Shore Lines Springing Forward
Shore Lines Springing Forward
My mother, my friend so dear throughout my life you always are near. A tender smile to guide my way. You're the sunshine to light my day. Happy Mother's Day Shore Lines Saratoga Lake Association P.O. Box 2152 Ballston Spa, NY 12020 May 1, 2013 Julie Annotto, co-editor Sharon Urban, co-editor Springing Forward Final Reminder Lake Flood Maps Being Updated The deadline for advertising your items for sale in a special E-Classifieds edition of Shore Lines is May 17. Get your items to us without delay. Once again, the guidelines are: Limit your items to 5; Give complete and concise information about each item; Good reproducible photos; Include your contact information. We will not accept: Real estate or rentals; Business or service listings; Garage sale ads. This is a wonderful opportunity to sell items you no longer want and look for items you may desire. Get your entries in soon! The Saratoga Lake Association (SLA) learned recently that the existing flood plain maps around Saratoga Lake are in the process of being updated. These flood plain maps define the extent of areas subject to flooding and the risk of flooding. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has responsibility for the federal flood insurance program and has retained an engineering consultant to update the existing flood plain maps on Saratoga Lake. The current maps date back to the 1990’s and earlier, and do not accurately reflect current flooding conditions. continued page 2 DATES TO NOTE June 6 June 18 July 6 Ice Cream Social at DiDonna’s 5:30 p.m.—no rsvp needed. Consider having dinner at DiDonna’s and enjoy a nice ice cream dessert on SLA! 5th Annual Cocktail Party at the National Golf Course Fireworks — two locations Additional information coming The Good Morning Breakfast at Mangino’s on Saturday, April 27, was a great success. Watch for E-Photos soon! Proposed GlobalFoundries FAB 8.2 Balloon Public Viewing Balloons will be placed on Saturday, May 04, 2013 from 8:00 am to noon to demark the four corners and roof height of the proposed GLOBALFOUNDRIES Fab 8.2 manufacturing facility. The public is encouraged to view the balloons and to provide comments to the Town of Malta. In the event of inclement weather or excessive wind, the public viewing will be rescheduled to be conducted Saturday, May 11, 2013; same hours. If the event is rescheduled, it will be announced on the Town of Malta website – continued page 3 SPROUTING IDEAS Spring has sprung so sprout some ideas about what is going on around your neighborhood — news, photos, updates, events, meetings, issues and the like. We want to hear from you. Submissions to Julie at 2 Flood control, continued The accuracy of the flood plain maps is very important. These maps provide property owners with an accurate assessment of their flood risk and provide the basis for the rates they must pay for flood insurance. In addition, these maps also provide the technical foundation used by municipalities in granting building permits as well as by banks in issuing mortgages when property ownership is transferred. Flooding is an important issue on Saratoga Lake. For its size of about 4,000 acres, Saratoga Lake has a relatively large watershed of 156,000 acres (or nearly 250 square miles). This raises the risk of periodic flooding. Moreover, outflow from the lake via its outlet Fish Creek is somewhat restricted both hydraulically and by the operations of a hydroelectric dam located. As a result of the above factors, water levels can rise significantly during flood events and affect shore line development. There are hundreds of residential and many commercial and other properties located along the Lake’s 23 miles of shoreline; some of this property is located in high flood risk zones. Moreover, there has been considerable new development and reconstruction of older seasonal properties over the past 20 or 30 years; this trend is continuing. The SLA is pleased to have played a role in the current update of the flood plain maps for the Lake. A SLA Board member attended a Stakeholders meeting held in the Malta Town Hall on October 22, 2012. The SLA supplied oral and written comments to the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation and FEMA about flooding issues on Saratoga Lake and urged that the Lake be given high priority in allocating funds for future flood plain mapping. These comments appear to have had a positive effect. It was also gratifying to learn that SLA’s Hydraulic Study of Fish Creek, which was prepared in December 2010 for the purpose of achieving improved lake level management, also contains much useful technical information necessary for preparing the updated flood plain maps. The SLA Board therefore authorized its consultant (C.T. Male Associates) to release backup data from the Fish Creek study for use by FEMA’s consultant in preparing the new maps. In sum, the new flood plain maps will be of great benefit and represents good news for Lake residents in managing flood risk in the future. (submitted by Bruce Goodale, president, Saratoga Lake Association) School Budget Vote May 21, 2013 Be sure to check your district for more information and vote! Saratoga County Sewer District Saratoga Lake Plan McDonald Engineering was hired by the Sewer District in December 2010 for planning, design and construction phase services for the sewer upgrades. The Saratoga Lake portion of the project serves the properties around the lake in the Towns of Stillwater, Malta and Saratoga, and the City of Saratoga Springs. Project cost is $12 million and includes upgrades to 9 pump stations, almost 4 miles of new sewer forcemain pipe, over two miles of gravity sewer replacement and replacement of 140 residential grinder pumps, as well as raising the basins so they do not flood. The upgrades are necessary for several reasons. The system is 30 years old and the pumps and other mechanical equipment are past their useful life and proposed future development in the area will exceed the capacity of parts of the system. The planning departments of the 3 towns and the city were contacted to obtain projected flows for the next 20 years. The pump station upgrades take into account the future flows by providing larger pumps with variable frequency drives. The work around the lake started in January 2013 on Stony Point Road. The contractor, Kingsley Arms from Schaghticoke, worked over the next 3 months, installing the new wetwells, valve vaults and flow meter vaults at PS #6, 5, 1 and 3. The majority of ground disturbance is done at those stations and the only work left is to install the new pumps in the wetwell and the new control panels in the buildings. The work at PS #8 is slated to begin in May, PS #4 in August, PS #2 in August and the Vista PS in November. All pump station work will be completed in the spring of 2014. Presently, there is a crew working on Fathom Drive. The directional boring of a new 16” forcemain began this week near PS #4 and will continue southerly along 9P to Luther Road until July. Then a 14” forcemain will be installed from Stewart’s (by the bridge) southerly along 9P through November. The isolated sections of gravity sewer replacement along Route 9P are to begin in May and continue through October, beginning at the south and working northerly. The final section of new forcemain on Crescent Avenue is to be installed in November. Thus, all the sewer work along roads would be completed by the end of this year. If you have questions about the sewer project, you can call the Field Office at 306-6106 and ask for Neal. (this information was taken in part from a letter prepared by McDonald Engineering, April 25, 2013) GlobalFoundries, continued Suggested Field Equipment: A total of five balloons will be placed for public viewing. Four red balloons will be flown at a height of 125 feet, and placed at or near the four corners of the proposed main fab building. The proposed main building height is 110 feet, with roof top appurtenances (roof stacks) height of 125 feet; both heights proposed as maximum above finished grade. One blue balloon will be used as a “spotter balloon”, at or near the center of the proposed main fab building, and will be flown at a height of 175 feet. The spotter balloon is only intended to assist viewers to more easily locate the red balloons. It is important to note that the spotter balloon is not intended to represent the height of the building. Suggested Public Viewing: 1. From Town Hall muster point, proceed to the Fab 8 Campus main entrance roundabout (just outside the gate) and verify that the balloons are in the air. 2. Proceed to the intersection of Wafer Way and Cold Springs Road. 3. Proceed to Stewarts at the intersection of Route 9P Guided Touring: For those interested, a guided tour will be conducted the day of the viewing beginning at 9:00. The tour will begin from the Town Hall parking lot. Participants will be required to provide their own transportation during the tour. The tour guide car will have multiple balloons tied to it and the Town of Malta town seal on the driver -side door. The tour guide car will return to Town Hall to end the tour. The estimated time to conduct the tour is expected to be 90 minutes. There will be a fiveminute stop at each tour site. Comments are welcomed and encouraged: The Town of Malta is very interested in feedback from those who view the balloons. In particular, the Town is interested to know if viewer opinions fall into one of the following three categories: Visibility is considered to be serious/high magnitude of adverse impact. Visibility is considered to be average/moderate magnitude of adverse impact. Visibility is considered to be slight/low magnitude of adverse impact. and Lake Road. 4. Proceed along Route 9P to the end of Snake Hill Road. 5. Continue North on Route 9P and consider stopping near the Saratoga Lake Motel, just north of the intersection with Fitch Road. 6. Proceed to the opposite shore of Saratoga Lake and drive along Manning Cove Road which turns into Manning Road heading south. 7. Proceed to Riley Cove along Riley Cove Road. A good vantage point is just to the south of the intersection between Riley Cove Road and Manning Road. 8. Proceed back to Route 9P and then take Plains Road south to the Malta Community Park. Proceed west to the Route 9/67/Dunning roundabout; then travel south along Route 9 to the Route 9/67/Round Lake Bypass; and then travel 1.9 miles east along Route 67 to the Round Lake Nature Preserve located on the right. continued Binoculars Local street maps or GPS Camera Additional comments are also welcomed, but it is important that the Town have a standardized scale, as presented in the three options above. Comments may be submitted as follows: Email: Phone: 518.461.2494 (Anthony Tozzi) Fax: 518.899.4719 Mail: Flo Sickels, Town Clerk 2540 Route 9 Malta, NY 12020 Contact Information: Anthony Tozzi, Building & Planning Director 518.899.2685 518.461.2494 (cell) 3 Attached is a letter that was submitted to the Saratogian on the subject of using Saratoga Lake as water supply for the City of Saratoga Springs. It is written in response to a letter printed on April 7 in the Saratogian by Charles Morrison which advocated reconsidering use of the Lake. We all must be vigilant with regard to this issue, especially in light of our ten-year fight to keep Saratoga Lake from becoming a reservoir for the City. SARATOGA LAKE: THE WRONG WATER SOURCE It is amazing how some ideas seem to persist, despite the lack of supporting evidence. Such is the misguided notion that the City of Saratoga Springs should once again attempt to develop Saratoga Lake as a future water supply source (April 7, 2013, Saratogian). For over 20 years debate has continued as to whether the City should seek another supplemental water supply source to replace its principal source: Loughberry Lake. This debate was sparked by a 1988 study indicating Loughberry Lake had limitations with regard to safe-yield and water quality. This study recommended consideration of alternatives sources for the City’s long term water needs. About the year 2000, the City began studies comparing alternatives. However, it became apparent that the real goal was to support what had already been decided: the use of Saratoga Lake as the main supply source. Concerns about the impact of using a primarily recreational resource as a prime water source were largely ignored. Indeed, the City plan called for the construction of a water intake in the midst of the busiest part of the Lake near the City’s new Waterfront Park and future bathing beach. Needless to say, the City’s decision process was challenged vigorously, and in subsequent litigation the NYS Supreme Court found the City’s Environmental Impact Statement to be deficient. Archeological issues also arose regarding lands proposed for the new pumping station. With a change in the elective make-up of the City in 2007, the Saratoga Lake water plan was effectively placed on indefinite hold. Under new public works leadership, attention was given instead to upgrading the City’s long neglected water infrastructure. These efforts included: replacement of many old, deteriorated water lines, upgrades to the filtration and disinfection systems at the City’s old filtration plant, and rehabilitation of its Geyser Crest and Interlaken wells to augment yield. It is also proposed to develop new wells in the Bog Meadow to increase system water yield further and work is currently underway. With upgrades in the filtration plant and increases in system yield, there is no compelling reason now to seek a new water supply. Claims that the City is going to run out continued next column 4 of water soon or that continued use of Loughberry Lake poses a health risk are unsubstantiated. Spending over $20 million for a Saratoga Lake supply would be a wasteful and unnecessary expense with no benefit to taxpayers. Perhaps in the more distant future, it may ultimately become necessary for the City to seek a new supplemental water supply. However, there is an obvious solution: connection to the Saratoga County water system. A major county water transmission line passes the western edge of the City and conveys highly treated water from the upper Hudson River. Interconnection would be very simple and would be the best long term solution in terms of water quantity and quality, system efficiency and cost. Use of Saratoga Lake is clearly not the answer. The Lake’s primary value is as an important recreational resource used by thousands. Transforming it into a water supply would pose unreasonable risk to future recreation use and would likely provoke another round of turmoil and litigation. It is time to bury this bad idea once and for all. Bruce Goodale is a City resident and retired professional engineer. He has over 40 years of experience working for New York State and as a consultant on water and environmental issues and is the current President of the Saratoga Lake Association. Business Directory changes New Address: Bryan Lee Law Firm, PLLC 18 Division Street, Suite 413 Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 Please add: Prime Building Corporation, Inc. Waterfront Specialists Boat Lifts, Docks, Decks, Stairs, etc. 721 Route 9P Saratoga Springs, NY 12866, 518-810-2390 Welcome Back Snow Birds It’s good to see you returning to the lake. We missed you and look forward to seeing you at the next social event! 5 Annual Roadside Clean-up Due to consecutive Rowing Regatta events on Fish Creek during the first two weekends in May, the 2013 Spring Roadside Clean-Up effort will be scheduled for the third Saturday of the month (to allow us to include the removal of the Regatta-generated trash in our effort to clean and spruce up the roadsides around the lake). Therefore, we would appreciate the assistance of anyone who might be able to donate a few hours of their time on Saturday, May 18, 2013 – We will gather at 9 a.m. at the South End Stewart’s (on the corner of Route 9P and Lake Road), where will break up into small teams, and then fan out to pick-up the trash and debris which has gathered over this past winter, from Stony Point Road, up to and across the north end bridge. Note that if Saturday turns out to be a rainy, our cleanup Effort will be postponed to the following day – Sunday, May 19. Also note that orange D.O.T. trash collection bags can be provided in advance to any individuals who will not be able to participate on the 18th, but would like to pick-up the accumulated debris in the vicinity of their residence, or along specific portions of the road around the lake. Regrettably, I must also take this opportunity to inform SLA members and the Saratoga Lake residents, that after nearly 10 years of managing and organizing the Roadside Clean-Up Effort, this spring will be my last. The annual (and in recent years, bi-annual) beautification effort has helped to maintain the visual condition of the roadsides around the lake for nearly 20 years, and it would be a shame to see this valuable volunteer-based service come to an end. Therefore, I would hope that another concerned individual will consider taking over and continuing to organize this service - I’m sure that all of the lake residents (along with other individuals that happen to drive, bike ride, or walk around the lake during the summer season) will greatly appreciate it if someone would be willing to step up and take over the reigns, and ensure that this important effort continues in the coming years. Please contact Michael Kopchik (evening phone at 580-0022, or Email at for additional information regarding this spring’s scheduled clean-up, early delivery of orange D.O.T. bags, and/or possible interest in carrying on the tradition of managing future Roadside Clean-Up efforts. Thanks to all past participants, and to those who will offer their time this year – Michael Kopchik This historic photo depicts the Panza family’s businesses, first as a store in Mechanicville, and followed by their restaurant on Saratoga Lake. This year Panza’s will celebrate 75 years in business. They are making plans for a May 7th anniversary celebration party. All proceeds from the May 7th celebration are being donated to Saratoga Hospice, Wesley Healthcare, Ruben Dialysis and Living Resources. For more information and details contact Melissa D’Andrea at 584-6882. Don’t forget to stop by the Stillwater Library on Saturday, from 8 a.m. to noon, May 4 for their annual “Sharing our Garden” sale. Come and browse many plants and if you wish, you can share some of your own garden. All proceeds help the Friends of the Library. Questions? Call 664-6255. Look Twice and Save A Life Now that the weather is getting nicer we see many more motorcycles, bicycles and walkers. Please take extra care to give them room and always be sure to remember the speed limit along 9P is 35 mph. 6 Lost and Found Lost and still missing: The Palmerinos of Riley Cove lost a very nice bright red Adirondack chair during the recent wind storm. Their telephone number is 518-584-4696 they would very much appreciate it back if someone found it. Thanks so much! Lost, found, and claimed: A 15 foot Coleman canoe (or kayak) blew across from the west side and washed to shore at 763 Route 9P. It is faded orange plastic with aluminum frame and gunwales, orange seats and has a clothesline attached to the bow. The Lakeside Acres owner has retrieved his property thanks to Dale and Tom Hegenberger. Armed Forces Parade Saturday, May 18 Aren’t we lucky to have such beautiful sunrises and sunsets on Saratoga Lake. This sunset was captured by Ed Dweck. Consignment Sale at the Stillwater Area Community Center Need a little extra cash? SACC is hosting a consignment sale on May 18th from 9am-4pm. If you are interested in being a consigner this is what you need to do: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Complete the consigner agreement form, pay a $5 consigner fee, and bring the forms to SACC. (go to for the form needed) SACC will provide you with a seller number and pre-made tags with your personal seller number on them. At home, price out the items you wish to sell Return the priced items to SACC no later than 7:00pm Wednesday, May 15th ** THE SOONER THE BETTER** SACC will generate a list of all of the items you are selling You have two options for payment. You may either volunteer to work 2 hours and receive 70% of what you sell OR leave your items and receive 50% of what you sell. When the sale is over return to collect your money and the items that did not sell. The Town of Malta Veterans Committee is planning a special salute to the military by holding a parade on Saturday, May 18 – “Armed Forces Day.” The parade is at 10:00 am and held on Route 9. March 2013 is the 10th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. There has been no regional parade to mark the service and sacrifice of this new generation of veterans. This tribute parade will focus on this generation while still acknowledging all previous ones. This year, the Committee is seeking the support and involvement in May of the many groups that have previously contributed to Malta Military, Veterans and First Responder Appreciation Day in September- as well as encouraging new ones. Help Keep Our Lake Community Safe! Be alert and vigilant! Watch out for each other and our properties! Report all suspicious activities to the police or sheriff! If you see something, say something! 7 Notable News Malta Town Board moves forward on intersection, road improvements (with map) - A Second Farmers' Market is Coming to Saratoga-Saratoga Wire Saratoga 150, a five-month-long celebration to commemorate 150 years of thoroughbred racing in the Spa City, kicks off this week. Saratoga Springs City Council expected to vote on installation of downtown surveillance cameras (with project report, map) - s Stillwater receives $115,000 for revitalization work. Grumbles (the views expressed here are not necessarily those of the Saratoga Lake Association) “I can’t wrap my head around why we spend thousands and thousands of dollars on weed treatment when the areas being treated are the ones with the least recreational activity. Last year it was 10th street to Brown’s beach, now it’s another area where there is little traffic. Meanwhile, we were spinning props and had jet ski’s getting stuck while trying to tow sailboats that were stuck on the south end last year.” (reply from Ed Dweck) “SLPID is chemically eliminated the Eurasian milfoil (which is an invasive foreign weed) where ever it is found. The native weeds that are left are harvested in an equal orderly fashion around the entire lake” Questions on weed control should be directed to Joe Finn at or 518-581-0409. ************ “Today I took these photos of my neighbor's dock. Note the siltation. Note also that his dock is in, tires all exposed, little to no water. They are relatively new to the lake and attended their first SAL meeting on Thursday and could not get over that there was no mention of the shore line and depth.” (reply from Ed Dweck) “It is only April - we had a lot of rain early and on 4/18 the level was 203.1 (almost summer level). The dam is still wide open, so the lake is going down. 202.6 now. That is a little too high for April, as we anticipate May and June rains which will flood some properties. I think the lake bottom has changed significantly, especially in the south end. We are having a new bathymetric done this spring, which may confirm my thinking. I would not anticipate any higher level until mid May.” *********** “If you sit in the middle of the lake and look south, the crane at Global Foundries is enough of an eyesore. You can’t miss it. I can only imagine what the smokestacks will look like.” Takoda Porrazo found a hat to match her beautiful outfit when she and her mom stopped by to visit Julie. She had fun playing "hat fashion show" and she looked so beautiful in all of them, we had a hard time picking a photo. 8 SELLING A HOME CAN BE A BIG DECISION Have you been thinking about putting your house on the market? Are you postponing the inevitable because of normal procrastination and other priorities? The time may be right for you to start to plan ahead. As a seller, you have your own motivations. Some of you may be able to afford to wait the market out a little longer while others may not have the luxury of time to hold out for what you might consider the ideal selling price. Once you’ve made the big decision to sell, you should make the necessary preparations both inside and out to have your home looking its best. To get the best sales price it’s most important for your property to be looking its best when the market is the strongest. General market factors are now favorable: relatively low historic interest rates, affordable prices, and rising rents. The economic climate, time of the year, and appearance of your property all can have a significant impact on the mood of potential buyers and thus can contribute to a potential buyers’ motivation to make a purchase offer. Buyers will be out in even greater numbers with spring and warmer weather having arrived. As lake area residents, your homes take on their greatest appeal as the warmer weather approaches and the landscaping and lake activities manifest their full splendor. Saratoga Lake area property sales for the latest 12 month period as reported by the local MLS * showed some significant sales. Below are some representative examples: Real Estate, continued PRICE ADDRESS 52 Regatta View Drive 748 Route 9P 9 Make Your Own Way 8 America Way 34 Regatta View Drive 168 Franklin Beach Road 4 Eton Court 53 Manning Cove Road 9 Cliffside Drive 611 Route 9P 21 Horizon Drive 21-19 Lake Avenue 107 10th Street 88 Kaydeross Park Road 7 Stony Point Road 84 Kaydeross Park Road 90 Lakeshore Drive 522 Route 9P 134 Kaydeross Park Road 117 9th Street $2,250,000 $1,249,000 $1,100,000 $949,000 $825,000 $765,000 $732,000 $725,000 $685,000 $570,000 $490,000 $470,000 $410,000 $350,000 $318,000 $305,000 $260,000 $255,000 $250,000 $100,000 If you’re giving some serious consideration to putting your home on the market, you should plan on interviewing Realtors to help identify the one that you feel most comfortable with to market your property. This is the second most important decision a homeowner faces after deciding that it’s now a priority to sell their home. *Starting 4/1/12 as reported by CRMLS (Capital Region Multiple Listing Service) as of 4/23/13. At the present time there is a wide range of Saratoga Lake area properties available for sale. Currently the higher end listings once again seem to be concentrated in the Regatta View area. Representative examples of what is currently offered for sale can be found below: PRICE ADDRESS 44 Regatta View Drive $1,499,000 6 Thames Way $899,000 180 Meadowbrook Road $895,000 78 Riley Cove Road $739,000 45 Manning Cove Road $675,000 100 Franklin Beach Road $669,000 32 Shore Avenue $639,000 10 Silver Beach Road $600,000 1342 Route 9P $599,000 563 Route 9P $559,000 1176 Route 9P $499,000 3A Make Your Own Way $489,000 7 Beach Court $485,000 1197 Route 9P $350,000 1 Garside Road $339,000 1258 Route 9P $289,000 633 Route 9P $249,900 104 Point Breeze Road $225,000 103 4th Street $189,000 **As reported by CRMLS (Capital Region Multiple Listing Service) as of 4/23/13. The selection of your Realtor should be based upon the relative strengths of the Realtor, their Broker, and how well you think you can interact with the Agent during the period it will take to sell your home. These are important considerations because you will be working together in a “partnership” with your selected Agent to market your property and to ultimately complete the sale transaction. You no doubt will want to work with someone that you can count on to help ensure that the sales process meets and/or exceeds your expectations. submitted by: Zealie Van Raalte Select Sotheby’s International Realty 270 Broadway, Suite 103 Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 (518) 580-8500 9 Town of Saratoga News The month of May finds us planting gardens and mowing lawns. It marks the unofficial start of the summer season and opportunities to enjoy our great outdoors. The next meeting of the Town Board is scheduled for Monday, May13th at 7:00 p.m. Some of the items that will be covered at this meeting include: zoning officer's report, town clerk's report, supervisor's report, committee reports, and On Thursday, May 9th the Town Board will conduct their monthly agenda meeting at which they will review agenda items scheduled for the May 13th meeting. The Town of Saratoga offices will be closed on Monday, May 27th for the Memorial Day Holiday. Starting Friday, May 24th the Town Hall Summer Hours will begin. The town offices will close at 12:00 noon on Fridays. News from the Assessors Office The Assessor’s Office has been working on finalizing the Tentative Roll for 2013. It will be available for public viewing after May 1st and can be viewed at the Town Hall or online at the link provided on the Town’s website. The Assessor’s Office is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9:00 AM until 1:00 PM. The Assessor, Vicki Hayner, will be in the office on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM. The Assessor will also be “sitting with the roll” on Monday, May 13 from 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM and Saturday, May 18th from 1:00 – 4:00 PM. Grievance Day is scheduled May 28th and the Board of Assessment Review will be available for hearings from 4:00 PM until 8:00 PM in the Town Hall. Grievance forms may be obtained at the Assessor’s Office or on the NYS Department of Taxation and Finance website and must be filled out prior to being seen by the Grievance Board. Property owners wishing to grieve their assessment will be seen on a first-come, first-served basis between the above stated hours. If you have questions or concerns about your property assessment or the procedures for Grievance Day, please do not hesitate to contact our office at 695-3644, ext.312 or ext. 321. Memorial Day Parade The American Legion Old Saratoga Post #278 in Schuylerville will sponsor the annual Memorial Day parade to be held on Monday, May 27th. A program will be conducted in the Legion Parking lot beginning at 9:00 am and the parade will start immediately thereafter at the American Legion and will travel down Clancy Street, East on Burgoyne Street and end up at the bandstand in the village park next to Fish Creek. The program and ceremony will honor all the heroes who have served their nation and have ultimately made the supreme sacrifice. Sundae on the Farm The 18th annual Sundae on the Farm will be conducted at the McMahon of Saratoga Thoroughbreds Farm on Fitch Road in the Town of Saratoga from 12:00 noon to 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, June 16th. Bring the entire family for a fun filled educational day. See a real working thoroughbred horse farm and learn about agriculture in Saratoga County. Farm tours will feature many of the beautiful horses in residence on the farm, including the impressive lineup of stallions. The familiar children’s tent, and exhibits featuring other farm animals and agricultural related businesses and agencies will also be there. Demonstrations will include goat and cow milking, sheep shearing and wool spinning. Draft horse teamsters will be on hand to offer wagon rides. Good food and popular ice cream sundaes or pie alamode will be available. For more information contact the Cornell Cooperative Extension Service at 885-8995. (submitted by Tom Wood, Supervisor, Town of Saratoga) READ AND REACT Celebrating Lilacs On Saturday, May 11th , the Schuylerville Area Chamber of Commerce will sponsor a special program Celebrating Lilacs with Mary Roberts. The program will be conducted at Fort Hardy Park in Schuylerville beginning at 9:00 am. Activities include a virtual tour slide show on lilacs, a plant sale, and a children’s potting shed where the children will plant a surprise for Mother’s Day. Scones and tea will be available. More information is available on the internet at Proposed Dock Regulations The proposed dock regulations can be viewed at — click on permits. Please send your comments about anything you would like changed and let us know how you feel about the concept. An email address for your comments is at the beginning of the proposal. 10 St. Isaac Jogue’s Chapel (reprint from All Saints on-the-Hudson bulletin, Sunday, April 26, by Father Thomas Morrette) Very soon, we are going to open St. Isaac Jogues Chapel on Saratoga Lake for the summer. This year, Mass will be held there every Sunday from Memorial Day to Labor Day at 10 a.m. Father Cahill, back from wintering in Florida, has agreed to celebrate the Sunday Mass there throughout the season. I know that many wonder if our Chapel is sustainable and will remain open in the future. My answer to that is “I am not sure.” From what I understand, the Chapel was built to serve the many vacationers that occupied rental properties on the lake in past years. Today, rentals on the lake are few since most of them have become year-round homes. Moreover, in days past, when we had the luxury of many priests in active service, worship-sites like our Chapel were easily covered by the local pastor or other priests in the area. As you know, that has changed a great deal. It’s an unfortunate fact of Catholic life that Masses in given areas must be scheduled with very limited clergy personnel in mind. The Chapel is also relatively close to St. Peter’s Church, easily accessible by car, and there is certainly enough room in St. Peter’s Church to accommodate additional worshippers. So, if you asked me at this point, whether or not I think there is a long-term future for the Chapel, I would have to say, “at the moment I don’t think so.” However, I don’t want to make a decision about that yet. I’d like to have one full season’s lived-experience with the Chapel functioning as usual. After the season, in the fall, when the Pastoral Council is in place, I’d like to get input about it before any final decision is made about its future, and, of course, the Diocese needs to be brought into the discussion. I realize that many have fond attachments to the Chapel and I join them in loving the rustic ambiance of our Chapel-near-the-lake. I don’t want to minimize these attachments and memories. However, decisions have to be made with the larger view in mind, with responsible consideration of the financial and staff implications of keeping the Chapel open as a parish worship site. Come and enjoy St. Isaac Jogues Chapel this summer. See you there Sundays at 10 a.m.! Additional Items Accepted for Electronics Recycling Amplifiers, receiver-transmitters CATV components/satellite dishes Hard drives, floppy drives, CDs Insulated cable/wire harnesses Integrated circuits/semiconductors Mainframe computer equipment Modems Pagers PC CPUs/desktop and towers PDAs Printed circuit boards Projection equipment Speakers Tape drives Telecommunications equipment Test equipment, oscilloscopes, meters, digital analyzers UPS systems Vacuum cleaners VCR/CD/DVD players 11 News from Saratoga Lake Tackle What's In Season? The crappie bite will be in full swing starting this week. The water temperature has finally had a better opportunity to hit fifty degrees or more. That is when crappie, perch and bluegill really get active. They will pile up along shallow water all the way to drop offs, constantly feeding. This is when the bite for them will become more consistent. We've already had reports of them in the area across from Fitch Road, around the bridge on Fish Creek and at the south end too. Bass, smallmouth and largemouth, are open but only for catch and release with artificial baits. The full season, when you can keep fish and use live bait, doesn't happen until the third Saturday in June. Reports have been that bass are biting but as the water temperature rises and they prepare to spawn, their feeding will increase. While they are on their beds spawning they will often hit on lures in a aggressive manner protecting their territory as much as feeding. This time of year almost any kind of artificial bait is good to try. Fast or slow retrieve, soft or hard plastic they will all work. As the summer heat rises plastic baits will dominate and slower presentations but for now try anything you enjoy using and have fun. Personally one of our favorites this time of year is spinner-baits, stick baits and lipless rattle baits. Pike, walleye and pickerel have been closed since March 15 but their season opens Saturday, May fourth. Again spinner-baits, stick baits and lipless rattle baits will be some of the more popular choices of artificial baits. For live bait people like to go big. Large or jumbo shiners and any size sucker bait will work. For the walleye you can also try crawler harness rigs with crawlers, leeches or medium shiners attached. Reminder! Check that your fishing license is for the 2012/2013 fishing season. If you purchased a sportsman or super sportsman license to hunt last fall you will also have current fishing privileges. With the hunting tags you received there was also a 'panel' that has your personal information and the type of license you purchased. This is the piece you will want to have on your person when fishing. The last weekend of June is Free Fishing weekend in NYS. This is a great time to invite someone from out of state to visit or take a friend fishing who has never tried. Maybe even reintroduce someone to fishing. It will not cost them to try and you might make a new fishing buddies for your effort! Children under sixteen, residents or nonresidents, are allowed to fish for free all the time. Kids can also make great fishing buddies - plus it gets them out of doors and in touch with nature. (submitted by Tim and Rose Blodgett) “I took this photo while walking dog this morning near our home at 1136 Route 9P. It was perched on a branch overlooking the lake…” - Michelle Borisnok Happy Spring! It's trout season, and the creek is stocked and ready to go! The trails at Boice Park are marked and ready to hike, and plans are in the works for a beautiful new natural area at Trieble Park. This year's spring fish stocking event was a great success, with nice weather and good turnout. Fun for everyone, especially the fish! We are also excited to welcome Matt MacWatters, who for his Eagle Scout project will bridge the swampy area and stabilize slopes at Boice Park. Hard work, but with a great reward: Boice Park is a fantastic new addition to hiking and nature access for Kayaderosseras lovers. We are ever-grateful for your support and membership. We hope you get the chance to enjoy the Kayaderosseras this Spring, fishing, paddling, nature-watching, or picnicking! See you on the creek! (submitted by John Battenfield, President, FoK) Spring Cleanup Day - May 4th The More the Merrier! Come help us remove trash from the banks and sand bars of the Kayadeross-eras! We will meet at 9 am at Kelley Park in Ballston Spa. Dress for the weather, and work gloves are recommended. Plan to be back at Kelley Park by around 12:30 for a hot lunch. Contact John Battenfield ( for additional information. JOIN US!! Saratoga Sponsor-A-Scholar's 5thAnnual Gutterball Bash Saturday, June 8 Saratoga Strike Zone, 32 Ballston Ave, Saratoga Springs Gutterball Bash party begins at 7 p.m. Music by FreePlay Food by Hattie’s Restaurant Special Auction item: AUTHENTIC Yankee Stadium free standing double seat circa 1976 Bash tickets: $75; $50 for Saratoga City School District employees RSVP: Executive Director Jim Lavigne:, 587-2472 SSAS programs depend on the success of this fundraiser! THANK YOU!!! Saratoga Sponsor-A-Scholar is a non-profit organization committed to helping fiscally disadvantaged students graduate from high school and succeed in college. All donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowable. Arvin Hart Heavy Rescue Delivered 12 The Stillwater Fire District/Arvin Hart Fire-Rescue has taken delivery of a 2013 KME heavy rescue vehicle. The unit is powered by a Cummins ISL 450hp with a Allison 3000EVS automatic transmission and equipped with On-Spot automatic tire chains. The cab seats 8 firefighters and is equipped with a command desk and ample interior compartments under a 22” raised roof. The unit features a 30KW Onan PTO generator which powers the Command Light dual head light tower, a Bauer breathing air compressor, Hurst electric rescue tool pump and portable lighting units. The unit has a walk up rear body housing ladders, a stokes basket, roof hooks and other rescue equipment. The roof compartments feature a speedy dry container, a 6000psi ASME air cylinder for utility air storage, and a refrigerator for hydration liquids with additional space for water rescue gear. In addition to the on board breathing air fill system; the unit is able to store 19 spare SCBA air cylinders. The left side of the unit was designed to store a variety of extrication support equipment and the right side is designed to store fire fighting support equipment. The right side of the unit has an awning to provide cover from the elements and firefighter rehabilitation space. On the extended front bumper there is storage for two hydraulic rescue tool reels and tools. There is also a hydraulic reel off the rear compartment along with a utility air hose reel. Attached directly to the frame, the unit has a receiver on all four sides to receive a 9000lb portable winch. The unit features several slide out trays and tool boards with Pac Trac mounting hardware for versatility; all of which are adjustable. On both sides of the truck cab are mounted a 175’ electric cord reel with junction box along with safe storage of roof hooks and forcible entry irons. The unit has all roll up doors to save space and is protected by an all LED warning lighting package from Code 3 including an extensive array of LED scene lighting. The unit will be used to support fire fighting operations, vehicle extrication, and technical rescue operations, including light and breathing air support. (submitted by Tom Rinaldi, Commissioner, Stillwater Fire District) Join us for this look back in time! 13 Join us for this look back in The Friends of the New York State Military Museum present: me! AFTERNOON VIETNAM GOOD Saturday, June 8, 2013 The Friends of the New York State Military Museum present: Honoring Bob Hope’s USO Shows in Vietnam GOOD AFTERNOON VIETNAM Saturday June 8, 20 Honoring Bob Hope’s USO Shows in Vietnam
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Annual Report 2014-15 - Saratoga Springs Preservation Foundation
Cheryl M. Gold, emeritus
James Kettlewell, emeritus
112 Spring Street, Suite 203
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
Phone: (518) 587-5030
Fax: (518) 581-1448