very humble e-mail will need to
Many, many people gave to Project Easter Bunny
and were part of gifting 190 Baskets of goodies and the
Good Word to families coping with cancer treatments.
My Angel Army helped delivering so many meals to
homes in need.
I had the amazing opportunity to take a Dad out to
shoot pool so one evening he didn't need to worry about
his daughter (thrilled Dad was having fun) while she was
enduring chemotherapy.
I had the absolute incredible chance to read verses
from the Bible to a true Soldier for Christ shortly before
he departed this Earth. This blessing came as a request
from a floydwarrior helped by us and she knew we might
be able to also help him in this hour of need.
In October a gathering happened in Saratoga that
paid a nice tribute to those on the front lines caring day
in and day out for families coping with cancer.
This Thanksgiving we were able to deliver a nice
Thanksgiving meal to a Mom battling and she will be
receiving weekly meals through the end of January
thanks to you!
Tomorrow I will deliver a little something to one of
our favorite floydwarrior's daughters~ A little something
to brighten her day as Mom is not as well as she hoped
to be.
There are so many blessings that have come this year
and to think exactly four years ago today I was having to
tell my family I had stage 3 breast cancer and didn't
know what my future would hold.
This would not be at all possible without the grace,
love and mercy showered down upon me by our Great
Savior, Lord of Lords and King of Kings.
I pray you all take a moment this Christmas to give
thanks to He we live to celebrate and may you all know
the joy of Christmas each day of the year.
Merry Christmas and may God Bless You all!!!!
xoxoxo- L..”
continued from page 1
What are the emergency management implications:
Frozen pipes including water mains
Do not attempt to unthaw pipes with open flame, not
only is it illegal in this state, its dangerous and has
burnt many houses down
Increased chances for fires, frozen water sources for the
fire department and injuries from slips and falls
Increased chances for frost bite and hyperthermia, dress
in layers
Carry winter supplies in your vehicle in case you break
down; blankets, flash lights, granola bars, extra socks,
Increased risk to the young and elderly
People running out of fuel
More people using adjunct heating devices, causing increased fire danger and carbon monoxide poisoning
Greater risk of chimney fires due to creosote build up.
DRIVERS: Helpful Hints For Winter
Keep your headlights clear with car wax! Just wipe ordinary car wax on your headlights. It contains special water
repellents that will prevent that messy mixture from accumulating on your lights - lasts 6 weeks.
Squeak-proof your wipers with rubbing alcohol! Wipe the
wipers with a cloth saturated with rubbing alcohol or ammonia.
Ice-proof your windows with vinegar! Just fill a spray bottle with three parts vinegar to one part water & spritz it on
all your windows at night. In the morning, they'll be clear
of icy mess.
Prevent car doors from freezing shut with cooking spray!
Spritz cooking oil on the rubber seals around car doors &
rub it in with a paper towel. The cooking spray prevents
water from melting into the rubber
Fog-proof your windshield with shaving cream! Spray
some shaving cream on the inside of your windshield &
wipe if off with paper towels.
De-ice your lock in seconds with hand sanitizer! Just put
some hand sanitizer gel on the key & the lock & the problems solved!
Reprint of an article in the Post Star
January 10, 2010
by Bob Henke
The first keys to evaluating ice safety are visual. The
first ice ("new" or "black" ice) is clear and brittle. It
rests directly on top of a very dense, cold layer of water.
Since it is transparent, you see the water beneath
and the ice appears dark. Black ice may get up to two
inches thick, but is very treacherous! Its brittleness
makes it sensitive to vibration so the rhythm of walking
or a motor can cause an area up to several hundred
square feet to suddenly shatter into palm-sized pieces.
As a crystal, like glass, ice is not strong. It supports
weight because it floats. Like a boat, it can hold only so
much weight. If it snows on black ice, the weight forces
the ice downward, opening cracks, and allowing water to
seep to the surface where the snow soaks it up like a giant
sponge. This freezes on top of the black ice and is milky
White or "fluff" ice is filled with air bubbles and is
dangerous. It is like walking on a floating block of
Styrofoam. It supports a lot unless there is a crack, whereupon it flips up, dumps you in, and closes back over the
top. Snow cover or a layer of white ice insulates, and
slows the freezing process, but clear cold nights will finally "make ice," freezing from the bottom in successive interconnected layers.
The best ice is that which builds up these interlocking
layers of crystals. You may have noticed this as both vertical and horizontal lines in sides of ice fishing holes. The
strong interlaced structure makes it opaque and gives the
ice a blue or flat gray color. Four inches of "blue ice" is
usually considered safe for most winter activities - but I
like a foot or more. Blue ice also reflects most of the indirect winter sun, accounting for that sunburned face after
a day of ice fishing.
In the spring, increasingly direct rays of the sun
shining through the ice, warms the underlying layer of
water and restarts the circular movement in reverse.
This movement, coupled with warm water from spring
run-off, melts certain areas faster than others. In a
smooth bottomed lake, melting takes place first in the
center. Now we can have a very inconsistent cover
known as "honeycomb" ice. The pockets of much thinner
ice look dark, giving the surface a spotted appearance.
This is the ice that holds you just fine in one place and
drops you through a few feet away.
Hope I am now off the thin ice and back on solid